Monday, January 5, 2015

Money Plant Benefits: Myth Or Reality

Money Plant Benefits: Myth Or Reality

इन खास टिप्स से मनीप्लांट कभी सुखेगा नहीं

गार्डनिंग का शौक रखने वालों के मन में ये सवाल सबसे पहले आता है कि इस शौक को पुरा करने के लिए में ऎसा कौन सा पौधा या बेल लगाऊ जिसकी केयर करने में मेहनत कम हो और फल अच्छा मिले।

इस सवाल का जवाब है आपको सबसे पहले मनीप्लांट लगा कर देखना चाहिए। गार्डनिंग एक्सपर्ट्स के अनुसार इसे लगाना बेहद आसान है और इसे ज्यादा केयर की भी आवश्यकता नही होती है। आप वर्किग होने के साथ अपना गार्डनिंग का शौक भी पुरा कर सकते हैं।

फेंग शुई की माने तो घर में अगर मनी प्‍लांट लगाया जाए तो घर में बरक्‍कत बनी रहती है। मनीप्लांट लगाने के लिए कुछ खास टिप्‍स हैं, जो आपके मनीप्‍लांट की ग्रोथ और इसे हराभरा बनाने मे मदद करेंगे।

-सबसे पहले पानी में लगाए मनीप्लांट-
अच्‍छा होगा कि मनीप्‍लांट को सबसे पहले किसी बोतल में लगाया जाए। जब उसकी जड़े निकल आएंगी तब उसे किसी गमले में लगा दिया जाए। इससे वे जल्‍दी उगेगें।

- पानी की सही मात्रा का ध्यान रखे-
ऎसा नही है कि मनीप्‍लांट को हरा बनाए रखने के लिए आप इसमें हर वक्त पानी डालते रहें। इसमे ज्‍यादा पानी नहीं डालना चाहिये। इन्‍हें उगने के लिये ज्‍यादा पानी की आवश्‍यकता नहीं होती। हमेशा मौसम के हिसाब से पानी डालें।

- सूरज की हल्की धूप मे रखे -
मनीप्‍लांट को सूरज की धूप बहुत पसंद है लेकिन ज्यादा तेज धूप इसे नुकसान पहुचा सकती है। आप उसे खुली खिड़की पर रखेगें तो आप पाएंगे कि वह सूरज की ही ओर ग्रो कर रहा होगा। इसलिये मनीप्‍लांट को रोज तो नहीं पर फिर भी एक-एक दिन छोड़ कर धूप दिखाएं।

-खाद भी डाले-
जब आप मनीप्लांट को पानी से निकाल कर मिट्टी के गमले में लगा दे तो इसमें आपको खाद भी डालनी चाहिए। इसमें आप किसी भी प्रकार की खाद प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।

-बांध कर रखें-
मनीप्‍लांट बेल है ना की पौधा और इसे बढने के लिए सहारे की जरूरत होती है। इसलिए इसे थोड़ा बढने के बाद किसी डोरी की सहायता से बांध दे। इसके तने को किसी लकड़ी या प्‍लास्‍टिक के खंबे के साथ बांध दें तो यह जल्‍दी बढेगा।

प्‍लांट की सूखी प‍त्तियां और लतों को काट कर आप उनकी ग्रोथ को बढा सकते हैं।

मनी प्लांट ऎसी जगह रखें जहां अधिक धूप ना हो। इसे घर में भी रखा जा सकता है।
पानी में रखना बेहतर होता है लेकिन इस पानी को हर सप्ताह बदल देना चाहिए।
जमीन पर इसकी बेलों को नहीं फैलाना चाहिए।
अच्छा होगा कि मनीप्लांट घर की दक्षिण पूर्व दिशा में हो अन्यथा उत्तर या पूर्व दिशा में लगाने से धन-हानि झेलनी पड़ सकती है।

In every second household, you can find a money plant blooming in its glory. Money plant is considered as a lucky plant which brings wealth, health, prosperity and happiness in the house. Money plant is also known as Malabar Chestnut or saba nut. There are many facts about money plant that you must know. For example, money plant in Feng Shui is considered to be a lucky plant that brings monetary gain and good fortune. However, the money plant is also grown in the house as an indoor plant to add to the décor. If you have a money plant at home, then it would be thrilling to know some surprising facts about money plant. 
Facts About Money Plant: Amazing Facts About Money Plant 
1. If grown in the wild, the money plant can grow into a 50-60 feet tall tree. However, if grown in a container, the money plant can only reach 10-15 feet tall. It is one of the interesting facts about money plant. 
2. Each branch of a money plant has 5 leaves which grow 12 inches long. They are bright green in colour and shiny too. 
3. The creamy white flowers of money plant has a strong smell which attracts bees, bats and butterflies. 
4. One of the amazing facts about money plant is, it also has seeds. Although we have never spotted any seed in and around money plant, the plant produces seeds that grow inside the pods. The seeds eventually enlarge and burst thus falling on the ground. 
5. The five leaves of the money plant represent five symbols. In Feng Shui, the five leaves of the branch represent the five elements of Feng Shui; metal, wood, water, fire and earth. These five elements in the leaves are said to attract prosperity to the owner. 
6. It is a surprising fact to know that the fresh leaves of money plant can be consumed. The young leaves and flowers of money plant are cooked as vegetables and even used as ingredients. 
7. Even the seeds of money plant can be consumed. It is said that the seeds of money plant taste like peanuts and people roast the seeds and have it as a snack. 8. The seeds are grounded and used as a flour for baking dishes.

Trees and plants provide shelter, food, pure air and many other useful products for the livelihood of human beings.Many indoor plants are believed to bring prosperity and good luck around the places where such plants are grown. Such plants include money plant, basil, jasmine, lemon, sage, lavender, roses, orchids, rosemary etc.
Feng Shui principles regard money plant as one of the best Feng Shui plants that purify the air polluted by modern furnishings made of synthetic materials and cleaning process. It energize the home by filtering air and increasing oxygen inflow.
A news item in the newspaper said that economic condition of the members of a household was likely to deteriorate if branches of money plant found groeing downward. Suggestion was from a Vastu expert and it did not cost a penny to implement.

Feng Shui experts recommend to keep one plant near each computer, television or WiFi router. Placing money plant in front of a sharp corner or angle reduces anxiety and stress.It also helps avoiding arguments and sleeping disorders.
As per Vastu experts, positive energy is activated by plants in our day to day life. Vastu experts recommend planting of money plant inside the house as it brings good luck to the house.Vastu do not recommend growing money plant outside in the garden using support of a tree.
Similar plants: Pachira aquatica is also referred as money tree. Hence, confusion exists in the nomenclature. In Asia, however, Scindapsus aureus is grown as money plant in houses.Money plant may be grown both as a trailer and a climber. The leaves of the Scindapsus aureus are similar to Philodendron scandens, the Sweetheart Plant.Money plant leaves are, however, more colorful than the Sweetheart Plant.
After all, sentiments and mood plays a great role in energizing a person and encourage to work relentlessly to achieve any goals. Well, we may scrutinize it later, let us know about the money plant.
Scindapsus aureus is the scientific name of the money plant.Epipremnum aureum is also used as scientific name of the prosperity plant by many and considered synonym of Scindapsus aureus. Besides money plant, other names used commonly for this plant are Pothos, Silver Vine, Devil's Ivy and Solomon Island's Ivy.
This plant is native to Southeastern Asia and New Guinea. Pothos belongs to the araceae family which contains more than 100 genera. Crassula ovatais also known as jade plant, friendship tree, lucky plant or Money Plant sometimes referred to as the money tree.
This plant is grown mainly as indoor plant and the special characteristic of the plant is that it can grow even in a water-filled bottle or a container without any soil.
It can survive in a bottle filled with water alone for a reasonable time if you simply keep the water changing or refill at frequent intervals.
Although many plants can be grown as hydroponics but money plant survive without addition of nutrients in the water just with naturally found salts in the water.
Since money plant is an indoor plant, it grows well with bright filtered light, In less or more light, discoloration of the leaves take place.

It is understood that plant is called money plant because its leaves (round, flat, heart-shaped, dark green and plump) resembles with the coins. Growing nature of the plant shows that money plant is a perennial climber and young plants bear three-four inches long heart-shaped leaves.
According to a popular belief, money plant loses its significance if it is planted by borrowing the cuttings. However, chances stand slim that someone will agree to give you cuttings from the plants growing in one's house.
Giving money plant or its cutting to others symbolizes giving your wealth to them.
House owner gets more money or becomes richer if this plant is propagated using stolen branches (cuttings). Hence, if you are gifting money plant to your loved one it simply mean you are inheriting your wealth.
According to another belief, person from whom house the branches are cut stands to loose his money.
I don't wish to spread the disbelief or send wrong notion but this is true also as I have observed similar effect in few cases.
In one case, I have seen that bike of the house owner was stolen few days after branches of money plant was stolen by someone and planted in his own house. (You can either believe it or just ignore it depending on your intelligence.
However, nobody can say with full confidence whether it was effect of money plant or just a coincidence.
Although money plant is easy to grow and hardy plant, one may opt for plastic plants (synthetic) as these will never dry and always decorate your house.

Growing environment
Money plant requires warmer temperatures (15 to 30oC). At a temperature lower than 10oC, leaves turn yellow and develop spots.It thrives best in medium to bright sunlight (indirect) but growth is retarded in environments with low light.
It requires frequent watering from spring to autumn but over watering should be avoided in the winter.
It grows well if top soil is dried out in the warm & bright climate. It can be propagated using stem cutting.
Best season for using cuttings is either summer or spring. It can be grown on moss sticks as climber or allowed to trail down.

Money plant grown in soil filled pots prospers well if it is fertilized well with organic and inorganic fertilizers.
Urea should be frequently applied in the pot in addition to occasional application of phosphorous (in form of Single Super Phosphate or any other phosphate fertilizer) and potash (Muriate of potash or any other suitable fertilizer).

money plant is a common name for a few different plant species including epipremnum aureum,lunaria annua and crassul aevata. the money is very interesting plant with trunk. it has long five shiny leaves per branch but luckiest plant have six or seven leaves per branch. money plant also used by many people for there fortune and good luck.
1. money plant should be grown where there is less sunlight or in shade.
2. do not water them every time. let the soil dry and then water.
3. they can grow up to 10 feet if you grow them in soil.
4. if leaves started turning yellow then stop watering for few days.

there is a popular story of a poor man from taiwan who prayed for relief from his financial burdens. one day he found money plant in his field was perceived by him as an answer of gift to him. resulting directly from his prayers ,his meticulous care and nurturing of this plant. yeilded  seeds,nuts and more plants. he sold these which in brought an end to his money troubles. it is given as a gift in the hopes of bringing prosperity to it's recipient history. 

money plant

money plant vastu

money plant information

how to grow money plant

money plant in water

money plant feng shui

money plant care

money plant poisonous

money tree plant

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