Music CDs
Product Description
"Vadhapiganapathim- Hamsadhwani тАУ Adhi тАУDikshidhar
Vedhanai Evaridam тАУ Parvathi- Kandachappu тАУAmbujam Krishnan
Samaganapriye тАУ Anandhabhairavi- Adhi тАУ G.N.Balasubramanyam
Raghuvamsasudha - Kathanakudhukalam тАУ Adhi тАУ Pattinam Subramanya Iyer
Aberi тАУ Raga Aalapana
Nagumomu - Abheri тАУ Adi тАУThyagaraja
Thani Avarthanam
Chinnanchiru Kiliye - Raga Malika тАУ Rupakam тАУ Bharathiyar"
"1. Gnana Vinayaka тАУ Gambheera Natai тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
2. Sabhapathi тАУ Abhogi - Roopakam-Papanasam Sivan
3. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthasri тАУ adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Kripayapalaya тАУ Charukesi тАУ Misrachapu тАУ Swathi Thirunal
5. Magudi
6. Swami Sangeetha - (Ayappan Song)
7. Bhagyada Lakshmi тАУ Madhyamavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Purundaradasar
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where his adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light. "
"1. Isavasya
2. Brahadaranyaka
3. Adhyaya I (Madhukanda)
4. Pravargya тАУ Advaitopadesa
5. Aham Brahmasri
6. Brahmanam 1 Mantras 1 and 2
7. Brahmanam 2 Mantras 1 to 7
8. Brahmanam 3 Mantras 1 to 28
9. Brahmanam 4 Mantras 1 to 17
10. Brahmanam 5 Mantras 1 to 23
11. Brahmanam 6 Mantras 1 to 3
The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means secret and sacred knowledge. Isavasya Upanishad is a portion from the Sukla Yajurveda samhita containing twenty mantras. The central theme of this Upanishad тАЬIsavasyam idam streamтАЭ is to teach that God is all pervasive and regulator of all. All are entirely dependent upon him. It advises elimination of greed for spiritual pursuit; Performance of oneтАЩs prescribed duties in dedication to the God. To know the God as described above is right knowledge. The following prayer has rich spiritual content and a high degree of poetic appeal. Ohm, God lead us by the right path towards the prosperity (liberation), remove the bondage. We offer profuse salutations.
Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is the most important of the Upanishads. It details the theory of creation and the means of knowing the self and the Brahman three sections. Madhu Kanda,
Yajnavalkya Kanda and Khila Kanda. The Madhu Kanda teaches about the identity of the individual self and the universal self the superimposition of the world on Brahman."
"1. Adhyayav (Yajnavalkya Kanda )
2. Brahmanan 1 Mantras 1
3. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 3
4. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1
5. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1
6. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1 and 2
7. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1
8. Brahmanan 7 Mantras 1
9. Yajnavalkya тАУ Gargi, Brahmatattva
10. Brahmanan 8 Mantras 1
11. Brahmanan 9 Mantras 1
12. Brahmanan 10 Mantras 1
13. Brahmanan 11 Mantras 1
14. Brahmanan 12 Mantras 1
15. Brahmanan 13 Mantras 1 to 4
16. Brahmanan 14 Mantras 1 to 7
17. Brahmanan 15 Mantras 1
The most important Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is the perennial source of secret and sacred spiritual knowledge. In the Yajnavalkya Kanda, Yanjnavalkya is presented as a master dialectician in the assembly of the philosopher. King Janaka, worsting the deabators who are the philosophical interlocutors opposing Yajnavalkya. The third division, the Khila Kanda, deals with certain kinds of mediation. The preaching to Gargi the Brahma tattva, the paraloka and Moksha. Yajnavalkya maitreyi samvada that explains Atmabodha."
"1. Adhyaya II
2. (Madhukanda)
3. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 04
4. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1 to 06
5. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1 to 14
6. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1 to 19
7. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1 to 03
8. Adhyaya III (Adhyaropa)
9. Brahmanan 1 Mantras 1 to 10
10. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 13
11. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1 and 2
12. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1 and 2
13. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1
14. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1
15. Brahmanan 7 Mantras 1 and 2
16. Brahmanan 8 Mantras 1 to 12
17. Brahmanan 9 Mantras 1 to 16
The most important Brahadarnayaka Upanishad is the perennial source of secret and sacred spiritual knowledge. The Madhu Kanda teaches about the identity of the individual self and the universal self-the superimposition of the world on Brahman. Adi Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhava have commented on this Upanishad and commended its Scientific method of explanation. Sureshvara wrote a vartika (a gloss on SankaraтАЩs commentary) there are two recessions of the Satapatha Brahmana, the Kanva and Madhyandina. Sankara followed the Kanva recessions."
"The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means secret and sacred knowledge. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad is the most important of the Upanishads. The Upanishad conveys the ultimate message as Aham Brahmasri- I am Brahman:
тАЬAtmetyevopasita тАУ worship Atman as Brahman: Athata aadeso neti neti-Therefore, the instruction is not this, not this. When everything is negated, what remains the desideratum is Brahman. This Upanishad is considered the last word on Advaita. It also contains the famous Maiteyi Brahmana, which is the dialogue between Yajnavalkya and his philosopher wife Maiteyi who demanded that her husband indicate to her the means of Self-realization. тАЬAtma va are drashtavyo srotavyoтАЭ etc.
1. Adhyaya III
2. Madhukanda (Adhyaropa)
3. Brahmanan 9 Mantras 16 to 18
4. Slokas 1 to 7
5. Adhyaya IV
6. Brahman, Atma Svaroopa, (Apavada) (Vidya sutra Vyakhya) (neti neti)
7. Brahmanan 1 Mantras 1 to 7
8. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 4
9. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1 to 37
10. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1 to 25
11. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1 to 15
12. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1 to 3"
"1. Naaranar Enum
2. Vaasithu Kaanonathu
3. Moola Mandhiram
4. Nilaiyaana Samuthiramaga
5. Tharayil Maanudar
6. Konthuvar
7. Aanatha Gnani"
2. Aankaaramum
3. Karuvin Uruve
4. Padikkum Thiruppugazh
5. Ezhu Kadal Manalai
6. Naadha Kumaara
"1. Naanenu Maadidheno
2. Baagilanu Theredhu
3. Enu Saadhane Maadi Krishnana
4. Elu Narayanane
5. Elemana Muraayiyanu Kondaado
6. Daasa Daasara Maneya
7. Hanuman Mathave
8. Hanthakana Dhootharige
9. Mella Mellane Bandane
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where his adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability, Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light.
"1. Namo Venkatesha
2. Poojisalende Hoogala Thandhe
3. Neenu Nanas Sari Samarenu
4. Belagayithu Elamma Mookambika
5. Saakashaath Parabrahama Roopa
6. Megha Maale Dharisiha
7. Badhuke Bangaara Vayithu
8. Jyothi Belagi Barali
9. Elli Ninna Bhaktaro Alle Mantharaalaya
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where his adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability, Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light.
"1. Siddhi Vinayagam тАУ Shanmuga Priya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Dhikshithar
2. Sobillu Sabdha тАУ Jagan Mohini тАУ Rupakam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Birana Brova тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adhi тАУ (Thisra Nadai) тАУ Pancha Nadhiswara
4. Chakkani Raja - Karahara Priya - Adi тАУ Thayagaraja
5. Indha Vibeeshana тАУ Banthuvarali тАУ Rupakam тАУ Aununachala Kavi
6. Thani Avarthanam
7. Thunbam Nergayil тАУ dhesh тАУ Ekathalam - Bharathidhasan
8. Western Notes
9. Thirupugazh
"1. Varnam- Ranjani - adi тАУ G.N.Balasubrmanian
2. Gajavadana тАУ Begada тАУ Adi тАУ Vijaya Vittala Dasa
3. Om Namo Narayana тАУ Karna Ranjani тАУ K.Chappu тАУ Ambujam Krishna
4. Pirava Varam Tharum тАУ Lathangi тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharati
5. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kambodhi тАУ adi тАУThyagaraja
6. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan.
7. Marati Abang - Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam - Namdev
"1. Jagadhanandha Karaka тАУ Nattai тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
2. Pahimam Sri тАУ Janaranjani тАУ Adhi тАУ Ramaswami Sivan
3. Manaviyalakinhara тАУ Nalinikanthi тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Samaja Varagamana тАУ Hindolam тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Rangasayee тАУ Kambhoji тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Bhavayami Gopalam тАУ Yamuna Kalyani тАУ Khandachapu
7. Rama Mantra - Jonpuri тАУ Adhi тАУ Purandara Dasa
8. Thillana тАУ Kapi тАУ Thisra Ekam тАУ MD Ramanathan
"The Divine Mother of the Universe, Lalitha, once gave audience to all the gods. To worship her came crores of Brahmas (creators) and BrahminтАЩs (consorts of the creators), and crores of Narayanas with their Lakshmis and crores of Rural with their Gaur is. The different Shaktis who came to do Lalitha reverence were also innumerable, as were the Devas and Siddhas.
When they had all worshipped her, they took their seats, upon which, Sri Devi Lalitha, glanced meaningfully Vashini and others, the goddess of speech. There upon they began to sing the thousand names of Lalitha, composed by them earlier, at her express command.
While Devi Lalitha became glad upon hearing the hymn, all those who were assembled there were amazed at its exquisite beauty and puissance. тАЬDeclare these thousand names to my devotees. It a devotee recites it even once, I grant him all his desires,тАЭ Devi Lalitha told them.
The above details are conveyed by Lord Havagriva, the horse-faced manifestation of Lord Vishnu worshipped as the embodiment of intelligence, to the Sage Agastya, one of the most revered figures in Hindu lord. The passage occurs in the preface to the Lalitha Sahasranama, a great masterpiece that finds pride of place in the second part of the Brahmanda Purana. (The Puranas are sacred texts, which explain the Vedic doctrines, the fountainhead of Hindu philosophy, to lay minds).
Taken as a devotional hymn, the Lalitha Sahasranama is a wonderful track in which deep feeling is expressed in sublime language. The sonorous alliterations and assonances, and the beautiful cadences create an incantatory effect. Unlike other hymns of thousand names, the Lalitha Sahasranama is free from meaningless particles and words, and also from the fault of repetition. The hymn, in its straightforward significance invokes the celestial qualities of the goddess, and builds an ambience of majesty, beauty, power and sanctity.
"1. Adi Kinder тАУ Mayamalavagowla тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuthandavar
2. Ananda Nata Maduvar тАУ Poorvi Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Neelakanta Sivan
3. Kamalamba тАУ Ananadabairavi тАУ Misra Chapu тАУ Dikshitar
4. Krishna Nee Begane Baro тАУ Yamunakalyani тАУ Misra Chapu тАУ Puranadaradasar
5. Thunga Theera Vihara тАУ Salagabairvai тАУ Adi тАУ Kamalesavitala
6. Sri Chakra тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adi тАУ Pudukkottai Santhananda Swamy
7. Dolayam тАУ Kamas тАУ Tisra Ekam - Annamacharya
"1. Pranamamyaham тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi - Mysore Vasudevachar
2. Maamavasada Varada - Natakuranji тАУ Roopakam тАУ Swathi Thirunal
3. Bantu Reethi тАУ Hamsanadham тАУ Adi -Thyagaraja
4. Vinatha Sutha тАУ Jayantasena тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Swara Raga тАУ Sankarabharanam тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
6. Narayana - Sudha Dhanyasi тАУ Khanda Chapu тАУ Purandara Dasaru
7. Thamarai Pootha тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thrichy Thayagarajan
8. Pibare Ramarasam тАУ Yamuna Kalyani - Adi - Sadasiva Bramhendra
"1. Ganamurthi тАУ Raga Ganamurthi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Namagiri Pettai Krishnan
2. Nannu Palimpa тАУ Mohanama тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Karakuruchi Arunachalam
3. Nagumomu тАУ Abheri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja (with Thani Avarthnam) тАУ Jayashankar & Valayapatti
4. Birane Brova тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ (Tisra Nadai) тАУ Pancha Nadhiswara тАУ MPN Sethuraman Ponnuswamy
5. Theeradha Vilaiyattu Pillai тАУ Ragamalikai тАУ Tisra Ekam - Bhaatiyar тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
"1. Manavyaala тАУ Thyagaraja - Nalinakanti - Adi
2. Nathajana тАУ Thyagaraja - Simhendra Madhyama тАУ Roopaka
3. Sri Chakra Raja Nilaye тАУ GNB - Shivashakti тАУ Adi
4. Parama Paavana Rama тАУ P.Srinivasa Ayyangar тАУ Poorvi Kalyani тАУ Adi
5. Brahmanda Nayaka тАУ Swamy тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where he adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability, Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light.
"1. Gnana Vinayaka тАУ Gambeera Nattai тАУ Saravanabavananda
2. Endaro Mahanu Bhavulu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajaswamy
3. Elara Krishna - Kamboji - Roopakam - Thyagarajaswamy
4. Akhilandeswari тАУ Dwijavanti тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
5. Theeradha Vilaiyattu Pillai - Ragamalikai тАУ Tisra Ekam тАУ Bharatiyar
6. Alaipayudhe тАУ Kanada тАУ Adi тАУ Oothukadu Venkatasubbiar
7. Thullumadha Vetkai - (Tiruppugazh) - Hamsanandi тАУ Ad
"1. Vanthisuve тАУ Nattai тАУ Kandachapu тАУ Purandarados
2. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Palimpa - Arabhi тАУ Adi тАУ (Tisranadai) тАУ Pallavi тАУ Seshayyam
4. Rama Nama тАУ Durbari Kannada тАУ Rupakam тАУ Purandarados
5. Gananaya тАУ Desika тАУ Rishaba Priya тАУ Adi тАУ Koteswara Iyer
6. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
"1. Mariamma Muthu Mariamma
2. Charanam Endral
3. Veppilaye Sengolam
4. Verkadu Thiruverkadu
5. Kanmalar Malarvai
6. Adi Masam Vandhale
7. Mummari Pozhiyonum
8. Ulagalum Ammanukku
9. Atha En Chellatha
10. Thiruvadi Charanam
11. Azhagana Mayilaiyile
12. Karumari Thirumudiyin
13. Mayavan Thangaiye
"1. Saba Badhiku тАУ Abogi тАУ Rupakam тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi
2. Karanam Kettuvadi тАУ Poorvikalyani- Adhi- Sudhanandha Bharathi
3. Saramathi тАУ Raga Alapana
4. Motchamugalada- Saramathi тАУ Adhi- Thyagarajar
5. Thiruppugazhi тАУ Arunagirinadhar
6. Saravanabhava- Shanmugapriya - Adhi тАУ Sivan
7. Chinnanchiru тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adhi тАУ U.Shanmugam
8. Western Note
"1. Om Enum
2. Ganapathi Nin
3. Aanai Mugane
4. Oongara
5. Maargazhi Thingal
6. Vaiyathu
7. Ongi Ulagalandha
8. Kuzhaloothi
"1. Maargazhi Thingal
2. Vaiyathu
3. Ongi Ulagalandha
4. Maayanai
5. Kuzhaloodhi
6. Kaathirukiraen
7. Anbar Ullam
8. Radhe Shyam
9. Hari Krishna Govinda
10. Sri Gopala Vimsathi
11. Sri Krishna Astakam
"1. Ganamurthi - Raga Ganamurthi тАУ Adhi Thyagaraja
2. Dharmavathi тАУ Ragaalapana
3. Bajana Seya тАУ Dharmavathi Rupakam - Mysore Vasu Devachar
4. Nanati Badhuku тАУ Revathi тАУ Adhi тАУ Annamachariyar
5. Ragam Thalam Pallavi and Thani Avarthanam
"1. Mahaganapathe тАУ Kanada тАУ Roopam - Koteeswara Iyer тАУ Veena тАУ E.Gayatri
2. Sri Chakra Raja Nilaye тАУ Siva Sakthi тАУ Adi Gnb тАУ Saxophone - Kadri Gopalnath
3. Nenaruchi - Malavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thiagaraja - Violin тАУ Kunnakudi R. Vaidyanathan
4. Pahimam Sri - Janaranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Ramaswamy Sivan тАУ Nadhaswaram - Sheik Chinna Moulana
5. Jagadheeswari - Mohanam тАУ Adi тАУ Tiruvarur Ramaswamy Pillai тАУ Mandolin тАУ U.Srinivas
6. Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Kandachapu тАУ Bharatiyar тАУ Flute тАУ Dr.N. Ramani
"1. Kshemangal Kori Vinayakanai
2. Gowri Kalayana Vaibhogame
3. Sri Rama Jaya Jaya
4. Shobane Kodi Manmatha
5. Neeradina Sri Rama
6. Maalai Saathiaal
7. Manmathanukku Maalayittaaye
8. Vajra Vaidooriyathal
9. Vindhai Nirai
10. Nandi Muganukku
11. Rathna Oonjalil
12. Lali Laliyani
13. Kannoonjal
14. Aanandam
15. Ezhiludaya Raghavane
16. Nalangida Vaarum Raaja
17. Nalangidugiraal Meenalochani
18. Sendadinaare
19. Bhojanam Seyya Vaarungo
20. Mangalam Nandagopa
"1. Raghu Vamsa Sudha тАУ Kathana Kuthoolam Patnam Subramanya Iyer тАУ Adi
2. Ninnukori - Mohana Varnam Veenai Kuppaiyar тАУ Adi
3. Enthara Nee Thana тАУ Hari Kamboji Thyagarajar тАУ Adi
4. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthisri Thygarajar тАУAdi
5. Rama Bhirama- Darbar Thyagarajar - Misra Chap
6. Manasa Sancharare тАУ Sama Sadasiva Brahmendrar тАУ Adi
7. Jhothumu Thodapiya тАУ Misra Chakravakam Meera Bhajan тАУ Adi
8. Vinayakuni тАУ Madyamavathi Thyagarajar тАУ Adi
"1. Pahi Pahi
2. Ganapathi тАУ Hamsadwani тАУ Roopakam тАУ Chidambaram тАУ Malaya Vijaya Barathi
3. Sanathan тАУ Balamanjari тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Konniyada тАУ Kokiladhwani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Kanchadalaya Dhakshi тАУ Kamala Manohari тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dhikshithar
6. Jagadheeswari тАУ Mohanam Adi тАУ Thiruvarur Ramaswamy Pillai
7. Karunai Deivam тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi Adi тАУ Madurai T. Srinivasan
"1. Pillaiar Chathurthi
2. Ganapathy Namam
3. Palabishegam
4. Vigna Vinayagane
5. Nayagane
6. Vezha Mugathu
7. Sri Gananadha
8. Thumpillai
9. Nathan
10. Jai Ganesa
11. Ucchi Malai
12. Oorvala Maagave
"1. Azhagana Mayilayile
2. Karumari Thirumudiyin
3. Mayavan Thangaiyae
4. Kannaara
5. Ettu Thisayilum
6. Verkattin
7. Amma Amma Karuvagi
8. Ondragi Nindravan
9. Amutha Kudam Pol
10. Amma En Mari
"1. Vinayagar Thuthi
2. Om Sakthi
3. Naanthanti Mariamma
4. Adi Matham
5. Koodu Vittu
6. Kaval Kakkum
7. Edutha Kariyam
8. Mariamman Kovilile
9. Karumari
10. Engum Nirainthavale
11. Mariamma
"The vibrations of sound formulas of the Vedas work through the chakras to increase the flow of beneficial energy throughout the subtle body where these latencies and tendencies are stored. Mantra therapy starts by increasing the total amount of energy available for all our activities. Certain mantras used singly or in combination can greatly accelerate the quality and quality of energy used in the healing process. It guards the World against all ills. Our ancestors devised remarkable methods of chanting to protect the original form, their tonal and verbal purity against change and distortion. They laid down rules to make sure tat not a syllable was changed in chanting, not a swara was altered and ensured that the full benefits were derived from intoning the mantras. According the this the words of a mantra are braided together in different atterns like тАЬVakyaтАЭ, тАЬpadaтАЭ, тАЬkarmaтАЭ, тАЬjalaтАЭ, тАЬmalaтАЭ, тАЬsikhaтАЭ, тАЬrekhaтАЭ, тАЬGhanaтАЭ. The intonation of a few words of a mantra is joined to the second the second to the third, the third to the fourth and so on, until we come to the final word тАЬkarma to ca caurgunam. This karma chanting bestows four times the effect of normal chanting of the Mantra.
Hence, this compact disc presents тАЬRudramтАЭ a popular and effective Vedic portion extolling the greatness of Siva, chanted to ward off evils, sins etc and to gain security and strength. This Rudram is chanted in the Krama format, by the traditional Pandit, Thanjavur Brahmasri S.Radhakrishna Sastrigal.
"The Devi Mahatmiyam is an esoteric Epic, a great spiritual occult text and a Mantra тАУ Sastra. It is a part of the Markandeya Purana. The Devi Mahatmiyam signifies the march of the human soul to its destination. Three stages of transformation of the spiritual being of the aspiring sour are described in the three sections of the Devi Mahatmiyam through the anecdotes- Adi-Sakthi as Maha Kali awakening Maha Vishnu in order to destroy the original demonical forces., Madhu and Kaitabha, the same Shankthi manifesting as Maha Lakshmi and overcoming Mahishasura and Raktbija, and as Maha Saraswathi destroying Sumbha and Nisumbha. These three presiding forces are representative of the powers of the spirit within manifesting as themselves in an upward ascent towards ultimate God realization, which is described in the Devi Mahatmiyam. Thus, the dance of the cosmic spirit in its supernal effort at self transcendence, is majestically described in the beautifully worded sonorous songs of the Devi Mahatmiyam, where we are given s stirring account, a stimulating description of what Maha Kali did, what Maha Lakshmi did and Maha Saraswathi did in bringing about this evolution and transformation.
The Devi Mahamiyam is recited for averting calamities in life Catastrophies, tensions. When there is war treating a country, for example, or pestilence of epidemic everywhere, Or any internal tension or anxiety of any kind, the Devi Mahatmiyam is recited and it is a very potent remedy prescribed by seers of yore, not only for temporal terrestrial Prosperity, but also for the glory of the hereafter, for illumination, for the destruction of ignorance and to be a fit recipient of the grace of the Almighty.
The chosen and the effective prayer portions of the Devi Mahatmiyam have been recited by Thanjavur.S.Radhakrishna Sastrigal, the hearing of which fetches the desired divine fruit.
1. Chanting of Om Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha by S.P.Balasubramaniam
"Om A Salutation to God, the ultimate Him
Bhoor The eternal
Bhuvah The Creator
Svah The Independent
Tat Eternal
Savithur Sun as the creative Principle of light
Varenyam Supreme God
Bhargo Light that bestows wisdom, Bliss and life
Devasya Light of God
Dheemahi We meditate
Dhiyo Intellect
Yo Nah Lead us
Prachodayaat Towards illumination
"2. Intha Kannaranda Memmi тАУ Bilahari тАУ Roopakam
3. Rama Neeyeda - Kharahara Priya тАУ Adi
4. Evarimata тАУ Kambodhi - Adi
5. Bajana Seyave тАУ Kalyani тАУ Roopakam
6. Kanuganu Sowkiyamu тАУ Mayaki тАУ Roopakam
Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna was born on July 6, 1930 at Sankaraguptam, a small hamlet in Rajolu Taluk, East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh, to Mangalampalli Pattabhiramayya and Suryakanthama. His father, Pattabhiramauua was a famous flutist and a music teacher and Suryakanthama was a notable Veena artists. His guru was the famous Parupalli Ramakrishna Pantulu. In the order of guru Parampara, Balamuralikrishna is fifth in the line of direct disciples of the great Saint Tyagaraja.
In 1938, at the age of eight, he gave his first full-fledged performance. Not merely content with his name and fame as a concert vocalist, very soon he proved his immense versatility by playing the kanjira, mrdangam, viola and violin and the public flecked to hear his concerts. When he was barely 14 years old, he composed Raganga тАУRavalli, a detailed work on the 72-melakarta (basic scales of music) scheme. By 16 he became a Doctorate in music. He has served as music producer at Vijayawada, Hyderabad and the Madras All India Radio Stations. In this capacity he pioneered his early hour devotional renderings in India under the title тАШBhakthi RanjaniтАЩ. He also acted as the first principal of the government Music College at Vijayawada.
"1. Mahaganapathe тАУ Kanada тАУ Rupakam тАУ Kotteeswara Iyer
2. Rama Rama тАУ Vasanha тАУ Thisra Adhi тАУ Purandhardasar
3. Nee Irangayenil - Atana - Adhi тАУ Papanasam Sivam
4. Mokshamugaladha тАУ Charamadhi - Adhi - Thyagarajar
5. Theruvadheppo тАУ Kamas тАУ Adhi тАУ Neelakanta Sivan
6. Vadavarayai Mathakki - Raga Malika тАУ adhi
7. Adathu Asanghathu тАУ Madhya Mavathi тАУ Adhi тАУ Oothukadu Venkata Subbaiyar
8. Senthamizh Nadenum тАУ Mohana Kalyani - Adhi тАУ Bharathiyar
9. Thillana - Dharbarthanada тАУ Adhi
10. Krishna Nee Begame тАУ Yaman Kalyani тАУ Misrachapu - Purandhardasar
11. Nandha Nandhana Venu - Aberi - Adhi - Annamacharya
12. Thandhananathana - Bowli тАУ Adhi тАУ Annamacharya
"1. Re Re Manasa Bajare тАУ Nattai тАУ Rupakam
2. Palimpa тАУ Arabhi - Thisra тАУ Adhi
3. Vijayambike тАУ Vijay a Nagari тАУ Adhi
4. Samayamidhe тАУ Kedharam тАУ Rupakam
5. Hari Hara Sudha Palayamam - Koshalam - Adi
6. Narayana Namo - Madhyamaravali тАУ Kantajampai
7. Nemamutho тАУ Lathangi - Adhi
8. Mangalalaya тАУ Veenavadhini тАУ Adhi
9. Kamakoli тАУ Bandhuvarali тАУ Rupakam
10. Sama Gana Lolane тАУ Hindholam тАУ Adhi
11. Raja Raja Radhithe тАУ Niroshta тАУ Thisra тАУ Adhi
12. Niravathi Sugatha тАУ Ravichandrika - Adhi
The Veena is quintessentially an, Indian and particularly a South Indian musical instrument. In mythology, which in Indian is very intimately profoundly connected with religion, it is the instrument of Saraswathi, the goddess of becoming The Veena is so typical of South Indian Classical Music that even vocalists are recommended for leave to play it. The nuances and graces so peculiar to the system of Carnatic Music as it is called are the hallmark of this fretted stringed instrument. In this rendition, Gayathri draws her immensely rich repertoire to serve a repast of masterpiece form an away of great composers.
"1. Kannae Kamalapoo тАУ Neelambari
2. Aayiram Kalam Nann тАУ Charukesi
3. Taayar Sorpadikku тАУ Vasanthi
4. Yaradithu Neeazhudhai тАУ Natha Namakriyai
5. Kavindtha Neeradinaal тАУ Senchi
6. Kasiyaam Pathnames тАУ Anandha Bairavi
7. Muthiloru Mutho - Kuruchi
8. Kadellam Thedi тАУ Aarabi
9. Vadakke Veguthuram - Sindhu Bairavi
10. Thangachimizh тАУ Chakravagam
11. Aarirendum Kaveri - Punnagavarali
12. Elengkuzhalalukku тАУ Mathyamavathi
As tiny beings, babies require quite a few things the average human would need, but in smaller portions or in different wavelengths. For instance, sunlightтАж. ItтАЩs not that the sun will kill a baby, but if exposed to more than a certain amount, it could be harmful to the child. So also musicтАж depending on the genre and volume, what a regular person may consider soothing or relaxing may actually be more than a child can handle.
Lullabies are often sung by parents in calming children, putting to sleep, or simply spending time with them. The simple lyrics, nature, and storyline of lullabies are usually intended for children, and are therefore suitable for them. A parent can rock a child to sleep with a lull-a-bye, calm a discontented child, or sing along with a playing child.
"1. Mallari
2. Sadasiva Kumara
3. Nenarunchi
4. Muthuvel
5. Kollatu Paatu
6. Kalla Pattu
7. Thallattu Paatu
8. Manasa Sancharare
Jhothumu Thodapiya
The Violin is a stringed musical instrument that has four strings tuned a perfect fifth apart. It is the smallest and highest тАУ tuned member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola, cello and double bass (though the double bass technically belongs to the similar but distinct viol family). The lowest string (and hence the lowest note) is the G just below middle E, then in ascending order D, A and E.
"1. Meru Samana тАУ St.Thyagaraja тАУ Mayamalavagowla (Vadi) - Adi
2. Pavana тАУ Balamurali тАУ Rasikapriya (Vivadi) тАУ Rupaka
3. Vegame Gaava тАУ Balamurali тАУ Abogi (Vadi) тАУ Adi
4. Gana Sudharasame - Balamurali тАУ Ragavardhini (Vivadi) Rupaka
5. Kamala Dalayatha Lochana тАУ Balamurali - Bahudari (Vadi) - Adi
6. Evvare Ramayana тАУ St. Thyagaraja - Gangeyabhushini (Vivadi) - Adi
7. Rama Nevada - Kharahara Priya
Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna was born on July 6, 1930 at Sankaraguptam, a small hamlet in Rajolu Taluk, East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh, to Mangalampalli Pattabhiramayya and Suryakanthama. His father, Pattabhiramauua was a famous flutist and a music teacher and Suryakanthama was a notable Veena artists. His guru was the famous Parupalli Ramakrishnayya Pantulu. In the order of guru Parampara, Balamuralikrishna is fifth in the line of direct disciples of the great Saint Tyagaraja.
"1. Re Re Manasa Bajare тАУ Nattai тАУ Rupakam тАУ E.Gaayathri тАУ Veena
2. Karanam Kettuvadi тАУ Poorvikalyani - Adi - Sudhanadha Bharathi тАУ Namagiripettai Krishnan тАУ Nadhaswaram
3. Vinayaka тАУ Hamsathwani тАУ Adi тАУ Veenai Kuppaiyer тАУ N.Ramani - Flute
4. Kanchadalaya Dhakshi - Kamala Manohari - Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshithar- U.Srinivas - Mandolin
5. Marugelara тАУ Jayantha shri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Kunnakudi R. Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
6. Magudi - Kadri Gopalnath тАУ Saxophone
"1. Gnana Vinayaka - Gambeeranatai тАУAdi тАУ Saravanabaananda - Sheik Chinna Moulana тАУ Nadhaswaram
2. Mokshamugaladha тАУ Saramathi - Adi - Thyagarajar - E.Gaayathri тАУ Veena
3. Buntureethe тАУ Hamsanatham тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar тАУ N.Ramani тАУ Flute
4. Sababathikku тАУ Abhogi тАУ Rupakam тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi - Kadri Gopalnath тАУ Saxophone
5. Enthara Nee Thana тАУ Harikamboji тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar тАУ Kunnakudi R. Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
6. Karunai Deivam - Sindhu Bairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Madurai T.Srinivasan тАУ U Srinivas тАУ Mandolin
"1. Nirvathi Sugatha тАУ Ravichandrika тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja тАУ E.Gaayathri тАУ Veena
2. Nagumomu тАУ Abheri тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja тАУ Jayashankar тАУ Nadhaswaram
3. Thani Aavarthanam тАУ Adi тАУ Valayapatti тАУ Thavil Solo
4. Deva Deva тАУMayamala Gowlai тАУ Roopakam тАУ Swathi Thirunal тАУ N.Ramani тАУ Flute
5. Manasa Sancharare тАУ Sama тАУ Adi тАУ Sadasivabrahmendra тАУ Kunnakudi R.Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
6. Koniyada тАУ Kokiladhwani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ U Srinivas тАУ Mandolin
7. Bhagyada Lakshmi тАУ Madhyamavati тАУ Adi тАУ Purundaradasar тАУ Kadri Gopalnath- Saxophone
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim тАУ Hamsadwani - Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dhikshithar
2. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthasri тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Thyagaraja
3. Vasudevyani тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi - Sri Thyagaraja
4. Madava Mamava тАУ Neelambari тАУ Adi тАУ Narayanatheerthar
5. Unnaiandriuttra Thuni тАУ Bhavani тАУ Rupagam тАУ Dhandapanidesikar
6. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
7. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Languid Jayaraman
Born into a family of singers, this supreme classical Indian carnatic vocalist was eventually know as MLV, an acronym standing for melody, laya, and vidwat, three essential components of her, and hopefully anyone elseтАЩs music. (Loasely translated, thatтАЩs melody rhythmic variation and depth of feeling.) She was on of a select triad of female vocalist the pushed the envelope in a male-dominated culture, not only earning the right to perform on concert stages instead of only at private parties, but also being allowed to develop and demonstrate the ability to perform extended serious pieces from a variety of classical disciplines. Her associate female liberators were the vocalists D.K.Pallammal and M.S.Subbulakshmi. VasanthakuamriтАЩs mother was the concert performer laltihangi.
"1. Guru Dyanam
2. Subramanya Dyanam
3. Sloka Ghanam
4. Natchatra Ashtavakyani
5. Pancha Shanti
6. Ghosha Shanti
7. Mrithu Suktam
8. Navagraha Mantraha
9. Mantra Pushpam
10. Swedhaarka Ganapathi Mantram
11. Aasirvatha Mantram
"1. Ganapathi Dyanam
2. Sri Rudram
3. Chamakam
4. Purusa Suktam
5. Uthra Narayanam
6. Bhoo Suktam
7. Punyakhavachanam
8. Brahma Suktam
9. Vishnu Suktam
10. Rudra Suktam
11. Durga Suktam
12. Sri Suktam
13. Bhagya Suktam
14. Ayushya Suktam
15. Kramam
"1. Vinayaka тАУ Hamsathwani тАУ Adi тАУ Veenaikuppaiyer
2. Devadeva - Mayamala Gowlai тАУ Rupakam тАУ Swathithirunal
3. Swara raga Sudha rasa тАУ Sankarabaranam тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
4. Theeratha Vilayattu тАУ Bharathiyar
"The hymn of Saundarayalahari contains 100 poems (verses) of four lines each said to be written by jagadguru Shri Adi Shankaracharaya (8th Century Indian Philosopher). Legend of this work is often substantiated by the distinct difference that is present in the two sets of poems тАЬAnandalahariтАЭ. The waves of bliss (verses 1 to 42) and тАЬSaundarayalahariтАЭ тАУ The waves of beauty (verses 43 to 100) the complete set is known as Saundarayalahari. Anandalahari deals with the Mantra, Yantra and Tantra practices of Shaktha cult. The Shaktha system is a system of rituals accompanied by Meditation based on Advaita philosophy. Shaktha sect worships Devi through rituals and meditation and is based on a non-dual interpretation of reality. These verses are on a metaphysical plane, describing the philosophical & spiritual aspects of Shakthi worship. A notable feature of this set of verses is that the verses are not interlinked in anyway, they stand apart. The language is also highly transcendental in nature.
Saundaryalahari, the second part, is a description of the Supreme Mother from crown to feet, as a description of the vision the Shri Adi Shankaracharya experienced. These verses are said to be written by Shri Shankaracharaya himself. He made generous us of figures of speech of Sanskrit poetcs. However, the term тАЬSaundaryalahariтАЭ is now commonly applied to the entire hundred verses.
"1. Ganesa Pancharathnam
2. Swamynatha Ashtakam
3. Vaidya Nadha Ashtakam
4. Lingashtakam
5. Sri Balamukundhashtakam
6. Madhurashtakam
7. Krishnashtakam
8. Sudharsanashtakam
9. Anna poornashtakam
10. Sri Raja Rajeswari Ashtakam
11. Meenakshi Pancha Rathnam
12. Mahalakshmi Sthuthi
13. Sasthashtakam
14. Ramachandhrashtakam
15. Sri Lakshmi Ashtakam
16. Subramanya Bhujangam
17. Siva Panjatchara Sthothram
18. Hanumanth Ashtakam
19. Marga Bandhu Sthothram
20. Dharithriya Dhukka Haranaya Sivasthothram
21. Subramanya Mangala Ashtakam
"1. Ranjani тАУ Ranjani тАУ Adi - G.N.Balasubramaniyam
2. Nannu Balimpa тАУ Mohanama тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Ne Nenthu Karnadaka Behak тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
4. Aela Ni Thayaradhu - Adana тАУ adi тАУ Thyagarajar
5. Ohm Saravanabhava тАУ Sanmugapriya - Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
6. Radha Samedha тАУ Yamuna Kalyani тАУ Adi
"1. Vinayaka Nannu
2. Nee Dhayaradha
3. Himagiri Thanaye
4. Maalai Saathinal
5. Manmathanukku
6. Kannoonjal
7. Rathna Oonjalil
8. Ezhil Udaya Raagavane
9. Mohana
10. Kottumelam And Anandhame
11. Theeradha Villayattu
12. Alaipayudhe
13. Thullumadha
"1. Varanam тАУ Sunodhavinodhini - Adi тАУ N.S.Ramachandran
2. Manasunillpa тАУ Abhogi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Ganamoorthy тАУ Ganamoorthy тАУ Adi - Thyagarajar
4. Barusae тАУ Brindavanasaranga тАУ Adi - Meera
5. Sadha Nin тАУ Shanmukapriya тАУ Misrachapu тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
6. Sarangan тАУ Ragamalika - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
7. Thillana тАУ Basant Bihar - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
"1. Manikanda Swamy
2. Sabari Girisa
3. Kavi Vetti
4. Aayiram Aayiram
5. Udukku Chandai
6. Hadiharan Manidhan
7. Charana Gosham
8. Swamimargale
9. Somesekaranin
10. Onkaram
11. Pamba Nathi
"1. Mayilayil
2. Padathikesam
3. Manikandan
4. Makaravilakku
5. Sabarimalayil
6. Thiruvabharanam
7. Omkarramodinai
8. Pambaikarai Oram
9. Kodanukodi
10. Sannidhanam
11. Paatha Pulley (L.R.Eswari)
12. Malai Soozhum (L.R.Eswari)
13. Aabaranam (L.R.Eswari)
"1. Varugudhu Varugudhu
2. Ayyappaswami
3. Ellaswamigalu
4. Pallikatta Eduthkittu
5. Nei Manakkum
6. Guruswamy Guruswamy
7. Padhinettu Padigalil
8. Sabarimalai Kattukkulle
9. Ariya Pizhaiyum
10. Raja Pandhalathu Raja
11. Swamy Ayyappa Swamy
12. Vararayya Vavar (L.R.Eswari)
13. Aabaranam(L.R.Eswari)
14. Kannimoola (L.R.Eswari)
"1. Pallikattu
2. Villaali Veeranavan
3. Eesan Umai Paakan
4. Manigandan Namam
5. Thunai Nee Varuvai
6. Puliyil Yeri Punidhan
7. Sabarigirisa
8. Ayyappanmaar Goshathilay
9. Pamba Vasa
10. Pamba Nathi Malare
11. Ponnambala Medey
12. Vararayya Vavar
"1. Sri Vighneshwara Lagu Pooja
2. Navagraha Pooja
3. Sri Soorya Gayathri and Kavacham
4. Sri Chandra Gayathri and Kavacham
5. Sri Angaraha Gayathri and Kavacham
6. Sri Budha Gayathri and Kavacham
7. Sri Brahaspthi Gayathri and Kavacham
8. Sri Sukra Gayathri and Kavacham
9. Sri Sanaischara Gayathri and Kavacham
10. Sri Raagu Gayathri and Kavacham
11. Sri Kedhu Gayathri and Kavacham
12. Mangalam
The Navagraha Pooja is important as the planets are considered to play a major role in deciding the destiny of man. All the nine grahas (planets) have the vital role to give us Pleasure or pain in life. In astrology, great importance is placed on the positions of the тАЬNavagrahaтАЭ in the twelve constellations of the zodiac, their planetary movements and their effect on human beings. A particular тАЬgrahamтАЭ are said to remove the ill effects. Lord Surya was worshipped by Lord Rama before the war against Ravana. His grace is believed to lead to power, position, good health and so on. ChandraтАЩs grace is required for the health of mind and consequently the body. The тАЬRasiтАЭ in a horoscope is decided by the position of the moon, just as the тАЬLagnaтАЭ is ruled by the Sun. Lord Angaraka, is the moulder of leaders of countries. He graces those who stand up for truth. Lord Buddha is the giver of Wisdom. He imparts knowledge and beauty, prayers to Lord Guru can alleviate the suffering brought about by adverse positioning of any of тАЬGrahasтАЭ. Guru is the Lord of the Devas associates with wisdom, Vedanta jnana, and purity of thought, word and deed. Fortunate beings are those with Lord Sukra strong in their horoscope. Sukra is proficient in all the Sastras. He can even bring the dead back to life. Sanaischara is a beneficient тАЬgrahamтАЭ Any adverse effect is due to placement in an individual horoscope which could overcome by worshipping him. Rahu and Kethu, also do a let good.
"1. Sri Ayyappan Suprabatham
2. Sri Ayyappan Kavacham
3. Pulivaganane
4. Neimanakkum
5. Pathinettu
6. PadigaliManikantan Naman
7. Thunai Nee Varuvai
8. Nerungudhu Nerungudhu (K.S.Raja)
9. Thulli Thulli (K.S.Raja)
10. Pamba Nadhi
"1. Angelina Pradaana
2. Sri Ramapattabhishekam
3. Sarvakaarya siddhi
The repeated reading of ValmikiтАЩs Ramayana and especially the Sundara Kaanda is considered to be sacred. It bestows enormous powers to the reader and listener. It is common to any sect. The Ramayana contains the mystic syllables. It is an expository of Vedic Mantras. It is also studded with the letters of Gayathri mantra and many other incantations. The reading of certain sargas or cantos in Sundara and yuddhakaanda has been carried on form the days of yore for some specific advantage and relief apart from the mental solace one gets after listening or reading it. The select and the most efficacious portions in the whole of Ramayana are Anguliya Pradaana sarga (Sundara Kaanda- 36th canto) Sarvakaarya Siddhi sera (Sundarakaanda -41st canto) and Sri Ramapattabhisheka Sarga (Yuddha Kaanda -131st canto). Hence, in this C.D these sargas are devotionally recited by the traditional Pandit Thanjavur S.Radhakrishna Sasthrigal.
The Uma samhita, Skanda and a few other PurinaтАЩs praise highly of the efficacy of the repeated reading of the Ramayana, and the former text confirms that the reading even the Diseases which defy treatment will be cured. Longevity will result there form. Enmity from every quarter will vanish. Family problems will cease. Fear of premature death will disappear. Debts will be liquidated. All undertakings will be successful. Extraordinary powers would descend. And Sri Rama will shower his mercy and kindness. According to the pattabisheka sarga recited in this, the man who reads or hears is freed from sin; he is blessed with children; conquers the earth and dominates his enemies; Women give birth to long lived sons; the read gets long life; overcomes all trials and tribulation; reunited form the separated partners; and gets the desired boons.
"1. Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Vishnu Sahasranamam
3. Raghu Veera Gadyam
4. Garuda Dandakam
These are the days men undergo mental stresses, physical strains and suffer for want of mental peace! Where no medicines could give relief, the spiritual path is restored to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to god. Sanskrit is called a divine language to reach the ethereal region as she is phonetically sharp and powerful. This Compact disc contains special Sanskrit Prayers to Lord Vishnu, the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Lord, and the merciful savoir of the World. He is Narayana, who incarnated in different forms in order to protect the virtuous and put an end to the wicked. He is the Mega Lord of brilliance, the ultimate of penance, and the great immanent God.
Vishnu Sahasranama is a popular recitation of the thousand names of Lord Vishnu. The chanting of this stotra, bestows all wealth and riches on devotees and the hearing of theses names drive away the poverty, the anxiety, the mental disturbance, the fear, and the incurable diseases. The devotees become relieved of their sorrows and attain happiness and mental peace!
Sri Venkateshwara Suprabhatham, a unique composition to awaken the Lord is recited for the dawn of a good day! and in order to awaken our intellect to have easy access to the enlightenment.
Raghuveeragadyam of Vedanta Desika is an exclusive rhythmic recitation in a special Dandaka metre, extolling Raghuveeragadyam of Vedanta Desika is an exclusive rhythmic recitation in a special Dandaka metre, extolling the virtues of Sri Rama. Hearing of which is the ellxir to all the ills of life, and it bestows the fruit of hearing the entire Ramayana.
Garuda-dandakam of Desika is in praise of Garuda, the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, the hearing of this Stotra drives away enemies, and saves the devotees from the effects of poisonous creatures.
Sri. P.S.Raghuraman, M.Phil, Sri.K.Malolakannan, Sri. P.Jagadeesha Bhat and a host of others have recited these in the traditional manner with the academic touch and guidance of their Guru, Dr.R.Thaigarajan. M.A.Ph.D., and with the help of Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayagam, Music Director
"1. Siva Sahasranama (from Rudra Yaamala Tantra)
2. Siva Panchaksharam
3. Dvadasa Jyothirlingaani
4. Suvarnamaala Stuti
5. Siva Ashtakam
6. Linga Ashtakam
7. Visvanatha Ashtakam
8. Bilva Ashtakam
9. Vaidyanatha Ashtakam
10. Chandrasekhar a Ashtakam
11. Kaalabhairava Ashtakam
12. Siva Taandava Stotra
13. Maargabandhu Stotra
These are the days men undergo mental stresses, physical strains and suffer for want of mental peace! Where no medicines could give relief the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to god. Sanskrit is called a divine language to reach the ethereal region, as she is phonetically sharp and powerful. The compact disc contains special Sanskrit prayers to Lord Siva (the auspicious) a powerful deity noted for bestowing boons and satisfying the aspirations of the devotees. Siva is the God of Gods. He is the embodiment of love. Kindness, wisdom and knowledge. He is the form of Linga. Symbolical of the eternal union of the paternal and maternal principles from which all phenomenal variations have originated. Shiva is also called Nataraja (the King of Dancers) in his тАШTaandavaтАЩ (cosmic dance), danced for the welfare of the universe by destroying the evil forces and restoring the universe with the creative forces! He is Dakshinamurthi as he gave wisdom to the rishis, Mruthynnjaya as he saves his devotees from the fear of death! (e.g.Markandeya). The Maha Sivaraatri the Padosha, the 13th day of the dark and bright fornight (Krishna and Sukla Pakshas) and the month Maragasisha are the important periods of workship of Siva. Hence, in order to propitiate the all-powerful Almighty the important recitations of Ashcakes viz, Siva Chandrasekhar, Kalabhairava, Viswanatha, Vidhyanatha and Margabndhu stotra. Dwadasa jyotirlinga stotra panchashara stotra. Suvarnamala stuti, Tandava stotra and a rare piece of Sivasahasranama form the Rudrayamala Tantra are presented here. Sri.K.Malokannan, Sri.K.Shivarajan, Sri P.Jagadeesha Bhat and a host of others have recited these in the traditional manner with the academic touch and guidance of their Guru.Dr.R.Thiagarajan.
"1. Gayatri Mantras
2. Mrutyunjaya Stotra
3. Mrita Sanjivani Stotra
4. Amrita Sanjivani Stotra
The Sanskrit termтАЭGayatri MantraтАЭ denotes the guaranteed protection to those who thick of it, Sound it by uttering it and meditate upon it. It is in essence, a mystical metrical composition of rhythmic syllables intended to produce and order of sound or tune, consistently with the invocatory process of incantation enshrined in it. The order of sound and its repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Gayatri is only the name of metre in which many of the Rig Vedic mantras are couched.
Apart from the popular Brahma mantra or тАЬSavitaa GayatriтАЭ, here are the excellent collections; some of them are rare, excelling in their efficacy and potency, in the display of extra-ordinary mystic and miraculous powers.
This compact disc contains the Gayatri mantras of various deities viz., Ajapa, Ganapati, Shanmukha, Saastha, Rudra, Vishnu Lakshmi, Havagriva, Varaaha, Narasimha, Sita, Rama, Lakshmana, Radha, Krishna Srinivasa Brahma, Hamsa, Durga, Neelaa, Dakshinamoorthi, Dhara, Devi, Aghora, Ghora, Kaali, Bhuvaneswari, Nandi, Sudarsana, Vishvaksena, Garuda, Anjaneya, Sarabha, Mantra,Tantra, Yantra indrakshi, Sankha, Navagrahas, Kameswari, Bhagamalini, Nithyaklinna, Bherunda , Vanhivasini, Vajerswari, Shivadooti, Tvaritaa , Kulasundari, Bhagamalini, Nithyaklinna, Bherunda Vanhivasini Vajreswari, Shivadooti, Tvaritaa, Kulasundari, Nityaklina, Neelapataaka, Vijaya, Sarvamangala, Jvaalaamalini, Chitra, Saraswathi,Gowri,Mahaduga, deepadurga, Shiva,Parvati, Hari, Vamana, Sharada, Shakti, Chandesavara, Bilva, Indra,parasurama, Shila, Bhairava,Vrushaba, Kaala, Panchabhutas, Shanka, Gopala Narayana, Dattaatreya, Chandi, Paramahamsa, Thulasi, Annapoorna, Tirpurasundari, Soolini, Chandesha, Baalatripura,Shyamala, Kaartaveeya, Shiva(meuthantra), Septamatrukaas, Mahaamaari, Vaagbhava, Amretesvani, Mrytynjaya, Mrita Sanjivani, Amritasanjivandi Stotras are also included here.
Sri.K.Malolakannan, Sri K.Shivarajan, Sri.P.Jagadeesha Bhat and a host of others have recited these in the traditional manner with the academic touch and guidance of their Guru.Dr.R.Thiagarajan, M.A.Ph.D., and with the help of Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayagam, Music Director.
"1. Om A Salutation to God , the ultimate HIM
2. Bhoor The eternal
3. Bhuvam The Creator
4. Svah The Independent
5. Tat Eternal
6. Savithur Sun as the Creative Principle of light
7. Varenyam Supreme God
8. Bhargo Light that bestows wisdom, Bliss and life
9. Devasya Light of God
10. Dheemahi We Mediate
11. Dhiyo Intellect
12. Yo Nah Lead us
13. Prachodayaat Towards Illumination
Wonderful Human Welfare Formulae
Mantras are the mystical formula discovery by our ancient Scientist (Rishis) to invoke cosmic energy for the welfare of humans to enjoy a pleasant and peaceful stay on this earth. Amongst all the Mantras the Gayatri Mantra, which is supposed to be the discovery of the sage Vishvamitra is head high for its unfailing efficacy. It summons the deity Savita, the prime-cause of this entire cosmos, the nucleus of the Sun and the energizer of the Solar system. The term тАЬGayatri MantraтАЭ connotes the guaranteed protection to those who think of it, pronounce it and mediate upon it, тАШwe mediate on the adorable effulgence of the lord of all creations, so that it may energize our consciousness.тАЩ This is the central verbal idea of the Mantra. It is in essence, a mystical formula couched in Vedic Gayatri meter with an order of sound or tune, and its repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing of the repetition of this sacred Mantra bestows good health prosperity, success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude. Divine incarnations like Rama, Krishna the spiritual seers like Vishvamitra, Yajanvalkya, -to mention a few, and all those who wield the divine and yogic powers, have downloaded the divine energy by reciting this Mantra form the infinite source Gayatri, the mother principle and attained the greatest benefits.
Mrtynjaya is Shiva as Conqueror of the Death. His mantra is тАЬom jum sahтАЩ. тАШSah jum OmтАЭ-is its cyclic finish. The bija (the seed syllable) is Om. The Shankthi is jum (Parashakthi), the lynchpin is Sah. The Seer of this mantra is Maha Chama Pada. The meditation and recitation of this powerful Mantra, removes diseases destroyer enemies bestows happiness fulfills aspirations, gives success and saves the life on the threshold of death.
This CD contains the divine vibrations of these Mantras rendered in scientific tunes by the popular singer Sri Unnikrishnan, guided by Dr.R.Thigarajan, M.A., PhD the Head of
the Postgraduate and Research Dept, of Sanskrit, Presidency College, and Chennai. The famous music director Dhina, scores the credit for musical feat.
"1. Vanthisuve тАУ Nattai тАУ Kandachapu тАУ Purandarados
2. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthasri тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Thyagaraja
3. Palimpa тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi (Tisranadai) - Pallavi Seshayyam
4. Madava Mamava - Neelambari тАУ Adi тАУ Narayanatheerthar
5. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kamboji тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan
7. Marati Abang тАУ Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam - Namadev
Born into a family of singers, this supreme classical Indian carnatic vocalist was eventually known as MLV, an acronym standing for melody, laya and vidwat, three essential Components of her, and hopefully anyone elseтАЩs music (Loosely translated, thatтАЩs melody, rhythmic variation, and depth of feeling). She was one of a select triad of female vocalists who pushed the envelope in a male-deminated culture, not only earning the right to perform on concert stages instead of only at private parties, but also being allowed to develop and demonstrate the ability to perform extended serious pieces from a variety of classical disciplines. Her associate female liberators were the vocalists D.K.Pattammal and M.S.Subbulakshmi. VasanthakumariтАЩs mother was the concert performer Lalithangi.
Sudha has a golden touch in her voice which enthralls her listeners from all over the globe. There is tantalizing mystery behind that cherubic smile. Her deep relish for tradition and mystical old-world charm is supremely addictive. Her foundation in the world of music was laid at a young age. Her mother Smt.Choodamani groomed her at a very early period before the onus to nurture her music fell upon Vidwan Sri.B.V.Lakshman.
"Mantras are the mystical formulae of sound or tune and their repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in them. They are discovered by our ancient scientists (Rishis) to invoke powers form the infinite cosmic energy for the welfare of humans to enjoy a pleasant and peaceful stay on this earth.
Sunarsana Mantra is held high for its unfailing efficacy. It summons the weapons discus (the defence against all inimical forces), supposed to have been presented by Visvakarama to Mahavishnu. Later on, when the lord incarnated as Krishna, it descended from the orbit of the Sun as a present from the God Agni and the Lord is said to have wielded this weapon against Indra and on other occasions in order to extirpate the demonic forces.
тАЬOm Sahasrara Hum PhatтАЭ. This short and a very powerful mantra of six syllables, seeks the power from sudarsana which guarantees protection to those who pronounce it, or hear it and meditate upon it. Hearing of the repetition of this mystical and sacred Mantra Drives away the evil inimical forces or obstacles of any kind and bestows good health, prosperity, success in life, wisdom and at last the divine beatitude.
Goddess Mahaluckshmi is the bestower of mega luck and riches, Her Mantra is тАЬom srim hrim srim Kamala Kamalalaye prasida prasida, sakala saubhagyam dehi om srim hrim srim om Mahalakshmyai namahтАЭ. The meditation and recitation of this powerful Mantra, removes poverty, destroys enemies, bestows happiness, fulfills all ambitions, and gives success in all endeavors.
This Compact Disc contains the divine vibration of these Mantras rendered in scientific tunes by the and popular singer Sri Unnikrishnan, guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan.M.A.Ph.d. the Head of the Postgraduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai. The famous music director Dhina, scores the credit for musical feat.
"1. Sri Hanumad Gayathri
2. Sri Hanumad Dhyanam
3. Sri Hanuman Chalisa
4. Sri Hanumad Bhujangam
5. Sri Hanumad Pancha Rathnam
6. Sri Hanumad Ashtakam
7. Sri Hanumad Sahasranamam
8. Mangalam
Man becomes divine by constantly contemplating on the divine qualities of the divine beings. Eulogies on the extraordinary divine characters are to rejuvenate the innate power that every body possesses. Chanting of the Stotras or even just hearing they bestow prosperity of all kinds and peace of mind.
Hanuman Chalisa (Hindi) of the celebrated devotee Sri Goswami Tulasidas and other select Stotras in Sanskrit on Chiranjivi (the ever living God) are unique in as much as They are vibrant to establish divine connections and in granting the desired objects. Hanuman is the embodiment of Knowledge of all kinds and especially in Grammar. He is tributed by his mentor God Sri Rama as one per excellent in the art of speech.
Contemplation on the divine qualities and recitation or listening of Stotras on him is to imbibe his divine qualities apart from obtaining intellect, strength, fame, courage, fearlessness, and power of speech and prosperity.
This Compact Disc contains Hanuman Chalisa, Hanumad Gayatri, Hanumad Dhyanam, Hanumad Bhujangam, Hanumad pancharathnam, Hanumadashtakam, Hanumad Sahasranama and Hanumad Mangalam recited by Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, Sri Jagadeesa Bhat under the guidance of Dr.R.Thaigarajan M.A.Ph.D., the Head of the Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, and Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the famous Music Director.
"The Bhagavad-Gita is a book on self-discovery and journey into the Abode of God. It helps one move from sorrow driven mortal existence to eternal and blissful life. Desire is a central to all human activity. By eliminating the desires, but by not abandoning the actions, one can free oneself from the bondage caused by the desire driven actions. Such an approach not only liberates us from all struggling and striving, but also reduces greatly our inner anxieties and frustrations, creating in the process a permanent basis for a stable, intelligent and peaceful life. According to the Bhagavad-Gita in the external world is unreal not because it does not exist, but because it is unstable and ever changing. Since it is based upon impermanence, it cannot be relied upon as the vehicle of truth and it should not become the purpose of ones existence. He who clings to such an unstable phenomenon is bound to suffer as he is bound to engage himself in desperate actions to retain his unstable possessions and experience constant anxiety, anger, fear, and envy. Therefore, the Bhagavad-Gita searches for a permanent reality that makes life more meaningful, stable, peaceful and purposeful. It discards layer after layer of untruth that surrounds us and reveals the shining self that exists in all of us as the centre of truth and permanence that we should all ultimately discover. It is by understanding the hidden self in us we will ultimately discover the supreme self, that exists in all of us and in whom we all exist. The scripture fundamentally deals with three primary teachings, which are called the three secrets. The first secret is about duty. One must do one duty in Accordance with ones nature. The second is about the hidden self. In every one there is a real and hidden self which is different from the external false self. Everyone must realize this difference between the outer self and the inner self. The third secret is about the omnipresence of God. One must live in this world with the awareness that all that exists in this world is but Vasudeva. These three secrets are known as guhya (secret), guhyatara (more sectet) and guhyatma (most secret). The second third fourth fifth and eighteenth Chapters deal with the first secret. The second, sixth, thirteenth to eighteenth chapters deal with the second secret. The third, seventh, eight, ninth, tenth to eighteenth chapters deal with the third secret. Each verse and every chapter in it is loaded with multiple meanings, enabling each to understand it and interpret it in his own way. When we feel that we have understood it all can safely to elsewhere for inspiration, a particular verse or a chapter again starts bothering us with its new wisdom or a perplexing insight. That is why today we have so many interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gita form various scholars.
Each verse is considered to be a very sacred mantra. The seed mantra of this scripture is said to be the 11th verse in chapter 11. The Shakti mantra of this scripture, because of which it is endowed with the divine blessings and able to exert influence on the humankind for centuries, is said to be the 66th verse in chapter 18.
"Asvamedha Sacrifice is held high and was termed as the Universal lord of Sacrifices. This is performed by the unrivalled paramount sovereign called Sarvabhauma. It is recorded that one who performs the Asvamedha conquers all the quarters; conquers the world; He attains everything he desires. It is the expiation of all sins; it is the medicine of all i.e., Universal Panacea. He acquires all Kingdoms, тАШexorbitant wealth and the highest status. As, this sacrifice involves heavy expenditure and enormous paraphernalia ordinary persons cannot perform this.
However, it is believed that тАШheaving the mantras chanted from the Asvamedha chapters of the Veda bestows all the powers that would accrue for a performer. Hence, to make the listeners prosper ever and ever, Mantras form the Asvamedha Prakarana of the Sukla Yajurveda(Kanva Sakha) are chanted in a rare svara set by the Sage Yajnavalkya the pioneering priest in the performance of yagas. The Kanva Rendition is rare and for the first time. Some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought out and also preserved for prosterity, in the compact disc format for the sake of our listeners!
All these Mantras are recited by the eminent Ganapaati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri (Yajnavalkya Gurukulam, Ambattur) and his disciples Sri Srinivasa Sarma, Sri Manjunathan, Sri Sankaran being co-ordinated by prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit. Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayakam the famous Music Director.
SUPER AUDIO MADRAS (P) LTD., the producers of this compact disc wish all those fond of Vedic recitation to derive all the benefits showered by the Verda
"1. Gnana Vinayakane тАУ Gambheera Natai тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Saxophone тАУ Kadri Gopalnath
2. Swarajathi тАУ Bairavi- Misrachappu тАУ Shyamasastri тАУ Flute тАУ N.Ramani
3. Swara Raga тАУ Sankarabharanam тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja- Nadaswaram тАУ Sheikh Chinna Moulana
4. Santhana тАУ Balamanjari тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Mandolin тАУ U. Srinivas
5. Ramabhirama тАУ Darbar тАУ Misrachappu - Thyagaraja тАУ Violin тАУ Kunnakudi R.Vaidyanathan
6. Samagana Lolane тАУ Hindholam тАУ Roopakam тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУ Veena. E.Gaayathri
7. Thani Avarthanam тАУ Mridangam тАУ T.Bakthavachalam
"1. Sri Krishna Gayathri and Sri Krishna Sahasranamam
2. Gopika Geetham (Rasaleela)
3. Sri Gopala Vimsathi
4. Sri Krishnashtakam (Adi Sankara)
5. Madhurashtakam
6. Kanduka Stotram
7. Krishnashtakam
8. Sri Krishna Dyana Mala
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the Spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Here are some prayers to Lord Krishna the most commonly worshipped deity becaused of His great Godly Power. He is considered to be the eighth. Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Sri Krishna delivered Bhagavad-Gita. He is well known for his bravery in destroying evil powers. The Lord is usually depicted as playing the flute (murali), indicating spread of the melody of love to people. He is also shown with his childhood devotee Radha. The Lord is usually remembered and worshipped as Radha-Krishna. The pair symbolizes the eternal love between people and god. Lord Krishna is also shown with his pet cow, his Childhood favorite. Lord Krishna performed many divine sports (leela) as a child establishing contact with this Super power through prayer achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
This Compact Disc contains Sri Krishna Gayatri, Sri Krishna Sahasranamam Gopika Gitam. Gopalavimsati, Sri Krishnashtakam (Adi Sankara), Madhurashtakam, Kanduka Stotram (Madhacarya), Krishnashtakam, Krishna Dhyamala, and Sri Krishna Mangalam.
These are tuned in a spiritual rhythm and recited by. Dr.R.Thiagarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghyraman M.A.MPhil., Sri.P.Bhaktavastsalam, and Sri.P.Jagadeesa Bhat with the technical support of the famous Music Director Sri. Manikkavinayakam.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the products of this Compact Disc wishes all the devotees to obtain the grace of Lord Krishna and lead a life of prosperity and spiritual enlightenment!
"1. Sri Ganesa Gayathri & Sri Mahaganapathy Sahasra Namam
2. Sri Mahaganesa Pancha Ratnam (Adisankara)
3. Sri Shodasaganapathy Dhyanani
4. Sri Ganesashtakam
5. Sri Ganesa Bhujangam
6. Sri Mahaganapathy Pancharathnam
7. Sri Ganapathisthavam
8. Sri Sankashtanasana Ganesa Stotram
9. Sri Ganesa Sthuthi
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the Spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Here are some prayers to Lord Ganesa, the God of Knowledge and the remover of obstacles. His form represents the symbol OM. He is the son of Lord Siva. He is also called Vinayaka or Vigneswara He is worshipped, in the beginning of any endeavor for its successful completion and for securing His blessings.
He has four hands, elephantтАЩs head and a big belly. His vehicle is a tiny mouse. In his hands he carries a rope (to carry devotees to the truth), an axe (to cut devoteesтАЩattachements), and a sweet ball (to reward devotees for spiritual activity). His fourth handтАЩs palm is always extended to bless people. A unique combination of his elephant-like head and a quick moving tiny mouse vehicle represent tremendous wisdom,
Intelligence and presence of mind. Listening to the prayers and thereby gaining contact with this Super power achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
These are tuned in a spiritual rhythm and recited by. Dr.R.Thiagarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghyraman M.A.MPhil., Sri.P.Bhaktavastsalam, and Sri.P.Jagadeesa Bhat with the technical support of the famous Music Director Sri. Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Vibrat Anuvaka
2. Siva Sankalpa
3. Mandala Brahmanam
4. Purusa Sukta
5. Arya Dvadasaka
6. Surya Kavacham
7. Surya Gadyam
8. Navargraha Mantras
9. Oshadhi suktam
10. Vatsapram
11. Badra Sukyam
12. Ayushya Suktam
13. Abhya Rohajapam
Gana Paatam
Yaghavalkya the sage, the Philosopher and the Yogisvara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda a branch of Yajurveda. The Speciality of the Veda lies in the тАШSvaraтАЩ (the accent and intonation) which marks its distinction. Again, this Sukla Yajurveda has two Schools-the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva Rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought out and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of our listeners! Vedic Suktas invoke the Divine blessings to the entire humanity! Suktas are the collection of Mantras-a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when Chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God, Goddess, or deity and secure their divine blessings: its repetition has a primary and a grater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing this sacred Suktas bestows spiritual upliftment, fearlessness, desired boon, good health, fame, wealth prosperity, and success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude.
These hymns propitiate the Sun God and other Deities. The Pursha Sukta, which enunciates the Supreme Being and reveals the grand concept of cosmogony. The whole Universe is only the part of Him and He is the whole. By contemplating on Him one gets more than what is desired for and gets rid of fear.
All these Suktas are recited by the eminent, president awardee Ganapati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri and his disciples Srinivasa Sarma, Manjunathan, and Sankar being Co-ordinated by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the famous Music Director.
"1. Bhu Suktam
2. Varuna Suktam
3. Raksognam
4. Vishnu Suktam
5. Grdha Suktam
6. Apratiratam
7. Rashtra Suktam
8. Rishi Suktam
9. Rithu Suktam
10. Durga Suktam
11. Sri Suktam
12. Saraswati Suktam
13. Mahasanti Suktam
14. Pavamana Suktam
Punyaha Vachanam
Yaghavalkya the sage, the Philosopher and the Yogisvara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda a branch of Yajurveda. The Speciality of the Veda lies in the тАШSvaraтАЩ (the accent and intonation) which marks its distinction. Again, this Sukla Yajurveda has two Schools-the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva Rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought out and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of our listeners!
Vedic Suktas invoke the Divine blessings to the entire humanity! Suktas are the collection of Mantras-a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings: its repetition has a primary and a grater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing this sacred Suktas bestows spiritual upliftment, fearlessness, desired boon, good health, fame, wealth prosperity, and success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude.
This Compact Disc contains BHU SUKTAM (Prayer to the mother earth) VARUNA SUKTAM (Prayer to the rain god) RAKSHOGNAM (for safety from evils) VISHNU SUKTAM, (Prayer to Lord Vishnu) GRUDHA SUKTAM, APRTIFATAM, RASHITRA SUKTAM, (prayer for the country), RISHI SUKTAM, (for rishis) RITU SUKTAM, (for the seasons) DURGA SUKTAM, SRI SUKTAM., SARASVATI SUKTAM, MAHASHANTHI SUKTAM, PAVAMANAM, PUNYAHAVACHANAM. The Maha Shanthi Sukta is for attaining peace in all spheres!
All these Suktas are recited by the eminent, president awardee Ganapati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri and his disciples Srinivasa Sarma, Manjunathan, and Sankar being Co-ordinated by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the famous Music Director
"1. Sri Sai Gayathri
2. Sri Sainatha Suprapatham
3. Sri Sainatha Mananam
4. Sri Sainatha Ashtothrams
5. Sri Sainatha Prarthana
6. Sri Sainatha Sapthsloki
7. Sri Sainatha Anushasanam
8. Sri Sai Sthothrams
9. Sri Sai Mangala Shasanam
10. Sri Sainamagoham
Sai (means тАЬSaintтАЭ in Persian), the word that is often repeated, with utmost devotion as a Mantra, all around the world. Shirdi Sai Baba was the Divine Incarnate and has a large number of devotes spanning a variety of religions. The vibrant religious unity was reflected in his words тАЬSab Ka Malik EkтАЭ (One God governs all). In Him were vested the philosophy of all saints. He practisedand preached humanism and universal brotherhood. He established the supremacy of love and compassion above egotism. He taught simplicity of living and excellence of human virtue. In today/rquotes world, humankind is seeking quick, magical solutions to all sorts of problems. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in the world and happiness to mankind have failed; for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by shri Sai.The magnetism of Shirdi Sai Baba \rquotes Divine soul is felt by those who merely think of Him. Baba promised to drive away the miseries, of all his devotees and bestower plenty of joy and happiness, help and guidance and overall prosperity!
"1. Aanandamrutha тАУ Amirthavarshini тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshithar
2. Manasunillpa тАУ Abogi - Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Chandrasekara тАУ Hindolam - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
4. Barusae тАУ Brindavanasaranga тАУ Adi тАУ Meera
5. Aparadi тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi - Purandaradasa
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim тАУ Hamsadwani тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshithar
2. Vasudevayani тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Thiyagarajar
3. Unnaiandri Uttra Thunai тАУ Bhavani тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dhandapani Desikar
4. Gajavadana тАУ Begada тАУ Adi тАУ Vijaya Vittala Dasa
5. Om Namo Narayana тАУ karna Ranjani тАУ K.Chappu тАУ Ambujam Krishna
6. Pirava Varam Tharum тАУ Lathangi тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi
7. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
"1. Solitary Dusk
2. Tilting Waves
3. Enchantment
4. Milky way
5. Tranquil Dream
6. Moonlit Rain
7. Nostalgia
8. Distant Love
9. Spring Blooms
10. A Promise forever
Biological linkage with music has been enunciated in several ancient scriptures which has been amplified by the dictum тАЬShishu Vetti Pashum Vetti Vetti Ganarasah PhanihтАЭ i.e., the effect felt subconsciously and not by conscious effort. The effect of lullaby on a child stands testimony to this natural phenomenon. The therapeutic effect of music and different tunes on human beings especially in curing hypertension and maintaining Metabolic balance has been proved in the extensive research conducted by various research groups. Music is indeed cataleptic which can be fruitfully employed by persons engulfed in high tension mechanical more of mundane existence. Here is the panacea for the modern times malady of stress and strain through the mind.
"1. Om Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha
2. Om Saravana Bhava
3. Om Swamiye Saranam Ayappa
4. Om Sri Arunachaleswara Namaha
5. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
6. Gayathri Manthram
"1. Varanam тАУ Ranjani тАУ Adi тАУ G.N. Balasubramanian
2. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Gananaya тАУ DesikaRishaba Priya тАУ Adi тАУ Koteswara Iyer
4. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kambhoji тАУ Adi тАУ Thayagarajar
5. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan
6. Marati Abang тАУ Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam тАУ Namdeu
"1. Sri Sanaischara Gayathri
2. Sri Sanaischara Sahasranamam
3. Sri Sanaischara Stotram
4. Sri Sanaischara Kavacham
5. Sri Sanaischara Ashtakam
6. Sri Sanaischara Ashtottara Sathanamavalli
7. Sri Sanaischara Mangalam
Sanaischara (Sanskrit тАУтАЬslow moverтАЭ) is reputed to be both, a giver and destroyer. Prayers to Sanaischara alleviates the problems and worries. Of all the nine planets, Sanaischara, the off spring of Surya and Chaaya, inspires the most awe. This is because he is said to hold sway over a personтАЩs Satum is a karaka, or indicatior, of longevity, Misery, sorrow, old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibility, delays, ambition, leadership and authority, hard work, organization, reality and time itself. Starting form the position of this planet in the horoscope to the corresponding placement s of other planets. Lord Sani is believed to influence the course of oneтАЩs life. Sanaischara resides in each Rasi for a period of 2 ┬╜ years. When Sanaischara resides in the 12th, 1st and 2nd house, it is 7 ┬╜ Naatu Sani; when in the 4th house, it is Ardhastama Sani; when in the 8th house, it is Ashtama Sani. During these periods, he trobles the native. Problems form Government, wife children slowdown in business, loss of property, diseases are caused by the transit of Sani. In a personтАЩs life 7 ┬╜ Naatu Sani aspects thrice, the first called Mngu Sani, the second called Pongu Sani and the third called Marana Sani, DHYANAM: тАЬNilanjana samabhasam Ravi putram Yamarjam, chaya marttanda Sambhutam tam namami sanaischaramтАЩMOOLA MANTRAтАЭ: тАЬAum hrim shrim graham sakravartine Sanaischaraya klim aim such svaha тАЬGAYATRI: Aum Sanaischaraya vidhamhe, sooryaputraya dhimahi, tanno manda prachodayat. Sanaischara is a beneficient тАЬgrahaтАЭ Any adverse effect is due to placement in an individual horoscope which could be overcome by worshipping him.
"1. Vastu Gayatri
2. Vighneswara Puja
3. Sankalpa
4. Punyahavacana
5. Kalasa Puja
6. Vastu Parivara devata Avahanam (Dhyana, Navagraha & Lokapalapuja)
7. Pranapratistha
8. Upacare Puja
9. Vastu Namavali
10. Vastu Santi and Japa Mantras
11. Dhupa
12. Dipa
13. Naivedya
14. Karpura Nirajanam
15. Mantra puspam
16. Pradaksina Namaskaram.
17. Yathasthnam
18. Proksanam
тАЬVastuтАЭ is a creative, dynamic and scientific Vedic System of Architecture to design a building, house, office etcтАж it has been developed by ancient sages to ensure good fortune, peace, prosperity, creativity, health, happiness, and harmony for the inhabitants.
Inaccurately designed structures create anxiety, stress and unhappiness. Poorly designed structures produce sickness and depression. тАЬVastuтАЭ combines the earthтАЩs magnetic fields, the influence of planets and other celestial bodies along with cosmic rays. It plays a vital role in happy family life and prosperity of business. Today, with the growing urbanization, and scarcity of space it is practically impossible to even dream of a home or office conforming to the laws of тАЬVastuтАЭ. In such a situation it is not economical and feasible to either reconstruct of demolish the existing building.
Hence, to ward of the evil effects of such buildings without conformity to Vastu Sastra Vastu Puja and Vastu Santi Mantras are traditionally recited creating the vibration to
Invoke natural harmony and the blessings of тАЬVastu PurusaтАЭ, the Divine Lord of Architecture.
This Compact disc enhances the compatibility between the House/Office and its occupants. It improves spiritual and material life, creativity, intelligence, the health, longevity of life, and the relationship among the residents. When this vibration is created in work spots it increases the efficiency of employees their creativity and intelligence. It ensures smooth functioning of the business and profit. There is no need to demolish or restructure the building, if this puja and Shanthi Mantras are regularly vibrated on the premises with faith and confidence on the Divine Powers.
"1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Pancasanti
3. Ghosasanti
4. Mahasanti
5. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter II
6. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter III
7. Isavasya Upanishad
Asirvada Mantras
Meditation is the language of the soul with lonely musings to converse with God! Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit, is the nurse of thought and thought for food for meditation. It bathes one in the rivers of divine pleasure. It treads the path of peace and views the mansion of Etemity. By meditation the great enemies to peace viz, avarice, envy, anger, and pride could be banished which will lead to infallible enjoyment of perpetual peace.
Prayer through Mantras is the wing with which the soul flies to heaven and meditation the eyes with which we see God. Prayers chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the God or Goddess concerned and invoke powers from the infinite cosmic energy.
Here is a divine capsule exclusively meant for Meditation and Mental Peace. This contains the recitation of Gayatri Mantra, Panacasanti, Ghosasanti, Mahasanti, Bhagavad-Gita chapter II and III, Isavasyaupanishad and Asivada Mantras. By hearing and meditation silently on this recitation and thereby forming the link with the divine forces. One could obtain Mental Peace along with prosperity fame, fearlessness, success in life, spiritual strength, wisdom and lastly the divine beatitude.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their
"1. Mahalaksmi Mantra
2. Sri Suktam
3. Bhagyasuktam
4. Ayusyasuktam
5. Sakala Devata Bija Mantras
6. Camakam
7. Kanakadhara Stotram
8. Astalaksmi Stotram
9. Asirvada
When man suffers for want to wealth he is mentally upset. He feels dejected. When no amount of hard work could give relief, the only way to secure wealth is the wink of luck from the eyes of Goddess of wealth and the blessings of the spiritual entities. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. A prayer through Sanskrit, the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils them.
Navigate your soul to the divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and incantations. This Divine Elixir is provided for you to suit your need in the form of Vedic Mantras with the natural harmonizing symphony of sounds to tap the divine source of energy, which will fetch you enormous wealth as well as happiness.
Mantras when chanted with devotion, faith and emotion, gravitate the God or Goddess concerned or deity and secure the divine blessings. For Divine help one must maintain link with divine forces. By regular use of Mantras, a subtle link is formed and through this one could obtain any desired boon. One could obtain wealth, prosperity fame, fearlessness, success and spiritual uplitment.
Here are some propitiation exclusively compiled for wealth and Happiness. This wealthy compilation includes the recitation of Mahalakshmi Mantra Sri Suktam, Bhagyasuktam, Ayusyasuktam, Sakala Devata bija mantras Camakam, Kanakadhara Stotram, Ashtalakshmi stortram and asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Mrtyunjaya Mantra
2. Sudarsana Mantram
3. Ayusya Suktam
4. Bhagya Suktam
5. Mrtyusuktam
6. Amrta Sanjivani Stotram
7. Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambham
8. Amrta Sanjivani Stotram
9. Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambham
10. Camakam
11. Garuda Dandakam
12. Bhaskara Gayatri and Surya Kavacam
13. Sanaischara Gayatri and Kavacam
14. Sanaischara Gayatri and Kavacam
15. Sankastha Nasana Ganesa Stotram
16. Mahalaksmi Angala Stotram
17. Asivadam
The first and foremost wealth is health. And long life is the gift of God. A healthy body alone can house a healthy mind. Health is the key to open up all the avenues of enjoyments. Though, good health is maintained by the proper nourishment of the body and physical exercises, it requires divine sanction. So also a healthy mind and along long life are to be sanctioned by the Divine Powers.
Since the prayers through Sanskrit the divine language have the efficacy to invoke boons and blessings of God, we are introducing a long tested therapy of Mantras. Navigate your soul to the Divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and incantations to invoke powers from the infinite cosmis energy for deriving Good health and useful long life.
This Compact Disc is exclusively compiled for Health and Long Life. The following are the Chants: Mrtyunjaya Mantra Sudarasana Mantram, Ayusya Suktam, Bhagya Suktam, Mrtyusuktam, Amrta Sanjivani Stotram, Lakshmi Narasimha karavalamabham, Camakam, Garuda Dandakam, Bhaskara Gayatri and Surya Kavacam, Sanaiscara Gayatri and kavacam, Sankastha Nasana Ganesa stotram, Mahalakshmi Angala Stotram and Asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Sudarsana Mantra
2. Amrita Sanjivani Stotram
3. Devata Gayatri
4. Garuda Dandakam
5. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 5
6. Raghuvera Gadyam
7. Shodasayudha Stotram
8. Ashwamedya Mantra
9. Asirvada
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit, the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishe oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfill the demand of the soul and act as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Do you have problems? Do you suffer from the stresses and strains? Do you wish to get what you want? Here is a long tested therapy. Navigate your soul to the Divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and Incantations. This Divine Elixir which the Doctors canтАЩt prescribe is provided for you in the form of Vedic Mantras with the natural harmozing symphony of sounds, the hearing of which have the power to release the Stress and Stains apart from obtaining wealth, prosperity, fame fearlessness, success in life, spiritual strength wisdom and the divine beatitude.
This compact disc exclusively meant to relieve stress and strains has the following contents: Sudarsana Mantra, Amrta Sanjivani Storram, Garuda Dandakam, Bhargavad Gita chapter 5, Raghuvera Gadyam, Shodasayudha stortram, Aswamedha mantra and Asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Mahalaksmi Mantra
2. Asthalaksmi Stotram
3. Camakam
4. Kanakadhara Stotram
5. Ashwamedya Mantras
6. Saraswati Suktam
7. Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambha Stotram
8. Ayusya Suktam
9. Bhagya Suktam
10. Vani Stavam
11. Asirvadam
Proper planning, hard efforts, necessary qualification for an endeavour, Will Power and the logical intelligence and ability to work on the possibilities are the keys that open up a career leading to success. тАЬMan is the creator of his own destinyтАЭ says Swami Vivekananda. Creating opportunity or grabbing the right opportunity is entirely in the hands of an optimistic person. A strong will coupled with the staunch faith in god fetch the desired fruits. One must deserve for what he desires.
A person seeking a career and success in all his endeavours, despite fulfilling the above requirements faces some hurdles caused by the destiny unknown to his reason. At this juncture, the only remedy to overcome his destiny and turn it towards his success and Successful career is to pray to God. It is the effective remedy. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit, the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem.
Navigate your soul to the Divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and Incantations. Here is a divine sound capsule exclusively meant for getting a prosperous career and success.
The followings are the chants: Mahalakshmi Mantras, Asthalakshmi Stotram, Camakam, Kanakadhara Stotram, Aswamedha Mantras, Saraswathi Suktam, Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambha Storam, Ayusya Suktam, Bhagya Suktam, Vani Stavam, and Asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Kamadava Gayatri and Vedic Mantra for Concord
2. Kandarpa Mahima
3. Mammatha Prabhava (Kalidasa)
4. Prema Sandesa (Kalidasa)
5. Kamakala Vilasa (Bhartrhani)
6. Srngarollasam (Kalidasa)
7. Kamini Cantonal (Bilahana)
8. Kama Lahari (Amaru)
9. Suratotsavam (Kalidasa)
10. Rati Manmatha Namavali
11. Kama Sammohana Mantras
Life is lovely only when it coupled with Romance. Romance is the off spring of Love. There is in life no blessing like Romance, it soothes, hallows, elevates, subdues and brings down to earth is native heaven. Of all the earthly music, that which reaches farthest into heaven is the beating of a truly loving heart. There is no earthly happiness exceeding that of reciprocal satisfaction in the conjugal state, says H.Giles. Mutual love, Passion and attraction towards men and maidens are not aberrations. On the other hand this brings together the like minded opposite sex, crazily waiting to avail the happy heavenly sanction of union loving and actions which manifest love, is a creative force that emanated from the creator of the world. However, people without knowing this art, Fail to maintain compatibility with the spouse of their heart and end in divorce or dejection.
This compact disc is intended for those who like to attract the person of their heart, be it a male or female and to accomplish their deep passionate desires through the stimulating vibrations of sound focused in ancient texts for the happy union of hearts. These vibrations when absorbed with concentration and meditation stimulate in various ways the senses of human body, and result in mutual attraction of two different souls.
This compact disc of romance comprise of kamadeva gayatri and Vedic Mantra for Concord kandarpa Mahima, Manmatha Prabhava(kalidasa), Prema Sandesa(kalidasa), Kamakala Vilasa (Bharathan) Kama lahari(Amaru) Suratosavam(Kalidasa), Rati Manmatha Namavali and kama Sammohana Mantras.
These are recited in the judicious tones with proper diction by DR.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Tmt.A.K.Chandra, Tmt.Usha Vishwanath, Thiry.Bhaktavatsslam and Thiru.Karpooram, under the guidance of the famous music director Thiru.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Adi Kondar - Mayamalavagowla тАУ Adi тАУ Muthu Thandavar тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
2. Samagana Priye- Anandha Bhairavi тАУAdi- G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУJayashankar & Valayappatti
3. Indavibishana тАУ Banthuvarali тАУ Roopakam - Anunchala Kavi - MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
4. Aela Nee Thayaradhu тАУ Adana тАУ Adi тАУThyagaraja тАУ Karaikurichi.P.Arunachalam
5. Chinnanchiru тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Adi - U.Shanmugam тАУ Namagiripettai Krishnan
6. Western Notes тАУ MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
"1. Raghuvamasasudha тАУ Kathanakudhukalam тАУ Adi тАУ Pattinam Subramanua Iyer- Jayashankar & Valayappatti
2. Om Saravana Bhava тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Adi - Papanasam sivan тАУ Karaikurichi.P.Arunachalam
3. Rangasayee тАУ Kambhoji тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
4. Sababathikku тАУAbhogi тАУ Roopakam тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi тАУ Namagiripettai Krishnan
5. Thunbam Naragayil - Desh тАУ Ekathalam тАУ Bharathidasan тАУ MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
6. Bhavayami Gopalam - Yamuna Kalyani Khandachappu тАУ Annamacharya - Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
7. Dolayam тАУ Kamas - Tisra Ekam Annamacharya - Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
"Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi is the bestower of Megaluck, Material Prosperity, Wealth and Divine Wisdom to all her devotees. She is the divine тАЬShaktiтАЭ variously manifesting as Mahalakshmi, Vidyalakshmi, Vaibhavalakshmi, Kuberalakshmi, and Soubhayalakshmi and so on depending on the appeal of the devotees through prayers to get their wishes fulfilled. She is the one who recommends her devotees to Her Lord Narayana for their salvation.
The mystical formula in the form of Mantras discovered by our ancient Rishis to grace and favour of Mahalakshmi has the time-tested efficacy. Any mantra gains impetus only when it is repeated several times with one-pointed devotion and concentration on the spell. But, a perfect diction alone can bring about the salutary effect of the Mantra.
Here is the Mahalakshmi Mantra, the Bijaksharas of which are scientifically plaited covering all the manifestations of Lakshmi. This Mantra has been rendered in perfect diction by the famous singer Suchitra Krishnamoorthy, guided by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of PG & Research Dept. of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai and eggiciently set to mood and tuned by the Music Director, Mr.Praveen Mani. Hearing of this Compact Disc in meditative mood would fetch excellent benefits from the Goddess of fortune, Mahalakshmi
"1. Poorvanga Pooja
2. Aasana Pooja
3. Kalasa Pooja Anga Pooja
4. Varalakshmi Ashtottaram
5. Doragranthi Pooja
6. Sri Lakshmi Dhyanam
7. Sri Mahalakshmi Stotram
8. Sri Siddhalakshmi Stotram
9. Sri Jyeshthalakshmi Stotram
10. Sri Lakshmi Hrudayam
Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Wealth includes nobler values of life, power of mind and intellect, moral and ethical qualities that constitute the spiritual wealth fortune, power and beauty. Without the grace of Lakshmi, out toil is of no avail. Varalakshmi is one who grants boons. Performing the Varalakshmi Pooja is said to be equivalent to worshipping all forms of Lakshmi. тАЬThe benefits of performing the Varalakshmi Pooja are тАЬdhanamтАЭ (money), тАЬdhanyamтАЭ (grains of food), тАЬarogayamтАЭ (Health), тАЬsampathтАЭ (property). тАЬSat santhanamтАЭ (vitruous offspring) and тАЬdheerga saumangalyamтАЭ (longevity of the husband). Hence a unique and austere worship to her is done as a Varalakshmi Vratham.
This Compact Disc contains poorvanga Pooja, asana Pooja, kalasa Pooja, anga Pooja, varalakshmi ashottaram, doragranthi Pooja, Sri Lakshmi dhyanam, Sri Mahalakshmi stotram, sri dhanalakshmi stotram, sri jyeshthalakshmi stotram, and sri lakshmi hrudayam.
This Pooja programme is done with devotion in the traditional manner as taught by our ancestors by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, the head of the pg and Research Department of Sanskrit presidency College , Chennai along with his team sri Malokakannan, sri sivarajan, sri caporal and sri bhaktravatsalam with the technical support of sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam music director.
Lord Ganapati is a powerful and popular God. He is worshipped in Temples, shrines and in houses. His grace is sought out while making an auspicious beginning of any endeavor. He is called Lord Vigneshwara, destroyer of obstacles. People worship Him asking for Siddhi (success in undertaking) and buddhi (intelligence). He is also the God of education, knowledge, wisdom literature and fine arts. Ganapati represents the mystic symbol тАЬOMтАЭ (AUM). Here are some prayers seeking favours from Ganapati through the Divine Language, Sanskrit.
"1. Ranjani тАУ Ranjani тАУ Adi тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУ Karakurichi P Arunachalam
2. Kamalamba тАУ Anandabairavi тАУ Misra Chappu тАУ Dikshitar тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna
3. Moulana
4. Motchamugalada тАУ Charumathi - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Namagiripettai Krishnan
5. Vedhanai Evaridam - Parvathi тАУ Kandachapu - Ambujam Krishnan - Jayashankar & Valayappatti
6. Chakkani Raja - Karahara Priya тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
7. Thillana тАУ Kapi тАУ Thisra Ekam тАУ M.D.Ramanathan - Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
"1. Sri Havagriva Gayathri
2. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Sahasranamam
3. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Stotram
4. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Dandakam
5. Sri Lakshmi Pancha Ratnam
Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva (the Lord with the horseтАЩs face) is the presiding deity for all knowledge. тАЬAdhaaram Sarvavidhyaanaam Hayagrivam UpaasmaheтАЭ. It is said that Hayagriva restored the knowledge bank viz Vedas to Brahma the creator. Once, two Asuras, madhu and Kaitabha stole the Vedas from Brahma. The whole world was surrounded by darkness due to the absence of the Vedas. Unable to carry on his work of creation. Without the Vedas. Brahma rushed to Lord Narayana and pleaded for help to restore the Vedas. Lord Narayana at once incarnated with the lustrous white Horse-faced Hayagriva rushed to pathala destroyed the Asuras and resotred the Vedas back to Brahma. There are many versions about the story of Hayagriva in the puranas. It is a traditional belief that the prayer and meditation on Hayagriva will fetch a sound knowledge and will make the devotee a genius in any field. Hence, the recitations of the following devotional lyrics are capusuled to this compact disc.
"1. Sri Lalitha Gayathri
2. Sri Guru Paduka Panchakastavam
3. Sri Devi Kadakamala Namavalli
4. Sri Paduka Panchakastavam
5. Sri Lalitha Prathasmaranam
6. Sri Lalitha Trisathi Namavalli
7. Sri Lalitha Shauna Prarthana
Lalitha Mahatripurasundari is the central goddess to the Sri Vidya tradition the (School of Auspicious WisdomтАЭ. Within the Sri Vidya tradition, the listing of names is often central, as these names are the deityтАЩs mantras (sublte forms of the deity). Lalita has 15 attendants, the Nitya Devis. She resides in three nadi-s (nerve channels), namely sushhumnaa, pingalaa and idaa. She is the ruler of the three Shaktis-ichchaa (will), jnana (knowledge) and kriyaa (action). She pervades all the three words-heaven, earth and the nether world. She is the controller of all the three bodies-sthula (gross), suukshhma (subtle), and karaka (causal). She is the self which is present trough the three states of existence-jaagrat (walking), svapna (dream) and sushhupti (deep sleep). Though she is above all guna-s, she pervades the three modes of energy-sativa (purity), rajas (mobility) and tamas (inertia). Brahmanda тАУpurana extols the Goddess Lalitha as the savior of the world Lalitha trishati in which 300 names of the goddess is featured. Adi Shankaraachaarya has written a commentary for this. Lalitha trishati is important like Lalitha sahasranaama. Agastya told Hayagriva that thought he has heard about Sri Chakra upaasana and the Lalitha sahasranaama but he lacks the satisfaction of knowing all the secrets. Lord Hayagriva advised Agastya that the worship of the goddess will achieve the purpose of life, gives liberation from bondage, very easily and taught the secret Lalitha trishati.
Since the recitation of тАЬTrisatiтАЭ is conspired important, this Compact Disc is specially produced within the following recitations тАУ Sri Lalitha Gayathri, Sri Guru Paduka Panchakastavam, Sri Devi Kadakamala Namavalli, Sri Paduka Panacharatnastavam, Sri Lalitha Prathasmaranam, Sri Lalitha Trisathi Namavalli and Sri Lalitha Shauna Prathana.
These mantras are recited in the traditional tunes by Prof.R.Thiagarjan, the Head of the PG and research Dept. of Sanskrit Presidency College, and Chennai along with his team, Dr.L.Sampath Kumar, Sri.K.Malolakannan, Sri.Bhaktavastsalam, Sri Sivarajan and Srimati Usha Viswanath.
"1. Charanam Siddhi тАУ Sowmya
2. Vegame Gaava тАУ Abogi тАУ Adi тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna тАУ Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna
3. Palimpa - Arabhi тАУ Adi тАУ Pallavi Seshyyam - Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
4. Barusae тАУ Brindavanasaranga тАУ Adi тАУ Mera - Maharajapuram Santhanam
5. Naa Naati Batukku тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
6. Amma Krupai Thandhu тАУ Kapi - Adi тАУ Mazhavai Chidambara Bharathi тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
"1. Surya Gayatri
2. Rashmivarnanam
3. Asva Varnanam
4. Arunavarnanam
5. Suryaratha Varnanam
6. Mandalavarnanam
7. Suryanarayana Stuti
8. Phalasruti
9. Akshi Upanishad
10. Surya Mangalam
There is no peace without the grace of God, and there is no grace of God without Prayer. Undoubtedly, prayer requires a living faith in God. Prayer should be an integral part of the healing process.
The Surya Sataka is a тАЬcentadтАЭ of stanzas glorifying Sun God and invoking His blessings. It was composed in Sanskrit by Mayura Kavi, the court poet of Harsha Vardhana in the 7th Century A.D. The chanting or hearing of these verses, create potent vibrations which would fetch remedy for the diseases of any kind by the Sun godтАЩs grace transmitted through his rays. Experienced ancestors and saints have recommended this hymn as one curing leprosy, eye diseases etc. The poet тАЬMayuraтАЭ himself was relieved from his ailment. More than 15 commentaries of this hymn reveal its merit and efficacy. This hymn was very popular in Sri Lanka too. This hymn is judiciously couched in Sragdhara (Garlanding) metre and highly esteemed by the Sanskrit rhetoricians. It praises Surya as the supreme in the universe. It describes his rays, disc, chariot etc. тАЬArogyam Bhaskarat iccherтАЭ is the adage, which means that good health is sought from the sun.
This mantra comprises of Surya Gayatri, Rashmivamanam, Asva Vamanam, Arunavamanam, Suryaratha Vamanam, Mandalavaramanam, Suryanarayana stuti, Phalasruti, Akshi Upanishad to cure eye diseases and Surya Mangalam.
These are chanted in the spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Bhaktavasalam and Mrs.Usha Viswanath, under the supervision of the Music Director, Mr.Manika Vinayagam.
"1. Nandikeshwara Pooja
2. Nandikeshwara Ashottara Satanamavali
3. Vighneswara Pooja
4. Sankalpa
5. Poojas to Ghanta and Kalasa
6. Pradosha Pooja
7. Anga Pooja
8. Siva Ashottara Satanamavali
9. Dhoopa тАУ Dipa тАУ Naivedya тАУ Nirajanam
10. Prarthana
11. Arghyapradana
12. Siva Panchakshara Nakshatramaalaa
13. Siva Ashottara Nama Sataka Stotram
14. Pradoshamahima Stotram
The time of sunset or the dusk is highly auspicious for the worship of Lord Siva. It is during this time all beings attain peace tentatively ceasing from the tiresome monotony of worldly activities and take rest to resume creativity the next day. This time was discovered by our ancient Rishis as suitable for worship, especially to Siva. The pradosha worship is done in the evening twilight on the thirteenth day of each lunar for night. It is the worship of Lord Siva for victory and success in all undertaking, and the fulfillment of all our heartтАЩs cherished desires. Pradpsha is the worship of Lord Siva and Parvati when they both are in an extremely propitious mood.
Repeatedly worsted in war by the demons, the gods approached Lord Siva to bless them with a leader for their classical hosts. They came to the Lord at twilight on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight and found Him in the blissful company of His consort, Parvati. Hymned and glorified by them, Siva immediately granted their prayerful request. Hence, the extreme auspiciousness of the period. It is believed that during this auspicious period all the hosts of classical beings and gods come down from the heavens and attend the worship in their subtle form. This adds immensely to the sanctity of the worship. The listening of these Pooja mantras would invoke the blessings of the divine couple and bring merits, wealth and prosperity!
Hence, in order to cater to the wish of the devotees this compact disc contains the recitation of the traditional pradosha Pooja comprising, Nandikeshwara Pooja, nandiskeshwara Ashottara Satanamavali, Vighneswara Pooja, Sankalpa, Poojas to Ghanta and Kalasa, Prodosha Pooja, Anga Pooja Siva Ashottara Satanamavali, Dhoopa-Dipa-Naivedya-Niriajanam, Prathana, Arghyapradana, Siva Panchakshara Nakshatramaalaa, Siva Ashottara Nama Sataka Storam and Proadoshamahima Storam.
"1. Shiva тАУ Shiva Stotra
2. Daaridruya Dahana Shiva Stotra
Prayer requires a living faith in God and there is no grace of God without prayer. Shakti Mahima Stotra composed by the Sage Durvasa is a famous hymn in the worship of Shakti. The first part of this work contains the Matrikas (the mystic syllables) like Soundaraya Lahari the first part of this Stotra forms as the explanation of Mantras and the second part describes the form of Shakti. The method of meditating upon Kundalini, the efficacy of Bijakasharas especially the 15 lettered Mantra. Kamakala Vimarsana, ShaktiтАЩs Gayatri form, the form of Sri Chakra, and the effect of Mahapraasaada vidya etc are dealt with in the first part. The meditation on the foot of to head of Shakti, the power of her weapons, and the inner form of worship etc are explained in the later part.
Shiva Mahima Stotra is a prayer to Lord Shiva composed (earlier that 10th century A.D) with a devotional fervour by Pushpadanta the famous devotes of the Lord. As the numerous learned commentaries on the hymn attest, it is a Powerful and philosophical hymn in thought and expression. The beauty of this hymn is that it could be applied to Vishnu also as interoperated by Madhusudana Saraswathi.
In addition to the above Stotras, this compact disc contained Shiva Shakti Stotra, Daaridriya Dahana Shiva Stotra etc., appropriate to the Aradhana of Shiva Shakti. The listening to these stotras would invoke the blessings of the divine couple and bring merits, wealth and prosperity! These hymns are rendered in the spiritual tunes by Dr.R.Thyagarajan HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri Malolakannan, Dr.Bhaktavatsalam, Sri Sivarajan and Dr.L.Sampth Kumar, supported by the Music Director Sri.V.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Varahi Gayatri
2. Varahi Sahasranamam
Prayers to Divine powers, always removes hurdles and facilitates achievement. But, an aspirant must choose the deity and prayers depending upon his wish and need. The deity Varahi is conceived as the Commander in Chief of the Supreme Parasakthi. Her permission is necessary to approach the Parasakthi. She represents Chaitanya Tattva. She is the activator of our physical senses. She is symbolically represented as the flower arrows in the hands of Parasakthi. Her form is personified as Akhilandeswari in Thiruvanaikaval. Those who are meditating upon Varahi achieve the fruit of тАЬViswaroopa DarsanaтАЭ. She is also called Dandini. She is the giver of shape to all our thoughts and directs towards successful action. Her face is depicted as a pig for some mystic reason. She is also said to be the Aungraha Shakit of Sadasiva. Meditation upon Her thwarts all hindrances enemiesтАЩ apart form giving physical and mental strength to face any kind of difficult situation. Success is at hand for those who get over the problems.
These are chanted in the spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Bhaktavasalam and Mrs.Usha Viswanath, under the supervision of the Music Director, Mr.Manika Vinayagam.
"1. Sri Shyamala Gayatri
2. Sri Shyamala Sahasranama
3. Sri Matangi Stotra
Mantras or sacred mystic syllables when repeated often produce the results as prayed for. Invocations or prayers for repetition to different deities depending upon our wish and longing, were identified by our ancestors. One such prayer is directed towards Shyamala, a manifestation of Shakit. She is the prime counselor for the Parasakthi or the embodiment of Supreme energy.
She represents the Buddhi Tatva and activates our mind. She is symbolically represented as the Sugarcane in the hands of Parasakthi. Her energy is centered upon Meenakshi at Madurai. Without the help of Shyamala, it is impossible to go near the supreme Shakti. She is the presiding deity of music. She is also called Matangi. People engaged in Administration, Beurocrats, Musicians, Educationist, Artist, and in short, all those who want to become creative genius, must worship her. In order to facilitate the above aspirants; this Compact Disc contains Sri Shyamala Gayatri, Sri Shyamala Sahasranama and Sri Matangi Stotra.
These are chanted in the spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Bhaktavasalam and Mrs.Usha Viswanath, under the supervision of the Music Director, Mr.Manika Vinayagam.
"1. Lakshmi Gayatri
2. Vaibhavalakshmi Poorvanga Pooja
3. Pradhan Pooja
4. Visesharchana
5. Uttaranga Pooja
6. Sri Suktam
7. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
8. Mahalakshmi Stuti (Agastya)
9. Mahalakshmi Stotras
Wealth is a power sought out by mostly everyone in order to have a comfortable living. Some are born with a silver spoon while others have to toil to secure wealth. Yet wealth remains with them only if they are destined to retain it. The destiny of man could be shaped in oneтАЩs own favour with the help and grace of the Divinity. To secure the grace of Divinity the prayers and Pooja help in the making. Hence, a special Pooja vis Shri Vaibhavalakshmi Pooja is performed. This Pooja could be performed by any one seeking the grace of Goddess Mahalakshmi. Either by performing the Pooja or listening to the Mantras, wealth can be secured and preserved.
"1. Pratyangira Mantras
2. Pratyangira Sahasranama Stotras
Pratyangira is a most powerful female deity also called as the Atharvana Bhadrakaali. She is worshipped for thwarting away evils and to get rid of evil spells cast by the enemies and the enmical forces. Whenever the demonic forces overpower the divine forces in the world, this Goddess PratyangiraтАЩs help is sought after even by the Gods. She is represented as the wife of Sarabha. Her form is terrific and hence. She is named as ugra. The Secret of the worship of this deity is understood and many temples are consecrated nowadays.
The Upasana of Pratyangira bestows many powers such as conquering of enemies, winning over legal matters, bestows strong health, stable wealth etc., apart from giving ultimate salvation.
The Pratyangira Mantras and the Prantyangira Sahasranama Stotras are rendered with perfect diction and in spiritual tune by prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Umapathi, Smt. Usha Viswanath under the guidance of Mr.Manikkavinayagam, the Music Director.
"1. Sarabha Gayatri
2. Sarabheshwara Sahasranamam
3. Sarabheshwara Ashtakam
The Divine power is unlimited. Yet, the combat between the demonic forces exist in the Universe from the time immemorial. Each force is powerful and devours the other. When the demonic forces become dominant and the existing forces become helpless to veto the opposite, the infinite power emerges automatically and empowers the divine forces with the supply of superior powers to tackle the situation. Mantra symbolizes this phenomenon. Sarabha Mantra is one such symbol.
When the egoistic Demon Hiranyaksha committed atrocities, Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of the terrific Narasimha (Lion-Man) with more divine powers and destroyed the demon. But, the powers enormously held by Narasimha were not exhausted and as a result he started destroying all creations. When no power could meet out Narasimha, Lord Shiva incarnated as Sarabha a combination of a terrific animal, a bird and a man, with sharp nails, teeth, two wings, eight legs etc and brought Narasimha under control. SarabhaтАЩs two wings are represented as his wives Pratyangra and Saalini, tow shakitiтАЩs who assisted him to stultify Narasimha. Such an incarnation of Siva, as Sarabha when prayed from bestows strength, vigour and the power to nullify the enmical force in our daily life.
To facilitate the aspirants, this Compact Disc contains the very rare and powerful sarabha gayatri sarabheshwara sahasranamam and sarabheswara ashtakam, being recited in a divine traditional tune, by Dr. R.Thiagarajan, prof. of Sanskrit Presidency College along With his team Sri Malolakannan, Sri Umapathy and Srimathi Usha Viswanath.
"1. Dhyanam
2. Bhagavadswaroopam & Mahatmiyam
3. Dhruva Charitham
4. AjamilaMoksha
5. Prahalada Charitham
6. Balidarpa Samnam
7. Ramayana Hanuman Samagama
8. Krishnavataram
9. Kaleeya Mardanam
10. Govindabhishekam
11. Rasakreeda
12. Veda Stuti
13. .Kesadi Padavarnanam
The Narayaneeyam is the heart of rending devotional hymn by Melpatur Narayana Bhattalin (16th century) Narayaneeyamidentifies тАЬGuruvaurappanтАЭ with тАЬNarayanaтАЭ. The Narraneeyam is a touching hymn and a source of spiritual power of the million of devotees of Lord Guruvaurappan. It extols the greatness of the Lord of Guruvayur. It is said, that Narayana Bhattadiri was suffering from rheumatism and to cure his illness he composed more than a thousand тАЬslokasтАЭ-(1036)- in praise of Lord Guruvayurappan an recited them before the deity. The sloka, divided into hundred тАЬDasakasтАЭ, contain the essence of Sreemad Bhagavata. They explain the ten тАЬAvataraleela (episodes of VishnuтАЩs incarnations) and every тАЬDasakaтАЭ ends with the prayer to the Lord Guruvayurappan to cure the poetтАЩs illness. He was cured by the grace of Guruvayurappan. Ultimately the aim of Narayaneeyam is тАЬMokshaтАЭ or Salvation. The recitation of Narayaneeyam an epitome of the Bhagavatam, bestows the benefit secured out of reading the entire Bhagavata. Here the poet gives an inspired and inspiring vision of Sri Krishna that was fully revealed to him, starting from the dazzling halo of lusture gradually culminating into that lovely, divine form. тАЬThe consciousness of the reciter or the hearer of recitation is led step by step the exclaims with Bhattadiri. тАЬAgre Pasyami (Him I see before me)тАЭ in the last dasaka.
"1. Varnam тАУ Sunodhavindodhini тАУ Adi тАУ N.S.Ramachandran тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
2. Evari Maata тАУ Kambodhi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr. M Balamurali Krishna
3. Aanaddhamrutha тАУ Amrithavarshini тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar - Maharajapuram Santhanam
4. Evarae Ramayae тАУ Gangayabhushini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
5. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
6. Sarangan тАУ Ragamalika - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
Maharajapuram Santhanam was born in 1928 at Sirunagar Village, in Thanjavur Dist, to Maharajapuram Viswanatha Iyer, (one of the greatest exponents of carnatic music) and Visalakshi. Santahanam had his initial under Melattur Sama Dikshithar and under his father. Maharajapuram Santhanam, a beneficiary of the Umayalpuram tradition, kept aloft the enduring values which carnatic music stands for; his music had a unique pattern and an unparallel mix of Lakshana and Lakshyagnana. His mellow presentation, the pieces and rendition of ragas, neravals and swaras had a pleasant style of classic is satisfying common and the elite listeners. Santhanam had a unique style of building up a raga.
Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna was born on July 6, 1930 at Sankaraguptam, a small hamlet in Rajoul Taluk, East Godavari District in Andra Pradesh, to Mangalamoalli Pattabhiramayya and Surykanthama. His father, Pattabhiramayya was a famous flutist and a music teacher and Suryakanthama was a notable Veena artiste. His guru was the famous parupalli Ramakrishna Pantulu. In the order of Guru Parampara, Balamurali Krishna is fifth in the line of direct disciples of the great Saint Tyagaraja.
Sudha has a golden touch in her voice, which enthralls her listeners from all over the globe. There is tantalizing mystery behind that cherubic smile. Her deep relish for tradition and mystical old-world charm is supremely addictive. Her foundation in the world of music was laid at a young age. Her mother Smt.Choodmani groomed her at a very early period before the onus to nurture her music fell upon Vidwan Sri.B.V.Lakshman. She proved her powers both in her academics and in music and now there of world stood at a juncture where two toads diverged and there was тАШsomethingтАЩ that was needed to push her onto road less traveled by.
"1. Vandhisuve тАУ Nattai тАУ Kandachappu - Purandaradass тАУ DR.M.L.Vasanthakumari
2. Sriman Narayana тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
3. Needhan Mechi Kolla тАУ Sowmya
4. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kambodhi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
5. Gananayadesika тАУ Rishabapriya тАУ Adi тАУ Koteeswariayer- Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
6. Thillana тАУ Somwya
7. Marati Abang тАУ Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam тАУ Namdev тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
"1. Meru Samana тАУ Mayamalavagowla тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
2. Manasunillpa тАУ Abhogi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
3. Vasudevayani - Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
4. Aparadhi тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi тАУ Purandaradass тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
5. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
6. Alay Paayudhae тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
"1. Kanugonu Sowkiyama тАУ Nayaki тАУ Roopakam тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali
2. Krishna
3. Gaanamoorthy тАУ Gaanamoorthy тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Maharajapuram Santhanam
4. Pavana тАУ Rasikapriya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna тАУ Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna
5. Sadhanin- Shanmugapriya - Misrachappu - Maharajapuram Santhanam - Maharajapuram Santhanam
6. Raama Neeyada тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna
7. Thillana - Basanta Bihar тАУ Adi - Maharajapuram Santhanam - Maharajapuram Santhanam
"1. Pachai Kiliye тАУ Kavimani тАУ T.M. Soundararajan
2. Manidhar Verukkum тАУ AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
3. Thottaththil тАУ Kavimani - T.M. Soundararajan
4. Kaalai Naeram - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
5. Unna Unnavu - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
6. Miyaav Miyaav - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
7. Pattanathil - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
8. Thalaiyee Ulagil - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
9. Anna Anna - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
10. Kalaiyum Malaiyum - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
11. Pandigaikku - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
12. Kuruvi Ondru - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
13. Arignar Oruvar - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
14. Aindhu Poonai - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
15. Kaattai Vittu - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
"1. Odi Vilaiyadu - Bharathiyar тАУ P Susheela
2. Vellai Niraththoru тАУ Bharathiyar - P Susheela
3. Thaneer Kidaiyaamal тАУ Kavimani - P Susheela
4. Pattiyin Veettu тАУ Kavimani тАУ P Susheela
5. Panaththil Mikka тАУ AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
6. Pandigaikku тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
7. Kuruvi Ondru тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
8. Arignar Oruvar тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
9. Aindhu Poonai тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
10. Kaatal Vittu тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
11. Pachai Killiyae тАУ Kavimani тАУ T.M.Soundararjan
12. Manidhar Verukkum тАУ AI.Valliappa тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
13. Thottaththil тАУ Kavimani - T M Soundararajan тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
14. Kaalai Naeram - AI.Valliappa тАУT.M.Soundararajan
15. Unna Unavu тАУ AI.Valliappa тАУT.M.Soundararajan
": Abirami Andhadhi тАУ Vol I
Abirami Andhadhi
DISC тАУ 2: Abirami Andhadhi - Vol II
1. Abirami Andhadhi (Contd)
2. Orae Nenjam тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
3. Aadukiraan тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
4. Kannapaar Amma - T.M.Soundararajan
5. Maambazhathu тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
6. Arulum Aalayam тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
7. Karpagavalliyin T.M.Soundararajan
8. Kottaiyile тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
9. Unnadhu Nizhalil тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
10. Maghishanai Asuranai тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
11. Bhagavathiyae тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
"1. Gajavadana тАУ Bagada тАУ Adi тАУ Vijaya Vittalla Dasa тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
2. Parama Purusha тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
3. Rama Nama тАУ Darbari Kannada тАУ Roopakam тАУ Purandaradass тАУ Dr.M.LVasanthakumai
4. Thayae Yashoda тАУ Sowmya
5. Pirava Varam Tharum тАУ Lathangi тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Barathi тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
6. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jeyaraman тАУ Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
7. Pullai Piravi тАУ Sowmya
8. Bhavayami Gopala Balam - Nithyashree Mahadevan
"1. Aadum Ganapathiya - L.R.Easwari
2. Thudhi Ettu - L.R.Easwari
3. Gana Nadha - L.R.Easwari
4. Pillayar Suzhi - L.R.Easwari
5. Vaarana Mugathonae - L.R.Easwari
6. Appappa - L.R.Easwari
7. Thumbikaiyaal - L.R.Easwari
8. Vezhamuga - L.R.Easwari
9. Aalamarathu - L.R.Easwari
10. Yenna Vendum - L.R.Easwari
11. Paalabhishekam - K.Veeramani
12. Vigna Vinayakanae - K.Veeramani
13. Nayakanae - K.Veeramani
"1. Ezhumalaigal - Rajkumar Bharathi
2. Geethamae - Rajkumar Bharathi
3. Sangu Chakaram - Rajkumar Bharathi
4. Lakshmi Padmavathi - Rajkumar Bharathi
5. Alarmelu Mangala - Rajkumar Bharathi
6. Govinda Nama - Rajkumar Bharathi
7. Kaliyugathil - Rajkumar Bharathi
8. Alarmelu Thaaye - Rajkumar Bharathi
9. Kannum Kadayule - Rajkumar Bharathi
10. Kurigal Sollum - Rajkumar Bharathi
11. Uyarndha Malai тАУ T M Soundararajan
12. Venkateswara - T M Soundararajan
13. Govinda - T M Soundararajan
"1. Cauvery Aatrangaraiyile - L.R.Eswari
2. Angala Parameswari - L.R.Eswari
3. Aasaitheera Paada Vandhen - L.R.Eswari
4. Akilandeswari - L.R.Eswari
5. Kungumathu Nayagi - L.R.Eswari
6. Aaral Vaai Mozhi - L.R.Eswari
7. Manja Kungumam - L.R.Eswari
8. Dhanam Tharum & Mani Osai - L.R.Eswari
9. Aatha Varuvaaye - L.R.Eswari
10. Aayan Sagodariyae - L.R.Eswari
"1. Vaeraagi - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
2. Kalaiyae Nee Vanangaai тАУ Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
3. Madayil Vaazhai тАУ Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
4. Mandiramavadhu - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
5. Umbarakadakku - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
6. Vaithu Maadangal - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
7. Anbe Sivam тАУ Rajkumar Bharathi
8. Palveru Namame - Rajkumar Bharathi
9. Deva Devanae- Rajkumar Bharathi
10. Nalla Sivarathiri - Rajkumar Bharathi
"1. Kannanin Pattinlae - P.Susheela
2. Yamuna Nadhiyinlae тАУ P.Susheela
3. Kannan Engae тАУ P.Susheela
4. Chinna Kanna тАУ P.Susheela
5. Maadugalai Maippavanae тАУ P.Susheela
6. Ennai Ennai тАУ P.Susheela
7. Kannanavan Kaaladivil тАУ P.Susheela
8. Maayakkannan тАУ P.Susheela
9. Kanni Ennai - P.Susheela
10. Thaalattu Naan тАУ P.Susheela
11. Vellai Ullam тАУ Pithukuli Murugadas Radhe Shyam
"Chathusra Jaathi тАУ Roopakam Thalam
Chathusra Jaathi тАУ Jampai Thalam
Chathusra Jaathi тАУ Ata Thalam 2 Kalai
The Mridangam is a double-sided drum. The body of the instrument is made of one piece of wood. Hollow, the body has two opertures of different size, one very small, that will generate high-pitched sounds and another, wide, for low-pitched sounds. The walls of the instrument are 2/3 centiments thick and give it stability in the low frequencies. The goatskin, coupled to the high pitch opeture, wears a thick black disk made of flour, ferric oxide powder and starch stuck to its centre to allow the emission of harmonics. The skin coupled to the bas operture is coated in its middle with plain flour paste to give it a perfect tune. The two skins are stretched together with leather strips. The Mridangam is the main rhythm instrument of Carnatic Music- Music with Ghatam.
"1. Ganapati Gayatri
2. Ganapati Thalam
3. Ganapati Upanishad
4. Dakshinamurthy Mantra
5. Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala
6. Dakshinamurthy Panharatnamala
7. Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
8. Dakshinamurthy Mantra
9. Hayagriva
10. Hunuman Stotras
11. Saraswathi Gayathri
12. Saraswathi Navratnamala
13. Saraswathi Stothram
14. Saraswathi Agasthiyar
15. Vanistavam
16. Saraswathi Suktam
Education is the manifestation of perfection already in manтАЭ. It is a companion which no misfortune can depress-no crime destroys-no enemy alienates-no despotism enclave. At home: It is a friend; aborad: an introduction; in solitude: a solace; and in society: an ornament. It disciplines the feelings, restrains the passions, inspires the true and worthy motves instills a profound belief and confidence and inculcates the qualities that uphold the spiral growth of spirit towards perfection. Memory is the friend of wit, the ally of invention, the cabint of imagination, the treasury of reason, the registry of conscience and the chamber of thought. The secret of good memory is the attention and concentration on the thoughts so as to retain the indelible impression of the mind, which tempers prosperity, mitigates adversity, and delights the spirit. Education and memory combined as an ideal couple procreate a brilliant progress in life.
Intend on the progression of humanity this compact disc capsules in it Mantras and stotras that have the power to empower and enhance the education and memory. Ganapati is prayed for the success in this endeavor and also to ward of impediments a natural shadow of any achievement. The divine entities Havagriva, Hanuman, Saraswathi and Dakshinamurthy are traditionally worshipped for gaining education and retaining memory. Ganapati Gayathri, Ganapati Thalam, Ganapati Upanishad, Dakshinamurthy Mantra, Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala, Dakshinamurthy Pancharantnamala, Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam, Dakshinamurhty Mantra, Havagriva, Hanuman Stotras, Saraswathi Gayathri, Saraswathi Suktam are chanted with divine tune by the eminent pandit parasurama Ganapati and Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan and their teams.
SUPER AUDIO MADRAS (P) LTD., the producers of this compilation wish all the listeners to evolve as genius in the field of their concentration.
"1. Vandana
2. Pancha Sheelang
3. Buddhavandana
4. Dhammavandana
5. Sanghavandana
6. Dhammapada
7. Yamakavaggo
Lord Buddha, the light of the world, preached to humanity, the cardinal principles of happiness. An ascetic and adept in meditation, he formed many sanghas and gave them the light of his wisdom. He spoke in Pali. He said that desire is the root cause of misery. If one gets rid of desire, misery will disappear. Right thinking right doing, compassion ad non-violence are the prime theme of His preaching. No case and create are there in His Sangha, He showed the path of salvation to everybody.
In this Compact Disc, the daily devotional prayers Buddha Vandana and Thi Sarang are included. This is followed by Vandana again Pancha sheelang, Buddhavandana Dhammavandana. Sanghavandana and the first chapter of Dhammapada (Yamakavaggo). These hymns are rendered is certified by H.H.Rama Jyothi Bikku, the chief pontiff of Mahabodhi Society, Chennai and programmer Dr.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai.
"1. Jagadananda Karaka тАУ Nata тАУ Adi
2. Thudukugala тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi
3. Sadhinchane тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi
4. Kana Kana Ruchira тАУ Varali тАУ Adi
5. Endaro Mahanubhavulu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi
The Veena is quintessentially an Indian, and particularly a South Indian Musical Instrument. In mythology, which in India is very intimately and profoundly connected with religion, it is the instrument of Saraswathi, the goddess of Learning. The veena is so typical of South Indian classical music that even vocalists are recommended to learn to play it. The nuances and greaces so peculiar to the system of Carnatic music as it is called, are the hallmark of this fretted stringed instrument. In this rendition, Gaayathri draws her immensely rich repertoire to serve a repast of masterpiece melodies from any array of great composers.
"1. Anandamen Solluven
2. Eppadi Padinaro
3. Katrinilevarum
4. Manida Janmam
5. Unnaiyallai Oru
6. Kanakanondru
7. Sadananda
8. Asai Mugam
9. Adum Chidambaram
10. Dhyaname Enadhu
11. Adal Kaneero
The veena is quintessentially an Indian, and particularly a South Indian musical instrument. In mythology, which in India is very intimately and profoundly connected with religion, it is the instrument of Saraswathi, the goddess of learning.
The veena is so typical of South Indian classical music that even vocalist are recommended to learn to play it. The nuances and graces so peculiar to the system of Carnatic music, as it is called, are the hallmark of this fretted stinged instrument.
In this rendition, gaayathri draws her immensely rich repertoire to serve a repast of masterpiece melodies from an array of great composers
"1. Adhimudalana
2. Kadumalai
3. Andhamalai Indhamalai
4. Sabari Mamalai
5. Villai Veera
6. Pollapuliyum
7. Karunai Mazhai
8. Sabari Malaikku
9. Mamalai Sabariyile
10. Pambai Nadhi
11. Ulagalum Ayyan
"When the transcendent absolute desires to manifest out of its own volition, there is a movement, a sitar, a throb. This primordial throb тАЬadya spandaтАЭ starts a series of vibrations, which take the form of sound, тАЬnadaтАЭ which is the precursor of the creation of objects тАУ nitya vak or Aksara. Aksara is represented by the seed symbol тАШAUM/OMтАЩ for; it is the inexpressible fountain source of all the original rhythms of the supreme ether.
The foundation of all the creative sounds of the revealed word, тАШOMтАЩ is the universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech.
Other seed sounds out of whose stuff, words of speech are woven are supposed to be the developed evolutions of тАЩOMтАЩ тАШOMтАЩ contains and sums up, synthesizes and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of тАШvak and sabdaтАЩ of all these sounds. All words and thoughts are an out flowering of the great тАШOM-тАШOMтАЩ the word, the Eternal, manifest in the form of sensible objects, manifest in that consicent powers of the Infinite. тАШOMтАЩ is the sovereign source; seed sound тАШOMтАЩ is the sound symbol that is use before every other тАШManthreтАЩ. Om should lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the one, consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supra-physical worlds, in the casual plane, above now super conscient to us and finally the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.
Could there be a more simple seed sound than тАШOMтАЩ for the meditation for human beings in this jet-set material life.
"1. Thaye Thripura Sundhari тАУ Suddha Saveri тАУ Kanda Chapu тАУ Periyasamy Thooran
2. Santhamizh Nadenum тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Subramanya Bharathi
3. Manasa Poigayile тАУ Misra Manolayam - Adi тАУ Madurai G.S.Mani
4. Magudi тАУ Adupambe тАУ Punnagavarali тАУ Chatusra Ekam тАУ Pambatti Chithar
5. Virtham, Amma Krupai Thandhu тАУ Kapi тАУ Adi тАУ Mazhavai Chidhambara Bharathi
6. Thedi Unnai Charan тАУ Sindhu Bairavi тАУ Adi - Subramanya Bharathi
7. Ramani Bajithal тАУ Mandu тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
8. Naali Varumendru тАУ Chandhrakouns тАУ Adi тАУ Madurai G.S.Mani
9. Parvai Ondre тАУ Surutti тАУ Adi тАУ Oothukadu Venkata Subba Iyer
10. Kavadi Chindhu тАУ Senchurutti тАУ Thisranada тАУ Annamalai Raddiyar
11. Eur Mayileri (Thiruppugazh) тАУ Hamsanandhi тАУ jambai тАУ Arunagiri Nadhar
"1. Sriman Narayana тАУ Bowli тАУ Adi
2. Mangam Budhi тАУ Dharmavathi тАУ Adi
3. Parama Purusha тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Rupakam
4. Bhavayami Gopala Balam тАУ Yamuna Kalyani тАУ Kandachapu
5. Choodarevvaru тАУ Misrakamas тАУ Adi
6. Naa Naati Batuka тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi
7. Saranu тАУ Subapanthuvarali тАУ Misrachapu
8. Slokam (Sanskrit) Vandheham тАУ Hamsadhwani тАУ Kandachapu
Annamacharya is the greatest of the poets born in the Tallapaka family of poets, music composers and scholars in Telugu and Sanskrit popularized the Srivaishnava faith in Andra Pradesh in the15th and 16th centuries. He is also by his given name Annamayya.
AnnamacharyaтАЩs songs, which he considered as тАЬflower-offeringsтАЭ to God are his outstanding achievements. In them he praises Venkateswara, describes his love for Him, argues and quarrels with Him, meditates on His attributes, confesses his failures and apprehensions, and surrenders himself to Him. Traditionally his songs are classified into Adhyaatama and Srinagaara Samkirtanaas.
"1. Sri Narayana Hrdaya Nyasam
2. Dhyana
3. Prarthana
4. Sri Lakshmi Hrdaya Nyasam
5. Sri Lakshmi Hrdayam with Dhyana Slokas and Bija Mantras
Sri Lakshmi and Narayana Hrdayas are the Mantras as well as Stotras from Atharva Rahasya. тАЬLakshmi HrdayaтАЭ invokes Goddess Lakshmi for conferring her choicest blessings, her stable stay with her consort Lord Vishnu in the home of her devotees where these two stotras are either chanted or heard. тАЬSri Narayana HrdayaтАЭ is the glorification and the prayer to the Supreme Being Narayana. It is acclaimed as an accomplisher of all desires and a remedy to the mental and physical problems. The chanting of therse Hrdayas of Lakhsmi and Narayana together is said to have a very powerful effect for devotees.
The above are melodiously chanted in spiritual tunes, by mrs.Prema Rangarajan, with perfect diction under the guidance and supervision of Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of MR.Manikkavinagama, the Music Director.
"1. Sri Ganapati тАУ Gayatri, Mantram & Stotram Moolamantras
2. Sri Kali
3. Sri Tara
4. Shodaseekalyani
5. Sri Bhuvaneswari
6. Sri Chinnamastha
7. Sri Bairavi
8. Sri Dhoomavathi
9. Sri Bagalamuki
10. Sri Mathangi
11. Sri Kamalathmika
Dasamaha vidyas are manifestations of several powers and personalities of ultimate mother of universe. Each is a particular cosmic function and each leads to a spiral realization of тАЬOne RealityтАЭ. The might of тАЬKaliтАЭ, the sound face of тАЬTaraтАЭ, the beauty and bliss of тАЬShodasakalyaniтАЭ, the vast vision of тАЬBhunvaeswariтАЭ, the effulgent charm of тАЬBhairaviтАЭ the striking force of тАЬChinamasha тАЬ, the silent inertness of тАЬDhumavatiтАЭ the paralyzing powers of тАЬBagalamukhiтАЭ, the expressive play of тАЬMatangiтАЭ and the concord and harmony of тАЬKamalatmikaтАЭ, are the various characteristics.
The forms of тАЬUniversal MotherтАЭ are highly entitled in Puranas and Tantras. Worship of these forms fulfills all desires; bestow magical powers and ultimately salvation of devotees.
This compact disc contains the moolamantras, gayatris and stotras to sri ganapati, sri kali, sri tara, sri shodasi, sri bhuvaneswari, sri chinnamasha sri bhairavi sri dhoomavati, sri bagalamukhi, sri matangi and sri kamalatmika.
The above are melodiously chanted in spiritual tunes, by mrs.Prema Rangarajan, with perfect diction under the guidance and supervision of Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of MR.Manikkavinagama, the Music Director.
"1. Music Therapy provides positive changes in mood and emotional status.
2. Music captivates and maintains attention - it stimulates parts of the brain.
3. Music and the silence within it, provides non-verbal, immediate feedback.
4. Music is where people of all levels can participate.
5. Music is easily adapted to and can be reflective of a personтАЩs abilities.
6. Music provides a meaningful, enjoyable context for repetition.
7. Music provides a social context тАУ it sets up a safe, structured setting for verbal
8. And non-verbal communication.
9. Music provides an effective memory aid.
Imbalance created by action and passion, outer and inner events result in stress. The cause is not far to seek. Man thinks, he lives in the universe without realizing that the universe lives in him. Stress thus created, leads to all illness.
Music is the panacea and not merely a palliative for all the stress. It is the most non-violent form of therapy-no medicines, no surgery. It provides the support and sustenance of all plentitudes. It enables one to plunge into their heart and contemplate inwardly. Vibration created by music moves the whole the whole mechanism; the muscle, blood circulation and nervous system. No wonder, Tranquility is the result.
"1. Kaateri Thaaye
2. Ayyane Ayyanaar
3. Pachaiamma
4. Saani Saami
5. Neenta Perum
6. Kaathavaraya
7. Ooraikakkum
8. Amma Yen
9. Korapalludan
10. Knnimaraye
Mariamman Thaalattu
"Mahalakshmi Sahasranama
Sri Lakshmi Namavalli
Sri Lakshmi Stotra
Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
Wealth is an important ingredient for a human being in this world. Many persons test for securing wealth by different means. The easiest and the spiritual method of obtaining wealth are to pray to the Goddess Mahalakshmi. It is a time-tested testimony that chanting Mahalakshmi Sahasranama bestows maega luck. Hence, in this Compact Disc, the Sahasranama of the Goddess Mahalakshmi, Sri Lakshmi Namavalli, Sri Lakshmi Stotra and Sri Lakshmi Mangalam are recited with the melodious and divine voice by Mrs.Sunita Nagarajan under the guidance of Dr.R.Thiagarajan HOD Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikka Vinayagam, the Music Director. SUPER AUDIO MADRAS (P) LTD., the producers of this Compact Disc wishes all the devotees very prosperous life!
"1. Maname Gaanamum тАУ Papanasivam Sivan
2. Karunai Deivame тАУ Madurai T.Srinivasan
3. Sri Chakra Raja тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam
4. Ennathavam тАУ Papanasivam Sivan
5. Kaliyuga Varadan тАУ Periyasami Thooran
6. Karpagame тАУ Papanasam Sivan
7. Kaavadi Chendu тАУ Annamalai Reddiar
8. Karpaga Valli тАУ Traditional
9. Eppo Varuvaro тАУ Gopalakrishna Bhrathi
"1. Needhan Mechi Kolla
2. Kuzhaloodhi
3. Adahu Asangadhu
4. Thaye Yasodha
5. Enna Punniyam
6. Vandhadhu vum
7. Alai Payudhe
8. Pullai Piravi
9. Thillana
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim
2. Maha Ganapathim
3. Sri Mahaganapathe
4. Gana Nadhane
5. Vallabha Nayaka
6. Eka Dhantham
7. Charanam Siddhi
8. Tharunam Idhu
9. Thathvamariya
10. Vigna Vinayaka
"There is Sanskrit saying тАЬif one sees the Lord of Chidambaram, or If one takes birth at Tiruvarur or If one dies in Kasi , one will surely attain Liberation, but by merely thinking of Arunachala one gets this benefitтАЭOM Nama SivayaтАЭ is believed to be the most sacred and powerful mantra. It is said тАШOneтАЩ`Arunachaleswaraya namahтАЭ has the equal power of chanting to one croreтАЭ Om Nama SivayaтАЭ Sri Arunachala (Lord Siva) is the Lord and Master of the universe. The universal spirit ever shining in a blissful glory, the Brahman beyond name and form of fire тАЬjyotir lingamтАЭ. Burns all the sins of his creations. Arunachala hill in Tamilnadu is the concrete from of Sri Arunachala, the Universal Lord. ItтАЩs that form of God that even our ordinary. For, the Aurnachala Hill itself is the biggest Siva Lingam in the world. (Brahmanda Lingam) This spiritual reality has been experienced and endorsed by many Siddhas. The Supreme Philosophical knowledge can easily be attained by anyone who sees or thinks about the form of this hill.
Aruanchala is the only holy place where the Lord gives eternally his viswaropa darsham. It is the spiritual solution for everyone, irrespective of race, religion or nationality. Arunachala is truly the holy mountain. It is truly Siva himself! Meditation on the divine name or singing the drive names of Arunachala will fetch enormous spiritual powers. The circumambulation of Arunachala hill or chanting his 1000 names Sahasranamavali is said to destroy the Karma of ten million births. No other spiritual pursuit has this kind of power.
Hence, to benefit our listeners Arunachala Sahasranamavali has been chanted by Dr.R.Thiagarajan Prof of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Mrs.Usha Viswanath, Mrs.Umamaheshwari Mrs. Usha Ramachandran ms.Vijeta with the co-ordination of Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the music Director.
"Dattatreya represents all spiritual traditions. As an incarnation of God. Data was born to the sage Atri and Anasuya to spread the universality of true religion. He is the Eternal Spiritual Guide of all mankind. Dattatreya is usually depicted with three heads, symbolising Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, past present and future, and the three states of consciousness- waking dreaming and dreamless sleep. Around him are four dogs that symbolise the four Vedas.
The Saandilya Upanishad states, тАЬThe Supreme Brahman performed penance and desiring to become many, assumed the form of Dattatreya. From that, form came out the three letters AUM; the three mystical names Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah; the three-linded Gayatri; the three Vedas Rig. Yajur and Sama; the three Gods Brahma Vishnu and Maheswara etcтАЭ. The name тАЬDattaтАЭ signifies selfless sacrifice. The Dattatreya Upanishad explains this. тАЬNot by action, not by progeny, nor even by self, but by renunciation (tyaaga) alone is immortality attained. тАЬReal renunciation is the giving up of тАЬIтАЭ and mine, not the mere abandoning of duties. Living a selfless life require giving up oneтАЩs ego. As a yiga-avatar, Lord Dattatreya teaches us to perform all our duties skillfully and diligently. Yoga does not require outside aids, nor does it demand great physical effort. All we have to do is change our outlook our mind will be freed from agitation and attain the restful state called тАЬequanimityтАЭ. This is the state of Bliss that every soul ultimately aspires to. This is the state of Datta-the ultimate Gift to God.
Such a Divine Guru is prayed for in this Compact Disc by chanting Dattatreya Sahasranama and the Kavacha to secure his grace and guidance thought our life. Dr.R.Thaigarajan, Mrs.Umamaheshwari, Mrs.Usha Viswanath Mrs.Usha Ramachandran Ms.L.V.Vijeta Mr.P.S.Raghuraman, Mr.Sowmyanarayanan have recited them supported by mr.Manikkavinayakam.
"Sages, pleading for those much afflicted with struggles and sorrows, approached Lord Kumara and asked him for the path of permanent happiness, at once Lord Kumara suggested that if one performs the Sankatahara Chaturthi Pooja, done to Lord Vinayaka and follows the Vrata, and his life will be happy and prosperous. This Vrata was suggested by His brother Lord Vinayaka himself as a remedy for his mother Parvati, when despite her severe performed this on the advice of Lord Krishna and conquered the war. Further, Lord Shiva himself undertook the austerity prior to his burning Tripura. Lord Indra desirous of ruling over the three worlds and Lord Hanuman prior to starting his search for Sita performed this Vrata. The emperor Harishchandra also performed this Vrata to keep the people of his empire happy!
It is believed that the practice of this vrata bestows high educational acumen, knowledge wisdom, progeny and a disease free life! The day of performing this Pooja every month is generally notified in the Indian Calendars and almanacs.
"God has never failed to respond to the sincere appeal for help and protection made by men with faith and hope. He gets HimselfтАЭ тАЬboundтАЭ by their devotion and lavishes His grace on them. In this regard, worship of Subrahmanaya is effective, as he possessed the divine nature, super human personality, celibacy, humility, selflessness, devotion, determination, and fearlessness. Hanuman lives in the hearts of people through his Exemplary devotion and surrender to God. Physically he is endowed with unlimited powers. Observing his devotion to Rama, Sita blessed him with immortality (chiranjeev) to help the loyal devotees of Rama.
People believe that he is very much alive on earth and pray to him for courage and confidence, freedom from sorrow, for protection against evil spirits and bad luck. Hanuman is a terror to evil forces. Siva blessed him with enormous divine powers. Nandi taught Hanuman all the Veda and the Scriptural knowledge.
"1. Jagadaanandakaaraka тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi
2. Dudukugala тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi
3. Saadhin Chene тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi
4. Kana Kana Ruchira тАУ Varali тАУ Adi
5. Endaromahanu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi
"God has never failed to respond to the sincere appeal for help and protection made by men with faith and hope. He gets Himself тАЬboundтАЭ by their devotion and lavishes His grace on them. In this regard, worship of Subrahmanaya is effective.
Lords Subramanya is one of the most revered Deities. He is the second son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and younger brother of Lord Ganesa. Subrahmanya is also known as Shanmukha-six faced one. His six faces represent wisdom, strength, wealth, fame, dispassion and divine power. His two spouses Valli and Devayani represent will and action respectively. He is also known as Skanda and Kartikeya. He is said to be the Presiding deity of this kali Yuga. His weapon, the javelin, symbolizes victory, and eventual restoration of peace and harmony, destroying arrogance, violence and injustice.
He is depicted riding a peacock. The peacock grips a cobra with its feet. The cobra represents the ego. This symbolizes complete control ver the ego when the ego is held firm and the desires are kept under perfect control, mangains mastery over the mind and reaches perfection. Man must realise that he is God-тАЬAham Brahma AsmiтАЭ: If he practices this, concentrates and meditates upon his real self, he becomes the Atman. He attains the state of Subrahmanya. Lord Subrahmanya has many names. Each one signifies His Power and chanting the thousand names of Subrahmanya, confers His grace on His devotees. They are blessed with numerous powers and the power of poesy as well.
"Only the supreme mother of universe is capable of saving us from misery, and hence we pray and worship her in the from of Lalita. Lalita means тАЬShe Who PraysтАЭ. Pleased with our worship, she bestows all the blessings of a good life and ultimately grants us liberation. All creation, manifestation and dissolution are considered to be a play of devi or the Goddess Mahatripurasundari. Chanting Sri Lalita Sahasranam daily with devotion is of the utmost value for spiritual growth and material prosperity.
Sri Lalita Sahasranama is an ancient hymn of 1000 names of the Divine Mother. Every name contains very powerful bijaksharas (seed letters) the sound vibrations of which transform both the body and mind. It is said that the Lalita Sahasranama is a stotra par excellence, capable of curing all fevers and diseases, giving all wealth, remedying premature death, bestowing long life and children. For the aspirants chanting the Lalita Sahasranama with faith and love is the royal highway to moksha, liberation!
This powerful stotra is narrated in the Brahmanda Purana, (Uttara Khanda) during the discourse between Havagriva and Agastya as the Secret of Secrets to pleae the Goddess and to derive her grace. Thus, it is a sacred stotra, a beautiful hymn of praise, extolling divine consciousness in the exquisitely lovely form of Lalita Devi, the playful and tender, Divine Mother. It was composed by the eight Vag Devatas, Goddesses of speech, at the command of divine mother herself. Lot of benefits is started in the Purana for chanting Lalita Sahasranama as well as Trisati (300 names of Devi) and a few alone are highlighted above.
"1. Varanam тАУ Andholika тАУ Adi
2. Vathapi Ganapathi тАУ Mhamsadwani тАУ Adi
3. Marivere тАУ Latangi тАУ Kandachappu
4. Saranam Bhava тАУHamsavinodhini - Adi
5. Chakkani Raja тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Adi
6. Eppovaruvaro тАУ Jonpuri - Adi
7. Cginna Chiru тАУ Ragamalikka тАУ Thisram
"тАЬMananat тАУtrayte it MantraтАЭ тАУ By the manana (contemplating) of which one is protected is mantra. A Mantra, is so called because it is achieved by the mental process. A mantra is divinity encased within a sound structure. It is divine power manifesting in a sound body. The Mantra is itself Devata.
A Moola Mantra is the combination of Bija Aksharas i.e., seed letters. It is a very powerful Mantra. Every Devata has his or her own Moola Mantra. Repetition of any Moola Mantra is Japa. In this age, practice of Japa is effective and can give eternal prosperity, peace, bliss and immortality. Doing Japa after the dhyanais good. Dhyana is meditation on the front of the Lord. During the performance of japa of a particular deity, the picture of the deity comes before our mind. Therefore japa and Dhyana go together.
Sounds are vibrations, Repetition of a Mantra has a mysterious power of bringing about the manifestation of the Divinity, just as the splitting of an atom manifests the tremendous forces latent in it. When a particular Mantra appropriated to a particular God is properly recited, the vibrations so set up create in the higher planes a special form which that God ensouls for the time being to fulfill the aspirations of the devotees.
In this compact disc some of the important Moola Mantras are recited to facilitate proper diction of pronouncing the mantras. These are recited by Dr.R.Thyagarajan, Prof. of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team sri.P.Raghuramam and Sri Shanmukha Sundaram supported by Manikkavinayagam, the Music Director.
The sun is meditated to secure concentration for the wandering and ever restless mind. To achieve this certain mantras or incantations are prescribed. Strict observance of this custom of SURYANAMASKARAM would confer on the performer a good vision. It is told that light is knowledge and darkness is ignorance. So this performance of Suryanamaskaram is capable of bestowing supreme knowledge. Sun is a permanent source of energy and the force behind all beings in the cosmos. тАЬArogyan BhaskaradicchetтАЭ is the Sanskrit adage. There are Mantras in the Vedas to worship the Sun God. Worship of the sun through тАЬThe SuryanamaskaramтАЭ is the combination of Yoga and Mantra therapies. It is an ancient method still followed by many as highly effective. Our ancestors practiced the bodily exercises Chanting Surya Mantras and prostrating at dawn facing the sun, derived the sound health, vitality, spiritual uplift wealth and prosperity, apart from rejuvenating the body and mind with great energy and strength. It is a scientifically proven fact that Suryanamaskaram can bring about great relaxation the muscular and nervous system.
"1. Soorya Gayathri
2. Soorya Suprabhatham
3. Pratamarana Stotram
4. Soorya Kavacham (Trilokya Mangalam)
5. Soorya Mandalashtakam
6. Soorya Ashtakam
7. Yajnavalkya Krta Soorya Kavacham
8. Aditya Hridayam
9. Soorya Sahasranamam
10. Soorya Mangalam
Surya the Sun God the perceivable Almighty is worshipped from the Vedic days. The lives in the earth survive because of the solar energy. He is the main planet engaging the minds of scientists His auto saving energy ever burning nature, his systematic movement in the orbit and encompassing other plant in his system still remains as the mystery. Our ancestors after through scientific research discovered the effect of his power and his impact over the other planet ands especially in the earth occupied by human and other living beings. Seers symbolized him to be the eye of Brahman. He is the hard Disc storing the knowledge data. His rays have the therapeutic value. In brief the power of the Sun is beyond comprehension and those meditating on him could feel and derive multifarious benefits.
SRI RAMA chanted Adityahrdaya taught by the sage Agastya and attained the power to conquer the enmical forces. Dharmaputra worshipping the sun received the gift of Akshya paatra, the never emptying food vessel. Sun-worship had secured Emperor Satrajit Syamantaka a divine jewel capable of supplying copious gold daily; cured the leprosy of samba the Son of Lord Krishna. Worshipping the Sun Yogisvara Yagnavalkya secured the rare Sukla Yajurveds: Hanuman attained the wisdom and the blind poet Mayura the author of Surya Sataka got his eye sight. Why elaborate, the Sun-god is an indispensable deity especially for human race! тАШArogyam BhaskaraditchetтАЩ a good health us desired from the sun. Surya Namskara etc, testily the above facts, listening the Prayers to the Sun God, certainly will establish a favorable contact of mind with the solar Power, which would accomplish the physical and spiritual cravings.
This compact disc contains Surya Gayathri, Surya Suprabhatham, Surya Pratasmaranam, Surya Kavacham (Trilokya Mangalam), Surya Mandalashtakam, Suryashtakam Surya Kavacham(by the sage Yaganvalkya), Aditya Hridayam, Surya Sahasramam and the Suryamangalam.
"1. Guru Dyanam
2. Siva Dyanam
3. Sivananda Lahari
4. Vedasara Siva Stotram
5. (Tulasi Dasa) Rudrashtakam
6. Siva Dyana Mala
7. Mangalam
SIVANANDALAHARI the spiritual transmission of though waves towards the All Powerful Almighty Siva to please Him and derive the benefits of His auspicious powers. It is one of the best devotional Lyrics of Adi Sankara. It is full of figurative expressions with lucid words and appreciated by many men of wisdom. It is representing a good genre of literature pregnant with meanings and sentiments. It is an extraordinary specimen for the devotion to the Divine and an expositor of NaradaтАЩs Bhakti Suturas. This stotra defines Bhakti as the attraction of mind towards the tree; like the river towards the Ocean. It is ever increasing an experience able. Siva holds the golden mountain; Lord Kubera is at his command, the wish yielding Kalpaka, Kamadhenu and Chinthamani are in His abode. All auspicious things are at his feet. There is nothing to offer Him except our mind. Sankara confirms in this lyris that Bakti itself is Mukti. Meditating in Siva, Chanting prayers to Him, secure all the pleasures of life and bliss, The Prayer of the spiritually realized souls when recited imports the same spiritual experience on the devotees also. SankaraтАЩs vedasara Sivastotram is the prayer capsule embedded with the essence of the Vedas which extols the Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence of Lord Shiva. The rudrashtakam included by the devotee. Tulsidas in his Ramacharitmeans is analogical and a melting prayer to Lord Shiva.
This compact disc begins with Gurustuti and the Siva dhyana composed by Kalidasa. It contains Sivanada Lahari and Rudrashtaka. Siva Stotramala and Mangalam appended at the end is the collection of verses from Kalidasa, Saradotilaka and Pushpadanat.
These are tuned in a spiritual rhythm and recited by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the Head of the Postgraduate and Research Dept. of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, M.A.Mphil., Sri.J.Bhaktavachalam and Sri P.Murali, with technical support by the famous Music Director Sri.V.R.Manikjkavinayakam
"1. Sri Gayathri Sahasranamam
2. Sri Savitri Mantram
3. Sri Saraswathi Stotram
Gayatri is said to be the mother of the Vedas. She is the all powerful Almighty. The infinite creative Mother principle of the Supreme Divine that pervades all existences, microcosmic and macrocosmic and supports the functioning of indriyas (instruments of volition thought, action and experience) inner as well as outer. She is the infinite source, blissful and effulgent, of Love, Life and Truth and has the infallible power of perfection. The chanting of Gayatri Mantra is popular and is the effective mode of drawing her source of energy. So also, the hearing of the thousand epithets of Her not only gives a vivid picture of her powers but also purifying, ennobling and exalting the listener from mortal weakness to immortal power and strength from emasculating thralldom to eternal life-enriching freedom from stunting limitations to infinite Divine progress. She is alone worshipped in different names as Savitri and Saraswati when she is identified with the powers she showers at different cycles of time as Brhadaranyakopanishad puts it.
Hence this Compact Disc contains Gayatri Sahasranama a selection from the Rudrayamala Tantra, studded with the Mantras, revealed by Brahma the creator. It also contains the sacred Savitri Mantra revealed by Bhisma to Dhamaputra as heard from vyvasa. The author of this Mantra is Savitri. By hearing this one gets rid of all sings gains long life and the wholesome prosperity and success in all the constructive activities. As a Bonus to the listeners the very valuable and efficacious Saraswati Stotra composed by the Sage Yagnavalkya also is presented in a highly exciting musical tune.
Mrs. Anuradha Krishnamurthy, the popular divine-music melodist has seized the credit of musical recitation with proper diction of Sanskrit guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, M.A.Ph.d., The Head of the Post graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency college, Chennai and Mr.V.R.Manikkavinayakam the famous Music Director.
"1. Guru Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
2. Guru Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
3. Shanti Mantras - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
4. Gayatri Vandana тАУ Unni Krishnan
5. Ganapathy Vandana тАУ Anuradha Krishnamurthi
6. Ganapathy Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
7. Siva Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
8. Siva Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
9. Siva Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
10. Devi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
11. Duga Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
12. Lakshmi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
13. Saraswathi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
14. Saraswathi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
15. Rama Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
16. Krishna Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
17. Krishna Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
18. Sudarsana Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
19. Nrisimha Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
20. Nrisimha Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
21. Hanuman Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
"1. Shri Mahaganapatim тАУ Gowlai - Adi тАУ Dikshitar
2. Shri Sarasvati тАУ Aarabhi Rupakam тАУ Dikshitar
3. Shri Kanthimathim- Hemavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
4. Shri Chakravara - Janaranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Muttaiah Bhagava
5. Shri Kamalambikayeh тАУ Bhairavi тАУ Misra Jampai - Dikshitar
6. Shri Kamalambikayeh тАУ Sahana Tisra Triputa тАУ Dikshitar
7. Shri Rama Saraswati тАУ Nasamani тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
8. Shri Mata Shiva тАУ Begada тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
9. Shri Varalakshmi тАУ Sri тАУ Rupakam тАУ Dikshitar
"1. Ghana Vinayaka тАУ Gambeerai тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi тАУ Saravanabhavananda тАУ Dr.Shiik Chinna Moulana тАУ Nadhaswaram
2. Marukelara тАУ Jayanthshri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja- Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
3. Mokshamukalandha тАУ Charamadhi тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja тАУ E Gaayathri тАУ Veena
4. Koniyada тАУ Kokiladhawani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ U.Srinivsa тАУ Mandolin
5. Kripaya Palaya тАУ Charukesi -Misrachappu тАУ Swathi Thirunai тАУ Kadiri Gopalnath Saxophone
6. Buntureethi тАУ Hamsanatham тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ N.Ramani тАУ Flute
7. Thaniaavarthanam тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan тАУ Mridangam
"1. Surrender to Meditation
2. Divinity in nature
3. A new start
4. Relax to realize
5. Awakening inner consciousness
6. Your body in your temple
7. Rhythm of meditation
8. Light of joy
9. Believe in yourself
10. Inner music
11. Sacred connection
12. Tranquility
13. Power of Meditation
"1. Waking up relaxed
2. Life force
3. The third eye
4. Awakening
5. Highest Chakra
6. Energize
7. Ocean of mediation
8. Twilight magic
9. The journey home
10. Shanti-Peace
"1. Tilting waves
2. Purifying sounds
3. Healing vibrations
4. Seeds of love
5. Spring blooms
6. Flower song
7. Enchantment
8. Lavender bliss
9. AromaтАЩs blues
10. Tranquil dream
"1. Mystic touch
2. Loving touch
3. Healing touch
4. Hands of light
"1. Wind chimes of good news
2. Silky winds of Feng Shui
3. Singing birds and bamboos
4. Fire
5. Positive energy
6. Expel negative energy
7. Water of prosperity
8. Auspicious clouds and rain
9. Taichi rhythm
10. Harmony with Feng Shui
11. Earth energy
12. Fountain of good luck
13. Ying & Yang energy
14. Cascade of fortune
"1. Dhanvantri Gayathri
2. Dhanvantri Dhynam
3. Poorvanga Pooja
4. Vishwaksena Pooja
5. Dhanvantri Pradhana
6. Dhanvantri Pradhana Pooja
Health is wealth. The Seeker of both is to seek the grace of Sri Dhanvantri, the Vedic deity. He is the master of Universal knowledge. He is said to be a divine incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Dhanvantri sprang out form the milky ocean when it was churned by Gods, holding in his hand, a pot containing nectar. He is the teacher of medical science and Ayurveda is attributed to him. He takes birth and when humanity suffers with diseases. He cures the diseases when an appeal is made to him through prayers.
Hence this Compact Disc contains the unique production if Dhanvantri Pooja, with a special and rare Maha Sankalpa. The following are the contents: DHANVANTRI GAYATHRI, DHANVANTRI DHYANAM, POORVANGA POOJA VISHWAKSENA POOJA, and DHANVANTRAI PRADHANA AND DHANVATRI PRADHANA POOJA.
These are recited in a trational style by Dr.R.Thiagarajan and his team consisting Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Chandra Mouli and Sriram, under the guidance of the Music Director Sri Manikka Vinyagam.
"1. Sudarshana Gayathri
2. Sudarshana Sahasrnamam from Ahirbudhniya Samhita
3. Mahalakshmi Mantra
4. Mahalakshmi Gayathri
5. Mahalakshmi Sahasranamam
6. Sri Suktam
Sudarshana is a powerful and popular weapon of the divine wielded often by Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, in order to put an end to evils as and when they appear on earth. Though Sudarshana is a weapon it is deified and worshipped as god in order to attain his grace to have a smooth life with out any obstacles.
Sri Lakshmi is the bestower of riches and the overall prosperity! Prayer to her makes the devotees, enjoy all the pleasure of life!
Hence, in these compact discs, recording of a special тАЬSudarshana SahasranamamтАЭ from Abhirbhniya Samhita and a special тАЬMahalakshmi SahasranamamтАЭ echoing the Vedic mantras traditionally followed in Srirangam, Tiruchandur, Kanchipuram and other divya kshetras.
Needless to emphasize the value of these two sahasranamam that are like the wish yielding divine cows.
These Sahasranamas are recited in a traditional style by dr.r.thiagrajan along with his team sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Chandramould, Sri Sriraman and Sri Sankar under the guidance of the music director sri manikka vinayagam .
"1. Pancha Shanthi
2. Ghosha Shanthi
3. Mrityu Suktam
4. Navagraha Mantras
5. Sudarshana Mantras
6. Sudarshana Ashtakam
7. Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba
8. Mrtyunjaya Mantra
9. Sarabha Gayathri
10. Sarabha Ashtaka
11. Garuda Dandakam
12. Durga Apaduddhara Stotra
13. Pratyangira Gayatri
14. Pratyangira Manras
15. Hanuman Gayathri
Hanuman Stotras
Fear, Anxiety and Depression are the three major hindrances of humanity to positive thinking and an adventurous life. These three stumbling blocks weaken the courage o f human beings and thereby stop the development in all spheres. Medicines may cure the physical diseases, but these three ills of mind could by cured only though Mantra therapy, i.e., through Vedic Mantras and Sanskrit Slokas and invoke the powers to veto these ills and to strengthen the mind, to give solace to the heart. This therapy is a time-tested capsule rejuvenating the spirit, activating the enthusiasm; overcoming depression and instilling confidence in ones own self. Hence, in this compact disc the rendering of the following Mantras and Slokas by traditional scholars and pundits are capsulated.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the produce of this collection wishes the listeners to overcome fear and anxiety and to gain optimistic gains.
Here are some of the propitiations exclusively compiled to over come fear, anxiety and depression. This compilation includes the recitation of Pancha Shanthi, Ghosha Shanthi, Mrityu Suktam, Navagraha Mantras, Sundarshana Mantras, Sundarshana Ashtakam, Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba, Mrtyunjaya Mantra, Sarabha Gayathri, Sarabha Ashtaka, Grauda Dandakam, Durga Apaduddhara Stotra, Pratyangira Gayathri, Pratyangira Mantras, Hanuman Gayathri and Hanuman Stotras.
"1. Sabari Malai
2. Malai Malayaam
3. Unnaithozan
4. Manathai Aalum
5. Engay Engay
6. Karpoora Deepam
7. Unnaithozan
8. Onnam Thirupadi
9. Sarana Goshangal
"1. Sri Unchaste Ganapathy Kavacham
2. Sri Balatripura Kavacham
3. Sri Durga Kavacham
4. Sri Soorya 1 Kavacham
5. Sri Soorya 2 Kavacham
6. Sri Chandra Kavacham
7. Sri Angaraka Kavacham
8. Sri Buddha Kavacham
9. Sri Guru Kavacham
10. Sri Sukra Kavacham
11. Sri Sanaischara Kavacham
12. Sri Raahu Kavacham
13. Sri Kethu Kavacham
14. Sri Sudarshana Kavacham
15. Sri Rama Kavacham
16. Sri Hanuman Mangalam
Though human beings always aspire for happiness, they sometimes are beset with obstacles and impediments. These are a result of bad deeds done in the past and are signified by the planets. By surrendering to the divine forces and propitiating the deities and planes with faith and humility one is able to surmount all difficulties and achieve great success. The тАЬKavachasтАЭ or armours are divine mantras visualized by our rishis to achieve this end.
The following are the Kavacha: Sri Unchaste Ganapathy Kavacham, Sri Balatripura Kavacham, Sri Durga Kavacham, Sri Soorya Kavacham, (1) Sri Soorya Kavacham (2) Sri Chandra Kavacham, Sri Angaraka Kavacham, Sri Buddha Kavacham, Sri Guru Kavacham, Sri Sukra Kavacham, Sri Sanaischara Kavacham, Sri Raahu Kavacham, Sri Kethu Kavacham, Sri Sundarshna Kavacham, Sri Rama Kavacham and Hanuman Mangalam recorded in this Compact Disc.These are traditionally rendered by Dr.R.Thiagarajan and other Sanskrit Scholars.
"1. Sri Mahaganesa 1 Pancharathna
2. Sri Mahaganesa 2 Pancharathna
3. Sri Dakshinamurthy Pancharathna
4. Sri Amba Pancharathna
5. Sri Paduka Pancharathna
6. Sri Lalitha 1 Pancharathna
7. Sri Lalitha 2 Pancharathna
8. Sri Durga Pancharathna
9. Sri Meenakshi Pancharathna
10. Sri Ayyappa Pancharathna
11. Sri Hanuman Pancharathna
12. Sri Ganesha Bhujangam
13. Siva Bhujangam
14. Devi Bhujangam
15. Sastha Bhujangam
16. Sri Rama Bhujangam
17. Hanuman Bhujangam
Sound plays a vital role in balancing the forces of the body and mind. Pleasant combinations of the sounds and the judicious couching of meters create the spell; the vibration thus created consoles the soul, rejuvenate the mental process and activate the right nerves to the right nerves to the right point. This in turn creates an invisible joy, Pleasure and a healthy mind and body; apart from getting the Divine grace, when directed towards the Angelsor Gods. Here are the тАЬFIVERATNASтАЭ popularly called thus, due to its brilliant effect and Bhujangas, which are set in тАЬBhujangaprayataтАЭ meter gliding like a serpent intended for melodious spell.
This compact disc contains Sri Mahaganesa Pancharathna, Sri Mahaganesa 2 Pancharathna, Sri Dakshinamurthy Pancharathna, Sri Amba Pancharathna, Sri Paduka Pancharathna, Sri Lalitha 1.Pancharathna, and Sri Lalitha 2. Pancharathna, Sri Durga Pancharathna, Sri Meenakshi Panacharathna, Sri Ayyappa Pancharathna, Sri Hanuman Pancharathna, Sri Ganesa Bhujangam, Siva Bhujangam, Devi Bhujangam, Sastha Bhujangam, Sri Rama Bhujangam, Sri Rama Bhujangam, Hanuman Bhujangam.
"1. Guru Sthothiram тАУ Kamam Yaavum
2. Om Namo Narayana тАУ Thiruvengadavane
3. Noonam Thoovum тАУ Sudam Shyam
4. Hari Narayana - Vatchayavathu
"1. Pahi Pahi тАУ Mazhavai Chidambara Bharathi тАУ Hamsa Dhwani тАУ Rupakam
2. Etiyochanalu тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Kiranavali тАУ Adi
3. Kaya roshanesham тАУ Muthuswami Dikshitar тАУ Abheri тАУ Rupakam
4. Kamakshi тАУ Syamasastri тАУ Varali тАУ Misra Chaapu
5. Amba Mahavani тАУ Muthaiah bhagavator тАУ Saraswati Manohari тАУ Kanda Chapu
6. Watanala тАУ Annamacharya тАУ Lalitha тАУ Adi
7. Kapali тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Mohanam тАУ Adi
8. Radhamukhakamalam тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Kapi тАУ Adi
9. Kaveri thatavasi тАУ Ganapathi Sachidananda swami тАУ Ratipati Priya тАУ Adi
10. Srichakraraja тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adi
11. Thillana тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam тАУ Sivaranjani тАУ Adi
12. Maithreembhajata тАУ Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswathi тАУ Yaman Kalyani Desh тАУ Adi
13. Bhagyadalakshmi тАУ Purandaradasa тАУ Madhyamavathi тАУ Adi
"1. Nadha Gana Nadha
2. Pillayar Suzhi
3. Malaigai Irandum
4. Vina Agathil
5. Om Ganapathi
6. Madhura Mozhi
7. Aanai Mugathaanai
8. Sindithavarkku
9. Athi Mugha
10. Thondhi Ganapathikku
"1. Aadhippon
2. Muthu Muthu
3. Maa Vilakku
4. Desa Muthu
5. Maduraiyila
6. Illaiena
7. Samayam Varum
8. Verum Sagadhiyai
9. Deviye
10. Singara
"1. Bommalaattam
2. Karumaari Kaaliyamma
3. Kanaaga Naaga
4. Senthoora Pottazhagi
5. Sengalamma
6. Theeraadha Vinai
7. Sri Sakthi
8. Senthamarai
9. Theechatiya
10. Om Mangalathu
"1. Aaaru Padaiappa
2. Sikkalai Theerthu
3. Kaya Kaneendha
4. Kandha Kandha
5. Thogai Mayil
6. Andha samy
7. Kalayudham
8. Aandiyae
9. Neeru Pootha
10. Tamizh Paddum
"1. Arul Muruga
2. Paattu Mattum
3. Kambeduththal
4. Kandha Unnai
5. Amara Vaa
6. Oru Mugamagha
7. Vaa Vaa Muthukumara
8. Azhagazhaga
9. Thirukumara
10. Sendhoora Muruga
"1. Adi Talam тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan
2. Kande Chappu тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan
3. Chappu тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan
4. Adi Thalam тАУ Thiruvarur Baktavatsalam
"This is an extra ordinary devotional hymn sung in praise of Goddess of Kanchi in five sections each one containing a centered of verses: by Mooka Kavi(396-436AD).
Arya Sataka, Stuti Sataka, Paadaravinda Sataka, Kataaksha Sataka and Mandasmitha Sataka are the five sections where Mooka Kavi a dumb turned poet by the grace Goddess KamakshiтАЩs smiles, her sidelong glances, her lotus feet and so forth.
Listening to these sacred verses is considered to bestow the enormous spiritual powers of learning, capacity of speech and prosperity. Selected verses are rendered in spiritual tune by Thanjavur S.Radha Krishna Sastrigal.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the producers of this compact disc wish all the listeners a prosperous and pleasant life, and to attain the aspired knowledge and powers.
"1. Ganapathi Suprabhatham
2. Ucchishta Ganapathi Suprabhatham
3. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
4. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham
5. Soorya Suprabhatham
6. Shirdi Saibaba Suprabhatham
7. Ganapathi Mangalam
8. Balatirupura Sundari Mangalam
9. Nataraja Mangalam
10. Saraswathi Mangalam
11. Srinivasa Mangalam
12. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Mangalam
13. Sundarshana Mangalam
14. Soorya Mangalam
15. Sanaischara Mangalam
16. Navagraha Mangalam
17. Hanuman Mangalam
Invocation to Deities is of different kinds. We praise and pray to the deity to secure the grace of them. Suprabhatham is a mode of prayer done early in the morning as if awakening the Lord, though the Lord is ever awake. By praising, the Glory of the chosen Deity early in the morning keeps the devotees confident and fresh throughout the day and protects them from evil influences.
Mangalams are the auspicious ending of prayers, the effect of which is to conclude and endeavor with a wuspicious end. Here is a rare collection of Suprabhatham and Mangalams from available sources. They are Ganpathi Suprabhatham, Ucchishta Ganapathi Suprabhatham, Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham, Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham, Soorya Suprabhatham, Shirdi Saibaba Suprabhatham, Ganpathi Mangalam, Balatrirupura Sundari Mangalam, Nataraja Mangalam, Saraswathi Mangalam, Srinivasa Mangalam, Yogalakshmi Narasimha Mangalam, Sundarshana Mangalam, Soorya Mangalam, Sanaischara Mangalam, Navagraha Mangalam, and Hanuman Mangalam.
"1. Mrugnayani тАУ Handloom тАУ D.A.Sasidhar
2. Varaleela Gana Lola тАУ Shankarabharanam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Sunadham тАУ Madyamavathi тАУ D.A.Sasidhar
4. Shankara Shiva Shankara тАУ Amir Bhairavi тАУ Saibhajan
5. Salapam (A Musical Theme) тАУ Salapam тАУ Sasi
6. Thillana тАУ Brindavana Sarang тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
Sivaramakrishnan, hailing form a family of musicians, took up the Sitar at a very tender age of nine years. He is the disciple of Veteran Satirist Ustad Ahmed Hussain Khan. He has given Solo performance and jugalbandhi with various artists all over India and Abroad like France, United Kingdom. Switzerland, South Africa and Singapore. His recent prestigious tour was to Australia to perform with the Australian Art orchestra for Melbourne Arts Festival. His improvisation in playing brings out a perfect combination of GAYKI AND TANTRKARAI Angs.
E.R.Janardhan, who also hails from a family of musicians, is a disciple of Sri Kadri Goplanath. He is graded as an ALL INDIA RADIO artist. He has performed all over the word in places like France, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Singapore. He ahs won the Best Instrumental Award from MUSIC ACADEMY in 2002 and also an award form NARADAGANASABHAIN 1998.
For the first time SIVARAMAKRISHNAN AND JANARDHAN have come out with a rare combination of SITAR AND SAXOPHONE, which is a divine blend of string and wind instrument.
"1. Ganapathy Gayathri
2. Ucchishta Ganapathi Kavacham
3. Sarabha Gayathri
4. Pratyangira Gayathri
5. Sri Varhi Gayathri
6. Navagraha Gayathri
7. Aditya Hridayam
8. Mahisha Suramardhini Stothram
9. Nrisimha Mantras
10. Ragho Veera Gadyam
11. Hanuman Mantras
People become weak and meek for the want of will power and confidence. When the mind is empowered and make active and tuned towards right thoughts and actions, based on lawful desires, the human beings gain confidence and courage, which in turn develops will power.
To make the mind strong in the above said proper directions, this CD is packed with mantras and stotras that stall the evil forces creating chaos in the mind and rejuvenate it with fresh and rightful emotions.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the producers of this collection wish the best to their listeners to gain Relaxation and Sound Sleep thereby enriching their lives and gaining prosperity.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by SOWMYA, DR.THIGARAJAN, AND VARIOUS SANSKRIT SCHOLARS.
"1. Ganapathi Thalam
2. Sivasankalpam
3. Isayasyan
4. Shambunatanam
5. Bhadrasuktam
6. Sivathandavan
7. Ayushyasuktam
8. Dhyanayoga
9. Vishvaroopadarshan
10. Bhaktiyoga
11. Purushotamayoga
12. Paramachara
13. Adhyaroham
In the modern day, most people go through stress and strains, toils and exertions, living in frustration and with heavy minds. They do not have enough sleep and relaxation, which would give enough energy to get over this problem. As a result the resort to medicines. When all the allopathic capsules fail to solve this problem, the mantra therapy is resorted to and is effective without any side effects.
The rhythmic sound effect of the Vedic mantras appropriately chosen to pacify the mind ebbing with emotions and to give a mood of relaxation.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT.LTD. the producers of this collection wish the best to their listeners to gain Relaxation and Sound Sleep thereby enriching their lives and gaining prosperity.
These Hymns are recited with perfect diction by Dr.Thiagarajan, Parasurma Ghanapati and Various Sanskrit Scholars.
"1. Naalam Naalam Thiru Naalam
2. Vaarai En Thozhi Vaarayo
3. Manamagalae Marumagalae Vaa Vaa
4. Maalai Sodum Mananaal
5. Poo Mazhai Thoovi
6. Malligal Mullai Poo Pandal
7. Olymayamaana Ethirkaalam
8. Thirumanamaam Thirumanamaam
9. Ohm Kaara
10. Saa Riga
11. Raagam Thaalam Pallavi
12. Sankara
13. Ethi Ruga
14. Prochey
15. Manasa
16. Samaja Varakamana
"1. Jagadananda Karaka тАУ Nata тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
2. Thudukugala тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
3. Sadhinchane тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
4. Kana Kana Ruchira тАУ Varali тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
5. Endaro Mahanu Bhavulu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
"1. Narasimhastakam
2. Dashavatara Stotram
3. Sudarshanastakam
4. Shodashayudha Stotram
5. Guruda Dandakam
6. Panchayuda Stotram
7. Sri Raghu Veera Gadyam
8. Ujvala Venkata Nathan Stotram
9. Sri Venkatesa Ashtottram
"1. Mahishasura Mardhini Stotram
2. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
3. Raja Rajeswari Ashtakam
4. Durga Abhadhutharana Stotram
5. Lalitha Pancharatnam
6. Kanakadhara Stotram
7. Annapoorna Stotram
8. Ashtalakshmi Stotram
"1. Rudram
2. Chamakam
3. Purusha Suktam
4. Sri Suktham
5. Durga Suktham
6. Bagya Suktham
7. Mrithu Suktham
8. Navagraha Mantra
9. Mantra Pushpam
"1. Thirumal Irum
2. Mangayar Kan
3. Sindhikkum Thikaikkum
4. Kidandhu
5. Ulagam Unda
6. Thooraai Neerai
7. Vanna Marul
8. Vallale Mdhusoodhana
9. Aaraavamudhe
10. Unnal
11. Pazhavan Thozhuvan
12. Ariyere
13. Isaivithu Yennai
14. Uzhalai Yenbin
15. Periaazhwar Arul Saidha Thirupalaandu
16. Thondaradi Podiaabhwar Arul Saidha Thiruva
17. Thirupaazhwar Arul Saidha Amalanaadhipiraan
"1. Venkatathri Samasthanam
2. Venkatathri Slogam
3. E Pa Dhamae Kadhaa
4. Esaa Naam Slogam
5. Srimathkribajalanithae
6. Kandi Nagilaanda Thathi
7. Kummini Edisruthi
8. Jala Janae Baagari
9. Enda Kaani Needa Kaani
10. Sheerapthi Kanyakagu
11. Thvadhasanama Stothram
12. Maadava Boodhava
13. Alugalu Sellavu
14. Kalyanaathpudha Slogam
15. Garuda Gamana
16. Aadhi Deeva
17. Egamae Gaani
18. Ethare Haradhalu
19. Sriyah Gandhya Mangala and Stothram
"Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, found in the Mahabharata is well known and many recitations already exist. But the present one is from the Padma Purana, which is very powerful, for the merit of which was vouch safe by the Lord Siva himself to his spouse Paravati. He says, he attained his Mahima by reciting this Vishnu Sahasranamam. This Sahasranamam contains powerful Bija Mantras. It is said that it is more powerful than any mantras or even performing the thousand Vajpayee sacrifices. The recitation of listening this bestows all treasures, knowledge, powers, peace, purity, education, fame, wealth and status. It removes obstacles, fears from goblins and poison and cures diseases. In short, the best of the best aspired by anyone.
Sri Mahalakshmi Dandakam is also a rare piece, by One Kesava Suri. Needless to say that the very resonance of this Dandaka and the vibration are intended to fetch enormous wealth of all kinds. Is not Mahalakshmi the giver of Mega-Luck?
Hence, these two lyrics are being brought to light for the first time and is being rendered by Mrs.Prema Rangarajan soaked with devotion. Programmed and guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, the Sruti part being supervised by Sri.Manikkavinayagam, the Music Director.
"1. Ganesha Sloka
2. Shiva Sloka
3. Dakshinamurthy Sloka
4. Saraswati Sloka
5. Havagriva Sloka
6. Rama Sloka
7. Krishna Sloka
8. Subramanya Sloka
Everyone in this world wants their children to be brought up in an environment, conducive to their physical and mental health. Of course, when the minds of the children are tuned towards the spiritual songs, their thought, attitude, behavior, character, speech and in short their way of life gets transformed and their personality gets enhanced. The brain of children being tuned by the Sanskrit pronunciation becomes free from viruses and gains power. Never the less such children would be the better citizens with skill, efficiency and moral courage and shine as scientists and so on. These may look like tall claims. But our ancestors knew the efficacy of teaching slokas and hence they had followed an unwritten custom. The faith in our ancestors and their custom would no doubt prove fruitful. For the value of this training, the children will thanks the parents when they grow old.
The present collections of slokas are intended to make children learn the slokas by listening to this compact disc. This compact disc contains the Slokas on Ganesha, Shiva, Dakshinamurthy, Saraswati, Havagriva, Rama, Krishna and Subramanya.
The recitation was by Prof.R.Thiagarajan along with his team of Sanskrit and by Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamoorthy.
"1. Sri Vigneswara Ashtothram
2. Sri Subramanya Ashtothram
3. Sri Shiva Ashtothram
4. Sri Lalitha Ashtothram
5. Sri Vishnu Ashtothram
6. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Ashtothram
7. Sri Durga Ashtothram
8. Sri Anjaneya Ashtothram
Sakala Devata Ashottara Sata Namavalli
Bhakti is the easiest and most efficient of all paths to absolute reality. It is above caste creed and sex. The aspirant may conceive God in his own way as the perfect ideal of his line of thinking and needs. Lord Krishna in the Gita says, тАЬWhatever form a devotee wishes to worship with faith, I make his faith unflinching. Endowed with that faith, he worships that Deity and forms him he gets his desires fulfilled. тАЬA devotee can worship God according to his mental and spiritual development.
PoojaтАЩs to different deities are performed at home and at the temples daily or on occasions. The worshipper finds it difficult to look into the book, read and offer flowers to the deity. There may be devotees who canтАЩt pronounce the Namavallis with proper diction the lack of knowledge of Sanskrit. Moreover, seeing the book and doing the Archana disturbs the concentration which is essential for the worship. Keeping these in view, the worshippers and facilitated with the Namavallis recited in this Compact Disc. One has to simply play on this Compact Disc and be offering the flowers to the deity. That is all; in short, the pooja is made easy and effective through this.
This compact disc contains Vigneshwara (to remove obstacles) Subramanya, Shiva, Lalitha, Vishnu, Medha Dakshinamurthy, (for attaining education and pure intellect) Durga and Anjaneya Ashottara sata Namavallis.
These are traditionally tuned and rendered by. Dr.R.Thangarajan, the Head of the Post Graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri.S.Muthukumarswamy, Sri.V.Ramakrishnan and Sri.J.Bhaktavachalam with the technical support of the famous Music Director Mr.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Mantra Tantra, Mantra Gayathri
2. Poorvanga Pooja : Gantadhi Pooja, Bootha Suddi, Aatma Prana Prathishta,
3. Vignothsaranam, Matrikanyasah and Kalasadi Pooja.
4. Chaturyathana Pooja, Layaana Pooja, Shadangaarchanam Nithya Devi Yajanam, Guru
5. Mandala archanam
6. Pradhana Pooja, Aavarna Pooja, Dandanatharchanam, Mantriniarchanam, Lalithaarchanam, Dhupa Deepadhi Pooja, Balidaanam, Pooja Samarpanam and
7. Shanthisathavam.
In the Upasana, Pooja is the prominent means of worship. тАЬSri Vidya PoojaтАЭ, is the Devi Upasana. In Sri Vidya, the main deity adored as absolute and transcendent reality is Mahasakthi, the universal mother. Sri Vidya is the synonym of Brahmavidya or Paravidya. Sri Vidya Mantras Panchadasi, Shodasi vibrat towards the Goddess. In Sri Vidya Pooja, the most important forms of yoga meet. The greatest contribution of Sri Vidya is Laya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga and is the true and unique matrix (source) of great evolutionary SYSTEM. In that process of cosmic evolution, mahasakthi evolves in different and consecutive phases as Kala, Bindu and Nada. The awakening of Kundalini is made possible with Sri Vidya Mantras. The transmission of that knowledge is preserved in the guru parampara tradition. It is imperative that the aspirant should get initiation of this Mantra from a Guru.
The Sri Vidya Mantras: ka e I ha hrim-ha SA ka ha hrim-sa ka la hirmтАЭ is the kadi vidya mantra with three components kutas viz, vagbhava, kamaraja, saktikuta. Each of these kutas is the subtle form of one of the three sounds of the cosmic, all pervading sound AUM; each of the kutas has its own associated siddhi, or power, granted to a devotee who practices japa or repetition. The Vagbhava confers mastery of speech; the kamaraja grants tejas (splendor) the saktikuta grants the siddhi of enticing the three words. A yantra is a diagrammatic representation of the adored object, and Sri Chakra expresses the principles and ideas of Srividya.
This compact Disc begins with the Mantra, Tantra and Mantra Gayathri and continues with the poorvanga Pooja Gurudhyanam, Yaagamanidrapravesa, Tattvachamanam, Gurpaadukka-mantra, Ghanta-assana-mandira-deepapooja, Bhutasuddhi, atma Pranaprashitha Vignothsaranam, Matrika Nyasah, Kalasankha, Antaryaag Aavaahanaupachearpooja Chaturaayatana pooja Layaana Pooja Shada Aavarma pooja, Dandathaarchnam, Mantriniarchanam, Lalitaarchanam, Dhoopa-Deepa-naived dyam, Neerajanam, Mantrapuspam, Balidaanam, Poojasamarpanam and Shantistavam.
"1. Gayathri
2. Sri Durga Sahasranama Stotram
3. Pradasmarana Stotram
4. Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti
5. Dhyanani
6. Sri Durga Kavacham
7. Sri Durga Pancharathnam
8. Sri Durga Abadhudhara Stotram
9. Sri Devi Namakam
Sri Durga Ashtothra Satanamavalli
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfills the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche! Here are some prayers to Goddess Durga, an incarnation of Parvati or Lalitha is the consort of Lord Shiva and exists in various divine (both friendly and fearful forms). Two of her fierce but very powerful forms are Durga (goddess beyond reach) and kali (goddess of destruction) she is also called Mahishasura Mardhini as she killed Mahisha (buffalo) demon. Durga is depicted with eight hands indicating her great power and energy (Shakti). Durga rides on a Lion Shiva, Parvati and their sons Ganesa and Karthikeya is an ideal example of family unity and love. Durga has a charming personality. Married woman for a happy married life adore her. Listening to the prayers and thereby gaining contact with this Super Power achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
"1. Sri Lakshmi Gayathri and Sri Lakshmi Mantram
2. Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja
3. Kalasa Pooja, Ganta Pooja, Pita Pooja, Mathrunga Pooja
4. Navagraha Devata Pooja
5. Lokapala Pooja
6. Dhanaakarshana Lakshmi Kubera Pooja
Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja is performed for (Ishwarya Abhivriddhi) attaining wealth and prosperity. Lakshmi is the goddess, fortune, power and beauty without grace Lakshmi, our toil is of no avail.
Kubera is Dhanapati, the Lord of riches, the guardian of the north and is associated with all the treasures of the earth that life underground. He possesses the Aerial chariot, According to mythology even the richest of Gods Lord Venkateswara is paying till to day only the interest for the loan he borrowed from Kubera. Even the great emperor Raghu the ancestor of Rama secured the riches from him. Lalskmi Pooja is performed differently in different parts of India. There is a custom to worship Lakshmi and Kubera together probably to get the doubled benefits. Traditional practices in the line of devotion are valuable as they are already tested and accepted as being the fruit without fail.
Hence, for the benefits of devotes this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Lakshmi Gayathri and Mahalakshmi Moola Mantra, Poorvanga Vigneswara Pooja essentially performed for the sake of the completion of the main Pooja without any obstacle Kalasa, Ghanta and Pitha Pooja Navagraha Pooja, Lokapala Pooja etc, followed by the Main Kubera Lakshmi Pooja.
This Pooja programme is done with devotion in the tradional manner as taught by our ancient preceptors by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the PG and Research Department of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan and Sri Bhaktavatchalam, with the technical support of the famous Music Director Mr.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD. feels proud to place this presentation for all the devotees to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life by performing the Pooja listening to the direction through audio by the competent Guru!
"1. Sri Rama Sahsranamam
2. Sri Rama Bhujanga Stotram
3. Sri Rama Ashtakam (Vyasar)
4. Sri Rama Ashtakam
5. Sri Rama Raksha Stotram
6. Sri Jatayukruta Rama Stotram
7. Sri Rama Ashtottara Sathabidhana Stotram
8. Sri Rama Trilokya Mahana Kavacham
Bhakti is the easiest and most efficient of all paths to the absolute reality. It is above caste creed and sex. The aspirant may conceive God in his own way as the perfect ideal of his line of thinking and needs. Lord Krishna in the Gita says, тАЬWhatever form a devotee wishes to worship with faith, I make his faith unflinching. Endowed with that faith, he worships that Deity and forms him he gets his desires fulfilled. тАЬA devotee can worship God according to his mental and spiritual development. A worshipper of Avatara or incarnation of Vishnu in human form is Sri Rama. In this Avatara Vishnu set forth the ideal of discipline, law ethical conduct, righteousness of perfect being morally, intellectually, materially and spiritually.
Hearing the recitation of the sacred names and Stotras of Sri Rama helps inheriting the noble qualities of Rama and bestows spiritual upliftment, fearlessness, desired boon, good health, fame, wealth, prosperity success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude.
This compact Disc contains Rama Sahasranamam, Rama Bhujanga Stotram, Rama Ashtakam(Vyasa), Rama Ashtakam (Brahmanda) Ramarkshatotram, Rama Stotram Rama Ashottara Satabhidana Stotram and Trilokya Mohankavacham.
These are presented in the traditional tunes by Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous music Director Sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam
2. Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam
"1. Sri Natesa Gayathri and Dhyana
2. Sri Nataraja Sahasranamam
3. Sri Chidambarashtakam
4. Sri Chidambara Panchamara Stotram
5. Sri Natarajapathi Adhere Dasakam
6. Sri Natarajatandava Stotram
7. Sri Chidambareshwarar Stuthi
8. Sri Natesashtakam
9. Sri Nataraja Karna Ranjakam and Mangalam
Lord Nataraja or Natesa is an attribute of Lord Shiva; His enthralling Cosmic Dance тАЬAnanda ThandavamтАЭ is a symbol of the rhythm of existence, the never dynamic process of creation and destruction тАУthe ever-changing evolution. He is worshipped in as representing the five elements earth, water, fire, wind and ether. Chidambaram is unique in that. He is the first and foremost God of all Arts and Sciences. He has four arms: One right hand holds the тАЬdamaruтАЭ, symbol of creation through the primordial sound: in one of the left hands, the purifying fire, symbol of transformation; the other right hand makes the reassuring gesture; the other left hand, the protecting gesture; his left foot, lifted up, evokes liberation and salvation; his right foor crushes the demon of ignorance and evil. The lotus pedestal on which the image rests locates this universe in the heart or Consciousness of each person. Prayers to Lord Nataraja bestows the power the power-to compose poems, to shine in Music and Dance fields, to circumvent competitors in the field, to escape evil thoughts from any quarters and to attain prosperity, Peace and Pleasure!
Hence, for the benefit of our listeners this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Natesa Gayathri & Dhyana, Sri Nataraja Sahasranaman, Sri Chidambaresa Stuti, Sri Chidambaram Pancharathnasthavam, Sri Natarajapathi Maduhrashtakam, Sri Natarajatandavam, Sri Chidambrashtakam, Sri Nateshtakam, Sri Nataraja Karnaranjanam and Sri Nataraja Mangalam.
These are presented in the traditional tunes by Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous music Director Sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Pratasmarana Sthothram
2. Dvadasa Jyothlinga Sthothram
3. Daridraya Dahanasiva Sthothram
4. Ardhanareeswara Sthothram
5. Samba Natanam (Padanjali)
6. Siva Manasa Pooja Mantram
7. Parameswara Matrukavarnamala Sthuthi
8. Mrityunjayashtakam
9. Sada Siva Sthothram
10. Parmeswara Sthothram
11. Sivashtakam
12. Pasupathyashtakam
13. Siva Bujanga Sthothram
14. Sivapradha ksamapana Sthothram
15. Dakshinamurthi Sthothram
16. Sivanama
Lord Nataraja or Natesa is an attribute of Lord Shiva; His enthralling Cosmic Dance
тАЬAnanda ThandavamтАЭ is a symbol of the rhythm of existence, the never dynamic process of creation and destruction тАУthe ever-changing evolution. He is worshipped in as representing the five elements earth, water, fire, wind and ether. Chidambaram is unique in that. He is the first and foremost God of all Arts and Sciences. He has four arms: One right hand holds the тАЬdamaruтАЭ, symbol of creation through the primordial sound: in one of the left hands, the purifying fire, symbol of transformation; the other right hand makes the reassuring gesture; the other left hand, the protecting gesture; his left foot, lifted up, evokes liberation and salvation; his right foor crushes the demon of ignorance and evil. The lotus pedestal on which the image rests locates this universe in the heart or Consciousness of each person. Prayers to Lord Nataraja bestows the power the power-to compose poems, to shine in Music and Dance fields, to circumvent competitors in the field, to escape evil thoughts from any quarters and to attain prosperity, Peace and Pleasure!
Hence, for the benefit of our listeners this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Natesa Gayathri & Dhyana, Sri Nataraja Sahasranaman, Sri Chidambaresa Stuti, Sri Chidambaram Pancharathnasthavam, Sri Natarajapathi Maduhrashtakam, Sri Natarajatandavam, Sri Chidambrashtakam, Sri Nateshtakam, Sri Nataraja Karnaranjanam and Sri Nataraja Mangalam.
These are presented in the traditional tunes by Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous music Director Sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Mayamalava Gowlai тАУ Adi
2. Bilahari тАУ Adi
3. Bageshri тАУ Misrachapu
4. Hamirkalyani тАУ Rupakam
5. Kapi тАУ Adi
6. Sankarabharanam тАУ Adi
7. Sivaranjani тАУ Kanta Ekam
8. Hamsanadhi тАУ Adi
9. Kanada тАУ Adi
10. Desh тАУ Rupakam
"1. Yagnavalkya Dhyanam
2. Ganapati, Saraswati, Gayatri Dhyanam
3. Kanva Rudram
4. Kanva Chamkam
5. Kanva Purusha Suktham
6. Richam, Vacham (Shanthi Suktham)
7. Isavasyopanishad (with Swaras)
8. Ganam
9. Brhadaranyaka (Selection)
10. Yagnavalka Gayathri
Among the four Vedas, Viz Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, the Yajurveda has two branches called Krishna Yajurveda and Sukla Yajurveda. Yagnavalkya the Sage, the Philosopher and the Yogiswara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda. The speciality of this Veda lies in the тАЬSwaraтАЭ (the accent and intonation) which makes the distinction between krsna Yajurveda and Sukla Yajurveda. Again this sukla Yajurveda has two schools, the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought our and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of tour listeners!
This compact disc begins with Yagnavalkya Dhyana and continues the prayer to Lord Ganapati, Goddess Saraswati and Savitri. Then starts, KanvaRudram an effactious Vedic hymn that extols the omnipresence, omni potency and the omni science of Lord Shiva. While chanting this hymn the vibration is created in the atmosphere of the cosmos which drives away all evils, bestows mental peace, wisdom and at last salvation. It is equivalent to the chanting of the entire Veda. The Purusha Sukta which enunciates the Supreme Being and reveals the grand concept of cosmogony. The whole universe is only the part of Him and He is the whole. By contemplating on Him one gets more than what is desired for, and gets rid of fear. Then follows Shanthi Sukta (richam vacham) for attaining peace in all spheres.
The Chanting of Lsavasya Upanishad a part of Sukla Yajurveda samhita itself contains the basic concepts in brevity, which are expanded in other Upanishads. This compact disc concludes with the rhythmic Fana Chanting a device followed for preserving the Vedas and also some important extracts form the Brahadarnyaka Upanishad. All these mantras are recited by the eminent Ganapati Parasurama Sastri along with his disciple Srinivasa Sarma being Co-ordinated by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, H.O.D.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayagam, the famous Music Director.
"1. Guruvandanam
2. Sri Krishna Mahima
3. Sri Krishna Sushama
4. Sri Krishnavarima
5. Rasakreedai
6. Sri Krishna Madurima
7. Sri Krishna Bakthi Rasayanam
Krishna Karnamrita is a popular Sanskrit Lyric, nectar like ravishes the ears of the listeners by extolling the greatness and divine powers of the Lord Krishna. It is full or rhymes, chimes and alliterations. The details given by Suga in the Bhagavada has been abdorbed here with absorbing melody.
The recital of the passionate out pouring of heart on the sports of Krishna with sweetness, simplicity, purity and melody combine with the esoteric meanings elevates the soul towards the divinity. The inspring rhapsodies will fetch the pleasant and soul stirring Mystic experience apart from the grace and mercy of the Lord that grant the needs such as wealth, health, Peace of mind and extra energy and prosperity.
This Compact Disc contains this precious lyric with the inner titles Guruvandanam Sri Krishna Mahima, Sri Krishna Sushama, Sri Krishnavarima, Resakreedai, and Sri Krishna Madurma Sri Krishna Bakthi Rasayanam.
These are recited in a spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thangarajan, HOD of postgraduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team S.Muthukumaraswamy, K.M.Shyam Sundara and Sri.J.Bhaktavatchalam, guided by the famous Music Director and playback singer Mr.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Sri Vigneshwara Dhyanam
2. Sri Durga Ashtottaram
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtottaram
4. Saraswathi Sahasranamam
5. Saraswathi Sahasranamam
6. Sri Amba Navamanimala
7. Sri Saraswathi Mangala Stotram
Saraswathi is the goddess of learning. She is the bestower of the power of speech. An aspirant of knowledge must have her grace. Lustrous and as white as jasmine flower, she, clad in a white silken garment and seated in a white lotus, is considered to be worshipped at even by the divine Trinity. Engaged in playing a lute made of ruby and uttering words soft and sweet. She is always contemplated upon to ward off the dullness of mind. Listening to a sincere prayer offered at her lotus feet, bears fruits and grants wishes to all.
Hence this Audio Compact Disc contains Sri Vigneshwara Dhyanam Sri Durga Ashottaram, Sri Lakshmi Ashottaram, Saraswathi Sahastanmam, Saraswathi Sahasranamam, Sri Amba Navamanimala, and Sri Saraswathi Mangala Stotram.
The recitation of these Stotras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri.Muthukumaraswamy, K.M.Shyam Sundar and Sri Bhakthavatchallam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director.
"1. Sri Venkateswara Sahasranamam
2. Sri Venkateswara Sahasranamam (contd)
3. Sri Venkateswara Stotram
4. Sri Venkateswara Stuthi
5. Sri Venkateswara Mahatmiyam
6. Sri Venkateswara Ashtothram
7. Mangalam
Namasankritana, i.e. the repetition of the divine name is the effective means to neutralize the evil effects of Kaliyuga and to attain bliss. The most powerful way of doing this is the recitation of Sahastanam or the thousand names of the chosen deity. These names or epithets describe and glorify the chosen God. Composed by the ancient Rishis the Sahastanam vibrate with the powerful divine energy if they are chanted with sincere piety and meditation. This energy stimulates certain nerve centers in the brain and promotes a state of mental equipoise and general well-being.
Lord Venkateswara, popularly addressed as Balaji, the Lord of the Seven Hills at Tirupati is the deity after by croes of people for attaining his grace and magical solutions to all.
The upturn of life is guaranteed to every one, seeking succor under his lotus feet. He is rich in all respects and is benevolent to all those who contemplate on Him. To have the direct experience of his supernatural powers this Compact Disc offers to the listeners the Venkateswara Sahasranamam and some of the rare prayers collected from the puranas and other sources hitherto unheard in Compact Disc format. The include Sri Venkateswara Stotram, Sri Venkateswara Stuthi, Sri Venkateswara Mahatmiyam, Sri Venkateswars Ashottara, Mangalam.
The recitation of these Stotras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri.Muthukumaraswamy, K.M.Shyam Sundar and Sri Bhakthavatchallam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director.
"1. Sri Mahalakshmi Sahasranama Stothram
2. Sri Mahalakshmi Suprabhatham
3. Sri Stuthi
4. Kanakadhara Stothram
5. Sri Ashtalakshmi Stothram
6. Mangalam
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfills the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Here are some prayer to Goddess Mahalakshmi the bestower of mega luck and riches. She is portrayed as тАЬWhite тАЬfair and graceful with four hands and a richly decorated crown, either sitting or standing on a bloomed lotus. Holding a lotus in one hand, she shows the sign of offering succor to the devotees, by the other hand. The lower right hard is ever showering with wealth and prosperity on those who seek her help. There are eight forms other viz, Adhilakshmi, Veeralakshmi, Gajalakshmi, Santanalakshmi, Dhayalakshmi, Dhanalakshmi and Aishwaryalakshmi. Lakshmi Sahasranama reveals her powerful thousand attributes. Establishing contact with this Super power through prayer achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
This compact disc contains Sri Mahalakshmi Sahasranama Stothram, Sri Mahalakshmi Suprabhatham, Sri Stuthi, Kanakadhara Stothram Sri Asthalakshmi Stothram, and Mangalam.
The recitation of these Stotras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, P.Jagadeesa Bhatt and Sri Bhakthavtchallam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director.
"1. Sakala Devata Bija Mantras
2. Ganesha Ashtottara Namavalli
3. Subramanya Ashtottara Namavalli
4. Durga Ashtottara Namavalli
Pythagoras described geometry as visual music. Music is created by applying laws of frequency, and sound in certain ways. States of harmonic resonance are produced when frequencies are combined in ways that are in unison with universal law. By directing our thought patterns to these archetypal planes we invite the essence of these levels to penetrate our minds and thinking. An attunement of individual consciousness with the harmony of universal consciousness develops.
Mantra is a divine combination of divine syllables of sounds which when chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings. For divine help one must link with divine forces. By regular use Of Mantra, a subtle links is formed and through this, one could then obtain any desired boon within the power of the deity. One could obtain wealth, prosperity, fame, fearlessness, success and spiritual upliftment, but for a different Mantra is chanted and a different deity propitiated.Yantras are the mandala imagery that visually represents the harmonic tones of Mantras. The Sanskrit word mandala means sacred circle. The circle symbolizes the womb of creation; and mandalas are geometric designs that are made though uniform division of the circle forming shapes that are symbols that embody the mathematical principles found thought the higher and lower realms. They are inter dimensional gateways linking human consciousness to the remains of archetypes language and the rational mind. They bring about certain wisdom of universal knowledge and a deeper understanding of human consciousness.
In this rare and special Compact Disc, there is a combination of the frequency of sound viz Mantras with the Geometric Mandalas orchestrated in ways to produce visual symphonies that create the harmonic unification of diversity. This rare collection is form the Sankrandana Samhita in which the secret of this combination having the nucleus of the sacred syllable Namavallis of Lord Venugopala, is preached by Brahma to Narada. Hence it is also called Muralidhara Yantra VIdhana. Ashottara Namavallis of Lord Vinayaka, Subramanya and Durga are the added attraction in this compact disc.
The recitation of these Mantras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by. Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri. P.S.Raghyraman, P.Jagadeesa Bhatt and Sri Bhakhavatchalam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director. SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD the products of this compact disc feel proud of this collection and in transmitting these highly valuable mantras to the pious listeners for their ever-increasing prosperity!
"1. Sri Ganesha Dhyanam
2. Navagraha Dhyanam, Gayathri Stothram and Soundarya Lahari
3. Navagraha Dhyanam Contd
4. Guru Preethi (Guru Ashtakam)
5. Sanaischara Preethi
6. Navagraha Prathanai
People at times struggle in life despite their hard work and good deeds. The reason behind this, is said to be the unfavorable position of the planets permanently or transitorily oneтАЩs own horoscope, planets, no doubt, have the direct influence on the human beings according to he ancient astrophysicists like varahamhira. At the same time our ancestors, after through research, had found out the method of appeasing the adverse influence of the planets through sound waves i.e. Mantras, Sanskrit being the divine language more sharp to establish connection with the ethereal religion, the Mantras chandted in that language has doubtless efficacy. The stotras too have the power of healing. Both the mantra and the stotra are like the virus scanner of the mind and physique both in the micro and macrocosmic body of the universal! The listening and the chanting of the Mantras and Stotras, therefore, removes all ills of human beings due of the power of vibrating spells, and paves way for a happy life of peace. Pleasure and prosperity!
With this in view, here is a unique presentation of Navagraha Shanthi Mantras, introduced for the fist time. Being judiciously and effectively compiled by Dr.R.Thiagarajan the head of the post graduate and research department of Sanskrit presidency college, Chennai , and being sung with phonetic perfection by Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamurthy, a traditional carnatic musician under the guidance of Mr.V.R.Manikka Vinayagam a reputed Music Director.
This compact disc being with a prayer to Lord Vinayaka (the remover of obstacles) and each planet is meditated upon with a Dhyana followed by the Gayathri Mantra of the respective planet in its sequence.
The most suitable Soundaraya Lahari hymn of Adi Sankara, which is intended to appease the planet respectively, has been included, which is among the special features of this disc. As the Jupiter and the Saturn have the noticeable impact on us on their transit zodiac, a special attention has been given to both of them. Hence this disc includes in it the famous тАЬGuru AshtakamтАЭ of Adi Sankara tuned melodiously and the Ashtottara chanting of Sanaischara. The prayer for all the plantes put together forms the climax and concludes the Disc.
"1. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam
"1. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam
3. Sri Venkatagireesam
4. Tirupathi Venkataramana
5. Venkatesa
6. Indirikkinbagayambu
"1. Subramanya Bhujangam
2. Sri Shanmuga Dhyanam
3. Sri Subramanya Gayathri & Mala Mantram
4. Sri Subramanya Suprabhatham
5. Sri Shanmuga Shatakam
6. Sri Kandasashti Manimalika Stotram
7. Sri Subramanya Mangalam
"1. Sukalambaradham
2. Ganesha Namavalliae
3. Odha Vinaiyagalum Gnanam Alithidum
4. Aindhu Kathinai Andhu Karamkonda
5. Adiyamarundhu Vezha Mugam Kondu
6. Kaniyanai karam Koopi
7. Ohmkara Pranavathin
8. Aacharyalin Arulurai
9. Pranayaemsirasadevam Ganesa Stothram
10. Naalettu Peyargalilae
11. Vinayaganae Vallaba Ganapathiyin
12. Paadi Panindhiduvai
13. Yennakku Vendum Varangalai Varma Thara
14. Thumbikaiyin Arulnaadu
"1. Sowmangalya Prarthana
2. Guru, Sukra, Kuja, RahuтАУKetu Gayatris
3. Navagraha Stotra
4. Swayamvara Mantras
5. Swayamvara Parvati Mantramala Stotram
6. Kalyanavrishti Stavam
7. Vivahapraptislokas
8. Rukamni Vivaha
9. Gowri Kalyanam
Vivaha or Marriage is an auspicious and happy moment in everybody / rquoteтАЩs life. There is a saying that тАЬmarriage are made in HeavenтАЭ, justifying its sanctity. It is a boon to get married and to secure a suitable match physically, educationally, emotionally and in various other aspects. A lively match is always a fore teller of fortune and successful life. But, these are the days people suffer to get a proper match and wrong matches have fired many young lives leading to the catastrophe such as divorce. Many are worried about the delay of marriage due to various reasons and problems, due to the planetary effects in their horoscopes. In order to ward off such worries and to find quick remedies to marriage problems, our ancestors were appealed to the heavenly beings through Mantras and Stotra Parayanas and secured the benefits. Hence as a service to suffering humanity here is a boon bestowed in sound from to fulfill the longing hearts concerning marriage. Listening to this compact disc, will fetch a perfect match and nourish a conjugal life as this contains mantras to attract the grace of the planets. Guru and Sukra and to get rid of the defects of Mars. Rahu and ketu in the horoscope which act as hudrles in setting the marriage.
"1. Sri Saraswathi Gayathri
2. Sri Vigneshwara Pooja
3. Sri Saraswathi Pooja
4. Sri Saraswathi Navarathnamala
5. Sri Saraswathi Stothram (Rudyamalam)
6. Sri Saraswathi Stothram (Agasthiyar)
7. Sri Saraswathi Dvadrimachannama Stotram
8. Sri Saraswathi Ashtakam
9. Sri Saraswathi Dasasloki
10. Sri Saraswathi Stuthi (Yagnavalkyar)
11. Sri Saraswathi Mangalam
Saraswathi is considered the goddess of learning and speech (vak). She is worshipped especially on the Saraswathi Pooja day all over the country and the educational institutions celebrate her for better knowledge, learning and spiritual progress. She represents the union of power and intelligence. She is the personification of all knowledge arts, science, crafts and all skills. She reveated language and writing to man. She endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom fortune, intelligence, nourishment, brilliance, contentment, splendor and devotion. Her four hands represent the four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness and ego. She has sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus or rosary the symbol of true knowledge in the second. With her other two hands she plays the music of love and life on the Veena she is dressed in white the symbol of purity and reides on a white swan symbolizing Sattwa Guna or purity and discrimination.
Devotees, who intend performing Saraswathi Pooja the traditional way, can play this compact Disc which will guide them like a priest. The programme begins with Sri Saraswathi Gayathri, Sri Vigneshwara Pooja, and Sri Saraswathi Pooja Sri Saraswathi Navarathnamala. Sri Saraswathi Stothram (Rudyamalam) Sri Saraswathi stothram (Agasthiyar), Sri Saraswathi Divarimachannama stotram, Sri Saraswathi Ashtakam.Sri Saraswathi Dasasjoki Sri Saraswathi Stuthi (Yagnavalkyar) Sri Saraswathi Mangalam, are also recited in a spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thangarajan, HOD of post graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team P.S.Raghuraman, Malolakannan, and Bhakthavatchalam guided by the famous Music Director and Playback singer Mr.Manikkavinayagam
"1. Guruvandanam
2. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Mantram
3. Sri Dakshinamurthy Sahasranamam
4. Sri Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala Stotram
5. Sri Dakshinamurthy Pancharathna Stotram
6. Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
7. Sri Dakshinamurthy Mantranasthavam
8. Sri Dakshinamurthy Poojavithi
9. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Ashtottara Satanamavalli
Dakshinamurthy is the sacred from of Lord Shiva, who has transmitted the truth of Parabrahman by silent speecn; who is surrounded by a host of venerable sages as disciples all absorbed and established in meditation upon Brahman; He is the Supreme Teacher; He displays the sacred sign of fusion of the soul with the absolute тАУ the joining of forefinger and thumb the paragon of bliss; he is the truth and the Natural Homogenous Essence. He is Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the protector, and Maheshwara, the destroyer. He is eternal Serene, beyond ether, spotless, who was rendered blind by the darkness of ignorance. He is the self, and the self of all beings. His form is the basis of meditation. His feet are the root of worship. His words are the source of Mantra and physician to those affected with the disease of worldly existence, whoever prays to him would inherit the powers from him.
This compact Disc contains Guruvandanam, Sri Medha Daskshinamurthy Mantram, Sri Dakshinamurthy Sahasranamam, Sri Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala Stotram, Sri Dakshinamurhty Pancharathna Stotram, Sri Dakshinamuthy Ashrakam, Sri Dakshinamurhty Mantransthavam, Sri Dakshinamurthy Poojavithi, and Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Ashtottara Satanamavalli. These are recited in a spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of post gradute and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team P.S.Ranghuraman, Malokannan and Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous Music Director and playback singer Mr.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Sri Mahaganapathi Gayathri
2. Poorvanga Pooja: Anugna, Vigneswara Pooja, Sankalpam, Punyahavachanam And Agni Prathishta
3. Pradana Pooja : Kumba Avahanam, Shodasa Upachara Pooja, Siddhi Vinayaka Ashtotaram, Mahaganapathi Homam and Atharva Seersham
4. Utharanga Pooja : Praya Chitha Homam, Agni Upasthanam, Dhupadhepdi Pooja, Poorna Upachara Pooja , Yathasthanam and Ashirvadam
Ganesha or Vighneswara is the Lord and destroyer of obstacles. People mostly worship Him asking for siddhi, success in undertakings, and buddhi intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He is also the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts. In reality, He is Brahma. Ganesha is AUM Kara and worshipped first.
Homams are the effective poojas performed for a particular deity by invoking Agni the God of fire. This Homam is dedicated to Lord Ganesha to improve family bondage, to win over enemies, to overcome disease and to achieve a planned objective whithout any hindrance.
This compact Disc contains the Mantras for performing the Homa in order Sri Mahaganapathi Gayathri, Portage Pooja, Aungna Vigneswara Pooja Sankalpam, Punyahavachanam, and Agni Prathishtra Pradana Pooja: Kumba Avahanam, Shodas Upachara Pooja Siddhi Vinayaka Ashotaram, Mahaganpathi Homam and Atharva Seersham Uthararga Pooja, Praya Chitha Homam Agri Upasthanam, Dhupadhepadi Pooja Poorna Upachara Pooja, Yathathanam and Ashivadam. This Homam could be performed by any one under the guidance of a Guru.
These Mantra are recited in the traditional tunes by Prof.R.Thaigarajan, the Head of the Post graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team, Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri K.Maloakannanm Usha Vishwanth and Sri K.Ganesha Bhat, with the technical support of the famous Music Director Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.Super Audio (Madras) Pvt Ltd feels proud to place this presentation for the devotees of Ganesha to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life.
"1. Sri Venkatesa Sahasranama Stothram
2. Sri Venkatesa Ashottara Sata Nama Stotram
3. Sri Lakshmi Chatur Vimshati Nama Stotram
4. Narasimhashtakam
5. Dashavatara Stotram
6. Sudarshanashtakam
7. Shadashayudha Stotram
"1. Yajurvedic Anuvakas
2. Santhanagopala Gayathri Mantra
3. Sri Krishnaashtakam Stotra
Modern scientists do accept the validity of the Mantra Therapy though experiments. Ancient Rishis no doubt knew this fact and hence, they made use of the Mantras for curing diseases of both mind and physique. They could gauge the super-natural influence over the beings, caused by certain spiritual vibrations and they choose appropriate Mantras form the Vedas achieve the effect they wanted.
Here are certain conventionally preached Mantras and Stotras, for those who are longing for children and also for the protection of the foetus. The repeated hearing of these Mantras and Stotras would fetch the fortune of progeny, sustain the foetus, and cure the disease and disorders in the female reproductive system. When, the expectant mother calmly hears these Mantras, the brain of the child in the womb is energized, and the strength of its physique improved and the mind, the spirit of the child in the womb is energized, and the strength of its physique improved and the mind, the spirit of the spirit of the child purified and there by the quality of the gene improves. These Mantras help the easy delivery of the child too!
This compact disc contains twelve powerful and valuable Yajurvedic Anuvakas. Santhangopala Gayathri Mantra and Sri Krishnashtakam Stotra being directed and recited by Prof.R.Thiagarajan with his team Sri P.s.Raghuraman, Sri.S.Chandramouli, Sri S.Sriraman and Sri S.Sriraman and Sri.K.Karthick with the instrumental support by Selvi.R.Tapana.
"1. Siddhi Vinayaga тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi тАУ Ramaswamy Sastry
2. Nadhaloludai тАУ Kalyana Vasandam Roopakam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Nenarunchi Naanu тАУ Malavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Arul Seyyum тАУ Sankarabaranam Adi тАУ Kunakudi Vaidyanathan
5. Thavil тАУ Solo
6. Western Music
"1. Pranamaamyagam тАУ Goula тАУ Adi тАУ Mysore Vasu Devachar
2. Thodi тАУ Ragam тАУ Pallavi тАУ Ragamaalika
3. Nadha Thanu Manusam тАУ Siddha Ranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Bajana Seyaraadha тАУ Dharmavathi тАУ Roopakam Mysore Vasu Devachar
5. Nannu Seppa тАУ Mandhaari тАУ Adi тАУ Pattanam Subramanya Iyer
6. Tharunam Thannil тАУ Hamsa Brahammari тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dhandapani Desigar
"1. Thatwamariya тАУ Reeti Gowla тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
2. Ninnuvina тАУ Navarasa Kannada тАУ Roopakam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Krupa Juchuta тАУ Chayataranjini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Thillana тАУ Deshi тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi.G.Jayaraman
5. Sukiyavvaro тАУ Kannada тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Theeratha тАУ Vilaiyattu тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Bharathiar
7. Thanthanana тАУ Bhoopalam тАУ Adi тАУ Annamacharya
8. Western Note
"1. Vallaba Nayaka - Byakadai тАУ This ram тАУ Dikshithar
2. Nekkurugi тАУ Abogi тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
3. Brochevarevarura тАУ Kamas тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Kavava Varali тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
5. Thavil тАУ Solo
6. Makelara тАУ Ravichandrika тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
7. Smaravaram Bagudhari тАУ Adi тАУ Sadasivabrahmendrar
8. Kandan Karunai - Beemplas тАУ Ekathalam тАУ Papanasam Sivam
9. Western Notes
10. Thirupugazh
"1. Raja Raja Aradhithe тАУ Niroshta тАУ Thistra Adi тАУ Muthiah Bhagavathar
2. Adukaradhuni тАУ Manoranjini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Baja Mana Rama тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thulasi Dasar
4. Raga Alapana тАУ Karaharapriya
5. Rama Neeyata - Karaharapriya тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Sri Rama Padhama тАУ Amritha Vahini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
7. Western Notes
8. Swami Sangeetham тАУ Ayyppan Songs
9. Magudi
"1. Pattividuva Raadu тАУ Manjari - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
2. Karpagame тАУ Madhyamavati тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
3. Chinnanchiru тАУ Ragamaalika - Trisra Eka тАУ Bhrathiyar
4. Mdijese тАУ Kamas тАУ Adi тАУ Javali
5. Thillana - Ragamalika тАУ Tisra Adi тАУ Poochi Iyengar
6. Emako тАУ Thillana тАУ Roopakam тАУ Annamacharya
7. Eppo Varuvaaro тАУ Jonpuri тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi
8. Paramapurusham тАУ Lalithapanchamam тАУ Kandachuppu тАУ Swati Thirunal
9. Narasan Lage тАУ Ghazal тАУ Ghulam ali
10. Appanna Kondaki тАУ Andhra Folk
11. Western Waltz тАУ G.A.Swathama
12. Unnai Marakka тАУ Mahesh
13. Chola Puri тАУ Mahesh
"Durga Dukhahantri Sukhapradha тАУ Shri Matha thus described in тАЬLalitha SahasranamaтАЭ is ever praised as the wainer of all evils and bestower of all auspiciousness in her best manifestation as Devi Mahishasura Mardhini.
In this Compact Disc, Sangirtha KalanidhiDr.M.L.Vasanthakumari first renders the famous twenty Slokas that celebrate the DeviтАЩs victory over Demons like Madhu Khairtabaha, Mahisha and others.
Nine Slokas called from the тАШSoundarya LahariтАЭ of Shri Adi Shankaracharya are offered next. To each Sloka is linked as appropriate Stothra on the Navgraas enchoing the truth that those who sunrrender at the lotus feet of Devi shall not have the evil spirits of nine planets and shall have only the auspicious benevolence of the Navagrahas.
Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari concludes with тАЬShri Durga Saptha SlokiтАЭ which though only seven in number yet span the entire gamut of seven hundred Slokas of Devi Mahatmiyam and ring in the Jayam and Mangalam bestowed by Devi Mahisasura Mardhini.
"1. Ganesh Chalisa
2. Ganesh Doha
3. Ganesh Aarthi
4. Lakshmi Chalisa
5. Lakshmi Doha
6. Lakshmi Aarthi
7. Durga Chalisa
8. Durga Doha
9. Durga Aarthi
10. Saraswathi Chalisa
11. Saraswathi Doha
12. Saraswathi Aarthi
13. Lakshmi Stotram
Saraswathi Stotram
The problems and miseries concerning the physique and mind could easily be driven away by meditating on Gods and offering prayer to them. It is a time-tested mysterious therapy experienced by the devotes with strong faith in Gods.
There are Chalisas, the Hindi Devotional Lyrics composed by the pious composers on various deities. Among them, Sri Ganesh, Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswathi are important as the prayer to the deities remove the obstacles in any endeavor and bestow wealth, courage, strength and education. Singing of chalisas or listening to them makes one happy and ecstatic.
Hence, in this Compact Disc Chalisas on Sri Ganesh, Lakshmi Durga and Saraswathi are sung with spiritual favour by Miss.Annapoorni, Miss.G.Meera, Miss.R.Tapana, and Miss.L.V.Vijeyata, Dr.R.Thangarajan and Mr.S.P.Raghuraman, Being directed by Prof.R.Thiagrajan the musical rendering is supported by Mr.Satishon Key Board, Mr.M.V.Sridharan Iyer and S.Sriram on Tabla.
As a boom and bonus to this programme, Sri Lakshmi Ashottara Stotram and Saraswathi stotram (Sanskrit) sung by Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamoorthy is also added.
"1. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling.
2. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain.
3. Use of Music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony.
4. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders.
5. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners.
6. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals.
7. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind.
8. Music theraphy enhances the concentration level of children.
9. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous.
10. Music improves the capacity of planning.
11. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too.
A sound was born with humans. Pleasant tunes transfer good vibrations in the atmosphere. Good and correct music brings forth positive vibrations in the nerves of the listeners. Music is a direct experience before being transformed into thought and feeling Indian Classical Music impact on individual moods and behavior. Certain Ragas with specific notes acts positive on individualтАЩs mindset. Our Upanishads speaks about the effects of Classical Music on individual life, behavior, environment and one who listens to it with rapt attention. During the early stages of pregnancy, music given to mothers to be does very good effect for the fetus.
Here in our APOLLO HOSPITALS, CHENNAI, INDIA, we have proved by our research that, the fetus listens music as a sound-rather a refined one, & understands the same. Regular listening of the above classical music does remarkable good & fine to the fetus and to the mother simultaneously. The selected ragas given in this album is something very special with regard to its notes/swara, and the way it has been played.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna.
"1. Kuraiyondru
2. Krishna Nee
3. Muruganin
4. Naan Oru Villayattu
5. Ennathavam
6. Kalyanagopalam
7. Kuzhaludi
8. Muralidhara
9. Aduvame
10. Jaachuthanandha
"1. Pleasant tunes transfer good vibrations in the atmosphere.
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling.
3. Music influences the lower and hifher cerebral centers of the brain.
4. Use of music as a theraphy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony.
5. Music theraphy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders.
6. Music theraphy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners.
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals.
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frames of mind.
9. Music theraphy enhances the concentration level of children.
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous.
11. Music improves the capacity of planning.
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too.
The present day heavy schedule in ever bodyтАЩs life deprives many normal needs of individuals. In that many needs, sleep is also one among the many and it is the basic requirement for an individual to get along with his daily routines. If we deprive ourselves from sleep for 35 hours continuously the normal function of the brain gets disturbed and the balance is at stake. The level of serotonin is reduced and the relaxing mind also gets feeble. Hence normal sleep of six to eight hours in a day without disturbance is must for every individual. Bur the requirement of sleep hours may vary individually.
Sleep is restorative, during sleep some of the vital substance gets re-synthesized in the nervous system. Any how for the so called normal and for the disturbed individuals, classical music does a wonderful effect on their sleep patterns. Specific ragas with selected notes with its vibration give relief from stress and make the individual get relaxed and go for sleep. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes / swaras and the way it has been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna.
"1. Mrytunjaya Gayatri
2. Mrytunjaya Sahasranamam
3. Mrytunjaya Kavacham
4. Mrytunjaya Stotram
5. Vasishtha Krita Stotram
6. Mrytunjaya Manasika Puja Stotram
Mrytunjaya is the manifestation of Lord Shiva as conqueror of Death. Worship of Maha Mrytunjaya through 1000 Mantra names. Kavachas and Hymns bestow happiness and success. Om jum Sah Ham Sah- Proctect me! Sah Am Sauh Jum тАУ The bija is Om. The Shakti is jum. Paramashani, the lynchpin is Sah. This mantra is the wish fulfilling gem of the powerful Lord. The Maha Mrytunjaya Mantra is the king of all mantras, and is the most powerful mantra.
The Maha Mrytunjaya Mantra connects us with the source of all creation, dissolving us of our negative energies that surround or live within us as it puts us in touch with the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent healer and creator. Chanting is a very special means of realizing divinity and that it affects and influences our nervous system enhancing the potential our physique, mind and brain.
"1. Kali Sahasranamam
2. Kali Ashtakam
3. Kali Ashtottara Satanamavalli
Goddess Kali is the manifestation of Shakti. The worship of kali is popular in India. It is believed that prayers of her, cures disease and offers relief from poverty and grief. She is represented as dark, terrible, holding a sword and a severed head. She also has the had gestures Abhaya тАУ to remove all fears of her devotees; Varada-to grant boons. She symbolizes jnana or knowledge. She is the representation of many philosophical concepts. As stated in the Sahasranamam, the reciter of the listener is freed from heinous sins, attain children, get their wishes fulfilled, get rid of diseases, and secure wealth and overall prosperity.
"1. Karunya Stabaka
2. Kataksha Stabaka
3. Mangala Stabaka
4. Iswarya Stabaka
Phala Stabaka
Sri Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity is always praised, prayed and extolled by many poets in Sanskrit for, without her grace, it is difficult to pull on life in this mundane universe.
Sri Venkatadvari, the Sanskrit poet of Arasani Palai, near Kanchipuram, composed 1018 verses and divided them into 25 sections named as stabakas (bunches), each one highlighting the greatness of Lakshmi. Reciting and listening to the verses of Lakshmi Sahasram shall bestow on devotees Her Blessings for fulfillment of all the aspirations in life.
This Compact Disc Contains Karunya Stabaka, Kataksha Stabaka, Mangala Stabaka and a few verses from lswarya stabaka and phala stabaka. Mrs.prema Rengarajan has recited the hymns with dignity, diction and a keen outpouring has been conceived and guided by Dr.Thiagarajan.
"Veda means the ultimate knowledge. They are the revelations or the breath of the ultimate real super human being that ever exists. Among the four Vedas, the Rig Veda is ancient and is the first and foremost scripture that had recorded the date orally transmitted by the Supreme Divine Being.
From time immemorial believed that the vibrations of the Vedic recitation is sacred and fulfills all the human aspirations.
Amongst many suktas recited for various purpose, a few suktas were chosen as the best, as they comprise of spells directed towards the respective divinities to bestow health, wealth, prosperity knowledge and above all to wash away all kinds of sin committed by human beings knowingly or unknowingly.
Hence in this compact dis, purusha Sukta and pavamaana Sukta, are recited with perfect diction on the rig Vedic tradition by Brahmasri C.Satyanarayana Ghanapathi and K.Shyamasundara Bhatta under the guidance of Dr.R.Thiangarajan.
"1. Khilabhaga
2. Nathamanhi Iti Suktam
3. Iti Va Iti Suktam
4. Asyavamiya Suktam
Aasirvaatha Mantram
Veda means the ultimate knowledge. They are the revelations or the breath of the ultimate real super human being that ever exists. Among the four Vedas, the Rig Veda is ancient and is the first and foremost scripture that had recorded the date orally transmitted by the Supreme Divine Being. From time immemorial believed that the vibrations of the Vedic recitation is sacred and fulfills all the human aspirations.
Amongst many suktas recited for various purpose, a few suktas were chosen as the best, as they comprise of spells directed towards the respective divinities to bestow health, wealth, prosperity knowledge and above all to wash away all kinds of sin committed by human beings knowingly or unknowingly.
Hence in this compact disc khiahaga, Nathamanhi iti Suktam iti va iti Suktam, Asyavamiya Suktam, Aasirvaatha Mantram are recited with perfect diction on the rig Vedic tradition by Brahmasri C.Satyanarayanana Ghanpaathi and K.Shyamasundra Bhatta under the guidance of Dr.R.Thaigarajan.
"1. Sri Ayyappa Gayathri & Dhyanam
2. Sri Panchakshara Stothram
3. Sri Pancharathnam
4. Sri Bagyasambava Panchakam
5. Sri Boothanada Kavacham
6. Sri Mahasasthashtakam
7. Sri Hariharathmashtakam
8. Sri Sabharigiriashtakam
9. Sri Sathanamavali
10. Bootha Nadashtakam
11. Sri Sastha Bhajangam
12. Sri Dharmasastha Sthuthi Sathkam
13. Sri Sabari Gireesa Sapthasloki
14. Boothanandha Sambodhanam
15. Sri Mahastha Stuthi
16. Bootha Nadha Vimsathi
17. Sri Hariharathmayashtakam
18. Manglam
"1. Saranamappa
2. Paaduvathu
3. Ellorum
4. Boomiyil
5. Panguniyil
6. Engalukku
7. Engeyo
8. Nadhiyoram
9. Saranam Olikkuthu
10. Onnampadi
11. Irumudi Iraivanin
12. Appanukku Paadam Sona
13. Kaarthigai Maasam
"1. Ayyappa... Ayyappa
2. Karthikai Maasam
3. Kanda Kanda
4. Puli Vaganam
5. Thom Thom Thathikitta
6. Yaarai Nimbi
7. Killipannay
8. Sami Sami
9. Manam Kanda
10. Padipattu
"1. Sathiyamae Sathguruvae
2. Valli Murugannaiyah
3. Muruga Unn Pasathil
4. Aarupadai
5. Shanmuganae Saravananae
6. Aarupadai Thanil
7. Mayiladum Soliyilae
8. Muruga Muruga
9. Sarananjali
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders.
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
9. Music therapy enhances the concentration level of children
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music improves the capacity of planning
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too
13. Music therapy stimulates beta cell activities
The present day negative stress leads to many physiological problems. It comes to surface by affecting the physiological functions of one or more organs either temporarily or permanently. Heart and Pancreas are the easily affected organs.
In the Diabetic, the carbohydrate supply of the liver is low, due to deficient storage primarily as a consequence of lack of insulin. Because of that lack, sugar cannot pass from the blood into the liver and other cells that require it; thus blood sugar level is high. The sugar in the form of complex carbohydrate (glycogen), which is released into the blood stream on demand-the demand typically being the action of epinephrine.
Classical music as a refined sound stimulates the тАЬBeta CellтАЭ activity in the organ and ensures normality over a period in all aspects. In emotional situations, blood sugar level is often affected. Classical music helps to present the quality of neurotransmitters-epinephrine in a subtle manner. Music plays a wonderful role in this aspect. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
9. Music therapy enhances the concentration level of children
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music improves the capacity of planning
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too
13. Music therapy enhances quality of neural тАЬengramтАЭ
14. Music therapy enhances the quality of protein releases of brain chemicals
15. Music therapy enhances the quality of neurotransmitters.
Learning takes place only with memory. Learning is the process of building up memories for future use. Neural basis for retention is termed as тАЬengramтАЭ. Memory is the тАЬstatic residueтАЭ of past activity in a neural pathway. Each learning trial involves reactivating the same neural circuit. Eventually, the circuit is in some sense permanently modified, and when it stimulated only partially later, the entire circuit is reactivated.
Music enhances the bio-chemical nature of the memory. The Swaras/notes of the selected ragas are played in such a way to activate the potential chemical agent. The individual memory is the prime satisfying aspect in the therapy. Music as refined sounds gets into the neural circuit to take its own specified neural path. There are a number of chemical substances are involved in the тАЬmemory moleculeтАЭ. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed. These ragas help to activate the neural circuit and enhance the concentration of the individual.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
7. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
8. Music bring about a sense of mental well being in individuals
9. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music therapy conditions the heart
12. Music therapy reduces hypertension
13. Music therapy reduces unaccompanied explicit behavioral manifestations
14. Music therapy helps to restrain the emotional outbursts
The present day heavy schedule on individuals and work pressure tolls, first the mindset and then many organs. The beating heart is a delicate mechanism, highly sensitive to emotion-provoking situations. Many research and several independent studies relate emotional circumstances to physiological conditions effecting cardiovascular function as well as to the cardiovascular pathology. When the work pressure was greatest, serum cholesterol fell and the whole-blood clotting time was accelerated. Like that when work pressure is reducing these things will also come to normality.
Classical music with is unique swara/note structure ensures calm and cozy mind by exposure and subdues the emotion provoking situations. Music plays an effective role in subduing the so-called emotional imbalance. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibration in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
9. Music therapy enhances the concentration level of children
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music improves the capacity of planning
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too
13. Music therapy enhances quality of neural тАЬengramтАЭ
14. Music therapy enhances the quality of protein releases of brain chemicals
15. Music therapy enhances the quality of neurotransmitters.
Stress is the most imprecise word in the scientific dictionary. The present day heavy schedule of work and other activities extols the individualтАЩs positive mindset.
Stress has become a major buzzword and legitimate concern of the times. Stress is an inevitable part of everyday life for every one of us. Stress is of two types. One is positive the other is negative. Negative stress leads to physiological problems, which in turn leads to psychosomatic problems. Continuous exposure to stress, the individualтАЩs Psychological and physiological resources become depleted; leads to gastrointestinal problems.
Stress either positive or negative music plays a wonderful role in overcoming the same. Ragas with specific notes with its vibration give relief from stress and help maintain freshness of the mind. Listening to music as a habit enhances the quality of some chemicals in the brain neurotransmitters-which are helpful in restoring calm and relaxation. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pamba Nadi
2. Ayyappa
3. Paavana Sree
4. Vannam Poosi
5. Maaligayin
6. Chandana Vaasam
7. Anthara Sundara
8. Irumudi
"1. Pallikattu
2. Pamba Vilakku
3. Kaliyuga Varatha
4. Vantha Kadan
5. Nei Abishegam
6. Swamy Swamy
7. Santhana Kattril
8. Pala Thena
9. Achan Koil
10. Kattukkule
"1. Jai Sri Saibaba
2. Sairam Endral
3. Ulagin Oliye
4. Jaya Jaya Saibaba
5. Vangayya Vanga
6. Vaanam Boomi
7. Vanna Vanna
8. Sai Nathanai
9. Baba Saibaba
10. Amma Ivar
"1. Sudarsana Gayathri
2. Sudarsana Sahasra Namam
3. Sudarsana Shatkam
4. Sudarsana Ashtakam
5. Shoda Sayudha Sthothram
6. Panchayudha Sthothram
7. Sudarsana Kavacham
8. Sowlabya Choodamani Sthothram
9. Sudarsana Gadhyam
10. Sudarsana Mangalam
Mantras and Stotras are the mystical formulae of sound or tune and their repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in them. They were discovered by our ancestors to invoke powers from the infinite cosmic energy for the welfare of humans to enjoy a pleasant and peaceful stay on this earth.
Sudarsana is the weapon, the Discus (the defence against all enimical forces), supposed to have been presented by Visvakarma to Mahavishnu. Later on, when the Lord Incarnated as Krishna, it descended from the orbit of the Sun as a present from the God Agni and the Lord is said to have wielded this weapon against Indra and also on other occasions in order to extirpate the demonic forces.
Prayers to Sudarsan guarantees protection to those who recite it, or hear it and meditate upon it. This Compact Disc begins with Sundarsana Gayatri and continues with Sudarsana Sahasranamam, Sudarsana Shatkam, and Sundarsanashlakam, shodasayudha Stotram, Panchayudha Statram Sudarsana Kavacham, Saulabhya Choodamani Storam, Sundarsana Gadyam and Sudarsana Mangalam.
Hearing or meditation of the chanting of these powerful sacred Stotras remove poverty destroy enemies, drive away the evil and enimical forces or obstacles of any kind, fulfill all ambitions, and bestows happiness, good health, prosperity wisdom success in all endeavors and at last the divine beatitude.
The divine recitation of these Hymns has been rendered by Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Ranganathan being guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, M.A., Ph.D., and Head of the postgraduate and Research Dept. of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and the famous music director Mr.Manikkaivinayakam.
"1. Vaalparai Vattaparai
2. Seena Thaana
3. Pattampoochi
4. Thulli Thulli
5. Malligai Vasami
6. Paris Tower
7. Santhana Theru
8. Machi Machi
9. Anbe, I DonтАЩt Care
10. Thanjavur
"1. Sri Tripurasundari Gayathri & Sri Bala Sahasranamam
2. Sri Bala Kavacham
3. Sri Bala Sthavaraja
4. Sri Devi Bujanga Prayatha
5. Sri Manthramathrika Pushpamala Sthavaha
6. Sri Tripura Sundari Stotram
7. Sri Lalitha Pancha Rathnam
8. Sri Bala Ashtottara Sathanamavalli
9. Mangalam
Bala Tripursundari, the most beautiful in the three worlds of Patala, the nether world, Bhoolaka, the Earth and Swarga, the Heaven, an aspect of Goddess. Bala means тАШgirlтАЩ, this aspect of the Red Goddess is the most highly erotic of her three aspects, as the 1000 names show. Bala is an adolescent woman, Tripurasundari a mother, Shri Bala is the Goddess bestowing both enjoyment and liberation. It is said that Shri Bala Tirpura gives Siddhi quickly. By devotion to Shakti, one comes to know the entire vermilion ocean of bliss, the hidden essence of Bala. Whoever meditates on Devi through hymns and mantras, immediately goins the whole mass of happiness and gains knowledge? A mantra is divine power manifesting in a sound structure. Sounds are vibrations which are in the nature of unfailing keys to gain access into the transcendental realms of absolute experience. Listening to the repetition of a mantra or the hymns has a mysterious power of bringing about the manifestation of the divinity. The glory of the Names of Goddess cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can be experienced or realized only through devotion, faith and constant repetition of the name.
Hence, for the benefit of devotes, this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Tripuasundari Gayathri, Sri Bala Sahasranamam, Sri Balakavacham, Sri Balasthavaraja, Sri Devi Bhyjangaprayata Stotram, SriTripurasundari Storam, Sri Lalitha Pancharatnam, Sri Bala Ashottarasatanamavali and Mangalam.
These are recited in the traditional tunes by Prof.R.Thigarajan, the Head of the P.G. and research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Shri.P.S.Raghuraman, Smt.A.K.Chandra and Sri Bhaktavasalam, with the support of the famous music director Shri.V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Sri Vishnu Gayathri,Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja and Poorvanga Satyanarayana Pooja
2. Sri Satyanarayana Praadhana Pooja
3. Sri Achyutashtakam
This Pooja is for Vishnu who is also called Sri Satynarayana. The performance of this Pooja is narrated in the Skanda Purana. When on an occasion Maharishi Narada asked the Lord Narayana what whould be the ideal solution for the people who are afflicted by Poverty, anxiety, peacelessness, sins and rebirth, the Lord prescribes this Satyanarayana Pooja. The lord in the manifestation of Satyanarayana holds a club, a conch shell, a discuss and a lotus in his four hands. He covers the universe in there strides: the earth as fire, the atmosphere as lightning, and the sky as the sun. He is extremely gentle of nature and personality thus symbolizing good fortune and wealth and is the favorite of merchants and traders. Together Vishnu and Lakshmi are a popular duo, worshipped by families seeking material welfare. This Pooja can be performed of this Pooja get all the material pleasures in plenty apart from the final beatitude. Hence, this compact Disc contains Sri Vishnu Gayathri, Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja, Poorvanga Satyanaryana Pooja, Sri Satyanarayana Praadhana Pooja and Achyutashtakam.
This Pooja programme is done with devotion in the traditional manner as taught by our ancient preceptors by Prof.R.Thiyagarajan, the Head of the P.G.and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri Raguraman, A K Chandra and Bhatavatsalam with the technical support of the famous Music Director. Sri V.R.Manickavinayakam, SUPER AUDIO MADRAS PVT LTD., feels proud to place this presentation for all the devotees to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life by performing the Pooja listening to the direction through audio by the competent Guru.
"1. Sadapalaya тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУ Mohanam тАУ Adi
2. Needayarada тАУ Thyagaraja Vasanthabhairavi - Roopakam
1. Biranabrovaide тАУ Tharangampadi Panchanadayyar тАУ Kalyani тАУ Thisra Adi
3. Rajuvedale тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Thodi - Roopakam
4. Needan Mechi Kolla Vendum тАУ Oothukadu Venkatesa Subbayyar тАУ Sri Ranjani Adi
5. Ennallu тАУ Thyagaraja - Subhayanthuvarali - Misrachappu
6. Edayyagati тАУ Koteeswarayer тАУ Chalanata - Adi
7. Devadideva тАУ Mysore тАУ Vasudevachar тАУ Sunodhavinodhini - Adi
8. Ramakatha тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Madhyamavathi - Adi
9. Sri Madhava тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Behaag - Adi
10. Namabhajare тАУ Papanasam Sivan Mand - Adi
11. Ennasolli Azhaithal тАУ Ambujam Krishna тАУ Kannada - Adi
"1. Gajavadhana тАУ Hamsadvani тАУ Adi тАУ Purandaradasar
2. Sri Valli тАУ Nattabairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
3. Pavanaguru тАУ Hamsadvani тАУ Roopakathalam тАУ Lalithadhasar
4. Mosashmu тАУ Saramathi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Sri Chakra тАУ Ragamaliga тАУ Adi тАУ Agasthiyar
6. Sambosivasambo тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi тАУ Dayananda Saraswathi
"1. Maguva (Varnam) тАУ Narayanagaula тАУ Atatalam тАУ Veena Kuppaiyar
2. Ini Namakkoru Kavalai Illai тАУ Bilahari тАУ Roopakam тАУ Koteeswara Iyer
3. Sukiewaro - Kanada - Adi - Thyagaraja
4. Seethapathi тАУ Khamas - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Ardhanaareeshwaram - Kumudharkriya - Chaturasa Roopakam - Muthuswamy Dikshithar
6. Kaliyugavaradan - Brindavana Saranga - Adi - Periasamy Thooran
"1. Nrisimha Gayatri
2. Nrisimha Dyanam
3. Sri Yoga Lakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham
4. Kamasikashtakam
5. Nrisimhashtakam
6. Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalamba Stotram (Adi Sankarar)
7. Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalamba Stotram (Azhagiya Singer)
8. Nrisimha Kavacham
9. Runavimochana Nrisimha Stotram
10. Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha Sahasranama Stotram
11. Palasruthi
12. Mangalam
Lord Mahavishnu incarnates when evil dominates over virtues. Lord Lakshmi Narasimha is a supreme incarnation who is the rescuer of His devotees at times of distress. When Hiranyakasipu, the father of Prahalada exhibited the demonic qualities and committed atrocities with out faith in the Divine super natural powers, there appeared the Lord from the pillar, with a fierce ful sound, to prove the faith of Prahalada who was a staunch devotes of the Lord Vishnu. It is believed that Lord Narasimha for rescue as He is kind to His bhakras as in the case of prahalada. He may be terrific in form but He is very kind at heart. Swami Vedanta Desika says though a lon is ferocious; it is very kind to its cubs. The gtratness of Narasimha-upsana cannot be described in words. The chanting of his тАШStotrasтАЩ grants all aspirations. Also, it can cure all sorts of poisonous diseases. It can bestow mastery in all sciences and arts. Infinite indeed is the power of His stotras. The Slokas in this Compact Disc Contain the Slokas that are as Listed above and are tuned in the Spiritual rhythm and recited by Dr.R.Thiagarajan the Head of the post graducate and Research Dept. of Sanskrit , Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, M.A.M.Phil., Sri.K.Bhatavatsalam and Sri.P.Murali., with the technical support by the famous Music Director Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayakam, SUPER AUDIO(MADRAS) P.LTD., the producers of this Compact Disc wish all the devotees to obtain the grace of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha to lead a life a prosperity and spiritual enlighement!
"1. Ganapathy Dyanam Guru Vandhanam
2. Sri Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtothra Sathanama Stothram
4. Thulasi Stothram
5. Annapoornashtakam
6. Durga Kavasam
7. Saraswathi Stothram Saraswathi Namsthubhyam
8. Shyamala Dhandakkam
9. Sri Raja Rajeshwari Ashtakam
10. Amba Pancharatnam
11. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
Every being in this earth is the product of fusion of Energy and Matter. The quantum and the quality of vital Energy ensure the wholesome functioning of the spirit and the physique. The powers of various kinds are generated from the energy and their storage of restoration relieves the mental agony and sorrows as well as the physical ailments. Our ancestors out of their experience were aware of the long tested methods of tapping the source of energy to derive the maximum benefits. The contact with that reservoir of energy is established through the medium of sound and through waves. The manifestation of that manifold Energy is deified in feminine form as Devi (Goddess) for Meditation purpose and the contact with her is maintained though the spell of Mantras or recitation or musical rendering of Stotras.
Devi is being invoked-as Saraswathi to energies intelligence, as Lakshmi for the shower of riches, as Durga for the increase of strength. This trinity has the personifications such as syamala, Tulasi, Sri Rajarajeswari, Amba and Meenakshi due to their permutations of powers. The stotras sung in the divine language Sanskrit, addressing and describing the Deities derives the powers desired by the devotees. The hearing of these stotras remove the sin, poverty and enemies. And it bestows health and wealth, and at last leads to bliss.
Therefore, this C.D. includes in it, Ganapathi Dhyanam, Guruvadanam, the pauranic Sri Mahalkshmi Ashtakam, Sri Lakshmi ashottata stotram, Tulasi stotram, Adi ShankaraтАЩs Annapoornashtakam, Durga Kavacham, Sarawathi Stotram the most famous Syamala Dandakam of kalidasa, Sri Rajarajeswari Ashatkam, Amba and Meenakshi Pancharatnams.
The celebrated classical melodist Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamurthy has rendered these divine songs with the graceful music, under the guidance of the famous music Director, Mr, Manicka vinayagam. This has been complied and the pronunciation attested by Dr.R.Thagarajan, MA.Ph.D., the Head of Postgraduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit,Presidency College, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
"1. Surya тАУ Sourashtram тАУ Dhuruva Talam
2. Chandram Bhajamanasa тАУ Asaveri тАУ Matya Talam
3. Angarakamashrayamyaham тАУ Surati тАУ Roopakam
4. Budhamashrayami тАУ Natakurinji тАУ Misra Jhampa Talam
5. Brihaspate тАУ Atana тАУ Tisra Triputa Talam
6. Sri Sukrabhagavantam тАУ Paras тАУ Khanta Jati Ata Talam
7. Divakara tanujam тАУ yadukulamkambhoji тАУ Khanta Jati Ata Talam
8. Smaramyaham тАУ Ramapriya тАУ Roopakam
9. Mahasuram тАУ Shanmukapriya тАУ Roo pakam
"1. Margazhi thingal
2. Vaiyaathu Vazhveergal
3. Ongi ulagalantha
4. Azhimazhai Kanna
5. Mayanai
6. Pullum silambina kanna
7. Keesu keesendrengum
8. Kizhvanam vellendru
9. Thoomani madthu
10. Notru chuvargam
11. Katrukaravai kanangal
12. Kanatilanga katrerumal
13. Pullinvai keendanai
14. Ungal puzhakkadai
15. Elle elangkiliye
16. Nayaganai nindra
17. Ambarame thanneere
18. Unthumathakalitran
19. Kuthu vilakkeriye
20. Muppathu moovar amarakku
21. Yetra kalangal
22. Anganma gnalathu
23. Marimalai muzhanjil
24. Andrivulagam alanthai
25. Oruthi mahanai piranthu
26. Maalay manivanna
27. Koodarai vellum seer
28. Karavaigal pin sendru
29. Sitransiru kale
30. Vangakadal kadaintha
Andal is one of the most extraordinary personalities in religious history. She is known in her native tongue of Tamil as an Alvar, one who is тАЬimmersedтАЭ in the depths of enjoyment of God, the omnipresent mysterious One, and Andal is one of the best-loved poet-saints of the Tamils. Pious tradition reckons her to be the veritable descent of Bhumi Devi (Mother Earth) in bodily form to show humanity the way to His lotus feet. She is present in all Sri Vanishnava temples, in India and elsewhere, next to her Lord, as she always desired.
Andal is remembered for her poetry, in which she often strikes autobiographical notes about her love for her Lord. She describes herself as a young girl, still not fully mature, pining away for Him. She beseeches her friends, the god of love, and even animals for help in her quest to attain Him. Finally, she describes her good fortune of being the daughter of Vishnucitta, the best of the devout, who lives in Srivilliputtur and adores the Lord.
Her first work is the Tiruppavai, a poem of thirty verses in which Andal imagines herself to be a cowherd girl during the incarnation of Lord Krishna. She yearns to serve Him and achieve happiness not just in this birth, but for all eternity, and describes the religious vow (pavai) that she and her fellow cowgirls will take for this purpose.
Thiruppavai the collection of 30 hymns considered as the necklace among the prabhandams is the yearning for eternal service to god with the total and unconditional surrender to GOD.
"1. Rudram
2. Dvadasa Jyothilinga
3. Lingashtakam
4. Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
5. Ardhanareeswara Sthothram
6. Sri Nateshtakam
7. Siva Panchakshara Nakshatramaalaa
8. Om Arunachaleswaraya
9. Kaalabhairava Ashtkam
10. Maargabandhu Stotra
11. Mrytynujaya Stotra
12. Mrytynujaya Mantra
The power and glory of Lord Shiva pervades the cosmos and shines as consciousness in the hearts of all beings. To appewciare the divine attributes of Shiva and worship Him in the traditional manner is to attain victory in all endeavors and ultimately realise the true lord in the heart. Siva is the Supreme Being for whom even aakaasha, the subtlest of elements is a symbol. As the Vedic Rudra, he destroys darkness and evil that stand in the way of divine realization. As Dakshinamurthy, He is the supreme teacher and blesses devotees with ripeness, wisdom and mastery. As Ardhanareeswara, He is the One who shows perfect harmony between the seemingly opposite male and female elements and blesses devotees with marital bliss and happiness. As Nataraja, the dancing lord of Chidambaram, he signifies the dance of divine energy in the cosmos and in our hearts, As Maarabandhu, Shiva is the protector on the part, and function as our armour during journery. As Kaalabhairava, He helps devotes make the best use of their time and achieve the purpose of human life. As jyothrilinga, or lingas of light he manifests Himslef in various divine centres and blesses worshippers with bliss and knowledge. As Namashivaaya, the five-syllabled mantra, he is the way and guide to divinity. As Mrityunjaya, He blesses devotees with heart and long life and confers immortality. This CD comprising powerful hymns of the glorious manifestation of Lord Shiva is a sure way of unlocking the divine power and blessings of Lord Shiva.
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim тАУ Hamsadhwani тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshithar тАУ Nadhaswaram тАУ Jayashankar and Valayapatti
2. Siddhi Vinayaka тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi тАУ Ramaswamy Sastry - Violin and Thavil -Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan and Valayapatti
3. Gnana Vinayaka тАУ Gambeera Nattai тАУ Saravanabavananda тАУ Nadhaswaram тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
4. Siddhi Vinayaka тАУ Shanmuga Priya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dikshithar тАУ Nadhaswaram тАУ M.P.N.Sethuraman & M.P.N.Ponnu Sawmy
5. Pahi Pahi Ganapathi тАУ Hamsadwani тАУ Roopakam тАУ Chidambaram тАУ Mandolin тАУ U.Srinivas
6. Mahaganapathe тАУ Kanada тАУ Roopakam тАУ Koteeswara Iyer тАУ Veena тАУ E.Gayatri
7. Vinayaka тАУ Hamsathwani - Adi тАУ Veenai Kuppaiyer тАУ Flute тАУ Dr.N.Raman
Ganapati, the God of Good Beginnings confers success, wealth and knowledge on devotees. Millions of devoted seek the elephant-faced lordтАЩs grace before embarking on any endeavor and find their actions capped with victory. Ganapati is the greatest benefactor of humanity. > Ganapati helps mortals and celestials to overcome all obstacles and attain victory.>Ganapati confers wealth and other boons on devotes (Varapradam)>Ganapati blesses the devotes with spiritual progress, being established at Moolaadhara, the yogic chakra at the base of the spinal chord.>GanapatiтАЩs very form represents the Pranava, or Omkaara, the single most potent mantra of the Vedas. As such he is extremely powerful.
Ganapati, who is also called Vinayaka, the supreme, Lambodhara, the god with the big belly, Vigneshwara, the god who destroys obstacles, Vakrathunda, god of the curved trunk(signifying removal of illusion) is always well-disposed to devotees and confers blessing magnanimously. The vibrations of victory that Vinayaka confers are embodied in the masterpieces of great composers like Muthuswami Dikshithar. These have been recorded here by the masters of the nagaswaram and thavil, the south Indian instruments that spell auspiciousness, and of the veena, violin and flute, instruments greatly suited to reflect the subtle nuances and graces of Carnatic Music. This album that brims with potent intimations of GanapatiтАЩs positive vibrations is sure to enliven your life and further your progress.
"1. Ganapathi Dyanam
2. Purusa Suktam
3. Durga Suktam
4. Narasimhastakam
5. Sri Raghu Veera Gadyam
6. Soorya Gayathri
7. Adithya Hridayam
8. Kaliya Mardanam
9. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Stotram
10. Sudarsana Mantra
11. Mahalakshmi Mantra
12. Shodashayudha Stotram
13. Ayyapa Pancharatnam
14. Hanuman Bhujangam
Sanskrit, тАШthe language of IndiaтАЩs soulтАЩ, is the only language in which sound, word and meaning are one. In Sanskrit, the meanings of fundamental roots of words are not arbitrary. The sages discovered them through intuition. The mantras in Sanskrit have the capacity to transform the devotee by putting him directly in touch with the divne powers. In this album, rare mantras and powerful hymns that bring the blessings of life are rendered authentically by famous artistes.
"1. Saundarya Lahari
2. Sri Suktham
3. Mahishasura Mardhini
4. Annapoorna Stotram
5. Sri Saraswathi
6. Saraswathi Suktam
7. Vani Stavam
8. Lakshmi Dandakam
Sound (Shabda) is the cause of the world, and mantra is the subtlest sound discovered by the Indian sages to tap the creative energies of the world. Chanting mantras and listening to chants puts the individual at the centre of positive forces that confer victory in all undertakings. Listening to the mantras in this album and meditating on the sounds activates divine energies that ensure the well-being of the individual in every way.
"1. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
2. Sri Kamalambikayai
3. Kanakadhara Stotram
4. Mooka Pancha Shati
5. Durga Ashtottaram
6. Varahi Gayathri
7. Pratyangira Gayathri
8. Sri Mahalakshmi Mantra
9. Kali Ashtakam
10. Sri Varalakshmi
She is the power of Will, she is the power of Action, and she is the power of Knowledge. She is the power and consciousness that animates all the worlds. By propitiating the Goddess, a seeker attains all the rewards of a great life-power, wealth, fame, creativity, health, longevity and the bliss of divine union. Let тАШThe Power of the GoddessтАЩ based on the ancient Sanskrit mantras make you a winner.
"1. Ganapathi Mantra
2. Gayathri Mantra
3. Isavasya
4. Lakshmi Ashtothra
5. Rudhram
6. Chamakam
7. Krishna Gayathri
8. Soorya Gayathri
9. Mrytunjaya Mantra
Mantras are subtle vibrations that protect those who chant them. These potent waves of sound energy release constructive forces that confer success and victory in all endeavours. Assured passports to a life of triumph like the Gayatri Mantra and the Mrityunjaya Mantra, as well as powerful hymns from ancient Vedic and Sanskrit sources are rendered here by famed authorities. тАШMantra MeditationтАЩ is manna for those seeking spiritual vibrations for success, health and peace.
"1. Ganapathi Vandana
2. Ganapathi Mantram
3. Subramanya Bhujangam
4. Om Saravana Bhava Mantra
5. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
6. Dhanvantri Gayathri
7. Purusha Suktam
8. Hayagriva Gayathri
9. Sri Dashinamurthy Pancharathna
10. Shiva Bhujangam
11. Mantra Pushpam
12. Om Arunchaleswaraya Namaha
Sound (shabda) is the cause of the world, and mantra is the subtlest sound discovered by the Indian sages to tap the creative energies of the world. Chanting mantras and listening to chants puts the individual at the centre of positive forces that confer victory in all undertakings. Listening to the mantras in this album and meditating on the sounds activates divine energies that ensure the well-being of the individual in every way.
"1. Amma En Maari
2. Kanivumigum
3. Padavettu
4. Thimbam Malainilam
5. Thiruvalangattamma
6. Manadhai Padaithaen
7. Kadal Kalangida
8. Vepanthazhai
9. Kannapuram
10. Kottaiyil
11. Amma Mariamma
12. Kaliamma
"1. Tirupura Sundari
2. Kamatchi
3. Karpagam
4. Chamundeeswari
5. Akilandeswari
6. Abirami
7. Mookambigai
8. Ambigai Roopangal
9. Meenatchi
10. Mahishasura Mardhini
11. Uravendru
12. Aiyai Sakthi Nee
13. Mangadu Kovililae
"1. Amma Mariyamma
2. Kaliamma
3. Aayi Magamayi
4. Mangadu Ennum
5. Aadhi Parasakthi
6. Aadu Paambae
7. Maari Maari
8. Om Om
9. Aathalai Vaazhthi Paadu
10. Verum Sagathiyay тАУ Anuradha Sriram
11. Deviyae тАУ Anuradha Sriram
12. Singara тАУ Anuradha
"1. Kallellam
2. Megam Karukudhu
3. Aatha Nee
4. Onkari
5. Chinna Thayee
6. Thanga Nerathazhagi
7. Senthoora Kottai
8. Thaayaga Neeyum
9. Aadi Vandha
"1. Moochil Kalandha Uyire
2. Kadaloram Thiruthavam
3. Mounam Sollum
4. Azhaikindra Kural
5. Sakthi Vadivanavalin
6. Devi Karumari
7. Vaigaraiyena
8. Nee Ulagin Oli
9. Kaathiduvaal Umai
"1. Sakthi Therigiraal
2. Verkaattu Nayakiye
3. Parasuramar Padaithaa
4. Manakalakkam Theerthu
5. Varavendum
6. Kollurukku Vaa
7. Unjalaadum Ponniamma
8. Mangadu Kamatchi
9. Putru Man Eduthu
10. Durgai Peyar
11. Bomalattam - Shuba
12. Karumaari - Shuba
13. Thee Chatti - Shuba
"1. Aadi Thaer
2. Sakthi Unnai
3. Periyavalae Amma
4. Azhagil Perazhagu
5. Thaayamma
6. Appadi Ippadi
7. Vetta Veli
8. Aadu Aadu
9. Magamayi
"1. Ododi Vanthala Maari
2. Vandhom Thaaye
3. Perumaikor
4. Manjal Medai Kovil
5. Maanjolai Naduvinilae
6. Senthooram Konjum
7. Manalveli Yengum
8. Paarungo Thaaye
9. Abishekam Seyathaanae
"1. Aadiyila Adi
2. Vaanathu Minnazhagi
3. Vanna Thiruverkaadu
4. Mel Malayanooru
5. Nagavalli
6. Mullai Poovai
7. Chekka Chekka
8. Mariamma
9. Aadharam Kandu
10. Kungumathu
"1. Navarathri Nayagiye
2. Ezhilmigum Kumari
3. Shree Durga Jeyadurga
4. Thirumagalae
5. Kummiadi Pennay
6. Paambanai Melthigazh
7. Ponmedaithanil Mevum
8. Aaru Arivodu
9. Kalvi Perunkadalay
10. Amma Un Thiruvadika
"1. Vadivelan
2. Maanodum
3. Annal Unadhu
4. Paamban Swamigal
5. Kanavugal Muruga
6. Muruga En mun
7. Maanikka Vellaiya
8. Un Arulaal
9. Muthum vairamum
10. Maasam Moonu
11. Unnaipaadum
12. Kavadiyaam Kavadi
13. Vadivangal Pala
"1. Saravana
2. Oraru
3. Valliyin
4. Annai Umai
5. Vallimalai
6. Thayai Pola
7. Ettu Dhisai
8. Kundrathur
9. Sannidhiyil
10. Kandanavan
"1. Vaakundam
2. Ponmani
3. Abishegam
4. Kannaal Unnai
5. Thayai Vanangugiren
6. Vaa Vaa Muruga
7. Thigattadha Inippe
8. Yennenna
9. Enaku Vendum
10. Murugan Potri
11. Murugan Un
"1. Muruga Enbadhu
2. Santhana Medaiyum
3. Paaltharum
4. Padaiveetin
5. Muruga Idhu En
6. Sol Ondru
7. Malar Siriyathu
8. Yendha Nilayilum
9. Thiruneeru Poosi
10. Pachai Kalaimayil
"1. Onnam Karagamadi
2. Om Sakthi
3. Amuda Kudam Pol
4. Amma En Maari
5. Vepilayin Nayagiyae
"1. Aanantham
2. Veppilayal
3. Arulin Mudal
4. Andari Sundari
5. Ulagaalum Thaaye
"1. Ore Nenjam
2. Aadugiral
3. Kann Paramma
4. Maampazhathu
5. Arulum Aalayam
6. Karpagavalliyin
7. Kodaiyile
8. Unadhu Nizhalil
9. Mahishanai Asuranai
10. Bhagavathiye
11. Aadhi Sakthi Neeye
12. Amma En
"1. Anbe Sivam
2. Palveru Namame
3. Deva Devane
4. Nalla Sivarathri
5. Sakthi Roopame
6. Dhanangalil
7. Ethanai Ethanai
8. Thanjam Thanjam
9. Iraivan
10. Aarathi
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam
Soundarya Lahari
"1. Slocomb
2. Mahishasura Mardini Sthotram
3. Ashtalakshmi Sthotram
4. Annapurna Ashtakam
5. Bramarambika Sthotram
6. Sri Raja Rajeshwari Ashtakam
"1. Aadhi Parasakthi
2. Ganga Ganga
3. Sowbarnika
4. Pathu Maadham
5. Manjal Poosum
6. Kannatha
7. Paarkum Idam
8. Karumari Annaiyae
9. Maanikka Mookkuthi
10. Thaayana Thangam
11. Bommalattam тАУ Subha
"1. Balamuruganai
2. Thirupugazhin Osai
3. Imayam Thottu
4. Kandha Gugane
5. Muthu Thamizh Malai
6. Thirumurugan Vazhum
7. Mayil pola
8. Engum Niraintha
9. Valla Kottaiyum
10. Vel Murugan
11. Vadivel kondavan
12. Kandhan Endru
"1. Velodu
2. Sikkalile
3. Parkka Parkka
4. Ethanaiyo
5. Sirithaalum
6. Kodaikanal
7. Vaayarappada
8. Kadal Alaipayum
9. Om Om Murugaiya
10. Kavadigal
11. Balamurugane
12. Vadivel Kondavan
"1. Aanandha Muruga
2. Velirukka
3. Karumille
4. Malayile
5. Mayil Vaganane
6. Thamizh Pesum
7. Kundrellam
8. Vela Sakthi
9. Arumugathodu
10. Muthu Muthukumar
"1. Thanthanathan
2. Yarodu
3. Yenge Illai
4. Therodum
5. Neelakkadal
6. Appanukkum Padam
7. Avvai
8. Manaithedi
9. Ammai Appanukkulle
10. Thoppu Solai
"1. Vezha Muganin
2. Kanna Un
3. Kandhan Viradhangalin
4. Aavanithingal
5. Amma Umayavale
6. Malaimagale
7. Arulum Thiruve
8. Karthigai Madham
9. Kodiyai Nanmaigal
10. Ellarkkum
"1. Padhinaru Thirunamam
2. Aatrankarayil
3. Aavani Madham
4. Moovarum Devarum
5. Anubu Mugam
6. Thiruchi Malayil
7. Sivan Enum
8. Pudhidha Vacha
9. Adipaniyum
10. Kandhanukku
11. Adhi Mudalana
12. Unnai Naan
"1. Unaippadum
2. Kavadiyam Kavadi
3. Vadivangal Pala
4. Annai Solli
5. Kanakkana
6. Solla Sola
7. Muruga Un Peyar
8. Panguniyil Uthiramam
9. Malaigal Ethanai
10. Kandhan Thirukkoil
"тАШSacred morning chantsтАЩ is designed to fill the auspicious period of your dawn with the divine vibrations of powerful deities. Morning invocations seeking the blessings of Ganapati, Surya (the sun). Durga, Shiva, Karthikeya and Srinivasa release potent divine impulses into your mind that will shape a glorious future for you and your family. The chapter of the divine epic Ramayana, on the meeting of Hanuman with Rama and lakshmana is another special feature of this rate album. The dawn of a new beginningтАж.
1. Ganapathi Suprabatham
2. Ganapathi Pratasmaranam
3. Soorya Suprabatham
4. Soorya Gayathri
5. Soorya Pratasmaranam
6. Sri Durga Pratasmaranam
7. Sri Durga Prancharatnam
8. Shiva Pratasmaranam
9. Subramanya Suprabatham
10. Venkateswara Suprabatham
11. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
12. Ramayana Hanumad Sangamam
"1. Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha
2. Vathaphi Ganapathim
3. Isavasya
4. Hayagriva Gayathri
5. Lakshmi Hayagriva Stotra
6. Purusa suktam
7. Sri Raghu Veera Gadyam
8. Dhanvantri Gayathri
9. Pratyangira Mantras
10. Hanuman Gayatri
11. Aasirwadha Mantra
Sabda or sound is described in the scriptures as the cause of the universe and the manifestation of the power of supreme consciousness (chit-shakti). When the aspirant unites with the mantra-shakti, he unites with the supreme being itself. The subtlest mantra sounds captured in this album are divine channels that connect the seeker with constructive energies and awaken him to a higher consciousness. Success, health, prosperity and spiritual illumination are the rewards of these mantras.
"1. Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha
2. Shiva Ashottara Satanamavalli
3. Sri Rudram
4. Daridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram
5. Linga Ashtakam
6. Bilva Ashtakam
7. Shiva Bhujangam
8. Nataraja Tandava Stotram
9. Ardhanareeswara Stotram
10. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
Worship of Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being who is the friend and saviour of all living beings, brings auspiciousness and light into our lives. Lord ShivaтАЩs name, Aashutosh (quickly gratified) is testimony to the fact that he responds immediately to the prayers of devotees. This beautiful album evokes the grand vibrations of the supreme deity in his manifestation as Arunchaleswara the infinite pillar of light, Nataraja, the cosmic dancer, Rudra, the destroyer of ignorance and darkness, and the great Linga, symbol of the formless transcendent. A wonderful opportunity to propitiate Lord Shiva and earn his blessings.
"1. Marugelara
2. Neeradina Sri Rama
3. Kanuganu Sowkiyamu
4. Ezhilludaya Raghavane
5. Kana Kana Ruchira
The merit of the great compositions of Tyagaraja, the supreme composer of Carnatic music, is that they celebrate the glory of Lord Rama, an incarnation of the supreme being, in matchless music. In this album, you have great artistes celebrating these wonderful compositions as well as auspicious pieces on the deity sung during marriages. A divine album that shines with brilliant musical gems.
"1. Naadha Thanum Manusam
2. Chakkani Raja
3. Sobillu Saptaswara
4. Ganamurthy
5. Nagumomu
6. Vinatha Sutha
7. Banthu Reethi
8. Swara Raga
A grand tribute is paid to Thyagaraja, the greatest of composers through the greatest of temple instruments, the nadaswaram. The matchless masterpieces of the composer on the divine art of music flow like shining streams of diamond from the windpipe of Carnatic stalwarts. An album of great power and impact that you must not miss.
"1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter II
3. Krishna Ashtakam
4. Sri Lalitha Gayatri
5. Sri Lalitha Prathasmaranam
6. Sri Sarabeshwara Gayatri
7. Sri Sarabeshwara Ashtakam
8. Sri Sundarshana Gayatri
9. Mahalakshmi Gayatri
10. Kanakadhara Stotra
11. Sri Suktam
12. Sri Sabeshwara Ashtakam
Sanskrit is more than a language, it is a power. The great power of Sanskrit is distilled in mantras which are full of divine vibrations that protect the person who chants them and hears them. The mantras bring the body, mind and soul into harmony, and fill every aspect of the personality with energy and brightness. A marvelous culling of powerful mantras and hymns awaits you in this excellent album.
"1. Vaigai Karai Yedhu
2. Om Yennum Oliyae & Suprabatham
3. Tirumangalayam
4. Chintamaniyennum
5. Kaveri Karaiooram
6. Kannadi Paarthidama
7. Amma Un Kovil Vaasal
8. Thaerari Varaalae
9. Puthumedai Suttri Vandhaen
"1. Hara Hara Sankara
2. Nagendra Hara
3. Sambho Mahadeva
4. Kana Vendamo
5. Slokam & Nadamadi Thirinda
6. Ellorum Vaarangal
7. Sivaloka
8. Sabapathikku
9. Enneramum
10. Edadhu Paadam
11. Ayyem Ethukku
"1. Sri Venkateshwara Suprabatham
2. Sri Venkatesa Kavacham
3. Ranga Ranga Nadha - Subha
4. Nandhana тАУ Subha
"1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a Little Lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. Am a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnite
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the wesal
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a Little Lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. Am a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnite
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the wesal
"1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. If U R Happy
3. Its Raining
4. London Bridge
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. All around the Mulberry Bush
7. All Things Bright and Beautiful
8. Goosy Goosy Gander
9. Hush a Bye Baby
10. Hey Diddle
11. The farmer in the Dell
12. Three Little Kittens
13. Rock a Bye Baby
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. If U R Happy
3. Its Raining
4. London Bridge
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. All around the Mulberry Bush
7. All Things Bright and Beautiful
8. Goosy Goosy Gander
9. Hush a Bye Baby
10. Hey Diddle
11. The farmer in the Dell
12. Three Little Kittens
13. Rock a Bye Baby
"1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Einchy Winchy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pockey
7. Lady Bug
8. Little Bunny Foo Foo
9. One Little Two Little
10. Hush Little Baby
11. She will be coming
1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Einchy Winchy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pockey
7. Lady Bug
8. Little Bunny Foo Foo
9. One Little Two Little
10. Hush Little Baby
11. She will be coming
"1. ABCD
2. Jack and Jill
3. Ding Dong Bell
4. This Old Man
5. Georgy Porgy
6. Jingle Bells
7. The Ants Go Marching
8. Sing a song of six pence
9. Saw a ship sailing
10. The wheels on the bus
2. Jack and Jill
3. Ding Dong Bell
4. This Old Man
5. Georgy Porgy
6. Jingle Bells
7. The Ants Go Marching
8. Sing a song of six pence
9. Saw a ship sailing
10. The wheels on the bus
"1. Kavacham
2. Kaithala
3. Pakkarai
4. Vasanamigu
5. Sarana
6. Agaramum
7. Thullumatha
8. Nadhavindhu
9. Erumayil
10. Aariru
"1. Ranga Ranganadha
2. Nandhana
3. Pani Thulieley
4. Kanna Kanna
5. Thiruppathigam
6. Rama Rama
7. Adhi Kalai
8. Geethai Mozhi
9. Aayargalin
10. Nandha
"1. Om Chanting
2. Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha
3. Krishna Gayathri
4. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10
5. Sri Lalitha Gayathri
6. Sri Lalitha Trisathi Namavalli
7. Mahalakshmi Asktakam
8. Raja Rajeshwari Asktakam
9. Soorya Gayathri
The ancient sages of India unlocked the secrets life for humanity. Their wisdom is embodied in the great mantras which they have given us. The greatest of these is the single syllable тАШOmтАЩ, which is the first name of God. It is the primal vibration that emanated in the process of creation. Chanting of Om, the queen of all mantras and their source as well, restores the spiritual balance of the individual and brings peace and strength. The ganapati mantra, Krishna Gayatri matra, Lalita Gayatri mantra and Surya Gayatri mantra are again powerful chants that brings success, wisdom, health and prosperity to as paints. Another special feature of this album is a rendering of the tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, the Vibhooti yoga in which Lord Krishna speaks of His manifestations in the world. A remarkable array of divine vibrations await you in this excellent album.
"Ganapathy Saraswathi Vandhana
Gayathri Mantra
16 Names Ganapathy
Mrutyunjaya Mantra
Sri Rajagopala Moola Mantra
Sri Kamalathmika (Dasamaha Vidya)
Mahalakshmi Mantra
Lakshmi Dandakam
Sri Stuthi
Hanuman Gayathri
Hanuman Ashtothram
Aasirwadha Mantra
Mantra is that which frees the individual from sin, and confers heaven and liberation. It is the greatest aid in attaining the fourfold aim of human life, righteousness, Wealth, enjoyment and liberation. A mantra is not a mere collocation of words; it is a mass of radiant energy, a sound-body a divine consciousness. This precious album introduces the aspirant to authentic versions of some powerful mantras. The Gayatri Mantra (piety, brilliance, wealth, enjoyment, divine bliss) Mahalakshmi Mantra (wealth power, enjoyment) and Hanuman Gayatri (great intellectual power, eloquence, single- mindedness, victory in all endeavors) are among the potent mantras lined up in this album. тАШPower of Ancient Sanskrit MantrasтАЩ will fill your home with auspicious vibrations.
"1. Shiva Sankalpa
2. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad --
3. (Asva Brahmana, Agni Brahmana)
4. Prahaladha Charitham
5. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
6. Purusa Suktam
7. Aditya Hridayam
8. Sudharshana Kavacham
9. Sri Rama Kavacham
10. Mahishasura Mardhini Stotram
11. Badra Suktam
12. Gana Paatam
The greatest step in the history of mankind was taken by the Vedic seers of India around five thousand years ago. When they pierced through the iron curtain of death shrouding man and experienced immortality and infinitude. Their path-breaking experiences are gathered in the Vedic lore, not as the work of human beings however great, but as the revelations of the Supreme. This rare album distills some beautiful Vedic hymns as well as powerful mantras from the post-vedic period. The Siva Sankalpa rings in the ancient tones of auspiciousness, while the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad sections (Braahmanam) I and II of the first chapter) take us right into the heart of the ancient search. Speaking in the context of the great Aswamedha sacrifice, the passages assert that knowledge of the Supreme Brahman alone is capable of freeing the soul from all its limitations. The purusha Suktam gives us a glimpse of the Cosmic from of god. Chants (Om Sri Ramaya Namaha). Powerful hymns (Mahishasuramardini) time tested recitals for all round well-being (Aditya Hridayam), protective chants (Sundarshna Kavacham) and Vedic benedictions (Bhadra Suktam) also form part of this valuable album. A remarkable array of effective mantras.
"1. Guru Dhyanam
2. Swetharka Ganapathi Mantra
3. Pancha Shanti
4. Purusa Suktam
5. Sri Lakshmi Namavalli
6. Bhagavad Gita Chapter XI ( The Cosmic Form)
7. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
8. shymala Dandakam
9. Sri Amba Navamanimala, Saraswathi Mangala
10. Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
The Soundless Para Brahman becomes the Sabda Brahman (the Supreme Lord of the manifested world) when the phenomenal world comes into being. When the aspirant worships the Lord through chants and mantras prescribed by the ancient texts, he reaps the rewards of a fulfilling life and ultimately becomes one with the undifferentiated illumining self. The rhythmical vibrations of chants and mantras regulate the unsteady vibrations of the sheaths of the worshipper and transform him. From the chants and mantras arise the forms of the gods worshipped through them. In this valuable album a judicious mix of Vedic and post Vedic chants and hymns are presented to the aspirant. The Swetharka Ganapti Mantra, the Panchashani, and Purusha Suktham are full of strengthening Vedic vibrations. Chapter XI of the Bhagaved Gita presentation the words of Lord Krishna, Himself the supreme Avatar, the Cosmic from of God. The тАШLakshmi NamvaliтАЩ (wealth happiness, victory) Meenakshi Pancharatnam (freedom from fear, peace, and happiness) Shyalma Dandakam, (wisdom, mastery over arts) and Amba Navamanimal (divine protection, victory one-pointed devotion to god) are divine hymns resonating with mantric syllables that bless aspirants with all auspiciousness. Ancient Chants is a valuable treasury of divine mantras and hymns.
"1. Ganapathy Ashtotram
2. Sri Ganapathi Moola Mantras
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtottaram
4. Ashtalakshmi Stotram
5. Dvadasa Jyothirlinga Stotram
6. Om Arunachaleshwarya Namaha
7. Subramanya Suprabatham
8. Subramanya Gayathri
9. Dhanvantri Gayathri
10. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
11. Hanuman Gayathri
The Devis and Devatas (goddesses and deities) of Hinduism only represent the different functions and powers of the one Supreme God. The deities are shown as male and female because the existence of the manifested universe depends upon the primary differentiation of the Supreme Reality into two opposite aspects, one positive and the other negative. This is the secret behind Lord KrishnaтАЩs assertion in the Bhagavad Gita that prayers addressed to all gods reach only the Supreme Being. In this album тАШMantras of Gods and GoddessesтАЩ, we first address our prayers to Ganapati, the elephant faced Lord of good beginnings. When we begin our endeavors with his blessings, they are bound to be successful. Adoration of Ganapati brings victory, wealth and yogic realization. The Lakshmi Ashottaram and Ashtalakshmi Stotram bring the positive vibrations of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, auspiciousness and compassion. Authentic versions of Subramanya Gayatri (removal of bad effects of Mars), Dhanvantri Gayatri (freedom from diseases of every kind) and Hanuman Gayatri (intellectual might, strength, courage) follow. The prayer to the twelve jyoti lings (aspects of light) of Shiva and chanting of Om Arunachaleswaraya Namaha is another aspect of this important album.
"1. Gayathri Mantra
2. Sudarsana Mantra
3. Isavasya
4. Soorya Gayathri & Kavacham
5. Om Saravana Bhava
6. Hayagriva Gayathri
7. Annapoorna Stotram
8. Sri Durga Ashtotram
9. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
10. Mrutyunjaya ashtakam
11. Hanuman Gayathri
12. Aasirvadha Mantra
The great sages of Hinduism (more appropriately, Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion) through their arduous search for the supreme truth heard in their hearts eternal truths which they recorded in the Vedas (also called sruti, the heard revelation). The Vedas reveal the highest truth man can know and lead him to the highest good and immortality. The sages and the wise men who realized the supreme happiness of union with Go, have given mankind a wonderful treasure of mantras which being peace and prosperity on earth and eternal life in the hereafter. The Gayatri Mantra (which gives light, strength and fulfillment) the Sudarshana Mantra (Victory and protection), Surya Gayatri (a mighty intellect, mastery over many arts), Mrityunjaya Mantra (health, longevity, immortality), and Hanuman Gayatri, (strength, wisdom and devotion to god) are recorded here through authentic experts.
"1. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter 1 (Sec) 4
2. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter 1 (Sec) 5
3. Gayathri Mantra
4. Aditya Hridayam
5. Hayagriva Gayathri
6. Dashvatra Stotram
7. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
8. Nrismha Gayathri
9. Nrismha Dhyanam
10. Om Chanting
Sanskrit is called the Deva Bhaasha, the language of the gods, because of its perfect relationship between word and meaning. Every letter of Sanskrit has a direct force which exists by the nature of things and not by human choice, the mantras in Sanskrit awaken superhuman power in those who chant and meditate on them. A mantra is god-consciousness in a sound-body, eternal and evergreen. A mantra is divine energy (Shakti).
That is latent in the eternally determined sounds of shaastra (scripture). In this carefully structured album of Mantra sounds, we have first excellent selections form the Brihadaaranyaka, the greatest of the Upanishads, revelatory texts on the highest wisdom of the East, Sections IV and V of the first chapter (Knowledge of the Supreme Self confers immortality, The Inner Self in our hearts is the Supreme Brahman) bring the incantatory cadences of the subliment realization in the history of men within our reach. They light the flame of Supreme Truth in us, Authentic versions of the Gayatri Mantra (brings wisdom, health, intellectual brilliance, spiritual illumination), Aditya Hridayam (health longevity victory in all endeavors), Havagriva Gayatri (omniscience, knowledge in many subjects, spiritual wisdom), Narasimha Gayatri (triumph over inmival forces) Om Ramaya Namaha (victory divine consciousness happiness) and Om chanting (peace and divine realization leading to supreme bliss) are precious mantras in this highly valuable album.
"1. Ganapathy Dhyanam
2. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad (Udgeetha Brahmana)
3. Sri Sarabeshwara Gayathri
4. Sri Varahi Gayathri
5. Soorya Narayana Stuthi
6. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
7. Subramanya Ashtottaram
8. Daridriya Dahana Shiva Stotra
9. Rasakreeda
10. Pratyingara Mantras
11. Hanumad Ashtakam
The Vedas, which are the fountainhead of Hinduism, are considered to be the breath of God. The import is that they embody the subtle vibrations responsible for the creations of the universe. When we chant or given ear to the Vedic mantras we connect ourselves to the most powerful sound on earth. This carefully structured album begins with homage to Ganapati, the god of good beginnings, and presents the third section of the Brihadaranyaka, the greatest of the Upanishads, called the Udgeetha Brahmana; it narrates the Vedic allegory of the gods and demons and reveals that only the knowledge of the Supreme Self can annihilate manтАЩs ignorance. This album also includes very powerful chants like the Sarabha Gayatri (victory over enemies), Varaha Gayatri (cure for poisonous bites) and very powerful chants like the Sarabha Gayatri (victory over enemies), Varaha Gayatri (cure for poisonous bites) and Pratyangra mantras (achievement of aim) which give certain victory in all endeavors.
"1. Sriman Narayana
2. Uchhishta Ganapathy Suprabatham
3. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabatham
4. Soorya moorthy
5. Soorya Suprabatham
6. Shirdi Saibaba Suprabatham
7. Sri Lalitha Prathashmaranam
8. Shiva Prathasmaranam
9. Durga pratasmaranam
10. Gayathri Mantra
11. Dhanvantri Gayathri
12. Om Chanting
In the Transcendental state, God is the only realty. But in the relative world in which we live, He is the King of Kings. The Hindu worships the deity in the temple as a great king and receives boons from Him. This is an experience of life. Just as the king is roused from sleep with music and panegyrics early at dawn, the deity at the temple is Worshipped with Suprabhathams. When the devotes wakes up form a refreshing nightтАЩs sleep, he first worships the Lord with fervour. The sacred vibrations that flow into the devotes because of contemplation on the divine form at dawn, give him the strength and power to see life in the proper perspective, In this excellent album, there are powerful dawn hymns like sriman Narayana (in the delightful morning raga Bhouli), Uchishta Ganpati Suprabhaatam (victory in all endeavours) and yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham (good luck, victory over enemies, riches). The Muthuswami Dikshithar hymn (morning prayers) on Lalitha. Shiva and Durga are divine prayers that confer great blessing on the devotee. The gayatri mantras brim with powerful vibrations. The gayatri mantra proper confers a mighty intellect, strength and spiritual vision. Sudarshana gayatri (victory, power, protection) and Dhanvantri gayatri (health energy) are valuable mantras. Om, the one-syllabled name of the Almighty is the pinnacle of mantra power. By awakening the Lord, one awakens oneтАЩs own luck, spiritual vision and divine energy.
"1. The Awakening
2. Surrender To The Supreme
3. Bliss Of Divine Union
Meditation Music heals the body, mind and soul and induces tranquility. The gentle melodies of Indian ragas soothe the nerves, calm the thoughts and establish harmony in the body. Instruments like the sitar and tabla, known for many centuries for their mellifluous, comforting and lyrical tone are harnessed effectively in this album to create an ambience of contemplation and peace. The noise of the modern environment is left far behind and we enter into a world of delicate feeling, spiritual quest and divine ecstasy. The gracious cadences of the sitar, the engaging rhythms of the tabla and the wonderful sounds capes of raga color, are presented in a mood of contemplation and invoke a world of beauty, harmony and divinity. This meditation music enlivens and energizes us and provides inspiration and inner magnetism
"1. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter II (Sec) 1
2. Sri Rudram
3. Chamakam
4. Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha
5. Sri Sudharsana Gayatri
6. Lalitha Pancharatnam
7. Shyamala Gayathri
8. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
9. Aasirvadha Mantra
A Mantra is more than uttered prayer, more than physical sound. It is a potent Compelling force, as it consists of words of power. By the chanting and repetition of a mantra. Or by meditation on it (through hearing), the deity is attained and compelled to act in oneтАЩs favour. For, the mantra of a deity is the deity itself. Sincerity, devotion and steadfastness in chanting and hearing mantras transform a person and brings spiritual clarity and balance. тАШ Inner Power of MantrasтАЩ begins with a rare chanting that reinforces the Vedantic truth that all organs, gods and worlds emanate from the Supreme self as little sparks from a fire (Brihadaranyaka, Section I of Part II). The incantatory effect of this sublime Upanishad passage casts a divine spell on the listener. The Rudram and Chamakam are powerful hymns from the Veda, and are chanted to this day in most Siva temples. Also called Namakam, Shatarudriya and Rudropanishad, the Rudram which occurs in the Yajur Veda is said to be superior to all the Vedas put together. Freedom from the effects of past sins, right knowledge and release from bondage are the effects of devout listening to the chanting of Rudram and Chamakam. Om Arunachaleswaraaya Namaha (addressed to the Lord of the Spiritual hill, Tiruvannamalai), Sir Sundarshana Gayatri (success in endeavours, triumph over inimical forces), Sri Shyamala Gayatri (mastery over subjects, power of discrimination) and Mritynijaya Mantra (health, freedom from disease longevity) are among other powerful mantras in this album. The Lalitha Pancharatnam brings good fortune, knowledge, and great happiness. A priceless array of mantras.
"Now a day everyone uses this as common terminology for their inability to accept the reality. Depression in the clinical sense is the extreme version of the more ordinary emotion of sadness and low spiritedness. Loss of interest in life can be understood as depression, as an emotional reaction to the disinterestedness. Thwarted desires may often create an emotion. Either suggestions or instructions, which have been given to adhere, to be analyzed in a calm frame of mind without any inhibitions. Sudden loss of life may land an individual in depression. Accepting the reality is the highly warranted action to overcome the depression. To attain this mind must be in a state of equanimity to visualize things and actions. Classical music enhances activity in the frontal areas of the brain. The ragas essayed in this album helps to achieve the clear mind and energizes to overcome the tribulations if any. It is the mindтАЩs perception which leads to agony and grievances. The ragas really help to ease out the uneasiness if any. It is the mindтАЩs perception which leads to agony and grievances. The rages really help to ease out the uneasiness of the mind and reach normality at the earliest. Continued depression may affect the immune system of the body, which these ragas help to attain the needed immunity to the organism. It acts on the brain in such a way toward the secretion of the required hormones.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, Ph.D, a Research scholar, a Clinical psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.BALAMURALIKRISHNA.
"There are occasions in an individualsтАЩ life that we feel with nagging thought of negative nature and finding very difficult to come out of it. In many aspects it jeopardizes the routine too. In quite a few occasions it even disturbs the cognitive process of the mind. This reaction is same for the positive nature of thought process also. It is the basic principle that we should act according the situation aptly and judiciously plan for the betterment. This can be achieved by regular practice, to take things as it comes and do the actions accordingly. We hear often, people say, thatтАЩ I could not take any decision, My mind is very much blankтАЩ in this angle music does a good service to the needy to clear their mind and help to get the required solutions.
The ragas selected in this album enhance the quality of thought process in the individual. Few exposures to the sessions makes a whole world of difference in the individualтАЩs activities.
The research has been carried out by Dr. T.MYTHILY, Ph.D, a Research scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, and disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, word celebrity, Chevalier, the largest Padmavibhshan Dr.M.BALAMURALIKRISHNA.
"Patients undergoing surgical procedures often experience anxiety in anticipation of events that will be unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or may produce undesirable results. Even minor surgical procedures anxiety in patients, which can affect their postoperative recovery and risk for physiological complications. Music is an easily administered, non-threatening, noninvasive, and inexpensive tool to calm preoperative anxiety.
The music given in this album helps to overcome or brush aside the fear or anxiety either related to surgery or even other wise and makes the patients and normal to take things positively. The mind which clicking to the negative thought process, slowly leaves behind the unwanted and stabilizes toward the positive process of thinking. The selected noted in these ragas helps to attain the required state of mind at the earliest.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, Ph.D, a Research scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.BALAMURALIKRISHNA.
"1. Enna Thavam
2. Mane Maragathame
3. Nanda Goplan
4. Balakrishnan
5. Nanda Nandana
6. Thaye Yesoda
7. Enna Thavam
8. Theeradha
9. Kannanai Paadu
10. Krishnan Saki
11. Muthugare
12. Flute
"1. Tirupathi
2. Govindan
3. Yekkangal
4. Kundrathile
5. Yezhumalaiyan
6. Nallathai Mattum
7. Ethanai
8. Aaragum
9. Balaji
10. Megam Thodum
"1. Slokam & Thiruvenkatam
2. Kaliyuga
3. Thirumalai
4. Karunai Vadivame
5. Kanne Maniye
"1. Kangalil Deepam
2. Andha Yezhu Malai
3. Kathiyendru Unnai
4. Maalay Perumaalay
5. Manthiram Yendray
6. Ponmalai
7. Ithayathillay
8. Yezhumalai Vazhum
"1. Thenpandi Nattiniley
2. Pazhanikku Namum Poi
3. Silambaru Yennum
4. Murugan Varuvaan
5. Thalavaralaru Muruganin
6. Kurinchi Nilathinil
7. Nadhimadhi Sudum
8. Om Yenum Pranava
9. Kolath Tamizh Ketku
10. Swamy Balanadi
11. Vedarkula Valli
12. Thiruparankundram Varungal
"1. Virutham
2. Ezhumaliyanin
3. Paalaga
4. Sri Venkatesa Kalyanam
5. Govinda Hari
6. Oh Neela Madavane
7. Ezhumalai Yeruvom
8. Aadi Sesha
9. Kalyanam
"1. Aayan Sagodhariye
2. Manjalil Aadaikattum
3. Oongari Mariamma
4. Ondragi Nooragi
"1. Ulagam
2. Ulagaalum
3. Pattukalai
4. Vanamirunthu
5. Theru Varuguthu
6. Olai Gudisai
7. Mallippoo
8. Sakthiyamma
9. Aatha
"1. Narpathiyam
2. Sivanvanthu
3. Maanagar Aalum
4. Kungumathal
5. Ettuthisai
6. Alai Tharum Kavery
7. Anju Malai
8. Mathumalar Soodum
9. Kumari Kanyakumari
10. Samayapurathale
"1. Vigneshwara - Virutham
2. Uravendru
3. Aiyai Sakthi Nee
4. Mangadu Kovilile
5. Alavai Nagar
6. Selathil
7. Arul Vellame
8. Kotravai Kali
9. Mangala Roopini
10. Devi Karumari
11. Veppilaikari
"1. Uyarntha Malai
2. Venkateswara
3. Govinda
4. Kodupatharkku
5. Tirupathi Vanden
6. Ellorum
7. Ezhu Natkalum
8. Orunalum
9. Ithu Perumalin
10. Pushpa Vimanam
"1. Narthana Ganapathy Pattu
2. Kunkumathil
3. Kannanur
4. Vinnil Ulla
5. Varushamthorum
6. Annai Periya Mari
7. Ellam Avale
8. Verkaattil
9. Kann Kanda Theivame
"1. Ivar Aanandamada
2. Sakthi Nirandari
3. Ullagalum Thaye
4. Veppilaiyin Nayagiye
"1. The Flowering
2. Hymn to Ushas, The Vedic Goddess of Dawn
3. Vitalising Energy Of The New Rising
4. Consecration Of Work To The Divine
The great sages of India called the early hours of dawn as тАШBrahma MuhoorthaтАЩ тАУ the hour of the gods. It is the period of time most conducive to meditation on the divine forces. тАШMusic for Morning MeditationтАЩ builds on the potent vibrations of early morning with the powerful Ahir Bhairav raga. The limpid notes recreate the cool tranquility of dawn and establish harmony and happiness in the individual. The mind is enlivened and feels divine exhilaration. This is followed by a beautiful tonal poem to Ushas, the beautiful Vedic goddess of daybreak. The roseate and golden hues of the skies are mirrored in the captivating strains of Charukesi. The exquisite beauty of creation unfolds in wondrous cadences. The energizing power of the magnificent Sun is then set forth in the puissant notes of Bhoopali. The final dhun underscores the fact that all work is worship of the divine.
"1. Pamba Nadhi
2. Kaadu Malai
3. Boomiprabanchanae
4. Pallikattu
5. Sami Sami
6. Ullagalum
7. Pulivagana
8. Karthikai Maasam
9. Ayyappa
10. Kaatukullae
"1. Va Va Gananatha
2. Veeramanikandan
3. Yerimeli Eesane
4. Paada Vaithaye
5. Harivarasanam
6. Kaanakkaana
7. Angam Silirkkum
8. Karpagatharuve
9. Velanukku Ilayavane
10. Padipaattu
"1. Sabarimalai Payanam
2. Appano Gangadharan
3. Veeramanikanda Saranam
4. Katti Kaakavenum
5. Sabarimalaikku Pallikattai
6. Vaanga Vaanga Swamimare
7. Irumudi Iraivanin
8. Appanukku Paadam Sonna
9. Karthigai Maasam
10. Padipaattu
"1. Sami Saranam
2. Saranamappa
3. Veeramani
4. Raja Pandalathu Raja
5. Sabari Girisa
6. Pallikattu
7. Vaa Vaa Gananadha
8. Padipaattu
"1. Ponambala
2. Aadiyil Malarnthathu
3. Manikanda Maalai
4. Veedu Mezhugi
5. Yerumelipaeppai
6. Manikanda Maniyae
7. Irumudiyum
8. Sasthavae
9. Arindhum Ariyamal
10. Idi Idikkum
"1. Sarana Gosha Mandirangal
2. Ohm Kaaram
3. Pamba Nadhi Malarae
4. Ponambalam Medai
5. Vararayar Vaavar
6. Paatha Pulley
7. Maalai Soozhum
8. Aabaranam
9. Padipaattu
"1. Kannimoola Ganapathiye
2. Bhoomi Prabanjane
3. Saranagosham Poattu
4. Karthigai Maasam
5. Vandhom Vandhom
6. Sri Dharma Sastha
7. Naaldhorum Naan
8. Paarai Melae Kaalai Vachu
9. Kanni Ayyappan
10. Padippattu
11. Irumudi
"1. Nerungudhu Nerungudhu
2. Karpooram Jolikkudhu
3. Thulli Thulli
4. Pamba Nadhi
5. Sandanam Manakkum
6. Karthikayil
7. Hariharaputhra
8. Padippattu
"1. Ayyanukku Archanai
2. Vedham Ponnamamay
3. Sami Paaru Sami Paaru
4. Advaithamaagi
5. Vizhiyum Vaanalaam
6. Engu Sendralaam
7. Oru Mandirathai Soli
8. Varadarajan Thirumaganae
9. Padi Padhinettu
10. Kodi Kural
11. Logaveeram Mahapoojam
"1. Nei Mannam Nirainthu
2. Ambigai Baalan
3. Malai Yeri
4. Karpooram Oliyinilay
5. Malaimel
6. Kannisami
7. Malai Malaiyai
8. Thiruvadi Saranam
9. Sakthi Thanai
10. Jothi Darisanam
"1. Ye Ma Ma
2. Veettukkulle
3. Ayyanar
4. Azhagana Bhoomiyil
5. Uttalangadi
6. Adiye
7. Iduppu Madipiley
8. Kadalamma
9. Olai Akka
10. Potta Kozhi
"1. Aynthu Malaikarasanai
2. Sabari Malaithaan Vaikundam
3. Ayyappan Maalai Pottachu
4. Kattai Thandi Mettai Thandi
5. Arultharu Mathiena Olimigu Raviena
6. Saamiye Saranam Ayyappa Saranam
7. Anantham Thane Varume
8. Veera Manikanda
9. Atho Atho Magarajothi
"1. Three Blind Mice
2. Aiktins Drums
3. Bits of Paper
4. My Bonnie
5. Crooked Man
6. Ding Dong Bell
7. Goosy Goosy Gander
8. It your Happy and you Know
9. HeтАЩs a Jolly Good Fellow
10. Marry Had A Little Lamb
11. Incey Wincey Spider
12. Hole in the Bucket
13. Jack & Jill
14. Little Boo Beep
15. London Bridge
16. Here We Go Round
17. SheтАЩll Be Coming
18. Pop Goes Weish
19. Ring a Ring a Rose
20. Rock a By Baby
21. Row Row
22. To Market to Market
23. Twinkle Twinkle
24. Hot Cross Buns
25. Pussy Cat Pussy Cat
26. This Old Man
27. Hickory Dickory Dock
28. Yankie Doodle
29. Simple Simon
30. Gudie Frac Simple Simon
1. This Old Man
2. Merry Go Beep
3. SheтАЩll Be Coming
4. Three Blind Mice
5. Aiktins Drums
6. HeтАЩs a Jolly Good Fellow
7. Mary Had A Little Lamb
8. Hole in The Bucket
9. If your Happy
10. Ring a Ring a Roses
11. Yankie Doodle
12. Goosy Goosy Gander
13. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
14. Hot Cross Buns
15. Row row row Your Boat
16. Bits of Paper
"1. Soundaryalahari Verse
2. Sri Durga Pratasmaranam
3. Sri Lalitha Ashottaram
4. Ashtalakshmi Stotram
5. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
6. Sri Varalakshmi
7. Sri Lakshmi Gayatri
8. Devi Bhujangam
9. Pratyangira Sahasranamam
10. Sri Amba Navamanimala
11. Shri Mata Shiva
12. Shyamala Gayathri & Dhyanam
13. Mangalam
Shakti is the creative female energy of God that makes you powerful and creative. As Mother of the Universe, Shakti is infinite power and spells energy and dynamism for her devotees. The very first verse in this album, which is the first saundaryalahari (waves of Beauty) of Sri Adi Sankara, when chanted as laid down, destroys all obstacles and confers victory in all endeavors. The contemplation of Durga, Lalitha and Ashtalakshmi as given in the verses here brings triumph and auspiciousness. The recitation of Lakshmi Gayatri assures wealth in all ways. The pratyanagara Mantras ward off all hindrances. Shyamala Gayatri brings knowledge and wisdom. The Annapoorna hymn paves the way for the loving grace of the diety. Presented by Sanskrit Scholars and expert musicians, this album is a divine key to acquire the blessings of the Divine Mother.
"1. Ganapathy Gayathri
2. Ganapathy Suprabatham
3. Vaathapi Ganapathim
4. Hara Hara Sankara
5. Nagendra Haraya
6. Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha
7. Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
8. Sri Nataraja Stotram
9. Divakara Thanujam
10. Dhanvantri Gayathri
11. Soorya Gayathri
12. Adhitya Hrudayam
13. Mrytunjaya Mantra
Mantras release the inner powers of man. When the devoted prays fervently at the altar of the deities, they bless him with the power of mantra. тАЬDivine OfferingsтАЭ is filled with the divine vibrations of many powerful mantras. The тАЬGanapathi GayatriтАЭ ensures that all your endeavors achieve success. The тАЬGanapathi SuprabhathamтАЭ awakens the divine powers within you. Muthuswami DikshitharтАЩs тАЬVaathapi GanaatimтАЭ is not only a classic song, it is mantra full of esoteric power. Hymns and mantras to Shiva confer well-being and positive energy. As Shankar, the god of auspiciousness, as Namashivaya, the deity of the five-syllables mantra, as Dakshinamurthi the master of divine wisdom, and as Nataraja the Lord of the cosmic dance Shiva confers all the blessings that enhance your life. The тАЬDhanvantri GayatriтАЭ and тАЬSoorya GayatriтАЭ give health wealth and prosperity. The тАЬAditya HridayamтАЭ is a potent hymn of victory, health, prosperity and divine wisdom. тАЬDivakara ThanujamтАЭ the great composition on Saturn, the тАЬArunachaleswara MantraтАЭ and тАЬMrytunjaya MantraтАЭ will free from suffering and give health and divine wisdom.
"Sanskrit hymns and mantras have the special power of conferring divine blessings. They emanate light, consciousness and power as the roots of Sanskrit words derive from deeper truth. тАЬDaily PrayersтАЭ has been specially culled to confer the blessings of a successful life on you. The album brings with an exquisite hymn to Srinivasa, the Lord of the Seven Hills, set in the dawn raga. The divine names of the Lord Creat auspicious vibrations everywhere. The two syllabled Rama Naama is a potent mantra the enabled Hanuman perform superhuman feats. It transformed the hunter Valmiki into an epic poet and made Thyagaraja the king of eternal melodies. The sweet notes of the Rama mantra you hear in this album will be your protective armount. It will stir you to great endeavours and successes. The Mahalakshmi Mantra and the Hayagreeva Gayatri confer wealth and wisdom. The Soorya Suprabatham ensures health, wealth and victory. The Purusha Sooktha is a great Vedic hymn that describes Lord Narayana. The potent Vedic vibrations of this hymn will prove the spiritual sheet anchor of your life. It will help you manifest the divine power latent in your heart. The Vedic benediction calls upon the gods to shower our lives with divine blessings. You can feel them in this album.
1. Sriman Narayanan
2. Mahalakshmi Mantra
3. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
4. Sri Hayagreeva Gayatri
5. Soorya Suprabatham
6. Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra
7. Sri Krishna Mahima
8. Vandheham
9. Purusha Suktam
10. Hanumad Pancharatnam
"1. Om Chanting
2. Isavasya
3. Purusa Suktam
4. Krishnavataram ( Narayaneeyam)
5. Bhagavad Gita Chapter тАУ 10
6. Rasakreeda ( Narayaneeyam)
7. Lakshmi Namavalli
8. Sarva Karyasiddhi ( Valmiki Ramayana)
9. Gayathri Mantra
10. Dhanvanthri Gayathri
11. Hanuman Gayathri
Mantras are sound manifestations of the supreme reality. Gleaned from the Vedas, the revealed book of Hinduism, they are shorthand intimations of the divine. These potent mantras protect those who repeat them and confer the blessing of a fruitful life. тАЬOmтАЭ is the shortest and most powerful mantra. This album brings you this mantra that will fill you with power, vigor and energy at all levels. It will restore harmony, balance and rhythm in your life. In the next Upanishad verse, we are taught the philosophy of life enjoyment without desire. The great hymn Prussia Suktha is chock-ful with great vibrations of divinity. Sanskrit selections from the Narayaneeyam (Krishnavataram), Bhagavad-Gita Gita and Valmiki Ramayana reveal a world of divine grace, power and achievement. The variety of Gayatri Mantras in this album are sure to bring brilliance, health, wealth and divine wisdom.
"Birdy Dance
ItтАЩs a Happ, happ Happy
Happy Birthday-1
Happy Birthdau-2
AitkinтАЩs Drums
HeтАЩs a Jolly Good Fellow
London Bridge
Big Teddy Bear
Row row row Your Boat
Simple Simon
Fraggle Rocks
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Hot Cross Buns
This Old Man
Clap Your Hands
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Bits Of Paper
1. Birdy Dance
2. Ring a Ring a Roses
3. Yankee Doodle
4. Goosy Goosy Gander
5. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
6. Fraggle Rocks
7. Hot Cross Buns
8. Row row row Your Boat
9. Aitkins Drums
10. Bits of Paper
11. Musical Chair
12. Micky Mouse March
"1. Are you Sleeping
2. Go To Sleep
3. Sing a Song
4. Sweet and Tow
5. Rock a Bye Baby
6. Row row row Your Boat
7. Bonnie
8. Peas Porridge
9. Little Boo Beep
10. Silent Night
11. Baa Baa Black Sheep
12. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
13. Wee Willie Winky
14. When Your Going
15. Wheels On the Bus
The mantra rings in the ambience of meditation and music sustains the mood in this special album meant to guide you to realms of eloquent silence. тАШOm Satyam, Gnaanam, AnanthamтАЩ (Om Truth, Knowledge and Infinity) chants the Guru from whom the fragrant bamboo takes over with whisphering cadeneces of mellow Madhuvanti raga. The vibraphones build up the atmosphere of peace. The onset of meditational ecstacy is echoed by the GuruтАЩs mantra тАЬOm Brahmaanandam ParamasukhadamтАЭ (Om, the rapture of Brahman, the ultimate Bliss), which the bamboo weaves into magical webs captivating Chandrakauns. The sweet strains of innocent happiness culminate the meditation. An album you will cherish.
"1. Achamanam
2. Pranayamam
3. Vigneshwara Puja
4. Mahasankalpam
5. Kalasa Puja
6. Ghanta Puja
7. Aavahanam
8. Sri Rudra Abhisekam
9. Upacharam
10. Sri Rudra Trishati Archana
11. Naivedyam
12. Karoora Arati
13. Mantrapushpam
During the month of Phalgun, i.e. February тАУMarch, on the 14th night of the new moon, millions of devotees of Lord Shiva celebrate the holiest night of the year, Mahashivarathri.Observed both as a discipline and also as a festival, devotees observe this auspicious occasion by keeping a strict fast and staying awake throughout night. They venerate the Lord through meditation and also by chanting his name, singing his praises, intoning тАЬShri RudramтАЭ and by pouring holy water on the Shiva Linga. (Abhisheka)
Once in mount Kailas, Parvati asked Shiva, тАЬO Venerable Lord! Which of the many rituals observed in thy honour doth please thee most?тАЭ To this, the Lord replied, тАЬIt is ShivarathriтАЭ.It is believed that worshipping Shiva on this day bestows prosperity, inner peace and power that all human beings aspire to attain in their path to ultimate salvation.
To facilitate the devotes who desire to perform the rituals on Shivarathri, Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Professor & Head of the P.G.& Research Dept. of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team of Vedic pundits, Chadramoulee, Karthik and Sriram, have rendered the audio version of the Pooja performed on Mahashivarathri. Mr.Gurunath has provided the musical support under the guidance of the music director Mr.S.Venkatesh.
"1. Abcd (Traditional)
2. Abcd ( Version 2)
3. A for Apple, B for Ball
4. Techno Baby Abcd
5. Learn The Alphabets
6. Learn The Alphabets ( Version 2)
7. It's A
8. Colours
9. Colours Version 2 ,
10. Learn The Colours
Here is fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШcall and responseтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this Audio CD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This CD teaches your children the alphabet and different colours. Watch your children learn them at an amazingly fast rate before you know theyтАЩll be reciting the alphabet and telling you all the colours of the rainbow!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hours of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as they play!
"1. Multiply Upto 10 Times Table
2. Numbers : 1 to 100
3. The Clock
4. Half Past
5. 1' o Clock ( Bonus Track)
HereтАЩs fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШcall and responseтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this Audio CD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This CD teaches your children the numerals from one to hundred, the tables from one-times-one to ten-times-ten and also teaches them how to tell the time. Watch in amazement as your children pick it all up at an astonishing pace. This all-new method is sure to have them rattling off tables and telling you the time at every change they get!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hours of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as they play!
"1. Ranganjali тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adi (Jaya jaya Shambho)
2. Jatiswaram тАУ Rasali тАУ Adi
3. Varnam тАУ Karaharpriya тАУ Aid (Aadharam Neeya)
4. Keertanam тАУ Sumanesa Ranjani тАУ Adi (Varuga Varuga)
5. Thillana тАУ Simendhramadhyanam - Adi
"1. Prayer Song
2. Interview on Navasandhi Kautuvam
3. Brahma тАУ Madhyamavathy тАУ Tisraekam
4. Indra тАУ Gurjari тАУ Misrachapu
5. Agni тАУ Naatai тАУ Chatusura Jampai
6. Yama тАУ Desakshi тАУ Chatusra Ekam
7. Nirruthi тАУ Kundalam тАУ Tirsa Ekam
8. Varuna тАУ Varali тАУ Chantusra Ekam
9. Vaayu тАУ Makutaramagiri тАУ Tirsa Ekam
10. Kubera тАУ Malavashri тАУ Tisra Ekam
11. Eeshaana тАУ Malahari тАУ Kanda Chapu
12. Slokam
13. Taanam
"1. Varanam тАУ Nalinakanthi тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
2. Siddhivinayagam тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Muthuswami Dikshitar
3. Atukaaraadani тАУ Manoranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Maati Maatiki тАУ Mohanam тАУ Misrachappu тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Bhajan тАУ Bageshri тАУ Adi тАУ Traditional
6. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Tisra Nadai тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
"Raaga Darbari тАУ Darbari is probably the most celebrated midnight raga in North Indian music, a very majestic raga. According to tradition Darbari was composed by Tansen for AkbarтАЩs court, where the name Darbari, probably after akarnatic (South Indian) origin.
Profound in its emotive content, Darbari is a melody with a dignity and grandeur all its own. The raga is part of the Asavart that, it contains seven notes SA Ra Ga Ma Dha Ni SA, with the notes Gam Dha and Ni as komal notes (flat notes); Re and Pa re the vadi and the samavadi. The aroba is the (ascending scale) and avaroba is the (descending scale). The tala is teental.
2. Rafa Mishra Kafi: This is a variety of Raga kafi, a very melodic and sweet raga. Here Manilal Nag gives a full explosion of his sense of melody rendering this rag in a very fascinating and Sa Riga Ma Pa dha Ni Sa ni Dha Oa Ma ga ri.
"1. Alap тАУ Raga Desh
2. Madhyalaya тАУ Raga Desh
3. Alap тАУ Raga Kirwani
4. Vilambit тАУ Raga Kirwani
5. Madhyalaya- Raga Kirwani
6. Mishra Kamaj - Dhun
"1. Nee Irangayenil тАУ Atana тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
2. Thatwamaria тАУ Reeti Gowla тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam
3. Nekkungi тАУ Abogi тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
4. Saravanabhava тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Adi
5. Kapali тАУ Mohanam тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
6. Kandan Karunai тАУ Beemplas тАУ Papansam
7. Nambhajare тАУ Mand тАУ Adi
8. Sri тАУ Madhava тАУ Behag тАУ Adi
9. Radhamukhakamalam тАУ Kapi тАУ Adi
10. Maname Gaanamum
11. Enna Thavam
12. Karpagame
"1. Vadhapiganapathim тАУ Hamsadhwani тАУ Adhi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
2. Vallabha Nayaka тАУ Byakadai Thisram тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
3. Kanchadalaya Dhaskhi тАУ Kamala Manohari тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
4. Siddhi Vinayagam тАУ Shanmuga Priya тАУ Rupakam
5. Akhilandeshwari тАУ Dwijavanti тАУ Adi- Muthuswamy Dikshitar
6. Arahanaareeshwaram тАУ Kumudharakriya тАУ Chaturasa Roopakam тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
7. Kaya Roshanesham тАУ Abheri тАУ Rupakam тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
"1. Breathe
2. The Journey
3. Vibrations
4. Self Realisation
5. Inner Peace
6. Bliss
Music has been used during meditation since the very dawn of civilization because it balances the human organism through its rhythmic pattern of tones, which are generated in a harmonic relationship with each other.
Meditation music produces a very tender. Calming and refreshing meditative mood. Listening to it improves mental and physical health and relieves stress. Treat yourself to some time out from your busy life and lose yourself the soothing rhythms of Meditation Music.
"1. Mahalakhmi Ashtakam
2. Sri Durga Kavacham
3. Mahalakshmi Mantra
4. Mahalakshmi Gayathri
5. Kanagadhara Stotram
6. Sri Varalakshmi
7. Sri Lalitha Gayathri
8. Sri Paduka Panchavarnam
9. Annapoorna Ashtakam
10. Mahalakshmi Mantra
It is the power of the Universal Mother that energises the whole world. Therefore, devotees, who worship the Mother through the divine mantras handed down to us by the sages, are blessed with happiness, prosperity and success. In this album, you have the choice of such divine mantras and hymns rendered authentically in the right diction. The Mahalakshmi mantra, Mahalakshmi Gayatri and Lalita Gayatri are powerful keys to earn the blessings of the deity. The Durga Kavacham serves as a protection against inimical forces. Hymns like the Mahalakshmi Ashtakam, Kanakadhara Stotram and Annapoorna Ashtakam are resplendent gems brimming with the auspicious qualities of the mother.
"1. Mahaganapathy Gayathri
2. Sri Vigneshwara Ashtotram
3. Gayathri Mantra
4. Purusha Suktham
5. Sri Venkatessa Ashtopttaram
6. Sudharsana Gayathri
7. Sudharsana Ashtakam
8. Sri Durga Ashtottaram
9. Mrytunjaya Mantra
10. Hanuman Gayathri
11. Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
The ancient mantra lore harnesses subtle sound to confer the rewards of a fruitful life on humanity. The great sages of Hinduism have channelised their spiritual blessings to seekers through powerful mantras. The devotee should invoke the form of the different deities and pray to them by uttering the mantras. When mantra and meditation combine, attainment of success is assured. In this album, the authentic versions of potent mantras like the Gayatri and Mrityunjaya are presented along with Vedic hymns like Purusha Sooktam and time-honoured chants like Vigneshwara, Venkatesa and Duraga Ashtottarms. When the vibrations of this Mantra Meditation album seep into your consciousness, they send widening ripples of success and happiness in your life.
"1. Guru Vandhanam
2. Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
3. Sri Krishna Mahima
4. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter II
5. Yajnavalkya Dhyanam
6. Sri Krishna Dhyana Maala
7. Isavasyaopanishad
8. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy
9. Hanuman Bhujangam
In the Hindu tradition, the Guru is supreme. He is not only the way to God; he is God himself, because the Guru and God are not different. Those who have come under the benign gaze of a true Guru know that he is a spiritual father and mother to the devotee. It is believed that when the devotee is ripe enough. God Himself takes human form to guide him. Siva as Dakshinamurthi is the Guru who gives an eloquent message through silence. Krishna is the great guru, Krishnam Vande Jagadgurm; Yajnavalkya is the supreme rishi of self-knowledge in the Vedas. Hanunman is the great guru of the Ramayana who shows the way of devotion to the supreme incarnated as Rama. тАШMantras of the GuruтАЩ gives in authentic form the spiritual intimations of therse great gurus. Once you have come into their orbit, your life has begun the journey to unlimited happiness and joy.
"1. Ganesha Dhyanam
2. Ganesha Dhyanam
3. Soorya Gayathri & Kavacham
4. Hayagriva Gayathri
5. Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Dandakam
6. Durga Abhadhudharana Stotram
7. Dhyanam
8. Bhagavadswaroopam Mahatmiyam
9. Narasimhashtakam
10. Runavimochana Narasimha Stotram
11. Dasavathara Stotram
12. Yajnavalkya Stotram, Isavasya Opanishad
13. Raasakreeda
14. Hanuman Gayathri
15. Hanuman Bhujangam
Higher meanings become name of the powers of our mind, names of the qualities of our soul, and names of the divine powers that lead us. The mantras, prayers and deities which activate these names are powerful rays of light that show us the way towards fulfillment. Ganapati gives us triumph in our undertakings and confers wealth. Soorya bestows health, strength and victory. Lakshmi Hayagreeva, the horse-headed deity gives knowledge and wisdom and wealth. Durga crushes opposition and Narayana gives beauty and ecstacy. There are verses which ward off debts. Hanuman shows the truth of life, and gives victory in all enterprises. The mantras and prayers in this album have been selected by scholars and rendered in the right diction. They are a potent array full of divine vibrations.
"1. Prayer - Slokam
2. Hamsanadham тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Krishna)
3. Kannada тАУ Kandaekam тАУ (In Praise of Ganesha)
4. Amritavarshini тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Saraswathi)
5. Karnataka Devagandhari тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Adiparasakthi)
6. Hindolam тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Raja Rajeshwari)
1. Brindavana Saranga тАУ Adi
"1. Prayer Slokam
2. Brindavana Saranga тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Lord Krishna)
3. Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Narayana)
4. Valaji тАУ Misrachapu тАУ (In Praise of Venkatachalapathy)
5. Chandrakauns тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Rama)
6. Revathi тАУ Adi тАУ (In Priase of Bhuvaneshwari)
7. Mohanam тАУ Rupakam
8. Saraswathi Manohari - Adi
"Agni is one of the most important of the Vedic gods. He is the god of fire, the messenger, antenna of the gods and the accept of sacrifice. Agni is in everyoneтАЩs heart and heart; he is the vital spark of life, and lives in all living things; he is the fire which digests food, as well as the fire which consumes the offerings to the gods. He is the fire of the sun, in the lightning bolt, and in the smoke column, which holds up the heavens. The stars are sparks from his flame. тАЬI praise Agni, the priest of the house, the divine Ministrant of sacrifice, the invoker, the best bestower of treasure, No god indeed, no mortal is beyond the might of thee, the mighty one. Says the Rig Veda. He has the power of influencing the face of each man. He is the dispeller of darkness and the malevolent spirits. Such is the greatness of Agni.
For the first time, this Sahasranama is brought to light, culling all the vibrations from the Vedas. Listening to this CD will fetch the desired fruits from any deity invoked through haven/ home etc. It is really a boon gifted by Prof.Thiagarajan, Head of the Dept of P.G.and Research Dept. of Sanskrit, Presidency College. He has rendered this Sahasranama in a spiritual tune along with his colleague Prof.P.S.Raghuraman. The music has been composed by the Carnatic Veena Specialist Mr.S.Venkatesan. Mr. Guru on key board gives added support.
"1. Aum тАУ Brahma
2. Bhoor - Embodiment of Vital Spiritual Energy (Pran)
3. Bhuvah - Destroyer Of Sufferings
4. Swaha - Embodiment Of Happiness
5. Tat - That
6. Savitur - Bright Like Sun
7. Varenyam - Best Choicest
8. Bhargo - Destoyer Of Sins
9. Devasaya тАУ Divine
10. Dheemahi - May Imbibe
11. Dhiyo тАУ Intellect
12. YO тАУ Who
13. Naha тАУ Our
14. Prachodayat - May Inspire
In the name Gayatri itself, there is the assertion of its impact тАУ the mantra is one that protects the person who chants it and hears its changing. The potent vibrations of the Gayatri have helped millions of Hindus live life in the light of truth, goodness and victory. It is the light of truth, goodness and victory. It is the inner light of the individual that shows the way through the journey of life, and regular hearing of the Gayatri makes the light glow luminously. In this album, you have the authentic Vedic chanting of the Gayatri by acclaimed pundits, to keep you company all though your life. тАШO Lord, who shines in the Sun and in all the worlds, guides me to my resplendent destinyтАЩ.
"1. Amba Pancharatnam
2. Sri Durga Ashtotram
3. Mahalakshmi Mantra
4. Lalitha Pancharatnam
5. Shyamala Dhandakam
6. Mahalakshmi Gayathri
7. Varahi Gayathri
8. Pratyangira mantra
9. Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
10. Saraswathi Stotram
11. Sri Suktam
12. Aanandamrutha
When we express our adoration for the Universal Mother through the Sanskrit mantras brimming with positive vibrations, we are in touch with creative energies that lead us forward. For the Mother is indeed the spiritual energy that activates everything in this word. As Lakshmi, the Universal Mother fills those who adore her with every richness. As Durga, she gives courage and confidence. As Lalitha she is the great liberator. Her aspects as Varahi and pratyangra relieve worshippers of problems that offict them. As Shyamala and Saraswathi she blesses devotes with wisdom. In this album you have time-hououred hymns of the great goddess rendered authentically in the right diction. This powerful combination of potent mantras in the road to a great life of happiness and triumph.
"1. Hockey Pockey
2. Ants Go Marching
4. Spider
5. Billy Boy
6. Five Little Ducks
7. Head & Shoulders
8. Buckaroo
9. Six Little Ducks
10. Bingo
11. Hush Little Baby
12. Brahms Lullaby
13. Grandfathers Clock
"1. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
2. Dhanvantri Gayathri
3. Soorya Gayathri
4. Aadhitya Hrudayam
5. Mrytunjaya Mantra
6. Mrytunjaya Stotram
7. Daridarya Dahana Shiva Stotram
8. Vaidhyanatha Ashtakam
9. Subramanya Bhujangam
10. Ayusha Suktam
While spiritual faith surcharges the human being with divine qualities, spiritual mantras instill the vibrations of health and vigour. These mantras, in which sound, word and meaning are united, become the very being o f the devotee when heard and meatated upon constantly. In this album, the most powerful mantras of Dhanvantri (the god of healing), Surya (sun- the source of life and health) and Shiva (the destroyer of disease and death as Mrityunjaya, the Conqueror of death, and as Vaidyanatha, the Divine healer) combine in an authentic form, to provide you health, wealth and longevity.
"1. Vandemataram
2. Vishwadhari
3. Salapham ( A Music Theme)
4. Vaishnava Jonathon
5. Haigiri Nandhini
6. Bhajare Gopalam
7. Prema Muditha
8. Brahma Mokatay
9. Raghu Pathi Raghava
10. Mrugnayani
"Pain is of two kinds. One is physical pain the other is mental pain. Mental pain is always related to our experiences and our external and internal reaction to it. One more strata can be stated here, that is how other implies the same upon us. We experience physical pain when we undergone a simple surgical procedure or a major one in any part of our body. After the anesthetic effect the pain will reach the surface of the mind and it is challenging for everyone.
Healing is the process whereby cells in the body regenerate and repair to reduce the site of a damaged or necrotic area. Healing incorporates both the removal of necrotic tissue and replacement of this tissue. Healing use mixcure of both mechanisms either by regeneration or by replacement. Healing music happen by repair in the case of injury to cells that are unable to regenerate (e.g. cardiac muscle or neurons). Also, damage to the collagen network, or total collapse cause healing to take place by repair only.
Music has a harmonizing effect on pain regulating neuron endocrine functions, importance opiods of the pain inhibiting systems. Music gives enormous stimulation to the secretion of endorphins and encourages faster healing. It can be perceived by the patient. Music strengthens the immune activity and paves to good health. Music incresesthe activity of immune system too.
The ragas selected specifically, played in such a way in this album to help both forms of healing. Faster healing leads to lesser pain and regular listening of this classical music helps to achieve the same.
The research has been carried out by. Dr. T.Mythily, PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive neuron Psychologist, and Music Therapist, At present she is the Director, Music Therapy department as Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road, Chennai тАУ 600 006. INDIA.
"Creativity is a ability, which is in short supply. It is valued by all segments of the society. Worldwide Psychologists use the term creativity, synonymously with imagination, originality, divergent thinking inventiveness, intuition, venturesome ness, exploration, and so on, Creative imagination, fantasy and problem solving ability relate to an unorganized thought processes. Doubtless there are aspects of personality, motivation, will (that is qualities other than purely cognitive ones) that are involved in creativeness. To be creative it requires a thorough knowledge of the subject and does actions innovatively. Only two percent of the total populations are rated as gifted people. The brain must have the fluency, flexibility and originality of thinking to enhance creative ability. Music is regarded as activity of the brain, which enhances the functions of the cognitive domain. Just give children an opportunity to experience and enjoy creating with music.
The classical music with selected ragas and specific emphasis on certain notes enhances the creative cureve of mind which shapes the intellectual approach of the individual. Unorganized thought processes gets streamlined. The selected ragas presented in this album helps toward better creative ability.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior.
She is graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.BALAMURALI KRISHNA. At present she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road. Chennai -600 006. INDIA.
"Headache is medically know as cephalagia, sometimes spells as cephalgia. It is a condition of pain in the head. It ranks amongst the most common local pain complaints. Headaches have a wide variety of causes ranging from strain to eyes, sinusitis and tension. There may be other life threatening situations also leads to headache. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Some time it occurs recurrently even without any reason or real tension. These headaches disturb the routine of an individual. Individuals that experience headache are dehydrated or suffering from caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Treatments of uncomplicated headaches are usually symptomatic and with painkillers, they vanishes!
Some specific forms of headache like migraine will demand better suitable treatment. Here in this angle music palys an innovative role in helping the individual to overcome the severity and intensity of the migraine. Regular exposure to classical music reduces the duration also. Migraine pain is one symptom of serval disorders of the serotonergic control system тАУ dual hormone neurotransmitter-with numerous types of receptors. Music has an influence on the Neurotransmitter; it does the necessary job for anyone who is exposed to music as therapy for reducing the severity and intensity of the headache.
The ragas selected in this album are played in such a way to enhance the serotonergic function qualitatively and helps to diminish the severity of headches.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior.
At present she is the Director, Music Therapy Department at Apollo Hospitals Greams Road, Chennai-600 006 INDIA.
"1. Om Bhur Bhuvaha Suvaha That Savitur Varenayam- Dhiya Yonaha Prachodayaat
2. Om Ekadhantaaya Vidmahe Vakrathundaaya Dheemahi Thamno Danti Prachodayat
3. Om Damodharaaya Vidamahe Rukmini Vallabhaaye Dheemahi- Thanno Krishna Prachodayat
4. Om Variankhaaya Vidmahe Theekshna Dhamshtraaya- Dheemahi Thanno Naarasimha Prachodayat
5. Om Yaksharaajaaya Vidmahe Vaishravanaaya Dheemahi- Thanno Kubera Prachodayaat
1) Om Bhur Bhuvaha Suvaha Thar Savithur Varenayam тАУ Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayaat.
2) Om Tatpurushaaya Vidmahe Mahaadevaaye Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Rudra Prachodayaat.
3) Om Thanmaheshaaya Vidmahe Bhrigusuthaaya Dheemahi - Thanno Shiva Prachodayat.
4) Om Rajathaabhaaya Vidmahe Bhrigusuthaaya Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Shukra Prachodayaat.
5) Om Vageeswaryaicha Vidmahe Saraswaticha Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Saraswathi Prachodayaat.
1) Om Bhur Bhuvaha Suvaha That Savitur Varenyam тАУ Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayaat.
2) Om Aanjaneyaaya Vidmahe Vaayuputraaya Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Hanuman Prachodayaat.
3) Om Bhaskaraaya Vidmahe Mahatdyutikaraaya Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Aaditya Prachodayaat.
4) Om Mahaadevyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnupatnyaicha Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Lakshmi Prachodayyat.
5) Om Pishacha Dvajaayai Vidmahe Shoolahastaayai Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Kali Prachodayaat."
"A blend of Flute, Sitar, Violin, Electic Guitar, Tabla, Mridangam & Ghatam
Yakshas, In ancient times Yakshas and Yakshinis were the protectors of Saints and Saviours, giving them the support requires to fulfill their purpose! Flautist Balasai, Sitartist Sivaramakrishan, Violinist Kalpana Venkat & Guitarist John Anthony, along with the percussionists Ganesh, Ramakrishnan and Prasanna, form the YAKSHAS of today. Protecting the rights of their musical heritage! These astounding musicians have mastered their armory of instruments, have now come together to create path breaking music rooted in the classical music Tradition of India. As Musical warriors, they share a combined experience of over a hundred years!
1. Naviedyam (Divine Offering) тАУ Thyagaraja
2. Pareeksha (Test of the Spirit) тАУ N.Ramakrishnan & B.V.Balasai
3. Kreeds (Game of Joy) тАУ B.V.Balasai
4. Atma Sukham (Soul Satisfaction) тАУ B.V.Balasai
5. Viraha Vedam ( Divine Longing) тАУ B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
6. Laya Gaatram (Body & Soul) тАУ N.Ramakrishnan & B.V.Balasai
7. Moksha (Salvation) тАУ B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
8. Salapam ( A Musical Theme) тАУ B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
"Tara or Arya Tara, also known as Jetsun Dolma in Tibetan, is said to be the female embodiment of Buddha. She is the тАЬmother of liberationтАЭ and is known as the source of mercy and compassion. Worshipped as the female aspect of the universe, Goddess Tara symbolizes warmth, compassion and relief from bad karma.
This CD contains a spiritual chant that encompasses Tara Sahasranamam, or a thousand names of Goddess Tara. By reciting this mantra and Visualizing her form, one can become open to her energise of compassion and wisdom.
Meditation on Tara Sahasranamam yields many benefits. For one, it reduces the forces of negative karma, sickness, affictions and other obstacles. The mantra helps generate purity within the heart of the practitioner and clenses the psychic channels within the body. For true seekers of the divine, Tara meditations is means to attain true spiritual satisfaction.
"1. Bilawal тАУ Mooladhara Chakra
2. Yaman тАУ Swadhithana Chakra
3. Malkauns тАУ Manipooraka Chakra
4. Bhairav тАУ Anahata Chakra
5. Jai Jai Vanthi тАУ Vishuddhi Chakra
6. Begeswari тАУ Ajna Chakra
7. Darbari Kanada тАУ Sahasraara Chakra
8. Information on Chakra Meditation
"1. Malkauns - Aalap
2. Gat - Madhya, Drut
3. Dhun - Bhopal
4. Bhajan - Bhairavi
The Tabla Tarang represents a tour de force of transforming the tabla from a percussion instrument into a vehicle of melody. In the tabla tarang, the тАШdayanтАЩ drums of the tabla are tuned to different pitches in the ascending order to enable the playing of melody. In this rare programme, veteran тАШtabla tarangтАЩ player H.P.Ramamurthy, who comes in the line of Ganayogi Panchakshara Gavai, makes the tabla tarang тАШ singтАЩ in classical, folk and devotional styles. Taking advantage of track recording, he has also accompanied himself on the tabla. This is an exhilarating treat of music played with exceptional ├йlan on a rare instrument.
Dr. Chithra Ramakrishnan is a carnatic vocalist and Bharatnatyam dancer by Profession, Born in a traditional South India family with a very rich cultural heritage. She had her initial training from Shri.Chalapuram Papaa, a contemporary of Shri.Tiger Rangachri, Later; she received training from Shri mathur.P.Balasubramanian and was also fortunate to learn under the tutelage of the great musical genius and renowned musicologist, Prof. Dr.T.V.Gopalakrishnan. She has won several accolades and awards, given concerts in the Middle East, US and the UK She is the artistic Director of Shruthi UK, an art organization to promote and revive Indian Music and dance in the UK.
"1. Shiva Saharan (Lingapurana)
2. Shiva Mahima (Sutasamhita)
3. Aum Namah Shivaya
Lord Shiva, who is comprehensible through Vedas and Vedanta, manifest in the form of universe and all three gods, is the object of meditation and extolled by thousand names (Sahasranama). Prayer to him gives relief to the dumb in the form of speech, the deaf in the form auditory capacity, blind in the form of sight and lame in the form of ability to move about, exterminates all diseases, and burns away the sorrows of poverty. Lord
Shiva is the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. He is the ultimate Reality. He shows his darling of RAMA, having granted HIM all his Cherished desires.
There are II Shivasahasranamas available in ancient scriptures, but the following two are very important as they are sung by Lord Vishnu Himself in praise of Shiva.
My First Words is a fun, interactive CD that teaches your child the alphabet along with words and rhymes. The alphabet is recited in a simple, understandable manner along with simple words for each alphabet. These words are then strung together in easy-to-follow rhymes will keep your child singing along and entertained for hours. So go ahead-make learning fun for your toddler!
"1. Prayer
2. Introduction
3. Jathis For Opening Numbers тАУ 5 NoтАЩs тАУ Aadhi Taalam
4. Trikaala Jathis For Varmams тАУ 5 NoтАЩs тАУ Aadhi Taalam
5. Theeramanams For Varmams тАУ 12 NoтАЩs Aadhi Taalam
6. Eththukadi Jathis for Vamams тАУ 4 NoтАЩs тАУ Aadhi Taalam
7. Jathis in Sankeerna Chaapu Thalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
8. Jathis in Roopaka Chaapa Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
9. Jathis in Misra Chaapa Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
10. Jathis in Kanda Ekam Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
11. Jathis in Kanda Chaapa Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
12. Jathis in Aadhi Thaalam тАУ 5 NoтАЩs
The sweetness of tone of the bamboo flute and the liquid grace of the gottuvadyam, the ancient fretless stringed instrument, wonderfully complement each other in this distinctive album of Carnatic masterpieces. B.V.Balasai (flute) and A.aDurgaprasad (gottuvadyam), individual musicians of proven merit and charisma, have struck out a lovely path of congenial duetting that has led to gracious and dignified music of the highest caliber. The musical variations that the duo invests on the compositions bear the stamp of maturity and classicism. From a choice culling of pieces form the Carnatic Trinity (Muthuswami DikshitharтАЩs Varali piece Maamava Meenakshi is the central composition) to the wonderful Kanada song of Swati Tirunal (тАШMaamava Sada JananiтАЩ) and the masterworks of contemporary composers like Papanasam Sivan (Naanoru Vilaiyaattu) and Thanjavur Sankara Iyer (the masterly Ranjani Mala), melligluity, sublimity and class are the hallmarks of the playing here. A delectable fare of first тАУ rate music.
"1. Shakthi Sahitha - Muthuswami Dikshitar
2. Muruganin - Guru Surajananda
3. Brahmam Okate - Annamacharya
4. Kurai Ondrumilla - Rajaji
5. Valli Kanavan - Traditional
6. Madhura Madhura - Traditional
7. Marinades Teliyakane - Pattnam Subramanya Iyer
8. Krishna Nee - Vyasarayar
9. Dandamu - Tyagaraja
This is a tasteful attempt at taking famous and catchy compositions of great composers to a larger audience by imaginatively giving them a setting mood, harmony and context. Talented flutist B.V.Balasai, whose sweet tonality, excellent blowing and grasp of the Carnatic idiom have made him a byword for versatility, has played the flute apart form scoring and arranging the background music. Evergreen hits like Brahmam Okate (The Supreme truth is one), Kurai Ondrum Illai (RajajiтАЩs rare offering), Muruganin Maru Peyar Azhagu (the bewitching beauty in Behag), and Krishna Nee Begane (the magic of Yamuna Kalyani) are dressed up in brilliant fineries of melody and rhythm. Western bounce, Carnatic charm, folk allure, light classical appealтАж. all these in a sensitively evoked musical atmosphere backed up mainly by BalsaтАЩs flute go to make тАШMoods of BambooтАЩ an unforgettable album.
The mantra тАШSarvamangala Maangalye Shiva Sarvaarthasaadhake, Sharanye Tharyambike Devi, Naaraayani NamosthutuтАЩ is a sacred verse for worshippers of the Universal Mother. It is addressed to the Devi, the giver of all auspiciousness (sarva mangala), the refuge of all those who seek her divine feet. (sharanye), the goddess who fulfils all wishes (Sarvaarthasaadhike). The repetition of this verse confers all the blessings of a good life. Given that the sacred words of the mantra are familiar, the playing of the traditional tune in which it is rendered evokes powerful vibrations of Devotion and divine feeling. This album recreates the mantra instrumentally to usher the devotee into an atmosphere of sacred worship and fulfillment
"1. The Mysterious beginning
2. A awakening light
3. Cool Shades on the shore
4. Towards the confluence
5. Moonlight Seanata
6. Diving into the deep
7. Dancing with the dolphins
8. The new dawn
The golden sands, the silver-crested waves, the limitless expanse of blue, the inviting cool breezeтАж. the very moment you approach the ocean you feel a sense of release. Dawn, when the sea is aglow with the golden orb the sun and Night when it is crowned by the star-spangled sky are glorious spectacles that free man from all pettiness. тАШSounds of Nature тАУ OceanтАЩ captures the moods of the sea, its mysterious silence, its beauty at dawn, its sparkle and vigour, its cool, energizing tough and it awe-inspiring magnificence so as to calm the mind and lead it to vaster horizons. The sounds of criss-crossing waves are interwoven with the lyrical graces of the bamboo flute in all its varied moods as well as the strains of the santoor and piano. Peace, joy, release from stress, a sense of the Passing nature of things and thus liberation from the ephemeral into the everlastingтАж these are the effects of this album, which is a sparking wave of melody and harmony arising from the ocean of music.
"1. Raga Yaman - Taal Roopak - Sharanu Siddhivinayaka
2. Raga Mishra Khamaj -- Taal Keherwa - Vaishnava Janato
3. Raga Bhoopali - Taal Dadra - Sharanu Naada Brahma
The shadows grow longer as the sun inclines towards the west, and the dayтАЩs activity begins to wane. As one grows sensitive to the natural cycles, the rosy hues of twilight become an invitation to meditation. Appropriate music greatly enhances the atmosphere of calm, giving one spiritual, mental and physical peace. тАШMusic for Evening MeditationтАЩ brings contemplative music of the highest quality from time-honoured Indian raags. Yaman, which has strong associations with the evening, creates a distinctive ambience of peace and tranquility. As the raag exploration soars up the higher octave a feeling of ecstacy and rapture is generated. The soft, lyrical tones of the Dilruba attuned to the ringing notes of the tambura build an experience of quiet and serenity that one yearns to return to again and again. Ragas Mishra Khamaj and Bhoopati build on the tryst with serenity.
"1. Aadhi Swathe Neeye
2. Amman En
3. Thirumayiali
4. Kanthimathi Devi
5. Bakthikkum
6. Anabana Annaiyee
7. Kamatchi Kamakodi
8. Anbine Deivamai
9. Ezhilmigum
10. Thirumagalae
11. Ponmedaithanil
12. Kalvi Perunkadaley
13. Amma Unthiruvadikay
"1. Hanuman Miami тАУ Part тАУI
2. Hanuman Miami тАУ Part тАУII
3. Hanuman Halisha тАУ Sanskrit
"1. Kandhan Karunai тАУ Part 1
2. Kandhan Karunai тАУ Part 2
3. Thirupugazhin Osai
4. Kandha Gugane
5. Valla Kottayam
6. Kandan Endru
"1. Shiva Bhakthi Utkarshana Nirupanam
2. Verona Diksha
3. Raamaya Varadaanam
4. Variaagya Upadesa
5. Shiva Praadurbhaava
6. Vibhooti Yoga
Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being and the Lord of mercy and compassion protect his devotees from the evil forces of lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, awakens wisdom, burns sins and bestows grace, eternal bliss and everlasting peace to his devotees.
The fundamental question that pertains to each one of our lives, тАЬWhat is the meaning of life?тАЭ is addressed in the upadesha SHIVA GITA discoursed by Lord Shiva to Raman in16 chapters with 760 verses from the Padmapurana. It helps us understand that we have to embrance the qualities of sacrifice, worship and service in order to attain salvation. This Gita, which is even older than the Bhagavad Gita, can be considered in some salvation. This is a prelude to it as striking parallels of verses are found in the latter. By listening to the Shiva Gita you can attain harmony with your spiritual self and feel a nearness to God. You will be able to enjoy his manifold blessings and radiate peace, bliss and wisdom.
"1. Visvaroopa Darshan
2. Dehasvaroopa Nirnaya
3. Jeevgatyadi Niroopanam
4. Pindotpatti Kathanam
5. Jeevasvaroopa Kathanam
Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being and the Lord of mercy and compassion protect his devotees from the evil forces of lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, awakens wisdom, burns sins and bestows grace, eternal bliss and everlasting peace to his devotees.
The fundamental question that pertains to each one of our lives, тАЬWhat is the meaning of life?тАЭ is addressed in the upadesha SHIVA GITA discoursed by Lord Shiva to Raman in16 chapters with 760 verses from the Padmapurana. It helps us understand that we have to embrance the qualities of sacrifice, worship and service in order to attain salvation. This Gita, which is even older than the Bhagavad Gita, can be considered in some salvation. This is a prelude to it as striking parallels of verses are found in the latter. By listening to the Shiva Gita you can attain harmony with your spiritual self and feel a nearness to God. You will be able to enjoy his manifold blessings and radiate peace, bliss and wisdom.
The ninth chapter contains interesting information on the connection between food and the mind. Valuable research material on gynaecology and the anatomy is also found in chapters eight and nine.
"1. Upaasana Gnana Phalam
2. Moksha Yoga
3. Panchakoshopapadanam
4. Bhakthi Yoga
5. Adhikaari Nirupanam
Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being and the Lord of mercy and compassion protect his devotees from the evil forces of lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, awakens wisdom, burns sins and bestows grace, eternal bliss and everlasting peace to his devotees.
The fundamental question that pertains to each one of our lives, тАЬWhat is the meaning of life?тАЭ is addressed in the upadesha SHIVA GITA discoursed by Lord Shiva to Raman in16 chapters with 760 verses from the Padmapurana. It helps us understand that we have to embrance the qualities of sacrifice, worship and service in order to attain salvation. This Gita, which is even older than the Bhagavad Gita, can be considered in some salvation. This is a prelude to it as striking parallels of verses are found in the latter. By listening to the Shiva Gita you can attain harmony with your spiritual self and feel a nearness to God. You will be able to enjoy his manifold blessings and radiate peace, bliss and wisdom.
The ninth chapter contains interesting information on the connection between food and the mind. Valuable research material on gynaecology and the anatomy is also found in chapters eight and nine.
"1. Prayer
2. Anjali Nattai Guru Raja rathnam Pillai
3. Jatisvaram Vasantha Rupakam Tanjore Quartette
4. Varnam Neelambari Adi Lalgudi G.Jayaraman
5. Rani Of Jhansi Ragamalika Adi Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
6. Sita Swayamvara Ragamalika Talam alika Dr.Rukmani Ramani
7. Tillana Brindavani Adi Dr.M.Balamuralikrishnan
8. Mangalam
"1. Prayer
2. Pushpanjali Arabi Adi Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
3. Deviyai Panindu Ragamalika Adi Lalgudi G.Jayaraman(2 nd Half of a Vamam)
4. Idadhupadham Khamas Adi Papanpasam Sivan
5. Aduvum Solluval Sourastram Adi Ganam Krishna Iyer
6. Kannagi Ragamalika Talamalika Silapa diagram
7. Tillana & Durge Durge Revathi Adi Vidvanamadurai N.Krishnan
8. Killikanni An and abairavi Adi Annamalai Reddiar
The chakras are psychic power centress in the subtle body revealed by the great yogis of India. Imbalances in the chakras caused by stress, wrong thinking and trauma, lead to obstruction in flow of psychic energy. Cleaning up of the Moolaadhaara, the root chakra at the base of the spine, gives health, wealth, zets for life, sexual fulfillment, and happiness. Listening with a quiet mind to raga Bilawal, as played in this album, balance the chakra and facilitates smooth energy flow and cures many ailments. The Moolaadhaara is the pivot of material life, and roots the subtle spiritual consciousness in the world. Its health signifies a firm anchoring in the physical world. The raga is essayed as spiritual contemplation by Pundit Pandering Parate, a respected sitarist of the Tanras gharana.
The chakras are centres of vital energy in the subtle body, revealed by the great sages of India. Imbalances in the chakras caused by sprees, wrong thinking and trauma, lead to obstruction in psychic energy flow. When balanced, the Sahastraara or Crown chakra opens up the individual to universal consciousness and it slimitless energy and joy. Imbalances blight the inner life. Attuning the mind to the vibrations of Darbari Kanada, the great raga associated with the crown chakra, rewards the listener with divine wisdom, Tranquility and inner richness. When the crown chakra is healthy one has pure awareness of oneself and the world. This brings complete confidence and trust in the divine dispensation. The raga is essayed as spiritual contemplation by Pundit Pandering Parate, a respected sitarist of the Tanras gharana, in its traditional colour.
"1. Happy Birthday
2. ItтАЩs Happ Happy Birthday
3. HeтАЩs Jolly Good Fellow
4. Birdie Dance
5. Grand March
6. Congratulations
7. Yankee Doodle
8. Do the Boogie Woogie
9. Merry Go Loop de Loop
10. SheтАЩll Be Coming Round
11. London Bridge
12. Simple Simon
13. Row Row
14. This Old Man
15. Bits of Paper
"1. Prayer
2. Srimanarayana
3. Narayanthe
4. Venkatachalaniayam
5. Brahma Mokatae
6. Samarpanam
7. Dasavathara Mangalm
"тАЬJyotirgamayaтАЭ has been created to support the cause of our welfare trust тАЬTrinayaniтАЭ. I thank all my friends for their invaluable contribution towards the making of this album.
A prayer does not is looking for the right path, a prayer leads us to the ever-shining zone of light, the ultimate haven, where one is always welcome as a human. I believe that this feeling is no different from the way a child, in its purest form feels, when it looks for refuge at the bosom of its mother. A prayer takes us to that place, where one is always welcome. Despite ones pretensions, sins or failures and is secured in the embrace of the Divine. I am fortunate enough to be able to create this album, which I have dedicated not only to my mother by to the ever-embracing divinity of motherhood at large.
Besides as a compilation of some brilliant prayer songs this album is a pathfinder in terms of bringing cult figures such as Kabir, Yakrang, Narayan Swami, Khalas and Bhaji together. The content of the songs have a universal appeal and will speak to all beyond the barriers to age and time.
1. Beet gaye din bhajan binare
2. Krodh na ehhora, Jhooth na chhora
3. Naath manhe ab ki baar bachaao
4. Karna fakiri phir kya dilgiri.
5. Piya Milan kaisay jayogi gori
6. Sakhi mere man ki kau janay
7. Samaria man bhaya re
8. Kachu lena na dena magan rehna
"1. Mary Had lil Lamb
2. Ba ba black Sheep
3. Jack & Jill
4. If youтАЩre happy and you know it
5. Do the boogie Woogie
6. This Old man
7. Old Mac Donald
8. She'll be coming round the mountain
9. London bidge
10. Three bilnd mice
11. Its raining, its pouring
12. Row your boat
13. Loop de loop
14. Simple Simon
15. Bits of Paper
Enjoy the classic old favourite nursery rhymes now sung to a new tune, Remixed and hip, itтАЩs sure to get your tiny tots up on their feet, clapping away and swinging to its beat! In an easy, sing-along format, these nursery rhymes will have your kids rapping in no time. Fun for not just the kids, the whole family can participate in this sing-along activity, indentifying old favourites and creating happy new memories.
"It is the experience of the sages of India that human life is a great opportunity for spiritual evolution. They looked at the entire spectrum of life from the spiritual angle. It was in this manner that they discovered the chakra, psychic energy centres in the hyman body that shows the path of higher consciousness. The correct balance and health of the chakras gives good health and a fruitful life. The heart chakra, called theтАЩ anahataтАЩ chakra because the sages heard the unstruck sound there, is the wish fulfilling centre which confers all boons as well as the greatest blessings of everlasting life. Imbalance in its functioning leads to arrogance, greed and vanity, while its health confers optimism, endeavor and the capacity to discriminate between truth and untruth. Bhairav, also called the Adi Raaga the first raaga, is associated with the heart chakra, and bestows all the positive vibrations of the chakra on the listener. In this rare album,
Pandit Pandurang Parate of the Tanras gharana plays Bhairav in the authentic traditional way on the majestic Surbahar.
Track One - Bhairavaalaap
Track Two - Bhajan, Rupak Thaal
1. Sri Ganapati Moolamantra
2. Ganapati Suprabhatam
3. Annapoorna Ashtakam
4. Angaaraka Kavacham
1. Saraswati Stuti
2. Saraswati Suktam
3. Budha Kavacham
1. Ohm Arunachalaya Nemaha
2. Dvadasa Jyotrilangam
3. Kanva Rudram
1. Sukra Kavacham
2. Isavaasya
3. Gayathri Mantra
1. Natesa Gayatri and Dhyana
2. Nataraja Thandava Stotra
3. Guru Kavacham
1. Ardhanaareeswara Stotra
2. Om Chanting
3. Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
1. The Culmination тАУ Bhadra Suktam
The sages of India found answers to the great questions of life and revealed the way of everlasting life and happiness. One of their great discoveries was that the body is a microcosm of the universe. They found the subtle body to be a marvelous universe of crisscrossing nerves called naadis and energy centers called chakras. They also perceived the deities who presided over the powers of these chakras so that aspirants could contemplate the deities, go up the ladder of the energy centers, and realize the highest potential of their life. This album is graded to take you up the chakras by making you contemplate the powers that are dormant in them. Ganapati, the elephant headed god who ensures success by averting hindrances presides over the Mooladhara, even as Sakti, the mother goddess represents the entire cosmos. The planet concerned in this respect is Mars. We have here traditional Sanskrit scholars spiritedly rendering the hymns connected with each energy centre. We move up to the six petalled Swadishthana and with Saraswati and the planet Mercury attunes ourselves to its benign vibrations. In this way we move up to the six chakra, the Ajna where the vibrations of the Pranava guide us to the regions beyond mind and word. Still future, Dakshinamurthi, the supreme guru illumes us with the true vision of our divinity culminating in the Vedic benediction. Chakra Chants for you to travel to the Beyond with the help of the divine deities.
"The Vedic religion, popular known as Hinduism, helps people live a life a fulfillment through manifold spiritual insights embodied in mantras and sacred hymns. Hinduism looks upon the body and life on earth as the expression of divinity and teaches us the art of expanding the horizons of our consciousness. The mantras in this album, recited by authoritative Sanskrit scholars, put us directly in the current of divine vibrations. Tap the pristine fountains of the Gayatri mantra, the supreme prayer for light and direction from the Supreme Intelligence called God, and you have the guaranteed key to health, peace, power and prosperity. Aditya Hridayam, the great hymn addressed to Surya, the sun god, which helped Lord Rama himself in the culminating duel of the Ramayana is a proven chant for success in every sense for everyone. The Purusha Sukta hymn again ensures all round happiness and well-being. Mantras pertaining to Dhanvantri, the divine physician who brings the knowledge of good health, are again assured ways of achieving healing. Powerful mantras of Sudarshana, the discus of Mahavishnu and the very repository of the LordтАЩs power, Narasimha, the man-lion incarnation of Mahavishnu, and of Lord Siva, whose very name spells auspiciousness, and other Upanishadic taxts are time-honoured measures to achieve health, wealth and success. A Healing Album.
Gayatri Mantra - Prof Thiagarajan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sri Guru Stuti - Prema Rengarajan
Surya Gayatri & Kavacham тАУ Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Aidtya Hridyam - Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Purusha Sukta - Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Dhanvantri Gayatri -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sudarshana Mantra -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sudarshana Kavacham -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Shiva Stuti -Prema Rengarajan
Mrityunjaya Mantra -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Bhadra Suktam -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Gana Paatam -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
"1. Gansesha Stuti
2. Kubera Gayatri
3. Sri Lakshmi Namavali
4. Mahalakshmi Mantra
5. Lakshmi Dandakam
6. Kanakadhara Stotram
7. Rajarajeswari Ashtakam
8. Lakshmi Gayatri
9. Sudarshana Ashtakam
10. Ashiravaada Mantra
Prosperity is one of the great aims (purusharthas) of human life, according to the Hindu sages. It finds the second place in the fourfold aim of dharma (righteous life), artha (wealth), kaama (desire and physical fulfillment) and moksha (liberation). Mahalakshmi is the goddess of wealth and good fortune. Mantras and Sanskrit hymns addressed to her result in the prosperity and well-being of those who propitiate her. Mahalakshmi is the embodiment of compassion and showers devotees with the boons they seek. This album has the choicest selection of mantras and hymns rendered in the right diction by experienced scholars meant to harness benign vibrations of powerful Sanskrit syllables. Following the propitiation of Ganapati (who too is considered to preside over success and wealth) and Kubera (Vedic god of wealth), there are a string of hymns of Mahalakshmi capped by the Kanakadhaara Stotra, a powerful chant composed by the great Adi Shankara himself as a sure means of getting the grace of the goddess of wealth (Kanakadhaara mean shower of gold). Prayers to Lakshmi Hayagreeva (Hayagreeva is a manifestation of Vishnu as knowledge) and Sudarshana, the deity who represents the power and might of Mahavishnu, are capped by Vedic chants for wealth and well-being. Albums that will make you count your blessings.
"1. Dasavathara Stotram
2. Krishna Stuti
3. Sri Krishna Dhyanamala
4. Sri Ramayana Namaha
5. Bali Darpa Samanam
6. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatam
7. Sooryanarayana Stuti
8. Sudarshana Gayatri
9. Hayagreeva Stuti
10. Sri Venkatesa Ashottaram
11. Om Chanting
Sanskrit is the language of Satya Yuga as it is based on the true and perfect relationship between sound and sense. That is why hymns created in Sanskrit by sages and seers give various beneficial results to those who worshipped not only as the sustainer as part of the Trinity, but as the Supreme Being, are culled to shower the choicest blessing on devotees. This album, offered by traditional Sanskrit scholars with perfect diction, begins with a hymn to the Lord who takes ten major incarnations to come to the succour of mankind. It is followed by authoritative chants to Sri Krishna, the supreme avater who declares that he will look after the well-being of devotees who surrender to Him. This is followed by Raghuveera Gadyam, a powerful tribute to Sri Rama, God as perfect Man, composed by savant Vedanta Desika and recitation of the mantra of Rama. A rare hymn to Vamana, the Vishnu avatar who grew up to be Trivikrama, the Lord who strode the three worlds in three steps, and gave liberation to Bali by crushing his ego is another powerful chant, potent prayers to Narasimha (the man lion avater), Sudarshana, the LordтАЩs discuss and symbol of His might, Hayagreeva (the horse-headed aspect of Vishnu who is a repository of art and knowledge), and Balaji (the vouchsafer of boons in the kali Yuga) follow. This album brings the benign grace of the all-pervading Vishnu.
"1. Sri Ganapati
2. Sri Ganapati Talam
3. Lakshmi Gayathri
4. Lalitha Sahasranamam
5. Shiva Sakti
6. Sri Dakshinamoorthy Panchatantra Stotram
7. Soorya Suprabatham
Melody and Rhythm Combine in this album with accurately enunciated Sanskrit verses
Brimming with divine vibrations. Giving you a combination that brings success and prosperity for sure. Stotras and chants chockfull with positive emanations of ganesa, the deity who wards away obstacles and gives success and wealth. Lakshmi, the goddess of auspiciousness, Dakshinamurthy, the supreme deity of divine knowledge, and of Shiva, Shakti and lalitha will infuse into you the power of victory and goodness. This album will bring a newt spring to your walk. A divine swing to your gait.
"1. Sri Natarajapathi Madhura Dasakam
2. Gaayatri Mantra
3. Hanuman Bhujangam
Nataraja, the aspect of Shiva ad dancer, shines in the heart of all beings. Gayathri, the divine power, is radiant not only in the orb of the sun. But in the consciousness of every creature. Hanuman the greatest and mightiest adorer of the divine. Lives forever as the zest for the spiritual. Verses and chants of these shining deities are set as winning melodies to flowing rhythms in this album. They will surely bring you inner peace and tranquility.
"1. Elevate
2. Nirvana
3. Higher state of consciousness
4. Healing touch
5. Arise and inspire
6. Spa-la-la
7. Tranquility
8. Reflection
9. Soulful
10. Composure
Lie back, relax and soothe your senses with his compilation of eight calming tunes, especially created for you to unwind and find freedom from all that is wearing you down.
Listen to these uplifting and revitalizing compositions in the cozy confines of your home, spa, your office or just about anywhere and enter a whole new space of serenity. These melodies elevate your soul and calm your mind giving you the relaxation you truly deserve.
This collection provides ideal listening for morning walks, massage sessions, yoga, meditation and wellness, making your time spent in listening to it refreshing and rejuvenating. Allow yourself to get lost in these carefully composed pieces of music and be transported to a whole new state of tranquility.
"Shiva is the Lord of the Universe, and the Lord of all living beings, and Shakti is his consort and driving force. Shiva and Shakti are the universal parents, and all those who propitiate with a pure mind are sure to triumph in their endeavors and also realize them the ultimate truth of existence. As the popular prayer to the Divine Mother goes, she gives all auspiciousness and fulfills every desire of the devotee. This album brings you a sheaf of the most powerful holy chants and hymns addressed to Shiva and Shakti. From Vedic hymns (Sri Rudram) to sacred paeans attributed to great sages (ShankaraтАЩs Annapoornaashtakam), this collection contains Sanskrit verses brimming with divine vibrations. Various attributes of Shiva as embodied in Nataraja, Rudra, Dakshinamurthy and Ardhanareeswara are effectively invoked, even as we worship Shakti in her benign, ferocious and auspicious aspects. Well-versed Pandits have rendered these chants with perfect diction in the traditional style. Touch the soul of Indian through these powerful hymns and rejuvenate your soul.
1 Shiva Stuti
2 Amba Pancharatnam
3 Sri Durga Ashtottaram
4 Rudram
5 Mahishasuramardini Stotram
6 Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
7 Annapoornashtakam
8 Nataraja Thandava Stotram
9 Lingashtakam
10 Sri Amba Navamanimala, Saraswati Mangalam
11 Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
"From the base of the spine to the crown of the head there are subtle energy centers called Chakras. These are channels of the Kundalini Shakti, the divine power of consciousness that we all possess. Awakening the chakras leads us to greater levels of awareness and peace and transforms are limited human power to godliness. The imbalance of the chakras clouds our vision and cause various physical of the chakras. The Swadishthana is the second chakra in the ascending order and grants beauty, poise and sexual fulfillment. The disharmony of the chakra leads to lack of vitality, Inhibitions, suspicion, false knowledge and cruelty. Yaman, the great raga, is associated with this chakra and meditating on its mellifluous strains helps one harness the power and grace of the chakra. Pandit Pandurang Parate, a veteran exponent of the Tanras gharana, leads us gently into the luminous domains of the raga.
1. Yaman - Alap
2. Raag Yaman Vilambit тАУ Teen Taal : Madhya Lay тАУ Teen Taal
"The chakras are subtle centers in the body (Corresponding to the nerve plexuses in the spinal cord) which channelise the psychic and spiritual energy lying dormant at the base of the spine (Kundalini Shakti). Because the upward movement of the energy is spiral when it is awakened, it is called serpent power. The correct balance and health of the chakras gives good health and a fruitful life. The Ajna Chakra is the centre between the eyebrows, and is called the seat of the guru. It is here that the sacred syllable Aum is situated. This is the centre where the mind is full of peace and stability. Since the three major nadis, ida, pingala and sushumna reconverge here, it is called the triple confluence of freedom (Mukta-Triveni). A balanced third eye chakra gives wisdom, discrimination and illumination, while disharmony in this sphere spells mental chaos, insensitivity and visual impairment. Bageswari is the raga associated with this chakra. The sensitively played music is this album will balance the chakra and bring charity of mind, incisive vision and peace. Pandit Pandurang Parate of the Tanaras gharana plays the deep sounding Surbahar in raag Bageswari to give you a deep, intuitive experience.
1. Bageswari Alap
2. Vilambit, Teen Taal ; Drut Teen Taal
3. Bhajan, Alap
"It is the experience of the sages of Indian that human life is a great opportunity for spiritual evolution. They looked at the entire spectrum of life form the spiritual angle. It was in this manner that they discovered the chakras, psychic energy centers in the human body that shows the path to higher consciousness. The correct balance and health of the chakras gives good health and a fruitful life. The Vishuddha Chakra, the Fifth chakra is located in the throat. It is the centre of the ether (aakaasha) Principle, and the power of hearing, speaking and creativity are associated with it (being the dwelling place of Saraswati, the goddess of learning). It is described as the region of the moon, the moon without a single blemish, the тАШgateway of the great liberationтАЩ. One, who mingles with this chakra by concentration, becomes a great sage enjoying perennial peace of mind. Such a personтАЩs words and thoughts become the engines of spiritual energy. An unbalanced and unhealthy throat chakra severely impeds the capacity to communicate with others and also creates problems related to the thyroid, throat and ear. When the Throat Chakra is in fine balance, the individual reaches the peak of creativity and inspiration. Raaga Jaijaivanti is associated with the throat chakra and bestows all the positive vibrations of the chakra on the listener. In this reare album, Pandit Veereshwar Madri, who comes in the line of Panchakshari Gawai of the Gadag school of Hindustani music, plays Jaijavanti in the authentic traditional way on the rare instrument, the Tarshenai.
1. Raag Jaijavanti- Vilambit Ek Taal тАУ тАШPaalan ghad laare badaiyyaтАЩ; Drut Teen taal тАУтАШKidhar Gaye He ManmohanтАЩ
2. Raghupati Raghava Rajaram тАУ based on Jaijaivanti
3. Jaijagadeesha Hare тАУ Aarati
4. Thumri тАУ Mishra Peelu тАУ Taal Deepchandi тАУ тАШJis nagar daandharma nahi, us nagar rehna kya reтАЩ.
"Sanskrit is called the language of the gods (devabhasha) as it is based on the true and perfect relationship between sound and sense. It has been said that Sanskrit is not just a language but a power, тАШwith every one of its vowels and consonants having a particular and inalienable forceтАЩ (Sri Aurobindo). Sages created divine hymns in Sanskrit to attune devotees to spiritual truths. The grand verse of the Isavasya Upanishad shows the way to all humanity the secret and meaning of life тАУ тАШAs everything is enveloped by God, enjoy life by giving up. Do not cover anythingтАЩ. The wonderful vibrations of the Gayatri Mantra (defined as the chant that protects those who intone it) and the sonorous Vedic chants тАШPurusha SooktaтАЩ makes you envision a divine world of beauty world of beauty and light. Chants to Hayagreeva (the horse-headed deity giving knowledge and mastery of action), Mrityunjaya (SivaтАЩs aspect giving health and longevity), Dhanvantri (deity giving good health) and Mahalakshmi (goddess ensuring success and wealth) rendered by authentic Sanskrit pundits with accurate diction will enable you to enjoy the choicest blessings of these benign powers. тАШSecret ChantsтАЩ will open your life to the healing touch of divine mantras.
1. Gayathri Mantra
2. Isavasyam
3. Purusha Suktam
4. Hayagreeva Gayathri
5. Mrytunjaya Mantra
6. Dvadasa Jyotirlingam
7. Sarava Karyasiddhi (Valmiki Ramayana)
8. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
9. Dhanvantri Gayatri
10. Shyamala Dandakam
11. Sri Lakshmi Stotram
12. Sri Lakshmi Gayatri
"The Hindu scriptures assure mankind of immortality, not as the reward for a religious or righteous life but as the consequence of oneтАЩs divine nature. They also affirm that human birth is highly valuable for the realization of the truth. That is why Vedic mantras and Sanskrit chants have been designed by the sages and seers to India to endow and with mental and physical well-being. The Gayatri Mantra, the most potent instrument for leading a meaningful life, is chanted in this album by traditional pundits in the authentic diction and correct style. This alone will bestow incredible strength on those who imbibe its healing vibrations. Chants addressed to Shakti, in her various attributes; attune the aspirant to creative forces. Mantras addressed to Dhanvantri (the Vedic god of good health), Soorya (the sun god, the source of life, strength and victory), Mrityunjaya (Siva as the victor over death and the bestower of immortality), Sudarshana (the Power and force of Vishnu) and Hanuman (son of the wind god, and the repository of strength, valour and devotion to the divine) are perennial sources of divine blessings of health, strength, self-confidence and a meaningful life.
1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Isavasyopanishad
3. Sri Durga Kavacham
4. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
5. Dhanvantri Gayatri
6. Soorya Suprabatham
7. Soorya Gayatri And Kavacham
8. Mrityunjaya Stotram
9. Mrityunjaya Mantra
10. Sri Lalitha Pancharatnam
11. Sri Sarabha Gayatri
12. Sudarshana Gayatri
13. Sudarshana Ashtakam
14. Hanumad Gayatri
15. Hanumad Bhujangam
"The great sages of India were practical visionaries who envisaged the spiritual destiny of man based on their own inner experiences. They considered the body as the temple of god and made in the basis for manтАЩs greater voyage into subtler worlds. Such was their discovery of the serpent power, the Kundalini that lies coiled at the base of the spine, the тАШnadisтАЩ, channels of the subtle body that carry the vital energy, and the тАШchakrasтАЩ psychic energy centers in the sushumna nadi ( the most important channel that extends from the base of the spine to the crown of the head). The health and correct balance of the chakras gives a fruitful life and expands the consciousness to the divine level. The Manipuraka, which is the third chakra in the ascending order, is the centre that gives energy, optimism and transforming power to the individual. As its name indicates, the Manipuraka chakra glows like a lustrous gem, which is not surprising since it is the centre of the element fire. When the chakra is purified, it frees the person from the burning desire for worldly pleasures. All the negative energies and impurities of the ego are burnt up at the altar of this fiery centre. Raaga Malkauns is associated with Manipuraka and bestows all the positive vibrations of the chakra on the listener. In this remarkable album of soothing music based on the chakraтАЩs raga, the strains of the sitar, flute, tabla and shehnai mingle seamlessly in the music of Ganesh Muthu, a disciple of Ustad Ahmad Hussain Khan of the Achpal gharana. You have a magical web of caressing melody here.
1. The ebb and flow of life
2. Inner quest for significance
3. Search and supplication to the Guru
4. Service and Total Surrender
5. The bliss of Divine Union
"The deities of Hinduism embody the deepest experiences of devotees and worshippers. No aspirant goes empty-handed from the sanctum of the gods. This album brings you the most powerful mantras and chants that will protect and guide you in your life. We first invoke Ganapati, the benign god of good beginnings who brings success, wealth and happiness to those who worship him before they take up any endeavor. One who invokes Ganapati right at the start will undoubtedly come out in flying colours. We then invoke with Vedic chants, Shiva, the Lord whose very name signifies auspiciousness. The mantric names of Lord Venkateswara, the one who vouchsafes wealth and success to his devotees in the present age makes our consciousness ascend to the height of the seven hills. The mantras and chants of powerful deities like Narasimha (the lion-headed avatar of Vishnu), Lord Sundarshana (the power of Vishnu as embodied in his discus), Hayagreeva (the deity of wisdom and mastery of all arts and sciences) and Krishna, the greatest and most magnetic of VishnuтАЩs avatars enable us bring the divine blessings into our lives. тАШInvocationsтАЩ is sure to elevate your soul and bring divine power to your life.
1. Ganapati Suprabatham
2. Ganapati Mantram
3. Shiva Pratasmaranam
4. Sri Rudram
5. Durga Abhyudharana Stotram
6. Sri Venkatesa Ashtottaram
7. Narasimha Dhyanam
8. Sudarshana Gayatri
9. Sudarshana Ashtakam
10. Hayagreeva Gayathri
11. Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva Dandakam
12. Raasakreeda
The Gayatri Mantra is proclaimed to be the mother of the Vedas, which are the revelations of the sages of India. The recitation and meditation on the Gayatri gives the effulgence that one gains through study of the four Vedas. The Gayatri mantra revitalizes the brain and establishes the unified field of consciousness in the heart. The very sound of the Gayatri Mantra protects us from dangers and confers great benefits. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Ganesha Gayatri removes all obstacles in oneтАЩs path and helps one attain the goals of life. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album brings victory and achievement in its trail.
"The Gayatri Mantra is both a mantra and a prayerтАж the most rewarding offering of the ancient Vedas of India. It is called the essence of the Vedas and its very mother.
The constant recitation and hearing of the Gayatri Mantra brings health, vigour, prosperity and high thinking. It is thus a great means of strength, which gives victory and success. It also brings the final realization of the supreme truth, which is the very purpose of human life. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and rewards. The Gayatri mantra on Hanuman, the superhuman figure of the Ramayana, confers on the aspirant the qualities of devotion, strength and courage. The Hanuman Gayatri gives all this as well as triumphs in all endeavors. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album is a gateway to achievement and happiness.
The Gayatri Mantra is a universal mantra and prayer for enlightenment. It also confers great worldly benefits like clarity of thought, good health and prosperity. Manu, the great law-giver therefore asserts that there is nothing greater than the Gayatri MantraтАж.. for there is nothing superior to the contemplation of the light of all lightsтАж the all-illumining consciousness. The Gayatri is a mantra that destroys all sins and confers all auspiciousness. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities given particular results and rewards. The Gayatri on Lord Krishna, the poorna avatar of Vishnu, is a very powerful version of the mantra. The Krishna Gayatri, apart from bestowing divine grace and power on the aspirant, gives the blessing of good offspring. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album is a gateway to virtuous offspring, a life of fulfillment and the final dawning of divine vision.
The Gayatri is the greatest of mantrasтАж the very essence of the eternal Vedas. As the etymology of the word implies, it is a mantra that protects those who chant it and dwell upon it. It has been asserted that the Gayatri is the spiritual armour that protects the individual in the journey of life and enables him to attain the highest goal. The achievement of great savants like Panini (the author of the great Sanskrit grammar) and sage Vidyaranya (patron saint of the founders of the great Vijayanagar Empire) is attributed to the practice of Gayatri. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Lakshmi Gayatri is a potent mantra to achieve wealth and success. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will full you with the vibrations of prosperity.
The Gayatri Mantra is the greatest offering of the great sages of India. It is the most powerful combination of sounds and words the functions as a dynamo of power to lead the individual to success. Prosperity and fulfillment. Repetition and constant hearing of the Gayatri Mantra makes the Supreme Light of God shine in oneтАЩs heart. What greater blessing, what greater power to shed light on oneтАЩs path and lead it to its destination? The Gayatri is a mantra that destroys all sins and confers all auspiciousness. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Kubera Gayatri Mantra not only confers the boon of great prosperity but also makes one the chosen recipient of the blessings of wealth and plenty. The constant stavana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will help you receive KuberaтАЩs grace.
"Om Bhaskaraaya Vidmahe Mahatdhyutikaraaya Dheemahi Thanno Aditya Prachodayaat.
Om Sheetapradhaaya Vidmahe Shodashakalaaya Dheemahi Thanno Soma Prachodayaat.
Om Angaarakaaya Vidmahe Bhoomibaalaaya Dheemahi Thanno Kuja Prachodayaat.
Om Budhagrahaaya Vidmahe Indhuputraaya Dheemahi Thanno Sowmya Prachodayaat.
Om Suraachaarayaaya Vidmahe Sureashresthaaya Dheemahi Thanno Guru Prachodayaat.
Om Rajathaabhaaya Vidmahe Bhrigusuthaaya Dheemahi Thanno Suruka Prachodayaat.
Om Sanaischaraaya Vidmahe Chaayaaputraaya Dheemahi Thanno Mahda Prachodayyat.
Om Shukadantaaya Vidmahe Ugraoopaaya Dheemahi Thanno Raahu Prachodayaat.
Om Chitravarnaaya Vidmahe Saraparoopaaya Dheemahi Thanna Kethu Prachodayyat.
The Gayatri is the most powerful of Vedic MantrasтАж. the supreme boon given by the sages to those who want to follow the path of the spirit because only the spirit can give fulfillment. It is the experience of seers that the very sound of the Gayatri can save one from dangers. On the authority of the great work, the Suta Samhita, one can say that he who chants the Gayatri regularly attains all his desires. The Gayatri mantra connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Navagraha Gayatri is a potent mantra to maximize the good results given by the planets and to ward off their malefic influences. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album makes success oneтАЩs lot.
The Gayatri Mantra is the most powerful and celebrated mantra of the Vedas. The very sound of the mantra has healing qualities and brings fullness to oneтАЩs life. The recitation and hearing of the Gayatri free one from all sins and gradually widens the horizons of consciousness. Gayatri dispels the clouds of ignorance and fear and establishes a divine peace in the heart of the individual. This leads to a radiant life of success, peace and fulfillment. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Vastu Gayatri Mantra enables one to get over Vastu doshas. Vastu is the Vedic science of constructing dwellings so that they are in alignment with the Cosmic order. When that order is disturbed by improper buildings then Vastu doshas arise. The Vastu Gayatri Mantra will produce the right vibrations so that you and your dwelling are in consonance with the Cosmic order. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in the album will help you get over Vastu defects.
The Gayatri Mantra is the powerful combination of sounds and words, which liberates the person who chants it or meditates upon it, from falsehood and illusion. It confers the supreme illumination by expanding the horizon of consciousness. It is thus a great engine of power, which brings victory and success in its trail. On the authority of the great work Suta Samhita, we have it that the one who recites or meditates upon the Gayatri Mantra attains all his desires. The Gayatri Mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Shiva Gayatri confers extraordinary wealth on the worshipper, who becomes another Kubera, the god of wealth and riches. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album surely brings the rewards of prosperity and fulfillment.
The Gayatri Mantra is a powerful prayer and mantra given by the Vedic seers of India as a blessing to humanity. The recitation and hearing of the Gayatri, apart from conferring great spiritual merit, leading up to the dawning of the great enlightenment itself, will fulfill oneтАЩs cherished desires, ward away diseases and confer longevity. The very water which is charged with the vibrations of the Gayatri mantra cures diseases. The Gayatri has the power to destroy all the evil forces and the effects of sins. It is therefore the essence of all that is sacred in the great Vedas. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Kali Gayatri addressed to Kali, or Bhavataarini, the redeemer of the universe and the one who helps the aspirant go past the sea of becoming, has the potent effect of conferring health and longevity. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will confer good health and strength on the aspirant.
The Sanskrit mantras were discovered by Vedic seers through intuition. The mantras have the power to transform aspirants by putting them directly in touch with the divine powers. The great deities, their attributes and their mantras are the blessings handed down to us. One of the extraordinarily powerful mantras in Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, which gives health, longevity and divine blessings. Mrityunjaya is the form of Shiva who warded off death in the case of his devotees like Markandeya. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will confer on you the blessings of a long and healthy life.
Arunachala, the holy hill of Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu is a spiritual focus of the world. One of the oldest geological formations, the hill has a hoary tradition of attracting great souls seeking the truth of existence. Over the centuries, Arunachala, тАШthe hill of dawnтАЩ, has become the way, the light for those in quest of spiritual sustenance. Sri Ramana Maharishi, who sought the hill immediately after his life-changing тАШdeath-experienceтАЩ, has said that Arunachala is a hill of spiritual light. Today, millions go round the hill during the full-moon days in the hope that it will quench their spiritual thirst. The chant of Arunachala will put the Light where it belongsтАж. Your heart. That is the light that illumines all other lights.
The Mantras given by the sages of India are a wonderful spiritual legacy to mankind. Mantras are subtle vibrations that protect those who chant them. These vibrant waves of sound energy release spiritual forces that confer victory in all endeavors. Chanting mantras and listening to chants puts the individual at the centre of positive energies that bring the blessings of life within his ken. The birth and growth of good offspring is one of the greatest blessings of life. The Santhanagopala Mantra, addressed to Sri Krishna, has the effect of conferring and easy pregnancy and the birth of virtuous children. The mantra invokes the blessings of Sri Krishna and surrenders at the feet of divine child.
"1. Gayatri
2. Shankatanashana Stotram
3. Adityahridayam
4. Mritasanjeevani Stotra
5. Mriyunjaya Gayatri
6. Mrityunjaya Mantra
7. Kali Gayatri
8. Dhavantri Gayatri
9. Sri Sarabha Gayatri
10. Sarabheswara Ashtakam
11. Navagraha Mangalam
12. Haunmad Bhujangam
Practical spirituality and health are part of the traditional Indian approach to effecting cures. Mantra is mentioned along with medicine in the cure of diseases. The imbalance of humours which is identified as the cause of disease is connected with the disha┬мrmonies in the personтАЩs approach to life. Mantras play a great plart in establishing peace and calm in the mind and paving the way for good mental and physical helath. A pure mind coupled wih repetition or hearing of the mantras in this album will create strength and vigour. The hymns and mantras intoned in the right diction and correct Sanskrit pronunciation have been traditionally found to bestow helth. The Gayatri, the sheetanchor of Vedic mantras, in the sunlit path to make oneтАЩs life successful and healthy. The Aditya Hridayam, found in the Valmiki Ramayana gave Sri Rama the strength to conquer Ravana. Its repetition brings health, longevity and victory in oneтАЩs endevours. Powerful mantras like the Mriyunjaya Gayatri, Mrityunjaya Mantra, Kali Gayatri, Dhavantri Gayatri, and Sarabha Gayatri are time-honoured paths to strength, well-being and peace. The spiritual vibrations of the mantras in this album will help you make the best of your life by conferring vigour and vitality on you.
"1. Gayatri
2. Ganapati Gayatri
3. Shyamala Gayatri
4. Shiva Gayatri
5. Kali Gayatri
6. Sri Lalita Gayatri
7. Rudra Gayatri
8. Kubera Gayatri
9. Sarabha Gayatri
10. Natesa Gayatri and Dhyanam
11. Hanuman Gayatri
Gayatri is the greatest Mantra of the Vedic lore, and comes with the assurance that those who take refuge in it will be protected in every way. Such is its power that it is called the mother of the Vedic mantras. The body is considered to be the templeтАж the soul that inhabits it is divine. The repetition of the Gayatri mantra gives the body and mind the purity that is needed for the soul so shed light all around. The divine light manifested through the adoration of the Gayatri mantra is capable of giving leadership and direction to society. Such is its power and effectiveness. The Gayatri Mantra is the fire that burns away impurities and makes it adorer a light unto himselt and to the whole worldтАж.
In this album, you have the general Gayatri mantra rendered in the traditional way by senior pandits. Give ear to it and let its vibrations pervade your consciosness. Gradually you will find the mantra becoming a part of your soul. In this album, apart from well-known Gayatri, you have Gayatri mantras addressed to other deities. These can be repeated for gaining specific rewards. Repeating or hearing the Ganapati Gayatri, helps you triumph in the endeavours you have taken up. The Shiva Gayatri is reputed to bring untold wealth. The Kali Gayatri rids one of diseases. The Rudra Gayatri is used to ward away trials and tribulations. The Kubera Gayatri helps the consolidation of wealth. The Sarabha Gayatri comes of use in defeating enemies. This album brings you the Gayatri in all its glory.
"1. Siva Stuti
2. Hara Hara Shankara
3. Shiva Pratasmaranam
4. Siva Ashtottara Shatnamavali
5. Dvadasa Jyothir Lingam
6. Kalabhairava Ashtakam
7. Mrityunjaya Mantra
8. Sri Rudram
9. Daridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram
10. Shiva Gayatri
11. Ardhanaareswara Stotra
12. Sri Nataraja Thandava Stotram
Lord Shiva showers His blessings on devotees swiftly. He is known to act in their favour without delay (one of his divine names is Aashutosha тАУ quickly pleased by devotions). And when he whose very name is Shiva (the auspicious тАУ the traditional Sanskrit thesanurus brackets the word with Bhadram, Kalyanam, Mangalam, Shubham), showers his blessings on his devotees one can imagine their good fortune.
Like the deity in the sanctum, like life in the human being, Shiva is the truth revelaed in the Vedas. Uttering the names of Shiva and listening to the glory of Shiva as given out by great sages will undoubtedly lead one form victory to victory and from the mirages of phenomenal life to the Supreme Truth, that underlies it. All those giving ear to the mantras and chants of Shiva are freed from sins and are on the way to light and holiness. The Mandukya Upanishad which elaborates on the meaning of the supreme mystic syllable тАШAumтАЩ, says it is тАШ Shantam, Shivam, AdvaitamтАЩ, Dwelling on the great names of Shiva (Siva Ashottara Shatnamavali, Sri Rudram) and the names of the pilgrim centres of the 12 jyotirlingas, repeating powerful mantras like Mrityunjaya and Shiva Gayatri, giving ear to forceful hymns like the Kalabhairava and Daaridradahana (the latter is traditionally known to remove poverty) bring Lord ShivaтАЩs blessings to the Sincere aspirant. Like the Rudraksha which instantly reminds one of Shiva, this album effectively brings the power and glory of Shiva.
"1. Ganapati Gayatri
2. Saraswathi Gayatri
3. Shyamala Gayatri
4. Hara Hara Shankara
5. Sri Rudram
6. Sri Durga Pratasmaranam
7. Sri Durga Ashtottaram
8. Om Arunachleswaraya Namaha
9. Mangalam
The names of deities, especially in the Sanskrit language, which is replete with the vibrations of the subtle worlds within us, reveal their deeper meanings when we repeat them or listen to them repeatedly. They reveal greater truths and gradually transform us from within. As the eternal religion of India considers life itself to be a means of reaching divinity, the mantras given by the ancient, rishis not only lead us to the Light but also help us make a success of the journey! The Gayatri is the most powerful and seminal mantras of Indian spirituality and you have in these album derivatives like the Ganapati Gayatri and Saraswathi Gayatri, which give success in endeavours and wisdom as well. The Shyamala Dandakam reinforces the blessings of the goddess of learning. Hara Hara Shankara and the sacred names of Durga and Shiva (in the Sri Rudram, which is a part of the Vedas and believed to be its essence) lead our life energies to a higher plane of experience. Arunachala, the hill of dawn beckons us through its spiritual vibrations. Ascend to higher levels of joy, achievement and fulfillment through the mantras in this album.
"1. Ganapati Gayatri
2. Vishnu Ashtottaram
3. Garuda Stuti
4. Rudra Gayatri (Sri Rudram)
5. Isa Upanishad
6. Nataraja Gayatri & Dhyanam & Nataraja Thandava Stuti
7. Omkara Dhyanam
8. Sri Guru Stuti
9. Dakshinamurthi Ashtakam
The life force of normal men and women lies dormant at the base of ths spine (the Muladhara chakra), and they see everything through the series of chakras, the subtle centres of energy. One can therefore imagine what will happen in the case of imbalance of the chakra. It is for this reason that the harmony of the chakras is important. The various chakras are presided over by deities and by meditating on them through apt mantras and hymns one can balance the chakras. Ganapati, the elephant-headed god who removes obstacles is to be meditated upon with the Ganapati Gayatri as presiding over the Mooladhara chakra at the base of the spine. The names of Vishnu and the hymn to Garuda, the white-necked kite that carries him, while contemplating the Swadishtana chakra at the root of the sexual organ give one the crucial balance with regard to the sexual drive. Rudra Gayatri (Manipuraka, the navel chakra), Isavasya Upanishad (Anahata, heart centre), Nataraja Gayatri and Thandava (at Vishudhi, throat chakra тАУ the seat of the ether principle,) Omkara Dhyanam (at Ajna, third eye chakra which takes one beyond the realms of mind into pure awareness) and Guru and Dakshinamurthi hymns (at the thousand petalled lotus of illumination in the crown of the head), gradually expand the horizons of human consciousness to the divine level. Vibrate to the rhythms of the chakra deities and make for a harmonious success in life.
"1. Sur Bahar (Bagesri)
2. Dilurba (Raag Mishra Khamaj / Taal Keharwa / Vaishnava Janato)
3. Tabla Tarang тАУ Bhajan (Raag Bhairavi)
SURBAHAR : Also known as, bass sitar is a pluked string instrument used in the Hindustani classical music of North India. It has a deep, sonorous and ringing tone. The popularity of the sitar as a classical instrument has all but eclipsed the surbahar.
DILRUBA: Is a stringed instrument of the bowed variety with a fingerboard and frets, which resemble the sitar. The instrument resembles the sarangi; its belly too is covered with skin and it too is played with a bow. All the nuances of the sarangi are possible on the Dilruba, which makes both instruments ideal as accompaniment as also solo play.
TABLA TARANG: Is a take off from the Tabla and makes this rhythmic accompaniment a melodic instrument by using a number of treble drums. These drums are tuned to the various notes of the octave, which enables the player to coax ragas and melodies from them. The Tabla player who has attained finesse in playing his instrument may venture into tabla tarang playing and become the main player. Disjunct notes and limited range (not more than 16 instruments can be played because the player cannot reach out to too many) are the limitations of the instrument. Yet it is a novelty as it turns a rhythmic instrument into a melody instrument. Sound is produced by striking the tablas with the fingers and is both mellow and melodious
"1. Tabla Tarnag тАУ Raag Malkauns тАУ Gat тАУ Madhya, Drut
2. Dilruba тАУ Raag Yaman тАУ Taal Roopak тАУ Sharanu Siddhi Vinayaka
3. Sur Bahar тАУ Bagesri тАУ Bhajan
TABLA TARANG: Is a take off from the Tabla and makes this rhythmic accompaniment a melodic instrument by using a number of treble drums. These drums are tuned to the various notes of the octave, which enables the player to coax ragas and melodies from them. The Tabla player who has attained finesse in playing his instrument may venture into tabla tarang playing and become the main player. Disjunct notes and limited range (not more than 16 instruments can be played because the player cannot reach out to too many) are the limitations of the instrument. Yet it is a novelty as it turns a rhythmic instrument into a melody instrument. Sound is produced by striking the tablas with the fingers and is both mellow and melodious.
DILRUBA: Is a stringed instrument of the bowed variety with a fingerboard and frets, which resemble the sitar. The instrument resembles the sarangi; its belly too is covered with skin and it too is played with a bow. All the nuances of the sarangi are possible on the Dilruba, which makes both instruments ideal as accompaniment as also solo play.
SURBAHAR: Also known as, bass sitar is a pluked string instrument used in the Hindustani classical music of North India. It has a deep, sonorous and ringing tone. The popularity of the sitar as a classical instrument has all but eclipsed the surbahar.
"1. Adi Mudalana
2. Ucchi Malai
3. Manjalil
4. Muthumadhi
5. Karunai Sindhum
6. Unnai Naan
7. Athi Mugan
8. Ongum Isai
9. Oorvalum Aagavae
"MotherтАЩs milk and mellow music are vital ingredients that nurture the baby warmly into life and love. This is the testimony of the longest traditions and the latest research. The natural bond between mother and child is reinforced by the soft ambience created by gentle music. The claming and relaxing effects of the tender instrumental themes presented in this album are beneficial both to mother and child. The positive influence of music on childhood development through recreating a peaceful and harmonious environment can be felt through the specially produced numbers presented here.
1. A New Beginning
2. Lost In Thought
3. Anticipation
4. Cherish
5. Closer & Closer
6. That Joyous Feeling
7. Tenderness
8. In A Warm Embrance
9. Adoration
10. Sweet Lullaby
"Lakshmi is the Goddess of exquisite beauty; тАШsusamaтАЩ blossoming in everything Puranas describe Her as arising from milky ocean which is the symbol of vast stretch of the all-enveloping consciousness, the plane of immortality, the delight of existence swelling with honeyed waves of тАШmadhuman bliss in expression and creation, the refuge and support of all existence. All those who worship harmony and beauty in everything outside as well as inward activity and movement and feeling and Her servitors. She removes their poverty-physical as well as spiritual-and endows them Her plenitudes, Her rivhes and Her opulence. Thought there are many forms of her worship, propitiating Goddess Lakshmi through her thousand names is a sure means to secure Her divine grace. The vibrations evoked by the sacred names is a sure means to secure victory and happiness to those who chant and hear them with devotion. Here is a very rare sahasranama mantra of Goddess Lakshmi brought to light by God Sri Mahavishnu Himself. Super Audio, the album producers of rare scriptures have presented this CD for the welfare of humanity.
1. Lakshmi Sahasranam
2. Lakshmi Stotra (By Indra)
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtottara Satanama Stotram
4. Sri Mahalakshmi Stotram (By Indra, From Devi Bhagavata)
"Indian Classical music has deep spiritual roots and is traced to the Sama Veda. The contemplative playing of rages has the natural effect of inducing meditative states of mind. In this special album, choice morning ragas full of mood and mellowness evoke a sense of tranquility and repose. The instrument used to create the necessary effect is the sur bahar, which has a deep and serene sound. The caressing waves of the beautiful ragas played in this album create peace in the mind and full the thoughts into a meditative trance. Music for Deep Meditation will help you focus and ease into the contemplative state.
1. Komal Rishab Asawari Aalap
2. Bibhas Aalap
3. Ahir Bhairav Aalap
4. Charukesi Aalap
5. Cuarukesi Jhala
6. Mishra Shivaranjani dhun Dadra
"тАШSilence of the SoulтАЩ brings you nine tracks to anchor you to a marvelous silence and calm that will bring you new strength and energy. The mellow and meaningful music of these instrumental themes soothen your nerves and act as healing balm to your self. It will enable you to listen to your inner voice, the never-failing guide. Silence is not the absence of sound but the subtle dimension of sound. The heart, which hears the unspoken word and chimes to the unheard music, is able to grasp the silent dimensions of sound. Plumb these depths in тАШSilence of the SoulтАЩ, and be drawn to the inner ripples of the Soul for renewed power and vivacity.
1. Silence of the Dawn
2. Silence of the Pastures
3. Silence of the Journey
4. Silence of the Searching Heart
5. Silence of the Confluence
6. Silence of the Seasons
7. Silence of the Retiring City
8. Silence of the Contentment
9. Silece of the Prayer
"Relaxation is a process or state with the aim of recreation through leisure activites or idling and the opposite of stress or tension. Then naturally, it leads to quitencess of mind to a certain extent. In the relam of many relaxation technique, music dominates the top place in our world. Planned relaxation clams anxiety and helps your body and mind recover from everyday rush and stress. Music, a long soak in the bath, or a walk in the park do the trick for some people, but for other itтАЩs not so easy. If you feel you need help with learning to relax, try a relaxation or meditation class. Relaxation is one of the most effective self-help activites for mental health. It can be a useful addition or meditation class. Relaxation is one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of stress and anxiety. Having a relaxed body may not prevent a constant flow of anxiety inducing thoughts but itтАЩs a good basis for getting some control of them. Relexation is a feeling of calm in body and mind To be in relaxation is to an extent is reducing the wandering habit of the mind. The lesser frequency of number of thought, per se, of the mind and helps for positive thought process.
Relaxation will help to think better and enjoy improved concentration. It leads to more energetic and improve bodyтАЩs efficiency by decreasing heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate and muscle tension.
Relaxation is perhaps the single most important key to helath and well-being. It is the antidote to stress, which is known to contribute to the development of disease. When we relax, our body has an opportunity to unwind. The classical music selected in this album helps the brain to attain easy relaxation from its tight, tough routine of wandering and calms the mind with refinement. The routine exposure of this music makes relaxation is easily attainable.
The research has been carried our by Dr.T.Mythily PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive Neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapentic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, She is a disciple of the performing phenmena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna.
"Entice yourself into the exotic appeal of tge Buddhas radical mystique, and enter into the mode where in the good horse runs even at the shadow of the whip. Let your spirit soar into zen-land with the spiritually seductive music of this album. Soft, caressing, intimate and mystically suggestive, the tracks of Buddha Lounge put you in an enlarged frame of mind wherein you can take the entirey of existence within and without you in one glance and breath. Envelope yourself with a charmed ambience of spiritual soudnscapes eleveate and uplift yourself with gossamer plumes that rise with you to rarefield realms. Here are scented waters, inviting fragrances, beckoning smiles this is world music at its best as it takes you to charmed worlds.
1. The Middle Path
2. Contemplative Search
3. Serenity
4. Spaces Within
5. Mystical Magic
6. Loving Abundance
"Enhance your sense of well-being by filling your ambience with harmonies that invigorate you form inside. Here is cool music that relaxes you and instills a dewv freshness and vibrancy into you A new poise and assurance takes shape as you gather the buoyancy and confidence of elevating experiences. Sublimally imbibe these life-augmenting instrumental tracks, enlarging the horizons of your peace, power and plenty.
1. Serene Ambience
2. Grand Vistas
3. Beckoning Adventures
4. Peaceful Plateaus
5. Mounting Strength
6. Passage to Peace
7. Reigning Repose
8. Primal Powers
Tender sounds, tremulous sounds, caressing sounds, gentle sounds a cosy web of screne melody is woven for baby in this special album, designed to sweetly lull it into restful sleep. Surrounding baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music, will build worlds of trust and composure that will last a lifetime, and give the child the rest and sleep that are so vital to its growth. These lovingly moulded instrumental tracks create a healthy ambience of reassuring, affirming sound vibrations to help infants and newborn babies relax and sleep.
"Sleeping is a natural thing and AlmightyтАЩs gift and it should be learned very easily form the newborn stage it self. Babies younger than four months old have very different sleep needs than older babies during the ealy months of every babyтАЩs life he sleeps when he is tries, itтАЩs really that simple. You can do very little to force, a new baby to sleep when he doesnтАЩs want to sleep, and conversely, you can do little to wake him up when he is sleeping soundly. A very important point to understand about newborn babies is that they have very, very tiny tummies. New babies grow rapidly, their diet is liquid, and it digests quickly. During those early months, your baby will have tremendous growth spurts that affect not only daytime, but also nighttime as well, sometimes pushing that two-to four-hour schedule to a one-to two-hour schedule around the clock. On account of this, preamble in every new motherтАЩs repertoire should have information about what sleep is for a baby? How a newborn sleeps? And the likeтАж
The selected music in this compact disc has been given to many babies and this has been developed after 30 months of exposure and the research reveals it helps them to sleep, soothing them to better sleep. The regular exposure of this music to babies helps them to attain healthful sleeping habits in a babyтАЩs life. The music presented in this album makes the baby to recognize the sleep stages by themselves!
This album helps new born babies to toddlers, say up to the age of five years.
The research has been carried our by Dr.T.Mythily PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive Neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapentic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, She is a disciple of the performing phenmena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna.
"Caring the neonate/the child/is an yeoman task for the new mothers. Many a time even the experienced mothers finds very difficult to give the smoothening care to the newborns. Globally it is understood and believed that music gives wonderful effects in managing the childтАЩs routines. Naturally, when the child finds unable to sleep, rather we can put in as, do not know, how to sleep on certain occasions. On account of this, the child will start crying, it is the way of communication for the child, and nothing in the globe will be feasible to enable the child, and help to stop crying, and make him to sleep. But to everybodyтАЩs surprise, the music presented in this album ensures easy sleep for he child.
The regular exposure to this music ensures effectives cycle of sleep and agile in the childтАЩs behavior. The natural combinations of notes gives the needed comfort to the child through the auditory system. It has been proved clinically that, minimum 18 + hours of sleep in a new bron helps to attain better cognitive levels at later stage of development. The music selected in this album helps the child to sleep well adequately.
The research has been carried our by Dr.T.Mythily PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive Neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapentic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, She is a disciple of the performing phenmena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna.
"Here is the magic wand to put you where you rightfully belongтАж right on the lap of Nature itself. Unwind yourself with these caressing themes in which flowing water and wandering breeze are woven into bamboo and string to act as healing balm to you soul. Let the chirping of sparrows glitter in the dewdrops as you are wafted to cosmic zones beyond the reach of narrow constructs. Hear the whispers of the unbounded. Chime to the secretive strains of the unknown. In a word, leave every thought and worry behind to emerge thoroughty renewed form this magi-musical experience.
1. Quiet Flows the Stream
2. Scented Breeze
3. Beckoning Vistas
4. Glittering Dewdrops
5. Wavy Shores
"Those whose moon sign is Meena (Pisces) come under the influence of planet Guru (who stands here for beauty, caution and progeny). They are those born under the Poorva Bhaadrapads (Poorattaadhi тАУ fourth quarter), Uttara Bhaadrapada and Revati stars. The Worship of Brishaspati (the Presiding Planet), Medha Dakshinamuri (the most sublime master of silence), Kubere (who activates Poorva Bhaadrapada), Kamadhenu (energizer of the star Uttara Bhaadrapada), and Shaniswara (presides over Revati) as well as Gayatri and Budha will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Guru Gayatri
2. Medha Dakshinamurthi Ashtottaram
3. Gayatri Mantra
4. Kubere Gayatri
5. Kamadhenu Gayatri
6. Shaniswara Gayatri
7. Shanishwara Ashtakam
8. Shanishwara Ashtottaram
9. Shanishwara Kavacham
10. Diwakara Thanujam
11. Budha Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Makara (Capricorn) come under the influence of planet Saturn (who stands for family, wealth, progency and fame). They are those bron under the Uttaraashaada (Uttaraadam second, third and fourth quarters), Shravana (Thiruvonam) and Shravishtha (Avittam тАУ first two quarters) constellations. The worship of Shiva, Shaniswara (the planet presiding over the sign), Venkatesha (Balaji тАУ associated with the str Shravana), Kuja (connected with the star Shravishtha) and Karthikeya, Ayyappa and Hanuman will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shiva Ashtottaram
2. Shaniswara Gayatri
3. Shaniswara Kavacham
4. Rudram
5. Ganesha Gayatri
6. Venkatesha Ashtottaram
7. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
8. Subramanya Gayatri
9. Ayyappa Pancharatnam
10. Hanumad Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Simha (Leo) come under the influence of the Sun (who stands, among other things, for brilliance, valour and excellence in education). They are those born under the Magha, Purvaphalguni (Pooram) and Uttaraphalguni (Uttaram тАУ first quarter) constellations. The worship of Gayatri (which is addressed to the Sun, the Presiding Planet), Shukra (who activates the star Magha), Parvathi (who energises Purvaphalguni), Surya (who presides over Uttaraphalguni), and Shiva (who is the deity underlying the Sun), will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Rashmivarnanam
3. Shukra Gayatri
4. Shukra Kavacham
5. Sri Lalith Ashtottaram
6. Parvati Gayatri
7. Shiva Gayatri
8. Suryanarayana Stuti
9. Surya Mangalam
"Those whose moon sign is Vrischika (Scorpio) come under the influence of planet Mars (who presides over land, property, martial qualities and government power and influence). They are those born under the Vishakha (fourth quarter), Anuradha (Anusha) and Jyeshtha (Kettai) constellations. The worship of Kuja (the Presiding planet), Prithvi, and the element concerned, Karthikeya (the deity who controls Kuja and underlies Vishakha), Lakshmi (who activates those born under Anuradha), Indra (who energises those born under Jyeshtha), Vishnu, and Budha will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Kuja Gayatri
2. Prithivi Gayatri
3. Subramanya Gayatri
4. Lakshmi Gayatri
5. Mahalakshmi Mantra
6. Indra Gayatri
7. Purusha Suktam
8. Budha Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Kanya (Virgo) come under the influence of Mercury (who stands for education, mathematics and various skills including oratory and writing). They are those born under the Uttaraphalguni (second, third and fourth quarters), Hastha and Chitra (first and second quarters) Constellations. The worship of Budha (the presiding planet), Vishnu (who is the deity in question), Surya (who activates the star Uttaraphalguni), goddess Lalita, Karthikeya and Kuja who are intertwined with the sign will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Budha Gayatri
2. Vishnu Suktam
3. Dashavathara Stotram
4. Surya Gayatri
5. Sri Lalita Trisati
6. Subbramanya Gayatri
7. Shanmukha Dhaynam
8. Om Sharavanabhava
9. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
"Those whose moon sign is Mithuna (Gemini) come under the influence of planet Mercury (Who stands for education, mathematics and various skills including oratory and writing). They are those born under the Mrigasheersha (third and fourth quarters), Arudra and Punarvasu (first three quarters) constellations. The worship of Budha (the presiding planet), Vishnu (who is the deity in question), Chandra (who energises Mrigasheersha), Shiva (who controls Arudra), Rama (the great avatar who was born under the Punarvasu constellation), and Guru will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Budha Gayatri
2. Purusha Suktam
3. Keshadi Padararnanam
4. Chandra Gayatri
5. Rudram
6. Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
7. Rama Gayatri
8. Om Sri Ramaya Namaba
9. Guru Gayatri
10. Sudarshana Mantra
"Those whose moon sign is Mesha (Aries) come under the influence of planet Mars (who presides over land, property, martial qualities and government power and influence). They are those born under the Ashwini, Bharani and Krithika constellations (the first quarter of the last). The worship of Kuja, the presiding planet, Karthikeya (the deity who controls Kuja), Saraswati (Who activates those bron under Aswini), Durga (who energises those born under Bharani) and Agni (who propels those bron under Krithika) will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Subramanya Gayatri
3. Subramanya Suprabhatham
4. Subramanya Ashtottaram
5. Om Sharavanabhava
6. Saraswati Gayatri
7. Saraswati Stuti
8. Durga Suktham
9. Agni Gayatri
10. Prithivi Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Dhanus (Sagitatrius) come under the influence of planet Guru (who stands for education, wisdom, good influences and sense of justice). They are those born under the Moola, Purvashaada (Pooraadam) and Uttaraashaada (Uttaraadam first quarter) constellations. The worship of Brihaspati (the presiding planet), Dakshinamurti (the most sublime master of silence), Kethu (associated with the star Moola), Varuna (energiser of the star Purvashaada), and Ganapati (activates Uttaraashaada) as well as Hanuman, Shukra and Lakshmi associated with the sign will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Guru Gayatri
2. Dakshinamurti Ashtakam
3. Kethu Gayatri and Kavacham
4. Hanumad Samagama тАУ Srimad Ramayanam
5. Shukra Gayatri and Kavacham
6. Sri Lakshmi Nama
7. Varuna Gayatri
8. Ganesha Gayatri
9. Ashirvada Mantram
10. Sri Mahalakshmi Mangalam
"Those whose moon sign is Rishabha (Taurus) come under the influence of planet Venus (who stands for the arts and the finer enjoyments of life). They are those born under the Krithika (second, third and fourth quarters), Rohini and Mrigasheersha (first two quarters) constellations. The worship of Venus (the presiding planet), Lakshmi (who is the underlying deity of Venus), Karthikeya (who has a close connection with the constellation Krithika), Agni (in charge of the same star), Brahma and Chandra (who energise Rohini and Mrigasheersha) and Krishna (the poorna avatar who was bron in Rohini) will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shurka Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Lakshmi Gayatri
3. Subramanya Gayatri
4. Om Arunachaleswaraya Namaha
5. Agni Gayatri
6. Brahma Gayatri
7. Krishnavatara
8. Krishna Gayatri
9. Gopala Vimshati
10. Gopika Geetham
11. Chandra Gayatri and Kavacham
"Those whose moon sign is Kumbha (Acquarius) come under the influence of Planet Saturn (Who stands in this case for zest for education, divine pujas and longevity). They are those born under the Sharvishtha (Avittam тАУ third and fourth quarters) Sathabhishak (Sathayam) and Poorva Bhaadrapada (Poorattaadhi тАУ first three quarters) Constellations. The worship of Shaastha тАУ Ayyapa (the deities controlling Saturn), Shanishwara (Planet presiding), Yama (who energises Shatabhik), Kubera (who activates Poorva Bhaadrapada), and the associated deities Skandha, Kalabhairava and Guru will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shastha Gayatri
2. Ayyappa Pancharatnam
3. Om Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa
4. Diwakara Thanujam
5. Skanda Gayatri
6. Kuja Gayatri
7. Rahu Gayatri
8. Yama Gayatri
9. Kalabhairava Ashtakam
10. Durga Ashtottaram
11. Kubera Gayatri
12. Guru Kavacham
13. Shaniswara Gayatri
14. Shanishwara Ashtottaram
"Those whose moon sign is Thula (Libra) come under the influence of planet Venus (who stands for the arts and the finer enjoyments of life). They are those born under the Chitra (third and fourth quartere), Swati and Vishakha (first three quarters) constellations. The worship of Venus (the Presiding Planet), Lakshmi (who is the underlying deity of Venus), Vayu (who energises the star Swati), Karthikeya (who is associated with Chitra and activates Vishakha), Hanuman, Narasimha and Sudarshana, deities associated with the stars occurring in this sign will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shukra Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Lakshmi Gayatri
3. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
4. Bhu Suktham
5. Vayu Gayatri
6. Subrahmanya Gayatri
7. Hanumad Gayatri
8. Narasimha Ashtakam
9. Prahalada Chartiam
10. Sundarshana Ashtokam
11. Sundarshana Gayatri
12. Ashirvada Mant
"Those whose moon sign is Kataka (Cancer) come under the influence of the Moon (who stands for mind, imagination, education and the arts). They are those born under the Punarvasu (fourth quarter), Pushya and Ashlesha constellations. The worship of Chandra (the presiding planet), Shakti (who is the deity in question and very important to anchor the Cancerian in faith), Sri Ramachandra (who was born under the Punarvasu constellation), Guru (who not only attains exaltation in Cancer but is the energiser of the star Pushya), and Adishesha (who activates the star Ashlesha) will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Chandra Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Amba Navamanimala
3. Amba Pancharatnam
4. Rama Gayatri
5. Sri Raghuveera Gadyam
6. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
7. Guru Stuti
8. Guru Gayatri
9. Guru Kavacham
10. Krishnavatara
11. Budha Gayatri
12. Omkara
13. Adisesha Gayatri
14. Asirvadha Mantra
"Birthdays of our loved ones are special because they come only once a year. It makes sense to make them as memorable as we can. As a pop idol said, if you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate!
Here comes, тАШHappy Birthday Party SongsтАЩ to add the cutting musical edge to the birthday parties of members of your family. It is full of bubby numbers brimming with good feeling and melody for the birthday guy or gal. The numbers will charge up the atmosphere of festoons and candles and cakes and gifts with melody, bounce and dance. Revv up the mood of celebration with these songs overflowing with buzz words that add vibrancy, vivacity and meaning not only to the Birthday but also to the ones that follow on and on. Warmth, colour, melody, life and buoyancyтАж pick all these up with this album. ItтАЩs going to mean a lot to you because it is bound to make the energy that God invested in you at birth burst out once again.
1. Happy Birthday to you
2. Celebration
3. Birthday Party
4. If your happy
5. Loop-c-loop
6. In and out of circle
7. Musical chair
8. Happy day for you
9. Hookey Pookey
10. Rain drop
11. Birdie dance тАУ fast
12. Birdie dance тАУ Slow
"Newbron infants have been found to have highly developed abilities of responding to sound. No wonder then that lullabies play an important part in their upbringing. Lullabies are as importants as cudding babies in oneтАЩs arms and rocking them to sleep. Research have found that soothing music workds miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddler, by bringing a sense of security and calm. Make sure that you donтАЩt misss out on providing one of the greatest riches of human culture, the blessing of music, to your baby, by making use of the classic numbers in this album. A wide range of soothing music and tunes featuring favourties lullabies and famous nursery rhymes is presented in this album because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. The female and male voices are caressing, the music soft and dreamy, and the selection of lyrics meaningful to take care of your baby as much as you do. Let lullabies make your child rest softly on your chest dreaming of a rainbow way up high, pointing to a heaven of love and warmth. It will be a treasure that your baby will never forget.
1. Go to sleep my baby
2. Five little monkeys
3. Rock a by baby
4. Sweet and low
5. Rocking in the cradle
6. Whispering hope
7. My grandfatherтАЩs clock
8. Pussy cat
9. Pretty little horses
10. My bonny
11. My pretty maid
12. Ba ba Black Sheep
13. Tempest is gone
14. Wee willie winky
15. Twinkle twinkle
16. DaddyтАЩs gonna buy
17. Little bo beep
18. Baby doll
19. Sleeping beauty
20. Polly Wolly
21. Old mc donald
тАЬThe Varaha Sahasranama gives fame, longevity and leadership. He who renders it or hears it being rendered, is freed form dire diseases and attains great wealthтАЭ, says the Skandha Purana, in which this work occurs. This rare Sahasranama with extraordinary benefits is brought to devotees and aspirants for the first time through the spiritual guidance of Astrologer Sri S.Vijayaraghavan in the rendering of Sri.Vamanan. The rendering is melodies and accurate and establishes a divine mood.
"For a well-rested, lively and happy child, give it the musical assurance and vibrations of love and caring that this album brings. This is the musical equivalent of rocking your babyтАЩs cradle and singing a lullaby. Tender guitar melodies lead baby gently by its finger to rosy-hued dreamscapes of rest and relaxation. Fragrant ditties brimming with warmth and love flow like a lovely brook to waft your baby to a land of beauty. Make the mellow music in this albym serve as a powerful tool of nurture and your babyтАЩs sleepy-time regime. When this music is played repeatedly during sleep time, it rings a bell for a good, relaxing sleep.
1. Baby dreams
2. Baby happy
3. Bits
4. Bonny
5. Go to sleep
6. Baby relax
7. Rock a by baby
8. Simon
9. Sweet baby
10. Baby travels
"Bed-time rhymes with positive, comforting and calming themes are repeated to beautiful effect in PapaтАЩs and MamaтАЩs voices. The vocals are in a loving tone and invite baby to a slew of stories from that of the man in the moon to that of the bear and the elephant. Apart from introducing baby to different words, they inveigle it to a fairy-tale world of beauty and comfort. The instrumental interludes caress babyтАЩs tender ears. Put paid to the mild sleep disturbances and the restlessness of your child eith these gentle ditties. Here are the special rhymes for your child that will create the best vibrations for rest and relaxation.
1. My little rhymes
2. All through the night
3. Give me the blanket
4. Sleep
5. Camel
6. Slumbers
7. Snow Flakes
8. Dream Land
9. The bear
10. Highway bed times
11. Kisses
12. MummyтАЩs gonna buy you
13. Moon
14. Sky
15. Irish
16. Fisherman
17. Down the bay
18. Crazy stories
19. Hippity hop
20. Leaves
21. Blow the man down
22. Give me the blanket (Instrumental)
"Nurture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life. Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different t combinations that sounds can come in, will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 28 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. Bits of Paper
2. Coming down the mountain
3. Goozy Goozy
4. Here we go rond
5. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
6. Hot cross buns
7. If your happy
8. Jack and Jill
9. Little Boo Beep
10. London Bridge
11. Mary had a little lamb
12. My Bonnie lies
13. Postman
14. Ring a ring a roses
15. Rock a bye baby
16. Row row row your boat
17. Spider
18. There was a man
19. Theres a hole in the bucket
20. This old man
21. Three blind mice
22. To market to market
23. Twinkle twinkle little
24. Weezel
25. Crooked man
26. Ding dong bell
27. Loopsy
28. Pussy cat pussy cat
"Hummed lullabies in this carefully designed album create a warm, caring and intimate musical environment for your baby. The comforting and calming voices of Mama and Papa hum catchy lullaby songs giving your kid the aural hug. Envelop baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music, building a cocoon of trust and confidence, and give it the rest and sleep that are so vital for growth. Give your child the imcomparable gift of music to help it achieves its emotional, intellectual and spiritual potential. Rhymes and lullabies are the bread and butter of easy childrenтАЩs literatureтАжтАж let these hummed songs form and easy prelude to education even as they lull to rest and relaxation.
1. Twinkle twinkle Little
2. Little Bo Peep
3. My bonnie
4. Cat
5. DaddyтАЩs Song
6. Darling
7. Go to Sleep
8. Good Night
9. Horses
10. Laa
11. Lullaby
12. MonkeyтАЩs
13. Pretty Maid
14. Rock a by baby
15. Rocking
16. Twinkle twinkle little
17. Wee Willy Winky
18. Whispering
"тАШJust BlissтАЩ is a collection of musical pieces that will elevate the listenerтАЩs mind, body and consciences to a heightened sense of tranquility where all tension, despair and troubles fade away into oblivion. тАШJust BlissтАЩ thrives on the philosophy that music can be used to enhance the alpha waves of the brain resulting in a relaxed state of mind. In this album, every individual piece of music is a soothing interplay of melodies intricately interwoven to create a blend that is harmonious and relaxing to the listener.
1. New Age
2. Attachment
3. Ethnic Flavour
4. Blossom
5. Dark Secrets
6. NatureтАЩs Dream
7. Wild Fantasty
8. Mind Journery
9. Sunshine
10. Just a Tune
11. Carnations
12. Soul Sear
"Baby is GodтАЩs blessing to you and to bathe baby is a delightful experience. With music that adds merriment, fun, playfulness and tenderness to the air, bathing baby becomes vibrant with great freshness and joy. The soothing, relaxing and lively tunes in this album provide sound vibrartions that help to you and baby relate beautifully as you bathe baby. Exposure to the different kinds of instrumental sounds increase babyтАЩs sensitivity to and familiarity with different vibrations. Cheerful, breezy, soft and rich in turn, these carefully recorded pieces are a wonderful way to introduce baby to a world of intimacy, warmth and goodness. Add the life and energy of lovely music to the natural exhilaration of a bath to nurture your baby with care. тАШBaby BathтАЩ is the best present you can give your baby and yourself.
1. Bathing baby
2. Playing with bubbles
3. BabyтАЩs water play
4. Morning bath
5. Preparig baby for a bath
6. BabyтАЩs crying to take a bath
7. Gentle bath
8. Mother running after the baby
9. BabyтАЩs chicken dance
10. Bathing time
11. Baby having a happy bath
12. Walking up baby for a bath
13. Baby playing in water
14. Dressing baby after bath
15. Marching towards bathroom
16. Baby playing in bath tub
17. Jolly baby
18. Baby boogie
19. Rocking baby
20. Playing with water toys
21. Incy wincy baby
22. Oh billy baby
23. Warm water bath
24. Bath swing
25. Merry baby
26. Pop goes the weasel
27. Row row row your boat
28. Animal song
"Relaxation, rest and good sleep are vital for the growth of a happy and healthy baby. тАШBaby DreamsтАЩ is designed to give you a helping hand by providing music that will attune your baby to its surroundings and stabilize rest and sleep patterns. While rocking the cradle is a good way of lulling baby to sleep and rest, soothing music is even more effectual in giving comfort and reassurance. Relaxing music in the background while baby is being gently rocked in the cradle is double effective. As baby grows, the serene instrumental music of the тАШBaby DreamsтАЩ tracks will serve as a valuable preamble to sleep and rest. The familiarity of the music will serve as a useful reminder of the need to switch off. Playing these tracks in the same order, time, and sound level will prove to be a heaven-send in the nurture of your baby.
1. Dream world
2. Pretty baby
3. Dream boat
4. Dream walk
5. Dreaming about nature
6. Baby rhythms
7. Love birds
"1. Divine Names of Shiva - Prema Rangarajan (from Mahabharata)
2. Mrityunjaya Mantra - P.Unnikrishnan
3. Omkara - Sudha Raghunathan
4. Sri Rudram excerpt - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
5. Shiva Gayatri - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
6. Sri Dakshinamurthe - Muthuswami Dikshithar song тАУ refrain тАУ Sandeep Narayan
7. Natesha Gayatri - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
8. Holy Names of Shiva - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
"Tender melodies and lively tunes played on the guitar are presented in тАШGuitar LullabiesтАЩ win suitable orchestration, to give your baby restful sleep and sweet dreams. The vibrant instrumentals in this album are based on time honoured rhymes and tunes and will not only give the musical assurance an vibrations of love and caring to your kid, but will also prove a prelude to education. Joyful melodies overflowing with warmth and sweetness will serve as a vibrant means of nurtuning your child. When played again and again, baby begins to recognize the melodies as signposts to rest and relaxation. Lullabies are as vital to babies as cuddling and rocking them to sleep. Researchers have found that soothing music works miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddles. So, envelop your child not only with your caressing embraces but also with the mellow melodies in Guitar Lullabies.
1. Three blind mice
2. Atkins drums
3. Bo beep
4. Hole in the bucket
5. Hot cross buns
6. Pussycat
7. Ding dong bell
8. Goosy gander
9. Little lamp
10. London bridge
11. This old man
12. Crooked man
13. Brush your teeth
14. Bits of papers
15. To market
16. Row your boat
17. Spider
18. Twinkle twinkle
19. Yankie doodle
20. If your happy
21. Weezel
22. Joly boy
23. Loopy loop
24. Coming down the mountain
25. Ring a ring a roses
"TodayтАЩs children are whizkids in computers and emerging technologies, but they need to be taught the values of humanity too. What is life without love, affection and respect for others! When children are taught good manners and human values they imbibe them fast and grow into kind, gentle and responsible youth. What better way to instill character and considerateness into kids than sprightly and youthful music! тАШGood Manners Songs for ChildrenтАЩ comes with a
basketful of vibrant songs in lovely tunes and catchy cadences to make the young vibe with good values. The singerтАЩs zest for personal values and social feeling are infectious. Saying тАШThank YouтАЩ, and тАШPlease donтАЩt mentionтАЩ and greeting people with a pleasant smile will henceforth become a happy experience for children. This album is going to be a song experience for your kids with far-reaching consequences. Gift them тАШGood MannersтАЩ.
1. Good Manners
2. Do your best
3. Say please and thank you
4. Bits of paper
5. Keep things clean
6. Early to bed
7. Greet your teacher
8. My name is dean
9. Neatly dressed
10. Chew your food noisy
11. Take your bath
12. Brush our teeth
13. Do not waist water
14. Minus Karoke тАУ This old man
15. Row row
16. Atkins drums
17. Loopy loop
18. My bonnie
19. Crooked man
20. Bits of Paper (Sing along)
Saashwathi is a young musician cum composer who is the proud disciple of the renowed Violin Maestro, Shri.Lalgudi G.Jayaraman. In her tutelage under him ten years, she was exposed to the depths of Carnatic Music and his ability to create soul stirring renditions. She attributes her creativity to her understanding of his unique style and his holistic perception of music. Her gnawing passion to create music urged her to produce an album at a very young age. Though her musical career began as a vocalist, she belives classical music is too potent to be constrained within traditional boundaries. She has released two albums so far. Being a Psychologist, she has also successfully produced therapeutic music for relaxation.
When you are introduced to an unexpected combination of melodies, you are led into a Mystic Journey that unravels the fathoms of fusion music. Each destination in this musical journey leaves you to experience the boundless majestic qualities of Indian Classical Music with the natural blend of Western instrumentation. In accordance with the universal quality of music, the pieces in this album transcend barriers and focus on the тАЬsoulтАЭ of each raga. The uniqunes of this album is that all the pieces comprise only of swaras and raag aalapanas sans lyrics. The instrumentation enhances the character of each raag by residing / nesting within the grammatical boundaries of the chosen raag. The confluence of the Western and Indian rhythms and the tempo of the music have been set to suit the mood of each raag. The interplay of swaras have the amazing potential to arouse various emotions in the listenet. Capitalizing on this quality, each piece in the album connects with the listener through these emotions without the use of lyrics.
1. Reverie (Raag Revathi)
2. Techno Wave (Raag Saraswathi)
3. C├иleste (Raag Hamsadhwani)
4. Rendez-vous (Raag Hamsanandhi)
5. M├иlange (Raag Bhimplas)
6. Surrender (Raag Ranjani)
7. Amour (Raag Kalyana Vasantham)
8. Tendresse (Raag Valaj)
9. Ripples (Raag Amruthavarshini)
10. C├иleste (Raag Hamsadhwani) тАУ Instrumental
11. Rendez-vous (Raag Hamsanandhi ) тАУ Instrumental
"Caress your baby to sleep with dreamy sounds that will ensure rest and relaxation so vital for growth. Remember that sleep and rest are crucial for baby to develop muscles, limbs and the skeletal structure. тАШBaby DreamsтАЩ provides twenty beautiful tracks that will tinkle baby into the joyful world only babies know. Apart from providing such things as a cozy and snuggy bed that evokes feelings of security, surround baby with this soft, sweet and comforting music. As baby grows, the reassuring musical of this album become your childтАЩs personal and private sleepy time music. The slow and steady rhythms will capture your childтАЩs attention and effectively ensure rest and repose.
1. Baby belly
2. Bell beat
3. Rock a by baby
4. By the garden
5. Cuddle
6. Dew
7. Donald
8. Fairy tale
9. Falling star
10. Go to sleep
11. Happy things
12. Keep dreaming
13. Little lamp
14. Mice
15. Rain drops
16. Spider
17. Spring song
18. The whales tale
19. This old man
20. Twinkle twinkle
"Babies understand soothing feelings and vibrations set off by comforting and peaceful music and respond to them. тАШRock A Bye BabyтАЩ brings the richness of gentle and reassuring music that your baby deserves. Soothing music helps decrease stress related hormones, diverts attention from fears, activates natural endorphins (bodyтАЩs own painkillers) and enhances relaxation. The softness and caressing tones of music are harnessed in this album to instill positive vibrations of warmth and love. The captivating cadences of soft music set off here, will envelop mama and baby in a circle of quiet intimacy. тАШRock a Bye BabyтАЩ is the key to sound relaxation for your kid.
1. Baby dreaming
2. Baby on the barn
3. Bell rings
4. Bridge
5. Clock
6. Deep sleep
7. Holiday
8. Humpty dumpty
9. Kiss my baby
10. Kisses
11. Milky way
12. Naughty
13. Paradise
14. Ring around roses
15. Sleepy
16. Stream
17. The wizard music
18. Time for bed
19. Waves
20. Weasel
"Sleep is vital for your baby, as sleep develops the brain and builds the body. Restful sleep also decreases stress and agitation. тАШHush a By BabyтАЩ brings you caressing music and re-assuring lyrics to engage the attention of your child and bring the warmth of melody and world. This album is replete with sweet and vibrant music accompanying words full of tenderness and reassurance. These lullabies fo mama and papa will assure baby of the nearness of love and comfort. In variegated rhythms and tones, the songs paint beautiful scenarios for your baby-from candles shedding golden light to stars twinkling away their eternal messages and snow flakes pouring form the heavens. Let your child warm up to тАЬHush a By BabyтАЩ and see a hundred dreams form the rocking cradle.
1. A kiss
2. A Kiss all the time
3. Blanket
4. DonтАЩt you cry
5. Dream land
6. Good night
7. Happy things
8. Hush
9. Mummy is close to you
10. MotherтАЩs song
11. October song
12. Pretty baby
13. Pretty maid
14. Rock a by baby
15. Snow flakes from the sky
16. Sweet and low
17. The wales tale
18. Twinkle
19. Whispering hope
"Activity, movement and excitement are the stuff kids are made of. тАШRing-A-Ring-A-RosesтАЩ captures in lively song and music, the energy and effervescence of children to give your kids wonderful models of spirited song. The songs will help group interaction and promote team play. KidsтАЩs party games are shot through with such songs that not only give them a sense of participation and camaraderie but also of play and exhilaration. Kids are also taught through such songs the basics of hygience, cleanliness and neatness. Some songs convey the joy and zest for life. The energy of the male and female voices, the different tempos in which the songs are wonderful present for your kid. Ring in excitement and education for your kid thorugh тАШRing-A-Ring-A-RosesтАЩ which is inforainment at its best.
1. Hunting we will go
2. Get up in the morning
3. Jack and Jill
4. Ring around roses
5. This is the way
6. Alice
7. Baby mine
8. Bo beep
9. Flower
10. Great instrument
11. King daughter
12. Less he spoke
13. Letter called
14. Mac Donald
15. Monkeys
16. Ms PollyтАЩs Dolly
17. Oats peas beans
"Excellent instrumental numbers in lively rhythms to make daddy and kid dance with happiness. Not only does the bonding become stronger, the joy of music and dance opens up the soul. Gift your child the musical assurance and vibrations of dance and togetherness that this album brings. Breezy melodies brimming with warmth and zest for life swing daddy and kid in cicles of exhilaration. The rich and catchy music in this album will help nueture your child in warmth and conviviality. Here is special music for your kid to create the best vibrations for positive energy and growth.
1. Beats for a dance
2. Birdie
3. By the garden
4. By the sotres
5. Candle light
6. Dad and me
7. Dance with me
8. Fun
9. My child
10. Naughty
11. Old man
12. Paradise
13. Peter
14. Rain drops
15. Steps
16. Stream
17. Teddy rides the train
"This carefully crafted album of lullabies in piano is the musical equivalent of rocking your babyтАЩs cradle to induce sleep. Tender melodies lead baby gently by its finger to rosy-hued regions of rest and relaxation. Perfumed instrumental themes full of tenderness and caring waft baby into deep rest and rejuvenation. Soothing music in the background as your baby closes its eyelids has been found to be a very effective method of aiding deep sleep, and this album serves as a powerful tool of nurture for babyтАЩs sleepy-time regime. The musical pieces here will envelope the child in an ambience of softness, calm and reassurance. Here is special music for your baby that will create the best vibrations for rest and relaxation.
1. Breeze
2. Cuddle
3. Dreams
4. Dream world
5. Fast Asleep
6. Go to Sleep
7. GrandfatherтАЩs clock
8. Rock a by baby
9. Rocking
10. Silence
11. Sleep
12. Sweet and low
13. Whispering hope
"Kids play naturally and express joy and the zest for life spontaneously. With тАШKids PartyтАЩ songs, add the scintillating beauty and bounce of music to their party-time. Give your kids the evergreen loveliness of music, its cadence and catchiness, to make parties an unforgettable experience for them. тАШKids Party; songs features fifteen classic childrenтАЩs songs like тАШTwinkle TwinkleтАЩ and gives them a new thrust and liveliness. You have here foot stomping airs that inject celebration into the atmosphere making children play and jell together in a spirit of camaraderie. Give a jump start to your children by making them indentify the swing and sweetness of music with the most cheerful moments of their life. That way they will always be connected to the springs of love and joy.
1. Jack and Jill
2. Twinkle twinkle little star
3. Polly bad a dolly
4. October
5. There was a man
6. The Story
7. This old man
8. Mary bad a little lamb
9. Kings daughter
10. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
11. Good times
12. Happy and you know
13. The Flower
14. Little Bo Beep
15. SheтАЩll be coming down the mountain
"Soothing music works miracles on your baby. The gentle songs and melodies in this carefully crafted album waft baby into the re-vitalising regions of deep sleep and rest. Sleep and restfulness fulfill a great need for the healthy growth of your child. Rich instrumental music accompanied by PapaтАЩs and mamaтАЩs gentle and reassuring voices and works fill the childтАЩs imagination enabling it to have undisturbed and energizing sleep. Gentle strings, deep violins, tinkling bells and time-tested lyrics open up vast soothing vistas for baby to feel safe, secure and comforted. An array of great lullabies is presented here because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. Caressing voices and soft and dreamy music, make Precious Lullaby an invaluable gift for your child. Let тАШPrecious LullabiesтАЩ make your child rest sungly in the cradle wrapped up in golden dreams.
1. Lullaby island
2. Doll
3. Baby for you
4. The blanket (Instrumental)
5. Baby Music (Instrumental)
6. Journey (Instrumental)
7. Lullaby
8. Sleep
9. Music Box Instrumental
10. Ba Ba black sheep
11. My grandfatherтАЩs clock
12. My pretty maid
13. Rock a bye baby
14. Baby dream (Instrumental)
"Make music your mate and bid goodbye to the myriad illnesses that plague modern man. The music in this album is made specially to rid you of your stresses and to put you in the feel of your real nature and happiness and calm. Let the flowing waters dissipate your cares and the sweet chirping of birds brings gladness to your heart. Building on such elements the tracks you are just about to listen waft you into a world of stillness, silence and repose. Long forgotten vistas of natural beauty and wonderful joy flutter into your mind as you take in the healing sounds. Let go off your anxieties and worried and live life the musical way. Lean back and let the sounds of music make you whole.
1. Back Waters
2. Forest
3. Rain
4. River
5. Storm
6. Waterfalls
"Music relaxes. Music heals. Music makes you whole. You are just about to find that out. Unwind with the wonderful tracks of тАШRelaxing Music for Mind, Body and soulтАШand directly experience the healing qualities of relaxing music.Feel your nervous system vibrate to the soothing cadences, feel your cells being charged with energy and your heart being filled with calmness and repose. Relax, refresh and rejuvenate yourself amidst your multifarious activities.This will help bring the total you to every act of yours. This will make you livefully and successfully. The tracks in this beautiful album refresh you completely and charge you with peace and power. Revitalize your life with the power of relaxing music and see the change.
1. Serene
2. Calm
3. Peace
4. Harmony
5. Tranquility
6. gentle
7. Heavenly
8. Wholeness
"This album aids to discover the true тАЬselfтАЭ by rendering music for the soul. Many type of music influence our moods; but chants/mantras help to stir the soul and achieve spiritual enlightenment. While music is widely acceptedto be therapeutic, saashwathi believes that spiritualitycan also result in a cathartic release of emotions and negatives, resulting in a lessening of burdens and achieving purity of mind and soul. By selecting specific hymns and prayers from Hindu religious texts and setting them to complementing melody, she has given the listener easy accass to powerful mantras and slokas without underminingn their inherent spirituality, yet enhancing their influence with unforgettable melody. Mantras connect the individual with the divine .In the Hindu philosophy,mantras, being sacred sound vibrations, are composed of sacred syallables representative of and cotaining within, great spiritual power or energy,which can awaken oneтАЩs, true self. Chanting the mantras in a proper manner generates spiritual energy, facilitating the soul to transcend to higher levels and the mind, promotes harmony on all levelson all levels, and helps to dissolve the karmas just as constant walking over weeds crushes them
About Saashwathi: Saashwathi is a young musician composer who is the proud disciple of the renowned violin maestro, shri .Lalgudi G.Jayaraman. In her tutelage under him for ten years, she was exposed to the depths of carnatic Music and his ability to create soul stirring renditions. Though she began her career as a vocalist, her gnawing passion to creat music urged her to produce an album at a very young age. She believes that composing/creating music gives infinite scope for the expression of the soul within. In her experience, saashwathi discovered that chanting mantras regularly had a profound effect on her inner self. She has released two fusion albums so far. Being a psychologist, she has also successfully produced therapeutic music for relaxation.
1. Om
2. Om Nama Shivaya
3. Atma Shatakam
4. Shiva Manasa Puja
5. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
6. Devi Sooktam
7. Gayathri Mantra
8. Mrityunjaya Mantra
9. Swasti Mantra
10. Shanthi Paat
"We could all do with a little peace and serenity in our day to day lives. When the outside world become too chaotic, it does one goods to retreat to your inner self, and soothe your soul with peace and serenity from Bali тАУ a new title under the spa music for relaxation series. Especially compiled to accompany a traditional Balinese massage or spa, these tracks can also be played to de-stress and unwind at the end of a hard day.
Music plays an important part in our daily lives and its effects on our spiritual well being cannot be undermined. A variety of composers renowned for creating music that brings balance and harmony between inner and outer worlds have come together on this album. They have used everything from traditional Asian instruments to wind ambience, water droplets and nature sounds to create a harmony of notes that will quite literally,stir your soul.
1. MindтАЩs Eye
2. Morning Stillness
3. Awakening
4. NatureтАЩs Breadth
5. Quiet Days
"In todayтАЩs stressful world, we all feel the need to step back, take a deep breath, and unwind.And what better way to relax than to the Smoothing Sound of Thailand. Made especially to accompany a Thai spa or massage, this CD is a compilation of the most relaxing Thai music. Musicians and composers experienced in the art and science of creating peaceful music have used everything from traditional Thai instruments to wind and string instruments to creat melodies and chants to ease tention and relieve stress. Every note is perfect harmony to bring peace to body, mind and soul.
Let the lilting notes wash over you. Feel your tention and stress wash away as the music works its magic on you. Before you know it, you will feel relaxed, rejuvenated and refreshed. The Smoothing Sound of Thailand will bring you an inner peace you have never experienced before. And now you can experience it, again and again.
1. Rainforest Revival
2. Into the Blue
3. Healing Water
4. The Birdsong
5. The Calm Within
6. Liquid Lullaby
"Sleep is one of the most basic but most important needs of our body that we all tend to take for granted. In fact, not getting adequate sleep for more than 35 hours can severely hamper the bodyтАЩs ability to function properly. Sleep is restorative and while we sleep, vital substancesgets re-synthesized in the nervous system. At least 6 to8 hours of undisturbed sleep is recommended for adults but owing to a hectic lifestyle, most individuals make do with a lot less. Add to that, stress and tention makes it hard for people to fall asleep. Music can play a vital role in this regard. The tracks on this CD have been especially selected to aide relaxation and induce deep sleep. The benefits of a good nightтАЩs rest cannot be stressed enough, it goes without saying. With this CD, undisturbed sleep is no longer just a dream.
1. Forest
2. Waves
3. Storm
4. Thunder
5. Water Falls
6. Jungle
"Work stress, home stress, even family stress! Stress is a part of our everyday life to such an extent that we have accepted it and live with it. But itтАЩs not until it affects our health that we relize the adverse effects of stress. Thankfully, there are many ways to alleviate stress through relaxation.A long relaxing bath, a walk in the park or even some deep breathing exercises or yoga can aide relaxation. When we relax, our body has the opportunity to unwind and it is one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of stress and anxiety. There is an art to relaxation and for those of us who canтАЩt relax easily, music is the best accompaniment. The classica l music selected in this album has been especially chosen to soothe the mind and help you relax. Routine exposure to this music will make it easier for you to attain a sense of relaxation and peace.
1. Earth
2. Elevation
3. Sun Rise
4. Pouring Rain
5. Wind
"1. Sri Ayyappan Suprabatham
2. Varugudhu Varugudhu
3. Pamba Villakku
4. Karthikai Maasam
5. Pamba Nadhi
6. Sabari Malai
7. Aynthu Malaikarasanai
8. Kadumalai Kavalaiillai
9. Thiruvadi Saranam
10. Padipaattu
11. Sastha Mangalam
"About the Album: Spa Lounge is a cultural collage creating a musical fusion of diversity, not only of music, but of moods & emotions, cultures and tones. This instrumental album takes the listener through different style, genres and emotions indulging each listener with a unique musical experience. This album aims to entertain the listener by providing a sense of satisfaction of listening to a complete synthesis of varied types of music, and finally leaving the person in a very relaxed and contended mood. Each piece in the album is carefully conceived so as to let the person feel refreshed and rejuvenated in the end of the musical journey. Certain instruments have an edga over the voice because of the versatility that is naturally present in them, and the ease while switching octaves. Each instrument has an inherent ethnicity and when many instruments form different countries are combined an exciting melody emerges. The composer communicates in this album through sitar, violin, guitar, piano, fiute, saxophone, santoor, trumpet, mridangam, kanjira, gatam, tabla, darbouka, African drums and jazz drums.
About Saashwathi: Saaswathi is a yough musician cum composer, who is the proud disciple of the renowned violin maestro Lalgudi G.Jayaraman. Though her career began as a vocalist, her gnawing passion to creat music urged her produce an album at a very young age. She believes that composing/creating music gives infinite scope for expression of the soul within. Saashwathi is a traditional Carnatic singer. Why has she ventured into fusion? Fusion opens up a new platform for expression, as there is more than one facet of music and of the composer that are exposed. She has successfully released 4 albums so far including classical fusion & spiritual chants. Being a psychologist, she has also produced therapeutic music for relaxation.
Country Sitari
Scent Of India
"Tender Sounds, Tremulous Sounds, Caressing Sounds, Gentle Sounds a cosy web of screne melody is woven for baby in this special album, designed to sweetly lull it into restful sleep. Surrounding baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music will build worlds of trust and composure that will last a lifetime, and give the child the rest and sleep that are so vital to its growth. These lovingly moulded instrumental tracks create a healthy ambience of reassuring, affirming sound vibrations to help infants and newborn babies relax and sleep.
Fast Sleep
In The Garden
Baby YouтАЩre my Queen
Fairy Dream
Mumms Child
My Soft Pillow
Baby Go To Sleep
My Teddy.
"Paramashiva, or the тАШSupreme Being,тАЩ is seen in many different forms, especially through song and dance. Often referred to as the destroyer or transformer of the Hindu Trinity, Lord Shiva is also one of the most complex and fascinating deities. Sandeep Narayan shows us a glimpse of ShivaтАЩs power through the krithis on this album. They feature both a variety of melodic scales, as well as rhythmic structures between compositions, and within the compositions themselves. The thillana is traditionally a compositional form seen in bharathanatyam, and acts not only as a concluding piece for this album, but as an ode to Shiva, the cosmic dancer.
1. Paramananda
2. Padavendume
3. Shri Mathrubhootham
4. Parvathi Nayakane
5. Thirisila Giriyaar
6. Thillana.
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Only when there is harmony between every aspect of our llives can we feel centered тАж balanced тАж serene.Experience these states as the mesmerizing tracks on this CD takes you from deep relaxation to restful peace.
1. Harmony Through Action
2. Harmony Through Knowledge
3. Harmony Through Devotion
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Attain a higher state of consciousness you get in touch with your sensual side. This gentle, calming compilation with relax the mind and soothe the body. Perfect for aromatherapy and massages.
1. Sensuality Through Meditation
2. Sensuality Through Relaxation
3. Sensuality Through Harmony
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
What are we all in search of, if not tranquility? The stillness within can only be attained when there is harmony between our outer and inner worlds. This music can be used to accompany therapy treatments or assist in meditation or simply, to achieve the calm that we all crave.
1. Tranquility in Meditation
2. Tranquility in Romance
3. Tranquility in Nature
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
In todayтАЩs frenzied world, there is barely any time to catch our breath between each hectic day.
The music featured on this album calms the troubled soul after a long working day and helps one feel relieved of everyday pressures.
1. Rejuvination in Stillness
4. Rejuvination in Solitude
5. Rejuvination in Serenity
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Through the emotional ecstasy of music, one can achieve true bliss. This album is an attempt to provide a musical solace and soothe an emotionally exhausted being on their journey to experiencing nirvana.Bliss in Thought
1. Bliss in Though
2. Bliss in Action
3. Bliss in Being
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
There are those who seek to create a space for sacred healing through meditation or deep relaxation. This music has the ability to transform energy and create a healing sanctuary in any home or office space.
1. Healing Through Spirituality
2. Healing Through Meditation
3. Healing Through Relaxation
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Tranquility on the outside can only be experienced when one is at peace on the inside. Let the comforting notes of this album help you attain the inner nirvana that you have been seeking.
1. Peace in Transcendence
2. Peace in Relaxation
3. Peace in Passion
"Narture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life.Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different combinations that sounds can come in will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English Basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 26 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. Twinkle twinkle little star
2. Three blind mice
3. Goosy goosy gander
4. A, B, C, D
5. Ring a ring a roses
6. Row row row your boat
7. Mary had a little lamb
8. Jack and jill
9. Londonbridge is falling down
10. Pussy cat, pussy cat
11. To market, to market
12. Aitkins drums
13. Bits of paper
14. This old man
15. Incy Wincey Spider
16. If your happy and you know
17. ThereтАЩs a hole in the bucket
18. Little boo beep
19. Hot cross buns
20. A, B, C, D
21. Baa baa black sheep
22. Goosy goosy gander
23. Head, shoulder, knees and toes
24. Incy Wincey Spider
25. Little boo beep
26. Londonbridge is falling down
"Narture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life.Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different combinations that sounds can come in will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English Basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 24 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. 1. Yankeedoodle went to town
2. Hickory Dickory dock
3. SheтАЩll be coming down the mountain
4. Baa baa black sheep
5. Ding dong bell
6. Pop goes the weasel
7. Oh dear!
8. Simple Simon
9. Grandfathers clock
10. Head, Shoulder, Knees and toes
11. My Bonnie
12. Loop to loop
13. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
14. Wee willy winky
15. This is the way
16. Rock a by baby
17. My bonnie lies over
18. Oh dear!
19. Pop goes the weasel
20. Pussy cat, pussy cat
21. Ring a ring a roses
22. Row row row your boat
23. Twinkle twinkle little star
24. Yankeedoodle
"Why do we chant the Yoga Sutra of Maharishi Patanjali? When we write things out and work with the written word, we are dealing with external forms. The written form is the grossest level of interpretation of oral traditions. When we chant we use our vocal apparatus to produce the sound. This process brings us into the eternal NOW. When we write, a long lapse of time can pass between the time of writing and our re-reading. When we chant, the action brings us in the present moment. The process of chanting demands full attention, at least on the physical level. There is also the question of resonance. Chanting evokes and invokes resonance in letters and words. All mantra can be chanted in three forms: the manasika from (chanting in the mind) is the subtlest of forms, the vachika form (chanting externally, uttering sound) is in between, and the likita (writing) is the grossest. The subtlest way to approach the sutra would be to chant them at the level of the mind. Yet, this requires full knowledge of what one is doing. It follows that when we chant we are in the NOW, we are vibrating, and we know what we are uttering so that when we move to the subtlest plane and we chant without uttering sound, in our mind, we are as close as possible to the most perfect sounds.
1. Invocation to Maharishi Patanjali
2. Samadhipada
3. Sadhanapada
4. Vibhutipada
5. Kaivalyapada
6. 108 Om chant
7. Invocation to Maharishi Patanjali
8. Samadhipada
9. Sadhanapada
10. Vibhutipada
11. Kaivalyapada
"Ever heard a cool mobile ring tone and wished you could have it? Well now you no longer have to wish! Whatever ring tone or SMS tone you can think of, itтАЩs on this CD thatтАЩs packed with 150 funny, unique and exciting ring tones, that will appeal to everyone from children to adults. From personalized ring tones for everyone from your boss to your mother-in-law, from wake up messages to birthday messages, from prank tones to popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes, thereтАЩs something for everyone. Available in all formats including MP3, M4R (iphone),AMR, WMA and compatible with all phones. Never hear a boring тАЬtring tringтАЩ again!
1. Answer My Call Please
2. Ayayoooooooo, ItтАЩs The Office Calling
3. Call From Boyfriends
4. Chimpmunks You have A Phone Call
5. Dad Calling
6. Fun Ringtone
7. Haaaaa Its Your Mother-in-Law
8. Hap Hap Happy Birthday
9. Hellooo?? Can You Hear Me
10. Husband Calling
11. Message тАУ Coming In
12. Oh Ho тАУ ItтАЩs The Office
13. Pick Up The Call Please
14. ItтАЩs Your Hubby
15. Pop Goes The Weasel
16. Ringtone - Kids
17. SMS - DJ
18. Wake Up тАУ ItтАЩs Not A Lullaby
19. Your Mom Is Calling
20. Test Message-DJ-Crazy Mexican
21. WhatтАЩs The Matter-Italian
22. Phone Is Ringing..Mother-In-Law Again
23. Call From Girlfriends
24. Drunk Phone
25. Pick Up That Mon тАУReagga
26. Andre Andre Eva Eva
27. Answer My Call Please
28. Answer The Phone!
29. Ayayooooooooo, ItтАЩs the Office Calling -1
30. Ayayooooooooo, ItтАЩs the Office Calling -2
31. Ayayooooooooo, ItтАЩs the Office Calling -3
32. Ayyyyyyaaaaaaa
33. Ba Ba Black Sheep
34. Belly
35. Bonjour
36. Brazzy
37. Bring Me Good News
38. Burrrrp Massage
39. Call Confront
40. Call From Boyfriend
41. Call From Girlfriend -1
42. Call From Girlfriend -2
43. CalllllтАж.
44. Check You Phone -1
45. Check You Phone -2
46. Chimpmunks You Have A Phone Call
47. Cock-a- doodle-dooo
48. Comon Comon Pick up Your Phone-Indian
49. Congratulations & Celebrations
50. Dad Calling
51. DonтАЩt Test My Patience
52. Drunk Phone
53. Fart Message
54. Fluity
55. Fun Ringtone
56. Funny Laugh
57. Funny! You have a phone callтАж
58. Get Up!
59. Goosy Goosy Gander
60. Haaaaa Its Your Mother-In-Law
61. Hahaha.. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call
62. Hahahahaha
63. Hap Hap Happy Birthday
64. Happy Birthday тАУSlow
65. Happy Birthday To You -1
66. Happy Birthday To You -2
67. Hehehehe.. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call
68. Hello..ItтАЩs Your Dad
69. Hellooo?? Can You Hear Me
70. Hellooooo
71. Hey! WhatтАЩs the Delay
72. Hot Cross Buns
73. Husbund Calling
74. IтАЩm Calling
75. I Am Ringing
76. I Said You Hava A Phone Call
77. If You Know Whats Best For You
78. ItтАЩs Me
79. ItтАЩs Your Hubby
80. ItтАЩs Your Mother-In-Law Hahahaha
81. ItтАЩs Your Sweetheart
82. Itss Your Mother-In-Law
83. Jack And Jill
84. Jolly Good Fellow
85. Little Sweetheart
86. London Bridge
87. Mary Had A Little Lamb Instrumental
88. Mastah! тАУThereтАЩs A Call For You
89. Merry Go Loop De Loop
90. Message -Coming In
91. Massage -Crazy Mexican
92. Message -Crazy Tempo
93. Message тАУDarling
94. Message тАУGoing Crazzy
95. Message тАУHip Hop
96. Message тАУStuck
97. Mr.Big тАУ Pick Me Up
98. My Fair Lady
99. My Lead
100. New Text Message
101. Oh Ho тАУ ItтАЩs The Office
102. Oh No ItтАЩs the Office
103. Oh No ItтАЩs My Boss
104. Oh No ItтАЩs Your Boss
105. Oh No.. ItтАЩs Your Mother-In-Law
106. Oh No.. ItтАЩs Your Mother-In-Law Again
107. Phone Is Ringing..Mother-In-Law Again
108. Phone Speaking
109. Pick-it-up
110. Pick It Up тАУFrustration
111. Pick Up тАУAggressive
112. Pick Up тАУIts Your Girl Friend
113. Pick Up That Phone Mon-Reaggae
114. Pick Up The Call тАУ Soft
115. Pick Up The Call Please
116. Pick Up The тАУ Hip Hop
117. Please Pick Me Up
118. Pop Goes The Weasel
119. Ring тАУa Ring-a Roses -1
120. Ring тАУa Ring-a Roses -2
121. Ringtone тАУKids
122. Row Row Row Your Boat
123. Self Destruct
124. SMS тАУDJ
125. SMS тАУGoing Crazy
126. SMS Massage
127. SMS Massage -2
128. SMS On Your Phone
129. Sms Sms Sms тАУCheerleader
130. SMS, SMSтАжComon
131. SmssssSmsmssssSmssss
132. SomeoneтАЩs On The Phone For You
133. Space тАУCome There
134. Sweetheart тАУ Electronic
135. Sweetheart on the Line
136. Tadddah..Text Message
137. Text Message тАУ Annoying
138. Text Message тАУ DJ
139. Text Message тАУ DJ тАУCrazy Mexican
140. Text Text Text Message
141. Uh..Phone Call Coming Thro
142. Wake Up тАУIтАЩmRinging
143. Wake Up тАУItтАЩs Not A Lullaby
144. WeтАЩve Got Incoming
145. Weird Laughing
146. WhatтАЩs The Matter тАУ Italian
147. WhoтАЩs That On The Phone тАУ Hip Hop
148. Wife Calling
149. Yankie Doodle
150. Yeeehaaa
151. Yodel тАУahoooo
152. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call
153. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call тАУGirl
154. YouтАЩve Got A SMS тАУ Indian
155. YouтАЩve Got A Text Message тАУ Happy
156. YouтАЩve Got A Text Message тАУ Scratch
157. YouтАЩve Got A Text Messsssagee
158. YouтАЩve Got An SMS
159. YouтАЩve Got An SMS тАУIndian
160. You have A New Text Message -1
161. You have A New Text Message -2
162. You have A New Text Message -3
163. You Have A New Text Message тАУFunky
164. You Have A Phone Call
165. You Have A Text Message
166. You Have A Text Message тАУCrying
167. You Have An Incoming Call тАУIndian Classical
168. You Have Got A Phone Call
169. Your Boyfriend
170. Your Mom Is Calling
171. Your Mother тАУIn-Law-Deep
172. Your Phone тАУ Frustration
173. Your Sweethreart
"Work stress, home stress, even family stress! Stress is a part of our everyday life to such an extent that we have accepted it and live with it. But itтАЩs not until it affects our health that we relize the adverse effects of stress. Thankfully, there are many ways to alleviate stress through relaxation. A long relaxing bath, a walk in the park or even some deep breathing exercises or yoga can aide relaxation, When we relax, our body has the opportunity to unwind and it is one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of stress and anxiety. There is an art to relaxation and for those of us who canтАЩs relax easily, music is the best accompaniment. The music selected in this albumhas been especially chosen to soothe the mind and help you relax. Routine exposure to this music will make it easier for you to attain a sense of relaxation and peace.
1. Serenity
2. Sweet Dream
3. Deep Sleep
4. Peace тАШnтАЩ Peace
5. Floating
6. Cozy
7. Space Travel
8. Vision
"Tender Sounds, Tremulous Sounds, Caressing Sounds, Gentle Sounds a cosy web of screne melody is woven for baby in this special album, designed to sweetly lull it into restful sleep. Surrounding baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music will build worlds of trust and composure that will last a lifetime, and give the child the rest and sleep that are so vital to its growth. These loving moulded instrumental tracks create a healthy ambience of reassuring, affirming sound vibration to help infants and newborn babies relax and sleep.
1. Baa Baa Black Sheep
2. Cuddle
3. Diamond Ring
4. Fast Asleep
5. Go To Sleep
6. Good Night
7. BrahmтАЩs Lullaby
8. Oh My Darling
9. Rock A Bye Baby
10. Sweet And Low
11. Wee Willy Winky
12. Whispering Hope
13. Bumped His Head
"Say goodbye to stress and all that comes with it with music for тАШPure RelaxationтАЩ.Feel the goodness of natureтАЩs caressing sounds mingle with tinking strings, gentle bamboos and shimmering violins. Make the lovely cadences of this album, reminiscent of sunbeams filtering through gardens fragrant with flowers, your anthem. Win back the beauty and happiness of being human. Experience the cool breeze of vibrant music brushing past your face. Let energizing music give you the feeling of walking on golden sands even as the waves wash your feet. Leave the marts of strife and anxiety and enjoy the eloquent silences of great open spaces. Elven tingling numbers to elevate, exhilarate and exalt you with peace, harmony and stillness. Make your life beautiful and serene with Pure Relaxation.
1. Trickle
2. The Journey
3. Elevate
4. Sound Of The Wind
5. Forest Mystery
6. The Enchanted Garden
7. Energize
8. Ocean Spray
9. Electro Lounge
10. Inner Reflrction
11. Rain Stick
"The Dance of Shiva is the Cosmic Dance of joy. Every name of shiva is a fount of auspiciousness. Happiness Infinite and joy Abounding are the rewards of Those who immerse themselves in the life-giving attribute of Shiva as embodied in His names. Sanskrit, which gives forth the divine vibrations of the great qualities of Shiva as innumerable hymns that can secure you ShivaтАЩs blessings. Time-honoured paeans such as the Lingashtakam and Bilvashtakam are among the hymns presented here in honeyed tunes brimming with devotion and ecstacy. The musical setting is entrancing. The hymns are elevating. Mantras like the five-syllabled Namah Shivaya are interwoven into the numbers set in attractive ragas. The rhythms are varied and catchy. The Sanskrit diction is exact and authoritative. Let the musicals waves of this Shiva album enrich your life with divine blessings.
1. Shiva Tandava Stotram
2. Bilvaashtakam
3. Lingaashtakam
4. Vishwanathaashtakam
5. Om Namashivaya Chanting
6. Shivaashtakam
"Let go with тАШAbsolute RelaxationтАЩ and feel the benefits of saying goodbye to stress. Enjoy greater energy, better sleep, enhanced immunity and increased efficiency. Untie your emotions, untense your muscles, cool your nerves, unstrain your life energies and bid farewell to the prospect of ulcers and insomnia and loss of appatite with the nine great numbers of this album. This is music to help you relax absolutely, the most caressing cadences to unwind your tensions. Let your imagination wander with wonderful strings redolent with azure skies and sunny landscapes. Allow surging violins to open wonderful vistas and expanding horizons in front of your eyes. Let honeyed musical themes free you from the cares of life and waft you to a wonderful world of beauty and harmony. тАШAbsolute RelaxationтАЩ is the magic musical wand to bring peace and energy to your life.
1. The flow of Chi
2. Rise of the Sun
3. Blossom
4. Healing Flute
5. Relax with Chimes
6. Electric Relaxation
7. Oriental Forest
8. Lost in Space
9. Healing Ragas
"The mind is a ceaseless sea of waves that gives no rest. But when you follow the movements of the peaceful brooks of music in тАШMeditation RagasтАЩ you will lay back and savour peace and tranquillity in your heart. Let the plaintive bamboo and the raga-soaked strings in this classic album waft you to a realm of gentleness and calm. Experience the fresh fragrance of wild folwers and the magical touch of shimmering streams as mesmeric music takes you to a world of stillness and wonder. Let the lilt and beauty of ancient ragas like Bairagi, Charukesi and Patdeep clasp you in their wonderful embrace, and discover your own true self, your pristine health and your innate peace. Feel тАШMeditation RagaтАЩ add health, joy and beauty to your life.
1. Raga -bairagi
2. Raga -Charukesi
3. Raga -Patdeep
"Music heals by relaxing the mind and giving the body a better chance to neutralize stress hormones. Instrumental classical music is known to enable this process of healing with great ├йlan. Such soothing music harmonizes the organs of the body and interacts with the brain to enable the healing process. Feel the beneficial effects of healing music make for your well-being in тАШHealing RagasтАЩ. Classical ragas are known to bring down blood pressure, balance the heart and heal the systemin many ways. In тАШHealing RagasтАЩ acclaimed pandits of Hindusthani instrumental music play ragas Brindavani, Bahag and Chakukesi to bring out their soothing and healing touches. You are far from the madding crowd and right in the lap of deep calmness with these contemplative numbers. Hitch yourself to yourself to your deepest selfтАж Rid yourself of the toxins of urban life and aspire for lifeтАЩs fullness with тАШHealing RagasтАЩ.
1. Raga - Brindavani
2. Raga тАУ Behag
3. Raga - Charukesi
"Reap the reward of deep relaxation with five very peaceful and serene harp themes full of natureтАЩs intimations. Help yourself to the healing and health-giving touches of music deeply anchored in spiritual values. Relieve yourself of the great stresses of modern life with these easy-to-listen numbers of immense softness and calm. Let them help you realize your zest for enjoying life to the hilt by dispelling your worries and re-energising your spirit. Take a deep breath, feel the fragrant wind on your face and slip into the life-giving ambience that the soft harp evokes here. Recharge your batteries with тАШHarp RelaxationтАЩ. It is a move that you will cherish all your life.
1. Chimes
2. Revitalise
3. Rain Forest
4. Rain Drops
5. Serenity
"Take to the soft touches of the hoary piano for the meditative Mozart effect. Let the unhurried sounds of a timeless music touch the innermost chords of your being to release you from the stresses and tensions of a fast-flowing world. Soak in the tracks of Relax with PianoтАЩ to take you nearer to the place you belong: the wonderful quietness of nature and the fullness of life. Let the chirping of lively birds mingle in your mind with the tinkle of the piano to release a new zest for life in your being. Feel the healing and liberating power of contemplative music give you a greater anchorage in your own self. Experience the quiet resonance of the seven carefully conceived themes of Relax with PianoтАЩ spread waves of Relaxation in your life. This is an album that is sure to bring a new depth and joy to you.
1. Revive
2. Stability
3. Tangent
4. Content
5. Horizon
6. Profound
7. Abyssv
"The sound of ocean waves mingles with the rich lush tones of the saxophone in тАШSax RelaxationтАЩ to relieve you of your stresses and strains. Listen to these soothing numbers that will transport you to a world of peace and tranquillity. The simple melodies of this album create an atmosphere of quietness and meditation. Let the waves of traffic and thoughts subside and let the softly vibrant colours of the saxophone carry you to thedepths of calm. The six sax melodies here will put new meaning and vibrancy into your experiences. Add to your enjoyment of the peace and concord of life with this inspiring album. Let the power of тАШSax RelaxationтАЩ take over. Widen the great horizons of your life.
1. Chill
2. Atmosphere
3. Moody Sax
4. Dew Drops
5. Thick Forest
6. Green
7. Oriental Forest
8. Lost in Space
9. Healing Raga
"HereтАЩs the best music to help you unwind, kick off stress and get you into a cool frame of mind. тАШTotal RelaxationтАЩ comes with eleven superb tracks to switch off your unease and disquiet and establish tranquillity and stillness within you. Untense your muscles and nerves, relieve yourself from the strains and stresses of modern life, energise yourself and affirm your inner strength by totally relaxing yourself. тАШTotal RelaxationтАЩ is just about to unleash your maximum energy through inner peace. Watch your positive vibrations peak with this wonderful album.
1. Galaxy Travel
2. Nostalgia
3. Walk in the Woods
4. Relax
5. Rise
6. Ocean Rhythms
7. Unwind
8. Soul Searching
9. Piano Rain
10. Reconciliation
11. Just Relax
"Deep, tranquill and relaxing music stills your mind and connects you with your inner self easily.The sweetness and peace of the ten tracks of тАШMeditative MelodiesтАЩ give you a feeling of inner harmony and balance. The gentle sounds and rhythms of the music here inspire you to look inside calmly and deepen your self-awareness. A serene horizon of deep restfulness leads you to the enriching shores of meditation. Listen to the carefully composed tracks here and watch your thoughts quieten and an unruffled calm settling on you. Build on this experience to turn your gaze inwards and feel your whole sense of existence change beautifully. Let the music take over and make your life one of calm and concord. Welcome to melodious meditation.
1. Bell Meditation
2. Chimes of Freedom
3. Feel Good
4. Walk Along the Shore
5. Zen Rhythm
6. Shooting Star
7. Soothing Bells
8. Celestial Meditation
9. Higher State of Consciousness
10. Oriental Melodies
"Let the intimate and fragrant breath of the flute takeover. Latch on to the airy melodies of тАШFlute RelaxationтАЩ and establish an atmosphere of soothing tranquility for yourself.Let the spirits of joy and calm enliven you by weaving magical cocoons of sweetness for you. Enjoy the healing qualities of serene music and experience the fullness of life. Relaxing music releases you from the monotonous thrall of deadlines and pressures and helps you regain your inner balance. Eight wonderful themes to take you away from the ceaseless chatter of the world to the cool and energizing touch of restful and healing music. Flute Relaxation is going to be the most fruitful experience of your life. Your tryst with peace and power begins here.
1. Sacred
2. Supreme
3. Heavenly
4. Balance
5. Journey
6. Trance
"Enter windswept vistas of sweeping grandeur through тАШGuitar RelaxationтАЩ and let your unchanined mind shake off the pressures and strains of modern life. Feel the wellness brough to you through the power of genuine relaxaing music. Tranquilly strummed and softly pluked strings beckon you far from the madding crowd into a world of beauty, stillness and power. Plumb these qualities and add new dimensions to your personality. Soak in the calm and peaceful moods of this album and witness thr new energies unleashed within you. Let the joy and peace of the eight evocative numbers here enrich you with warmth and zest for life. Harvest the rich dividends of precious music made for your well-being. тАШGuitar RelaxationтАЩ is just about to transform your life with its vibrant music.
1. Admire
2. Feeling Fresh
3. Heavenly Abode
4. Lone Ranger
5. Misty
6. Peace
7. Simply Relax
"Gain higher confidence, clarity of mind and success in very way by plumbing the depths of awareness with тАШZen MeditationтАЩ music. Seven great instrumental numbers that mingle with sea waves, bird calls and natural ambient sounds to help you unwind, loosen up and uncoil. Let peace pervade you and the quiet cool light of self-awareness restore your poise and power. Watch the mental chatter waning away as you become more attentive to yourself. Anchor yourself into deeper awareness and find the horizons of life opening up. Eliminate stress, improve concentration, boost relationships, reclaim the wonder of existence. Sync with the marvellous music and soothing sounds of тАШZen MeditationтАЩ and transform yourself.
1. Awakening
2. Spiritual Healing
3. Lotus Flower
4. Meditate
5. Relax
6. Harmony
7. Bliss
"Reap the benefits of Relaxation, the most powerful antidote to stress, by opting for тАШString RelaxationтАЩ. Give your heart more rest, reduce your blood pressure and let more energy flow into your limbs by hitching your wagon to the powerful relaxing music in this album.When your mind shifts from its stresses and strains to soothing melody, you come alive and all your energy shifts to top gear efficiency. Use the powerful tool of music made for you to strengthen your immune system тАУ the armour against disease тАУ and reap other enriching rewards like poise and composure. Make relaxation your mantra and see the changes for yourself. Gather the bounties of rrelaxing music here and now.
1. Calm before storm
2. Feather
3. Flying in the air
4. Blue Water
5. Bruzy
6. Aroma
7. Myth
8. Rainbow
9. Bubble
"IndiaтАЩs classical music is essentially spiritual and sublime. India reads the entire cosmos as divine vibrations form ShivaтАЩs damaru (the kettledrum), perceiving his entire form as spiritual sounds (Naada). тАШSpiritual Music of IndiaтАЩ takes you away from the conflict and clamour of modern life and puts you in the centre of the sanctuary of тАШOmтАЩ, the greatest sounds. Deep calls form the bamboo and enticing vibration from the sitar draw you into the inner worlds of beauty and calm. Chime to the eleven exquisite tracks in тАШSpiritual Music of IndiaтАЩ and see a deeper tranquillity entering your heart. Let lovely Indian ragas and cadences take you into an inner voyage of peace and happiness. Re-discover IndiaтАЩs true sounds and a deep peace through this precious album.
1. Om om
2. Bomma bomma
3. Gayathri mantra
4. Om jai jagadish hare
5. Shiva stuti
6. Lingastakam
7. Sarvamangala mangalye
8. Mahishasura mardini (aigiri nandini)
9. Venkatesha namavalee (sri venkatesha sri srinivasa)
10. Venkateshwara sthotram
11. Hariharathmajam vishwamohanam
"Relax and rejuvenate, relax, and refresh, relax and renew yourself. Reap the rewards of relaxation by plumping for тАШRelaxтАЩ your one-stop album for instrumentals that will make you let your hair down and take your spirits up. Let these placid numbers change the gear of your life to a smooth and steady flow of peace and tranquillity. Let your blood pressure come down, slow down your ageing process, live life to its hilt, and build awareness and warmth into your relationships. Let go and harvest the fullness of health. Stop worrying and start living by making the peace and calm of тАШRelaxтАЩ your anthem. тАШRelaxтАЩ, your time has come.
1. Relax with chirping birds
2. Relax in the rainforest
3. Relax with waterfalls
4. Relax with wind chimes
5. Relax with the sounds of the ocean
6. Oriental Relaxation
7. Indian Electric Relaxation
"Meditation is the one cure for all the ills of modern life. It is the rain of nectar that drives away the fever of anxiety. It is the calm and silence that stills all clash and clamour and bestows peace and happiness. The seven lovely tracks of тАШMeditation into the LightтАЩ build on musicтАЩs capacity for deep introspection and serenity and naturally still the mind and turn it inwards. This helps reduce stress and induce relaxation. The spiritual light is the matrix of everything in the cosmos. Turn to it through these meditative tracks and let a deeper light shine in all the dimensions of your life. Return ti this album everyday, and watch the ineffable peace pervade you.
1. Awakening
2. Inner Journey
3. Upswing
4. Journey into the light
5. Indian Nights
6. Serenity
7. Peace of mind
"Soft and soothing music played to a relaxing pace stills your thoughts and helps you look inward. The seven numbers of тАШHealing MeditationтАЩ are tailored to cajole the mind to rest and relax, leading to deeper breathing and greater awareness. These numbers slow the tempo of a frenetic life-style and help you regain a ture vision of life. Watch your days gain in Meaning and significance as you anchor yourself to these measured but catchy cadences. Heal yourself from within and let new visions of beauty and strength take over. Balance your life to the warm pattern of energizing music. Breathe new vigour into your life. Let your life vibrate to the healing sounds serenity and joy.
1. Cleasing
2. Therapy Music
3. Relaxation Music
4. Deep Meditation
5. Purity
6. Bliss
7. Peace of Mind
"Tibetian singing bowls are a type of standing bell that sit with the bottom surface resting, The sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sounds. These singing bells are traditionally used through out Asia and are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation, personal well-being and religious practice. Singing bowls are used by psychotherapists, massage therapists, recovery, stress and meditation specialists.
In this album, the bowls has been used to create harmonious music at different pitch leves. They create a calming effect on the mind and body and help you relax and slip into a deep, meditative state of being. Two bonus tracks have also been included which correspond to the sounds of nature like the wind and rain. This unique album is sure to take you on a spiritual journey unlike any other, where music and melody come together to create a soul stirring experience.
1. Tibetian Singing Bowl with Nature Sounds
2. Tibetian Singing Bowl with Rain Drops
3. Tibetian Singing Bowl For Relaxation & Meditation-Version -1
4. Tibetian Singing Bowl For Relaxation & Meditation-Version -2
5. Tibetian Singing Bowl For Relaxation & Meditation-Version -3
"Sacred Chants
1. Atma Shatakam: The great Adi Shankara (first Shankaracharya) of the eighth century summarized the entirety of Advaita Vedanta (non-dualistic philosophy) in six stanzas. When a young boy of eight, while wandering in the Himalayas, seeking to find his guru, he encountered a sage who asked him, тАЬWho are you?тАЭ The boy answered with these stanzas, which are known as тАЬNirvana ShatakamтАЭ or тАЬAtma Shatakam.тАЭ тАЬNirvanaтАЭ is complete equanimity, freedom and joy. тАЬAtmaтАЭ is the True Self. The sage the Boy was talking to was Swami Govindapada Acharya, who was, indeed, the teacher he was looking for.
2. Bhavani Ashtakam: This is a prayer to mother Divine, Devi Bhavani, composed by Adi Jagadguru Sri Shankaraacarya Bhagvatpada in a high state of devotion and Divine bliss to uplift the consciousness of devotees. This great ashtakam (that which contains 8 verses) is composed by Sri Adi Sankara and it would move any one who reads it to tears. If a great soul like Him, had to desribe himself, thus, Imagine the state of an ignoramus like any one of us.
3. Madurashtakam: Mahaprabhu Srimad Vallabhacharya (1479-1531) is one of the greatest sage-philosophers of India, who belonged to a Telugu family, was one of the foremost followers of Bhakthi Marga and established his philosophy of pushti Marga in North India during the 16th century. Madhurashtakam written by him sees sweetness in his lord inch by inch. Madhurashtakam particulary brings in to focus, Lord Krishna as a child, and glorifies the grace of the child Lord.
4. Shiva Panchaksharam: A Shiva stotra composed by Adi Shankar Ach Arya. This holy stotra to worship Lord Shiva, is made of five litters and is popularly called Panchakshara: тАЬNa Ma Si Va YaтАЭ. Each of these the term Shiva means auspicious.
"Relax and rejuvenate, relax, and refresh, relax and renew yourself. Reap the rewards of relaxation by plumping for тАШSoul RelaxationтАЩ, your one-stop album for instrumentals that will make you let your hair down and take your spirits up. Let these placid numbers change the gear of your life to a smooth and steady flow of peace and tranquillity. Let your blood pressure come down, slow down your ageing process, live life to its hilt, and build awareness and warmth into your relationships. Let go and harvest the fullness of health. Stop worrying and start living by making the peace and calm of тАШRelaxтАЩ your anthem. тАШRelaxтАЩ, your time has come.
1. Oriental Breeze
2. Gentle Drops
3. Winds of Melody
4. Sunrise
5. Soft Whisper
6. Listen to your soul
7. Seaside Bliss
"Vatsyanana, the Indian sage who expanded the frontiers of pleasure, comes calling with тАШKama Sutra MusicтАЩ. Take cues from the time-honoured manual that enriches all aspects of sensual delight. тАШKama Sutra MusicтАЩ gives you vital musical inputs to titillate you and your partner further in the exploration of connubial pleasure. The sounds of the four tracks in this album will heighten your sensitivity to the finer aspects of lovemaking and no-holds-barred togetherness. Extend the horizons of your intimacy with the ambience of music that warms and stimulates the senses. Let resonating tables, caressing bamboos and tinking sitars delicately lead you on the path of the perfumed gardens of pleasure. Make way for тАШKama Sutra MusicтАЩ. Book your ticket to heightened pleasure.
1. Raga тАУ Bhoopali & Kamach
2. Raga - Job
3. Ragmala тАУ Charukesi, Yaman, Amruthavarshini, Hamir & Behag
4. Raga тАУ Darbari & Desh
"Soothing rain, a calming breeze, a gentle stream, its amazing, the effect that the sounds of nature can have on us. They can help us relax and help us feel rejuvenated and even, in some cased, help us fall asleep. Pure Nature has natural sounds from the woods, waters, and forests. These sounds of nature are perect for relaxation, meditation, sleep or as a natural ambience. Meticulous care is taken to include only the pure sounds of nature while recording, resulting in a pristine natural soun that are directly from nature. Unwind to the the comforting whisper of water, the sound of wind and white noise gently rustling through the trees for relaxation, stress reduction and sleep.
1. A walk in the woods
2. Chirping birds
3. Stream of joy
4. A whisper in the wind
5. Singing birds
6. Calm breeze
7. Third eye
8. Pure bliss
9. Relaxing forest."
"From the beat of our hearts to the measures of our breath everything in life happens to a rhythm. Let тАШSoothing Rhythms for RelaxationтАЩ create a state of peace and relaxation and regulate your nervous system to your benefit. Enrich yourself with the immense richness of the native rhythms and sounds in this marvellous album and you will begin to feel the pulse of life in its variegated situations. Catchy rhythms and magical melodies that go with them will grow on you to add warmth, vibrancy and affirmativeness to you. Breathe in these comforting rhythms and add depth to your cycle of activities. Let your breath become deeper and slower and watch your life flowering to a different cadence of creativity and beauty. Let Soothing Rhythms change your life.
1. Rhythm of life
2. Inner Journey
3. Mystic Rhythms
4. Soothing Music
5. Visions
6. Revelations
7. Breathe
8. Healing
9. Reflections
10. Pure Bliss"
"As tiny beings, babies require quite a few things the average human would need, but in smaller portions or in different wavelengths. For instance, sunlightтАж. ItтАЩs not that the sun will kill a baby, but if exposed to more than a certain amount, it could be harmful to the child. So also musicтАж depending on the genre and volume, what a regular person may consider soothing or relaxing may actually be more than a child can handle.
Lullabies are often sung by parents in calming children, putting to sleep, or simply spending time with them. The simple lyrics, nature, and storyline of lullabies are usually intended for children, and are therefore suitable for them. A parent can rock a child to sleep with a lull-a-bye, calm a discontented child, or sing along with a playing child.
1. Varam Kodi
2. Azhagana
3. Mannupugazh
4. Kai Irandil
5. Mannikkam Katti
6. Chittiramay
7. Kannay En Kanmaniyae
8. Vennilavae Ingu
9. Poovaga Vandhu"
SA DVD 10001
BARCODE NO-82352410001
Muladhara Chakra Root Center Base Chakra or Coccyx center (root support) 4- Petaled Lotus Between anus and genitals, connected to coccyx, opens downward Everthing solid, spine, bones, teeth, nails, legs, anus, intestines, postage gland, blood, cell multiplication, Supranrenal glands Fiery Red
Svadgusthaba Chakra or Cross center 6-Petaled Lotus Upper part of sacrum, approximately at upper limit of public hair, opens forward Pelvic area, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, all liquids, such as blood, lymphatic fluid, digestive secretion, sperm, Reproductive glands, ovaries, postage gland, testicles Orange
Manipura Chakra, Solar Piexus Chakra or Navel Center, Spleen, Stomach, Liver Chakra 10-Petaled Lotus Two fingers above the navel, opens forward Lower back, abdominal cavity, digestive tract, stomach, liver, spleen, gail bladder, autonomic nervous system, Pancreas (liver) Yellow-golden Yellow
Anahata Chakra, Heart Chakra or Heart Center 12-Petaled Lotus Center of chest (breastbone), opens forward Upper back, heart, rib cage and chest, cavity, lower lungs, blood, circulatory system, skin, hands, Thymus gland Green, Pink, Gold
Vishuddha Chakra, Neck or Throat Chakra or Communication Center 16-Petaled Lotus Between inner collarbone and larynx, opens forward Lungs, bronchials, esophagus, vocal chords, throat, nape of neck, jaw, jowls, Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland. Light blue
Ajna Chakra, Brow Chakra, Third Eye, Eye of Wisdom, Inner eye Chakra or Command Chakra 96-Petaled Lotus (2 X 48 petales) One finger above the nose-center of forehead approx, two fingers deep in head, opens forward Cerebellum, ears, nose, sinuses, eyes, part of the nervous system, face pituitary gland (Hypophysis) Indigo, also yellow and violet
Sahasrara Chakra, Crown Chakra, Vertex Center or 1000-Petaled Lotus 1000-Petaled Lotus Center of top of head, opens upward Cerebrum, cranium Pineal gland (epiphysis) Violet, white gold
1. Sri Venkateswarasuprabatham
2. Sri Venkateswarasahasranama
3. Sri Venkateswara Stotram
4. Sri Venkateswara Mahatmiyma
1. Sriman Narayana-Bowli-Adi
2. Mangam Budhi-Dharmavathi-Adi
3. Parama Purusha-Shanmugapriya-Rupakam
4. Bhavayami Gopala Balam-Yamuna Kalyani-Kandachapu
5. Choodarevvaru-Misrakamas-Adi
6. Naa Naati Batuka-Revathi-Adi
7. Saranu Saranu-Subapanthuvarali-Misrachapu
8. Slokam (Sanskrit) Vandeham-Hamsadhwani тАУKandachapu
1. Ranga Ranga Nathan
2. Nandhana
3. Pani Thuliyilea
4. Kannana Kanna
5. Tirupathigam
6. Rama Rama
7. Athikaalai
8. Geethia Mozhi
9. Aayargalin
10. Nandha
1. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam
3. Sri Venkatagireesam
4. Tirupathi Venkataramana
5. Venkatesa
6. Indirikkinbagayambu
"The Sanskrit term тАЬGayatri MantraтАЭ denotes the guaranteed protection to those who think of it, sound it by uttering and meditate upon it. It is in essence; a mystical metrical composition of rhythmic syllables intended to produce an order of sound or tune, consistently with the invocatory process of incantation enshrined in it. The order of sound and its repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Gayatri is only the name of meter in which many of the Rig Vedic Mantras are couched. A part from the popular Brahma Mantra or; Savitaa GayatriтАЩ here are some excellent collections; some of them are rare, excelling in their efficacy and potency; in the display of extra-ordinary mystic and miraculous powers. P.S. Raghuraman, K.Maloakannan, P.Jagadeesa Bhatt, K.Sivarajan, and a host of others have recited these in a traditional manner with the academic touch under the guidance of Dr.R.Thiagarajan with the help of the Music Director Mr.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.
This DVD contains the gayatri mantra of various deities viz, Ajapa, Ganapathi, Shanmukha, Saastha, Rudra, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Hayagriva, Varahi, Narasimha, Sita Rama Lakshman, Radha Krishna, Srinivasa, Brahma, Hamsa, Durga Neela Dakshinamurthy Dhara Devi Aghora Ghora Kaali Buhvaneswari Nandi Sundarshana, Vishvakesena Garuda, Anjaneya, Sarabha Mantra, Tantra Yantra Indrakshi Sankha, Navagrahas Kameswari Bhagamalini, Nithyakalina, Bherunda, Vanhivasini, Vajreswari, Shivadooti, Twaritaa, Kulasundari, Nitya, Neelapataaka, Vijaya, Sarvamangala, Jvaalamaalini Chitra, Saraswathi Gowri Mahadurga, Deepadurga Shiva , Parvati, Hari Vamaana, Shrada, Shakti, Chandeswara Bilva, Indra, Parasurama sheela, Bhairva, Vrushaba,Kaala, Panchabhuta, Shanka Gopala, Narayana, Dattatreya, Chandi Paramahamsa, Thulasi, Annapoorna, Tirupurasundari Chinnamastha Dhoomavathi Bagalaamukhi Maatangi, Mahishasura mardhini, Jayadurga, Soolini, Chandesha, baalatriupura, Shuaamala, Kaartaveerya, Shiva, Saptamthrukaas, Mahamaari, Vaaghobhava, Amriteswari, Pranva, Danti Kamadhenu, Lokapaalas and so on. Mrutyunjaya, Mrita Sanjivani, Amrita Sanjivani Stotras are also included here.
"Everyone in this world wants their children to be brought up in an environment, conductive to their physical and mental health. Of course, when the minds of the children are tuned towards the spiritual songs, their thought, attitude, Behavior, character, speech and in short their way of life is transformed and their personality is enhanced. The brain of children being tuned by the Sanskrit pronunciation becomes free from viruses and gains power. Never the less such children would be the better citizens with skill, efficiency and moral courage and shine as scientists and so on. These may look like tall claims. But our ancestors knew the efficacy of teaching slokas and hence they had followed an unwritten custom. The faith in our ancestors and their custom would no doubt prove fruitful. For the value of this training, the children will thank the parents when they grow old.
1. Ganesa Sloka
2. Shiva Sloka
3. Dakshinamurhty Sloka
4. Saraswathi Sloka
5. Havagriva Sloka
6. Rama Sloka
7. Krishna Sloka
8. Subramanya Sloka
"Man becomes divine by constantly contemplating on the divine qualities of the divine beings. Eulogies on the extraordinary divine characters are to rejuvenate the innate powers that every body possesses. Chanting of the Stotras or even just hearing, they bestow prosperity of all kinds and peace of mind. Hanuman Chalisa (Hindi) pf the celebrated devotee Sri Go swami Tulasidas, and other select Stotras in Sanskrit on Chiranjivi ( the ever living god) are unique in as much as they are vibrant to establish divine connections and in granting the desired objects. Hanuman is the embodiment of knowledge of all kinds and especially in Grammar. He is tribute by his mentor God Sri Rama as one pas excellent in the art of speech. Contemplation on the divine qualities and recitation or listening of stotras on him is to imbibe his divine qualities apart from obtaining intellect, strength, fame, courage, fearlessness, and power of speech and prosperity.
1. Sri Hanumad Gayathri
2. Sri Hanumad Dhyanam
3. Sri Hanuman Chalisa
4. Sri Hanumad Bhujangam
5. Sri Hanumad Pancha Rathnam
6. Sri Hanumad Ashtakam
7. Sri Hanumad
8. Sahasranamam
9. Hanumad Mangalam
10. Mangalam
"Gayathri is said to be the Mother of the Vedas. She is the powerful Almighty. The infinite creative mother, Principle of the Supreme Divine that pervades all existences. Microcosmic and macrocosmic and supports the functioning of indri as (Instruments of volition thought, action and experience.) Inner as well as outer. She is the infinite source, blissful and effulgent, of Love, Life and Truth and has the infallible power of Perfection. The Chanting of Gayathri Mantra is popular and is the effective mode of drawing her source of energy. So also, the hearing of the thousand epithets of her not only gives a vivid picture of her powers but also purifying, ennobling and exalting the listeners. It transforms and develops the listener from mortal weakness to immortal power and strength from emasculating thralldom to eternal life enriching freedom from stunting limitations to infinite divine progress. She is alone worshipped in different names as Savitri when she is identified with the powers she showers at different cycles of time as Brahdarnayakaopanishad puts it.
1. Sri Gayathri Sahasranamam
2. Sri Gayathri Manthram
3. Sri Saraswathi Stotram
"Lord Ganapati is a powerful and popular god. He is worshipped in Temples. Shrines and in Houses. His grace is sought while making any auspicious beginning of any endeavor. He is called Vighneswara. The lord and destroyer of obstacles. He has four hands. ElephantтАЩs head and a big belly. His vehicle is a tiny mouse. In his hands, he carries a rope (to carry devotees to truth) an axe (to cut devotees attachments) and a sweet ball (to reward devotees for spiritual activity). His fourth handтАЩs palm is always extended to bless people. A unique combination of his elephant like head and a quick tiny mouse vehicle represent tremendous wisdom. Intelligence and presence of mind. People mostly worship him asking for siddhi. Success in undertakings and buddhi. Intelligence. He is also the god of education. Knowledge and wisdom, literature and the fine arts. In reality he is Brahman ganapati represents the mystic symbol тАЬOmтАЭ (AUM). Even Adi shankara popularized ganapati worship.
1. Sri Ganapati Gayatri
2. Ganapati Pratsmaranam
3. Ganapati Suprabhatham
4. Sri Ganesha Kavacham
5. Ganesha Ashtakam
6. Ganesha Navarnava Stuti
7. Ganesha Shodasanamani
8. Sri Ganesha Mantra Sharavalli Stotram
9. Shankatanashana Stotram
10. Sri Mayureeswara Ganapati Stotram
11. Sri Ganapati Runahara Stotram
12. Sri Gananayakashatakam
13. Sri Santhana Ganapati Stotram
14. Sri Dukha Mashka Ganesa Stotram
15. Visvasaara Tantra Mahaganesha Kavacham
16. Trilokyamohana Mahaganesha Kavacham
17. Sri Mahaganapathi Taalam
18. Sri Ganapati Atharva Seershopanishad
19. Ganapati Dhyanani
20. Sri Ganesha Pancharatnam
21. Sri Ganapati Hrudayam
22. Sri Mahaganapti Mangalam
The Divine Mother of the Universe. Lalitha once gave audience to all the gods. To worship her came crores of Brahmas (creators) and Brahmins (consorts of the creators), and crores of Narayanas with their Lakshmis and crores of Rudras with their Gauris. The different Shaft is who came to do Lalitha reverence were also innumerable, as were the Devas and Siddhas. When they had all worshipped her, they took their seats, upon which Sri Devi Lalitha glances meaningfully Vashini and others, the goddesses of speech. There upon they began to sing the thousand names of Lalitha, composed by them earlier. At her, express command. While Devi Lalitha became glad upon hearing the hymn, all those who were assembled there were amazed as its exquisite beauty and puissance. тАЭDeclare these thousand names to my devotees. If a devotee recites it even one, I grant him all his desiredтАЭ, Devi Lalitha told then. The above details are conveyed by lord Havagriva; the horse-faced manifestation of Lord Vishnu worshipped as the embodiment of intelligence, to the sage agastya, one of the most revered figures in Hindu lord. The passage occurs in the preface to the Lalitha Sahasranama, a great masterpiece that finds pride of place in the second part of the Brahmanda purana. (The Puranas are sacred texts, which explain the Vedic doctrines, the fountainhead of Hindu Philosophy, to lay minds). Takes as a devotional hymn, the Lalitha sahasranama is a wonderful track in which deep feeling is expressed in sublime language. The sonorous alliterations and assonances, and the beautiful cadences create an incantatory effect. Unlike other hymns of thousand names, the Lalitha Sahasranamam is free from meaningless particles and words, and also from the fault of repetition. The hymn, in its straight- forward significance, invokes the celestial qualities of the goddess and builds and ambience of majesty, beauty, power and sanctity.
"Pranayama, the science of controlled, conscious expansion of Prana (the life force) is the fourth limb of classical Yoga. The art and science of Pranayama has immense therapeutic potential in a wide range of psychosomatic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma. It can be used either as a monotherapy or in combination with Asanas and other aspects of Yoga. Pranayama is of vital importance to any sincere yoga practitioner trying to achieve the state of Yoga. Unless the mind is controlled, the higher aspects of yoga are not possible and the best and only way to really control the mind is by regular, dedicated and determined practice of Pranayama with awareness, consciousness and purity of thought, word and deed.
1. Sitting Postures for Pranayama
2. Vibhaga Pranayama (Sectional Breathing)
3. Mudras for Pranayama (Gestures for Pranayama)
4. Hathenas: Asanas to Help Breathe Better
5. Cleansing Breaths
6. Activation Pranayamas
7. Cooling Pranayamas
8. Pranayamas for Contemplation and Meditation
9. Panoramas for Stress Relief and Relaxation
"This Pooja is performed for lord Vishnu who is called sir Satyanarayana. The performance of this Pooja is narrated in the skanda purana. Once Maharishi Narada asked the Lord Narayana what would be the ideal solution for the people who are afflicted by poverty, anxiety, peacelessness, sins and rebirth, the lord prescribes this satyanarayana Pooja. The Lord in the manifestation of Satyanarayana holds a club, a conch shell, a discuss and a lotus in his four hands. He covers the universe in three strides: the earth as fire, the atmosphere as lightning, and the sky as the sun. He is extremely gentle of nature and personality thus symbolizing tolerance and patience. His vehicle is Garuda and consort is Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and beauty Lakshmi symbolizes good fortune and wealth and is the favorite of merchants and traders. Together Vishnu and Lakshmi are a popular duo, worshipped by families seeking material welfare. This Pooja can be performed on any day for any occasion. Satyanarayana Pooja Consists of Archana, Abhishekam and Pooja. The performers of this Pooja get all the material pleasures in plenty apart from the final beatitude. Hence, this DVD contains Sri Vishnu Gayathri Poorvanga, Vigneshwara Pooja, Poorvanga Satyanarayana Pooja, Sri Satyanarayana Pradhana Pooja and Achyutashtakam.
тАв Sri Vishnu Gayathri, Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja and Poorvanga Satyanarrayana Pooja
тАв Sri Satyanarayana Praadhana Pooja
тАв Sri Achyutashtakam
1 Mayamalava Gowlai
(In praise of Lord Muruga) Adi Padma S.Raghavan Aruna Subbiah Prabha S.Dixit
2 Bilahari
(In praise of Meenakshi) Adi Malavika Raghunathan
3 Bageshri
(In praise of Ganesha) Misrachapu A.Lakshman
4 Hamirkalyani
(In praise of Varadaraja) Roopakam Prabha S.Dixit, Nathella Aishwarya, T.M.Sridevi Vani Vetrivel, Suchitra Ramaswamy
5 Kapi
(In praise of Anjeaneya) Adi Priya Murle
6 Sankarabharanam
(In praise of Shiva) Adi Aruna Subbiah
7 Sivaranjani
(In praise of Mookambikai) Adi Nathella Aishwarya, Poornima Rangadurai Suchitra Ramaswamy
8 Hamsanandhi
(In praise of Narasimha) Adi Nalini Prakash
9 Kanada
(In praise of Karpagamba) Adi T.M.Sridevi
10 Desh
(In praise of Nataraja) Roopakam Padma.S.Raghavan, Priya Murle, Shylaja Ramji, Priya S.Dixit, T.M.Sridevi.
"Physical health is the basic thing that is required for success or to achieve anything great. Regular practice of Yogasans (Yogic Postures) helps one to attain good physical health. Asan is one of the preliminary steps of Yogasasta of 8 steps propounded by Sage Patanjali for the physical, metal, moral and spiritual well-being of man as a whole. These simple Yogic Exercises do not drain energy from the body. They not only conserve the energy, but also produce extra energy, which revitalizes the body.
1. Relaxing Postures
2. Preparatory Exercises
3. Suryanamaskar
4. Yogasan, (a) Standing, (b) Sitting, (c) Prone, (d) Supine, (e) Upside Down Postures.
"The yogic art and science of Mudra is a means of non-verbal communication that is subtle and refined. It enables us to communicate interpersonally with our inner self, interpersonally with others and transpersonally with the Divine. This presentation showcases important Yogic Mudras that can be done using the whole body as well as the head, neck and face. Different Mudras are used in various Hatha Yoga sequences and Kriyas to conserve and enhance the energy flow in the body as well as help attain a state of meditation in action. Concentration is improved and the mind settles into the body better when such Mudras are used. It also adds to the inherent benefit of the Asana or the Kriya. Important Yogic gestures of the head; neck and face are depicted with marvelous visuals of an international group performing the Brahma Mudra being the highlight.
Various Mudras of the Hatha Yoga tradition are demonstrated with detailed explanation of the methods and benefits of each Mudra. Mudras тАЬgestureтАЭ the energy necessary and тАЬsealтАЭ that otherwise intangible and illusive moment, fixing it for all time in our heart and nerves, bones and blood, mind and body, soul and thought тАУ creating a solid foundation upon which to build a spectacular healthy, happy and spiritual life. The Mudra тАЬsealsтАЭ into our very cells that call to a Higher Life, which can never again be denied!
"Mudra is the ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital pranic energies in the human body for health, well being and spiritual evolution. These are advanced techniques designed to improve neuromuscular coordination, culture human emotions and still the restless mind. Yogamaharishi Dr.Swami Gitananda Giri, One of the greatest Yoga Masters of the past century taught numerous Mudras in the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition and this presentation takes a comprehensive look at the various classes of Mudras such as the hastha mudras (gestures of the hands), Pada mudras (gestures of the feet) and chakshu mudras (gestures of the eyes) this presentation is filmed in an artistic manner with pleasing visuals to go Along with the wonderful depth of mudra teachings of Swami Gitananda Giriji, A Detailed exposition of the Sparsha mudras is also given. These ten touching gestures are performed by placing the hands on different parts of chest to facilitate the flow of pranic energy to that section of the lungs in order to produce certain effects on different parts of the body. These mudras are especially used to focus our awareness into the different segments of our lungs while performing vibhagha pranayama, the yogic sectional brathing. A team of 30 Participants from 12 different countries in the age range of 9 to 65 has participated in the demonstration of these esoteric Mudra teachings.
Section 1
1. Namaskar Mudra
2. Angela Mudra
3. Kailash Mudra
4. Agraa Mudra
5. Yoga Mudra
6. Abhaya Mudra
7. Chin Mudra
8. Chinmaya Mudra
9. Adhi Mudra
10. Brahma Mudra or Mahat Yoga Mudra
11. Bhairava Mudra
12. Bhairavi Mudra
13. Nataraja Mudra
14. Nasarga or Nasika Mudra
15. Vishnu Mudra
16. Shanmuki Mudra
17. Dhiva Linga Mudra
18. Uru Mudra
19. Shunya Mudra
20. Hamsa Mudra
21. Jnana Mudra
22. Bhumi Sparsha Mudra
23. Shakti Mudra
24. Gomujha Mudra
25. Manduka Mudra
26. Garuda Mudra
27. Surya Praba Mudra
Section 2
1. Manduka Mudra
2. Garuda Mudra
Section 3
1. Shambhavi Mudra
2. Nasarga Dristhi Mudra
"This is story of a common man who rose to great heights to achieve fame, success and glory and who is immortalized by his brave and tremendous willpower. He rose above his circumstances, set his mind out to achieve something and didnтАЩt let anything hold him back. Being the teacher of the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the training of these great Princes was in his able hands. He not only imparted his knowledge of archery to his students but also instilled in them values of valor and honour. DronaтАЩs story is one that inspired and continues to inspire us all. It shows us just what we can achieve once we put our mind тАУ and heart to it.
This story traces DronaтАЩs humble beginnings to his elevated status as the guru of the Pandavas and Kauravas. Drona had vowed to take revenge against Drupada, his childhood friend and he asked the Pandavas, as Gurudakshina, to wage war against him. This was the beginning of another epic and exciting war.
This is story unravels the causes behind the untimely death of Abhimanyu, the beloved son of Arjuna, during the great battle of the Mahabharata. DronaтАЩs legendary loyalty to DuryodhanaтАЩs is put to the test in this tale and he proves his allegiance even at the cost of going against the rules of warfare that he holds in such high regard.
This story unveils DuryodhanaтАЩs plan to capture Yudhstra and how Drona unwittingly gets caught up in this plan. As Drona is undefeatable, Krishna has to resort to unfair means to defeat him and it is only his love for his son that leads to DronaтАЩs unfortunate death.
Bhishma was the son of King Shantanu and the holy river Ganga. Besides being well versed in the Vedas and science, he was also a skilled archer and a great warrior. Bhisma is immortalized in the Mahabharata because of his steadfast determination and dedication to duty and he remains, to this Day, A worthy example for us all to follow.
The story behind why Devavrata was renamed Bhisma is unraveled here. BhismaтАЩs great devotion to his father and the sacrifices he makes for the sake of his fatherтАЩs happiness are also highlighted in this story.
This gripping narrative follows the life of Bhisma after his fatherтАЩs demise. True to his word, he takes neither the throne nor a wife for himself and is even forced to battle with his Guru to uphold this promise.
This exciting tale recounts BhismaтАЩs brave role in the battle of the Mahabharata. Ultimately, Bhisma bows and accepts his fate and makes use of the Ichhaa Mirtyu (The power to die whenever he wanted) boon to pass away peacefully.
"The one whose very name means тАШdoes of great deedsтАЩ Arjuna, the third of the five pandava brothers, and the son of kunti and pandu. Is revered in Hindu mythology as a just ruler and a brave warrior. One of the key figures in the Mahabharata. A few of his adventures are highlighted in these unique stories. They bring to mind a legendary hero whose trails. Tribulations and triumphs are still recalled with fondness and awe.
In this legendary story. Arjuna proves his prowess in archery when Guru Drona decides to test the skills of his students.
This is the tale of the Gurudakshina that the Pandavas and Kauravas give to their teacher, Guru Drona. On the request of their Guru, they separately wage war against Draupada, the king of Panchala.
This is the story of how Draupati came to be the wife of all five pandava brothers. Once again, Arjuna proves his Amazing skills at archery.
This story recounts how Arjuna persuades Lord Shiva to give him his pasupata Astra, or divine weapon, which he needs in order to battle with the Kauravas.
In this story, Arjuna takes up the challenge issued by a monkey, who is actually Hanuman in disguise. Arjuna and Hanuman are both taught a lesson in humility by the divine Lord Vishnu.
This story reveals the inner torment that Arjuna endures when he goes into battle with the Kauravas. In this tale, Arun displays his generosity of spirit when he comforts Bhisma in his last hours.
A name synonymous with generosity of spirit and character. One of the greatest heroes of the Mahabharata, karma remains, till date, an unforgettable personality and a source of inspiration for millions of Indians and Hindus around the world. Some of his awe-inspiring adventures are recounted in this series, which capture the essence of Karna-His valor his loyalty, his courage and his code of honour. Through his death he was immortalized in the hearts and minds of the people who love him for all that he was and all that he become.
This story recounts the birth of this legendary hero to Kunti and reveals the reason why she had to abandon him at birth.
This story unveils Lord IndraтАЩs plan to acquire KarnaтАЩs Kavcha KundalaтАЩs (His Armour) by taking advantage of his generosity.
This is the story of KarnaтАЩs training in warfare by Guru Parasuram and it recounts the reason why the great Guru cursed him.
This is story of the famous tournament held at Hastinapur and it also relates the tale of the clash between Karna and Arjuna.
This is the renowned story of how Krishna proved KarnaтАЩs generosity to the Pandavas.
This narrative unfolds the battle between the PandavaтАЩs & Kaurava has and relates how Karna kills BheemaтАЩs son the mightly Ghatotkacha.
"Modern life has become a тАЬrat raceтАЭ and none is spared by this whirlpool of stress. Frequent stressful experience leads to the failure of our homeostatic, self-regulating mechanism causing disease, premature aging and early or sudden death. Stress weakens our immune system making us more vulnerable to infections. Numerous Psychosomatic diseases are caused, Aggravated or worsened by stress. These include a wide variety of conditions ranging from the common cold peptic ulcers, Headaches backaches, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, insomnia and hypertension
Yoga a wholistic science of life, deals with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Various aspects of Yoga help in the prevention and management of stress. This Presentation highlights various Asanas, Pranayamas and kriyas that produce a strong and resilient body capable of withstanding any amount of stress. Different Yogic тАШStress RelieversтАЩ Unique to the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition of Yogamaharishi Dr.Swami Gitananda Girl is also introduced to help relieve our pent up emotions as well as temper our reaction to stressful situations.
1. Hastha Jattis (Movements of the hands)
2. Pada Jattis (Movement of the feet)
3. Shirsha Jathi (The head rolling action)
4. Nishpandhu Jathi (the rag doll action)
5. Kati Jathi (the torso grinding action)
1. Sukha Asana
2. Vajra Asana
3. Brahma Mudra
4. Mukha Bhastrika and Dharmika Asana
5. Chits Pada Asana and Kriya
6. Vyagraha Pranayama
7. Meru Asana
8. Pada Hastha Kriya
9. Hakara Kriya
10. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
11. Malla Kriya
12. Baddhakona Kriya
13. Pavana Mukta Asanas
14. Bhujangini Mudra
1. Pranava Pranayama
2. Chandra Pranayama
3. Brahmani Pranayama
1. Spandha Nishpandha Kriya
2. Shava Asana
"The Presentation is a boon for patients of various breathing disorders such as bronchial Asthma, emphysema and Bronchitis. It offers and integrated approach of yoga Practices designed to eradicate the root cause of their suffering. The code of this presentation is an excellent depiction of the heathens, a unique set of hatha yoga practices from the Gitananda Yoga Tradition. These тАШforcing TechniquesтАЩ Help us to breathe consciously into different areas of our lungs by means of physical posturing coupled with deep and controlled breathing. The Hathenas develop strong. Healthy, and robust lungs and help expand our lung capacity while developing efficient and healthy breathing patterns. Important Pranayamas and Yogic relaxation are also introduced as most modern disorders have a strong Psychosomatic, Stress-related origin. These practices will add a new dimension to your present Practice yoga.
1. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the low chest area (Adham Pranayama)
2. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the middle chest area (Madhyam Pranayama)
3. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the Upper chest area (Adham Pranayama)
4. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the whole lung area (Mahat yoga Pranayama)
5. Pranayamas to improve curdio respiratory function.
6. Shiva Asana: Relaxation for the body and mind
1 Ranganjali
(Jaya Jaya Shambho) Ragamalika Adi T.M.Sridevi
2 Jatiswaram Rasali Adi Padma S.Raghavan
3 Shabdham
(Devi ThayeтАж) Ragamalika Misrachapu Shylaja Ramji
4 Kauthuvam
(Deva Mahadeva.) Mohanam Rupakam Aruna Subbiah
5 Varnam
(Aadharam Neeye...) Karaharapriya Adi Priya Murle
6 Keetanam
(Varuga Varuga...) Sumanesa
Ranjani Adi T.M.Sridevi
7 Keertanam
(Durge Durge...) Revathi Adi Priya S.Dixit
8 Thillana Simendhrama
-dhayamam Adi Aruna Subbiah
9 Mangalam Madhyamavathi Adi Group
1 Brahma Madhyamavathi Tisraekam Anusha Venkataramani
2 Indra Gurjari Misrachapu Padma S.Raghavan
3 Agni Naatai Chatusra Jampai Shylaja Ramji
4 Yama Desakshi Chatusra Ekam Aruna Subbiah
5 Nirruthi Kundalam Tisra Ekam Aishwarya Ananth
6 Varuna Varali Chatusra Ekam T.M.Sridevi
7 Vaayu Makutaramagiri Tisra Ekam Priya Murle
8 Kubera Malavashri Tisra Ekam J. Smrithi
9 Eshaana Malahari Kanda Chapu Priya Dixit
"When one thinks of loyalty, devotion, self-sacrifice and friendship, the first character from the Ramayana who comes to mind is the inimitable lord hanuman. His name is synonymous with lord ram and above all else; he was a devoted friend to him at all times. A brave warrior and a fearless leader, every act of Hanuman teaches us selfless service and sacrifice for the Lord. The values that we learn through the stories of Hanuman serve as a guideline for good behaviors even to this day.
This is the tale of HanumanтАЩs birth and a few interesting anecdotes from his childhood. As a child, Hanuman was mischievous and naughty but as he grew older, he began to look for ways to channel his powers.
This is story of the various obstacles Hanuman encounters on his mission to find Sita and how he overcomes them with valour, strength and presence of mind.
This is the legendary tale of HanumanтАЩs encounter with Sita in the gardens of Lanka. After countless days of fruitless searching. Hanuman finally met Sita and, in a bid to prove Lord RamтАЩs power, he set the entire city of Lanka on fire with his mighty tail.
In this story, we see the circumstances that led to HanumanтАЩs first encounter with Lord Ram. As soon as he met him, he pledged undying devotion to him and his cause of finding Sita.
This is the tale behind one of the most enduring images of Hanuman, that of him flying through the air with a mountain in one hand and the sun under his arm.
This is yet another story of HanumanтАЩs willingness to go to any extent to serve Lord Ram. Even Sita had to eventually acknowledge that Hanuman was RamтАЩs greatest devotee and follower, above all others.
"Protector, Warrior, King, Hero, LegendтАжKrishna is all this and more to millions of his devoted followers around the world. These stories include a divine incarnation, a pastoral childhood and his life as a heroic warrior and teacher.
This story explains how Lord Krishna heard King YudhishthiraтАЩs request to perform rajasuya yagya and then how tactfully Lord Krishna helped Bheema to defeat King Jarasandha, son of king Brihadratha.
This story describes how Lord Krishna released King Nriga from a curse and instructed the royal order as well as the general mass of people, on the dangers of stealing a BrahmanтАЩs property.
This story related how Lord Krishna killed the foolish kind Paundraka and his friend Kasiraja, and how the LordтАЩs Sudarsana disc killed, a fiery demon created by king kasiтАЩs son.
This story describes how Lord Krishna recovered the Syamantaka jewel to allay false accusations against him and married the daughters of Jambavan and Satrajit.
This story tells how Lord Krishna worshiped his brahmana friend Sudama, who came to his palace seeking charity and how he bestowed upon him wealth greater than that of the King of heaven.
This story describes how Lord Krishna saved Lord Shiva by assuming a brahmachari form and killed the demon Vrika, the son of Sankuni and devotee of Lord Shiva who misused the boon.
This story tells how Lord Krishna killed Narakasura, the son of the earth goddess, he created chaos in the heavens and mother AditiтАЩs earring.
This story describes how Lord Krishna saves draupadi, wife of Pandavas by protecting her when she was abused by Dusshassana and DuryodhanaтАЩs in the royal court.
"Jataka Tales are ancient fables that have been passed down from one generation to the next, as a code of conduct and a guideline for good moral behavior. They are not just stories that preach about the difference between right and wrong. They are charmingly witty narratives, each of which has an important message to convey. These stories are mainly about pass incarnation of Buddha. And are meant to impart the values of self-sacrifice, honestly, morality and devotion to children and adults alike.
This is story of an extremely kind hearted and gentle king, named king Subuddhi. He not only preached but also practiced non-violence in every form. How his beliefs and good deeds won him back his kingdom form the crux of this story.
This tale teaches us a valuable lesson that it is not the external weapons we posses or the armory we have that will help us in any crisis the only weapons we need are within us. They are our presence of mind and strength of character. In this story, a young prince uses these qualities to outwit a ferocious demon named Sticky Hair.
This is the well-loved tale of the clever monkey who used his wits to narrowly escape his death at the hands of the wily crocodile. This tale teaches us how we can get out of tricky situations by keeping our wits about us. It also emphasizes the importance of being a good loser.
This is the story of friendship not just between men but between a king and his favourite subject and elephant. This touching tale reveals the importance of the values of friendship and loyalty and proves how they transcend all boundaries.
This is the story of monkey king who didnтАЩt want to relinquish his throne at any cost and the lengths he went to, to remain ruler. But when one of his heirs evades his evil plans of making him unfit to rule, we see how the kingтАЩs son is cunning and metal agility help him win the crown.
In this fable, we see how a poor young boy named Seethu earns great riches for himself and prospers in life simply by being extremely shrewd and cunning in all hi business dealings. He starts with just an investment of a dead rat and goes on to earn a great fortune.
The name Bhima brings to mind images of a young strong prince equally well known for his physical strength as he was for his strength of character. The second son of the Pandavas, Bhima was the eternal problem solver, a great warrior and a noble prince. Song of Vaayu, the wind god, BhimaтАЩs life story is the epitome of discipline, Obedience and hard work. Each story about BhimaтАЩs life carries an important message for all of us. In this series, exciting chapters of BhimaтАЩs life have been highlighted тАУ his hardships, obstacles and his triumphant successes.
EkalavyaтАЩs story emphasizes an important lesson for todayтАЩs generation of children тАУ that of respecting oneтАЩs elders. This is a story about a young manтАЩs loyalty to his guru and his deep and abiding respect and affection for him Ekalavya was a normal boy from a hunterтАЩs family who had a tremendous interest in archery. He learnt archery on his own and proved his prowess to who he considered to be his guru. When his guru asked for the ultimate sacrifice from an archer, he willingly made it. Such was his commitment, which we should all follow as an apt example of a truly devoted student
1 Hamsanadham
(In Praise of Krishna)
Adi T.M.Sridevi
2 Kannada
(In Praise of Ganesha)
Kandeakam Padma.S.Raghavan
3 Amritavarshini
(In Praise of Saraswathi)
Adi Priya Murle
4 Karnataka Devagandhari
(In Praise of Adiparasakthi)
Adi Aruna Subbiah
5 Hindolam
(In Praise of Raja Rajeswari)
Adi A.Lakshman
1 Brindavana Saranga
(In praise of Krishna) Adi Nalini Prakash
2 Sindhu Bhairavi
(In Praise of Narayana) Adi Roja Kannan
3 Valaji
(In Praise of Venkatachalapathy) Misrachapu Priya Dixit
4 Chandrakauns
(In praise of Rama) Adi Priya Murle, Aruna Subbiah,
5 Revathi
(In praise of Bhuvaneshwari) Adi Lavanya Ananth
YAKSHAS, in ancient times Yakshas and Yakshinis were the protectors of Saints and Saviours, giving them the support requires fulfilling their purpose! Flautist Balasai, Sitarist Siva Ramakrishna, Violinist Kaplan Venkat & Guitarist John Anthony, along with the percussionists Ganesh, Ramakrishna and Prasannam form the YAKSHAS of today. Protecting the rights of their musical heritage! These astounding musicians have mastered their armory of instruments, have now come together to create path breaking music rooted in the classical music Tradition of India. As musical warriors, they share a combined experience of over a hundred years!
тАШA Man should live virtuously because virtue is good, not because it pays to be virtuousтАЩ this quote dominated yudhishtraтАЩs life. Yudhishtira was the eldest of the Pandava brothers and the hero of the great epic, the Mahabharata. Yudhishtira lived for justice and peace even patiently endured humiliation and exile because of his great virtue. He never deserted anyone who trusted and followed him. At one instance when all his brothers were killed and when he was given an option to bring one of his brothers back to life he asked for his step brother NakulaтАЩs life. Even at the state of utmost humiliation and suffering, he believed in Dharma and remained patient and calm and it was these traits that always helped him emerge successful in his adventures. This story depicts interesting and unexplored facts about this great personality.
With willpower and self-confidence one can even change their fate тАУ this is the moral behind the story of NalaтАЩs wife Damayanti, Learned that it was her husbandтАЩs fate to die within a year of their marriage. But because of her great love and devotion for her husband, she fought against the lord of death and brought Nala back to life. Nala was a man of great dedication and discipline. He renounced all his wealth and riches as a king and lived a life of great simplicity with his aged and blind parents. Due to his selfless attitude, he gained all the best things in life that money could not buy. This story delves into the fascinating lives of King Nala and Princess Damayanti.
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favorite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 14 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a little lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. IтАЩm a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here We go
11. 12345 Once I Caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnight
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the weasel
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a Little Lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. IтАЩm a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnight
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the weasel
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favourite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 13 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. If U R Happy
3. ItтАЩs Raining
4. London Bridge
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. All around the Mulberry Bush
7. All Things Bright and Beautiful
8. Goosy Goosy Gander
9. Hey Diddle
10. The farmer in the Dell
11. Three Little Kittens
12. Rock a Bye Baby
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favourite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 11 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Eincy Wincy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pockey
7. Little Bunny Foo Foo
8. One Little Two Little
9. Hush Little Baby
10. She Will Be Coming
11. Lady Bu
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favourite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 10 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
2. Jack and Jill
3. Ding Dong Bell
4. This Old Man
5. Georgy Porgy
6. Jingle Bells
7. The Ants Go Marching
8. Sing a song of six pence
9. Saw a ship sailing
10. The wheels on the bus
"Tenali Raman was a Telugu poet and a jester at Kind KrishnadevarayaтАЩs court in Vijayanagara. These stories emphasize his ready wit and intellectual capabilities. Stories in these series clearly show how. Through his sheet intelligence and skills, a poor lad called Ramalingam of Tenali gained entry to the court of King Krishnadevaraya
This story clearly demonstrates Tenali RamanтАЩs intelligence and ready wit, which amused the almighty Goddess Kali. His wit only earns him KaliтАЩs blessings but her boons as well.
In this story, Tenali Raman outwits a band of thieves and makes them work for him. When the King hears this amusing tale, he gifts Tenali with a bag of gold for diverting his careladen mind for a few moments.
Raman though not educated was a highly intellectual being. In this story, he tackles and defeats pandits and learned persons with his knowledge.
Raman who was very dear to the king had a jealous enemy by the name of Rajaguru. In this story Raman teaches Rajguru a lesson when he tries to spoil his name.
Tenali managed to garner a name for himself in the south. When he was invited to match wits with the Emperor AkbarтАЩs courtier Birbal, he readily accepted the challenge and went to Delhi. In this story, he outwits Birbal and makes him reward him three times over.
In this story, Raman not only teaches Rajguru and the court pandits a lesson but also outwits the King who readily agreed to RajguruтАЩs word without thinking.
This is the story of how Tenali, with his wit and intelligence, saves the honor of Vijayanagar form a mere wrestler.
Once again, in this story, Tenali teaches Krishnadevaraya a lesson when he heeds his ministerтАЩs words without thinking.
In this story, Tenali cleverly identifies the guards who demand a bribe and also manages to escape punishment form the king by sharing it among the guards.
In this story too, like the others, the jealous Rajguru, tries to get rid of Tenali Raman but in vain. With his presence of mind, Tenali escape punishment and amuses king Krishnadevaraya with his witty ways.
"Obesity is a public health problem and is a major risk factor for numerous conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and osteoarthritis. Obesity occurs as the result of imbalance between the food energy intake and the energy expenditure of the body. Yoga helps to reduce weight though the adoption of a healthy life style that includes aspects of dietary control along with the various Yoga techniques that are designed to burn up the excess calories and redistribute body fat in a healthy manner. Yoga also helps correct the numerous psychological conditions that may be causing the excessive weight gain such as depression. This presentation deals with Surya Namaskar, an important Yogic practice for the neuron-endocrine system along with the important Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas and relaxation practices that can help reduce appetite, improve digestion, speed up metabolism and produce psychosomatic relaxation.
SECTION 1: Jattis тАУ Basic Warning Up practices practices done from standing, sitting and lying down positions.
SECTION 2: Aruna Surya Namaskar: The Sun Salutation
SECTION 3: Practices done from standing: Hastha Kona Kriya, Trikona Asana, Uddiyana Bandha and Agnisara Kriya.
SECTION 4: Practices Done from Sitting: Vajra Asana, Danda Kriya, Vakra Asana, Ardha Matsyendra Asana, Ushtra Asana and Pachimottana Asana.
SECTION 5: Practices Done from Lying Down: Pavan Mukta Kriya, Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana, Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana, Shirasa Uttana Asana, Jatara Parivritta Asana, Nava Asana, Bhujanga Asana and Dhanur Asana,
SECTION 6: Topsy Truvy Practices: Sarvanga Asana, Janu Sirasa in Sarvanga Asana and Hala Asana
SECTION 7: Pranayamas For Weight Reduction: Surya Nadi Pranayama, Kukkriya Pranayama, Sheetali Pranayama and Kavi Pranayama.
SECTION 8: Yogic Relaxation: Kaya Kriya
SECTION 9: Schedules for Weight Reduction.
This is the renowned story of DraupadiтАЩs swayamwara and her marriage to and adventures with the five Panda a brother. It recounts her humiliation by the Kauravas in the royal assembly during the dice game held between pandavas and kauravas and describes how lord Krishna protected her dignity. It also describes how Bhima, Disguised as the cook Valalan, kills the evil brother of queen sudheshna-Keechaka, Who harassed Draupadi.
This is the poignant love story of King Dusyanta and the beautiful Shakuntala. Shakuntala and Dusyanta meet in the forest, fell in love and got married but soon the kind had to return to his kingdom. Dusyanta left Shakuntala, who was pregnant at the time, with his ring as a symbol of his love. Immersed in thoughts of her husband, Shakuntala committed the grave misdeed of ignoring a visiting sage. The enraged sage cursed her, saying that her beloved would forget her until she produced a token of recognition shakuntala then went to dusyantaтАЩs court. But sadly, he didnтАЩt recognize her and as she had lost the ring during her journey, she could not even prove her story. Much later, upon finding the missing ring in the belly of a fish, Dusyanta remembered his lost love and was eventually reunited with her through his son bharata who he met in the forest
"Welcome to the Fabulous world of the panchatantras! Come to join gopi as his grandfather takes him into this fascinating world of talking lions clever foxes and crying cranes and sly jackals with four curious tales of morality told through these fascinating animal character
A friendly Crocodile, a scheming crocodile wife and a clever monkey come together. Can they ever be friends?
A tale of a little rabbit getting the better of a wicked lion and becoming the saviour of the entire jungle.
The story of how a brave crab with his wife, saves the inhabitants of the pond from the evil crane.
The tale of three fish, all living in the same pond yet so very different. A difference that would cost them dearly.
A stubborn old donkey that refuses to stop singing! But does everyone share his enthusiasm?
Is the tale of a jackal that falls into a tub of dye and how he makes use of his special position thereon?
A tale of how a wise old gander teaches snickering geese a valuable lesson and thereby saves their lives.
This is the story of a clever fox outwitting a ferocious lion using nothing but his sharp mind as a weapon.
This story revolves around a desperate crane mother repeatedly trying to save her children from a cruel cobra.
This is the exciting story of Parasurama, the seventh son of sage Jamadagni and Renuka Devi who destroyed all the Kshatriya kings and killed the greedy king kartavirya to avenge his fatherтАЩs death. He conquered the whole world with the axe that was given to him by lord Vishnu. But, upon coming face to face with lord Ram, He renounced all that he had achieved and become an ordinary saint by giving back all the kingdoms he had captured and distributing all his wealth and possessions to the needy. He was also a devout son who did not hesitate in obeying his fatherтАЩs command no matter what he asked him to do.
This is the story of the true love and the spiritual depth of Savithri, the daughter of King Ashwapati. Savithri married Satyavan, a woodcutter and the son of Dyumathsena, a blind king who lived in exile. Although sage Narada had told Savithri the Satyavam was destined to die on the first anniversary of their wedding Savithri was still determined to marry him. This story describes how she saved SatyavanтАЩs soul from Lord Yama, the mighty and powerful God of death.
"тАЬAkbar and BirbalтАЭ, these very names bring to mind the great Mughal Emperor and his witty, loyal and just courtier Raja Birbal. BirbalтАЩs keen sense of justice, loyalty, selfishness and service made him an indispensable part of the Mughal Court. He was EmperorтАЩs best friend and advisor and has a very special place in AkbarтАЩs heart by the Virtue of his wit. With his keen sense of humour, he entertained the king and his subjects. This DVD contains 10 classic stories.
This is a story unveils Mahesh Das first meeting with the great emperor Akbar and how he impressed him with his wit leading to his appointments as jester the very same day!
In this story, Birbal Proves love is God. He explains that there is just one Supreme Being. God is one but is referred to by serval names.
In this story Birbal out wise, the plan plotted against him by the other courtiers.
Birbal with his keen sense of judgment was called upon by the Emperor Akbar for difficult cases.
In AkbarтАЩs court there were many courtiers who envied BirbalтАЩs closeness with Akbar. They plotted many plans to get rid of Birbal. This is one such a kind where Birbal outwitted their plans.
Birbal not only was known for his wit and loyalty but for justice. This story narrates how he served justice for the general public.
Akbar always tested Birbal and made many attempts to outwit him, but in the end, Birbal always came up on top.
Birbal with his intelligence will always tackle any kind of situation. The situation narrated in this story reveals the sharp intelligent of Birbal.
Birbal always amused Akbar with his wit. Amidst heavy work and tension everyone who interacts with Birbal will feel ease and happy because of his wit.
Birbal who was not only a witty, loyal person but was also very good in administration. He always proved his point through an interesting incident which not only in comical but also a lesson.
Lav and kush were the legendary sons of Lord Ram and sita. They inherited their fatherтАЩs bravery and motherтАЩs good looks and charm. In this DVD. We learn about their birth and their idyllic childhood years in the forest where their mother had been sent in exile by their own father. It also tells the tale of how ram was reunited with his sons through the Ashwamedya yagna that he performed. The brave twins fought the whole army of ayodhya and this brought them to the attention of lakshman. Who later led ram to then finally it tells the touching tale of how sita gave up her life and left then with their father.
In the story of the Ramayana, the character of sita needs no introduction. The adopted daughter of king janaka. She grew up to become a beautiful princess and later the wife of lord ram. Throughout her life, she faced many trials and tribulations. It was when Ravana kidnapped her and took her to lanka that the epic battle between Ram and Ravana broke out. Sita remained steadfast in her devotion to ram throughout her life. She proved her chastity and virtue time and again but finally gave her up life and returned to the arms of mother earth. From where she was born. This DVD contains many exciting stories from the life of the noble goddess sita.
Lord Vishnu is knows as the protector of all humankind. In his avatar as the supreme protector of the universe. Vishnu assumed various different forms to restore the balance between good and evil on earth. This DVD contains two stories from his life. In Vishnu the protector. He takes the form of a fish and saves king Manu and his sages from a deluge. In Vishnu the Saviour of heaven. He takes the form of a tortoise to help the devas and that of a boar to kill the evil demon hiranyaksha.
Goddess Lakshmi is known as the goddess of wealth and prosperity in India. We Worship her and ask for her blessings for wealth and good fortune. In this DVD, We learn about her origin from the ocean and about her marriage to Lord Vishnu. We also learn about her great virtue and generosity in the story true virtue. When she blesses Prahlada. An ardent devotee of lord Vishnu. The story the goddess of wealth teaches us how she wields her power. In this story. She takes away the riches of king rawal because of his great arrogance.
" Physical health is the basic thing that is required for success or to achieve anything great. Regular practice of Yogasans (Yogic Postures) helps one to attain good physical health. Asan is one of the preliminary steps of Yogasasta of 8 steps propounded by Sage Patanjali for the physical, metal, moral and spiritual well-being of man as a whole. These simple Yogic Exercises do not drain energy from the body. They not only conserve the energy, but also produce extra energy, which revitalizes the body.
1. Relaxing Postures
2. Preparatory Exercises
3. Suryanamaskar
4. Yogasan, (a) Standing, (b) Sitting, (c) Prone, (d) Supine, (e) Upside Down Postures."
"Pranayama, the science of controlled, conscious expansion of Prana (the life force) is the fourth limb of classical Yoga. The art and science of Pranayama has immense therapeutic potential in a wide range of psychosomatic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma. It can be used either as a monotherapy or in combination with Asanas and other aspects of Yoga. Pranayama is of vital importance to any sincere yoga practitioner trying to achieve the state of Yoga. Unless the mind is controlled, the higher aspects of yoga are not possible and the best and only way to really control the mind is by regular, dedicated and determined practice of Pranayama with awareness, consciousness and purity of thought, word and deed.
1. Sitting Postures for Pranayama
2. Vibhaga Pranayama (Sectional Breathing)
3. Mudras for Pranayama (Gestures for Pranayama)
4. Hathenas: Asanas to Help Breathe Better
5. Cleansing Breaths
6. Activation Pranayamas
7. Cooling Pranayamas
8. Pranayamas for Contemplation and Meditation
9. Panoramas for Stress Relief and Relaxation"
"A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekala Bharath is a unique combination of dancer, choreographer and teacher par excellence.
As a Dancer : Srekala started dancing at the tender age of seven and danced her way into the hearts of the people with her vibrant style, agile footwork and subtle abhinaya. She has carved a niche for herself in the national and international dance arena as an exceptional artiste.
As a Choreographer: Preserving the pristine tradition of Bharatanatyam, Srekala has produced thematic presentations ranging form literary classics to the contemporary, which have been well acclaimed by the media and connoisseurs.
As a Teacher: Srekala grooms her students with equal commitment to shape them as artistes of high caliber at her dance school. тАЬThejasтАЭ Srekala derives her inner strength from her told devotion, determination and dedication to this divine art form.
1. Anjali Nattai Adi Guru Rajaratnam Pillai
2. Jatisvaram Vasantha Rupakam Tanjore Quartette
3. Varnam Neelambari Adi Lalgudi Jayaraman
4. Rani Of jhans Ragamalika Adi Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
5. Sita Swayamvara Ragamalika Talamalika Dr.Rukmani Ramani
6. Tillana Brindavani Adi Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna.
"A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekala Bharath is a unique combination of dancer, choreographer and teacher par excellence.
As a Dancer : Srekala started dancing at the tender age of seven and danced her way into the hearts of the people with her vibrant style, agile footwork and subtle abhinaya. She has carved a niche for herself in the national and international dance arena as an exceptional artiste.
As a Choreographer: Preserving the pristine tradition of Bharatanatyam, Srekala has produced thematic presentations ranging form literary classics to the contemporary, which have been well acclaimed by the media and connoisseurs.
As a Teacher: Srekala grooms her students with equal commitment to shape them as artistes of high caliber at her dance school. тАЬThejasтАЭ Srekala derives her inner strength from her told devotion, determination and dedication to this divine art form.
1. Pushpanjali Arabi Adi Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
2. Deviyai Panindu Ragamalika Adi Lalgudi G.Jayaraman
3. Idadhupadam Khams Adi Papanasam Sivan
4. Aduvum Solluval Sourashtram Adi Ganam Krishna Iyer
5. Kannagi Ragamalika Talamalika Silapadikaram
6. Tillana & Durge Durge Revathi Adi Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
7. Killikanni Anandabairavai Adi Annamalai Reddiar.
"1. Prayer тАУ Divine Offering to Lord Vinayaka
2. Sriman Narayana тАУ Bhoopalam тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Annamacharaya
3. Narayanathe Namo Namo тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Annamacharaya
4. Venkatachalanilayam тАУ Sindhubhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Purandaradasar
5. Brahma Mokatae тАУ Bhoopalam тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Annamacharaya
6. Samarpanam тАУ Hindolam тАУ Adi тАУ Siva Ramakrishna Rao
7. Dasavathara Mangalam тАУ Surati тАУ Tisram тАУSri Purandaradasar.
"This DVD Contains Stories From one of the greatest Indian epics of all time, the Mahabharata. Tales of the great Heroes of the Mahabharata. Including Arjuan, Bhima, Krishna, Yudhistra, Bhishma, Karna and many others are narrated in this compilation in an interesting and entertaining manner. Their amazing and exciting Stories will touch your heart. While imparting the important lessons of Sacrifice, Humility, Honour and duty. They will not only provide endless hours of entertainment but will also be a source of inspiration for generations to come.
ArunaтАЭs aim: In this legendary story, Arjuna proves his Prowess in archery when guru Drona decides to test the Skills of his students.
Swayamvara of Draupaudi: This is the story of how Draupadi came to be the wife of all five pandava brothers. Once again, Arjuna proves his amazing skills at archery
Arjuna and Lord Shiva: This story recounts how Arjuna persuades Lord Shiva to Give him is Pasupatha Astra, Or Divine Weapon, Which he needs in order to battle with the Kauravas.
Bhima Slays Demon Bakasura: The name Bhima Brings to mind images of a young, Strong Prince, equally well known for his Physical Strength as he was for his strength of Character. Son of Vaayu, the wind God, BhimaтАЩs Life story is the epitome of Discipline, Obedience, and Hardwork, in this Series, exciting chapters of BhimaтАЩs Life have been high lightened тАУ his hardships, obstacles and his triumphant Successes.
Selfless Yudhistra: Yudhistra was the eldest of the pandava brothers and the hero of the great epic. The Mahabharata, yudhistra lived for justice and peace even patiently endured humiliation and exile because of his great virtue. This story depicts interesting and unexplored facets of this great personality.
This story describes how lord Krishna saves draupadi. Wife of pandavas by protecting her when Dusshassana and Duryodhana abused herтАЩs in the royal cour
KarnaтАЩs Curse: This is the story of karnaтАЩs training in welfare by guru parasuram and it recounts the reason why the great guru cursed him.
KarnaтАЩs Generosity: This story unveils lord IndraтАЩs plan to acquire karnaтАЩs kavachas kundalaтАЩs (his armour) by taking advantage of his generosity. The Death of Ghatotkacha: This narrative unfolds the battle between the pandavaтАЩs and kauravas and relates how karma wills bheemsтАЩs son the mighty Ghatotkacha.
BhishmaтАЩs Courage: This grapping narrative follows the life of bhishma after his fatherтАЩs demise. True to this word. He takes neither the throne nor a wife for himself and is even forced to battle with his guru to uphold this promise.
DronaтАЩs Commitment: This story unveils duryodhanaтАЩs plan to capture yudhistra and how drona unwittingly gets caught up in this plan. As drona is undefeatable, Krishna has to resort to unfair means to defeat him and it is only his lover for his son that leads to dronaтАЩs unfortunate death.
"Dhyana or Meditation is a higher state of Yoga that may be attained only after the practitioner has prepared themselves in a step-by-step manner. Meditation is a way to unite with our Supreme Nature and may be described as тАШfixing the mind on the Supreme with devotion and disciplineтАЩ. It is the seventh of the eight steps in the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali and is part of the Antaranga or inner steps of Yoga. Meditation is a transcendental state, where if there is awareness, it is тАЬawareness of awareness itselfтАЭ, a state beyond the mind. Meditation is the fruit of long and arduous effort. The mind is so trained in its focus that it naturally flows into the object of contemplation. A deep, vibrant quietness is the characteristic of meditation, which infuses the entire life style with calmness and control. Meditation becomes a quality of mind that manifests in all aspects of our daily life. The mind develops the capacity to delve into every experience, thought, emotion and situation that arises, and this focused awareness produces Yogic skill in living. This presentation deals with various aspects of meditation including Meditative Asanas and Mudras, Trataka, Pranava Meditation, Anthara Japa, Anthara Dharana, Chakra Dhyana, Prana Kriya and Brahma Muhurta meditation as taught in the Gitananda yoga tradition.
SECTION 1: Asanas for Meditative Sitting: Sukha Asana, Vajra Asana, Siddha Asana, Ardha Padma Asana and Padma Asana.
SECTION 2 : Mudras for Meditation : Jnana Mudra, Chin Mudra, Namaskar Mudra, Anjali Mudra, Kailash Mudra, Bhairava Mudra, Bhairavi Mudra, Yoga Mudra, Sparsha Mudra and Mahabhinishkramana Mudra.
SECTION 3: Trataka: Yogic Gazes: Jyoti Trataka, Bhrumadhya Drishti Trataka and Nasagra Dishti Trataka.
SECTION 4: Anthara Dharana: Kshitijan Kriyam Eka Varna Kriya and Jyotri Darshana
SECTION 5: Pranava Dhyana
SECTION 6: Chakra Dhyana: Chakra Pranayama and Chakra Meditation
SECTION 7: Anthara Japa: Om japa and Ajapa Japa
SECTION 8: Prana Kriya
SECTION 9: Brahma Muhurta Meditation
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama, his wife sita, and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture.
This story depicts some interesting facts about the birth and childhood days of Sri Rama. The eldest son of king dasaradha and the hero of the great epic the Ramayana. This story also illustrates how Rama helps sage visvamitra by guarding his sacrifice. Slays ogress tataka, breaks the bow of Siva, marries sita, and destroys the pride of parasuram. Let us visualize this fascinating story of lord Rama.
This story describes the innumerable virtues of sir Ram, the idol of the heroic ages. The embodiment of truth, morality, and the ideal son. When preparations are made for crowning Rama so the prince of Ayodhya, a hunch backed maid poisoned the mind of kaikeyi who trapped king dasarathan into yielding to her boon that Ram should be sent to the forest for 14 Years while Bharatha, her own son should become the king. Grief for the banished Rama lay heavy on the heart of dasaratha as he pined away. Remembering and recounting on his death тАУ bed how in his youth he had caused sorrow and death to an old hermit by killing his son. LetтАЩs visualize this poignant story of prince Rama.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama, his wife sita, and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture.
This story talks about RamaтАЩs excile along with his wife sita and his brother lakshmana and their life in the forests. Unable to bear the injustice of his act, king dasaratha died of grief. Rama, Lakshmana and sita are entertained by guha, a hunter тАУ chief of the forest. Then bharatha another devoted brother goes to the forest and insists that Rama return to ayodhya. When Rama refuses to do so, Bharata takes RamaтАЩs sandals alone and goes back to Ayodhya. He places the sandals on the throne and rules the kingdom in RamaтАЩs name. Meanwhile the giantess Shurpanakha in the panchavathi forest. Lakshmana cuts her nose and she complains to her brother Ravana about the Treatment that she suffers at LakshmanaтАЩs hands.
This story talks about how Ravana, the king of the demons disguises himself as a sage and with the help of Mareecha Carries away sita in the absence of Rama and Lakshmana. Jatayu. The king of vultures challenges Ravana but he is mortally wounded in his encounter with Ravana. Rama gets the news about sita from the dying Jatayu and subsequently, Rama and Lakshmana meet the pious sabar
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama and his wife sita and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture,
In this story Ram and Lakshman continue their search for sita in the forests but they have no ideas where begin their search. While searching, they are attacked by a demoness Ayomukhi and by an ugly demon Dhanu. Upon dying however, Dhanu is revealed as a Gandharva (demigod) who had been cursed by a sage to become an ugly demon. He tells Ram to seek out the exiled vanara Sugriva, who would be of vital help in his search for sita.
Inkishkinda kanda Rama meets Hanuman a close friend, Follower and advisor of Sugriva. Rama makes an alliance with Sugriva, who was exiled by his brother vali, the king of the vanaras. Hanuman voluntarily accepts Rama as his master. Sugriva is crowned as the king of kishkinda. There upon. Hanuman proceeds to Lanka in search of Sita. He takes RamaтАЩs ring as a token but despite all his efforts he fails to find sita.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama and his wife sita and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture,
This kanda describes hanumanтАЩs braveness and his visit to Lanka. During the aerial journey, Simhika. a monsters living in the ocean drags him down by catching his shadow. Hanuman kills her. Then his gets a distant view of lanka enters the city at night and meets sita, who is imprisoned in RavanaтАЩs palace garden. He assures her that help will be coming. He gives her RamaтАЩs token and message. He then proceeds to destroy RavanaтАЩs Asoka grove.
When he destroys Asoka, vana RavanaтАЩs demon soldiers captured him. Hanuman kills RavanaтАЩs younger son Aksha in battle and is delivered to Ravana for retribution. Furious at hearing Hanuman wordтАЩs Ravana orders HanumanтАЩs death. Vibhishana, RavanaтАЩs Righteous brother, intervenes at this point and reminds him that it is improper to execute a messenger, and instead tells him exact the appropriate punishment for hanumanтАЩs crime. Ravana ordered his demons to set fire to HanumanтАЩs tail. Enduring the punishment, Hanuman seizes the opportunity to observe Lanka during the day in an effort to gather military information for the future. Hanuman frees himself from his bonds, and with his tail ablaze. Files around Lanka, Destroying the town. After which, he returns to Rama with news about sita.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama and his wife sita and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture in yuddha kanda, Ram builds a bridge across the ocean with a large army of monkeys cross the ocean and reaches Lanka. Vibhishana (brother of Ravana) joins them and tells them how to destroy Ravana and his army. This part of Yuddha kanda explained the hurdles faced by Ram in reaching Lanka and his efforts to make Peace.
In this kanda kumbhakarna, indrajit, and Ravana are killed in battle. During the battle, both the parties of Rama and Ravana use Astras and weapons charged with mantras. Rama uses Brahmasastra to kill Ravana and rescues Sita. But when Ram doubts SitaтАЩs honour, she steps into the fire to prove her chastity. She comes out more glorious and effulgent than ever. Vibhishana is then crowned as king in Lanka.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama, his wife sita, and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture.
In Uttara тАУ kanda, Sri RamaтАЩs reign is described as Rama тАУ Rajya with his party returns to Ayodhya in the flying car called Pushpaka. Rama is crowned as Emperor. The people of his kingdom feel extremely happy. There is righteousness everywhere. Everywhere there are plenty and prosperity.
The Uttara kanda is the most controversial part, as it explains the story of Rama is banishing sita from Ayodhya. To many, both these actions seem to detract from RamaтАЩs reputation as a model of ideal conduct: when he banished sita in spite of her innocence, merely because the people were gossiping
"Lord Shiva, the supreme power belongs to the trinity of gods, Brahma the creator, Vishnu the saviour and Shiva the destroyer. The Shiva puranam has numerous stories about Lord Shiva. This series is about how sati, who was later reborn as parvati, became ShivaтАЩs wife.
In this story, Brahma meets Vishnu and tells him that he would like to see Lord Shiva, who is an ascetic, settle down. Brahma requests goddess uma to reborn on earth as ShivaтАЩs consort. So goddess uma is reborn as Sati, the daughter of Daksha, the chief Prajapathy, and son of Lord Brahma.
This is the tale of how sati wins heart of Lord Shiva. From childhood, sati is an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and by doing severe penance; she manages to win ShivaтАЩs heart. On Lord ShivaтАЩs, request Brahma Convenes Daksha to accept Shiva as his son-in law. Shiva and sati get finally get married on an auspious day.
This is the story of how Dakshatakes revenge on Shiva for not bowing to him. Daksha conducts a grand yagna and invites everyone from the three worlds except Lord Shiva. When sati hears about this, she tries to reason with her father but no avail. Finally, she sacrifices herself in the yagna fire.
This legendary story is about Shiva takes revenge on Daksha. He creates two powerful beings called Virabadra and Mahakali from his matted hair. They destroy the yagna and virabadra kills daksha. But brahma and Vishnu plead with Shiva to bring daksha back life, as a yagna once started has to be completed. Shiva then agrees to review daksha but does so by giving him the head of a goat.
When sati ends him life by immersing herself in the yagna fire, she is reborn as parvathi, the daughter of a great king Himavat, ruler of the HimalayanтАЩs. Parvathi has a great desire to marry Lord Shiva so she goes to the place where he is meditating and begins to serve him.
This tale of an assura called tarakasura. Because of his desire to become immortal, he does severe penance and finally Brahma grants him a boon that only ShivaтАЩs son will be able to kill him. Rendered almost immortal. Tarakasura begins to wreck havoc and harasses all the devas including indri.
"The Sitar is one of the most popular instruments in Hindustani shastriya sangeet and is a versatile instrument. Its ability to produce a deeply emotive tone that is very close to the human voice with agility and liveliness has made it a very sought after instrument.
Sitar music has been patronized for about 700 years and the fact that it is still being practiced today with dedication and passion is a testimony to its grandeur.
This DVD of тАЬLearning the SitarтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing the Sitar by Sri B.Siva Ramakrishna Rao, a disciple of late Ustad. Ahmed Hussain Khan who was the doyen of Miah Achpal Gahanna. The lessons on this DVD have been tailored in such a way that they can be practiced in the comfort of your home.
- History of the Sitar & Artists Profile
- Introduction and Ways of Handling the Instrument
- Types of Sitar
- Parts of Sitar
- Tuning
- Basic Lessons
- Fingering techniques
- Concert pattern
"The Tabla is a drum from India and is most closely, associated with Hindustani shastriya sangeet from North India. It is said that the Tabla came from the ancient double-headed drum, the Pakhawaj. The repertoire and knowledge that the Tabla encompasses is as vast as the ocean and dates back to as far as 4000 years ago. This DVD is dedicated to the fond memory of the legendary Tabla player late. Ustad, Allah Rakha, the doyen of the Punjab Gharana. Anand Ramanujam, one of his senior disciples makes learning the Tabla very simple and interesting, explaining the finger nuances of Tabla in the easiest way so that even a layman can follow it.
- Parts of The Tabla
- Basic Tips
- Placing Of Fingers
- Techniques Of Playing
- The Ten Basic Alphabets
- Basic Taals Of Tabla
"The Mridangam is an ancient percussion instrument of South India. Hailed as the Kind of South Indian percussion instruments, it forms the primary rhythmic accompaniment in a carnatic music ensemble. The word тАШmridangamтАЩ is derived from the Sanskrit words Mrid and Angam тАУ Mrid meaning тАШclayтАЩ and Angam meaning тАШbodyтАЩ.
The lessons on this DVD have been tailored by Sri.N.Ramakrishnan in such a way that they can be practiced in the comfort of your home.
1. History of Mridangam
2. Physical Components
3. Tips before performing
4. The Instrument тАУ Sizes and Varieties
5. The nature of its Sound
6. The History of the Masters and Schools of Thought
7. Gurukalam
8. Profile of N.Ramakrishnan
9. Lessons on Mridangam
- Perface
- Basic Lessons
- Key Note For the Forenhs
- Forenhs
My first word is a fun, interactive DVD that teaches your child the alphabet along with words and rhymes. The alphabet is recited in simple, understandable manner along with simple words for each alphabet. These words are then strung together in easy to follow rhymes will keep your child singing along and entertained for hours. So go ahead тАУ make learning fun for your toddler!
Harishchandra was the 28th king of the solar dynasty. Stories about his life are very popular. They tell children the power and beauty of truth and courage. Harishchandra was renowned for his goodness and justice. He had two unique qualities he always kept his word and never told lies. These two qualities were tested heavily in his life by various circumstances that led him to poverty and separation from his family. But he stood by his principles and succeeded in the end.
Vishwamitra was a king in ancient India and was a valiant warrior. He wanted to attain the same spiritual power as the sage vashista, and become his equal, a brahmarishi. He undertook a fierce penance for a thousand years, after which Brahma named him a Rajarishi. Or royal sage. After another long penance of ten thousand years. Brahma named him a brahmarishi. Vishvamitra was a great character of Indian mythology, and his life is full of great events and challenges.
"SWAMI VIVEKANANDA Was born in Calcutta on 12th January 1863; his father was a renowned lawyer of his time and lived an aristocratic but pious life. His mother was the embodiment of wisdom and simplicity. She taught Narendra тАУ who would later be known as swami vivekanda. The true meaning of Hinduism and introduced him to many mythologies stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. She taught him the values of truthfulness, honesty and simplicity and to be fearless like hanuman. Narendra was very scientific in his attitude and would not simply accept anything without valid reasoning. Sri Ramakrishna, the great master, won over the mind and heart of young Narendra with his simplicity and profound knowledge of the Advaita Vedanta. At Sri RamakrishnaтАЩs feet, Narendra learnt and realized the true spirit of the Vedanta philosophy and gradually evolved into Swami Vivekananda.
The Stories that his master taught him were, in turn recounted by Swami Vivekananda to his students, this DVD contains an exclusive collection of these stories.
Moral тАУ The knowledge one Possesses is little and one should be receptive to others point of view.
Moral тАУ Opportunity knocks but once. One should make intelligent and proper use of every opportunity that presents itself.
Moral тАУ One should not be greedy and should acquire wealth by right means alone. It is foolish to attempt to change the world, which is impossible even as the curly tail of the dog cannot be straightened.
Moral тАУ Maya is so powerful that it makes one go astray. Eternal Vigilance and True Devotion to god alone will save one from Maya.
Moral тАУ Each person is great in his own place. But the role and the duty of one differs from the other.
"1. Jathis for Opening Numbers тАУ 5 Nos тАУ Aadhi Thaalam
2. Trikaala Jathis for Varnams тАУ 5 Nos тАУ Aadhi Thaalam
3. Theermanams for Varnams тАУ 12 Nos - Aadhi Thaalam
4. Ethukadai Jathis for Varnams тАУ 4 Nos - Aadhi Thaalam
5. Jathis in Sankeerna Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
6. Jathis in Roopaka Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
7. Jathis in Misra Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
8. Jathis in Kanda Ekam Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
9. Jathis in Kanda Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 3 Nos
10. Jathis in Aadhi Thaalam тАУ 5 Nos
"Music Accompaniment
Vocal: Bharatha Sangeetha Bhushana Smt.Nandini Anand
Nattuvangam: Nadanamamani, Yuva Kala Bharathi Smt. Priya Murle
Mridangam: Kalaimamani, Yuva Kala Bharathi Shri K.S.R.Anirudha
Violin: Bharatha Sangeetha Bhushana, Yuva Kala Bharathi Shri. S.Vijayaraghavan
Tambura: Shri Novocain
Pallandu Pallandu (Tamil)
Verses from Divya Prabandham
Ragam: Thillang and Revathi, Talam: Adi
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Thathai Mozhi (Tamil)
Ragam: Kalyani, Talam: Adi (Tisra Nadai)
Dhuranadhem (Kannada)
Ragam: Keeravani, Talam: Rupakam
Lyrics: D.V.Gundappa
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Evvade (Telugu)
Ragam: Sankarbharanam, Talam: Misrachapu
Composer: Kshetrayya
Aasai Mugam (Tamil)
Ragam: Jonepuri, Talam: Adi
Composer: Subramanian Bharathi
Gellyai Ponathadi (Tamil)
Ragam: Behag, Talam: Adi
Lyrics: Vanambadi
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Mangalam (Tamil)
Ragam: Madhyamavathi, Talam: Adi
Composer: Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan.
"Sai Baba of Shirdi or Shirdi Sai baba ( Circa 1838 тАУ October 15, 1918) was an Indian Guru, Yogi and Fakir, Who is regarded by his Hindu and Muslim Followers as a Saint. He is an avatar of Shiva, Dattatreya, a Satguru and the next incarnation of Kabir.
In his life and teachings he tried to embrace and reconcile Hinduism and Islam, Sai Baba lived in a Mosque, was buried in a Hindu Temple. Practiced Hindu and Muslim Rituals and Taught using words and figures that drew from both traditions.
Sai Baba Taught a moral code of love, Forgiveness, Helping others, Charity contentment, inner peace, devotion to god and guru. His Philosophy was Advaita Vedanta and his teachings consisted of elements both of this school as was as that of Bhakthi and Islam.
Sai Baba is also one of the most popular of Indian Saints and is revered by Several Notable Hindu, Sufi and Zoroastrian religious leaders. Sai Baba performed numerous miracles. He curved the incurably sick, helped his devotees in need in a miraculous way and even read peoples minds.
This DVD consists of a collection of exclusive stories on the life and miracles of Saibaba, Beautifully narrated with lively animations
"Mullah Nasruddin was a local priest in a small village in Turkey. He was a simple man, but his intelligence and razor sharp wit made him very popular with the people. His stories are related with humour and each one has a moral, making it a favorite with children. The tales of Mullah Nasrudding are widely told throughout the Middle East and Central Asia.
This story tells of MullahтАЩs presence of mind as he outsmarts a very knowledgeable foreigner.
Mullah teaches his greedy neighbor Kasim, an unforgettable lesson, when he tries to buy MullahтАЩs house.
Mullah Calms an angry man down with his sharp wit and receives rich rewards in return.
Mullah reminds his friends of their mistakes and teaches them a lesson to stop taking people for granted.
This is an excellent moral for people who dwell in fales pridge and prestige.
This story makes us wonder at MullahтАЩs sharp intellect. Without preaching, he explains the concept of the Quran and earns the appreciation of everyone around.
"The most lovable and friendly of all Gods, Lord Ganesha is worshipped as the Lord of beginnings, the Lord of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the God of intellect and wisdom. He is honored with affection at the start of any ritual or ceremony and invoked as the тАЬPatron of LettersтАЭ at the beginning of any writing. Ganesha has many other titles and epithets, including Ganapati and Vighnesivara. The son of Ishwara and Parvati, Ganesha has even saved the Gods when they were in trouble.
In this story, Ganesha crushes the pride of the moon and teaches the moon a lesson. This is an important lesson for anyone who has too much pride.
Ganesha is known as Vigneshwara because his devotees believe that the can sort out all obstacles and difficulties. In this story, Ganesha comes to the rescue of the other Gods. He stops King Ravana from taking the Atma Linga that was given to him by Lord Shiva to Sri Lanka.
The moral of this story is that no one should harm any living being no matter how small or insignificant they may be. When Ganesh harms a cat, Parvati teaches him this lesson.
This is the story of the birth of the river Kaveri. Ganesha takes the form of a crow and helps Agastiyar find a suitable place to form the river Kaveri.
This is the interesting tale that explains how Ganesh came to have the head of an elephant. It is just another example of GaneshтАЩs devotion to his mother and his single-minded determination to follow her orders, which even lead to him losing his head.
This story tells us why Ganesh travels on a mouse. He crushed the ego of an asura called Gajamukhasura who transformed himself to a mouse and devoted himself to serve Lord Ganesha. So Ganesh decided to travel on his back.
"The Arabian Nights stories are some of the WorldтАЩs great treasures in story telling. The Arabian Nights, also known as The 1001 Nights, are told with a great sense of adventure, truth, fantasy, imagination, justice, and faith, embodied by the great civilizations that contributed to making these stories what they are today. The Arbian Nights include fairy tales, fables, romances, farces, legends, and parables. The tales use a sweeping variety of settings, including Bahdad, Basra, Cairo, Damascus, as well as China, Greece, India, North Africa and Turkey.
This story narrates the origin of the Arabian Nights.
Princess Scheherazade with their amazing intelligence proves to the world that anything is possible with persistence, intelligence and will power.
This Magical story narrates the tale of a faithful merchant, a powerful genie and the merchantтАЩs friends, as they come to help him with their thrilling stories.
A treasure trove of tales. This one tells of how the friends of the merchant save him by convincing the Genie with their tact.
This story tells of a poor angler who escapes from a monster with his sheer intelligence.
This story has a wonderful moral; it says one who doubts a person who is loyal to him, will certainly not flourish in life.
This story narrates that blind beliefs will only lead us to destruction.
Filled with thrill and fantasy; this story embodies the moral truth alone triumphs.
"Hitopadesha Tales and logical, simple and straight forward. The main players in these tales are birds, animals and humans. Written originally in Sanskrit, the main purpose behind the Hitopadesha is to teach young minds the basic philosophy of life and help them grow into responsible adults. Even in todayтАЩs world, these stories continue to inspire people with their simplicity and substance.
This is a story of four fast friends; a mouse, a crow, a deer, and a tortoise that help each other in a tussle with their worst enemy тАУ a human hunter.
This is the story of two crows, who take the help of an intelligent jackal to overcome their enemy, a deadly serpent.
This fun filled story is about a tortoise that loses his life, as he is unable to control his tongue. It explains the moral that one should not talk unnecessarily.
In this story, a clever and patient fox deceives the mighty lion with his sheer intelligence and skill.
This is the story of an honest king who sets out to choose a trustworthy prince for his kingdom. A tale of wit and fun not to be missed!
This is the story of a blind vulture, which loses all his good friends because of the bad company he keeps; with a cunning cat.
This story of a jackal, a pundit and a walf reminds us that knowledge from books alone does not suffice; what matters is how one uses it practically.
This story tells of how a wise Brahmin loses his goat to 3 thieves, as they frighten him with their silly remarks.
"Sri Krishna is not only the greatest of the avatars of Vishnu, but also the ultimate Truth and the goal of philosophical enquiry. He is the all-attractive divine personality and source of all joy and pleasure. He is the origin from which everything manifest. He is the unlimited source of all power, fame, beauty and wisdom.
Sri Krishna was born in the royal family of Mathura, and was the eights son born to the princess Devaki, and her husband Vasudeva. The king karma, DevakiтАЩs brother, had ascended the throne by imprisoning his father, King Ugrasena. Terrified by a prophecy that predicted his death at the hands of DevakiтАЩs eighth son, he had the couples cast into prison where he planned to kill all of DevakiтАЩs children at birth. Krishna was born in the prison of Mathura, but he was smuggled out to be raised by his forest parents Yasoda and Nanda in Gokul.
The stories of Sri KrishnaтАЩs childhood and youth here include that of his life with, and his protection of, the local people. Kamsa learnt about the childтАЩs escape and kept sending various demons to put an end to him. The demons were defeated at the hands of Krishna and his brother Balarama. Some of the most popular exploits of Krishna center around these adventures, such as the lifting of the Govardhan hill, killing the five-headed snake and his play with the gopis of the village.
Krishna as a young man returned of Matura, overthrew and killed his uncle Kamsa. Krishna re-installed KamasтАЩs father, Ugresena, as the king of the Yadavas.
The story of Balakrishan is narrated here beautiful giving you the exciting background of the stories. Great music and awe-inspiring animation make this video a classic to see again and again and cherish for a lifetime.
"This series brings a collection of cheerful tales with morals to engage young minds while keeping the fun alive. The stories are set in different civilizations from all around the world. With new characters, challenges and varied locales, each story is sure to captivate and leave children spellbound.
This story is about three painters and a king. The focus lies on how only the best qualities of a person should be highlighted while false praise will only lead to trouble.
This story tells of how a person can use his intelligence to outwit the most powerful man and find his rewards.
In this story, a clever King punishes a thief by letting him decide on the punishment.
In this story, a witty old man drives off a bunch of trouble making youngsters to be free from further disturbances.
This is the story of a brave young man who confronts the King about the mistakes he makes as a ruler.
This amusing tale tells the story of a merchant and his friend, as they teach a group of deceptive greedy pundits, an unforgettable lesson.
This story has a sound moral to learn. It is of a young smart man who learns a lesson for using his intelligence in the wrong way.
This story tells us about the intelligence of Manas, a young man and his ability to convince the King with his sharp wit.
"The name Bansuri, called the Flute in English, has its roots in the word baans that means bamboo. The bansuri is among the worldтАЩs oldest musical instruments. In its simplest form itтАЩs a hollow bamboo with seven holes. The Bansuri is originally used as a folk instrument and to accompany dance.
The Hindu deity Lord Krishna is often portrayed, playing the flute and it is often associated with magical or seductive powers. In addition, the bansuri enjoys a distinguished place in the history of Indian music and mythology.
This DVD тАЬLearn to Play the FluteтАЭ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice playing the flute within the comfort of your home.
1. History of Bansuri & Artist Profile
2. Introduction of Bansuri
3. Types of Flutes
4. Sitting Position & Fingering Techniques
5. Pitch
6. Notes & Blowing Techniques
7. Half Notes
8. Shudh Swar & Komal Swar
9. Exercises & Basic Lessons
10. Concert Pattern
"The guitar is one of the most popular stringed musical instruments that are used in a wide variety of musical styles like blues, country, flamenco, rock, and many forms of pop. It is also a classical solo instrument.
A guitar is an instrument having тАЬa long, fretted neck, flat wooden soundboard, ribs, and a flat back, most often with incurved sidesтАЭ. It typically has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten, and twelve string guitars also exist.
This DVD тАЬLearn to Play the GuitarтАЭ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice playing the guitar within the comfort of your home.
1. Introduction
2. Construction of Guitar & Tuning of Guitar
3. Types of Guitar
4. Basic Lessons
5. Basic Scales
6. Fingering Techniques & Exercises
7. Song
8. Concert Pattern
9. Guitar Lick
"A Harmonium is a freestanding musical keyboard instrument similar to a Read Organ or Pipe Organ. It consists of free reeds and sound is produced by air being blown through reeds resulting in a sound similar to that of an accordion. The air is supplied by hand-operated bellows alternately depressed by the player. The Harmonium represents a harmonious blend of the Western and Indian music.
This DVD тАЬLearn to Play the HarmoniumтАЭ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice playing the harmonium within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Types of Harmonium
4. Structure & Design
5. Tuning
6. Sitting Posture
7. Playing Techniques
8. Fingering Techniques & Basic Lessons
9. Concert Pattern
Temples form the bedrock of Tamil culture. They have so pervasive and powerful an influence on the social, cultural, moral and religious life of the Tamil people, the Avvaiyar, the celebrated poetess, advised children not to live in a place that does not have A temple. After temples began to be built in stone, great heights were scaled in sculpture and architecture. The magnificent gateways of the sprawling Srirangam temple and the Nataraja temple in Chidambaram, the grand edifices of the Thanjavur Brihadeeswarar abd Gangaikondacholapuram temples, the dramatic setting by the sea of the Mamallapuram Shore temple, the hill and temple of Arunacala Shore temple, the hill and temple of Arunachala soaked in the mystique of spirituality and the devotional fervour of the ancient Tiruvottriyur and Mylapore temples create a rare experience for the viewer in this video programme. тАШTemples of Tamil Nadu,тАЩ not only brings scintillating visuals of great temples to you, but also evokes the peace; calm and spiritual feeling of pilgrim centers, for the search of the meaning of life is the ultimate aim of the temples. In Tamil philosophical lore, the temple is represented as a symbol of the body. тАШThe heart is the shrine, the mouth the gateway, the senses are the lights, and the soul the abode of GodтАЩ, says the great work Tirumantiram. The visuals, music and succinct text of this brilliant offering lead you from the highs of creativity and devotion to the altar of the peace that surpasses all understanding.
"Prana, the universal cosmic energy sets up great vortexes of psychic energy in certain parts of the nervous system, creating psychic Centres known as Chakras or wheels of psychic energy. We are energized through the energy pathways know as Nadis and energy vortices known as Charkras. These psychic pathways and vortices are located in our energy body, the Pranamaya Kosha and go right up to the Anandamaya Kosha, the universal body. According to the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition codified by Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri, there are six lower and six higher Chakras making a total of 12 Chakras. The lower chakras are known as the Pinda Chakras and are related to the physical body while the higher six chakras are the Anda Chakras related to the Cosmos. Chakras vibrate at very high speeds of vibration and at their highest speeds of vibration are related to the cosmos. At their lowest speeds of vibration, they can be related to various parts of our neuro-endocrine system. The Chakras are usually depicted as lotuses with differing numerous of petal representing various qualities and energies of the Chakra. Each of the lower six Chakras has various neuro-endocrine correlates and is associated with one of the five Jnanendriyas or sensory organs as well as one of the five Karmendriyas or action senses. Each and Pranayamas to focus the Chakric energies. They are also related to the subtle elements know as the Tanmatras and the Prana Vayus or subservient forms of Pranic energy.
SECTION 1: Mooladhara Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Pirthvi Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 2: Swadhisthana Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Apas Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 3: Manipura Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Tejas Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 4: Anahata Chakra, Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Vayu Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 5: Vishuddha Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Akash Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 6: Ajna Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Mamas Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 7: Sahasrara Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra
SECTION 8: Chakra Awareness with Hastha Mudras
SECTION 9: Mandala Dharana
SECTION 10: Chakra Meditation
SECTION 11: Archival Material of Dr. Swami Gitananda GirlтАЩs Lectures on Chakras including a Demonstration of the Mantra Laya.
"Lakshmi Viswanathan is one of the foremost exponents of Bharatanatyam. She has been described as a poetic dancer of exceptional talent and extra ordinary imagination. Watching her is like watching an artist performing at her pinnacle, unraveling the intricate tapestries of a complex yet beautiful art form. The internationally renowned choreographer Mark Morris has described her as consummate artist, an articulate scholar and an honest & creative proponent of Abhinaya a beautiful, graceful & sublime artist. LakshmiтАЩs endeavors have seen her travel the length and breadth of the globe, spanning 20 countries in all, where she has taken center stage at prestigious events like the Jacobs pillow festival in USA. She has choreographed several group shows, of which тАЬBanyan TreeтАЭ (Vata-Vriksha) is the most acclaimed. She has received the state award, тАЬKalaimamaniтАЭ, and the Central Sangeet Natak Academic award, among numerous others.
Kunitta Puruvamum (Tamil)
Thevaram by Tirunavukkarasar, 7th century
Raga тАУ Kambodhi
Enneramum (Tamil)
By Gopalakrishna Bharath
Raga тАУ Devagandhari
Tala тАУ Adi
Emoko (Telugu)
By Annamacharya (c.fifteenth century)
Raga тАУ Tilang
Tala тАУ Rupakam
Ayyayyo Vegatayene (Telugu)
By Kshetrayya (mid- 17th century)
Raga тАУ Nadanmakriya
Tala тАУ Tisra Triputa
Itu Sahasamulu (Telugu)
By Swati Tirunal 19th century
Tala тАУ Adi
Enthati Kuluke (Telugu)
By Pattabhiramayya, 19th century
Raga тАУ Kalyani
Tala тАУ Rupakam
Vannagadu (Telgu)
By Kshetrayya
Raga тАУ Kapi
Tala тАУ Tisra Triputa
Nitthirayil (Telgu)
By Ghanam Krishna Aiyyar,
19th century
Raga тАУ Pantuvarali
Tala тАУ Adi
Vadaraka Po (Telugu)
By Kshetrayya
Raga тАУ Kambodhi
Tala тАУ Tisra Triputa
"ChandrasekharтАЩs association with Bharatanatyam goes back 63 years when he joined the Kalakshetra, the internationally acclaimed abode of the Arts. His strict training along with his own devotion, dedication and unwavering focus has given him the strength and experience to continue to perform with energy and involvement to this day with the blessings of his mentor Smt.Rukmini Devi. During this long journey, Chandrasekhar has taught, performed and choreographed throughout the globe. As the former Dean and Professor at the Faculty of performing Arts, Baroda University and his long sojourn at Varanasi have been of great help in acquiring his academic acumen. He is the recipient of the very prestigious awards from the central and state governments and foremost Ari institutions of the country. With his wife jaya and daughters Chitra and Manjari, who are all established dancers of the country, Chandrasekhar now countries to work from Chennai.
Ragam: Nattukurinji
Talam: Adi
Composer: Rangaswami Nattuvanar
Ragam: Ahri Bhairav
Talam: Miscrachapu
Composer: Jayadeva
Ragam: Natabhairavi
Talam: Adi
Composer: Veenai krishnamachari
Ragam: Suruti
Talam: Adi
Composer: Purandara Dasa
"A unique and eminent artiste, nationally and internationally honored and respected, Prof.Sudharani Raghupathy is lauded as тАШliving legendтАЩ. Having completed 60 years in her journey in dance in August 2007, Sudharani is perhaps one of the rare Bharatanatyam dancers in India who has performed before the visiting dignitaries to India since 1956. To mention a few Bulganin & Khrushchev, Shah of Iran, Emperor of Ethiopia, King of Afghanistan, Chou en Lai, Ho Chi Mint and many others, including a command performance for Pandit. Jawaharlal Nehru and Smt. India Gandhi. An A-Top artiste of the Doordarshan since 1976, her T.V.Serial Bharatanjali, an appreciation of Bhartanatyam, the first of its kind on Doordarshan in 1981 (13 episodes in B&W) and 1989 (8 episodes in Colour), is one of her superior contributions to dance. As an artiste of outstanding at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York, on Human Rights Day in December 1981, on an invitation from the then Secretary-General, kurt Waldheim. She has been awarded the unique honour of Senior Teaching Associate of Indian Studies (Professor) by the Colgate University, New York in December 1995. Shrew Bharatalaya, an unique institution of fine arts founded by her in 1970, by Prof.Sudharani Raghupathy, for the dissemination of culture. Her institution is perhaps the only one of its kind in the nation that has produced valuable resource material, institution is perhaps the only one of its kind in the nation that has produced valuable resource material, which is a unique contribution to the world of fine arts. A few of the prestigious awards conferred on her include PADMA SHRI (1988), Central Sangeet Natak Akademi award (1984), Kalaimamani (1981).
Ragam: Thillang
Talam: Adi
Nachiyar Thirumozhi
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Ragam: Ragamalika
Talam: Misrachaou
Verses from Janardhashtakam
Ragam: Sourashtram
Talam: Adi
Composer: Subbarama Iyer
Ragam: Desh
Talam: Adi
Lyrics: Jayadeva
Music composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Ragam: Kamas
Talam: Adi
Ragam: Suruti
Talam: Rupakam
"Mahabharata is the largest epic in the history of humankind, as it runs to over a hundred thousand verses. It is more than simply a story of kings and princes, sages and wise men, demons and gods. It aims at elucidating the four goals of life: dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and month (liberation).
Mahabharata mainly tells the story of the Pandavas and the Kauravas who vie with each other for the kingdom of Hastinapura, The Pandavas want to play the game straight and are prepared to accommodate the Kauravas, but the Kauravas under the leadership of Duryodhana want to destroy the Pandavas, Shantanu, the king of Hastinapura has a short-lived marriage with the goddess Ganaga and has a son, Devavrata (later to be called Bhishma), who becomes the heir apparent.
Many years later, when the king goes hunting, he sees Satyavati, daughter of a fisherman in the kingdom and asks her hand in marriage. She marries the king, as Devarata promises to make her son the future king.
Shantanu has two sons by Satyavati, Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. Their sons are Pandu and Dhritharashtra. Pandu becomes the king because of DhirtarashtraтАЩs blindness. Pandu marries Kunti and Madri. PanduтАЩs elder queen gives birth to three sons Yudhishtra, Bhima, and Arjuna as the sons of the gods, and to Nakula and Sahadeva.
Against them are ranged the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra, led by Duryodhana. Karna the first born son of Kunti to the sun god, and discarded by her at birth, is on the side of the Kauravas.
In Mahabharata, love, hate, loyalty, arrogance, wisdom, thirst for knowledge, will power, cunning, self-control, weakness and many other human qualities come into beautiful play. The birth of the princes, their education and their rivalry is narrated beautifully in this video with exclusive animation and rich content.
"The Mahabharata is the national epic of India and has the status of the fifth Veda. A vast work of legends, ethics and philosophy, the Mahabharata has the Kurukshetra war as its kernel. According to scholars, the Kurukshetra war took place 5000 years back in the Indian subcontinent.
This part tells about the youth and marriage of the Pandavas the pivotal тАЬgame of diceтАЭ, the turning point in the Mahabharata. As the Pandavas lose their kingdom and respect through the game of dice played by the otherwise wise Dharmaputra, it is an object lesson to gamblers. The part shows the great generosity of Karna, DuryodhanaтАЩs great friend. We see Indra diminish the power of Karna by begging for his natural armour and earrings. Find out in this part how Draupadi came to be the wife of the five Pandava brothers. The occasion of the inauguration of the great palace of the Pandavas leads to unwitting insults to Duryodhana, who hatches the plot of deprive the Pandavas of their kingdom. Beautifully narrated with excellent dialogues, this part of Mahabharata is the one, which will always be chirshed, by one and all.
"Mahabharata, the greatest epic of Indian mythology, is a great treasure of Indian and its tradition. The rivalry between cousins, the poignant turns that it takes exposition of ethics and the rewards of righteousness are beautifully portrayed in the Mahabharata.
This part of the Mahabharata deals with the period of exile of the Pandavas. After the humiliating game of dice, the crestfallen Pandavas leave the palace of Hastinapur. The Pandavas along with Draupadi reach a forest.
Lord Surya gives a magic vessel to the Pandavas, from which they get unlimited food. Arjuna leaves for Indrakiladri hill to get weapons from Lord Shiva. After testing Arjuna, Lord Shiva gives him powerful weapons. Egged on by Duryodhana, Karna poses as a Brahmin and learns great mantras from guru Parasurama. When the latter comes to know of KarnaтАЩs true identity, he curses him.
Krishna teaches Arjuna a lesson in humility by demonstrating to him the generosity of Karna. Krishna also saves Draupadi form DurvasaтАЩs curse. Bhima kills the demon Jarasandha, Duryodhana is saved by Arjuna from the attack of the gandharvas. In the famous episode of the Yaksha, YudhishtraтАЩs moral stature brings back his dead brothers to life.
This is a great chapter of the Mahabharata with thrilling twists and turns. It teaches us that duty comes firstтАж rewards follow on their own accord.
"This part of Mahabharata explains about the last year of exile of the Pandavas. After the completion of 12 years of exile in the forest, in the thirteenth year, they had to live by concealing their true identity. This phase is called the Virata Parva, as they stayed in the kingdom of Virata.
Yudhishtra adopted the garb of a himself. Arjuna passed himself off as a eunuch. Yudhishtra became king VirataтАЩs companion and spent his days playing dice with him. Bhima worked as the chief cook. Arjuna assumed the name of Brihannala and taught dance and music to princess Uttara. Nakula looked after the horses and Sahadeva tended to the cows and bulls.
The princess Draupadi served VirataтАЩs queen, Sudeshna. Bhima kills Keechaka, the brother of the queen, for attempting to molest Draupadi. News reaches Duryodhana and he finds out about the whereabouts of the Pandavas.
DuryodhanaтАЩs forces battle the army of King Virata. At the end, the Pandavas reveal their identity. They return and ask for the kingdom. But Duryodhana refuses to give them even an inch of territory.
War proves to be the only course. Krishna gives his army to Duryodhana and becomes a charioteer to Arjuna. Kunti approaches her eldest son Karna and requests him to join the Pandavas. He declines the proposal but grants her the boon of not attacking Arjuna twice with his lethal arrows.
Travel to the time of the Pandavas by viewing this imaginatively told animation story
"This is the most important part of Mahabharata. The great Kurukshetra war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the Bhagavad-Gita given by Lord Krishna, the final moments of Bhishma and Karna, and Krishna revealing his awesome divine form are found in this part. Every moment of Mahabharata will thrill and elevate you.
The 18 days of war is explained clearly with a beautiful story line. The death of Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Abhimanyu, Duryodhana, the bravery of Karna, Arjuna, Ghatothkacha, ShikandiтАЩs revenge, the great plots of the war including that of Chakravyuha, the killing of Ashwattama are depicted here beautifully.
The aftermath of the war and the end of the Pandavas reveals clearly that time and tide catch up with all men, but only those elevated morally make life worth livening.
"The Jataka Tales are a veritable treasure of Indian folklore, legend and fable. Each time these popular stories are told, they acquire a new color and fresh dimension. Besides being entertaining, the Jataka tales give us invaluable information about ancient Indian civilization, culture and philosophy. The wisdom of right thinking and right living is preserved in the Jataka tales.
This collection includes a selection of fascinating animal tales on the theme of courage. Be inspired by the fascinating tale of the brave pig that kills greedy tiger and becomes the chief of its tribe. Take a page from the life of a lion-hearted deer that makes a king quit hunting for ever. View the friendship between a farmer and a crab and find out how the crab saves the farmerтАЩs life. Find out how a minister-swan saves the life of the king-swan. We will also remember forever the tales of the bold and wise tree and the dauntless goat narrated beautifully in this collection.
The gods and goddesses of Hinduism are powers of our body, mind and soul. The stories and attributes of these gods strengthen our spirit. Ganesa, the son of Shiva and Sati beckons us first with his unique formтАж he has an elephant- head and huge tummy but rides on a mouse! The story of Sati and Shiva is the story of the destruction that pride brings. Vishnu, the protector pervades the universe but takes special forms to come to the help of the good people. Hanuman, the monkey warrior is a symbol of service and devotion and mighty power. The episode of the insult of Draupadi in the Mahabharata shows that absolute faith in God brings his grace towards one. Karthikeya, the great son of Shiva and Shakti is the embodiment of beauty and power. Lakshmi brings luck, victory and riches. Sita, of course, is the fascinating hero of the Ramayana. Track the stories of these great powers in this graphic animation and grow in strength and spirit. Welcome to the world of the gods. Time stands still hereтАж and the world of beauty and enchantment begins.
"Hindu mythology presents the clash between the devas (gods) and asuras (demons)... but not all devas are presented as paragons of virtue and not all asuras are shown as embodiments of evil.
Kumbakarna, the brother of Ravana in the Ramayana fought on behalf of Ravana against Rama, but not before speaking up for justice. Kumbakarna is a colorful figure, extraordinary in might but also afflicted with the extraordinary in might but also for longs spells of time. His relationship with Ravana, as also his affection for his righteous brother Vibhishana and his tragic death in the battlefield are immortal scenes from the Ramayana. This film presents the graphic story of KumbhakarnaтАЩs life and death in a very interesting manner.
The other demon is GhatothkajтАж From the Mahabharata. Son of Bhima, renowned for his might and fighting qualities, and the demoness Hidimbo, Ghatathkaj was also a master of magic. This story of Ghatothkaj is new, full of humour, and fun. The Pandavas were cheated by the Kauravas in the game of dice. Ghatothkaj exposes the foul play of Shakuni. In the process, there is an interesting meeting between Ghatothkaj and Krishna. Ghatothkaj caused the maximum damage to the Kaurava army before he was killed by Karna. The tale of Ghatothkaj and the heroic sacrifice he made for his father Bhima is beautifully animated in this film.
"Shiva beckons sweetly тАж.Shiva inspires awe.
Shiva is the foremost of asceticsтАж.Shiva, the greatest of lovers.
Shiva spells the cosmic danceтАж yet Shiva signifies the wordless silence.
Shiva is the Lord of timeтАж but Shiva is eternal
Shiva is infiniteтАж..yet Shiva manifest everywhere.
From the great heights of Kailas to the golden sands of Rameswaram, millions of hearts overflow with devout supplication to the deity who spans the opposites and shows the way to transcendence.
тАШLord Shiva тАУ Initiation into MeditationтАЩ quietly takes you into the heart of Shiva through the multifarious significances of ShivaтАЩs many aspects and attributes. Even as the magic of the evening sky summons one to the mystery and profundity of the star-spangled heavens, through hanunting visuals and meditative music this video leads the viewer into the ineffable essence of Shiva. Watching the waves of the sea and staring at the horizon gives one a sense of infinityтАж the swell and current of Shiva contemplation silence the mind and leads it into the rearfied universe of the deity. Meditation on the eight forms of Shiva, a journey through the jyotirlingas and reflection on the oneness that animates all forms, based on authentic Vedic and Sanskrit sources are clinching visual-aural tracts of lasting beauty. Welcome to a lovely s├йance with the deity who is life, death and the Beyond, which in the resounding Vedic affirmation means life
"Panchatantra tells about five ways that help the human being succeed in life. Pancha means five and tantra means ways or principles. Addressed to the kingтАЩs children, the stories are primarily about statecraft and are popular throughout the world.
This story states how a person has to act smart and intelligent in times of crisis instead of believing in fate.
It is the story of four friends, who in spite of their knowledge lack common sense and finally lose their lives.
This is the story of an intelligent jackal who escapes from a lion with his quick action.
This story clearly explains the rivalry between the crows and owls and how a crow makes a fool of the entire family of owls. Strangers should never be encouraged is the moral of the story.
A donkey and his master fool the villagers, but learn the hard way that they cannot fool people all the time.
This story explains clearly that even a weak person can conquer a mighty one with proper planning.
This is the story of a weaver, who gets a boon, but fails to utilize it and loses his life.
Opportunities knock once and we have to make use of them, is the moral of the story.
This is the story of a jackal, lion and crow that betray a camel and make his sacrifice his life. Mean friends can cost one dear.
The sun and the wind prove their might in a competition. The sun proves that he is stronger, because he is intelligent in choosing the area of his strength. Anyone who works on his area of strength is always successful.
"India has produced great Heros who excelled in bravery, daring and chivalry. Prithviraj Chauhan, Tippu Sultan, Rani of Jhansi and Chatrapati Shivaji are national heroes who inspire us by their exploits. They were great warriors who showed vision, leadership and Courage of conviction. These Indian heroes battled against all odds and reached the pinnacle of success by their courage, determination and perseverance. Their lives have inspired many generations of Indians and continue to inspire millions of Indians and others all around the world.
The story of Prithviraj Chauhan is a captivating web of romance, bravery, chivalry and superhu man daring. The love of Prithviraj and Samyogita is the stuff of folklore. The courage that this great ruler showed in quelling his enemies was only matched by his eagerness to forgive. The way he ultimately clinched the climax in his favour with a feat extraordinary archery, is clinching.
The Tiger of Mysore, who once grappled with a tiger and killed it, then took on the might of the British Empire. He aligned with the French, and despite heavy odds would not give up and fought to the finish.
This 19th century warrior queen gave the British sleepless nights with her unquenchable spirit, bravery and self-respect. Her story of guts and sacrifice was an inspiration to the war of independence that follwed.
Brought up on the stories of the mythological Heros, this great Mahratta not only cocked a snook at the might Moghul Empire but also built a dominion of his own. Shivaji was an unbelievable amalgam of personal bravery and the sense of strategy. He knew when to strike and when to give in.
"Folk tales are the wisdom of ages of experience. They can be fairy tales, legends, myths, tall tales and trickster talesтАж they impact culture, intelligence, ethics and camaraderie to children. The Indian folk tales in this collection are a captivating blend of morals and humour.
The story of the poor but generous keshav. Learn about the simple man whose generosity brings kings and queens to his hut. Find out for yourself the climax of this enchanting tale. You will be astonished and ennobled.
A story of a woodcutter who becomes rich but fails to keep his promises to help the poor. How does he find out that he must keep his word?
A smart deer who escape from captivityтАж his weaponsтАж presence of mind and intelligence.
A miser is hated even by those close to him. God teaches a good lesson to penny-pincher Sushil.
From what goes on between the donkey and the dog one learns- keep good advice to yourself unless asked for.
A good man gets a magic pumpkin and all the goodiesтАж.but when his greedy brother tries to get another one for himself, all he gets is the pumpkin leaving the magic for us to savourтАж There are no shortcuts to goodness of heart and the great things that it brings.
"Every day thousands of kids read AesopтАЩs fables and are transported to an enchanted world. Through these enjoyable and instructive stories, their experience of life is enhanced. The fables, usually involving personified animals, are a popular choice for moral education of children today. They are narrated here vividly with graphic animation.
One good turn deserves another. The dove helps the ant that is struggling for life. And the ant, in spite of being small, comes to the doveтАЩs help at a crucial moment.
A donkey who keeps switching jobs finds out the great truth about contentment.
Find out how a father teaches his sons learn about the power of unityтАж The story has a moral for parents too on how to make children see light!
Can a mouse save a lion? He canтАж as you will find out from this story. No one can be so small as to be ignored.
A tortoise wants to fly like an eagle. But finally, the truth dawns upon himтАж
Precautions are useless after the crisis тАУ A beautiful story featuring a parrot and a bat.
It is hard to change the qualities that one is born with. In this tale an eccentric king, makes the monkeys of the town dress up and dance like humans. But on seeing peanuts, they cast their dance outfits to reveal the creatures they truly are; monkeys.
Those who enter through the backdoor might just be thrown out of the window. This moral unravels beautifully with a street dog and a pet dog from a good home.
Never leave a friend who believes you. This important principle is well told through two friends who chance upon a bear during their travels.
An interesting tale on how focus leads to victory. This is a beautiful story of a fox, a tortoise and a cat, who each plot their escape craftily.
A hare who believes that his friends will help him in times of trouble, finally understands that he alone can help himself.
"Go on an enchanting journey with the stories of yore. Hop on and take a ride with the witty Tenali, the wise Birbal and a host of you favourite animal friends with this collection of unforgettable tales.
This is the story of a proud and pompous monkey King who refused to relinquish his throne even under extreme circumstance. When one of the KingтАЩs heirs evades his evil plants of deeming him unfit to rule, the KingтАЩs cunning son helps him win the crown back.
Here we learn that one should make the best use of an opportunity that presents itself, for opportunity knocks at our doors but once.
Not everybody can claim to be a know-it-all. This tale tells us that it is important to be receptive to otherтАЩs point of view.
In this story, Tenali Raman outwits a band of thieves and makes them work for him. When the tired King hears this tale, his spirits are lifted and he presents Tenali with a bag of gold coins.
In this story, Tenali teaches the careless Krishnadevaraya a lesson, for blinding following the words of his ministers.
In AkbarтАЩs Court, there were many courtiers who envied BirbalтАЩs closeness with Akbar and they often plotted against Birbal. This amusing tale tells of how Birbal outwitted their plans.
BirbalтАЩs wisdom was his strength. He was called upon by Emperor Akbar on several occasions, to solve difficult cases owing to his keen sense of judgment.
Akbar oft tested Birbal and made many attempts to outwit him. In the end, it was always Birbal that came out victorious.
This is the story of a brave crab and his wife, who save the inhabitants of a pond from the clutches of an evil crane.
This is the story of a silly jackal that falls into a tub of blue dye and his adventures that follow.
"The Pandavas are the true heroes of Indian mythology. These super heroes are the mind-born sons of gods like Indra, Yama and Surya. But they learnt their skills of warfare through hard work, sincerity, devotion, truthfulness and courage.
Pandu was the king of Hastinapur and his brother Dhritharashtra was blind. PanduтАЩs wife was Kunti and through a boon, she was able to get children by invoking the Gods. The five mind-born sons are called тАЬPandavasтАЭ. Dhritharashtra had a hundred sons (called Kauravas). The eldest one was Duryodhana.
Drona, the greatest archer becomes the teacher of these princes and it is an interesting turning point. The Kauravas hated the Pandavas right from the start. Many instances show the hatred and jealousy of the Kauravas. Once Bhima was attacked and thrown into a pond but he was saved by the queen of snakes.
Competition between the princes in warfare and archery adds spice to the story. Arjuna was the favorite student of Drona, and we learn why. Ekalavya, a hunter boy, becomes a self-taught archer but ends up giving his right thumb as a fee to Drona.
The story of Bala Pandvas brings to light the innocence, humility, anger, jealousy, valour and courage of the cousins of the great dynasty. The qualities that they showed as children came to the fore when they grew up. This part of the Mahabharata is rife with emotions and deep lessons for life.
"Garuda was born to Sage Kashyapa and was the largest being on the earth, big enough to block out the sun. He had a golden body, a white face, red wings, the head of an eagle and the body of a man. Garuda was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu and a symbol of the force of speed and martial prowess.
Because of his sheer size, the Gods were scared he would harm them. But eventually he was resorted to his normal form. His mother was the queen of birds and his father had another wife who was the queen of serpents. The queen of serpents imprisoned GarudaтАЩs mother by cheating her in a bet. Garuda was asked to get celestial nectar, as a fee for releasing his mother. He reached heaven and after numer ous hurdles, with the help of Lord Vishnu, he got the nectar and freed his mother.
Thanks to his selfless nature, Vishnu blessed him and made him his mount. His devotion to Vishnu surpassed all others and he was his mount in every from that Vishnu attained, be it as Krishna, Rama, Narasimha or Lord Balaji. When Vishnu took the incarnation as Krishna, Garuda helped him find the Syamantaka Jewel and even helped him marry Sathyabhama. Later Narakasura, a cruel demon was killed by Sathyabhama with the help of Krishna and Garuda.
In this series, the epic adventures of Garuda are narrated in an exciting animated format. Children and adults alike will enjoy the rich narrative and gripping stories and will relive every one of GarudaтАЩs.
"Kalakshetra Group And A Solo By Krishnaveni Lakshmanan
Glamorously packaged snippets of a number of star performers, talented newcomers and extracts from popular dance drams тАУ a birdтАЩs eye view of some of the different styles, some basic info about each style, has all been rolled into one TV serial тАУ when The Gods Dance. The first episode starts wit Kalakshetra, IndiaтАЩs leading Institution of Fine Arts situated in Chennai. Founded by Smt.Rukmani Devi Aundale in 1936, Kalakshetra can more appropriated be described as a тАЬTemple of Fine ArtsтАЭ, Art lovers from all over the world come here to learn the Indian are froms under this Banyan tree. The principal Krishnaveni Lakshmanan demonstrates a small item to her students. We also have the senior staffs of Kalakshetra who have been under direct tutelage of Rukmani Devi saying a few words, followed by a Thillana choreographed by Smt Rukmani Devi.
Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam (Bharata Nrityam)
V.P.Dhananjayan (Kathakali)
This episode features two famous dancers, Shri V.P.Dhananjayan and Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam. The foremost among those who were trained at Kalashetra but later established their own schools of dance are Shri Dhananjeyan and Smt.Shanta Dhananjeyan. Shri Dhananjeyan who is an exponent of not only Bharathanatyam but also Kathakali, performs his most popular item тАЬ Deiva Karrunyam,тАЭ The Indian press praised Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam as having opened a new chapter in the history of Bharathanatyam. In this episode, she performs Kalings Nartanam, an extract from тАЬKrishnaya thubyam namahaтАЭ which describes how Krishna won over Kalinga, the multi headed serpent and danced on it.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest form of Indian Classical dance is a combination of music, expression and rhythm. The two facets of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasya (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. I encompass all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevate the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one.
1. Dance Prayers
2. Preparatory Exercises
3. Basic Thattadavus - Stamping of feet
4. Nattadavus тАУ Introduction of stretches
5. Mandi Adavus тАУ Sitting adavus
6. Paraval Adavus тАУ Space covering adavus
7. Hastha Mudras тАУ Hand Gestures
8. Alarippu & Jatisvaram тАУ the first tow items in a margam.
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekala Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious chorographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekala started dancing at the tender age of seven with her immitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classic to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani, Tamilnadu state award, and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest from of Indian classical dance in a combination of music expression and rhythm. The two faces of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasysa (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. It encompasses all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevates the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one.
1. Kuttumettu Adavus тАУ jumping adavus
2. Sarakkal Adavus тАУ sliding adavus
3. Prainkan Adavus тАУdiagonal moving steps
4. Teermanams тАУending adavus
5. Varnam -3rd item and the central piece of a Margam.
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekal Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious choreographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekal strated dancing at the tender age of seven with her inimitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classics to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani. Tamilnadu state award and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala Bharath is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ, an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest from of Indian classical dance in a combination of music expression and rhythm. The two faces of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasysa (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. It encompasses all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevates the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one
1. Padal Adavus тАУ leaps
2. Utplavanam Adavus тАУfront & side jumps.
3. Thattumettu Adavus тАУ stamp & Jump
4. Behas тАУ Head & Feet movements.
5. Rasas тАУ Nine Moods in dance
6. Gaits тАУ Dance Walks
7. Abhinaya тАУ Padam & Javali тАУfacial expressions
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekal Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious choreographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekal strated dancing at the tender age of seven with her inimitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classics to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani. Tamilnadu state award and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala Bharath is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ, an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest from of Indian classical dance in a combination of music expression and rhythm. The two faces of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasysa (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. It encompasses all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevates the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one.
1. Teermana Korvais тАУending steps
2. Combination Teermana Korvais тАУ ending combination steps.
3. Yatis тАУdifferent kinds of steps
4. Ananda Tandavam тАУ Shiva & Parvati dancing happily to sollukattus or syllables
5. Innovations тАУ usage of props, dancing to contemporary themes
6. Tillana тАУ Tillana is a pure nritta item. It shows a variety of movements and time measures for one line of music & geometrical precision in foot work.
7. Kavadi Sindhu тАУ A Kavadisindhu is a light hearted song set in a folk lore tune singing the praises of Lord Muruga, son of Lord Shiva.
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekal Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious choreographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekal strated dancing at the tender age of seven with her inimitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classics to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani. Tamilnadu state award and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala Bharath is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ, an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"The ancient Indian art and of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help those suffering from arthritis by improving joint function, increasing the range of joint movement and by reducing the pain. Yoga helps normalize the immune system and balance the anabolic-catabolic metabolism thus brining about an improvement in the arthritic condition.
1. Introduction to Yoga for arthritis
2. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
3. Tala Asana
4. Hastha Kona Asana
5. Hamsa Mudra
6. Garuda Asana
7. Sukha Asana
8. Danda Asana
9. Vakra Asana
10. Gomukha Asana
11. Manduka Asana
12. Chatus Pada Asana
13. Chatus Pada Kriya
14. Vyagraha Pranayama
15. Mehru Asana
16. Chiri Kriya
17. Purvottana Asana
18. Brahma Asana
19. Pawan Mukta Asana
20. Dridha Kriya
21. Bhujanga Asana
22. Dhanur Asana
23. Makara Asana
24. Sheetali Pranayama
25. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
26. Bhramari Pranayama
27. Kavi Pranayama
28. Pranava Pranayama
29. Shpanda- Nishpanda Kriya
30. Kaya Kriya
31. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
32. Chakra Meditation
33. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems faced by the diabetic patients. Yoga reduces stress and balances the metabolic, autonomic and endocrine functions. The regular practice of Yoga helps reduce insulin resistance and improves the glucose utilization and response to a glucose load. Yoga can thus help in the prevention and control of Diabetes and may prevent many of its deadly complications.
1. Introduction to Yoga for diabetes
2. Surya Namaskar
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Pada Hastha Asana
5. Trikona Asana
6. Padottana Asana
7. Vajra Asana
8. Sapurna Sasha Asana
9. Purna Sasha Asana
10. Danda Kriya
11. Vakra Asana
12. Ardha Matsyendra Asana
13. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
14. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
15. Shirasa Uttana Asana
16. Pawan Mukta Asana
17. Jatara Parivritta Asana
18. Sarvanga Asana
19. Janu Sirasa Sarvanga Asana
20. Viparita Karani
21. Hala Asana
22. Matsya Asana
23. Nava Asana
24. Paschimottana Asana
25. Bhujangasana
26. Dhanur Asana
27. Kukkriya Pranayama
28. Kavi Pranayama
29. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
30. Pranava Pranayama
31. Shavasana
32. Om Japa
33. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems related to the digestive system. Yoga helps to normalize all functions of our digestive system such as ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and excretion. Common problems of acidity, excess gas formation and psychosomatic condition such as the irritable bowel syndrome are corrected by a regular Yoga practice. It is important to have regular meals with green vegetable salads, fresh fruit juices and sprouts. Better to have less salt, spices and oily foods and have a fruit fast once in awhile. Maintain good hydration, avoid junk foods and try to eat mainly seasonal foods to ensue a healthy digestive system.
1. Surya Namaskar
2. Trikona DVD Asana
3. Parshava Kona Asana
4. Padottana Asana
5. Garuda Asana
6. Sapruna Sasha Asana
7. Dharmika Asana
8. Ushtra Asana
9. Danda Asana
10. Vakra Asana
11. Ardha Matsyendra Asana
12. Eka Pada Uttanapada Asana
13. Dwi Pada Uttanapada Asana
14. Shirasa Uttana Asana
15. Pawan Mukta Asana
16. Jatara Parivitta Asana
17. Sarvanga Asana
18. Janu Sirasa Sarvanga Asana
19. Viparita Karani
20. Hala Asana
21. Matsya Asana
22. Nava Asana
23. Paschimottana Asana
24. Bhujangasana
25. Dhanur Asana
26. Surya Nadi Pranayama
27. Kukkriya Pranayama
28. Shavasana
29. Shpanda Nishpanda Kriya
30. Om Japa
31. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems faced by the hypertensive patients. Yoga helps balance the autonomic nervous system, reduce stress, improve cardiac function and correct the blood lipid profile, thus creating a healthy cardiovascular system. Yoga can thus help in the prevention and control of hypertension and may prevent many of its deadly complications.
1. Introduction to Yoga for hypertension
2. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Trikona Asana
5. Pada Hastha Asana
6. Padottana Asana
7. Sukha Asana
8. Vajra Asana
9. Sapurna Sasha Asana
10. Purna Sasha Asana
11. Chatus Pada Asana
12. Chatus Pada Kriya
13. Vyagraha Pranayama
14. Mehru Asana
15. Chiri Kriya
16. Ushtra Asana
17. Gomuksh Asana
18. Vakra Asana
19. Purvottana Asana
20. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
21. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
22. Pawan Mukta Asana
23. Sarvanga Asana
24. Viparita Karani
25. Sapurna Matsya Asana
26. Bhujanga Asana
27. Makara Asana
28. Bhramari Pranayama
29. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
30. Pranava Pranayama
31. Shavasana
32. Shpanda тАУ Nishpanda Kriya
33. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
34. Om Japa
35. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices form the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems related to the neck and back. Yoga improves posture, stretches and relaxes the paraspinal musculature and increases flexibility and turnablity of the whole spine.
1. Introduction to Yoga for spinal health
2. Tala Asana
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Trikona Asana
5. Parshava Kona Asana
6. Hamsa Mudra
7. Garuda Asana
8. Vajra Asana
9. Purna Sasha Asana
10. Ushtra Asana
11. Gomukha Asana
12. Manduka Asana
13. Vakra Asana
14. Danda Asana
15. Chatus Pada Asana
16. Chatus Pada Kriya
17. Vyagraha Pranayama
18. Mehru Asana
19. Chiri Kriya
20. Brahma Mudra
21. Dridha Kriya
22. Pawan Mukta Asana
23. Purvottana Asana
24. Bhujanga Asana
25. Dhanur Asana
26. Makara Asana
27. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
28. Pranava Pranayama
29. Sheetali Pranayama
30. Shpanda тАУ Nishpanda Kriya
31. Kaya Kriya
32. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
33. Chakra Meditation
34. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary Indian freedom fighter whose very name spells fearlessness. His courageous actions brought a renaissance in the minds of the Indian people. Born in a family, which had earlier been involved in revolutionary activities against the British Raj in India, the mind of young Bhagat Singh was shaped early in patriotism. You will see in this animated video, how he grew up to be a patriotic leader whose heart brimmed with love for India. Thrown into prison by the British, Bhagat Singh fasted for 63 days demanding equal rights for Indian political prisoners. He was hanged for shooting a police officer in response to the brutal killing of veteran freedom fighter Lala Lajpat Rai. Bhagat Singh fearless example of fighting the mighty British Empire was followed by the youth of India. His unselfish life of daring and fearlessness inspires us to this day.
Mangal Pandey, an ordinary sepoy in the employment of the British became a great hero when he rebelled against their tyranny. The First War of Independence (1857 тАУ 1858) was the first widespread uprising against the rule of the British. There were many who fought in that struggle which was belittled by the British as the sepoy mutiny. But the seeds of the revolt were cast by Mangal Pandey, a quiet soldier who fought with courage and determination against British atrocities. Mangal Pandey was a solider in the 34th Regiment of the Bengal Native Infantry of the English East India Company. Pandey was born in the village of Nagwa in district Ballia (Uttar Pradesh). He jointed the English East India CompanyтАЩs forces in 1849 at the age of 22. Pandey was part of the regiment and fought its officers to protect his dignity and self-respect. At a time when the British seemed invincible, Mangal Pandey courage made him fight them. The result was a mutiny against the British army, which spread to many parts of India. This animated story brings to life the bravery and daring of the great Indian soldier who sacrificed his life for the motherland.
Dhruva was an ardent young devotee of Vishnu, a prince blessed by Lord Vishnu with eternal life and glory as the Pole Star (Dhruva Nakshatra). The story of DhruvaтАЩs life is often told to Hindu children as an example of perseverance, devotion, steadfastness and fearlessness. Denied his fatherтАЩs love by his stepmother, Dhruva sought the blessings of Vishnu. His steadfastness and devotion won him the grace of the divine sage Narada who instructed him in the path of God. Vishnu was pleased with the boyтАЩs penance and showered his blessings on him. The boy was then received by his earthly father with overflowing love.
Prahaladha, the child devotee of Vishnu is considered to be one of the greatest saints of God. Hiranyakashipu casts himself as the enemy of Vishnu. He gets great boons from the creator Brahma, and imagines that nobody can kill him. He then proclaims that he himself is God. But his son Prahaladha, tutored in the way of god-love even when he was in his mothers womb, is living proof of the demons crooked ways. When the demon comes to know of this, he tries to kill him again and final take, as you will see with wonderment in this beautiful animation, Vishnu takes the form of the stupendous man-lion Narasimha and tears the demon to pieces with his nails, Prahaladha is blessed with a long life of piety and rules his people justly. He becomes an example to humanity of a life of extraordinary devotion to God.
"Hanuman is one of the most memorable characters of the Ramayana. He is regarded as the peak of sacrifice, devotion, bravery and loyalty and is widely worshipped in India as a god. HanumanтАЩs great actions as Lord RamaтАЩs messenger are famous but his birth and childhood are not so well known, hence Bal Hanuman.
Bal Hanuman presents beautifully the story of the young Hanuman and his innocent pranks. An Apsara by name Anjana marries Kesari, the monkey warrior. She gives birth to Hanuman with the grace of Lord Shiva, Hanuman, who has formidable strength, plays many pranks, which are all beautifully presented in this animated video. Hanuman takes the rising sun to be a fruit and files into the sky to pluck it. The childhood sports of the superhuman Hanuman narrated here vividly will energise the minds of children.
Hanuman, who is full of ethical values, is a great power who protects devotees from bad influences and leads them to a higher life of triumph and achievement.
"Jalauddin Muhammad Akbar also known as Akbar the Great 1542-1605, Mughal emperor of India (1556 тАУ 1605); son of Humayun, grandson of Babar. Akbar is widely considered the greatest of the Mughal emperors.
He was only 13 when he became emperor. Although he was himself illiterate, Akbar had so much interest in learning, that his courts at Delhi, Agra, and Fatehpur Sikri became centers of the arts, letters, and learning. He founded his own religious cult, the Dini-Ilahi or the тАЬDiving FaithтАЭ.
In order to govern this territories well, Akbar developed a bureaucracy, which was among the most efficient. He also gave autonomy to his imperial provinces. Akbar lost his best friends and his most faithful servants before he finally succumbed to a very painful abdominal illness. He was buried at Sikandra near Agra in a splendid mausoleum of enormous proportions, which he himself has caused to be built. The memorial stands witness had caused to be built. The memorial stands witness to one of the greatest emperors, India ever had. This animated video brings alive the memory of a great ruler of daring vision and religious tolerance.
"Birbal is one of the most-loved personalities in the folklore of India. The with and wisdom of Birbal endeared him not only to Emperor Akbar, but also to a vast majority of the subjects of the Mughal Empire. He was a good administrator, a good soldier and perhaps what pleased Akbar the most тАУ a good jester.
This animation of BirbalтАЩs life and career includes vivid segments about:
(i) BirbalтАЩs first meeting with Akbar.
(ii) BirbalтАЩs background and his great entry into AkbarтАЩs court.
(iii) How Birbal cleverly outwits a plot to kill him.
(iv) Birbal and AkbarтАЩs moustache.
(v) How Birbal saves an innocent man form great punishment and many more stories marked by interesting twists and unexpected turns.
These stories from BirbalтАЩs great life will show children the importance of qualities like wisdom, wit, presence of mind, sweet speech, kindness and the like. Never a dull moment with Birbal when your kids imbibe his character and qualities there lives too will be full of joy and achievement.
"The story of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-faced god of success and destroyer of obstacles is full of interest and appeal to the young. The anecdotes connected with this god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth are vividly animated in this video.
Find out how Vinayaka, as he is called, came to have an elephant-head. You will learn that it is an outcome of his devotion to mother Parvati. Ganesh learns in another episode that he should harm no living creature. Parvati teaches him this moral when he plays with an ant. A great lesson for kids.
Another interesting story is about Kroncha, who becomes the vehicle of Ganesh in the form of a sage is finally brought to his sense by Ganesh. Another interesting story is about the formation of the river Cauvery with the help of Lord Ganesh. Learn how Kashi became the holy of Lord Ganesh. Learn how Kashi became the holy city after the killing of Durasana. Find out how Ganesh tests and blesses a mother and her daughter who are his devotees.
The beautifully animated anecdotes of Lord Ganesh will captivate kids and make them learn many excellent values.
"тАЬIf you say God dwells only in the mosque or He dwells only in an idol, then who dwells in the rest of the world? Search for Him in your heart, search for Him deep within yourself. That is the place where He lives, that is His true abode. тАЬThis is KabirтАЭ.
Lord Vishnu transforms a flower into a handsome kid and Lakshmi leaves it on the banks of the river Ganga. A poor Muslim weaver finds the kid and takes him home. Kabir, the mystic who is beyond mere ritual and the heart and soul of every religion.
Find out how Kabir becomes a disciple of the great Hindu saint Raman and. He goes on to transcend the outward forms of Hinduism and Islam and becomes a mystic who knows the ultimate truth. Kabir teaches a lesson to a fakir who is proud of his holiness, and saves his King from a strict sultan.
Many interesting stories in this animated video will draw you towards the truth of KabirтАж..and enlarge your spiritual horizon for ever.тАЭ God cannot be seen by the eyes nor perceived by the senses; He cannot be heard by the ears nor described through words; He is beyond the reach of physical efforts, yet, for the convenience of expression, we call him the ultimate creator of all.тАЭ These were the words of Kabir about the Supernatural Power.
Narasimhachari and Smt. Vasantalakshmi (Kuchipudi)
Urmila Satyanarayana (Bharatanatyam)
Priyalata Arun (Bharatanatyam)
This episode features Smt.Urmila Satyanarayana, one of the most promising artists of the younger generation and a senior disciple of тАЬSarasalayaтАЭ established by Smt.K.J.Sarasa. She performs тАЬNatesa KouthuvamтАЭ in praise of Lord Nataraja. Next item is from a тАЬmade for each otherтАЭ star couple тАУ Shri Narasimhatchari and Smt.Vasantalakshmi, who are equally well-known world wide for their Kuchipudi piece тАУ Jathikattu in this serial. This also features Smt.Priyalata Arun of Singapore Indian Fine arts society. With over 800 students on its rolls, Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society is probably the largest institution of its kind outside India, teaching Indian Dance, as well as vocal and instrumental music. Smt.Priyalata Arun presents a padam in praise of Lord Muruga.
Chitra Vishveshwara (Bharatanatyam)
The Trio sisters тАУRadhika, Shobana and Gayatri (Bharatanatyam)
Zari Hussian (Bharatanatyam)
T.A.Rajalakshmi and then form Vazhvoor Shri Ramaiyah Pillai. She later established her own style taking center stage as one of IndiaтАЩs leading dance exponents. This part features Chitra performing to a Sanskrit song in praise of the Indian sub-continent rendered by her husband Shri. Vishvehwaran with true dedication to the motherland. Next item is by the sisters Trio, Radhika, Shobana and Gayatri, who take pride in being introduced as among the senior most disciple of the Dhanajeyans, depicting the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Last item is by Shri Zari Hussian, a disciple of Chitra Vishweshwaran, worshipping Shri Ranganatha, the Lord of Srirangam in Tamilnadu through nritya.
"Part - 5
Lata & Gita (Bharatanatyam)
Vijayalakshmi Shivaji (Mohiniattam)
Gayathri (Bharatanatyam)
Kum.Vijayalakshmi, disciple and daughter of the well-known dance exponent Bharathi Shivaji perform SOLLU KAATU in Mohini Attam style. Gentle Mohini Attam a classical dance form of Kerala, is at once captivating and celestial-true to its name, suggesting the dance of the nymphs. The second is a Bharatanatyam number by Lata & Gita, the directors of this dance serial, who have earned a formidable reputation as being in the forefront among dancers of the younger generation. Recipients of two international awards for their choreography and performance at the International Film & Video Festival in Chicago, Lata & Gita present here, BO SAMBO, for the lyries by H.H.Swami Dayananda Saraswathi. The episode concludes with тАЬJAGAT JANANIтАЭ, a padam by Kum Gayathri of the Nrithyalaya Aesthetics Society, a prominent dance institution founded by gurus, Bhaskar and Shanta Bhaskar in Singapore.
Mahalakshmi Narendra (Bharatanatyam)
Uma Muralikrishna (Kuchipudi)
Suryanarayana Moorthy (Bharatanatyam)
This episode treats you with two styles of Indian classical dances.
Smt.Mahalakshmi Narendra, daughter and disciple of well known Gurus Kameshwaran and Saroja Kameshwaran and also a student of Kalashetra performs тАЬ Aananda Nartana GanapathyтАЭ in Bharathanatyam style. Next item is a presentation of Bama Kalapam in Kuchipidi with Uma Muralikrishna taking the lead role of Satya Bama, wife of Lord Krishna. Uma Muralikrishna took training in Bharathanatyam from K.N.Dandayudhapani Pillai and Adyar K.Lakshman and learnt Kuchipudi a classical dance form of Andhra Pradesh from Vempatti Chinna Sathyam, famous for the above-mentioned dance number. The third item is again a Bharathanatyam piece by Suryanarayana Moorthy a disciple of Dhananjeyans. With Lord Krishna as the flautist, Goddess Saraswathi Playing the veena, Nandi on the mridangam and Brahma as the Nattuvanar, Lord Shiva in the form of Ardanareeshwara performs Aananda Thandavam.
"PART -7
KALAKSHETRA group including janardhanan, Balagopal (Bharatanatyam)
APSARAS group (Bharatanatyam)
From the traditional dance dramas to more recent dance ballets WHEN THE GODS DANCE, gibe you a kaleidoscopic view of the Indian dance scene today. This episode features one group India and one from Singapore.
Choodamani Pradanam, a very popular dance drama from Kalakshetra, choreographed by the pioneer Smt.Rukmani Devi Arundale features veterans Shri Balagopal and Shri Janardhanan in the lead roles of Hanuman and Ravana. It is the canto of Ramayana where Hanuman meets Sita in Ashokavanam. Smt.Neila Satylingam a familiar name in the dance world of Singapore, a student of Kalakshetra, has a well established dance school Apsaras in Singapore. The Apsaras group performs a small extract from Ritu Mahatmayam about the different seasons. Music for this is composed by the renowned danseuse Dr.Padma Subramanian and dance is choreographed by Smt.Neila Satyalingam herself.
BHARATA KALANJALI group including V.P.Dhananjeyan (Bharatanatyam)
SARASALAYA group including Srekala Bharath (Bharatanatyam)
This episode features two groups both highlighting Nritta elements of dance. The first is a dance number performed by students of SARASALAYA and the second is by Shri V.P.DhananjeyanтАЩs troupe. With over 500 arangetrams to her credit, Smt.K.J.Sarasa is a recipient of many an honors including the All Indian Sangeet Natak Academy Award Students of her dance school Sarasalaya, perform to SarasaтАЩs choreography of Thanjavoor Shankara IyerтАЩs тАЬ Mahadeva Siva ShamboтАЭ. The episode also features a visit to Bharata Kalanjali an art school run by the Dhananjeyans. After a brief conversation with them, we move on to a scene from their dance drama Sangamitra, on the life of King Ashoka. Choreographed to represent a group of courtesans performing to the great king in the royal courts, Sangamitra features Shri.V.P.Dhananjeyan as King Ashoka.
Radha (Bharatanatyam)
Sandhva And Kiran (Bharatanatyam)
Nrityalaya Aesthetics Society Group (Bharatanatyam)
The dance of Shiva is a favourite theme for all dancers, be it any classical style and so it is to this young couple Sandhaya and Kiran from Bangalore, who have learnt the art of Bharatanatyam from Smt.Padmini Ravi and from Shri. Dhananheyan. The next is a very novel number yet it within the parameters of the classical art. 10 dancers of Nrityalaya Aesthetics society, Singapore, perform 10 Ravanas depicting the 10 heads of Ravana who is on his way to abducting Sita. This number is choreographed by Shri Bhaskar and Smt.Shanta Bhaskar, founders of the well established Nrityalaya Aesthetics Society in Singapore. The third item is Thaye Yashoda, an all time favourite number describing the various pranks of Krishna performed by Smt. Radha, a veteran in the field who started learning Bharatanatyam from Guru Ramaiya Pillai, Yes, the same Radha, one of the popular trio sisters of yester years тАУ Kamala, Radha & Saraswathi.
Chidambaram Academy of Fine Arts тАУ Group (Bharatanatyam)
Kalasamarpana Group Including Narasimhachari and Vasantalakshmi (Bharatanatyam)
This episode takes a peep into the classrooms of one of the popular Bharatanatyam schools in Chennai тАУ Chidambaram Academy of Fine Arts run by the renowned Smt. Chitra Vishveshwaran. Her students then perform to ChitraтАЩs choreography тАЬRAMAR TAALATTUтАЭ which narrates the highlights of Ramayana to young children. Next comes тАЬNARTANAM SEIYENEтАЭ by the popular dancing couple Narasimhacharis and their students at Kalasamarpana. The dancing duo that inspire their students to perform to тАЬNARTANAMSEIYENEтАЭ with Bhakti and devotion, indeed evoking a sense of surrender in the viewer.
"PART тАУ 11
Kalakshetra Group Including Janardhanan, Balagopal, Narendra. (Bharatanatyam)
Vishnu Narayansamy (Bharatanatyam)
In this episode, we feature an extract from Panchali Sabadam performed by artistes of Kalakshetra. As the story goes Yudhishtra, the eldest of the Pandavas while playing a game of dice with Duryogana, the eldest of the Kauravas, places his wife as the prize money and loses her. Panchali is put to shame in the middle of the court by Duchadanan. Panchali alias Draupadi prays to Lord Krishna to save her. With the grace of the Lord, the saree seems endless. Choreographed by Smt.Krishnaveni Lakshmanan, senior disciple of Smt. Rukmani Devi, heroine of many a dance production, and Principal of Kalakshetra, this dance drama features veteran performers Janardhanan and Balagopal in the lead roles of Duryodana and uncle Shakuni. This also features a solo number, a padam on Lord Shiva, by Shri Vishnu Narayansamy, a student of тАЬApsarasтАЭ Singapore. Shri Satyalingam and Smt.Neila Satyalingam run the well-established school of art тАУ APSARAS.
Leela Samson (Bharatanatyam)
Lata & Gita (Bharatanatyam)
Leela Samson, a celebrated exponent of the traditional Kalakshetra style of dancing, and one of the most highly acclaimed disciples of Rukmani Devi Arundale, has performed in many countries around the world. She presents a romantic padam, where the heroine is eagerly awaiting her lover. The next is performed by the directors of this serial, Lata & Gita. They perform an extract from their Ballet тАЬVaibogameтАЭ. This dance drama about four celestial wedding has received rave reviews. Valli Thirumanam тАУ the wedding of Valli is choreographed and performed by Lata & Gita Both the numbers in this episode give prominence to Abhinaya or expression.
"PART тАУ 13
Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam & Nrithyodaya Group (Bharathi Nrityam)
Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society (Bharata Natyam)
With a strength of over 800 students, Singapore Indian Fine arts are one of the largest institutions outside India to promote Indian arts and culture. The first item in Mahesa Tandavam in praise of Lord Nataraja by students of Singapore Indian Fine arts. The second number is a Thillana from тАЬSri Gurubyo NamahaтАЭ is one of the many dance drams choreographed by Padma. It is dedicated to H.H.Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswati Swamigal, Paramacharya of Kanchi and highlights the worship of six deities of the Hindu Pantheon.
Gandhi Seva Sadan Kathakali Academy (Kathakali)
Priyadarshini Govind (Bharata Natyam)
Kathakali, KeralaтАЩs colorful classical dance style is performed with elaborate masks and make-up. It provides ample scope for the artiste to display his facial expressions тАУ the movement of the eyebrows, eyes and perhaps every muscle in the face. Gandhi Seva Sadan Kathakali Academy presents a scene from the puranic story KALYANA SOUGANDHIKAM. This ancient story unites the Ramayana and the Mahabharata by featuring one character from each of these great epics. Sadanam Manikandan plays Bhims and Kalanilayam Balakrishnan plays Hanuman. This is followed by an expression-oriented item in Bharatanatyam style by Priyadarshini Govind, a disciple of Smt.Kalanidhi Narayanan. Priyadarshini Govind, a disciple of Smt.Kalanidhi Narayanan. Priyadarshini Govind dances to Purandara DasaтАЩs Jagadhodharana. The poet describes how Yasoda treats her little son Krishna as a human child despite having foreknowledge of the fact that Krishna was God incarnate we also visit Kalamandir, a dance school instituted by H.H.Shantananda Swami at Singapore.
"PART тАУ 15
Lakshmi Vishwanathan (Bharata Natyam)
Students of Smt.Radha (Bharata Natyam)
Mahalakshmi Narendra (Bharata Natyam)
In this episode, we present three compositions by three great Tamil poets. First, we have Ms.Lakshmi Vishwanathan dancing to the popular padam Varugalamo, an emotional number from Nandanar Charitram written by poet Gopalakrishna Bharati. Second comes a group presentation by students of Smt.Radha performing to Aadi Arule written by Kumaragruparar. The childhood days of Goddess Meenakshi, the reigning deity of Madurai is described by poet Kumaraguruparar in this song Aadi Arule. And then we present Smt.Mahalakshmi Narendra dancing to the well-known number Chinnanjirukilye kannama by Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharati, where the poet describes the love and affection a mother showers on her child.
Malavika Sarukkai (Bharata Natyam)
Braga Bessed (Bharata Natyam)
Meenakshi Chittaranjan (Bharata Natyam)
This episode features three celebrated dancers depicting three different kinds of heroines. We begin with Malavika Sarukkai a familiar name even to those who know very little about Bharatanatyam. Malavika took training in the Thanjavoor style from Guru Rajaratnam. In Papanasam SivanтАЩs YENNA THAVAM, the dancer exclaims to Yasoda тАЬWhat penance did you perform in order to beget the great Lord Krishna as your son?тАЭ In the next item тАЬIDAIVIDA INNUMтАЭ, choreographed by Kalanidhi Narayana the heroine suspects her husband to be involved with another. Braga Bessed who learnt Bharatanatyam from Shri Adyar Lakshmanan and then took additional training in Abhinaya from Smt. Kalanidhi Narayanan performs this piece. The next number is a Kali Kouthuvam in praise of Goddess Mahakali and Lord Parameshwara. It is performed by Smt. Meenakshi Chittaranjan, a well-known Bharatanatyam dancer who has performed all over the country and abroad.
"PART тАУ 17
Alarmed Valli (Bharata Natyam)
Kala Samarpana Group (Bharata Natyam)
Bharata Choodamani Group (Bharata Natyam)
Kalakshetra Group (Bharata Natyam)
Indian Dance Comprises of three main elements Nritta or pure dance, Nritya or expression and Natya or drama. In this episode, we concentrate on Nritta or pure dance. Rhythmic Patterns called Jathis or boles area common feature in all the major classical styles of India. Every individual has his or her own style of rendering a Jathi. In this episode, we will watch a few group numbers of these complicate rhythmic patterns. We present students of Narasimhachari & Vasanthalakshmi, students of Adyar Lakshmanan, students of Kalakshetra and a solo number, a sprightly Thillana by the dancing star Alarmed Valli. тАЬAlarmed Valli is one of the well traveled Indian dancers.
Lakshmi VishwanthanтАЩs Group (Bharata Natyam)
Madhuvanti (Bharata Natyam)
Ajith Bhaskaran Das (Bharata Natyam)
In this episode, we begin with a group number тАУ an extract from тАЬYatraтАЭ choreographed by Lakshmi Vishwanathan. With new innovative music, тАЬYatraтАЭdenotes the journey of man from birth to death. Featuring six youngsters, this scene from тАЬYatraтАЭ depicts the birth of man and his youthful love and romance. Madhuvanti, a disciple of Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam, performs to her guruтАЩs choreography of a traditional padam тАЬAadikondarтАЭ in praise of Lord Nataraja. Ajith is one of the popular dancers of Singapore and has performed on stage with many of the dance schools there. Here he presents тАЬSimhasanasthitheтАЭ in praise of Goddess Shaki. We also visit the Dance school Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society in Singapore.
"PART тАУ 19
Anita Ratnam (Contemporary Dance)
ChandralekhaтАЩs Group (Contemporary Dance)
This episode expands our horizons to see beyond the classical framework of the traditional Indian Dance. We present the adventurous Anita Ratnam know for her experimental choreography, тАЬAthirohanaтАЩ is conceptualized on six chakras that manevour the flow of energies in the human body. It describes the rise of the Kundalini force in the form of a serpent from the base, which represents earth, through the other five chakras, which represent Water, air, fire chakra from Athirohana, choreographed and performed by Anita Ratnam. Next comes an extract from тАЬMahakalтАЭ choreographed by the internationally renowned choreographer of contemporary dance, Chandralekha. In the midst of the various negative energies like terrorism, murder and violence, Man still tries to maintain his love and peace. This forms the basis of ChandralekhaтАЩs Mahakal where we also see Kalaripayatu, the martial are from of Kerala, on display.
Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam (Bharata Nrityam)
Lata & Gita (Bharata Natyam)
Dr.Padma Subramanyam performs a popular story of Indian mythology, the story of Gejendra Moksham choreographed to music by the legendary Japanese genius Miyaki Michiyo. This was specially choreographed by her for the centenary celebrations of the great blind musician while Padma was in Japan to receive her FUKUOKA Asian Cultural award. This is followed by a specially choreographed number performed in the sacred temple of dance at Chidambaram by the directors of this serial Lata & Gita. With Tamil Lyrics by Dr.S.Krishnaswamy and sung by star voices Chitra and Rajkumar Bharati this is dedicated to the art of dance at the very abode of the god of dance.
"Krishna is the most attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krishna is the full incarnation of Lord Vishnu who appeared in India 5000 years ago. Lord Krishna, and Lord Balaram, his elder brother, and were both the sons of Vasudeva тАУ a prince of the Yadava dynasty.
This graphically animated story illustrates how Krishna got the name Govindha, the protector of cows. Watch Krishna grapple with a fierce snake and put an end to its career of eating cows. It turns out that the snake was a handsome Gandharva freed at last from a curse. A beautiful story, well narrated.
The visit of Krishna and friends to captivating garden of Nandpur is a thrilling episode Krishna kills a monster in the dangerous lake that leads to the garden. There it is the turn of Dhenkasura, a monster in the form of a donkey, to be vanquished once and for all by Balram.
This is another interesting story on how Krishna appeared in the form of a cowherd boy to true sage. This leads to the finding of an idol of Krishna and the construction of his temple. A truly divine story on the miraculous grace of Krishna.
This animated content is full of action, humour, comedy and thrills which will be loved by the young.
"Maharaja Krishna Chandra was a king in Bengal during the middle ages. Gopal was the chief jester in his court. A barber by profession, he had a razor-sharp wit and could make the best of any situation. This is howтАж
A stranger comes to the court of the king and speaks in May languages. No one is able to find out where he comes from. Gopal cracks the riddleтАж
GopalтАЩs wife yells at him, as she does not get enough money to run the family and keep the house in a good condition. Find out how Gopal solves the problem by making the king understand the domestic situation.
A very interesting comedy on how Gopal distracts everyone and makes them forget the universal topic of the тАЬHilsa FishтАЭ.
When the entire kingdom was not able to find a thief, Gopal cracks the problem.
Gopal calls the bluff of a group of confidence tricksters who weave a non тАУ existing dressтАж The gang is brought to book by GopalтАЩs stratagemтАж
Gopal has to obey the kingтАЩs orders and give away his wealthтАж but nobody must come forward to take it! Find out how Gopal can eat his cake and have it tooтАж A great StoryтАж.
Gopal the Jester, is Gopal the survivor, Gopal the intelligent, Gopal who is you and me. You will never forget the greatest with you will ever knowтАж
"The stories of Vikram and Betal originally written in Sanskrit, have been an integral part of Indian folklore for many centuries. Legend has it that King Vikramaditya, in order to fulfill a vow, was required to remove a corpse from a treetop and carry it on his shoulder to another place in silence. In between, the spirit of Betal (residing in the corpse) narrates a story to the king and poses a query. When the king responds with the answer, the corpse files back to the treetop! The king has to go after the vampire and start all over again. This follows in a succession of stories and answers. A tantalizing settingтАжintriguing talesтАжand exciting answers. A veritable feast of stimulating stories.
1. King Vikramaditya helps a sage by bringing a corpse for a special ritual to be performed by the sage. This lands Vikram into a cycle knotty questions and wise answers.
2. Rebirth joy: Vikramaditya answers the riddle тАУ why did a sage first laugh and then cry before giving up his body to enter another.
3. The Flying Chariot: Three young men help release an abducted girl тАУ now who should marry her? Vikram solves the problem.
4. Queen question: Who is the most tender of the KingтАЩs three queens? Only Vikram can tell.
5. Faithful servant: A magical story of a young man and a water fairy. What is the request that the king make to the fairy?
6. The Generous King: A King gives up his kingdom for the love of a beautiful woman. What happens to the loyal minister who brought this misfortune on the Kingdom?
7. The Blunder: When the heads of a prince and his friend get interchanged, Who is the prince and who the friend? Vikram gives to crucial answer. Highly interesting story.
8. Height of sensitivity: Who is the most sensitive of three sons of a farmer? The King has to decide.
"The calm and compassions face of the Buddha is known all over the world. Buddha was a spiritual teacher of ancient India whose great ideas on freeing mankind from sorrow and suffering form the basis of Buddhism. Buddha was born in the sixth century B.C into a royal family. Known as Siddhartha, he realized that human life was short and full of sadness. He found out a path to Enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment. He was then known as the distances teaching people about тАШthe MIDDLE PATHтАЩ, the way to end to suffering. He taught the four Noble Truths of suffering, cause of suffering, end of suffering, and the Path to do that Buddhism offers hope and access to spiritual understanding and satisfaction to everybody. Throughout the world today, people still follow the teaching of the Buddha.
1. Queen Mahamaya gives birth to a child who walks immediately and says that this is his last birth. Sage A sita predicts the future of the child Siddhartha.
2. An incident between Siddhartha and his cousin Devadatta brings out the formerтАЩs compassionate nature.
3. Siddhartha wins the hand of Yashodhara.
4. Siddhartha encounters four unexpected sights, which make him think of a way out of the sorrowful world.
5. Siddhartha leaves the palace in search of Peace.
6. Siddhartha meditates for six long years without food and sleep but finally gives up torture of the body for a new Path.
7. Mara, the temptor, disturbs SiddharthaтАЩs meditation in many ways but is defeated. Enlightenment dawns and Siddhartha becomes the BUDDHA and teaches everyone the way to end all suffering.
8. Buddha teaches the reality of the life to a woman who loses her only son. A rude man is reformed.
9. Buddha reveals the power of love by reforming Angulimala, a terrible killer.
10. After teaching ceaselessly for forty-five years, Buddha calmly leaves this worldтАж
"These are stories of wisdom and morals written around 300 B.C in a language called Pali. They were later translated and distributed to people across the world.
These stories connected to the past incarnations of the Buddha are meant to teach values like self-sacrifice, honesty and morality.
This story states that overdoing is always bad. Find out what happened to the father and son who tried to scare away robbers by having their monkeys beat the drum.
A fool who is lazy causes trouble for everyone. Anyone who postpones work will find it difficult to prosper in life. The lazy monkeyтАЩs story illustrates this in a beautiful manner.
Too much of anything can be dangerous. A tigerтАЩs exaggerated attachment to a deer spells his doom.
Test the water before jumping in. A good moral told well, showing the intelligence of the monkeys who trick the water demon and drink the water in the pond.
Two calves who envy a little learn a good lesson.
Who stole the queenтАЩs necklace? The Truth, as always, is found out only from proper examination.
A king who keeps a monkey as a pet discovers the consequences of the monkeyтАЩs friendship.
"The jackal tales for young viewers are marked by humour and wit. The aim is to inculcate moral and ethical behaviour in a simple and colorful way. The Jataka Tales contain deep truths about moral beauty, self-sacrifice and other vital human values.
Friends in need are friends indeed and never underestimate any friendship. Find out how the Jackal, Kingfisher and Turtle saved the Hawk family.
The royal Horse develops a deep bond of friendship with a poor Jackal. What happens to this friendship is the climax of this story.
Never give advice to fools. A wise jackalтАЩs advice to a gang of monkeys will tell you why.
Every despot meets his doom. Arrogant elephant learns a lesson when the tricky little Jackal gets to work.
You may love your friend but donтАЩt expect your family to do the sameтАж Learn this form the lion and the jackal.
That we should value the things what we have is well told in this story of a King and a Jackal.
A greedy Jackal who gets hurt by eating too much at a time. Greed spells destruction.
Wit can win over might. If this was not so, how could the small Jackal here have made the elephants take to their heels?
Do not keep silence, when you have to speak.
A jackal was caught by the king and since it did not answer at the right time and it was taken for punishment. Watch out how it escapesтАжHave fun.
SA DVD 10127
BARCODE NO: 823524 10127
Intelligence, wit, presence of mind, these are very important to survive in a challenging world. тАШSmart TalesтАЩ imparts these qualities to kids through its lively characters of beasts and humans. Imaginatively illustrated and graphically animated, these tales present interesting situations and out-of-the-solutions to problems. The young and growing will love to be part of the magical world created in this video. Find out here тАж
1. Why did the elephant feign to the nasty lion that he was suffering from a terrible cold?
2. How the shrewd donkey got his friend the watchman dog out of a sticky wicket?
3. How the elephant saved its golden tusk from the greedy woman?
4. How the smart judged saved the poor farmer from the greedy poultry shopkeeper?
5. What happened when the lazy student tried to pull a quick one on his clever teacher? тАж and more tales that educate you even as you are entertainedтАж
"The Jataka Tales are stories of the BuddhaтАЩs former birthsтАж and the Buddha being one of the greatest teachers of compassion and right conduct, what you have here are wonderful tales to tutor the young in good values. The characters of the Jataka tales are mostly animals, and in this case, they are elephants. These graphically animated Jumbo tales beautifully instill culture and character into kids.
1. Find out what one of the royal elephants did to call the bluff of a physician who wanted to settle scores wit crowsтАж
2. A man, who earned his money by making his powerful elephant do deeds of great physical challenge, had a fall when he crossed the line of good conduct. His elephant reformed him with remarkable wisdom.
3. A wise elephant teaches the quails how to escape from the scheming hunter.
4. What happened to Girly Face, the good-natured elephant one day that his nature changed dramaticallyтАж. Find out the secret of a good life.
5. What is that makes others truly respect some one? High birth, wealth, knowledge? Find out along with the kingтАЩs advisor on what earns a man all-round respect.
6. The careful elephant comes to the rescue of the gullible camel and saves him form sure death.
7. Find out what happened to an elephant who helped a poor woman by giving her bits of his golden tuskтАж.
8. The story of the hunter, the doves, the elephant and the all-important mouseтАж
9. What happened to the lost fox who was brought up.
MARTHYAM by Sheejith Krishna & Group
SIX STYLES тАУby Lata, Gita & Group
The light from the sunтАЩs rays, and the sounds of nature, inspired Man to start responding to rhythm and that was manтАЩs first dance. The first episode features an extract from MARTHYAM тАУ an innovative dance item where the poet describes the evolution of man and imagines how the early man might have started responding to rhythm, dancing to the sound of raindrops and thunder showers. Each region of India has its own unique folk and classical dance forms, but they all share a common heritage rooted in the ancient text Natyashastra written by sage Bharata. All the styles have links with the ancient and medieval literary, sculptural and musical traditions of India and of their particular regions. The differences and commonness of the six major classical dance styles of India: Bharatanatyam from Tamilnadu, Odissi from Orissa, Manipuri from Manipur, Kathak from Uttar Pradesh, Mohiniattam from Kerala and Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh is brought out by a specially choreographed dance number.
RAS LEELA тАУ from Mathura
KATHAK by Nalini & Kamalini
This episode highlights Kathak, the classical from of Northern Indian with its graceful twirls and breathtaking footwork. Originating in the Krishna тАУ Radha folk dances of Mathura and Brindavan, Kathak is still dominated by Radha-Krishna themes. This episode begins with Ras-Leela, a folk number performed by residents Mathura and Brindavan. Young boys dress up as Krishna, Radha and gopikas and perform Ras-Leela, not for mere entertainment alone but as a mode of worship. Kathak was refined to its present sophistication in the courts of the Nawabs, the Islamic influence being quite evident. The star of the 20th century Sitata Devi is past 70. We have a few clips of her performance on stage towards the fag end of her career. The episode features leading stars of the Kathak style, Nalini and Kamalini тАУ the dancing Duo well known of their precession footwork. Nalini and Kamalini are senior disciples of Guru Jitendra Maharaj and perform the Banaras Gahanna style of Kathak.
KATHAK by Shaswati Sen
KATHAK by Nalini & Kamalini
As Kathak became popular among the Nawabs in the royal courts a healthy competition developed among the artistes, the movements became more fast moving and vigorous to keep the Nawabs entertained. However, Hindu themes were not left out. Nawab Wasid Ali Shah himself wrote a number of songs on Krishna and his pranks, which were choreographed and danced by many dancers. His dance drama Indira Sabha had a number of Hindu characters, Just as Kathak shifted from temples to courts, after a few decades it was performed for royal families and small gatherings. Kathak was danced to Hindu songs as well as Urdu and Hindi Ghazals. This episode features Shaswati Sen, a very popular graceful star dancer, and senior disciple of Guru Birju Maharaj, performing to a Urdu ghazal in Lucknow Gahanna style. This episode also features Nalini and Kamalini performing to a Tulsidas Bhajan in Banaras Gahanna style. The Duo also explain the transition of Kathak from being performed in the temples, to the royal courts and finally as an art form on stage.
KATHAK by Shaswati Sen
JUGALBANDHI тАУ KATHAK by Nirupama and Rajendra
BHARATANATYAM by Mridula and Praveen
Shaswati Sen, senior disciple of Guru Birju Maharaj explains and performs the highlights in her GuruтАЩs choreography. She then performs a Sargam, which is a pure dance number. The nuances in the costume design and jewelery worn by the Kathak artistes are also highlighted. This is followed by a jugalbandhi of Kathak and Bharatanatyam, presenting Nirupama and Rajendra for Kathak and Mridula and Praveen for Bharatanatyam. This number copares and contrasts the similarities and difference in these two classical styles.
KUMMI by Saraswati Gana Nilayam Group
PINNAL KOLATTAM by Saraswati Gana Nilayam Group
BHARATANATYAM by Gita Krishna Raj
This episode features a popular folk form of Tamilnadu тАУ Kummi тАУ a simple dance performed only by women by the clapping of their hands. It is a very common form performed in all villages for any happy occasion. A number of poets including Subramaniya Bharati encouraged this art form. Another dance form prevalent in the villages of Tamilnadu is Pinnal Kolattam. This is a rhythmic number performed with sticks, which are tied with coloured ropes from a single point above. As the dance finishes the coloured threads are knotted in a design. The costumes of Bharatanatyam classical dancers were just as simple as the village dancers until about 70 years ago. It was Rukmani Devi Arundale who gave a glamorous at the same time dignified status to the dancer and the dance form. This episode shows the designer jewellery shops and a tailorтАЩs den where specially designed silk costumes are tailored in large numbers to cater to dancers around the world. This is followed by a demonstration of danseuse Gita Krishna Raj who explains the term Rasa and Bhava common to all dance forms. She also performs a traditional Bharatanatyam Padam.
FOLK ARTS OF TAMIL NADU тАУ Karagam, Kavadi, Poikkal Kudirai, Oyillattam
BHARATANATYAM by Lata Krishnaswamy
ODISSI by Kavita Dwivedi
The wide varieties of folk art-forms throughout India are bound by common religious and mythological themes. Folk arts being about the interaction of all aspects of life and are not seen as something apart form life. This episode features: Karagam тАУ Where dancers balance pots on their heads, Kavadi тАУ Where men dance with a semi-circular object on their shoulders. Both Karagam and Kavadi dancers perform many acrobatic feats. Poikkal Kudirai тАУ a folk art form where the dancers dance on stills and also wear a dummy тАУ horse costume and Oyillattam тАУ Where young girls perform with hankies. Just ad these simple village arts are based on pure dance, a classical dancer too performs pure nritta numbers. One such is Pandattam or a game of ball performed by popular danseuse Lata Krishnaswamy. Odissi, one of the oldest classical Indian dance forms belongs to the Eastern Indian state of Orrisa. The striking feature of Odissi is its intimate relationship with temple sculptures such as those seen in the famous Sun temple of Konark. Tribhanga, the three-body bend characterizes this dance form. This episode features a Nritta number by danseuse Kavita Dwivedi.
ODDISSI by Surups Sen & Bijoyini Satpati
KUCHIPUDI by Shoba Naidu
This episode features a duet in the classical Odissi style by Surups Sen and Bijoyini Satpati, senior dancers from the dance village Nrityagram, Bangalore, founded by the famous danseuse Protima Gauri Bedi. Surupa also explains the nuances of Odissi specially highlighting the 12th century Guru Maheshwara MahapatraтАЩs book Abhinaya Chandrika as one of the most sought after works on this classical form. In the second half, we move onto another classical form of India тАУ Kuchipudi which derives its name from the village where it originated. This episode features leading Kuchipudi dancer Shoba Naidu. This episode also features a semi-classical dance form of Andhra Pradesh, Perrinin тАУ an all male dance ensemble. Inspired by the Rammappa temple in Warangal built by the Kaktiya dynasty about 700 years ago, Guru Nataraja Ramakrishna recreated this lost art form.
ANDHRA NATYAM by Kalakrishna
About 700 years ago, the male members of the royal family of Kakatiya dynasty and the warriors danced the Perrini Shiva Tandavam to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva. This episode features another number of Perrini popularly called the dance of the war lords. Another classical dance form of Andhra Prades тАУ Andhra Natyam тАУ originally called Lasya Nartana was practiced by temple dancers. This vibrant style of the Telugu people is today popularly called Andhra Natyam. A dance number where a make successfully impersonates and performs the female role of Satyabhama is performed by Kalakrishna. About 500 years ago, some European traders touring the city of Hampi in Karnataka had remarked, тАЬthis city seems to be bigger and more beautiful than LondonтАЭ. Karnataka has various and varied folk dance forms which exhibit the values and attitudes of the local people тАУ the three beautiful and versatile dance forms of тАЬSomana Kunitha, Marammana Kunitha and KasaleтАЭ are clubbed together and presented as one dance number.
MANIPURI тАУ Ashtapati by Darshana Jhaveri
Pontha Jagoi by Darshana Jhaveri & Latasana Devi
FOLK ARTS OF MANIPUR тАУ Sankritana & Pung Cholam
The dances of Manipur, a North Eastern state of India are influenced by the religious movement of Vaishnavism, the worship of Lord Vishnu. A sense of music and rhythm is inbuilt in the citizens of Manipur. The classical dance form of Manipur is Manipur where the dancers wear vells, along with cylindrical mirrored was popularized by three dancers the Jhaveri Sisters. One of them, Darshana Jhaveri, explains the intricate movements of the Manipuri style of dancing and performs an Ashtapati. Somana Kunitha, Marammana Kunitha and Kasale. This is followed by тАЬPONTHA JAGOIтАЭ a dance competition between Krishna and Radha in Manipuri performed by Darshana Jhaveri and her senior disciple Latasana Devi. This is followed by the all male ensemble of Manipur performing Sankirtana with symbols and dholak. The male dancers also performs a vigorous, rhythmic тАЬPung CholamтАЭ with the Dholak in hand.
CHANU тАУ Seraikella Chau, Purulia Chau, and Mayurbhanj Chau
FOLK ARTS OF PUNJAB тАУ Bhangda & Giddha
Another variety of dance in Orissa is Chau, a stylized masked dance form. Chau combines folk, tribal and martial traditions and yet covers the Nritta, Natya, and Nritya aspects of classical dance. It is a complex combination of the folk and classical traditions. Three styles of Chau exist in the three different regions of Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa, Seraikella Chau, Purulia Chau, and Mayurbhanj Chau respectively. Each character has a special mask unique to that character only. This episode features extracts of five different Chau items. From Eastern India, we move westwards to the Golden temple of Amritsar, the famous Sikh temple in Punjab. The men of Punjab perform Bhangda, full of masculine vitality, to celebrate the sowing of the wheat crop. Pairs of dancers take turns to execute complex acrobatic movements. From the vigorous Bhangda performed by men-folk of Punjab we have the women-folk of Punjab performing a graceful, gentle Giddha. This number is performed to celebrate a wedding and is characterized by its spontaneous energy.
FOLK ARTS OF RAJASTHAN тАУ Tera tali & Duff Dance
This episode starts with the state of Madhya Pradesh (MP) in Central India. The world famous Khajuraho group of temples is located in MP. MP is well known for its diamond mines and dense forests. Where does a forest stand without rains? The village folk of MP are overjoyed on secing rain clouds and perform the rain dance Phagun. This episode also features Tere tali тАУ a Rajasthani folk dance where small symbols or manjiras are tied to the hands and legs of the dancers and bells sound in rhythm as they dance. This is followed by another Rajasthani number Duff Dance, performed with small circular drums in hand, during the Holi festival. The men and women of Gujarat perform Dhandiya Ras тАУ a vigorous and rhythmic dance with batons, where the dancers leap and crouch in twirling patterns.
MOHINIATTAM by Nandita Prabhu
This episode starts with a Rajasthani folk number тАЬBHAVAIтАЭ danced by balancing several pots one above the other. Most of the folk dances evolved as a spontaneous way of life rather than entertainment. For example, тАЬTIPPANIтАЭ was danced as the women labourers were laying roads much before the arrival of mechanized gadgets for road laying. Indeed rhythm is the backbone of dance and the tribes of Mizoram in Eastern India perform the Bamboo dance, weaving intricate patterns in and out of the bamboo sticks. As we travel about 3000 kms from Nagaland to Southeastern India, we come to the green landscape of Kerala, known for its backwaters coconut trees and martial arts, besides dance forms. This episode also features Mohiniattam тАУ a classical dance form of Kerala, performed gracefully by Nandita Prabhu.
BHARATANRITYAM by Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam
There is no city or state in the world, which does not celebrate a wedding. However, there are some people who celebrate it with pomp and splendour like the Rajasthan is. Here is a dance Baaraat describing a Rajasthani wedding. We move back to Tamil Nadu where we started and show a small folk number Kolattam performed by young girls in villages. All the dance form we have seen in this serial, the classical and folk forms of India, have a common heritage, derived form Natyashastra. This aspect of Unity in diversity had been well researched by Dr. Padma Subramanyam and forms the basis of her style Bharata Nrityam. This episode features a Kuyilpattu Varnam (a song by poet Subramaniya Bharati) performed by Dr. Padma. The serial concludes with a montage of the various dance forms portrayed in these 13 parts.
"Elephant-headed Ganesha riding a mouse, Flute-playing Krishna, Kali sporting a garland of skulls, Rama armed with a bow, Shiva dancing with his matted locks a flying, Vishnu relining on the thousand-headed serpent, Durga killing the buffalo-headed demon, Karthikeya riding the peacock or flanked by his two wives, and Hanuman, the superhuman monkey hero of the epic Ramayana are among the manifold gods worshipped by Hindus in India.
The gods and goddess of India embody the divine forces at play in the inner and outer world and through symbolism, myth, philosophy, ritual and intuitive experience. The modern-day inheritors of an ancient civilization steeped in the wisdom of the wise men, easily connect with their divinities.
тАШGods and Goddesses of IndiaтАЩ presents the gods in all their multitudinous avatars, etching their .
dimensions in mythology, religion, iconography, yogic experience and the popular mind. The interplay of imaginatively shot icons, great temples, classical texts, soothing music and an illuminating narrative show that there is a profound truth and meaning in the Indian forms of divinity. тАШGods and Goddesses of IndiaтАЩ follows the deep inner urges of Hindu adoration and helps the viewer grasp the meaning of the gods who are but тАШRhythms of the one Infinite SpiritтАЩ.
"This DVD of Learn to Play Table Volume 1 is dedicated to many Great Maestros of Tabla like Ustad. Ahemadjan Thirkwa, Ustad. Aamir Hussain Khan Saib, Ustad. Allarakha, Ustad. Shekh Dawood Khan Saib, Pt. Khante Maharaj, Pt. Anookhilal Mishra, Pt. Krishna Maharaj, Pt. Shanta Prasad, Pt. Lalji Gokhale Pt. Taranath and many living legends who have given their life to the cause of growth and development Table. I am grateful to my GuruтАЩs Pt. Ravindra Yavagal and Pt. Suresh Talwakar who have been inspiring, motivation and guiding me to learn Tabla.
a) Basic Syllables
b) Phrase formation
c) Kayada
d) Techniques of Playing Tirikita
"This DVD of Learn to Play Table Volume 2 is dedicated to many Great Maestros of Tabla like Ustad. Ahemadjan Thirkwa, Ustad. Aamir Hussain Khan Saib, Ustad. Allarakha, Ustad. Shekh Dawood Khan Saib, Pt. Khante Maharaj, Pt. Anookhilal Mishra, Pt. Krishna Maharaj, Pt. Shanta Prasad, Pt. Lalji Gokhale Pt. Taranath and many living legends who have given their life to the cause of growth and development Table. I am grateful to my GuruтАЩs Pt. Ravindra Yavagal and Pt. Suresh Talwakar who have been inspiring, motivation and guiding me to learn Tabla.
a) Taals
b) Theka
c) Lehra
d) Padhant
a) Mukhra
b) Mohra
c) Tukra
d) Gath
e) Paran
f) Chakradhar
g) Rela
"A keyboard instrument is any musical instrument played using a musical keyboard. The most common of these is the piano.
Keyboard are widely used in almost all geners of music. In Indian classical music too Keyboard are emerging as an solo instrument. Though it is essentially an instrument used in, western music the keyboard can very effectively adapted for Indian music too. They also form the backbond in Indian film music.
Keyboard typically contain keys for playing the twelve notes of the Western musical scale, with a combination of larger, longer keys and smaller, shorter keys that repeats at the interval of an octave.
1. History of Keyboard & Artist Profile
2. Introduction to the Keyboard & Parts
3. Basic theory of western music
4. Sitting posture and fingering
5. Popular tunes
Karna is the greatest Hero of Mahabharata. He was a matchless warrior and a man of compassion whose magnanimity knew no bounds. Karna was the son of Lord Surya and Kuntidevi. He was born before the marriage of Queen Kunti to king Pandu. So Karna was abandoned in the river Ganga. A charioteer of Duryodhana, Adhiratha and his wife Radha took care of him. He excelled in everything. Since he was brought up by a charioteer, he was considered to be of lower caste. Krishna knows about the secret of KarnaтАЩs birth and wants to bring him to the Pandava army, as he doesnтАЩt want him to die along with Duryodhana. He tells Karna, the secret about his birth. He also tells that he will be the greatest among the Pandavas and all other brothers will listen to him. But Karna refuses and tells Krishna, that when the whole world humiliated him. Duryodhana rendered him all support. He does not want to desert Duryodhana and join Pandavas. Rather he would give his life for his friend Duryodhana. Krishna, the Lord Himself was dumbstruck with KarnaтАЩs loyalty towards his friend Duryodhana. Watch our for KarnaтАЩs dedicated friendship in this animated feature.
Sudama was a childhood friend of Krishna from Matura, the story of whose visit to Dwaraka to meet Krishna is animated here. Sudama was from a poor Brahmin family, while Krishna was from the royal family. But this difference in social status did not come in the way of their friendship. They lost contact over the years and while Krishna became the King of Dwaraka, Sudama stayed as a humble impoverished Brahmin in a village. When Sudama was going through rough times, not even having enough money to feed his children, his wife reminded him of his friendship with Krishna. Though initially reluctant to go to his friend for help, Sudama finally agrees to go. He leaves with nothing but some beaten rice tied in a cloth as a present for Krishna. Krishna is greatly pleased to see his old friend. He treats him royally with love. Overwhelmed by all this Sudama forgets to ask for what he actually came for. But, the Lord realizes what His friend needs. Oh his return journey, Sudama ponders his circumstances and is thankful for his great friend Lord Krishna. Watch this wonderful animated show to see what SudamaтАЩs surprise was after he reached home.
"Fairly tales are the tales that includes stories where princes and princesses encounter with witches and elves. Fairies grant wishes and cast magic spells. And in the end, everyone lives happily ever after.
This fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is about a beautiful maiden called snow white. The queen, stepmother of snow white was jealous of snow whiteтАЩs beauty and tries many ways to get rid of her. But all her attempts are in vain. Finally the queen succeeds in one of her attempt which was a temporary one. Prince revives snow white from her long deep sleep and marries her in a grand wedding. The queen finally was punished and meets her end.
Three little pigs is a fairy tale featuring talking animals. This story is about three little pigs, which build home to safeguard them form the Big Bad wolf. The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do. The second little pig built his house out of wood. This was a little bit stronger that a straw house. The third little pig built his house out of bricks. The Big bad wolf who learnt that they live separately wishes to eat them up. So he blows the house of straw and wood which forces the first two pigs to take shelter in the brick house. The Big bad wolf tries his best to blow the brick house in vain. The wolf tries in many ways and finally climbs up on the roof and jumps in through a chimney only to fall straight into the kettle of boiling water, which burnt his tail. The first two little pigs build a Brick house for them and they live happily without the fear of the wolf.
тАЬLittle Red Riding HoodтАЭ is a famous fairy tale about a young girlтАЩs encounter with a wolf. Little Red Riding Hood goes with butter and cake to see her grandmother through a forest. On the way she meets a wolf which learns the purpose of her visit. The wolf reaches grandmaтАЩs cottage before her and swallows the grandma. The wolf pretends to be her grandma when she arrives and swallows her too. A hunter who passes by the side of the cottage rescues both Little Red Riding Hood and her grand mother. Once again, on her another visit when Little Red Riding Hood meets wolf on her way to grandmaтАЩs house ignores the wolf. The grandmother and the girl plans and kills the wolf, this time anticipating his moves based on the previous experience.
"The Saxophone is known as a reed musical instrument that is a staple in jazz bands. Saxophone is also referred to as Sax. It is conical тАУ bored transposing musical instrument. Saxophone is considered a member of woodwind family because the way it is played is very similar to the clarinet. It is made of brass, and is the only woodwind that has never been made of wood. Saxophone represents a harmonious blend of the Western and Indian Music.
This DVD of тАЬLearn to Play SaxophoneтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing Indian Carnatic Classical Music in Sax by Sri E.R.Janardhan, a disciple of Padmashree Kadri Gopalnath. The lesson on this DVD has been tailored in a way that you can learn & practice the Saxophone within the comfort of your home.
History & Artist Profile
Interview with Kadri Gopalnath
Parts of Saxophone
Assemble the parts of Sax
Blowing Techniques
Fingering Techniques
Types of Sax
Basic Lessons
(1) Sarali Swaras,
(2) Janto Swaras,
(3) Upper Sthaye Swaras,
Concert Pattern
"The Saxophone is known as a reed musical instrument that is a staple in jazz bands. Saxophone is also referred to as Sax. It is conical тАУ bored transposing musical instrument. Saxophone is considered a member of woodwind family because the way it is played is very similar to the clarinet. It is made of brass, and is the only woodwind that has never been made of wood. Saxophone represents a harmonious blend of the Western and Indian Music.
This DVD of тАЬLearn to Play SaxophoneтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing Indian Carnatic Classical Music in Sax by Sri E.R.Janardhan, a disciple of Padmashree Kadri Gopalnath. The lesson on this DVD has been tailored in a way that you can learn & practice the Saxophone within the comfort of your home.
Interview with Kadri Gopalnath
(a) Dattu Swaras
(b) Alankara Swaras
(c) Geetham (4)
Concert Pattern
"Ghatam is an earthenware pot which is an oldest percussion instrument used in Carnatic Music of South Indian. Ghatam is different from ordinary mud pots and is made up of a special type of baked clay mixed with copper, iron, or brasses fillings. The mouth of the Ghatam is open and is played with two hands, wrists, ten fingers and nails.
This DVD of тАЬLearn to Play GhatamтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing the Ghatam by Sri.V.Umashankar, Son & disciple of Padmashree T.H.Vikku Vinayakaram. The lessons on this DVD has been tallored in a way that you can learn & practice the Ghatam within the comfort of your home.
History & Artist Profile
Interview with Padmashree T.H.Vikku Vinayakaram
Sitting Posture
Types of Ghatam
Tuning of Ghatam
Finger Techniques
Basic Lessons
Practice Lessons
Concert Pattern
Students Exhibition
"Rhythm is quality every person carries within himself. Just like the тАШlubduoтАЩ of the heart, it emotes one and gives life. Indian Ethnic Percussion Instruments share a similar story, one that of expressing feelings. Centuries ago, to express emotions, man sculpted them to instruments giving it a tangible existence. Credits have to be given to people who demystified them and introduced them into popular music.
1. GODASINGARI: A Clay pot with a drumhead as its lid can contain water, buttermilk, Toddy and Music, MUSIC! Yes it does. The Flavor of the music from this pot drum is a delicacy in Indian Film Music.
2. UDUKAI: An ExorcistтАЩs Dream and a DevilтАЩs nightmare, the udukai is not for the weak hearted. It can chill your spine, disturb your neurons and derail your thoughts, so BEWAREтАж
3. DANDIYA: Any Festival in тАЬIndiaтАЭ is incomplete without a тАЬDandiyaтАЭ. Played by an ensemble of drummers the Dandiya is sure to create the mood of the hour. LetтАЩs celebrate.
"Rhythm is quality every person carries within himself. Just like the тАШlubdubтАЩ of the heart, it emotes one and gives life. Indian Ethnic Percussion Instruments share a similar story, one that of expressing feelings. Centuries ago, to express emotions, man sculpted them to instruments giving it a tangible existence. Credits have to be given to people who demystified them and introduced them into popular music.
1. URUMI: A lionтАЩs roar can get subdued with a gentle grunt of the urumi. The urumi is born to Roar, Bend, Scratch, Scream and then strike, all with an AttitudeтАж.
2. PAMBAI: These Two Cylinders are pure contains of Raw Drum Power. Warning: Do not with them as they contain rhythmic patterns and sound that can even detonate nuclear power.
3. DHUP: Also Known as, the Duff in many parts of the world, the Dhup has surely traveled over time and can now tape you to your seat and make your jaw drop in awe with its redoubtable timbre.
"Rhythm is quality every person carries which himself. Just like the тАШlubdubтАЩ of the heart, it emotes one and gives life. Indian Ethnic Percussion Instruments share a similar story, one that of expressing feelings. Centuries ago, to express emotions, man sculpted them to instruments giving it a tangible existence. Credits have to be given to people who demystified them and introduced them into popular music.
1. NAGARA: The Sound of the Traditional Call drum was the signature music of the Ancient News channels and Broadcast Corporations of the medieval days in India. It sure has traveled a long way since then and is an instrument of Choice for Folk artists.
2. DUKKI TARANG: These little drums have beauty with brains. They can get multi dimensional when provoked. Nice and round, in chords they sound.
3. JAMUKU: You many not are tickled, but you cannot stop laughing once you hear the jamuku. Careful! It has a few tricks under its sleeve. All you need is a тАЬPlectrum тАЬto start the Fun.
4. EK TAR: This unassuming Poor manтАЩs drone can melt your heart and prick your conscience if you use this as an accompanying instrument in your prayers to god. тАЬEK TARтАЭ Which means тАЬOne StringтАЭ may employ just one finger to can move mountains.
"Pranayama is the science of controlled, conscious expansion of Prana, the vital life force that is the catalyst in all our activities. Pranayama is of vital importance in the Yoga Sadhana or Yogic discipline of any sincere practitioner trying to achieve the highest state of Cosmic Union. This presentation explores the depths of Pranayama with emphasis on the Eight Classical Pranayamas (Ashta Kumbhaka) and the visualization practices such a Mandal Pranayama, Chakra Pranayama and Anuloma Viloma Prakriya. Sukha Purvaka and Savitri Pranayamas that are hallmarks of the Gitanada Yoga Tradition are detailed. Unless the mind is controlled, the higher aspects of Yoga are not possible and the best way to control the mind is by the regular, dedicated and determined practice of Pranayama with awareness and consciousness.
1. Introduction to Pranayama
2. Classification of Pranayama
3. Phase of Pranayama
4. Use of ratios in Pranayama
5. Use of Mudras and Bandhas
6. Aprakasha Bindu and Mudra
7. Ashta Kumbhakas of Hatha Yoga : Surya Bhedana, Ujjayi, Sitkari, Sheetali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Murcha, Plavini
8. Kevala Kumbhaka
9. Sukha Purvaka Pranayama : Sukha Pranayama, Loma Pranayama, Viloma Pranayama, Sukha Purvaka Pranayama
10. Savitri Pranayama
11. Pranayamas for Psycho-Physiological harmony : Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika, Bhramari Pranayama, Kavi Pranayama
12. Pranava Pranayama
13. Prana Kriya
14. Mandala Pranayamas : Apas Mandala Pranayama, Tejas Mandala Pranayama, Vayu Mandala Pranayama, Akash Mandala Pranayama, Manas Mandala Pranayama
15. Chakra Pranayama
16. Anuloma Viloma Kriya
"YogaтАЩs comprehensive methodology includes many techniques that serve the popular goals of enhancing or restoring fitness and health. It is a psycho spiritual discipline that also contains a therapeutic component. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help those suffering from sleeping disorders. Most of these disorders are either caused or aggravated by stress and the regular practice of Yoga helps reduce stress levels thus producing a state of peaceful harmony at all levels of existence.
1. Introduction to Yoga for sleeping disorders
2. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Padottana Asana
5. Sukha Asana
6. Brahma Mudra
7. Chatus Pada Asana
8. Vyagraha Pranayama
9. Mehru Asana
10. Chiri Kriya
11. Purvottana Asana
12. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
13. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
14. Pawan Mukta Asana
15. Sarvanga Asana
16. Viparita Karani
17. Sapurna Matsya Asana
18. Makara Asana
19. Bhramari Pranayama
20. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
21. Pranava Pranayama
22. Shava Asana
23. Spanda тАУ Nishpanda Kriya
24. Dridha Kriya
25. Kaya Kriya
26. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
27. Om Japa
28. Introduction to Yoga as a therapy
"YogaтАЩs comprehensive methodology includes many techniques that serve the popular goals of enhancing or restoring fitness and health. It is a psycho spiritual discipline that also contains a therapeutic component. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems related to the pelvic region. These include menstrual disorders, pelvic inflammatory disorders and uterine disorders in the female and prostate and sexual malfunction in the male. They can also benefit those suffering from problems in the urinary and lower gastrointestinal tract as well as musculoskeletal disorders of this region.
1. Introduction to Yoga for Pelvic Health
2. Surya Namaskar
3. Tala Asana
4. Trikona Asana
5. Garuda Asana
6. Padottana Asana
7. Vajra Asana
8. Manduka Asana
9. Sapurna Sasha Asana
10. Dharmika Asana
11. Danda Kriya
12. Chatus Pada Asana
13. Vyagraha Pranayama
14. Chiri Kriya
15. Vakra Asana
16. Ardha Matsyendra Asana
17. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
18. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
19. Pawan Mukta Asana
20. Jatara Parivritta Asana
21. Sarvanga Asana
22. Janu Sirasa Sarvanga Asana
23. Viparita Karani
24. Hala Asana
25. Nava Asana
26. Paschimottana Asana
27. Bhujanga Asana
28. Sheetali Pranayama
29. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
30. Kukkriya Pranayama
31. Pranava Pranayama
"When animals talk, children listen. And profit by what they hear. Form the days of the Panchatantra, this has been going on in a big way. Now let your kids vibe to brilliantly animated stories of animals teaching them the basic lessons of life. Let тАШAnimal TalesтАЩ relate the great values of life in a way that they will never forget. The clever goat, the wise piglet, the smart deer, the wise jackal and other quadrupeds will bring joy and understanding to the young.
1. In the first story find out how the brave goat deals with a life and death situation. On the verge of losing his life, the goat shows the wisdom and grit not only to escape from his fate but also to teach to his oppressor.
2. Find out how the piglet that was the useful pet of a carpenter adapts himself to life in a forestтАж and comes out in flying colors.
3. A king who loves huntingтАж. And a smart deer that loves its parents. Find out how the conflict of interest gets resolved.
4. A hungry lionтАЩs appetite is checked by a clever jackal in the Talking Cave. Yes, cleverness can save lives!
5. A washer man and his donkey find out that they cannot fool everybody all the time. The reward for lies can be a good thrashing.
6. Dancing monkeys astound the people with their extraordinary anticsтАж. TillтАж the truth is out.
7. What does the ever-discontented donkey find out after changing a job too many?
8. The story of the ferocious wolf, the credulous Brahmin and the clever jackal shows that brain can beat brawn.
9. When pet dog Bunny invites his friend to a party and the friend comes through the back door, they discover a truth that is worth the find. Backdoor entries can backfire!
"The birds of the air cannot only teach us to fly, but can also give us lessons in life. In the series of beautifully animated stories in this video, an array of flying creatures give children object lessons in life through the beguiling medium of stories. Let your kids learn the great values they need even as they laugh and enjoy these endearing tales.
1. How do a crow couple deal with a vicious snake that eats up their eggs? It seems that they can wreak vengeance in a way you would not have thought of. Find out in тАШThe Clever IdeaтАЩ.
2. When a half-blind vulture strains the hospitality it has been shown by the birds of a tree by inviting a cat, things are moving towards a climaxтАж. what could it be?
3. Help rendered even to small people can sometimes prove more than helpful to usтАж The story of the ant and the dove tells kids how.
4. The grumbling tortoise is taken for a flying trip by the eagle. Apart from the thrill, the tortoise learns a lesson that he will remember for ever.
5. The caged parrot that sings at night and the bat strike up a relationship. But what the bat finally tells the parrot brings a new realization.
6. What did the bat say?
7. The enemity between the crows and the owls is finally resolved when an old crow hatches a huge plot. He puts up residence at the entrance of the owl fort and begins to work out his plan.
8. The name of this swan is loyalty and courage. These qualities not only save him but also his king. Find out how, in this story of true goodness.
9. The owl does a good turn to his jumbo friend and saves his from a terrible fate.
10. The camel who strays into a forest pays a stiff price for his stupidity and becomes a heavy meal for тАШMean FriendsтАЩ.
11. An old craneтАЩs mean plot to do away with the fishes and crabs of a pond are finally checked by a brave crab. Wickedness will be exposed and punished.
"Indian Mythology is rich in stories and wisdom. The gods come into our lives through the wonderful enchantment of the great mythological stories. Now let your kids vibe with the mighty gods of India, Ganesh, Krishna and Hanuman through tales about the childhood of these supernatural heros.
The elephant-headed god Ganesh is the favourite of children as well as the common folk. Those who worship Ganesh before they undertake any venture are assured of success and wealth. The great deeds of Ganesh as a boy are vividly brought out in this video. The story of Ganesh acquiring a mouse as his vehicle and the protection Ganesh gives to a sage whose great gem is taken away by a prince are graphically illustrated here.
Lord KrishnaтАЩs life as a kid in Gokula is filled with supernatural events and great charm. The way young Krishna shows the entire universe in his mouth to his foster mother Yashodha and the pranks he plays while stealing butter from the houses in Gokula are brilliantly narrated here. The playful manner in which Krishna dispatches demons will be loved by children.
HanumanтАЩs fame as a hero of the Ramayana is next only to that of Lord Rama himself.
His childhood makes for some beautiful episodes in this video. See him perform pranks and sparking off a near war among the celestials. Just the fare that children will love to watch.
Stories of Bal Ganesh, Bal Krishna and Bal Hanuman will endear it self to kids who will never forget the exploits wrought by these great gods when they too were young.
"HereтАЩs a fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШlistening and repeatingтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this DVD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This DVD teaches your children the numerals form one to hundred, the tables from one-time-one to ten-times-ten and also teaches them how to tell the time. Watch in amazement as your children pick it all up at an astonishing pace. This all-new method is sure to have them rattling off tables and telling you the time at every change they get!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hourтАЩs of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as they play!
1. The Clock
2. Learn Time
3. Learn Numbers
4. Learn Tables
Animals and birds are just like human beings, only their heart beats under a covering of hair, fur, feathers, or wings. So it is important to teach kids about the other species that live on this earth. Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. Let тАШLearn AnimalsтАЩ introduce animals to your kid so that they learn with ease and never forget what they learn. Animated pictures of the animals, the sounds that they make and facts associated with them are brought out using various interesting activities. The facts are reiterated in various ways to assist comprehension, assimilation as well as retention. Picturesque visuals, graphic animation, interesting background music and sounds and many exciting activities will make learning about animals childтАЩs play for your kid. Teaching your child to appreciate animals is as valuable to your child as it is to the animals. Gift тАШLearn AnimalsтАЩ to your kid and begin a voyage of great beauty and joy.
Learning is one of the most wonderful things of life. In fact, life itself is a learning experience. Learning is an adventure of ideas and should always be full of excitement and joy. тАШLearning NumbersтАЩ is carefully designed to be a wonderful journey of knowledge for your child. It introduces numbers in a way that will induce carefree learning. Vivid and colourful animated shots, lucid verbal explanations, excellent music, appropriate background effects and picturesque visuals of words and numbers will make your child sit up and enjoy learning to the core. Easy introductions, repetition and recapitulation ensure that your kid assimilates the message with ease. Gift your child тАШLearning NumbersтАЩ to initiate a wonderful voyage of discovery.
Colours is GodтАЩs gift to humanityтАж.the greatest and the most divine gift to the sighted. Colour can speak to us in a thousand different ways, if only we would look and learn. ThatтАЩs way тАШLearn ColoursтАЩ propels your child into the wonderful world of colours to start the great voyage of discovery. This video helps your child identify different colours by introducing animated visuals to the accompaniment of lucid explanations and vibrant background music and sound effects. Interesting activities of different kinds involving various colours are shown to re-emphasize the colour lessons. This greatly aids memory retention. Almost all kids are greatly interested in colours, and тАШLearn ColoursтАЩ will ensure that they get a hang of different colours with ease. Gift your child тАШLearn ColoursтАЩ and be prepared to be astounded by the way it grabs attention and aids understanding.
"Newborn infants have been found to have highly developed abilities of responding to sound. No wonder then that lullabies play an important part in their upbringing. Lullabies are as importants as cudding babies in oneтАЩs arms and rocking them to sleep. Research have found that soothing music workds miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddler, by bringing a sense of security and calm. Make sure that you donтАЩt misss out on providing one of the greatest riches of human culture, the blessing of music, to your baby, by making use of the classic numbers in this album. A wide range of soothing music and tunes featuring favoriteтАЩs lullabies and famous nursery rhymes is presented in this album because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. The female and male voices are caressing, the music soft and dreamy, and the selection of lyrics meaningful to take care of your baby as much as you do. Let lullabies make your child rest softly on your chest dreaming of a rainbow way up high, pointing to a heaven of love and warmth. It will be a treasure that your baby will never forget.
1. Are you Sleeping
2. Go to Sleep
3. Sing a Song
4. Sweet and Tow
5. Rock a Bye Baby
6. Row row row Your Boat
7. Bonnic
8. Peas Porridge
9. Little Boo Beep
10. Silent Night
11. Baa Baa Black Sheep
12. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
13. Wee Willie Winky
14. When Your Going
15. Wheels On the Bus
"Here is fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШcall and responseтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this DVD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This DVD teaches your children the alphabet and different colours. Watch your children learn them at an amazingly fast rate before you know theyтАЩll be reciting the alphabet and telling you all the colours of the rainbow!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hours of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as the play!
1. ABCD (Traditional)
2. ABCD (Version 2)
3. A for Apple, B for Ball
4. Techno Baby Abcd
5. Learn The Alphabets
6. Learn The Alphabets (Version 2)
7. ItтАЩs A
8. Colours
9. Colours Version 2
10. Learn The Colours
"TodayтАЩs children are whiz kids in computers and emerging technologies, but they need to be taught the values of humanity too. What is life without love, affection and respect for others! When children are taught good manners and human values, they imbibe them fast and grow into kind, gentle and responsible youth. What better way to instill character and considerateness into kids than sprightly and youthful music! тАШGood Manners Songs for ChildrenтАЩ comes with a basketful of vibrant songs in lovely tunes and catchy cadences to make the young vibe with good values. The singerтАЩs zest for personal values and social feeling are infectious. Saying тАШThank YouтАЩ, and тАШPlease donтАЩt mentionтАЩ and greeting people with a pleasant smile will henceforth become a happy experience for children. This album is going to be a song experience for your kids with far-reaching consequences. Gift them тАШGood MannersтАЩ.
1. Good Manners
2. Do your best
3. Say please and thank you
4. Bits of paper
5. Keep things clean
6. Early to bed
7. Greet your teacher
8. My name is dean
9. Neatly dressed
10. Chew your food noisy
11. Take your bath
12. Brush our teeth
13. Do not waist water
14. Minus Karaoke тАУ This old man
15. Row row
16. Atkins drums
17. Loopy loop
18. My bonnie
19. Crooked man
20. Bits of Paper (Sing along)
"Nurture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life. Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different t combinations that sounds can come in will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 28 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. Bits of Paper
2. Coming down the mountain
3. Goozy Goozy
4. Here we go rond
5. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
6. Hot cross buns
7. If your happy
8. Jack and Jill
9. Little Boo Beep
10. London Bridge
11. Mary had a little lamb
12. My Bonnie lies
13. Postman
14. Ring a ring a roses
15. Rock a bye baby
16. Row row row your boat
17. Spider
18. There was a man
19. Theres a hole in the bucket
20. This old man
21. Three blind mice
22. To market to market
23. Twinkle twinkle little
24. Weezel
25. Crooked man
26. Ding dong bell
27. Loopsy
28. Pussy cat pussy cat
"It is common knowledge that insufficient secretion of insulin from Pancreas to help energize the crores of cells in the body leads to increasing the level of sugar in the blood vessels. The result is the sugar that is produced form the intake of food remains in the blood without the body being unable to utilize the benefit, leading to impotency, nervous and vision dis-orders cardiac problems, impotency etc. Whatever be the causes for diabetes-there are many-, the process is irreversible but can effectively be controlled by taking a balanced diet, physical exercise and medication. While medication helps in the secretion of insulin, physical exercise helps in burning excess calories in the food in-take. But these will not be effective, if care is not taken in the choice of food one takes, its quantity and timing. Balance has to be struck among nutrition, quantity and taste. This DVD contains not only the medical advice on the type of diabetic diet but also recipes and demonstration of cooking certain food items.
RECIPE 1: Multi grain pan cake
RECIPE 2: Steamed brown rice kolukkattai with garlic sauce
RECIPE 3: Mixed vegetable methi (fenugreek leaves) parantha
DESSERT 1: Multi grain kesari
"The body weight of any individual should be within the prescribed Body Mass Index to be healthy. Any indication of higher BMI indicates over weight. Resulting in not being able to move about freely even to attend to common chores, being prone to any number of diseases and thus losing a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. This DVD provides the necessary medical and also in-puts for a proper diet balanced in nutrients by live demonstration in their preparation.
RECIPE 1: Whole-wheat pasta with broccoli, tomatoes and garlic
RECIPE 2: Multi grain mixed vegetable roti
RECIPE 3: Multi grain upma with sprouted ragi & sprouted green gram
DESSERT 1: Multi grain porridge with fruits
"Lifestyle issues such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking pollution etc ate generally the causes of heart disease, prevalence of which is assuming dreadful proportions. Among the various causes, diet plays an important role especially those worth high cholesterol content. Presence of cholesterol in food by itself is not bad as long as the same is within the required level and conforms to type medically recognized. This DVD brings out the preparation of various vegetarian food items, which are rich in fibre / nutrients required for the body in reducing the level of cholesterol and thus reducing the risk heart ailments.
RECIPE 1: Steamed brown rice and broken wheat with vegetables
RECIPE 2: Mixed vegetable ragi kolukattai
RECIPE 3: Mixed vegetable idli
DESSERT 1: Oats with fruits shake
"Newborn infants have been found to have highly developed abilities of responding to sound. No wonder then that lullabies play an important part in their upbringing. Lullabies are as important as cudding babies in oneтАЩs arms and rocking them to sleep. Research have found that soothing music workds miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddler, by bringing a sense of security and calm. Make sure that you donтАЩt misses out on providing one of the greatest riches of human culture, the blessing of music, to your baby, by making use of the classic numbers in this album. A wide range of soothing music and tunes featuring favourties lullabies and famous nursery rhymes is presented in this album because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. The female and male voices are caressing, the music soft and dreamy, and the selection of lyrics meaningful to take care of your baby as much as you do. Let lullabies make your child rest softly on your chest dreaming of a rainbow way up high, pointing to a heaven of love and warmth. It will be a treasure that your baby will never forget.
1. Go to sleep my baby
2. Five little monkeys
3. Rock a by baby
4. Sweet and low
5. Rocking in the cradle
6. Whispering hope
7. My grandfatherтАЩs clock
8. Pussy cat
9. Pretty little horses
10. My bonny
11. My pretty maid
12. Ba ba Black Sheep
13. Tempest is gone
14. Wee willie winky
15. Twinkle twinkle
16. DaddyтАЩs gonna buy
17. Little bo beep
18. Baby doll
19. Sleeping beauty
20. Polly Wolly
21. Old mc donald
"Birthdays of our loved ones are special because they come only once a year. It makes sense to make them as memorable as we can. As a pop idol said, if you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate!
Here comes, тАШHappy Birthday Party SongsтАЩ to add the cutting musical edge to the birthday parties of members of your family. It is full of bubby numbers brimming with good feeling and melody for the birthday guy or gal. The numbers will charge up the atmosphere of festoons and candles and cakes and gifts with melody, bounce and dance. Revv up the mood of celebration with these songs overflowing with buzzwords that add vibrancy, vivacity and meaning not only to the Birthday but also to the ones that follow on and on. Warmth, colour, melody, life and buoyancyтАж pick all these up with this album. ItтАЩs going to mean a lot to you because it is bound to make the energy that God invested in you at birth burst out once again.
1. Happy Birthday to you
2. Celebration
3. Birthday Party
4. If your happy
5. Loop-c-loop
6. In and out of circle
7. Musical chair
8. Happy day for you
9. Hookey Pookey
10. Rain drop
11. Birdie dance тАУ fast
12. Birdie dance тАУ Slow
"Birthdays of our loved ones are special because they come only once a year. It makes sense to make them as memorable as we can. As a pop idol said, if you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate! Here comes, тАШHappy Birthday Party SongsтАЩ to add the cutting musical edge to the birthday parties of members of your family. It is full of bubby numbers brimming with good feeling and melody for the birthday guy or gal. The numbers will charge up the atmosphere of festoons and candles and cakes and gift with melody, bounce and dance. Rev up the mood of celebration with these songs overflowing with buzz words that add vibrancy, vivacity and meaning not only to the Birthday but also to the ones that follow on and on. Warmth, colour, melody, life and buoyancyтАж pick all these up with this album. ItтАЩs going to mean a lot to you because it is bound to make the energy that God invested in you at birth burst out once again.
1. Birdy Dance
2. Congratulations
3. ItтАЩs a Happ, happ Happy
4. Happy Birthday - 1
5. Happy Birthday - 2
6. AitkinтАЩs Drums
7. HeтАЩs a jolly Good Fellow
8. London Bridge
9. Big Teddy Bear
10. Row row row your Boat
11. Simple Simon
12. Fraggle Rocks
13. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
14. Hot Cross Buns
15. This Old Man
16. Clap Your Hands
17. Mary Had a Little Lamb
18. Bits Of Paper
"The Golden Temple is also known as Harmandir Sahib, meaning тАЬTemple of GodтАЭ. It is one of the holiest places of worship for Sikhs as well as one of the oldest gurdwaras in India.
The Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the holiest literature in the Sikh religion, is present inside it. ItтАЩs intended as a place of worship for people from all walks of life and all religions to come and worship God equally. The Golden Temple was built with four doors to show that people of every religion and faith are welcome here.
Inside the temple complex, there are many shrines to past Sikh Gurus, Saints and martyrs. The temple is surrounded by a large manmade lake, known as the Amritsar (Lake of Holy Water or Immortal Nectar).
This DVD has a brief history of the city of Amritsar, the establishment of the Golden Temple, the history of five Holy Ponds of Amritsar, the festivals celebrated here and information on some of the other historical Gurudwaras of Amritsar.
Most Sikh people visit Amritsar and the Golden Temple at least once during their lifetime, particularly during special occasions such as birthdays, marriage and the birth of their children.
"Veena is a very ancient instrument dating back to Vedic times. This instrument adores Goddess Saraswathi, the consort of the creator; all emotions, feelings and rasas evolved from this instruments тАУ says mythology.
Veena vadana is a highly superior form of yoga through which the Jeevathma meets the Paramathma, if played in full understanding and harmony with the instrument.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Veena Vol тАУ 1тАЩ is presented by a well-known Veena Vidhushi Smt.E.Gayathir. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Veena
4. Tuning of Veena
5. Sitting Posture
6. Handling Ways
7. Types of Veena
8. How to Pluck the String
9. Basic Lessons
10. Tips for Practice Veena
11. Concert Pattern
Artist: Smt.E.Gayathri
Supportive Veena : Anjani
Narrator: Neeta Kamath
Camera: Gope Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
"Veena is a very ancient instrument dating back to Vedic times. This instrument adores Goddess Saraswathi, the consort of the creator; all emotions, feelings and rasas evolved from this instruments тАУ says mythology.
Veena vadana is a highly superior form of yoga through which the Jeevathma meets the Paramathma, if played in full understanding and harmony with the instrument.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Veena Vol тАУ 2тАЩ is presented by a well-known Veena Vidhushi Smt.E.Gayathir. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. Introduction
2. Specific Exercises
3. Alankaras
4. Dhattu Varisai
5. Geetham
6. Swarajathi
7. Varnam
8. Concert Pattern
9. Tips of Practice Veena
Artist : Smt.E.Gayathri
Supportive Veena : Anjani
Narrator : Neeta Kamath
Camera : Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design : Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing : Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director : Mahendran
"The Violin is the most common among the bowed instruments. The world Violin comes form the middle latin word тАЬVitulaтАЭ meaning тАЬstringed instrumentsтАЭ. It is supposed to be the king of all musical instruments because of its rich tonal quality, soothing sound and its simple structural form.
The violin was the first western instrument to be absorbed completely into Indian Music. It occupies a very important place in the sage of Indian Music.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play ViolinтАЩ is presented by a well-known Indian Classical Carnatic Violinist Smt.Kalpana Venkat. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Violin
4. Types of Violin
5. Sizes of Violin
6. Holding the Violin & Bow
7. Bowing Techniques
8. Tuning of the Violin
9. Basic Lessons
10. Concert Pattern
11. Tips for Students
Artist: Smt.Kalpana Venkat
Student: Akkarsh & Aniirudh
Narrator: Neeta Kamath
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
"Mandolin can be defined as a small stringed musical instrument of the lute family with a half-pear-shape, a fretted neck, and a variable number of strings, plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.
Mandolin is modified as Electrically Solid block Mandolin which is used for playing Indian classical Carnatic music.
This DVD тАШLearn to Play MandolinтАЩ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Mandolin
4. Sitting Posture & Handling Ways
5. Tuning of the Instrument
6. Fingering Techniques
7. Basic Lessons
8. Playing Gamakas
9. Concert Pattern
Artist: U.P.Raju
Student: Vasanthan
Narrator: Benedict
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
"Guitar is one of the most popular stringed musical instruments that is used in a wide variety of musical styles like blues, country, flamenco, rock music, and many forms of pop. The first known versions of both the acoustic and classical guitars date back to medieval times. TodayтАЩs acoustic guitar is lightweight and does not need electrics in order to amplify the sound it makes.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Acoustic GuitarтАЩ is presented by a well-known Guitarist Joseph Vijay. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Acoustic Guitar
4. Tuning
5. Strumming Pattern
6. Basic Exercises
7. Chords
8. Rhymes
9. Guitar Solo
Artist: Joseph Vijay
Student: Nishant
Narrator: Natasha Pinto
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna
Art Director: Mahendran
"The PIANO is comparatively Modern Instrument, its origin atleast as far back as the beginning of the 15th century. Each of the early keyboard instrumentsтАж. Clavichord, Virginals, spinets and Harpsichord contributed something to the modern Piano.
The Piano keyboard has a regular pattern of black and white keys. The basic pattern repeats throughout. The Piano is a crucial instrument in Western classical music, jazz, film, television, composition and most other complex western musical genres.
This DVD comprises basic lessons for the Piano by a well-known pianist Sandhya Vasanth Kumar. Those who have a Keyboard, can play these lessons too, which has been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of the Piano
4. Posture
5. Introduction to Piano Music
6. Basic Music theory
7. Dynamics
8. Scales
9. Chords & Arrpigios
10. Songs
11. Duet
Artist: Sandhya Vasanth Kumar
Student: Christopher Raja
Narrator: Natasha Pinto
"The Drum is a very dynamic instrument which instantly captivates oneтАЩs musical instinct and Rhythm comes naturally to all human beings.
This DVD, тАЬLearn to Play DrumsтАЭ is dedicated to my late grandparents who have always supported me to take up music as a career. I am grateful to my Gurus Pamavibushan Awardee Pandit Umayalpuram. K.Sivaraman, Shri.Vaikkom Devarajan & Shri.Harinikesh for inspiring & motivating me. My special thanks to percussionists Sivamani and Pete Lockett for their continuours support.
тАШLearn to Play DrumsтАЩ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and Practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Drums
4. Seating
5. Holding the sticks
6. Striking the Drums
7. Basic Lessons (40 Rudiments)
8. Drums solo
Artist: S.Muralikrishnan
Student: Karpaka.A & K.Bharanidharan
Narrator: Benedict
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
"The Sitar is one of the most popular Instruments in Hindustani Shastriya Sangeet and is a versatile instrument. Its ability to produce a deeply emotive tone that is very close to the human voice with agility and liveliness has made it a very sought after instrument.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Sitar Vol-2тАЩ is presented by a well-known Satirist Sri.B.Sivaramakrishna Rao, Disciple of Late Ustad Ahmed Hussain Khan who was the doyen of Mian Achpal Gharana. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Meend
3. Surgeeth in Rag Bhoopali
4. Vadi & Samvadi
5. Gath & Anthra
6. Taan & Tihai
7. Composition in Rag Kafi
8. Concert Pattern
Artist: B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
Student: Sriram, Ranjani & Naren
Narrator: Neeta Kamath
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
HOW GANESHA GOTTHEELEPHANT HEAD-This is the interesting tale that explains how Ganesh came to have the of an elephant. It is just another example of GaneshтАЩs devotion to his mother and his single-minded determination to follow her order, which even to him losing his head.
HOW GANESHA BEGAN TRAVELLING ON THE MOUSE-This story tells us why Ganesh travels
On a mouse. He crushed the ego of an asura called Gajamukhasura who transformed himself to a mouse and devoted himself to serve Lord Ganesh decided to travel on his back.
BIRTH OF PARVATI-When sati ends him life by immersing herself in the yagna fire,she is reborn as parvathi,the daughter of a great king Himavat,ruler of the HimalayanтАЩs. Paravathi has a great desire to marry Lord Shiva so she goes to the place where he is meditating and begins to serve him.
TARAKASURAN-This tale of an assure called tarakasura.Because of his desire to become immortal, hedose severe penance and finally Brahma grants him a born that only shivaтАЩs son will be able to kill him. Rendered almost immortal.Tarakasura begins to wreck havoc and harasses all the devas including indri.
SHIVA AND PARVATHI-Upon BrahmaтАЩs advice, indri requests Kama and Rati, the gods of love. To make shiva fall in love with parvathi. Kama tries to aim his arrow at Shiva but Shiva, in his fury, burns Kama to ashes, finally parvathi herself wins shivaтАЩs heart by doing severe penance. With fathers, permission shiva and parvathi marry.
HANUMAN MEETS RAM-In this story, we see the circumstance that led to HanumanтАЩs first encounter with Lord Ram. As soon as he met him, he pledged undying devotion to him and his cause of finding Sita.
HANUMAN IN SEARCH OF SITA-This is story of the various obstacles Hanuman encounter on his mission to find sita and how he overcomes them with valour, strength and presence of mind.
KRISHNA AND JARASANDHA-This story explains how Lord Kristna heard king yudhishthiraтАЩs request to perform rajasuya yagya and then how tactfully Lord Krishna helped Bheema to defeat King Jaraandha,son of king Brihadratha.
KRISHNA AND NARAKASURA-This story tells how Lord Krishna Killed Narakasura, the son of the earth goddess, he created chaos in the heavens and mother AditiтАЩs earring.
Ingredients: SILVER LAMP
Ingredients: DRY GINGER
Ingredients: SMALL ONIONS
Ingredients: VASALEAVES
Ingredients: KATUKAI
Ingredients: ASAFETIDA
Ingredients: BLACK SESAME
Ingredients: CUCUMBER
Ingredients: GOOSE BERY (DRY)
Ingredients: BLACK SESAME
.Ingredients: GARLIC
Ingredients: PEPPER
Ingredients: NEEM LEAVES
Ingredients: TULASI LEAVES
Ingredients: CLOVE
"As per Ayurveda, the functional body movements are smoothly conducted it shows the health structure. This movement also carries the mind hence thoughts also will be more clear if the movements in the body are smooth. Skin is the most important sense organs and most porous part in the body it can easily regulate the subtle movements in the body hence the important of skin care.
A) ABHYANGAM (general massage of body with oil):
Abhyangam is a popular body massage in ayurveda. The word abhyanga itself means to massage.Abhyangam is an integral part of the daily routine recommended by this healing system for overall health and well-being.Abhyanga is the anointing of the body with oil. Often medicated and usually warm, the oil is massaged into the entire body before bathing.For thousands of year people have used abhyanga to maintain health, benefit sleep patterns, increase longevity. It has also been used as a medicine for certain disorders. Abhyanga can be incorporated into a routine appropriate for almost anyone. It provides the body the necessary life energy to recover, refresh, renew and enables the mind to be relaxed. It wipes the negative energy of the body and makes the body powerful.
B) ABHYANGAM- NAVARAKIZHI (general massage with rice cooked in medicated milk):
After a short of Abhyangam massage, it is a kind of therapy which is applied by fulfilling full mass of rice and milk into a linen coarse bath-glove by beating slightly and massaging. It contributes to develop weak and motionless joint and muscles.The whole body is made to perspire by the application of medicinal boluses frequently warmed in herb infused milk. It helps in strength promoting, rejuvenating, paralysis and Parkinsonism.
Intensely relaxing and revitalizing, this massage nourishes hair, improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the head region, eases chronic head and neck problem, relieves insomnia, migraine, dry scalp and itching, and stimulates the sensory organs and soul.
Sirodhara is one of the most popular ayurvedic therapies in India. The world тАШSiroтАЩ meaning тАШheadтАЩ and тАШDharaтАЩ meaning continuous pouring of medicated liquid over the head. Siro Dhara is a treatment process in which medicated herbal oil is allowed to drip in a continuous stream over the patientтАЩs forehead for 30 minutes to one hour. It relaxes the nervous system, acts as a soothing balm for the brain and fights insomnia.
Ayurvedic Facial Massage, a form of natural beauty treatment, is based on the principles and standards of Ayurveda. This scientific massage style rejuvenates, revitalizes skin; makes it healthy and radiant. Ayurvedic facial massage helps invigorate skin & provides an instant solution to the ill effects of stress. Ayurvedic facial massage makes use of herbal product and extracts as well as pure essential iols. Clear, healthy, lustrous skin can be yours at any age if you spend just a few minutes taking care of it everyday. A skincare routine should ideally start in the pre-teen years and be followed regularly for the best results.
Herbal face packs rejuvenate the facial skin. Increase the fairness of skin, Say no to pimple,acne,dark circles and wrinkles with herbal face packs.They are made from fresh ingredients comprising of fresh herbs or fruits to nourish the skin and enhance beauty. They improve circulation as well as cleanse and tauten the entire face. So nourish your face with rich AYURVEDIC FACE PACKтАж
Eyes are the most important and beautiful among five sensory organs. It is said that 80% of the knowledge we gain is through our eyes. It is needless to mention here the worth and praise about the eyes.Even through our eyes are one of the most important organs in our body, yet people neglect to care about them and rarely pay attention until there is some serious problem. So prevent and protect
your eyes through AYURVEDAтАж
Instillation of medicated oil through the nose is called Nasyam..nose is the major opening in to the head and nasal cavity is well connected to ear mouth and eyes. Cleaning and strengthening of passages related to these four sense organs will be contributing a lot to the over all functioning of an individual.Hence this procedure nasyam is relevant for patients with diseases related to these sense organs and head, as well as for normal persons to maintain a healthy functioning of sense organs. It is very effective in diseases like sinusitis, migraine, chronic cold and chest congestion, and major disorders like facial paralysis and hemiplegia.
Retention of oil-soaked cotton cloth on the head is called SIRO PICHU. Such oil retentions pacify the nerves and brain cells and improve the personтАЩs memory leves.Amedicine rich blend of herbs, milk and oil is used for the treatment. With appropriate medicines, siro pichu also reduces
AlzheimerтАЩsdisease, cervical spondylosis,hemiplegia, facial paralysis, sleeplessness..
Acylindrical leather cap of about ten inches height and having both the ends open fixed in position by means of cloth belt two to three inches in width is tied around the head and black gram paste is used for plugging the holes and filling the gaps. Suitable medicated oil heated to a bearable degree is poured within and allowed to remain for 1 hour, until the mucus trickles down through the nostrils. This treatment is highly effective for hair fall, dandruff, facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches and other vatha (rheumatic)- related diseases.
"Animated Nursery Rhymes For kids is a musical method of your learning favorite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 26 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next .
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a little lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. IтАЩm a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three blind mice
7. pat a cake
8. Little boy blue
9. Cock a doodle doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnight
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the weasel
15. Twinkle twinkle little star
16. If Your happy
17. ItтАЩs raining
18. London bridge
19. Hot cross buns
20. All around the mulberry bush
21. All things bright and beautiful
22. Goosy goosy gander
23. Hey diddle
24. The farmer in the Dell
25. Three little kittens
26. Rock a bye baby
"Most people enjoy a good foot rub, but few of us know there is a science behind it called foot reflexology. Reflexology is the physical act of applying pressure to the feet with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques to bring about a physical change to the body. Reflexology is more than a foot massage; itтАЩs a natural healing therapy which is highly effective in dealing with many complaints.
Reflexology is based on the principle that the foot can be divided in reflex zones each of which corresponds to a part of the body. This DVD will help you identify these zones and will train you in the art of gently applying the right amount of pressure to each of these zones to alleviate pain and to reduce and eliminate blockages in corresponding glands, organs and other parts of the body. Experience the wonders of reflexology with the Learn Foot Reflexology DVD.
The benefits of reflexology include:
1. Relaxation
2. Pain reduction
3. Amelioration of symptoms for health concerns
4. Rejuvenation in tired feet
5. Improvement in blood flow
6. Impact on physiological measures
7. Beneficial for post-operative recovery and pain reduction
8. Enhancement of medical care
9. Adjunct to mental health care
10. Complement to cancer care
11. Easier birthing / delivery /postpartum recovery
"Sri Lankan culture is a blend of rich and diverse influences and its cuisine is a perfect reflection of its culture. The food here is hot and spicy, perfectly complimenting the weather and warm hospitality of the people who live here. The staple food is rice and is accompanied by a variety of flavourful curries, some of which you will learn in this DVD. Wholesome, exotic, simmering with spices yet tempered with rich coconut milk, all the recipes in this DVD are authentically Sri Lankan, yet toned down for a touristтАЩs palette. Let our chefs guide you through the Secrets of Sri Lankan Vegetarian Cooking and take your very own gastronomical journey through the very best of Sri Lankan cuisine.
"Traditionally, Thai massage are known to be among the best in the world and unlike European style, traditional Thai massages focus on circulation and pressure points, promoting internal health as well as muscular flexibility. Thai massage aims to realign the energies in the body, helps to detoxify the body and boost the immune system, tone the body, strengthen joints and fight diseases, clear the mind, reduce stress and relive anxiety.
This DVD teaches one the basics of Thai massage and how to use oneтАЩs own body weight to apply pressures to different parts of the body while giving massages. It is a beginnerтАЩs step-by-step guide to the ancient art of giving relaxing massages that not only yield physical benefits, but are also helpful on a emotional and spiritual level. Experience the wonder of Thai massages with the Learn Thai Massage DVD.
Physical Benefits of Thai Massage:
1. Help detoxification of the body and boost immune system.
2. Increase blood circulation, lower blood pressure.
3. Good for muscle relaxation, increase flexibility in your muscles, increase mobility.
4. Improve breathing.
5. Improves posture, balance, corrects body alignments and dissolves energy blockages.
6. Improves athletic performance.
7. Help arthritis and back pain.
8. Help tone the body, strengthen joints and fight diseases, including chronic joint problems.
9. Prevent illnesses and alleviates degenerative diseases.
10. Slows the aging process.
Mental Benefits of Thai Massage:
1. Improve your outlook towards life; builds an emotional balance.
2. Help with concentration and creativity / Mind and body concentration.
3. Help you gain mental clarity.
Psychological effects of Thai Massage:
1. Reduce and relieve stress and anxiety.
2. Help people boost their inner energy levels.
3. Develop discipline and self-control.
4. Achieve better health, increases health and vitality.
5. Raise the energy level and stamina.
6. Build internal power (and creates a natural confidence).
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method for you to teach your children your favorite rhymes. It is a perfect sing-along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with music and colorful animation thatтАЩs guaranteed to be a hit with little ones. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD Consists of 21 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied by beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Incy Wincy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pokey
7. Little Bunny Foo Foo
8. One Little Two Little
9. Hush Little Baby
10. She Will Be Coming
11. Lady Bug
12. ABCD
13. Jack and Jill
14. Ding Dong Bell
15. This Old Man
16. Georgy Porgy
17. Jingle Bells
18. The Ants Go Marching
19. Sing a Song Of Six Pence
20. Saw a Ship Sailing
21. The Wheels on the bus
"Thai cuisine is known for its intricate balancing act of five fundamental flavors - hot, sour, sweet,, salty, and bitter. Thai food tends to be full of fresh herbs, spices, chilies, and a wonderful array of fruits and vegetables. Coconut milk plays a major part in a multitude of Thai curries, and the aromatic flavors of lemongrass, chili, lime, galangal, and a plethora of herbs permeate the cuisine.
Thais were very adapting at тАШSiamese-icingтАЩ foreign cooking methods, and substituting ingredients. The ghee used in Indian cooking was replaced by coconut oil, and coconut milk substituted for other daily products. Overpowering pure spices were toned down and enhanced by fresh herbs such as lemon grass and galangal. Eventually, fewer and less spices were used in Thai curries, while the use of fresh herbs increased. It is generally acknowledged that Thai curries burn intensely, but briefly, whereas other curries, with strong spices, burn for longer periods. Instead of serving dishes in courses, a Thai meal is served all at once, permitting dinners to enjoy complementary combinations of different tastes.
A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry dish with condiments, a dip with accompanying vegetables. A spiced salad may replace the curry dish. The soup can also be spicy, but the curry should be replaced by non-spiced items. There must be a harmony of tastes and textures within individual dishes and the entire meal.
1. Kale Salad
2. Lemon Grass Pie
3. Thai Spring Roll
4. Thai Salad
5. Vegetable Hot And Sour Soup
6. Thai Vegetarian Fried Rice
7. Stri Fried Vegetable Soya Sauce
8. Thai Banana Roti
"Religion and music have always had an integrally close relationship with each other. As the worldтАЩs fourth largest religion, Buddhism is no exception; except the way it has intertwined with music is somewhat different to the relationship music has with Christianity, Islam or Hinduism. Buddhism is unique in that it does not consider chanting to be prayer.
Chanting cleanses the mind like water cleanses the body. When you chant Buddhist mantras, you are not asking someone to save you from evil nor are you hoping to be given a place in heaven after death. Instead, through chanting you can learn, teach, philosophize or re-memorize the discourse.
This DVD contains Buddhist chants recited by monks in monasteries in Thailand and India. It also contains a short history of the origin of some important chants, an interview with a monk and helps give a deeper understanding of Buddhist chants. Through this DVD, you will learn several important chants which are the first steps to meditation. They focus on a simple phrase and melody and repeat it over and over. The repetition relaxes the mind, and the body thus becomes ready to meditate.
The aim of Buddhist chanting and meditation is to clean the mind of defilement and disturbances, to gain insight (Vipassana) which leads to the understanding of the true nature of things. The essential features are mindfulness and awareness, which you will discover by practicing chanting with this DVD.
Buddham saranam gacchami Dhammam saranam gacchami Sangham saranam gacchami I take refuge in the Buddha I take refuge in the Dharma I take refuge in the Sangha
"Carnatic music has a very ancient and traditional background. The very word тАЬCarnaticтАЭ means traditional or ancient. However, the application of the term Carnatic to this form of music is more recent than the music itself! Here we discuss the elements of change and continuity in this traditional form of classical music in India. Carnatic music is a melody-based system. Melody in the context of Carnatic music may be explained as, тАЬThe production of any musical tone or succession of such tones or semitones, with definite frequencies, within certain parameters, whether rendered independently or in conjunction with rhythm and / or IyricsтАЭ. Rhythm can be defined as a process in which the nuclei of attention are separated by individual parts of time. In Carnatic music, the other important and unique feature is the prosody (Iyrics), Known as Sahitya.The sahitya has always been the effective means to communicate manтАЩs moods. Some of the key term you will come across when dealing with Carnatic music are: Raga, Tala, Kriti, Varnam, Padam, Javali, Tillana, Alapana, Tanam, Neraval,
Kalpanaswara and Tani Avartanam.
1. Artist Profile
2. Introdution To Indian Classical Carnatic Music
3. Tuning
4. Sitting Posture & Voice Culture
5. Basic Lesson
6. Sarale Varesai
7. Janta Varesai
8. Concert Pattern
"Carnatic music has a very ancient and Traditional background. The very word тАЬCarnaticтАЭ means traditional or ancient. However, the application of the term Carnatic to this form of music is more recent than the music itself! Here we discuss the elements of change and continuity in this traditional form of classical music in India. Carnatic music is a melody тАУ based system. Melody in the context of Carnatic music may be explained as, тАЬThe production of any musical tone or succession of such tones or semitones, with definite frequencies, within certain parameters, whether rendered independently or in conjunction with rhythms and /or IyricsтАЭ. Rhythm can be fined as a process in which the nuclei of attention are separated by individual parts of time, In Carnatic music, the other important and unique feature is the prosody (Iyrics), known as Sahitya. The sahitya has always been the effective means to communicate manтАЩs moods. Some of the key term you will come across when dealing with Carnatic music are: Raga, Tala, Kriti, Varnam, Padam, Javali, Tillana, Alapana, Tanam, Neraval,
Kalpanaswara and Tani Avartanam.
1. Range Exercises
2. Alankaras
3. Geetham
4. Song
5. Concert Pattern
"The Hindustani Music that developed during the Moghul 15th and 16th century AD is based on the rich Indian tradition. Amir Khusro was a scholar poet and musicologist of rare talent in the court of Allauddin Khilji 13th century AD is credited with the introduction of new forms and styles in Hindustani music, which are still in practice today. Hindustani music is based on the raga system. Raag is the intricate system of scales and associated melodic patterns. In their numerical ratios, the scales and melodic patterns correspond with moods, colors, seasons and hours of day and night. This time theory, which governs the raags, is a unique feature of Hindustani music. The main architect of the existing system of Hindustani music was Pandit V N Bhatkhande who was responsible for the classification of the Ragas into the 10 thatтАЩs. An important landmark in Hindustani music was the establishment of gharanas under the patronage of princely states. A gharana is more a school of thought than an institution. Each of the gharanas developed distings facets and styles of presentation and performance.
A Hindustani musician by professiona, Dr.Ramdesh pande is a renowned vocalist of new generation and an artist of commendable talent. Shri Chepe Shri Panake and Pt. Prabhakar Deshkar initiated dr.Ramdeshpande in classical music. Later he was fortunate to receive guidance from Pt.Yashwant Bua Joshi and Pt. Ulhas Kashalkar of Gwalior and jaipur Gharanas. He has also received tutelage from Pt.Babanrao Haldankar of Agra Gharana and Pt.Yeshwant Mahale of Bhatkhande parampara. Dr.ramdeshpande has excelled academically with post graduate degree in music from Nagpur University with gold medal. He is an A Graded artist of Akashwani and Doordarshan and has performed several prestigious musical platforms in India and all over the world.
1. Introduction
2. About Hindustani Classical Music
3. About Gharana
4. Tuning
5. Sitting Posture and Voice Culture
6. Basic Notes of Hindustani Classical Music
7. Basix Exercises
8. Bhajan In rag Bhairavi
9. Concert Pattern.
100% Fengshui Remedies to get pregnant - рд╕реНрддреНрд░реАрд▓рд╛ рдЧрд░реЛрджрд░ рдХрд╕реЗ рдХрд░рд╛рд╡реЗ ? рдкрд╛рд╣рдгреНрдпрд╛рд╕рд╛рдареА рдпреЗрдереЗ рдпрд╛
"Vadhapiganapathim- Hamsadhwani тАУ Adhi тАУDikshidhar
Vedhanai Evaridam тАУ Parvathi- Kandachappu тАУAmbujam Krishnan
Samaganapriye тАУ Anandhabhairavi- Adhi тАУ G.N.Balasubramanyam
Raghuvamsasudha - Kathanakudhukalam тАУ Adhi тАУ Pattinam Subramanya Iyer
Aberi тАУ Raga Aalapana
Nagumomu - Abheri тАУ Adi тАУThyagaraja
Thani Avarthanam
Chinnanchiru Kiliye - Raga Malika тАУ Rupakam тАУ Bharathiyar"
"1. Gnana Vinayaka тАУ Gambheera Natai тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
2. Sabhapathi тАУ Abhogi - Roopakam-Papanasam Sivan
3. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthasri тАУ adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Kripayapalaya тАУ Charukesi тАУ Misrachapu тАУ Swathi Thirunal
5. Magudi
6. Swami Sangeetha - (Ayappan Song)
7. Bhagyada Lakshmi тАУ Madhyamavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Purundaradasar
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where his adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light. "
"1. Isavasya
2. Brahadaranyaka
3. Adhyaya I (Madhukanda)
4. Pravargya тАУ Advaitopadesa
5. Aham Brahmasri
6. Brahmanam 1 Mantras 1 and 2
7. Brahmanam 2 Mantras 1 to 7
8. Brahmanam 3 Mantras 1 to 28
9. Brahmanam 4 Mantras 1 to 17
10. Brahmanam 5 Mantras 1 to 23
11. Brahmanam 6 Mantras 1 to 3
The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means secret and sacred knowledge. Isavasya Upanishad is a portion from the Sukla Yajurveda samhita containing twenty mantras. The central theme of this Upanishad тАЬIsavasyam idam streamтАЭ is to teach that God is all pervasive and regulator of all. All are entirely dependent upon him. It advises elimination of greed for spiritual pursuit; Performance of oneтАЩs prescribed duties in dedication to the God. To know the God as described above is right knowledge. The following prayer has rich spiritual content and a high degree of poetic appeal. Ohm, God lead us by the right path towards the prosperity (liberation), remove the bondage. We offer profuse salutations.
Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is the most important of the Upanishads. It details the theory of creation and the means of knowing the self and the Brahman three sections. Madhu Kanda,
Yajnavalkya Kanda and Khila Kanda. The Madhu Kanda teaches about the identity of the individual self and the universal self the superimposition of the world on Brahman."
"1. Adhyayav (Yajnavalkya Kanda )
2. Brahmanan 1 Mantras 1
3. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 3
4. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1
5. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1
6. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1 and 2
7. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1
8. Brahmanan 7 Mantras 1
9. Yajnavalkya тАУ Gargi, Brahmatattva
10. Brahmanan 8 Mantras 1
11. Brahmanan 9 Mantras 1
12. Brahmanan 10 Mantras 1
13. Brahmanan 11 Mantras 1
14. Brahmanan 12 Mantras 1
15. Brahmanan 13 Mantras 1 to 4
16. Brahmanan 14 Mantras 1 to 7
17. Brahmanan 15 Mantras 1
The most important Brhadaranyaka Upanishad is the perennial source of secret and sacred spiritual knowledge. In the Yajnavalkya Kanda, Yanjnavalkya is presented as a master dialectician in the assembly of the philosopher. King Janaka, worsting the deabators who are the philosophical interlocutors opposing Yajnavalkya. The third division, the Khila Kanda, deals with certain kinds of mediation. The preaching to Gargi the Brahma tattva, the paraloka and Moksha. Yajnavalkya maitreyi samvada that explains Atmabodha."
"1. Adhyaya II
2. (Madhukanda)
3. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 04
4. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1 to 06
5. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1 to 14
6. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1 to 19
7. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1 to 03
8. Adhyaya III (Adhyaropa)
9. Brahmanan 1 Mantras 1 to 10
10. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 13
11. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1 and 2
12. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1 and 2
13. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1
14. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1
15. Brahmanan 7 Mantras 1 and 2
16. Brahmanan 8 Mantras 1 to 12
17. Brahmanan 9 Mantras 1 to 16
The most important Brahadarnayaka Upanishad is the perennial source of secret and sacred spiritual knowledge. The Madhu Kanda teaches about the identity of the individual self and the universal self-the superimposition of the world on Brahman. Adi Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhava have commented on this Upanishad and commended its Scientific method of explanation. Sureshvara wrote a vartika (a gloss on SankaraтАЩs commentary) there are two recessions of the Satapatha Brahmana, the Kanva and Madhyandina. Sankara followed the Kanva recessions."
"The Upanishads are the perennial source of spiritual knowledge. The word Upanishad means secret and sacred knowledge. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad is the most important of the Upanishads. The Upanishad conveys the ultimate message as Aham Brahmasri- I am Brahman:
тАЬAtmetyevopasita тАУ worship Atman as Brahman: Athata aadeso neti neti-Therefore, the instruction is not this, not this. When everything is negated, what remains the desideratum is Brahman. This Upanishad is considered the last word on Advaita. It also contains the famous Maiteyi Brahmana, which is the dialogue between Yajnavalkya and his philosopher wife Maiteyi who demanded that her husband indicate to her the means of Self-realization. тАЬAtma va are drashtavyo srotavyoтАЭ etc.
1. Adhyaya III
2. Madhukanda (Adhyaropa)
3. Brahmanan 9 Mantras 16 to 18
4. Slokas 1 to 7
5. Adhyaya IV
6. Brahman, Atma Svaroopa, (Apavada) (Vidya sutra Vyakhya) (neti neti)
7. Brahmanan 1 Mantras 1 to 7
8. Brahmanan 2 Mantras 1 to 4
9. Brahmanan 3 Mantras 1 to 37
10. Brahmanan 4 Mantras 1 to 25
11. Brahmanan 5 Mantras 1 to 15
12. Brahmanan 6 Mantras 1 to 3"
"1. Naaranar Enum
2. Vaasithu Kaanonathu
3. Moola Mandhiram
4. Nilaiyaana Samuthiramaga
5. Tharayil Maanudar
6. Konthuvar
7. Aanatha Gnani"
2. Aankaaramum
3. Karuvin Uruve
4. Padikkum Thiruppugazh
5. Ezhu Kadal Manalai
6. Naadha Kumaara
"1. Naanenu Maadidheno
2. Baagilanu Theredhu
3. Enu Saadhane Maadi Krishnana
4. Elu Narayanane
5. Elemana Muraayiyanu Kondaado
6. Daasa Daasara Maneya
7. Hanuman Mathave
8. Hanthakana Dhootharige
9. Mella Mellane Bandane
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where his adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability, Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light.
"1. Namo Venkatesha
2. Poojisalende Hoogala Thandhe
3. Neenu Nanas Sari Samarenu
4. Belagayithu Elamma Mookambika
5. Saakashaath Parabrahama Roopa
6. Megha Maale Dharisiha
7. Badhuke Bangaara Vayithu
8. Jyothi Belagi Barali
9. Elli Ninna Bhaktaro Alle Mantharaalaya
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where his adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability, Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light.
"1. Siddhi Vinayagam тАУ Shanmuga Priya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Dhikshithar
2. Sobillu Sabdha тАУ Jagan Mohini тАУ Rupakam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Birana Brova тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adhi тАУ (Thisra Nadai) тАУ Pancha Nadhiswara
4. Chakkani Raja - Karahara Priya - Adi тАУ Thayagaraja
5. Indha Vibeeshana тАУ Banthuvarali тАУ Rupakam тАУ Aununachala Kavi
6. Thani Avarthanam
7. Thunbam Nergayil тАУ dhesh тАУ Ekathalam - Bharathidhasan
8. Western Notes
9. Thirupugazh
"1. Varnam- Ranjani - adi тАУ G.N.Balasubrmanian
2. Gajavadana тАУ Begada тАУ Adi тАУ Vijaya Vittala Dasa
3. Om Namo Narayana тАУ Karna Ranjani тАУ K.Chappu тАУ Ambujam Krishna
4. Pirava Varam Tharum тАУ Lathangi тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharati
5. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kambodhi тАУ adi тАУThyagaraja
6. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan.
7. Marati Abang - Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam - Namdev
"1. Jagadhanandha Karaka тАУ Nattai тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
2. Pahimam Sri тАУ Janaranjani тАУ Adhi тАУ Ramaswami Sivan
3. Manaviyalakinhara тАУ Nalinikanthi тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Samaja Varagamana тАУ Hindolam тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Rangasayee тАУ Kambhoji тАУ Adhi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Bhavayami Gopalam тАУ Yamuna Kalyani тАУ Khandachapu
7. Rama Mantra - Jonpuri тАУ Adhi тАУ Purandara Dasa
8. Thillana тАУ Kapi тАУ Thisra Ekam тАУ MD Ramanathan
"The Divine Mother of the Universe, Lalitha, once gave audience to all the gods. To worship her came crores of Brahmas (creators) and BrahminтАЩs (consorts of the creators), and crores of Narayanas with their Lakshmis and crores of Rural with their Gaur is. The different Shaktis who came to do Lalitha reverence were also innumerable, as were the Devas and Siddhas.
When they had all worshipped her, they took their seats, upon which, Sri Devi Lalitha, glanced meaningfully Vashini and others, the goddess of speech. There upon they began to sing the thousand names of Lalitha, composed by them earlier, at her express command.
While Devi Lalitha became glad upon hearing the hymn, all those who were assembled there were amazed at its exquisite beauty and puissance. тАЬDeclare these thousand names to my devotees. It a devotee recites it even once, I grant him all his desires,тАЭ Devi Lalitha told them.
The above details are conveyed by Lord Havagriva, the horse-faced manifestation of Lord Vishnu worshipped as the embodiment of intelligence, to the Sage Agastya, one of the most revered figures in Hindu lord. The passage occurs in the preface to the Lalitha Sahasranama, a great masterpiece that finds pride of place in the second part of the Brahmanda Purana. (The Puranas are sacred texts, which explain the Vedic doctrines, the fountainhead of Hindu philosophy, to lay minds).
Taken as a devotional hymn, the Lalitha Sahasranama is a wonderful track in which deep feeling is expressed in sublime language. The sonorous alliterations and assonances, and the beautiful cadences create an incantatory effect. Unlike other hymns of thousand names, the Lalitha Sahasranama is free from meaningless particles and words, and also from the fault of repetition. The hymn, in its straightforward significance invokes the celestial qualities of the goddess, and builds an ambience of majesty, beauty, power and sanctity.
"1. Adi Kinder тАУ Mayamalavagowla тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuthandavar
2. Ananda Nata Maduvar тАУ Poorvi Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Neelakanta Sivan
3. Kamalamba тАУ Ananadabairavi тАУ Misra Chapu тАУ Dikshitar
4. Krishna Nee Begane Baro тАУ Yamunakalyani тАУ Misra Chapu тАУ Puranadaradasar
5. Thunga Theera Vihara тАУ Salagabairvai тАУ Adi тАУ Kamalesavitala
6. Sri Chakra тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adi тАУ Pudukkottai Santhananda Swamy
7. Dolayam тАУ Kamas тАУ Tisra Ekam - Annamacharya
"1. Pranamamyaham тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi - Mysore Vasudevachar
2. Maamavasada Varada - Natakuranji тАУ Roopakam тАУ Swathi Thirunal
3. Bantu Reethi тАУ Hamsanadham тАУ Adi -Thyagaraja
4. Vinatha Sutha тАУ Jayantasena тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Swara Raga тАУ Sankarabharanam тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
6. Narayana - Sudha Dhanyasi тАУ Khanda Chapu тАУ Purandara Dasaru
7. Thamarai Pootha тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thrichy Thayagarajan
8. Pibare Ramarasam тАУ Yamuna Kalyani - Adi - Sadasiva Bramhendra
"1. Ganamurthi тАУ Raga Ganamurthi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Namagiri Pettai Krishnan
2. Nannu Palimpa тАУ Mohanama тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Karakuruchi Arunachalam
3. Nagumomu тАУ Abheri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja (with Thani Avarthnam) тАУ Jayashankar & Valayapatti
4. Birane Brova тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ (Tisra Nadai) тАУ Pancha Nadhiswara тАУ MPN Sethuraman Ponnuswamy
5. Theeradha Vilaiyattu Pillai тАУ Ragamalikai тАУ Tisra Ekam - Bhaatiyar тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
"1. Manavyaala тАУ Thyagaraja - Nalinakanti - Adi
2. Nathajana тАУ Thyagaraja - Simhendra Madhyama тАУ Roopaka
3. Sri Chakra Raja Nilaye тАУ GNB - Shivashakti тАУ Adi
4. Parama Paavana Rama тАУ P.Srinivasa Ayyangar тАУ Poorvi Kalyani тАУ Adi
5. Brahmanda Nayaka тАУ Swamy тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi
Kadri Gopalnath is a somewhat atypical figure on the Indian classical music scene on account of his choice of instrument the also sax, an instrument he began playing as a child and that he has bent to the needs of the needs of the raga in a series of brilliant left-field interpretations. ItтАЩs a choice that runs decidedly counter to the musical culture Gopalnath grew up in where he adherence to strict canons albeit with their own internal evolution, has permitted the preservation of a thousand years old tradition. Yet thanks to his passion and ability, Kadri Gopalnath has managed to insert a typically western instrument to the flow of south Indian classical music, bringing out its resources and nuances in all altogether different light.
"1. Gnana Vinayaka тАУ Gambeera Nattai тАУ Saravanabavananda
2. Endaro Mahanu Bhavulu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajaswamy
3. Elara Krishna - Kamboji - Roopakam - Thyagarajaswamy
4. Akhilandeswari тАУ Dwijavanti тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
5. Theeradha Vilaiyattu Pillai - Ragamalikai тАУ Tisra Ekam тАУ Bharatiyar
6. Alaipayudhe тАУ Kanada тАУ Adi тАУ Oothukadu Venkatasubbiar
7. Thullumadha Vetkai - (Tiruppugazh) - Hamsanandi тАУ Ad
"1. Vanthisuve тАУ Nattai тАУ Kandachapu тАУ Purandarados
2. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Palimpa - Arabhi тАУ Adi тАУ (Tisranadai) тАУ Pallavi тАУ Seshayyam
4. Rama Nama тАУ Durbari Kannada тАУ Rupakam тАУ Purandarados
5. Gananaya тАУ Desika тАУ Rishaba Priya тАУ Adi тАУ Koteswara Iyer
6. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
"1. Mariamma Muthu Mariamma
2. Charanam Endral
3. Veppilaye Sengolam
4. Verkadu Thiruverkadu
5. Kanmalar Malarvai
6. Adi Masam Vandhale
7. Mummari Pozhiyonum
8. Ulagalum Ammanukku
9. Atha En Chellatha
10. Thiruvadi Charanam
11. Azhagana Mayilaiyile
12. Karumari Thirumudiyin
13. Mayavan Thangaiye
"1. Saba Badhiku тАУ Abogi тАУ Rupakam тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi
2. Karanam Kettuvadi тАУ Poorvikalyani- Adhi- Sudhanandha Bharathi
3. Saramathi тАУ Raga Alapana
4. Motchamugalada- Saramathi тАУ Adhi- Thyagarajar
5. Thiruppugazhi тАУ Arunagirinadhar
6. Saravanabhava- Shanmugapriya - Adhi тАУ Sivan
7. Chinnanchiru тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adhi тАУ U.Shanmugam
8. Western Note
"1. Om Enum
2. Ganapathi Nin
3. Aanai Mugane
4. Oongara
5. Maargazhi Thingal
6. Vaiyathu
7. Ongi Ulagalandha
8. Kuzhaloothi
"1. Maargazhi Thingal
2. Vaiyathu
3. Ongi Ulagalandha
4. Maayanai
5. Kuzhaloodhi
6. Kaathirukiraen
7. Anbar Ullam
8. Radhe Shyam
9. Hari Krishna Govinda
10. Sri Gopala Vimsathi
11. Sri Krishna Astakam
"1. Ganamurthi - Raga Ganamurthi тАУ Adhi Thyagaraja
2. Dharmavathi тАУ Ragaalapana
3. Bajana Seya тАУ Dharmavathi Rupakam - Mysore Vasu Devachar
4. Nanati Badhuku тАУ Revathi тАУ Adhi тАУ Annamachariyar
5. Ragam Thalam Pallavi and Thani Avarthanam
"1. Mahaganapathe тАУ Kanada тАУ Roopam - Koteeswara Iyer тАУ Veena тАУ E.Gayatri
2. Sri Chakra Raja Nilaye тАУ Siva Sakthi тАУ Adi Gnb тАУ Saxophone - Kadri Gopalnath
3. Nenaruchi - Malavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thiagaraja - Violin тАУ Kunnakudi R. Vaidyanathan
4. Pahimam Sri - Janaranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Ramaswamy Sivan тАУ Nadhaswaram - Sheik Chinna Moulana
5. Jagadheeswari - Mohanam тАУ Adi тАУ Tiruvarur Ramaswamy Pillai тАУ Mandolin тАУ U.Srinivas
6. Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Kandachapu тАУ Bharatiyar тАУ Flute тАУ Dr.N. Ramani
"1. Kshemangal Kori Vinayakanai
2. Gowri Kalayana Vaibhogame
3. Sri Rama Jaya Jaya
4. Shobane Kodi Manmatha
5. Neeradina Sri Rama
6. Maalai Saathiaal
7. Manmathanukku Maalayittaaye
8. Vajra Vaidooriyathal
9. Vindhai Nirai
10. Nandi Muganukku
11. Rathna Oonjalil
12. Lali Laliyani
13. Kannoonjal
14. Aanandam
15. Ezhiludaya Raghavane
16. Nalangida Vaarum Raaja
17. Nalangidugiraal Meenalochani
18. Sendadinaare
19. Bhojanam Seyya Vaarungo
20. Mangalam Nandagopa
"1. Raghu Vamsa Sudha тАУ Kathana Kuthoolam Patnam Subramanya Iyer тАУ Adi
2. Ninnukori - Mohana Varnam Veenai Kuppaiyar тАУ Adi
3. Enthara Nee Thana тАУ Hari Kamboji Thyagarajar тАУ Adi
4. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthisri Thygarajar тАУAdi
5. Rama Bhirama- Darbar Thyagarajar - Misra Chap
6. Manasa Sancharare тАУ Sama Sadasiva Brahmendrar тАУ Adi
7. Jhothumu Thodapiya тАУ Misra Chakravakam Meera Bhajan тАУ Adi
8. Vinayakuni тАУ Madyamavathi Thyagarajar тАУ Adi
"1. Pahi Pahi
2. Ganapathi тАУ Hamsadwani тАУ Roopakam тАУ Chidambaram тАУ Malaya Vijaya Barathi
3. Sanathan тАУ Balamanjari тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Konniyada тАУ Kokiladhwani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Kanchadalaya Dhakshi тАУ Kamala Manohari тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dhikshithar
6. Jagadheeswari тАУ Mohanam Adi тАУ Thiruvarur Ramaswamy Pillai
7. Karunai Deivam тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi Adi тАУ Madurai T. Srinivasan
"1. Pillaiar Chathurthi
2. Ganapathy Namam
3. Palabishegam
4. Vigna Vinayagane
5. Nayagane
6. Vezha Mugathu
7. Sri Gananadha
8. Thumpillai
9. Nathan
10. Jai Ganesa
11. Ucchi Malai
12. Oorvala Maagave
"1. Azhagana Mayilayile
2. Karumari Thirumudiyin
3. Mayavan Thangaiyae
4. Kannaara
5. Ettu Thisayilum
6. Verkattin
7. Amma Amma Karuvagi
8. Ondragi Nindravan
9. Amutha Kudam Pol
10. Amma En Mari
"1. Vinayagar Thuthi
2. Om Sakthi
3. Naanthanti Mariamma
4. Adi Matham
5. Koodu Vittu
6. Kaval Kakkum
7. Edutha Kariyam
8. Mariamman Kovilile
9. Karumari
10. Engum Nirainthavale
11. Mariamma
"The vibrations of sound formulas of the Vedas work through the chakras to increase the flow of beneficial energy throughout the subtle body where these latencies and tendencies are stored. Mantra therapy starts by increasing the total amount of energy available for all our activities. Certain mantras used singly or in combination can greatly accelerate the quality and quality of energy used in the healing process. It guards the World against all ills. Our ancestors devised remarkable methods of chanting to protect the original form, their tonal and verbal purity against change and distortion. They laid down rules to make sure tat not a syllable was changed in chanting, not a swara was altered and ensured that the full benefits were derived from intoning the mantras. According the this the words of a mantra are braided together in different atterns like тАЬVakyaтАЭ, тАЬpadaтАЭ, тАЬkarmaтАЭ, тАЬjalaтАЭ, тАЬmalaтАЭ, тАЬsikhaтАЭ, тАЬrekhaтАЭ, тАЬGhanaтАЭ. The intonation of a few words of a mantra is joined to the second the second to the third, the third to the fourth and so on, until we come to the final word тАЬkarma to ca caurgunam. This karma chanting bestows four times the effect of normal chanting of the Mantra.
Hence, this compact disc presents тАЬRudramтАЭ a popular and effective Vedic portion extolling the greatness of Siva, chanted to ward off evils, sins etc and to gain security and strength. This Rudram is chanted in the Krama format, by the traditional Pandit, Thanjavur Brahmasri S.Radhakrishna Sastrigal.
"The Devi Mahatmiyam is an esoteric Epic, a great spiritual occult text and a Mantra тАУ Sastra. It is a part of the Markandeya Purana. The Devi Mahatmiyam signifies the march of the human soul to its destination. Three stages of transformation of the spiritual being of the aspiring sour are described in the three sections of the Devi Mahatmiyam through the anecdotes- Adi-Sakthi as Maha Kali awakening Maha Vishnu in order to destroy the original demonical forces., Madhu and Kaitabha, the same Shankthi manifesting as Maha Lakshmi and overcoming Mahishasura and Raktbija, and as Maha Saraswathi destroying Sumbha and Nisumbha. These three presiding forces are representative of the powers of the spirit within manifesting as themselves in an upward ascent towards ultimate God realization, which is described in the Devi Mahatmiyam. Thus, the dance of the cosmic spirit in its supernal effort at self transcendence, is majestically described in the beautifully worded sonorous songs of the Devi Mahatmiyam, where we are given s stirring account, a stimulating description of what Maha Kali did, what Maha Lakshmi did and Maha Saraswathi did in bringing about this evolution and transformation.
The Devi Mahamiyam is recited for averting calamities in life Catastrophies, tensions. When there is war treating a country, for example, or pestilence of epidemic everywhere, Or any internal tension or anxiety of any kind, the Devi Mahatmiyam is recited and it is a very potent remedy prescribed by seers of yore, not only for temporal terrestrial Prosperity, but also for the glory of the hereafter, for illumination, for the destruction of ignorance and to be a fit recipient of the grace of the Almighty.
The chosen and the effective prayer portions of the Devi Mahatmiyam have been recited by Thanjavur.S.Radhakrishna Sastrigal, the hearing of which fetches the desired divine fruit.
1. Chanting of Om Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha by S.P.Balasubramaniam
"Om A Salutation to God, the ultimate Him
Bhoor The eternal
Bhuvah The Creator
Svah The Independent
Tat Eternal
Savithur Sun as the creative Principle of light
Varenyam Supreme God
Bhargo Light that bestows wisdom, Bliss and life
Devasya Light of God
Dheemahi We meditate
Dhiyo Intellect
Yo Nah Lead us
Prachodayaat Towards illumination
"2. Intha Kannaranda Memmi тАУ Bilahari тАУ Roopakam
3. Rama Neeyeda - Kharahara Priya тАУ Adi
4. Evarimata тАУ Kambodhi - Adi
5. Bajana Seyave тАУ Kalyani тАУ Roopakam
6. Kanuganu Sowkiyamu тАУ Mayaki тАУ Roopakam
Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna was born on July 6, 1930 at Sankaraguptam, a small hamlet in Rajolu Taluk, East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh, to Mangalampalli Pattabhiramayya and Suryakanthama. His father, Pattabhiramauua was a famous flutist and a music teacher and Suryakanthama was a notable Veena artists. His guru was the famous Parupalli Ramakrishna Pantulu. In the order of guru Parampara, Balamuralikrishna is fifth in the line of direct disciples of the great Saint Tyagaraja.
In 1938, at the age of eight, he gave his first full-fledged performance. Not merely content with his name and fame as a concert vocalist, very soon he proved his immense versatility by playing the kanjira, mrdangam, viola and violin and the public flecked to hear his concerts. When he was barely 14 years old, he composed Raganga тАУRavalli, a detailed work on the 72-melakarta (basic scales of music) scheme. By 16 he became a Doctorate in music. He has served as music producer at Vijayawada, Hyderabad and the Madras All India Radio Stations. In this capacity he pioneered his early hour devotional renderings in India under the title тАШBhakthi RanjaniтАЩ. He also acted as the first principal of the government Music College at Vijayawada.
"1. Mahaganapathe тАУ Kanada тАУ Rupakam тАУ Kotteeswara Iyer
2. Rama Rama тАУ Vasanha тАУ Thisra Adhi тАУ Purandhardasar
3. Nee Irangayenil - Atana - Adhi тАУ Papanasam Sivam
4. Mokshamugaladha тАУ Charamadhi - Adhi - Thyagarajar
5. Theruvadheppo тАУ Kamas тАУ Adhi тАУ Neelakanta Sivan
6. Vadavarayai Mathakki - Raga Malika тАУ adhi
7. Adathu Asanghathu тАУ Madhya Mavathi тАУ Adhi тАУ Oothukadu Venkata Subbaiyar
8. Senthamizh Nadenum тАУ Mohana Kalyani - Adhi тАУ Bharathiyar
9. Thillana - Dharbarthanada тАУ Adhi
10. Krishna Nee Begame тАУ Yaman Kalyani тАУ Misrachapu - Purandhardasar
11. Nandha Nandhana Venu - Aberi - Adhi - Annamacharya
12. Thandhananathana - Bowli тАУ Adhi тАУ Annamacharya
"1. Re Re Manasa Bajare тАУ Nattai тАУ Rupakam
2. Palimpa тАУ Arabhi - Thisra тАУ Adhi
3. Vijayambike тАУ Vijay a Nagari тАУ Adhi
4. Samayamidhe тАУ Kedharam тАУ Rupakam
5. Hari Hara Sudha Palayamam - Koshalam - Adi
6. Narayana Namo - Madhyamaravali тАУ Kantajampai
7. Nemamutho тАУ Lathangi - Adhi
8. Mangalalaya тАУ Veenavadhini тАУ Adhi
9. Kamakoli тАУ Bandhuvarali тАУ Rupakam
10. Sama Gana Lolane тАУ Hindholam тАУ Adhi
11. Raja Raja Radhithe тАУ Niroshta тАУ Thisra тАУ Adhi
12. Niravathi Sugatha тАУ Ravichandrika - Adhi
The Veena is quintessentially an, Indian and particularly a South Indian musical instrument. In mythology, which in Indian is very intimately profoundly connected with religion, it is the instrument of Saraswathi, the goddess of becoming The Veena is so typical of South Indian Classical Music that even vocalists are recommended for leave to play it. The nuances and graces so peculiar to the system of Carnatic Music as it is called are the hallmark of this fretted stringed instrument. In this rendition, Gayathri draws her immensely rich repertoire to serve a repast of masterpiece form an away of great composers.
"1. Kannae Kamalapoo тАУ Neelambari
2. Aayiram Kalam Nann тАУ Charukesi
3. Taayar Sorpadikku тАУ Vasanthi
4. Yaradithu Neeazhudhai тАУ Natha Namakriyai
5. Kavindtha Neeradinaal тАУ Senchi
6. Kasiyaam Pathnames тАУ Anandha Bairavi
7. Muthiloru Mutho - Kuruchi
8. Kadellam Thedi тАУ Aarabi
9. Vadakke Veguthuram - Sindhu Bairavi
10. Thangachimizh тАУ Chakravagam
11. Aarirendum Kaveri - Punnagavarali
12. Elengkuzhalalukku тАУ Mathyamavathi
As tiny beings, babies require quite a few things the average human would need, but in smaller portions or in different wavelengths. For instance, sunlightтАж. ItтАЩs not that the sun will kill a baby, but if exposed to more than a certain amount, it could be harmful to the child. So also musicтАж depending on the genre and volume, what a regular person may consider soothing or relaxing may actually be more than a child can handle.
Lullabies are often sung by parents in calming children, putting to sleep, or simply spending time with them. The simple lyrics, nature, and storyline of lullabies are usually intended for children, and are therefore suitable for them. A parent can rock a child to sleep with a lull-a-bye, calm a discontented child, or sing along with a playing child.
"1. Mallari
2. Sadasiva Kumara
3. Nenarunchi
4. Muthuvel
5. Kollatu Paatu
6. Kalla Pattu
7. Thallattu Paatu
8. Manasa Sancharare
Jhothumu Thodapiya
The Violin is a stringed musical instrument that has four strings tuned a perfect fifth apart. It is the smallest and highest тАУ tuned member of the violin family of string instruments, which also includes the viola, cello and double bass (though the double bass technically belongs to the similar but distinct viol family). The lowest string (and hence the lowest note) is the G just below middle E, then in ascending order D, A and E.
"1. Meru Samana тАУ St.Thyagaraja тАУ Mayamalavagowla (Vadi) - Adi
2. Pavana тАУ Balamurali тАУ Rasikapriya (Vivadi) тАУ Rupaka
3. Vegame Gaava тАУ Balamurali тАУ Abogi (Vadi) тАУ Adi
4. Gana Sudharasame - Balamurali тАУ Ragavardhini (Vivadi) Rupaka
5. Kamala Dalayatha Lochana тАУ Balamurali - Bahudari (Vadi) - Adi
6. Evvare Ramayana тАУ St. Thyagaraja - Gangeyabhushini (Vivadi) - Adi
7. Rama Nevada - Kharahara Priya
Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna was born on July 6, 1930 at Sankaraguptam, a small hamlet in Rajolu Taluk, East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh, to Mangalampalli Pattabhiramayya and Suryakanthama. His father, Pattabhiramauua was a famous flutist and a music teacher and Suryakanthama was a notable Veena artists. His guru was the famous Parupalli Ramakrishnayya Pantulu. In the order of guru Parampara, Balamuralikrishna is fifth in the line of direct disciples of the great Saint Tyagaraja.
"1. Re Re Manasa Bajare тАУ Nattai тАУ Rupakam тАУ E.Gaayathri тАУ Veena
2. Karanam Kettuvadi тАУ Poorvikalyani - Adi - Sudhanadha Bharathi тАУ Namagiripettai Krishnan тАУ Nadhaswaram
3. Vinayaka тАУ Hamsathwani тАУ Adi тАУ Veenai Kuppaiyer тАУ N.Ramani - Flute
4. Kanchadalaya Dhakshi - Kamala Manohari - Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshithar- U.Srinivas - Mandolin
5. Marugelara тАУ Jayantha shri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Kunnakudi R. Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
6. Magudi - Kadri Gopalnath тАУ Saxophone
"1. Gnana Vinayaka - Gambeeranatai тАУAdi тАУ Saravanabaananda - Sheik Chinna Moulana тАУ Nadhaswaram
2. Mokshamugaladha тАУ Saramathi - Adi - Thyagarajar - E.Gaayathri тАУ Veena
3. Buntureethe тАУ Hamsanatham тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar тАУ N.Ramani тАУ Flute
4. Sababathikku тАУ Abhogi тАУ Rupakam тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi - Kadri Gopalnath тАУ Saxophone
5. Enthara Nee Thana тАУ Harikamboji тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar тАУ Kunnakudi R. Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
6. Karunai Deivam - Sindhu Bairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Madurai T.Srinivasan тАУ U Srinivas тАУ Mandolin
"1. Nirvathi Sugatha тАУ Ravichandrika тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja тАУ E.Gaayathri тАУ Veena
2. Nagumomu тАУ Abheri тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja тАУ Jayashankar тАУ Nadhaswaram
3. Thani Aavarthanam тАУ Adi тАУ Valayapatti тАУ Thavil Solo
4. Deva Deva тАУMayamala Gowlai тАУ Roopakam тАУ Swathi Thirunal тАУ N.Ramani тАУ Flute
5. Manasa Sancharare тАУ Sama тАУ Adi тАУ Sadasivabrahmendra тАУ Kunnakudi R.Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
6. Koniyada тАУ Kokiladhwani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ U Srinivas тАУ Mandolin
7. Bhagyada Lakshmi тАУ Madhyamavati тАУ Adi тАУ Purundaradasar тАУ Kadri Gopalnath- Saxophone
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim тАУ Hamsadwani - Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dhikshithar
2. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthasri тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Thyagaraja
3. Vasudevyani тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi - Sri Thyagaraja
4. Madava Mamava тАУ Neelambari тАУ Adi тАУ Narayanatheerthar
5. Unnaiandriuttra Thuni тАУ Bhavani тАУ Rupagam тАУ Dhandapanidesikar
6. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
7. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Languid Jayaraman
Born into a family of singers, this supreme classical Indian carnatic vocalist was eventually know as MLV, an acronym standing for melody, laya, and vidwat, three essential components of her, and hopefully anyone elseтАЩs music. (Loasely translated, thatтАЩs melody rhythmic variation and depth of feeling.) She was on of a select triad of female vocalist the pushed the envelope in a male-dominated culture, not only earning the right to perform on concert stages instead of only at private parties, but also being allowed to develop and demonstrate the ability to perform extended serious pieces from a variety of classical disciplines. Her associate female liberators were the vocalists D.K.Pallammal and M.S.Subbulakshmi. VasanthakuamriтАЩs mother was the concert performer laltihangi.
"1. Guru Dyanam
2. Subramanya Dyanam
3. Sloka Ghanam
4. Natchatra Ashtavakyani
5. Pancha Shanti
6. Ghosha Shanti
7. Mrithu Suktam
8. Navagraha Mantraha
9. Mantra Pushpam
10. Swedhaarka Ganapathi Mantram
11. Aasirvatha Mantram
"1. Ganapathi Dyanam
2. Sri Rudram
3. Chamakam
4. Purusa Suktam
5. Uthra Narayanam
6. Bhoo Suktam
7. Punyakhavachanam
8. Brahma Suktam
9. Vishnu Suktam
10. Rudra Suktam
11. Durga Suktam
12. Sri Suktam
13. Bhagya Suktam
14. Ayushya Suktam
15. Kramam
"1. Vinayaka тАУ Hamsathwani тАУ Adi тАУ Veenaikuppaiyer
2. Devadeva - Mayamala Gowlai тАУ Rupakam тАУ Swathithirunal
3. Swara raga Sudha rasa тАУ Sankarabaranam тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
4. Theeratha Vilayattu тАУ Bharathiyar
"The hymn of Saundarayalahari contains 100 poems (verses) of four lines each said to be written by jagadguru Shri Adi Shankaracharaya (8th Century Indian Philosopher). Legend of this work is often substantiated by the distinct difference that is present in the two sets of poems тАЬAnandalahariтАЭ. The waves of bliss (verses 1 to 42) and тАЬSaundarayalahariтАЭ тАУ The waves of beauty (verses 43 to 100) the complete set is known as Saundarayalahari. Anandalahari deals with the Mantra, Yantra and Tantra practices of Shaktha cult. The Shaktha system is a system of rituals accompanied by Meditation based on Advaita philosophy. Shaktha sect worships Devi through rituals and meditation and is based on a non-dual interpretation of reality. These verses are on a metaphysical plane, describing the philosophical & spiritual aspects of Shakthi worship. A notable feature of this set of verses is that the verses are not interlinked in anyway, they stand apart. The language is also highly transcendental in nature.
Saundaryalahari, the second part, is a description of the Supreme Mother from crown to feet, as a description of the vision the Shri Adi Shankaracharya experienced. These verses are said to be written by Shri Shankaracharaya himself. He made generous us of figures of speech of Sanskrit poetcs. However, the term тАЬSaundaryalahariтАЭ is now commonly applied to the entire hundred verses.
"1. Ganesa Pancharathnam
2. Swamynatha Ashtakam
3. Vaidya Nadha Ashtakam
4. Lingashtakam
5. Sri Balamukundhashtakam
6. Madhurashtakam
7. Krishnashtakam
8. Sudharsanashtakam
9. Anna poornashtakam
10. Sri Raja Rajeswari Ashtakam
11. Meenakshi Pancha Rathnam
12. Mahalakshmi Sthuthi
13. Sasthashtakam
14. Ramachandhrashtakam
15. Sri Lakshmi Ashtakam
16. Subramanya Bhujangam
17. Siva Panjatchara Sthothram
18. Hanumanth Ashtakam
19. Marga Bandhu Sthothram
20. Dharithriya Dhukka Haranaya Sivasthothram
21. Subramanya Mangala Ashtakam
"1. Ranjani тАУ Ranjani тАУ Adi - G.N.Balasubramaniyam
2. Nannu Balimpa тАУ Mohanama тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Ne Nenthu Karnadaka Behak тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
4. Aela Ni Thayaradhu - Adana тАУ adi тАУ Thyagarajar
5. Ohm Saravanabhava тАУ Sanmugapriya - Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
6. Radha Samedha тАУ Yamuna Kalyani тАУ Adi
"1. Vinayaka Nannu
2. Nee Dhayaradha
3. Himagiri Thanaye
4. Maalai Saathinal
5. Manmathanukku
6. Kannoonjal
7. Rathna Oonjalil
8. Ezhil Udaya Raagavane
9. Mohana
10. Kottumelam And Anandhame
11. Theeradha Villayattu
12. Alaipayudhe
13. Thullumadha
"1. Varanam тАУ Sunodhavinodhini - Adi тАУ N.S.Ramachandran
2. Manasunillpa тАУ Abhogi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Ganamoorthy тАУ Ganamoorthy тАУ Adi - Thyagarajar
4. Barusae тАУ Brindavanasaranga тАУ Adi - Meera
5. Sadha Nin тАУ Shanmukapriya тАУ Misrachapu тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
6. Sarangan тАУ Ragamalika - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
7. Thillana тАУ Basant Bihar - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
"1. Manikanda Swamy
2. Sabari Girisa
3. Kavi Vetti
4. Aayiram Aayiram
5. Udukku Chandai
6. Hadiharan Manidhan
7. Charana Gosham
8. Swamimargale
9. Somesekaranin
10. Onkaram
11. Pamba Nathi
"1. Mayilayil
2. Padathikesam
3. Manikandan
4. Makaravilakku
5. Sabarimalayil
6. Thiruvabharanam
7. Omkarramodinai
8. Pambaikarai Oram
9. Kodanukodi
10. Sannidhanam
11. Paatha Pulley (L.R.Eswari)
12. Malai Soozhum (L.R.Eswari)
13. Aabaranam (L.R.Eswari)
"1. Varugudhu Varugudhu
2. Ayyappaswami
3. Ellaswamigalu
4. Pallikatta Eduthkittu
5. Nei Manakkum
6. Guruswamy Guruswamy
7. Padhinettu Padigalil
8. Sabarimalai Kattukkulle
9. Ariya Pizhaiyum
10. Raja Pandhalathu Raja
11. Swamy Ayyappa Swamy
12. Vararayya Vavar (L.R.Eswari)
13. Aabaranam(L.R.Eswari)
14. Kannimoola (L.R.Eswari)
"1. Pallikattu
2. Villaali Veeranavan
3. Eesan Umai Paakan
4. Manigandan Namam
5. Thunai Nee Varuvai
6. Puliyil Yeri Punidhan
7. Sabarigirisa
8. Ayyappanmaar Goshathilay
9. Pamba Vasa
10. Pamba Nathi Malare
11. Ponnambala Medey
12. Vararayya Vavar
"1. Sri Vighneshwara Lagu Pooja
2. Navagraha Pooja
3. Sri Soorya Gayathri and Kavacham
4. Sri Chandra Gayathri and Kavacham
5. Sri Angaraha Gayathri and Kavacham
6. Sri Budha Gayathri and Kavacham
7. Sri Brahaspthi Gayathri and Kavacham
8. Sri Sukra Gayathri and Kavacham
9. Sri Sanaischara Gayathri and Kavacham
10. Sri Raagu Gayathri and Kavacham
11. Sri Kedhu Gayathri and Kavacham
12. Mangalam
The Navagraha Pooja is important as the planets are considered to play a major role in deciding the destiny of man. All the nine grahas (planets) have the vital role to give us Pleasure or pain in life. In astrology, great importance is placed on the positions of the тАЬNavagrahaтАЭ in the twelve constellations of the zodiac, their planetary movements and their effect on human beings. A particular тАЬgrahamтАЭ are said to remove the ill effects. Lord Surya was worshipped by Lord Rama before the war against Ravana. His grace is believed to lead to power, position, good health and so on. ChandraтАЩs grace is required for the health of mind and consequently the body. The тАЬRasiтАЭ in a horoscope is decided by the position of the moon, just as the тАЬLagnaтАЭ is ruled by the Sun. Lord Angaraka, is the moulder of leaders of countries. He graces those who stand up for truth. Lord Buddha is the giver of Wisdom. He imparts knowledge and beauty, prayers to Lord Guru can alleviate the suffering brought about by adverse positioning of any of тАЬGrahasтАЭ. Guru is the Lord of the Devas associates with wisdom, Vedanta jnana, and purity of thought, word and deed. Fortunate beings are those with Lord Sukra strong in their horoscope. Sukra is proficient in all the Sastras. He can even bring the dead back to life. Sanaischara is a beneficient тАЬgrahamтАЭ Any adverse effect is due to placement in an individual horoscope which could overcome by worshipping him. Rahu and Kethu, also do a let good.
"1. Sri Ayyappan Suprabatham
2. Sri Ayyappan Kavacham
3. Pulivaganane
4. Neimanakkum
5. Pathinettu
6. PadigaliManikantan Naman
7. Thunai Nee Varuvai
8. Nerungudhu Nerungudhu (K.S.Raja)
9. Thulli Thulli (K.S.Raja)
10. Pamba Nadhi
"1. Angelina Pradaana
2. Sri Ramapattabhishekam
3. Sarvakaarya siddhi
The repeated reading of ValmikiтАЩs Ramayana and especially the Sundara Kaanda is considered to be sacred. It bestows enormous powers to the reader and listener. It is common to any sect. The Ramayana contains the mystic syllables. It is an expository of Vedic Mantras. It is also studded with the letters of Gayathri mantra and many other incantations. The reading of certain sargas or cantos in Sundara and yuddhakaanda has been carried on form the days of yore for some specific advantage and relief apart from the mental solace one gets after listening or reading it. The select and the most efficacious portions in the whole of Ramayana are Anguliya Pradaana sarga (Sundara Kaanda- 36th canto) Sarvakaarya Siddhi sera (Sundarakaanda -41st canto) and Sri Ramapattabhisheka Sarga (Yuddha Kaanda -131st canto). Hence, in this C.D these sargas are devotionally recited by the traditional Pandit Thanjavur S.Radhakrishna Sasthrigal.
The Uma samhita, Skanda and a few other PurinaтАЩs praise highly of the efficacy of the repeated reading of the Ramayana, and the former text confirms that the reading even the Diseases which defy treatment will be cured. Longevity will result there form. Enmity from every quarter will vanish. Family problems will cease. Fear of premature death will disappear. Debts will be liquidated. All undertakings will be successful. Extraordinary powers would descend. And Sri Rama will shower his mercy and kindness. According to the pattabisheka sarga recited in this, the man who reads or hears is freed from sin; he is blessed with children; conquers the earth and dominates his enemies; Women give birth to long lived sons; the read gets long life; overcomes all trials and tribulation; reunited form the separated partners; and gets the desired boons.
"1. Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Vishnu Sahasranamam
3. Raghu Veera Gadyam
4. Garuda Dandakam
These are the days men undergo mental stresses, physical strains and suffer for want of mental peace! Where no medicines could give relief, the spiritual path is restored to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to god. Sanskrit is called a divine language to reach the ethereal region as she is phonetically sharp and powerful. This Compact disc contains special Sanskrit Prayers to Lord Vishnu, the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Lord, and the merciful savoir of the World. He is Narayana, who incarnated in different forms in order to protect the virtuous and put an end to the wicked. He is the Mega Lord of brilliance, the ultimate of penance, and the great immanent God.
Vishnu Sahasranama is a popular recitation of the thousand names of Lord Vishnu. The chanting of this stotra, bestows all wealth and riches on devotees and the hearing of theses names drive away the poverty, the anxiety, the mental disturbance, the fear, and the incurable diseases. The devotees become relieved of their sorrows and attain happiness and mental peace!
Sri Venkateshwara Suprabhatham, a unique composition to awaken the Lord is recited for the dawn of a good day! and in order to awaken our intellect to have easy access to the enlightenment.
Raghuveeragadyam of Vedanta Desika is an exclusive rhythmic recitation in a special Dandaka metre, extolling Raghuveeragadyam of Vedanta Desika is an exclusive rhythmic recitation in a special Dandaka metre, extolling the virtues of Sri Rama. Hearing of which is the ellxir to all the ills of life, and it bestows the fruit of hearing the entire Ramayana.
Garuda-dandakam of Desika is in praise of Garuda, the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, the hearing of this Stotra drives away enemies, and saves the devotees from the effects of poisonous creatures.
Sri. P.S.Raghuraman, M.Phil, Sri.K.Malolakannan, Sri. P.Jagadeesha Bhat and a host of others have recited these in the traditional manner with the academic touch and guidance of their Guru, Dr.R.Thaigarajan. M.A.Ph.D., and with the help of Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayagam, Music Director
"1. Siva Sahasranama (from Rudra Yaamala Tantra)
2. Siva Panchaksharam
3. Dvadasa Jyothirlingaani
4. Suvarnamaala Stuti
5. Siva Ashtakam
6. Linga Ashtakam
7. Visvanatha Ashtakam
8. Bilva Ashtakam
9. Vaidyanatha Ashtakam
10. Chandrasekhar a Ashtakam
11. Kaalabhairava Ashtakam
12. Siva Taandava Stotra
13. Maargabandhu Stotra
These are the days men undergo mental stresses, physical strains and suffer for want of mental peace! Where no medicines could give relief the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to god. Sanskrit is called a divine language to reach the ethereal region, as she is phonetically sharp and powerful. The compact disc contains special Sanskrit prayers to Lord Siva (the auspicious) a powerful deity noted for bestowing boons and satisfying the aspirations of the devotees. Siva is the God of Gods. He is the embodiment of love. Kindness, wisdom and knowledge. He is the form of Linga. Symbolical of the eternal union of the paternal and maternal principles from which all phenomenal variations have originated. Shiva is also called Nataraja (the King of Dancers) in his тАШTaandavaтАЩ (cosmic dance), danced for the welfare of the universe by destroying the evil forces and restoring the universe with the creative forces! He is Dakshinamurthi as he gave wisdom to the rishis, Mruthynnjaya as he saves his devotees from the fear of death! (e.g.Markandeya). The Maha Sivaraatri the Padosha, the 13th day of the dark and bright fornight (Krishna and Sukla Pakshas) and the month Maragasisha are the important periods of workship of Siva. Hence, in order to propitiate the all-powerful Almighty the important recitations of Ashcakes viz, Siva Chandrasekhar, Kalabhairava, Viswanatha, Vidhyanatha and Margabndhu stotra. Dwadasa jyotirlinga stotra panchashara stotra. Suvarnamala stuti, Tandava stotra and a rare piece of Sivasahasranama form the Rudrayamala Tantra are presented here. Sri.K.Malokannan, Sri.K.Shivarajan, Sri P.Jagadeesha Bhat and a host of others have recited these in the traditional manner with the academic touch and guidance of their Guru.Dr.R.Thiagarajan.
"1. Gayatri Mantras
2. Mrutyunjaya Stotra
3. Mrita Sanjivani Stotra
4. Amrita Sanjivani Stotra
The Sanskrit termтАЭGayatri MantraтАЭ denotes the guaranteed protection to those who thick of it, Sound it by uttering it and meditate upon it. It is in essence, a mystical metrical composition of rhythmic syllables intended to produce and order of sound or tune, consistently with the invocatory process of incantation enshrined in it. The order of sound and its repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Gayatri is only the name of metre in which many of the Rig Vedic mantras are couched.
Apart from the popular Brahma mantra or тАЬSavitaa GayatriтАЭ, here are the excellent collections; some of them are rare, excelling in their efficacy and potency, in the display of extra-ordinary mystic and miraculous powers.
This compact disc contains the Gayatri mantras of various deities viz., Ajapa, Ganapati, Shanmukha, Saastha, Rudra, Vishnu Lakshmi, Havagriva, Varaaha, Narasimha, Sita, Rama, Lakshmana, Radha, Krishna Srinivasa Brahma, Hamsa, Durga, Neelaa, Dakshinamoorthi, Dhara, Devi, Aghora, Ghora, Kaali, Bhuvaneswari, Nandi, Sudarsana, Vishvaksena, Garuda, Anjaneya, Sarabha, Mantra,Tantra, Yantra indrakshi, Sankha, Navagrahas, Kameswari, Bhagamalini, Nithyaklinna, Bherunda , Vanhivasini, Vajerswari, Shivadooti, Tvaritaa , Kulasundari, Bhagamalini, Nithyaklinna, Bherunda Vanhivasini Vajreswari, Shivadooti, Tvaritaa, Kulasundari, Nityaklina, Neelapataaka, Vijaya, Sarvamangala, Jvaalaamalini, Chitra, Saraswathi,Gowri,Mahaduga, deepadurga, Shiva,Parvati, Hari, Vamana, Sharada, Shakti, Chandesavara, Bilva, Indra,parasurama, Shila, Bhairava,Vrushaba, Kaala, Panchabhutas, Shanka, Gopala Narayana, Dattaatreya, Chandi, Paramahamsa, Thulasi, Annapoorna, Tirpurasundari, Soolini, Chandesha, Baalatripura,Shyamala, Kaartaveeya, Shiva(meuthantra), Septamatrukaas, Mahaamaari, Vaagbhava, Amretesvani, Mrytynjaya, Mrita Sanjivani, Amritasanjivandi Stotras are also included here.
Sri.K.Malolakannan, Sri K.Shivarajan, Sri.P.Jagadeesha Bhat and a host of others have recited these in the traditional manner with the academic touch and guidance of their Guru.Dr.R.Thiagarajan, M.A.Ph.D., and with the help of Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayagam, Music Director.
"1. Om A Salutation to God , the ultimate HIM
2. Bhoor The eternal
3. Bhuvam The Creator
4. Svah The Independent
5. Tat Eternal
6. Savithur Sun as the Creative Principle of light
7. Varenyam Supreme God
8. Bhargo Light that bestows wisdom, Bliss and life
9. Devasya Light of God
10. Dheemahi We Mediate
11. Dhiyo Intellect
12. Yo Nah Lead us
13. Prachodayaat Towards Illumination
Wonderful Human Welfare Formulae
Mantras are the mystical formula discovery by our ancient Scientist (Rishis) to invoke cosmic energy for the welfare of humans to enjoy a pleasant and peaceful stay on this earth. Amongst all the Mantras the Gayatri Mantra, which is supposed to be the discovery of the sage Vishvamitra is head high for its unfailing efficacy. It summons the deity Savita, the prime-cause of this entire cosmos, the nucleus of the Sun and the energizer of the Solar system. The term тАЬGayatri MantraтАЭ connotes the guaranteed protection to those who think of it, pronounce it and mediate upon it, тАШwe mediate on the adorable effulgence of the lord of all creations, so that it may energize our consciousness.тАЩ This is the central verbal idea of the Mantra. It is in essence, a mystical formula couched in Vedic Gayatri meter with an order of sound or tune, and its repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing of the repetition of this sacred Mantra bestows good health prosperity, success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude. Divine incarnations like Rama, Krishna the spiritual seers like Vishvamitra, Yajanvalkya, -to mention a few, and all those who wield the divine and yogic powers, have downloaded the divine energy by reciting this Mantra form the infinite source Gayatri, the mother principle and attained the greatest benefits.
Mrtynjaya is Shiva as Conqueror of the Death. His mantra is тАЬom jum sahтАЩ. тАШSah jum OmтАЭ-is its cyclic finish. The bija (the seed syllable) is Om. The Shankthi is jum (Parashakthi), the lynchpin is Sah. The Seer of this mantra is Maha Chama Pada. The meditation and recitation of this powerful Mantra, removes diseases destroyer enemies bestows happiness fulfills aspirations, gives success and saves the life on the threshold of death.
This CD contains the divine vibrations of these Mantras rendered in scientific tunes by the popular singer Sri Unnikrishnan, guided by Dr.R.Thigarajan, M.A., PhD the Head of
the Postgraduate and Research Dept, of Sanskrit, Presidency College, and Chennai. The famous music director Dhina, scores the credit for musical feat.
"1. Vanthisuve тАУ Nattai тАУ Kandachapu тАУ Purandarados
2. Marugelara тАУ Jayanthasri тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Thyagaraja
3. Palimpa тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi (Tisranadai) - Pallavi Seshayyam
4. Madava Mamava - Neelambari тАУ Adi тАУ Narayanatheerthar
5. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kamboji тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan
7. Marati Abang тАУ Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam - Namadev
Born into a family of singers, this supreme classical Indian carnatic vocalist was eventually known as MLV, an acronym standing for melody, laya and vidwat, three essential Components of her, and hopefully anyone elseтАЩs music (Loosely translated, thatтАЩs melody, rhythmic variation, and depth of feeling). She was one of a select triad of female vocalists who pushed the envelope in a male-deminated culture, not only earning the right to perform on concert stages instead of only at private parties, but also being allowed to develop and demonstrate the ability to perform extended serious pieces from a variety of classical disciplines. Her associate female liberators were the vocalists D.K.Pattammal and M.S.Subbulakshmi. VasanthakumariтАЩs mother was the concert performer Lalithangi.
Sudha has a golden touch in her voice which enthralls her listeners from all over the globe. There is tantalizing mystery behind that cherubic smile. Her deep relish for tradition and mystical old-world charm is supremely addictive. Her foundation in the world of music was laid at a young age. Her mother Smt.Choodamani groomed her at a very early period before the onus to nurture her music fell upon Vidwan Sri.B.V.Lakshman.
"Mantras are the mystical formulae of sound or tune and their repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in them. They are discovered by our ancient scientists (Rishis) to invoke powers form the infinite cosmic energy for the welfare of humans to enjoy a pleasant and peaceful stay on this earth.
Sunarsana Mantra is held high for its unfailing efficacy. It summons the weapons discus (the defence against all inimical forces), supposed to have been presented by Visvakarama to Mahavishnu. Later on, when the lord incarnated as Krishna, it descended from the orbit of the Sun as a present from the God Agni and the Lord is said to have wielded this weapon against Indra and on other occasions in order to extirpate the demonic forces.
тАЬOm Sahasrara Hum PhatтАЭ. This short and a very powerful mantra of six syllables, seeks the power from sudarsana which guarantees protection to those who pronounce it, or hear it and meditate upon it. Hearing of the repetition of this mystical and sacred Mantra Drives away the evil inimical forces or obstacles of any kind and bestows good health, prosperity, success in life, wisdom and at last the divine beatitude.
Goddess Mahaluckshmi is the bestower of mega luck and riches, Her Mantra is тАЬom srim hrim srim Kamala Kamalalaye prasida prasida, sakala saubhagyam dehi om srim hrim srim om Mahalakshmyai namahтАЭ. The meditation and recitation of this powerful Mantra, removes poverty, destroys enemies, bestows happiness, fulfills all ambitions, and gives success in all endeavors.
This Compact Disc contains the divine vibration of these Mantras rendered in scientific tunes by the and popular singer Sri Unnikrishnan, guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan.M.A.Ph.d. the Head of the Postgraduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai. The famous music director Dhina, scores the credit for musical feat.
"1. Sri Hanumad Gayathri
2. Sri Hanumad Dhyanam
3. Sri Hanuman Chalisa
4. Sri Hanumad Bhujangam
5. Sri Hanumad Pancha Rathnam
6. Sri Hanumad Ashtakam
7. Sri Hanumad Sahasranamam
8. Mangalam
Man becomes divine by constantly contemplating on the divine qualities of the divine beings. Eulogies on the extraordinary divine characters are to rejuvenate the innate power that every body possesses. Chanting of the Stotras or even just hearing they bestow prosperity of all kinds and peace of mind.
Hanuman Chalisa (Hindi) of the celebrated devotee Sri Goswami Tulasidas and other select Stotras in Sanskrit on Chiranjivi (the ever living God) are unique in as much as They are vibrant to establish divine connections and in granting the desired objects. Hanuman is the embodiment of Knowledge of all kinds and especially in Grammar. He is tributed by his mentor God Sri Rama as one per excellent in the art of speech.
Contemplation on the divine qualities and recitation or listening of Stotras on him is to imbibe his divine qualities apart from obtaining intellect, strength, fame, courage, fearlessness, and power of speech and prosperity.
This Compact Disc contains Hanuman Chalisa, Hanumad Gayatri, Hanumad Dhyanam, Hanumad Bhujangam, Hanumad pancharathnam, Hanumadashtakam, Hanumad Sahasranama and Hanumad Mangalam recited by Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, Sri Jagadeesa Bhat under the guidance of Dr.R.Thaigarajan M.A.Ph.D., the Head of the Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, and Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the famous Music Director.
"The Bhagavad-Gita is a book on self-discovery and journey into the Abode of God. It helps one move from sorrow driven mortal existence to eternal and blissful life. Desire is a central to all human activity. By eliminating the desires, but by not abandoning the actions, one can free oneself from the bondage caused by the desire driven actions. Such an approach not only liberates us from all struggling and striving, but also reduces greatly our inner anxieties and frustrations, creating in the process a permanent basis for a stable, intelligent and peaceful life. According to the Bhagavad-Gita in the external world is unreal not because it does not exist, but because it is unstable and ever changing. Since it is based upon impermanence, it cannot be relied upon as the vehicle of truth and it should not become the purpose of ones existence. He who clings to such an unstable phenomenon is bound to suffer as he is bound to engage himself in desperate actions to retain his unstable possessions and experience constant anxiety, anger, fear, and envy. Therefore, the Bhagavad-Gita searches for a permanent reality that makes life more meaningful, stable, peaceful and purposeful. It discards layer after layer of untruth that surrounds us and reveals the shining self that exists in all of us as the centre of truth and permanence that we should all ultimately discover. It is by understanding the hidden self in us we will ultimately discover the supreme self, that exists in all of us and in whom we all exist. The scripture fundamentally deals with three primary teachings, which are called the three secrets. The first secret is about duty. One must do one duty in Accordance with ones nature. The second is about the hidden self. In every one there is a real and hidden self which is different from the external false self. Everyone must realize this difference between the outer self and the inner self. The third secret is about the omnipresence of God. One must live in this world with the awareness that all that exists in this world is but Vasudeva. These three secrets are known as guhya (secret), guhyatara (more sectet) and guhyatma (most secret). The second third fourth fifth and eighteenth Chapters deal with the first secret. The second, sixth, thirteenth to eighteenth chapters deal with the second secret. The third, seventh, eight, ninth, tenth to eighteenth chapters deal with the third secret. Each verse and every chapter in it is loaded with multiple meanings, enabling each to understand it and interpret it in his own way. When we feel that we have understood it all can safely to elsewhere for inspiration, a particular verse or a chapter again starts bothering us with its new wisdom or a perplexing insight. That is why today we have so many interpretations of the Bhagavad-Gita form various scholars.
Each verse is considered to be a very sacred mantra. The seed mantra of this scripture is said to be the 11th verse in chapter 11. The Shakti mantra of this scripture, because of which it is endowed with the divine blessings and able to exert influence on the humankind for centuries, is said to be the 66th verse in chapter 18.
"Asvamedha Sacrifice is held high and was termed as the Universal lord of Sacrifices. This is performed by the unrivalled paramount sovereign called Sarvabhauma. It is recorded that one who performs the Asvamedha conquers all the quarters; conquers the world; He attains everything he desires. It is the expiation of all sins; it is the medicine of all i.e., Universal Panacea. He acquires all Kingdoms, тАШexorbitant wealth and the highest status. As, this sacrifice involves heavy expenditure and enormous paraphernalia ordinary persons cannot perform this.
However, it is believed that тАШheaving the mantras chanted from the Asvamedha chapters of the Veda bestows all the powers that would accrue for a performer. Hence, to make the listeners prosper ever and ever, Mantras form the Asvamedha Prakarana of the Sukla Yajurveda(Kanva Sakha) are chanted in a rare svara set by the Sage Yajnavalkya the pioneering priest in the performance of yagas. The Kanva Rendition is rare and for the first time. Some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought out and also preserved for prosterity, in the compact disc format for the sake of our listeners!
All these Mantras are recited by the eminent Ganapaati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri (Yajnavalkya Gurukulam, Ambattur) and his disciples Sri Srinivasa Sarma, Sri Manjunathan, Sri Sankaran being co-ordinated by prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit. Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayakam the famous Music Director.
SUPER AUDIO MADRAS (P) LTD., the producers of this compact disc wish all those fond of Vedic recitation to derive all the benefits showered by the Verda
"1. Gnana Vinayakane тАУ Gambheera Natai тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Saxophone тАУ Kadri Gopalnath
2. Swarajathi тАУ Bairavi- Misrachappu тАУ Shyamasastri тАУ Flute тАУ N.Ramani
3. Swara Raga тАУ Sankarabharanam тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja- Nadaswaram тАУ Sheikh Chinna Moulana
4. Santhana тАУ Balamanjari тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Mandolin тАУ U. Srinivas
5. Ramabhirama тАУ Darbar тАУ Misrachappu - Thyagaraja тАУ Violin тАУ Kunnakudi R.Vaidyanathan
6. Samagana Lolane тАУ Hindholam тАУ Roopakam тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУ Veena. E.Gaayathri
7. Thani Avarthanam тАУ Mridangam тАУ T.Bakthavachalam
"1. Sri Krishna Gayathri and Sri Krishna Sahasranamam
2. Gopika Geetham (Rasaleela)
3. Sri Gopala Vimsathi
4. Sri Krishnashtakam (Adi Sankara)
5. Madhurashtakam
6. Kanduka Stotram
7. Krishnashtakam
8. Sri Krishna Dyana Mala
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the Spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Here are some prayers to Lord Krishna the most commonly worshipped deity becaused of His great Godly Power. He is considered to be the eighth. Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Sri Krishna delivered Bhagavad-Gita. He is well known for his bravery in destroying evil powers. The Lord is usually depicted as playing the flute (murali), indicating spread of the melody of love to people. He is also shown with his childhood devotee Radha. The Lord is usually remembered and worshipped as Radha-Krishna. The pair symbolizes the eternal love between people and god. Lord Krishna is also shown with his pet cow, his Childhood favorite. Lord Krishna performed many divine sports (leela) as a child establishing contact with this Super power through prayer achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
This Compact Disc contains Sri Krishna Gayatri, Sri Krishna Sahasranamam Gopika Gitam. Gopalavimsati, Sri Krishnashtakam (Adi Sankara), Madhurashtakam, Kanduka Stotram (Madhacarya), Krishnashtakam, Krishna Dhyamala, and Sri Krishna Mangalam.
These are tuned in a spiritual rhythm and recited by. Dr.R.Thiagarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghyraman M.A.MPhil., Sri.P.Bhaktavastsalam, and Sri.P.Jagadeesa Bhat with the technical support of the famous Music Director Sri. Manikkavinayakam.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the products of this Compact Disc wishes all the devotees to obtain the grace of Lord Krishna and lead a life of prosperity and spiritual enlightenment!
"1. Sri Ganesa Gayathri & Sri Mahaganapathy Sahasra Namam
2. Sri Mahaganesa Pancha Ratnam (Adisankara)
3. Sri Shodasaganapathy Dhyanani
4. Sri Ganesashtakam
5. Sri Ganesa Bhujangam
6. Sri Mahaganapathy Pancharathnam
7. Sri Ganapathisthavam
8. Sri Sankashtanasana Ganesa Stotram
9. Sri Ganesa Sthuthi
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the Spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Here are some prayers to Lord Ganesa, the God of Knowledge and the remover of obstacles. His form represents the symbol OM. He is the son of Lord Siva. He is also called Vinayaka or Vigneswara He is worshipped, in the beginning of any endeavor for its successful completion and for securing His blessings.
He has four hands, elephantтАЩs head and a big belly. His vehicle is a tiny mouse. In his hands he carries a rope (to carry devotees to the truth), an axe (to cut devoteesтАЩattachements), and a sweet ball (to reward devotees for spiritual activity). His fourth handтАЩs palm is always extended to bless people. A unique combination of his elephant-like head and a quick moving tiny mouse vehicle represent tremendous wisdom,
Intelligence and presence of mind. Listening to the prayers and thereby gaining contact with this Super power achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
These are tuned in a spiritual rhythm and recited by. Dr.R.Thiagarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghyraman M.A.MPhil., Sri.P.Bhaktavastsalam, and Sri.P.Jagadeesa Bhat with the technical support of the famous Music Director Sri. Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Vibrat Anuvaka
2. Siva Sankalpa
3. Mandala Brahmanam
4. Purusa Sukta
5. Arya Dvadasaka
6. Surya Kavacham
7. Surya Gadyam
8. Navargraha Mantras
9. Oshadhi suktam
10. Vatsapram
11. Badra Sukyam
12. Ayushya Suktam
13. Abhya Rohajapam
Gana Paatam
Yaghavalkya the sage, the Philosopher and the Yogisvara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda a branch of Yajurveda. The Speciality of the Veda lies in the тАШSvaraтАЩ (the accent and intonation) which marks its distinction. Again, this Sukla Yajurveda has two Schools-the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva Rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought out and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of our listeners! Vedic Suktas invoke the Divine blessings to the entire humanity! Suktas are the collection of Mantras-a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when Chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God, Goddess, or deity and secure their divine blessings: its repetition has a primary and a grater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing this sacred Suktas bestows spiritual upliftment, fearlessness, desired boon, good health, fame, wealth prosperity, and success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude.
These hymns propitiate the Sun God and other Deities. The Pursha Sukta, which enunciates the Supreme Being and reveals the grand concept of cosmogony. The whole Universe is only the part of Him and He is the whole. By contemplating on Him one gets more than what is desired for and gets rid of fear.
All these Suktas are recited by the eminent, president awardee Ganapati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri and his disciples Srinivasa Sarma, Manjunathan, and Sankar being Co-ordinated by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the famous Music Director.
"1. Bhu Suktam
2. Varuna Suktam
3. Raksognam
4. Vishnu Suktam
5. Grdha Suktam
6. Apratiratam
7. Rashtra Suktam
8. Rishi Suktam
9. Rithu Suktam
10. Durga Suktam
11. Sri Suktam
12. Saraswati Suktam
13. Mahasanti Suktam
14. Pavamana Suktam
Punyaha Vachanam
Yaghavalkya the sage, the Philosopher and the Yogisvara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda a branch of Yajurveda. The Speciality of the Veda lies in the тАШSvaraтАЩ (the accent and intonation) which marks its distinction. Again, this Sukla Yajurveda has two Schools-the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva Rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought out and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of our listeners!
Vedic Suktas invoke the Divine blessings to the entire humanity! Suktas are the collection of Mantras-a divine combination of divine syllables or sounds which when chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings: its repetition has a primary and a grater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Hearing this sacred Suktas bestows spiritual upliftment, fearlessness, desired boon, good health, fame, wealth prosperity, and success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude.
This Compact Disc contains BHU SUKTAM (Prayer to the mother earth) VARUNA SUKTAM (Prayer to the rain god) RAKSHOGNAM (for safety from evils) VISHNU SUKTAM, (Prayer to Lord Vishnu) GRUDHA SUKTAM, APRTIFATAM, RASHITRA SUKTAM, (prayer for the country), RISHI SUKTAM, (for rishis) RITU SUKTAM, (for the seasons) DURGA SUKTAM, SRI SUKTAM., SARASVATI SUKTAM, MAHASHANTHI SUKTAM, PAVAMANAM, PUNYAHAVACHANAM. The Maha Shanthi Sukta is for attaining peace in all spheres!
All these Suktas are recited by the eminent, president awardee Ganapati Brahmasri Parasurama Sastri and his disciples Srinivasa Sarma, Manjunathan, and Sankar being Co-ordinated by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the famous Music Director
"1. Sri Sai Gayathri
2. Sri Sainatha Suprapatham
3. Sri Sainatha Mananam
4. Sri Sainatha Ashtothrams
5. Sri Sainatha Prarthana
6. Sri Sainatha Sapthsloki
7. Sri Sainatha Anushasanam
8. Sri Sai Sthothrams
9. Sri Sai Mangala Shasanam
10. Sri Sainamagoham
Sai (means тАЬSaintтАЭ in Persian), the word that is often repeated, with utmost devotion as a Mantra, all around the world. Shirdi Sai Baba was the Divine Incarnate and has a large number of devotes spanning a variety of religions. The vibrant religious unity was reflected in his words тАЬSab Ka Malik EkтАЭ (One God governs all). In Him were vested the philosophy of all saints. He practisedand preached humanism and universal brotherhood. He established the supremacy of love and compassion above egotism. He taught simplicity of living and excellence of human virtue. In today/rquotes world, humankind is seeking quick, magical solutions to all sorts of problems. All intellectual exercises to bring about peace in the world and happiness to mankind have failed; for these efforts are not based on humanism, universalism and love as taught by shri Sai.The magnetism of Shirdi Sai Baba \rquotes Divine soul is felt by those who merely think of Him. Baba promised to drive away the miseries, of all his devotees and bestower plenty of joy and happiness, help and guidance and overall prosperity!
"1. Aanandamrutha тАУ Amirthavarshini тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshithar
2. Manasunillpa тАУ Abogi - Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Chandrasekara тАУ Hindolam - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
4. Barusae тАУ Brindavanasaranga тАУ Adi тАУ Meera
5. Aparadi тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi - Purandaradasa
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim тАУ Hamsadwani тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshithar
2. Vasudevayani тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Thiyagarajar
3. Unnaiandri Uttra Thunai тАУ Bhavani тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dhandapani Desikar
4. Gajavadana тАУ Begada тАУ Adi тАУ Vijaya Vittala Dasa
5. Om Namo Narayana тАУ karna Ranjani тАУ K.Chappu тАУ Ambujam Krishna
6. Pirava Varam Tharum тАУ Lathangi тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi
7. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
"1. Solitary Dusk
2. Tilting Waves
3. Enchantment
4. Milky way
5. Tranquil Dream
6. Moonlit Rain
7. Nostalgia
8. Distant Love
9. Spring Blooms
10. A Promise forever
Biological linkage with music has been enunciated in several ancient scriptures which has been amplified by the dictum тАЬShishu Vetti Pashum Vetti Vetti Ganarasah PhanihтАЭ i.e., the effect felt subconsciously and not by conscious effort. The effect of lullaby on a child stands testimony to this natural phenomenon. The therapeutic effect of music and different tunes on human beings especially in curing hypertension and maintaining Metabolic balance has been proved in the extensive research conducted by various research groups. Music is indeed cataleptic which can be fruitfully employed by persons engulfed in high tension mechanical more of mundane existence. Here is the panacea for the modern times malady of stress and strain through the mind.
"1. Om Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha
2. Om Saravana Bhava
3. Om Swamiye Saranam Ayappa
4. Om Sri Arunachaleswara Namaha
5. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
6. Gayathri Manthram
"1. Varanam тАУ Ranjani тАУ Adi тАУ G.N. Balasubramanian
2. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagarajar
3. Gananaya тАУ DesikaRishaba Priya тАУ Adi тАУ Koteswara Iyer
4. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kambhoji тАУ Adi тАУ Thayagarajar
5. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Rupakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan
6. Marati Abang тАУ Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam тАУ Namdeu
"1. Sri Sanaischara Gayathri
2. Sri Sanaischara Sahasranamam
3. Sri Sanaischara Stotram
4. Sri Sanaischara Kavacham
5. Sri Sanaischara Ashtakam
6. Sri Sanaischara Ashtottara Sathanamavalli
7. Sri Sanaischara Mangalam
Sanaischara (Sanskrit тАУтАЬslow moverтАЭ) is reputed to be both, a giver and destroyer. Prayers to Sanaischara alleviates the problems and worries. Of all the nine planets, Sanaischara, the off spring of Surya and Chaaya, inspires the most awe. This is because he is said to hold sway over a personтАЩs Satum is a karaka, or indicatior, of longevity, Misery, sorrow, old age and death, discipline, restriction, responsibility, delays, ambition, leadership and authority, hard work, organization, reality and time itself. Starting form the position of this planet in the horoscope to the corresponding placement s of other planets. Lord Sani is believed to influence the course of oneтАЩs life. Sanaischara resides in each Rasi for a period of 2 ┬╜ years. When Sanaischara resides in the 12th, 1st and 2nd house, it is 7 ┬╜ Naatu Sani; when in the 4th house, it is Ardhastama Sani; when in the 8th house, it is Ashtama Sani. During these periods, he trobles the native. Problems form Government, wife children slowdown in business, loss of property, diseases are caused by the transit of Sani. In a personтАЩs life 7 ┬╜ Naatu Sani aspects thrice, the first called Mngu Sani, the second called Pongu Sani and the third called Marana Sani, DHYANAM: тАЬNilanjana samabhasam Ravi putram Yamarjam, chaya marttanda Sambhutam tam namami sanaischaramтАЩMOOLA MANTRAтАЭ: тАЬAum hrim shrim graham sakravartine Sanaischaraya klim aim such svaha тАЬGAYATRI: Aum Sanaischaraya vidhamhe, sooryaputraya dhimahi, tanno manda prachodayat. Sanaischara is a beneficient тАЬgrahaтАЭ Any adverse effect is due to placement in an individual horoscope which could be overcome by worshipping him.
"1. Vastu Gayatri
2. Vighneswara Puja
3. Sankalpa
4. Punyahavacana
5. Kalasa Puja
6. Vastu Parivara devata Avahanam (Dhyana, Navagraha & Lokapalapuja)
7. Pranapratistha
8. Upacare Puja
9. Vastu Namavali
10. Vastu Santi and Japa Mantras
11. Dhupa
12. Dipa
13. Naivedya
14. Karpura Nirajanam
15. Mantra puspam
16. Pradaksina Namaskaram.
17. Yathasthnam
18. Proksanam
тАЬVastuтАЭ is a creative, dynamic and scientific Vedic System of Architecture to design a building, house, office etcтАж it has been developed by ancient sages to ensure good fortune, peace, prosperity, creativity, health, happiness, and harmony for the inhabitants.
Inaccurately designed structures create anxiety, stress and unhappiness. Poorly designed structures produce sickness and depression. тАЬVastuтАЭ combines the earthтАЩs magnetic fields, the influence of planets and other celestial bodies along with cosmic rays. It plays a vital role in happy family life and prosperity of business. Today, with the growing urbanization, and scarcity of space it is practically impossible to even dream of a home or office conforming to the laws of тАЬVastuтАЭ. In such a situation it is not economical and feasible to either reconstruct of demolish the existing building.
Hence, to ward of the evil effects of such buildings without conformity to Vastu Sastra Vastu Puja and Vastu Santi Mantras are traditionally recited creating the vibration to
Invoke natural harmony and the blessings of тАЬVastu PurusaтАЭ, the Divine Lord of Architecture.
This Compact disc enhances the compatibility between the House/Office and its occupants. It improves spiritual and material life, creativity, intelligence, the health, longevity of life, and the relationship among the residents. When this vibration is created in work spots it increases the efficiency of employees their creativity and intelligence. It ensures smooth functioning of the business and profit. There is no need to demolish or restructure the building, if this puja and Shanthi Mantras are regularly vibrated on the premises with faith and confidence on the Divine Powers.
"1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Pancasanti
3. Ghosasanti
4. Mahasanti
5. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter II
6. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter III
7. Isavasya Upanishad
Asirvada Mantras
Meditation is the language of the soul with lonely musings to converse with God! Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit, is the nurse of thought and thought for food for meditation. It bathes one in the rivers of divine pleasure. It treads the path of peace and views the mansion of Etemity. By meditation the great enemies to peace viz, avarice, envy, anger, and pride could be banished which will lead to infallible enjoyment of perpetual peace.
Prayer through Mantras is the wing with which the soul flies to heaven and meditation the eyes with which we see God. Prayers chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the God or Goddess concerned and invoke powers from the infinite cosmic energy.
Here is a divine capsule exclusively meant for Meditation and Mental Peace. This contains the recitation of Gayatri Mantra, Panacasanti, Ghosasanti, Mahasanti, Bhagavad-Gita chapter II and III, Isavasyaupanishad and Asivada Mantras. By hearing and meditation silently on this recitation and thereby forming the link with the divine forces. One could obtain Mental Peace along with prosperity fame, fearlessness, success in life, spiritual strength, wisdom and lastly the divine beatitude.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their
"1. Mahalaksmi Mantra
2. Sri Suktam
3. Bhagyasuktam
4. Ayusyasuktam
5. Sakala Devata Bija Mantras
6. Camakam
7. Kanakadhara Stotram
8. Astalaksmi Stotram
9. Asirvada
When man suffers for want to wealth he is mentally upset. He feels dejected. When no amount of hard work could give relief, the only way to secure wealth is the wink of luck from the eyes of Goddess of wealth and the blessings of the spiritual entities. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. A prayer through Sanskrit, the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils them.
Navigate your soul to the divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and incantations. This Divine Elixir is provided for you to suit your need in the form of Vedic Mantras with the natural harmonizing symphony of sounds to tap the divine source of energy, which will fetch you enormous wealth as well as happiness.
Mantras when chanted with devotion, faith and emotion, gravitate the God or Goddess concerned or deity and secure the divine blessings. For Divine help one must maintain link with divine forces. By regular use of Mantras, a subtle link is formed and through this one could obtain any desired boon. One could obtain wealth, prosperity fame, fearlessness, success and spiritual uplitment.
Here are some propitiation exclusively compiled for wealth and Happiness. This wealthy compilation includes the recitation of Mahalakshmi Mantra Sri Suktam, Bhagyasuktam, Ayusyasuktam, Sakala Devata bija mantras Camakam, Kanakadhara Stotram, Ashtalakshmi stortram and asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Mrtyunjaya Mantra
2. Sudarsana Mantram
3. Ayusya Suktam
4. Bhagya Suktam
5. Mrtyusuktam
6. Amrta Sanjivani Stotram
7. Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambham
8. Amrta Sanjivani Stotram
9. Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambham
10. Camakam
11. Garuda Dandakam
12. Bhaskara Gayatri and Surya Kavacam
13. Sanaischara Gayatri and Kavacam
14. Sanaischara Gayatri and Kavacam
15. Sankastha Nasana Ganesa Stotram
16. Mahalaksmi Angala Stotram
17. Asivadam
The first and foremost wealth is health. And long life is the gift of God. A healthy body alone can house a healthy mind. Health is the key to open up all the avenues of enjoyments. Though, good health is maintained by the proper nourishment of the body and physical exercises, it requires divine sanction. So also a healthy mind and along long life are to be sanctioned by the Divine Powers.
Since the prayers through Sanskrit the divine language have the efficacy to invoke boons and blessings of God, we are introducing a long tested therapy of Mantras. Navigate your soul to the Divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and incantations to invoke powers from the infinite cosmis energy for deriving Good health and useful long life.
This Compact Disc is exclusively compiled for Health and Long Life. The following are the Chants: Mrtyunjaya Mantra Sudarasana Mantram, Ayusya Suktam, Bhagya Suktam, Mrtyusuktam, Amrta Sanjivani Stotram, Lakshmi Narasimha karavalamabham, Camakam, Garuda Dandakam, Bhaskara Gayatri and Surya Kavacam, Sanaiscara Gayatri and kavacam, Sankastha Nasana Ganesa stotram, Mahalakshmi Angala Stotram and Asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Sudarsana Mantra
2. Amrita Sanjivani Stotram
3. Devata Gayatri
4. Garuda Dandakam
5. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter 5
6. Raghuvera Gadyam
7. Shodasayudha Stotram
8. Ashwamedya Mantra
9. Asirvada
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit, the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishe oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfill the demand of the soul and act as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Do you have problems? Do you suffer from the stresses and strains? Do you wish to get what you want? Here is a long tested therapy. Navigate your soul to the Divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and Incantations. This Divine Elixir which the Doctors canтАЩt prescribe is provided for you in the form of Vedic Mantras with the natural harmozing symphony of sounds, the hearing of which have the power to release the Stress and Stains apart from obtaining wealth, prosperity, fame fearlessness, success in life, spiritual strength wisdom and the divine beatitude.
This compact disc exclusively meant to relieve stress and strains has the following contents: Sudarsana Mantra, Amrta Sanjivani Storram, Garuda Dandakam, Bhargavad Gita chapter 5, Raghuvera Gadyam, Shodasayudha stortram, Aswamedha mantra and Asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Mahalaksmi Mantra
2. Asthalaksmi Stotram
3. Camakam
4. Kanakadhara Stotram
5. Ashwamedya Mantras
6. Saraswati Suktam
7. Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambha Stotram
8. Ayusya Suktam
9. Bhagya Suktam
10. Vani Stavam
11. Asirvadam
Proper planning, hard efforts, necessary qualification for an endeavour, Will Power and the logical intelligence and ability to work on the possibilities are the keys that open up a career leading to success. тАЬMan is the creator of his own destinyтАЭ says Swami Vivekananda. Creating opportunity or grabbing the right opportunity is entirely in the hands of an optimistic person. A strong will coupled with the staunch faith in god fetch the desired fruits. One must deserve for what he desires.
A person seeking a career and success in all his endeavours, despite fulfilling the above requirements faces some hurdles caused by the destiny unknown to his reason. At this juncture, the only remedy to overcome his destiny and turn it towards his success and Successful career is to pray to God. It is the effective remedy. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit, the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfils the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem.
Navigate your soul to the Divine Orbit by listening to the transmission of Divine spells and Incantations. Here is a divine sound capsule exclusively meant for getting a prosperous career and success.
The followings are the chants: Mahalakshmi Mantras, Asthalakshmi Stotram, Camakam, Kanakadhara Stotram, Aswamedha Mantras, Saraswathi Suktam, Laksmi Narasimha Karavalambha Storam, Ayusya Suktam, Bhagya Suktam, Vani Stavam, and Asirvadam.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by Brahmasri Pudukkottai Mahalinga Sastri, Brashmasri Parasurama Ganaptigal (president Awardee), Dr.R.Thiagarajan (prof.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai) Unni Krishnan (the famous Vocalist) and their team.
"1. Kamadava Gayatri and Vedic Mantra for Concord
2. Kandarpa Mahima
3. Mammatha Prabhava (Kalidasa)
4. Prema Sandesa (Kalidasa)
5. Kamakala Vilasa (Bhartrhani)
6. Srngarollasam (Kalidasa)
7. Kamini Cantonal (Bilahana)
8. Kama Lahari (Amaru)
9. Suratotsavam (Kalidasa)
10. Rati Manmatha Namavali
11. Kama Sammohana Mantras
Life is lovely only when it coupled with Romance. Romance is the off spring of Love. There is in life no blessing like Romance, it soothes, hallows, elevates, subdues and brings down to earth is native heaven. Of all the earthly music, that which reaches farthest into heaven is the beating of a truly loving heart. There is no earthly happiness exceeding that of reciprocal satisfaction in the conjugal state, says H.Giles. Mutual love, Passion and attraction towards men and maidens are not aberrations. On the other hand this brings together the like minded opposite sex, crazily waiting to avail the happy heavenly sanction of union loving and actions which manifest love, is a creative force that emanated from the creator of the world. However, people without knowing this art, Fail to maintain compatibility with the spouse of their heart and end in divorce or dejection.
This compact disc is intended for those who like to attract the person of their heart, be it a male or female and to accomplish their deep passionate desires through the stimulating vibrations of sound focused in ancient texts for the happy union of hearts. These vibrations when absorbed with concentration and meditation stimulate in various ways the senses of human body, and result in mutual attraction of two different souls.
This compact disc of romance comprise of kamadeva gayatri and Vedic Mantra for Concord kandarpa Mahima, Manmatha Prabhava(kalidasa), Prema Sandesa(kalidasa), Kamakala Vilasa (Bharathan) Kama lahari(Amaru) Suratosavam(Kalidasa), Rati Manmatha Namavali and kama Sammohana Mantras.
These are recited in the judicious tones with proper diction by DR.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Tmt.A.K.Chandra, Tmt.Usha Vishwanath, Thiry.Bhaktavatsslam and Thiru.Karpooram, under the guidance of the famous music director Thiru.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Adi Kondar - Mayamalavagowla тАУ Adi тАУ Muthu Thandavar тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
2. Samagana Priye- Anandha Bhairavi тАУAdi- G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУJayashankar & Valayappatti
3. Indavibishana тАУ Banthuvarali тАУ Roopakam - Anunchala Kavi - MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
4. Aela Nee Thayaradhu тАУ Adana тАУ Adi тАУThyagaraja тАУ Karaikurichi.P.Arunachalam
5. Chinnanchiru тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Adi - U.Shanmugam тАУ Namagiripettai Krishnan
6. Western Notes тАУ MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
"1. Raghuvamasasudha тАУ Kathanakudhukalam тАУ Adi тАУ Pattinam Subramanua Iyer- Jayashankar & Valayappatti
2. Om Saravana Bhava тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Adi - Papanasam sivan тАУ Karaikurichi.P.Arunachalam
3. Rangasayee тАУ Kambhoji тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
4. Sababathikku тАУAbhogi тАУ Roopakam тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi тАУ Namagiripettai Krishnan
5. Thunbam Naragayil - Desh тАУ Ekathalam тАУ Bharathidasan тАУ MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
6. Bhavayami Gopalam - Yamuna Kalyani Khandachappu тАУ Annamacharya - Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
7. Dolayam тАУ Kamas - Tisra Ekam Annamacharya - Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
"Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi is the bestower of Megaluck, Material Prosperity, Wealth and Divine Wisdom to all her devotees. She is the divine тАЬShaktiтАЭ variously manifesting as Mahalakshmi, Vidyalakshmi, Vaibhavalakshmi, Kuberalakshmi, and Soubhayalakshmi and so on depending on the appeal of the devotees through prayers to get their wishes fulfilled. She is the one who recommends her devotees to Her Lord Narayana for their salvation.
The mystical formula in the form of Mantras discovered by our ancient Rishis to grace and favour of Mahalakshmi has the time-tested efficacy. Any mantra gains impetus only when it is repeated several times with one-pointed devotion and concentration on the spell. But, a perfect diction alone can bring about the salutary effect of the Mantra.
Here is the Mahalakshmi Mantra, the Bijaksharas of which are scientifically plaited covering all the manifestations of Lakshmi. This Mantra has been rendered in perfect diction by the famous singer Suchitra Krishnamoorthy, guided by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of PG & Research Dept. of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai and eggiciently set to mood and tuned by the Music Director, Mr.Praveen Mani. Hearing of this Compact Disc in meditative mood would fetch excellent benefits from the Goddess of fortune, Mahalakshmi
"1. Poorvanga Pooja
2. Aasana Pooja
3. Kalasa Pooja Anga Pooja
4. Varalakshmi Ashtottaram
5. Doragranthi Pooja
6. Sri Lakshmi Dhyanam
7. Sri Mahalakshmi Stotram
8. Sri Siddhalakshmi Stotram
9. Sri Jyeshthalakshmi Stotram
10. Sri Lakshmi Hrudayam
Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Wealth includes nobler values of life, power of mind and intellect, moral and ethical qualities that constitute the spiritual wealth fortune, power and beauty. Without the grace of Lakshmi, out toil is of no avail. Varalakshmi is one who grants boons. Performing the Varalakshmi Pooja is said to be equivalent to worshipping all forms of Lakshmi. тАЬThe benefits of performing the Varalakshmi Pooja are тАЬdhanamтАЭ (money), тАЬdhanyamтАЭ (grains of food), тАЬarogayamтАЭ (Health), тАЬsampathтАЭ (property). тАЬSat santhanamтАЭ (vitruous offspring) and тАЬdheerga saumangalyamтАЭ (longevity of the husband). Hence a unique and austere worship to her is done as a Varalakshmi Vratham.
This Compact Disc contains poorvanga Pooja, asana Pooja, kalasa Pooja, anga Pooja, varalakshmi ashottaram, doragranthi Pooja, Sri Lakshmi dhyanam, Sri Mahalakshmi stotram, sri dhanalakshmi stotram, sri jyeshthalakshmi stotram, and sri lakshmi hrudayam.
This Pooja programme is done with devotion in the traditional manner as taught by our ancestors by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, the head of the pg and Research Department of Sanskrit presidency College , Chennai along with his team sri Malokakannan, sri sivarajan, sri caporal and sri bhaktravatsalam with the technical support of sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam music director.
Lord Ganapati is a powerful and popular God. He is worshipped in Temples, shrines and in houses. His grace is sought out while making an auspicious beginning of any endeavor. He is called Lord Vigneshwara, destroyer of obstacles. People worship Him asking for Siddhi (success in undertaking) and buddhi (intelligence). He is also the God of education, knowledge, wisdom literature and fine arts. Ganapati represents the mystic symbol тАЬOMтАЭ (AUM). Here are some prayers seeking favours from Ganapati through the Divine Language, Sanskrit.
"1. Ranjani тАУ Ranjani тАУ Adi тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУ Karakurichi P Arunachalam
2. Kamalamba тАУ Anandabairavi тАУ Misra Chappu тАУ Dikshitar тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna
3. Moulana
4. Motchamugalada тАУ Charumathi - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Namagiripettai Krishnan
5. Vedhanai Evaridam - Parvathi тАУ Kandachapu - Ambujam Krishnan - Jayashankar & Valayappatti
6. Chakkani Raja - Karahara Priya тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ MPN Ponnuswamy & MPN Sethuraman
7. Thillana тАУ Kapi тАУ Thisra Ekam тАУ M.D.Ramanathan - Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
"1. Sri Havagriva Gayathri
2. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Sahasranamam
3. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Stotram
4. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Dandakam
5. Sri Lakshmi Pancha Ratnam
Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva (the Lord with the horseтАЩs face) is the presiding deity for all knowledge. тАЬAdhaaram Sarvavidhyaanaam Hayagrivam UpaasmaheтАЭ. It is said that Hayagriva restored the knowledge bank viz Vedas to Brahma the creator. Once, two Asuras, madhu and Kaitabha stole the Vedas from Brahma. The whole world was surrounded by darkness due to the absence of the Vedas. Unable to carry on his work of creation. Without the Vedas. Brahma rushed to Lord Narayana and pleaded for help to restore the Vedas. Lord Narayana at once incarnated with the lustrous white Horse-faced Hayagriva rushed to pathala destroyed the Asuras and resotred the Vedas back to Brahma. There are many versions about the story of Hayagriva in the puranas. It is a traditional belief that the prayer and meditation on Hayagriva will fetch a sound knowledge and will make the devotee a genius in any field. Hence, the recitations of the following devotional lyrics are capusuled to this compact disc.
"1. Sri Lalitha Gayathri
2. Sri Guru Paduka Panchakastavam
3. Sri Devi Kadakamala Namavalli
4. Sri Paduka Panchakastavam
5. Sri Lalitha Prathasmaranam
6. Sri Lalitha Trisathi Namavalli
7. Sri Lalitha Shauna Prarthana
Lalitha Mahatripurasundari is the central goddess to the Sri Vidya tradition the (School of Auspicious WisdomтАЭ. Within the Sri Vidya tradition, the listing of names is often central, as these names are the deityтАЩs mantras (sublte forms of the deity). Lalita has 15 attendants, the Nitya Devis. She resides in three nadi-s (nerve channels), namely sushhumnaa, pingalaa and idaa. She is the ruler of the three Shaktis-ichchaa (will), jnana (knowledge) and kriyaa (action). She pervades all the three words-heaven, earth and the nether world. She is the controller of all the three bodies-sthula (gross), suukshhma (subtle), and karaka (causal). She is the self which is present trough the three states of existence-jaagrat (walking), svapna (dream) and sushhupti (deep sleep). Though she is above all guna-s, she pervades the three modes of energy-sativa (purity), rajas (mobility) and tamas (inertia). Brahmanda тАУpurana extols the Goddess Lalitha as the savior of the world Lalitha trishati in which 300 names of the goddess is featured. Adi Shankaraachaarya has written a commentary for this. Lalitha trishati is important like Lalitha sahasranaama. Agastya told Hayagriva that thought he has heard about Sri Chakra upaasana and the Lalitha sahasranaama but he lacks the satisfaction of knowing all the secrets. Lord Hayagriva advised Agastya that the worship of the goddess will achieve the purpose of life, gives liberation from bondage, very easily and taught the secret Lalitha trishati.
Since the recitation of тАЬTrisatiтАЭ is conspired important, this Compact Disc is specially produced within the following recitations тАУ Sri Lalitha Gayathri, Sri Guru Paduka Panchakastavam, Sri Devi Kadakamala Namavalli, Sri Paduka Panacharatnastavam, Sri Lalitha Prathasmaranam, Sri Lalitha Trisathi Namavalli and Sri Lalitha Shauna Prathana.
These mantras are recited in the traditional tunes by Prof.R.Thiagarjan, the Head of the PG and research Dept. of Sanskrit Presidency College, and Chennai along with his team, Dr.L.Sampath Kumar, Sri.K.Malolakannan, Sri.Bhaktavastsalam, Sri Sivarajan and Srimati Usha Viswanath.
"1. Charanam Siddhi тАУ Sowmya
2. Vegame Gaava тАУ Abogi тАУ Adi тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna тАУ Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna
3. Palimpa - Arabhi тАУ Adi тАУ Pallavi Seshyyam - Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
4. Barusae тАУ Brindavanasaranga тАУ Adi тАУ Mera - Maharajapuram Santhanam
5. Naa Naati Batukku тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
6. Amma Krupai Thandhu тАУ Kapi - Adi тАУ Mazhavai Chidambara Bharathi тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
"1. Surya Gayatri
2. Rashmivarnanam
3. Asva Varnanam
4. Arunavarnanam
5. Suryaratha Varnanam
6. Mandalavarnanam
7. Suryanarayana Stuti
8. Phalasruti
9. Akshi Upanishad
10. Surya Mangalam
There is no peace without the grace of God, and there is no grace of God without Prayer. Undoubtedly, prayer requires a living faith in God. Prayer should be an integral part of the healing process.
The Surya Sataka is a тАЬcentadтАЭ of stanzas glorifying Sun God and invoking His blessings. It was composed in Sanskrit by Mayura Kavi, the court poet of Harsha Vardhana in the 7th Century A.D. The chanting or hearing of these verses, create potent vibrations which would fetch remedy for the diseases of any kind by the Sun godтАЩs grace transmitted through his rays. Experienced ancestors and saints have recommended this hymn as one curing leprosy, eye diseases etc. The poet тАЬMayuraтАЭ himself was relieved from his ailment. More than 15 commentaries of this hymn reveal its merit and efficacy. This hymn was very popular in Sri Lanka too. This hymn is judiciously couched in Sragdhara (Garlanding) metre and highly esteemed by the Sanskrit rhetoricians. It praises Surya as the supreme in the universe. It describes his rays, disc, chariot etc. тАЬArogyam Bhaskarat iccherтАЭ is the adage, which means that good health is sought from the sun.
This mantra comprises of Surya Gayatri, Rashmivamanam, Asva Vamanam, Arunavamanam, Suryaratha Vamanam, Mandalavaramanam, Suryanarayana stuti, Phalasruti, Akshi Upanishad to cure eye diseases and Surya Mangalam.
These are chanted in the spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Bhaktavasalam and Mrs.Usha Viswanath, under the supervision of the Music Director, Mr.Manika Vinayagam.
"1. Nandikeshwara Pooja
2. Nandikeshwara Ashottara Satanamavali
3. Vighneswara Pooja
4. Sankalpa
5. Poojas to Ghanta and Kalasa
6. Pradosha Pooja
7. Anga Pooja
8. Siva Ashottara Satanamavali
9. Dhoopa тАУ Dipa тАУ Naivedya тАУ Nirajanam
10. Prarthana
11. Arghyapradana
12. Siva Panchakshara Nakshatramaalaa
13. Siva Ashottara Nama Sataka Stotram
14. Pradoshamahima Stotram
The time of sunset or the dusk is highly auspicious for the worship of Lord Siva. It is during this time all beings attain peace tentatively ceasing from the tiresome monotony of worldly activities and take rest to resume creativity the next day. This time was discovered by our ancient Rishis as suitable for worship, especially to Siva. The pradosha worship is done in the evening twilight on the thirteenth day of each lunar for night. It is the worship of Lord Siva for victory and success in all undertaking, and the fulfillment of all our heartтАЩs cherished desires. Pradpsha is the worship of Lord Siva and Parvati when they both are in an extremely propitious mood.
Repeatedly worsted in war by the demons, the gods approached Lord Siva to bless them with a leader for their classical hosts. They came to the Lord at twilight on the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight and found Him in the blissful company of His consort, Parvati. Hymned and glorified by them, Siva immediately granted their prayerful request. Hence, the extreme auspiciousness of the period. It is believed that during this auspicious period all the hosts of classical beings and gods come down from the heavens and attend the worship in their subtle form. This adds immensely to the sanctity of the worship. The listening of these Pooja mantras would invoke the blessings of the divine couple and bring merits, wealth and prosperity!
Hence, in order to cater to the wish of the devotees this compact disc contains the recitation of the traditional pradosha Pooja comprising, Nandikeshwara Pooja, nandiskeshwara Ashottara Satanamavali, Vighneswara Pooja, Sankalpa, Poojas to Ghanta and Kalasa, Prodosha Pooja, Anga Pooja Siva Ashottara Satanamavali, Dhoopa-Dipa-Naivedya-Niriajanam, Prathana, Arghyapradana, Siva Panchakshara Nakshatramaalaa, Siva Ashottara Nama Sataka Storam and Proadoshamahima Storam.
"1. Shiva тАУ Shiva Stotra
2. Daaridruya Dahana Shiva Stotra
Prayer requires a living faith in God and there is no grace of God without prayer. Shakti Mahima Stotra composed by the Sage Durvasa is a famous hymn in the worship of Shakti. The first part of this work contains the Matrikas (the mystic syllables) like Soundaraya Lahari the first part of this Stotra forms as the explanation of Mantras and the second part describes the form of Shakti. The method of meditating upon Kundalini, the efficacy of Bijakasharas especially the 15 lettered Mantra. Kamakala Vimarsana, ShaktiтАЩs Gayatri form, the form of Sri Chakra, and the effect of Mahapraasaada vidya etc are dealt with in the first part. The meditation on the foot of to head of Shakti, the power of her weapons, and the inner form of worship etc are explained in the later part.
Shiva Mahima Stotra is a prayer to Lord Shiva composed (earlier that 10th century A.D) with a devotional fervour by Pushpadanta the famous devotes of the Lord. As the numerous learned commentaries on the hymn attest, it is a Powerful and philosophical hymn in thought and expression. The beauty of this hymn is that it could be applied to Vishnu also as interoperated by Madhusudana Saraswathi.
In addition to the above Stotras, this compact disc contained Shiva Shakti Stotra, Daaridriya Dahana Shiva Stotra etc., appropriate to the Aradhana of Shiva Shakti. The listening to these stotras would invoke the blessings of the divine couple and bring merits, wealth and prosperity! These hymns are rendered in the spiritual tunes by Dr.R.Thyagarajan HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri Malolakannan, Dr.Bhaktavatsalam, Sri Sivarajan and Dr.L.Sampth Kumar, supported by the Music Director Sri.V.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Varahi Gayatri
2. Varahi Sahasranamam
Prayers to Divine powers, always removes hurdles and facilitates achievement. But, an aspirant must choose the deity and prayers depending upon his wish and need. The deity Varahi is conceived as the Commander in Chief of the Supreme Parasakthi. Her permission is necessary to approach the Parasakthi. She represents Chaitanya Tattva. She is the activator of our physical senses. She is symbolically represented as the flower arrows in the hands of Parasakthi. Her form is personified as Akhilandeswari in Thiruvanaikaval. Those who are meditating upon Varahi achieve the fruit of тАЬViswaroopa DarsanaтАЭ. She is also called Dandini. She is the giver of shape to all our thoughts and directs towards successful action. Her face is depicted as a pig for some mystic reason. She is also said to be the Aungraha Shakit of Sadasiva. Meditation upon Her thwarts all hindrances enemiesтАЩ apart form giving physical and mental strength to face any kind of difficult situation. Success is at hand for those who get over the problems.
These are chanted in the spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Bhaktavasalam and Mrs.Usha Viswanath, under the supervision of the Music Director, Mr.Manika Vinayagam.
"1. Sri Shyamala Gayatri
2. Sri Shyamala Sahasranama
3. Sri Matangi Stotra
Mantras or sacred mystic syllables when repeated often produce the results as prayed for. Invocations or prayers for repetition to different deities depending upon our wish and longing, were identified by our ancestors. One such prayer is directed towards Shyamala, a manifestation of Shakit. She is the prime counselor for the Parasakthi or the embodiment of Supreme energy.
She represents the Buddhi Tatva and activates our mind. She is symbolically represented as the Sugarcane in the hands of Parasakthi. Her energy is centered upon Meenakshi at Madurai. Without the help of Shyamala, it is impossible to go near the supreme Shakti. She is the presiding deity of music. She is also called Matangi. People engaged in Administration, Beurocrats, Musicians, Educationist, Artist, and in short, all those who want to become creative genius, must worship her. In order to facilitate the above aspirants; this Compact Disc contains Sri Shyamala Gayatri, Sri Shyamala Sahasranama and Sri Matangi Stotra.
These are chanted in the spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Bhaktavasalam and Mrs.Usha Viswanath, under the supervision of the Music Director, Mr.Manika Vinayagam.
"1. Lakshmi Gayatri
2. Vaibhavalakshmi Poorvanga Pooja
3. Pradhan Pooja
4. Visesharchana
5. Uttaranga Pooja
6. Sri Suktam
7. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
8. Mahalakshmi Stuti (Agastya)
9. Mahalakshmi Stotras
Wealth is a power sought out by mostly everyone in order to have a comfortable living. Some are born with a silver spoon while others have to toil to secure wealth. Yet wealth remains with them only if they are destined to retain it. The destiny of man could be shaped in oneтАЩs own favour with the help and grace of the Divinity. To secure the grace of Divinity the prayers and Pooja help in the making. Hence, a special Pooja vis Shri Vaibhavalakshmi Pooja is performed. This Pooja could be performed by any one seeking the grace of Goddess Mahalakshmi. Either by performing the Pooja or listening to the Mantras, wealth can be secured and preserved.
"1. Pratyangira Mantras
2. Pratyangira Sahasranama Stotras
Pratyangira is a most powerful female deity also called as the Atharvana Bhadrakaali. She is worshipped for thwarting away evils and to get rid of evil spells cast by the enemies and the enmical forces. Whenever the demonic forces overpower the divine forces in the world, this Goddess PratyangiraтАЩs help is sought after even by the Gods. She is represented as the wife of Sarabha. Her form is terrific and hence. She is named as ugra. The Secret of the worship of this deity is understood and many temples are consecrated nowadays.
The Upasana of Pratyangira bestows many powers such as conquering of enemies, winning over legal matters, bestows strong health, stable wealth etc., apart from giving ultimate salvation.
The Pratyangira Mantras and the Prantyangira Sahasranama Stotras are rendered with perfect diction and in spiritual tune by prof.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri Malokakannan, Sri Umapathi, Smt. Usha Viswanath under the guidance of Mr.Manikkavinayagam, the Music Director.
"1. Sarabha Gayatri
2. Sarabheshwara Sahasranamam
3. Sarabheshwara Ashtakam
The Divine power is unlimited. Yet, the combat between the demonic forces exist in the Universe from the time immemorial. Each force is powerful and devours the other. When the demonic forces become dominant and the existing forces become helpless to veto the opposite, the infinite power emerges automatically and empowers the divine forces with the supply of superior powers to tackle the situation. Mantra symbolizes this phenomenon. Sarabha Mantra is one such symbol.
When the egoistic Demon Hiranyaksha committed atrocities, Lord Vishnu took the incarnation of the terrific Narasimha (Lion-Man) with more divine powers and destroyed the demon. But, the powers enormously held by Narasimha were not exhausted and as a result he started destroying all creations. When no power could meet out Narasimha, Lord Shiva incarnated as Sarabha a combination of a terrific animal, a bird and a man, with sharp nails, teeth, two wings, eight legs etc and brought Narasimha under control. SarabhaтАЩs two wings are represented as his wives Pratyangra and Saalini, tow shakitiтАЩs who assisted him to stultify Narasimha. Such an incarnation of Siva, as Sarabha when prayed from bestows strength, vigour and the power to nullify the enmical force in our daily life.
To facilitate the aspirants, this Compact Disc contains the very rare and powerful sarabha gayatri sarabheshwara sahasranamam and sarabheswara ashtakam, being recited in a divine traditional tune, by Dr. R.Thiagarajan, prof. of Sanskrit Presidency College along With his team Sri Malolakannan, Sri Umapathy and Srimathi Usha Viswanath.
"1. Dhyanam
2. Bhagavadswaroopam & Mahatmiyam
3. Dhruva Charitham
4. AjamilaMoksha
5. Prahalada Charitham
6. Balidarpa Samnam
7. Ramayana Hanuman Samagama
8. Krishnavataram
9. Kaleeya Mardanam
10. Govindabhishekam
11. Rasakreeda
12. Veda Stuti
13. .Kesadi Padavarnanam
The Narayaneeyam is the heart of rending devotional hymn by Melpatur Narayana Bhattalin (16th century) Narayaneeyamidentifies тАЬGuruvaurappanтАЭ with тАЬNarayanaтАЭ. The Narraneeyam is a touching hymn and a source of spiritual power of the million of devotees of Lord Guruvaurappan. It extols the greatness of the Lord of Guruvayur. It is said, that Narayana Bhattadiri was suffering from rheumatism and to cure his illness he composed more than a thousand тАЬslokasтАЭ-(1036)- in praise of Lord Guruvayurappan an recited them before the deity. The sloka, divided into hundred тАЬDasakasтАЭ, contain the essence of Sreemad Bhagavata. They explain the ten тАЬAvataraleela (episodes of VishnuтАЩs incarnations) and every тАЬDasakaтАЭ ends with the prayer to the Lord Guruvayurappan to cure the poetтАЩs illness. He was cured by the grace of Guruvayurappan. Ultimately the aim of Narayaneeyam is тАЬMokshaтАЭ or Salvation. The recitation of Narayaneeyam an epitome of the Bhagavatam, bestows the benefit secured out of reading the entire Bhagavata. Here the poet gives an inspired and inspiring vision of Sri Krishna that was fully revealed to him, starting from the dazzling halo of lusture gradually culminating into that lovely, divine form. тАЬThe consciousness of the reciter or the hearer of recitation is led step by step the exclaims with Bhattadiri. тАЬAgre Pasyami (Him I see before me)тАЭ in the last dasaka.
"1. Varnam тАУ Sunodhavindodhini тАУ Adi тАУ N.S.Ramachandran тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
2. Evari Maata тАУ Kambodhi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr. M Balamurali Krishna
3. Aanaddhamrutha тАУ Amrithavarshini тАУ Adi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar - Maharajapuram Santhanam
4. Evarae Ramayae тАУ Gangayabhushini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
5. Srinivasa тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
6. Sarangan тАУ Ragamalika - Adi тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
Maharajapuram Santhanam was born in 1928 at Sirunagar Village, in Thanjavur Dist, to Maharajapuram Viswanatha Iyer, (one of the greatest exponents of carnatic music) and Visalakshi. Santahanam had his initial under Melattur Sama Dikshithar and under his father. Maharajapuram Santhanam, a beneficiary of the Umayalpuram tradition, kept aloft the enduring values which carnatic music stands for; his music had a unique pattern and an unparallel mix of Lakshana and Lakshyagnana. His mellow presentation, the pieces and rendition of ragas, neravals and swaras had a pleasant style of classic is satisfying common and the elite listeners. Santhanam had a unique style of building up a raga.
Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna was born on July 6, 1930 at Sankaraguptam, a small hamlet in Rajoul Taluk, East Godavari District in Andra Pradesh, to Mangalamoalli Pattabhiramayya and Surykanthama. His father, Pattabhiramayya was a famous flutist and a music teacher and Suryakanthama was a notable Veena artiste. His guru was the famous parupalli Ramakrishna Pantulu. In the order of Guru Parampara, Balamurali Krishna is fifth in the line of direct disciples of the great Saint Tyagaraja.
Sudha has a golden touch in her voice, which enthralls her listeners from all over the globe. There is tantalizing mystery behind that cherubic smile. Her deep relish for tradition and mystical old-world charm is supremely addictive. Her foundation in the world of music was laid at a young age. Her mother Smt.Choodmani groomed her at a very early period before the onus to nurture her music fell upon Vidwan Sri.B.V.Lakshman. She proved her powers both in her academics and in music and now there of world stood at a juncture where two toads diverged and there was тАШsomethingтАЩ that was needed to push her onto road less traveled by.
"1. Vandhisuve тАУ Nattai тАУ Kandachappu - Purandaradass тАУ DR.M.L.Vasanthakumari
2. Sriman Narayana тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
3. Needhan Mechi Kolla тАУ Sowmya
4. Vararagalaya тАУ Chenchu Kambodhi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
5. Gananayadesika тАУ Rishabapriya тАУ Adi тАУ Koteeswariayer- Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
6. Thillana тАУ Somwya
7. Marati Abang тАУ Misra Marubehag тАУ Ekam тАУ Namdev тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
"1. Meru Samana тАУ Mayamalavagowla тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
2. Manasunillpa тАУ Abhogi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
3. Vasudevayani - Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
4. Aparadhi тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi тАУ Purandaradass тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam
5. Evaritho тАУ Manavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
6. Alay Paayudhae тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
"1. Kanugonu Sowkiyama тАУ Nayaki тАУ Roopakam тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali
2. Krishna
3. Gaanamoorthy тАУ Gaanamoorthy тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja - Maharajapuram Santhanam
4. Pavana тАУ Rasikapriya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna тАУ Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna
5. Sadhanin- Shanmugapriya - Misrachappu - Maharajapuram Santhanam - Maharajapuram Santhanam
6. Raama Neeyada тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna
7. Thillana - Basanta Bihar тАУ Adi - Maharajapuram Santhanam - Maharajapuram Santhanam
"1. Pachai Kiliye тАУ Kavimani тАУ T.M. Soundararajan
2. Manidhar Verukkum тАУ AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
3. Thottaththil тАУ Kavimani - T.M. Soundararajan
4. Kaalai Naeram - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
5. Unna Unnavu - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
6. Miyaav Miyaav - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
7. Pattanathil - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
8. Thalaiyee Ulagil - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
9. Anna Anna - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
10. Kalaiyum Malaiyum - AI.Valliappa - T.M. Soundararajan
11. Pandigaikku - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
12. Kuruvi Ondru - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
13. Arignar Oruvar - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
14. Aindhu Poonai - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
15. Kaattai Vittu - AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
"1. Odi Vilaiyadu - Bharathiyar тАУ P Susheela
2. Vellai Niraththoru тАУ Bharathiyar - P Susheela
3. Thaneer Kidaiyaamal тАУ Kavimani - P Susheela
4. Pattiyin Veettu тАУ Kavimani тАУ P Susheela
5. Panaththil Mikka тАУ AI.Valliappa тАУ P.Susheela
6. Pandigaikku тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
7. Kuruvi Ondru тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
8. Arignar Oruvar тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
9. Aindhu Poonai тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
10. Kaatal Vittu тАУ AI.Valliappa - P Susheela
11. Pachai Killiyae тАУ Kavimani тАУ T.M.Soundararjan
12. Manidhar Verukkum тАУ AI.Valliappa тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
13. Thottaththil тАУ Kavimani - T M Soundararajan тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
14. Kaalai Naeram - AI.Valliappa тАУT.M.Soundararajan
15. Unna Unavu тАУ AI.Valliappa тАУT.M.Soundararajan
": Abirami Andhadhi тАУ Vol I
Abirami Andhadhi
DISC тАУ 2: Abirami Andhadhi - Vol II
1. Abirami Andhadhi (Contd)
2. Orae Nenjam тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
3. Aadukiraan тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
4. Kannapaar Amma - T.M.Soundararajan
5. Maambazhathu тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
6. Arulum Aalayam тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
7. Karpagavalliyin T.M.Soundararajan
8. Kottaiyile тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
9. Unnadhu Nizhalil тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
10. Maghishanai Asuranai тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
11. Bhagavathiyae тАУ T.M.Soundararajan
"1. Gajavadana тАУ Bagada тАУ Adi тАУ Vijaya Vittalla Dasa тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
2. Parama Purusha тАУ Nithyashree Mahadevan
3. Rama Nama тАУ Darbari Kannada тАУ Roopakam тАУ Purandaradass тАУ Dr.M.LVasanthakumai
4. Thayae Yashoda тАУ Sowmya
5. Pirava Varam Tharum тАУ Lathangi тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Barathi тАУ Sudha Ragunathan
6. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jeyaraman тАУ Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari
7. Pullai Piravi тАУ Sowmya
8. Bhavayami Gopala Balam - Nithyashree Mahadevan
"1. Aadum Ganapathiya - L.R.Easwari
2. Thudhi Ettu - L.R.Easwari
3. Gana Nadha - L.R.Easwari
4. Pillayar Suzhi - L.R.Easwari
5. Vaarana Mugathonae - L.R.Easwari
6. Appappa - L.R.Easwari
7. Thumbikaiyaal - L.R.Easwari
8. Vezhamuga - L.R.Easwari
9. Aalamarathu - L.R.Easwari
10. Yenna Vendum - L.R.Easwari
11. Paalabhishekam - K.Veeramani
12. Vigna Vinayakanae - K.Veeramani
13. Nayakanae - K.Veeramani
"1. Ezhumalaigal - Rajkumar Bharathi
2. Geethamae - Rajkumar Bharathi
3. Sangu Chakaram - Rajkumar Bharathi
4. Lakshmi Padmavathi - Rajkumar Bharathi
5. Alarmelu Mangala - Rajkumar Bharathi
6. Govinda Nama - Rajkumar Bharathi
7. Kaliyugathil - Rajkumar Bharathi
8. Alarmelu Thaaye - Rajkumar Bharathi
9. Kannum Kadayule - Rajkumar Bharathi
10. Kurigal Sollum - Rajkumar Bharathi
11. Uyarndha Malai тАУ T M Soundararajan
12. Venkateswara - T M Soundararajan
13. Govinda - T M Soundararajan
"1. Cauvery Aatrangaraiyile - L.R.Eswari
2. Angala Parameswari - L.R.Eswari
3. Aasaitheera Paada Vandhen - L.R.Eswari
4. Akilandeswari - L.R.Eswari
5. Kungumathu Nayagi - L.R.Eswari
6. Aaral Vaai Mozhi - L.R.Eswari
7. Manja Kungumam - L.R.Eswari
8. Dhanam Tharum & Mani Osai - L.R.Eswari
9. Aatha Varuvaaye - L.R.Eswari
10. Aayan Sagodariyae - L.R.Eswari
"1. Vaeraagi - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
2. Kalaiyae Nee Vanangaai тАУ Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
3. Madayil Vaazhai тАУ Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
4. Mandiramavadhu - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
5. Umbarakadakku - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
6. Vaithu Maadangal - Dharmapuram P.Swaminathan
7. Anbe Sivam тАУ Rajkumar Bharathi
8. Palveru Namame - Rajkumar Bharathi
9. Deva Devanae- Rajkumar Bharathi
10. Nalla Sivarathiri - Rajkumar Bharathi
"1. Kannanin Pattinlae - P.Susheela
2. Yamuna Nadhiyinlae тАУ P.Susheela
3. Kannan Engae тАУ P.Susheela
4. Chinna Kanna тАУ P.Susheela
5. Maadugalai Maippavanae тАУ P.Susheela
6. Ennai Ennai тАУ P.Susheela
7. Kannanavan Kaaladivil тАУ P.Susheela
8. Maayakkannan тАУ P.Susheela
9. Kanni Ennai - P.Susheela
10. Thaalattu Naan тАУ P.Susheela
11. Vellai Ullam тАУ Pithukuli Murugadas Radhe Shyam
"Chathusra Jaathi тАУ Roopakam Thalam
Chathusra Jaathi тАУ Jampai Thalam
Chathusra Jaathi тАУ Ata Thalam 2 Kalai
The Mridangam is a double-sided drum. The body of the instrument is made of one piece of wood. Hollow, the body has two opertures of different size, one very small, that will generate high-pitched sounds and another, wide, for low-pitched sounds. The walls of the instrument are 2/3 centiments thick and give it stability in the low frequencies. The goatskin, coupled to the high pitch opeture, wears a thick black disk made of flour, ferric oxide powder and starch stuck to its centre to allow the emission of harmonics. The skin coupled to the bas operture is coated in its middle with plain flour paste to give it a perfect tune. The two skins are stretched together with leather strips. The Mridangam is the main rhythm instrument of Carnatic Music- Music with Ghatam.
"1. Ganapati Gayatri
2. Ganapati Thalam
3. Ganapati Upanishad
4. Dakshinamurthy Mantra
5. Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala
6. Dakshinamurthy Panharatnamala
7. Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
8. Dakshinamurthy Mantra
9. Hayagriva
10. Hunuman Stotras
11. Saraswathi Gayathri
12. Saraswathi Navratnamala
13. Saraswathi Stothram
14. Saraswathi Agasthiyar
15. Vanistavam
16. Saraswathi Suktam
Education is the manifestation of perfection already in manтАЭ. It is a companion which no misfortune can depress-no crime destroys-no enemy alienates-no despotism enclave. At home: It is a friend; aborad: an introduction; in solitude: a solace; and in society: an ornament. It disciplines the feelings, restrains the passions, inspires the true and worthy motves instills a profound belief and confidence and inculcates the qualities that uphold the spiral growth of spirit towards perfection. Memory is the friend of wit, the ally of invention, the cabint of imagination, the treasury of reason, the registry of conscience and the chamber of thought. The secret of good memory is the attention and concentration on the thoughts so as to retain the indelible impression of the mind, which tempers prosperity, mitigates adversity, and delights the spirit. Education and memory combined as an ideal couple procreate a brilliant progress in life.
Intend on the progression of humanity this compact disc capsules in it Mantras and stotras that have the power to empower and enhance the education and memory. Ganapati is prayed for the success in this endeavor and also to ward of impediments a natural shadow of any achievement. The divine entities Havagriva, Hanuman, Saraswathi and Dakshinamurthy are traditionally worshipped for gaining education and retaining memory. Ganapati Gayathri, Ganapati Thalam, Ganapati Upanishad, Dakshinamurthy Mantra, Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala, Dakshinamurthy Pancharantnamala, Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam, Dakshinamurhty Mantra, Havagriva, Hanuman Stotras, Saraswathi Gayathri, Saraswathi Suktam are chanted with divine tune by the eminent pandit parasurama Ganapati and Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan and their teams.
SUPER AUDIO MADRAS (P) LTD., the producers of this compilation wish all the listeners to evolve as genius in the field of their concentration.
"1. Vandana
2. Pancha Sheelang
3. Buddhavandana
4. Dhammavandana
5. Sanghavandana
6. Dhammapada
7. Yamakavaggo
Lord Buddha, the light of the world, preached to humanity, the cardinal principles of happiness. An ascetic and adept in meditation, he formed many sanghas and gave them the light of his wisdom. He spoke in Pali. He said that desire is the root cause of misery. If one gets rid of desire, misery will disappear. Right thinking right doing, compassion ad non-violence are the prime theme of His preaching. No case and create are there in His Sangha, He showed the path of salvation to everybody.
In this Compact Disc, the daily devotional prayers Buddha Vandana and Thi Sarang are included. This is followed by Vandana again Pancha sheelang, Buddhavandana Dhammavandana. Sanghavandana and the first chapter of Dhammapada (Yamakavaggo). These hymns are rendered is certified by H.H.Rama Jyothi Bikku, the chief pontiff of Mahabodhi Society, Chennai and programmer Dr.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai.
"1. Jagadananda Karaka тАУ Nata тАУ Adi
2. Thudukugala тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi
3. Sadhinchane тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi
4. Kana Kana Ruchira тАУ Varali тАУ Adi
5. Endaro Mahanubhavulu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi
The Veena is quintessentially an Indian, and particularly a South Indian Musical Instrument. In mythology, which in India is very intimately and profoundly connected with religion, it is the instrument of Saraswathi, the goddess of Learning. The veena is so typical of South Indian classical music that even vocalists are recommended to learn to play it. The nuances and greaces so peculiar to the system of Carnatic music as it is called, are the hallmark of this fretted stringed instrument. In this rendition, Gaayathri draws her immensely rich repertoire to serve a repast of masterpiece melodies from any array of great composers.
"1. Anandamen Solluven
2. Eppadi Padinaro
3. Katrinilevarum
4. Manida Janmam
5. Unnaiyallai Oru
6. Kanakanondru
7. Sadananda
8. Asai Mugam
9. Adum Chidambaram
10. Dhyaname Enadhu
11. Adal Kaneero
The veena is quintessentially an Indian, and particularly a South Indian musical instrument. In mythology, which in India is very intimately and profoundly connected with religion, it is the instrument of Saraswathi, the goddess of learning.
The veena is so typical of South Indian classical music that even vocalist are recommended to learn to play it. The nuances and graces so peculiar to the system of Carnatic music, as it is called, are the hallmark of this fretted stinged instrument.
In this rendition, gaayathri draws her immensely rich repertoire to serve a repast of masterpiece melodies from an array of great composers
"1. Adhimudalana
2. Kadumalai
3. Andhamalai Indhamalai
4. Sabari Mamalai
5. Villai Veera
6. Pollapuliyum
7. Karunai Mazhai
8. Sabari Malaikku
9. Mamalai Sabariyile
10. Pambai Nadhi
11. Ulagalum Ayyan
"When the transcendent absolute desires to manifest out of its own volition, there is a movement, a sitar, a throb. This primordial throb тАЬadya spandaтАЭ starts a series of vibrations, which take the form of sound, тАЬnadaтАЭ which is the precursor of the creation of objects тАУ nitya vak or Aksara. Aksara is represented by the seed symbol тАШAUM/OMтАЩ for; it is the inexpressible fountain source of all the original rhythms of the supreme ether.
The foundation of all the creative sounds of the revealed word, тАШOMтАЩ is the universal formulation of the energy of sound and speech.
Other seed sounds out of whose stuff, words of speech are woven are supposed to be the developed evolutions of тАЩOMтАЩ тАШOMтАЩ contains and sums up, synthesizes and releases, all the spiritual power and all the potentiality of тАШvak and sabdaтАЩ of all these sounds. All words and thoughts are an out flowering of the great тАШOM-тАШOMтАЩ the word, the Eternal, manifest in the form of sensible objects, manifest in that consicent powers of the Infinite. тАШOMтАЩ is the sovereign source; seed sound тАШOMтАЩ is the sound symbol that is use before every other тАШManthreтАЩ. Om should lead towards the opening of the consciousness to the sight and feeling of the one, consciousness in all material things, in the inner being and in the supra-physical worlds, in the casual plane, above now super conscient to us and finally the supreme liberated transcendence above all cosmic existence.
Could there be a more simple seed sound than тАШOMтАЩ for the meditation for human beings in this jet-set material life.
"1. Thaye Thripura Sundhari тАУ Suddha Saveri тАУ Kanda Chapu тАУ Periyasamy Thooran
2. Santhamizh Nadenum тАУ Kalyani тАУ Adi тАУ Subramanya Bharathi
3. Manasa Poigayile тАУ Misra Manolayam - Adi тАУ Madurai G.S.Mani
4. Magudi тАУ Adupambe тАУ Punnagavarali тАУ Chatusra Ekam тАУ Pambatti Chithar
5. Virtham, Amma Krupai Thandhu тАУ Kapi тАУ Adi тАУ Mazhavai Chidhambara Bharathi
6. Thedi Unnai Charan тАУ Sindhu Bairavi тАУ Adi - Subramanya Bharathi
7. Ramani Bajithal тАУ Mandu тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
8. Naali Varumendru тАУ Chandhrakouns тАУ Adi тАУ Madurai G.S.Mani
9. Parvai Ondre тАУ Surutti тАУ Adi тАУ Oothukadu Venkata Subba Iyer
10. Kavadi Chindhu тАУ Senchurutti тАУ Thisranada тАУ Annamalai Raddiyar
11. Eur Mayileri (Thiruppugazh) тАУ Hamsanandhi тАУ jambai тАУ Arunagiri Nadhar
"1. Sriman Narayana тАУ Bowli тАУ Adi
2. Mangam Budhi тАУ Dharmavathi тАУ Adi
3. Parama Purusha тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Rupakam
4. Bhavayami Gopala Balam тАУ Yamuna Kalyani тАУ Kandachapu
5. Choodarevvaru тАУ Misrakamas тАУ Adi
6. Naa Naati Batuka тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi
7. Saranu тАУ Subapanthuvarali тАУ Misrachapu
8. Slokam (Sanskrit) Vandheham тАУ Hamsadhwani тАУ Kandachapu
Annamacharya is the greatest of the poets born in the Tallapaka family of poets, music composers and scholars in Telugu and Sanskrit popularized the Srivaishnava faith in Andra Pradesh in the15th and 16th centuries. He is also by his given name Annamayya.
AnnamacharyaтАЩs songs, which he considered as тАЬflower-offeringsтАЭ to God are his outstanding achievements. In them he praises Venkateswara, describes his love for Him, argues and quarrels with Him, meditates on His attributes, confesses his failures and apprehensions, and surrenders himself to Him. Traditionally his songs are classified into Adhyaatama and Srinagaara Samkirtanaas.
"1. Sri Narayana Hrdaya Nyasam
2. Dhyana
3. Prarthana
4. Sri Lakshmi Hrdaya Nyasam
5. Sri Lakshmi Hrdayam with Dhyana Slokas and Bija Mantras
Sri Lakshmi and Narayana Hrdayas are the Mantras as well as Stotras from Atharva Rahasya. тАЬLakshmi HrdayaтАЭ invokes Goddess Lakshmi for conferring her choicest blessings, her stable stay with her consort Lord Vishnu in the home of her devotees where these two stotras are either chanted or heard. тАЬSri Narayana HrdayaтАЭ is the glorification and the prayer to the Supreme Being Narayana. It is acclaimed as an accomplisher of all desires and a remedy to the mental and physical problems. The chanting of therse Hrdayas of Lakhsmi and Narayana together is said to have a very powerful effect for devotees.
The above are melodiously chanted in spiritual tunes, by mrs.Prema Rangarajan, with perfect diction under the guidance and supervision of Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of MR.Manikkavinagama, the Music Director.
"1. Sri Ganapati тАУ Gayatri, Mantram & Stotram Moolamantras
2. Sri Kali
3. Sri Tara
4. Shodaseekalyani
5. Sri Bhuvaneswari
6. Sri Chinnamastha
7. Sri Bairavi
8. Sri Dhoomavathi
9. Sri Bagalamuki
10. Sri Mathangi
11. Sri Kamalathmika
Dasamaha vidyas are manifestations of several powers and personalities of ultimate mother of universe. Each is a particular cosmic function and each leads to a spiral realization of тАЬOne RealityтАЭ. The might of тАЬKaliтАЭ, the sound face of тАЬTaraтАЭ, the beauty and bliss of тАЬShodasakalyaniтАЭ, the vast vision of тАЬBhunvaeswariтАЭ, the effulgent charm of тАЬBhairaviтАЭ the striking force of тАЬChinamasha тАЬ, the silent inertness of тАЬDhumavatiтАЭ the paralyzing powers of тАЬBagalamukhiтАЭ, the expressive play of тАЬMatangiтАЭ and the concord and harmony of тАЬKamalatmikaтАЭ, are the various characteristics.
The forms of тАЬUniversal MotherтАЭ are highly entitled in Puranas and Tantras. Worship of these forms fulfills all desires; bestow magical powers and ultimately salvation of devotees.
This compact disc contains the moolamantras, gayatris and stotras to sri ganapati, sri kali, sri tara, sri shodasi, sri bhuvaneswari, sri chinnamasha sri bhairavi sri dhoomavati, sri bagalamukhi, sri matangi and sri kamalatmika.
The above are melodiously chanted in spiritual tunes, by mrs.Prema Rangarajan, with perfect diction under the guidance and supervision of Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of MR.Manikkavinagama, the Music Director.
"1. Music Therapy provides positive changes in mood and emotional status.
2. Music captivates and maintains attention - it stimulates parts of the brain.
3. Music and the silence within it, provides non-verbal, immediate feedback.
4. Music is where people of all levels can participate.
5. Music is easily adapted to and can be reflective of a personтАЩs abilities.
6. Music provides a meaningful, enjoyable context for repetition.
7. Music provides a social context тАУ it sets up a safe, structured setting for verbal
8. And non-verbal communication.
9. Music provides an effective memory aid.
Imbalance created by action and passion, outer and inner events result in stress. The cause is not far to seek. Man thinks, he lives in the universe without realizing that the universe lives in him. Stress thus created, leads to all illness.
Music is the panacea and not merely a palliative for all the stress. It is the most non-violent form of therapy-no medicines, no surgery. It provides the support and sustenance of all plentitudes. It enables one to plunge into their heart and contemplate inwardly. Vibration created by music moves the whole the whole mechanism; the muscle, blood circulation and nervous system. No wonder, Tranquility is the result.
"1. Kaateri Thaaye
2. Ayyane Ayyanaar
3. Pachaiamma
4. Saani Saami
5. Neenta Perum
6. Kaathavaraya
7. Ooraikakkum
8. Amma Yen
9. Korapalludan
10. Knnimaraye
Mariamman Thaalattu
"Mahalakshmi Sahasranama
Sri Lakshmi Namavalli
Sri Lakshmi Stotra
Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
Wealth is an important ingredient for a human being in this world. Many persons test for securing wealth by different means. The easiest and the spiritual method of obtaining wealth are to pray to the Goddess Mahalakshmi. It is a time-tested testimony that chanting Mahalakshmi Sahasranama bestows maega luck. Hence, in this Compact Disc, the Sahasranama of the Goddess Mahalakshmi, Sri Lakshmi Namavalli, Sri Lakshmi Stotra and Sri Lakshmi Mangalam are recited with the melodious and divine voice by Mrs.Sunita Nagarajan under the guidance of Dr.R.Thiagarajan HOD Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikka Vinayagam, the Music Director. SUPER AUDIO MADRAS (P) LTD., the producers of this Compact Disc wishes all the devotees very prosperous life!
"1. Maname Gaanamum тАУ Papanasivam Sivan
2. Karunai Deivame тАУ Madurai T.Srinivasan
3. Sri Chakra Raja тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam
4. Ennathavam тАУ Papanasivam Sivan
5. Kaliyuga Varadan тАУ Periyasami Thooran
6. Karpagame тАУ Papanasam Sivan
7. Kaavadi Chendu тАУ Annamalai Reddiar
8. Karpaga Valli тАУ Traditional
9. Eppo Varuvaro тАУ Gopalakrishna Bhrathi
"1. Needhan Mechi Kolla
2. Kuzhaloodhi
3. Adahu Asangadhu
4. Thaye Yasodha
5. Enna Punniyam
6. Vandhadhu vum
7. Alai Payudhe
8. Pullai Piravi
9. Thillana
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim
2. Maha Ganapathim
3. Sri Mahaganapathe
4. Gana Nadhane
5. Vallabha Nayaka
6. Eka Dhantham
7. Charanam Siddhi
8. Tharunam Idhu
9. Thathvamariya
10. Vigna Vinayaka
"There is Sanskrit saying тАЬif one sees the Lord of Chidambaram, or If one takes birth at Tiruvarur or If one dies in Kasi , one will surely attain Liberation, but by merely thinking of Arunachala one gets this benefitтАЭOM Nama SivayaтАЭ is believed to be the most sacred and powerful mantra. It is said тАШOneтАЩ`Arunachaleswaraya namahтАЭ has the equal power of chanting to one croreтАЭ Om Nama SivayaтАЭ Sri Arunachala (Lord Siva) is the Lord and Master of the universe. The universal spirit ever shining in a blissful glory, the Brahman beyond name and form of fire тАЬjyotir lingamтАЭ. Burns all the sins of his creations. Arunachala hill in Tamilnadu is the concrete from of Sri Arunachala, the Universal Lord. ItтАЩs that form of God that even our ordinary. For, the Aurnachala Hill itself is the biggest Siva Lingam in the world. (Brahmanda Lingam) This spiritual reality has been experienced and endorsed by many Siddhas. The Supreme Philosophical knowledge can easily be attained by anyone who sees or thinks about the form of this hill.
Aruanchala is the only holy place where the Lord gives eternally his viswaropa darsham. It is the spiritual solution for everyone, irrespective of race, religion or nationality. Arunachala is truly the holy mountain. It is truly Siva himself! Meditation on the divine name or singing the drive names of Arunachala will fetch enormous spiritual powers. The circumambulation of Arunachala hill or chanting his 1000 names Sahasranamavali is said to destroy the Karma of ten million births. No other spiritual pursuit has this kind of power.
Hence, to benefit our listeners Arunachala Sahasranamavali has been chanted by Dr.R.Thiagarajan Prof of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Mrs.Usha Viswanath, Mrs.Umamaheshwari Mrs. Usha Ramachandran ms.Vijeta with the co-ordination of Mr.Manikkavinayakam, the music Director.
"Dattatreya represents all spiritual traditions. As an incarnation of God. Data was born to the sage Atri and Anasuya to spread the universality of true religion. He is the Eternal Spiritual Guide of all mankind. Dattatreya is usually depicted with three heads, symbolising Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, past present and future, and the three states of consciousness- waking dreaming and dreamless sleep. Around him are four dogs that symbolise the four Vedas.
The Saandilya Upanishad states, тАЬThe Supreme Brahman performed penance and desiring to become many, assumed the form of Dattatreya. From that, form came out the three letters AUM; the three mystical names Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah; the three-linded Gayatri; the three Vedas Rig. Yajur and Sama; the three Gods Brahma Vishnu and Maheswara etcтАЭ. The name тАЬDattaтАЭ signifies selfless sacrifice. The Dattatreya Upanishad explains this. тАЬNot by action, not by progeny, nor even by self, but by renunciation (tyaaga) alone is immortality attained. тАЬReal renunciation is the giving up of тАЬIтАЭ and mine, not the mere abandoning of duties. Living a selfless life require giving up oneтАЩs ego. As a yiga-avatar, Lord Dattatreya teaches us to perform all our duties skillfully and diligently. Yoga does not require outside aids, nor does it demand great physical effort. All we have to do is change our outlook our mind will be freed from agitation and attain the restful state called тАЬequanimityтАЭ. This is the state of Bliss that every soul ultimately aspires to. This is the state of Datta-the ultimate Gift to God.
Such a Divine Guru is prayed for in this Compact Disc by chanting Dattatreya Sahasranama and the Kavacha to secure his grace and guidance thought our life. Dr.R.Thaigarajan, Mrs.Umamaheshwari, Mrs.Usha Viswanath Mrs.Usha Ramachandran Ms.L.V.Vijeta Mr.P.S.Raghuraman, Mr.Sowmyanarayanan have recited them supported by mr.Manikkavinayakam.
"Sages, pleading for those much afflicted with struggles and sorrows, approached Lord Kumara and asked him for the path of permanent happiness, at once Lord Kumara suggested that if one performs the Sankatahara Chaturthi Pooja, done to Lord Vinayaka and follows the Vrata, and his life will be happy and prosperous. This Vrata was suggested by His brother Lord Vinayaka himself as a remedy for his mother Parvati, when despite her severe performed this on the advice of Lord Krishna and conquered the war. Further, Lord Shiva himself undertook the austerity prior to his burning Tripura. Lord Indra desirous of ruling over the three worlds and Lord Hanuman prior to starting his search for Sita performed this Vrata. The emperor Harishchandra also performed this Vrata to keep the people of his empire happy!
It is believed that the practice of this vrata bestows high educational acumen, knowledge wisdom, progeny and a disease free life! The day of performing this Pooja every month is generally notified in the Indian Calendars and almanacs.
"God has never failed to respond to the sincere appeal for help and protection made by men with faith and hope. He gets HimselfтАЭ тАЬboundтАЭ by their devotion and lavishes His grace on them. In this regard, worship of Subrahmanaya is effective, as he possessed the divine nature, super human personality, celibacy, humility, selflessness, devotion, determination, and fearlessness. Hanuman lives in the hearts of people through his Exemplary devotion and surrender to God. Physically he is endowed with unlimited powers. Observing his devotion to Rama, Sita blessed him with immortality (chiranjeev) to help the loyal devotees of Rama.
People believe that he is very much alive on earth and pray to him for courage and confidence, freedom from sorrow, for protection against evil spirits and bad luck. Hanuman is a terror to evil forces. Siva blessed him with enormous divine powers. Nandi taught Hanuman all the Veda and the Scriptural knowledge.
"1. Jagadaanandakaaraka тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi
2. Dudukugala тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi
3. Saadhin Chene тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi
4. Kana Kana Ruchira тАУ Varali тАУ Adi
5. Endaromahanu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi
"God has never failed to respond to the sincere appeal for help and protection made by men with faith and hope. He gets Himself тАЬboundтАЭ by their devotion and lavishes His grace on them. In this regard, worship of Subrahmanaya is effective.
Lords Subramanya is one of the most revered Deities. He is the second son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and younger brother of Lord Ganesa. Subrahmanya is also known as Shanmukha-six faced one. His six faces represent wisdom, strength, wealth, fame, dispassion and divine power. His two spouses Valli and Devayani represent will and action respectively. He is also known as Skanda and Kartikeya. He is said to be the Presiding deity of this kali Yuga. His weapon, the javelin, symbolizes victory, and eventual restoration of peace and harmony, destroying arrogance, violence and injustice.
He is depicted riding a peacock. The peacock grips a cobra with its feet. The cobra represents the ego. This symbolizes complete control ver the ego when the ego is held firm and the desires are kept under perfect control, mangains mastery over the mind and reaches perfection. Man must realise that he is God-тАЬAham Brahma AsmiтАЭ: If he practices this, concentrates and meditates upon his real self, he becomes the Atman. He attains the state of Subrahmanya. Lord Subrahmanya has many names. Each one signifies His Power and chanting the thousand names of Subrahmanya, confers His grace on His devotees. They are blessed with numerous powers and the power of poesy as well.
"Only the supreme mother of universe is capable of saving us from misery, and hence we pray and worship her in the from of Lalita. Lalita means тАЬShe Who PraysтАЭ. Pleased with our worship, she bestows all the blessings of a good life and ultimately grants us liberation. All creation, manifestation and dissolution are considered to be a play of devi or the Goddess Mahatripurasundari. Chanting Sri Lalita Sahasranam daily with devotion is of the utmost value for spiritual growth and material prosperity.
Sri Lalita Sahasranama is an ancient hymn of 1000 names of the Divine Mother. Every name contains very powerful bijaksharas (seed letters) the sound vibrations of which transform both the body and mind. It is said that the Lalita Sahasranama is a stotra par excellence, capable of curing all fevers and diseases, giving all wealth, remedying premature death, bestowing long life and children. For the aspirants chanting the Lalita Sahasranama with faith and love is the royal highway to moksha, liberation!
This powerful stotra is narrated in the Brahmanda Purana, (Uttara Khanda) during the discourse between Havagriva and Agastya as the Secret of Secrets to pleae the Goddess and to derive her grace. Thus, it is a sacred stotra, a beautiful hymn of praise, extolling divine consciousness in the exquisitely lovely form of Lalita Devi, the playful and tender, Divine Mother. It was composed by the eight Vag Devatas, Goddesses of speech, at the command of divine mother herself. Lot of benefits is started in the Purana for chanting Lalita Sahasranama as well as Trisati (300 names of Devi) and a few alone are highlighted above.
"1. Varanam тАУ Andholika тАУ Adi
2. Vathapi Ganapathi тАУ Mhamsadwani тАУ Adi
3. Marivere тАУ Latangi тАУ Kandachappu
4. Saranam Bhava тАУHamsavinodhini - Adi
5. Chakkani Raja тАУ Karaharapriya тАУ Adi
6. Eppovaruvaro тАУ Jonpuri - Adi
7. Cginna Chiru тАУ Ragamalikka тАУ Thisram
"тАЬMananat тАУtrayte it MantraтАЭ тАУ By the manana (contemplating) of which one is protected is mantra. A Mantra, is so called because it is achieved by the mental process. A mantra is divinity encased within a sound structure. It is divine power manifesting in a sound body. The Mantra is itself Devata.
A Moola Mantra is the combination of Bija Aksharas i.e., seed letters. It is a very powerful Mantra. Every Devata has his or her own Moola Mantra. Repetition of any Moola Mantra is Japa. In this age, practice of Japa is effective and can give eternal prosperity, peace, bliss and immortality. Doing Japa after the dhyanais good. Dhyana is meditation on the front of the Lord. During the performance of japa of a particular deity, the picture of the deity comes before our mind. Therefore japa and Dhyana go together.
Sounds are vibrations, Repetition of a Mantra has a mysterious power of bringing about the manifestation of the Divinity, just as the splitting of an atom manifests the tremendous forces latent in it. When a particular Mantra appropriated to a particular God is properly recited, the vibrations so set up create in the higher planes a special form which that God ensouls for the time being to fulfill the aspirations of the devotees.
In this compact disc some of the important Moola Mantras are recited to facilitate proper diction of pronouncing the mantras. These are recited by Dr.R.Thyagarajan, Prof. of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team sri.P.Raghuramam and Sri Shanmukha Sundaram supported by Manikkavinayagam, the Music Director.
The sun is meditated to secure concentration for the wandering and ever restless mind. To achieve this certain mantras or incantations are prescribed. Strict observance of this custom of SURYANAMASKARAM would confer on the performer a good vision. It is told that light is knowledge and darkness is ignorance. So this performance of Suryanamaskaram is capable of bestowing supreme knowledge. Sun is a permanent source of energy and the force behind all beings in the cosmos. тАЬArogyan BhaskaradicchetтАЭ is the Sanskrit adage. There are Mantras in the Vedas to worship the Sun God. Worship of the sun through тАЬThe SuryanamaskaramтАЭ is the combination of Yoga and Mantra therapies. It is an ancient method still followed by many as highly effective. Our ancestors practiced the bodily exercises Chanting Surya Mantras and prostrating at dawn facing the sun, derived the sound health, vitality, spiritual uplift wealth and prosperity, apart from rejuvenating the body and mind with great energy and strength. It is a scientifically proven fact that Suryanamaskaram can bring about great relaxation the muscular and nervous system.
"1. Soorya Gayathri
2. Soorya Suprabhatham
3. Pratamarana Stotram
4. Soorya Kavacham (Trilokya Mangalam)
5. Soorya Mandalashtakam
6. Soorya Ashtakam
7. Yajnavalkya Krta Soorya Kavacham
8. Aditya Hridayam
9. Soorya Sahasranamam
10. Soorya Mangalam
Surya the Sun God the perceivable Almighty is worshipped from the Vedic days. The lives in the earth survive because of the solar energy. He is the main planet engaging the minds of scientists His auto saving energy ever burning nature, his systematic movement in the orbit and encompassing other plant in his system still remains as the mystery. Our ancestors after through scientific research discovered the effect of his power and his impact over the other planet ands especially in the earth occupied by human and other living beings. Seers symbolized him to be the eye of Brahman. He is the hard Disc storing the knowledge data. His rays have the therapeutic value. In brief the power of the Sun is beyond comprehension and those meditating on him could feel and derive multifarious benefits.
SRI RAMA chanted Adityahrdaya taught by the sage Agastya and attained the power to conquer the enmical forces. Dharmaputra worshipping the sun received the gift of Akshya paatra, the never emptying food vessel. Sun-worship had secured Emperor Satrajit Syamantaka a divine jewel capable of supplying copious gold daily; cured the leprosy of samba the Son of Lord Krishna. Worshipping the Sun Yogisvara Yagnavalkya secured the rare Sukla Yajurveds: Hanuman attained the wisdom and the blind poet Mayura the author of Surya Sataka got his eye sight. Why elaborate, the Sun-god is an indispensable deity especially for human race! тАШArogyam BhaskaraditchetтАЩ a good health us desired from the sun. Surya Namskara etc, testily the above facts, listening the Prayers to the Sun God, certainly will establish a favorable contact of mind with the solar Power, which would accomplish the physical and spiritual cravings.
This compact disc contains Surya Gayathri, Surya Suprabhatham, Surya Pratasmaranam, Surya Kavacham (Trilokya Mangalam), Surya Mandalashtakam, Suryashtakam Surya Kavacham(by the sage Yaganvalkya), Aditya Hridayam, Surya Sahasramam and the Suryamangalam.
"1. Guru Dyanam
2. Siva Dyanam
3. Sivananda Lahari
4. Vedasara Siva Stotram
5. (Tulasi Dasa) Rudrashtakam
6. Siva Dyana Mala
7. Mangalam
SIVANANDALAHARI the spiritual transmission of though waves towards the All Powerful Almighty Siva to please Him and derive the benefits of His auspicious powers. It is one of the best devotional Lyrics of Adi Sankara. It is full of figurative expressions with lucid words and appreciated by many men of wisdom. It is representing a good genre of literature pregnant with meanings and sentiments. It is an extraordinary specimen for the devotion to the Divine and an expositor of NaradaтАЩs Bhakti Suturas. This stotra defines Bhakti as the attraction of mind towards the tree; like the river towards the Ocean. It is ever increasing an experience able. Siva holds the golden mountain; Lord Kubera is at his command, the wish yielding Kalpaka, Kamadhenu and Chinthamani are in His abode. All auspicious things are at his feet. There is nothing to offer Him except our mind. Sankara confirms in this lyris that Bakti itself is Mukti. Meditating in Siva, Chanting prayers to Him, secure all the pleasures of life and bliss, The Prayer of the spiritually realized souls when recited imports the same spiritual experience on the devotees also. SankaraтАЩs vedasara Sivastotram is the prayer capsule embedded with the essence of the Vedas which extols the Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence of Lord Shiva. The rudrashtakam included by the devotee. Tulsidas in his Ramacharitmeans is analogical and a melting prayer to Lord Shiva.
This compact disc begins with Gurustuti and the Siva dhyana composed by Kalidasa. It contains Sivanada Lahari and Rudrashtaka. Siva Stotramala and Mangalam appended at the end is the collection of verses from Kalidasa, Saradotilaka and Pushpadanat.
These are tuned in a spiritual rhythm and recited by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the Head of the Postgraduate and Research Dept. of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, M.A.Mphil., Sri.J.Bhaktavachalam and Sri P.Murali, with technical support by the famous Music Director Sri.V.R.Manikjkavinayakam
"1. Sri Gayathri Sahasranamam
2. Sri Savitri Mantram
3. Sri Saraswathi Stotram
Gayatri is said to be the mother of the Vedas. She is the all powerful Almighty. The infinite creative Mother principle of the Supreme Divine that pervades all existences, microcosmic and macrocosmic and supports the functioning of indriyas (instruments of volition thought, action and experience) inner as well as outer. She is the infinite source, blissful and effulgent, of Love, Life and Truth and has the infallible power of perfection. The chanting of Gayatri Mantra is popular and is the effective mode of drawing her source of energy. So also, the hearing of the thousand epithets of Her not only gives a vivid picture of her powers but also purifying, ennobling and exalting the listener from mortal weakness to immortal power and strength from emasculating thralldom to eternal life-enriching freedom from stunting limitations to infinite Divine progress. She is alone worshipped in different names as Savitri and Saraswati when she is identified with the powers she showers at different cycles of time as Brhadaranyakopanishad puts it.
Hence this Compact Disc contains Gayatri Sahasranama a selection from the Rudrayamala Tantra, studded with the Mantras, revealed by Brahma the creator. It also contains the sacred Savitri Mantra revealed by Bhisma to Dhamaputra as heard from vyvasa. The author of this Mantra is Savitri. By hearing this one gets rid of all sings gains long life and the wholesome prosperity and success in all the constructive activities. As a Bonus to the listeners the very valuable and efficacious Saraswati Stotra composed by the Sage Yagnavalkya also is presented in a highly exciting musical tune.
Mrs. Anuradha Krishnamurthy, the popular divine-music melodist has seized the credit of musical recitation with proper diction of Sanskrit guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, M.A.Ph.d., The Head of the Post graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency college, Chennai and Mr.V.R.Manikkavinayakam the famous Music Director.
"1. Guru Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
2. Guru Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
3. Shanti Mantras - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
4. Gayatri Vandana тАУ Unni Krishnan
5. Ganapathy Vandana тАУ Anuradha Krishnamurthi
6. Ganapathy Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
7. Siva Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
8. Siva Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
9. Siva Vandana - Dr. Thiagarajan and Pundits
10. Devi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
11. Duga Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
12. Lakshmi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
13. Saraswathi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
14. Saraswathi Vandana - Anuradha Krishnamurthi
15. Rama Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
16. Krishna Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
17. Krishna Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
18. Sudarsana Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
19. Nrisimha Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
20. Nrisimha Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
21. Hanuman Vandana - Dr.Thiagarajan and Pundits
"1. Shri Mahaganapatim тАУ Gowlai - Adi тАУ Dikshitar
2. Shri Sarasvati тАУ Aarabhi Rupakam тАУ Dikshitar
3. Shri Kanthimathim- Hemavathi тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
4. Shri Chakravara - Janaranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Muttaiah Bhagava
5. Shri Kamalambikayeh тАУ Bhairavi тАУ Misra Jampai - Dikshitar
6. Shri Kamalambikayeh тАУ Sahana Tisra Triputa тАУ Dikshitar
7. Shri Rama Saraswati тАУ Nasamani тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
8. Shri Mata Shiva тАУ Begada тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshitar
9. Shri Varalakshmi тАУ Sri тАУ Rupakam тАУ Dikshitar
"1. Ghana Vinayaka тАУ Gambeerai тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi тАУ Saravanabhavananda тАУ Dr.Shiik Chinna Moulana тАУ Nadhaswaram
2. Marukelara тАУ Jayanthshri тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja- Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan тАУ Violin
3. Mokshamukalandha тАУ Charamadhi тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja тАУ E Gaayathri тАУ Veena
4. Koniyada тАУ Kokiladhawani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ U.Srinivsa тАУ Mandolin
5. Kripaya Palaya тАУ Charukesi -Misrachappu тАУ Swathi Thirunai тАУ Kadiri Gopalnath Saxophone
6. Buntureethi тАУ Hamsanatham тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ N.Ramani тАУ Flute
7. Thaniaavarthanam тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan тАУ Mridangam
"1. Surrender to Meditation
2. Divinity in nature
3. A new start
4. Relax to realize
5. Awakening inner consciousness
6. Your body in your temple
7. Rhythm of meditation
8. Light of joy
9. Believe in yourself
10. Inner music
11. Sacred connection
12. Tranquility
13. Power of Meditation
"1. Waking up relaxed
2. Life force
3. The third eye
4. Awakening
5. Highest Chakra
6. Energize
7. Ocean of mediation
8. Twilight magic
9. The journey home
10. Shanti-Peace
"1. Tilting waves
2. Purifying sounds
3. Healing vibrations
4. Seeds of love
5. Spring blooms
6. Flower song
7. Enchantment
8. Lavender bliss
9. AromaтАЩs blues
10. Tranquil dream
"1. Mystic touch
2. Loving touch
3. Healing touch
4. Hands of light
"1. Wind chimes of good news
2. Silky winds of Feng Shui
3. Singing birds and bamboos
4. Fire
5. Positive energy
6. Expel negative energy
7. Water of prosperity
8. Auspicious clouds and rain
9. Taichi rhythm
10. Harmony with Feng Shui
11. Earth energy
12. Fountain of good luck
13. Ying & Yang energy
14. Cascade of fortune
"1. Dhanvantri Gayathri
2. Dhanvantri Dhynam
3. Poorvanga Pooja
4. Vishwaksena Pooja
5. Dhanvantri Pradhana
6. Dhanvantri Pradhana Pooja
Health is wealth. The Seeker of both is to seek the grace of Sri Dhanvantri, the Vedic deity. He is the master of Universal knowledge. He is said to be a divine incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Dhanvantri sprang out form the milky ocean when it was churned by Gods, holding in his hand, a pot containing nectar. He is the teacher of medical science and Ayurveda is attributed to him. He takes birth and when humanity suffers with diseases. He cures the diseases when an appeal is made to him through prayers.
Hence this Compact Disc contains the unique production if Dhanvantri Pooja, with a special and rare Maha Sankalpa. The following are the contents: DHANVANTRI GAYATHRI, DHANVANTRI DHYANAM, POORVANGA POOJA VISHWAKSENA POOJA, and DHANVANTRAI PRADHANA AND DHANVATRI PRADHANA POOJA.
These are recited in a trational style by Dr.R.Thiagarajan and his team consisting Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Chandra Mouli and Sriram, under the guidance of the Music Director Sri Manikka Vinyagam.
"1. Sudarshana Gayathri
2. Sudarshana Sahasrnamam from Ahirbudhniya Samhita
3. Mahalakshmi Mantra
4. Mahalakshmi Gayathri
5. Mahalakshmi Sahasranamam
6. Sri Suktam
Sudarshana is a powerful and popular weapon of the divine wielded often by Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, in order to put an end to evils as and when they appear on earth. Though Sudarshana is a weapon it is deified and worshipped as god in order to attain his grace to have a smooth life with out any obstacles.
Sri Lakshmi is the bestower of riches and the overall prosperity! Prayer to her makes the devotees, enjoy all the pleasure of life!
Hence, in these compact discs, recording of a special тАЬSudarshana SahasranamamтАЭ from Abhirbhniya Samhita and a special тАЬMahalakshmi SahasranamamтАЭ echoing the Vedic mantras traditionally followed in Srirangam, Tiruchandur, Kanchipuram and other divya kshetras.
Needless to emphasize the value of these two sahasranamam that are like the wish yielding divine cows.
These Sahasranamas are recited in a traditional style by dr.r.thiagrajan along with his team sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Chandramould, Sri Sriraman and Sri Sankar under the guidance of the music director sri manikka vinayagam .
"1. Pancha Shanthi
2. Ghosha Shanthi
3. Mrityu Suktam
4. Navagraha Mantras
5. Sudarshana Mantras
6. Sudarshana Ashtakam
7. Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba
8. Mrtyunjaya Mantra
9. Sarabha Gayathri
10. Sarabha Ashtaka
11. Garuda Dandakam
12. Durga Apaduddhara Stotra
13. Pratyangira Gayatri
14. Pratyangira Manras
15. Hanuman Gayathri
Hanuman Stotras
Fear, Anxiety and Depression are the three major hindrances of humanity to positive thinking and an adventurous life. These three stumbling blocks weaken the courage o f human beings and thereby stop the development in all spheres. Medicines may cure the physical diseases, but these three ills of mind could by cured only though Mantra therapy, i.e., through Vedic Mantras and Sanskrit Slokas and invoke the powers to veto these ills and to strengthen the mind, to give solace to the heart. This therapy is a time-tested capsule rejuvenating the spirit, activating the enthusiasm; overcoming depression and instilling confidence in ones own self. Hence, in this compact disc the rendering of the following Mantras and Slokas by traditional scholars and pundits are capsulated.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the produce of this collection wishes the listeners to overcome fear and anxiety and to gain optimistic gains.
Here are some of the propitiations exclusively compiled to over come fear, anxiety and depression. This compilation includes the recitation of Pancha Shanthi, Ghosha Shanthi, Mrityu Suktam, Navagraha Mantras, Sundarshana Mantras, Sundarshana Ashtakam, Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba, Mrtyunjaya Mantra, Sarabha Gayathri, Sarabha Ashtaka, Grauda Dandakam, Durga Apaduddhara Stotra, Pratyangira Gayathri, Pratyangira Mantras, Hanuman Gayathri and Hanuman Stotras.
"1. Sabari Malai
2. Malai Malayaam
3. Unnaithozan
4. Manathai Aalum
5. Engay Engay
6. Karpoora Deepam
7. Unnaithozan
8. Onnam Thirupadi
9. Sarana Goshangal
"1. Sri Unchaste Ganapathy Kavacham
2. Sri Balatripura Kavacham
3. Sri Durga Kavacham
4. Sri Soorya 1 Kavacham
5. Sri Soorya 2 Kavacham
6. Sri Chandra Kavacham
7. Sri Angaraka Kavacham
8. Sri Buddha Kavacham
9. Sri Guru Kavacham
10. Sri Sukra Kavacham
11. Sri Sanaischara Kavacham
12. Sri Raahu Kavacham
13. Sri Kethu Kavacham
14. Sri Sudarshana Kavacham
15. Sri Rama Kavacham
16. Sri Hanuman Mangalam
Though human beings always aspire for happiness, they sometimes are beset with obstacles and impediments. These are a result of bad deeds done in the past and are signified by the planets. By surrendering to the divine forces and propitiating the deities and planes with faith and humility one is able to surmount all difficulties and achieve great success. The тАЬKavachasтАЭ or armours are divine mantras visualized by our rishis to achieve this end.
The following are the Kavacha: Sri Unchaste Ganapathy Kavacham, Sri Balatripura Kavacham, Sri Durga Kavacham, Sri Soorya Kavacham, (1) Sri Soorya Kavacham (2) Sri Chandra Kavacham, Sri Angaraka Kavacham, Sri Buddha Kavacham, Sri Guru Kavacham, Sri Sukra Kavacham, Sri Sanaischara Kavacham, Sri Raahu Kavacham, Sri Kethu Kavacham, Sri Sundarshna Kavacham, Sri Rama Kavacham and Hanuman Mangalam recorded in this Compact Disc.These are traditionally rendered by Dr.R.Thiagarajan and other Sanskrit Scholars.
"1. Sri Mahaganesa 1 Pancharathna
2. Sri Mahaganesa 2 Pancharathna
3. Sri Dakshinamurthy Pancharathna
4. Sri Amba Pancharathna
5. Sri Paduka Pancharathna
6. Sri Lalitha 1 Pancharathna
7. Sri Lalitha 2 Pancharathna
8. Sri Durga Pancharathna
9. Sri Meenakshi Pancharathna
10. Sri Ayyappa Pancharathna
11. Sri Hanuman Pancharathna
12. Sri Ganesha Bhujangam
13. Siva Bhujangam
14. Devi Bhujangam
15. Sastha Bhujangam
16. Sri Rama Bhujangam
17. Hanuman Bhujangam
Sound plays a vital role in balancing the forces of the body and mind. Pleasant combinations of the sounds and the judicious couching of meters create the spell; the vibration thus created consoles the soul, rejuvenate the mental process and activate the right nerves to the right nerves to the right point. This in turn creates an invisible joy, Pleasure and a healthy mind and body; apart from getting the Divine grace, when directed towards the Angelsor Gods. Here are the тАЬFIVERATNASтАЭ popularly called thus, due to its brilliant effect and Bhujangas, which are set in тАЬBhujangaprayataтАЭ meter gliding like a serpent intended for melodious spell.
This compact disc contains Sri Mahaganesa Pancharathna, Sri Mahaganesa 2 Pancharathna, Sri Dakshinamurthy Pancharathna, Sri Amba Pancharathna, Sri Paduka Pancharathna, Sri Lalitha 1.Pancharathna, and Sri Lalitha 2. Pancharathna, Sri Durga Pancharathna, Sri Meenakshi Panacharathna, Sri Ayyappa Pancharathna, Sri Hanuman Pancharathna, Sri Ganesa Bhujangam, Siva Bhujangam, Devi Bhujangam, Sastha Bhujangam, Sri Rama Bhujangam, Sri Rama Bhujangam, Hanuman Bhujangam.
"1. Guru Sthothiram тАУ Kamam Yaavum
2. Om Namo Narayana тАУ Thiruvengadavane
3. Noonam Thoovum тАУ Sudam Shyam
4. Hari Narayana - Vatchayavathu
"1. Pahi Pahi тАУ Mazhavai Chidambara Bharathi тАУ Hamsa Dhwani тАУ Rupakam
2. Etiyochanalu тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Kiranavali тАУ Adi
3. Kaya roshanesham тАУ Muthuswami Dikshitar тАУ Abheri тАУ Rupakam
4. Kamakshi тАУ Syamasastri тАУ Varali тАУ Misra Chaapu
5. Amba Mahavani тАУ Muthaiah bhagavator тАУ Saraswati Manohari тАУ Kanda Chapu
6. Watanala тАУ Annamacharya тАУ Lalitha тАУ Adi
7. Kapali тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Mohanam тАУ Adi
8. Radhamukhakamalam тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Kapi тАУ Adi
9. Kaveri thatavasi тАУ Ganapathi Sachidananda swami тАУ Ratipati Priya тАУ Adi
10. Srichakraraja тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adi
11. Thillana тАУ Maharajapuram Santhanam тАУ Sivaranjani тАУ Adi
12. Maithreembhajata тАУ Sri Chandra Sekharendra Saraswathi тАУ Yaman Kalyani Desh тАУ Adi
13. Bhagyadalakshmi тАУ Purandaradasa тАУ Madhyamavathi тАУ Adi
"1. Nadha Gana Nadha
2. Pillayar Suzhi
3. Malaigai Irandum
4. Vina Agathil
5. Om Ganapathi
6. Madhura Mozhi
7. Aanai Mugathaanai
8. Sindithavarkku
9. Athi Mugha
10. Thondhi Ganapathikku
"1. Aadhippon
2. Muthu Muthu
3. Maa Vilakku
4. Desa Muthu
5. Maduraiyila
6. Illaiena
7. Samayam Varum
8. Verum Sagadhiyai
9. Deviye
10. Singara
"1. Bommalaattam
2. Karumaari Kaaliyamma
3. Kanaaga Naaga
4. Senthoora Pottazhagi
5. Sengalamma
6. Theeraadha Vinai
7. Sri Sakthi
8. Senthamarai
9. Theechatiya
10. Om Mangalathu
"1. Aaaru Padaiappa
2. Sikkalai Theerthu
3. Kaya Kaneendha
4. Kandha Kandha
5. Thogai Mayil
6. Andha samy
7. Kalayudham
8. Aandiyae
9. Neeru Pootha
10. Tamizh Paddum
"1. Arul Muruga
2. Paattu Mattum
3. Kambeduththal
4. Kandha Unnai
5. Amara Vaa
6. Oru Mugamagha
7. Vaa Vaa Muthukumara
8. Azhagazhaga
9. Thirukumara
10. Sendhoora Muruga
"1. Adi Talam тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan
2. Kande Chappu тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan
3. Chappu тАУ T.V.Gopalakrishnan
4. Adi Thalam тАУ Thiruvarur Baktavatsalam
"This is an extra ordinary devotional hymn sung in praise of Goddess of Kanchi in five sections each one containing a centered of verses: by Mooka Kavi(396-436AD).
Arya Sataka, Stuti Sataka, Paadaravinda Sataka, Kataaksha Sataka and Mandasmitha Sataka are the five sections where Mooka Kavi a dumb turned poet by the grace Goddess KamakshiтАЩs smiles, her sidelong glances, her lotus feet and so forth.
Listening to these sacred verses is considered to bestow the enormous spiritual powers of learning, capacity of speech and prosperity. Selected verses are rendered in spiritual tune by Thanjavur S.Radha Krishna Sastrigal.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the producers of this compact disc wish all the listeners a prosperous and pleasant life, and to attain the aspired knowledge and powers.
"1. Ganapathi Suprabhatham
2. Ucchishta Ganapathi Suprabhatham
3. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
4. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham
5. Soorya Suprabhatham
6. Shirdi Saibaba Suprabhatham
7. Ganapathi Mangalam
8. Balatirupura Sundari Mangalam
9. Nataraja Mangalam
10. Saraswathi Mangalam
11. Srinivasa Mangalam
12. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Mangalam
13. Sundarshana Mangalam
14. Soorya Mangalam
15. Sanaischara Mangalam
16. Navagraha Mangalam
17. Hanuman Mangalam
Invocation to Deities is of different kinds. We praise and pray to the deity to secure the grace of them. Suprabhatham is a mode of prayer done early in the morning as if awakening the Lord, though the Lord is ever awake. By praising, the Glory of the chosen Deity early in the morning keeps the devotees confident and fresh throughout the day and protects them from evil influences.
Mangalams are the auspicious ending of prayers, the effect of which is to conclude and endeavor with a wuspicious end. Here is a rare collection of Suprabhatham and Mangalams from available sources. They are Ganpathi Suprabhatham, Ucchishta Ganapathi Suprabhatham, Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham, Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham, Soorya Suprabhatham, Shirdi Saibaba Suprabhatham, Ganpathi Mangalam, Balatrirupura Sundari Mangalam, Nataraja Mangalam, Saraswathi Mangalam, Srinivasa Mangalam, Yogalakshmi Narasimha Mangalam, Sundarshana Mangalam, Soorya Mangalam, Sanaischara Mangalam, Navagraha Mangalam, and Hanuman Mangalam.
"1. Mrugnayani тАУ Handloom тАУ D.A.Sasidhar
2. Varaleela Gana Lola тАУ Shankarabharanam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Sunadham тАУ Madyamavathi тАУ D.A.Sasidhar
4. Shankara Shiva Shankara тАУ Amir Bhairavi тАУ Saibhajan
5. Salapam (A Musical Theme) тАУ Salapam тАУ Sasi
6. Thillana тАУ Brindavana Sarang тАУ Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
Sivaramakrishnan, hailing form a family of musicians, took up the Sitar at a very tender age of nine years. He is the disciple of Veteran Satirist Ustad Ahmed Hussain Khan. He has given Solo performance and jugalbandhi with various artists all over India and Abroad like France, United Kingdom. Switzerland, South Africa and Singapore. His recent prestigious tour was to Australia to perform with the Australian Art orchestra for Melbourne Arts Festival. His improvisation in playing brings out a perfect combination of GAYKI AND TANTRKARAI Angs.
E.R.Janardhan, who also hails from a family of musicians, is a disciple of Sri Kadri Goplanath. He is graded as an ALL INDIA RADIO artist. He has performed all over the word in places like France, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Singapore. He ahs won the Best Instrumental Award from MUSIC ACADEMY in 2002 and also an award form NARADAGANASABHAIN 1998.
For the first time SIVARAMAKRISHNAN AND JANARDHAN have come out with a rare combination of SITAR AND SAXOPHONE, which is a divine blend of string and wind instrument.
"1. Ganapathy Gayathri
2. Ucchishta Ganapathi Kavacham
3. Sarabha Gayathri
4. Pratyangira Gayathri
5. Sri Varhi Gayathri
6. Navagraha Gayathri
7. Aditya Hridayam
8. Mahisha Suramardhini Stothram
9. Nrisimha Mantras
10. Ragho Veera Gadyam
11. Hanuman Mantras
People become weak and meek for the want of will power and confidence. When the mind is empowered and make active and tuned towards right thoughts and actions, based on lawful desires, the human beings gain confidence and courage, which in turn develops will power.
To make the mind strong in the above said proper directions, this CD is packed with mantras and stotras that stall the evil forces creating chaos in the mind and rejuvenate it with fresh and rightful emotions.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD., the producers of this collection wish the best to their listeners to gain Relaxation and Sound Sleep thereby enriching their lives and gaining prosperity.
These hymns are recited with perfect diction by SOWMYA, DR.THIGARAJAN, AND VARIOUS SANSKRIT SCHOLARS.
"1. Ganapathi Thalam
2. Sivasankalpam
3. Isayasyan
4. Shambunatanam
5. Bhadrasuktam
6. Sivathandavan
7. Ayushyasuktam
8. Dhyanayoga
9. Vishvaroopadarshan
10. Bhaktiyoga
11. Purushotamayoga
12. Paramachara
13. Adhyaroham
In the modern day, most people go through stress and strains, toils and exertions, living in frustration and with heavy minds. They do not have enough sleep and relaxation, which would give enough energy to get over this problem. As a result the resort to medicines. When all the allopathic capsules fail to solve this problem, the mantra therapy is resorted to and is effective without any side effects.
The rhythmic sound effect of the Vedic mantras appropriately chosen to pacify the mind ebbing with emotions and to give a mood of relaxation.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT.LTD. the producers of this collection wish the best to their listeners to gain Relaxation and Sound Sleep thereby enriching their lives and gaining prosperity.
These Hymns are recited with perfect diction by Dr.Thiagarajan, Parasurma Ghanapati and Various Sanskrit Scholars.
"1. Naalam Naalam Thiru Naalam
2. Vaarai En Thozhi Vaarayo
3. Manamagalae Marumagalae Vaa Vaa
4. Maalai Sodum Mananaal
5. Poo Mazhai Thoovi
6. Malligal Mullai Poo Pandal
7. Olymayamaana Ethirkaalam
8. Thirumanamaam Thirumanamaam
9. Ohm Kaara
10. Saa Riga
11. Raagam Thaalam Pallavi
12. Sankara
13. Ethi Ruga
14. Prochey
15. Manasa
16. Samaja Varakamana
"1. Jagadananda Karaka тАУ Nata тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
2. Thudukugala тАУ Gowla тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
3. Sadhinchane тАУ Arabhi тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
4. Kana Kana Ruchira тАУ Varali тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
5. Endaro Mahanu Bhavulu тАУ Sri тАУ Adi - Thyagaraja
"1. Narasimhastakam
2. Dashavatara Stotram
3. Sudarshanastakam
4. Shodashayudha Stotram
5. Guruda Dandakam
6. Panchayuda Stotram
7. Sri Raghu Veera Gadyam
8. Ujvala Venkata Nathan Stotram
9. Sri Venkatesa Ashtottram
"1. Mahishasura Mardhini Stotram
2. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
3. Raja Rajeswari Ashtakam
4. Durga Abhadhutharana Stotram
5. Lalitha Pancharatnam
6. Kanakadhara Stotram
7. Annapoorna Stotram
8. Ashtalakshmi Stotram
"1. Rudram
2. Chamakam
3. Purusha Suktam
4. Sri Suktham
5. Durga Suktham
6. Bagya Suktham
7. Mrithu Suktham
8. Navagraha Mantra
9. Mantra Pushpam
"1. Thirumal Irum
2. Mangayar Kan
3. Sindhikkum Thikaikkum
4. Kidandhu
5. Ulagam Unda
6. Thooraai Neerai
7. Vanna Marul
8. Vallale Mdhusoodhana
9. Aaraavamudhe
10. Unnal
11. Pazhavan Thozhuvan
12. Ariyere
13. Isaivithu Yennai
14. Uzhalai Yenbin
15. Periaazhwar Arul Saidha Thirupalaandu
16. Thondaradi Podiaabhwar Arul Saidha Thiruva
17. Thirupaazhwar Arul Saidha Amalanaadhipiraan
"1. Venkatathri Samasthanam
2. Venkatathri Slogam
3. E Pa Dhamae Kadhaa
4. Esaa Naam Slogam
5. Srimathkribajalanithae
6. Kandi Nagilaanda Thathi
7. Kummini Edisruthi
8. Jala Janae Baagari
9. Enda Kaani Needa Kaani
10. Sheerapthi Kanyakagu
11. Thvadhasanama Stothram
12. Maadava Boodhava
13. Alugalu Sellavu
14. Kalyanaathpudha Slogam
15. Garuda Gamana
16. Aadhi Deeva
17. Egamae Gaani
18. Ethare Haradhalu
19. Sriyah Gandhya Mangala and Stothram
"Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, found in the Mahabharata is well known and many recitations already exist. But the present one is from the Padma Purana, which is very powerful, for the merit of which was vouch safe by the Lord Siva himself to his spouse Paravati. He says, he attained his Mahima by reciting this Vishnu Sahasranamam. This Sahasranamam contains powerful Bija Mantras. It is said that it is more powerful than any mantras or even performing the thousand Vajpayee sacrifices. The recitation of listening this bestows all treasures, knowledge, powers, peace, purity, education, fame, wealth and status. It removes obstacles, fears from goblins and poison and cures diseases. In short, the best of the best aspired by anyone.
Sri Mahalakshmi Dandakam is also a rare piece, by One Kesava Suri. Needless to say that the very resonance of this Dandaka and the vibration are intended to fetch enormous wealth of all kinds. Is not Mahalakshmi the giver of Mega-Luck?
Hence, these two lyrics are being brought to light for the first time and is being rendered by Mrs.Prema Rangarajan soaked with devotion. Programmed and guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, the HOD of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, the Sruti part being supervised by Sri.Manikkavinayagam, the Music Director.
"1. Ganesha Sloka
2. Shiva Sloka
3. Dakshinamurthy Sloka
4. Saraswati Sloka
5. Havagriva Sloka
6. Rama Sloka
7. Krishna Sloka
8. Subramanya Sloka
Everyone in this world wants their children to be brought up in an environment, conducive to their physical and mental health. Of course, when the minds of the children are tuned towards the spiritual songs, their thought, attitude, behavior, character, speech and in short their way of life gets transformed and their personality gets enhanced. The brain of children being tuned by the Sanskrit pronunciation becomes free from viruses and gains power. Never the less such children would be the better citizens with skill, efficiency and moral courage and shine as scientists and so on. These may look like tall claims. But our ancestors knew the efficacy of teaching slokas and hence they had followed an unwritten custom. The faith in our ancestors and their custom would no doubt prove fruitful. For the value of this training, the children will thanks the parents when they grow old.
The present collections of slokas are intended to make children learn the slokas by listening to this compact disc. This compact disc contains the Slokas on Ganesha, Shiva, Dakshinamurthy, Saraswati, Havagriva, Rama, Krishna and Subramanya.
The recitation was by Prof.R.Thiagarajan along with his team of Sanskrit and by Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamoorthy.
"1. Sri Vigneswara Ashtothram
2. Sri Subramanya Ashtothram
3. Sri Shiva Ashtothram
4. Sri Lalitha Ashtothram
5. Sri Vishnu Ashtothram
6. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Ashtothram
7. Sri Durga Ashtothram
8. Sri Anjaneya Ashtothram
Sakala Devata Ashottara Sata Namavalli
Bhakti is the easiest and most efficient of all paths to absolute reality. It is above caste creed and sex. The aspirant may conceive God in his own way as the perfect ideal of his line of thinking and needs. Lord Krishna in the Gita says, тАЬWhatever form a devotee wishes to worship with faith, I make his faith unflinching. Endowed with that faith, he worships that Deity and forms him he gets his desires fulfilled. тАЬA devotee can worship God according to his mental and spiritual development.
PoojaтАЩs to different deities are performed at home and at the temples daily or on occasions. The worshipper finds it difficult to look into the book, read and offer flowers to the deity. There may be devotees who canтАЩt pronounce the Namavallis with proper diction the lack of knowledge of Sanskrit. Moreover, seeing the book and doing the Archana disturbs the concentration which is essential for the worship. Keeping these in view, the worshippers and facilitated with the Namavallis recited in this Compact Disc. One has to simply play on this Compact Disc and be offering the flowers to the deity. That is all; in short, the pooja is made easy and effective through this.
This compact disc contains Vigneshwara (to remove obstacles) Subramanya, Shiva, Lalitha, Vishnu, Medha Dakshinamurthy, (for attaining education and pure intellect) Durga and Anjaneya Ashottara sata Namavallis.
These are traditionally tuned and rendered by. Dr.R.Thangarajan, the Head of the Post Graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri.S.Muthukumarswamy, Sri.V.Ramakrishnan and Sri.J.Bhaktavachalam with the technical support of the famous Music Director Mr.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Mantra Tantra, Mantra Gayathri
2. Poorvanga Pooja : Gantadhi Pooja, Bootha Suddi, Aatma Prana Prathishta,
3. Vignothsaranam, Matrikanyasah and Kalasadi Pooja.
4. Chaturyathana Pooja, Layaana Pooja, Shadangaarchanam Nithya Devi Yajanam, Guru
5. Mandala archanam
6. Pradhana Pooja, Aavarna Pooja, Dandanatharchanam, Mantriniarchanam, Lalithaarchanam, Dhupa Deepadhi Pooja, Balidaanam, Pooja Samarpanam and
7. Shanthisathavam.
In the Upasana, Pooja is the prominent means of worship. тАЬSri Vidya PoojaтАЭ, is the Devi Upasana. In Sri Vidya, the main deity adored as absolute and transcendent reality is Mahasakthi, the universal mother. Sri Vidya is the synonym of Brahmavidya or Paravidya. Sri Vidya Mantras Panchadasi, Shodasi vibrat towards the Goddess. In Sri Vidya Pooja, the most important forms of yoga meet. The greatest contribution of Sri Vidya is Laya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga and is the true and unique matrix (source) of great evolutionary SYSTEM. In that process of cosmic evolution, mahasakthi evolves in different and consecutive phases as Kala, Bindu and Nada. The awakening of Kundalini is made possible with Sri Vidya Mantras. The transmission of that knowledge is preserved in the guru parampara tradition. It is imperative that the aspirant should get initiation of this Mantra from a Guru.
The Sri Vidya Mantras: ka e I ha hrim-ha SA ka ha hrim-sa ka la hirmтАЭ is the kadi vidya mantra with three components kutas viz, vagbhava, kamaraja, saktikuta. Each of these kutas is the subtle form of one of the three sounds of the cosmic, all pervading sound AUM; each of the kutas has its own associated siddhi, or power, granted to a devotee who practices japa or repetition. The Vagbhava confers mastery of speech; the kamaraja grants tejas (splendor) the saktikuta grants the siddhi of enticing the three words. A yantra is a diagrammatic representation of the adored object, and Sri Chakra expresses the principles and ideas of Srividya.
This compact Disc begins with the Mantra, Tantra and Mantra Gayathri and continues with the poorvanga Pooja Gurudhyanam, Yaagamanidrapravesa, Tattvachamanam, Gurpaadukka-mantra, Ghanta-assana-mandira-deepapooja, Bhutasuddhi, atma Pranaprashitha Vignothsaranam, Matrika Nyasah, Kalasankha, Antaryaag Aavaahanaupachearpooja Chaturaayatana pooja Layaana Pooja Shada Aavarma pooja, Dandathaarchnam, Mantriniarchanam, Lalitaarchanam, Dhoopa-Deepa-naived dyam, Neerajanam, Mantrapuspam, Balidaanam, Poojasamarpanam and Shantistavam.
"1. Gayathri
2. Sri Durga Sahasranama Stotram
3. Pradasmarana Stotram
4. Sri Durga Chandrakala Stuti
5. Dhyanani
6. Sri Durga Kavacham
7. Sri Durga Pancharathnam
8. Sri Durga Abadhudhara Stotram
9. Sri Devi Namakam
Sri Durga Ashtothra Satanamavalli
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfills the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche! Here are some prayers to Goddess Durga, an incarnation of Parvati or Lalitha is the consort of Lord Shiva and exists in various divine (both friendly and fearful forms). Two of her fierce but very powerful forms are Durga (goddess beyond reach) and kali (goddess of destruction) she is also called Mahishasura Mardhini as she killed Mahisha (buffalo) demon. Durga is depicted with eight hands indicating her great power and energy (Shakti). Durga rides on a Lion Shiva, Parvati and their sons Ganesa and Karthikeya is an ideal example of family unity and love. Durga has a charming personality. Married woman for a happy married life adore her. Listening to the prayers and thereby gaining contact with this Super Power achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
"1. Sri Lakshmi Gayathri and Sri Lakshmi Mantram
2. Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja
3. Kalasa Pooja, Ganta Pooja, Pita Pooja, Mathrunga Pooja
4. Navagraha Devata Pooja
5. Lokapala Pooja
6. Dhanaakarshana Lakshmi Kubera Pooja
Sri Lakshmi Kubera Pooja is performed for (Ishwarya Abhivriddhi) attaining wealth and prosperity. Lakshmi is the goddess, fortune, power and beauty without grace Lakshmi, our toil is of no avail.
Kubera is Dhanapati, the Lord of riches, the guardian of the north and is associated with all the treasures of the earth that life underground. He possesses the Aerial chariot, According to mythology even the richest of Gods Lord Venkateswara is paying till to day only the interest for the loan he borrowed from Kubera. Even the great emperor Raghu the ancestor of Rama secured the riches from him. Lalskmi Pooja is performed differently in different parts of India. There is a custom to worship Lakshmi and Kubera together probably to get the doubled benefits. Traditional practices in the line of devotion are valuable as they are already tested and accepted as being the fruit without fail.
Hence, for the benefits of devotes this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Lakshmi Gayathri and Mahalakshmi Moola Mantra, Poorvanga Vigneswara Pooja essentially performed for the sake of the completion of the main Pooja without any obstacle Kalasa, Ghanta and Pitha Pooja Navagraha Pooja, Lokapala Pooja etc, followed by the Main Kubera Lakshmi Pooja.
This Pooja programme is done with devotion in the tradional manner as taught by our ancient preceptors by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the PG and Research Department of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan and Sri Bhaktavatchalam, with the technical support of the famous Music Director Mr.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.
SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD. feels proud to place this presentation for all the devotees to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life by performing the Pooja listening to the direction through audio by the competent Guru!
"1. Sri Rama Sahsranamam
2. Sri Rama Bhujanga Stotram
3. Sri Rama Ashtakam (Vyasar)
4. Sri Rama Ashtakam
5. Sri Rama Raksha Stotram
6. Sri Jatayukruta Rama Stotram
7. Sri Rama Ashtottara Sathabidhana Stotram
8. Sri Rama Trilokya Mahana Kavacham
Bhakti is the easiest and most efficient of all paths to the absolute reality. It is above caste creed and sex. The aspirant may conceive God in his own way as the perfect ideal of his line of thinking and needs. Lord Krishna in the Gita says, тАЬWhatever form a devotee wishes to worship with faith, I make his faith unflinching. Endowed with that faith, he worships that Deity and forms him he gets his desires fulfilled. тАЬA devotee can worship God according to his mental and spiritual development. A worshipper of Avatara or incarnation of Vishnu in human form is Sri Rama. In this Avatara Vishnu set forth the ideal of discipline, law ethical conduct, righteousness of perfect being morally, intellectually, materially and spiritually.
Hearing the recitation of the sacred names and Stotras of Sri Rama helps inheriting the noble qualities of Rama and bestows spiritual upliftment, fearlessness, desired boon, good health, fame, wealth, prosperity success in life, wisdom and the divine beatitude.
This compact Disc contains Rama Sahasranamam, Rama Bhujanga Stotram, Rama Ashtakam(Vyasa), Rama Ashtakam (Brahmanda) Ramarkshatotram, Rama Stotram Rama Ashottara Satabhidana Stotram and Trilokya Mohankavacham.
These are presented in the traditional tunes by Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous music Director Sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam
2. Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam
"1. Sri Natesa Gayathri and Dhyana
2. Sri Nataraja Sahasranamam
3. Sri Chidambarashtakam
4. Sri Chidambara Panchamara Stotram
5. Sri Natarajapathi Adhere Dasakam
6. Sri Natarajatandava Stotram
7. Sri Chidambareshwarar Stuthi
8. Sri Natesashtakam
9. Sri Nataraja Karna Ranjakam and Mangalam
Lord Nataraja or Natesa is an attribute of Lord Shiva; His enthralling Cosmic Dance тАЬAnanda ThandavamтАЭ is a symbol of the rhythm of existence, the never dynamic process of creation and destruction тАУthe ever-changing evolution. He is worshipped in as representing the five elements earth, water, fire, wind and ether. Chidambaram is unique in that. He is the first and foremost God of all Arts and Sciences. He has four arms: One right hand holds the тАЬdamaruтАЭ, symbol of creation through the primordial sound: in one of the left hands, the purifying fire, symbol of transformation; the other right hand makes the reassuring gesture; the other left hand, the protecting gesture; his left foot, lifted up, evokes liberation and salvation; his right foor crushes the demon of ignorance and evil. The lotus pedestal on which the image rests locates this universe in the heart or Consciousness of each person. Prayers to Lord Nataraja bestows the power the power-to compose poems, to shine in Music and Dance fields, to circumvent competitors in the field, to escape evil thoughts from any quarters and to attain prosperity, Peace and Pleasure!
Hence, for the benefit of our listeners this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Natesa Gayathri & Dhyana, Sri Nataraja Sahasranaman, Sri Chidambaresa Stuti, Sri Chidambaram Pancharathnasthavam, Sri Natarajapathi Maduhrashtakam, Sri Natarajatandavam, Sri Chidambrashtakam, Sri Nateshtakam, Sri Nataraja Karnaranjanam and Sri Nataraja Mangalam.
These are presented in the traditional tunes by Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous music Director Sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Pratasmarana Sthothram
2. Dvadasa Jyothlinga Sthothram
3. Daridraya Dahanasiva Sthothram
4. Ardhanareeswara Sthothram
5. Samba Natanam (Padanjali)
6. Siva Manasa Pooja Mantram
7. Parameswara Matrukavarnamala Sthuthi
8. Mrityunjayashtakam
9. Sada Siva Sthothram
10. Parmeswara Sthothram
11. Sivashtakam
12. Pasupathyashtakam
13. Siva Bujanga Sthothram
14. Sivapradha ksamapana Sthothram
15. Dakshinamurthi Sthothram
16. Sivanama
Lord Nataraja or Natesa is an attribute of Lord Shiva; His enthralling Cosmic Dance
тАЬAnanda ThandavamтАЭ is a symbol of the rhythm of existence, the never dynamic process of creation and destruction тАУthe ever-changing evolution. He is worshipped in as representing the five elements earth, water, fire, wind and ether. Chidambaram is unique in that. He is the first and foremost God of all Arts and Sciences. He has four arms: One right hand holds the тАЬdamaruтАЭ, symbol of creation through the primordial sound: in one of the left hands, the purifying fire, symbol of transformation; the other right hand makes the reassuring gesture; the other left hand, the protecting gesture; his left foot, lifted up, evokes liberation and salvation; his right foor crushes the demon of ignorance and evil. The lotus pedestal on which the image rests locates this universe in the heart or Consciousness of each person. Prayers to Lord Nataraja bestows the power the power-to compose poems, to shine in Music and Dance fields, to circumvent competitors in the field, to escape evil thoughts from any quarters and to attain prosperity, Peace and Pleasure!
Hence, for the benefit of our listeners this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Natesa Gayathri & Dhyana, Sri Nataraja Sahasranaman, Sri Chidambaresa Stuti, Sri Chidambaram Pancharathnasthavam, Sri Natarajapathi Maduhrashtakam, Sri Natarajatandavam, Sri Chidambrashtakam, Sri Nateshtakam, Sri Nataraja Karnaranjanam and Sri Nataraja Mangalam.
These are presented in the traditional tunes by Prof.Dr.R.Thangarajan the Head of the Post graduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous music Director Sri V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Mayamalava Gowlai тАУ Adi
2. Bilahari тАУ Adi
3. Bageshri тАУ Misrachapu
4. Hamirkalyani тАУ Rupakam
5. Kapi тАУ Adi
6. Sankarabharanam тАУ Adi
7. Sivaranjani тАУ Kanta Ekam
8. Hamsanadhi тАУ Adi
9. Kanada тАУ Adi
10. Desh тАУ Rupakam
"1. Yagnavalkya Dhyanam
2. Ganapati, Saraswati, Gayatri Dhyanam
3. Kanva Rudram
4. Kanva Chamkam
5. Kanva Purusha Suktham
6. Richam, Vacham (Shanthi Suktham)
7. Isavasyopanishad (with Swaras)
8. Ganam
9. Brhadaranyaka (Selection)
10. Yagnavalka Gayathri
Among the four Vedas, Viz Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, the Yajurveda has two branches called Krishna Yajurveda and Sukla Yajurveda. Yagnavalkya the Sage, the Philosopher and the Yogiswara was the founder of Sukla Yajurveda. The speciality of this Veda lies in the тАЬSwaraтАЭ (the accent and intonation) which makes the distinction between krsna Yajurveda and Sukla Yajurveda. Again this sukla Yajurveda has two schools, the Madhyandina and Kanva. The Kanva rendition is rare and for the first time some glimpses of the rendering of this rendition has been brought our and also preserved for posterity, in the Compact Disc format for the sake of tour listeners!
This compact disc begins with Yagnavalkya Dhyana and continues the prayer to Lord Ganapati, Goddess Saraswati and Savitri. Then starts, KanvaRudram an effactious Vedic hymn that extols the omnipresence, omni potency and the omni science of Lord Shiva. While chanting this hymn the vibration is created in the atmosphere of the cosmos which drives away all evils, bestows mental peace, wisdom and at last salvation. It is equivalent to the chanting of the entire Veda. The Purusha Sukta which enunciates the Supreme Being and reveals the grand concept of cosmogony. The whole universe is only the part of Him and He is the whole. By contemplating on Him one gets more than what is desired for, and gets rid of fear. Then follows Shanthi Sukta (richam vacham) for attaining peace in all spheres.
The Chanting of Lsavasya Upanishad a part of Sukla Yajurveda samhita itself contains the basic concepts in brevity, which are expanded in other Upanishads. This compact disc concludes with the rhythmic Fana Chanting a device followed for preserving the Vedas and also some important extracts form the Brahadarnyaka Upanishad. All these mantras are recited by the eminent Ganapati Parasurama Sastri along with his disciple Srinivasa Sarma being Co-ordinated by Prof.R.Thiagarajan, H.O.D.of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai and Mr.Manikkavinayagam, the famous Music Director.
"1. Guruvandanam
2. Sri Krishna Mahima
3. Sri Krishna Sushama
4. Sri Krishnavarima
5. Rasakreedai
6. Sri Krishna Madurima
7. Sri Krishna Bakthi Rasayanam
Krishna Karnamrita is a popular Sanskrit Lyric, nectar like ravishes the ears of the listeners by extolling the greatness and divine powers of the Lord Krishna. It is full or rhymes, chimes and alliterations. The details given by Suga in the Bhagavada has been abdorbed here with absorbing melody.
The recital of the passionate out pouring of heart on the sports of Krishna with sweetness, simplicity, purity and melody combine with the esoteric meanings elevates the soul towards the divinity. The inspring rhapsodies will fetch the pleasant and soul stirring Mystic experience apart from the grace and mercy of the Lord that grant the needs such as wealth, health, Peace of mind and extra energy and prosperity.
This Compact Disc contains this precious lyric with the inner titles Guruvandanam Sri Krishna Mahima, Sri Krishna Sushama, Sri Krishnavarima, Resakreedai, and Sri Krishna Madurma Sri Krishna Bakthi Rasayanam.
These are recited in a spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thangarajan, HOD of postgraduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team S.Muthukumaraswamy, K.M.Shyam Sundara and Sri.J.Bhaktavatchalam, guided by the famous Music Director and playback singer Mr.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Sri Vigneshwara Dhyanam
2. Sri Durga Ashtottaram
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtottaram
4. Saraswathi Sahasranamam
5. Saraswathi Sahasranamam
6. Sri Amba Navamanimala
7. Sri Saraswathi Mangala Stotram
Saraswathi is the goddess of learning. She is the bestower of the power of speech. An aspirant of knowledge must have her grace. Lustrous and as white as jasmine flower, she, clad in a white silken garment and seated in a white lotus, is considered to be worshipped at even by the divine Trinity. Engaged in playing a lute made of ruby and uttering words soft and sweet. She is always contemplated upon to ward off the dullness of mind. Listening to a sincere prayer offered at her lotus feet, bears fruits and grants wishes to all.
Hence this Audio Compact Disc contains Sri Vigneshwara Dhyanam Sri Durga Ashottaram, Sri Lakshmi Ashottaram, Saraswathi Sahastanmam, Saraswathi Sahasranamam, Sri Amba Navamanimala, and Sri Saraswathi Mangala Stotram.
The recitation of these Stotras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri.Muthukumaraswamy, K.M.Shyam Sundar and Sri Bhakthavatchallam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director.
"1. Sri Venkateswara Sahasranamam
2. Sri Venkateswara Sahasranamam (contd)
3. Sri Venkateswara Stotram
4. Sri Venkateswara Stuthi
5. Sri Venkateswara Mahatmiyam
6. Sri Venkateswara Ashtothram
7. Mangalam
Namasankritana, i.e. the repetition of the divine name is the effective means to neutralize the evil effects of Kaliyuga and to attain bliss. The most powerful way of doing this is the recitation of Sahastanam or the thousand names of the chosen deity. These names or epithets describe and glorify the chosen God. Composed by the ancient Rishis the Sahastanam vibrate with the powerful divine energy if they are chanted with sincere piety and meditation. This energy stimulates certain nerve centers in the brain and promotes a state of mental equipoise and general well-being.
Lord Venkateswara, popularly addressed as Balaji, the Lord of the Seven Hills at Tirupati is the deity after by croes of people for attaining his grace and magical solutions to all.
The upturn of life is guaranteed to every one, seeking succor under his lotus feet. He is rich in all respects and is benevolent to all those who contemplate on Him. To have the direct experience of his supernatural powers this Compact Disc offers to the listeners the Venkateswara Sahasranamam and some of the rare prayers collected from the puranas and other sources hitherto unheard in Compact Disc format. The include Sri Venkateswara Stotram, Sri Venkateswara Stuthi, Sri Venkateswara Mahatmiyam, Sri Venkateswars Ashottara, Mangalam.
The recitation of these Stotras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri.Muthukumaraswamy, K.M.Shyam Sundar and Sri Bhakthavatchallam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director.
"1. Sri Mahalakshmi Sahasranama Stothram
2. Sri Mahalakshmi Suprabhatham
3. Sri Stuthi
4. Kanakadhara Stothram
5. Sri Ashtalakshmi Stothram
6. Mangalam
When men suffer with mental strains, physical stresses and peacelessness and when no medicine could give relief, the spiritual path is resorted to and it is effective. Pray your best and leave the rest to God. Prayers through Sanskrit the divine language to any chosen deity accomplishes oneтАЩs aspirations and fulfills the demand of the soul and acts as the healing agent to any problem concerning the physique or the psyche!
Here are some prayer to Goddess Mahalakshmi the bestower of mega luck and riches. She is portrayed as тАЬWhite тАЬfair and graceful with four hands and a richly decorated crown, either sitting or standing on a bloomed lotus. Holding a lotus in one hand, she shows the sign of offering succor to the devotees, by the other hand. The lower right hard is ever showering with wealth and prosperity on those who seek her help. There are eight forms other viz, Adhilakshmi, Veeralakshmi, Gajalakshmi, Santanalakshmi, Dhayalakshmi, Dhanalakshmi and Aishwaryalakshmi. Lakshmi Sahasranama reveals her powerful thousand attributes. Establishing contact with this Super power through prayer achieves all our demands and leads to success in all spheres of life.
This compact disc contains Sri Mahalakshmi Sahasranama Stothram, Sri Mahalakshmi Suprabhatham, Sri Stuthi, Kanakadhara Stothram Sri Asthalakshmi Stothram, and Mangalam.
The recitation of these Stotras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, P.Jagadeesa Bhatt and Sri Bhakthavtchallam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director.
"1. Sakala Devata Bija Mantras
2. Ganesha Ashtottara Namavalli
3. Subramanya Ashtottara Namavalli
4. Durga Ashtottara Namavalli
Pythagoras described geometry as visual music. Music is created by applying laws of frequency, and sound in certain ways. States of harmonic resonance are produced when frequencies are combined in ways that are in unison with universal law. By directing our thought patterns to these archetypal planes we invite the essence of these levels to penetrate our minds and thinking. An attunement of individual consciousness with the harmony of universal consciousness develops.
Mantra is a divine combination of divine syllables of sounds which when chanted with devotion, faith and emotion gravitate the concerned God or Goddess or deity and secure their divine blessings. For divine help one must link with divine forces. By regular use Of Mantra, a subtle links is formed and through this, one could then obtain any desired boon within the power of the deity. One could obtain wealth, prosperity, fame, fearlessness, success and spiritual upliftment, but for a different Mantra is chanted and a different deity propitiated.Yantras are the mandala imagery that visually represents the harmonic tones of Mantras. The Sanskrit word mandala means sacred circle. The circle symbolizes the womb of creation; and mandalas are geometric designs that are made though uniform division of the circle forming shapes that are symbols that embody the mathematical principles found thought the higher and lower realms. They are inter dimensional gateways linking human consciousness to the remains of archetypes language and the rational mind. They bring about certain wisdom of universal knowledge and a deeper understanding of human consciousness.
In this rare and special Compact Disc, there is a combination of the frequency of sound viz Mantras with the Geometric Mandalas orchestrated in ways to produce visual symphonies that create the harmonic unification of diversity. This rare collection is form the Sankrandana Samhita in which the secret of this combination having the nucleus of the sacred syllable Namavallis of Lord Venugopala, is preached by Brahma to Narada. Hence it is also called Muralidhara Yantra VIdhana. Ashottara Namavallis of Lord Vinayaka, Subramanya and Durga are the added attraction in this compact disc.
The recitation of these Mantras with clear diction and devotion has been rendered with a divine touch by. Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Head of the Post Graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, along with his team Sri. P.S.Raghyraman, P.Jagadeesa Bhatt and Sri Bhakhavatchalam and Mr.Manikkavinayagam the famous Music Director. SUPER AUDIO (MADRAS) PVT LTD the products of this compact disc feel proud of this collection and in transmitting these highly valuable mantras to the pious listeners for their ever-increasing prosperity!
"1. Sri Ganesha Dhyanam
2. Navagraha Dhyanam, Gayathri Stothram and Soundarya Lahari
3. Navagraha Dhyanam Contd
4. Guru Preethi (Guru Ashtakam)
5. Sanaischara Preethi
6. Navagraha Prathanai
People at times struggle in life despite their hard work and good deeds. The reason behind this, is said to be the unfavorable position of the planets permanently or transitorily oneтАЩs own horoscope, planets, no doubt, have the direct influence on the human beings according to he ancient astrophysicists like varahamhira. At the same time our ancestors, after through research, had found out the method of appeasing the adverse influence of the planets through sound waves i.e. Mantras, Sanskrit being the divine language more sharp to establish connection with the ethereal religion, the Mantras chandted in that language has doubtless efficacy. The stotras too have the power of healing. Both the mantra and the stotra are like the virus scanner of the mind and physique both in the micro and macrocosmic body of the universal! The listening and the chanting of the Mantras and Stotras, therefore, removes all ills of human beings due of the power of vibrating spells, and paves way for a happy life of peace. Pleasure and prosperity!
With this in view, here is a unique presentation of Navagraha Shanthi Mantras, introduced for the fist time. Being judiciously and effectively compiled by Dr.R.Thiagarajan the head of the post graduate and research department of Sanskrit presidency college, Chennai , and being sung with phonetic perfection by Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamurthy, a traditional carnatic musician under the guidance of Mr.V.R.Manikka Vinayagam a reputed Music Director.
This compact disc being with a prayer to Lord Vinayaka (the remover of obstacles) and each planet is meditated upon with a Dhyana followed by the Gayathri Mantra of the respective planet in its sequence.
The most suitable Soundaraya Lahari hymn of Adi Sankara, which is intended to appease the planet respectively, has been included, which is among the special features of this disc. As the Jupiter and the Saturn have the noticeable impact on us on their transit zodiac, a special attention has been given to both of them. Hence this disc includes in it the famous тАЬGuru AshtakamтАЭ of Adi Sankara tuned melodiously and the Ashtottara chanting of Sanaischara. The prayer for all the plantes put together forms the climax and concludes the Disc.
"1. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam
"1. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam
3. Sri Venkatagireesam
4. Tirupathi Venkataramana
5. Venkatesa
6. Indirikkinbagayambu
"1. Subramanya Bhujangam
2. Sri Shanmuga Dhyanam
3. Sri Subramanya Gayathri & Mala Mantram
4. Sri Subramanya Suprabhatham
5. Sri Shanmuga Shatakam
6. Sri Kandasashti Manimalika Stotram
7. Sri Subramanya Mangalam
"1. Sukalambaradham
2. Ganesha Namavalliae
3. Odha Vinaiyagalum Gnanam Alithidum
4. Aindhu Kathinai Andhu Karamkonda
5. Adiyamarundhu Vezha Mugam Kondu
6. Kaniyanai karam Koopi
7. Ohmkara Pranavathin
8. Aacharyalin Arulurai
9. Pranayaemsirasadevam Ganesa Stothram
10. Naalettu Peyargalilae
11. Vinayaganae Vallaba Ganapathiyin
12. Paadi Panindhiduvai
13. Yennakku Vendum Varangalai Varma Thara
14. Thumbikaiyin Arulnaadu
"1. Sowmangalya Prarthana
2. Guru, Sukra, Kuja, RahuтАУKetu Gayatris
3. Navagraha Stotra
4. Swayamvara Mantras
5. Swayamvara Parvati Mantramala Stotram
6. Kalyanavrishti Stavam
7. Vivahapraptislokas
8. Rukamni Vivaha
9. Gowri Kalyanam
Vivaha or Marriage is an auspicious and happy moment in everybody / rquoteтАЩs life. There is a saying that тАЬmarriage are made in HeavenтАЭ, justifying its sanctity. It is a boon to get married and to secure a suitable match physically, educationally, emotionally and in various other aspects. A lively match is always a fore teller of fortune and successful life. But, these are the days people suffer to get a proper match and wrong matches have fired many young lives leading to the catastrophe such as divorce. Many are worried about the delay of marriage due to various reasons and problems, due to the planetary effects in their horoscopes. In order to ward off such worries and to find quick remedies to marriage problems, our ancestors were appealed to the heavenly beings through Mantras and Stotra Parayanas and secured the benefits. Hence as a service to suffering humanity here is a boon bestowed in sound from to fulfill the longing hearts concerning marriage. Listening to this compact disc, will fetch a perfect match and nourish a conjugal life as this contains mantras to attract the grace of the planets. Guru and Sukra and to get rid of the defects of Mars. Rahu and ketu in the horoscope which act as hudrles in setting the marriage.
"1. Sri Saraswathi Gayathri
2. Sri Vigneshwara Pooja
3. Sri Saraswathi Pooja
4. Sri Saraswathi Navarathnamala
5. Sri Saraswathi Stothram (Rudyamalam)
6. Sri Saraswathi Stothram (Agasthiyar)
7. Sri Saraswathi Dvadrimachannama Stotram
8. Sri Saraswathi Ashtakam
9. Sri Saraswathi Dasasloki
10. Sri Saraswathi Stuthi (Yagnavalkyar)
11. Sri Saraswathi Mangalam
Saraswathi is considered the goddess of learning and speech (vak). She is worshipped especially on the Saraswathi Pooja day all over the country and the educational institutions celebrate her for better knowledge, learning and spiritual progress. She represents the union of power and intelligence. She is the personification of all knowledge arts, science, crafts and all skills. She reveated language and writing to man. She endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom fortune, intelligence, nourishment, brilliance, contentment, splendor and devotion. Her four hands represent the four aspects of human personality in learning: mind, intellect, alertness and ego. She has sacred scriptures in one hand and a lotus or rosary the symbol of true knowledge in the second. With her other two hands she plays the music of love and life on the Veena she is dressed in white the symbol of purity and reides on a white swan symbolizing Sattwa Guna or purity and discrimination.
Devotees, who intend performing Saraswathi Pooja the traditional way, can play this compact Disc which will guide them like a priest. The programme begins with Sri Saraswathi Gayathri, Sri Vigneshwara Pooja, and Sri Saraswathi Pooja Sri Saraswathi Navarathnamala. Sri Saraswathi Stothram (Rudyamalam) Sri Saraswathi stothram (Agasthiyar), Sri Saraswathi Divarimachannama stotram, Sri Saraswathi Ashtakam.Sri Saraswathi Dasasjoki Sri Saraswathi Stuthi (Yagnavalkyar) Sri Saraswathi Mangalam, are also recited in a spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thangarajan, HOD of post graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team P.S.Raghuraman, Malolakannan, and Bhakthavatchalam guided by the famous Music Director and Playback singer Mr.Manikkavinayagam
"1. Guruvandanam
2. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Mantram
3. Sri Dakshinamurthy Sahasranamam
4. Sri Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala Stotram
5. Sri Dakshinamurthy Pancharathna Stotram
6. Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
7. Sri Dakshinamurthy Mantranasthavam
8. Sri Dakshinamurthy Poojavithi
9. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Ashtottara Satanamavalli
Dakshinamurthy is the sacred from of Lord Shiva, who has transmitted the truth of Parabrahman by silent speecn; who is surrounded by a host of venerable sages as disciples all absorbed and established in meditation upon Brahman; He is the Supreme Teacher; He displays the sacred sign of fusion of the soul with the absolute тАУ the joining of forefinger and thumb the paragon of bliss; he is the truth and the Natural Homogenous Essence. He is Brahma, the creator; Vishnu, the protector, and Maheshwara, the destroyer. He is eternal Serene, beyond ether, spotless, who was rendered blind by the darkness of ignorance. He is the self, and the self of all beings. His form is the basis of meditation. His feet are the root of worship. His words are the source of Mantra and physician to those affected with the disease of worldly existence, whoever prays to him would inherit the powers from him.
This compact Disc contains Guruvandanam, Sri Medha Daskshinamurthy Mantram, Sri Dakshinamurthy Sahasranamam, Sri Dakshinamurthy Navrathnamala Stotram, Sri Dakshinamurhty Pancharathna Stotram, Sri Dakshinamuthy Ashrakam, Sri Dakshinamurhty Mantransthavam, Sri Dakshinamurthy Poojavithi, and Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy Ashtottara Satanamavalli. These are recited in a spiritual tune by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, HOD of post gradute and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team P.S.Ranghuraman, Malokannan and Bhaktavatsalam, guided by the famous Music Director and playback singer Mr.Manikkavinayagam.
"1. Sri Mahaganapathi Gayathri
2. Poorvanga Pooja: Anugna, Vigneswara Pooja, Sankalpam, Punyahavachanam And Agni Prathishta
3. Pradana Pooja : Kumba Avahanam, Shodasa Upachara Pooja, Siddhi Vinayaka Ashtotaram, Mahaganapathi Homam and Atharva Seersham
4. Utharanga Pooja : Praya Chitha Homam, Agni Upasthanam, Dhupadhepdi Pooja, Poorna Upachara Pooja , Yathasthanam and Ashirvadam
Ganesha or Vighneswara is the Lord and destroyer of obstacles. People mostly worship Him asking for siddhi, success in undertakings, and buddhi intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He is also the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts. In reality, He is Brahma. Ganesha is AUM Kara and worshipped first.
Homams are the effective poojas performed for a particular deity by invoking Agni the God of fire. This Homam is dedicated to Lord Ganesha to improve family bondage, to win over enemies, to overcome disease and to achieve a planned objective whithout any hindrance.
This compact Disc contains the Mantras for performing the Homa in order Sri Mahaganapathi Gayathri, Portage Pooja, Aungna Vigneswara Pooja Sankalpam, Punyahavachanam, and Agni Prathishtra Pradana Pooja: Kumba Avahanam, Shodas Upachara Pooja Siddhi Vinayaka Ashotaram, Mahaganpathi Homam and Atharva Seersham Uthararga Pooja, Praya Chitha Homam Agri Upasthanam, Dhupadhepadi Pooja Poorna Upachara Pooja, Yathathanam and Ashivadam. This Homam could be performed by any one under the guidance of a Guru.
These Mantra are recited in the traditional tunes by Prof.R.Thaigarajan, the Head of the Post graduate and Research Department of Sanskrit Presidency College, Chennai, along with his team, Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri K.Maloakannanm Usha Vishwanth and Sri K.Ganesha Bhat, with the technical support of the famous Music Director Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.Super Audio (Madras) Pvt Ltd feels proud to place this presentation for the devotees of Ganesha to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life.
"1. Sri Venkatesa Sahasranama Stothram
2. Sri Venkatesa Ashottara Sata Nama Stotram
3. Sri Lakshmi Chatur Vimshati Nama Stotram
4. Narasimhashtakam
5. Dashavatara Stotram
6. Sudarshanashtakam
7. Shadashayudha Stotram
"1. Yajurvedic Anuvakas
2. Santhanagopala Gayathri Mantra
3. Sri Krishnaashtakam Stotra
Modern scientists do accept the validity of the Mantra Therapy though experiments. Ancient Rishis no doubt knew this fact and hence, they made use of the Mantras for curing diseases of both mind and physique. They could gauge the super-natural influence over the beings, caused by certain spiritual vibrations and they choose appropriate Mantras form the Vedas achieve the effect they wanted.
Here are certain conventionally preached Mantras and Stotras, for those who are longing for children and also for the protection of the foetus. The repeated hearing of these Mantras and Stotras would fetch the fortune of progeny, sustain the foetus, and cure the disease and disorders in the female reproductive system. When, the expectant mother calmly hears these Mantras, the brain of the child in the womb is energized, and the strength of its physique improved and the mind, the spirit of the child in the womb is energized, and the strength of its physique improved and the mind, the spirit of the spirit of the child purified and there by the quality of the gene improves. These Mantras help the easy delivery of the child too!
This compact disc contains twelve powerful and valuable Yajurvedic Anuvakas. Santhangopala Gayathri Mantra and Sri Krishnashtakam Stotra being directed and recited by Prof.R.Thiagarajan with his team Sri P.s.Raghuraman, Sri.S.Chandramouli, Sri S.Sriraman and Sri S.Sriraman and Sri.K.Karthick with the instrumental support by Selvi.R.Tapana.
"1. Siddhi Vinayaga тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi тАУ Ramaswamy Sastry
2. Nadhaloludai тАУ Kalyana Vasandam Roopakam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Nenarunchi Naanu тАУ Malavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Arul Seyyum тАУ Sankarabaranam Adi тАУ Kunakudi Vaidyanathan
5. Thavil тАУ Solo
6. Western Music
"1. Pranamaamyagam тАУ Goula тАУ Adi тАУ Mysore Vasu Devachar
2. Thodi тАУ Ragam тАУ Pallavi тАУ Ragamaalika
3. Nadha Thanu Manusam тАУ Siddha Ranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Bajana Seyaraadha тАУ Dharmavathi тАУ Roopakam Mysore Vasu Devachar
5. Nannu Seppa тАУ Mandhaari тАУ Adi тАУ Pattanam Subramanya Iyer
6. Tharunam Thannil тАУ Hamsa Brahammari тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dhandapani Desigar
"1. Thatwamariya тАУ Reeti Gowla тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
2. Ninnuvina тАУ Navarasa Kannada тАУ Roopakam тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Krupa Juchuta тАУ Chayataranjini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Thillana тАУ Deshi тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi.G.Jayaraman
5. Sukiyavvaro тАУ Kannada тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Theeratha тАУ Vilaiyattu тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Bharathiar
7. Thanthanana тАУ Bhoopalam тАУ Adi тАУ Annamacharya
8. Western Note
"1. Vallaba Nayaka - Byakadai тАУ This ram тАУ Dikshithar
2. Nekkurugi тАУ Abogi тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
3. Brochevarevarura тАУ Kamas тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Kavava Varali тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
5. Thavil тАУ Solo
6. Makelara тАУ Ravichandrika тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
7. Smaravaram Bagudhari тАУ Adi тАУ Sadasivabrahmendrar
8. Kandan Karunai - Beemplas тАУ Ekathalam тАУ Papanasam Sivam
9. Western Notes
10. Thirupugazh
"1. Raja Raja Aradhithe тАУ Niroshta тАУ Thistra Adi тАУ Muthiah Bhagavathar
2. Adukaradhuni тАУ Manoranjini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
3. Baja Mana Rama тАУ Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Thulasi Dasar
4. Raga Alapana тАУ Karaharapriya
5. Rama Neeyata - Karaharapriya тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
6. Sri Rama Padhama тАУ Amritha Vahini тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
7. Western Notes
8. Swami Sangeetham тАУ Ayyppan Songs
9. Magudi
"1. Pattividuva Raadu тАУ Manjari - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
2. Karpagame тАУ Madhyamavati тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
3. Chinnanchiru тАУ Ragamaalika - Trisra Eka тАУ Bhrathiyar
4. Mdijese тАУ Kamas тАУ Adi тАУ Javali
5. Thillana - Ragamalika тАУ Tisra Adi тАУ Poochi Iyengar
6. Emako тАУ Thillana тАУ Roopakam тАУ Annamacharya
7. Eppo Varuvaaro тАУ Jonpuri тАУ Adi тАУ Gopalakrishna Bharathi
8. Paramapurusham тАУ Lalithapanchamam тАУ Kandachuppu тАУ Swati Thirunal
9. Narasan Lage тАУ Ghazal тАУ Ghulam ali
10. Appanna Kondaki тАУ Andhra Folk
11. Western Waltz тАУ G.A.Swathama
12. Unnai Marakka тАУ Mahesh
13. Chola Puri тАУ Mahesh
"Durga Dukhahantri Sukhapradha тАУ Shri Matha thus described in тАЬLalitha SahasranamaтАЭ is ever praised as the wainer of all evils and bestower of all auspiciousness in her best manifestation as Devi Mahishasura Mardhini.
In this Compact Disc, Sangirtha KalanidhiDr.M.L.Vasanthakumari first renders the famous twenty Slokas that celebrate the DeviтАЩs victory over Demons like Madhu Khairtabaha, Mahisha and others.
Nine Slokas called from the тАШSoundarya LahariтАЭ of Shri Adi Shankaracharya are offered next. To each Sloka is linked as appropriate Stothra on the Navgraas enchoing the truth that those who sunrrender at the lotus feet of Devi shall not have the evil spirits of nine planets and shall have only the auspicious benevolence of the Navagrahas.
Dr.M.L.Vasanthakumari concludes with тАЬShri Durga Saptha SlokiтАЭ which though only seven in number yet span the entire gamut of seven hundred Slokas of Devi Mahatmiyam and ring in the Jayam and Mangalam bestowed by Devi Mahisasura Mardhini.
"1. Ganesh Chalisa
2. Ganesh Doha
3. Ganesh Aarthi
4. Lakshmi Chalisa
5. Lakshmi Doha
6. Lakshmi Aarthi
7. Durga Chalisa
8. Durga Doha
9. Durga Aarthi
10. Saraswathi Chalisa
11. Saraswathi Doha
12. Saraswathi Aarthi
13. Lakshmi Stotram
Saraswathi Stotram
The problems and miseries concerning the physique and mind could easily be driven away by meditating on Gods and offering prayer to them. It is a time-tested mysterious therapy experienced by the devotes with strong faith in Gods.
There are Chalisas, the Hindi Devotional Lyrics composed by the pious composers on various deities. Among them, Sri Ganesh, Lakshmi, Durga and Saraswathi are important as the prayer to the deities remove the obstacles in any endeavor and bestow wealth, courage, strength and education. Singing of chalisas or listening to them makes one happy and ecstatic.
Hence, in this Compact Disc Chalisas on Sri Ganesh, Lakshmi Durga and Saraswathi are sung with spiritual favour by Miss.Annapoorni, Miss.G.Meera, Miss.R.Tapana, and Miss.L.V.Vijeyata, Dr.R.Thangarajan and Mr.S.P.Raghuraman, Being directed by Prof.R.Thiagrajan the musical rendering is supported by Mr.Satishon Key Board, Mr.M.V.Sridharan Iyer and S.Sriram on Tabla.
As a boom and bonus to this programme, Sri Lakshmi Ashottara Stotram and Saraswathi stotram (Sanskrit) sung by Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamoorthy is also added.
"1. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling.
2. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain.
3. Use of Music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony.
4. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders.
5. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners.
6. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals.
7. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind.
8. Music theraphy enhances the concentration level of children.
9. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous.
10. Music improves the capacity of planning.
11. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too.
A sound was born with humans. Pleasant tunes transfer good vibrations in the atmosphere. Good and correct music brings forth positive vibrations in the nerves of the listeners. Music is a direct experience before being transformed into thought and feeling Indian Classical Music impact on individual moods and behavior. Certain Ragas with specific notes acts positive on individualтАЩs mindset. Our Upanishads speaks about the effects of Classical Music on individual life, behavior, environment and one who listens to it with rapt attention. During the early stages of pregnancy, music given to mothers to be does very good effect for the fetus.
Here in our APOLLO HOSPITALS, CHENNAI, INDIA, we have proved by our research that, the fetus listens music as a sound-rather a refined one, & understands the same. Regular listening of the above classical music does remarkable good & fine to the fetus and to the mother simultaneously. The selected ragas given in this album is something very special with regard to its notes/swara, and the way it has been played.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna.
"1. Kuraiyondru
2. Krishna Nee
3. Muruganin
4. Naan Oru Villayattu
5. Ennathavam
6. Kalyanagopalam
7. Kuzhaludi
8. Muralidhara
9. Aduvame
10. Jaachuthanandha
"1. Pleasant tunes transfer good vibrations in the atmosphere.
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling.
3. Music influences the lower and hifher cerebral centers of the brain.
4. Use of music as a theraphy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony.
5. Music theraphy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders.
6. Music theraphy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners.
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals.
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frames of mind.
9. Music theraphy enhances the concentration level of children.
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous.
11. Music improves the capacity of planning.
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too.
The present day heavy schedule in ever bodyтАЩs life deprives many normal needs of individuals. In that many needs, sleep is also one among the many and it is the basic requirement for an individual to get along with his daily routines. If we deprive ourselves from sleep for 35 hours continuously the normal function of the brain gets disturbed and the balance is at stake. The level of serotonin is reduced and the relaxing mind also gets feeble. Hence normal sleep of six to eight hours in a day without disturbance is must for every individual. Bur the requirement of sleep hours may vary individually.
Sleep is restorative, during sleep some of the vital substance gets re-synthesized in the nervous system. Any how for the so called normal and for the disturbed individuals, classical music does a wonderful effect on their sleep patterns. Specific ragas with selected notes with its vibration give relief from stress and make the individual get relaxed and go for sleep. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes / swaras and the way it has been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna.
"1. Mrytunjaya Gayatri
2. Mrytunjaya Sahasranamam
3. Mrytunjaya Kavacham
4. Mrytunjaya Stotram
5. Vasishtha Krita Stotram
6. Mrytunjaya Manasika Puja Stotram
Mrytunjaya is the manifestation of Lord Shiva as conqueror of Death. Worship of Maha Mrytunjaya through 1000 Mantra names. Kavachas and Hymns bestow happiness and success. Om jum Sah Ham Sah- Proctect me! Sah Am Sauh Jum тАУ The bija is Om. The Shakti is jum. Paramashani, the lynchpin is Sah. This mantra is the wish fulfilling gem of the powerful Lord. The Maha Mrytunjaya Mantra is the king of all mantras, and is the most powerful mantra.
The Maha Mrytunjaya Mantra connects us with the source of all creation, dissolving us of our negative energies that surround or live within us as it puts us in touch with the omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent healer and creator. Chanting is a very special means of realizing divinity and that it affects and influences our nervous system enhancing the potential our physique, mind and brain.
"1. Kali Sahasranamam
2. Kali Ashtakam
3. Kali Ashtottara Satanamavalli
Goddess Kali is the manifestation of Shakti. The worship of kali is popular in India. It is believed that prayers of her, cures disease and offers relief from poverty and grief. She is represented as dark, terrible, holding a sword and a severed head. She also has the had gestures Abhaya тАУ to remove all fears of her devotees; Varada-to grant boons. She symbolizes jnana or knowledge. She is the representation of many philosophical concepts. As stated in the Sahasranamam, the reciter of the listener is freed from heinous sins, attain children, get their wishes fulfilled, get rid of diseases, and secure wealth and overall prosperity.
"1. Karunya Stabaka
2. Kataksha Stabaka
3. Mangala Stabaka
4. Iswarya Stabaka
Phala Stabaka
Sri Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity is always praised, prayed and extolled by many poets in Sanskrit for, without her grace, it is difficult to pull on life in this mundane universe.
Sri Venkatadvari, the Sanskrit poet of Arasani Palai, near Kanchipuram, composed 1018 verses and divided them into 25 sections named as stabakas (bunches), each one highlighting the greatness of Lakshmi. Reciting and listening to the verses of Lakshmi Sahasram shall bestow on devotees Her Blessings for fulfillment of all the aspirations in life.
This Compact Disc Contains Karunya Stabaka, Kataksha Stabaka, Mangala Stabaka and a few verses from lswarya stabaka and phala stabaka. Mrs.prema Rengarajan has recited the hymns with dignity, diction and a keen outpouring has been conceived and guided by Dr.Thiagarajan.
"Veda means the ultimate knowledge. They are the revelations or the breath of the ultimate real super human being that ever exists. Among the four Vedas, the Rig Veda is ancient and is the first and foremost scripture that had recorded the date orally transmitted by the Supreme Divine Being.
From time immemorial believed that the vibrations of the Vedic recitation is sacred and fulfills all the human aspirations.
Amongst many suktas recited for various purpose, a few suktas were chosen as the best, as they comprise of spells directed towards the respective divinities to bestow health, wealth, prosperity knowledge and above all to wash away all kinds of sin committed by human beings knowingly or unknowingly.
Hence in this compact dis, purusha Sukta and pavamaana Sukta, are recited with perfect diction on the rig Vedic tradition by Brahmasri C.Satyanarayana Ghanapathi and K.Shyamasundara Bhatta under the guidance of Dr.R.Thiangarajan.
"1. Khilabhaga
2. Nathamanhi Iti Suktam
3. Iti Va Iti Suktam
4. Asyavamiya Suktam
Aasirvaatha Mantram
Veda means the ultimate knowledge. They are the revelations or the breath of the ultimate real super human being that ever exists. Among the four Vedas, the Rig Veda is ancient and is the first and foremost scripture that had recorded the date orally transmitted by the Supreme Divine Being. From time immemorial believed that the vibrations of the Vedic recitation is sacred and fulfills all the human aspirations.
Amongst many suktas recited for various purpose, a few suktas were chosen as the best, as they comprise of spells directed towards the respective divinities to bestow health, wealth, prosperity knowledge and above all to wash away all kinds of sin committed by human beings knowingly or unknowingly.
Hence in this compact disc khiahaga, Nathamanhi iti Suktam iti va iti Suktam, Asyavamiya Suktam, Aasirvaatha Mantram are recited with perfect diction on the rig Vedic tradition by Brahmasri C.Satyanarayanana Ghanpaathi and K.Shyamasundra Bhatta under the guidance of Dr.R.Thaigarajan.
"1. Sri Ayyappa Gayathri & Dhyanam
2. Sri Panchakshara Stothram
3. Sri Pancharathnam
4. Sri Bagyasambava Panchakam
5. Sri Boothanada Kavacham
6. Sri Mahasasthashtakam
7. Sri Hariharathmashtakam
8. Sri Sabharigiriashtakam
9. Sri Sathanamavali
10. Bootha Nadashtakam
11. Sri Sastha Bhajangam
12. Sri Dharmasastha Sthuthi Sathkam
13. Sri Sabari Gireesa Sapthasloki
14. Boothanandha Sambodhanam
15. Sri Mahastha Stuthi
16. Bootha Nadha Vimsathi
17. Sri Hariharathmayashtakam
18. Manglam
"1. Saranamappa
2. Paaduvathu
3. Ellorum
4. Boomiyil
5. Panguniyil
6. Engalukku
7. Engeyo
8. Nadhiyoram
9. Saranam Olikkuthu
10. Onnampadi
11. Irumudi Iraivanin
12. Appanukku Paadam Sona
13. Kaarthigai Maasam
"1. Ayyappa... Ayyappa
2. Karthikai Maasam
3. Kanda Kanda
4. Puli Vaganam
5. Thom Thom Thathikitta
6. Yaarai Nimbi
7. Killipannay
8. Sami Sami
9. Manam Kanda
10. Padipattu
"1. Sathiyamae Sathguruvae
2. Valli Murugannaiyah
3. Muruga Unn Pasathil
4. Aarupadai
5. Shanmuganae Saravananae
6. Aarupadai Thanil
7. Mayiladum Soliyilae
8. Muruga Muruga
9. Sarananjali
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders.
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
9. Music therapy enhances the concentration level of children
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music improves the capacity of planning
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too
13. Music therapy stimulates beta cell activities
The present day negative stress leads to many physiological problems. It comes to surface by affecting the physiological functions of one or more organs either temporarily or permanently. Heart and Pancreas are the easily affected organs.
In the Diabetic, the carbohydrate supply of the liver is low, due to deficient storage primarily as a consequence of lack of insulin. Because of that lack, sugar cannot pass from the blood into the liver and other cells that require it; thus blood sugar level is high. The sugar in the form of complex carbohydrate (glycogen), which is released into the blood stream on demand-the demand typically being the action of epinephrine.
Classical music as a refined sound stimulates the тАЬBeta CellтАЭ activity in the organ and ensures normality over a period in all aspects. In emotional situations, blood sugar level is often affected. Classical music helps to present the quality of neurotransmitters-epinephrine in a subtle manner. Music plays a wonderful role in this aspect. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
9. Music therapy enhances the concentration level of children
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music improves the capacity of planning
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too
13. Music therapy enhances quality of neural тАЬengramтАЭ
14. Music therapy enhances the quality of protein releases of brain chemicals
15. Music therapy enhances the quality of neurotransmitters.
Learning takes place only with memory. Learning is the process of building up memories for future use. Neural basis for retention is termed as тАЬengramтАЭ. Memory is the тАЬstatic residueтАЭ of past activity in a neural pathway. Each learning trial involves reactivating the same neural circuit. Eventually, the circuit is in some sense permanently modified, and when it stimulated only partially later, the entire circuit is reactivated.
Music enhances the bio-chemical nature of the memory. The Swaras/notes of the selected ragas are played in such a way to activate the potential chemical agent. The individual memory is the prime satisfying aspect in the therapy. Music as refined sounds gets into the neural circuit to take its own specified neural path. There are a number of chemical substances are involved in the тАЬmemory moleculeтАЭ. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed. These ragas help to activate the neural circuit and enhance the concentration of the individual.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibrations in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
7. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
8. Music bring about a sense of mental well being in individuals
9. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music therapy conditions the heart
12. Music therapy reduces hypertension
13. Music therapy reduces unaccompanied explicit behavioral manifestations
14. Music therapy helps to restrain the emotional outbursts
The present day heavy schedule on individuals and work pressure tolls, first the mindset and then many organs. The beating heart is a delicate mechanism, highly sensitive to emotion-provoking situations. Many research and several independent studies relate emotional circumstances to physiological conditions effecting cardiovascular function as well as to the cardiovascular pathology. When the work pressure was greatest, serum cholesterol fell and the whole-blood clotting time was accelerated. Like that when work pressure is reducing these things will also come to normality.
Classical music with is unique swara/note structure ensures calm and cozy mind by exposure and subdues the emotion provoking situations. Music plays an effective role in subduing the so-called emotional imbalance. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pleasant tunes transfers good vibration in the atmosphere
2. Music acts on our mind before being transformed into thought and feeling
3. Music influences the lower and higher cerebral centers of the brain
4. Use of music as a therapy helps search of an individualтАЩs personal harmony
5. Music therapy is an important tool in the treatment of both psychological and psychosomatic disorders
6. Music therapy stimulates good vibrations in the nerves of the listeners
7. Music brings about a sense of mental well being in individuals
8. Music therapy helps to clear the junked thought in mind, which leads to have positive frame of mind
9. Music therapy enhances the concentration level of children
10. Effect of music on the behavior is enormous
11. Music improves the capacity of planning
12. Music training helps to express refined exhibition of emotions and clarity in cognition too
13. Music therapy enhances quality of neural тАЬengramтАЭ
14. Music therapy enhances the quality of protein releases of brain chemicals
15. Music therapy enhances the quality of neurotransmitters.
Stress is the most imprecise word in the scientific dictionary. The present day heavy schedule of work and other activities extols the individualтАЩs positive mindset.
Stress has become a major buzzword and legitimate concern of the times. Stress is an inevitable part of everyday life for every one of us. Stress is of two types. One is positive the other is negative. Negative stress leads to physiological problems, which in turn leads to psychosomatic problems. Continuous exposure to stress, the individualтАЩs Psychological and physiological resources become depleted; leads to gastrointestinal problems.
Stress either positive or negative music plays a wonderful role in overcoming the same. Ragas with specific notes with its vibration give relief from stress and help maintain freshness of the mind. Listening to music as a habit enhances the quality of some chemicals in the brain neurotransmitters-which are helpful in restoring calm and relaxation. The selected ragas given in this album are very special with its effects with regard to its notes/swaras and the way it has been essayed.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.Mythily, PhD, a Research Scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therepist. A doctoral degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR a performing vocalist, disciple of the perfoming phenomena of the century, world celebrity, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna. At presents she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road, and Chennai-600006. India.
"1. Pamba Nadi
2. Ayyappa
3. Paavana Sree
4. Vannam Poosi
5. Maaligayin
6. Chandana Vaasam
7. Anthara Sundara
8. Irumudi
"1. Pallikattu
2. Pamba Vilakku
3. Kaliyuga Varatha
4. Vantha Kadan
5. Nei Abishegam
6. Swamy Swamy
7. Santhana Kattril
8. Pala Thena
9. Achan Koil
10. Kattukkule
"1. Jai Sri Saibaba
2. Sairam Endral
3. Ulagin Oliye
4. Jaya Jaya Saibaba
5. Vangayya Vanga
6. Vaanam Boomi
7. Vanna Vanna
8. Sai Nathanai
9. Baba Saibaba
10. Amma Ivar
"1. Sudarsana Gayathri
2. Sudarsana Sahasra Namam
3. Sudarsana Shatkam
4. Sudarsana Ashtakam
5. Shoda Sayudha Sthothram
6. Panchayudha Sthothram
7. Sudarsana Kavacham
8. Sowlabya Choodamani Sthothram
9. Sudarsana Gadhyam
10. Sudarsana Mangalam
Mantras and Stotras are the mystical formulae of sound or tune and their repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in them. They were discovered by our ancestors to invoke powers from the infinite cosmic energy for the welfare of humans to enjoy a pleasant and peaceful stay on this earth.
Sudarsana is the weapon, the Discus (the defence against all enimical forces), supposed to have been presented by Visvakarma to Mahavishnu. Later on, when the Lord Incarnated as Krishna, it descended from the orbit of the Sun as a present from the God Agni and the Lord is said to have wielded this weapon against Indra and also on other occasions in order to extirpate the demonic forces.
Prayers to Sudarsan guarantees protection to those who recite it, or hear it and meditate upon it. This Compact Disc begins with Sundarsana Gayatri and continues with Sudarsana Sahasranamam, Sudarsana Shatkam, and Sundarsanashlakam, shodasayudha Stotram, Panchayudha Statram Sudarsana Kavacham, Saulabhya Choodamani Storam, Sundarsana Gadyam and Sudarsana Mangalam.
Hearing or meditation of the chanting of these powerful sacred Stotras remove poverty destroy enemies, drive away the evil and enimical forces or obstacles of any kind, fulfill all ambitions, and bestows happiness, good health, prosperity wisdom success in all endeavors and at last the divine beatitude.
The divine recitation of these Hymns has been rendered by Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, Sri Malokakannan, and Sri Ranganathan being guided by Dr.R.Thiagarajan, M.A., Ph.D., and Head of the postgraduate and Research Dept. of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai and the famous music director Mr.Manikkaivinayakam.
"1. Vaalparai Vattaparai
2. Seena Thaana
3. Pattampoochi
4. Thulli Thulli
5. Malligai Vasami
6. Paris Tower
7. Santhana Theru
8. Machi Machi
9. Anbe, I DonтАЩt Care
10. Thanjavur
"1. Sri Tripurasundari Gayathri & Sri Bala Sahasranamam
2. Sri Bala Kavacham
3. Sri Bala Sthavaraja
4. Sri Devi Bujanga Prayatha
5. Sri Manthramathrika Pushpamala Sthavaha
6. Sri Tripura Sundari Stotram
7. Sri Lalitha Pancha Rathnam
8. Sri Bala Ashtottara Sathanamavalli
9. Mangalam
Bala Tripursundari, the most beautiful in the three worlds of Patala, the nether world, Bhoolaka, the Earth and Swarga, the Heaven, an aspect of Goddess. Bala means тАШgirlтАЩ, this aspect of the Red Goddess is the most highly erotic of her three aspects, as the 1000 names show. Bala is an adolescent woman, Tripurasundari a mother, Shri Bala is the Goddess bestowing both enjoyment and liberation. It is said that Shri Bala Tirpura gives Siddhi quickly. By devotion to Shakti, one comes to know the entire vermilion ocean of bliss, the hidden essence of Bala. Whoever meditates on Devi through hymns and mantras, immediately goins the whole mass of happiness and gains knowledge? A mantra is divine power manifesting in a sound structure. Sounds are vibrations which are in the nature of unfailing keys to gain access into the transcendental realms of absolute experience. Listening to the repetition of a mantra or the hymns has a mysterious power of bringing about the manifestation of the divinity. The glory of the Names of Goddess cannot be established through reasoning and intellect. It can be experienced or realized only through devotion, faith and constant repetition of the name.
Hence, for the benefit of devotes, this divine capsule in the form of Compact Disc contains Sri Tripuasundari Gayathri, Sri Bala Sahasranamam, Sri Balakavacham, Sri Balasthavaraja, Sri Devi Bhyjangaprayata Stotram, SriTripurasundari Storam, Sri Lalitha Pancharatnam, Sri Bala Ashottarasatanamavali and Mangalam.
These are recited in the traditional tunes by Prof.R.Thigarajan, the Head of the P.G. and research Dept of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Shri.P.S.Raghuraman, Smt.A.K.Chandra and Sri Bhaktavasalam, with the support of the famous music director Shri.V.R.Manikkavinayakam.
"1. Sri Vishnu Gayathri,Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja and Poorvanga Satyanarayana Pooja
2. Sri Satyanarayana Praadhana Pooja
3. Sri Achyutashtakam
This Pooja is for Vishnu who is also called Sri Satynarayana. The performance of this Pooja is narrated in the Skanda Purana. When on an occasion Maharishi Narada asked the Lord Narayana what whould be the ideal solution for the people who are afflicted by Poverty, anxiety, peacelessness, sins and rebirth, the Lord prescribes this Satyanarayana Pooja. The lord in the manifestation of Satyanarayana holds a club, a conch shell, a discuss and a lotus in his four hands. He covers the universe in there strides: the earth as fire, the atmosphere as lightning, and the sky as the sun. He is extremely gentle of nature and personality thus symbolizing good fortune and wealth and is the favorite of merchants and traders. Together Vishnu and Lakshmi are a popular duo, worshipped by families seeking material welfare. This Pooja can be performed of this Pooja get all the material pleasures in plenty apart from the final beatitude. Hence, this compact Disc contains Sri Vishnu Gayathri, Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja, Poorvanga Satyanaryana Pooja, Sri Satyanarayana Praadhana Pooja and Achyutashtakam.
This Pooja programme is done with devotion in the traditional manner as taught by our ancient preceptors by Prof.R.Thiyagarajan, the Head of the P.G.and Research Department of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team Sri Raguraman, A K Chandra and Bhatavatsalam with the technical support of the famous Music Director. Sri V.R.Manickavinayakam, SUPER AUDIO MADRAS PVT LTD., feels proud to place this presentation for all the devotees to enjoy a prosperous and peaceful life by performing the Pooja listening to the direction through audio by the competent Guru.
"1. Sadapalaya тАУ G.N.Balasubramaniam тАУ Mohanam тАУ Adi
2. Needayarada тАУ Thyagaraja Vasanthabhairavi - Roopakam
1. Biranabrovaide тАУ Tharangampadi Panchanadayyar тАУ Kalyani тАУ Thisra Adi
3. Rajuvedale тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Thodi - Roopakam
4. Needan Mechi Kolla Vendum тАУ Oothukadu Venkatesa Subbayyar тАУ Sri Ranjani Adi
5. Ennallu тАУ Thyagaraja - Subhayanthuvarali - Misrachappu
6. Edayyagati тАУ Koteeswarayer тАУ Chalanata - Adi
7. Devadideva тАУ Mysore тАУ Vasudevachar тАУ Sunodhavinodhini - Adi
8. Ramakatha тАУ Thyagaraja тАУ Madhyamavathi - Adi
9. Sri Madhava тАУ Papanasam Sivan тАУ Behaag - Adi
10. Namabhajare тАУ Papanasam Sivan Mand - Adi
11. Ennasolli Azhaithal тАУ Ambujam Krishna тАУ Kannada - Adi
"1. Gajavadhana тАУ Hamsadvani тАУ Adi тАУ Purandaradasar
2. Sri Valli тАУ Nattabairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
3. Pavanaguru тАУ Hamsadvani тАУ Roopakathalam тАУ Lalithadhasar
4. Mosashmu тАУ Saramathi тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Sri Chakra тАУ Ragamaliga тАУ Adi тАУ Agasthiyar
6. Sambosivasambo тАУ Revathi тАУ Adi тАУ Dayananda Saraswathi
"1. Maguva (Varnam) тАУ Narayanagaula тАУ Atatalam тАУ Veena Kuppaiyar
2. Ini Namakkoru Kavalai Illai тАУ Bilahari тАУ Roopakam тАУ Koteeswara Iyer
3. Sukiewaro - Kanada - Adi - Thyagaraja
4. Seethapathi тАУ Khamas - Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Ardhanaareeshwaram - Kumudharkriya - Chaturasa Roopakam - Muthuswamy Dikshithar
6. Kaliyugavaradan - Brindavana Saranga - Adi - Periasamy Thooran
"1. Nrisimha Gayatri
2. Nrisimha Dyanam
3. Sri Yoga Lakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham
4. Kamasikashtakam
5. Nrisimhashtakam
6. Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalamba Stotram (Adi Sankarar)
7. Lakshmi Nrisimha Karavalamba Stotram (Azhagiya Singer)
8. Nrisimha Kavacham
9. Runavimochana Nrisimha Stotram
10. Sri Lakshmi Nrisimha Sahasranama Stotram
11. Palasruthi
12. Mangalam
Lord Mahavishnu incarnates when evil dominates over virtues. Lord Lakshmi Narasimha is a supreme incarnation who is the rescuer of His devotees at times of distress. When Hiranyakasipu, the father of Prahalada exhibited the demonic qualities and committed atrocities with out faith in the Divine super natural powers, there appeared the Lord from the pillar, with a fierce ful sound, to prove the faith of Prahalada who was a staunch devotes of the Lord Vishnu. It is believed that Lord Narasimha for rescue as He is kind to His bhakras as in the case of prahalada. He may be terrific in form but He is very kind at heart. Swami Vedanta Desika says though a lon is ferocious; it is very kind to its cubs. The gtratness of Narasimha-upsana cannot be described in words. The chanting of his тАШStotrasтАЩ grants all aspirations. Also, it can cure all sorts of poisonous diseases. It can bestow mastery in all sciences and arts. Infinite indeed is the power of His stotras. The Slokas in this Compact Disc Contain the Slokas that are as Listed above and are tuned in the Spiritual rhythm and recited by Dr.R.Thiagarajan the Head of the post graducate and Research Dept. of Sanskrit , Presidency College, Chennai with his team Sri.P.S.Raghuraman, M.A.M.Phil., Sri.K.Bhatavatsalam and Sri.P.Murali., with the technical support by the famous Music Director Sri.V.R.Manikkavinayakam, SUPER AUDIO(MADRAS) P.LTD., the producers of this Compact Disc wish all the devotees to obtain the grace of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha to lead a life a prosperity and spiritual enlighement!
"1. Ganapathy Dyanam Guru Vandhanam
2. Sri Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtothra Sathanama Stothram
4. Thulasi Stothram
5. Annapoornashtakam
6. Durga Kavasam
7. Saraswathi Stothram Saraswathi Namsthubhyam
8. Shyamala Dhandakkam
9. Sri Raja Rajeshwari Ashtakam
10. Amba Pancharatnam
11. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
Every being in this earth is the product of fusion of Energy and Matter. The quantum and the quality of vital Energy ensure the wholesome functioning of the spirit and the physique. The powers of various kinds are generated from the energy and their storage of restoration relieves the mental agony and sorrows as well as the physical ailments. Our ancestors out of their experience were aware of the long tested methods of tapping the source of energy to derive the maximum benefits. The contact with that reservoir of energy is established through the medium of sound and through waves. The manifestation of that manifold Energy is deified in feminine form as Devi (Goddess) for Meditation purpose and the contact with her is maintained though the spell of Mantras or recitation or musical rendering of Stotras.
Devi is being invoked-as Saraswathi to energies intelligence, as Lakshmi for the shower of riches, as Durga for the increase of strength. This trinity has the personifications such as syamala, Tulasi, Sri Rajarajeswari, Amba and Meenakshi due to their permutations of powers. The stotras sung in the divine language Sanskrit, addressing and describing the Deities derives the powers desired by the devotees. The hearing of these stotras remove the sin, poverty and enemies. And it bestows health and wealth, and at last leads to bliss.
Therefore, this C.D. includes in it, Ganapathi Dhyanam, Guruvadanam, the pauranic Sri Mahalkshmi Ashtakam, Sri Lakshmi ashottata stotram, Tulasi stotram, Adi ShankaraтАЩs Annapoornashtakam, Durga Kavacham, Sarawathi Stotram the most famous Syamala Dandakam of kalidasa, Sri Rajarajeswari Ashatkam, Amba and Meenakshi Pancharatnams.
The celebrated classical melodist Mrs.Anuradha Krishnamurthy has rendered these divine songs with the graceful music, under the guidance of the famous music Director, Mr, Manicka vinayagam. This has been complied and the pronunciation attested by Dr.R.Thagarajan, MA.Ph.D., the Head of Postgraduate and Research Dept of Sanskrit,Presidency College, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
"1. Surya тАУ Sourashtram тАУ Dhuruva Talam
2. Chandram Bhajamanasa тАУ Asaveri тАУ Matya Talam
3. Angarakamashrayamyaham тАУ Surati тАУ Roopakam
4. Budhamashrayami тАУ Natakurinji тАУ Misra Jhampa Talam
5. Brihaspate тАУ Atana тАУ Tisra Triputa Talam
6. Sri Sukrabhagavantam тАУ Paras тАУ Khanta Jati Ata Talam
7. Divakara tanujam тАУ yadukulamkambhoji тАУ Khanta Jati Ata Talam
8. Smaramyaham тАУ Ramapriya тАУ Roopakam
9. Mahasuram тАУ Shanmukapriya тАУ Roo pakam
"1. Margazhi thingal
2. Vaiyaathu Vazhveergal
3. Ongi ulagalantha
4. Azhimazhai Kanna
5. Mayanai
6. Pullum silambina kanna
7. Keesu keesendrengum
8. Kizhvanam vellendru
9. Thoomani madthu
10. Notru chuvargam
11. Katrukaravai kanangal
12. Kanatilanga katrerumal
13. Pullinvai keendanai
14. Ungal puzhakkadai
15. Elle elangkiliye
16. Nayaganai nindra
17. Ambarame thanneere
18. Unthumathakalitran
19. Kuthu vilakkeriye
20. Muppathu moovar amarakku
21. Yetra kalangal
22. Anganma gnalathu
23. Marimalai muzhanjil
24. Andrivulagam alanthai
25. Oruthi mahanai piranthu
26. Maalay manivanna
27. Koodarai vellum seer
28. Karavaigal pin sendru
29. Sitransiru kale
30. Vangakadal kadaintha
Andal is one of the most extraordinary personalities in religious history. She is known in her native tongue of Tamil as an Alvar, one who is тАЬimmersedтАЭ in the depths of enjoyment of God, the omnipresent mysterious One, and Andal is one of the best-loved poet-saints of the Tamils. Pious tradition reckons her to be the veritable descent of Bhumi Devi (Mother Earth) in bodily form to show humanity the way to His lotus feet. She is present in all Sri Vanishnava temples, in India and elsewhere, next to her Lord, as she always desired.
Andal is remembered for her poetry, in which she often strikes autobiographical notes about her love for her Lord. She describes herself as a young girl, still not fully mature, pining away for Him. She beseeches her friends, the god of love, and even animals for help in her quest to attain Him. Finally, she describes her good fortune of being the daughter of Vishnucitta, the best of the devout, who lives in Srivilliputtur and adores the Lord.
Her first work is the Tiruppavai, a poem of thirty verses in which Andal imagines herself to be a cowherd girl during the incarnation of Lord Krishna. She yearns to serve Him and achieve happiness not just in this birth, but for all eternity, and describes the religious vow (pavai) that she and her fellow cowgirls will take for this purpose.
Thiruppavai the collection of 30 hymns considered as the necklace among the prabhandams is the yearning for eternal service to god with the total and unconditional surrender to GOD.
"1. Rudram
2. Dvadasa Jyothilinga
3. Lingashtakam
4. Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
5. Ardhanareeswara Sthothram
6. Sri Nateshtakam
7. Siva Panchakshara Nakshatramaalaa
8. Om Arunachaleswaraya
9. Kaalabhairava Ashtkam
10. Maargabandhu Stotra
11. Mrytynujaya Stotra
12. Mrytynujaya Mantra
The power and glory of Lord Shiva pervades the cosmos and shines as consciousness in the hearts of all beings. To appewciare the divine attributes of Shiva and worship Him in the traditional manner is to attain victory in all endeavors and ultimately realise the true lord in the heart. Siva is the Supreme Being for whom even aakaasha, the subtlest of elements is a symbol. As the Vedic Rudra, he destroys darkness and evil that stand in the way of divine realization. As Dakshinamurthy, He is the supreme teacher and blesses devotees with ripeness, wisdom and mastery. As Ardhanareeswara, He is the One who shows perfect harmony between the seemingly opposite male and female elements and blesses devotees with marital bliss and happiness. As Nataraja, the dancing lord of Chidambaram, he signifies the dance of divine energy in the cosmos and in our hearts, As Maarabandhu, Shiva is the protector on the part, and function as our armour during journery. As Kaalabhairava, He helps devotes make the best use of their time and achieve the purpose of human life. As jyothrilinga, or lingas of light he manifests Himslef in various divine centres and blesses worshippers with bliss and knowledge. As Namashivaaya, the five-syllabled mantra, he is the way and guide to divinity. As Mrityunjaya, He blesses devotees with heart and long life and confers immortality. This CD comprising powerful hymns of the glorious manifestation of Lord Shiva is a sure way of unlocking the divine power and blessings of Lord Shiva.
"1. Vathapi Ganapathim тАУ Hamsadhwani тАУ Adi тАУ Dikshithar тАУ Nadhaswaram тАУ Jayashankar and Valayapatti
2. Siddhi Vinayaka тАУ Nattai тАУ Adi тАУ Ramaswamy Sastry - Violin and Thavil -Kunnakudi Vaidyanathan and Valayapatti
3. Gnana Vinayaka тАУ Gambeera Nattai тАУ Saravanabavananda тАУ Nadhaswaram тАУ Dr.Sheik Chinna Moulana
4. Siddhi Vinayaka тАУ Shanmuga Priya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Dikshithar тАУ Nadhaswaram тАУ M.P.N.Sethuraman & M.P.N.Ponnu Sawmy
5. Pahi Pahi Ganapathi тАУ Hamsadwani тАУ Roopakam тАУ Chidambaram тАУ Mandolin тАУ U.Srinivas
6. Mahaganapathe тАУ Kanada тАУ Roopakam тАУ Koteeswara Iyer тАУ Veena тАУ E.Gayatri
7. Vinayaka тАУ Hamsathwani - Adi тАУ Veenai Kuppaiyer тАУ Flute тАУ Dr.N.Raman
Ganapati, the God of Good Beginnings confers success, wealth and knowledge on devotees. Millions of devoted seek the elephant-faced lordтАЩs grace before embarking on any endeavor and find their actions capped with victory. Ganapati is the greatest benefactor of humanity. > Ganapati helps mortals and celestials to overcome all obstacles and attain victory.>Ganapati confers wealth and other boons on devotes (Varapradam)>Ganapati blesses the devotes with spiritual progress, being established at Moolaadhara, the yogic chakra at the base of the spinal chord.>GanapatiтАЩs very form represents the Pranava, or Omkaara, the single most potent mantra of the Vedas. As such he is extremely powerful.
Ganapati, who is also called Vinayaka, the supreme, Lambodhara, the god with the big belly, Vigneshwara, the god who destroys obstacles, Vakrathunda, god of the curved trunk(signifying removal of illusion) is always well-disposed to devotees and confers blessing magnanimously. The vibrations of victory that Vinayaka confers are embodied in the masterpieces of great composers like Muthuswami Dikshithar. These have been recorded here by the masters of the nagaswaram and thavil, the south Indian instruments that spell auspiciousness, and of the veena, violin and flute, instruments greatly suited to reflect the subtle nuances and graces of Carnatic Music. This album that brims with potent intimations of GanapatiтАЩs positive vibrations is sure to enliven your life and further your progress.
"1. Ganapathi Dyanam
2. Purusa Suktam
3. Durga Suktam
4. Narasimhastakam
5. Sri Raghu Veera Gadyam
6. Soorya Gayathri
7. Adithya Hridayam
8. Kaliya Mardanam
9. Sri Lakshmi Havagriva Stotram
10. Sudarsana Mantra
11. Mahalakshmi Mantra
12. Shodashayudha Stotram
13. Ayyapa Pancharatnam
14. Hanuman Bhujangam
Sanskrit, тАШthe language of IndiaтАЩs soulтАЩ, is the only language in which sound, word and meaning are one. In Sanskrit, the meanings of fundamental roots of words are not arbitrary. The sages discovered them through intuition. The mantras in Sanskrit have the capacity to transform the devotee by putting him directly in touch with the divne powers. In this album, rare mantras and powerful hymns that bring the blessings of life are rendered authentically by famous artistes.
"1. Saundarya Lahari
2. Sri Suktham
3. Mahishasura Mardhini
4. Annapoorna Stotram
5. Sri Saraswathi
6. Saraswathi Suktam
7. Vani Stavam
8. Lakshmi Dandakam
Sound (Shabda) is the cause of the world, and mantra is the subtlest sound discovered by the Indian sages to tap the creative energies of the world. Chanting mantras and listening to chants puts the individual at the centre of positive forces that confer victory in all undertakings. Listening to the mantras in this album and meditating on the sounds activates divine energies that ensure the well-being of the individual in every way.
"1. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
2. Sri Kamalambikayai
3. Kanakadhara Stotram
4. Mooka Pancha Shati
5. Durga Ashtottaram
6. Varahi Gayathri
7. Pratyangira Gayathri
8. Sri Mahalakshmi Mantra
9. Kali Ashtakam
10. Sri Varalakshmi
She is the power of Will, she is the power of Action, and she is the power of Knowledge. She is the power and consciousness that animates all the worlds. By propitiating the Goddess, a seeker attains all the rewards of a great life-power, wealth, fame, creativity, health, longevity and the bliss of divine union. Let тАШThe Power of the GoddessтАЩ based on the ancient Sanskrit mantras make you a winner.
"1. Ganapathi Mantra
2. Gayathri Mantra
3. Isavasya
4. Lakshmi Ashtothra
5. Rudhram
6. Chamakam
7. Krishna Gayathri
8. Soorya Gayathri
9. Mrytunjaya Mantra
Mantras are subtle vibrations that protect those who chant them. These potent waves of sound energy release constructive forces that confer success and victory in all endeavours. Assured passports to a life of triumph like the Gayatri Mantra and the Mrityunjaya Mantra, as well as powerful hymns from ancient Vedic and Sanskrit sources are rendered here by famed authorities. тАШMantra MeditationтАЩ is manna for those seeking spiritual vibrations for success, health and peace.
"1. Ganapathi Vandana
2. Ganapathi Mantram
3. Subramanya Bhujangam
4. Om Saravana Bhava Mantra
5. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
6. Dhanvantri Gayathri
7. Purusha Suktam
8. Hayagriva Gayathri
9. Sri Dashinamurthy Pancharathna
10. Shiva Bhujangam
11. Mantra Pushpam
12. Om Arunchaleswaraya Namaha
Sound (shabda) is the cause of the world, and mantra is the subtlest sound discovered by the Indian sages to tap the creative energies of the world. Chanting mantras and listening to chants puts the individual at the centre of positive forces that confer victory in all undertakings. Listening to the mantras in this album and meditating on the sounds activates divine energies that ensure the well-being of the individual in every way.
"1. Amma En Maari
2. Kanivumigum
3. Padavettu
4. Thimbam Malainilam
5. Thiruvalangattamma
6. Manadhai Padaithaen
7. Kadal Kalangida
8. Vepanthazhai
9. Kannapuram
10. Kottaiyil
11. Amma Mariamma
12. Kaliamma
"1. Tirupura Sundari
2. Kamatchi
3. Karpagam
4. Chamundeeswari
5. Akilandeswari
6. Abirami
7. Mookambigai
8. Ambigai Roopangal
9. Meenatchi
10. Mahishasura Mardhini
11. Uravendru
12. Aiyai Sakthi Nee
13. Mangadu Kovililae
"1. Amma Mariyamma
2. Kaliamma
3. Aayi Magamayi
4. Mangadu Ennum
5. Aadhi Parasakthi
6. Aadu Paambae
7. Maari Maari
8. Om Om
9. Aathalai Vaazhthi Paadu
10. Verum Sagathiyay тАУ Anuradha Sriram
11. Deviyae тАУ Anuradha Sriram
12. Singara тАУ Anuradha
"1. Kallellam
2. Megam Karukudhu
3. Aatha Nee
4. Onkari
5. Chinna Thayee
6. Thanga Nerathazhagi
7. Senthoora Kottai
8. Thaayaga Neeyum
9. Aadi Vandha
"1. Moochil Kalandha Uyire
2. Kadaloram Thiruthavam
3. Mounam Sollum
4. Azhaikindra Kural
5. Sakthi Vadivanavalin
6. Devi Karumari
7. Vaigaraiyena
8. Nee Ulagin Oli
9. Kaathiduvaal Umai
"1. Sakthi Therigiraal
2. Verkaattu Nayakiye
3. Parasuramar Padaithaa
4. Manakalakkam Theerthu
5. Varavendum
6. Kollurukku Vaa
7. Unjalaadum Ponniamma
8. Mangadu Kamatchi
9. Putru Man Eduthu
10. Durgai Peyar
11. Bomalattam - Shuba
12. Karumaari - Shuba
13. Thee Chatti - Shuba
"1. Aadi Thaer
2. Sakthi Unnai
3. Periyavalae Amma
4. Azhagil Perazhagu
5. Thaayamma
6. Appadi Ippadi
7. Vetta Veli
8. Aadu Aadu
9. Magamayi
"1. Ododi Vanthala Maari
2. Vandhom Thaaye
3. Perumaikor
4. Manjal Medai Kovil
5. Maanjolai Naduvinilae
6. Senthooram Konjum
7. Manalveli Yengum
8. Paarungo Thaaye
9. Abishekam Seyathaanae
"1. Aadiyila Adi
2. Vaanathu Minnazhagi
3. Vanna Thiruverkaadu
4. Mel Malayanooru
5. Nagavalli
6. Mullai Poovai
7. Chekka Chekka
8. Mariamma
9. Aadharam Kandu
10. Kungumathu
"1. Navarathri Nayagiye
2. Ezhilmigum Kumari
3. Shree Durga Jeyadurga
4. Thirumagalae
5. Kummiadi Pennay
6. Paambanai Melthigazh
7. Ponmedaithanil Mevum
8. Aaru Arivodu
9. Kalvi Perunkadalay
10. Amma Un Thiruvadika
"1. Vadivelan
2. Maanodum
3. Annal Unadhu
4. Paamban Swamigal
5. Kanavugal Muruga
6. Muruga En mun
7. Maanikka Vellaiya
8. Un Arulaal
9. Muthum vairamum
10. Maasam Moonu
11. Unnaipaadum
12. Kavadiyaam Kavadi
13. Vadivangal Pala
"1. Saravana
2. Oraru
3. Valliyin
4. Annai Umai
5. Vallimalai
6. Thayai Pola
7. Ettu Dhisai
8. Kundrathur
9. Sannidhiyil
10. Kandanavan
"1. Vaakundam
2. Ponmani
3. Abishegam
4. Kannaal Unnai
5. Thayai Vanangugiren
6. Vaa Vaa Muruga
7. Thigattadha Inippe
8. Yennenna
9. Enaku Vendum
10. Murugan Potri
11. Murugan Un
"1. Muruga Enbadhu
2. Santhana Medaiyum
3. Paaltharum
4. Padaiveetin
5. Muruga Idhu En
6. Sol Ondru
7. Malar Siriyathu
8. Yendha Nilayilum
9. Thiruneeru Poosi
10. Pachai Kalaimayil
"1. Onnam Karagamadi
2. Om Sakthi
3. Amuda Kudam Pol
4. Amma En Maari
5. Vepilayin Nayagiyae
"1. Aanantham
2. Veppilayal
3. Arulin Mudal
4. Andari Sundari
5. Ulagaalum Thaaye
"1. Ore Nenjam
2. Aadugiral
3. Kann Paramma
4. Maampazhathu
5. Arulum Aalayam
6. Karpagavalliyin
7. Kodaiyile
8. Unadhu Nizhalil
9. Mahishanai Asuranai
10. Bhagavathiye
11. Aadhi Sakthi Neeye
12. Amma En
"1. Anbe Sivam
2. Palveru Namame
3. Deva Devane
4. Nalla Sivarathri
5. Sakthi Roopame
6. Dhanangalil
7. Ethanai Ethanai
8. Thanjam Thanjam
9. Iraivan
10. Aarathi
Sri Lalitha Sahasranamam
Soundarya Lahari
"1. Slocomb
2. Mahishasura Mardini Sthotram
3. Ashtalakshmi Sthotram
4. Annapurna Ashtakam
5. Bramarambika Sthotram
6. Sri Raja Rajeshwari Ashtakam
"1. Aadhi Parasakthi
2. Ganga Ganga
3. Sowbarnika
4. Pathu Maadham
5. Manjal Poosum
6. Kannatha
7. Paarkum Idam
8. Karumari Annaiyae
9. Maanikka Mookkuthi
10. Thaayana Thangam
11. Bommalattam тАУ Subha
"1. Balamuruganai
2. Thirupugazhin Osai
3. Imayam Thottu
4. Kandha Gugane
5. Muthu Thamizh Malai
6. Thirumurugan Vazhum
7. Mayil pola
8. Engum Niraintha
9. Valla Kottaiyum
10. Vel Murugan
11. Vadivel kondavan
12. Kandhan Endru
"1. Velodu
2. Sikkalile
3. Parkka Parkka
4. Ethanaiyo
5. Sirithaalum
6. Kodaikanal
7. Vaayarappada
8. Kadal Alaipayum
9. Om Om Murugaiya
10. Kavadigal
11. Balamurugane
12. Vadivel Kondavan
"1. Aanandha Muruga
2. Velirukka
3. Karumille
4. Malayile
5. Mayil Vaganane
6. Thamizh Pesum
7. Kundrellam
8. Vela Sakthi
9. Arumugathodu
10. Muthu Muthukumar
"1. Thanthanathan
2. Yarodu
3. Yenge Illai
4. Therodum
5. Neelakkadal
6. Appanukkum Padam
7. Avvai
8. Manaithedi
9. Ammai Appanukkulle
10. Thoppu Solai
"1. Vezha Muganin
2. Kanna Un
3. Kandhan Viradhangalin
4. Aavanithingal
5. Amma Umayavale
6. Malaimagale
7. Arulum Thiruve
8. Karthigai Madham
9. Kodiyai Nanmaigal
10. Ellarkkum
"1. Padhinaru Thirunamam
2. Aatrankarayil
3. Aavani Madham
4. Moovarum Devarum
5. Anubu Mugam
6. Thiruchi Malayil
7. Sivan Enum
8. Pudhidha Vacha
9. Adipaniyum
10. Kandhanukku
11. Adhi Mudalana
12. Unnai Naan
"1. Unaippadum
2. Kavadiyam Kavadi
3. Vadivangal Pala
4. Annai Solli
5. Kanakkana
6. Solla Sola
7. Muruga Un Peyar
8. Panguniyil Uthiramam
9. Malaigal Ethanai
10. Kandhan Thirukkoil
"тАШSacred morning chantsтАЩ is designed to fill the auspicious period of your dawn with the divine vibrations of powerful deities. Morning invocations seeking the blessings of Ganapati, Surya (the sun). Durga, Shiva, Karthikeya and Srinivasa release potent divine impulses into your mind that will shape a glorious future for you and your family. The chapter of the divine epic Ramayana, on the meeting of Hanuman with Rama and lakshmana is another special feature of this rate album. The dawn of a new beginningтАж.
1. Ganapathi Suprabatham
2. Ganapathi Pratasmaranam
3. Soorya Suprabatham
4. Soorya Gayathri
5. Soorya Pratasmaranam
6. Sri Durga Pratasmaranam
7. Sri Durga Prancharatnam
8. Shiva Pratasmaranam
9. Subramanya Suprabatham
10. Venkateswara Suprabatham
11. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
12. Ramayana Hanumad Sangamam
"1. Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha
2. Vathaphi Ganapathim
3. Isavasya
4. Hayagriva Gayathri
5. Lakshmi Hayagriva Stotra
6. Purusa suktam
7. Sri Raghu Veera Gadyam
8. Dhanvantri Gayathri
9. Pratyangira Mantras
10. Hanuman Gayatri
11. Aasirwadha Mantra
Sabda or sound is described in the scriptures as the cause of the universe and the manifestation of the power of supreme consciousness (chit-shakti). When the aspirant unites with the mantra-shakti, he unites with the supreme being itself. The subtlest mantra sounds captured in this album are divine channels that connect the seeker with constructive energies and awaken him to a higher consciousness. Success, health, prosperity and spiritual illumination are the rewards of these mantras.
"1. Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha
2. Shiva Ashottara Satanamavalli
3. Sri Rudram
4. Daridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram
5. Linga Ashtakam
6. Bilva Ashtakam
7. Shiva Bhujangam
8. Nataraja Tandava Stotram
9. Ardhanareeswara Stotram
10. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
Worship of Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being who is the friend and saviour of all living beings, brings auspiciousness and light into our lives. Lord ShivaтАЩs name, Aashutosh (quickly gratified) is testimony to the fact that he responds immediately to the prayers of devotees. This beautiful album evokes the grand vibrations of the supreme deity in his manifestation as Arunchaleswara the infinite pillar of light, Nataraja, the cosmic dancer, Rudra, the destroyer of ignorance and darkness, and the great Linga, symbol of the formless transcendent. A wonderful opportunity to propitiate Lord Shiva and earn his blessings.
"1. Marugelara
2. Neeradina Sri Rama
3. Kanuganu Sowkiyamu
4. Ezhilludaya Raghavane
5. Kana Kana Ruchira
The merit of the great compositions of Tyagaraja, the supreme composer of Carnatic music, is that they celebrate the glory of Lord Rama, an incarnation of the supreme being, in matchless music. In this album, you have great artistes celebrating these wonderful compositions as well as auspicious pieces on the deity sung during marriages. A divine album that shines with brilliant musical gems.
"1. Naadha Thanum Manusam
2. Chakkani Raja
3. Sobillu Saptaswara
4. Ganamurthy
5. Nagumomu
6. Vinatha Sutha
7. Banthu Reethi
8. Swara Raga
A grand tribute is paid to Thyagaraja, the greatest of composers through the greatest of temple instruments, the nadaswaram. The matchless masterpieces of the composer on the divine art of music flow like shining streams of diamond from the windpipe of Carnatic stalwarts. An album of great power and impact that you must not miss.
"1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter II
3. Krishna Ashtakam
4. Sri Lalitha Gayatri
5. Sri Lalitha Prathasmaranam
6. Sri Sarabeshwara Gayatri
7. Sri Sarabeshwara Ashtakam
8. Sri Sundarshana Gayatri
9. Mahalakshmi Gayatri
10. Kanakadhara Stotra
11. Sri Suktam
12. Sri Sabeshwara Ashtakam
Sanskrit is more than a language, it is a power. The great power of Sanskrit is distilled in mantras which are full of divine vibrations that protect the person who chants them and hears them. The mantras bring the body, mind and soul into harmony, and fill every aspect of the personality with energy and brightness. A marvelous culling of powerful mantras and hymns awaits you in this excellent album.
"1. Vaigai Karai Yedhu
2. Om Yennum Oliyae & Suprabatham
3. Tirumangalayam
4. Chintamaniyennum
5. Kaveri Karaiooram
6. Kannadi Paarthidama
7. Amma Un Kovil Vaasal
8. Thaerari Varaalae
9. Puthumedai Suttri Vandhaen
"1. Hara Hara Sankara
2. Nagendra Hara
3. Sambho Mahadeva
4. Kana Vendamo
5. Slokam & Nadamadi Thirinda
6. Ellorum Vaarangal
7. Sivaloka
8. Sabapathikku
9. Enneramum
10. Edadhu Paadam
11. Ayyem Ethukku
"1. Sri Venkateshwara Suprabatham
2. Sri Venkatesa Kavacham
3. Ranga Ranga Nadha - Subha
4. Nandhana тАУ Subha
"1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a Little Lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. Am a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnite
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the wesal
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a Little Lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. Am a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnite
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the wesal
"1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. If U R Happy
3. Its Raining
4. London Bridge
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. All around the Mulberry Bush
7. All Things Bright and Beautiful
8. Goosy Goosy Gander
9. Hush a Bye Baby
10. Hey Diddle
11. The farmer in the Dell
12. Three Little Kittens
13. Rock a Bye Baby
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. If U R Happy
3. Its Raining
4. London Bridge
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. All around the Mulberry Bush
7. All Things Bright and Beautiful
8. Goosy Goosy Gander
9. Hush a Bye Baby
10. Hey Diddle
11. The farmer in the Dell
12. Three Little Kittens
13. Rock a Bye Baby
"1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Einchy Winchy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pockey
7. Lady Bug
8. Little Bunny Foo Foo
9. One Little Two Little
10. Hush Little Baby
11. She will be coming
1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Einchy Winchy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pockey
7. Lady Bug
8. Little Bunny Foo Foo
9. One Little Two Little
10. Hush Little Baby
11. She will be coming
"1. ABCD
2. Jack and Jill
3. Ding Dong Bell
4. This Old Man
5. Georgy Porgy
6. Jingle Bells
7. The Ants Go Marching
8. Sing a song of six pence
9. Saw a ship sailing
10. The wheels on the bus
2. Jack and Jill
3. Ding Dong Bell
4. This Old Man
5. Georgy Porgy
6. Jingle Bells
7. The Ants Go Marching
8. Sing a song of six pence
9. Saw a ship sailing
10. The wheels on the bus
"1. Kavacham
2. Kaithala
3. Pakkarai
4. Vasanamigu
5. Sarana
6. Agaramum
7. Thullumatha
8. Nadhavindhu
9. Erumayil
10. Aariru
"1. Ranga Ranganadha
2. Nandhana
3. Pani Thulieley
4. Kanna Kanna
5. Thiruppathigam
6. Rama Rama
7. Adhi Kalai
8. Geethai Mozhi
9. Aayargalin
10. Nandha
"1. Om Chanting
2. Sri Mahaganadhi Pathaye Namaha
3. Krishna Gayathri
4. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10
5. Sri Lalitha Gayathri
6. Sri Lalitha Trisathi Namavalli
7. Mahalakshmi Asktakam
8. Raja Rajeshwari Asktakam
9. Soorya Gayathri
The ancient sages of India unlocked the secrets life for humanity. Their wisdom is embodied in the great mantras which they have given us. The greatest of these is the single syllable тАШOmтАЩ, which is the first name of God. It is the primal vibration that emanated in the process of creation. Chanting of Om, the queen of all mantras and their source as well, restores the spiritual balance of the individual and brings peace and strength. The ganapati mantra, Krishna Gayatri matra, Lalita Gayatri mantra and Surya Gayatri mantra are again powerful chants that brings success, wisdom, health and prosperity to as paints. Another special feature of this album is a rendering of the tenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, the Vibhooti yoga in which Lord Krishna speaks of His manifestations in the world. A remarkable array of divine vibrations await you in this excellent album.
"Ganapathy Saraswathi Vandhana
Gayathri Mantra
16 Names Ganapathy
Mrutyunjaya Mantra
Sri Rajagopala Moola Mantra
Sri Kamalathmika (Dasamaha Vidya)
Mahalakshmi Mantra
Lakshmi Dandakam
Sri Stuthi
Hanuman Gayathri
Hanuman Ashtothram
Aasirwadha Mantra
Mantra is that which frees the individual from sin, and confers heaven and liberation. It is the greatest aid in attaining the fourfold aim of human life, righteousness, Wealth, enjoyment and liberation. A mantra is not a mere collocation of words; it is a mass of radiant energy, a sound-body a divine consciousness. This precious album introduces the aspirant to authentic versions of some powerful mantras. The Gayatri Mantra (piety, brilliance, wealth, enjoyment, divine bliss) Mahalakshmi Mantra (wealth power, enjoyment) and Hanuman Gayatri (great intellectual power, eloquence, single- mindedness, victory in all endeavors) are among the potent mantras lined up in this album. тАШPower of Ancient Sanskrit MantrasтАЩ will fill your home with auspicious vibrations.
"1. Shiva Sankalpa
2. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad --
3. (Asva Brahmana, Agni Brahmana)
4. Prahaladha Charitham
5. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
6. Purusa Suktam
7. Aditya Hridayam
8. Sudharshana Kavacham
9. Sri Rama Kavacham
10. Mahishasura Mardhini Stotram
11. Badra Suktam
12. Gana Paatam
The greatest step in the history of mankind was taken by the Vedic seers of India around five thousand years ago. When they pierced through the iron curtain of death shrouding man and experienced immortality and infinitude. Their path-breaking experiences are gathered in the Vedic lore, not as the work of human beings however great, but as the revelations of the Supreme. This rare album distills some beautiful Vedic hymns as well as powerful mantras from the post-vedic period. The Siva Sankalpa rings in the ancient tones of auspiciousness, while the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad sections (Braahmanam) I and II of the first chapter) take us right into the heart of the ancient search. Speaking in the context of the great Aswamedha sacrifice, the passages assert that knowledge of the Supreme Brahman alone is capable of freeing the soul from all its limitations. The purusha Suktam gives us a glimpse of the Cosmic from of god. Chants (Om Sri Ramaya Namaha). Powerful hymns (Mahishasuramardini) time tested recitals for all round well-being (Aditya Hridayam), protective chants (Sundarshna Kavacham) and Vedic benedictions (Bhadra Suktam) also form part of this valuable album. A remarkable array of effective mantras.
"1. Guru Dhyanam
2. Swetharka Ganapathi Mantra
3. Pancha Shanti
4. Purusa Suktam
5. Sri Lakshmi Namavalli
6. Bhagavad Gita Chapter XI ( The Cosmic Form)
7. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
8. shymala Dandakam
9. Sri Amba Navamanimala, Saraswathi Mangala
10. Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
The Soundless Para Brahman becomes the Sabda Brahman (the Supreme Lord of the manifested world) when the phenomenal world comes into being. When the aspirant worships the Lord through chants and mantras prescribed by the ancient texts, he reaps the rewards of a fulfilling life and ultimately becomes one with the undifferentiated illumining self. The rhythmical vibrations of chants and mantras regulate the unsteady vibrations of the sheaths of the worshipper and transform him. From the chants and mantras arise the forms of the gods worshipped through them. In this valuable album a judicious mix of Vedic and post Vedic chants and hymns are presented to the aspirant. The Swetharka Ganapti Mantra, the Panchashani, and Purusha Suktham are full of strengthening Vedic vibrations. Chapter XI of the Bhagaved Gita presentation the words of Lord Krishna, Himself the supreme Avatar, the Cosmic from of God. The тАШLakshmi NamvaliтАЩ (wealth happiness, victory) Meenakshi Pancharatnam (freedom from fear, peace, and happiness) Shyalma Dandakam, (wisdom, mastery over arts) and Amba Navamanimal (divine protection, victory one-pointed devotion to god) are divine hymns resonating with mantric syllables that bless aspirants with all auspiciousness. Ancient Chants is a valuable treasury of divine mantras and hymns.
"1. Ganapathy Ashtotram
2. Sri Ganapathi Moola Mantras
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtottaram
4. Ashtalakshmi Stotram
5. Dvadasa Jyothirlinga Stotram
6. Om Arunachaleshwarya Namaha
7. Subramanya Suprabatham
8. Subramanya Gayathri
9. Dhanvantri Gayathri
10. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
11. Hanuman Gayathri
The Devis and Devatas (goddesses and deities) of Hinduism only represent the different functions and powers of the one Supreme God. The deities are shown as male and female because the existence of the manifested universe depends upon the primary differentiation of the Supreme Reality into two opposite aspects, one positive and the other negative. This is the secret behind Lord KrishnaтАЩs assertion in the Bhagavad Gita that prayers addressed to all gods reach only the Supreme Being. In this album тАШMantras of Gods and GoddessesтАЩ, we first address our prayers to Ganapati, the elephant faced Lord of good beginnings. When we begin our endeavors with his blessings, they are bound to be successful. Adoration of Ganapati brings victory, wealth and yogic realization. The Lakshmi Ashottaram and Ashtalakshmi Stotram bring the positive vibrations of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, auspiciousness and compassion. Authentic versions of Subramanya Gayatri (removal of bad effects of Mars), Dhanvantri Gayatri (freedom from diseases of every kind) and Hanuman Gayatri (intellectual might, strength, courage) follow. The prayer to the twelve jyoti lings (aspects of light) of Shiva and chanting of Om Arunachaleswaraya Namaha is another aspect of this important album.
"1. Gayathri Mantra
2. Sudarsana Mantra
3. Isavasya
4. Soorya Gayathri & Kavacham
5. Om Saravana Bhava
6. Hayagriva Gayathri
7. Annapoorna Stotram
8. Sri Durga Ashtotram
9. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
10. Mrutyunjaya ashtakam
11. Hanuman Gayathri
12. Aasirvadha Mantra
The great sages of Hinduism (more appropriately, Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion) through their arduous search for the supreme truth heard in their hearts eternal truths which they recorded in the Vedas (also called sruti, the heard revelation). The Vedas reveal the highest truth man can know and lead him to the highest good and immortality. The sages and the wise men who realized the supreme happiness of union with Go, have given mankind a wonderful treasure of mantras which being peace and prosperity on earth and eternal life in the hereafter. The Gayatri Mantra (which gives light, strength and fulfillment) the Sudarshana Mantra (Victory and protection), Surya Gayatri (a mighty intellect, mastery over many arts), Mrityunjaya Mantra (health, longevity, immortality), and Hanuman Gayatri, (strength, wisdom and devotion to god) are recorded here through authentic experts.
"1. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter 1 (Sec) 4
2. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter 1 (Sec) 5
3. Gayathri Mantra
4. Aditya Hridayam
5. Hayagriva Gayathri
6. Dashvatra Stotram
7. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
8. Nrismha Gayathri
9. Nrismha Dhyanam
10. Om Chanting
Sanskrit is called the Deva Bhaasha, the language of the gods, because of its perfect relationship between word and meaning. Every letter of Sanskrit has a direct force which exists by the nature of things and not by human choice, the mantras in Sanskrit awaken superhuman power in those who chant and meditate on them. A mantra is god-consciousness in a sound-body, eternal and evergreen. A mantra is divine energy (Shakti).
That is latent in the eternally determined sounds of shaastra (scripture). In this carefully structured album of Mantra sounds, we have first excellent selections form the Brihadaaranyaka, the greatest of the Upanishads, revelatory texts on the highest wisdom of the East, Sections IV and V of the first chapter (Knowledge of the Supreme Self confers immortality, The Inner Self in our hearts is the Supreme Brahman) bring the incantatory cadences of the subliment realization in the history of men within our reach. They light the flame of Supreme Truth in us, Authentic versions of the Gayatri Mantra (brings wisdom, health, intellectual brilliance, spiritual illumination), Aditya Hridayam (health longevity victory in all endeavors), Havagriva Gayatri (omniscience, knowledge in many subjects, spiritual wisdom), Narasimha Gayatri (triumph over inmival forces) Om Ramaya Namaha (victory divine consciousness happiness) and Om chanting (peace and divine realization leading to supreme bliss) are precious mantras in this highly valuable album.
"1. Ganapathy Dhyanam
2. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad (Udgeetha Brahmana)
3. Sri Sarabeshwara Gayathri
4. Sri Varahi Gayathri
5. Soorya Narayana Stuthi
6. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
7. Subramanya Ashtottaram
8. Daridriya Dahana Shiva Stotra
9. Rasakreeda
10. Pratyingara Mantras
11. Hanumad Ashtakam
The Vedas, which are the fountainhead of Hinduism, are considered to be the breath of God. The import is that they embody the subtle vibrations responsible for the creations of the universe. When we chant or given ear to the Vedic mantras we connect ourselves to the most powerful sound on earth. This carefully structured album begins with homage to Ganapati, the god of good beginnings, and presents the third section of the Brihadaranyaka, the greatest of the Upanishads, called the Udgeetha Brahmana; it narrates the Vedic allegory of the gods and demons and reveals that only the knowledge of the Supreme Self can annihilate manтАЩs ignorance. This album also includes very powerful chants like the Sarabha Gayatri (victory over enemies), Varaha Gayatri (cure for poisonous bites) and very powerful chants like the Sarabha Gayatri (victory over enemies), Varaha Gayatri (cure for poisonous bites) and Pratyangra mantras (achievement of aim) which give certain victory in all endeavors.
"1. Sriman Narayana
2. Uchhishta Ganapathy Suprabatham
3. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabatham
4. Soorya moorthy
5. Soorya Suprabatham
6. Shirdi Saibaba Suprabatham
7. Sri Lalitha Prathashmaranam
8. Shiva Prathasmaranam
9. Durga pratasmaranam
10. Gayathri Mantra
11. Dhanvantri Gayathri
12. Om Chanting
In the Transcendental state, God is the only realty. But in the relative world in which we live, He is the King of Kings. The Hindu worships the deity in the temple as a great king and receives boons from Him. This is an experience of life. Just as the king is roused from sleep with music and panegyrics early at dawn, the deity at the temple is Worshipped with Suprabhathams. When the devotes wakes up form a refreshing nightтАЩs sleep, he first worships the Lord with fervour. The sacred vibrations that flow into the devotes because of contemplation on the divine form at dawn, give him the strength and power to see life in the proper perspective, In this excellent album, there are powerful dawn hymns like sriman Narayana (in the delightful morning raga Bhouli), Uchishta Ganpati Suprabhaatam (victory in all endeavours) and yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatham (good luck, victory over enemies, riches). The Muthuswami Dikshithar hymn (morning prayers) on Lalitha. Shiva and Durga are divine prayers that confer great blessing on the devotee. The gayatri mantras brim with powerful vibrations. The gayatri mantra proper confers a mighty intellect, strength and spiritual vision. Sudarshana gayatri (victory, power, protection) and Dhanvantri gayatri (health energy) are valuable mantras. Om, the one-syllabled name of the Almighty is the pinnacle of mantra power. By awakening the Lord, one awakens oneтАЩs own luck, spiritual vision and divine energy.
"1. The Awakening
2. Surrender To The Supreme
3. Bliss Of Divine Union
Meditation Music heals the body, mind and soul and induces tranquility. The gentle melodies of Indian ragas soothe the nerves, calm the thoughts and establish harmony in the body. Instruments like the sitar and tabla, known for many centuries for their mellifluous, comforting and lyrical tone are harnessed effectively in this album to create an ambience of contemplation and peace. The noise of the modern environment is left far behind and we enter into a world of delicate feeling, spiritual quest and divine ecstasy. The gracious cadences of the sitar, the engaging rhythms of the tabla and the wonderful sounds capes of raga color, are presented in a mood of contemplation and invoke a world of beauty, harmony and divinity. This meditation music enlivens and energizes us and provides inspiration and inner magnetism
"1. Brahadaranyaka Upanishad Chapter II (Sec) 1
2. Sri Rudram
3. Chamakam
4. Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha
5. Sri Sudharsana Gayatri
6. Lalitha Pancharatnam
7. Shyamala Gayathri
8. Mrutyunjaya Mantra
9. Aasirvadha Mantra
A Mantra is more than uttered prayer, more than physical sound. It is a potent Compelling force, as it consists of words of power. By the chanting and repetition of a mantra. Or by meditation on it (through hearing), the deity is attained and compelled to act in oneтАЩs favour. For, the mantra of a deity is the deity itself. Sincerity, devotion and steadfastness in chanting and hearing mantras transform a person and brings spiritual clarity and balance. тАШ Inner Power of MantrasтАЩ begins with a rare chanting that reinforces the Vedantic truth that all organs, gods and worlds emanate from the Supreme self as little sparks from a fire (Brihadaranyaka, Section I of Part II). The incantatory effect of this sublime Upanishad passage casts a divine spell on the listener. The Rudram and Chamakam are powerful hymns from the Veda, and are chanted to this day in most Siva temples. Also called Namakam, Shatarudriya and Rudropanishad, the Rudram which occurs in the Yajur Veda is said to be superior to all the Vedas put together. Freedom from the effects of past sins, right knowledge and release from bondage are the effects of devout listening to the chanting of Rudram and Chamakam. Om Arunachaleswaraaya Namaha (addressed to the Lord of the Spiritual hill, Tiruvannamalai), Sir Sundarshana Gayatri (success in endeavours, triumph over inimical forces), Sri Shyamala Gayatri (mastery over subjects, power of discrimination) and Mritynijaya Mantra (health, freedom from disease longevity) are among other powerful mantras in this album. The Lalitha Pancharatnam brings good fortune, knowledge, and great happiness. A priceless array of mantras.
"Now a day everyone uses this as common terminology for their inability to accept the reality. Depression in the clinical sense is the extreme version of the more ordinary emotion of sadness and low spiritedness. Loss of interest in life can be understood as depression, as an emotional reaction to the disinterestedness. Thwarted desires may often create an emotion. Either suggestions or instructions, which have been given to adhere, to be analyzed in a calm frame of mind without any inhibitions. Sudden loss of life may land an individual in depression. Accepting the reality is the highly warranted action to overcome the depression. To attain this mind must be in a state of equanimity to visualize things and actions. Classical music enhances activity in the frontal areas of the brain. The ragas essayed in this album helps to achieve the clear mind and energizes to overcome the tribulations if any. It is the mindтАЩs perception which leads to agony and grievances. The ragas really help to ease out the uneasiness if any. It is the mindтАЩs perception which leads to agony and grievances. The rages really help to ease out the uneasiness of the mind and reach normality at the earliest. Continued depression may affect the immune system of the body, which these ragas help to attain the needed immunity to the organism. It acts on the brain in such a way toward the secretion of the required hormones.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, Ph.D, a Research scholar, a Clinical psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in psychology with classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.BALAMURALIKRISHNA.
"There are occasions in an individualsтАЩ life that we feel with nagging thought of negative nature and finding very difficult to come out of it. In many aspects it jeopardizes the routine too. In quite a few occasions it even disturbs the cognitive process of the mind. This reaction is same for the positive nature of thought process also. It is the basic principle that we should act according the situation aptly and judiciously plan for the betterment. This can be achieved by regular practice, to take things as it comes and do the actions accordingly. We hear often, people say, thatтАЩ I could not take any decision, My mind is very much blankтАЩ in this angle music does a good service to the needy to clear their mind and help to get the required solutions.
The ragas selected in this album enhance the quality of thought process in the individual. Few exposures to the sessions makes a whole world of difference in the individualтАЩs activities.
The research has been carried out by Dr. T.MYTHILY, Ph.D, a Research scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, and disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, word celebrity, Chevalier, the largest Padmavibhshan Dr.M.BALAMURALIKRISHNA.
"Patients undergoing surgical procedures often experience anxiety in anticipation of events that will be unfamiliar, uncomfortable, or may produce undesirable results. Even minor surgical procedures anxiety in patients, which can affect their postoperative recovery and risk for physiological complications. Music is an easily administered, non-threatening, noninvasive, and inexpensive tool to calm preoperative anxiety.
The music given in this album helps to overcome or brush aside the fear or anxiety either related to surgery or even other wise and makes the patients and normal to take things positively. The mind which clicking to the negative thought process, slowly leaves behind the unwanted and stabilizes toward the positive process of thinking. The selected noted in these ragas helps to attain the required state of mind at the earliest.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, Ph.D, a Research scholar, a Clinical Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhshan Dr.M.BALAMURALIKRISHNA.
"1. Enna Thavam
2. Mane Maragathame
3. Nanda Goplan
4. Balakrishnan
5. Nanda Nandana
6. Thaye Yesoda
7. Enna Thavam
8. Theeradha
9. Kannanai Paadu
10. Krishnan Saki
11. Muthugare
12. Flute
"1. Tirupathi
2. Govindan
3. Yekkangal
4. Kundrathile
5. Yezhumalaiyan
6. Nallathai Mattum
7. Ethanai
8. Aaragum
9. Balaji
10. Megam Thodum
"1. Slokam & Thiruvenkatam
2. Kaliyuga
3. Thirumalai
4. Karunai Vadivame
5. Kanne Maniye
"1. Kangalil Deepam
2. Andha Yezhu Malai
3. Kathiyendru Unnai
4. Maalay Perumaalay
5. Manthiram Yendray
6. Ponmalai
7. Ithayathillay
8. Yezhumalai Vazhum
"1. Thenpandi Nattiniley
2. Pazhanikku Namum Poi
3. Silambaru Yennum
4. Murugan Varuvaan
5. Thalavaralaru Muruganin
6. Kurinchi Nilathinil
7. Nadhimadhi Sudum
8. Om Yenum Pranava
9. Kolath Tamizh Ketku
10. Swamy Balanadi
11. Vedarkula Valli
12. Thiruparankundram Varungal
"1. Virutham
2. Ezhumaliyanin
3. Paalaga
4. Sri Venkatesa Kalyanam
5. Govinda Hari
6. Oh Neela Madavane
7. Ezhumalai Yeruvom
8. Aadi Sesha
9. Kalyanam
"1. Aayan Sagodhariye
2. Manjalil Aadaikattum
3. Oongari Mariamma
4. Ondragi Nooragi
"1. Ulagam
2. Ulagaalum
3. Pattukalai
4. Vanamirunthu
5. Theru Varuguthu
6. Olai Gudisai
7. Mallippoo
8. Sakthiyamma
9. Aatha
"1. Narpathiyam
2. Sivanvanthu
3. Maanagar Aalum
4. Kungumathal
5. Ettuthisai
6. Alai Tharum Kavery
7. Anju Malai
8. Mathumalar Soodum
9. Kumari Kanyakumari
10. Samayapurathale
"1. Vigneshwara - Virutham
2. Uravendru
3. Aiyai Sakthi Nee
4. Mangadu Kovilile
5. Alavai Nagar
6. Selathil
7. Arul Vellame
8. Kotravai Kali
9. Mangala Roopini
10. Devi Karumari
11. Veppilaikari
"1. Uyarntha Malai
2. Venkateswara
3. Govinda
4. Kodupatharkku
5. Tirupathi Vanden
6. Ellorum
7. Ezhu Natkalum
8. Orunalum
9. Ithu Perumalin
10. Pushpa Vimanam
"1. Narthana Ganapathy Pattu
2. Kunkumathil
3. Kannanur
4. Vinnil Ulla
5. Varushamthorum
6. Annai Periya Mari
7. Ellam Avale
8. Verkaattil
9. Kann Kanda Theivame
"1. Ivar Aanandamada
2. Sakthi Nirandari
3. Ullagalum Thaye
4. Veppilaiyin Nayagiye
"1. The Flowering
2. Hymn to Ushas, The Vedic Goddess of Dawn
3. Vitalising Energy Of The New Rising
4. Consecration Of Work To The Divine
The great sages of India called the early hours of dawn as тАШBrahma MuhoorthaтАЩ тАУ the hour of the gods. It is the period of time most conducive to meditation on the divine forces. тАШMusic for Morning MeditationтАЩ builds on the potent vibrations of early morning with the powerful Ahir Bhairav raga. The limpid notes recreate the cool tranquility of dawn and establish harmony and happiness in the individual. The mind is enlivened and feels divine exhilaration. This is followed by a beautiful tonal poem to Ushas, the beautiful Vedic goddess of daybreak. The roseate and golden hues of the skies are mirrored in the captivating strains of Charukesi. The exquisite beauty of creation unfolds in wondrous cadences. The energizing power of the magnificent Sun is then set forth in the puissant notes of Bhoopali. The final dhun underscores the fact that all work is worship of the divine.
"1. Pamba Nadhi
2. Kaadu Malai
3. Boomiprabanchanae
4. Pallikattu
5. Sami Sami
6. Ullagalum
7. Pulivagana
8. Karthikai Maasam
9. Ayyappa
10. Kaatukullae
"1. Va Va Gananatha
2. Veeramanikandan
3. Yerimeli Eesane
4. Paada Vaithaye
5. Harivarasanam
6. Kaanakkaana
7. Angam Silirkkum
8. Karpagatharuve
9. Velanukku Ilayavane
10. Padipaattu
"1. Sabarimalai Payanam
2. Appano Gangadharan
3. Veeramanikanda Saranam
4. Katti Kaakavenum
5. Sabarimalaikku Pallikattai
6. Vaanga Vaanga Swamimare
7. Irumudi Iraivanin
8. Appanukku Paadam Sonna
9. Karthigai Maasam
10. Padipaattu
"1. Sami Saranam
2. Saranamappa
3. Veeramani
4. Raja Pandalathu Raja
5. Sabari Girisa
6. Pallikattu
7. Vaa Vaa Gananadha
8. Padipaattu
"1. Ponambala
2. Aadiyil Malarnthathu
3. Manikanda Maalai
4. Veedu Mezhugi
5. Yerumelipaeppai
6. Manikanda Maniyae
7. Irumudiyum
8. Sasthavae
9. Arindhum Ariyamal
10. Idi Idikkum
"1. Sarana Gosha Mandirangal
2. Ohm Kaaram
3. Pamba Nadhi Malarae
4. Ponambalam Medai
5. Vararayar Vaavar
6. Paatha Pulley
7. Maalai Soozhum
8. Aabaranam
9. Padipaattu
"1. Kannimoola Ganapathiye
2. Bhoomi Prabanjane
3. Saranagosham Poattu
4. Karthigai Maasam
5. Vandhom Vandhom
6. Sri Dharma Sastha
7. Naaldhorum Naan
8. Paarai Melae Kaalai Vachu
9. Kanni Ayyappan
10. Padippattu
11. Irumudi
"1. Nerungudhu Nerungudhu
2. Karpooram Jolikkudhu
3. Thulli Thulli
4. Pamba Nadhi
5. Sandanam Manakkum
6. Karthikayil
7. Hariharaputhra
8. Padippattu
"1. Ayyanukku Archanai
2. Vedham Ponnamamay
3. Sami Paaru Sami Paaru
4. Advaithamaagi
5. Vizhiyum Vaanalaam
6. Engu Sendralaam
7. Oru Mandirathai Soli
8. Varadarajan Thirumaganae
9. Padi Padhinettu
10. Kodi Kural
11. Logaveeram Mahapoojam
"1. Nei Mannam Nirainthu
2. Ambigai Baalan
3. Malai Yeri
4. Karpooram Oliyinilay
5. Malaimel
6. Kannisami
7. Malai Malaiyai
8. Thiruvadi Saranam
9. Sakthi Thanai
10. Jothi Darisanam
"1. Ye Ma Ma
2. Veettukkulle
3. Ayyanar
4. Azhagana Bhoomiyil
5. Uttalangadi
6. Adiye
7. Iduppu Madipiley
8. Kadalamma
9. Olai Akka
10. Potta Kozhi
"1. Aynthu Malaikarasanai
2. Sabari Malaithaan Vaikundam
3. Ayyappan Maalai Pottachu
4. Kattai Thandi Mettai Thandi
5. Arultharu Mathiena Olimigu Raviena
6. Saamiye Saranam Ayyappa Saranam
7. Anantham Thane Varume
8. Veera Manikanda
9. Atho Atho Magarajothi
"1. Three Blind Mice
2. Aiktins Drums
3. Bits of Paper
4. My Bonnie
5. Crooked Man
6. Ding Dong Bell
7. Goosy Goosy Gander
8. It your Happy and you Know
9. HeтАЩs a Jolly Good Fellow
10. Marry Had A Little Lamb
11. Incey Wincey Spider
12. Hole in the Bucket
13. Jack & Jill
14. Little Boo Beep
15. London Bridge
16. Here We Go Round
17. SheтАЩll Be Coming
18. Pop Goes Weish
19. Ring a Ring a Rose
20. Rock a By Baby
21. Row Row
22. To Market to Market
23. Twinkle Twinkle
24. Hot Cross Buns
25. Pussy Cat Pussy Cat
26. This Old Man
27. Hickory Dickory Dock
28. Yankie Doodle
29. Simple Simon
30. Gudie Frac Simple Simon
1. This Old Man
2. Merry Go Beep
3. SheтАЩll Be Coming
4. Three Blind Mice
5. Aiktins Drums
6. HeтАЩs a Jolly Good Fellow
7. Mary Had A Little Lamb
8. Hole in The Bucket
9. If your Happy
10. Ring a Ring a Roses
11. Yankie Doodle
12. Goosy Goosy Gander
13. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
14. Hot Cross Buns
15. Row row row Your Boat
16. Bits of Paper
"1. Soundaryalahari Verse
2. Sri Durga Pratasmaranam
3. Sri Lalitha Ashottaram
4. Ashtalakshmi Stotram
5. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
6. Sri Varalakshmi
7. Sri Lakshmi Gayatri
8. Devi Bhujangam
9. Pratyangira Sahasranamam
10. Sri Amba Navamanimala
11. Shri Mata Shiva
12. Shyamala Gayathri & Dhyanam
13. Mangalam
Shakti is the creative female energy of God that makes you powerful and creative. As Mother of the Universe, Shakti is infinite power and spells energy and dynamism for her devotees. The very first verse in this album, which is the first saundaryalahari (waves of Beauty) of Sri Adi Sankara, when chanted as laid down, destroys all obstacles and confers victory in all endeavors. The contemplation of Durga, Lalitha and Ashtalakshmi as given in the verses here brings triumph and auspiciousness. The recitation of Lakshmi Gayatri assures wealth in all ways. The pratyanagara Mantras ward off all hindrances. Shyamala Gayatri brings knowledge and wisdom. The Annapoorna hymn paves the way for the loving grace of the diety. Presented by Sanskrit Scholars and expert musicians, this album is a divine key to acquire the blessings of the Divine Mother.
"1. Ganapathy Gayathri
2. Ganapathy Suprabatham
3. Vaathapi Ganapathim
4. Hara Hara Sankara
5. Nagendra Haraya
6. Om Arunachaleshwaraya Namaha
7. Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
8. Sri Nataraja Stotram
9. Divakara Thanujam
10. Dhanvantri Gayathri
11. Soorya Gayathri
12. Adhitya Hrudayam
13. Mrytunjaya Mantra
Mantras release the inner powers of man. When the devoted prays fervently at the altar of the deities, they bless him with the power of mantra. тАЬDivine OfferingsтАЭ is filled with the divine vibrations of many powerful mantras. The тАЬGanapathi GayatriтАЭ ensures that all your endeavors achieve success. The тАЬGanapathi SuprabhathamтАЭ awakens the divine powers within you. Muthuswami DikshitharтАЩs тАЬVaathapi GanaatimтАЭ is not only a classic song, it is mantra full of esoteric power. Hymns and mantras to Shiva confer well-being and positive energy. As Shankar, the god of auspiciousness, as Namashivaya, the deity of the five-syllables mantra, as Dakshinamurthi the master of divine wisdom, and as Nataraja the Lord of the cosmic dance Shiva confers all the blessings that enhance your life. The тАЬDhanvantri GayatriтАЭ and тАЬSoorya GayatriтАЭ give health wealth and prosperity. The тАЬAditya HridayamтАЭ is a potent hymn of victory, health, prosperity and divine wisdom. тАЬDivakara ThanujamтАЭ the great composition on Saturn, the тАЬArunachaleswara MantraтАЭ and тАЬMrytunjaya MantraтАЭ will free from suffering and give health and divine wisdom.
"Sanskrit hymns and mantras have the special power of conferring divine blessings. They emanate light, consciousness and power as the roots of Sanskrit words derive from deeper truth. тАЬDaily PrayersтАЭ has been specially culled to confer the blessings of a successful life on you. The album brings with an exquisite hymn to Srinivasa, the Lord of the Seven Hills, set in the dawn raga. The divine names of the Lord Creat auspicious vibrations everywhere. The two syllabled Rama Naama is a potent mantra the enabled Hanuman perform superhuman feats. It transformed the hunter Valmiki into an epic poet and made Thyagaraja the king of eternal melodies. The sweet notes of the Rama mantra you hear in this album will be your protective armount. It will stir you to great endeavours and successes. The Mahalakshmi Mantra and the Hayagreeva Gayatri confer wealth and wisdom. The Soorya Suprabatham ensures health, wealth and victory. The Purusha Sooktha is a great Vedic hymn that describes Lord Narayana. The potent Vedic vibrations of this hymn will prove the spiritual sheet anchor of your life. It will help you manifest the divine power latent in your heart. The Vedic benediction calls upon the gods to shower our lives with divine blessings. You can feel them in this album.
1. Sriman Narayanan
2. Mahalakshmi Mantra
3. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
4. Sri Hayagreeva Gayatri
5. Soorya Suprabatham
6. Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra
7. Sri Krishna Mahima
8. Vandheham
9. Purusha Suktam
10. Hanumad Pancharatnam
"1. Om Chanting
2. Isavasya
3. Purusa Suktam
4. Krishnavataram ( Narayaneeyam)
5. Bhagavad Gita Chapter тАУ 10
6. Rasakreeda ( Narayaneeyam)
7. Lakshmi Namavalli
8. Sarva Karyasiddhi ( Valmiki Ramayana)
9. Gayathri Mantra
10. Dhanvanthri Gayathri
11. Hanuman Gayathri
Mantras are sound manifestations of the supreme reality. Gleaned from the Vedas, the revealed book of Hinduism, they are shorthand intimations of the divine. These potent mantras protect those who repeat them and confer the blessing of a fruitful life. тАЬOmтАЭ is the shortest and most powerful mantra. This album brings you this mantra that will fill you with power, vigor and energy at all levels. It will restore harmony, balance and rhythm in your life. In the next Upanishad verse, we are taught the philosophy of life enjoyment without desire. The great hymn Prussia Suktha is chock-ful with great vibrations of divinity. Sanskrit selections from the Narayaneeyam (Krishnavataram), Bhagavad-Gita Gita and Valmiki Ramayana reveal a world of divine grace, power and achievement. The variety of Gayatri Mantras in this album are sure to bring brilliance, health, wealth and divine wisdom.
"Birdy Dance
ItтАЩs a Happ, happ Happy
Happy Birthday-1
Happy Birthdau-2
AitkinтАЩs Drums
HeтАЩs a Jolly Good Fellow
London Bridge
Big Teddy Bear
Row row row Your Boat
Simple Simon
Fraggle Rocks
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Hot Cross Buns
This Old Man
Clap Your Hands
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Bits Of Paper
1. Birdy Dance
2. Ring a Ring a Roses
3. Yankee Doodle
4. Goosy Goosy Gander
5. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
6. Fraggle Rocks
7. Hot Cross Buns
8. Row row row Your Boat
9. Aitkins Drums
10. Bits of Paper
11. Musical Chair
12. Micky Mouse March
"1. Are you Sleeping
2. Go To Sleep
3. Sing a Song
4. Sweet and Tow
5. Rock a Bye Baby
6. Row row row Your Boat
7. Bonnie
8. Peas Porridge
9. Little Boo Beep
10. Silent Night
11. Baa Baa Black Sheep
12. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
13. Wee Willie Winky
14. When Your Going
15. Wheels On the Bus
The mantra rings in the ambience of meditation and music sustains the mood in this special album meant to guide you to realms of eloquent silence. тАШOm Satyam, Gnaanam, AnanthamтАЩ (Om Truth, Knowledge and Infinity) chants the Guru from whom the fragrant bamboo takes over with whisphering cadeneces of mellow Madhuvanti raga. The vibraphones build up the atmosphere of peace. The onset of meditational ecstacy is echoed by the GuruтАЩs mantra тАЬOm Brahmaanandam ParamasukhadamтАЭ (Om, the rapture of Brahman, the ultimate Bliss), which the bamboo weaves into magical webs captivating Chandrakauns. The sweet strains of innocent happiness culminate the meditation. An album you will cherish.
"1. Achamanam
2. Pranayamam
3. Vigneshwara Puja
4. Mahasankalpam
5. Kalasa Puja
6. Ghanta Puja
7. Aavahanam
8. Sri Rudra Abhisekam
9. Upacharam
10. Sri Rudra Trishati Archana
11. Naivedyam
12. Karoora Arati
13. Mantrapushpam
During the month of Phalgun, i.e. February тАУMarch, on the 14th night of the new moon, millions of devotees of Lord Shiva celebrate the holiest night of the year, Mahashivarathri.Observed both as a discipline and also as a festival, devotees observe this auspicious occasion by keeping a strict fast and staying awake throughout night. They venerate the Lord through meditation and also by chanting his name, singing his praises, intoning тАЬShri RudramтАЭ and by pouring holy water on the Shiva Linga. (Abhisheka)
Once in mount Kailas, Parvati asked Shiva, тАЬO Venerable Lord! Which of the many rituals observed in thy honour doth please thee most?тАЭ To this, the Lord replied, тАЬIt is ShivarathriтАЭ.It is believed that worshipping Shiva on this day bestows prosperity, inner peace and power that all human beings aspire to attain in their path to ultimate salvation.
To facilitate the devotes who desire to perform the rituals on Shivarathri, Dr.R.Thiagarajan, Professor & Head of the P.G.& Research Dept. of Sanskrit, Presidency College, Chennai along with his team of Vedic pundits, Chadramoulee, Karthik and Sriram, have rendered the audio version of the Pooja performed on Mahashivarathri. Mr.Gurunath has provided the musical support under the guidance of the music director Mr.S.Venkatesh.
"1. Abcd (Traditional)
2. Abcd ( Version 2)
3. A for Apple, B for Ball
4. Techno Baby Abcd
5. Learn The Alphabets
6. Learn The Alphabets ( Version 2)
7. It's A
8. Colours
9. Colours Version 2 ,
10. Learn The Colours
Here is fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШcall and responseтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this Audio CD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This CD teaches your children the alphabet and different colours. Watch your children learn them at an amazingly fast rate before you know theyтАЩll be reciting the alphabet and telling you all the colours of the rainbow!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hours of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as they play!
"1. Multiply Upto 10 Times Table
2. Numbers : 1 to 100
3. The Clock
4. Half Past
5. 1' o Clock ( Bonus Track)
HereтАЩs fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШcall and responseтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this Audio CD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This CD teaches your children the numerals from one to hundred, the tables from one-times-one to ten-times-ten and also teaches them how to tell the time. Watch in amazement as your children pick it all up at an astonishing pace. This all-new method is sure to have them rattling off tables and telling you the time at every change they get!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hours of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as they play!
"1. Ranganjali тАУ Ragamalika тАУ Adi (Jaya jaya Shambho)
2. Jatiswaram тАУ Rasali тАУ Adi
3. Varnam тАУ Karaharpriya тАУ Aid (Aadharam Neeya)
4. Keertanam тАУ Sumanesa Ranjani тАУ Adi (Varuga Varuga)
5. Thillana тАУ Simendhramadhyanam - Adi
"1. Prayer Song
2. Interview on Navasandhi Kautuvam
3. Brahma тАУ Madhyamavathy тАУ Tisraekam
4. Indra тАУ Gurjari тАУ Misrachapu
5. Agni тАУ Naatai тАУ Chatusura Jampai
6. Yama тАУ Desakshi тАУ Chatusra Ekam
7. Nirruthi тАУ Kundalam тАУ Tirsa Ekam
8. Varuna тАУ Varali тАУ Chantusra Ekam
9. Vaayu тАУ Makutaramagiri тАУ Tirsa Ekam
10. Kubera тАУ Malavashri тАУ Tisra Ekam
11. Eeshaana тАУ Malahari тАУ Kanda Chapu
12. Slokam
13. Taanam
"1. Varanam тАУ Nalinakanthi тАУ Adi тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
2. Siddhivinayagam тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Roopakam тАУ Muthuswami Dikshitar
3. Atukaaraadani тАУ Manoranjani тАУ Adi тАУ Thyagaraja
4. Maati Maatiki тАУ Mohanam тАУ Misrachappu тАУ Thyagaraja
5. Bhajan тАУ Bageshri тАУ Adi тАУ Traditional
6. Thillana тАУ Behag тАУ Tisra Nadai тАУ Lalgudi Jayaraman
"Raaga Darbari тАУ Darbari is probably the most celebrated midnight raga in North Indian music, a very majestic raga. According to tradition Darbari was composed by Tansen for AkbarтАЩs court, where the name Darbari, probably after akarnatic (South Indian) origin.
Profound in its emotive content, Darbari is a melody with a dignity and grandeur all its own. The raga is part of the Asavart that, it contains seven notes SA Ra Ga Ma Dha Ni SA, with the notes Gam Dha and Ni as komal notes (flat notes); Re and Pa re the vadi and the samavadi. The aroba is the (ascending scale) and avaroba is the (descending scale). The tala is teental.
2. Rafa Mishra Kafi: This is a variety of Raga kafi, a very melodic and sweet raga. Here Manilal Nag gives a full explosion of his sense of melody rendering this rag in a very fascinating and Sa Riga Ma Pa dha Ni Sa ni Dha Oa Ma ga ri.
"1. Alap тАУ Raga Desh
2. Madhyalaya тАУ Raga Desh
3. Alap тАУ Raga Kirwani
4. Vilambit тАУ Raga Kirwani
5. Madhyalaya- Raga Kirwani
6. Mishra Kamaj - Dhun
"1. Nee Irangayenil тАУ Atana тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
2. Thatwamaria тАУ Reeti Gowla тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam
3. Nekkungi тАУ Abogi тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
4. Saravanabhava тАУ Shanmugapriya тАУ Adi
5. Kapali тАУ Mohanam тАУ Adi тАУ Papanasam Sivan
6. Kandan Karunai тАУ Beemplas тАУ Papansam
7. Nambhajare тАУ Mand тАУ Adi
8. Sri тАУ Madhava тАУ Behag тАУ Adi
9. Radhamukhakamalam тАУ Kapi тАУ Adi
10. Maname Gaanamum
11. Enna Thavam
12. Karpagame
"1. Vadhapiganapathim тАУ Hamsadhwani тАУ Adhi тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
2. Vallabha Nayaka тАУ Byakadai Thisram тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
3. Kanchadalaya Dhaskhi тАУ Kamala Manohari тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
4. Siddhi Vinayagam тАУ Shanmuga Priya тАУ Rupakam
5. Akhilandeshwari тАУ Dwijavanti тАУ Adi- Muthuswamy Dikshitar
6. Arahanaareeshwaram тАУ Kumudharakriya тАУ Chaturasa Roopakam тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
7. Kaya Roshanesham тАУ Abheri тАУ Rupakam тАУ Muthuswamy Dikshitar
"1. Breathe
2. The Journey
3. Vibrations
4. Self Realisation
5. Inner Peace
6. Bliss
Music has been used during meditation since the very dawn of civilization because it balances the human organism through its rhythmic pattern of tones, which are generated in a harmonic relationship with each other.
Meditation music produces a very tender. Calming and refreshing meditative mood. Listening to it improves mental and physical health and relieves stress. Treat yourself to some time out from your busy life and lose yourself the soothing rhythms of Meditation Music.
"1. Mahalakhmi Ashtakam
2. Sri Durga Kavacham
3. Mahalakshmi Mantra
4. Mahalakshmi Gayathri
5. Kanagadhara Stotram
6. Sri Varalakshmi
7. Sri Lalitha Gayathri
8. Sri Paduka Panchavarnam
9. Annapoorna Ashtakam
10. Mahalakshmi Mantra
It is the power of the Universal Mother that energises the whole world. Therefore, devotees, who worship the Mother through the divine mantras handed down to us by the sages, are blessed with happiness, prosperity and success. In this album, you have the choice of such divine mantras and hymns rendered authentically in the right diction. The Mahalakshmi mantra, Mahalakshmi Gayatri and Lalita Gayatri are powerful keys to earn the blessings of the deity. The Durga Kavacham serves as a protection against inimical forces. Hymns like the Mahalakshmi Ashtakam, Kanakadhara Stotram and Annapoorna Ashtakam are resplendent gems brimming with the auspicious qualities of the mother.
"1. Mahaganapathy Gayathri
2. Sri Vigneshwara Ashtotram
3. Gayathri Mantra
4. Purusha Suktham
5. Sri Venkatessa Ashtopttaram
6. Sudharsana Gayathri
7. Sudharsana Ashtakam
8. Sri Durga Ashtottaram
9. Mrytunjaya Mantra
10. Hanuman Gayathri
11. Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
The ancient mantra lore harnesses subtle sound to confer the rewards of a fruitful life on humanity. The great sages of Hinduism have channelised their spiritual blessings to seekers through powerful mantras. The devotee should invoke the form of the different deities and pray to them by uttering the mantras. When mantra and meditation combine, attainment of success is assured. In this album, the authentic versions of potent mantras like the Gayatri and Mrityunjaya are presented along with Vedic hymns like Purusha Sooktam and time-honoured chants like Vigneshwara, Venkatesa and Duraga Ashtottarms. When the vibrations of this Mantra Meditation album seep into your consciousness, they send widening ripples of success and happiness in your life.
"1. Guru Vandhanam
2. Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
3. Sri Krishna Mahima
4. Bhagavad-Gita Chapter II
5. Yajnavalkya Dhyanam
6. Sri Krishna Dhyana Maala
7. Isavasyaopanishad
8. Sri Medha Dakshinamurthy
9. Hanuman Bhujangam
In the Hindu tradition, the Guru is supreme. He is not only the way to God; he is God himself, because the Guru and God are not different. Those who have come under the benign gaze of a true Guru know that he is a spiritual father and mother to the devotee. It is believed that when the devotee is ripe enough. God Himself takes human form to guide him. Siva as Dakshinamurthi is the Guru who gives an eloquent message through silence. Krishna is the great guru, Krishnam Vande Jagadgurm; Yajnavalkya is the supreme rishi of self-knowledge in the Vedas. Hanunman is the great guru of the Ramayana who shows the way of devotion to the supreme incarnated as Rama. тАШMantras of the GuruтАЩ gives in authentic form the spiritual intimations of therse great gurus. Once you have come into their orbit, your life has begun the journey to unlimited happiness and joy.
"1. Ganesha Dhyanam
2. Ganesha Dhyanam
3. Soorya Gayathri & Kavacham
4. Hayagriva Gayathri
5. Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Dandakam
6. Durga Abhadhudharana Stotram
7. Dhyanam
8. Bhagavadswaroopam Mahatmiyam
9. Narasimhashtakam
10. Runavimochana Narasimha Stotram
11. Dasavathara Stotram
12. Yajnavalkya Stotram, Isavasya Opanishad
13. Raasakreeda
14. Hanuman Gayathri
15. Hanuman Bhujangam
Higher meanings become name of the powers of our mind, names of the qualities of our soul, and names of the divine powers that lead us. The mantras, prayers and deities which activate these names are powerful rays of light that show us the way towards fulfillment. Ganapati gives us triumph in our undertakings and confers wealth. Soorya bestows health, strength and victory. Lakshmi Hayagreeva, the horse-headed deity gives knowledge and wisdom and wealth. Durga crushes opposition and Narayana gives beauty and ecstacy. There are verses which ward off debts. Hanuman shows the truth of life, and gives victory in all enterprises. The mantras and prayers in this album have been selected by scholars and rendered in the right diction. They are a potent array full of divine vibrations.
"1. Prayer - Slokam
2. Hamsanadham тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Krishna)
3. Kannada тАУ Kandaekam тАУ (In Praise of Ganesha)
4. Amritavarshini тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Saraswathi)
5. Karnataka Devagandhari тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Adiparasakthi)
6. Hindolam тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Raja Rajeshwari)
1. Brindavana Saranga тАУ Adi
"1. Prayer Slokam
2. Brindavana Saranga тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Lord Krishna)
3. Sindhu Bhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Narayana)
4. Valaji тАУ Misrachapu тАУ (In Praise of Venkatachalapathy)
5. Chandrakauns тАУ Adi тАУ (In Praise of Rama)
6. Revathi тАУ Adi тАУ (In Priase of Bhuvaneshwari)
7. Mohanam тАУ Rupakam
8. Saraswathi Manohari - Adi
"Agni is one of the most important of the Vedic gods. He is the god of fire, the messenger, antenna of the gods and the accept of sacrifice. Agni is in everyoneтАЩs heart and heart; he is the vital spark of life, and lives in all living things; he is the fire which digests food, as well as the fire which consumes the offerings to the gods. He is the fire of the sun, in the lightning bolt, and in the smoke column, which holds up the heavens. The stars are sparks from his flame. тАЬI praise Agni, the priest of the house, the divine Ministrant of sacrifice, the invoker, the best bestower of treasure, No god indeed, no mortal is beyond the might of thee, the mighty one. Says the Rig Veda. He has the power of influencing the face of each man. He is the dispeller of darkness and the malevolent spirits. Such is the greatness of Agni.
For the first time, this Sahasranama is brought to light, culling all the vibrations from the Vedas. Listening to this CD will fetch the desired fruits from any deity invoked through haven/ home etc. It is really a boon gifted by Prof.Thiagarajan, Head of the Dept of P.G.and Research Dept. of Sanskrit, Presidency College. He has rendered this Sahasranama in a spiritual tune along with his colleague Prof.P.S.Raghuraman. The music has been composed by the Carnatic Veena Specialist Mr.S.Venkatesan. Mr. Guru on key board gives added support.
"1. Aum тАУ Brahma
2. Bhoor - Embodiment of Vital Spiritual Energy (Pran)
3. Bhuvah - Destroyer Of Sufferings
4. Swaha - Embodiment Of Happiness
5. Tat - That
6. Savitur - Bright Like Sun
7. Varenyam - Best Choicest
8. Bhargo - Destoyer Of Sins
9. Devasaya тАУ Divine
10. Dheemahi - May Imbibe
11. Dhiyo тАУ Intellect
12. YO тАУ Who
13. Naha тАУ Our
14. Prachodayat - May Inspire
In the name Gayatri itself, there is the assertion of its impact тАУ the mantra is one that protects the person who chants it and hears its changing. The potent vibrations of the Gayatri have helped millions of Hindus live life in the light of truth, goodness and victory. It is the light of truth, goodness and victory. It is the inner light of the individual that shows the way through the journey of life, and regular hearing of the Gayatri makes the light glow luminously. In this album, you have the authentic Vedic chanting of the Gayatri by acclaimed pundits, to keep you company all though your life. тАШO Lord, who shines in the Sun and in all the worlds, guides me to my resplendent destinyтАЩ.
"1. Amba Pancharatnam
2. Sri Durga Ashtotram
3. Mahalakshmi Mantra
4. Lalitha Pancharatnam
5. Shyamala Dhandakam
6. Mahalakshmi Gayathri
7. Varahi Gayathri
8. Pratyangira mantra
9. Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
10. Saraswathi Stotram
11. Sri Suktam
12. Aanandamrutha
When we express our adoration for the Universal Mother through the Sanskrit mantras brimming with positive vibrations, we are in touch with creative energies that lead us forward. For the Mother is indeed the spiritual energy that activates everything in this word. As Lakshmi, the Universal Mother fills those who adore her with every richness. As Durga, she gives courage and confidence. As Lalitha she is the great liberator. Her aspects as Varahi and pratyangra relieve worshippers of problems that offict them. As Shyamala and Saraswathi she blesses devotes with wisdom. In this album you have time-hououred hymns of the great goddess rendered authentically in the right diction. This powerful combination of potent mantras in the road to a great life of happiness and triumph.
"1. Hockey Pockey
2. Ants Go Marching
4. Spider
5. Billy Boy
6. Five Little Ducks
7. Head & Shoulders
8. Buckaroo
9. Six Little Ducks
10. Bingo
11. Hush Little Baby
12. Brahms Lullaby
13. Grandfathers Clock
"1. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
2. Dhanvantri Gayathri
3. Soorya Gayathri
4. Aadhitya Hrudayam
5. Mrytunjaya Mantra
6. Mrytunjaya Stotram
7. Daridarya Dahana Shiva Stotram
8. Vaidhyanatha Ashtakam
9. Subramanya Bhujangam
10. Ayusha Suktam
While spiritual faith surcharges the human being with divine qualities, spiritual mantras instill the vibrations of health and vigour. These mantras, in which sound, word and meaning are united, become the very being o f the devotee when heard and meatated upon constantly. In this album, the most powerful mantras of Dhanvantri (the god of healing), Surya (sun- the source of life and health) and Shiva (the destroyer of disease and death as Mrityunjaya, the Conqueror of death, and as Vaidyanatha, the Divine healer) combine in an authentic form, to provide you health, wealth and longevity.
"1. Vandemataram
2. Vishwadhari
3. Salapham ( A Music Theme)
4. Vaishnava Jonathon
5. Haigiri Nandhini
6. Bhajare Gopalam
7. Prema Muditha
8. Brahma Mokatay
9. Raghu Pathi Raghava
10. Mrugnayani
"Pain is of two kinds. One is physical pain the other is mental pain. Mental pain is always related to our experiences and our external and internal reaction to it. One more strata can be stated here, that is how other implies the same upon us. We experience physical pain when we undergone a simple surgical procedure or a major one in any part of our body. After the anesthetic effect the pain will reach the surface of the mind and it is challenging for everyone.
Healing is the process whereby cells in the body regenerate and repair to reduce the site of a damaged or necrotic area. Healing incorporates both the removal of necrotic tissue and replacement of this tissue. Healing use mixcure of both mechanisms either by regeneration or by replacement. Healing music happen by repair in the case of injury to cells that are unable to regenerate (e.g. cardiac muscle or neurons). Also, damage to the collagen network, or total collapse cause healing to take place by repair only.
Music has a harmonizing effect on pain regulating neuron endocrine functions, importance opiods of the pain inhibiting systems. Music gives enormous stimulation to the secretion of endorphins and encourages faster healing. It can be perceived by the patient. Music strengthens the immune activity and paves to good health. Music incresesthe activity of immune system too.
The ragas selected specifically, played in such a way in this album to help both forms of healing. Faster healing leads to lesser pain and regular listening of this classical music helps to achieve the same.
The research has been carried out by. Dr. T.Mythily, PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive neuron Psychologist, and Music Therapist, At present she is the Director, Music Therapy department as Apollo Hospitals, Greams Road, Chennai тАУ 600 006. INDIA.
"Creativity is a ability, which is in short supply. It is valued by all segments of the society. Worldwide Psychologists use the term creativity, synonymously with imagination, originality, divergent thinking inventiveness, intuition, venturesome ness, exploration, and so on, Creative imagination, fantasy and problem solving ability relate to an unorganized thought processes. Doubtless there are aspects of personality, motivation, will (that is qualities other than purely cognitive ones) that are involved in creativeness. To be creative it requires a thorough knowledge of the subject and does actions innovatively. Only two percent of the total populations are rated as gifted people. The brain must have the fluency, flexibility and originality of thinking to enhance creative ability. Music is regarded as activity of the brain, which enhances the functions of the cognitive domain. Just give children an opportunity to experience and enjoy creating with music.
The classical music with selected ragas and specific emphasis on certain notes enhances the creative cureve of mind which shapes the intellectual approach of the individual. Unorganized thought processes gets streamlined. The selected ragas presented in this album helps toward better creative ability.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior.
She is graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, disciple of the performing phenomena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.BALAMURALI KRISHNA. At present she is the Director of the Music Therapy Department, Apollo Hospital Greams Road. Chennai -600 006. INDIA.
"Headache is medically know as cephalagia, sometimes spells as cephalgia. It is a condition of pain in the head. It ranks amongst the most common local pain complaints. Headaches have a wide variety of causes ranging from strain to eyes, sinusitis and tension. There may be other life threatening situations also leads to headache. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. Some time it occurs recurrently even without any reason or real tension. These headaches disturb the routine of an individual. Individuals that experience headache are dehydrated or suffering from caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Treatments of uncomplicated headaches are usually symptomatic and with painkillers, they vanishes!
Some specific forms of headache like migraine will demand better suitable treatment. Here in this angle music palys an innovative role in helping the individual to overcome the severity and intensity of the migraine. Regular exposure to classical music reduces the duration also. Migraine pain is one symptom of serval disorders of the serotonergic control system тАУ dual hormone neurotransmitter-with numerous types of receptors. Music has an influence on the Neurotransmitter; it does the necessary job for anyone who is exposed to music as therapy for reducing the severity and intensity of the headache.
The ragas selected in this album are played in such a way to enhance the serotonergic function qualitatively and helps to diminish the severity of headches.
The research has been carried out by Dr.T.MYTHILY, PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapeutic values for the improvement in the behavior.
At present she is the Director, Music Therapy Department at Apollo Hospitals Greams Road, Chennai-600 006 INDIA.
"1. Om Bhur Bhuvaha Suvaha That Savitur Varenayam- Dhiya Yonaha Prachodayaat
2. Om Ekadhantaaya Vidmahe Vakrathundaaya Dheemahi Thamno Danti Prachodayat
3. Om Damodharaaya Vidamahe Rukmini Vallabhaaye Dheemahi- Thanno Krishna Prachodayat
4. Om Variankhaaya Vidmahe Theekshna Dhamshtraaya- Dheemahi Thanno Naarasimha Prachodayat
5. Om Yaksharaajaaya Vidmahe Vaishravanaaya Dheemahi- Thanno Kubera Prachodayaat
1) Om Bhur Bhuvaha Suvaha Thar Savithur Varenayam тАУ Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayaat.
2) Om Tatpurushaaya Vidmahe Mahaadevaaye Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Rudra Prachodayaat.
3) Om Thanmaheshaaya Vidmahe Bhrigusuthaaya Dheemahi - Thanno Shiva Prachodayat.
4) Om Rajathaabhaaya Vidmahe Bhrigusuthaaya Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Shukra Prachodayaat.
5) Om Vageeswaryaicha Vidmahe Saraswaticha Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Saraswathi Prachodayaat.
1) Om Bhur Bhuvaha Suvaha That Savitur Varenyam тАУ Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayaat.
2) Om Aanjaneyaaya Vidmahe Vaayuputraaya Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Hanuman Prachodayaat.
3) Om Bhaskaraaya Vidmahe Mahatdyutikaraaya Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Aaditya Prachodayaat.
4) Om Mahaadevyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnupatnyaicha Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Lakshmi Prachodayyat.
5) Om Pishacha Dvajaayai Vidmahe Shoolahastaayai Dheemahi тАУ Thanno Kali Prachodayaat."
"A blend of Flute, Sitar, Violin, Electic Guitar, Tabla, Mridangam & Ghatam
Yakshas, In ancient times Yakshas and Yakshinis were the protectors of Saints and Saviours, giving them the support requires to fulfill their purpose! Flautist Balasai, Sitartist Sivaramakrishan, Violinist Kalpana Venkat & Guitarist John Anthony, along with the percussionists Ganesh, Ramakrishnan and Prasanna, form the YAKSHAS of today. Protecting the rights of their musical heritage! These astounding musicians have mastered their armory of instruments, have now come together to create path breaking music rooted in the classical music Tradition of India. As Musical warriors, they share a combined experience of over a hundred years!
1. Naviedyam (Divine Offering) тАУ Thyagaraja
2. Pareeksha (Test of the Spirit) тАУ N.Ramakrishnan & B.V.Balasai
3. Kreeds (Game of Joy) тАУ B.V.Balasai
4. Atma Sukham (Soul Satisfaction) тАУ B.V.Balasai
5. Viraha Vedam ( Divine Longing) тАУ B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
6. Laya Gaatram (Body & Soul) тАУ N.Ramakrishnan & B.V.Balasai
7. Moksha (Salvation) тАУ B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
8. Salapam ( A Musical Theme) тАУ B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
"Tara or Arya Tara, also known as Jetsun Dolma in Tibetan, is said to be the female embodiment of Buddha. She is the тАЬmother of liberationтАЭ and is known as the source of mercy and compassion. Worshipped as the female aspect of the universe, Goddess Tara symbolizes warmth, compassion and relief from bad karma.
This CD contains a spiritual chant that encompasses Tara Sahasranamam, or a thousand names of Goddess Tara. By reciting this mantra and Visualizing her form, one can become open to her energise of compassion and wisdom.
Meditation on Tara Sahasranamam yields many benefits. For one, it reduces the forces of negative karma, sickness, affictions and other obstacles. The mantra helps generate purity within the heart of the practitioner and clenses the psychic channels within the body. For true seekers of the divine, Tara meditations is means to attain true spiritual satisfaction.
"1. Bilawal тАУ Mooladhara Chakra
2. Yaman тАУ Swadhithana Chakra
3. Malkauns тАУ Manipooraka Chakra
4. Bhairav тАУ Anahata Chakra
5. Jai Jai Vanthi тАУ Vishuddhi Chakra
6. Begeswari тАУ Ajna Chakra
7. Darbari Kanada тАУ Sahasraara Chakra
8. Information on Chakra Meditation
"1. Malkauns - Aalap
2. Gat - Madhya, Drut
3. Dhun - Bhopal
4. Bhajan - Bhairavi
The Tabla Tarang represents a tour de force of transforming the tabla from a percussion instrument into a vehicle of melody. In the tabla tarang, the тАШdayanтАЩ drums of the tabla are tuned to different pitches in the ascending order to enable the playing of melody. In this rare programme, veteran тАШtabla tarangтАЩ player H.P.Ramamurthy, who comes in the line of Ganayogi Panchakshara Gavai, makes the tabla tarang тАШ singтАЩ in classical, folk and devotional styles. Taking advantage of track recording, he has also accompanied himself on the tabla. This is an exhilarating treat of music played with exceptional ├йlan on a rare instrument.
Dr. Chithra Ramakrishnan is a carnatic vocalist and Bharatnatyam dancer by Profession, Born in a traditional South India family with a very rich cultural heritage. She had her initial training from Shri.Chalapuram Papaa, a contemporary of Shri.Tiger Rangachri, Later; she received training from Shri mathur.P.Balasubramanian and was also fortunate to learn under the tutelage of the great musical genius and renowned musicologist, Prof. Dr.T.V.Gopalakrishnan. She has won several accolades and awards, given concerts in the Middle East, US and the UK She is the artistic Director of Shruthi UK, an art organization to promote and revive Indian Music and dance in the UK.
"1. Shiva Saharan (Lingapurana)
2. Shiva Mahima (Sutasamhita)
3. Aum Namah Shivaya
Lord Shiva, who is comprehensible through Vedas and Vedanta, manifest in the form of universe and all three gods, is the object of meditation and extolled by thousand names (Sahasranama). Prayer to him gives relief to the dumb in the form of speech, the deaf in the form auditory capacity, blind in the form of sight and lame in the form of ability to move about, exterminates all diseases, and burns away the sorrows of poverty. Lord
Shiva is the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. He is the ultimate Reality. He shows his darling of RAMA, having granted HIM all his Cherished desires.
There are II Shivasahasranamas available in ancient scriptures, but the following two are very important as they are sung by Lord Vishnu Himself in praise of Shiva.
My First Words is a fun, interactive CD that teaches your child the alphabet along with words and rhymes. The alphabet is recited in a simple, understandable manner along with simple words for each alphabet. These words are then strung together in easy-to-follow rhymes will keep your child singing along and entertained for hours. So go ahead-make learning fun for your toddler!
"1. Prayer
2. Introduction
3. Jathis For Opening Numbers тАУ 5 NoтАЩs тАУ Aadhi Taalam
4. Trikaala Jathis For Varmams тАУ 5 NoтАЩs тАУ Aadhi Taalam
5. Theeramanams For Varmams тАУ 12 NoтАЩs Aadhi Taalam
6. Eththukadi Jathis for Vamams тАУ 4 NoтАЩs тАУ Aadhi Taalam
7. Jathis in Sankeerna Chaapu Thalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
8. Jathis in Roopaka Chaapa Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
9. Jathis in Misra Chaapa Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
10. Jathis in Kanda Ekam Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
11. Jathis in Kanda Chaapa Thaalam тАУ 2 NoтАЩs
12. Jathis in Aadhi Thaalam тАУ 5 NoтАЩs
The sweetness of tone of the bamboo flute and the liquid grace of the gottuvadyam, the ancient fretless stringed instrument, wonderfully complement each other in this distinctive album of Carnatic masterpieces. B.V.Balasai (flute) and A.aDurgaprasad (gottuvadyam), individual musicians of proven merit and charisma, have struck out a lovely path of congenial duetting that has led to gracious and dignified music of the highest caliber. The musical variations that the duo invests on the compositions bear the stamp of maturity and classicism. From a choice culling of pieces form the Carnatic Trinity (Muthuswami DikshitharтАЩs Varali piece Maamava Meenakshi is the central composition) to the wonderful Kanada song of Swati Tirunal (тАШMaamava Sada JananiтАЩ) and the masterworks of contemporary composers like Papanasam Sivan (Naanoru Vilaiyaattu) and Thanjavur Sankara Iyer (the masterly Ranjani Mala), melligluity, sublimity and class are the hallmarks of the playing here. A delectable fare of first тАУ rate music.
"1. Shakthi Sahitha - Muthuswami Dikshitar
2. Muruganin - Guru Surajananda
3. Brahmam Okate - Annamacharya
4. Kurai Ondrumilla - Rajaji
5. Valli Kanavan - Traditional
6. Madhura Madhura - Traditional
7. Marinades Teliyakane - Pattnam Subramanya Iyer
8. Krishna Nee - Vyasarayar
9. Dandamu - Tyagaraja
This is a tasteful attempt at taking famous and catchy compositions of great composers to a larger audience by imaginatively giving them a setting mood, harmony and context. Talented flutist B.V.Balasai, whose sweet tonality, excellent blowing and grasp of the Carnatic idiom have made him a byword for versatility, has played the flute apart form scoring and arranging the background music. Evergreen hits like Brahmam Okate (The Supreme truth is one), Kurai Ondrum Illai (RajajiтАЩs rare offering), Muruganin Maru Peyar Azhagu (the bewitching beauty in Behag), and Krishna Nee Begane (the magic of Yamuna Kalyani) are dressed up in brilliant fineries of melody and rhythm. Western bounce, Carnatic charm, folk allure, light classical appealтАж. all these in a sensitively evoked musical atmosphere backed up mainly by BalsaтАЩs flute go to make тАШMoods of BambooтАЩ an unforgettable album.
The mantra тАШSarvamangala Maangalye Shiva Sarvaarthasaadhake, Sharanye Tharyambike Devi, Naaraayani NamosthutuтАЩ is a sacred verse for worshippers of the Universal Mother. It is addressed to the Devi, the giver of all auspiciousness (sarva mangala), the refuge of all those who seek her divine feet. (sharanye), the goddess who fulfils all wishes (Sarvaarthasaadhike). The repetition of this verse confers all the blessings of a good life. Given that the sacred words of the mantra are familiar, the playing of the traditional tune in which it is rendered evokes powerful vibrations of Devotion and divine feeling. This album recreates the mantra instrumentally to usher the devotee into an atmosphere of sacred worship and fulfillment
"1. The Mysterious beginning
2. A awakening light
3. Cool Shades on the shore
4. Towards the confluence
5. Moonlight Seanata
6. Diving into the deep
7. Dancing with the dolphins
8. The new dawn
The golden sands, the silver-crested waves, the limitless expanse of blue, the inviting cool breezeтАж. the very moment you approach the ocean you feel a sense of release. Dawn, when the sea is aglow with the golden orb the sun and Night when it is crowned by the star-spangled sky are glorious spectacles that free man from all pettiness. тАШSounds of Nature тАУ OceanтАЩ captures the moods of the sea, its mysterious silence, its beauty at dawn, its sparkle and vigour, its cool, energizing tough and it awe-inspiring magnificence so as to calm the mind and lead it to vaster horizons. The sounds of criss-crossing waves are interwoven with the lyrical graces of the bamboo flute in all its varied moods as well as the strains of the santoor and piano. Peace, joy, release from stress, a sense of the Passing nature of things and thus liberation from the ephemeral into the everlastingтАж these are the effects of this album, which is a sparking wave of melody and harmony arising from the ocean of music.
"1. Raga Yaman - Taal Roopak - Sharanu Siddhivinayaka
2. Raga Mishra Khamaj -- Taal Keherwa - Vaishnava Janato
3. Raga Bhoopali - Taal Dadra - Sharanu Naada Brahma
The shadows grow longer as the sun inclines towards the west, and the dayтАЩs activity begins to wane. As one grows sensitive to the natural cycles, the rosy hues of twilight become an invitation to meditation. Appropriate music greatly enhances the atmosphere of calm, giving one spiritual, mental and physical peace. тАШMusic for Evening MeditationтАЩ brings contemplative music of the highest quality from time-honoured Indian raags. Yaman, which has strong associations with the evening, creates a distinctive ambience of peace and tranquility. As the raag exploration soars up the higher octave a feeling of ecstacy and rapture is generated. The soft, lyrical tones of the Dilruba attuned to the ringing notes of the tambura build an experience of quiet and serenity that one yearns to return to again and again. Ragas Mishra Khamaj and Bhoopati build on the tryst with serenity.
"1. Aadhi Swathe Neeye
2. Amman En
3. Thirumayiali
4. Kanthimathi Devi
5. Bakthikkum
6. Anabana Annaiyee
7. Kamatchi Kamakodi
8. Anbine Deivamai
9. Ezhilmigum
10. Thirumagalae
11. Ponmedaithanil
12. Kalvi Perunkadaley
13. Amma Unthiruvadikay
"1. Hanuman Miami тАУ Part тАУI
2. Hanuman Miami тАУ Part тАУII
3. Hanuman Halisha тАУ Sanskrit
"1. Kandhan Karunai тАУ Part 1
2. Kandhan Karunai тАУ Part 2
3. Thirupugazhin Osai
4. Kandha Gugane
5. Valla Kottayam
6. Kandan Endru
"1. Shiva Bhakthi Utkarshana Nirupanam
2. Verona Diksha
3. Raamaya Varadaanam
4. Variaagya Upadesa
5. Shiva Praadurbhaava
6. Vibhooti Yoga
Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being and the Lord of mercy and compassion protect his devotees from the evil forces of lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, awakens wisdom, burns sins and bestows grace, eternal bliss and everlasting peace to his devotees.
The fundamental question that pertains to each one of our lives, тАЬWhat is the meaning of life?тАЭ is addressed in the upadesha SHIVA GITA discoursed by Lord Shiva to Raman in16 chapters with 760 verses from the Padmapurana. It helps us understand that we have to embrance the qualities of sacrifice, worship and service in order to attain salvation. This Gita, which is even older than the Bhagavad Gita, can be considered in some salvation. This is a prelude to it as striking parallels of verses are found in the latter. By listening to the Shiva Gita you can attain harmony with your spiritual self and feel a nearness to God. You will be able to enjoy his manifold blessings and radiate peace, bliss and wisdom.
"1. Visvaroopa Darshan
2. Dehasvaroopa Nirnaya
3. Jeevgatyadi Niroopanam
4. Pindotpatti Kathanam
5. Jeevasvaroopa Kathanam
Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being and the Lord of mercy and compassion protect his devotees from the evil forces of lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, awakens wisdom, burns sins and bestows grace, eternal bliss and everlasting peace to his devotees.
The fundamental question that pertains to each one of our lives, тАЬWhat is the meaning of life?тАЭ is addressed in the upadesha SHIVA GITA discoursed by Lord Shiva to Raman in16 chapters with 760 verses from the Padmapurana. It helps us understand that we have to embrance the qualities of sacrifice, worship and service in order to attain salvation. This Gita, which is even older than the Bhagavad Gita, can be considered in some salvation. This is a prelude to it as striking parallels of verses are found in the latter. By listening to the Shiva Gita you can attain harmony with your spiritual self and feel a nearness to God. You will be able to enjoy his manifold blessings and radiate peace, bliss and wisdom.
The ninth chapter contains interesting information on the connection between food and the mind. Valuable research material on gynaecology and the anatomy is also found in chapters eight and nine.
"1. Upaasana Gnana Phalam
2. Moksha Yoga
3. Panchakoshopapadanam
4. Bhakthi Yoga
5. Adhikaari Nirupanam
Lord Shiva, the Supreme Being and the Lord of mercy and compassion protect his devotees from the evil forces of lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, awakens wisdom, burns sins and bestows grace, eternal bliss and everlasting peace to his devotees.
The fundamental question that pertains to each one of our lives, тАЬWhat is the meaning of life?тАЭ is addressed in the upadesha SHIVA GITA discoursed by Lord Shiva to Raman in16 chapters with 760 verses from the Padmapurana. It helps us understand that we have to embrance the qualities of sacrifice, worship and service in order to attain salvation. This Gita, which is even older than the Bhagavad Gita, can be considered in some salvation. This is a prelude to it as striking parallels of verses are found in the latter. By listening to the Shiva Gita you can attain harmony with your spiritual self and feel a nearness to God. You will be able to enjoy his manifold blessings and radiate peace, bliss and wisdom.
The ninth chapter contains interesting information on the connection between food and the mind. Valuable research material on gynaecology and the anatomy is also found in chapters eight and nine.
"1. Prayer
2. Anjali Nattai Guru Raja rathnam Pillai
3. Jatisvaram Vasantha Rupakam Tanjore Quartette
4. Varnam Neelambari Adi Lalgudi G.Jayaraman
5. Rani Of Jhansi Ragamalika Adi Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
6. Sita Swayamvara Ragamalika Talam alika Dr.Rukmani Ramani
7. Tillana Brindavani Adi Dr.M.Balamuralikrishnan
8. Mangalam
"1. Prayer
2. Pushpanjali Arabi Adi Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
3. Deviyai Panindu Ragamalika Adi Lalgudi G.Jayaraman(2 nd Half of a Vamam)
4. Idadhupadham Khamas Adi Papanpasam Sivan
5. Aduvum Solluval Sourastram Adi Ganam Krishna Iyer
6. Kannagi Ragamalika Talamalika Silapa diagram
7. Tillana & Durge Durge Revathi Adi Vidvanamadurai N.Krishnan
8. Killikanni An and abairavi Adi Annamalai Reddiar
The chakras are psychic power centress in the subtle body revealed by the great yogis of India. Imbalances in the chakras caused by stress, wrong thinking and trauma, lead to obstruction in flow of psychic energy. Cleaning up of the Moolaadhaara, the root chakra at the base of the spine, gives health, wealth, zets for life, sexual fulfillment, and happiness. Listening with a quiet mind to raga Bilawal, as played in this album, balance the chakra and facilitates smooth energy flow and cures many ailments. The Moolaadhaara is the pivot of material life, and roots the subtle spiritual consciousness in the world. Its health signifies a firm anchoring in the physical world. The raga is essayed as spiritual contemplation by Pundit Pandering Parate, a respected sitarist of the Tanras gharana.
The chakras are centres of vital energy in the subtle body, revealed by the great sages of India. Imbalances in the chakras caused by sprees, wrong thinking and trauma, lead to obstruction in psychic energy flow. When balanced, the Sahastraara or Crown chakra opens up the individual to universal consciousness and it slimitless energy and joy. Imbalances blight the inner life. Attuning the mind to the vibrations of Darbari Kanada, the great raga associated with the crown chakra, rewards the listener with divine wisdom, Tranquility and inner richness. When the crown chakra is healthy one has pure awareness of oneself and the world. This brings complete confidence and trust in the divine dispensation. The raga is essayed as spiritual contemplation by Pundit Pandering Parate, a respected sitarist of the Tanras gharana, in its traditional colour.
"1. Happy Birthday
2. ItтАЩs Happ Happy Birthday
3. HeтАЩs Jolly Good Fellow
4. Birdie Dance
5. Grand March
6. Congratulations
7. Yankee Doodle
8. Do the Boogie Woogie
9. Merry Go Loop de Loop
10. SheтАЩll Be Coming Round
11. London Bridge
12. Simple Simon
13. Row Row
14. This Old Man
15. Bits of Paper
"1. Prayer
2. Srimanarayana
3. Narayanthe
4. Venkatachalaniayam
5. Brahma Mokatae
6. Samarpanam
7. Dasavathara Mangalm
"тАЬJyotirgamayaтАЭ has been created to support the cause of our welfare trust тАЬTrinayaniтАЭ. I thank all my friends for their invaluable contribution towards the making of this album.
A prayer does not is looking for the right path, a prayer leads us to the ever-shining zone of light, the ultimate haven, where one is always welcome as a human. I believe that this feeling is no different from the way a child, in its purest form feels, when it looks for refuge at the bosom of its mother. A prayer takes us to that place, where one is always welcome. Despite ones pretensions, sins or failures and is secured in the embrace of the Divine. I am fortunate enough to be able to create this album, which I have dedicated not only to my mother by to the ever-embracing divinity of motherhood at large.
Besides as a compilation of some brilliant prayer songs this album is a pathfinder in terms of bringing cult figures such as Kabir, Yakrang, Narayan Swami, Khalas and Bhaji together. The content of the songs have a universal appeal and will speak to all beyond the barriers to age and time.
1. Beet gaye din bhajan binare
2. Krodh na ehhora, Jhooth na chhora
3. Naath manhe ab ki baar bachaao
4. Karna fakiri phir kya dilgiri.
5. Piya Milan kaisay jayogi gori
6. Sakhi mere man ki kau janay
7. Samaria man bhaya re
8. Kachu lena na dena magan rehna
"1. Mary Had lil Lamb
2. Ba ba black Sheep
3. Jack & Jill
4. If youтАЩre happy and you know it
5. Do the boogie Woogie
6. This Old man
7. Old Mac Donald
8. She'll be coming round the mountain
9. London bidge
10. Three bilnd mice
11. Its raining, its pouring
12. Row your boat
13. Loop de loop
14. Simple Simon
15. Bits of Paper
Enjoy the classic old favourite nursery rhymes now sung to a new tune, Remixed and hip, itтАЩs sure to get your tiny tots up on their feet, clapping away and swinging to its beat! In an easy, sing-along format, these nursery rhymes will have your kids rapping in no time. Fun for not just the kids, the whole family can participate in this sing-along activity, indentifying old favourites and creating happy new memories.
"It is the experience of the sages of India that human life is a great opportunity for spiritual evolution. They looked at the entire spectrum of life from the spiritual angle. It was in this manner that they discovered the chakra, psychic energy centres in the hyman body that shows the path of higher consciousness. The correct balance and health of the chakras gives good health and a fruitful life. The heart chakra, called theтАЩ anahataтАЩ chakra because the sages heard the unstruck sound there, is the wish fulfilling centre which confers all boons as well as the greatest blessings of everlasting life. Imbalance in its functioning leads to arrogance, greed and vanity, while its health confers optimism, endeavor and the capacity to discriminate between truth and untruth. Bhairav, also called the Adi Raaga the first raaga, is associated with the heart chakra, and bestows all the positive vibrations of the chakra on the listener. In this rare album,
Pandit Pandurang Parate of the Tanras gharana plays Bhairav in the authentic traditional way on the majestic Surbahar.
Track One - Bhairavaalaap
Track Two - Bhajan, Rupak Thaal
1. Sri Ganapati Moolamantra
2. Ganapati Suprabhatam
3. Annapoorna Ashtakam
4. Angaaraka Kavacham
1. Saraswati Stuti
2. Saraswati Suktam
3. Budha Kavacham
1. Ohm Arunachalaya Nemaha
2. Dvadasa Jyotrilangam
3. Kanva Rudram
1. Sukra Kavacham
2. Isavaasya
3. Gayathri Mantra
1. Natesa Gayatri and Dhyana
2. Nataraja Thandava Stotra
3. Guru Kavacham
1. Ardhanaareeswara Stotra
2. Om Chanting
3. Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
1. The Culmination тАУ Bhadra Suktam
The sages of India found answers to the great questions of life and revealed the way of everlasting life and happiness. One of their great discoveries was that the body is a microcosm of the universe. They found the subtle body to be a marvelous universe of crisscrossing nerves called naadis and energy centers called chakras. They also perceived the deities who presided over the powers of these chakras so that aspirants could contemplate the deities, go up the ladder of the energy centers, and realize the highest potential of their life. This album is graded to take you up the chakras by making you contemplate the powers that are dormant in them. Ganapati, the elephant headed god who ensures success by averting hindrances presides over the Mooladhara, even as Sakti, the mother goddess represents the entire cosmos. The planet concerned in this respect is Mars. We have here traditional Sanskrit scholars spiritedly rendering the hymns connected with each energy centre. We move up to the six petalled Swadishthana and with Saraswati and the planet Mercury attunes ourselves to its benign vibrations. In this way we move up to the six chakra, the Ajna where the vibrations of the Pranava guide us to the regions beyond mind and word. Still future, Dakshinamurthi, the supreme guru illumes us with the true vision of our divinity culminating in the Vedic benediction. Chakra Chants for you to travel to the Beyond with the help of the divine deities.
"The Vedic religion, popular known as Hinduism, helps people live a life a fulfillment through manifold spiritual insights embodied in mantras and sacred hymns. Hinduism looks upon the body and life on earth as the expression of divinity and teaches us the art of expanding the horizons of our consciousness. The mantras in this album, recited by authoritative Sanskrit scholars, put us directly in the current of divine vibrations. Tap the pristine fountains of the Gayatri mantra, the supreme prayer for light and direction from the Supreme Intelligence called God, and you have the guaranteed key to health, peace, power and prosperity. Aditya Hridayam, the great hymn addressed to Surya, the sun god, which helped Lord Rama himself in the culminating duel of the Ramayana is a proven chant for success in every sense for everyone. The Purusha Sukta hymn again ensures all round happiness and well-being. Mantras pertaining to Dhanvantri, the divine physician who brings the knowledge of good health, are again assured ways of achieving healing. Powerful mantras of Sudarshana, the discus of Mahavishnu and the very repository of the LordтАЩs power, Narasimha, the man-lion incarnation of Mahavishnu, and of Lord Siva, whose very name spells auspiciousness, and other Upanishadic taxts are time-honoured measures to achieve health, wealth and success. A Healing Album.
Gayatri Mantra - Prof Thiagarajan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sri Guru Stuti - Prema Rengarajan
Surya Gayatri & Kavacham тАУ Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Aidtya Hridyam - Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Purusha Sukta - Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Dhanvantri Gayatri -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sudarshana Mantra -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sudarshana Kavacham -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Mantra -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Shiva Stuti -Prema Rengarajan
Mrityunjaya Mantra -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Bhadra Suktam -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
Gana Paatam -Prof.Thiagarjan & Sanskrit Scholars
"1. Gansesha Stuti
2. Kubera Gayatri
3. Sri Lakshmi Namavali
4. Mahalakshmi Mantra
5. Lakshmi Dandakam
6. Kanakadhara Stotram
7. Rajarajeswari Ashtakam
8. Lakshmi Gayatri
9. Sudarshana Ashtakam
10. Ashiravaada Mantra
Prosperity is one of the great aims (purusharthas) of human life, according to the Hindu sages. It finds the second place in the fourfold aim of dharma (righteous life), artha (wealth), kaama (desire and physical fulfillment) and moksha (liberation). Mahalakshmi is the goddess of wealth and good fortune. Mantras and Sanskrit hymns addressed to her result in the prosperity and well-being of those who propitiate her. Mahalakshmi is the embodiment of compassion and showers devotees with the boons they seek. This album has the choicest selection of mantras and hymns rendered in the right diction by experienced scholars meant to harness benign vibrations of powerful Sanskrit syllables. Following the propitiation of Ganapati (who too is considered to preside over success and wealth) and Kubera (Vedic god of wealth), there are a string of hymns of Mahalakshmi capped by the Kanakadhaara Stotra, a powerful chant composed by the great Adi Shankara himself as a sure means of getting the grace of the goddess of wealth (Kanakadhaara mean shower of gold). Prayers to Lakshmi Hayagreeva (Hayagreeva is a manifestation of Vishnu as knowledge) and Sudarshana, the deity who represents the power and might of Mahavishnu, are capped by Vedic chants for wealth and well-being. Albums that will make you count your blessings.
"1. Dasavathara Stotram
2. Krishna Stuti
3. Sri Krishna Dhyanamala
4. Sri Ramayana Namaha
5. Bali Darpa Samanam
6. Yogalakshmi Narasimha Suprabhatam
7. Sooryanarayana Stuti
8. Sudarshana Gayatri
9. Hayagreeva Stuti
10. Sri Venkatesa Ashottaram
11. Om Chanting
Sanskrit is the language of Satya Yuga as it is based on the true and perfect relationship between sound and sense. That is why hymns created in Sanskrit by sages and seers give various beneficial results to those who worshipped not only as the sustainer as part of the Trinity, but as the Supreme Being, are culled to shower the choicest blessing on devotees. This album, offered by traditional Sanskrit scholars with perfect diction, begins with a hymn to the Lord who takes ten major incarnations to come to the succour of mankind. It is followed by authoritative chants to Sri Krishna, the supreme avater who declares that he will look after the well-being of devotees who surrender to Him. This is followed by Raghuveera Gadyam, a powerful tribute to Sri Rama, God as perfect Man, composed by savant Vedanta Desika and recitation of the mantra of Rama. A rare hymn to Vamana, the Vishnu avatar who grew up to be Trivikrama, the Lord who strode the three worlds in three steps, and gave liberation to Bali by crushing his ego is another powerful chant, potent prayers to Narasimha (the man lion avater), Sudarshana, the LordтАЩs discuss and symbol of His might, Hayagreeva (the horse-headed aspect of Vishnu who is a repository of art and knowledge), and Balaji (the vouchsafer of boons in the kali Yuga) follow. This album brings the benign grace of the all-pervading Vishnu.
"1. Sri Ganapati
2. Sri Ganapati Talam
3. Lakshmi Gayathri
4. Lalitha Sahasranamam
5. Shiva Sakti
6. Sri Dakshinamoorthy Panchatantra Stotram
7. Soorya Suprabatham
Melody and Rhythm Combine in this album with accurately enunciated Sanskrit verses
Brimming with divine vibrations. Giving you a combination that brings success and prosperity for sure. Stotras and chants chockfull with positive emanations of ganesa, the deity who wards away obstacles and gives success and wealth. Lakshmi, the goddess of auspiciousness, Dakshinamurthy, the supreme deity of divine knowledge, and of Shiva, Shakti and lalitha will infuse into you the power of victory and goodness. This album will bring a newt spring to your walk. A divine swing to your gait.
"1. Sri Natarajapathi Madhura Dasakam
2. Gaayatri Mantra
3. Hanuman Bhujangam
Nataraja, the aspect of Shiva ad dancer, shines in the heart of all beings. Gayathri, the divine power, is radiant not only in the orb of the sun. But in the consciousness of every creature. Hanuman the greatest and mightiest adorer of the divine. Lives forever as the zest for the spiritual. Verses and chants of these shining deities are set as winning melodies to flowing rhythms in this album. They will surely bring you inner peace and tranquility.
"1. Elevate
2. Nirvana
3. Higher state of consciousness
4. Healing touch
5. Arise and inspire
6. Spa-la-la
7. Tranquility
8. Reflection
9. Soulful
10. Composure
Lie back, relax and soothe your senses with his compilation of eight calming tunes, especially created for you to unwind and find freedom from all that is wearing you down.
Listen to these uplifting and revitalizing compositions in the cozy confines of your home, spa, your office or just about anywhere and enter a whole new space of serenity. These melodies elevate your soul and calm your mind giving you the relaxation you truly deserve.
This collection provides ideal listening for morning walks, massage sessions, yoga, meditation and wellness, making your time spent in listening to it refreshing and rejuvenating. Allow yourself to get lost in these carefully composed pieces of music and be transported to a whole new state of tranquility.
"Shiva is the Lord of the Universe, and the Lord of all living beings, and Shakti is his consort and driving force. Shiva and Shakti are the universal parents, and all those who propitiate with a pure mind are sure to triumph in their endeavors and also realize them the ultimate truth of existence. As the popular prayer to the Divine Mother goes, she gives all auspiciousness and fulfills every desire of the devotee. This album brings you a sheaf of the most powerful holy chants and hymns addressed to Shiva and Shakti. From Vedic hymns (Sri Rudram) to sacred paeans attributed to great sages (ShankaraтАЩs Annapoornaashtakam), this collection contains Sanskrit verses brimming with divine vibrations. Various attributes of Shiva as embodied in Nataraja, Rudra, Dakshinamurthy and Ardhanareeswara are effectively invoked, even as we worship Shakti in her benign, ferocious and auspicious aspects. Well-versed Pandits have rendered these chants with perfect diction in the traditional style. Touch the soul of Indian through these powerful hymns and rejuvenate your soul.
1 Shiva Stuti
2 Amba Pancharatnam
3 Sri Durga Ashtottaram
4 Rudram
5 Mahishasuramardini Stotram
6 Sri Dakshinamurthy Ashtakam
7 Annapoornashtakam
8 Nataraja Thandava Stotram
9 Lingashtakam
10 Sri Amba Navamanimala, Saraswati Mangalam
11 Sri Lakshmi Mangalam
"From the base of the spine to the crown of the head there are subtle energy centers called Chakras. These are channels of the Kundalini Shakti, the divine power of consciousness that we all possess. Awakening the chakras leads us to greater levels of awareness and peace and transforms are limited human power to godliness. The imbalance of the chakras clouds our vision and cause various physical of the chakras. The Swadishthana is the second chakra in the ascending order and grants beauty, poise and sexual fulfillment. The disharmony of the chakra leads to lack of vitality, Inhibitions, suspicion, false knowledge and cruelty. Yaman, the great raga, is associated with this chakra and meditating on its mellifluous strains helps one harness the power and grace of the chakra. Pandit Pandurang Parate, a veteran exponent of the Tanras gharana, leads us gently into the luminous domains of the raga.
1. Yaman - Alap
2. Raag Yaman Vilambit тАУ Teen Taal : Madhya Lay тАУ Teen Taal
"The chakras are subtle centers in the body (Corresponding to the nerve plexuses in the spinal cord) which channelise the psychic and spiritual energy lying dormant at the base of the spine (Kundalini Shakti). Because the upward movement of the energy is spiral when it is awakened, it is called serpent power. The correct balance and health of the chakras gives good health and a fruitful life. The Ajna Chakra is the centre between the eyebrows, and is called the seat of the guru. It is here that the sacred syllable Aum is situated. This is the centre where the mind is full of peace and stability. Since the three major nadis, ida, pingala and sushumna reconverge here, it is called the triple confluence of freedom (Mukta-Triveni). A balanced third eye chakra gives wisdom, discrimination and illumination, while disharmony in this sphere spells mental chaos, insensitivity and visual impairment. Bageswari is the raga associated with this chakra. The sensitively played music is this album will balance the chakra and bring charity of mind, incisive vision and peace. Pandit Pandurang Parate of the Tanaras gharana plays the deep sounding Surbahar in raag Bageswari to give you a deep, intuitive experience.
1. Bageswari Alap
2. Vilambit, Teen Taal ; Drut Teen Taal
3. Bhajan, Alap
"It is the experience of the sages of Indian that human life is a great opportunity for spiritual evolution. They looked at the entire spectrum of life form the spiritual angle. It was in this manner that they discovered the chakras, psychic energy centers in the human body that shows the path to higher consciousness. The correct balance and health of the chakras gives good health and a fruitful life. The Vishuddha Chakra, the Fifth chakra is located in the throat. It is the centre of the ether (aakaasha) Principle, and the power of hearing, speaking and creativity are associated with it (being the dwelling place of Saraswati, the goddess of learning). It is described as the region of the moon, the moon without a single blemish, the тАШgateway of the great liberationтАЩ. One, who mingles with this chakra by concentration, becomes a great sage enjoying perennial peace of mind. Such a personтАЩs words and thoughts become the engines of spiritual energy. An unbalanced and unhealthy throat chakra severely impeds the capacity to communicate with others and also creates problems related to the thyroid, throat and ear. When the Throat Chakra is in fine balance, the individual reaches the peak of creativity and inspiration. Raaga Jaijaivanti is associated with the throat chakra and bestows all the positive vibrations of the chakra on the listener. In this reare album, Pandit Veereshwar Madri, who comes in the line of Panchakshari Gawai of the Gadag school of Hindustani music, plays Jaijavanti in the authentic traditional way on the rare instrument, the Tarshenai.
1. Raag Jaijavanti- Vilambit Ek Taal тАУ тАШPaalan ghad laare badaiyyaтАЩ; Drut Teen taal тАУтАШKidhar Gaye He ManmohanтАЩ
2. Raghupati Raghava Rajaram тАУ based on Jaijaivanti
3. Jaijagadeesha Hare тАУ Aarati
4. Thumri тАУ Mishra Peelu тАУ Taal Deepchandi тАУ тАШJis nagar daandharma nahi, us nagar rehna kya reтАЩ.
"Sanskrit is called the language of the gods (devabhasha) as it is based on the true and perfect relationship between sound and sense. It has been said that Sanskrit is not just a language but a power, тАШwith every one of its vowels and consonants having a particular and inalienable forceтАЩ (Sri Aurobindo). Sages created divine hymns in Sanskrit to attune devotees to spiritual truths. The grand verse of the Isavasya Upanishad shows the way to all humanity the secret and meaning of life тАУ тАШAs everything is enveloped by God, enjoy life by giving up. Do not cover anythingтАЩ. The wonderful vibrations of the Gayatri Mantra (defined as the chant that protects those who intone it) and the sonorous Vedic chants тАШPurusha SooktaтАЩ makes you envision a divine world of beauty world of beauty and light. Chants to Hayagreeva (the horse-headed deity giving knowledge and mastery of action), Mrityunjaya (SivaтАЩs aspect giving health and longevity), Dhanvantri (deity giving good health) and Mahalakshmi (goddess ensuring success and wealth) rendered by authentic Sanskrit pundits with accurate diction will enable you to enjoy the choicest blessings of these benign powers. тАШSecret ChantsтАЩ will open your life to the healing touch of divine mantras.
1. Gayathri Mantra
2. Isavasyam
3. Purusha Suktam
4. Hayagreeva Gayathri
5. Mrytunjaya Mantra
6. Dvadasa Jyotirlingam
7. Sarava Karyasiddhi (Valmiki Ramayana)
8. Dhanvantri Dhyanam
9. Dhanvantri Gayatri
10. Shyamala Dandakam
11. Sri Lakshmi Stotram
12. Sri Lakshmi Gayatri
"The Hindu scriptures assure mankind of immortality, not as the reward for a religious or righteous life but as the consequence of oneтАЩs divine nature. They also affirm that human birth is highly valuable for the realization of the truth. That is why Vedic mantras and Sanskrit chants have been designed by the sages and seers to India to endow and with mental and physical well-being. The Gayatri Mantra, the most potent instrument for leading a meaningful life, is chanted in this album by traditional pundits in the authentic diction and correct style. This alone will bestow incredible strength on those who imbibe its healing vibrations. Chants addressed to Shakti, in her various attributes; attune the aspirant to creative forces. Mantras addressed to Dhanvantri (the Vedic god of good health), Soorya (the sun god, the source of life, strength and victory), Mrityunjaya (Siva as the victor over death and the bestower of immortality), Sudarshana (the Power and force of Vishnu) and Hanuman (son of the wind god, and the repository of strength, valour and devotion to the divine) are perennial sources of divine blessings of health, strength, self-confidence and a meaningful life.
1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Isavasyopanishad
3. Sri Durga Kavacham
4. Meenakshi Pancharatnam
5. Dhanvantri Gayatri
6. Soorya Suprabatham
7. Soorya Gayatri And Kavacham
8. Mrityunjaya Stotram
9. Mrityunjaya Mantra
10. Sri Lalitha Pancharatnam
11. Sri Sarabha Gayatri
12. Sudarshana Gayatri
13. Sudarshana Ashtakam
14. Hanumad Gayatri
15. Hanumad Bhujangam
"The great sages of India were practical visionaries who envisaged the spiritual destiny of man based on their own inner experiences. They considered the body as the temple of god and made in the basis for manтАЩs greater voyage into subtler worlds. Such was their discovery of the serpent power, the Kundalini that lies coiled at the base of the spine, the тАШnadisтАЩ, channels of the subtle body that carry the vital energy, and the тАШchakrasтАЩ psychic energy centers in the sushumna nadi ( the most important channel that extends from the base of the spine to the crown of the head). The health and correct balance of the chakras gives a fruitful life and expands the consciousness to the divine level. The Manipuraka, which is the third chakra in the ascending order, is the centre that gives energy, optimism and transforming power to the individual. As its name indicates, the Manipuraka chakra glows like a lustrous gem, which is not surprising since it is the centre of the element fire. When the chakra is purified, it frees the person from the burning desire for worldly pleasures. All the negative energies and impurities of the ego are burnt up at the altar of this fiery centre. Raaga Malkauns is associated with Manipuraka and bestows all the positive vibrations of the chakra on the listener. In this remarkable album of soothing music based on the chakraтАЩs raga, the strains of the sitar, flute, tabla and shehnai mingle seamlessly in the music of Ganesh Muthu, a disciple of Ustad Ahmad Hussain Khan of the Achpal gharana. You have a magical web of caressing melody here.
1. The ebb and flow of life
2. Inner quest for significance
3. Search and supplication to the Guru
4. Service and Total Surrender
5. The bliss of Divine Union
"The deities of Hinduism embody the deepest experiences of devotees and worshippers. No aspirant goes empty-handed from the sanctum of the gods. This album brings you the most powerful mantras and chants that will protect and guide you in your life. We first invoke Ganapati, the benign god of good beginnings who brings success, wealth and happiness to those who worship him before they take up any endeavor. One who invokes Ganapati right at the start will undoubtedly come out in flying colours. We then invoke with Vedic chants, Shiva, the Lord whose very name signifies auspiciousness. The mantric names of Lord Venkateswara, the one who vouchsafes wealth and success to his devotees in the present age makes our consciousness ascend to the height of the seven hills. The mantras and chants of powerful deities like Narasimha (the lion-headed avatar of Vishnu), Lord Sundarshana (the power of Vishnu as embodied in his discus), Hayagreeva (the deity of wisdom and mastery of all arts and sciences) and Krishna, the greatest and most magnetic of VishnuтАЩs avatars enable us bring the divine blessings into our lives. тАШInvocationsтАЩ is sure to elevate your soul and bring divine power to your life.
1. Ganapati Suprabatham
2. Ganapati Mantram
3. Shiva Pratasmaranam
4. Sri Rudram
5. Durga Abhyudharana Stotram
6. Sri Venkatesa Ashtottaram
7. Narasimha Dhyanam
8. Sudarshana Gayatri
9. Sudarshana Ashtakam
10. Hayagreeva Gayathri
11. Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva Dandakam
12. Raasakreeda
The Gayatri Mantra is proclaimed to be the mother of the Vedas, which are the revelations of the sages of India. The recitation and meditation on the Gayatri gives the effulgence that one gains through study of the four Vedas. The Gayatri mantra revitalizes the brain and establishes the unified field of consciousness in the heart. The very sound of the Gayatri Mantra protects us from dangers and confers great benefits. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Ganesha Gayatri removes all obstacles in oneтАЩs path and helps one attain the goals of life. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album brings victory and achievement in its trail.
"The Gayatri Mantra is both a mantra and a prayerтАж the most rewarding offering of the ancient Vedas of India. It is called the essence of the Vedas and its very mother.
The constant recitation and hearing of the Gayatri Mantra brings health, vigour, prosperity and high thinking. It is thus a great means of strength, which gives victory and success. It also brings the final realization of the supreme truth, which is the very purpose of human life. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and rewards. The Gayatri mantra on Hanuman, the superhuman figure of the Ramayana, confers on the aspirant the qualities of devotion, strength and courage. The Hanuman Gayatri gives all this as well as triumphs in all endeavors. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album is a gateway to achievement and happiness.
The Gayatri Mantra is a universal mantra and prayer for enlightenment. It also confers great worldly benefits like clarity of thought, good health and prosperity. Manu, the great law-giver therefore asserts that there is nothing greater than the Gayatri MantraтАж.. for there is nothing superior to the contemplation of the light of all lightsтАж the all-illumining consciousness. The Gayatri is a mantra that destroys all sins and confers all auspiciousness. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities given particular results and rewards. The Gayatri on Lord Krishna, the poorna avatar of Vishnu, is a very powerful version of the mantra. The Krishna Gayatri, apart from bestowing divine grace and power on the aspirant, gives the blessing of good offspring. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album is a gateway to virtuous offspring, a life of fulfillment and the final dawning of divine vision.
The Gayatri is the greatest of mantrasтАж the very essence of the eternal Vedas. As the etymology of the word implies, it is a mantra that protects those who chant it and dwell upon it. It has been asserted that the Gayatri is the spiritual armour that protects the individual in the journey of life and enables him to attain the highest goal. The achievement of great savants like Panini (the author of the great Sanskrit grammar) and sage Vidyaranya (patron saint of the founders of the great Vijayanagar Empire) is attributed to the practice of Gayatri. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Lakshmi Gayatri is a potent mantra to achieve wealth and success. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will full you with the vibrations of prosperity.
The Gayatri Mantra is the greatest offering of the great sages of India. It is the most powerful combination of sounds and words the functions as a dynamo of power to lead the individual to success. Prosperity and fulfillment. Repetition and constant hearing of the Gayatri Mantra makes the Supreme Light of God shine in oneтАЩs heart. What greater blessing, what greater power to shed light on oneтАЩs path and lead it to its destination? The Gayatri is a mantra that destroys all sins and confers all auspiciousness. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Kubera Gayatri Mantra not only confers the boon of great prosperity but also makes one the chosen recipient of the blessings of wealth and plenty. The constant stavana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will help you receive KuberaтАЩs grace.
"Om Bhaskaraaya Vidmahe Mahatdhyutikaraaya Dheemahi Thanno Aditya Prachodayaat.
Om Sheetapradhaaya Vidmahe Shodashakalaaya Dheemahi Thanno Soma Prachodayaat.
Om Angaarakaaya Vidmahe Bhoomibaalaaya Dheemahi Thanno Kuja Prachodayaat.
Om Budhagrahaaya Vidmahe Indhuputraaya Dheemahi Thanno Sowmya Prachodayaat.
Om Suraachaarayaaya Vidmahe Sureashresthaaya Dheemahi Thanno Guru Prachodayaat.
Om Rajathaabhaaya Vidmahe Bhrigusuthaaya Dheemahi Thanno Suruka Prachodayaat.
Om Sanaischaraaya Vidmahe Chaayaaputraaya Dheemahi Thanno Mahda Prachodayyat.
Om Shukadantaaya Vidmahe Ugraoopaaya Dheemahi Thanno Raahu Prachodayaat.
Om Chitravarnaaya Vidmahe Saraparoopaaya Dheemahi Thanna Kethu Prachodayyat.
The Gayatri is the most powerful of Vedic MantrasтАж. the supreme boon given by the sages to those who want to follow the path of the spirit because only the spirit can give fulfillment. It is the experience of seers that the very sound of the Gayatri can save one from dangers. On the authority of the great work, the Suta Samhita, one can say that he who chants the Gayatri regularly attains all his desires. The Gayatri mantra connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Navagraha Gayatri is a potent mantra to maximize the good results given by the planets and to ward off their malefic influences. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album makes success oneтАЩs lot.
The Gayatri Mantra is the most powerful and celebrated mantra of the Vedas. The very sound of the mantra has healing qualities and brings fullness to oneтАЩs life. The recitation and hearing of the Gayatri free one from all sins and gradually widens the horizons of consciousness. Gayatri dispels the clouds of ignorance and fear and establishes a divine peace in the heart of the individual. This leads to a radiant life of success, peace and fulfillment. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Vastu Gayatri Mantra enables one to get over Vastu doshas. Vastu is the Vedic science of constructing dwellings so that they are in alignment with the Cosmic order. When that order is disturbed by improper buildings then Vastu doshas arise. The Vastu Gayatri Mantra will produce the right vibrations so that you and your dwelling are in consonance with the Cosmic order. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in the album will help you get over Vastu defects.
The Gayatri Mantra is the powerful combination of sounds and words, which liberates the person who chants it or meditates upon it, from falsehood and illusion. It confers the supreme illumination by expanding the horizon of consciousness. It is thus a great engine of power, which brings victory and success in its trail. On the authority of the great work Suta Samhita, we have it that the one who recites or meditates upon the Gayatri Mantra attains all his desires. The Gayatri Mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Shiva Gayatri confers extraordinary wealth on the worshipper, who becomes another Kubera, the god of wealth and riches. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album surely brings the rewards of prosperity and fulfillment.
The Gayatri Mantra is a powerful prayer and mantra given by the Vedic seers of India as a blessing to humanity. The recitation and hearing of the Gayatri, apart from conferring great spiritual merit, leading up to the dawning of the great enlightenment itself, will fulfill oneтАЩs cherished desires, ward away diseases and confer longevity. The very water which is charged with the vibrations of the Gayatri mantra cures diseases. The Gayatri has the power to destroy all the evil forces and the effects of sins. It is therefore the essence of all that is sacred in the great Vedas. The Gayatri mantras connected with various deities give particular results and siddhis. The Kali Gayatri addressed to Kali, or Bhavataarini, the redeemer of the universe and the one who helps the aspirant go past the sea of becoming, has the potent effect of conferring health and longevity. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will confer good health and strength on the aspirant.
The Sanskrit mantras were discovered by Vedic seers through intuition. The mantras have the power to transform aspirants by putting them directly in touch with the divine powers. The great deities, their attributes and their mantras are the blessings handed down to us. One of the extraordinarily powerful mantras in Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, which gives health, longevity and divine blessings. Mrityunjaya is the form of Shiva who warded off death in the case of his devotees like Markandeya. The constant sravana (attentive hearing) of the mantra as rendered by traditional pandits in this album will confer on you the blessings of a long and healthy life.
Arunachala, the holy hill of Tiruvannamalai in Tamil Nadu is a spiritual focus of the world. One of the oldest geological formations, the hill has a hoary tradition of attracting great souls seeking the truth of existence. Over the centuries, Arunachala, тАШthe hill of dawnтАЩ, has become the way, the light for those in quest of spiritual sustenance. Sri Ramana Maharishi, who sought the hill immediately after his life-changing тАШdeath-experienceтАЩ, has said that Arunachala is a hill of spiritual light. Today, millions go round the hill during the full-moon days in the hope that it will quench their spiritual thirst. The chant of Arunachala will put the Light where it belongsтАж. Your heart. That is the light that illumines all other lights.
The Mantras given by the sages of India are a wonderful spiritual legacy to mankind. Mantras are subtle vibrations that protect those who chant them. These vibrant waves of sound energy release spiritual forces that confer victory in all endeavors. Chanting mantras and listening to chants puts the individual at the centre of positive energies that bring the blessings of life within his ken. The birth and growth of good offspring is one of the greatest blessings of life. The Santhanagopala Mantra, addressed to Sri Krishna, has the effect of conferring and easy pregnancy and the birth of virtuous children. The mantra invokes the blessings of Sri Krishna and surrenders at the feet of divine child.
"1. Gayatri
2. Shankatanashana Stotram
3. Adityahridayam
4. Mritasanjeevani Stotra
5. Mriyunjaya Gayatri
6. Mrityunjaya Mantra
7. Kali Gayatri
8. Dhavantri Gayatri
9. Sri Sarabha Gayatri
10. Sarabheswara Ashtakam
11. Navagraha Mangalam
12. Haunmad Bhujangam
Practical spirituality and health are part of the traditional Indian approach to effecting cures. Mantra is mentioned along with medicine in the cure of diseases. The imbalance of humours which is identified as the cause of disease is connected with the disha┬мrmonies in the personтАЩs approach to life. Mantras play a great plart in establishing peace and calm in the mind and paving the way for good mental and physical helath. A pure mind coupled wih repetition or hearing of the mantras in this album will create strength and vigour. The hymns and mantras intoned in the right diction and correct Sanskrit pronunciation have been traditionally found to bestow helth. The Gayatri, the sheetanchor of Vedic mantras, in the sunlit path to make oneтАЩs life successful and healthy. The Aditya Hridayam, found in the Valmiki Ramayana gave Sri Rama the strength to conquer Ravana. Its repetition brings health, longevity and victory in oneтАЩs endevours. Powerful mantras like the Mriyunjaya Gayatri, Mrityunjaya Mantra, Kali Gayatri, Dhavantri Gayatri, and Sarabha Gayatri are time-honoured paths to strength, well-being and peace. The spiritual vibrations of the mantras in this album will help you make the best of your life by conferring vigour and vitality on you.
"1. Gayatri
2. Ganapati Gayatri
3. Shyamala Gayatri
4. Shiva Gayatri
5. Kali Gayatri
6. Sri Lalita Gayatri
7. Rudra Gayatri
8. Kubera Gayatri
9. Sarabha Gayatri
10. Natesa Gayatri and Dhyanam
11. Hanuman Gayatri
Gayatri is the greatest Mantra of the Vedic lore, and comes with the assurance that those who take refuge in it will be protected in every way. Such is its power that it is called the mother of the Vedic mantras. The body is considered to be the templeтАж the soul that inhabits it is divine. The repetition of the Gayatri mantra gives the body and mind the purity that is needed for the soul so shed light all around. The divine light manifested through the adoration of the Gayatri mantra is capable of giving leadership and direction to society. Such is its power and effectiveness. The Gayatri Mantra is the fire that burns away impurities and makes it adorer a light unto himselt and to the whole worldтАж.
In this album, you have the general Gayatri mantra rendered in the traditional way by senior pandits. Give ear to it and let its vibrations pervade your consciosness. Gradually you will find the mantra becoming a part of your soul. In this album, apart from well-known Gayatri, you have Gayatri mantras addressed to other deities. These can be repeated for gaining specific rewards. Repeating or hearing the Ganapati Gayatri, helps you triumph in the endeavours you have taken up. The Shiva Gayatri is reputed to bring untold wealth. The Kali Gayatri rids one of diseases. The Rudra Gayatri is used to ward away trials and tribulations. The Kubera Gayatri helps the consolidation of wealth. The Sarabha Gayatri comes of use in defeating enemies. This album brings you the Gayatri in all its glory.
"1. Siva Stuti
2. Hara Hara Shankara
3. Shiva Pratasmaranam
4. Siva Ashtottara Shatnamavali
5. Dvadasa Jyothir Lingam
6. Kalabhairava Ashtakam
7. Mrityunjaya Mantra
8. Sri Rudram
9. Daridraya Dahana Shiva Stotram
10. Shiva Gayatri
11. Ardhanaareswara Stotra
12. Sri Nataraja Thandava Stotram
Lord Shiva showers His blessings on devotees swiftly. He is known to act in their favour without delay (one of his divine names is Aashutosha тАУ quickly pleased by devotions). And when he whose very name is Shiva (the auspicious тАУ the traditional Sanskrit thesanurus brackets the word with Bhadram, Kalyanam, Mangalam, Shubham), showers his blessings on his devotees one can imagine their good fortune.
Like the deity in the sanctum, like life in the human being, Shiva is the truth revelaed in the Vedas. Uttering the names of Shiva and listening to the glory of Shiva as given out by great sages will undoubtedly lead one form victory to victory and from the mirages of phenomenal life to the Supreme Truth, that underlies it. All those giving ear to the mantras and chants of Shiva are freed from sins and are on the way to light and holiness. The Mandukya Upanishad which elaborates on the meaning of the supreme mystic syllable тАШAumтАЩ, says it is тАШ Shantam, Shivam, AdvaitamтАЩ, Dwelling on the great names of Shiva (Siva Ashottara Shatnamavali, Sri Rudram) and the names of the pilgrim centres of the 12 jyotirlingas, repeating powerful mantras like Mrityunjaya and Shiva Gayatri, giving ear to forceful hymns like the Kalabhairava and Daaridradahana (the latter is traditionally known to remove poverty) bring Lord ShivaтАЩs blessings to the Sincere aspirant. Like the Rudraksha which instantly reminds one of Shiva, this album effectively brings the power and glory of Shiva.
"1. Ganapati Gayatri
2. Saraswathi Gayatri
3. Shyamala Gayatri
4. Hara Hara Shankara
5. Sri Rudram
6. Sri Durga Pratasmaranam
7. Sri Durga Ashtottaram
8. Om Arunachleswaraya Namaha
9. Mangalam
The names of deities, especially in the Sanskrit language, which is replete with the vibrations of the subtle worlds within us, reveal their deeper meanings when we repeat them or listen to them repeatedly. They reveal greater truths and gradually transform us from within. As the eternal religion of India considers life itself to be a means of reaching divinity, the mantras given by the ancient, rishis not only lead us to the Light but also help us make a success of the journey! The Gayatri is the most powerful and seminal mantras of Indian spirituality and you have in these album derivatives like the Ganapati Gayatri and Saraswathi Gayatri, which give success in endeavours and wisdom as well. The Shyamala Dandakam reinforces the blessings of the goddess of learning. Hara Hara Shankara and the sacred names of Durga and Shiva (in the Sri Rudram, which is a part of the Vedas and believed to be its essence) lead our life energies to a higher plane of experience. Arunachala, the hill of dawn beckons us through its spiritual vibrations. Ascend to higher levels of joy, achievement and fulfillment through the mantras in this album.
"1. Ganapati Gayatri
2. Vishnu Ashtottaram
3. Garuda Stuti
4. Rudra Gayatri (Sri Rudram)
5. Isa Upanishad
6. Nataraja Gayatri & Dhyanam & Nataraja Thandava Stuti
7. Omkara Dhyanam
8. Sri Guru Stuti
9. Dakshinamurthi Ashtakam
The life force of normal men and women lies dormant at the base of ths spine (the Muladhara chakra), and they see everything through the series of chakras, the subtle centres of energy. One can therefore imagine what will happen in the case of imbalance of the chakra. It is for this reason that the harmony of the chakras is important. The various chakras are presided over by deities and by meditating on them through apt mantras and hymns one can balance the chakras. Ganapati, the elephant-headed god who removes obstacles is to be meditated upon with the Ganapati Gayatri as presiding over the Mooladhara chakra at the base of the spine. The names of Vishnu and the hymn to Garuda, the white-necked kite that carries him, while contemplating the Swadishtana chakra at the root of the sexual organ give one the crucial balance with regard to the sexual drive. Rudra Gayatri (Manipuraka, the navel chakra), Isavasya Upanishad (Anahata, heart centre), Nataraja Gayatri and Thandava (at Vishudhi, throat chakra тАУ the seat of the ether principle,) Omkara Dhyanam (at Ajna, third eye chakra which takes one beyond the realms of mind into pure awareness) and Guru and Dakshinamurthi hymns (at the thousand petalled lotus of illumination in the crown of the head), gradually expand the horizons of human consciousness to the divine level. Vibrate to the rhythms of the chakra deities and make for a harmonious success in life.
"1. Sur Bahar (Bagesri)
2. Dilurba (Raag Mishra Khamaj / Taal Keharwa / Vaishnava Janato)
3. Tabla Tarang тАУ Bhajan (Raag Bhairavi)
SURBAHAR : Also known as, bass sitar is a pluked string instrument used in the Hindustani classical music of North India. It has a deep, sonorous and ringing tone. The popularity of the sitar as a classical instrument has all but eclipsed the surbahar.
DILRUBA: Is a stringed instrument of the bowed variety with a fingerboard and frets, which resemble the sitar. The instrument resembles the sarangi; its belly too is covered with skin and it too is played with a bow. All the nuances of the sarangi are possible on the Dilruba, which makes both instruments ideal as accompaniment as also solo play.
TABLA TARANG: Is a take off from the Tabla and makes this rhythmic accompaniment a melodic instrument by using a number of treble drums. These drums are tuned to the various notes of the octave, which enables the player to coax ragas and melodies from them. The Tabla player who has attained finesse in playing his instrument may venture into tabla tarang playing and become the main player. Disjunct notes and limited range (not more than 16 instruments can be played because the player cannot reach out to too many) are the limitations of the instrument. Yet it is a novelty as it turns a rhythmic instrument into a melody instrument. Sound is produced by striking the tablas with the fingers and is both mellow and melodious
"1. Tabla Tarnag тАУ Raag Malkauns тАУ Gat тАУ Madhya, Drut
2. Dilruba тАУ Raag Yaman тАУ Taal Roopak тАУ Sharanu Siddhi Vinayaka
3. Sur Bahar тАУ Bagesri тАУ Bhajan
TABLA TARANG: Is a take off from the Tabla and makes this rhythmic accompaniment a melodic instrument by using a number of treble drums. These drums are tuned to the various notes of the octave, which enables the player to coax ragas and melodies from them. The Tabla player who has attained finesse in playing his instrument may venture into tabla tarang playing and become the main player. Disjunct notes and limited range (not more than 16 instruments can be played because the player cannot reach out to too many) are the limitations of the instrument. Yet it is a novelty as it turns a rhythmic instrument into a melody instrument. Sound is produced by striking the tablas with the fingers and is both mellow and melodious.
DILRUBA: Is a stringed instrument of the bowed variety with a fingerboard and frets, which resemble the sitar. The instrument resembles the sarangi; its belly too is covered with skin and it too is played with a bow. All the nuances of the sarangi are possible on the Dilruba, which makes both instruments ideal as accompaniment as also solo play.
SURBAHAR: Also known as, bass sitar is a pluked string instrument used in the Hindustani classical music of North India. It has a deep, sonorous and ringing tone. The popularity of the sitar as a classical instrument has all but eclipsed the surbahar.
"1. Adi Mudalana
2. Ucchi Malai
3. Manjalil
4. Muthumadhi
5. Karunai Sindhum
6. Unnai Naan
7. Athi Mugan
8. Ongum Isai
9. Oorvalum Aagavae
"MotherтАЩs milk and mellow music are vital ingredients that nurture the baby warmly into life and love. This is the testimony of the longest traditions and the latest research. The natural bond between mother and child is reinforced by the soft ambience created by gentle music. The claming and relaxing effects of the tender instrumental themes presented in this album are beneficial both to mother and child. The positive influence of music on childhood development through recreating a peaceful and harmonious environment can be felt through the specially produced numbers presented here.
1. A New Beginning
2. Lost In Thought
3. Anticipation
4. Cherish
5. Closer & Closer
6. That Joyous Feeling
7. Tenderness
8. In A Warm Embrance
9. Adoration
10. Sweet Lullaby
"Lakshmi is the Goddess of exquisite beauty; тАШsusamaтАЩ blossoming in everything Puranas describe Her as arising from milky ocean which is the symbol of vast stretch of the all-enveloping consciousness, the plane of immortality, the delight of existence swelling with honeyed waves of тАШmadhuman bliss in expression and creation, the refuge and support of all existence. All those who worship harmony and beauty in everything outside as well as inward activity and movement and feeling and Her servitors. She removes their poverty-physical as well as spiritual-and endows them Her plenitudes, Her rivhes and Her opulence. Thought there are many forms of her worship, propitiating Goddess Lakshmi through her thousand names is a sure means to secure Her divine grace. The vibrations evoked by the sacred names is a sure means to secure victory and happiness to those who chant and hear them with devotion. Here is a very rare sahasranama mantra of Goddess Lakshmi brought to light by God Sri Mahavishnu Himself. Super Audio, the album producers of rare scriptures have presented this CD for the welfare of humanity.
1. Lakshmi Sahasranam
2. Lakshmi Stotra (By Indra)
3. Sri Lakshmi Ashtottara Satanama Stotram
4. Sri Mahalakshmi Stotram (By Indra, From Devi Bhagavata)
"Indian Classical music has deep spiritual roots and is traced to the Sama Veda. The contemplative playing of rages has the natural effect of inducing meditative states of mind. In this special album, choice morning ragas full of mood and mellowness evoke a sense of tranquility and repose. The instrument used to create the necessary effect is the sur bahar, which has a deep and serene sound. The caressing waves of the beautiful ragas played in this album create peace in the mind and full the thoughts into a meditative trance. Music for Deep Meditation will help you focus and ease into the contemplative state.
1. Komal Rishab Asawari Aalap
2. Bibhas Aalap
3. Ahir Bhairav Aalap
4. Charukesi Aalap
5. Cuarukesi Jhala
6. Mishra Shivaranjani dhun Dadra
"тАШSilence of the SoulтАЩ brings you nine tracks to anchor you to a marvelous silence and calm that will bring you new strength and energy. The mellow and meaningful music of these instrumental themes soothen your nerves and act as healing balm to your self. It will enable you to listen to your inner voice, the never-failing guide. Silence is not the absence of sound but the subtle dimension of sound. The heart, which hears the unspoken word and chimes to the unheard music, is able to grasp the silent dimensions of sound. Plumb these depths in тАШSilence of the SoulтАЩ, and be drawn to the inner ripples of the Soul for renewed power and vivacity.
1. Silence of the Dawn
2. Silence of the Pastures
3. Silence of the Journey
4. Silence of the Searching Heart
5. Silence of the Confluence
6. Silence of the Seasons
7. Silence of the Retiring City
8. Silence of the Contentment
9. Silece of the Prayer
"Relaxation is a process or state with the aim of recreation through leisure activites or idling and the opposite of stress or tension. Then naturally, it leads to quitencess of mind to a certain extent. In the relam of many relaxation technique, music dominates the top place in our world. Planned relaxation clams anxiety and helps your body and mind recover from everyday rush and stress. Music, a long soak in the bath, or a walk in the park do the trick for some people, but for other itтАЩs not so easy. If you feel you need help with learning to relax, try a relaxation or meditation class. Relaxation is one of the most effective self-help activites for mental health. It can be a useful addition or meditation class. Relaxation is one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of stress and anxiety. Having a relaxed body may not prevent a constant flow of anxiety inducing thoughts but itтАЩs a good basis for getting some control of them. Relexation is a feeling of calm in body and mind To be in relaxation is to an extent is reducing the wandering habit of the mind. The lesser frequency of number of thought, per se, of the mind and helps for positive thought process.
Relaxation will help to think better and enjoy improved concentration. It leads to more energetic and improve bodyтАЩs efficiency by decreasing heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate and muscle tension.
Relaxation is perhaps the single most important key to helath and well-being. It is the antidote to stress, which is known to contribute to the development of disease. When we relax, our body has an opportunity to unwind. The classical music selected in this album helps the brain to attain easy relaxation from its tight, tough routine of wandering and calms the mind with refinement. The routine exposure of this music makes relaxation is easily attainable.
The research has been carried our by Dr.T.Mythily PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive Neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapentic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, She is a disciple of the performing phenmena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna.
"Entice yourself into the exotic appeal of tge Buddhas radical mystique, and enter into the mode where in the good horse runs even at the shadow of the whip. Let your spirit soar into zen-land with the spiritually seductive music of this album. Soft, caressing, intimate and mystically suggestive, the tracks of Buddha Lounge put you in an enlarged frame of mind wherein you can take the entirey of existence within and without you in one glance and breath. Envelope yourself with a charmed ambience of spiritual soudnscapes eleveate and uplift yourself with gossamer plumes that rise with you to rarefield realms. Here are scented waters, inviting fragrances, beckoning smiles this is world music at its best as it takes you to charmed worlds.
1. The Middle Path
2. Contemplative Search
3. Serenity
4. Spaces Within
5. Mystical Magic
6. Loving Abundance
"Enhance your sense of well-being by filling your ambience with harmonies that invigorate you form inside. Here is cool music that relaxes you and instills a dewv freshness and vibrancy into you A new poise and assurance takes shape as you gather the buoyancy and confidence of elevating experiences. Sublimally imbibe these life-augmenting instrumental tracks, enlarging the horizons of your peace, power and plenty.
1. Serene Ambience
2. Grand Vistas
3. Beckoning Adventures
4. Peaceful Plateaus
5. Mounting Strength
6. Passage to Peace
7. Reigning Repose
8. Primal Powers
Tender sounds, tremulous sounds, caressing sounds, gentle sounds a cosy web of screne melody is woven for baby in this special album, designed to sweetly lull it into restful sleep. Surrounding baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music, will build worlds of trust and composure that will last a lifetime, and give the child the rest and sleep that are so vital to its growth. These lovingly moulded instrumental tracks create a healthy ambience of reassuring, affirming sound vibrations to help infants and newborn babies relax and sleep.
"Sleeping is a natural thing and AlmightyтАЩs gift and it should be learned very easily form the newborn stage it self. Babies younger than four months old have very different sleep needs than older babies during the ealy months of every babyтАЩs life he sleeps when he is tries, itтАЩs really that simple. You can do very little to force, a new baby to sleep when he doesnтАЩs want to sleep, and conversely, you can do little to wake him up when he is sleeping soundly. A very important point to understand about newborn babies is that they have very, very tiny tummies. New babies grow rapidly, their diet is liquid, and it digests quickly. During those early months, your baby will have tremendous growth spurts that affect not only daytime, but also nighttime as well, sometimes pushing that two-to four-hour schedule to a one-to two-hour schedule around the clock. On account of this, preamble in every new motherтАЩs repertoire should have information about what sleep is for a baby? How a newborn sleeps? And the likeтАж
The selected music in this compact disc has been given to many babies and this has been developed after 30 months of exposure and the research reveals it helps them to sleep, soothing them to better sleep. The regular exposure of this music to babies helps them to attain healthful sleeping habits in a babyтАЩs life. The music presented in this album makes the baby to recognize the sleep stages by themselves!
This album helps new born babies to toddlers, say up to the age of five years.
The research has been carried our by Dr.T.Mythily PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive Neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapentic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, She is a disciple of the performing phenmena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna.
"Caring the neonate/the child/is an yeoman task for the new mothers. Many a time even the experienced mothers finds very difficult to give the smoothening care to the newborns. Globally it is understood and believed that music gives wonderful effects in managing the childтАЩs routines. Naturally, when the child finds unable to sleep, rather we can put in as, do not know, how to sleep on certain occasions. On account of this, the child will start crying, it is the way of communication for the child, and nothing in the globe will be feasible to enable the child, and help to stop crying, and make him to sleep. But to everybodyтАЩs surprise, the music presented in this album ensures easy sleep for he child.
The regular exposure to this music ensures effectives cycle of sleep and agile in the childтАЩs behavior. The natural combinations of notes gives the needed comfort to the child through the auditory system. It has been proved clinically that, minimum 18 + hours of sleep in a new bron helps to attain better cognitive levels at later stage of development. The music selected in this album helps the child to sleep well adequately.
The research has been carried our by Dr.T.Mythily PhD, a Research scholar, a Cognitive Neuro Psychologist, and Music Therapist. A Doctoral Degree holder in Psychology with Classical music and its therapentic values for the improvement in the behavior. She is a graded artist by AIR, a performing vocalist, She is a disciple of the performing phenmena of the century, world celebrity, Chevalier, the legend Padmavibhushan Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna.
"Here is the magic wand to put you where you rightfully belongтАж right on the lap of Nature itself. Unwind yourself with these caressing themes in which flowing water and wandering breeze are woven into bamboo and string to act as healing balm to you soul. Let the chirping of sparrows glitter in the dewdrops as you are wafted to cosmic zones beyond the reach of narrow constructs. Hear the whispers of the unbounded. Chime to the secretive strains of the unknown. In a word, leave every thought and worry behind to emerge thoroughty renewed form this magi-musical experience.
1. Quiet Flows the Stream
2. Scented Breeze
3. Beckoning Vistas
4. Glittering Dewdrops
5. Wavy Shores
"Those whose moon sign is Meena (Pisces) come under the influence of planet Guru (who stands here for beauty, caution and progeny). They are those born under the Poorva Bhaadrapads (Poorattaadhi тАУ fourth quarter), Uttara Bhaadrapada and Revati stars. The Worship of Brishaspati (the Presiding Planet), Medha Dakshinamuri (the most sublime master of silence), Kubere (who activates Poorva Bhaadrapada), Kamadhenu (energizer of the star Uttara Bhaadrapada), and Shaniswara (presides over Revati) as well as Gayatri and Budha will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Guru Gayatri
2. Medha Dakshinamurthi Ashtottaram
3. Gayatri Mantra
4. Kubere Gayatri
5. Kamadhenu Gayatri
6. Shaniswara Gayatri
7. Shanishwara Ashtakam
8. Shanishwara Ashtottaram
9. Shanishwara Kavacham
10. Diwakara Thanujam
11. Budha Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Makara (Capricorn) come under the influence of planet Saturn (who stands for family, wealth, progency and fame). They are those bron under the Uttaraashaada (Uttaraadam second, third and fourth quarters), Shravana (Thiruvonam) and Shravishtha (Avittam тАУ first two quarters) constellations. The worship of Shiva, Shaniswara (the planet presiding over the sign), Venkatesha (Balaji тАУ associated with the str Shravana), Kuja (connected with the star Shravishtha) and Karthikeya, Ayyappa and Hanuman will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shiva Ashtottaram
2. Shaniswara Gayatri
3. Shaniswara Kavacham
4. Rudram
5. Ganesha Gayatri
6. Venkatesha Ashtottaram
7. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
8. Subramanya Gayatri
9. Ayyappa Pancharatnam
10. Hanumad Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Simha (Leo) come under the influence of the Sun (who stands, among other things, for brilliance, valour and excellence in education). They are those born under the Magha, Purvaphalguni (Pooram) and Uttaraphalguni (Uttaram тАУ first quarter) constellations. The worship of Gayatri (which is addressed to the Sun, the Presiding Planet), Shukra (who activates the star Magha), Parvathi (who energises Purvaphalguni), Surya (who presides over Uttaraphalguni), and Shiva (who is the deity underlying the Sun), will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Gayatri Mantra
2. Rashmivarnanam
3. Shukra Gayatri
4. Shukra Kavacham
5. Sri Lalith Ashtottaram
6. Parvati Gayatri
7. Shiva Gayatri
8. Suryanarayana Stuti
9. Surya Mangalam
"Those whose moon sign is Vrischika (Scorpio) come under the influence of planet Mars (who presides over land, property, martial qualities and government power and influence). They are those born under the Vishakha (fourth quarter), Anuradha (Anusha) and Jyeshtha (Kettai) constellations. The worship of Kuja (the Presiding planet), Prithvi, and the element concerned, Karthikeya (the deity who controls Kuja and underlies Vishakha), Lakshmi (who activates those born under Anuradha), Indra (who energises those born under Jyeshtha), Vishnu, and Budha will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Kuja Gayatri
2. Prithivi Gayatri
3. Subramanya Gayatri
4. Lakshmi Gayatri
5. Mahalakshmi Mantra
6. Indra Gayatri
7. Purusha Suktam
8. Budha Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Kanya (Virgo) come under the influence of Mercury (who stands for education, mathematics and various skills including oratory and writing). They are those born under the Uttaraphalguni (second, third and fourth quarters), Hastha and Chitra (first and second quarters) Constellations. The worship of Budha (the presiding planet), Vishnu (who is the deity in question), Surya (who activates the star Uttaraphalguni), goddess Lalita, Karthikeya and Kuja who are intertwined with the sign will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Budha Gayatri
2. Vishnu Suktam
3. Dashavathara Stotram
4. Surya Gayatri
5. Sri Lalita Trisati
6. Subbramanya Gayatri
7. Shanmukha Dhaynam
8. Om Sharavanabhava
9. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
"Those whose moon sign is Mithuna (Gemini) come under the influence of planet Mercury (Who stands for education, mathematics and various skills including oratory and writing). They are those born under the Mrigasheersha (third and fourth quarters), Arudra and Punarvasu (first three quarters) constellations. The worship of Budha (the presiding planet), Vishnu (who is the deity in question), Chandra (who energises Mrigasheersha), Shiva (who controls Arudra), Rama (the great avatar who was born under the Punarvasu constellation), and Guru will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Budha Gayatri
2. Purusha Suktam
3. Keshadi Padararnanam
4. Chandra Gayatri
5. Rudram
6. Shiva Panchakshara Stotram
7. Rama Gayatri
8. Om Sri Ramaya Namaba
9. Guru Gayatri
10. Sudarshana Mantra
"Those whose moon sign is Mesha (Aries) come under the influence of planet Mars (who presides over land, property, martial qualities and government power and influence). They are those born under the Ashwini, Bharani and Krithika constellations (the first quarter of the last). The worship of Kuja, the presiding planet, Karthikeya (the deity who controls Kuja), Saraswati (Who activates those bron under Aswini), Durga (who energises those born under Bharani) and Agni (who propels those bron under Krithika) will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Subramanya Gayatri
3. Subramanya Suprabhatham
4. Subramanya Ashtottaram
5. Om Sharavanabhava
6. Saraswati Gayatri
7. Saraswati Stuti
8. Durga Suktham
9. Agni Gayatri
10. Prithivi Gayatri
"Those whose moon sign is Dhanus (Sagitatrius) come under the influence of planet Guru (who stands for education, wisdom, good influences and sense of justice). They are those born under the Moola, Purvashaada (Pooraadam) and Uttaraashaada (Uttaraadam first quarter) constellations. The worship of Brihaspati (the presiding planet), Dakshinamurti (the most sublime master of silence), Kethu (associated with the star Moola), Varuna (energiser of the star Purvashaada), and Ganapati (activates Uttaraashaada) as well as Hanuman, Shukra and Lakshmi associated with the sign will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Guru Gayatri
2. Dakshinamurti Ashtakam
3. Kethu Gayatri and Kavacham
4. Hanumad Samagama тАУ Srimad Ramayanam
5. Shukra Gayatri and Kavacham
6. Sri Lakshmi Nama
7. Varuna Gayatri
8. Ganesha Gayatri
9. Ashirvada Mantram
10. Sri Mahalakshmi Mangalam
"Those whose moon sign is Rishabha (Taurus) come under the influence of planet Venus (who stands for the arts and the finer enjoyments of life). They are those born under the Krithika (second, third and fourth quarters), Rohini and Mrigasheersha (first two quarters) constellations. The worship of Venus (the presiding planet), Lakshmi (who is the underlying deity of Venus), Karthikeya (who has a close connection with the constellation Krithika), Agni (in charge of the same star), Brahma and Chandra (who energise Rohini and Mrigasheersha) and Krishna (the poorna avatar who was bron in Rohini) will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shurka Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Lakshmi Gayatri
3. Subramanya Gayatri
4. Om Arunachaleswaraya Namaha
5. Agni Gayatri
6. Brahma Gayatri
7. Krishnavatara
8. Krishna Gayatri
9. Gopala Vimshati
10. Gopika Geetham
11. Chandra Gayatri and Kavacham
"Those whose moon sign is Kumbha (Acquarius) come under the influence of Planet Saturn (Who stands in this case for zest for education, divine pujas and longevity). They are those born under the Sharvishtha (Avittam тАУ third and fourth quarters) Sathabhishak (Sathayam) and Poorva Bhaadrapada (Poorattaadhi тАУ first three quarters) Constellations. The worship of Shaastha тАУ Ayyapa (the deities controlling Saturn), Shanishwara (Planet presiding), Yama (who energises Shatabhik), Kubera (who activates Poorva Bhaadrapada), and the associated deities Skandha, Kalabhairava and Guru will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shastha Gayatri
2. Ayyappa Pancharatnam
3. Om Swamiye Sharanam Ayyappa
4. Diwakara Thanujam
5. Skanda Gayatri
6. Kuja Gayatri
7. Rahu Gayatri
8. Yama Gayatri
9. Kalabhairava Ashtakam
10. Durga Ashtottaram
11. Kubera Gayatri
12. Guru Kavacham
13. Shaniswara Gayatri
14. Shanishwara Ashtottaram
"Those whose moon sign is Thula (Libra) come under the influence of planet Venus (who stands for the arts and the finer enjoyments of life). They are those born under the Chitra (third and fourth quartere), Swati and Vishakha (first three quarters) constellations. The worship of Venus (the Presiding Planet), Lakshmi (who is the underlying deity of Venus), Vayu (who energises the star Swati), Karthikeya (who is associated with Chitra and activates Vishakha), Hanuman, Narasimha and Sudarshana, deities associated with the stars occurring in this sign will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Shukra Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Lakshmi Gayatri
3. Kuja Gayatri and Kavacham
4. Bhu Suktham
5. Vayu Gayatri
6. Subrahmanya Gayatri
7. Hanumad Gayatri
8. Narasimha Ashtakam
9. Prahalada Chartiam
10. Sundarshana Ashtokam
11. Sundarshana Gayatri
12. Ashirvada Mant
"Those whose moon sign is Kataka (Cancer) come under the influence of the Moon (who stands for mind, imagination, education and the arts). They are those born under the Punarvasu (fourth quarter), Pushya and Ashlesha constellations. The worship of Chandra (the presiding planet), Shakti (who is the deity in question and very important to anchor the Cancerian in faith), Sri Ramachandra (who was born under the Punarvasu constellation), Guru (who not only attains exaltation in Cancer but is the energiser of the star Pushya), and Adishesha (who activates the star Ashlesha) will confer great benefits. Take in the divine vibrations of the mantras and chants in this album to experience the blessings of the deities who rule your destiny.
1. Chandra Gayatri and Kavacham
2. Amba Navamanimala
3. Amba Pancharatnam
4. Rama Gayatri
5. Sri Raghuveera Gadyam
6. Om Sri Ramaya Namaha
7. Guru Stuti
8. Guru Gayatri
9. Guru Kavacham
10. Krishnavatara
11. Budha Gayatri
12. Omkara
13. Adisesha Gayatri
14. Asirvadha Mantra
"Birthdays of our loved ones are special because they come only once a year. It makes sense to make them as memorable as we can. As a pop idol said, if you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate!
Here comes, тАШHappy Birthday Party SongsтАЩ to add the cutting musical edge to the birthday parties of members of your family. It is full of bubby numbers brimming with good feeling and melody for the birthday guy or gal. The numbers will charge up the atmosphere of festoons and candles and cakes and gifts with melody, bounce and dance. Revv up the mood of celebration with these songs overflowing with buzz words that add vibrancy, vivacity and meaning not only to the Birthday but also to the ones that follow on and on. Warmth, colour, melody, life and buoyancyтАж pick all these up with this album. ItтАЩs going to mean a lot to you because it is bound to make the energy that God invested in you at birth burst out once again.
1. Happy Birthday to you
2. Celebration
3. Birthday Party
4. If your happy
5. Loop-c-loop
6. In and out of circle
7. Musical chair
8. Happy day for you
9. Hookey Pookey
10. Rain drop
11. Birdie dance тАУ fast
12. Birdie dance тАУ Slow
"Newbron infants have been found to have highly developed abilities of responding to sound. No wonder then that lullabies play an important part in their upbringing. Lullabies are as importants as cudding babies in oneтАЩs arms and rocking them to sleep. Research have found that soothing music workds miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddler, by bringing a sense of security and calm. Make sure that you donтАЩt misss out on providing one of the greatest riches of human culture, the blessing of music, to your baby, by making use of the classic numbers in this album. A wide range of soothing music and tunes featuring favourties lullabies and famous nursery rhymes is presented in this album because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. The female and male voices are caressing, the music soft and dreamy, and the selection of lyrics meaningful to take care of your baby as much as you do. Let lullabies make your child rest softly on your chest dreaming of a rainbow way up high, pointing to a heaven of love and warmth. It will be a treasure that your baby will never forget.
1. Go to sleep my baby
2. Five little monkeys
3. Rock a by baby
4. Sweet and low
5. Rocking in the cradle
6. Whispering hope
7. My grandfatherтАЩs clock
8. Pussy cat
9. Pretty little horses
10. My bonny
11. My pretty maid
12. Ba ba Black Sheep
13. Tempest is gone
14. Wee willie winky
15. Twinkle twinkle
16. DaddyтАЩs gonna buy
17. Little bo beep
18. Baby doll
19. Sleeping beauty
20. Polly Wolly
21. Old mc donald
тАЬThe Varaha Sahasranama gives fame, longevity and leadership. He who renders it or hears it being rendered, is freed form dire diseases and attains great wealthтАЭ, says the Skandha Purana, in which this work occurs. This rare Sahasranama with extraordinary benefits is brought to devotees and aspirants for the first time through the spiritual guidance of Astrologer Sri S.Vijayaraghavan in the rendering of Sri.Vamanan. The rendering is melodies and accurate and establishes a divine mood.
"For a well-rested, lively and happy child, give it the musical assurance and vibrations of love and caring that this album brings. This is the musical equivalent of rocking your babyтАЩs cradle and singing a lullaby. Tender guitar melodies lead baby gently by its finger to rosy-hued dreamscapes of rest and relaxation. Fragrant ditties brimming with warmth and love flow like a lovely brook to waft your baby to a land of beauty. Make the mellow music in this albym serve as a powerful tool of nurture and your babyтАЩs sleepy-time regime. When this music is played repeatedly during sleep time, it rings a bell for a good, relaxing sleep.
1. Baby dreams
2. Baby happy
3. Bits
4. Bonny
5. Go to sleep
6. Baby relax
7. Rock a by baby
8. Simon
9. Sweet baby
10. Baby travels
"Bed-time rhymes with positive, comforting and calming themes are repeated to beautiful effect in PapaтАЩs and MamaтАЩs voices. The vocals are in a loving tone and invite baby to a slew of stories from that of the man in the moon to that of the bear and the elephant. Apart from introducing baby to different words, they inveigle it to a fairy-tale world of beauty and comfort. The instrumental interludes caress babyтАЩs tender ears. Put paid to the mild sleep disturbances and the restlessness of your child eith these gentle ditties. Here are the special rhymes for your child that will create the best vibrations for rest and relaxation.
1. My little rhymes
2. All through the night
3. Give me the blanket
4. Sleep
5. Camel
6. Slumbers
7. Snow Flakes
8. Dream Land
9. The bear
10. Highway bed times
11. Kisses
12. MummyтАЩs gonna buy you
13. Moon
14. Sky
15. Irish
16. Fisherman
17. Down the bay
18. Crazy stories
19. Hippity hop
20. Leaves
21. Blow the man down
22. Give me the blanket (Instrumental)
"Nurture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life. Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different t combinations that sounds can come in, will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 28 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. Bits of Paper
2. Coming down the mountain
3. Goozy Goozy
4. Here we go rond
5. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
6. Hot cross buns
7. If your happy
8. Jack and Jill
9. Little Boo Beep
10. London Bridge
11. Mary had a little lamb
12. My Bonnie lies
13. Postman
14. Ring a ring a roses
15. Rock a bye baby
16. Row row row your boat
17. Spider
18. There was a man
19. Theres a hole in the bucket
20. This old man
21. Three blind mice
22. To market to market
23. Twinkle twinkle little
24. Weezel
25. Crooked man
26. Ding dong bell
27. Loopsy
28. Pussy cat pussy cat
"Hummed lullabies in this carefully designed album create a warm, caring and intimate musical environment for your baby. The comforting and calming voices of Mama and Papa hum catchy lullaby songs giving your kid the aural hug. Envelop baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music, building a cocoon of trust and confidence, and give it the rest and sleep that are so vital for growth. Give your child the imcomparable gift of music to help it achieves its emotional, intellectual and spiritual potential. Rhymes and lullabies are the bread and butter of easy childrenтАЩs literatureтАжтАж let these hummed songs form and easy prelude to education even as they lull to rest and relaxation.
1. Twinkle twinkle Little
2. Little Bo Peep
3. My bonnie
4. Cat
5. DaddyтАЩs Song
6. Darling
7. Go to Sleep
8. Good Night
9. Horses
10. Laa
11. Lullaby
12. MonkeyтАЩs
13. Pretty Maid
14. Rock a by baby
15. Rocking
16. Twinkle twinkle little
17. Wee Willy Winky
18. Whispering
"тАШJust BlissтАЩ is a collection of musical pieces that will elevate the listenerтАЩs mind, body and consciences to a heightened sense of tranquility where all tension, despair and troubles fade away into oblivion. тАШJust BlissтАЩ thrives on the philosophy that music can be used to enhance the alpha waves of the brain resulting in a relaxed state of mind. In this album, every individual piece of music is a soothing interplay of melodies intricately interwoven to create a blend that is harmonious and relaxing to the listener.
1. New Age
2. Attachment
3. Ethnic Flavour
4. Blossom
5. Dark Secrets
6. NatureтАЩs Dream
7. Wild Fantasty
8. Mind Journery
9. Sunshine
10. Just a Tune
11. Carnations
12. Soul Sear
"Baby is GodтАЩs blessing to you and to bathe baby is a delightful experience. With music that adds merriment, fun, playfulness and tenderness to the air, bathing baby becomes vibrant with great freshness and joy. The soothing, relaxing and lively tunes in this album provide sound vibrartions that help to you and baby relate beautifully as you bathe baby. Exposure to the different kinds of instrumental sounds increase babyтАЩs sensitivity to and familiarity with different vibrations. Cheerful, breezy, soft and rich in turn, these carefully recorded pieces are a wonderful way to introduce baby to a world of intimacy, warmth and goodness. Add the life and energy of lovely music to the natural exhilaration of a bath to nurture your baby with care. тАШBaby BathтАЩ is the best present you can give your baby and yourself.
1. Bathing baby
2. Playing with bubbles
3. BabyтАЩs water play
4. Morning bath
5. Preparig baby for a bath
6. BabyтАЩs crying to take a bath
7. Gentle bath
8. Mother running after the baby
9. BabyтАЩs chicken dance
10. Bathing time
11. Baby having a happy bath
12. Walking up baby for a bath
13. Baby playing in water
14. Dressing baby after bath
15. Marching towards bathroom
16. Baby playing in bath tub
17. Jolly baby
18. Baby boogie
19. Rocking baby
20. Playing with water toys
21. Incy wincy baby
22. Oh billy baby
23. Warm water bath
24. Bath swing
25. Merry baby
26. Pop goes the weasel
27. Row row row your boat
28. Animal song
"Relaxation, rest and good sleep are vital for the growth of a happy and healthy baby. тАШBaby DreamsтАЩ is designed to give you a helping hand by providing music that will attune your baby to its surroundings and stabilize rest and sleep patterns. While rocking the cradle is a good way of lulling baby to sleep and rest, soothing music is even more effectual in giving comfort and reassurance. Relaxing music in the background while baby is being gently rocked in the cradle is double effective. As baby grows, the serene instrumental music of the тАШBaby DreamsтАЩ tracks will serve as a valuable preamble to sleep and rest. The familiarity of the music will serve as a useful reminder of the need to switch off. Playing these tracks in the same order, time, and sound level will prove to be a heaven-send in the nurture of your baby.
1. Dream world
2. Pretty baby
3. Dream boat
4. Dream walk
5. Dreaming about nature
6. Baby rhythms
7. Love birds
"1. Divine Names of Shiva - Prema Rangarajan (from Mahabharata)
2. Mrityunjaya Mantra - P.Unnikrishnan
3. Omkara - Sudha Raghunathan
4. Sri Rudram excerpt - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
5. Shiva Gayatri - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
6. Sri Dakshinamurthe - Muthuswami Dikshithar song тАУ refrain тАУ Sandeep Narayan
7. Natesha Gayatri - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
8. Holy Names of Shiva - Dr.R.Thyagarajan and Vedic scholars
"Tender melodies and lively tunes played on the guitar are presented in тАШGuitar LullabiesтАЩ win suitable orchestration, to give your baby restful sleep and sweet dreams. The vibrant instrumentals in this album are based on time honoured rhymes and tunes and will not only give the musical assurance an vibrations of love and caring to your kid, but will also prove a prelude to education. Joyful melodies overflowing with warmth and sweetness will serve as a vibrant means of nurtuning your child. When played again and again, baby begins to recognize the melodies as signposts to rest and relaxation. Lullabies are as vital to babies as cuddling and rocking them to sleep. Researchers have found that soothing music works miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddles. So, envelop your child not only with your caressing embraces but also with the mellow melodies in Guitar Lullabies.
1. Three blind mice
2. Atkins drums
3. Bo beep
4. Hole in the bucket
5. Hot cross buns
6. Pussycat
7. Ding dong bell
8. Goosy gander
9. Little lamp
10. London bridge
11. This old man
12. Crooked man
13. Brush your teeth
14. Bits of papers
15. To market
16. Row your boat
17. Spider
18. Twinkle twinkle
19. Yankie doodle
20. If your happy
21. Weezel
22. Joly boy
23. Loopy loop
24. Coming down the mountain
25. Ring a ring a roses
"TodayтАЩs children are whizkids in computers and emerging technologies, but they need to be taught the values of humanity too. What is life without love, affection and respect for others! When children are taught good manners and human values they imbibe them fast and grow into kind, gentle and responsible youth. What better way to instill character and considerateness into kids than sprightly and youthful music! тАШGood Manners Songs for ChildrenтАЩ comes with a
basketful of vibrant songs in lovely tunes and catchy cadences to make the young vibe with good values. The singerтАЩs zest for personal values and social feeling are infectious. Saying тАШThank YouтАЩ, and тАШPlease donтАЩt mentionтАЩ and greeting people with a pleasant smile will henceforth become a happy experience for children. This album is going to be a song experience for your kids with far-reaching consequences. Gift them тАШGood MannersтАЩ.
1. Good Manners
2. Do your best
3. Say please and thank you
4. Bits of paper
5. Keep things clean
6. Early to bed
7. Greet your teacher
8. My name is dean
9. Neatly dressed
10. Chew your food noisy
11. Take your bath
12. Brush our teeth
13. Do not waist water
14. Minus Karoke тАУ This old man
15. Row row
16. Atkins drums
17. Loopy loop
18. My bonnie
19. Crooked man
20. Bits of Paper (Sing along)
Saashwathi is a young musician cum composer who is the proud disciple of the renowed Violin Maestro, Shri.Lalgudi G.Jayaraman. In her tutelage under him ten years, she was exposed to the depths of Carnatic Music and his ability to create soul stirring renditions. She attributes her creativity to her understanding of his unique style and his holistic perception of music. Her gnawing passion to create music urged her to produce an album at a very young age. Though her musical career began as a vocalist, she belives classical music is too potent to be constrained within traditional boundaries. She has released two albums so far. Being a Psychologist, she has also successfully produced therapeutic music for relaxation.
When you are introduced to an unexpected combination of melodies, you are led into a Mystic Journey that unravels the fathoms of fusion music. Each destination in this musical journey leaves you to experience the boundless majestic qualities of Indian Classical Music with the natural blend of Western instrumentation. In accordance with the universal quality of music, the pieces in this album transcend barriers and focus on the тАЬsoulтАЭ of each raga. The uniqunes of this album is that all the pieces comprise only of swaras and raag aalapanas sans lyrics. The instrumentation enhances the character of each raag by residing / nesting within the grammatical boundaries of the chosen raag. The confluence of the Western and Indian rhythms and the tempo of the music have been set to suit the mood of each raag. The interplay of swaras have the amazing potential to arouse various emotions in the listenet. Capitalizing on this quality, each piece in the album connects with the listener through these emotions without the use of lyrics.
1. Reverie (Raag Revathi)
2. Techno Wave (Raag Saraswathi)
3. C├иleste (Raag Hamsadhwani)
4. Rendez-vous (Raag Hamsanandhi)
5. M├иlange (Raag Bhimplas)
6. Surrender (Raag Ranjani)
7. Amour (Raag Kalyana Vasantham)
8. Tendresse (Raag Valaj)
9. Ripples (Raag Amruthavarshini)
10. C├иleste (Raag Hamsadhwani) тАУ Instrumental
11. Rendez-vous (Raag Hamsanandhi ) тАУ Instrumental
"Caress your baby to sleep with dreamy sounds that will ensure rest and relaxation so vital for growth. Remember that sleep and rest are crucial for baby to develop muscles, limbs and the skeletal structure. тАШBaby DreamsтАЩ provides twenty beautiful tracks that will tinkle baby into the joyful world only babies know. Apart from providing such things as a cozy and snuggy bed that evokes feelings of security, surround baby with this soft, sweet and comforting music. As baby grows, the reassuring musical of this album become your childтАЩs personal and private sleepy time music. The slow and steady rhythms will capture your childтАЩs attention and effectively ensure rest and repose.
1. Baby belly
2. Bell beat
3. Rock a by baby
4. By the garden
5. Cuddle
6. Dew
7. Donald
8. Fairy tale
9. Falling star
10. Go to sleep
11. Happy things
12. Keep dreaming
13. Little lamp
14. Mice
15. Rain drops
16. Spider
17. Spring song
18. The whales tale
19. This old man
20. Twinkle twinkle
"Babies understand soothing feelings and vibrations set off by comforting and peaceful music and respond to them. тАШRock A Bye BabyтАЩ brings the richness of gentle and reassuring music that your baby deserves. Soothing music helps decrease stress related hormones, diverts attention from fears, activates natural endorphins (bodyтАЩs own painkillers) and enhances relaxation. The softness and caressing tones of music are harnessed in this album to instill positive vibrations of warmth and love. The captivating cadences of soft music set off here, will envelop mama and baby in a circle of quiet intimacy. тАШRock a Bye BabyтАЩ is the key to sound relaxation for your kid.
1. Baby dreaming
2. Baby on the barn
3. Bell rings
4. Bridge
5. Clock
6. Deep sleep
7. Holiday
8. Humpty dumpty
9. Kiss my baby
10. Kisses
11. Milky way
12. Naughty
13. Paradise
14. Ring around roses
15. Sleepy
16. Stream
17. The wizard music
18. Time for bed
19. Waves
20. Weasel
"Sleep is vital for your baby, as sleep develops the brain and builds the body. Restful sleep also decreases stress and agitation. тАШHush a By BabyтАЩ brings you caressing music and re-assuring lyrics to engage the attention of your child and bring the warmth of melody and world. This album is replete with sweet and vibrant music accompanying words full of tenderness and reassurance. These lullabies fo mama and papa will assure baby of the nearness of love and comfort. In variegated rhythms and tones, the songs paint beautiful scenarios for your baby-from candles shedding golden light to stars twinkling away their eternal messages and snow flakes pouring form the heavens. Let your child warm up to тАЬHush a By BabyтАЩ and see a hundred dreams form the rocking cradle.
1. A kiss
2. A Kiss all the time
3. Blanket
4. DonтАЩt you cry
5. Dream land
6. Good night
7. Happy things
8. Hush
9. Mummy is close to you
10. MotherтАЩs song
11. October song
12. Pretty baby
13. Pretty maid
14. Rock a by baby
15. Snow flakes from the sky
16. Sweet and low
17. The wales tale
18. Twinkle
19. Whispering hope
"Activity, movement and excitement are the stuff kids are made of. тАШRing-A-Ring-A-RosesтАЩ captures in lively song and music, the energy and effervescence of children to give your kids wonderful models of spirited song. The songs will help group interaction and promote team play. KidsтАЩs party games are shot through with such songs that not only give them a sense of participation and camaraderie but also of play and exhilaration. Kids are also taught through such songs the basics of hygience, cleanliness and neatness. Some songs convey the joy and zest for life. The energy of the male and female voices, the different tempos in which the songs are wonderful present for your kid. Ring in excitement and education for your kid thorugh тАШRing-A-Ring-A-RosesтАЩ which is inforainment at its best.
1. Hunting we will go
2. Get up in the morning
3. Jack and Jill
4. Ring around roses
5. This is the way
6. Alice
7. Baby mine
8. Bo beep
9. Flower
10. Great instrument
11. King daughter
12. Less he spoke
13. Letter called
14. Mac Donald
15. Monkeys
16. Ms PollyтАЩs Dolly
17. Oats peas beans
"Excellent instrumental numbers in lively rhythms to make daddy and kid dance with happiness. Not only does the bonding become stronger, the joy of music and dance opens up the soul. Gift your child the musical assurance and vibrations of dance and togetherness that this album brings. Breezy melodies brimming with warmth and zest for life swing daddy and kid in cicles of exhilaration. The rich and catchy music in this album will help nueture your child in warmth and conviviality. Here is special music for your kid to create the best vibrations for positive energy and growth.
1. Beats for a dance
2. Birdie
3. By the garden
4. By the sotres
5. Candle light
6. Dad and me
7. Dance with me
8. Fun
9. My child
10. Naughty
11. Old man
12. Paradise
13. Peter
14. Rain drops
15. Steps
16. Stream
17. Teddy rides the train
"This carefully crafted album of lullabies in piano is the musical equivalent of rocking your babyтАЩs cradle to induce sleep. Tender melodies lead baby gently by its finger to rosy-hued regions of rest and relaxation. Perfumed instrumental themes full of tenderness and caring waft baby into deep rest and rejuvenation. Soothing music in the background as your baby closes its eyelids has been found to be a very effective method of aiding deep sleep, and this album serves as a powerful tool of nurture for babyтАЩs sleepy-time regime. The musical pieces here will envelope the child in an ambience of softness, calm and reassurance. Here is special music for your baby that will create the best vibrations for rest and relaxation.
1. Breeze
2. Cuddle
3. Dreams
4. Dream world
5. Fast Asleep
6. Go to Sleep
7. GrandfatherтАЩs clock
8. Rock a by baby
9. Rocking
10. Silence
11. Sleep
12. Sweet and low
13. Whispering hope
"Kids play naturally and express joy and the zest for life spontaneously. With тАШKids PartyтАЩ songs, add the scintillating beauty and bounce of music to their party-time. Give your kids the evergreen loveliness of music, its cadence and catchiness, to make parties an unforgettable experience for them. тАШKids Party; songs features fifteen classic childrenтАЩs songs like тАШTwinkle TwinkleтАЩ and gives them a new thrust and liveliness. You have here foot stomping airs that inject celebration into the atmosphere making children play and jell together in a spirit of camaraderie. Give a jump start to your children by making them indentify the swing and sweetness of music with the most cheerful moments of their life. That way they will always be connected to the springs of love and joy.
1. Jack and Jill
2. Twinkle twinkle little star
3. Polly bad a dolly
4. October
5. There was a man
6. The Story
7. This old man
8. Mary bad a little lamb
9. Kings daughter
10. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
11. Good times
12. Happy and you know
13. The Flower
14. Little Bo Beep
15. SheтАЩll be coming down the mountain
"Soothing music works miracles on your baby. The gentle songs and melodies in this carefully crafted album waft baby into the re-vitalising regions of deep sleep and rest. Sleep and restfulness fulfill a great need for the healthy growth of your child. Rich instrumental music accompanied by PapaтАЩs and mamaтАЩs gentle and reassuring voices and works fill the childтАЩs imagination enabling it to have undisturbed and energizing sleep. Gentle strings, deep violins, tinkling bells and time-tested lyrics open up vast soothing vistas for baby to feel safe, secure and comforted. An array of great lullabies is presented here because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. Caressing voices and soft and dreamy music, make Precious Lullaby an invaluable gift for your child. Let тАШPrecious LullabiesтАЩ make your child rest sungly in the cradle wrapped up in golden dreams.
1. Lullaby island
2. Doll
3. Baby for you
4. The blanket (Instrumental)
5. Baby Music (Instrumental)
6. Journey (Instrumental)
7. Lullaby
8. Sleep
9. Music Box Instrumental
10. Ba Ba black sheep
11. My grandfatherтАЩs clock
12. My pretty maid
13. Rock a bye baby
14. Baby dream (Instrumental)
"Make music your mate and bid goodbye to the myriad illnesses that plague modern man. The music in this album is made specially to rid you of your stresses and to put you in the feel of your real nature and happiness and calm. Let the flowing waters dissipate your cares and the sweet chirping of birds brings gladness to your heart. Building on such elements the tracks you are just about to listen waft you into a world of stillness, silence and repose. Long forgotten vistas of natural beauty and wonderful joy flutter into your mind as you take in the healing sounds. Let go off your anxieties and worried and live life the musical way. Lean back and let the sounds of music make you whole.
1. Back Waters
2. Forest
3. Rain
4. River
5. Storm
6. Waterfalls
"Music relaxes. Music heals. Music makes you whole. You are just about to find that out. Unwind with the wonderful tracks of тАШRelaxing Music for Mind, Body and soulтАШand directly experience the healing qualities of relaxing music.Feel your nervous system vibrate to the soothing cadences, feel your cells being charged with energy and your heart being filled with calmness and repose. Relax, refresh and rejuvenate yourself amidst your multifarious activities.This will help bring the total you to every act of yours. This will make you livefully and successfully. The tracks in this beautiful album refresh you completely and charge you with peace and power. Revitalize your life with the power of relaxing music and see the change.
1. Serene
2. Calm
3. Peace
4. Harmony
5. Tranquility
6. gentle
7. Heavenly
8. Wholeness
"This album aids to discover the true тАЬselfтАЭ by rendering music for the soul. Many type of music influence our moods; but chants/mantras help to stir the soul and achieve spiritual enlightenment. While music is widely acceptedto be therapeutic, saashwathi believes that spiritualitycan also result in a cathartic release of emotions and negatives, resulting in a lessening of burdens and achieving purity of mind and soul. By selecting specific hymns and prayers from Hindu religious texts and setting them to complementing melody, she has given the listener easy accass to powerful mantras and slokas without underminingn their inherent spirituality, yet enhancing their influence with unforgettable melody. Mantras connect the individual with the divine .In the Hindu philosophy,mantras, being sacred sound vibrations, are composed of sacred syallables representative of and cotaining within, great spiritual power or energy,which can awaken oneтАЩs, true self. Chanting the mantras in a proper manner generates spiritual energy, facilitating the soul to transcend to higher levels and the mind, promotes harmony on all levelson all levels, and helps to dissolve the karmas just as constant walking over weeds crushes them
About Saashwathi: Saashwathi is a young musician composer who is the proud disciple of the renowned violin maestro, shri .Lalgudi G.Jayaraman. In her tutelage under him for ten years, she was exposed to the depths of carnatic Music and his ability to create soul stirring renditions. Though she began her career as a vocalist, her gnawing passion to creat music urged her to produce an album at a very young age. She believes that composing/creating music gives infinite scope for the expression of the soul within. In her experience, saashwathi discovered that chanting mantras regularly had a profound effect on her inner self. She has released two fusion albums so far. Being a psychologist, she has also successfully produced therapeutic music for relaxation.
1. Om
2. Om Nama Shivaya
3. Atma Shatakam
4. Shiva Manasa Puja
5. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam
6. Devi Sooktam
7. Gayathri Mantra
8. Mrityunjaya Mantra
9. Swasti Mantra
10. Shanthi Paat
"We could all do with a little peace and serenity in our day to day lives. When the outside world become too chaotic, it does one goods to retreat to your inner self, and soothe your soul with peace and serenity from Bali тАУ a new title under the spa music for relaxation series. Especially compiled to accompany a traditional Balinese massage or spa, these tracks can also be played to de-stress and unwind at the end of a hard day.
Music plays an important part in our daily lives and its effects on our spiritual well being cannot be undermined. A variety of composers renowned for creating music that brings balance and harmony between inner and outer worlds have come together on this album. They have used everything from traditional Asian instruments to wind ambience, water droplets and nature sounds to create a harmony of notes that will quite literally,stir your soul.
1. MindтАЩs Eye
2. Morning Stillness
3. Awakening
4. NatureтАЩs Breadth
5. Quiet Days
"In todayтАЩs stressful world, we all feel the need to step back, take a deep breath, and unwind.And what better way to relax than to the Smoothing Sound of Thailand. Made especially to accompany a Thai spa or massage, this CD is a compilation of the most relaxing Thai music. Musicians and composers experienced in the art and science of creating peaceful music have used everything from traditional Thai instruments to wind and string instruments to creat melodies and chants to ease tention and relieve stress. Every note is perfect harmony to bring peace to body, mind and soul.
Let the lilting notes wash over you. Feel your tention and stress wash away as the music works its magic on you. Before you know it, you will feel relaxed, rejuvenated and refreshed. The Smoothing Sound of Thailand will bring you an inner peace you have never experienced before. And now you can experience it, again and again.
1. Rainforest Revival
2. Into the Blue
3. Healing Water
4. The Birdsong
5. The Calm Within
6. Liquid Lullaby
"Sleep is one of the most basic but most important needs of our body that we all tend to take for granted. In fact, not getting adequate sleep for more than 35 hours can severely hamper the bodyтАЩs ability to function properly. Sleep is restorative and while we sleep, vital substancesgets re-synthesized in the nervous system. At least 6 to8 hours of undisturbed sleep is recommended for adults but owing to a hectic lifestyle, most individuals make do with a lot less. Add to that, stress and tention makes it hard for people to fall asleep. Music can play a vital role in this regard. The tracks on this CD have been especially selected to aide relaxation and induce deep sleep. The benefits of a good nightтАЩs rest cannot be stressed enough, it goes without saying. With this CD, undisturbed sleep is no longer just a dream.
1. Forest
2. Waves
3. Storm
4. Thunder
5. Water Falls
6. Jungle
"Work stress, home stress, even family stress! Stress is a part of our everyday life to such an extent that we have accepted it and live with it. But itтАЩs not until it affects our health that we relize the adverse effects of stress. Thankfully, there are many ways to alleviate stress through relaxation.A long relaxing bath, a walk in the park or even some deep breathing exercises or yoga can aide relaxation. When we relax, our body has the opportunity to unwind and it is one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of stress and anxiety. There is an art to relaxation and for those of us who canтАЩt relax easily, music is the best accompaniment. The classica l music selected in this album has been especially chosen to soothe the mind and help you relax. Routine exposure to this music will make it easier for you to attain a sense of relaxation and peace.
1. Earth
2. Elevation
3. Sun Rise
4. Pouring Rain
5. Wind
"1. Sri Ayyappan Suprabatham
2. Varugudhu Varugudhu
3. Pamba Villakku
4. Karthikai Maasam
5. Pamba Nadhi
6. Sabari Malai
7. Aynthu Malaikarasanai
8. Kadumalai Kavalaiillai
9. Thiruvadi Saranam
10. Padipaattu
11. Sastha Mangalam
"About the Album: Spa Lounge is a cultural collage creating a musical fusion of diversity, not only of music, but of moods & emotions, cultures and tones. This instrumental album takes the listener through different style, genres and emotions indulging each listener with a unique musical experience. This album aims to entertain the listener by providing a sense of satisfaction of listening to a complete synthesis of varied types of music, and finally leaving the person in a very relaxed and contended mood. Each piece in the album is carefully conceived so as to let the person feel refreshed and rejuvenated in the end of the musical journey. Certain instruments have an edga over the voice because of the versatility that is naturally present in them, and the ease while switching octaves. Each instrument has an inherent ethnicity and when many instruments form different countries are combined an exciting melody emerges. The composer communicates in this album through sitar, violin, guitar, piano, fiute, saxophone, santoor, trumpet, mridangam, kanjira, gatam, tabla, darbouka, African drums and jazz drums.
About Saashwathi: Saaswathi is a yough musician cum composer, who is the proud disciple of the renowned violin maestro Lalgudi G.Jayaraman. Though her career began as a vocalist, her gnawing passion to creat music urged her produce an album at a very young age. She believes that composing/creating music gives infinite scope for expression of the soul within. Saashwathi is a traditional Carnatic singer. Why has she ventured into fusion? Fusion opens up a new platform for expression, as there is more than one facet of music and of the composer that are exposed. She has successfully released 4 albums so far including classical fusion & spiritual chants. Being a psychologist, she has also produced therapeutic music for relaxation.
Country Sitari
Scent Of India
"Tender Sounds, Tremulous Sounds, Caressing Sounds, Gentle Sounds a cosy web of screne melody is woven for baby in this special album, designed to sweetly lull it into restful sleep. Surrounding baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music will build worlds of trust and composure that will last a lifetime, and give the child the rest and sleep that are so vital to its growth. These lovingly moulded instrumental tracks create a healthy ambience of reassuring, affirming sound vibrations to help infants and newborn babies relax and sleep.
Fast Sleep
In The Garden
Baby YouтАЩre my Queen
Fairy Dream
Mumms Child
My Soft Pillow
Baby Go To Sleep
My Teddy.
"Paramashiva, or the тАШSupreme Being,тАЩ is seen in many different forms, especially through song and dance. Often referred to as the destroyer or transformer of the Hindu Trinity, Lord Shiva is also one of the most complex and fascinating deities. Sandeep Narayan shows us a glimpse of ShivaтАЩs power through the krithis on this album. They feature both a variety of melodic scales, as well as rhythmic structures between compositions, and within the compositions themselves. The thillana is traditionally a compositional form seen in bharathanatyam, and acts not only as a concluding piece for this album, but as an ode to Shiva, the cosmic dancer.
1. Paramananda
2. Padavendume
3. Shri Mathrubhootham
4. Parvathi Nayakane
5. Thirisila Giriyaar
6. Thillana.
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Only when there is harmony between every aspect of our llives can we feel centered тАж balanced тАж serene.Experience these states as the mesmerizing tracks on this CD takes you from deep relaxation to restful peace.
1. Harmony Through Action
2. Harmony Through Knowledge
3. Harmony Through Devotion
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Attain a higher state of consciousness you get in touch with your sensual side. This gentle, calming compilation with relax the mind and soothe the body. Perfect for aromatherapy and massages.
1. Sensuality Through Meditation
2. Sensuality Through Relaxation
3. Sensuality Through Harmony
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
What are we all in search of, if not tranquility? The stillness within can only be attained when there is harmony between our outer and inner worlds. This music can be used to accompany therapy treatments or assist in meditation or simply, to achieve the calm that we all crave.
1. Tranquility in Meditation
2. Tranquility in Romance
3. Tranquility in Nature
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
In todayтАЩs frenzied world, there is barely any time to catch our breath between each hectic day.
The music featured on this album calms the troubled soul after a long working day and helps one feel relieved of everyday pressures.
1. Rejuvination in Stillness
4. Rejuvination in Solitude
5. Rejuvination in Serenity
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Through the emotional ecstasy of music, one can achieve true bliss. This album is an attempt to provide a musical solace and soothe an emotionally exhausted being on their journey to experiencing nirvana.Bliss in Thought
1. Bliss in Though
2. Bliss in Action
3. Bliss in Being
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
There are those who seek to create a space for sacred healing through meditation or deep relaxation. This music has the ability to transform energy and create a healing sanctuary in any home or office space.
1. Healing Through Spirituality
2. Healing Through Meditation
3. Healing Through Relaxation
"The Sounds of the Spa music series is meant to help you create a soothing spa experience. Whether itтАЩs for meditation, relaxation, yoga, massage, stress release or simply to help you fall asleep, playing this soothing music will calm you and promote the desired response. Created with the science of Vedic chanting, there are Spa sounds for different purposes. Come, sit back and let the music flow over you as you find peace with your inner self.
Tranquility on the outside can only be experienced when one is at peace on the inside. Let the comforting notes of this album help you attain the inner nirvana that you have been seeking.
1. Peace in Transcendence
2. Peace in Relaxation
3. Peace in Passion
"Narture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life.Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different combinations that sounds can come in will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English Basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 26 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. Twinkle twinkle little star
2. Three blind mice
3. Goosy goosy gander
4. A, B, C, D
5. Ring a ring a roses
6. Row row row your boat
7. Mary had a little lamb
8. Jack and jill
9. Londonbridge is falling down
10. Pussy cat, pussy cat
11. To market, to market
12. Aitkins drums
13. Bits of paper
14. This old man
15. Incy Wincey Spider
16. If your happy and you know
17. ThereтАЩs a hole in the bucket
18. Little boo beep
19. Hot cross buns
20. A, B, C, D
21. Baa baa black sheep
22. Goosy goosy gander
23. Head, shoulder, knees and toes
24. Incy Wincey Spider
25. Little boo beep
26. Londonbridge is falling down
"Narture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life.Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different combinations that sounds can come in will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English Basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 24 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. 1. Yankeedoodle went to town
2. Hickory Dickory dock
3. SheтАЩll be coming down the mountain
4. Baa baa black sheep
5. Ding dong bell
6. Pop goes the weasel
7. Oh dear!
8. Simple Simon
9. Grandfathers clock
10. Head, Shoulder, Knees and toes
11. My Bonnie
12. Loop to loop
13. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
14. Wee willy winky
15. This is the way
16. Rock a by baby
17. My bonnie lies over
18. Oh dear!
19. Pop goes the weasel
20. Pussy cat, pussy cat
21. Ring a ring a roses
22. Row row row your boat
23. Twinkle twinkle little star
24. Yankeedoodle
"Why do we chant the Yoga Sutra of Maharishi Patanjali? When we write things out and work with the written word, we are dealing with external forms. The written form is the grossest level of interpretation of oral traditions. When we chant we use our vocal apparatus to produce the sound. This process brings us into the eternal NOW. When we write, a long lapse of time can pass between the time of writing and our re-reading. When we chant, the action brings us in the present moment. The process of chanting demands full attention, at least on the physical level. There is also the question of resonance. Chanting evokes and invokes resonance in letters and words. All mantra can be chanted in three forms: the manasika from (chanting in the mind) is the subtlest of forms, the vachika form (chanting externally, uttering sound) is in between, and the likita (writing) is the grossest. The subtlest way to approach the sutra would be to chant them at the level of the mind. Yet, this requires full knowledge of what one is doing. It follows that when we chant we are in the NOW, we are vibrating, and we know what we are uttering so that when we move to the subtlest plane and we chant without uttering sound, in our mind, we are as close as possible to the most perfect sounds.
1. Invocation to Maharishi Patanjali
2. Samadhipada
3. Sadhanapada
4. Vibhutipada
5. Kaivalyapada
6. 108 Om chant
7. Invocation to Maharishi Patanjali
8. Samadhipada
9. Sadhanapada
10. Vibhutipada
11. Kaivalyapada
"Ever heard a cool mobile ring tone and wished you could have it? Well now you no longer have to wish! Whatever ring tone or SMS tone you can think of, itтАЩs on this CD thatтАЩs packed with 150 funny, unique and exciting ring tones, that will appeal to everyone from children to adults. From personalized ring tones for everyone from your boss to your mother-in-law, from wake up messages to birthday messages, from prank tones to popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes, thereтАЩs something for everyone. Available in all formats including MP3, M4R (iphone),AMR, WMA and compatible with all phones. Never hear a boring тАЬtring tringтАЩ again!
1. Answer My Call Please
2. Ayayoooooooo, ItтАЩs The Office Calling
3. Call From Boyfriends
4. Chimpmunks You have A Phone Call
5. Dad Calling
6. Fun Ringtone
7. Haaaaa Its Your Mother-in-Law
8. Hap Hap Happy Birthday
9. Hellooo?? Can You Hear Me
10. Husband Calling
11. Message тАУ Coming In
12. Oh Ho тАУ ItтАЩs The Office
13. Pick Up The Call Please
14. ItтАЩs Your Hubby
15. Pop Goes The Weasel
16. Ringtone - Kids
17. SMS - DJ
18. Wake Up тАУ ItтАЩs Not A Lullaby
19. Your Mom Is Calling
20. Test Message-DJ-Crazy Mexican
21. WhatтАЩs The Matter-Italian
22. Phone Is Ringing..Mother-In-Law Again
23. Call From Girlfriends
24. Drunk Phone
25. Pick Up That Mon тАУReagga
26. Andre Andre Eva Eva
27. Answer My Call Please
28. Answer The Phone!
29. Ayayooooooooo, ItтАЩs the Office Calling -1
30. Ayayooooooooo, ItтАЩs the Office Calling -2
31. Ayayooooooooo, ItтАЩs the Office Calling -3
32. Ayyyyyyaaaaaaa
33. Ba Ba Black Sheep
34. Belly
35. Bonjour
36. Brazzy
37. Bring Me Good News
38. Burrrrp Massage
39. Call Confront
40. Call From Boyfriend
41. Call From Girlfriend -1
42. Call From Girlfriend -2
43. CalllllтАж.
44. Check You Phone -1
45. Check You Phone -2
46. Chimpmunks You Have A Phone Call
47. Cock-a- doodle-dooo
48. Comon Comon Pick up Your Phone-Indian
49. Congratulations & Celebrations
50. Dad Calling
51. DonтАЩt Test My Patience
52. Drunk Phone
53. Fart Message
54. Fluity
55. Fun Ringtone
56. Funny Laugh
57. Funny! You have a phone callтАж
58. Get Up!
59. Goosy Goosy Gander
60. Haaaaa Its Your Mother-In-Law
61. Hahaha.. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call
62. Hahahahaha
63. Hap Hap Happy Birthday
64. Happy Birthday тАУSlow
65. Happy Birthday To You -1
66. Happy Birthday To You -2
67. Hehehehe.. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call
68. Hello..ItтАЩs Your Dad
69. Hellooo?? Can You Hear Me
70. Hellooooo
71. Hey! WhatтАЩs the Delay
72. Hot Cross Buns
73. Husbund Calling
74. IтАЩm Calling
75. I Am Ringing
76. I Said You Hava A Phone Call
77. If You Know Whats Best For You
78. ItтАЩs Me
79. ItтАЩs Your Hubby
80. ItтАЩs Your Mother-In-Law Hahahaha
81. ItтАЩs Your Sweetheart
82. Itss Your Mother-In-Law
83. Jack And Jill
84. Jolly Good Fellow
85. Little Sweetheart
86. London Bridge
87. Mary Had A Little Lamb Instrumental
88. Mastah! тАУThereтАЩs A Call For You
89. Merry Go Loop De Loop
90. Message -Coming In
91. Massage -Crazy Mexican
92. Message -Crazy Tempo
93. Message тАУDarling
94. Message тАУGoing Crazzy
95. Message тАУHip Hop
96. Message тАУStuck
97. Mr.Big тАУ Pick Me Up
98. My Fair Lady
99. My Lead
100. New Text Message
101. Oh Ho тАУ ItтАЩs The Office
102. Oh No ItтАЩs the Office
103. Oh No ItтАЩs My Boss
104. Oh No ItтАЩs Your Boss
105. Oh No.. ItтАЩs Your Mother-In-Law
106. Oh No.. ItтАЩs Your Mother-In-Law Again
107. Phone Is Ringing..Mother-In-Law Again
108. Phone Speaking
109. Pick-it-up
110. Pick It Up тАУFrustration
111. Pick Up тАУAggressive
112. Pick Up тАУIts Your Girl Friend
113. Pick Up That Phone Mon-Reaggae
114. Pick Up The Call тАУ Soft
115. Pick Up The Call Please
116. Pick Up The тАУ Hip Hop
117. Please Pick Me Up
118. Pop Goes The Weasel
119. Ring тАУa Ring-a Roses -1
120. Ring тАУa Ring-a Roses -2
121. Ringtone тАУKids
122. Row Row Row Your Boat
123. Self Destruct
124. SMS тАУDJ
125. SMS тАУGoing Crazy
126. SMS Massage
127. SMS Massage -2
128. SMS On Your Phone
129. Sms Sms Sms тАУCheerleader
130. SMS, SMSтАжComon
131. SmssssSmsmssssSmssss
132. SomeoneтАЩs On The Phone For You
133. Space тАУCome There
134. Sweetheart тАУ Electronic
135. Sweetheart on the Line
136. Tadddah..Text Message
137. Text Message тАУ Annoying
138. Text Message тАУ DJ
139. Text Message тАУ DJ тАУCrazy Mexican
140. Text Text Text Message
141. Uh..Phone Call Coming Thro
142. Wake Up тАУIтАЩmRinging
143. Wake Up тАУItтАЩs Not A Lullaby
144. WeтАЩve Got Incoming
145. Weird Laughing
146. WhatтАЩs The Matter тАУ Italian
147. WhoтАЩs That On The Phone тАУ Hip Hop
148. Wife Calling
149. Yankie Doodle
150. Yeeehaaa
151. Yodel тАУahoooo
152. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call
153. YouтАЩve Got A Phone Call тАУGirl
154. YouтАЩve Got A SMS тАУ Indian
155. YouтАЩve Got A Text Message тАУ Happy
156. YouтАЩve Got A Text Message тАУ Scratch
157. YouтАЩve Got A Text Messsssagee
158. YouтАЩve Got An SMS
159. YouтАЩve Got An SMS тАУIndian
160. You have A New Text Message -1
161. You have A New Text Message -2
162. You have A New Text Message -3
163. You Have A New Text Message тАУFunky
164. You Have A Phone Call
165. You Have A Text Message
166. You Have A Text Message тАУCrying
167. You Have An Incoming Call тАУIndian Classical
168. You Have Got A Phone Call
169. Your Boyfriend
170. Your Mom Is Calling
171. Your Mother тАУIn-Law-Deep
172. Your Phone тАУ Frustration
173. Your Sweethreart
"Work stress, home stress, even family stress! Stress is a part of our everyday life to such an extent that we have accepted it and live with it. But itтАЩs not until it affects our health that we relize the adverse effects of stress. Thankfully, there are many ways to alleviate stress through relaxation. A long relaxing bath, a walk in the park or even some deep breathing exercises or yoga can aide relaxation, When we relax, our body has the opportunity to unwind and it is one of the most effective measures to prevent the development of stress and anxiety. There is an art to relaxation and for those of us who canтАЩs relax easily, music is the best accompaniment. The music selected in this albumhas been especially chosen to soothe the mind and help you relax. Routine exposure to this music will make it easier for you to attain a sense of relaxation and peace.
1. Serenity
2. Sweet Dream
3. Deep Sleep
4. Peace тАШnтАЩ Peace
5. Floating
6. Cozy
7. Space Travel
8. Vision
"Tender Sounds, Tremulous Sounds, Caressing Sounds, Gentle Sounds a cosy web of screne melody is woven for baby in this special album, designed to sweetly lull it into restful sleep. Surrounding baby with soothing, relaxing and calm music will build worlds of trust and composure that will last a lifetime, and give the child the rest and sleep that are so vital to its growth. These loving moulded instrumental tracks create a healthy ambience of reassuring, affirming sound vibration to help infants and newborn babies relax and sleep.
1. Baa Baa Black Sheep
2. Cuddle
3. Diamond Ring
4. Fast Asleep
5. Go To Sleep
6. Good Night
7. BrahmтАЩs Lullaby
8. Oh My Darling
9. Rock A Bye Baby
10. Sweet And Low
11. Wee Willy Winky
12. Whispering Hope
13. Bumped His Head
"Say goodbye to stress and all that comes with it with music for тАШPure RelaxationтАЩ.Feel the goodness of natureтАЩs caressing sounds mingle with tinking strings, gentle bamboos and shimmering violins. Make the lovely cadences of this album, reminiscent of sunbeams filtering through gardens fragrant with flowers, your anthem. Win back the beauty and happiness of being human. Experience the cool breeze of vibrant music brushing past your face. Let energizing music give you the feeling of walking on golden sands even as the waves wash your feet. Leave the marts of strife and anxiety and enjoy the eloquent silences of great open spaces. Elven tingling numbers to elevate, exhilarate and exalt you with peace, harmony and stillness. Make your life beautiful and serene with Pure Relaxation.
1. Trickle
2. The Journey
3. Elevate
4. Sound Of The Wind
5. Forest Mystery
6. The Enchanted Garden
7. Energize
8. Ocean Spray
9. Electro Lounge
10. Inner Reflrction
11. Rain Stick
"The Dance of Shiva is the Cosmic Dance of joy. Every name of shiva is a fount of auspiciousness. Happiness Infinite and joy Abounding are the rewards of Those who immerse themselves in the life-giving attribute of Shiva as embodied in His names. Sanskrit, which gives forth the divine vibrations of the great qualities of Shiva as innumerable hymns that can secure you ShivaтАЩs blessings. Time-honoured paeans such as the Lingashtakam and Bilvashtakam are among the hymns presented here in honeyed tunes brimming with devotion and ecstacy. The musical setting is entrancing. The hymns are elevating. Mantras like the five-syllabled Namah Shivaya are interwoven into the numbers set in attractive ragas. The rhythms are varied and catchy. The Sanskrit diction is exact and authoritative. Let the musicals waves of this Shiva album enrich your life with divine blessings.
1. Shiva Tandava Stotram
2. Bilvaashtakam
3. Lingaashtakam
4. Vishwanathaashtakam
5. Om Namashivaya Chanting
6. Shivaashtakam
"Let go with тАШAbsolute RelaxationтАЩ and feel the benefits of saying goodbye to stress. Enjoy greater energy, better sleep, enhanced immunity and increased efficiency. Untie your emotions, untense your muscles, cool your nerves, unstrain your life energies and bid farewell to the prospect of ulcers and insomnia and loss of appatite with the nine great numbers of this album. This is music to help you relax absolutely, the most caressing cadences to unwind your tensions. Let your imagination wander with wonderful strings redolent with azure skies and sunny landscapes. Allow surging violins to open wonderful vistas and expanding horizons in front of your eyes. Let honeyed musical themes free you from the cares of life and waft you to a wonderful world of beauty and harmony. тАШAbsolute RelaxationтАЩ is the magic musical wand to bring peace and energy to your life.
1. The flow of Chi
2. Rise of the Sun
3. Blossom
4. Healing Flute
5. Relax with Chimes
6. Electric Relaxation
7. Oriental Forest
8. Lost in Space
9. Healing Ragas
"The mind is a ceaseless sea of waves that gives no rest. But when you follow the movements of the peaceful brooks of music in тАШMeditation RagasтАЩ you will lay back and savour peace and tranquillity in your heart. Let the plaintive bamboo and the raga-soaked strings in this classic album waft you to a realm of gentleness and calm. Experience the fresh fragrance of wild folwers and the magical touch of shimmering streams as mesmeric music takes you to a world of stillness and wonder. Let the lilt and beauty of ancient ragas like Bairagi, Charukesi and Patdeep clasp you in their wonderful embrace, and discover your own true self, your pristine health and your innate peace. Feel тАШMeditation RagaтАЩ add health, joy and beauty to your life.
1. Raga -bairagi
2. Raga -Charukesi
3. Raga -Patdeep
"Music heals by relaxing the mind and giving the body a better chance to neutralize stress hormones. Instrumental classical music is known to enable this process of healing with great ├йlan. Such soothing music harmonizes the organs of the body and interacts with the brain to enable the healing process. Feel the beneficial effects of healing music make for your well-being in тАШHealing RagasтАЩ. Classical ragas are known to bring down blood pressure, balance the heart and heal the systemin many ways. In тАШHealing RagasтАЩ acclaimed pandits of Hindusthani instrumental music play ragas Brindavani, Bahag and Chakukesi to bring out their soothing and healing touches. You are far from the madding crowd and right in the lap of deep calmness with these contemplative numbers. Hitch yourself to yourself to your deepest selfтАж Rid yourself of the toxins of urban life and aspire for lifeтАЩs fullness with тАШHealing RagasтАЩ.
1. Raga - Brindavani
2. Raga тАУ Behag
3. Raga - Charukesi
"Reap the reward of deep relaxation with five very peaceful and serene harp themes full of natureтАЩs intimations. Help yourself to the healing and health-giving touches of music deeply anchored in spiritual values. Relieve yourself of the great stresses of modern life with these easy-to-listen numbers of immense softness and calm. Let them help you realize your zest for enjoying life to the hilt by dispelling your worries and re-energising your spirit. Take a deep breath, feel the fragrant wind on your face and slip into the life-giving ambience that the soft harp evokes here. Recharge your batteries with тАШHarp RelaxationтАЩ. It is a move that you will cherish all your life.
1. Chimes
2. Revitalise
3. Rain Forest
4. Rain Drops
5. Serenity
"Take to the soft touches of the hoary piano for the meditative Mozart effect. Let the unhurried sounds of a timeless music touch the innermost chords of your being to release you from the stresses and tensions of a fast-flowing world. Soak in the tracks of Relax with PianoтАЩ to take you nearer to the place you belong: the wonderful quietness of nature and the fullness of life. Let the chirping of lively birds mingle in your mind with the tinkle of the piano to release a new zest for life in your being. Feel the healing and liberating power of contemplative music give you a greater anchorage in your own self. Experience the quiet resonance of the seven carefully conceived themes of Relax with PianoтАЩ spread waves of Relaxation in your life. This is an album that is sure to bring a new depth and joy to you.
1. Revive
2. Stability
3. Tangent
4. Content
5. Horizon
6. Profound
7. Abyssv
"The sound of ocean waves mingles with the rich lush tones of the saxophone in тАШSax RelaxationтАЩ to relieve you of your stresses and strains. Listen to these soothing numbers that will transport you to a world of peace and tranquillity. The simple melodies of this album create an atmosphere of quietness and meditation. Let the waves of traffic and thoughts subside and let the softly vibrant colours of the saxophone carry you to thedepths of calm. The six sax melodies here will put new meaning and vibrancy into your experiences. Add to your enjoyment of the peace and concord of life with this inspiring album. Let the power of тАШSax RelaxationтАЩ take over. Widen the great horizons of your life.
1. Chill
2. Atmosphere
3. Moody Sax
4. Dew Drops
5. Thick Forest
6. Green
7. Oriental Forest
8. Lost in Space
9. Healing Raga
"HereтАЩs the best music to help you unwind, kick off stress and get you into a cool frame of mind. тАШTotal RelaxationтАЩ comes with eleven superb tracks to switch off your unease and disquiet and establish tranquillity and stillness within you. Untense your muscles and nerves, relieve yourself from the strains and stresses of modern life, energise yourself and affirm your inner strength by totally relaxing yourself. тАШTotal RelaxationтАЩ is just about to unleash your maximum energy through inner peace. Watch your positive vibrations peak with this wonderful album.
1. Galaxy Travel
2. Nostalgia
3. Walk in the Woods
4. Relax
5. Rise
6. Ocean Rhythms
7. Unwind
8. Soul Searching
9. Piano Rain
10. Reconciliation
11. Just Relax
"Deep, tranquill and relaxing music stills your mind and connects you with your inner self easily.The sweetness and peace of the ten tracks of тАШMeditative MelodiesтАЩ give you a feeling of inner harmony and balance. The gentle sounds and rhythms of the music here inspire you to look inside calmly and deepen your self-awareness. A serene horizon of deep restfulness leads you to the enriching shores of meditation. Listen to the carefully composed tracks here and watch your thoughts quieten and an unruffled calm settling on you. Build on this experience to turn your gaze inwards and feel your whole sense of existence change beautifully. Let the music take over and make your life one of calm and concord. Welcome to melodious meditation.
1. Bell Meditation
2. Chimes of Freedom
3. Feel Good
4. Walk Along the Shore
5. Zen Rhythm
6. Shooting Star
7. Soothing Bells
8. Celestial Meditation
9. Higher State of Consciousness
10. Oriental Melodies
"Let the intimate and fragrant breath of the flute takeover. Latch on to the airy melodies of тАШFlute RelaxationтАЩ and establish an atmosphere of soothing tranquility for yourself.Let the spirits of joy and calm enliven you by weaving magical cocoons of sweetness for you. Enjoy the healing qualities of serene music and experience the fullness of life. Relaxing music releases you from the monotonous thrall of deadlines and pressures and helps you regain your inner balance. Eight wonderful themes to take you away from the ceaseless chatter of the world to the cool and energizing touch of restful and healing music. Flute Relaxation is going to be the most fruitful experience of your life. Your tryst with peace and power begins here.
1. Sacred
2. Supreme
3. Heavenly
4. Balance
5. Journey
6. Trance
"Enter windswept vistas of sweeping grandeur through тАШGuitar RelaxationтАЩ and let your unchanined mind shake off the pressures and strains of modern life. Feel the wellness brough to you through the power of genuine relaxaing music. Tranquilly strummed and softly pluked strings beckon you far from the madding crowd into a world of beauty, stillness and power. Plumb these qualities and add new dimensions to your personality. Soak in the calm and peaceful moods of this album and witness thr new energies unleashed within you. Let the joy and peace of the eight evocative numbers here enrich you with warmth and zest for life. Harvest the rich dividends of precious music made for your well-being. тАШGuitar RelaxationтАЩ is just about to transform your life with its vibrant music.
1. Admire
2. Feeling Fresh
3. Heavenly Abode
4. Lone Ranger
5. Misty
6. Peace
7. Simply Relax
"Gain higher confidence, clarity of mind and success in very way by plumbing the depths of awareness with тАШZen MeditationтАЩ music. Seven great instrumental numbers that mingle with sea waves, bird calls and natural ambient sounds to help you unwind, loosen up and uncoil. Let peace pervade you and the quiet cool light of self-awareness restore your poise and power. Watch the mental chatter waning away as you become more attentive to yourself. Anchor yourself into deeper awareness and find the horizons of life opening up. Eliminate stress, improve concentration, boost relationships, reclaim the wonder of existence. Sync with the marvellous music and soothing sounds of тАШZen MeditationтАЩ and transform yourself.
1. Awakening
2. Spiritual Healing
3. Lotus Flower
4. Meditate
5. Relax
6. Harmony
7. Bliss
"Reap the benefits of Relaxation, the most powerful antidote to stress, by opting for тАШString RelaxationтАЩ. Give your heart more rest, reduce your blood pressure and let more energy flow into your limbs by hitching your wagon to the powerful relaxing music in this album.When your mind shifts from its stresses and strains to soothing melody, you come alive and all your energy shifts to top gear efficiency. Use the powerful tool of music made for you to strengthen your immune system тАУ the armour against disease тАУ and reap other enriching rewards like poise and composure. Make relaxation your mantra and see the changes for yourself. Gather the bounties of rrelaxing music here and now.
1. Calm before storm
2. Feather
3. Flying in the air
4. Blue Water
5. Bruzy
6. Aroma
7. Myth
8. Rainbow
9. Bubble
"IndiaтАЩs classical music is essentially spiritual and sublime. India reads the entire cosmos as divine vibrations form ShivaтАЩs damaru (the kettledrum), perceiving his entire form as spiritual sounds (Naada). тАШSpiritual Music of IndiaтАЩ takes you away from the conflict and clamour of modern life and puts you in the centre of the sanctuary of тАШOmтАЩ, the greatest sounds. Deep calls form the bamboo and enticing vibration from the sitar draw you into the inner worlds of beauty and calm. Chime to the eleven exquisite tracks in тАШSpiritual Music of IndiaтАЩ and see a deeper tranquillity entering your heart. Let lovely Indian ragas and cadences take you into an inner voyage of peace and happiness. Re-discover IndiaтАЩs true sounds and a deep peace through this precious album.
1. Om om
2. Bomma bomma
3. Gayathri mantra
4. Om jai jagadish hare
5. Shiva stuti
6. Lingastakam
7. Sarvamangala mangalye
8. Mahishasura mardini (aigiri nandini)
9. Venkatesha namavalee (sri venkatesha sri srinivasa)
10. Venkateshwara sthotram
11. Hariharathmajam vishwamohanam
"Relax and rejuvenate, relax, and refresh, relax and renew yourself. Reap the rewards of relaxation by plumping for тАШRelaxтАЩ your one-stop album for instrumentals that will make you let your hair down and take your spirits up. Let these placid numbers change the gear of your life to a smooth and steady flow of peace and tranquillity. Let your blood pressure come down, slow down your ageing process, live life to its hilt, and build awareness and warmth into your relationships. Let go and harvest the fullness of health. Stop worrying and start living by making the peace and calm of тАШRelaxтАЩ your anthem. тАШRelaxтАЩ, your time has come.
1. Relax with chirping birds
2. Relax in the rainforest
3. Relax with waterfalls
4. Relax with wind chimes
5. Relax with the sounds of the ocean
6. Oriental Relaxation
7. Indian Electric Relaxation
"Meditation is the one cure for all the ills of modern life. It is the rain of nectar that drives away the fever of anxiety. It is the calm and silence that stills all clash and clamour and bestows peace and happiness. The seven lovely tracks of тАШMeditation into the LightтАЩ build on musicтАЩs capacity for deep introspection and serenity and naturally still the mind and turn it inwards. This helps reduce stress and induce relaxation. The spiritual light is the matrix of everything in the cosmos. Turn to it through these meditative tracks and let a deeper light shine in all the dimensions of your life. Return ti this album everyday, and watch the ineffable peace pervade you.
1. Awakening
2. Inner Journey
3. Upswing
4. Journey into the light
5. Indian Nights
6. Serenity
7. Peace of mind
"Soft and soothing music played to a relaxing pace stills your thoughts and helps you look inward. The seven numbers of тАШHealing MeditationтАЩ are tailored to cajole the mind to rest and relax, leading to deeper breathing and greater awareness. These numbers slow the tempo of a frenetic life-style and help you regain a ture vision of life. Watch your days gain in Meaning and significance as you anchor yourself to these measured but catchy cadences. Heal yourself from within and let new visions of beauty and strength take over. Balance your life to the warm pattern of energizing music. Breathe new vigour into your life. Let your life vibrate to the healing sounds serenity and joy.
1. Cleasing
2. Therapy Music
3. Relaxation Music
4. Deep Meditation
5. Purity
6. Bliss
7. Peace of Mind
"Tibetian singing bowls are a type of standing bell that sit with the bottom surface resting, The sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sounds. These singing bells are traditionally used through out Asia and are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation, personal well-being and religious practice. Singing bowls are used by psychotherapists, massage therapists, recovery, stress and meditation specialists.
In this album, the bowls has been used to create harmonious music at different pitch leves. They create a calming effect on the mind and body and help you relax and slip into a deep, meditative state of being. Two bonus tracks have also been included which correspond to the sounds of nature like the wind and rain. This unique album is sure to take you on a spiritual journey unlike any other, where music and melody come together to create a soul stirring experience.
1. Tibetian Singing Bowl with Nature Sounds
2. Tibetian Singing Bowl with Rain Drops
3. Tibetian Singing Bowl For Relaxation & Meditation-Version -1
4. Tibetian Singing Bowl For Relaxation & Meditation-Version -2
5. Tibetian Singing Bowl For Relaxation & Meditation-Version -3
"Sacred Chants
1. Atma Shatakam: The great Adi Shankara (first Shankaracharya) of the eighth century summarized the entirety of Advaita Vedanta (non-dualistic philosophy) in six stanzas. When a young boy of eight, while wandering in the Himalayas, seeking to find his guru, he encountered a sage who asked him, тАЬWho are you?тАЭ The boy answered with these stanzas, which are known as тАЬNirvana ShatakamтАЭ or тАЬAtma Shatakam.тАЭ тАЬNirvanaтАЭ is complete equanimity, freedom and joy. тАЬAtmaтАЭ is the True Self. The sage the Boy was talking to was Swami Govindapada Acharya, who was, indeed, the teacher he was looking for.
2. Bhavani Ashtakam: This is a prayer to mother Divine, Devi Bhavani, composed by Adi Jagadguru Sri Shankaraacarya Bhagvatpada in a high state of devotion and Divine bliss to uplift the consciousness of devotees. This great ashtakam (that which contains 8 verses) is composed by Sri Adi Sankara and it would move any one who reads it to tears. If a great soul like Him, had to desribe himself, thus, Imagine the state of an ignoramus like any one of us.
3. Madurashtakam: Mahaprabhu Srimad Vallabhacharya (1479-1531) is one of the greatest sage-philosophers of India, who belonged to a Telugu family, was one of the foremost followers of Bhakthi Marga and established his philosophy of pushti Marga in North India during the 16th century. Madhurashtakam written by him sees sweetness in his lord inch by inch. Madhurashtakam particulary brings in to focus, Lord Krishna as a child, and glorifies the grace of the child Lord.
4. Shiva Panchaksharam: A Shiva stotra composed by Adi Shankar Ach Arya. This holy stotra to worship Lord Shiva, is made of five litters and is popularly called Panchakshara: тАЬNa Ma Si Va YaтАЭ. Each of these the term Shiva means auspicious.
"Relax and rejuvenate, relax, and refresh, relax and renew yourself. Reap the rewards of relaxation by plumping for тАШSoul RelaxationтАЩ, your one-stop album for instrumentals that will make you let your hair down and take your spirits up. Let these placid numbers change the gear of your life to a smooth and steady flow of peace and tranquillity. Let your blood pressure come down, slow down your ageing process, live life to its hilt, and build awareness and warmth into your relationships. Let go and harvest the fullness of health. Stop worrying and start living by making the peace and calm of тАШRelaxтАЩ your anthem. тАШRelaxтАЩ, your time has come.
1. Oriental Breeze
2. Gentle Drops
3. Winds of Melody
4. Sunrise
5. Soft Whisper
6. Listen to your soul
7. Seaside Bliss
"Vatsyanana, the Indian sage who expanded the frontiers of pleasure, comes calling with тАШKama Sutra MusicтАЩ. Take cues from the time-honoured manual that enriches all aspects of sensual delight. тАШKama Sutra MusicтАЩ gives you vital musical inputs to titillate you and your partner further in the exploration of connubial pleasure. The sounds of the four tracks in this album will heighten your sensitivity to the finer aspects of lovemaking and no-holds-barred togetherness. Extend the horizons of your intimacy with the ambience of music that warms and stimulates the senses. Let resonating tables, caressing bamboos and tinking sitars delicately lead you on the path of the perfumed gardens of pleasure. Make way for тАШKama Sutra MusicтАЩ. Book your ticket to heightened pleasure.
1. Raga тАУ Bhoopali & Kamach
2. Raga - Job
3. Ragmala тАУ Charukesi, Yaman, Amruthavarshini, Hamir & Behag
4. Raga тАУ Darbari & Desh
"Soothing rain, a calming breeze, a gentle stream, its amazing, the effect that the sounds of nature can have on us. They can help us relax and help us feel rejuvenated and even, in some cased, help us fall asleep. Pure Nature has natural sounds from the woods, waters, and forests. These sounds of nature are perect for relaxation, meditation, sleep or as a natural ambience. Meticulous care is taken to include only the pure sounds of nature while recording, resulting in a pristine natural soun that are directly from nature. Unwind to the the comforting whisper of water, the sound of wind and white noise gently rustling through the trees for relaxation, stress reduction and sleep.
1. A walk in the woods
2. Chirping birds
3. Stream of joy
4. A whisper in the wind
5. Singing birds
6. Calm breeze
7. Third eye
8. Pure bliss
9. Relaxing forest."
"From the beat of our hearts to the measures of our breath everything in life happens to a rhythm. Let тАШSoothing Rhythms for RelaxationтАЩ create a state of peace and relaxation and regulate your nervous system to your benefit. Enrich yourself with the immense richness of the native rhythms and sounds in this marvellous album and you will begin to feel the pulse of life in its variegated situations. Catchy rhythms and magical melodies that go with them will grow on you to add warmth, vibrancy and affirmativeness to you. Breathe in these comforting rhythms and add depth to your cycle of activities. Let your breath become deeper and slower and watch your life flowering to a different cadence of creativity and beauty. Let Soothing Rhythms change your life.
1. Rhythm of life
2. Inner Journey
3. Mystic Rhythms
4. Soothing Music
5. Visions
6. Revelations
7. Breathe
8. Healing
9. Reflections
10. Pure Bliss"
"As tiny beings, babies require quite a few things the average human would need, but in smaller portions or in different wavelengths. For instance, sunlightтАж. ItтАЩs not that the sun will kill a baby, but if exposed to more than a certain amount, it could be harmful to the child. So also musicтАж depending on the genre and volume, what a regular person may consider soothing or relaxing may actually be more than a child can handle.
Lullabies are often sung by parents in calming children, putting to sleep, or simply spending time with them. The simple lyrics, nature, and storyline of lullabies are usually intended for children, and are therefore suitable for them. A parent can rock a child to sleep with a lull-a-bye, calm a discontented child, or sing along with a playing child.
1. Varam Kodi
2. Azhagana
3. Mannupugazh
4. Kai Irandil
5. Mannikkam Katti
6. Chittiramay
7. Kannay En Kanmaniyae
8. Vennilavae Ingu
9. Poovaga Vandhu"
SA DVD 10001
BARCODE NO-82352410001
Muladhara Chakra Root Center Base Chakra or Coccyx center (root support) 4- Petaled Lotus Between anus and genitals, connected to coccyx, opens downward Everthing solid, spine, bones, teeth, nails, legs, anus, intestines, postage gland, blood, cell multiplication, Supranrenal glands Fiery Red
Svadgusthaba Chakra or Cross center 6-Petaled Lotus Upper part of sacrum, approximately at upper limit of public hair, opens forward Pelvic area, reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, all liquids, such as blood, lymphatic fluid, digestive secretion, sperm, Reproductive glands, ovaries, postage gland, testicles Orange
Manipura Chakra, Solar Piexus Chakra or Navel Center, Spleen, Stomach, Liver Chakra 10-Petaled Lotus Two fingers above the navel, opens forward Lower back, abdominal cavity, digestive tract, stomach, liver, spleen, gail bladder, autonomic nervous system, Pancreas (liver) Yellow-golden Yellow
Anahata Chakra, Heart Chakra or Heart Center 12-Petaled Lotus Center of chest (breastbone), opens forward Upper back, heart, rib cage and chest, cavity, lower lungs, blood, circulatory system, skin, hands, Thymus gland Green, Pink, Gold
Vishuddha Chakra, Neck or Throat Chakra or Communication Center 16-Petaled Lotus Between inner collarbone and larynx, opens forward Lungs, bronchials, esophagus, vocal chords, throat, nape of neck, jaw, jowls, Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland. Light blue
Ajna Chakra, Brow Chakra, Third Eye, Eye of Wisdom, Inner eye Chakra or Command Chakra 96-Petaled Lotus (2 X 48 petales) One finger above the nose-center of forehead approx, two fingers deep in head, opens forward Cerebellum, ears, nose, sinuses, eyes, part of the nervous system, face pituitary gland (Hypophysis) Indigo, also yellow and violet
Sahasrara Chakra, Crown Chakra, Vertex Center or 1000-Petaled Lotus 1000-Petaled Lotus Center of top of head, opens upward Cerebrum, cranium Pineal gland (epiphysis) Violet, white gold
1. Sri Venkateswarasuprabatham
2. Sri Venkateswarasahasranama
3. Sri Venkateswara Stotram
4. Sri Venkateswara Mahatmiyma
1. Sriman Narayana-Bowli-Adi
2. Mangam Budhi-Dharmavathi-Adi
3. Parama Purusha-Shanmugapriya-Rupakam
4. Bhavayami Gopala Balam-Yamuna Kalyani-Kandachapu
5. Choodarevvaru-Misrakamas-Adi
6. Naa Naati Batuka-Revathi-Adi
7. Saranu Saranu-Subapanthuvarali-Misrachapu
8. Slokam (Sanskrit) Vandeham-Hamsadhwani тАУKandachapu
1. Ranga Ranga Nathan
2. Nandhana
3. Pani Thuliyilea
4. Kannana Kanna
5. Tirupathigam
6. Rama Rama
7. Athikaalai
8. Geethia Mozhi
9. Aayargalin
10. Nandha
1. Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatham
2. Sri Lakshmi Sahasranamam
3. Sri Venkatagireesam
4. Tirupathi Venkataramana
5. Venkatesa
6. Indirikkinbagayambu
"The Sanskrit term тАЬGayatri MantraтАЭ denotes the guaranteed protection to those who think of it, sound it by uttering and meditate upon it. It is in essence; a mystical metrical composition of rhythmic syllables intended to produce an order of sound or tune, consistently with the invocatory process of incantation enshrined in it. The order of sound and its repetition has a primary and a greater value than the actual meaning of the ideas in it. Gayatri is only the name of meter in which many of the Rig Vedic Mantras are couched. A part from the popular Brahma Mantra or; Savitaa GayatriтАЩ here are some excellent collections; some of them are rare, excelling in their efficacy and potency; in the display of extra-ordinary mystic and miraculous powers. P.S. Raghuraman, K.Maloakannan, P.Jagadeesa Bhatt, K.Sivarajan, and a host of others have recited these in a traditional manner with the academic touch under the guidance of Dr.R.Thiagarajan with the help of the Music Director Mr.V.R.Manikkavinayagam.
This DVD contains the gayatri mantra of various deities viz, Ajapa, Ganapathi, Shanmukha, Saastha, Rudra, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Hayagriva, Varahi, Narasimha, Sita Rama Lakshman, Radha Krishna, Srinivasa, Brahma, Hamsa, Durga Neela Dakshinamurthy Dhara Devi Aghora Ghora Kaali Buhvaneswari Nandi Sundarshana, Vishvakesena Garuda, Anjaneya, Sarabha Mantra, Tantra Yantra Indrakshi Sankha, Navagrahas Kameswari Bhagamalini, Nithyakalina, Bherunda, Vanhivasini, Vajreswari, Shivadooti, Twaritaa, Kulasundari, Nitya, Neelapataaka, Vijaya, Sarvamangala, Jvaalamaalini Chitra, Saraswathi Gowri Mahadurga, Deepadurga Shiva , Parvati, Hari Vamaana, Shrada, Shakti, Chandeswara Bilva, Indra, Parasurama sheela, Bhairva, Vrushaba,Kaala, Panchabhuta, Shanka Gopala, Narayana, Dattatreya, Chandi Paramahamsa, Thulasi, Annapoorna, Tirupurasundari Chinnamastha Dhoomavathi Bagalaamukhi Maatangi, Mahishasura mardhini, Jayadurga, Soolini, Chandesha, baalatriupura, Shuaamala, Kaartaveerya, Shiva, Saptamthrukaas, Mahamaari, Vaaghobhava, Amriteswari, Pranva, Danti Kamadhenu, Lokapaalas and so on. Mrutyunjaya, Mrita Sanjivani, Amrita Sanjivani Stotras are also included here.
"Everyone in this world wants their children to be brought up in an environment, conductive to their physical and mental health. Of course, when the minds of the children are tuned towards the spiritual songs, their thought, attitude, Behavior, character, speech and in short their way of life is transformed and their personality is enhanced. The brain of children being tuned by the Sanskrit pronunciation becomes free from viruses and gains power. Never the less such children would be the better citizens with skill, efficiency and moral courage and shine as scientists and so on. These may look like tall claims. But our ancestors knew the efficacy of teaching slokas and hence they had followed an unwritten custom. The faith in our ancestors and their custom would no doubt prove fruitful. For the value of this training, the children will thank the parents when they grow old.
1. Ganesa Sloka
2. Shiva Sloka
3. Dakshinamurhty Sloka
4. Saraswathi Sloka
5. Havagriva Sloka
6. Rama Sloka
7. Krishna Sloka
8. Subramanya Sloka
"Man becomes divine by constantly contemplating on the divine qualities of the divine beings. Eulogies on the extraordinary divine characters are to rejuvenate the innate powers that every body possesses. Chanting of the Stotras or even just hearing, they bestow prosperity of all kinds and peace of mind. Hanuman Chalisa (Hindi) pf the celebrated devotee Sri Go swami Tulasidas, and other select Stotras in Sanskrit on Chiranjivi ( the ever living god) are unique in as much as they are vibrant to establish divine connections and in granting the desired objects. Hanuman is the embodiment of knowledge of all kinds and especially in Grammar. He is tribute by his mentor God Sri Rama as one pas excellent in the art of speech. Contemplation on the divine qualities and recitation or listening of stotras on him is to imbibe his divine qualities apart from obtaining intellect, strength, fame, courage, fearlessness, and power of speech and prosperity.
1. Sri Hanumad Gayathri
2. Sri Hanumad Dhyanam
3. Sri Hanuman Chalisa
4. Sri Hanumad Bhujangam
5. Sri Hanumad Pancha Rathnam
6. Sri Hanumad Ashtakam
7. Sri Hanumad
8. Sahasranamam
9. Hanumad Mangalam
10. Mangalam
"Gayathri is said to be the Mother of the Vedas. She is the powerful Almighty. The infinite creative mother, Principle of the Supreme Divine that pervades all existences. Microcosmic and macrocosmic and supports the functioning of indri as (Instruments of volition thought, action and experience.) Inner as well as outer. She is the infinite source, blissful and effulgent, of Love, Life and Truth and has the infallible power of Perfection. The Chanting of Gayathri Mantra is popular and is the effective mode of drawing her source of energy. So also, the hearing of the thousand epithets of her not only gives a vivid picture of her powers but also purifying, ennobling and exalting the listeners. It transforms and develops the listener from mortal weakness to immortal power and strength from emasculating thralldom to eternal life enriching freedom from stunting limitations to infinite divine progress. She is alone worshipped in different names as Savitri when she is identified with the powers she showers at different cycles of time as Brahdarnayakaopanishad puts it.
1. Sri Gayathri Sahasranamam
2. Sri Gayathri Manthram
3. Sri Saraswathi Stotram
"Lord Ganapati is a powerful and popular god. He is worshipped in Temples. Shrines and in Houses. His grace is sought while making any auspicious beginning of any endeavor. He is called Vighneswara. The lord and destroyer of obstacles. He has four hands. ElephantтАЩs head and a big belly. His vehicle is a tiny mouse. In his hands, he carries a rope (to carry devotees to truth) an axe (to cut devotees attachments) and a sweet ball (to reward devotees for spiritual activity). His fourth handтАЩs palm is always extended to bless people. A unique combination of his elephant like head and a quick tiny mouse vehicle represent tremendous wisdom. Intelligence and presence of mind. People mostly worship him asking for siddhi. Success in undertakings and buddhi. Intelligence. He is also the god of education. Knowledge and wisdom, literature and the fine arts. In reality he is Brahman ganapati represents the mystic symbol тАЬOmтАЭ (AUM). Even Adi shankara popularized ganapati worship.
1. Sri Ganapati Gayatri
2. Ganapati Pratsmaranam
3. Ganapati Suprabhatham
4. Sri Ganesha Kavacham
5. Ganesha Ashtakam
6. Ganesha Navarnava Stuti
7. Ganesha Shodasanamani
8. Sri Ganesha Mantra Sharavalli Stotram
9. Shankatanashana Stotram
10. Sri Mayureeswara Ganapati Stotram
11. Sri Ganapati Runahara Stotram
12. Sri Gananayakashatakam
13. Sri Santhana Ganapati Stotram
14. Sri Dukha Mashka Ganesa Stotram
15. Visvasaara Tantra Mahaganesha Kavacham
16. Trilokyamohana Mahaganesha Kavacham
17. Sri Mahaganapathi Taalam
18. Sri Ganapati Atharva Seershopanishad
19. Ganapati Dhyanani
20. Sri Ganesha Pancharatnam
21. Sri Ganapati Hrudayam
22. Sri Mahaganapti Mangalam
The Divine Mother of the Universe. Lalitha once gave audience to all the gods. To worship her came crores of Brahmas (creators) and Brahmins (consorts of the creators), and crores of Narayanas with their Lakshmis and crores of Rudras with their Gauris. The different Shaft is who came to do Lalitha reverence were also innumerable, as were the Devas and Siddhas. When they had all worshipped her, they took their seats, upon which Sri Devi Lalitha glances meaningfully Vashini and others, the goddesses of speech. There upon they began to sing the thousand names of Lalitha, composed by them earlier. At her, express command. While Devi Lalitha became glad upon hearing the hymn, all those who were assembled there were amazed as its exquisite beauty and puissance. тАЭDeclare these thousand names to my devotees. If a devotee recites it even one, I grant him all his desiredтАЭ, Devi Lalitha told then. The above details are conveyed by lord Havagriva; the horse-faced manifestation of Lord Vishnu worshipped as the embodiment of intelligence, to the sage agastya, one of the most revered figures in Hindu lord. The passage occurs in the preface to the Lalitha Sahasranama, a great masterpiece that finds pride of place in the second part of the Brahmanda purana. (The Puranas are sacred texts, which explain the Vedic doctrines, the fountainhead of Hindu Philosophy, to lay minds). Takes as a devotional hymn, the Lalitha sahasranama is a wonderful track in which deep feeling is expressed in sublime language. The sonorous alliterations and assonances, and the beautiful cadences create an incantatory effect. Unlike other hymns of thousand names, the Lalitha Sahasranamam is free from meaningless particles and words, and also from the fault of repetition. The hymn, in its straight- forward significance, invokes the celestial qualities of the goddess and builds and ambience of majesty, beauty, power and sanctity.
"Pranayama, the science of controlled, conscious expansion of Prana (the life force) is the fourth limb of classical Yoga. The art and science of Pranayama has immense therapeutic potential in a wide range of psychosomatic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma. It can be used either as a monotherapy or in combination with Asanas and other aspects of Yoga. Pranayama is of vital importance to any sincere yoga practitioner trying to achieve the state of Yoga. Unless the mind is controlled, the higher aspects of yoga are not possible and the best and only way to really control the mind is by regular, dedicated and determined practice of Pranayama with awareness, consciousness and purity of thought, word and deed.
1. Sitting Postures for Pranayama
2. Vibhaga Pranayama (Sectional Breathing)
3. Mudras for Pranayama (Gestures for Pranayama)
4. Hathenas: Asanas to Help Breathe Better
5. Cleansing Breaths
6. Activation Pranayamas
7. Cooling Pranayamas
8. Pranayamas for Contemplation and Meditation
9. Panoramas for Stress Relief and Relaxation
"This Pooja is performed for lord Vishnu who is called sir Satyanarayana. The performance of this Pooja is narrated in the skanda purana. Once Maharishi Narada asked the Lord Narayana what would be the ideal solution for the people who are afflicted by poverty, anxiety, peacelessness, sins and rebirth, the lord prescribes this satyanarayana Pooja. The Lord in the manifestation of Satyanarayana holds a club, a conch shell, a discuss and a lotus in his four hands. He covers the universe in three strides: the earth as fire, the atmosphere as lightning, and the sky as the sun. He is extremely gentle of nature and personality thus symbolizing tolerance and patience. His vehicle is Garuda and consort is Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and beauty Lakshmi symbolizes good fortune and wealth and is the favorite of merchants and traders. Together Vishnu and Lakshmi are a popular duo, worshipped by families seeking material welfare. This Pooja can be performed on any day for any occasion. Satyanarayana Pooja Consists of Archana, Abhishekam and Pooja. The performers of this Pooja get all the material pleasures in plenty apart from the final beatitude. Hence, this DVD contains Sri Vishnu Gayathri Poorvanga, Vigneshwara Pooja, Poorvanga Satyanarayana Pooja, Sri Satyanarayana Pradhana Pooja and Achyutashtakam.
тАв Sri Vishnu Gayathri, Poorvanga Vigneshwara Pooja and Poorvanga Satyanarrayana Pooja
тАв Sri Satyanarayana Praadhana Pooja
тАв Sri Achyutashtakam
1 Mayamalava Gowlai
(In praise of Lord Muruga) Adi Padma S.Raghavan Aruna Subbiah Prabha S.Dixit
2 Bilahari
(In praise of Meenakshi) Adi Malavika Raghunathan
3 Bageshri
(In praise of Ganesha) Misrachapu A.Lakshman
4 Hamirkalyani
(In praise of Varadaraja) Roopakam Prabha S.Dixit, Nathella Aishwarya, T.M.Sridevi Vani Vetrivel, Suchitra Ramaswamy
5 Kapi
(In praise of Anjeaneya) Adi Priya Murle
6 Sankarabharanam
(In praise of Shiva) Adi Aruna Subbiah
7 Sivaranjani
(In praise of Mookambikai) Adi Nathella Aishwarya, Poornima Rangadurai Suchitra Ramaswamy
8 Hamsanandhi
(In praise of Narasimha) Adi Nalini Prakash
9 Kanada
(In praise of Karpagamba) Adi T.M.Sridevi
10 Desh
(In praise of Nataraja) Roopakam Padma.S.Raghavan, Priya Murle, Shylaja Ramji, Priya S.Dixit, T.M.Sridevi.
"Physical health is the basic thing that is required for success or to achieve anything great. Regular practice of Yogasans (Yogic Postures) helps one to attain good physical health. Asan is one of the preliminary steps of Yogasasta of 8 steps propounded by Sage Patanjali for the physical, metal, moral and spiritual well-being of man as a whole. These simple Yogic Exercises do not drain energy from the body. They not only conserve the energy, but also produce extra energy, which revitalizes the body.
1. Relaxing Postures
2. Preparatory Exercises
3. Suryanamaskar
4. Yogasan, (a) Standing, (b) Sitting, (c) Prone, (d) Supine, (e) Upside Down Postures.
"The yogic art and science of Mudra is a means of non-verbal communication that is subtle and refined. It enables us to communicate interpersonally with our inner self, interpersonally with others and transpersonally with the Divine. This presentation showcases important Yogic Mudras that can be done using the whole body as well as the head, neck and face. Different Mudras are used in various Hatha Yoga sequences and Kriyas to conserve and enhance the energy flow in the body as well as help attain a state of meditation in action. Concentration is improved and the mind settles into the body better when such Mudras are used. It also adds to the inherent benefit of the Asana or the Kriya. Important Yogic gestures of the head; neck and face are depicted with marvelous visuals of an international group performing the Brahma Mudra being the highlight.
Various Mudras of the Hatha Yoga tradition are demonstrated with detailed explanation of the methods and benefits of each Mudra. Mudras тАЬgestureтАЭ the energy necessary and тАЬsealтАЭ that otherwise intangible and illusive moment, fixing it for all time in our heart and nerves, bones and blood, mind and body, soul and thought тАУ creating a solid foundation upon which to build a spectacular healthy, happy and spiritual life. The Mudra тАЬsealsтАЭ into our very cells that call to a Higher Life, which can never again be denied!
"Mudra is the ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital pranic energies in the human body for health, well being and spiritual evolution. These are advanced techniques designed to improve neuromuscular coordination, culture human emotions and still the restless mind. Yogamaharishi Dr.Swami Gitananda Giri, One of the greatest Yoga Masters of the past century taught numerous Mudras in the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition and this presentation takes a comprehensive look at the various classes of Mudras such as the hastha mudras (gestures of the hands), Pada mudras (gestures of the feet) and chakshu mudras (gestures of the eyes) this presentation is filmed in an artistic manner with pleasing visuals to go Along with the wonderful depth of mudra teachings of Swami Gitananda Giriji, A Detailed exposition of the Sparsha mudras is also given. These ten touching gestures are performed by placing the hands on different parts of chest to facilitate the flow of pranic energy to that section of the lungs in order to produce certain effects on different parts of the body. These mudras are especially used to focus our awareness into the different segments of our lungs while performing vibhagha pranayama, the yogic sectional brathing. A team of 30 Participants from 12 different countries in the age range of 9 to 65 has participated in the demonstration of these esoteric Mudra teachings.
Section 1
1. Namaskar Mudra
2. Angela Mudra
3. Kailash Mudra
4. Agraa Mudra
5. Yoga Mudra
6. Abhaya Mudra
7. Chin Mudra
8. Chinmaya Mudra
9. Adhi Mudra
10. Brahma Mudra or Mahat Yoga Mudra
11. Bhairava Mudra
12. Bhairavi Mudra
13. Nataraja Mudra
14. Nasarga or Nasika Mudra
15. Vishnu Mudra
16. Shanmuki Mudra
17. Dhiva Linga Mudra
18. Uru Mudra
19. Shunya Mudra
20. Hamsa Mudra
21. Jnana Mudra
22. Bhumi Sparsha Mudra
23. Shakti Mudra
24. Gomujha Mudra
25. Manduka Mudra
26. Garuda Mudra
27. Surya Praba Mudra
Section 2
1. Manduka Mudra
2. Garuda Mudra
Section 3
1. Shambhavi Mudra
2. Nasarga Dristhi Mudra
"This is story of a common man who rose to great heights to achieve fame, success and glory and who is immortalized by his brave and tremendous willpower. He rose above his circumstances, set his mind out to achieve something and didnтАЩt let anything hold him back. Being the teacher of the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the training of these great Princes was in his able hands. He not only imparted his knowledge of archery to his students but also instilled in them values of valor and honour. DronaтАЩs story is one that inspired and continues to inspire us all. It shows us just what we can achieve once we put our mind тАУ and heart to it.
This story traces DronaтАЩs humble beginnings to his elevated status as the guru of the Pandavas and Kauravas. Drona had vowed to take revenge against Drupada, his childhood friend and he asked the Pandavas, as Gurudakshina, to wage war against him. This was the beginning of another epic and exciting war.
This is story unravels the causes behind the untimely death of Abhimanyu, the beloved son of Arjuna, during the great battle of the Mahabharata. DronaтАЩs legendary loyalty to DuryodhanaтАЩs is put to the test in this tale and he proves his allegiance even at the cost of going against the rules of warfare that he holds in such high regard.
This story unveils DuryodhanaтАЩs plan to capture Yudhstra and how Drona unwittingly gets caught up in this plan. As Drona is undefeatable, Krishna has to resort to unfair means to defeat him and it is only his love for his son that leads to DronaтАЩs unfortunate death.
Bhishma was the son of King Shantanu and the holy river Ganga. Besides being well versed in the Vedas and science, he was also a skilled archer and a great warrior. Bhisma is immortalized in the Mahabharata because of his steadfast determination and dedication to duty and he remains, to this Day, A worthy example for us all to follow.
The story behind why Devavrata was renamed Bhisma is unraveled here. BhismaтАЩs great devotion to his father and the sacrifices he makes for the sake of his fatherтАЩs happiness are also highlighted in this story.
This gripping narrative follows the life of Bhisma after his fatherтАЩs demise. True to his word, he takes neither the throne nor a wife for himself and is even forced to battle with his Guru to uphold this promise.
This exciting tale recounts BhismaтАЩs brave role in the battle of the Mahabharata. Ultimately, Bhisma bows and accepts his fate and makes use of the Ichhaa Mirtyu (The power to die whenever he wanted) boon to pass away peacefully.
"The one whose very name means тАШdoes of great deedsтАЩ Arjuna, the third of the five pandava brothers, and the son of kunti and pandu. Is revered in Hindu mythology as a just ruler and a brave warrior. One of the key figures in the Mahabharata. A few of his adventures are highlighted in these unique stories. They bring to mind a legendary hero whose trails. Tribulations and triumphs are still recalled with fondness and awe.
In this legendary story. Arjuna proves his prowess in archery when Guru Drona decides to test the skills of his students.
This is the tale of the Gurudakshina that the Pandavas and Kauravas give to their teacher, Guru Drona. On the request of their Guru, they separately wage war against Draupada, the king of Panchala.
This is the story of how Draupati came to be the wife of all five pandava brothers. Once again, Arjuna proves his Amazing skills at archery.
This story recounts how Arjuna persuades Lord Shiva to give him his pasupata Astra, or divine weapon, which he needs in order to battle with the Kauravas.
In this story, Arjuna takes up the challenge issued by a monkey, who is actually Hanuman in disguise. Arjuna and Hanuman are both taught a lesson in humility by the divine Lord Vishnu.
This story reveals the inner torment that Arjuna endures when he goes into battle with the Kauravas. In this tale, Arun displays his generosity of spirit when he comforts Bhisma in his last hours.
A name synonymous with generosity of spirit and character. One of the greatest heroes of the Mahabharata, karma remains, till date, an unforgettable personality and a source of inspiration for millions of Indians and Hindus around the world. Some of his awe-inspiring adventures are recounted in this series, which capture the essence of Karna-His valor his loyalty, his courage and his code of honour. Through his death he was immortalized in the hearts and minds of the people who love him for all that he was and all that he become.
This story recounts the birth of this legendary hero to Kunti and reveals the reason why she had to abandon him at birth.
This story unveils Lord IndraтАЩs plan to acquire KarnaтАЩs Kavcha KundalaтАЩs (His Armour) by taking advantage of his generosity.
This is the story of KarnaтАЩs training in warfare by Guru Parasuram and it recounts the reason why the great Guru cursed him.
This is story of the famous tournament held at Hastinapur and it also relates the tale of the clash between Karna and Arjuna.
This is the renowned story of how Krishna proved KarnaтАЩs generosity to the Pandavas.
This narrative unfolds the battle between the PandavaтАЩs & Kaurava has and relates how Karna kills BheemaтАЩs son the mightly Ghatotkacha.
"Modern life has become a тАЬrat raceтАЭ and none is spared by this whirlpool of stress. Frequent stressful experience leads to the failure of our homeostatic, self-regulating mechanism causing disease, premature aging and early or sudden death. Stress weakens our immune system making us more vulnerable to infections. Numerous Psychosomatic diseases are caused, Aggravated or worsened by stress. These include a wide variety of conditions ranging from the common cold peptic ulcers, Headaches backaches, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, insomnia and hypertension
Yoga a wholistic science of life, deals with physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Various aspects of Yoga help in the prevention and management of stress. This Presentation highlights various Asanas, Pranayamas and kriyas that produce a strong and resilient body capable of withstanding any amount of stress. Different Yogic тАШStress RelieversтАЩ Unique to the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition of Yogamaharishi Dr.Swami Gitananda Girl is also introduced to help relieve our pent up emotions as well as temper our reaction to stressful situations.
1. Hastha Jattis (Movements of the hands)
2. Pada Jattis (Movement of the feet)
3. Shirsha Jathi (The head rolling action)
4. Nishpandhu Jathi (the rag doll action)
5. Kati Jathi (the torso grinding action)
1. Sukha Asana
2. Vajra Asana
3. Brahma Mudra
4. Mukha Bhastrika and Dharmika Asana
5. Chits Pada Asana and Kriya
6. Vyagraha Pranayama
7. Meru Asana
8. Pada Hastha Kriya
9. Hakara Kriya
10. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
11. Malla Kriya
12. Baddhakona Kriya
13. Pavana Mukta Asanas
14. Bhujangini Mudra
1. Pranava Pranayama
2. Chandra Pranayama
3. Brahmani Pranayama
1. Spandha Nishpandha Kriya
2. Shava Asana
"The Presentation is a boon for patients of various breathing disorders such as bronchial Asthma, emphysema and Bronchitis. It offers and integrated approach of yoga Practices designed to eradicate the root cause of their suffering. The code of this presentation is an excellent depiction of the heathens, a unique set of hatha yoga practices from the Gitananda Yoga Tradition. These тАШforcing TechniquesтАЩ Help us to breathe consciously into different areas of our lungs by means of physical posturing coupled with deep and controlled breathing. The Hathenas develop strong. Healthy, and robust lungs and help expand our lung capacity while developing efficient and healthy breathing patterns. Important Pranayamas and Yogic relaxation are also introduced as most modern disorders have a strong Psychosomatic, Stress-related origin. These practices will add a new dimension to your present Practice yoga.
1. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the low chest area (Adham Pranayama)
2. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the middle chest area (Madhyam Pranayama)
3. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the Upper chest area (Adham Pranayama)
4. Heathenas to increase breath capacity and efficiency in the whole lung area (Mahat yoga Pranayama)
5. Pranayamas to improve curdio respiratory function.
6. Shiva Asana: Relaxation for the body and mind
1 Ranganjali
(Jaya Jaya Shambho) Ragamalika Adi T.M.Sridevi
2 Jatiswaram Rasali Adi Padma S.Raghavan
3 Shabdham
(Devi ThayeтАж) Ragamalika Misrachapu Shylaja Ramji
4 Kauthuvam
(Deva Mahadeva.) Mohanam Rupakam Aruna Subbiah
5 Varnam
(Aadharam Neeye...) Karaharapriya Adi Priya Murle
6 Keetanam
(Varuga Varuga...) Sumanesa
Ranjani Adi T.M.Sridevi
7 Keertanam
(Durge Durge...) Revathi Adi Priya S.Dixit
8 Thillana Simendhrama
-dhayamam Adi Aruna Subbiah
9 Mangalam Madhyamavathi Adi Group
1 Brahma Madhyamavathi Tisraekam Anusha Venkataramani
2 Indra Gurjari Misrachapu Padma S.Raghavan
3 Agni Naatai Chatusra Jampai Shylaja Ramji
4 Yama Desakshi Chatusra Ekam Aruna Subbiah
5 Nirruthi Kundalam Tisra Ekam Aishwarya Ananth
6 Varuna Varali Chatusra Ekam T.M.Sridevi
7 Vaayu Makutaramagiri Tisra Ekam Priya Murle
8 Kubera Malavashri Tisra Ekam J. Smrithi
9 Eshaana Malahari Kanda Chapu Priya Dixit
"When one thinks of loyalty, devotion, self-sacrifice and friendship, the first character from the Ramayana who comes to mind is the inimitable lord hanuman. His name is synonymous with lord ram and above all else; he was a devoted friend to him at all times. A brave warrior and a fearless leader, every act of Hanuman teaches us selfless service and sacrifice for the Lord. The values that we learn through the stories of Hanuman serve as a guideline for good behaviors even to this day.
This is the tale of HanumanтАЩs birth and a few interesting anecdotes from his childhood. As a child, Hanuman was mischievous and naughty but as he grew older, he began to look for ways to channel his powers.
This is story of the various obstacles Hanuman encounters on his mission to find Sita and how he overcomes them with valour, strength and presence of mind.
This is the legendary tale of HanumanтАЩs encounter with Sita in the gardens of Lanka. After countless days of fruitless searching. Hanuman finally met Sita and, in a bid to prove Lord RamтАЩs power, he set the entire city of Lanka on fire with his mighty tail.
In this story, we see the circumstances that led to HanumanтАЩs first encounter with Lord Ram. As soon as he met him, he pledged undying devotion to him and his cause of finding Sita.
This is the tale behind one of the most enduring images of Hanuman, that of him flying through the air with a mountain in one hand and the sun under his arm.
This is yet another story of HanumanтАЩs willingness to go to any extent to serve Lord Ram. Even Sita had to eventually acknowledge that Hanuman was RamтАЩs greatest devotee and follower, above all others.
"Protector, Warrior, King, Hero, LegendтАжKrishna is all this and more to millions of his devoted followers around the world. These stories include a divine incarnation, a pastoral childhood and his life as a heroic warrior and teacher.
This story explains how Lord Krishna heard King YudhishthiraтАЩs request to perform rajasuya yagya and then how tactfully Lord Krishna helped Bheema to defeat King Jarasandha, son of king Brihadratha.
This story describes how Lord Krishna released King Nriga from a curse and instructed the royal order as well as the general mass of people, on the dangers of stealing a BrahmanтАЩs property.
This story related how Lord Krishna killed the foolish kind Paundraka and his friend Kasiraja, and how the LordтАЩs Sudarsana disc killed, a fiery demon created by king kasiтАЩs son.
This story describes how Lord Krishna recovered the Syamantaka jewel to allay false accusations against him and married the daughters of Jambavan and Satrajit.
This story tells how Lord Krishna worshiped his brahmana friend Sudama, who came to his palace seeking charity and how he bestowed upon him wealth greater than that of the King of heaven.
This story describes how Lord Krishna saved Lord Shiva by assuming a brahmachari form and killed the demon Vrika, the son of Sankuni and devotee of Lord Shiva who misused the boon.
This story tells how Lord Krishna killed Narakasura, the son of the earth goddess, he created chaos in the heavens and mother AditiтАЩs earring.
This story describes how Lord Krishna saves draupadi, wife of Pandavas by protecting her when she was abused by Dusshassana and DuryodhanaтАЩs in the royal court.
"Jataka Tales are ancient fables that have been passed down from one generation to the next, as a code of conduct and a guideline for good moral behavior. They are not just stories that preach about the difference between right and wrong. They are charmingly witty narratives, each of which has an important message to convey. These stories are mainly about pass incarnation of Buddha. And are meant to impart the values of self-sacrifice, honestly, morality and devotion to children and adults alike.
This is story of an extremely kind hearted and gentle king, named king Subuddhi. He not only preached but also practiced non-violence in every form. How his beliefs and good deeds won him back his kingdom form the crux of this story.
This tale teaches us a valuable lesson that it is not the external weapons we posses or the armory we have that will help us in any crisis the only weapons we need are within us. They are our presence of mind and strength of character. In this story, a young prince uses these qualities to outwit a ferocious demon named Sticky Hair.
This is the well-loved tale of the clever monkey who used his wits to narrowly escape his death at the hands of the wily crocodile. This tale teaches us how we can get out of tricky situations by keeping our wits about us. It also emphasizes the importance of being a good loser.
This is the story of friendship not just between men but between a king and his favourite subject and elephant. This touching tale reveals the importance of the values of friendship and loyalty and proves how they transcend all boundaries.
This is the story of monkey king who didnтАЩt want to relinquish his throne at any cost and the lengths he went to, to remain ruler. But when one of his heirs evades his evil plans of making him unfit to rule, we see how the kingтАЩs son is cunning and metal agility help him win the crown.
In this fable, we see how a poor young boy named Seethu earns great riches for himself and prospers in life simply by being extremely shrewd and cunning in all hi business dealings. He starts with just an investment of a dead rat and goes on to earn a great fortune.
The name Bhima brings to mind images of a young strong prince equally well known for his physical strength as he was for his strength of character. The second son of the Pandavas, Bhima was the eternal problem solver, a great warrior and a noble prince. Song of Vaayu, the wind god, BhimaтАЩs life story is the epitome of discipline, Obedience and hard work. Each story about BhimaтАЩs life carries an important message for all of us. In this series, exciting chapters of BhimaтАЩs life have been highlighted тАУ his hardships, obstacles and his triumphant successes.
EkalavyaтАЩs story emphasizes an important lesson for todayтАЩs generation of children тАУ that of respecting oneтАЩs elders. This is a story about a young manтАЩs loyalty to his guru and his deep and abiding respect and affection for him Ekalavya was a normal boy from a hunterтАЩs family who had a tremendous interest in archery. He learnt archery on his own and proved his prowess to who he considered to be his guru. When his guru asked for the ultimate sacrifice from an archer, he willingly made it. Such was his commitment, which we should all follow as an apt example of a truly devoted student
1 Hamsanadham
(In Praise of Krishna)
Adi T.M.Sridevi
2 Kannada
(In Praise of Ganesha)
Kandeakam Padma.S.Raghavan
3 Amritavarshini
(In Praise of Saraswathi)
Adi Priya Murle
4 Karnataka Devagandhari
(In Praise of Adiparasakthi)
Adi Aruna Subbiah
5 Hindolam
(In Praise of Raja Rajeswari)
Adi A.Lakshman
1 Brindavana Saranga
(In praise of Krishna) Adi Nalini Prakash
2 Sindhu Bhairavi
(In Praise of Narayana) Adi Roja Kannan
3 Valaji
(In Praise of Venkatachalapathy) Misrachapu Priya Dixit
4 Chandrakauns
(In praise of Rama) Adi Priya Murle, Aruna Subbiah,
5 Revathi
(In praise of Bhuvaneshwari) Adi Lavanya Ananth
YAKSHAS, in ancient times Yakshas and Yakshinis were the protectors of Saints and Saviours, giving them the support requires fulfilling their purpose! Flautist Balasai, Sitarist Siva Ramakrishna, Violinist Kaplan Venkat & Guitarist John Anthony, along with the percussionists Ganesh, Ramakrishna and Prasannam form the YAKSHAS of today. Protecting the rights of their musical heritage! These astounding musicians have mastered their armory of instruments, have now come together to create path breaking music rooted in the classical music Tradition of India. As musical warriors, they share a combined experience of over a hundred years!
тАШA Man should live virtuously because virtue is good, not because it pays to be virtuousтАЩ this quote dominated yudhishtraтАЩs life. Yudhishtira was the eldest of the Pandava brothers and the hero of the great epic, the Mahabharata. Yudhishtira lived for justice and peace even patiently endured humiliation and exile because of his great virtue. He never deserted anyone who trusted and followed him. At one instance when all his brothers were killed and when he was given an option to bring one of his brothers back to life he asked for his step brother NakulaтАЩs life. Even at the state of utmost humiliation and suffering, he believed in Dharma and remained patient and calm and it was these traits that always helped him emerge successful in his adventures. This story depicts interesting and unexplored facts about this great personality.
With willpower and self-confidence one can even change their fate тАУ this is the moral behind the story of NalaтАЩs wife Damayanti, Learned that it was her husbandтАЩs fate to die within a year of their marriage. But because of her great love and devotion for her husband, she fought against the lord of death and brought Nala back to life. Nala was a man of great dedication and discipline. He renounced all his wealth and riches as a king and lived a life of great simplicity with his aged and blind parents. Due to his selfless attitude, he gained all the best things in life that money could not buy. This story delves into the fascinating lives of King Nala and Princess Damayanti.
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favorite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 14 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a little lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. IтАЩm a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here We go
11. 12345 Once I Caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnight
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the weasel
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a Little Lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. IтАЩm a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three Blind Mice
7. Pat a Cake
8. Little Boy Blue
9. Cock a doodle Doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnight
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the weasel
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favourite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 13 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
2. If U R Happy
3. ItтАЩs Raining
4. London Bridge
5. Hot Cross Buns
6. All around the Mulberry Bush
7. All Things Bright and Beautiful
8. Goosy Goosy Gander
9. Hey Diddle
10. The farmer in the Dell
11. Three Little Kittens
12. Rock a Bye Baby
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favourite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 11 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Eincy Wincy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pockey
7. Little Bunny Foo Foo
8. One Little Two Little
9. Hush Little Baby
10. She Will Be Coming
11. Lady Bu
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method of your learning favourite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 10 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
2. Jack and Jill
3. Ding Dong Bell
4. This Old Man
5. Georgy Porgy
6. Jingle Bells
7. The Ants Go Marching
8. Sing a song of six pence
9. Saw a ship sailing
10. The wheels on the bus
"Tenali Raman was a Telugu poet and a jester at Kind KrishnadevarayaтАЩs court in Vijayanagara. These stories emphasize his ready wit and intellectual capabilities. Stories in these series clearly show how. Through his sheet intelligence and skills, a poor lad called Ramalingam of Tenali gained entry to the court of King Krishnadevaraya
This story clearly demonstrates Tenali RamanтАЩs intelligence and ready wit, which amused the almighty Goddess Kali. His wit only earns him KaliтАЩs blessings but her boons as well.
In this story, Tenali Raman outwits a band of thieves and makes them work for him. When the King hears this amusing tale, he gifts Tenali with a bag of gold for diverting his careladen mind for a few moments.
Raman though not educated was a highly intellectual being. In this story, he tackles and defeats pandits and learned persons with his knowledge.
Raman who was very dear to the king had a jealous enemy by the name of Rajaguru. In this story Raman teaches Rajguru a lesson when he tries to spoil his name.
Tenali managed to garner a name for himself in the south. When he was invited to match wits with the Emperor AkbarтАЩs courtier Birbal, he readily accepted the challenge and went to Delhi. In this story, he outwits Birbal and makes him reward him three times over.
In this story, Raman not only teaches Rajguru and the court pandits a lesson but also outwits the King who readily agreed to RajguruтАЩs word without thinking.
This is the story of how Tenali, with his wit and intelligence, saves the honor of Vijayanagar form a mere wrestler.
Once again, in this story, Tenali teaches Krishnadevaraya a lesson when he heeds his ministerтАЩs words without thinking.
In this story, Tenali cleverly identifies the guards who demand a bribe and also manages to escape punishment form the king by sharing it among the guards.
In this story too, like the others, the jealous Rajguru, tries to get rid of Tenali Raman but in vain. With his presence of mind, Tenali escape punishment and amuses king Krishnadevaraya with his witty ways.
"Obesity is a public health problem and is a major risk factor for numerous conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and osteoarthritis. Obesity occurs as the result of imbalance between the food energy intake and the energy expenditure of the body. Yoga helps to reduce weight though the adoption of a healthy life style that includes aspects of dietary control along with the various Yoga techniques that are designed to burn up the excess calories and redistribute body fat in a healthy manner. Yoga also helps correct the numerous psychological conditions that may be causing the excessive weight gain such as depression. This presentation deals with Surya Namaskar, an important Yogic practice for the neuron-endocrine system along with the important Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas and relaxation practices that can help reduce appetite, improve digestion, speed up metabolism and produce psychosomatic relaxation.
SECTION 1: Jattis тАУ Basic Warning Up practices practices done from standing, sitting and lying down positions.
SECTION 2: Aruna Surya Namaskar: The Sun Salutation
SECTION 3: Practices done from standing: Hastha Kona Kriya, Trikona Asana, Uddiyana Bandha and Agnisara Kriya.
SECTION 4: Practices Done from Sitting: Vajra Asana, Danda Kriya, Vakra Asana, Ardha Matsyendra Asana, Ushtra Asana and Pachimottana Asana.
SECTION 5: Practices Done from Lying Down: Pavan Mukta Kriya, Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana, Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana, Shirasa Uttana Asana, Jatara Parivritta Asana, Nava Asana, Bhujanga Asana and Dhanur Asana,
SECTION 6: Topsy Truvy Practices: Sarvanga Asana, Janu Sirasa in Sarvanga Asana and Hala Asana
SECTION 7: Pranayamas For Weight Reduction: Surya Nadi Pranayama, Kukkriya Pranayama, Sheetali Pranayama and Kavi Pranayama.
SECTION 8: Yogic Relaxation: Kaya Kriya
SECTION 9: Schedules for Weight Reduction.
This is the renowned story of DraupadiтАЩs swayamwara and her marriage to and adventures with the five Panda a brother. It recounts her humiliation by the Kauravas in the royal assembly during the dice game held between pandavas and kauravas and describes how lord Krishna protected her dignity. It also describes how Bhima, Disguised as the cook Valalan, kills the evil brother of queen sudheshna-Keechaka, Who harassed Draupadi.
This is the poignant love story of King Dusyanta and the beautiful Shakuntala. Shakuntala and Dusyanta meet in the forest, fell in love and got married but soon the kind had to return to his kingdom. Dusyanta left Shakuntala, who was pregnant at the time, with his ring as a symbol of his love. Immersed in thoughts of her husband, Shakuntala committed the grave misdeed of ignoring a visiting sage. The enraged sage cursed her, saying that her beloved would forget her until she produced a token of recognition shakuntala then went to dusyantaтАЩs court. But sadly, he didnтАЩt recognize her and as she had lost the ring during her journey, she could not even prove her story. Much later, upon finding the missing ring in the belly of a fish, Dusyanta remembered his lost love and was eventually reunited with her through his son bharata who he met in the forest
"Welcome to the Fabulous world of the panchatantras! Come to join gopi as his grandfather takes him into this fascinating world of talking lions clever foxes and crying cranes and sly jackals with four curious tales of morality told through these fascinating animal character
A friendly Crocodile, a scheming crocodile wife and a clever monkey come together. Can they ever be friends?
A tale of a little rabbit getting the better of a wicked lion and becoming the saviour of the entire jungle.
The story of how a brave crab with his wife, saves the inhabitants of the pond from the evil crane.
The tale of three fish, all living in the same pond yet so very different. A difference that would cost them dearly.
A stubborn old donkey that refuses to stop singing! But does everyone share his enthusiasm?
Is the tale of a jackal that falls into a tub of dye and how he makes use of his special position thereon?
A tale of how a wise old gander teaches snickering geese a valuable lesson and thereby saves their lives.
This is the story of a clever fox outwitting a ferocious lion using nothing but his sharp mind as a weapon.
This story revolves around a desperate crane mother repeatedly trying to save her children from a cruel cobra.
This is the exciting story of Parasurama, the seventh son of sage Jamadagni and Renuka Devi who destroyed all the Kshatriya kings and killed the greedy king kartavirya to avenge his fatherтАЩs death. He conquered the whole world with the axe that was given to him by lord Vishnu. But, upon coming face to face with lord Ram, He renounced all that he had achieved and become an ordinary saint by giving back all the kingdoms he had captured and distributing all his wealth and possessions to the needy. He was also a devout son who did not hesitate in obeying his fatherтАЩs command no matter what he asked him to do.
This is the story of the true love and the spiritual depth of Savithri, the daughter of King Ashwapati. Savithri married Satyavan, a woodcutter and the son of Dyumathsena, a blind king who lived in exile. Although sage Narada had told Savithri the Satyavam was destined to die on the first anniversary of their wedding Savithri was still determined to marry him. This story describes how she saved SatyavanтАЩs soul from Lord Yama, the mighty and powerful God of death.
"тАЬAkbar and BirbalтАЭ, these very names bring to mind the great Mughal Emperor and his witty, loyal and just courtier Raja Birbal. BirbalтАЩs keen sense of justice, loyalty, selfishness and service made him an indispensable part of the Mughal Court. He was EmperorтАЩs best friend and advisor and has a very special place in AkbarтАЩs heart by the Virtue of his wit. With his keen sense of humour, he entertained the king and his subjects. This DVD contains 10 classic stories.
This is a story unveils Mahesh Das first meeting with the great emperor Akbar and how he impressed him with his wit leading to his appointments as jester the very same day!
In this story, Birbal Proves love is God. He explains that there is just one Supreme Being. God is one but is referred to by serval names.
In this story Birbal out wise, the plan plotted against him by the other courtiers.
Birbal with his keen sense of judgment was called upon by the Emperor Akbar for difficult cases.
In AkbarтАЩs court there were many courtiers who envied BirbalтАЩs closeness with Akbar. They plotted many plans to get rid of Birbal. This is one such a kind where Birbal outwitted their plans.
Birbal not only was known for his wit and loyalty but for justice. This story narrates how he served justice for the general public.
Akbar always tested Birbal and made many attempts to outwit him, but in the end, Birbal always came up on top.
Birbal with his intelligence will always tackle any kind of situation. The situation narrated in this story reveals the sharp intelligent of Birbal.
Birbal always amused Akbar with his wit. Amidst heavy work and tension everyone who interacts with Birbal will feel ease and happy because of his wit.
Birbal who was not only a witty, loyal person but was also very good in administration. He always proved his point through an interesting incident which not only in comical but also a lesson.
Lav and kush were the legendary sons of Lord Ram and sita. They inherited their fatherтАЩs bravery and motherтАЩs good looks and charm. In this DVD. We learn about their birth and their idyllic childhood years in the forest where their mother had been sent in exile by their own father. It also tells the tale of how ram was reunited with his sons through the Ashwamedya yagna that he performed. The brave twins fought the whole army of ayodhya and this brought them to the attention of lakshman. Who later led ram to then finally it tells the touching tale of how sita gave up her life and left then with their father.
In the story of the Ramayana, the character of sita needs no introduction. The adopted daughter of king janaka. She grew up to become a beautiful princess and later the wife of lord ram. Throughout her life, she faced many trials and tribulations. It was when Ravana kidnapped her and took her to lanka that the epic battle between Ram and Ravana broke out. Sita remained steadfast in her devotion to ram throughout her life. She proved her chastity and virtue time and again but finally gave her up life and returned to the arms of mother earth. From where she was born. This DVD contains many exciting stories from the life of the noble goddess sita.
Lord Vishnu is knows as the protector of all humankind. In his avatar as the supreme protector of the universe. Vishnu assumed various different forms to restore the balance between good and evil on earth. This DVD contains two stories from his life. In Vishnu the protector. He takes the form of a fish and saves king Manu and his sages from a deluge. In Vishnu the Saviour of heaven. He takes the form of a tortoise to help the devas and that of a boar to kill the evil demon hiranyaksha.
Goddess Lakshmi is known as the goddess of wealth and prosperity in India. We Worship her and ask for her blessings for wealth and good fortune. In this DVD, We learn about her origin from the ocean and about her marriage to Lord Vishnu. We also learn about her great virtue and generosity in the story true virtue. When she blesses Prahlada. An ardent devotee of lord Vishnu. The story the goddess of wealth teaches us how she wields her power. In this story. She takes away the riches of king rawal because of his great arrogance.
" Physical health is the basic thing that is required for success or to achieve anything great. Regular practice of Yogasans (Yogic Postures) helps one to attain good physical health. Asan is one of the preliminary steps of Yogasasta of 8 steps propounded by Sage Patanjali for the physical, metal, moral and spiritual well-being of man as a whole. These simple Yogic Exercises do not drain energy from the body. They not only conserve the energy, but also produce extra energy, which revitalizes the body.
1. Relaxing Postures
2. Preparatory Exercises
3. Suryanamaskar
4. Yogasan, (a) Standing, (b) Sitting, (c) Prone, (d) Supine, (e) Upside Down Postures."
"Pranayama, the science of controlled, conscious expansion of Prana (the life force) is the fourth limb of classical Yoga. The art and science of Pranayama has immense therapeutic potential in a wide range of psychosomatic disorders such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma. It can be used either as a monotherapy or in combination with Asanas and other aspects of Yoga. Pranayama is of vital importance to any sincere yoga practitioner trying to achieve the state of Yoga. Unless the mind is controlled, the higher aspects of yoga are not possible and the best and only way to really control the mind is by regular, dedicated and determined practice of Pranayama with awareness, consciousness and purity of thought, word and deed.
1. Sitting Postures for Pranayama
2. Vibhaga Pranayama (Sectional Breathing)
3. Mudras for Pranayama (Gestures for Pranayama)
4. Hathenas: Asanas to Help Breathe Better
5. Cleansing Breaths
6. Activation Pranayamas
7. Cooling Pranayamas
8. Pranayamas for Contemplation and Meditation
9. Panoramas for Stress Relief and Relaxation"
"A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekala Bharath is a unique combination of dancer, choreographer and teacher par excellence.
As a Dancer : Srekala started dancing at the tender age of seven and danced her way into the hearts of the people with her vibrant style, agile footwork and subtle abhinaya. She has carved a niche for herself in the national and international dance arena as an exceptional artiste.
As a Choreographer: Preserving the pristine tradition of Bharatanatyam, Srekala has produced thematic presentations ranging form literary classics to the contemporary, which have been well acclaimed by the media and connoisseurs.
As a Teacher: Srekala grooms her students with equal commitment to shape them as artistes of high caliber at her dance school. тАЬThejasтАЭ Srekala derives her inner strength from her told devotion, determination and dedication to this divine art form.
1. Anjali Nattai Adi Guru Rajaratnam Pillai
2. Jatisvaram Vasantha Rupakam Tanjore Quartette
3. Varnam Neelambari Adi Lalgudi Jayaraman
4. Rani Of jhans Ragamalika Adi Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
5. Sita Swayamvara Ragamalika Talamalika Dr.Rukmani Ramani
6. Tillana Brindavani Adi Dr.M.Balamuralikrishna.
"A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekala Bharath is a unique combination of dancer, choreographer and teacher par excellence.
As a Dancer : Srekala started dancing at the tender age of seven and danced her way into the hearts of the people with her vibrant style, agile footwork and subtle abhinaya. She has carved a niche for herself in the national and international dance arena as an exceptional artiste.
As a Choreographer: Preserving the pristine tradition of Bharatanatyam, Srekala has produced thematic presentations ranging form literary classics to the contemporary, which have been well acclaimed by the media and connoisseurs.
As a Teacher: Srekala grooms her students with equal commitment to shape them as artistes of high caliber at her dance school. тАЬThejasтАЭ Srekala derives her inner strength from her told devotion, determination and dedication to this divine art form.
1. Pushpanjali Arabi Adi Dr.M.Balamurali Krishna
2. Deviyai Panindu Ragamalika Adi Lalgudi G.Jayaraman
3. Idadhupadam Khams Adi Papanasam Sivan
4. Aduvum Solluval Sourashtram Adi Ganam Krishna Iyer
5. Kannagi Ragamalika Talamalika Silapadikaram
6. Tillana & Durge Durge Revathi Adi Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
7. Killikanni Anandabairavai Adi Annamalai Reddiar.
"1. Prayer тАУ Divine Offering to Lord Vinayaka
2. Sriman Narayana тАУ Bhoopalam тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Annamacharaya
3. Narayanathe Namo Namo тАУ Behag тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Annamacharaya
4. Venkatachalanilayam тАУ Sindhubhairavi тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Purandaradasar
5. Brahma Mokatae тАУ Bhoopalam тАУ Adi тАУ Sri Annamacharaya
6. Samarpanam тАУ Hindolam тАУ Adi тАУ Siva Ramakrishna Rao
7. Dasavathara Mangalam тАУ Surati тАУ Tisram тАУSri Purandaradasar.
"This DVD Contains Stories From one of the greatest Indian epics of all time, the Mahabharata. Tales of the great Heroes of the Mahabharata. Including Arjuan, Bhima, Krishna, Yudhistra, Bhishma, Karna and many others are narrated in this compilation in an interesting and entertaining manner. Their amazing and exciting Stories will touch your heart. While imparting the important lessons of Sacrifice, Humility, Honour and duty. They will not only provide endless hours of entertainment but will also be a source of inspiration for generations to come.
ArunaтАЭs aim: In this legendary story, Arjuna proves his Prowess in archery when guru Drona decides to test the Skills of his students.
Swayamvara of Draupaudi: This is the story of how Draupadi came to be the wife of all five pandava brothers. Once again, Arjuna proves his amazing skills at archery
Arjuna and Lord Shiva: This story recounts how Arjuna persuades Lord Shiva to Give him is Pasupatha Astra, Or Divine Weapon, Which he needs in order to battle with the Kauravas.
Bhima Slays Demon Bakasura: The name Bhima Brings to mind images of a young, Strong Prince, equally well known for his Physical Strength as he was for his strength of Character. Son of Vaayu, the wind God, BhimaтАЩs Life story is the epitome of Discipline, Obedience, and Hardwork, in this Series, exciting chapters of BhimaтАЩs Life have been high lightened тАУ his hardships, obstacles and his triumphant Successes.
Selfless Yudhistra: Yudhistra was the eldest of the pandava brothers and the hero of the great epic. The Mahabharata, yudhistra lived for justice and peace even patiently endured humiliation and exile because of his great virtue. This story depicts interesting and unexplored facets of this great personality.
This story describes how lord Krishna saves draupadi. Wife of pandavas by protecting her when Dusshassana and Duryodhana abused herтАЩs in the royal cour
KarnaтАЩs Curse: This is the story of karnaтАЩs training in welfare by guru parasuram and it recounts the reason why the great guru cursed him.
KarnaтАЩs Generosity: This story unveils lord IndraтАЩs plan to acquire karnaтАЩs kavachas kundalaтАЩs (his armour) by taking advantage of his generosity. The Death of Ghatotkacha: This narrative unfolds the battle between the pandavaтАЩs and kauravas and relates how karma wills bheemsтАЩs son the mighty Ghatotkacha.
BhishmaтАЩs Courage: This grapping narrative follows the life of bhishma after his fatherтАЩs demise. True to this word. He takes neither the throne nor a wife for himself and is even forced to battle with his guru to uphold this promise.
DronaтАЩs Commitment: This story unveils duryodhanaтАЩs plan to capture yudhistra and how drona unwittingly gets caught up in this plan. As drona is undefeatable, Krishna has to resort to unfair means to defeat him and it is only his lover for his son that leads to dronaтАЩs unfortunate death.
"Dhyana or Meditation is a higher state of Yoga that may be attained only after the practitioner has prepared themselves in a step-by-step manner. Meditation is a way to unite with our Supreme Nature and may be described as тАШfixing the mind on the Supreme with devotion and disciplineтАЩ. It is the seventh of the eight steps in the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali and is part of the Antaranga or inner steps of Yoga. Meditation is a transcendental state, where if there is awareness, it is тАЬawareness of awareness itselfтАЭ, a state beyond the mind. Meditation is the fruit of long and arduous effort. The mind is so trained in its focus that it naturally flows into the object of contemplation. A deep, vibrant quietness is the characteristic of meditation, which infuses the entire life style with calmness and control. Meditation becomes a quality of mind that manifests in all aspects of our daily life. The mind develops the capacity to delve into every experience, thought, emotion and situation that arises, and this focused awareness produces Yogic skill in living. This presentation deals with various aspects of meditation including Meditative Asanas and Mudras, Trataka, Pranava Meditation, Anthara Japa, Anthara Dharana, Chakra Dhyana, Prana Kriya and Brahma Muhurta meditation as taught in the Gitananda yoga tradition.
SECTION 1: Asanas for Meditative Sitting: Sukha Asana, Vajra Asana, Siddha Asana, Ardha Padma Asana and Padma Asana.
SECTION 2 : Mudras for Meditation : Jnana Mudra, Chin Mudra, Namaskar Mudra, Anjali Mudra, Kailash Mudra, Bhairava Mudra, Bhairavi Mudra, Yoga Mudra, Sparsha Mudra and Mahabhinishkramana Mudra.
SECTION 3: Trataka: Yogic Gazes: Jyoti Trataka, Bhrumadhya Drishti Trataka and Nasagra Dishti Trataka.
SECTION 4: Anthara Dharana: Kshitijan Kriyam Eka Varna Kriya and Jyotri Darshana
SECTION 5: Pranava Dhyana
SECTION 6: Chakra Dhyana: Chakra Pranayama and Chakra Meditation
SECTION 7: Anthara Japa: Om japa and Ajapa Japa
SECTION 8: Prana Kriya
SECTION 9: Brahma Muhurta Meditation
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama, his wife sita, and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture.
This story depicts some interesting facts about the birth and childhood days of Sri Rama. The eldest son of king dasaradha and the hero of the great epic the Ramayana. This story also illustrates how Rama helps sage visvamitra by guarding his sacrifice. Slays ogress tataka, breaks the bow of Siva, marries sita, and destroys the pride of parasuram. Let us visualize this fascinating story of lord Rama.
This story describes the innumerable virtues of sir Ram, the idol of the heroic ages. The embodiment of truth, morality, and the ideal son. When preparations are made for crowning Rama so the prince of Ayodhya, a hunch backed maid poisoned the mind of kaikeyi who trapped king dasarathan into yielding to her boon that Ram should be sent to the forest for 14 Years while Bharatha, her own son should become the king. Grief for the banished Rama lay heavy on the heart of dasaratha as he pined away. Remembering and recounting on his death тАУ bed how in his youth he had caused sorrow and death to an old hermit by killing his son. LetтАЩs visualize this poignant story of prince Rama.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama, his wife sita, and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture.
This story talks about RamaтАЩs excile along with his wife sita and his brother lakshmana and their life in the forests. Unable to bear the injustice of his act, king dasaratha died of grief. Rama, Lakshmana and sita are entertained by guha, a hunter тАУ chief of the forest. Then bharatha another devoted brother goes to the forest and insists that Rama return to ayodhya. When Rama refuses to do so, Bharata takes RamaтАЩs sandals alone and goes back to Ayodhya. He places the sandals on the throne and rules the kingdom in RamaтАЩs name. Meanwhile the giantess Shurpanakha in the panchavathi forest. Lakshmana cuts her nose and she complains to her brother Ravana about the Treatment that she suffers at LakshmanaтАЩs hands.
This story talks about how Ravana, the king of the demons disguises himself as a sage and with the help of Mareecha Carries away sita in the absence of Rama and Lakshmana. Jatayu. The king of vultures challenges Ravana but he is mortally wounded in his encounter with Ravana. Rama gets the news about sita from the dying Jatayu and subsequently, Rama and Lakshmana meet the pious sabar
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama and his wife sita and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture,
In this story Ram and Lakshman continue their search for sita in the forests but they have no ideas where begin their search. While searching, they are attacked by a demoness Ayomukhi and by an ugly demon Dhanu. Upon dying however, Dhanu is revealed as a Gandharva (demigod) who had been cursed by a sage to become an ugly demon. He tells Ram to seek out the exiled vanara Sugriva, who would be of vital help in his search for sita.
Inkishkinda kanda Rama meets Hanuman a close friend, Follower and advisor of Sugriva. Rama makes an alliance with Sugriva, who was exiled by his brother vali, the king of the vanaras. Hanuman voluntarily accepts Rama as his master. Sugriva is crowned as the king of kishkinda. There upon. Hanuman proceeds to Lanka in search of Sita. He takes RamaтАЩs ring as a token but despite all his efforts he fails to find sita.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama and his wife sita and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture,
This kanda describes hanumanтАЩs braveness and his visit to Lanka. During the aerial journey, Simhika. a monsters living in the ocean drags him down by catching his shadow. Hanuman kills her. Then his gets a distant view of lanka enters the city at night and meets sita, who is imprisoned in RavanaтАЩs palace garden. He assures her that help will be coming. He gives her RamaтАЩs token and message. He then proceeds to destroy RavanaтАЩs Asoka grove.
When he destroys Asoka, vana RavanaтАЩs demon soldiers captured him. Hanuman kills RavanaтАЩs younger son Aksha in battle and is delivered to Ravana for retribution. Furious at hearing Hanuman wordтАЩs Ravana orders HanumanтАЩs death. Vibhishana, RavanaтАЩs Righteous brother, intervenes at this point and reminds him that it is improper to execute a messenger, and instead tells him exact the appropriate punishment for hanumanтАЩs crime. Ravana ordered his demons to set fire to HanumanтАЩs tail. Enduring the punishment, Hanuman seizes the opportunity to observe Lanka during the day in an effort to gather military information for the future. Hanuman frees himself from his bonds, and with his tail ablaze. Files around Lanka, Destroying the town. After which, he returns to Rama with news about sita.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama and his wife sita and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture in yuddha kanda, Ram builds a bridge across the ocean with a large army of monkeys cross the ocean and reaches Lanka. Vibhishana (brother of Ravana) joins them and tells them how to destroy Ravana and his army. This part of Yuddha kanda explained the hurdles faced by Ram in reaching Lanka and his efforts to make Peace.
In this kanda kumbhakarna, indrajit, and Ravana are killed in battle. During the battle, both the parties of Rama and Ravana use Astras and weapons charged with mantras. Rama uses Brahmasastra to kill Ravana and rescues Sita. But when Ram doubts SitaтАЩs honour, she steps into the fire to prove her chastity. She comes out more glorious and effulgent than ever. Vibhishana is then crowned as king in Lanka.
"The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit epic and it tells the story of a prince, Rama of Ayodhya, whose wife sita is abducted by the demon king of lanka, Ravana. Rama is the hero of his tale and he is portrayed as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. He is the eldest and the favorite son of the king of ayodhya, dasaradha. The Ramayana follows the life of Rama, his wife sita, and his brother Lakshmana and even today is a very important part of Indian mythology and culture.
In Uttara тАУ kanda, Sri RamaтАЩs reign is described as Rama тАУ Rajya with his party returns to Ayodhya in the flying car called Pushpaka. Rama is crowned as Emperor. The people of his kingdom feel extremely happy. There is righteousness everywhere. Everywhere there are plenty and prosperity.
The Uttara kanda is the most controversial part, as it explains the story of Rama is banishing sita from Ayodhya. To many, both these actions seem to detract from RamaтАЩs reputation as a model of ideal conduct: when he banished sita in spite of her innocence, merely because the people were gossiping
"Lord Shiva, the supreme power belongs to the trinity of gods, Brahma the creator, Vishnu the saviour and Shiva the destroyer. The Shiva puranam has numerous stories about Lord Shiva. This series is about how sati, who was later reborn as parvati, became ShivaтАЩs wife.
In this story, Brahma meets Vishnu and tells him that he would like to see Lord Shiva, who is an ascetic, settle down. Brahma requests goddess uma to reborn on earth as ShivaтАЩs consort. So goddess uma is reborn as Sati, the daughter of Daksha, the chief Prajapathy, and son of Lord Brahma.
This is the tale of how sati wins heart of Lord Shiva. From childhood, sati is an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and by doing severe penance; she manages to win ShivaтАЩs heart. On Lord ShivaтАЩs, request Brahma Convenes Daksha to accept Shiva as his son-in law. Shiva and sati get finally get married on an auspious day.
This is the story of how Dakshatakes revenge on Shiva for not bowing to him. Daksha conducts a grand yagna and invites everyone from the three worlds except Lord Shiva. When sati hears about this, she tries to reason with her father but no avail. Finally, she sacrifices herself in the yagna fire.
This legendary story is about Shiva takes revenge on Daksha. He creates two powerful beings called Virabadra and Mahakali from his matted hair. They destroy the yagna and virabadra kills daksha. But brahma and Vishnu plead with Shiva to bring daksha back life, as a yagna once started has to be completed. Shiva then agrees to review daksha but does so by giving him the head of a goat.
When sati ends him life by immersing herself in the yagna fire, she is reborn as parvathi, the daughter of a great king Himavat, ruler of the HimalayanтАЩs. Parvathi has a great desire to marry Lord Shiva so she goes to the place where he is meditating and begins to serve him.
This tale of an assura called tarakasura. Because of his desire to become immortal, he does severe penance and finally Brahma grants him a boon that only ShivaтАЩs son will be able to kill him. Rendered almost immortal. Tarakasura begins to wreck havoc and harasses all the devas including indri.
"The Sitar is one of the most popular instruments in Hindustani shastriya sangeet and is a versatile instrument. Its ability to produce a deeply emotive tone that is very close to the human voice with agility and liveliness has made it a very sought after instrument.
Sitar music has been patronized for about 700 years and the fact that it is still being practiced today with dedication and passion is a testimony to its grandeur.
This DVD of тАЬLearning the SitarтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing the Sitar by Sri B.Siva Ramakrishna Rao, a disciple of late Ustad. Ahmed Hussain Khan who was the doyen of Miah Achpal Gahanna. The lessons on this DVD have been tailored in such a way that they can be practiced in the comfort of your home.
- History of the Sitar & Artists Profile
- Introduction and Ways of Handling the Instrument
- Types of Sitar
- Parts of Sitar
- Tuning
- Basic Lessons
- Fingering techniques
- Concert pattern
"The Tabla is a drum from India and is most closely, associated with Hindustani shastriya sangeet from North India. It is said that the Tabla came from the ancient double-headed drum, the Pakhawaj. The repertoire and knowledge that the Tabla encompasses is as vast as the ocean and dates back to as far as 4000 years ago. This DVD is dedicated to the fond memory of the legendary Tabla player late. Ustad, Allah Rakha, the doyen of the Punjab Gharana. Anand Ramanujam, one of his senior disciples makes learning the Tabla very simple and interesting, explaining the finger nuances of Tabla in the easiest way so that even a layman can follow it.
- Parts of The Tabla
- Basic Tips
- Placing Of Fingers
- Techniques Of Playing
- The Ten Basic Alphabets
- Basic Taals Of Tabla
"The Mridangam is an ancient percussion instrument of South India. Hailed as the Kind of South Indian percussion instruments, it forms the primary rhythmic accompaniment in a carnatic music ensemble. The word тАШmridangamтАЩ is derived from the Sanskrit words Mrid and Angam тАУ Mrid meaning тАШclayтАЩ and Angam meaning тАШbodyтАЩ.
The lessons on this DVD have been tailored by Sri.N.Ramakrishnan in such a way that they can be practiced in the comfort of your home.
1. History of Mridangam
2. Physical Components
3. Tips before performing
4. The Instrument тАУ Sizes and Varieties
5. The nature of its Sound
6. The History of the Masters and Schools of Thought
7. Gurukalam
8. Profile of N.Ramakrishnan
9. Lessons on Mridangam
- Perface
- Basic Lessons
- Key Note For the Forenhs
- Forenhs
My first word is a fun, interactive DVD that teaches your child the alphabet along with words and rhymes. The alphabet is recited in simple, understandable manner along with simple words for each alphabet. These words are then strung together in easy to follow rhymes will keep your child singing along and entertained for hours. So go ahead тАУ make learning fun for your toddler!
Harishchandra was the 28th king of the solar dynasty. Stories about his life are very popular. They tell children the power and beauty of truth and courage. Harishchandra was renowned for his goodness and justice. He had two unique qualities he always kept his word and never told lies. These two qualities were tested heavily in his life by various circumstances that led him to poverty and separation from his family. But he stood by his principles and succeeded in the end.
Vishwamitra was a king in ancient India and was a valiant warrior. He wanted to attain the same spiritual power as the sage vashista, and become his equal, a brahmarishi. He undertook a fierce penance for a thousand years, after which Brahma named him a Rajarishi. Or royal sage. After another long penance of ten thousand years. Brahma named him a brahmarishi. Vishvamitra was a great character of Indian mythology, and his life is full of great events and challenges.
"SWAMI VIVEKANANDA Was born in Calcutta on 12th January 1863; his father was a renowned lawyer of his time and lived an aristocratic but pious life. His mother was the embodiment of wisdom and simplicity. She taught Narendra тАУ who would later be known as swami vivekanda. The true meaning of Hinduism and introduced him to many mythologies stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. She taught him the values of truthfulness, honesty and simplicity and to be fearless like hanuman. Narendra was very scientific in his attitude and would not simply accept anything without valid reasoning. Sri Ramakrishna, the great master, won over the mind and heart of young Narendra with his simplicity and profound knowledge of the Advaita Vedanta. At Sri RamakrishnaтАЩs feet, Narendra learnt and realized the true spirit of the Vedanta philosophy and gradually evolved into Swami Vivekananda.
The Stories that his master taught him were, in turn recounted by Swami Vivekananda to his students, this DVD contains an exclusive collection of these stories.
Moral тАУ The knowledge one Possesses is little and one should be receptive to others point of view.
Moral тАУ Opportunity knocks but once. One should make intelligent and proper use of every opportunity that presents itself.
Moral тАУ One should not be greedy and should acquire wealth by right means alone. It is foolish to attempt to change the world, which is impossible even as the curly tail of the dog cannot be straightened.
Moral тАУ Maya is so powerful that it makes one go astray. Eternal Vigilance and True Devotion to god alone will save one from Maya.
Moral тАУ Each person is great in his own place. But the role and the duty of one differs from the other.
"1. Jathis for Opening Numbers тАУ 5 Nos тАУ Aadhi Thaalam
2. Trikaala Jathis for Varnams тАУ 5 Nos тАУ Aadhi Thaalam
3. Theermanams for Varnams тАУ 12 Nos - Aadhi Thaalam
4. Ethukadai Jathis for Varnams тАУ 4 Nos - Aadhi Thaalam
5. Jathis in Sankeerna Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
6. Jathis in Roopaka Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
7. Jathis in Misra Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
8. Jathis in Kanda Ekam Thaalam тАУ 2 Nos
9. Jathis in Kanda Chaapu Thaalam тАУ 3 Nos
10. Jathis in Aadhi Thaalam тАУ 5 Nos
"Music Accompaniment
Vocal: Bharatha Sangeetha Bhushana Smt.Nandini Anand
Nattuvangam: Nadanamamani, Yuva Kala Bharathi Smt. Priya Murle
Mridangam: Kalaimamani, Yuva Kala Bharathi Shri K.S.R.Anirudha
Violin: Bharatha Sangeetha Bhushana, Yuva Kala Bharathi Shri. S.Vijayaraghavan
Tambura: Shri Novocain
Pallandu Pallandu (Tamil)
Verses from Divya Prabandham
Ragam: Thillang and Revathi, Talam: Adi
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Thathai Mozhi (Tamil)
Ragam: Kalyani, Talam: Adi (Tisra Nadai)
Dhuranadhem (Kannada)
Ragam: Keeravani, Talam: Rupakam
Lyrics: D.V.Gundappa
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Evvade (Telugu)
Ragam: Sankarbharanam, Talam: Misrachapu
Composer: Kshetrayya
Aasai Mugam (Tamil)
Ragam: Jonepuri, Talam: Adi
Composer: Subramanian Bharathi
Gellyai Ponathadi (Tamil)
Ragam: Behag, Talam: Adi
Lyrics: Vanambadi
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Mangalam (Tamil)
Ragam: Madhyamavathi, Talam: Adi
Composer: Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan.
"Sai Baba of Shirdi or Shirdi Sai baba ( Circa 1838 тАУ October 15, 1918) was an Indian Guru, Yogi and Fakir, Who is regarded by his Hindu and Muslim Followers as a Saint. He is an avatar of Shiva, Dattatreya, a Satguru and the next incarnation of Kabir.
In his life and teachings he tried to embrace and reconcile Hinduism and Islam, Sai Baba lived in a Mosque, was buried in a Hindu Temple. Practiced Hindu and Muslim Rituals and Taught using words and figures that drew from both traditions.
Sai Baba Taught a moral code of love, Forgiveness, Helping others, Charity contentment, inner peace, devotion to god and guru. His Philosophy was Advaita Vedanta and his teachings consisted of elements both of this school as was as that of Bhakthi and Islam.
Sai Baba is also one of the most popular of Indian Saints and is revered by Several Notable Hindu, Sufi and Zoroastrian religious leaders. Sai Baba performed numerous miracles. He curved the incurably sick, helped his devotees in need in a miraculous way and even read peoples minds.
This DVD consists of a collection of exclusive stories on the life and miracles of Saibaba, Beautifully narrated with lively animations
"Mullah Nasruddin was a local priest in a small village in Turkey. He was a simple man, but his intelligence and razor sharp wit made him very popular with the people. His stories are related with humour and each one has a moral, making it a favorite with children. The tales of Mullah Nasrudding are widely told throughout the Middle East and Central Asia.
This story tells of MullahтАЩs presence of mind as he outsmarts a very knowledgeable foreigner.
Mullah teaches his greedy neighbor Kasim, an unforgettable lesson, when he tries to buy MullahтАЩs house.
Mullah Calms an angry man down with his sharp wit and receives rich rewards in return.
Mullah reminds his friends of their mistakes and teaches them a lesson to stop taking people for granted.
This is an excellent moral for people who dwell in fales pridge and prestige.
This story makes us wonder at MullahтАЩs sharp intellect. Without preaching, he explains the concept of the Quran and earns the appreciation of everyone around.
"The most lovable and friendly of all Gods, Lord Ganesha is worshipped as the Lord of beginnings, the Lord of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the God of intellect and wisdom. He is honored with affection at the start of any ritual or ceremony and invoked as the тАЬPatron of LettersтАЭ at the beginning of any writing. Ganesha has many other titles and epithets, including Ganapati and Vighnesivara. The son of Ishwara and Parvati, Ganesha has even saved the Gods when they were in trouble.
In this story, Ganesha crushes the pride of the moon and teaches the moon a lesson. This is an important lesson for anyone who has too much pride.
Ganesha is known as Vigneshwara because his devotees believe that the can sort out all obstacles and difficulties. In this story, Ganesha comes to the rescue of the other Gods. He stops King Ravana from taking the Atma Linga that was given to him by Lord Shiva to Sri Lanka.
The moral of this story is that no one should harm any living being no matter how small or insignificant they may be. When Ganesh harms a cat, Parvati teaches him this lesson.
This is the story of the birth of the river Kaveri. Ganesha takes the form of a crow and helps Agastiyar find a suitable place to form the river Kaveri.
This is the interesting tale that explains how Ganesh came to have the head of an elephant. It is just another example of GaneshтАЩs devotion to his mother and his single-minded determination to follow her orders, which even lead to him losing his head.
This story tells us why Ganesh travels on a mouse. He crushed the ego of an asura called Gajamukhasura who transformed himself to a mouse and devoted himself to serve Lord Ganesha. So Ganesh decided to travel on his back.
"The Arabian Nights stories are some of the WorldтАЩs great treasures in story telling. The Arabian Nights, also known as The 1001 Nights, are told with a great sense of adventure, truth, fantasy, imagination, justice, and faith, embodied by the great civilizations that contributed to making these stories what they are today. The Arbian Nights include fairy tales, fables, romances, farces, legends, and parables. The tales use a sweeping variety of settings, including Bahdad, Basra, Cairo, Damascus, as well as China, Greece, India, North Africa and Turkey.
This story narrates the origin of the Arabian Nights.
Princess Scheherazade with their amazing intelligence proves to the world that anything is possible with persistence, intelligence and will power.
This Magical story narrates the tale of a faithful merchant, a powerful genie and the merchantтАЩs friends, as they come to help him with their thrilling stories.
A treasure trove of tales. This one tells of how the friends of the merchant save him by convincing the Genie with their tact.
This story tells of a poor angler who escapes from a monster with his sheer intelligence.
This story has a wonderful moral; it says one who doubts a person who is loyal to him, will certainly not flourish in life.
This story narrates that blind beliefs will only lead us to destruction.
Filled with thrill and fantasy; this story embodies the moral truth alone triumphs.
"Hitopadesha Tales and logical, simple and straight forward. The main players in these tales are birds, animals and humans. Written originally in Sanskrit, the main purpose behind the Hitopadesha is to teach young minds the basic philosophy of life and help them grow into responsible adults. Even in todayтАЩs world, these stories continue to inspire people with their simplicity and substance.
This is a story of four fast friends; a mouse, a crow, a deer, and a tortoise that help each other in a tussle with their worst enemy тАУ a human hunter.
This is the story of two crows, who take the help of an intelligent jackal to overcome their enemy, a deadly serpent.
This fun filled story is about a tortoise that loses his life, as he is unable to control his tongue. It explains the moral that one should not talk unnecessarily.
In this story, a clever and patient fox deceives the mighty lion with his sheer intelligence and skill.
This is the story of an honest king who sets out to choose a trustworthy prince for his kingdom. A tale of wit and fun not to be missed!
This is the story of a blind vulture, which loses all his good friends because of the bad company he keeps; with a cunning cat.
This story of a jackal, a pundit and a walf reminds us that knowledge from books alone does not suffice; what matters is how one uses it practically.
This story tells of how a wise Brahmin loses his goat to 3 thieves, as they frighten him with their silly remarks.
"Sri Krishna is not only the greatest of the avatars of Vishnu, but also the ultimate Truth and the goal of philosophical enquiry. He is the all-attractive divine personality and source of all joy and pleasure. He is the origin from which everything manifest. He is the unlimited source of all power, fame, beauty and wisdom.
Sri Krishna was born in the royal family of Mathura, and was the eights son born to the princess Devaki, and her husband Vasudeva. The king karma, DevakiтАЩs brother, had ascended the throne by imprisoning his father, King Ugrasena. Terrified by a prophecy that predicted his death at the hands of DevakiтАЩs eighth son, he had the couples cast into prison where he planned to kill all of DevakiтАЩs children at birth. Krishna was born in the prison of Mathura, but he was smuggled out to be raised by his forest parents Yasoda and Nanda in Gokul.
The stories of Sri KrishnaтАЩs childhood and youth here include that of his life with, and his protection of, the local people. Kamsa learnt about the childтАЩs escape and kept sending various demons to put an end to him. The demons were defeated at the hands of Krishna and his brother Balarama. Some of the most popular exploits of Krishna center around these adventures, such as the lifting of the Govardhan hill, killing the five-headed snake and his play with the gopis of the village.
Krishna as a young man returned of Matura, overthrew and killed his uncle Kamsa. Krishna re-installed KamasтАЩs father, Ugresena, as the king of the Yadavas.
The story of Balakrishan is narrated here beautiful giving you the exciting background of the stories. Great music and awe-inspiring animation make this video a classic to see again and again and cherish for a lifetime.
"This series brings a collection of cheerful tales with morals to engage young minds while keeping the fun alive. The stories are set in different civilizations from all around the world. With new characters, challenges and varied locales, each story is sure to captivate and leave children spellbound.
This story is about three painters and a king. The focus lies on how only the best qualities of a person should be highlighted while false praise will only lead to trouble.
This story tells of how a person can use his intelligence to outwit the most powerful man and find his rewards.
In this story, a clever King punishes a thief by letting him decide on the punishment.
In this story, a witty old man drives off a bunch of trouble making youngsters to be free from further disturbances.
This is the story of a brave young man who confronts the King about the mistakes he makes as a ruler.
This amusing tale tells the story of a merchant and his friend, as they teach a group of deceptive greedy pundits, an unforgettable lesson.
This story has a sound moral to learn. It is of a young smart man who learns a lesson for using his intelligence in the wrong way.
This story tells us about the intelligence of Manas, a young man and his ability to convince the King with his sharp wit.
"The name Bansuri, called the Flute in English, has its roots in the word baans that means bamboo. The bansuri is among the worldтАЩs oldest musical instruments. In its simplest form itтАЩs a hollow bamboo with seven holes. The Bansuri is originally used as a folk instrument and to accompany dance.
The Hindu deity Lord Krishna is often portrayed, playing the flute and it is often associated with magical or seductive powers. In addition, the bansuri enjoys a distinguished place in the history of Indian music and mythology.
This DVD тАЬLearn to Play the FluteтАЭ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice playing the flute within the comfort of your home.
1. History of Bansuri & Artist Profile
2. Introduction of Bansuri
3. Types of Flutes
4. Sitting Position & Fingering Techniques
5. Pitch
6. Notes & Blowing Techniques
7. Half Notes
8. Shudh Swar & Komal Swar
9. Exercises & Basic Lessons
10. Concert Pattern
"The guitar is one of the most popular stringed musical instruments that are used in a wide variety of musical styles like blues, country, flamenco, rock, and many forms of pop. It is also a classical solo instrument.
A guitar is an instrument having тАЬa long, fretted neck, flat wooden soundboard, ribs, and a flat back, most often with incurved sidesтАЭ. It typically has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten, and twelve string guitars also exist.
This DVD тАЬLearn to Play the GuitarтАЭ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice playing the guitar within the comfort of your home.
1. Introduction
2. Construction of Guitar & Tuning of Guitar
3. Types of Guitar
4. Basic Lessons
5. Basic Scales
6. Fingering Techniques & Exercises
7. Song
8. Concert Pattern
9. Guitar Lick
"A Harmonium is a freestanding musical keyboard instrument similar to a Read Organ or Pipe Organ. It consists of free reeds and sound is produced by air being blown through reeds resulting in a sound similar to that of an accordion. The air is supplied by hand-operated bellows alternately depressed by the player. The Harmonium represents a harmonious blend of the Western and Indian music.
This DVD тАЬLearn to Play the HarmoniumтАЭ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice playing the harmonium within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Types of Harmonium
4. Structure & Design
5. Tuning
6. Sitting Posture
7. Playing Techniques
8. Fingering Techniques & Basic Lessons
9. Concert Pattern
Temples form the bedrock of Tamil culture. They have so pervasive and powerful an influence on the social, cultural, moral and religious life of the Tamil people, the Avvaiyar, the celebrated poetess, advised children not to live in a place that does not have A temple. After temples began to be built in stone, great heights were scaled in sculpture and architecture. The magnificent gateways of the sprawling Srirangam temple and the Nataraja temple in Chidambaram, the grand edifices of the Thanjavur Brihadeeswarar abd Gangaikondacholapuram temples, the dramatic setting by the sea of the Mamallapuram Shore temple, the hill and temple of Arunacala Shore temple, the hill and temple of Arunachala soaked in the mystique of spirituality and the devotional fervour of the ancient Tiruvottriyur and Mylapore temples create a rare experience for the viewer in this video programme. тАШTemples of Tamil Nadu,тАЩ not only brings scintillating visuals of great temples to you, but also evokes the peace; calm and spiritual feeling of pilgrim centers, for the search of the meaning of life is the ultimate aim of the temples. In Tamil philosophical lore, the temple is represented as a symbol of the body. тАШThe heart is the shrine, the mouth the gateway, the senses are the lights, and the soul the abode of GodтАЩ, says the great work Tirumantiram. The visuals, music and succinct text of this brilliant offering lead you from the highs of creativity and devotion to the altar of the peace that surpasses all understanding.
"Prana, the universal cosmic energy sets up great vortexes of psychic energy in certain parts of the nervous system, creating psychic Centres known as Chakras or wheels of psychic energy. We are energized through the energy pathways know as Nadis and energy vortices known as Charkras. These psychic pathways and vortices are located in our energy body, the Pranamaya Kosha and go right up to the Anandamaya Kosha, the universal body. According to the Rishiculture Ashtanga Yoga tradition codified by Yogamaharishi Dr. Swami Gitananda Giri, there are six lower and six higher Chakras making a total of 12 Chakras. The lower chakras are known as the Pinda Chakras and are related to the physical body while the higher six chakras are the Anda Chakras related to the Cosmos. Chakras vibrate at very high speeds of vibration and at their highest speeds of vibration are related to the cosmos. At their lowest speeds of vibration, they can be related to various parts of our neuro-endocrine system. The Chakras are usually depicted as lotuses with differing numerous of petal representing various qualities and energies of the Chakra. Each of the lower six Chakras has various neuro-endocrine correlates and is associated with one of the five Jnanendriyas or sensory organs as well as one of the five Karmendriyas or action senses. Each and Pranayamas to focus the Chakric energies. They are also related to the subtle elements know as the Tanmatras and the Prana Vayus or subservient forms of Pranic energy.
SECTION 1: Mooladhara Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Pirthvi Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 2: Swadhisthana Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Apas Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 3: Manipura Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Tejas Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 4: Anahata Chakra, Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Vayu Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 5: Vishuddha Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Akash Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 6: Ajna Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra, Mamas Mandala Pranayama.
SECTION 7: Sahasrara Chakra: Introduction, Gayatri Mantra, Asanas for the Chakra
SECTION 8: Chakra Awareness with Hastha Mudras
SECTION 9: Mandala Dharana
SECTION 10: Chakra Meditation
SECTION 11: Archival Material of Dr. Swami Gitananda GirlтАЩs Lectures on Chakras including a Demonstration of the Mantra Laya.
"Lakshmi Viswanathan is one of the foremost exponents of Bharatanatyam. She has been described as a poetic dancer of exceptional talent and extra ordinary imagination. Watching her is like watching an artist performing at her pinnacle, unraveling the intricate tapestries of a complex yet beautiful art form. The internationally renowned choreographer Mark Morris has described her as consummate artist, an articulate scholar and an honest & creative proponent of Abhinaya a beautiful, graceful & sublime artist. LakshmiтАЩs endeavors have seen her travel the length and breadth of the globe, spanning 20 countries in all, where she has taken center stage at prestigious events like the Jacobs pillow festival in USA. She has choreographed several group shows, of which тАЬBanyan TreeтАЭ (Vata-Vriksha) is the most acclaimed. She has received the state award, тАЬKalaimamaniтАЭ, and the Central Sangeet Natak Academic award, among numerous others.
Kunitta Puruvamum (Tamil)
Thevaram by Tirunavukkarasar, 7th century
Raga тАУ Kambodhi
Enneramum (Tamil)
By Gopalakrishna Bharath
Raga тАУ Devagandhari
Tala тАУ Adi
Emoko (Telugu)
By Annamacharya (c.fifteenth century)
Raga тАУ Tilang
Tala тАУ Rupakam
Ayyayyo Vegatayene (Telugu)
By Kshetrayya (mid- 17th century)
Raga тАУ Nadanmakriya
Tala тАУ Tisra Triputa
Itu Sahasamulu (Telugu)
By Swati Tirunal 19th century
Tala тАУ Adi
Enthati Kuluke (Telugu)
By Pattabhiramayya, 19th century
Raga тАУ Kalyani
Tala тАУ Rupakam
Vannagadu (Telgu)
By Kshetrayya
Raga тАУ Kapi
Tala тАУ Tisra Triputa
Nitthirayil (Telgu)
By Ghanam Krishna Aiyyar,
19th century
Raga тАУ Pantuvarali
Tala тАУ Adi
Vadaraka Po (Telugu)
By Kshetrayya
Raga тАУ Kambodhi
Tala тАУ Tisra Triputa
"ChandrasekharтАЩs association with Bharatanatyam goes back 63 years when he joined the Kalakshetra, the internationally acclaimed abode of the Arts. His strict training along with his own devotion, dedication and unwavering focus has given him the strength and experience to continue to perform with energy and involvement to this day with the blessings of his mentor Smt.Rukmini Devi. During this long journey, Chandrasekhar has taught, performed and choreographed throughout the globe. As the former Dean and Professor at the Faculty of performing Arts, Baroda University and his long sojourn at Varanasi have been of great help in acquiring his academic acumen. He is the recipient of the very prestigious awards from the central and state governments and foremost Ari institutions of the country. With his wife jaya and daughters Chitra and Manjari, who are all established dancers of the country, Chandrasekhar now countries to work from Chennai.
Ragam: Nattukurinji
Talam: Adi
Composer: Rangaswami Nattuvanar
Ragam: Ahri Bhairav
Talam: Miscrachapu
Composer: Jayadeva
Ragam: Natabhairavi
Talam: Adi
Composer: Veenai krishnamachari
Ragam: Suruti
Talam: Adi
Composer: Purandara Dasa
"A unique and eminent artiste, nationally and internationally honored and respected, Prof.Sudharani Raghupathy is lauded as тАШliving legendтАЩ. Having completed 60 years in her journey in dance in August 2007, Sudharani is perhaps one of the rare Bharatanatyam dancers in India who has performed before the visiting dignitaries to India since 1956. To mention a few Bulganin & Khrushchev, Shah of Iran, Emperor of Ethiopia, King of Afghanistan, Chou en Lai, Ho Chi Mint and many others, including a command performance for Pandit. Jawaharlal Nehru and Smt. India Gandhi. An A-Top artiste of the Doordarshan since 1976, her T.V.Serial Bharatanjali, an appreciation of Bhartanatyam, the first of its kind on Doordarshan in 1981 (13 episodes in B&W) and 1989 (8 episodes in Colour), is one of her superior contributions to dance. As an artiste of outstanding at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York, on Human Rights Day in December 1981, on an invitation from the then Secretary-General, kurt Waldheim. She has been awarded the unique honour of Senior Teaching Associate of Indian Studies (Professor) by the Colgate University, New York in December 1995. Shrew Bharatalaya, an unique institution of fine arts founded by her in 1970, by Prof.Sudharani Raghupathy, for the dissemination of culture. Her institution is perhaps the only one of its kind in the nation that has produced valuable resource material, institution is perhaps the only one of its kind in the nation that has produced valuable resource material, which is a unique contribution to the world of fine arts. A few of the prestigious awards conferred on her include PADMA SHRI (1988), Central Sangeet Natak Akademi award (1984), Kalaimamani (1981).
Ragam: Thillang
Talam: Adi
Nachiyar Thirumozhi
Music Composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Ragam: Ragamalika
Talam: Misrachaou
Verses from Janardhashtakam
Ragam: Sourashtram
Talam: Adi
Composer: Subbarama Iyer
Ragam: Desh
Talam: Adi
Lyrics: Jayadeva
Music composed by Vidwan Madurai N.Krishnan
Ragam: Kamas
Talam: Adi
Ragam: Suruti
Talam: Rupakam
"Mahabharata is the largest epic in the history of humankind, as it runs to over a hundred thousand verses. It is more than simply a story of kings and princes, sages and wise men, demons and gods. It aims at elucidating the four goals of life: dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), Kama (pleasure), and month (liberation).
Mahabharata mainly tells the story of the Pandavas and the Kauravas who vie with each other for the kingdom of Hastinapura, The Pandavas want to play the game straight and are prepared to accommodate the Kauravas, but the Kauravas under the leadership of Duryodhana want to destroy the Pandavas, Shantanu, the king of Hastinapura has a short-lived marriage with the goddess Ganaga and has a son, Devavrata (later to be called Bhishma), who becomes the heir apparent.
Many years later, when the king goes hunting, he sees Satyavati, daughter of a fisherman in the kingdom and asks her hand in marriage. She marries the king, as Devarata promises to make her son the future king.
Shantanu has two sons by Satyavati, Chitrangada and Vichitravirya. Their sons are Pandu and Dhritharashtra. Pandu becomes the king because of DhirtarashtraтАЩs blindness. Pandu marries Kunti and Madri. PanduтАЩs elder queen gives birth to three sons Yudhishtra, Bhima, and Arjuna as the sons of the gods, and to Nakula and Sahadeva.
Against them are ranged the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra, led by Duryodhana. Karna the first born son of Kunti to the sun god, and discarded by her at birth, is on the side of the Kauravas.
In Mahabharata, love, hate, loyalty, arrogance, wisdom, thirst for knowledge, will power, cunning, self-control, weakness and many other human qualities come into beautiful play. The birth of the princes, their education and their rivalry is narrated beautifully in this video with exclusive animation and rich content.
"The Mahabharata is the national epic of India and has the status of the fifth Veda. A vast work of legends, ethics and philosophy, the Mahabharata has the Kurukshetra war as its kernel. According to scholars, the Kurukshetra war took place 5000 years back in the Indian subcontinent.
This part tells about the youth and marriage of the Pandavas the pivotal тАЬgame of diceтАЭ, the turning point in the Mahabharata. As the Pandavas lose their kingdom and respect through the game of dice played by the otherwise wise Dharmaputra, it is an object lesson to gamblers. The part shows the great generosity of Karna, DuryodhanaтАЩs great friend. We see Indra diminish the power of Karna by begging for his natural armour and earrings. Find out in this part how Draupadi came to be the wife of the five Pandava brothers. The occasion of the inauguration of the great palace of the Pandavas leads to unwitting insults to Duryodhana, who hatches the plot of deprive the Pandavas of their kingdom. Beautifully narrated with excellent dialogues, this part of Mahabharata is the one, which will always be chirshed, by one and all.
"Mahabharata, the greatest epic of Indian mythology, is a great treasure of Indian and its tradition. The rivalry between cousins, the poignant turns that it takes exposition of ethics and the rewards of righteousness are beautifully portrayed in the Mahabharata.
This part of the Mahabharata deals with the period of exile of the Pandavas. After the humiliating game of dice, the crestfallen Pandavas leave the palace of Hastinapur. The Pandavas along with Draupadi reach a forest.
Lord Surya gives a magic vessel to the Pandavas, from which they get unlimited food. Arjuna leaves for Indrakiladri hill to get weapons from Lord Shiva. After testing Arjuna, Lord Shiva gives him powerful weapons. Egged on by Duryodhana, Karna poses as a Brahmin and learns great mantras from guru Parasurama. When the latter comes to know of KarnaтАЩs true identity, he curses him.
Krishna teaches Arjuna a lesson in humility by demonstrating to him the generosity of Karna. Krishna also saves Draupadi form DurvasaтАЩs curse. Bhima kills the demon Jarasandha, Duryodhana is saved by Arjuna from the attack of the gandharvas. In the famous episode of the Yaksha, YudhishtraтАЩs moral stature brings back his dead brothers to life.
This is a great chapter of the Mahabharata with thrilling twists and turns. It teaches us that duty comes firstтАж rewards follow on their own accord.
"This part of Mahabharata explains about the last year of exile of the Pandavas. After the completion of 12 years of exile in the forest, in the thirteenth year, they had to live by concealing their true identity. This phase is called the Virata Parva, as they stayed in the kingdom of Virata.
Yudhishtra adopted the garb of a himself. Arjuna passed himself off as a eunuch. Yudhishtra became king VirataтАЩs companion and spent his days playing dice with him. Bhima worked as the chief cook. Arjuna assumed the name of Brihannala and taught dance and music to princess Uttara. Nakula looked after the horses and Sahadeva tended to the cows and bulls.
The princess Draupadi served VirataтАЩs queen, Sudeshna. Bhima kills Keechaka, the brother of the queen, for attempting to molest Draupadi. News reaches Duryodhana and he finds out about the whereabouts of the Pandavas.
DuryodhanaтАЩs forces battle the army of King Virata. At the end, the Pandavas reveal their identity. They return and ask for the kingdom. But Duryodhana refuses to give them even an inch of territory.
War proves to be the only course. Krishna gives his army to Duryodhana and becomes a charioteer to Arjuna. Kunti approaches her eldest son Karna and requests him to join the Pandavas. He declines the proposal but grants her the boon of not attacking Arjuna twice with his lethal arrows.
Travel to the time of the Pandavas by viewing this imaginatively told animation story
"This is the most important part of Mahabharata. The great Kurukshetra war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, the Bhagavad-Gita given by Lord Krishna, the final moments of Bhishma and Karna, and Krishna revealing his awesome divine form are found in this part. Every moment of Mahabharata will thrill and elevate you.
The 18 days of war is explained clearly with a beautiful story line. The death of Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Abhimanyu, Duryodhana, the bravery of Karna, Arjuna, Ghatothkacha, ShikandiтАЩs revenge, the great plots of the war including that of Chakravyuha, the killing of Ashwattama are depicted here beautifully.
The aftermath of the war and the end of the Pandavas reveals clearly that time and tide catch up with all men, but only those elevated morally make life worth livening.
"The Jataka Tales are a veritable treasure of Indian folklore, legend and fable. Each time these popular stories are told, they acquire a new color and fresh dimension. Besides being entertaining, the Jataka tales give us invaluable information about ancient Indian civilization, culture and philosophy. The wisdom of right thinking and right living is preserved in the Jataka tales.
This collection includes a selection of fascinating animal tales on the theme of courage. Be inspired by the fascinating tale of the brave pig that kills greedy tiger and becomes the chief of its tribe. Take a page from the life of a lion-hearted deer that makes a king quit hunting for ever. View the friendship between a farmer and a crab and find out how the crab saves the farmerтАЩs life. Find out how a minister-swan saves the life of the king-swan. We will also remember forever the tales of the bold and wise tree and the dauntless goat narrated beautifully in this collection.
The gods and goddesses of Hinduism are powers of our body, mind and soul. The stories and attributes of these gods strengthen our spirit. Ganesa, the son of Shiva and Sati beckons us first with his unique formтАж he has an elephant- head and huge tummy but rides on a mouse! The story of Sati and Shiva is the story of the destruction that pride brings. Vishnu, the protector pervades the universe but takes special forms to come to the help of the good people. Hanuman, the monkey warrior is a symbol of service and devotion and mighty power. The episode of the insult of Draupadi in the Mahabharata shows that absolute faith in God brings his grace towards one. Karthikeya, the great son of Shiva and Shakti is the embodiment of beauty and power. Lakshmi brings luck, victory and riches. Sita, of course, is the fascinating hero of the Ramayana. Track the stories of these great powers in this graphic animation and grow in strength and spirit. Welcome to the world of the gods. Time stands still hereтАж and the world of beauty and enchantment begins.
"Hindu mythology presents the clash between the devas (gods) and asuras (demons)... but not all devas are presented as paragons of virtue and not all asuras are shown as embodiments of evil.
Kumbakarna, the brother of Ravana in the Ramayana fought on behalf of Ravana against Rama, but not before speaking up for justice. Kumbakarna is a colorful figure, extraordinary in might but also afflicted with the extraordinary in might but also for longs spells of time. His relationship with Ravana, as also his affection for his righteous brother Vibhishana and his tragic death in the battlefield are immortal scenes from the Ramayana. This film presents the graphic story of KumbhakarnaтАЩs life and death in a very interesting manner.
The other demon is GhatothkajтАж From the Mahabharata. Son of Bhima, renowned for his might and fighting qualities, and the demoness Hidimbo, Ghatathkaj was also a master of magic. This story of Ghatothkaj is new, full of humour, and fun. The Pandavas were cheated by the Kauravas in the game of dice. Ghatothkaj exposes the foul play of Shakuni. In the process, there is an interesting meeting between Ghatothkaj and Krishna. Ghatothkaj caused the maximum damage to the Kaurava army before he was killed by Karna. The tale of Ghatothkaj and the heroic sacrifice he made for his father Bhima is beautifully animated in this film.
"Shiva beckons sweetly тАж.Shiva inspires awe.
Shiva is the foremost of asceticsтАж.Shiva, the greatest of lovers.
Shiva spells the cosmic danceтАж yet Shiva signifies the wordless silence.
Shiva is the Lord of timeтАж but Shiva is eternal
Shiva is infiniteтАж..yet Shiva manifest everywhere.
From the great heights of Kailas to the golden sands of Rameswaram, millions of hearts overflow with devout supplication to the deity who spans the opposites and shows the way to transcendence.
тАШLord Shiva тАУ Initiation into MeditationтАЩ quietly takes you into the heart of Shiva through the multifarious significances of ShivaтАЩs many aspects and attributes. Even as the magic of the evening sky summons one to the mystery and profundity of the star-spangled heavens, through hanunting visuals and meditative music this video leads the viewer into the ineffable essence of Shiva. Watching the waves of the sea and staring at the horizon gives one a sense of infinityтАж the swell and current of Shiva contemplation silence the mind and leads it into the rearfied universe of the deity. Meditation on the eight forms of Shiva, a journey through the jyotirlingas and reflection on the oneness that animates all forms, based on authentic Vedic and Sanskrit sources are clinching visual-aural tracts of lasting beauty. Welcome to a lovely s├йance with the deity who is life, death and the Beyond, which in the resounding Vedic affirmation means life
"Panchatantra tells about five ways that help the human being succeed in life. Pancha means five and tantra means ways or principles. Addressed to the kingтАЩs children, the stories are primarily about statecraft and are popular throughout the world.
This story states how a person has to act smart and intelligent in times of crisis instead of believing in fate.
It is the story of four friends, who in spite of their knowledge lack common sense and finally lose their lives.
This is the story of an intelligent jackal who escapes from a lion with his quick action.
This story clearly explains the rivalry between the crows and owls and how a crow makes a fool of the entire family of owls. Strangers should never be encouraged is the moral of the story.
A donkey and his master fool the villagers, but learn the hard way that they cannot fool people all the time.
This story explains clearly that even a weak person can conquer a mighty one with proper planning.
This is the story of a weaver, who gets a boon, but fails to utilize it and loses his life.
Opportunities knock once and we have to make use of them, is the moral of the story.
This is the story of a jackal, lion and crow that betray a camel and make his sacrifice his life. Mean friends can cost one dear.
The sun and the wind prove their might in a competition. The sun proves that he is stronger, because he is intelligent in choosing the area of his strength. Anyone who works on his area of strength is always successful.
"India has produced great Heros who excelled in bravery, daring and chivalry. Prithviraj Chauhan, Tippu Sultan, Rani of Jhansi and Chatrapati Shivaji are national heroes who inspire us by their exploits. They were great warriors who showed vision, leadership and Courage of conviction. These Indian heroes battled against all odds and reached the pinnacle of success by their courage, determination and perseverance. Their lives have inspired many generations of Indians and continue to inspire millions of Indians and others all around the world.
The story of Prithviraj Chauhan is a captivating web of romance, bravery, chivalry and superhu man daring. The love of Prithviraj and Samyogita is the stuff of folklore. The courage that this great ruler showed in quelling his enemies was only matched by his eagerness to forgive. The way he ultimately clinched the climax in his favour with a feat extraordinary archery, is clinching.
The Tiger of Mysore, who once grappled with a tiger and killed it, then took on the might of the British Empire. He aligned with the French, and despite heavy odds would not give up and fought to the finish.
This 19th century warrior queen gave the British sleepless nights with her unquenchable spirit, bravery and self-respect. Her story of guts and sacrifice was an inspiration to the war of independence that follwed.
Brought up on the stories of the mythological Heros, this great Mahratta not only cocked a snook at the might Moghul Empire but also built a dominion of his own. Shivaji was an unbelievable amalgam of personal bravery and the sense of strategy. He knew when to strike and when to give in.
"Folk tales are the wisdom of ages of experience. They can be fairy tales, legends, myths, tall tales and trickster talesтАж they impact culture, intelligence, ethics and camaraderie to children. The Indian folk tales in this collection are a captivating blend of morals and humour.
The story of the poor but generous keshav. Learn about the simple man whose generosity brings kings and queens to his hut. Find out for yourself the climax of this enchanting tale. You will be astonished and ennobled.
A story of a woodcutter who becomes rich but fails to keep his promises to help the poor. How does he find out that he must keep his word?
A smart deer who escape from captivityтАж his weaponsтАж presence of mind and intelligence.
A miser is hated even by those close to him. God teaches a good lesson to penny-pincher Sushil.
From what goes on between the donkey and the dog one learns- keep good advice to yourself unless asked for.
A good man gets a magic pumpkin and all the goodiesтАж.but when his greedy brother tries to get another one for himself, all he gets is the pumpkin leaving the magic for us to savourтАж There are no shortcuts to goodness of heart and the great things that it brings.
"Every day thousands of kids read AesopтАЩs fables and are transported to an enchanted world. Through these enjoyable and instructive stories, their experience of life is enhanced. The fables, usually involving personified animals, are a popular choice for moral education of children today. They are narrated here vividly with graphic animation.
One good turn deserves another. The dove helps the ant that is struggling for life. And the ant, in spite of being small, comes to the doveтАЩs help at a crucial moment.
A donkey who keeps switching jobs finds out the great truth about contentment.
Find out how a father teaches his sons learn about the power of unityтАж The story has a moral for parents too on how to make children see light!
Can a mouse save a lion? He canтАж as you will find out from this story. No one can be so small as to be ignored.
A tortoise wants to fly like an eagle. But finally, the truth dawns upon himтАж
Precautions are useless after the crisis тАУ A beautiful story featuring a parrot and a bat.
It is hard to change the qualities that one is born with. In this tale an eccentric king, makes the monkeys of the town dress up and dance like humans. But on seeing peanuts, they cast their dance outfits to reveal the creatures they truly are; monkeys.
Those who enter through the backdoor might just be thrown out of the window. This moral unravels beautifully with a street dog and a pet dog from a good home.
Never leave a friend who believes you. This important principle is well told through two friends who chance upon a bear during their travels.
An interesting tale on how focus leads to victory. This is a beautiful story of a fox, a tortoise and a cat, who each plot their escape craftily.
A hare who believes that his friends will help him in times of trouble, finally understands that he alone can help himself.
"Go on an enchanting journey with the stories of yore. Hop on and take a ride with the witty Tenali, the wise Birbal and a host of you favourite animal friends with this collection of unforgettable tales.
This is the story of a proud and pompous monkey King who refused to relinquish his throne even under extreme circumstance. When one of the KingтАЩs heirs evades his evil plants of deeming him unfit to rule, the KingтАЩs cunning son helps him win the crown back.
Here we learn that one should make the best use of an opportunity that presents itself, for opportunity knocks at our doors but once.
Not everybody can claim to be a know-it-all. This tale tells us that it is important to be receptive to otherтАЩs point of view.
In this story, Tenali Raman outwits a band of thieves and makes them work for him. When the tired King hears this tale, his spirits are lifted and he presents Tenali with a bag of gold coins.
In this story, Tenali teaches the careless Krishnadevaraya a lesson, for blinding following the words of his ministers.
In AkbarтАЩs Court, there were many courtiers who envied BirbalтАЩs closeness with Akbar and they often plotted against Birbal. This amusing tale tells of how Birbal outwitted their plans.
BirbalтАЩs wisdom was his strength. He was called upon by Emperor Akbar on several occasions, to solve difficult cases owing to his keen sense of judgment.
Akbar oft tested Birbal and made many attempts to outwit him. In the end, it was always Birbal that came out victorious.
This is the story of a brave crab and his wife, who save the inhabitants of a pond from the clutches of an evil crane.
This is the story of a silly jackal that falls into a tub of blue dye and his adventures that follow.
"The Pandavas are the true heroes of Indian mythology. These super heroes are the mind-born sons of gods like Indra, Yama and Surya. But they learnt their skills of warfare through hard work, sincerity, devotion, truthfulness and courage.
Pandu was the king of Hastinapur and his brother Dhritharashtra was blind. PanduтАЩs wife was Kunti and through a boon, she was able to get children by invoking the Gods. The five mind-born sons are called тАЬPandavasтАЭ. Dhritharashtra had a hundred sons (called Kauravas). The eldest one was Duryodhana.
Drona, the greatest archer becomes the teacher of these princes and it is an interesting turning point. The Kauravas hated the Pandavas right from the start. Many instances show the hatred and jealousy of the Kauravas. Once Bhima was attacked and thrown into a pond but he was saved by the queen of snakes.
Competition between the princes in warfare and archery adds spice to the story. Arjuna was the favorite student of Drona, and we learn why. Ekalavya, a hunter boy, becomes a self-taught archer but ends up giving his right thumb as a fee to Drona.
The story of Bala Pandvas brings to light the innocence, humility, anger, jealousy, valour and courage of the cousins of the great dynasty. The qualities that they showed as children came to the fore when they grew up. This part of the Mahabharata is rife with emotions and deep lessons for life.
"Garuda was born to Sage Kashyapa and was the largest being on the earth, big enough to block out the sun. He had a golden body, a white face, red wings, the head of an eagle and the body of a man. Garuda was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu and a symbol of the force of speed and martial prowess.
Because of his sheer size, the Gods were scared he would harm them. But eventually he was resorted to his normal form. His mother was the queen of birds and his father had another wife who was the queen of serpents. The queen of serpents imprisoned GarudaтАЩs mother by cheating her in a bet. Garuda was asked to get celestial nectar, as a fee for releasing his mother. He reached heaven and after numer ous hurdles, with the help of Lord Vishnu, he got the nectar and freed his mother.
Thanks to his selfless nature, Vishnu blessed him and made him his mount. His devotion to Vishnu surpassed all others and he was his mount in every from that Vishnu attained, be it as Krishna, Rama, Narasimha or Lord Balaji. When Vishnu took the incarnation as Krishna, Garuda helped him find the Syamantaka Jewel and even helped him marry Sathyabhama. Later Narakasura, a cruel demon was killed by Sathyabhama with the help of Krishna and Garuda.
In this series, the epic adventures of Garuda are narrated in an exciting animated format. Children and adults alike will enjoy the rich narrative and gripping stories and will relive every one of GarudaтАЩs.
"Kalakshetra Group And A Solo By Krishnaveni Lakshmanan
Glamorously packaged snippets of a number of star performers, talented newcomers and extracts from popular dance drams тАУ a birdтАЩs eye view of some of the different styles, some basic info about each style, has all been rolled into one TV serial тАУ when The Gods Dance. The first episode starts wit Kalakshetra, IndiaтАЩs leading Institution of Fine Arts situated in Chennai. Founded by Smt.Rukmani Devi Aundale in 1936, Kalakshetra can more appropriated be described as a тАЬTemple of Fine ArtsтАЭ, Art lovers from all over the world come here to learn the Indian are froms under this Banyan tree. The principal Krishnaveni Lakshmanan demonstrates a small item to her students. We also have the senior staffs of Kalakshetra who have been under direct tutelage of Rukmani Devi saying a few words, followed by a Thillana choreographed by Smt Rukmani Devi.
Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam (Bharata Nrityam)
V.P.Dhananjayan (Kathakali)
This episode features two famous dancers, Shri V.P.Dhananjayan and Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam. The foremost among those who were trained at Kalashetra but later established their own schools of dance are Shri Dhananjeyan and Smt.Shanta Dhananjeyan. Shri Dhananjeyan who is an exponent of not only Bharathanatyam but also Kathakali, performs his most popular item тАЬ Deiva Karrunyam,тАЭ The Indian press praised Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam as having opened a new chapter in the history of Bharathanatyam. In this episode, she performs Kalings Nartanam, an extract from тАЬKrishnaya thubyam namahaтАЭ which describes how Krishna won over Kalinga, the multi headed serpent and danced on it.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest form of Indian Classical dance is a combination of music, expression and rhythm. The two facets of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasya (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. I encompass all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevate the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one.
1. Dance Prayers
2. Preparatory Exercises
3. Basic Thattadavus - Stamping of feet
4. Nattadavus тАУ Introduction of stretches
5. Mandi Adavus тАУ Sitting adavus
6. Paraval Adavus тАУ Space covering adavus
7. Hastha Mudras тАУ Hand Gestures
8. Alarippu & Jatisvaram тАУ the first tow items in a margam.
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekala Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious chorographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekala started dancing at the tender age of seven with her immitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classic to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani, Tamilnadu state award, and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest from of Indian classical dance in a combination of music expression and rhythm. The two faces of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasysa (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. It encompasses all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevates the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one.
1. Kuttumettu Adavus тАУ jumping adavus
2. Sarakkal Adavus тАУ sliding adavus
3. Prainkan Adavus тАУdiagonal moving steps
4. Teermanams тАУending adavus
5. Varnam -3rd item and the central piece of a Margam.
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekal Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious choreographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekal strated dancing at the tender age of seven with her inimitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classics to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani. Tamilnadu state award and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala Bharath is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ, an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest from of Indian classical dance in a combination of music expression and rhythm. The two faces of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasysa (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. It encompasses all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevates the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one
1. Padal Adavus тАУ leaps
2. Utplavanam Adavus тАУfront & side jumps.
3. Thattumettu Adavus тАУ stamp & Jump
4. Behas тАУ Head & Feet movements.
5. Rasas тАУ Nine Moods in dance
6. Gaits тАУ Dance Walks
7. Abhinaya тАУ Padam & Javali тАУfacial expressions
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekal Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious choreographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekal strated dancing at the tender age of seven with her inimitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classics to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani. Tamilnadu state award and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala Bharath is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ, an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"BHARATANATYAM being the oldest and purest from of Indian classical dance in a combination of music expression and rhythm. The two faces of Indian dance, the Tandava (vigorous) and the Lasysa (gentle) blend beautifully in Bharatanatyam. It encompasses all the elements of dance, drama and spiritually elevates the audience. Bharatanatyam is poetry in motion and all the cognate elements of Bhava, Raga and Tala reveal themselves as all in one.
1. Teermana Korvais тАУending steps
2. Combination Teermana Korvais тАУ ending combination steps.
3. Yatis тАУdifferent kinds of steps
4. Ananda Tandavam тАУ Shiva & Parvati dancing happily to sollukattus or syllables
5. Innovations тАУ usage of props, dancing to contemporary themes
6. Tillana тАУ Tillana is a pure nritta item. It shows a variety of movements and time measures for one line of music & geometrical precision in foot work.
7. Kavadi Sindhu тАУ A Kavadisindhu is a light hearted song set in a folk lore tune singing the praises of Lord Muruga, son of Lord Shiva.
A disciple of renowned Guru K.J.Sarasa, Srekal Bharath is a passionate dancer, an ingenious choreographer and an inspirational teacher of international repute. Srekal strated dancing at the tender age of seven with her inimitable style, nimble footwork and exquisite abhinaya. She has created thematic presentations ranging from traditional classics to modern day concepts winning critical acclaim including the Kalaimamani. Tamilnadu state award and the Bharata Rathnam from the Government of Sri Lanka.
Srekala Bharath is deeply committed to the exceptional development of her students enabling them to evolve as artistes as they share in her creative journey at тАЬThejasтАЭ, an institution she founded that defines talent and continues to empower artistic expression in Chennai, India for over a decade.
"The ancient Indian art and of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help those suffering from arthritis by improving joint function, increasing the range of joint movement and by reducing the pain. Yoga helps normalize the immune system and balance the anabolic-catabolic metabolism thus brining about an improvement in the arthritic condition.
1. Introduction to Yoga for arthritis
2. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
3. Tala Asana
4. Hastha Kona Asana
5. Hamsa Mudra
6. Garuda Asana
7. Sukha Asana
8. Danda Asana
9. Vakra Asana
10. Gomukha Asana
11. Manduka Asana
12. Chatus Pada Asana
13. Chatus Pada Kriya
14. Vyagraha Pranayama
15. Mehru Asana
16. Chiri Kriya
17. Purvottana Asana
18. Brahma Asana
19. Pawan Mukta Asana
20. Dridha Kriya
21. Bhujanga Asana
22. Dhanur Asana
23. Makara Asana
24. Sheetali Pranayama
25. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
26. Bhramari Pranayama
27. Kavi Pranayama
28. Pranava Pranayama
29. Shpanda- Nishpanda Kriya
30. Kaya Kriya
31. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
32. Chakra Meditation
33. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems faced by the diabetic patients. Yoga reduces stress and balances the metabolic, autonomic and endocrine functions. The regular practice of Yoga helps reduce insulin resistance and improves the glucose utilization and response to a glucose load. Yoga can thus help in the prevention and control of Diabetes and may prevent many of its deadly complications.
1. Introduction to Yoga for diabetes
2. Surya Namaskar
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Pada Hastha Asana
5. Trikona Asana
6. Padottana Asana
7. Vajra Asana
8. Sapurna Sasha Asana
9. Purna Sasha Asana
10. Danda Kriya
11. Vakra Asana
12. Ardha Matsyendra Asana
13. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
14. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
15. Shirasa Uttana Asana
16. Pawan Mukta Asana
17. Jatara Parivritta Asana
18. Sarvanga Asana
19. Janu Sirasa Sarvanga Asana
20. Viparita Karani
21. Hala Asana
22. Matsya Asana
23. Nava Asana
24. Paschimottana Asana
25. Bhujangasana
26. Dhanur Asana
27. Kukkriya Pranayama
28. Kavi Pranayama
29. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
30. Pranava Pranayama
31. Shavasana
32. Om Japa
33. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems related to the digestive system. Yoga helps to normalize all functions of our digestive system such as ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and excretion. Common problems of acidity, excess gas formation and psychosomatic condition such as the irritable bowel syndrome are corrected by a regular Yoga practice. It is important to have regular meals with green vegetable salads, fresh fruit juices and sprouts. Better to have less salt, spices and oily foods and have a fruit fast once in awhile. Maintain good hydration, avoid junk foods and try to eat mainly seasonal foods to ensue a healthy digestive system.
1. Surya Namaskar
2. Trikona DVD Asana
3. Parshava Kona Asana
4. Padottana Asana
5. Garuda Asana
6. Sapruna Sasha Asana
7. Dharmika Asana
8. Ushtra Asana
9. Danda Asana
10. Vakra Asana
11. Ardha Matsyendra Asana
12. Eka Pada Uttanapada Asana
13. Dwi Pada Uttanapada Asana
14. Shirasa Uttana Asana
15. Pawan Mukta Asana
16. Jatara Parivitta Asana
17. Sarvanga Asana
18. Janu Sirasa Sarvanga Asana
19. Viparita Karani
20. Hala Asana
21. Matsya Asana
22. Nava Asana
23. Paschimottana Asana
24. Bhujangasana
25. Dhanur Asana
26. Surya Nadi Pranayama
27. Kukkriya Pranayama
28. Shavasana
29. Shpanda Nishpanda Kriya
30. Om Japa
31. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems faced by the hypertensive patients. Yoga helps balance the autonomic nervous system, reduce stress, improve cardiac function and correct the blood lipid profile, thus creating a healthy cardiovascular system. Yoga can thus help in the prevention and control of hypertension and may prevent many of its deadly complications.
1. Introduction to Yoga for hypertension
2. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Trikona Asana
5. Pada Hastha Asana
6. Padottana Asana
7. Sukha Asana
8. Vajra Asana
9. Sapurna Sasha Asana
10. Purna Sasha Asana
11. Chatus Pada Asana
12. Chatus Pada Kriya
13. Vyagraha Pranayama
14. Mehru Asana
15. Chiri Kriya
16. Ushtra Asana
17. Gomuksh Asana
18. Vakra Asana
19. Purvottana Asana
20. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
21. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
22. Pawan Mukta Asana
23. Sarvanga Asana
24. Viparita Karani
25. Sapurna Matsya Asana
26. Bhujanga Asana
27. Makara Asana
28. Bhramari Pranayama
29. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
30. Pranava Pranayama
31. Shavasana
32. Shpanda тАУ Nishpanda Kriya
33. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
34. Om Japa
35. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
"The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices form the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems related to the neck and back. Yoga improves posture, stretches and relaxes the paraspinal musculature and increases flexibility and turnablity of the whole spine.
1. Introduction to Yoga for spinal health
2. Tala Asana
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Trikona Asana
5. Parshava Kona Asana
6. Hamsa Mudra
7. Garuda Asana
8. Vajra Asana
9. Purna Sasha Asana
10. Ushtra Asana
11. Gomukha Asana
12. Manduka Asana
13. Vakra Asana
14. Danda Asana
15. Chatus Pada Asana
16. Chatus Pada Kriya
17. Vyagraha Pranayama
18. Mehru Asana
19. Chiri Kriya
20. Brahma Mudra
21. Dridha Kriya
22. Pawan Mukta Asana
23. Purvottana Asana
24. Bhujanga Asana
25. Dhanur Asana
26. Makara Asana
27. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
28. Pranava Pranayama
29. Sheetali Pranayama
30. Shpanda тАУ Nishpanda Kriya
31. Kaya Kriya
32. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
33. Chakra Meditation
34. Introduction to Yoga as a Therapy
Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary Indian freedom fighter whose very name spells fearlessness. His courageous actions brought a renaissance in the minds of the Indian people. Born in a family, which had earlier been involved in revolutionary activities against the British Raj in India, the mind of young Bhagat Singh was shaped early in patriotism. You will see in this animated video, how he grew up to be a patriotic leader whose heart brimmed with love for India. Thrown into prison by the British, Bhagat Singh fasted for 63 days demanding equal rights for Indian political prisoners. He was hanged for shooting a police officer in response to the brutal killing of veteran freedom fighter Lala Lajpat Rai. Bhagat Singh fearless example of fighting the mighty British Empire was followed by the youth of India. His unselfish life of daring and fearlessness inspires us to this day.
Mangal Pandey, an ordinary sepoy in the employment of the British became a great hero when he rebelled against their tyranny. The First War of Independence (1857 тАУ 1858) was the first widespread uprising against the rule of the British. There were many who fought in that struggle which was belittled by the British as the sepoy mutiny. But the seeds of the revolt were cast by Mangal Pandey, a quiet soldier who fought with courage and determination against British atrocities. Mangal Pandey was a solider in the 34th Regiment of the Bengal Native Infantry of the English East India Company. Pandey was born in the village of Nagwa in district Ballia (Uttar Pradesh). He jointed the English East India CompanyтАЩs forces in 1849 at the age of 22. Pandey was part of the regiment and fought its officers to protect his dignity and self-respect. At a time when the British seemed invincible, Mangal Pandey courage made him fight them. The result was a mutiny against the British army, which spread to many parts of India. This animated story brings to life the bravery and daring of the great Indian soldier who sacrificed his life for the motherland.
Dhruva was an ardent young devotee of Vishnu, a prince blessed by Lord Vishnu with eternal life and glory as the Pole Star (Dhruva Nakshatra). The story of DhruvaтАЩs life is often told to Hindu children as an example of perseverance, devotion, steadfastness and fearlessness. Denied his fatherтАЩs love by his stepmother, Dhruva sought the blessings of Vishnu. His steadfastness and devotion won him the grace of the divine sage Narada who instructed him in the path of God. Vishnu was pleased with the boyтАЩs penance and showered his blessings on him. The boy was then received by his earthly father with overflowing love.
Prahaladha, the child devotee of Vishnu is considered to be one of the greatest saints of God. Hiranyakashipu casts himself as the enemy of Vishnu. He gets great boons from the creator Brahma, and imagines that nobody can kill him. He then proclaims that he himself is God. But his son Prahaladha, tutored in the way of god-love even when he was in his mothers womb, is living proof of the demons crooked ways. When the demon comes to know of this, he tries to kill him again and final take, as you will see with wonderment in this beautiful animation, Vishnu takes the form of the stupendous man-lion Narasimha and tears the demon to pieces with his nails, Prahaladha is blessed with a long life of piety and rules his people justly. He becomes an example to humanity of a life of extraordinary devotion to God.
"Hanuman is one of the most memorable characters of the Ramayana. He is regarded as the peak of sacrifice, devotion, bravery and loyalty and is widely worshipped in India as a god. HanumanтАЩs great actions as Lord RamaтАЩs messenger are famous but his birth and childhood are not so well known, hence Bal Hanuman.
Bal Hanuman presents beautifully the story of the young Hanuman and his innocent pranks. An Apsara by name Anjana marries Kesari, the monkey warrior. She gives birth to Hanuman with the grace of Lord Shiva, Hanuman, who has formidable strength, plays many pranks, which are all beautifully presented in this animated video. Hanuman takes the rising sun to be a fruit and files into the sky to pluck it. The childhood sports of the superhuman Hanuman narrated here vividly will energise the minds of children.
Hanuman, who is full of ethical values, is a great power who protects devotees from bad influences and leads them to a higher life of triumph and achievement.
"Jalauddin Muhammad Akbar also known as Akbar the Great 1542-1605, Mughal emperor of India (1556 тАУ 1605); son of Humayun, grandson of Babar. Akbar is widely considered the greatest of the Mughal emperors.
He was only 13 when he became emperor. Although he was himself illiterate, Akbar had so much interest in learning, that his courts at Delhi, Agra, and Fatehpur Sikri became centers of the arts, letters, and learning. He founded his own religious cult, the Dini-Ilahi or the тАЬDiving FaithтАЭ.
In order to govern this territories well, Akbar developed a bureaucracy, which was among the most efficient. He also gave autonomy to his imperial provinces. Akbar lost his best friends and his most faithful servants before he finally succumbed to a very painful abdominal illness. He was buried at Sikandra near Agra in a splendid mausoleum of enormous proportions, which he himself has caused to be built. The memorial stands witness had caused to be built. The memorial stands witness to one of the greatest emperors, India ever had. This animated video brings alive the memory of a great ruler of daring vision and religious tolerance.
"Birbal is one of the most-loved personalities in the folklore of India. The with and wisdom of Birbal endeared him not only to Emperor Akbar, but also to a vast majority of the subjects of the Mughal Empire. He was a good administrator, a good soldier and perhaps what pleased Akbar the most тАУ a good jester.
This animation of BirbalтАЩs life and career includes vivid segments about:
(i) BirbalтАЩs first meeting with Akbar.
(ii) BirbalтАЩs background and his great entry into AkbarтАЩs court.
(iii) How Birbal cleverly outwits a plot to kill him.
(iv) Birbal and AkbarтАЩs moustache.
(v) How Birbal saves an innocent man form great punishment and many more stories marked by interesting twists and unexpected turns.
These stories from BirbalтАЩs great life will show children the importance of qualities like wisdom, wit, presence of mind, sweet speech, kindness and the like. Never a dull moment with Birbal when your kids imbibe his character and qualities there lives too will be full of joy and achievement.
"The story of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-faced god of success and destroyer of obstacles is full of interest and appeal to the young. The anecdotes connected with this god of education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth are vividly animated in this video.
Find out how Vinayaka, as he is called, came to have an elephant-head. You will learn that it is an outcome of his devotion to mother Parvati. Ganesh learns in another episode that he should harm no living creature. Parvati teaches him this moral when he plays with an ant. A great lesson for kids.
Another interesting story is about Kroncha, who becomes the vehicle of Ganesh in the form of a sage is finally brought to his sense by Ganesh. Another interesting story is about the formation of the river Cauvery with the help of Lord Ganesh. Learn how Kashi became the holy of Lord Ganesh. Learn how Kashi became the holy city after the killing of Durasana. Find out how Ganesh tests and blesses a mother and her daughter who are his devotees.
The beautifully animated anecdotes of Lord Ganesh will captivate kids and make them learn many excellent values.
"тАЬIf you say God dwells only in the mosque or He dwells only in an idol, then who dwells in the rest of the world? Search for Him in your heart, search for Him deep within yourself. That is the place where He lives, that is His true abode. тАЬThis is KabirтАЭ.
Lord Vishnu transforms a flower into a handsome kid and Lakshmi leaves it on the banks of the river Ganga. A poor Muslim weaver finds the kid and takes him home. Kabir, the mystic who is beyond mere ritual and the heart and soul of every religion.
Find out how Kabir becomes a disciple of the great Hindu saint Raman and. He goes on to transcend the outward forms of Hinduism and Islam and becomes a mystic who knows the ultimate truth. Kabir teaches a lesson to a fakir who is proud of his holiness, and saves his King from a strict sultan.
Many interesting stories in this animated video will draw you towards the truth of KabirтАж..and enlarge your spiritual horizon for ever.тАЭ God cannot be seen by the eyes nor perceived by the senses; He cannot be heard by the ears nor described through words; He is beyond the reach of physical efforts, yet, for the convenience of expression, we call him the ultimate creator of all.тАЭ These were the words of Kabir about the Supernatural Power.
Narasimhachari and Smt. Vasantalakshmi (Kuchipudi)
Urmila Satyanarayana (Bharatanatyam)
Priyalata Arun (Bharatanatyam)
This episode features Smt.Urmila Satyanarayana, one of the most promising artists of the younger generation and a senior disciple of тАЬSarasalayaтАЭ established by Smt.K.J.Sarasa. She performs тАЬNatesa KouthuvamтАЭ in praise of Lord Nataraja. Next item is from a тАЬmade for each otherтАЭ star couple тАУ Shri Narasimhatchari and Smt.Vasantalakshmi, who are equally well-known world wide for their Kuchipudi piece тАУ Jathikattu in this serial. This also features Smt.Priyalata Arun of Singapore Indian Fine arts society. With over 800 students on its rolls, Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society is probably the largest institution of its kind outside India, teaching Indian Dance, as well as vocal and instrumental music. Smt.Priyalata Arun presents a padam in praise of Lord Muruga.
Chitra Vishveshwara (Bharatanatyam)
The Trio sisters тАУRadhika, Shobana and Gayatri (Bharatanatyam)
Zari Hussian (Bharatanatyam)
T.A.Rajalakshmi and then form Vazhvoor Shri Ramaiyah Pillai. She later established her own style taking center stage as one of IndiaтАЩs leading dance exponents. This part features Chitra performing to a Sanskrit song in praise of the Indian sub-continent rendered by her husband Shri. Vishvehwaran with true dedication to the motherland. Next item is by the sisters Trio, Radhika, Shobana and Gayatri, who take pride in being introduced as among the senior most disciple of the Dhanajeyans, depicting the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Last item is by Shri Zari Hussian, a disciple of Chitra Vishweshwaran, worshipping Shri Ranganatha, the Lord of Srirangam in Tamilnadu through nritya.
"Part - 5
Lata & Gita (Bharatanatyam)
Vijayalakshmi Shivaji (Mohiniattam)
Gayathri (Bharatanatyam)
Kum.Vijayalakshmi, disciple and daughter of the well-known dance exponent Bharathi Shivaji perform SOLLU KAATU in Mohini Attam style. Gentle Mohini Attam a classical dance form of Kerala, is at once captivating and celestial-true to its name, suggesting the dance of the nymphs. The second is a Bharatanatyam number by Lata & Gita, the directors of this dance serial, who have earned a formidable reputation as being in the forefront among dancers of the younger generation. Recipients of two international awards for their choreography and performance at the International Film & Video Festival in Chicago, Lata & Gita present here, BO SAMBO, for the lyries by H.H.Swami Dayananda Saraswathi. The episode concludes with тАЬJAGAT JANANIтАЭ, a padam by Kum Gayathri of the Nrithyalaya Aesthetics Society, a prominent dance institution founded by gurus, Bhaskar and Shanta Bhaskar in Singapore.
Mahalakshmi Narendra (Bharatanatyam)
Uma Muralikrishna (Kuchipudi)
Suryanarayana Moorthy (Bharatanatyam)
This episode treats you with two styles of Indian classical dances.
Smt.Mahalakshmi Narendra, daughter and disciple of well known Gurus Kameshwaran and Saroja Kameshwaran and also a student of Kalashetra performs тАЬ Aananda Nartana GanapathyтАЭ in Bharathanatyam style. Next item is a presentation of Bama Kalapam in Kuchipidi with Uma Muralikrishna taking the lead role of Satya Bama, wife of Lord Krishna. Uma Muralikrishna took training in Bharathanatyam from K.N.Dandayudhapani Pillai and Adyar K.Lakshman and learnt Kuchipudi a classical dance form of Andhra Pradesh from Vempatti Chinna Sathyam, famous for the above-mentioned dance number. The third item is again a Bharathanatyam piece by Suryanarayana Moorthy a disciple of Dhananjeyans. With Lord Krishna as the flautist, Goddess Saraswathi Playing the veena, Nandi on the mridangam and Brahma as the Nattuvanar, Lord Shiva in the form of Ardanareeshwara performs Aananda Thandavam.
"PART -7
KALAKSHETRA group including janardhanan, Balagopal (Bharatanatyam)
APSARAS group (Bharatanatyam)
From the traditional dance dramas to more recent dance ballets WHEN THE GODS DANCE, gibe you a kaleidoscopic view of the Indian dance scene today. This episode features one group India and one from Singapore.
Choodamani Pradanam, a very popular dance drama from Kalakshetra, choreographed by the pioneer Smt.Rukmani Devi Arundale features veterans Shri Balagopal and Shri Janardhanan in the lead roles of Hanuman and Ravana. It is the canto of Ramayana where Hanuman meets Sita in Ashokavanam. Smt.Neila Satylingam a familiar name in the dance world of Singapore, a student of Kalakshetra, has a well established dance school Apsaras in Singapore. The Apsaras group performs a small extract from Ritu Mahatmayam about the different seasons. Music for this is composed by the renowned danseuse Dr.Padma Subramanian and dance is choreographed by Smt.Neila Satyalingam herself.
BHARATA KALANJALI group including V.P.Dhananjeyan (Bharatanatyam)
SARASALAYA group including Srekala Bharath (Bharatanatyam)
This episode features two groups both highlighting Nritta elements of dance. The first is a dance number performed by students of SARASALAYA and the second is by Shri V.P.DhananjeyanтАЩs troupe. With over 500 arangetrams to her credit, Smt.K.J.Sarasa is a recipient of many an honors including the All Indian Sangeet Natak Academy Award Students of her dance school Sarasalaya, perform to SarasaтАЩs choreography of Thanjavoor Shankara IyerтАЩs тАЬ Mahadeva Siva ShamboтАЭ. The episode also features a visit to Bharata Kalanjali an art school run by the Dhananjeyans. After a brief conversation with them, we move on to a scene from their dance drama Sangamitra, on the life of King Ashoka. Choreographed to represent a group of courtesans performing to the great king in the royal courts, Sangamitra features Shri.V.P.Dhananjeyan as King Ashoka.
Radha (Bharatanatyam)
Sandhva And Kiran (Bharatanatyam)
Nrityalaya Aesthetics Society Group (Bharatanatyam)
The dance of Shiva is a favourite theme for all dancers, be it any classical style and so it is to this young couple Sandhaya and Kiran from Bangalore, who have learnt the art of Bharatanatyam from Smt.Padmini Ravi and from Shri. Dhananheyan. The next is a very novel number yet it within the parameters of the classical art. 10 dancers of Nrityalaya Aesthetics society, Singapore, perform 10 Ravanas depicting the 10 heads of Ravana who is on his way to abducting Sita. This number is choreographed by Shri Bhaskar and Smt.Shanta Bhaskar, founders of the well established Nrityalaya Aesthetics Society in Singapore. The third item is Thaye Yashoda, an all time favourite number describing the various pranks of Krishna performed by Smt. Radha, a veteran in the field who started learning Bharatanatyam from Guru Ramaiya Pillai, Yes, the same Radha, one of the popular trio sisters of yester years тАУ Kamala, Radha & Saraswathi.
Chidambaram Academy of Fine Arts тАУ Group (Bharatanatyam)
Kalasamarpana Group Including Narasimhachari and Vasantalakshmi (Bharatanatyam)
This episode takes a peep into the classrooms of one of the popular Bharatanatyam schools in Chennai тАУ Chidambaram Academy of Fine Arts run by the renowned Smt. Chitra Vishveshwaran. Her students then perform to ChitraтАЩs choreography тАЬRAMAR TAALATTUтАЭ which narrates the highlights of Ramayana to young children. Next comes тАЬNARTANAM SEIYENEтАЭ by the popular dancing couple Narasimhacharis and their students at Kalasamarpana. The dancing duo that inspire their students to perform to тАЬNARTANAMSEIYENEтАЭ with Bhakti and devotion, indeed evoking a sense of surrender in the viewer.
"PART тАУ 11
Kalakshetra Group Including Janardhanan, Balagopal, Narendra. (Bharatanatyam)
Vishnu Narayansamy (Bharatanatyam)
In this episode, we feature an extract from Panchali Sabadam performed by artistes of Kalakshetra. As the story goes Yudhishtra, the eldest of the Pandavas while playing a game of dice with Duryogana, the eldest of the Kauravas, places his wife as the prize money and loses her. Panchali is put to shame in the middle of the court by Duchadanan. Panchali alias Draupadi prays to Lord Krishna to save her. With the grace of the Lord, the saree seems endless. Choreographed by Smt.Krishnaveni Lakshmanan, senior disciple of Smt. Rukmani Devi, heroine of many a dance production, and Principal of Kalakshetra, this dance drama features veteran performers Janardhanan and Balagopal in the lead roles of Duryodana and uncle Shakuni. This also features a solo number, a padam on Lord Shiva, by Shri Vishnu Narayansamy, a student of тАЬApsarasтАЭ Singapore. Shri Satyalingam and Smt.Neila Satyalingam run the well-established school of art тАУ APSARAS.
Leela Samson (Bharatanatyam)
Lata & Gita (Bharatanatyam)
Leela Samson, a celebrated exponent of the traditional Kalakshetra style of dancing, and one of the most highly acclaimed disciples of Rukmani Devi Arundale, has performed in many countries around the world. She presents a romantic padam, where the heroine is eagerly awaiting her lover. The next is performed by the directors of this serial, Lata & Gita. They perform an extract from their Ballet тАЬVaibogameтАЭ. This dance drama about four celestial wedding has received rave reviews. Valli Thirumanam тАУ the wedding of Valli is choreographed and performed by Lata & Gita Both the numbers in this episode give prominence to Abhinaya or expression.
"PART тАУ 13
Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam & Nrithyodaya Group (Bharathi Nrityam)
Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society (Bharata Natyam)
With a strength of over 800 students, Singapore Indian Fine arts are one of the largest institutions outside India to promote Indian arts and culture. The first item in Mahesa Tandavam in praise of Lord Nataraja by students of Singapore Indian Fine arts. The second number is a Thillana from тАЬSri Gurubyo NamahaтАЭ is one of the many dance drams choreographed by Padma. It is dedicated to H.H.Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswati Swamigal, Paramacharya of Kanchi and highlights the worship of six deities of the Hindu Pantheon.
Gandhi Seva Sadan Kathakali Academy (Kathakali)
Priyadarshini Govind (Bharata Natyam)
Kathakali, KeralaтАЩs colorful classical dance style is performed with elaborate masks and make-up. It provides ample scope for the artiste to display his facial expressions тАУ the movement of the eyebrows, eyes and perhaps every muscle in the face. Gandhi Seva Sadan Kathakali Academy presents a scene from the puranic story KALYANA SOUGANDHIKAM. This ancient story unites the Ramayana and the Mahabharata by featuring one character from each of these great epics. Sadanam Manikandan plays Bhims and Kalanilayam Balakrishnan plays Hanuman. This is followed by an expression-oriented item in Bharatanatyam style by Priyadarshini Govind, a disciple of Smt.Kalanidhi Narayanan. Priyadarshini Govind, a disciple of Smt.Kalanidhi Narayanan. Priyadarshini Govind dances to Purandara DasaтАЩs Jagadhodharana. The poet describes how Yasoda treats her little son Krishna as a human child despite having foreknowledge of the fact that Krishna was God incarnate we also visit Kalamandir, a dance school instituted by H.H.Shantananda Swami at Singapore.
"PART тАУ 15
Lakshmi Vishwanathan (Bharata Natyam)
Students of Smt.Radha (Bharata Natyam)
Mahalakshmi Narendra (Bharata Natyam)
In this episode, we present three compositions by three great Tamil poets. First, we have Ms.Lakshmi Vishwanathan dancing to the popular padam Varugalamo, an emotional number from Nandanar Charitram written by poet Gopalakrishna Bharati. Second comes a group presentation by students of Smt.Radha performing to Aadi Arule written by Kumaragruparar. The childhood days of Goddess Meenakshi, the reigning deity of Madurai is described by poet Kumaraguruparar in this song Aadi Arule. And then we present Smt.Mahalakshmi Narendra dancing to the well-known number Chinnanjirukilye kannama by Mahakavi Subramaniya Bharati, where the poet describes the love and affection a mother showers on her child.
Malavika Sarukkai (Bharata Natyam)
Braga Bessed (Bharata Natyam)
Meenakshi Chittaranjan (Bharata Natyam)
This episode features three celebrated dancers depicting three different kinds of heroines. We begin with Malavika Sarukkai a familiar name even to those who know very little about Bharatanatyam. Malavika took training in the Thanjavoor style from Guru Rajaratnam. In Papanasam SivanтАЩs YENNA THAVAM, the dancer exclaims to Yasoda тАЬWhat penance did you perform in order to beget the great Lord Krishna as your son?тАЭ In the next item тАЬIDAIVIDA INNUMтАЭ, choreographed by Kalanidhi Narayana the heroine suspects her husband to be involved with another. Braga Bessed who learnt Bharatanatyam from Shri Adyar Lakshmanan and then took additional training in Abhinaya from Smt. Kalanidhi Narayanan performs this piece. The next number is a Kali Kouthuvam in praise of Goddess Mahakali and Lord Parameshwara. It is performed by Smt. Meenakshi Chittaranjan, a well-known Bharatanatyam dancer who has performed all over the country and abroad.
"PART тАУ 17
Alarmed Valli (Bharata Natyam)
Kala Samarpana Group (Bharata Natyam)
Bharata Choodamani Group (Bharata Natyam)
Kalakshetra Group (Bharata Natyam)
Indian Dance Comprises of three main elements Nritta or pure dance, Nritya or expression and Natya or drama. In this episode, we concentrate on Nritta or pure dance. Rhythmic Patterns called Jathis or boles area common feature in all the major classical styles of India. Every individual has his or her own style of rendering a Jathi. In this episode, we will watch a few group numbers of these complicate rhythmic patterns. We present students of Narasimhachari & Vasanthalakshmi, students of Adyar Lakshmanan, students of Kalakshetra and a solo number, a sprightly Thillana by the dancing star Alarmed Valli. тАЬAlarmed Valli is one of the well traveled Indian dancers.
Lakshmi VishwanthanтАЩs Group (Bharata Natyam)
Madhuvanti (Bharata Natyam)
Ajith Bhaskaran Das (Bharata Natyam)
In this episode, we begin with a group number тАУ an extract from тАЬYatraтАЭ choreographed by Lakshmi Vishwanathan. With new innovative music, тАЬYatraтАЭdenotes the journey of man from birth to death. Featuring six youngsters, this scene from тАЬYatraтАЭ depicts the birth of man and his youthful love and romance. Madhuvanti, a disciple of Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam, performs to her guruтАЩs choreography of a traditional padam тАЬAadikondarтАЭ in praise of Lord Nataraja. Ajith is one of the popular dancers of Singapore and has performed on stage with many of the dance schools there. Here he presents тАЬSimhasanasthitheтАЭ in praise of Goddess Shaki. We also visit the Dance school Singapore Indian Fine Arts Society in Singapore.
"PART тАУ 19
Anita Ratnam (Contemporary Dance)
ChandralekhaтАЩs Group (Contemporary Dance)
This episode expands our horizons to see beyond the classical framework of the traditional Indian Dance. We present the adventurous Anita Ratnam know for her experimental choreography, тАЬAthirohanaтАЩ is conceptualized on six chakras that manevour the flow of energies in the human body. It describes the rise of the Kundalini force in the form of a serpent from the base, which represents earth, through the other five chakras, which represent Water, air, fire chakra from Athirohana, choreographed and performed by Anita Ratnam. Next comes an extract from тАЬMahakalтАЭ choreographed by the internationally renowned choreographer of contemporary dance, Chandralekha. In the midst of the various negative energies like terrorism, murder and violence, Man still tries to maintain his love and peace. This forms the basis of ChandralekhaтАЩs Mahakal where we also see Kalaripayatu, the martial are from of Kerala, on display.
Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam (Bharata Nrityam)
Lata & Gita (Bharata Natyam)
Dr.Padma Subramanyam performs a popular story of Indian mythology, the story of Gejendra Moksham choreographed to music by the legendary Japanese genius Miyaki Michiyo. This was specially choreographed by her for the centenary celebrations of the great blind musician while Padma was in Japan to receive her FUKUOKA Asian Cultural award. This is followed by a specially choreographed number performed in the sacred temple of dance at Chidambaram by the directors of this serial Lata & Gita. With Tamil Lyrics by Dr.S.Krishnaswamy and sung by star voices Chitra and Rajkumar Bharati this is dedicated to the art of dance at the very abode of the god of dance.
"Krishna is the most attractive Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krishna is the full incarnation of Lord Vishnu who appeared in India 5000 years ago. Lord Krishna, and Lord Balaram, his elder brother, and were both the sons of Vasudeva тАУ a prince of the Yadava dynasty.
This graphically animated story illustrates how Krishna got the name Govindha, the protector of cows. Watch Krishna grapple with a fierce snake and put an end to its career of eating cows. It turns out that the snake was a handsome Gandharva freed at last from a curse. A beautiful story, well narrated.
The visit of Krishna and friends to captivating garden of Nandpur is a thrilling episode Krishna kills a monster in the dangerous lake that leads to the garden. There it is the turn of Dhenkasura, a monster in the form of a donkey, to be vanquished once and for all by Balram.
This is another interesting story on how Krishna appeared in the form of a cowherd boy to true sage. This leads to the finding of an idol of Krishna and the construction of his temple. A truly divine story on the miraculous grace of Krishna.
This animated content is full of action, humour, comedy and thrills which will be loved by the young.
"Maharaja Krishna Chandra was a king in Bengal during the middle ages. Gopal was the chief jester in his court. A barber by profession, he had a razor-sharp wit and could make the best of any situation. This is howтАж
A stranger comes to the court of the king and speaks in May languages. No one is able to find out where he comes from. Gopal cracks the riddleтАж
GopalтАЩs wife yells at him, as she does not get enough money to run the family and keep the house in a good condition. Find out how Gopal solves the problem by making the king understand the domestic situation.
A very interesting comedy on how Gopal distracts everyone and makes them forget the universal topic of the тАЬHilsa FishтАЭ.
When the entire kingdom was not able to find a thief, Gopal cracks the problem.
Gopal calls the bluff of a group of confidence tricksters who weave a non тАУ existing dressтАж The gang is brought to book by GopalтАЩs stratagemтАж
Gopal has to obey the kingтАЩs orders and give away his wealthтАж but nobody must come forward to take it! Find out how Gopal can eat his cake and have it tooтАж A great StoryтАж.
Gopal the Jester, is Gopal the survivor, Gopal the intelligent, Gopal who is you and me. You will never forget the greatest with you will ever knowтАж
"The stories of Vikram and Betal originally written in Sanskrit, have been an integral part of Indian folklore for many centuries. Legend has it that King Vikramaditya, in order to fulfill a vow, was required to remove a corpse from a treetop and carry it on his shoulder to another place in silence. In between, the spirit of Betal (residing in the corpse) narrates a story to the king and poses a query. When the king responds with the answer, the corpse files back to the treetop! The king has to go after the vampire and start all over again. This follows in a succession of stories and answers. A tantalizing settingтАжintriguing talesтАжand exciting answers. A veritable feast of stimulating stories.
1. King Vikramaditya helps a sage by bringing a corpse for a special ritual to be performed by the sage. This lands Vikram into a cycle knotty questions and wise answers.
2. Rebirth joy: Vikramaditya answers the riddle тАУ why did a sage first laugh and then cry before giving up his body to enter another.
3. The Flying Chariot: Three young men help release an abducted girl тАУ now who should marry her? Vikram solves the problem.
4. Queen question: Who is the most tender of the KingтАЩs three queens? Only Vikram can tell.
5. Faithful servant: A magical story of a young man and a water fairy. What is the request that the king make to the fairy?
6. The Generous King: A King gives up his kingdom for the love of a beautiful woman. What happens to the loyal minister who brought this misfortune on the Kingdom?
7. The Blunder: When the heads of a prince and his friend get interchanged, Who is the prince and who the friend? Vikram gives to crucial answer. Highly interesting story.
8. Height of sensitivity: Who is the most sensitive of three sons of a farmer? The King has to decide.
"The calm and compassions face of the Buddha is known all over the world. Buddha was a spiritual teacher of ancient India whose great ideas on freeing mankind from sorrow and suffering form the basis of Buddhism. Buddha was born in the sixth century B.C into a royal family. Known as Siddhartha, he realized that human life was short and full of sadness. He found out a path to Enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment. He was then known as the distances teaching people about тАШthe MIDDLE PATHтАЩ, the way to end to suffering. He taught the four Noble Truths of suffering, cause of suffering, end of suffering, and the Path to do that Buddhism offers hope and access to spiritual understanding and satisfaction to everybody. Throughout the world today, people still follow the teaching of the Buddha.
1. Queen Mahamaya gives birth to a child who walks immediately and says that this is his last birth. Sage A sita predicts the future of the child Siddhartha.
2. An incident between Siddhartha and his cousin Devadatta brings out the formerтАЩs compassionate nature.
3. Siddhartha wins the hand of Yashodhara.
4. Siddhartha encounters four unexpected sights, which make him think of a way out of the sorrowful world.
5. Siddhartha leaves the palace in search of Peace.
6. Siddhartha meditates for six long years without food and sleep but finally gives up torture of the body for a new Path.
7. Mara, the temptor, disturbs SiddharthaтАЩs meditation in many ways but is defeated. Enlightenment dawns and Siddhartha becomes the BUDDHA and teaches everyone the way to end all suffering.
8. Buddha teaches the reality of the life to a woman who loses her only son. A rude man is reformed.
9. Buddha reveals the power of love by reforming Angulimala, a terrible killer.
10. After teaching ceaselessly for forty-five years, Buddha calmly leaves this worldтАж
"These are stories of wisdom and morals written around 300 B.C in a language called Pali. They were later translated and distributed to people across the world.
These stories connected to the past incarnations of the Buddha are meant to teach values like self-sacrifice, honesty and morality.
This story states that overdoing is always bad. Find out what happened to the father and son who tried to scare away robbers by having their monkeys beat the drum.
A fool who is lazy causes trouble for everyone. Anyone who postpones work will find it difficult to prosper in life. The lazy monkeyтАЩs story illustrates this in a beautiful manner.
Too much of anything can be dangerous. A tigerтАЩs exaggerated attachment to a deer spells his doom.
Test the water before jumping in. A good moral told well, showing the intelligence of the monkeys who trick the water demon and drink the water in the pond.
Two calves who envy a little learn a good lesson.
Who stole the queenтАЩs necklace? The Truth, as always, is found out only from proper examination.
A king who keeps a monkey as a pet discovers the consequences of the monkeyтАЩs friendship.
"The jackal tales for young viewers are marked by humour and wit. The aim is to inculcate moral and ethical behaviour in a simple and colorful way. The Jataka Tales contain deep truths about moral beauty, self-sacrifice and other vital human values.
Friends in need are friends indeed and never underestimate any friendship. Find out how the Jackal, Kingfisher and Turtle saved the Hawk family.
The royal Horse develops a deep bond of friendship with a poor Jackal. What happens to this friendship is the climax of this story.
Never give advice to fools. A wise jackalтАЩs advice to a gang of monkeys will tell you why.
Every despot meets his doom. Arrogant elephant learns a lesson when the tricky little Jackal gets to work.
You may love your friend but donтАЩt expect your family to do the sameтАж Learn this form the lion and the jackal.
That we should value the things what we have is well told in this story of a King and a Jackal.
A greedy Jackal who gets hurt by eating too much at a time. Greed spells destruction.
Wit can win over might. If this was not so, how could the small Jackal here have made the elephants take to their heels?
Do not keep silence, when you have to speak.
A jackal was caught by the king and since it did not answer at the right time and it was taken for punishment. Watch out how it escapesтАжHave fun.
SA DVD 10127
BARCODE NO: 823524 10127
Intelligence, wit, presence of mind, these are very important to survive in a challenging world. тАШSmart TalesтАЩ imparts these qualities to kids through its lively characters of beasts and humans. Imaginatively illustrated and graphically animated, these tales present interesting situations and out-of-the-solutions to problems. The young and growing will love to be part of the magical world created in this video. Find out here тАж
1. Why did the elephant feign to the nasty lion that he was suffering from a terrible cold?
2. How the shrewd donkey got his friend the watchman dog out of a sticky wicket?
3. How the elephant saved its golden tusk from the greedy woman?
4. How the smart judged saved the poor farmer from the greedy poultry shopkeeper?
5. What happened when the lazy student tried to pull a quick one on his clever teacher? тАж and more tales that educate you even as you are entertainedтАж
"The Jataka Tales are stories of the BuddhaтАЩs former birthsтАж and the Buddha being one of the greatest teachers of compassion and right conduct, what you have here are wonderful tales to tutor the young in good values. The characters of the Jataka tales are mostly animals, and in this case, they are elephants. These graphically animated Jumbo tales beautifully instill culture and character into kids.
1. Find out what one of the royal elephants did to call the bluff of a physician who wanted to settle scores wit crowsтАж
2. A man, who earned his money by making his powerful elephant do deeds of great physical challenge, had a fall when he crossed the line of good conduct. His elephant reformed him with remarkable wisdom.
3. A wise elephant teaches the quails how to escape from the scheming hunter.
4. What happened to Girly Face, the good-natured elephant one day that his nature changed dramaticallyтАж. Find out the secret of a good life.
5. What is that makes others truly respect some one? High birth, wealth, knowledge? Find out along with the kingтАЩs advisor on what earns a man all-round respect.
6. The careful elephant comes to the rescue of the gullible camel and saves him form sure death.
7. Find out what happened to an elephant who helped a poor woman by giving her bits of his golden tuskтАж.
8. The story of the hunter, the doves, the elephant and the all-important mouseтАж
9. What happened to the lost fox who was brought up.
MARTHYAM by Sheejith Krishna & Group
SIX STYLES тАУby Lata, Gita & Group
The light from the sunтАЩs rays, and the sounds of nature, inspired Man to start responding to rhythm and that was manтАЩs first dance. The first episode features an extract from MARTHYAM тАУ an innovative dance item where the poet describes the evolution of man and imagines how the early man might have started responding to rhythm, dancing to the sound of raindrops and thunder showers. Each region of India has its own unique folk and classical dance forms, but they all share a common heritage rooted in the ancient text Natyashastra written by sage Bharata. All the styles have links with the ancient and medieval literary, sculptural and musical traditions of India and of their particular regions. The differences and commonness of the six major classical dance styles of India: Bharatanatyam from Tamilnadu, Odissi from Orissa, Manipuri from Manipur, Kathak from Uttar Pradesh, Mohiniattam from Kerala and Kuchipudi from Andhra Pradesh is brought out by a specially choreographed dance number.
RAS LEELA тАУ from Mathura
KATHAK by Nalini & Kamalini
This episode highlights Kathak, the classical from of Northern Indian with its graceful twirls and breathtaking footwork. Originating in the Krishna тАУ Radha folk dances of Mathura and Brindavan, Kathak is still dominated by Radha-Krishna themes. This episode begins with Ras-Leela, a folk number performed by residents Mathura and Brindavan. Young boys dress up as Krishna, Radha and gopikas and perform Ras-Leela, not for mere entertainment alone but as a mode of worship. Kathak was refined to its present sophistication in the courts of the Nawabs, the Islamic influence being quite evident. The star of the 20th century Sitata Devi is past 70. We have a few clips of her performance on stage towards the fag end of her career. The episode features leading stars of the Kathak style, Nalini and Kamalini тАУ the dancing Duo well known of their precession footwork. Nalini and Kamalini are senior disciples of Guru Jitendra Maharaj and perform the Banaras Gahanna style of Kathak.
KATHAK by Shaswati Sen
KATHAK by Nalini & Kamalini
As Kathak became popular among the Nawabs in the royal courts a healthy competition developed among the artistes, the movements became more fast moving and vigorous to keep the Nawabs entertained. However, Hindu themes were not left out. Nawab Wasid Ali Shah himself wrote a number of songs on Krishna and his pranks, which were choreographed and danced by many dancers. His dance drama Indira Sabha had a number of Hindu characters, Just as Kathak shifted from temples to courts, after a few decades it was performed for royal families and small gatherings. Kathak was danced to Hindu songs as well as Urdu and Hindi Ghazals. This episode features Shaswati Sen, a very popular graceful star dancer, and senior disciple of Guru Birju Maharaj, performing to a Urdu ghazal in Lucknow Gahanna style. This episode also features Nalini and Kamalini performing to a Tulsidas Bhajan in Banaras Gahanna style. The Duo also explain the transition of Kathak from being performed in the temples, to the royal courts and finally as an art form on stage.
KATHAK by Shaswati Sen
JUGALBANDHI тАУ KATHAK by Nirupama and Rajendra
BHARATANATYAM by Mridula and Praveen
Shaswati Sen, senior disciple of Guru Birju Maharaj explains and performs the highlights in her GuruтАЩs choreography. She then performs a Sargam, which is a pure dance number. The nuances in the costume design and jewelery worn by the Kathak artistes are also highlighted. This is followed by a jugalbandhi of Kathak and Bharatanatyam, presenting Nirupama and Rajendra for Kathak and Mridula and Praveen for Bharatanatyam. This number copares and contrasts the similarities and difference in these two classical styles.
KUMMI by Saraswati Gana Nilayam Group
PINNAL KOLATTAM by Saraswati Gana Nilayam Group
BHARATANATYAM by Gita Krishna Raj
This episode features a popular folk form of Tamilnadu тАУ Kummi тАУ a simple dance performed only by women by the clapping of their hands. It is a very common form performed in all villages for any happy occasion. A number of poets including Subramaniya Bharati encouraged this art form. Another dance form prevalent in the villages of Tamilnadu is Pinnal Kolattam. This is a rhythmic number performed with sticks, which are tied with coloured ropes from a single point above. As the dance finishes the coloured threads are knotted in a design. The costumes of Bharatanatyam classical dancers were just as simple as the village dancers until about 70 years ago. It was Rukmani Devi Arundale who gave a glamorous at the same time dignified status to the dancer and the dance form. This episode shows the designer jewellery shops and a tailorтАЩs den where specially designed silk costumes are tailored in large numbers to cater to dancers around the world. This is followed by a demonstration of danseuse Gita Krishna Raj who explains the term Rasa and Bhava common to all dance forms. She also performs a traditional Bharatanatyam Padam.
FOLK ARTS OF TAMIL NADU тАУ Karagam, Kavadi, Poikkal Kudirai, Oyillattam
BHARATANATYAM by Lata Krishnaswamy
ODISSI by Kavita Dwivedi
The wide varieties of folk art-forms throughout India are bound by common religious and mythological themes. Folk arts being about the interaction of all aspects of life and are not seen as something apart form life. This episode features: Karagam тАУ Where dancers balance pots on their heads, Kavadi тАУ Where men dance with a semi-circular object on their shoulders. Both Karagam and Kavadi dancers perform many acrobatic feats. Poikkal Kudirai тАУ a folk art form where the dancers dance on stills and also wear a dummy тАУ horse costume and Oyillattam тАУ Where young girls perform with hankies. Just ad these simple village arts are based on pure dance, a classical dancer too performs pure nritta numbers. One such is Pandattam or a game of ball performed by popular danseuse Lata Krishnaswamy. Odissi, one of the oldest classical Indian dance forms belongs to the Eastern Indian state of Orrisa. The striking feature of Odissi is its intimate relationship with temple sculptures such as those seen in the famous Sun temple of Konark. Tribhanga, the three-body bend characterizes this dance form. This episode features a Nritta number by danseuse Kavita Dwivedi.
ODDISSI by Surups Sen & Bijoyini Satpati
KUCHIPUDI by Shoba Naidu
This episode features a duet in the classical Odissi style by Surups Sen and Bijoyini Satpati, senior dancers from the dance village Nrityagram, Bangalore, founded by the famous danseuse Protima Gauri Bedi. Surupa also explains the nuances of Odissi specially highlighting the 12th century Guru Maheshwara MahapatraтАЩs book Abhinaya Chandrika as one of the most sought after works on this classical form. In the second half, we move onto another classical form of India тАУ Kuchipudi which derives its name from the village where it originated. This episode features leading Kuchipudi dancer Shoba Naidu. This episode also features a semi-classical dance form of Andhra Pradesh, Perrinin тАУ an all male dance ensemble. Inspired by the Rammappa temple in Warangal built by the Kaktiya dynasty about 700 years ago, Guru Nataraja Ramakrishna recreated this lost art form.
ANDHRA NATYAM by Kalakrishna
About 700 years ago, the male members of the royal family of Kakatiya dynasty and the warriors danced the Perrini Shiva Tandavam to invoke the blessings of Lord Shiva. This episode features another number of Perrini popularly called the dance of the war lords. Another classical dance form of Andhra Prades тАУ Andhra Natyam тАУ originally called Lasya Nartana was practiced by temple dancers. This vibrant style of the Telugu people is today popularly called Andhra Natyam. A dance number where a make successfully impersonates and performs the female role of Satyabhama is performed by Kalakrishna. About 500 years ago, some European traders touring the city of Hampi in Karnataka had remarked, тАЬthis city seems to be bigger and more beautiful than LondonтАЭ. Karnataka has various and varied folk dance forms which exhibit the values and attitudes of the local people тАУ the three beautiful and versatile dance forms of тАЬSomana Kunitha, Marammana Kunitha and KasaleтАЭ are clubbed together and presented as one dance number.
MANIPURI тАУ Ashtapati by Darshana Jhaveri
Pontha Jagoi by Darshana Jhaveri & Latasana Devi
FOLK ARTS OF MANIPUR тАУ Sankritana & Pung Cholam
The dances of Manipur, a North Eastern state of India are influenced by the religious movement of Vaishnavism, the worship of Lord Vishnu. A sense of music and rhythm is inbuilt in the citizens of Manipur. The classical dance form of Manipur is Manipur where the dancers wear vells, along with cylindrical mirrored was popularized by three dancers the Jhaveri Sisters. One of them, Darshana Jhaveri, explains the intricate movements of the Manipuri style of dancing and performs an Ashtapati. Somana Kunitha, Marammana Kunitha and Kasale. This is followed by тАЬPONTHA JAGOIтАЭ a dance competition between Krishna and Radha in Manipuri performed by Darshana Jhaveri and her senior disciple Latasana Devi. This is followed by the all male ensemble of Manipur performing Sankirtana with symbols and dholak. The male dancers also performs a vigorous, rhythmic тАЬPung CholamтАЭ with the Dholak in hand.
CHANU тАУ Seraikella Chau, Purulia Chau, and Mayurbhanj Chau
FOLK ARTS OF PUNJAB тАУ Bhangda & Giddha
Another variety of dance in Orissa is Chau, a stylized masked dance form. Chau combines folk, tribal and martial traditions and yet covers the Nritta, Natya, and Nritya aspects of classical dance. It is a complex combination of the folk and classical traditions. Three styles of Chau exist in the three different regions of Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa, Seraikella Chau, Purulia Chau, and Mayurbhanj Chau respectively. Each character has a special mask unique to that character only. This episode features extracts of five different Chau items. From Eastern India, we move westwards to the Golden temple of Amritsar, the famous Sikh temple in Punjab. The men of Punjab perform Bhangda, full of masculine vitality, to celebrate the sowing of the wheat crop. Pairs of dancers take turns to execute complex acrobatic movements. From the vigorous Bhangda performed by men-folk of Punjab we have the women-folk of Punjab performing a graceful, gentle Giddha. This number is performed to celebrate a wedding and is characterized by its spontaneous energy.
FOLK ARTS OF RAJASTHAN тАУ Tera tali & Duff Dance
This episode starts with the state of Madhya Pradesh (MP) in Central India. The world famous Khajuraho group of temples is located in MP. MP is well known for its diamond mines and dense forests. Where does a forest stand without rains? The village folk of MP are overjoyed on secing rain clouds and perform the rain dance Phagun. This episode also features Tere tali тАУ a Rajasthani folk dance where small symbols or manjiras are tied to the hands and legs of the dancers and bells sound in rhythm as they dance. This is followed by another Rajasthani number Duff Dance, performed with small circular drums in hand, during the Holi festival. The men and women of Gujarat perform Dhandiya Ras тАУ a vigorous and rhythmic dance with batons, where the dancers leap and crouch in twirling patterns.
MOHINIATTAM by Nandita Prabhu
This episode starts with a Rajasthani folk number тАЬBHAVAIтАЭ danced by balancing several pots one above the other. Most of the folk dances evolved as a spontaneous way of life rather than entertainment. For example, тАЬTIPPANIтАЭ was danced as the women labourers were laying roads much before the arrival of mechanized gadgets for road laying. Indeed rhythm is the backbone of dance and the tribes of Mizoram in Eastern India perform the Bamboo dance, weaving intricate patterns in and out of the bamboo sticks. As we travel about 3000 kms from Nagaland to Southeastern India, we come to the green landscape of Kerala, known for its backwaters coconut trees and martial arts, besides dance forms. This episode also features Mohiniattam тАУ a classical dance form of Kerala, performed gracefully by Nandita Prabhu.
BHARATANRITYAM by Dr.Padma Subrahmanyam
There is no city or state in the world, which does not celebrate a wedding. However, there are some people who celebrate it with pomp and splendour like the Rajasthan is. Here is a dance Baaraat describing a Rajasthani wedding. We move back to Tamil Nadu where we started and show a small folk number Kolattam performed by young girls in villages. All the dance form we have seen in this serial, the classical and folk forms of India, have a common heritage, derived form Natyashastra. This aspect of Unity in diversity had been well researched by Dr. Padma Subramanyam and forms the basis of her style Bharata Nrityam. This episode features a Kuyilpattu Varnam (a song by poet Subramaniya Bharati) performed by Dr. Padma. The serial concludes with a montage of the various dance forms portrayed in these 13 parts.
"Elephant-headed Ganesha riding a mouse, Flute-playing Krishna, Kali sporting a garland of skulls, Rama armed with a bow, Shiva dancing with his matted locks a flying, Vishnu relining on the thousand-headed serpent, Durga killing the buffalo-headed demon, Karthikeya riding the peacock or flanked by his two wives, and Hanuman, the superhuman monkey hero of the epic Ramayana are among the manifold gods worshipped by Hindus in India.
The gods and goddess of India embody the divine forces at play in the inner and outer world and through symbolism, myth, philosophy, ritual and intuitive experience. The modern-day inheritors of an ancient civilization steeped in the wisdom of the wise men, easily connect with their divinities.
тАШGods and Goddesses of IndiaтАЩ presents the gods in all their multitudinous avatars, etching their .
dimensions in mythology, religion, iconography, yogic experience and the popular mind. The interplay of imaginatively shot icons, great temples, classical texts, soothing music and an illuminating narrative show that there is a profound truth and meaning in the Indian forms of divinity. тАШGods and Goddesses of IndiaтАЩ follows the deep inner urges of Hindu adoration and helps the viewer grasp the meaning of the gods who are but тАШRhythms of the one Infinite SpiritтАЩ.
"This DVD of Learn to Play Table Volume 1 is dedicated to many Great Maestros of Tabla like Ustad. Ahemadjan Thirkwa, Ustad. Aamir Hussain Khan Saib, Ustad. Allarakha, Ustad. Shekh Dawood Khan Saib, Pt. Khante Maharaj, Pt. Anookhilal Mishra, Pt. Krishna Maharaj, Pt. Shanta Prasad, Pt. Lalji Gokhale Pt. Taranath and many living legends who have given their life to the cause of growth and development Table. I am grateful to my GuruтАЩs Pt. Ravindra Yavagal and Pt. Suresh Talwakar who have been inspiring, motivation and guiding me to learn Tabla.
a) Basic Syllables
b) Phrase formation
c) Kayada
d) Techniques of Playing Tirikita
"This DVD of Learn to Play Table Volume 2 is dedicated to many Great Maestros of Tabla like Ustad. Ahemadjan Thirkwa, Ustad. Aamir Hussain Khan Saib, Ustad. Allarakha, Ustad. Shekh Dawood Khan Saib, Pt. Khante Maharaj, Pt. Anookhilal Mishra, Pt. Krishna Maharaj, Pt. Shanta Prasad, Pt. Lalji Gokhale Pt. Taranath and many living legends who have given their life to the cause of growth and development Table. I am grateful to my GuruтАЩs Pt. Ravindra Yavagal and Pt. Suresh Talwakar who have been inspiring, motivation and guiding me to learn Tabla.
a) Taals
b) Theka
c) Lehra
d) Padhant
a) Mukhra
b) Mohra
c) Tukra
d) Gath
e) Paran
f) Chakradhar
g) Rela
"A keyboard instrument is any musical instrument played using a musical keyboard. The most common of these is the piano.
Keyboard are widely used in almost all geners of music. In Indian classical music too Keyboard are emerging as an solo instrument. Though it is essentially an instrument used in, western music the keyboard can very effectively adapted for Indian music too. They also form the backbond in Indian film music.
Keyboard typically contain keys for playing the twelve notes of the Western musical scale, with a combination of larger, longer keys and smaller, shorter keys that repeats at the interval of an octave.
1. History of Keyboard & Artist Profile
2. Introduction to the Keyboard & Parts
3. Basic theory of western music
4. Sitting posture and fingering
5. Popular tunes
Karna is the greatest Hero of Mahabharata. He was a matchless warrior and a man of compassion whose magnanimity knew no bounds. Karna was the son of Lord Surya and Kuntidevi. He was born before the marriage of Queen Kunti to king Pandu. So Karna was abandoned in the river Ganga. A charioteer of Duryodhana, Adhiratha and his wife Radha took care of him. He excelled in everything. Since he was brought up by a charioteer, he was considered to be of lower caste. Krishna knows about the secret of KarnaтАЩs birth and wants to bring him to the Pandava army, as he doesnтАЩt want him to die along with Duryodhana. He tells Karna, the secret about his birth. He also tells that he will be the greatest among the Pandavas and all other brothers will listen to him. But Karna refuses and tells Krishna, that when the whole world humiliated him. Duryodhana rendered him all support. He does not want to desert Duryodhana and join Pandavas. Rather he would give his life for his friend Duryodhana. Krishna, the Lord Himself was dumbstruck with KarnaтАЩs loyalty towards his friend Duryodhana. Watch our for KarnaтАЩs dedicated friendship in this animated feature.
Sudama was a childhood friend of Krishna from Matura, the story of whose visit to Dwaraka to meet Krishna is animated here. Sudama was from a poor Brahmin family, while Krishna was from the royal family. But this difference in social status did not come in the way of their friendship. They lost contact over the years and while Krishna became the King of Dwaraka, Sudama stayed as a humble impoverished Brahmin in a village. When Sudama was going through rough times, not even having enough money to feed his children, his wife reminded him of his friendship with Krishna. Though initially reluctant to go to his friend for help, Sudama finally agrees to go. He leaves with nothing but some beaten rice tied in a cloth as a present for Krishna. Krishna is greatly pleased to see his old friend. He treats him royally with love. Overwhelmed by all this Sudama forgets to ask for what he actually came for. But, the Lord realizes what His friend needs. Oh his return journey, Sudama ponders his circumstances and is thankful for his great friend Lord Krishna. Watch this wonderful animated show to see what SudamaтАЩs surprise was after he reached home.
"Fairly tales are the tales that includes stories where princes and princesses encounter with witches and elves. Fairies grant wishes and cast magic spells. And in the end, everyone lives happily ever after.
This fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is about a beautiful maiden called snow white. The queen, stepmother of snow white was jealous of snow whiteтАЩs beauty and tries many ways to get rid of her. But all her attempts are in vain. Finally the queen succeeds in one of her attempt which was a temporary one. Prince revives snow white from her long deep sleep and marries her in a grand wedding. The queen finally was punished and meets her end.
Three little pigs is a fairy tale featuring talking animals. This story is about three little pigs, which build home to safeguard them form the Big Bad wolf. The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest thing to do. The second little pig built his house out of wood. This was a little bit stronger that a straw house. The third little pig built his house out of bricks. The Big bad wolf who learnt that they live separately wishes to eat them up. So he blows the house of straw and wood which forces the first two pigs to take shelter in the brick house. The Big bad wolf tries his best to blow the brick house in vain. The wolf tries in many ways and finally climbs up on the roof and jumps in through a chimney only to fall straight into the kettle of boiling water, which burnt his tail. The first two little pigs build a Brick house for them and they live happily without the fear of the wolf.
тАЬLittle Red Riding HoodтАЭ is a famous fairy tale about a young girlтАЩs encounter with a wolf. Little Red Riding Hood goes with butter and cake to see her grandmother through a forest. On the way she meets a wolf which learns the purpose of her visit. The wolf reaches grandmaтАЩs cottage before her and swallows the grandma. The wolf pretends to be her grandma when she arrives and swallows her too. A hunter who passes by the side of the cottage rescues both Little Red Riding Hood and her grand mother. Once again, on her another visit when Little Red Riding Hood meets wolf on her way to grandmaтАЩs house ignores the wolf. The grandmother and the girl plans and kills the wolf, this time anticipating his moves based on the previous experience.
"The Saxophone is known as a reed musical instrument that is a staple in jazz bands. Saxophone is also referred to as Sax. It is conical тАУ bored transposing musical instrument. Saxophone is considered a member of woodwind family because the way it is played is very similar to the clarinet. It is made of brass, and is the only woodwind that has never been made of wood. Saxophone represents a harmonious blend of the Western and Indian Music.
This DVD of тАЬLearn to Play SaxophoneтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing Indian Carnatic Classical Music in Sax by Sri E.R.Janardhan, a disciple of Padmashree Kadri Gopalnath. The lesson on this DVD has been tailored in a way that you can learn & practice the Saxophone within the comfort of your home.
History & Artist Profile
Interview with Kadri Gopalnath
Parts of Saxophone
Assemble the parts of Sax
Blowing Techniques
Fingering Techniques
Types of Sax
Basic Lessons
(1) Sarali Swaras,
(2) Janto Swaras,
(3) Upper Sthaye Swaras,
Concert Pattern
"The Saxophone is known as a reed musical instrument that is a staple in jazz bands. Saxophone is also referred to as Sax. It is conical тАУ bored transposing musical instrument. Saxophone is considered a member of woodwind family because the way it is played is very similar to the clarinet. It is made of brass, and is the only woodwind that has never been made of wood. Saxophone represents a harmonious blend of the Western and Indian Music.
This DVD of тАЬLearn to Play SaxophoneтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing Indian Carnatic Classical Music in Sax by Sri E.R.Janardhan, a disciple of Padmashree Kadri Gopalnath. The lesson on this DVD has been tailored in a way that you can learn & practice the Saxophone within the comfort of your home.
Interview with Kadri Gopalnath
(a) Dattu Swaras
(b) Alankara Swaras
(c) Geetham (4)
Concert Pattern
"Ghatam is an earthenware pot which is an oldest percussion instrument used in Carnatic Music of South Indian. Ghatam is different from ordinary mud pots and is made up of a special type of baked clay mixed with copper, iron, or brasses fillings. The mouth of the Ghatam is open and is played with two hands, wrists, ten fingers and nails.
This DVD of тАЬLearn to Play GhatamтАЭ comprises basic lessons on playing the Ghatam by Sri.V.Umashankar, Son & disciple of Padmashree T.H.Vikku Vinayakaram. The lessons on this DVD has been tallored in a way that you can learn & practice the Ghatam within the comfort of your home.
History & Artist Profile
Interview with Padmashree T.H.Vikku Vinayakaram
Sitting Posture
Types of Ghatam
Tuning of Ghatam
Finger Techniques
Basic Lessons
Practice Lessons
Concert Pattern
Students Exhibition
"Rhythm is quality every person carries within himself. Just like the тАШlubduoтАЩ of the heart, it emotes one and gives life. Indian Ethnic Percussion Instruments share a similar story, one that of expressing feelings. Centuries ago, to express emotions, man sculpted them to instruments giving it a tangible existence. Credits have to be given to people who demystified them and introduced them into popular music.
1. GODASINGARI: A Clay pot with a drumhead as its lid can contain water, buttermilk, Toddy and Music, MUSIC! Yes it does. The Flavor of the music from this pot drum is a delicacy in Indian Film Music.
2. UDUKAI: An ExorcistтАЩs Dream and a DevilтАЩs nightmare, the udukai is not for the weak hearted. It can chill your spine, disturb your neurons and derail your thoughts, so BEWAREтАж
3. DANDIYA: Any Festival in тАЬIndiaтАЭ is incomplete without a тАЬDandiyaтАЭ. Played by an ensemble of drummers the Dandiya is sure to create the mood of the hour. LetтАЩs celebrate.
"Rhythm is quality every person carries within himself. Just like the тАШlubdubтАЩ of the heart, it emotes one and gives life. Indian Ethnic Percussion Instruments share a similar story, one that of expressing feelings. Centuries ago, to express emotions, man sculpted them to instruments giving it a tangible existence. Credits have to be given to people who demystified them and introduced them into popular music.
1. URUMI: A lionтАЩs roar can get subdued with a gentle grunt of the urumi. The urumi is born to Roar, Bend, Scratch, Scream and then strike, all with an AttitudeтАж.
2. PAMBAI: These Two Cylinders are pure contains of Raw Drum Power. Warning: Do not with them as they contain rhythmic patterns and sound that can even detonate nuclear power.
3. DHUP: Also Known as, the Duff in many parts of the world, the Dhup has surely traveled over time and can now tape you to your seat and make your jaw drop in awe with its redoubtable timbre.
"Rhythm is quality every person carries which himself. Just like the тАШlubdubтАЩ of the heart, it emotes one and gives life. Indian Ethnic Percussion Instruments share a similar story, one that of expressing feelings. Centuries ago, to express emotions, man sculpted them to instruments giving it a tangible existence. Credits have to be given to people who demystified them and introduced them into popular music.
1. NAGARA: The Sound of the Traditional Call drum was the signature music of the Ancient News channels and Broadcast Corporations of the medieval days in India. It sure has traveled a long way since then and is an instrument of Choice for Folk artists.
2. DUKKI TARANG: These little drums have beauty with brains. They can get multi dimensional when provoked. Nice and round, in chords they sound.
3. JAMUKU: You many not are tickled, but you cannot stop laughing once you hear the jamuku. Careful! It has a few tricks under its sleeve. All you need is a тАЬPlectrum тАЬto start the Fun.
4. EK TAR: This unassuming Poor manтАЩs drone can melt your heart and prick your conscience if you use this as an accompanying instrument in your prayers to god. тАЬEK TARтАЭ Which means тАЬOne StringтАЭ may employ just one finger to can move mountains.
"Pranayama is the science of controlled, conscious expansion of Prana, the vital life force that is the catalyst in all our activities. Pranayama is of vital importance in the Yoga Sadhana or Yogic discipline of any sincere practitioner trying to achieve the highest state of Cosmic Union. This presentation explores the depths of Pranayama with emphasis on the Eight Classical Pranayamas (Ashta Kumbhaka) and the visualization practices such a Mandal Pranayama, Chakra Pranayama and Anuloma Viloma Prakriya. Sukha Purvaka and Savitri Pranayamas that are hallmarks of the Gitanada Yoga Tradition are detailed. Unless the mind is controlled, the higher aspects of Yoga are not possible and the best way to control the mind is by the regular, dedicated and determined practice of Pranayama with awareness and consciousness.
1. Introduction to Pranayama
2. Classification of Pranayama
3. Phase of Pranayama
4. Use of ratios in Pranayama
5. Use of Mudras and Bandhas
6. Aprakasha Bindu and Mudra
7. Ashta Kumbhakas of Hatha Yoga : Surya Bhedana, Ujjayi, Sitkari, Sheetali, Bhastrika, Bhramari, Murcha, Plavini
8. Kevala Kumbhaka
9. Sukha Purvaka Pranayama : Sukha Pranayama, Loma Pranayama, Viloma Pranayama, Sukha Purvaka Pranayama
10. Savitri Pranayama
11. Pranayamas for Psycho-Physiological harmony : Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika, Bhramari Pranayama, Kavi Pranayama
12. Pranava Pranayama
13. Prana Kriya
14. Mandala Pranayamas : Apas Mandala Pranayama, Tejas Mandala Pranayama, Vayu Mandala Pranayama, Akash Mandala Pranayama, Manas Mandala Pranayama
15. Chakra Pranayama
16. Anuloma Viloma Kriya
"YogaтАЩs comprehensive methodology includes many techniques that serve the popular goals of enhancing or restoring fitness and health. It is a psycho spiritual discipline that also contains a therapeutic component. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help those suffering from sleeping disorders. Most of these disorders are either caused or aggravated by stress and the regular practice of Yoga helps reduce stress levels thus producing a state of peaceful harmony at all levels of existence.
1. Introduction to Yoga for sleeping disorders
2. Nasarga Mukha Bhastrika
3. Hastha Kona Kriya
4. Padottana Asana
5. Sukha Asana
6. Brahma Mudra
7. Chatus Pada Asana
8. Vyagraha Pranayama
9. Mehru Asana
10. Chiri Kriya
11. Purvottana Asana
12. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
13. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
14. Pawan Mukta Asana
15. Sarvanga Asana
16. Viparita Karani
17. Sapurna Matsya Asana
18. Makara Asana
19. Bhramari Pranayama
20. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
21. Pranava Pranayama
22. Shava Asana
23. Spanda тАУ Nishpanda Kriya
24. Dridha Kriya
25. Kaya Kriya
26. Anu Loma Viloma Kriya
27. Om Japa
28. Introduction to Yoga as a therapy
"YogaтАЩs comprehensive methodology includes many techniques that serve the popular goals of enhancing or restoring fitness and health. It is a psycho spiritual discipline that also contains a therapeutic component. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems related to the pelvic region. These include menstrual disorders, pelvic inflammatory disorders and uterine disorders in the female and prostate and sexual malfunction in the male. They can also benefit those suffering from problems in the urinary and lower gastrointestinal tract as well as musculoskeletal disorders of this region.
1. Introduction to Yoga for Pelvic Health
2. Surya Namaskar
3. Tala Asana
4. Trikona Asana
5. Garuda Asana
6. Padottana Asana
7. Vajra Asana
8. Manduka Asana
9. Sapurna Sasha Asana
10. Dharmika Asana
11. Danda Kriya
12. Chatus Pada Asana
13. Vyagraha Pranayama
14. Chiri Kriya
15. Vakra Asana
16. Ardha Matsyendra Asana
17. Eka Pada Uttanpada Asana
18. Dwi Pada Uttanpada Asana
19. Pawan Mukta Asana
20. Jatara Parivritta Asana
21. Sarvanga Asana
22. Janu Sirasa Sarvanga Asana
23. Viparita Karani
24. Hala Asana
25. Nava Asana
26. Paschimottana Asana
27. Bhujanga Asana
28. Sheetali Pranayama
29. Chandra Nadi Pranayama
30. Kukkriya Pranayama
31. Pranava Pranayama
"When animals talk, children listen. And profit by what they hear. Form the days of the Panchatantra, this has been going on in a big way. Now let your kids vibe to brilliantly animated stories of animals teaching them the basic lessons of life. Let тАШAnimal TalesтАЩ relate the great values of life in a way that they will never forget. The clever goat, the wise piglet, the smart deer, the wise jackal and other quadrupeds will bring joy and understanding to the young.
1. In the first story find out how the brave goat deals with a life and death situation. On the verge of losing his life, the goat shows the wisdom and grit not only to escape from his fate but also to teach to his oppressor.
2. Find out how the piglet that was the useful pet of a carpenter adapts himself to life in a forestтАж and comes out in flying colors.
3. A king who loves huntingтАж. And a smart deer that loves its parents. Find out how the conflict of interest gets resolved.
4. A hungry lionтАЩs appetite is checked by a clever jackal in the Talking Cave. Yes, cleverness can save lives!
5. A washer man and his donkey find out that they cannot fool everybody all the time. The reward for lies can be a good thrashing.
6. Dancing monkeys astound the people with their extraordinary anticsтАж. TillтАж the truth is out.
7. What does the ever-discontented donkey find out after changing a job too many?
8. The story of the ferocious wolf, the credulous Brahmin and the clever jackal shows that brain can beat brawn.
9. When pet dog Bunny invites his friend to a party and the friend comes through the back door, they discover a truth that is worth the find. Backdoor entries can backfire!
"The birds of the air cannot only teach us to fly, but can also give us lessons in life. In the series of beautifully animated stories in this video, an array of flying creatures give children object lessons in life through the beguiling medium of stories. Let your kids learn the great values they need even as they laugh and enjoy these endearing tales.
1. How do a crow couple deal with a vicious snake that eats up their eggs? It seems that they can wreak vengeance in a way you would not have thought of. Find out in тАШThe Clever IdeaтАЩ.
2. When a half-blind vulture strains the hospitality it has been shown by the birds of a tree by inviting a cat, things are moving towards a climaxтАж. what could it be?
3. Help rendered even to small people can sometimes prove more than helpful to usтАж The story of the ant and the dove tells kids how.
4. The grumbling tortoise is taken for a flying trip by the eagle. Apart from the thrill, the tortoise learns a lesson that he will remember for ever.
5. The caged parrot that sings at night and the bat strike up a relationship. But what the bat finally tells the parrot brings a new realization.
6. What did the bat say?
7. The enemity between the crows and the owls is finally resolved when an old crow hatches a huge plot. He puts up residence at the entrance of the owl fort and begins to work out his plan.
8. The name of this swan is loyalty and courage. These qualities not only save him but also his king. Find out how, in this story of true goodness.
9. The owl does a good turn to his jumbo friend and saves his from a terrible fate.
10. The camel who strays into a forest pays a stiff price for his stupidity and becomes a heavy meal for тАШMean FriendsтАЩ.
11. An old craneтАЩs mean plot to do away with the fishes and crabs of a pond are finally checked by a brave crab. Wickedness will be exposed and punished.
"Indian Mythology is rich in stories and wisdom. The gods come into our lives through the wonderful enchantment of the great mythological stories. Now let your kids vibe with the mighty gods of India, Ganesh, Krishna and Hanuman through tales about the childhood of these supernatural heros.
The elephant-headed god Ganesh is the favourite of children as well as the common folk. Those who worship Ganesh before they undertake any venture are assured of success and wealth. The great deeds of Ganesh as a boy are vividly brought out in this video. The story of Ganesh acquiring a mouse as his vehicle and the protection Ganesh gives to a sage whose great gem is taken away by a prince are graphically illustrated here.
Lord KrishnaтАЩs life as a kid in Gokula is filled with supernatural events and great charm. The way young Krishna shows the entire universe in his mouth to his foster mother Yashodha and the pranks he plays while stealing butter from the houses in Gokula are brilliantly narrated here. The playful manner in which Krishna dispatches demons will be loved by children.
HanumanтАЩs fame as a hero of the Ramayana is next only to that of Lord Rama himself.
His childhood makes for some beautiful episodes in this video. See him perform pranks and sparking off a near war among the celestials. Just the fare that children will love to watch.
Stories of Bal Ganesh, Bal Krishna and Bal Hanuman will endear it self to kids who will never forget the exploits wrought by these great gods when they too were young.
"HereтАЩs a fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШlistening and repeatingтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this DVD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This DVD teaches your children the numerals form one to hundred, the tables from one-time-one to ten-times-ten and also teaches them how to tell the time. Watch in amazement as your children pick it all up at an astonishing pace. This all-new method is sure to have them rattling off tables and telling you the time at every change they get!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hourтАЩs of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as they play!
1. The Clock
2. Learn Time
3. Learn Numbers
4. Learn Tables
Animals and birds are just like human beings, only their heart beats under a covering of hair, fur, feathers, or wings. So it is important to teach kids about the other species that live on this earth. Each species is a masterpiece, a creation assembled with extreme care and genius. Let тАШLearn AnimalsтАЩ introduce animals to your kid so that they learn with ease and never forget what they learn. Animated pictures of the animals, the sounds that they make and facts associated with them are brought out using various interesting activities. The facts are reiterated in various ways to assist comprehension, assimilation as well as retention. Picturesque visuals, graphic animation, interesting background music and sounds and many exciting activities will make learning about animals childтАЩs play for your kid. Teaching your child to appreciate animals is as valuable to your child as it is to the animals. Gift тАШLearn AnimalsтАЩ to your kid and begin a voyage of great beauty and joy.
Learning is one of the most wonderful things of life. In fact, life itself is a learning experience. Learning is an adventure of ideas and should always be full of excitement and joy. тАШLearning NumbersтАЩ is carefully designed to be a wonderful journey of knowledge for your child. It introduces numbers in a way that will induce carefree learning. Vivid and colourful animated shots, lucid verbal explanations, excellent music, appropriate background effects and picturesque visuals of words and numbers will make your child sit up and enjoy learning to the core. Easy introductions, repetition and recapitulation ensure that your kid assimilates the message with ease. Gift your child тАШLearning NumbersтАЩ to initiate a wonderful voyage of discovery.
Colours is GodтАЩs gift to humanityтАж.the greatest and the most divine gift to the sighted. Colour can speak to us in a thousand different ways, if only we would look and learn. ThatтАЩs way тАШLearn ColoursтАЩ propels your child into the wonderful world of colours to start the great voyage of discovery. This video helps your child identify different colours by introducing animated visuals to the accompaniment of lucid explanations and vibrant background music and sound effects. Interesting activities of different kinds involving various colours are shown to re-emphasize the colour lessons. This greatly aids memory retention. Almost all kids are greatly interested in colours, and тАШLearn ColoursтАЩ will ensure that they get a hang of different colours with ease. Gift your child тАШLearn ColoursтАЩ and be prepared to be astounded by the way it grabs attention and aids understanding.
"Newborn infants have been found to have highly developed abilities of responding to sound. No wonder then that lullabies play an important part in their upbringing. Lullabies are as importants as cudding babies in oneтАЩs arms and rocking them to sleep. Research have found that soothing music workds miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddler, by bringing a sense of security and calm. Make sure that you donтАЩt misss out on providing one of the greatest riches of human culture, the blessing of music, to your baby, by making use of the classic numbers in this album. A wide range of soothing music and tunes featuring favoriteтАЩs lullabies and famous nursery rhymes is presented in this album because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. The female and male voices are caressing, the music soft and dreamy, and the selection of lyrics meaningful to take care of your baby as much as you do. Let lullabies make your child rest softly on your chest dreaming of a rainbow way up high, pointing to a heaven of love and warmth. It will be a treasure that your baby will never forget.
1. Are you Sleeping
2. Go to Sleep
3. Sing a Song
4. Sweet and Tow
5. Rock a Bye Baby
6. Row row row Your Boat
7. Bonnic
8. Peas Porridge
9. Little Boo Beep
10. Silent Night
11. Baa Baa Black Sheep
12. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
13. Wee Willie Winky
14. When Your Going
15. Wheels On the Bus
"Here is fun, new, interactive way to make your little ones learn alphabets, numerals and so much more! Based on the tried and tested method of тАШcall and responseтАЩ thatтАЩs used in primary education, this DVD is an exciting new way for children to learn the basics while theyтАЩre enjoying themselves.
This DVD teaches your children the alphabet and different colours. Watch your children learn them at an amazingly fast rate before you know theyтАЩll be reciting the alphabet and telling you all the colours of the rainbow!
The music and methods used will provide children with endless hours of entertainment and education. So give your children a fun new way to learn as the play!
1. ABCD (Traditional)
2. ABCD (Version 2)
3. A for Apple, B for Ball
4. Techno Baby Abcd
5. Learn The Alphabets
6. Learn The Alphabets (Version 2)
7. ItтАЩs A
8. Colours
9. Colours Version 2
10. Learn The Colours
"TodayтАЩs children are whiz kids in computers and emerging technologies, but they need to be taught the values of humanity too. What is life without love, affection and respect for others! When children are taught good manners and human values, they imbibe them fast and grow into kind, gentle and responsible youth. What better way to instill character and considerateness into kids than sprightly and youthful music! тАШGood Manners Songs for ChildrenтАЩ comes with a basketful of vibrant songs in lovely tunes and catchy cadences to make the young vibe with good values. The singerтАЩs zest for personal values and social feeling are infectious. Saying тАШThank YouтАЩ, and тАШPlease donтАЩt mentionтАЩ and greeting people with a pleasant smile will henceforth become a happy experience for children. This album is going to be a song experience for your kids with far-reaching consequences. Gift them тАШGood MannersтАЩ.
1. Good Manners
2. Do your best
3. Say please and thank you
4. Bits of paper
5. Keep things clean
6. Early to bed
7. Greet your teacher
8. My name is dean
9. Neatly dressed
10. Chew your food noisy
11. Take your bath
12. Brush our teeth
13. Do not waist water
14. Minus Karaoke тАУ This old man
15. Row row
16. Atkins drums
17. Loopy loop
18. My bonnie
19. Crooked man
20. Bits of Paper (Sing along)
"Nurture your child with this bright, sprightly, enthusing sheaf of nursery rhymes. Let your childтАЩs imagination be fired by the sheer vibrancy and enthusiasm of these peppy rhymes that not only open up the gates of verbal communication and language but also instill the zest for life. Sung with enjoyment, these nursery rhymes will make kids familiar with English words easily. The awareness of the distinctions between similar sounds and of the different t combinations that sounds can come in will enrich your childтАЩs grasp of life and language. Rhymes and verse are so much easier for the child to remember and when the rhyme swings to uplifting music, the grasp is marvelous. Let these vivid nursery rhymes paint pictures in the heads of your children giving them a solid oral English basis. There is a wide range here of famous rhymes and a great variety in rhythm and tempo. So hereтАЩs the way through 28 Nursery Rhymes to let the little stars twinkle all the while.
1. Bits of Paper
2. Coming down the mountain
3. Goozy Goozy
4. Here we go rond
5. HeтАЩs a jolly good fellow
6. Hot cross buns
7. If your happy
8. Jack and Jill
9. Little Boo Beep
10. London Bridge
11. Mary had a little lamb
12. My Bonnie lies
13. Postman
14. Ring a ring a roses
15. Rock a bye baby
16. Row row row your boat
17. Spider
18. There was a man
19. Theres a hole in the bucket
20. This old man
21. Three blind mice
22. To market to market
23. Twinkle twinkle little
24. Weezel
25. Crooked man
26. Ding dong bell
27. Loopsy
28. Pussy cat pussy cat
"It is common knowledge that insufficient secretion of insulin from Pancreas to help energize the crores of cells in the body leads to increasing the level of sugar in the blood vessels. The result is the sugar that is produced form the intake of food remains in the blood without the body being unable to utilize the benefit, leading to impotency, nervous and vision dis-orders cardiac problems, impotency etc. Whatever be the causes for diabetes-there are many-, the process is irreversible but can effectively be controlled by taking a balanced diet, physical exercise and medication. While medication helps in the secretion of insulin, physical exercise helps in burning excess calories in the food in-take. But these will not be effective, if care is not taken in the choice of food one takes, its quantity and timing. Balance has to be struck among nutrition, quantity and taste. This DVD contains not only the medical advice on the type of diabetic diet but also recipes and demonstration of cooking certain food items.
RECIPE 1: Multi grain pan cake
RECIPE 2: Steamed brown rice kolukkattai with garlic sauce
RECIPE 3: Mixed vegetable methi (fenugreek leaves) parantha
DESSERT 1: Multi grain kesari
"The body weight of any individual should be within the prescribed Body Mass Index to be healthy. Any indication of higher BMI indicates over weight. Resulting in not being able to move about freely even to attend to common chores, being prone to any number of diseases and thus losing a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. This DVD provides the necessary medical and also in-puts for a proper diet balanced in nutrients by live demonstration in their preparation.
RECIPE 1: Whole-wheat pasta with broccoli, tomatoes and garlic
RECIPE 2: Multi grain mixed vegetable roti
RECIPE 3: Multi grain upma with sprouted ragi & sprouted green gram
DESSERT 1: Multi grain porridge with fruits
"Lifestyle issues such as poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking pollution etc ate generally the causes of heart disease, prevalence of which is assuming dreadful proportions. Among the various causes, diet plays an important role especially those worth high cholesterol content. Presence of cholesterol in food by itself is not bad as long as the same is within the required level and conforms to type medically recognized. This DVD brings out the preparation of various vegetarian food items, which are rich in fibre / nutrients required for the body in reducing the level of cholesterol and thus reducing the risk heart ailments.
RECIPE 1: Steamed brown rice and broken wheat with vegetables
RECIPE 2: Mixed vegetable ragi kolukattai
RECIPE 3: Mixed vegetable idli
DESSERT 1: Oats with fruits shake
"Newborn infants have been found to have highly developed abilities of responding to sound. No wonder then that lullabies play an important part in their upbringing. Lullabies are as important as cudding babies in oneтАЩs arms and rocking them to sleep. Research have found that soothing music workds miracles on the baby, whether a newborn or toddler, by bringing a sense of security and calm. Make sure that you donтАЩt misses out on providing one of the greatest riches of human culture, the blessing of music, to your baby, by making use of the classic numbers in this album. A wide range of soothing music and tunes featuring favourties lullabies and famous nursery rhymes is presented in this album because babies enjoy variety and change of pace. The female and male voices are caressing, the music soft and dreamy, and the selection of lyrics meaningful to take care of your baby as much as you do. Let lullabies make your child rest softly on your chest dreaming of a rainbow way up high, pointing to a heaven of love and warmth. It will be a treasure that your baby will never forget.
1. Go to sleep my baby
2. Five little monkeys
3. Rock a by baby
4. Sweet and low
5. Rocking in the cradle
6. Whispering hope
7. My grandfatherтАЩs clock
8. Pussy cat
9. Pretty little horses
10. My bonny
11. My pretty maid
12. Ba ba Black Sheep
13. Tempest is gone
14. Wee willie winky
15. Twinkle twinkle
16. DaddyтАЩs gonna buy
17. Little bo beep
18. Baby doll
19. Sleeping beauty
20. Polly Wolly
21. Old mc donald
"Birthdays of our loved ones are special because they come only once a year. It makes sense to make them as memorable as we can. As a pop idol said, if you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate!
Here comes, тАШHappy Birthday Party SongsтАЩ to add the cutting musical edge to the birthday parties of members of your family. It is full of bubby numbers brimming with good feeling and melody for the birthday guy or gal. The numbers will charge up the atmosphere of festoons and candles and cakes and gifts with melody, bounce and dance. Revv up the mood of celebration with these songs overflowing with buzzwords that add vibrancy, vivacity and meaning not only to the Birthday but also to the ones that follow on and on. Warmth, colour, melody, life and buoyancyтАж pick all these up with this album. ItтАЩs going to mean a lot to you because it is bound to make the energy that God invested in you at birth burst out once again.
1. Happy Birthday to you
2. Celebration
3. Birthday Party
4. If your happy
5. Loop-c-loop
6. In and out of circle
7. Musical chair
8. Happy day for you
9. Hookey Pookey
10. Rain drop
11. Birdie dance тАУ fast
12. Birdie dance тАУ Slow
"Birthdays of our loved ones are special because they come only once a year. It makes sense to make them as memorable as we can. As a pop idol said, if you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate! Here comes, тАШHappy Birthday Party SongsтАЩ to add the cutting musical edge to the birthday parties of members of your family. It is full of bubby numbers brimming with good feeling and melody for the birthday guy or gal. The numbers will charge up the atmosphere of festoons and candles and cakes and gift with melody, bounce and dance. Rev up the mood of celebration with these songs overflowing with buzz words that add vibrancy, vivacity and meaning not only to the Birthday but also to the ones that follow on and on. Warmth, colour, melody, life and buoyancyтАж pick all these up with this album. ItтАЩs going to mean a lot to you because it is bound to make the energy that God invested in you at birth burst out once again.
1. Birdy Dance
2. Congratulations
3. ItтАЩs a Happ, happ Happy
4. Happy Birthday - 1
5. Happy Birthday - 2
6. AitkinтАЩs Drums
7. HeтАЩs a jolly Good Fellow
8. London Bridge
9. Big Teddy Bear
10. Row row row your Boat
11. Simple Simon
12. Fraggle Rocks
13. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
14. Hot Cross Buns
15. This Old Man
16. Clap Your Hands
17. Mary Had a Little Lamb
18. Bits Of Paper
"The Golden Temple is also known as Harmandir Sahib, meaning тАЬTemple of GodтАЭ. It is one of the holiest places of worship for Sikhs as well as one of the oldest gurdwaras in India.
The Guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the holiest literature in the Sikh religion, is present inside it. ItтАЩs intended as a place of worship for people from all walks of life and all religions to come and worship God equally. The Golden Temple was built with four doors to show that people of every religion and faith are welcome here.
Inside the temple complex, there are many shrines to past Sikh Gurus, Saints and martyrs. The temple is surrounded by a large manmade lake, known as the Amritsar (Lake of Holy Water or Immortal Nectar).
This DVD has a brief history of the city of Amritsar, the establishment of the Golden Temple, the history of five Holy Ponds of Amritsar, the festivals celebrated here and information on some of the other historical Gurudwaras of Amritsar.
Most Sikh people visit Amritsar and the Golden Temple at least once during their lifetime, particularly during special occasions such as birthdays, marriage and the birth of their children.
"Veena is a very ancient instrument dating back to Vedic times. This instrument adores Goddess Saraswathi, the consort of the creator; all emotions, feelings and rasas evolved from this instruments тАУ says mythology.
Veena vadana is a highly superior form of yoga through which the Jeevathma meets the Paramathma, if played in full understanding and harmony with the instrument.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Veena Vol тАУ 1тАЩ is presented by a well-known Veena Vidhushi Smt.E.Gayathir. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Veena
4. Tuning of Veena
5. Sitting Posture
6. Handling Ways
7. Types of Veena
8. How to Pluck the String
9. Basic Lessons
10. Tips for Practice Veena
11. Concert Pattern
Artist: Smt.E.Gayathri
Supportive Veena : Anjani
Narrator: Neeta Kamath
Camera: Gope Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
"Veena is a very ancient instrument dating back to Vedic times. This instrument adores Goddess Saraswathi, the consort of the creator; all emotions, feelings and rasas evolved from this instruments тАУ says mythology.
Veena vadana is a highly superior form of yoga through which the Jeevathma meets the Paramathma, if played in full understanding and harmony with the instrument.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Veena Vol тАУ 2тАЩ is presented by a well-known Veena Vidhushi Smt.E.Gayathir. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. Introduction
2. Specific Exercises
3. Alankaras
4. Dhattu Varisai
5. Geetham
6. Swarajathi
7. Varnam
8. Concert Pattern
9. Tips of Practice Veena
Artist : Smt.E.Gayathri
Supportive Veena : Anjani
Narrator : Neeta Kamath
Camera : Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design : Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing : Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director : Mahendran
"The Violin is the most common among the bowed instruments. The world Violin comes form the middle latin word тАЬVitulaтАЭ meaning тАЬstringed instrumentsтАЭ. It is supposed to be the king of all musical instruments because of its rich tonal quality, soothing sound and its simple structural form.
The violin was the first western instrument to be absorbed completely into Indian Music. It occupies a very important place in the sage of Indian Music.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play ViolinтАЩ is presented by a well-known Indian Classical Carnatic Violinist Smt.Kalpana Venkat. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Violin
4. Types of Violin
5. Sizes of Violin
6. Holding the Violin & Bow
7. Bowing Techniques
8. Tuning of the Violin
9. Basic Lessons
10. Concert Pattern
11. Tips for Students
Artist: Smt.Kalpana Venkat
Student: Akkarsh & Aniirudh
Narrator: Neeta Kamath
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
"Mandolin can be defined as a small stringed musical instrument of the lute family with a half-pear-shape, a fretted neck, and a variable number of strings, plucked with the fingers or with a plectrum.
Mandolin is modified as Electrically Solid block Mandolin which is used for playing Indian classical Carnatic music.
This DVD тАШLearn to Play MandolinтАЩ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Mandolin
4. Sitting Posture & Handling Ways
5. Tuning of the Instrument
6. Fingering Techniques
7. Basic Lessons
8. Playing Gamakas
9. Concert Pattern
Artist: U.P.Raju
Student: Vasanthan
Narrator: Benedict
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
"Guitar is one of the most popular stringed musical instruments that is used in a wide variety of musical styles like blues, country, flamenco, rock music, and many forms of pop. The first known versions of both the acoustic and classical guitars date back to medieval times. TodayтАЩs acoustic guitar is lightweight and does not need electrics in order to amplify the sound it makes.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Acoustic GuitarтАЩ is presented by a well-known Guitarist Joseph Vijay. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Acoustic Guitar
4. Tuning
5. Strumming Pattern
6. Basic Exercises
7. Chords
8. Rhymes
9. Guitar Solo
Artist: Joseph Vijay
Student: Nishant
Narrator: Natasha Pinto
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna
Art Director: Mahendran
"The PIANO is comparatively Modern Instrument, its origin atleast as far back as the beginning of the 15th century. Each of the early keyboard instrumentsтАж. Clavichord, Virginals, spinets and Harpsichord contributed something to the modern Piano.
The Piano keyboard has a regular pattern of black and white keys. The basic pattern repeats throughout. The Piano is a crucial instrument in Western classical music, jazz, film, television, composition and most other complex western musical genres.
This DVD comprises basic lessons for the Piano by a well-known pianist Sandhya Vasanth Kumar. Those who have a Keyboard, can play these lessons too, which has been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of the Piano
4. Posture
5. Introduction to Piano Music
6. Basic Music theory
7. Dynamics
8. Scales
9. Chords & Arrpigios
10. Songs
11. Duet
Artist: Sandhya Vasanth Kumar
Student: Christopher Raja
Narrator: Natasha Pinto
"The Drum is a very dynamic instrument which instantly captivates oneтАЩs musical instinct and Rhythm comes naturally to all human beings.
This DVD, тАЬLearn to Play DrumsтАЭ is dedicated to my late grandparents who have always supported me to take up music as a career. I am grateful to my Gurus Pamavibushan Awardee Pandit Umayalpuram. K.Sivaraman, Shri.Vaikkom Devarajan & Shri.Harinikesh for inspiring & motivating me. My special thanks to percussionists Sivamani and Pete Lockett for their continuours support.
тАШLearn to Play DrumsтАЩ comprises of basic lessons tailored in a way that you can learn and Practice within the comfort of your home.
1. History & Artist Profile
2. Introduction
3. Parts of Drums
4. Seating
5. Holding the sticks
6. Striking the Drums
7. Basic Lessons (40 Rudiments)
8. Drums solo
Artist: S.Muralikrishnan
Student: Karpaka.A & K.Bharanidharan
Narrator: Benedict
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
"The Sitar is one of the most popular Instruments in Hindustani Shastriya Sangeet and is a versatile instrument. Its ability to produce a deeply emotive tone that is very close to the human voice with agility and liveliness has made it a very sought after instrument.
This DVD of тАШLearn to Play Sitar Vol-2тАЩ is presented by a well-known Satirist Sri.B.Sivaramakrishna Rao, Disciple of Late Ustad Ahmed Hussain Khan who was the doyen of Mian Achpal Gharana. The Lessons on this DVD have been tailored in a way that you can learn and practice within the comfort of your home.
1. Introduction
2. Definition of Meend
3. Surgeeth in Rag Bhoopali
4. Vadi & Samvadi
5. Gath & Anthra
6. Taan & Tihai
7. Composition in Rag Kafi
8. Concert Pattern
Artist: B.Sivaramakrishna Rao
Student: Sriram, Ranjani & Naren
Narrator: Neeta Kamath
Camera: Gopi Sabapathy (Sica)
Sound Design: Prem & Amuthan Sundar
Editing: Vinod Khanna & Saicharan
Art Director: Mahendran
HOW GANESHA GOTTHEELEPHANT HEAD-This is the interesting tale that explains how Ganesh came to have the of an elephant. It is just another example of GaneshтАЩs devotion to his mother and his single-minded determination to follow her order, which even to him losing his head.
HOW GANESHA BEGAN TRAVELLING ON THE MOUSE-This story tells us why Ganesh travels
On a mouse. He crushed the ego of an asura called Gajamukhasura who transformed himself to a mouse and devoted himself to serve Lord Ganesh decided to travel on his back.
BIRTH OF PARVATI-When sati ends him life by immersing herself in the yagna fire,she is reborn as parvathi,the daughter of a great king Himavat,ruler of the HimalayanтАЩs. Paravathi has a great desire to marry Lord Shiva so she goes to the place where he is meditating and begins to serve him.
TARAKASURAN-This tale of an assure called tarakasura.Because of his desire to become immortal, hedose severe penance and finally Brahma grants him a born that only shivaтАЩs son will be able to kill him. Rendered almost immortal.Tarakasura begins to wreck havoc and harasses all the devas including indri.
SHIVA AND PARVATHI-Upon BrahmaтАЩs advice, indri requests Kama and Rati, the gods of love. To make shiva fall in love with parvathi. Kama tries to aim his arrow at Shiva but Shiva, in his fury, burns Kama to ashes, finally parvathi herself wins shivaтАЩs heart by doing severe penance. With fathers, permission shiva and parvathi marry.
HANUMAN MEETS RAM-In this story, we see the circumstance that led to HanumanтАЩs first encounter with Lord Ram. As soon as he met him, he pledged undying devotion to him and his cause of finding Sita.
HANUMAN IN SEARCH OF SITA-This is story of the various obstacles Hanuman encounter on his mission to find sita and how he overcomes them with valour, strength and presence of mind.
KRISHNA AND JARASANDHA-This story explains how Lord Kristna heard king yudhishthiraтАЩs request to perform rajasuya yagya and then how tactfully Lord Krishna helped Bheema to defeat King Jaraandha,son of king Brihadratha.
KRISHNA AND NARAKASURA-This story tells how Lord Krishna Killed Narakasura, the son of the earth goddess, he created chaos in the heavens and mother AditiтАЩs earring.
Ingredients: SILVER LAMP
Ingredients: DRY GINGER
Ingredients: SMALL ONIONS
Ingredients: VASALEAVES
Ingredients: KATUKAI
Ingredients: ASAFETIDA
Ingredients: BLACK SESAME
Ingredients: CUCUMBER
Ingredients: GOOSE BERY (DRY)
Ingredients: BLACK SESAME
.Ingredients: GARLIC
Ingredients: PEPPER
Ingredients: NEEM LEAVES
Ingredients: TULASI LEAVES
Ingredients: CLOVE
"As per Ayurveda, the functional body movements are smoothly conducted it shows the health structure. This movement also carries the mind hence thoughts also will be more clear if the movements in the body are smooth. Skin is the most important sense organs and most porous part in the body it can easily regulate the subtle movements in the body hence the important of skin care.
A) ABHYANGAM (general massage of body with oil):
Abhyangam is a popular body massage in ayurveda. The word abhyanga itself means to massage.Abhyangam is an integral part of the daily routine recommended by this healing system for overall health and well-being.Abhyanga is the anointing of the body with oil. Often medicated and usually warm, the oil is massaged into the entire body before bathing.For thousands of year people have used abhyanga to maintain health, benefit sleep patterns, increase longevity. It has also been used as a medicine for certain disorders. Abhyanga can be incorporated into a routine appropriate for almost anyone. It provides the body the necessary life energy to recover, refresh, renew and enables the mind to be relaxed. It wipes the negative energy of the body and makes the body powerful.
B) ABHYANGAM- NAVARAKIZHI (general massage with rice cooked in medicated milk):
After a short of Abhyangam massage, it is a kind of therapy which is applied by fulfilling full mass of rice and milk into a linen coarse bath-glove by beating slightly and massaging. It contributes to develop weak and motionless joint and muscles.The whole body is made to perspire by the application of medicinal boluses frequently warmed in herb infused milk. It helps in strength promoting, rejuvenating, paralysis and Parkinsonism.
Intensely relaxing and revitalizing, this massage nourishes hair, improve blood circulation and lymph flow in the head region, eases chronic head and neck problem, relieves insomnia, migraine, dry scalp and itching, and stimulates the sensory organs and soul.
Sirodhara is one of the most popular ayurvedic therapies in India. The world тАШSiroтАЩ meaning тАШheadтАЩ and тАШDharaтАЩ meaning continuous pouring of medicated liquid over the head. Siro Dhara is a treatment process in which medicated herbal oil is allowed to drip in a continuous stream over the patientтАЩs forehead for 30 minutes to one hour. It relaxes the nervous system, acts as a soothing balm for the brain and fights insomnia.
Ayurvedic Facial Massage, a form of natural beauty treatment, is based on the principles and standards of Ayurveda. This scientific massage style rejuvenates, revitalizes skin; makes it healthy and radiant. Ayurvedic facial massage helps invigorate skin & provides an instant solution to the ill effects of stress. Ayurvedic facial massage makes use of herbal product and extracts as well as pure essential iols. Clear, healthy, lustrous skin can be yours at any age if you spend just a few minutes taking care of it everyday. A skincare routine should ideally start in the pre-teen years and be followed regularly for the best results.
Herbal face packs rejuvenate the facial skin. Increase the fairness of skin, Say no to pimple,acne,dark circles and wrinkles with herbal face packs.They are made from fresh ingredients comprising of fresh herbs or fruits to nourish the skin and enhance beauty. They improve circulation as well as cleanse and tauten the entire face. So nourish your face with rich AYURVEDIC FACE PACKтАж
Eyes are the most important and beautiful among five sensory organs. It is said that 80% of the knowledge we gain is through our eyes. It is needless to mention here the worth and praise about the eyes.Even through our eyes are one of the most important organs in our body, yet people neglect to care about them and rarely pay attention until there is some serious problem. So prevent and protect
your eyes through AYURVEDAтАж
Instillation of medicated oil through the nose is called Nasyam..nose is the major opening in to the head and nasal cavity is well connected to ear mouth and eyes. Cleaning and strengthening of passages related to these four sense organs will be contributing a lot to the over all functioning of an individual.Hence this procedure nasyam is relevant for patients with diseases related to these sense organs and head, as well as for normal persons to maintain a healthy functioning of sense organs. It is very effective in diseases like sinusitis, migraine, chronic cold and chest congestion, and major disorders like facial paralysis and hemiplegia.
Retention of oil-soaked cotton cloth on the head is called SIRO PICHU. Such oil retentions pacify the nerves and brain cells and improve the personтАЩs memory leves.Amedicine rich blend of herbs, milk and oil is used for the treatment. With appropriate medicines, siro pichu also reduces
AlzheimerтАЩsdisease, cervical spondylosis,hemiplegia, facial paralysis, sleeplessness..
Acylindrical leather cap of about ten inches height and having both the ends open fixed in position by means of cloth belt two to three inches in width is tied around the head and black gram paste is used for plugging the holes and filling the gaps. Suitable medicated oil heated to a bearable degree is poured within and allowed to remain for 1 hour, until the mucus trickles down through the nostrils. This treatment is highly effective for hair fall, dandruff, facial paralysis, dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches and other vatha (rheumatic)- related diseases.
"Animated Nursery Rhymes For kids is a musical method of your learning favorite rhymes. It is a perfect sing along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with voice, sing along and music. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD consists of 26 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied with beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next .
1. Old Mc Donald
2. Mary had a little lamb
3. Hickory Dickory
4. IтАЩm a little tea pot
5. Humpty Dumpty
6. Three blind mice
7. pat a cake
8. Little boy blue
9. Cock a doodle doo
10. Here we go
11. 12345 once I caught a fish alive
12. Lullaby and goodnight
13. Oh Susana
14. Pop goes the weasel
15. Twinkle twinkle little star
16. If Your happy
17. ItтАЩs raining
18. London bridge
19. Hot cross buns
20. All around the mulberry bush
21. All things bright and beautiful
22. Goosy goosy gander
23. Hey diddle
24. The farmer in the Dell
25. Three little kittens
26. Rock a bye baby
"Most people enjoy a good foot rub, but few of us know there is a science behind it called foot reflexology. Reflexology is the physical act of applying pressure to the feet with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques to bring about a physical change to the body. Reflexology is more than a foot massage; itтАЩs a natural healing therapy which is highly effective in dealing with many complaints.
Reflexology is based on the principle that the foot can be divided in reflex zones each of which corresponds to a part of the body. This DVD will help you identify these zones and will train you in the art of gently applying the right amount of pressure to each of these zones to alleviate pain and to reduce and eliminate blockages in corresponding glands, organs and other parts of the body. Experience the wonders of reflexology with the Learn Foot Reflexology DVD.
The benefits of reflexology include:
1. Relaxation
2. Pain reduction
3. Amelioration of symptoms for health concerns
4. Rejuvenation in tired feet
5. Improvement in blood flow
6. Impact on physiological measures
7. Beneficial for post-operative recovery and pain reduction
8. Enhancement of medical care
9. Adjunct to mental health care
10. Complement to cancer care
11. Easier birthing / delivery /postpartum recovery
"Sri Lankan culture is a blend of rich and diverse influences and its cuisine is a perfect reflection of its culture. The food here is hot and spicy, perfectly complimenting the weather and warm hospitality of the people who live here. The staple food is rice and is accompanied by a variety of flavourful curries, some of which you will learn in this DVD. Wholesome, exotic, simmering with spices yet tempered with rich coconut milk, all the recipes in this DVD are authentically Sri Lankan, yet toned down for a touristтАЩs palette. Let our chefs guide you through the Secrets of Sri Lankan Vegetarian Cooking and take your very own gastronomical journey through the very best of Sri Lankan cuisine.
"Traditionally, Thai massage are known to be among the best in the world and unlike European style, traditional Thai massages focus on circulation and pressure points, promoting internal health as well as muscular flexibility. Thai massage aims to realign the energies in the body, helps to detoxify the body and boost the immune system, tone the body, strengthen joints and fight diseases, clear the mind, reduce stress and relive anxiety.
This DVD teaches one the basics of Thai massage and how to use oneтАЩs own body weight to apply pressures to different parts of the body while giving massages. It is a beginnerтАЩs step-by-step guide to the ancient art of giving relaxing massages that not only yield physical benefits, but are also helpful on a emotional and spiritual level. Experience the wonder of Thai massages with the Learn Thai Massage DVD.
Physical Benefits of Thai Massage:
1. Help detoxification of the body and boost immune system.
2. Increase blood circulation, lower blood pressure.
3. Good for muscle relaxation, increase flexibility in your muscles, increase mobility.
4. Improve breathing.
5. Improves posture, balance, corrects body alignments and dissolves energy blockages.
6. Improves athletic performance.
7. Help arthritis and back pain.
8. Help tone the body, strengthen joints and fight diseases, including chronic joint problems.
9. Prevent illnesses and alleviates degenerative diseases.
10. Slows the aging process.
Mental Benefits of Thai Massage:
1. Improve your outlook towards life; builds an emotional balance.
2. Help with concentration and creativity / Mind and body concentration.
3. Help you gain mental clarity.
Psychological effects of Thai Massage:
1. Reduce and relieve stress and anxiety.
2. Help people boost their inner energy levels.
3. Develop discipline and self-control.
4. Achieve better health, increases health and vitality.
5. Raise the energy level and stamina.
6. Build internal power (and creates a natural confidence).
"Animated Nursery Rhymes for kids is a musical method for you to teach your children your favorite rhymes. It is a perfect sing-along album for preschoolers, or anyone with a love for nursery rhymes. It helps to enhance the learning process with music and colorful animation thatтАЩs guaranteed to be a hit with little ones. Animated Nursery Rhymes are an enjoyable learning experience for children. This DVD Consists of 21 of the most popular childrenтАЩs nursery rhymes accompanied by beautiful orchestra music that has been enjoyed and consequently passed on from one generation to the next.
1. Happy Birthday
2. Baa Baa Black Sheep
3. Little Boo Beep
4. Incy Wincy Spider
5. Curley Locks
6. Hockey Pokey
7. Little Bunny Foo Foo
8. One Little Two Little
9. Hush Little Baby
10. She Will Be Coming
11. Lady Bug
12. ABCD
13. Jack and Jill
14. Ding Dong Bell
15. This Old Man
16. Georgy Porgy
17. Jingle Bells
18. The Ants Go Marching
19. Sing a Song Of Six Pence
20. Saw a Ship Sailing
21. The Wheels on the bus
"Thai cuisine is known for its intricate balancing act of five fundamental flavors - hot, sour, sweet,, salty, and bitter. Thai food tends to be full of fresh herbs, spices, chilies, and a wonderful array of fruits and vegetables. Coconut milk plays a major part in a multitude of Thai curries, and the aromatic flavors of lemongrass, chili, lime, galangal, and a plethora of herbs permeate the cuisine.
Thais were very adapting at тАШSiamese-icingтАЩ foreign cooking methods, and substituting ingredients. The ghee used in Indian cooking was replaced by coconut oil, and coconut milk substituted for other daily products. Overpowering pure spices were toned down and enhanced by fresh herbs such as lemon grass and galangal. Eventually, fewer and less spices were used in Thai curries, while the use of fresh herbs increased. It is generally acknowledged that Thai curries burn intensely, but briefly, whereas other curries, with strong spices, burn for longer periods. Instead of serving dishes in courses, a Thai meal is served all at once, permitting dinners to enjoy complementary combinations of different tastes.
A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry dish with condiments, a dip with accompanying vegetables. A spiced salad may replace the curry dish. The soup can also be spicy, but the curry should be replaced by non-spiced items. There must be a harmony of tastes and textures within individual dishes and the entire meal.
1. Kale Salad
2. Lemon Grass Pie
3. Thai Spring Roll
4. Thai Salad
5. Vegetable Hot And Sour Soup
6. Thai Vegetarian Fried Rice
7. Stri Fried Vegetable Soya Sauce
8. Thai Banana Roti
"Religion and music have always had an integrally close relationship with each other. As the worldтАЩs fourth largest religion, Buddhism is no exception; except the way it has intertwined with music is somewhat different to the relationship music has with Christianity, Islam or Hinduism. Buddhism is unique in that it does not consider chanting to be prayer.
Chanting cleanses the mind like water cleanses the body. When you chant Buddhist mantras, you are not asking someone to save you from evil nor are you hoping to be given a place in heaven after death. Instead, through chanting you can learn, teach, philosophize or re-memorize the discourse.
This DVD contains Buddhist chants recited by monks in monasteries in Thailand and India. It also contains a short history of the origin of some important chants, an interview with a monk and helps give a deeper understanding of Buddhist chants. Through this DVD, you will learn several important chants which are the first steps to meditation. They focus on a simple phrase and melody and repeat it over and over. The repetition relaxes the mind, and the body thus becomes ready to meditate.
The aim of Buddhist chanting and meditation is to clean the mind of defilement and disturbances, to gain insight (Vipassana) which leads to the understanding of the true nature of things. The essential features are mindfulness and awareness, which you will discover by practicing chanting with this DVD.
Buddham saranam gacchami Dhammam saranam gacchami Sangham saranam gacchami I take refuge in the Buddha I take refuge in the Dharma I take refuge in the Sangha
"Carnatic music has a very ancient and traditional background. The very word тАЬCarnaticтАЭ means traditional or ancient. However, the application of the term Carnatic to this form of music is more recent than the music itself! Here we discuss the elements of change and continuity in this traditional form of classical music in India. Carnatic music is a melody-based system. Melody in the context of Carnatic music may be explained as, тАЬThe production of any musical tone or succession of such tones or semitones, with definite frequencies, within certain parameters, whether rendered independently or in conjunction with rhythm and / or IyricsтАЭ. Rhythm can be defined as a process in which the nuclei of attention are separated by individual parts of time. In Carnatic music, the other important and unique feature is the prosody (Iyrics), Known as Sahitya.The sahitya has always been the effective means to communicate manтАЩs moods. Some of the key term you will come across when dealing with Carnatic music are: Raga, Tala, Kriti, Varnam, Padam, Javali, Tillana, Alapana, Tanam, Neraval,
Kalpanaswara and Tani Avartanam.
1. Artist Profile
2. Introdution To Indian Classical Carnatic Music
3. Tuning
4. Sitting Posture & Voice Culture
5. Basic Lesson
6. Sarale Varesai
7. Janta Varesai
8. Concert Pattern
"Carnatic music has a very ancient and Traditional background. The very word тАЬCarnaticтАЭ means traditional or ancient. However, the application of the term Carnatic to this form of music is more recent than the music itself! Here we discuss the elements of change and continuity in this traditional form of classical music in India. Carnatic music is a melody тАУ based system. Melody in the context of Carnatic music may be explained as, тАЬThe production of any musical tone or succession of such tones or semitones, with definite frequencies, within certain parameters, whether rendered independently or in conjunction with rhythms and /or IyricsтАЭ. Rhythm can be fined as a process in which the nuclei of attention are separated by individual parts of time, In Carnatic music, the other important and unique feature is the prosody (Iyrics), known as Sahitya. The sahitya has always been the effective means to communicate manтАЩs moods. Some of the key term you will come across when dealing with Carnatic music are: Raga, Tala, Kriti, Varnam, Padam, Javali, Tillana, Alapana, Tanam, Neraval,
Kalpanaswara and Tani Avartanam.
1. Range Exercises
2. Alankaras
3. Geetham
4. Song
5. Concert Pattern
"The Hindustani Music that developed during the Moghul 15th and 16th century AD is based on the rich Indian tradition. Amir Khusro was a scholar poet and musicologist of rare talent in the court of Allauddin Khilji 13th century AD is credited with the introduction of new forms and styles in Hindustani music, which are still in practice today. Hindustani music is based on the raga system. Raag is the intricate system of scales and associated melodic patterns. In their numerical ratios, the scales and melodic patterns correspond with moods, colors, seasons and hours of day and night. This time theory, which governs the raags, is a unique feature of Hindustani music. The main architect of the existing system of Hindustani music was Pandit V N Bhatkhande who was responsible for the classification of the Ragas into the 10 thatтАЩs. An important landmark in Hindustani music was the establishment of gharanas under the patronage of princely states. A gharana is more a school of thought than an institution. Each of the gharanas developed distings facets and styles of presentation and performance.
A Hindustani musician by professiona, Dr.Ramdesh pande is a renowned vocalist of new generation and an artist of commendable talent. Shri Chepe Shri Panake and Pt. Prabhakar Deshkar initiated dr.Ramdeshpande in classical music. Later he was fortunate to receive guidance from Pt.Yashwant Bua Joshi and Pt. Ulhas Kashalkar of Gwalior and jaipur Gharanas. He has also received tutelage from Pt.Babanrao Haldankar of Agra Gharana and Pt.Yeshwant Mahale of Bhatkhande parampara. Dr.ramdeshpande has excelled academically with post graduate degree in music from Nagpur University with gold medal. He is an A Graded artist of Akashwani and Doordarshan and has performed several prestigious musical platforms in India and all over the world.
1. Introduction
2. About Hindustani Classical Music
3. About Gharana
4. Tuning
5. Sitting Posture and Voice Culture
6. Basic Notes of Hindustani Classical Music
7. Basix Exercises
8. Bhajan In rag Bhairavi
9. Concert Pattern.
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