Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nothing Wrong In Seeking Higher Realms

Nothing Wrong In Seeking Higher Realms
What inspires many to renounce worldly pleasures and live in the ashram?
We seek happiness in life; that's why we live. However, we are not able to find the true source of happiness. If bliss were to be found in material objects, why does man continue to suffer even after amassing more and more wealth? Even people who own aircraft come here; they , too, come in search of peace. If one seeks happiness outside, one will never be totally satisfied, because happiness does not lie in objects.Trying to get happiness from external objects and other people is weakness; striving to find happiness within is spirituality . This is neither escapism nor weakness. It is a path only the brave can tread.
We ourselves are the real source of happiness. When we realise this, we will see that whatever takes place outside is mere spectacle. Spirituality teaches us how to live in a material world. All around us, we see people labouring for selfish gains until death.Even then, they are not satisfied.There is only disillusionment at every stage of life. Those who realise this seek an alternative path in life, and find it in spirituality. Abandoning selfishness and living a life of renunciation, they live in service to the world. A millionaire who does not enjoy peace is poor. Conversely , even if one is financially poor but enjoys inner peace, one is truly rich. Contentment is fundamental. Once we realise that it lies within one's self, we think about how we can help the world. We will not exploit the world for our selfish ends.

Can one find happiness in the material world without hurting or enslaving others?
Don't we get married for our own happiness? Isn't personal satisfaction behind the desire to have children?
Most people do not renounce their own happiness for others. Many suffer from hunger and disease. And yet, how many even think about this? If everyone is sleeping, isn't it good that there is someone who can awaken them? The balance and harmony of the world are being main tained because there are at least a few who think selflessly .
By studying the scrip tures and keeping the com pany of mahatmas, spiritu al aspirants can understand the nature of material life. The minds of mahatmas spontaneously rise above selfishness, just as the tree naturally sheds leaves just before fructifying. It is not that the tree renounces or sacrifices its leaves. One can see that the lives of aspirants here are based on re nunciation and of benefit to the world.Most of them who join are able to hang on; some leave. Not every flower in a plant becomes fruit.

Isn't it wrong to abandon one's parents to come here?
Son, let us say that you are earning a certain salary in the US. Suppose you were told that you would be paid far more if you took up a job in Germany.Wouldn't you go? Selfishness is when one is prepared to leave behind one's family for more money . Spiritual life is different. By the end of his journey , an aspirant learns to see everyone equally. He learns to love everyone as he does himself. In worldly life, there are many who turn a blind eye even to their own sick mother. But most of the children here are prepared to forgo their happiness to help not only their own mothers but everyone else, too.What more do they need to do with their lives? (Amma answered these questions from American ecologist and filmmaker Michael Tobias).

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