Sunday, February 26, 2012

9:42 PM

Designing daily lives Iconic Japanese graphic designer Kenya Hara explains why ‘emptiness’ is important for design

Designing daily livesIconic Japanese graphic designer Kenya Hara explains why ‘emptiness’ is important for design,   Over coffee at the Taj Lands End in Mumbai, iconic Japanese...
9:40 PM

American illustrator Robert Crumb is as unapologetic and whimsical as his graphic novels.

He draws no linesAmerican illustrator Robert Crumb is as unapologetic and whimsical as his graphic novels. Nivriti Butalia recently met him at Comic Con in Delhi where he spoke about...
9:37 PM

Three Tibetan students are cycling across India to highlight the plight of children who escape from Tibet for a better life,

On the road for freedomThree Tibetan students are cycling across India to highlight the plight of children who escape from Tibet for a better life, Last year, the fight for Free...
9:33 PM

Iranian singer Mahsa Vahdat was at the World Sufi Spirit Festival at Jodhpur

‘I am no icon, I just fight for the truth’Iranian singer Mahsa Vahdat was at the World Sufi Spirit Festival at Jodhpur this week. She spoke on being an inspiration to her students,...

Friday, February 24, 2012

5:32 PM

New salwar designs

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

4:27 PM

SENSEX has jumped 19% this year

SENSEX has jumped 19% this year (ignoring today's fall of more than 100 Nifty points) on enormous liquidity from EU & USA & has wiped more than 3/4th of 25% losses it suffered...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

8:33 PM

Reason to take holiday

बहाणा सुट्टीचा शनिवार-रविवारची सुट्टी मस्त मजेत गेल्यावर उगवते सुपरिचित सोमवार सकाळ. पुन्हा तीच तयारी, तीच ट्रेन, तेच ऑफिस...सुट्टी घ्यावी की नको असं मनात येताच...
5:10 PM

Bermuda Triangle: what happened to Flight 19? - BBC

2:51 PM

Is it okay to give pets food that contains salt and sugar?

Is it okay to give pets food that contains salt and sugar? Eating too much salt can cause excessive thirst and urination and lead to sodium ion poisoning in pets. Symptoms of too...

Monday, February 20, 2012

8:15 PM

Chalk and Chuckles,

Chalk and Chuckles, A Delhi-based three month-old toy company has launched a collection of 14 games that are not run-of -the-mill concepts. The games, which have an educational slant,...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

10:16 PM

शिवरायांचा शंभू छावा, हिंदू म्हणुनी अमर जाहला।।

छत्रपती शिवरायांच्या मृत्यूनंतर स्वराज्य टिकवण्यासाठी, वाढवण्यासाठी अंतर्गत कलहाशी व शत्रूशी समर्थपणे व प्राणपणाने लढणारे धर्मवीर!             ...
9:38 PM

Marathi audio Books MP3 download

नमस्कार मंडळी! मराठी बोलत्या पुस्तकांच्या जगात आपले हार्दिक स्वागत! Welcome to Marathi audio Books MP3 download आजच्या धकाधकीच्या जगात आपल्यासारख्या "खाऊन-पिऊन सुखी" माणसाला सर्वात...
9:22 PM

Kavi Bhushan shivkavya

 Kavi Bhushan shivkavya कवी भूषण ह्यांचे एक शिवकाव्य - कूरम कमल कमधुज है कदम फूल । गौर है गुलाब, राना केतकी विराज है । पांडुरी पँवार जूही सोहत है चन्दावत । सरस बुन्देला सो...
9:01 PM

या सह्याद्रीला, या स्वराज्याला, या शिवराज्याला आपल्या रक्ताने अभिषेक घालणाऱ्या मावळ्यांना मानाचा मुजरा...

या सह्याद्रीला, या स्वराज्याला, या शिवराज्याला आपल्या रक्ताने अभिषेक घालणाऱ्या मावळ्यांना मानाचा मुजरा... बाजी पासलकर बाजी पासलकर हे मोस मावळखोर्यातचे वतनदार.निगडे मोसे गावापासून...
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