Sunday, October 30, 2011

Something interesting


This clever little katydid is showing off the large spots on its wings – kinda looks like someone is watching you, no? It also resembles a dead leaf. These tricks are meant to ward off predators. It was discovered recently, in 2006, in the Guyana’s Acarai Mountains.

The highest scoring word in Scrabble, BENZOXYCAMPHORS (a chemical), is worth 1,970 points!


You can’t wear these sneakers, nor can you walk in them! Here comes the Gangster CD Stereo Sneaker which is a sneaky way to play your favourite tracks. With a slot for CDs, this shoe-speaker will surely make your personal computer look different. But your mom might not be too happy to have a shoe on the PC table.

The first known Seven Wonders of the World list was made by Greek historian Herodotus (in about 305 BC). Greeks travellers were very impressed by the great structures they saw on their journeys. And Herodotus decided to make a list of these impressive structures. Seven they believed represented perfection and plenty. Of the seven, only the Great Pyramid of Giza (in Egypt) survives today. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Iraq), the Colossus of Rhodes (Greece) and the Lighthouse of Alexandria (Egypt) were all destroyed by earthquakes. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (Turkey), Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus (Turkey), were ruined in floods. And the Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greece) was ruined in a great fire.

1 Which country got free from the 42-year rule of Dictator Muammar Gaddafi? ____________

2 Name the lady who will soon be the first female racer at the Buddh International Circuit.

3 Refuelling stations that will be installed in space are known as _______________.

4 Name the 100-year-old Sikh who completed a 42km marathon. ________________

5 Name the mysterious little dwarf planet which is believed to be covered in ice and may sport
the remnants of an atmosphere.__________________


Did you know that there are different words to describe different kinds of murders? 

The word you use depends on what or who has been killed. But one thing that is common between all these words is their ending. They all end with “cide”. This comes from the Latin word caedere, which means to kill. Here are a few examples. Bet you’ve heard of suicide – that’s the word used to describe for killing yourself. Sui is Latin for oneself. Similarly you can describe words for killing a father (patricide), mother (matricide), wife (uxoride), brother or sister (fratricide). Apart from family, there are words for killing other things too. Homicide is the killing of a human being. Ovicide – killing of eggs. Monstricide – killing of a monster. Tomecide – killing of books. Formicide – killing of ants. Hospiticide – killing of a guest. Deicide – killing of a god. So are you going to remember all of these or commit logocide? You got it – that means the killing of the meaning of words.

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