Saturday, October 1, 2011

Today, people who take care of themselves can remain radiant and youthful well past their fifties.

Today, people who take care of themselves can remain radiant and youthful well past their fifties.
here are some aspects you must keep in mind to maintain your skin.

SLEEP: If you are sleep deprived, you age much faster. Your sleep should be proportional to the amount of mental work you do. If you do not have time, meditate twice a day for 15 minutes to improve the quality of your mental rest.

WATER: Many of us may not be aware of the fact that water poor in minerals can be nutritionally deficient. Drink one to two litres of water per day. The best time to drink water is as soon as you wake up, and several times after that till sunset.
Sipping warm water one hour after meals helps to keep the digestion going, especially if you have eaten oily food.

HEALTHY BLOOD AND BLOOD FLOW: If your blood is full of toxins, you can develop sallow skin. To keep blood healthy, drink aloe vera juice, amla juice, tulsi and neem juice (1 tsp each diluted with water). Unani and ayurvedic medicines have remedies to ensure healthy blood. The second aspect is the circulation of blood within the body. To achieve good circulation, do some aerobic activity daily.

CHEMICAL-FREE FOOD: Foods laced with preservatives and stabilisers cannot contribute to healthy skin.
A LOVELY SMILE: Many people do not realise that their thoughts are mirrored on their faces. If you are carrying thoughts of anger, criticism, bitterness, etc., then over time you develop a grumpy look.

BASIC CLEANSING: Taking off makeup at night is important as makeup can clog skin. Nail varnishes make nails yellow and dry, so apply oil regularly and keep nails free of varnish for weeks. Lipsticks make the lips dull, so apply natural oils or moisturisers regularly.

DETOXIFYING ROUTINE: Keep aside one day a week to eat fruits, salads and nuts and drink water to detoxify body and skin.

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