Sunday, October 9, 2011

Politicians eyeing Osho's Rs.1,000 cr property in Pune Two disciples petition charity commissioner against sale of Osho property in Pune

A major property dispute is beginning to erupt over the Koregaon Park properties controlled by the Osho International Foundation (OIF), spread over 35 acres and estimated at Rs1,000 crore.
On Wednesday, two followers of Osho petitioned the charity commissioner, Mumbai, raising objections to OIF's application filed under section 36 of the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, which states that "pre-sanction of charity commissioner for sale/mortgage of immovable property of public trust is must irrespective of what is mentioned in the bye-laws of the trust."
The petitioners, Yogesh Thakkar and Kishore Raval prayed that "the application to sell the property be rejected" as the Pune properties were established by Osho's followers "with hard labour, time, money and dedication". They stated that the OIF's trustees were influenced by three individuals "in an attempt to sell the trust premises to politically influenced (sic) persons from Pune and Mumbai". The three — Michael O'Byrne, George Meredith and Darcy O'Byrne — took control of the trusts after Osho's death on January 19, 1990. The petition alleged that efforts were on to convert the activities of the Foundation into a private limited company, for which a company called "Osho Multimedia & Resorts Pvt Ltd" had been established "wherein the trustees are directors of the said company".

This company, the petition said, was established for commercial gains, which went against the basic principles of Osho and his philosophy.
The petition stated that the Pune properties of the Osho Foundation represent a spiritual home for the Osho community worldwide, and if this sale is allowed by the Charity Commissioner, it would cause a "great loss to Osho's legacy which he has left for mankind."
Incidentally, Osho's Samadhi, with his ashes, is located in the erstwhile Osho Commune that was later transformed into the Osho International Meditation Resort. Originally established on a five-acre plot after Osho moved base from Mumbai (then Bombay) to Pune in the mid-1970s, the Commune gradually expanded to own 35 acres of property in Pune.
An online "Save Osho Premises at Pune" campaign has already begun among Osho's followers worldwide to galvanise support for the impending battle.

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