Friday, September 30, 2016

7:13 PM

भारतीय घटना दुरुस्ती

119 ghatna durusti 97 ghatna durusti 74 vi ghatna durusti bhartiya rajya ghatna pdf free download mini ghatna durusti rajya ghatna durusti sahakar kayda 97 44 vi ghatna durusti bhartiya...
7:03 PM

home rule movement in marathi

ज्या धर्तीवर आयर्लंडमध्ये होमरूल चळवळ home rule movement जोरात होती तशी ती भारतात का करू नये अशी कल्पना १९१५ साली काँग्रेसच्या अधिवेशनात डॉ. अॅनी बेझंट यांनी मांडली. त्या स्वत: आयर्लंडमधीलच...
6:57 PM

Bangladesh 1971 war history in Marathi

गोवा मुक्ती, चीन (१९६२), पाकिस्तान (१९६५) या युद्धांबरोबरच ४५ वर्षांपूर्वी झालेले १९७१ चे युद्ध हा एक निर्णायक टप्पा ठरला. 'युद्धात निर्णायक विजय न मिळवणारा देश तो भारत' अशी एक नकारात्मक...
6:49 PM

Goa independence from Portugal

स्वातंत्र्योत्तर भारतातील महत्त्वाचे टप्पे हा स्पर्धा परीक्षांच्या अभ्यासातील एक अपरिहार्य घटक आहे. आपण भारत-चीन युद्ध बघितले. तसाच एक महत्त्वाचा टप्पा गाठला गेला तो गोव्याच्या मुक्ततेने. पूर्वरंग१५१०...
6:38 PM

Mohenjo Daro in marathi

Mohenjo Daro 'मोहेंजोदारो' mohenjo daro म्हणजे मृतांचे शहर. आजच्या पाकिस्तानातील सिंधचे रहिवासी या शहराला मृतांचे शहर म्हणतात. नुकताच या विषयावर चित्रपट येऊन गेला. अशा विषयावर...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

2:07 PM

Sindh occupied, Hindus in Pakistan are seen as Enemies

Asad Chandio Asad Chandio is a journalist and a human rights activist based in Sindh, Pakistan. He has been the force that has exposed brutalities done against Pakistani Hindus...
1:41 PM

Python Snake

Python Snake Python Snake anaconda snakepython snake picturespython snake videopython snake informationpython snake factspython snake petpython snake wi...
1:39 PM

Internationalise Pak Villainy

 Internationalise Pak VillainyBaijayant `Jay' PandaKautilya's principles of realpolitik must replace idealism in India's Pakistan policyVisiting Washington DC earlier this...
1:35 PM

Bugti plea sent to IB, final call rests with Cabinet

The Union cabinet will take a call on Baloch separatist Brahamdagh Bugti's request for political asylum. His application is currently being vetted by intelligence agencies.The Union...
1:34 PM

MFN status to be another small cut to bleed Pakistan

Looking to further step up its offensive after the Uri attack, the government will explore the option of taking Pakistan to the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) dispute resolution...
1:27 PM

`Brutalising Baloches worst form of state oppression'

External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj on Monday bluntly told the United Nations General Assembly , “...Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and will always remain so.“The...
1:25 PM

Madrassas in Pak radicalising youth: Int'l group's report

A recent report by Brussels-based Crisis Group which focuses on the role of madrassas in promoting religious extremism in Pakistan's Punjab, corroborates PM Narendra Modi's assertion...
1:23 PM

Dr Allah Nazar

dr allah nazar 'Pakistan is nest of religious extremism, there will be no peace as long as it is there'Dr Allah Nazar , who has a degree in medicine, is the leading face of the...
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