Thursday, September 1, 2011

Most men pack in their grooming kit before going on a vacation, says a study

No holiday without my hairdryer!

Most men pack in their grooming kit before going on a vacation, says a study

You've noticed it. Your guy never forgets his hair-spray or anti-suntan lotion when packing for a trip. More and more men are turning to their grooming kit when it comes to packing bags for a vacation.
A new study has found that men refuse to travel without their hair straighteners, hairdryers and travel irons. According to a survey, one in eight men say that they can't go away without their hair straighteners, while almost one in five admit to taking a hairdryer with them on holiday. While the average women carry just three electrical items, a man packs seven!
Rohan Dixit, a marketing executive, says, "If I'm going to the beach, I have to have my anti-suntan lotion. And if it's a party destination, I obviously need to carry my hair gels and hairdryer."
A lot of men are even rushing to pick up last-minute travel essentials such as hair brushes, moisturisers and travel irons. Nail clippers, toothbrush and creams complete the kit. "I had to go to Singapore for a work offsite and I realised that I desperately needed an iron for my suits. So on the way to the airport, I picked one up," says Eugene D'Souza, a software engineer.
The survey also found that four times as many men as women would opt for the iron above anything else, including an MP3 player, if they were only able to take one gadget away with them. Most men want to look preened and presentable on a holiday just like their women counterparts. Rahul Rai, a businessman, jokes, "If girls want to look pretty when on a holiday, why can't men look hot so as to get some extra attention? We are vain people too, you see!"

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