Registration Marriage certificate India Mumbai Thane office documents attestation affidavit in registrar procedure
100% Fengshui Remedies to get pregnant - स्त्रीला गरोदर कसे करावे ? पाहण्यासाठी येथे या
Govt suggests need for speed in registering marriages | ||
In a bid to reduce the number of cases of honour killings and to avoid unnecessary harassment from external sources against a couple intending to marry, the law ministry is considering major amendments to the Special Marriage Act.
Accepting the latest report of the law commission of India, the ministry is mulling over the amendments in the Special Marriage Act to simplify it further. “Even for family members who support the couple, the procedure under the Special Marriage Act should be simplified. The time gap between the date of giving notice of marriage and the registration should be removed, and the entire process of registration of marriage should be expedited,” the commission has suggested. It also suggested that the domicile restriction be removed. An official in the ministry said, “We have made the suggested amendments in the Special Marriage Act and will put these before the cabinet meeting for further discussion. If they arrive at a consensus, the amendments might be tabled in the winter session of the Parliament.” For young couples who fear persecution in the name of honour and tradition even after getting married legally, the commission has recommended that caste panchayats be declared unlawful. The panel has also objected to a Supreme Court directive to all high courts and district courts, asking them to send those found guilty of having planned and committed honour killings to the gallows. The commission has instead recommended a maximum jail term of seven years for members of caste panchayats who object to legally valid marriages in the name of honour. “The new proposed law on such unlawful assemblies has defined three separate offences, with a maximum jail term of seven years. The acts of endangerment of liberty including social boycott, harassment, etc of the couple or their family members are treated as offences punishable with mandatory minimum sentence,” the commission observed. |
Marriage certificate Mumbai and Thane India
Marriage registration at Mulund T-ward begins
The T-ward office of Mulund started issuing marriage registration forms from Saturday. The civic body will be able to register marriages performed as per Vedic rituals by Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists.Ashwin Khanolkar, assistant commissioner, T-Ward, said, “We have started issuing registration forms from today. The response has been good.” He further added that those marriage certificates will be issued by the municipal ward office on payment of Rs100 as processing fee.
The forms will be issued between 11 am to 12 pm at the T-Ward. After scrutinising the application, the respected parties will be given a date and time on which they will have to remain present to get their marriage certificate.
The couple will have to submit age and residence proof, three witnesses and their proof and wedding card to get their marriage registered.
On March 1, the Deputy Inspector General of Registration and Stamps in Bandra handed over the responsibility of issuing marriage certificates to the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). A government order was also issued, directing the BMC to start marriage registrations at local ward offices.
How do I get a marriage certificate?
What is marriage certificate? A marriage certificate is a proof of registration of marriage. Why it is needed? The need for a marriage certificate arises in case you need to prove that you are legally married to someone. The purposes of marriage certificate are meaningful at the time of obtaining a passport, changing your maiden name. Legal Framework In India a marriage can be registered under either of the two marriage act.
a) The Hindu Marriage Act 1955
b) The Special Marriage Act 1954
The parties to a Hindu Marriage should be unmarried or divorced, or if previously married, the spouse by that marriage should not be alive. In addition, the parties should be physically and mentally healthy and must not be related in a way prohibited by the Law. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable only to the Hindus, where as the special marriage act applicable to all citizens of India. The Hindu Marriage Act provides for registration of an already solemnized marriage. It does not provide for solemnization of marriage by the registrar. The Special Marriage Act provides for solemnization of a marriage as well as registration by a marriage officer. Eligibility Criteria To be eligible for marriage the minimum age limit is 21 for males and 18 for females. Concerned Authority a) In urban areas – Deputy Commissioner—for Corporations --Executive Officer—for Municipalities/NACs
b) In rural areas – BDO Procedures 1. The parties to the marriage have to apply to the concerned authority in whose jurisdiction the marriage is solemnized or either party to the marriage has been residing.
2. The Form No. ‘B’ is to be taken from the concerned office either before marriage or after marriage.
3. Visit the treasury for buying the specified chalan for the purpose. Necessary Documents to be attached 1. Treasury Chalan of respective amount as specified is to attached with the application form.
2. Joint photograph of marriage of both bride and groom is to attached with the form.
3. Invitation Card of marriage of both bride and groom is to be attached with the form.
4. Affidavit of Notary/Executive Magistrate that the couple is married under Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and staying together. Attach the affidavit with the form.
5. Residential proof of Bride/Groom of the local area is to be attached with the form. Fees 1. Within 1month of marriage, treasury chalan of Rs. 7/-
2. After 1 month of marriage, treasury chalan of Rs. 7/- + fine Rs.25/- Most Important Both the guardians have to be present at the time of registration of petition. Verification Procedures of documents 1. For Age Proof – Verification of Certificate
2. Affidavit is to be verified. 3. Name and present address of applicant/parties is to be verified.
4. Name and present address of father/guardian is to be verified.
5. Date and place of marriage
6. Name and address of witness of marriage is to be verified. Time schedule for issuance of certificateGenerally within three days of registration Whom to register complains 1. Municipal Corporations—Deputy Commissioner
2. Municipalities/NACs—Executive Officer
3. Blocks—BDO For More Information Contact Above mentioned offices.In Thane You can register your marriage certificate at
Thane Municipal Corporation(TMC)
Manisha Nagar
Kalwa,Thane 400 605.
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Obtain Marriage Certificate
What is a Marriage Certificate and Why is it Needed?
A Marriage Certificate is the proof of registration of a marriage. The need for a Marriage Certificate arises in case you need to prove that you are legally married to someone, for purposes like obtaining a passport, changing your maiden name, etc.Legal Framework
In India, a marriage can be registered under either of the two Marriage Acts: the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (External website that opens in a new window) or the Special Marriage Act, 1954 (External website that opens in a new window). To be eligible for marriage, the minimum age limit is 21 for males and 18 for females. The parties to a Hindu marriage should be unmarried or divorced, or if previously married, the spouse by that marriage should not be alive. In addition, the parties should be physically and mentally healthy and must not be related in a way prohibited by the law.The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable only to the Hindus, whereas the Special Marriage Act is applicable to all citizens of India.
The Hindu Marriage Act provides for registration of an already solemnised marriage. It does not provide for solemnisation of a marriage by the Registrar. The Special Marriage Act provides for solemnisation of a marriage as well as registration by a Marriage Officer.
What You Need to Do to Obtain a Marriage Certificate
Under the Hindu Marriage Act:
Parties to the marriage have to apply to the Registrar in whose jurisdiction the marriage is solemnised or to the Registrar in whose jurisdiction either party to the marriage has been residing at least for six months immediately preceding the date of marriage. Both the parties have to appear before the Registrar along with their parents or guardians or other witnesses within one month from the date of marriage. There is a provision for condonation of delay up to 5 years, by the Registrar, and thereafter by the District Registrar concerned.Under the Special Marriage Act:
The parties to the intended marriage have to give a notice to the Marriage Officer in whose jurisdiction at least one of the parties has resided for not less than 30 days prior to the date of notice. It should be affixed at some conspicuous place in his office. If either of the parties is residing in the area of another Marriage Officer, a copy of the notice should be sent to him for similar publication. The marriage may be solemnised after the expiry of one month from the date of publication of the notice, if no objections are received. If any objections are received, the Marriage Officer has to enquire into them and take a decision either to solemnise the marriage or to refuse it. Registration will be done after solemnisation of the marriage.Any marriage already celebrated can also be registered under the Special Marriage Act after giving a public notice of 30 days, subject to conditions. However, as stated above, the bridegroom and the bride must have completed 21 years and 18 years of age respectively
A marriage which has already been solemnised can be registered either under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable in cases where both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs or where they have converted into any of these religions. Where either of the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs, the marriage is registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
Further, marriage can be solemnised between any two persons under the provisions of the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
Registration of Marriages which have already been solemnised. Solemnisation of Marriage under Special Marriage Act Degree of Prohibited relationship as per the Hindu Marriage Act, Degrees of Prohibited relationship as per the Special Marriage Act The First Schedule [Degree of Prohibited Relationship]
Registration of Marriages which have already been solemnised.
Q1. What is the procedure for Solemnization of marriage / Registration of marriage?
i. Procedure for Registration under HMA.
ii. Procedure for Registration under SMA.
iii. Procedure for Solemnization of marriage under SMA.
Q. Where do I have to go and during which hours?
To the office of Additional Divisional Magistrate in whose jurisdiction any of the husband or wife resides, during 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any working day. The office is located in the DC office complex on main Mehrauli Badarpur Road and near Anupam Appt. for assistance of public, reception counter is manned during the official hours for proper guidance. Necessary forms can also be obtained from Reception Counter or can be downloaded from this site.
Q. Which papers/documents/fees, do I have to take with me?
1. Hindu /Special marriage Application form duly signed by both husband and wife. 2. Hindhu/Special marriage Documentary evidence of date of birth of parties (Matriculation Certificate / Passport / Birth Certificate) Minimum age of both parties is 21 years at the time of registration under the Special Marriage Act. 3.Residential proof of husband and wife . 4.In case of Special Marriage Act, documentary evidence regarding stay in Delhi of the parties for more than 30 days (ration card or report from the concerned SHO). 5. Hindu marriage Affidavit by both the parties stating place and date of marriage, date of birth, marital status at the time of marriage and nationality. 6.Two Hindu/Special marriage passport size photographs of both the parties and one marriage photograph. 7.Marriage invitation Hindu marriage card, if available. 8. Hindu marriage If marriage was solemnized in a religious place, a certificate from the priest is required who solemnized the marriage. 9.Rs. 10/- in case of Hindu Marriage Act and Rs.15/- in case of Special Marriage Act to be deposited with the cashier of District and the receipt should be attached with the application form. 10.Affirmation that the parties are not related to each other within the prohibited degree of relationship as per Hindu Marriage Act or Special Marriage Act as the case may be. For details of such relationships Click here. 11.Attested copy of divorce decree/order in case of a divorcee and death certificate of spouse in case of widow/widower. 12.In case one of the parties belong to other than Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and Sikh religions, a conversion certificate from the priest who solemnized the marriage (in case of Hindu Marriage Act). 13. In case one of the parties is a foreign national, no objection certificate/marital Status certificate from the concerned embassy.
All documents excluding receipt should be attested by a Gazetted Officer.
Q. What will be the criteria used while deciding my case?A) Hindu Marriage Act
Verification of all the documents is carried out on the date of application and a day is fixed and communicated to the parties for registration. On the said day, both parties, alongwith a Gazetted Officer who attended their marriage, need to be present before the ADM. The Certificate is issued on the same day
B) Special Marriage Act
Both parties are required to be present after submission of documents for issuance of public notice inviting objections. One copy of notice is pasted on the notice board of the office and copy of the notice is sent by registered post to marriage officer of the area where either of the parties having present/permanent address. Registration is done 30 days after the date of notice after deciding any objection that may have been received during that period by the ADM. Both parties along with three witnesses are required to be present on the date of registration/Solemnization. For filing objection, register is available with the Dealing Assistant in the office of ADM(S).
Q. Are the advocates required for registration/ Solemenization.
Both the registration under HMA & SMA and solemnization of marriage under SMA is a very simple procedure and does not required any LEGAL HELP / ASSISTANCE. It is advised that parties should present their case directly.
Q. What are the relevant Forms?
One copy of notice is pasted on the notice board of the office and copy of the notice is sent by registered post to marriage officer of the area where either of the parties having present/permanent address.
Q. When will I get a response?
In case of Hindu Marriage Act, at the time of filing duly completed application form, a due date vide acknowledgement of receipt of application form is given . On that date necessary formalities can be completed. In case of registration / solemnization of marriage under Special Marriage Act, notice of 30 days after appearance of both the parties the marriage officer is mandatory. Once the application along with the prescribed document is presented, the date for appearance before the marriage officer is given vide acknowledgement
Solemnization of Marriage under Special Marriage Act
Special Marriage Act, 1954 provides for solemnization of marriages in accordance with the provisions of the Act. SDMs/ADMs/Deputy Commissioners have been authorized as Marriage Officers for this purpose.
Q. What will be the criteria used while deciding my case?
For solemnization of marriage, presence of both parties is required after submission of documents of issuance of notice of intended marriage. A copy of the notice is pasted on the office notice board by the ADM. Any person may within 30 days of issue of notice , file objection to the intended marriages. In such a case, the SDM shall not solemnize the marriage until he has decided the objection, within 30 days of its receipt. If the ADM refuses to solemnize the marriage, any of the parties may file an appeal within 30 days to the District Court. In case no objection is received, the ADM solemnizes the marriage after 30 days of the notice. Both parties along with 3 witnesses are required to be present on the date of solemnization of marriage. It is advisable to submit names of witnesses at least one day in advance.
Degree of Prohibited relationship as per the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
Section 3 (f):
i. "Sapinda relationship" with reference to any person extends as far as the third generation (inclusive) in the line of ascent through the mother, and the fifth (inclusive) in the line of ascent through the father, the line being traced upwards in each case from the person concerned, who is to be counted as the first generation;
ii. Two persons are said to "sapindas" of each other if one is a lineal ascendant of the other within the limits of sapinda relationship, or if they have a common lineal ascendant who is within the limits of sapinda relationship with reference to each of them;8
Section 3 (g):
"degrees of prohibited relationship" - two persons are said to be within the "degrees of prohibited relationship" -
i. if one is a lineal ascendant of the other; or ii.if one was the wife or husband of a lineal ascendant or descendant of the other; or iii. if one was the wife of the brother or the father's or mother's brother or of the grandfather's or grandmother's brother of the other; or iv. if the two are brother and sister, uncle and niece, aunt and nephew, or children of brother and sister or of two brothers or of two sisters;
Explanation - For the purposes of clauses 3(f) and 3(g), relationship includes -
i. relationship by half or uterine blood as well as by full blood;
ii. illegitimate blood relationship as well as legitimate;
iii. relationship by adoption as well as by blood;
and all terms of relationship in those clauses shall be construed accordingly.
Degrees of Prohibited relationship as per the Special Marriage Act, 1954
Section 2 (b):
"Degrees of prohibited relationship" - a man and any of the persons mentioned in Part I of the First Schedule and a woman and any of the persons mentioned in Part II of the said Schedule are within the degrees of prohibited relationship.
Explanation (I) - Relationship includes, --
a. relationship by half or uterine blood as well as by full blood;
b. illegitimate blood relationship as well as legitimate;
c. relationship by adoption as well as by blood;
and all terms of relationship in this Act shall be construed accordingly.
Explanation (II) - "Full blood" and "half blood" - two persons are said to be related to each other by full blood when they are descended from a common ancestor by the same wife and by half blood when they are descended from a common ancestor but by different wives.
Explanation (III) - "Uterine blood" - two persons are said to be related to each other by uterine blood when they are descended from a common ancestress but by different husbands.
Explanation (IV) - In Explanations II and III, "ancestor" includes the father and "ancestress" the mother;
The First Schedule [ Degree Of Prohibited Relationship]
Father's widow (step mother).
Mother's mother.
Mother's father's widow (step grand-mother).
Mother's mother's mother.
Mother's mother's father's widow (step great grand-mother).
Mothers's father's mother.
Mother's father's father's widow (step great grand-mother).
Father's mother.
Father's father's widow (step grand-mother).
Father's mother's mother.
Father's mother's father's widow (step great grand-mother).
Father's father's mother.
Father's father's father's widow (step great grand-mother).
Son's widow.
Daughter's daughter.
Daughter's son's widow.
Son's daughter.
Son's son's widow.
Daughter's daughter's daughter.
Daughter's daughter's son's widow.
Daughter's son's daughter.
Daughter's son's son's widow.
Son's daughter's daughter.
Son's daughter's son's widow.
Son's son's daughter.
Son's son's son's widow.
Sister's daughter.
Brother's daughter.
Mother's sister.
Father's sister.
Father's brother's daughter.
Father's sister's daughter.
Mother's sister's daughter.
Mother's brother's daughter.
Explanation - For the purposes of this Part, the expression "widow" includes a divorced wife
Legal Information
There are 3 major legal issues that are important in an inter-religious relationship
- Marriage
- Adoption
- Succession / Inheritance
India being a secular country has made legal provision for marriages of people from different or same religions/faith under Special Marriage Act (SMA) - 1954.
Under the SMA, there are provisions for 2 kinds of marriages. One, marriage can be solemnization between the two aspirants as per Schedule IV, section 13 of the Act. Second, marriage can be registered under section Schedule V, section 16 for the couples who are already married as per any religious ritual. Registration of marriage will be effective from the date of previous marriage. The certificate will also mention the names of children (if any) Procedures for marriage under both the sections are similar.
- Filling of forms : Same forms/affidavits are filed for solemnization and registration of marriage.
- Notice of intended marriage: Details about proofs and credentials are filled in the form. Photographs of the eligible bride and groom are also pasted on the form.
- Declaration: Separate/joint declaration is made by the bride and groom on a stamp paper.
Adoption of children for Hindus is possible under HAMA (Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act), 1956. But for Muslims, Christians, Jews and other individuals of non-Hindu origin religions can only adopt under GWA (Guardian and Ward Act), 1890.
Non Hindu couples/spouse can adopt as parents under Section 41 of Juvenile Justice Act 2000.
The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai The Mumbai Metropolis has a historic tradition of strong civic activism dedicated to the cause of a better life for all its citizens. And it's the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), the primary agency responsible for urban governance in Greater Mumbai.
From the time of its establishment in 1882 as India's first municipal corporation, numerous non-political groups, NGO's and organizations of citizens have worked closely with the civic body in the fields of education, public health, creation of urban amenities, art and culture, heritage conservation, etc.
MCGM is one of the largest local governments in the Asian continent.
How to apply for Death Certificate, mumbai and thane
software, Me Nagarsevak
The old style of election campaigning is passé.Soon, arduous tasks, such as going through thick piles of voters’ list, and keeping accounts documents related to election expenses, will be a thing of the past.
Several candidates for the upcoming Kalyan-Dombivli Municipal Corporation (KDMC) elections have acquired a software, Me Nagarsevak, which has been designed especially for Indian elections, and it promises to make electioneering easier.
“The software is very simple, and it’s available for every ward. For example, if a person is contesting from ward no 17, we feed in the software all details, such as voters’ names, age and their addresses. If the candidate wants, he can also put the additional information such as changed address, caste, allotted booth, and allotted local leader for that particular area,” said T Onkar of Unity Infotech, which developed the software.
The software will also make it easy for a candidate to maintain an account of the amounts spent on various campaigns. It also has a feature which keeps an eye on how much of campaign material is given to which area and activist, and the money to be spent on it.
“It just makes sure that every area gets the proper attention and how much of campaigning material is given to a particular area,” Onkar said.
About 100 candidates have already ordered the software and are using it.
An MNS candidate, who will file his nomination papers on Wednesday, said: “Yes, I am using this software. It seems pretty useful, but I have not figured out all the functions yet. Let’s see how it works out for me.”
The software has also been used in the last Haryana and Maharashtra assembly elections, and in the consequent corporation elections. The success of this software in KDMC election means that political parties will definitely need it for the scheduled Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation elections in 2012.
How to register your marriage
While women spend a lot of time and energy planning the perfect wedding, they ignore an important detail that is aimed at their own protection. They forget about the paperwork formalising the union— the marriage certificate. An essential document establishing the marital status of a couple, it was made mandatory by the Supreme Court, in 2006, for every couple, irrespective of religion.
The idea behind the compulsory registration of marriage is to ensure that women are not left high and dry if they are deserted by their husbands. The certificate means the man cannot deny being married and avoiding alimony and maintenance. The procedure for registration is simple. Depending on your religion, you can either register under the Hindu Marriage Act or the Special Marriage Act, which differ in some respects. One, the Hindu Marriage Act sets a minimum age limit of 21 years for the groom and 18 years for the bride, while the latter places a minimum age limit of 21 years for both the partners. Two, the Hindu Marriage Act only allows you to register your marriage, not solemnise it. On the other hand, the Special Marriage Act serves both purposes. Let's consider the steps you need to take under the two Acts.
Hindu Marriage Act
To register under this Act, both the partners need to be Hindus. The first step is to apply to the sub-registrar under whose jurisdiction the marriage took place. Alternatively, you can apply to the registrar of the place where either spouse stayed for at least six months before marriage. Both partners need to fill the relevant application form, sign it, and submit it, along with photocopies of the necessary documents , such as age proof and address proof (see box). For proof of marriage, submit a certificate from the priest who solemnised the marriage. Keep in mind that both parties will need to disclose their previous marital status, if any. All the documents should be attested by a gazetted officer. Lastly, you will have to deposit a fee with the cashier and attach the receipt with the form.
Once the application has been submitted and the documents verified , the concerned officer will assign a date for registration, when the marriage certificate will be issued . The people who have converted to Hinduism also come under the purview of the Act, but will have to provide a certificate of conversion from the priest who solemnised the marriage, along with relevant documents.
Special Marriage Act
This Act covers both marriage solemnising and registration, and requires the same documents as prescribed under the Hindu Marriage Act. However, the procedure is complex. To begin with, both the parties have to give a 30-day notice to the sub-registrar in whose jurisdiction at least one spouse has resided . If you are marrying under this Act, you won't need to submit a wedding card and the priest's certificate, and the registration will take place after the wedding. If you are married, include the wedding card, if possible. The fee is again 100-200 .
One copy of the notice is put up on the sub-registrar's office board, and another is sent by registered post to both the partners. If either spouse is residing in another subregistrar's area, a copy has to be sent to him for similar publication. If there is no objection, say, from divorced spouses, the marriage is registered one month from the date of publication of the notice. In case of objection, the marriage officer conducts an enquiry and the marriage is registered after the enquiry concludes.
Document checklist
Application form signed by husband and wife. Evidence of date of birth. Proof of residence. Affidavit by both the parties, stating place and date of marriage, date of birth, marital status at the time of marriage , and nationalities. Passport-sized photographs of both and one marriage photograph. Marriage invitation card, if available. Certificate from the priest who solemnised the marriage. Certificate of conversion if either party is a convert, from the priest who solemnised the marriage. Affirmation that the parties are not related to each other within the prohibited degree of relationship. Attested copy of the divorce decree, if applicable, and death certificate of spouse if a partner is a widow or a widower.
How to Obtain Marriage Certificate
A) Marriages to be solemnized under special marriage Act. 1954
- How to apply : Applicant has to apply in the prescribed form. The age limit for Bridegroom 21 years and Bride is 18 years
- What Document to attach :
- Bride and Bridegroom age proof ( Leaving Certificate or Passport or birth Certificate or Domicile Certificate or SSC Board Certificate)
- Bride & Bridegroom residential proof ( Ration Card or Passport or Election card or Light bill and Telephone bill of own name)
- Photograph of both Bride and Bridegroom
- All above document along with original +1 attested Xerox copy
- In case of Divorcees : Divorce Decree Certificate must be produced
- In case of widow and widower : Municipal Death Certificate of concerned person must be produced
- Application to be made in the prescribed form duly signed by Husband & Wife
- Marriage should have taken any place in the India and both should be living together in Marriage Officer Jurisdiction
- Under U/s 16 of Special Marriage, Application should be given in 30 days advance.
- Residential proof of both should be attached with application
- Applicant has to submit the memorandum of marriage forms ( which are supplied in the office of Marriage officer Mumbai.) affixed with Rs. 100 court fee stamp
- Document to be attached :
- Bride & Bridegroom Age proof: Leaving Certificate OR Passport OR Birth Certificate R Domicile Certificate OR PAN Card
- Bride & Bridegroom Residential Proof : Ration Card OR Passport OR Election Card OR Light Bill and Telephone Bill of own name.
- Three (3)Witness Proof :- Ration Card OR Passport OR Election Card OR Driving Licence OR Govt. Identity Card.
- Wedding Card
- In case of non availability of Wedding card Rs 100=00 Stamp Paper Affidavit of both husband wife and three witnesses is required
- Rs. 100=00/- Court Fee Stamp
- Photographs of both Bridegroom / Bride
- All above documents should be submitted along with Original + 1 Attested Zerox copy. The parties (Bride & groom) and Three witnesses to the marriage shall appear in person before the Registrar and sign and memorandum under section 6(B) of Maharashtra Marriage Act, 1998
- In case of Divorcees, Divorce Decree Certificate Must be produced
- In case of widow and widower Death Certificate of concerti person must produce.
Court marriage mumbai Documents Required
(1) Age proof (Any one document from below list)
- Birth Certificate
- School Leaving Certificate
- College Leaving Certificate
- Passport
- School or college passing certificate showing DOB
- Any other documents of college/school showing DOB
(2) Residential Proof: (Any 1 from below)
- Ration Card
- Passport
- Electricity bill on your name
- Telephone Bill on your name
- Election card
- Bank passbook
(3) Photographs & Witnesses
- 4-4 passport size photographs of bride & Groom
- 3 Common witnesses,
- 2-2 photographs of witness
- Anyone document of residential proof.
In case you’re marriage is already Solemnised, you need following additional documents:
- Age proof & residential proof (As shown above)
- Wedding card
- Signature of priest/Kazi who performed your marriage (or Nikah for Muslim)
- Certificate of Church certificate (In case of Christian marriage registration)
Download - Application form for Registration of Hindu Marriage Fengshui Remedies to get pregnant - स्त्रीला गरोदर कसे करावे ? पाहण्यासाठी येथे या
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Easily understand the 3 Hour Court Marriage Procedure in Mumbai. Both the partners need to perform their marriage according to their Vedic ritual i.e, Arya Samaj Marriage & Marriage Registration in court.
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