Sunday, August 28, 2011

How to eat Bok Choy, Fenugreek and Pomegranate

Bok Choy
Bok choy is available today in several
supermarkets. It is a light crunchy vegetable,
which is ideal for soups, salads
and stir fries. It is a cruciferous vegetable,
and this means that it has properties
that can reduce the risk of developing
certain types of cancer. It is also a
low calorie food and a good source of
vitamin A, C and K.
Sauteed Bok Choy: Wash the bok choy thoroughly
and cut the stalks and leaves. Heat some vegetable
oil in a wok. Add grated ginger and fry for about
30s. Add the bok choy, and stir. Add soy sauce and
salt according to taste. Sprinkle toasted sesame
seeds on the mix.

Peeling a pomegranate is no easy
task. But there are good reasons to put
in the effort, their lovely taste being
just one of them. Initial research has
shown that pomegranate juice helps in
LDL oxidation, and is effective in reducing
blood pressure. Pomegranates are
also a good source of fibre, which is
contained within the seeds. The seeds
are also a source of unsaturated oils. So
it’s best to consume pomegranate
along with the seeds.

These seeds are often used in the tadka
of Indian dishes or their powder is
added to lend a warm aroma to a dish.
Fenugreek has also been used for a
long time to improve the production of
breast milk. In 2011, Australian researchers
showed that fenugreek could
improve the male libido. It is believed
that fenugreek contains a compound
called saponin that improves the
production of sex hormones.

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