List of Books Syllabus Books for each Semester - Author and Publisher
1 - Stoichiometry - Bhatt B. I. and Vora S. M - Tata McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 2004~~~~ 2 - Basic Principles & Calculations in Chemical Engineering - Himmelblau D. M - Tata McGraw-Hill, 7th Edition, 2004.~~~~ 3 - Unit operations in Chemical Engineering, 7th ed - McCabe W. and Smith J.C - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 4 - A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic - Bansal R.K. - Laxmi Publications~~~~ 5 - The Logic of Chemical Synthesis 2nd edition, - Corey E. J. and Cheng X.M. - Wiley-Interscience, 2002.~~~~ 6 - Classics in Total Synthesis: vol 1 - Nicolaou, K.C. Sorensen E. J - Wiley-VCH, 1996.~~~~ 7 - Advanced Organic Chemistry 5th edition - March J. - McGraw Hill International Book Company~~~~ 8 - A Guide To Mechanism in Organic Chemistry - Sykes P - Orient Longman, ~~~~ 9 - Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction 7th ed - Callister W.D. Jr - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 10 - Introduction to material science - Shacketford J.F - McMillan publishing company, Newyork~~~~
- N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland & W. P. Robbins - John Willey and sons~~~~ 57 - Optical Fiber Communication - John Senior - Prentice Hall~~~~ 58 - Microwave and radar Engineering - M. Kulkarni - Laxmi~~~~ 59 - Optical Fiber Communication - G. Keiser - McGraw Hill~~~~ 60 - Fiber Optical Communication - D. C. Aggarwal - -------------~~~~ 61 - Microwave Devices & Circuits - S. Y. Liao - Prentice Hall~~~~ 62 - Microwave Engineering - Peter Rizzi - McGraw Hill~~~~ 63 - Introduction to Data Compression,3 rd ed - Khalid Sayood - Elsvier publication~~~~ 64 - Coding Techniques – Introduction to compression & Error control’ - Graham Wade - Palgrave Publications~~~~ 65 - Data compression – Complete reference3rd ed - Saloman D - springer verlag~~~~ 66 - Data compression, 2nd ed - Levis W.J - Springer ~~~~ 67 - Data Compression book - Nelson Mark . Gaily . Jean , Loup - BPB publication~~~~ 68 - Introduction to semiconductor fabrication - Plummer, Deal , Griffin - Prentice Hall publication ~~~~ 69 - Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd ed - Richard Jaeger - Prentice Hall~~~~ 70 - ULSI Technology - C.Y. Chang and S.M. Sze - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 71 - VLSI fabrication Principles - S.K.Gandhi - John Wiley Inc~~~~ 72 - Computer Organization, 5th ed - Hamacher, Vranesic, Zaky - McGraw Hills~~~~ 73 - Computer Organization and Architecture,4th ed - William Stalling - Pearson Education~~~~ 74 - Advanced Computer Architecture - Richard Y. Kain - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 75 - Advanced Computer Architecture - Kai Hwang - McGraw Hills~~~~ 76 - Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing - Kai Hwang, Faye A. Briggs - McGraw Hills ~~~~ 77 - Computer Networks - William Stallings - Prentice Hall.~~~~ 78 - Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet’ - Kurse & Ross - Addison Wesley~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - B E E&TC - - ~~~~ SR NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR(S) - Publicaton ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 2 - EmbeddedSystem Design - Frank Vahid - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 3 - ARM Developers Guide - Sloss etal - ~~~~ 4 - Embedded / real time System - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 5 - Embedded Real time Systems Programming - Sriram lyer , Pankaj Gupta - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 6 - Embedded System Design - Steve Heath - Neuwans~~~~ 7 - Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - N. Weste and K. Eshranghian - Addison Wesley~~~~ 8 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 9 - VHDL, 2nd Ed - D. Perry - McGraw Hill International~~~~ 10 - CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd - Kang S. M., - TMH~~~~ 11 - Essentials of Electronic Testing for digital memory and mixed signal VLSI circuits - Bushnell Agrawal - Kulwar Academec Publisher~~~~ 12 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 13 - FPGA /CPLD Data Book - - ~~~~ 14 - VHDL Primer - J Bhaskar - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 15 - Mobile Communications - Jachen Schiller - Addison-Wesley ~~~~ 16 - Mobile Communication Design Fundamentals - - John Wiley~~~~ 17 - Wireless Communication and Networks, - Stallings Willaim - Pearson Education~~~~ 18 - WAP-Wireless Application Protocol - - Pearson Education~~~~ 19 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach 2nd - E. C. Ifleachor and B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 20 - Digital signal processing - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 21 - Multirate systems and filter banks - P P Vaidyanathan - PHI~~~~ 22 - Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, Programming & Applications - B Venkatramani, M Bhaskar - TMH~~~~ 23 - Adaptive Filter Theory 4th - Simon Haykin - Pearson Education ~~~~ 24 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 25 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 26 - CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Allen - PHI Publications ~~~~ 27 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Martin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 28 - Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement - Cromwell - PHI Publications ~~~~ 29 - Biomedical Instrumentation - R. S. Khandpur - ~~~~ 30 - Biomedical Instrumentation - Carr and Brown - ~~~~ 31 - Application and Design of Medical Instruments - Webster - ~~~~ 32 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - . B. Yegnanarayana - PHI ~~~~ 33 - Neural Networks-Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques - James A Freeman, David M Skapura - PHI Publications ~~~~ 34 - Neural Network a comprehensive Foundation - Haykin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 35 - Elements of Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 36 - An introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - Anderson - Prentice Hall~~~~ 37 - Introduction toMATLAB 7 for Engineers - William J Palm III - TMH~~~~ 38 - Artificial Intelligence - Eiaine Rich and Kerin Knight - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 39 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott - Addison Wesley~~~~ 40 - Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 41 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligance - Rajendra Akerkar - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 42 - Power Electronics 3rd - M. H. Rashid - Pearson Education~~~~ 43 - Power Electronics - Mohan, Undeland & Robbins - John Wiley~~~~ 44 - Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives - B. K. Bose - Pearson Education~~~~ 45 - Thyristorised Power Controllers - Dubey, Doralda, Joshi & Sinha - New Age International~~~~ 46 - Power Electronics - Singh & Khanchandani - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 47 - Thyristor DC Drives - P. C. Sen - John Wiley~~~~ 48 - Modern TV Practice - R.R.Gulathi - New Age International~~~~ 49 - Audio Video Systems - R.G. Gupta - Technical Education~~~~ 50 - Television and Video Engineering - A. M. Dhake - TMH Publication~~~~ 51 - Digital Television - Herve Benoit - Focal Press~~~~ 52 - Color TV Theory and Practice - S. P. Bali - TMH Publication~~~~ 53 - Basic TV and Video Systems - Bernard Grobb & Charles E - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 54 - Digital Television Fundamentals - Michael Robin & Michel Poulin - McGrawHill~~~~ 55 - HDTV for Dummies - Danny Briere & Pat Hurley - Wiley Publishing~~~~ 56 - Microwave Devices & Circuits - Lio - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 57 - Mobile Cellular Telecommunication - William Lee - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 58 - Optical Fiber Communication - Kaiser - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 59 - Radar System - Skolink - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 60 - Electronic Communication System - Wayne Tomasi - Pearson Edition~~~~ 61 - Electronic Communication System - Frenzel - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 62 - Image processing analysis and machine vision 2nd - Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle - Thomson Learning~~~~ 63 - Machine Vision - Galbiati - ~~~~ 64 - Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 65 - EmbeddedSystem Design - Frank Vahid - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 66 - ARM Developers Guide - Sloss etal - ~~~~ 67 - Embedded / real time System - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 68 - Embedded Real time Systems Programming - Sriram lyer , Pankaj Gupta - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 69 - Embedded System Design - Steve Heath - Neuwans~~~~ 70 - Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - N. Weste and K. Eshranghian - Addison Wesley~~~~ 71 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 72 - VHDL, 2nd Ed - D. Perry - McGraw Hill International~~~~ 73 - CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd - Kang S. M., - TMH~~~~ 74 - Essentials of Electronic Testing for digital memory and mixed signal VLSI circuits - Bushnell Agrawal - Kulwar Academec Publisher~~~~ 75 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 76 - FPGA /CPLD Data Book - - ~~~~ 77 - VHDL Primer - J Bhaskar - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 78 - Mobile Communications - Jachen Schiller - Addison-Wesley ~~~~ 79 - Mobile Communication Design Fundamentals - - John Wiley~~~~ 80 - Wireless Communication and Networks, - Stallings Willaim - Pearson Education~~~~ 81 - WAP-Wireless Application Protocol - - Pearson Education~~~~ 82 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach 2nd - E. C. Ifleachor and B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 83 - Digital signal processing - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 84 - Multirate systems and filter banks - P P Vaidyanathan - PHI~~~~ 85 - Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, Programming & Applications - B Venkatramani, M Bhaskar - TMH~~~~ 86 - Adaptive Filter Theory 4th - Simon Haykin - Pearson Education ~~~~ 87 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 88 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 89 - CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Allen - PHI Publications ~~~~ 90 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Martin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 91 - Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement - Cromwell - PHI Publications ~~~~ 92 - Biomedical Instrumentation - R. S. Khandpur - ~~~~ 93 - Biomedical Instrumentation - Carr and Brown - ~~~~ 94 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - . B. Yegnanarayana - PHI ~~~~ 95 - Neural Networks-Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques - James A Freeman, David M Skapura - PHI Publications ~~~~ 96 - Neural Network a comprehensive Foundation - Haykin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 97 - Elements of Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 98 - An introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - Anderson - Prentice Hall~~~~ 99 - Introduction toMATLAB 7 for Engineers - William J Palm III - TMH~~~~ 100 - Artificial Intelligence - Eiaine Rich and Kerin Knight - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 101 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott - Addison Wesley~~~~ 102 - Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 103 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligance - Rajendra Akerkar - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 104 - Power Electronics 3rd - M. H. Rashid - Pearson Education~~~~ 105 - Power Electronics - Mohan, Undeland & Robbins - John Wiley~~~~ 106 - Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives - B. K. Bose - Pearson Education~~~~ 107 - Thyristorised Power Controllers - Dubey, Doralda, Joshi & Sinha - New Age International~~~~ 108 - Power Electronics - Singh & Khanchandani - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 109 - Thyristor DC Drives - P. C. Sen - John Wiley~~~~ 110 - Modern TV Practice - R.R.Gulathi - New Age International~~~~ 111 - Audio Video Systems - R.G. Gupta - Technical Education~~~~ 112 - Television and Video Engineering - A. M. Dhake - TMH Publication~~~~ 113 - Digital Television - Herve Benoit - Focal Press~~~~ 114 - Color TV Theory and Practice - S. P. Bali - TMH Publication~~~~ 115 - Basic TV and Video Systems - Bernard Grobb & Charles E - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 116 - Digital Television Fundamentals - Michael Robin & Michel Poulin - McGrawHill~~~~ 117 - HDTV for Dummies - Danny Briere & Pat Hurley - Wiley Publishing~~~~ 118 - Microwave Devices & Circuits - Lio - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 119 - Mobile Cellular Telecommunication - William Lee - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 120 - Optical Fiber Communication - Kaiser - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 121 - Radar System - Skolink - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 122 - Electronic Communication System - Wayne Tomasi - Pearson Edition~~~~ 123 - Electronic Communication System - Frenzel - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 124 - Image processing analysis and machine vision 2nd - Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle - Thomson Learning~~~~ 125 - Machine Vision - Galbiati - ~~~~ 126 - EC7134: Project - - ~~~~ 127 - EC7144 : Technical Seminar - - ~~~~ 128 - The Art of Electronics - Paul Horowitz - Cambridge~~~~ 129 - Software Engineering - Roger S. Pressman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 130 - Electronics Instrument Design - Kim Fowler - Oxford~~~~ 131 - Noise reduction techniques in electronics circuits - Henry Ott - Wiley~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - SE ELEX - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Electronic Device & Circuits - Millman Halkias - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 2 - Electronic Devices - Thomas L. Floyd - Pearson Education~~~~ 3 - Solid State Electronic Devices - B.G. Streetman - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.~~~~ 4 - Integrated Electronics - Millman Halkias - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 5 - Microelectronics - Millman Grabel - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 6 - Electronic Devices - Thomas L. Floyd - Pearson Education~~~~ 7 - Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory - Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.~~~~ 8 - Principles of Electronic Communication Systems Third Edition - Louis E Frenzel - TMH Publication~~~~ 9 - Electronic Communication - Kennedy & Davis - TMH Publication~~~~ 10 - Electronic Communication System - Kennedy G - TMH Publication~~~~ 11 - Electronic Communication - Dennis Roddy & Coolen - PHI Publication~~~~ 12 - Modern Control Engineering 4th ed - K. Ogata - Pearson education India~~~~ 13 - Automatic control systems Seventh Edition - B. C. Kuo - Prentice –Hall of India~~~~ 14 - Control systems Engineering Third Ed - Norman S. Nise - John Wiley and sons.Inc~~~~ 15 - Modern Control systems 8th ed - R.C.Dorf and R.H. Bishop - Addison-Wesley~~~~ 16 - Control systems Engineering 3rd ed - I. J. Nagrath and M. Gopal - New age International Publishers~~~~ 17 - Data Structure Using C - Tenenbaum A M & Langsam Y - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 18 - Fundamentals Of Data Structures - Horowits E & Sahni S - Galgotia Book Source New Delhi~~~~ 19 - Data Structure And Programming Design In C. - Kruse R L, Leung B P & Tondo C L - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 20 - Data Structures And Algorithms - Kakde O G & Deshpande - Indian Society For Technical E~~~~ 21 - Data Structures, Algorithms,& Applications In C++ - Sahni S - Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 22 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 8th Ed - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons~~~~ 23 - Higher Engineering Mathematics 38th Ed - Dr. B.S. Grewal - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 24 - Advanced Calculus’Schaum’s out line series - Murray R. Spiegel - ~~~~ 25 - Calculus and analytic Geometry 6th Ed - Thomas, G. B. and Finney - Wesley/Narosa,~~~~ 26 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 2nd Ed - Dennis G. Zill and Michael R. Cullen, - CBS ~~~~ 27 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics second Ed - Michael D.Greenberg - Prentice Hall International~~~~ 28 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 6th Ed - C. Ray Wylie, Louis C Barrett R, - McGraw-Hill Book Company~~~~ 29 - Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists 3rd Ed. - Pipes and Harvill - McGraw-Hill Book Company~~~~ 30 - Mathematical Techniques for Engineers & scientists New Delhi, Indian reprint by SPIE - Larry C., Andrews & Ronald L. Philips, - PHI Pvt. Ltd.~~~~ 31 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics Academic Press 1st Ed., - Alan Jeffrey - Academic Press~~~~ 32 - Numerical Methods for scientific & engineering computations 2nd ed - M. K. Jain, S.R.K Iyengar & R .K. Jain - Wiley Eastern Ltd~~~~ 33 - Electric Instrumentation - Oliver Cage - Tata McGraw Hill.~~~~ 34 - Elecronic Measurment & Instrumentation - Oliver B M & Cage J M - Mcgraw Hill Book Co~~~~ 35 - Digital Instrumentation - J. J. Carr - Tata McGraw Hill.~~~~ 36 - Digital Instrumentation - H.S. Kalsi - Tata McGraw Hill.~~~~ 37 - Electronic Instrumentation Handbook - Coombs - Tata McGraw Hill.~~~~ 38 - Digital Communication - A. J. Bowons - 0~~~~ 39 - Electric Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques - Cooper Helfric - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 40 - Modern Elect.instrumentation & Measurement Tech - Helfrick A D & Cooper W D - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 41 - Electric Instrument & Instrumentation Techniques - M. M. S. Anand - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 42 - Signals And Systems - Haykin Simon & Veen Barry Van - John Wiley & Sons, Inc,~~~~ 43 - Signals and Systems - Roberts Michael J - McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited~~~~ 44 - Signals And Systems (2) - Oppenheim Alan V, Willsky Alan S & Nawab Hamid - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 45 - Signals And Systems - Nagrath I J, Sharan S N, Ranjan R & Kumar S - Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing ~~~~ 46 - Integrated Electronics - Millman Halkias - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 47 - Electronic Device & Circuits - Millman Halkias - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 48 - Electronic circuit analysis & Design - Donald A. Neamen - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 49 - Solid State Electronic Devices - B.G. Streetman - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 50 - Microelectronics - Millman Grabel - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 51 - Electronic Devices - Thomas L. Floyd - Pearson Education~~~~ 52 - Switched mode power supplies - Chryssis - Mcgraw Hill Book Company~~~~ 53 - Switch Mode Power Supply Design - Chetty P R K - Brb Pub.~~~~ 54 - Digital Principles and Applications 6th Ed - Donald P Leach, Albert P Malvino, Goutam Saha - TMGH~~~~ 55 - Microprocessor and Interfacing 2nd Ed - Douglas Hall - MGH~~~~ 56 - Digial Design - 3rd Ed - M. Morris Mano - Pearson~~~~ 57 - Digital Systems :Principles and Applications 8th Ed - Ronald J Tocci, Neal S Widmer - PHI- EEE~~~~ 58 - Fundamentals of Logic Design ,5th Ed - Charles H Roth - Thomson~~~~ 59 - Electrical Circuit Analysis 6 Ed - Kimmerly, Hayt - McGraw Hill Engineering Durbin~~~~ 60 - Analog Filter Design - Van Valkenburg - Oxford Publishing~~~~ 61 - Network Theory and Filter Design - V.K.Aatre - Willey Eastern New Delhi.~~~~ 62 - Network and Systems - D. Roy Choudhary - Willey Eastern New Delhi.~~~~ 63 - Electric Machinery & Transformers - Guru, Hiziroglu - Oxford University Press~~~~ 64 - Electrical Technology. - H. Cotton - CBS~~~~ 65 - Electrical technology - Edward Hughes. - England Longman ~~~~ 66 - Electrical And Electronic Technology - Edward Hughes. - Pearson ~~~~ 67 - Electrical technology – Vol- 1 and 2. - B. L. Theraja - ~~~~ 68 - Electric Machinery 6th Ed - Fitzgerald - TMH~~~~ 69 - Electrical Machines, Drives & Power systems - Theodore Wildi - Pearson Education~~~~ 70 - Electric Machines - Nagrath Kothari - TMH~~~~ 71 - Electrical Machines and transformers. - Irving Kosow - Prentice Hall.~~~~ 72 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics. (5) - Kreysz E - Wiley Eastern Ltd~~~~ 73 - Getting Started With Matlabs:quick Introduction to Scientist and Engineers - Pratap R - Oxford University Press Calcut,~~~~ 74 - Users Manual for Mutisim - - ~~~~ 75 - Visual C++ 5 Programmers Reference - Leinecker R C, - Comdex Computer Publication ~~~~ 76 - Visual C++ Developers Guide - Barkakati N & Hipson P D, - Sam's Pub Div Of Prentice Hall ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - TE ELEX - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Design with opearational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits Third ed - Sergio Franco - TMH~~~~ 2 - Op- amp and Integrated Circuits - Ramakant Gayakwad - PHI~~~~ 3 - Operational Amplifiers - G. B. Clayton - Mc Graw hill International Edition~~~~ 4 - Opearational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits 4th ed - Coughlin, Discroll, - PHI~~~~ 5 - Linear Integrated Circuits - D. Roy Choudhary - New Age International~~~~ 6 - Principles of communication system 2nd ed - Taub Schilling - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 7 - Communication System 4th edition - Carlson - McGrawHill~~~~ 8 - Communication systems 4th ed - Simon Haykin - Wiley Publications~~~~ 9 - Information Theory & cryptography - Ranjan Bose - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 10 - Information Theory coding & cryptography - Ranjan Bose - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 11 - Digital Communication 2nd Ed - B.Sklar - Pearson~~~~ 12 - Digital Communications : Fundamentals And Application - B.Sklar - Addison Wesley~~~~ 13 - Modern Digital & Analog Communication 3rd ed - B.P.Lathi - Oxford University Press~~~~ 14 - Digital & Analog Communication systems 6th Ed - Leon Couch - Pearson~~~~ 15 - Digital Signal Processing 3rd ed - Sanjit Mitra - TMH~~~~ 16 - Digital Signal Processing – Principles Algorithms & Applications - John Proakis, Dimitri Manolakis - PHI~~~~ 17 - Digital Signal Processing - Ramesh Babu - Scitech publications,~~~~ 18 - Digital Signal Processing - Shalivahanan Vallavraj, Gnanapriya C. - TMH~~~~ 19 - 8051 and Embedded C Programming 2nd ed - Mazidi Mazidi - Pearson education~~~~ 20 - 8051Microcontroller,Architecture, Programming and Application 3rd ed - Kenneth Ayala - Penram~~~~ 21 - Microcontrollers 1st ed - Ajay Deshmukh - Tata McGRAW HILL~~~~ 22 - Microcontrollers 1st ed Theory and Application - Ajay Deshmukh - Tata McGRAW HILL~~~~ 23 - AVR & PIC and Embedded System 1st ed - Bernett & Cox - Pearson~~~~ 24 - Intel 8051 manual - - ~~~~ 25 - Microchip Manual for PIC microcontrollers - - ~~~~ 26 - Serial Port complete - Jan Axelson - Peneram~~~~ 27 - Mechatronics 3rd edition - W. Boltan - Pearson education~~~~ 28 - Mechatronics 2nd ed - David Alciatore, Michael Histand, - Tata McGraw Hill,~~~~ 29 - Introduction To Mechatronics & Measurement Systems 2nd ed - David Alciatore, Michael Histand, - Tata McGraw Hill,~~~~ 30 - Mechatronics Principles, Concepts & Applications 2nd ed - N.P. Mahalik - Tata Mcgraw Hill~~~~ 31 - Mechatronics Systems Design - Devdas Shetty - Thomson publication.~~~~ 32 - Instrumentation Devices & Systems 2nd ed - Rangan,Mani,Sarma - Tata Mcgraw Hil~~~~ 33 - Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation 7th edition. - A.K Sawhney - Dhanapat Rai and Co~~~~ 34 - Electronics Engineers Reference Book - F.F.Mazda - Butterworth Publication~~~~ 35 - A monograph on Electronics Design Principles - N.C. Goyal, R.K.Khetan, - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 36 - Reference Data for Engineers; Radio, Electronics, Computer & Communication - Edward Jordan, - MacMillan Incorported~~~~ 37 - The Art of Electronics - Paul Horowitz - Hill ~~~~ 38 - Audio Radio Handbook: - National Semiconductors - ~~~~ 39 - Designing Power amplifiers - Stephen Kamichik - Prompt Publications~~~~ 40 - Sensors & Transducers handbook - Liptak - ~~~~ 41 - Power Supply Design handbook - National Semiconductors - ~~~~ 42 - High Frequency Switching Power Supply-Theory and Design - G.C.Chryssis - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 43 - Switching Mode Power Supply - A.I.Pressman - McGraw Hills~~~~ 44 - Elements of Electromagnetics, 3rd ed - Sadiku Matthew N O - Oxford University Press~~~~ 45 - Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with MATLAB - Karl E. Lonngren & Sava V. Savov - PHI~~~~ 46 - Engineering Electromagnetics, 7th ed - Hayt W H - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 47 - Antenna and Wave Propagation, 3rd ed - K.D.Prasad - Satya Prakashan~~~~ 48 - Electromagnetics - Joseph Edminster - MGH~~~~ 49 - Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, 3rd ed - N. Narayana - PHI~~~~ 50 - Electromagnetics with applications, 5th ed - Kraus J D & Eleisch D A - MGH,~~~~ 51 - Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals 2nd ed - Guru Bhag & Hiziroglu Huseyin - Cambridge University Press~~~~ 52 - Power Electronics circuits devices and applications - M. H. Rashid - PHI~~~~ 53 - Power Electronics - M D Singh & K B Khanchandani - TMH,~~~~ 54 - Power Electronics - M. S. Jamil Asgar - PHI~~~~ 55 - Power Electronics :Converters Applications and Design, 3rd ed
- N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland & W. P. Robbins - John Willey and sons~~~~ 56 - Optical Fiber Communication - John Senior - Prentice Hall~~~~ 57 - Microwave and radar Engineering - M. Kulkarni - Laxmi~~~~ 58 - Optical Fiber Communication - G. Keiser - McGraw Hill~~~~ 59 - Fiber Optical Communication - D. C. Aggarwal - -------------~~~~ 60 - Microwave Devices & Circuits - S. Y. Liao - Prentice Hall~~~~ 61 - Microwave Engineering - Peter Rizzi - McGraw Hill~~~~ 62 - Introduction to Data Compression,3 rd ed - Khalid Sayood - Elsvier publication~~~~ 63 - Coding Techniques – Introduction to compression & Error control’ - Graham Wade - Palgrave Publications~~~~ 64 - Data compression – Complete reference3rd ed - Saloman D - springer verlag~~~~ 65 - Data compression, 2nd ed - Levis W.J - Springer ~~~~ 66 - Data Compression book - Nelson Mark . Gaily . Jean , Loup - BPB publication~~~~ 67 - Introduction to semiconductor fabrication - Plummer, Deal , Griffin - Prentice Hall publication ~~~~ 68 - Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication, 2nd ed - Richard Jaeger - Prentice Hall~~~~ 69 - ULSI Technology - C.Y. Chang and S.M. Sze - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 70 - VLSI fabrication Principles - S.K.Gandhi - John Wiley Inc~~~~ 71 - Computer Organization, 5th ed - Hamacher, Vranesic, Zaky - McGraw Hills~~~~ 72 - Computer Organization and Architecture,4th ed - William Stalling - Pearson Education~~~~ 73 - Advanced Computer Architecture - Richard Y. Kain - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 74 - Advanced Computer Architecture - Kai Hwang - McGraw Hills~~~~ 75 - Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing - Kai Hwang, Faye A. Briggs - McGraw Hills ~~~~ 76 - Computer Networks - William Stallings - Prentice Hall.~~~~ 77 - Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet’ - Kurse & Ross - Addison Wesley~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - BE ELEX - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK TITLE - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLICATION~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 2 - EmbeddedSystem Design - Frank Vahid - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 3 - ARM Developers Guide - Sloss etal - ~~~~ 4 - Embedded / real time System - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 5 - Embedded Real time Systems Programming - Sriram lyer , Pankaj Gupta - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 6 - Embedded System Design - Steve Heath - Neuwans~~~~ 7 - Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - N. Weste and K. Eshranghian - Addison Wesley~~~~ 8 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 9 - VHDL, 2nd Ed - D. Perry - McGraw Hill International~~~~ 10 - CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd - Kang S. M., - TMH~~~~ 11 - Essentials of Electronic Testing for digital memory and mixed signal VLSI circuits - Bushnell Agrawal - Kulwar Academec Publisher~~~~ 12 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 13 - FPGA /CPLD Data Book - - ~~~~ 14 - VHDL Primer - J Bhaskar - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 15 - Mobile Communications - Jachen Schiller - Addison-Wesley ~~~~ 16 - Mobile Communication Design Fundamentals - - John Wiley~~~~ 17 - Wireless Communication and Networks, - Stallings Willaim - Pearson Education~~~~ 18 - WAP-Wireless Application Protocol - - Pearson Education~~~~ 19 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach 2nd - E. C. Ifleachor and B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 20 - Digital signal processing - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 21 - Multirate systems and filter banks - P P Vaidyanathan - PHI~~~~ 22 - Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, Programming & Applications - B Venkatramani, M Bhaskar - TMH~~~~ 23 - Adaptive Filter Theory 4th - Simon Haykin - Pearson Education ~~~~ 24 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 25 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 26 - CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Allen - PHI Publications ~~~~ 27 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Martin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 28 - Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement - Cromwell - PHI Publications ~~~~ 29 - Biomedical Instrumentation - R. S. Khandpur - ~~~~ 30 - Biomedical Instrumentation - Carr and Brown - ~~~~ 31 - Application and Design of Medical Instruments - Webster - ~~~~ 32 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - . B. Yegnanarayana - PHI ~~~~ 33 - Neural Networks-Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques - James A Freeman, David M Skapura - PHI Publications ~~~~ 34 - Neural Network a comprehensive Foundation - Haykin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 35 - Elements of Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 36 - An introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - Anderson - Prentice Hall~~~~ 37 - Introduction toMATLAB 7 for Engineers - William J Palm III - TMH~~~~ 38 - Artificial Intelligence - Eiaine Rich and Kerin Knight - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 39 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott - Addison Wesley~~~~ 40 - Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 41 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligance - Rajendra Akerkar - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 42 - Power Electronics 3rd - M. H. Rashid - Pearson Education~~~~ 43 - Power Electronics - Mohan, Undeland & Robbins - John Wiley~~~~ 44 - Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives - B. K. Bose - Pearson Education~~~~ 45 - Thyristorised Power Controllers - Dubey, Doralda, Joshi & Sinha - New Age International~~~~ 46 - Power Electronics - Singh & Khanchandani - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 47 - Thyristor DC Drives - P. C. Sen - John Wiley~~~~ 48 - Modern TV Practice - R.R.Gulathi - New Age International~~~~ 49 - Audio Video Systems - R.G. Gupta - Technical Education~~~~ 50 - Television and Video Engineering - A. M. Dhake - TMH Publication~~~~ 51 - Digital Television - Herve Benoit - Focal Press~~~~ 52 - Color TV Theory and Practice - S. P. Bali - TMH Publication~~~~ 53 - Basic TV and Video Systems - Bernard Grobb & Charles E - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 54 - Digital Television Fundamentals - Michael Robin & Michel Poulin - McGrawHill~~~~ 55 - HDTV for Dummies - Danny Briere & Pat Hurley - Wiley Publishing~~~~ 56 - Microwave Devices & Circuits - Lio - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 57 - Mobile Cellular Telecommunication - William Lee - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 58 - Optical Fiber Communication - Kaiser - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 59 - Radar System - Skolink - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 60 - Electronic Communication System - Wayne Tomasi - Pearson Edition~~~~ 61 - Electronic Communication System - Frenzel - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 62 - Image processing analysis and machine vision 2nd - Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle - Thomson Learning~~~~ 63 - Machine Vision - Galbiati - ~~~~ 64 - Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 65 - EmbeddedSystem Design - Frank Vahid - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 66 - ARM Developers Guide - Sloss etal - ~~~~ 67 - Embedded / real time System - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 68 - Embedded Real time Systems Programming - Sriram lyer , Pankaj Gupta - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 69 - Embedded System Design - Steve Heath - Neuwans~~~~ 70 - Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - N. Weste and K. Eshranghian - Addison Wesley~~~~ 71 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 72 - VHDL, 2nd Ed - D. Perry - McGraw Hill International~~~~ 73 - CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd - Kang S. M., - TMH~~~~ 74 - Essentials of Electronic Testing for digital memory and mixed signal VLSI circuits - Bushnell Agrawal - Kulwar Academec Publisher~~~~ 75 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 76 - FPGA /CPLD Data Book - - ~~~~ 77 - VHDL Primer - J Bhaskar - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 78 - Mobile Communications - Jachen Schiller - Addison-Wesley ~~~~ 79 - Mobile Communication Design Fundamentals - - John Wiley~~~~ 80 - Wireless Communication and Networks, - Stallings Willaim - Pearson Education~~~~ 81 - WAP-Wireless Application Protocol - - Pearson Education~~~~ 82 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach 2nd - E. C. Ifleachor and B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 83 - Digital signal processing - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 84 - Multirate systems and filter banks - P P Vaidyanathan - PHI~~~~ 85 - Digital Signal Processors: Architecture, Programming & Applications - B Venkatramani, M Bhaskar - TMH~~~~ 86 - Adaptive Filter Theory 4th - Simon Haykin - Pearson Education ~~~~ 87 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 88 - CMOS - Boyce and Baker - Wiley-EEE Press~~~~ 89 - CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Allen - PHI Publications ~~~~ 90 - Analog Integrated Circuit Design - Martin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 91 - Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement - Cromwell - PHI Publications ~~~~ 92 - Biomedical Instrumentation - R. S. Khandpur - ~~~~ 93 - Biomedical Instrumentation - Carr and Brown - ~~~~ 94 - Application and Design of Medical Instruments - Webster - ~~~~ 95 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - . B. Yegnanarayana - PHI ~~~~ 96 - Neural Networks-Algorithms, Applications and Programming Techniques - James A Freeman, David M Skapura - PHI Publications ~~~~ 97 - Neural Network a comprehensive Foundation - Haykin - PHI Publications ~~~~ 98 - Elements of Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 99 - An introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - Anderson - Prentice Hall~~~~ 100 - Introduction toMATLAB 7 for Engineers - William J Palm III - TMH~~~~ 101 - Artificial Intelligence - Eiaine Rich and Kerin Knight - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 102 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott - Addison Wesley~~~~ 103 - Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 104 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligance - Rajendra Akerkar - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 105 - Power Electronics 3rd - M. H. Rashid - Pearson Education~~~~ 106 - Power Electronics - Mohan, Undeland & Robbins - John Wiley~~~~ 107 - Modern Power Electronics & AC Drives - B. K. Bose - Pearson Education~~~~ 108 - Thyristorised Power Controllers - Dubey, Doralda, Joshi & Sinha - New Age International~~~~ 109 - Power Electronics - Singh & Khanchandani - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 110 - Thyristor DC Drives - P. C. Sen - John Wiley~~~~ 111 - Modern TV Practice - R.R.Gulathi - New Age International~~~~ 112 - Audio Video Systems - R.G. Gupta - Technical Education~~~~ 113 - Television and Video Engineering - A. M. Dhake - TMH Publication~~~~ 114 - Digital Television - Herve Benoit - Focal Press~~~~ 115 - Color TV Theory and Practice - S. P. Bali - TMH Publication~~~~ 116 - Basic TV and Video Systems - Bernard Grobb & Charles E - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 117 - Digital Television Fundamentals - Michael Robin & Michel Poulin - McGrawHill~~~~ 118 - HDTV for Dummies - Danny Briere & Pat Hurley - Wiley Publishing~~~~ 119 - Microwave Devices & Circuits - Lio - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 120 - Mobile Cellular Telecommunication - William Lee - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 121 - Optical Fiber Communication - Kaiser - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 122 - Radar System - Skolink - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 123 - Electronic Communication System - Wayne Tomasi - Pearson Edition~~~~ 124 - Electronic Communication System - Frenzel - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 125 - Image processing analysis and machine vision 2nd - Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle - Thomson Learning~~~~ 126 - Machine Vision - Galbiati - ~~~~ 127 - The Art of Electronics - Paul Horowitz - Cambridge~~~~ 128 - Software Engineering - Roger S. Pressman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 129 - Electronics Instrument Design - Kim Fowler - Oxford~~~~ 130 - Noise reduction techniques in electronics circuits - Henry Ott - Wiley~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - BE EKEX II SEM - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLICATON~~~~ 1 - ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM - William Stallings - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 2 - Optical Networking and WDM - W. Gorlaski - TMH~~~~ 3 - Fundamentals of Telecommunication Network Management - Lakshmi Raman - Lakshmi Raman~~~~ 5 - Digital Image Processing 2ND - Gonzalez, Woods - PHI ~~~~ 6 - Image Processing , Analysis & Machine Vision - Milan Sonka - Thomson Publication~~~~ 7 - Digital Image Processing - Pratt W.K - John Wiley~~~~ 8 - Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing - Jain A.K - PHI~~~~ 10 - Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective - J. Rabaey - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 11 - Digital Systems Engineering - W. J. Dally, J. W. Poulton - Cambridge University ~~~~ 12 - Memory Systems and Pipelined Processors - H. G. Cragon - Narosa~~~~ 14 - Process/Industrial instruments and control Handbook - D.M.Considine - ~~~~ 15 - Industrial Control Handbook - Andrew Parr - ~~~~ 16 - Transducers for automation - Hordeski M - ~~~~ 17 - Home remote control and automation - Horn - ~~~~ 18 - IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engg - - ~~~~ 20 - The Art of Electronics - Paul Horowitz - Cambridge~~~~ 21 - Software Engineering - Roger S. Pressman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 22 - Electronics Instrument Design - Kim Fowler - Oxford~~~~ 23 - Noise reduction techniques in electronics circuits - Henry Ott - Wiley~~~~ 24 - Reliability Engineering - Balguruswamy E - ~~~~ 25 - Electronics Engineers Reference Book - E F.F.Mazda - Butterworth Publication~~~~ 28 - ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM - William Stallings - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 29 - Optical Networking and WDM - W. Gorlaski - TMH~~~~ 30 - Fundamentals of Telecommunication Network Management - Lakshmi Raman - Lakshmi Raman~~~~ 33 - Digital Image Processing 2ND - Gonzalez, Woods - PHI ~~~~ 34 - Image Processing , Analysis & Machine Vision - Milan Sonka - Thomson Publication~~~~ 35 - Digital Image Processing - Pratt W.K - John Wiley~~~~ 36 - Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing - Jain A.K - PHI~~~~ 38 - Introduction to semiconductor fabrication - Plummer, Deal , Griffin - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 45 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach 2nd - E. C. Ifleachor and B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 46 - Digital signal processing - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 47 - Multirate systems and filter banks - P P Vaidyanathan - PHI~~~~ 48 - Digital Signal Processors, Architecture, Programming & Applications - B Venkatramani, M Bhaskar - TMH~~~~ 49 - Adaptive Filter Theory 4th - Simon Haykin - Pearson Education ~~~~ 51 - Digital Image Processing 2ND - Gonzalez, Woods - PHI ~~~~ 52 - Image Processing , Analysis & Machine Vision - Milan Sonka - Thomson Publication~~~~ 53 - Digital Image Processing - Pratt W.K - John Wiley~~~~ 54 - Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing - Jain A.K - PHI~~~~ 56 - Mobile Communications - Jachen Schiller - Addison-Wesley ~~~~ 57 - Mobile Communication Design Fundamentals - - John Wiley~~~~ 58 - Wireless Communication and Networks, - Stallings Willaim - Pearson Education~~~~ 59 - WAP-Wireless Application Protocol - - Pearson Education~~~~ 61 - Introduction to Data Compression 3rd - Khalid Sayood - Elsvier publication~~~~ 62 - Coding Techniques -Introduction to compression & Error control - Graham Wade - Palgrave Publications~~~~ 63 - Data compression – Complete reference 3rd - Saloman D - springer verlag~~~~ 64 - Data compression 2nd - Levis W.J - Springer~~~~ 65 - Data Compression book - Nelson Mark . Gaily . Jean , Loup - BPB publication~~~~ 67 - ISDN and Broadband ISDN with Frame Relay and ATM - William Stallings - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 68 - Optical Networking and WDM - W. Gorlaski - TMH~~~~ 69 - Fundamentals of Telecommunication Network Management - Lakshmi Raman - Lakshmi Raman~~~~ 71 - OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS - SENIOR J M - Prentice Hall Of India ~~~~ 72 - Microwave and radar Engineering - M. Kulkarni - Laxmi~~~~ 73 - Optical Fiber Communication - Kaiser - Tata Mc-Graw Hill~~~~ 74 - Fiber Optical Communication - D. C. Aggarwal - ~~~~ 75 - Microwave Devices & Circuits - S. Y. Liao - Prentice Hall~~~~ 76 - Microwave Engineering - Peter Rizzi - McGraw Hill~~~~ 78 - 8051 and Embedded C Programming 2nd - Mazidi - Pearson education~~~~ 79 - 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Application 3rd - Kenneth Ayala - Penram~~~~ 80 - Microcontrollers 1st - Ajay Deshmukh - Tata McGRAW HILL~~~~ 81 - AVR & PIC and Embedded System 1st - Bernett & Cox - Pearson ~~~~ 82 - Intel 8051 manual - - ~~~~ 83 - PIC microcontrollers - Microchip Manual - ~~~~ 85 - Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 86 - EmbeddedSystem Design - Frank Vahid - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 87 - ARM Developers Guide - Sloss etal - ~~~~ 88 - Embedded / real time System - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 89 - Embedded Real time Systems Programming - Sriram lyer , Pankaj Gupta - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 90 - Embedded System Design - Steve Heath - Neuwans~~~~ 92 - Introduction to semiconductor fabrication - Plummer, Deal , Griffin - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 93 - Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication 2nd - Richard Jaeger - Prentice Hall~~~~ 94 - ULSI Technology - C.Y. Chang and S.M. Sze - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 95 - VLSI fabrication Principles - S.K.Gandhi - John Wiley~~~~ 97 - Microsystem Design - Stephen D. Senturia - Kluwer Academic ~~~~ 98 - Fundamentals of Microfabrication - Marc Madou - CRC Press~~~~ 99 - Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook - Gregory Kovacs - WCB McGraw-Hill~~~~ 100 - Micromechanical Transducers: Pressure sensors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes - M.-H. Bao - New York~~~~ 102 - Process/Industrial instruments and control Handbook - D.M.Considine - ~~~~ 103 - Transducers for automation - Hordeski M - ~~~~ 104 - Home remote control and automation - Horn - ~~~~ 105 - IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engg - - ~~~~ 107 - 8051 and Embedded C Programming 2nd - Mazidi - Pearson education~~~~ 108 - 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming and Application 3rd - Kenneth Ayala - Penram~~~~ 109 - Intel 8051 manual - - ~~~~ 111 - Thyristor DC Drives - P. C. Sen - John Wiley~~~~ 112 - Power Electronics 3rd - M. H. Rashid - Pearson Education~~~~ 113 - Power Electronics of AC Motors - JMD Murphy & FG Turnbull - Pergamon Press~~~~ 114 - Power Electronics Converters, Applications and Design - Mohan, Undeland and Robbins - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 115 - Power Electronics - Mohan, Undeland & Robbins - John Wiley~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - SE INDUSTRIAL - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Industrial Engineering and Management - Martend Telsang - ~~~~ 2 - Work Study - - ILO Publication~~~~ 3 - Handbook of Industrial Engineering - H.B. Maynard - MGH~~~~ 4 - Job Evaluation - Yoga, NPC - ~~~~ 5 - Essentials of Management - Harold Kuntz - MGH~~~~ 6 - Foundry Technology - O.P. Khanna - Dhanapat rai pub.~~~~ 7 - Principles of Metal casting - P.L. Jain - ~~~~ 8 - Welding and Welding Technology - Little - MGH~~~~ 9 - Welding and Welding Processes - R.S.Parmar - Khanna Publication~~~~ 10 - Welding Engineering And Technology - R.S.Parmar - Khanna Publication~~~~ 11 - Welding Technology - O.P. khanna - Dhanapat rai pub.~~~~ 12 - Material Science and Metallurgy for Engineers. - V.D. Kodgire - Everest Publishing House~~~~ 13 - Principles of Material Science and Engineering - Smith W.F - MGH~~~~ 14 - Testing of Engineering Materials. - Davis H. E., Troxell G.E. and Wiskocil C. T - MGH~~~~ 15 - Elements of Material Science. - Van Vlack L.H - Addison- Wesley Publishing Co~~~~ 16 - Practical Non-Destructive Testing. - Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar and M. Thavsimuthu - Narosa Publishing House. ~~~~ 17 - An introduction to Composite Materials 2nd ed. - Hull and T. W. Clyne - Cambridge Solid State Science Series.~~~~ 18 - Structure and properties of materials II, - - Willey Eastern (P) Ltd.~~~~ 19 - Structure & Properties Of Engineering Materialsty 4th ed. - Brick Robert M; Pense Alan W; Gordon Robert B. - TMH~~~~ 20 - Structure and properties engineering materials - Murthy - TMH~~~~ 21 - Science and engineering of materials - Donald R. Askland, P.P. Phule - Thomson Learning ~~~~ 22 - Instrumentation Devices and Systems Mani- Second Edition. - Rangan , Sharma - TMH~~~~ 23 - Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis’, 21st Reprint. - Nakra and Chaudhary - TMH~~~~ 24 - Principles of Industrial Instrumentation-7th Reprint, - D. Patranabis - TMH~~~~ 25 - Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation - A. K. Sawhney - Dhanapat rai pub.~~~~ 26 - Mechanical and Industrial Measurement -9th print - R.K.Jain - Khanna Publications~~~~ 27 - Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries ( Vol. I )2nd. Edition - Andrew , Williams - Gulf Publications Company~~~~ 28 - Process Measurement and Analysis’ 3 rd Edition - B. G. Liptak, - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 29 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 1 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 30 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 2 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 31 - Strength of Materials part I - Timoshenko and Young - CBS Publisher~~~~ 32 - Strength of Materials part II - Timoshenko and Young - CBS Publisher~~~~ 33 - Strength of Materials - Beer and Johnston - CSB Publisher~~~~ 34 - Introduction to Mechanics of Solids - E.P. Popov - Prentice Hall Publication~~~~ 35 - Strength of materials - Singer and Pytel - Harper and Row Publication~~~~ 36 - Nelson Machm SS - - ~~~~ 37 - A Text Book of Machine Drawing , Revised Edition - P.S.Gill - S K Kataria & Sons, New Delhi.~~~~ 38 - Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics - Farazdak Haideri - Nirali Prakashan~~~~ 39 - Machine Drawing 2nd Edition - K.L.Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkatata Reddy - ~~~~ 40 - Machine Drawing - N.D.Bhatt, V.M.Panchal - ~~~~ 41 - CMTI Handbook of Machine Tools - - ~~~~ 42 - AutoCAD Reference Manual - - ~~~~ 43 - AutoLISP Reference Manual - - ~~~~ 44 - Illustrated AutoLISP - Oliver W M - B P B Publications~~~~ 45 - Design of Machine Elements - Bhandari V.B. - MGH~~~~ 46 - A text book of machine design - R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta - S Chand~~~~ 47 - Machine Design - Dr. Sadhu Singh - ~~~~ 48 - Mechanical Engineering Design - J.E. Shigley - ~~~~ 49 - Machine Design , - D.K.Aggarwal & P.C.Sharma - Kataria and Sons~~~~ 50 - Workshop Technology : Vols I - Chapman W A J - ~~~~ 51 - Workshop Technology : Vols II - Chapman W A J - ~~~~ 52 - Workshop Technology : Vols III - Chapman W A J - ~~~~ 53 - Manufacturing Process Vol. 2 - Hajara Chowdhary - ~~~~ 54 - Elements of Workshop Technology Volume I, - Hajara choudhary S. K., Bose S. K. - Asia Publishing House~~~~ 55 - Elements of Workshop Technology Volume II. - Hajara choudhary S. K., Bose S. K. - Asia Publishing House~~~~ 56 - Manufacturing Processes - Begeman - ~~~~ 57 - Production Technology - HMT - TMH~~~~ 58 - Processes and Materials of Manufacture 4th Ed. - Roy A. Lindberg - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 59 - Material and Processes in Manufacturing 8th Ed. - Degarmo Black and Kohser - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.~~~~ 60 - Theory of Machines - S.S.Ratan - TMH~~~~ 61 - Theory of Machine - R.S.Khurmi, J.K.Gupta - S Chand Co. Delhi.~~~~ 62 - Theory of Machine - P.L.Ballaney - Khanna Publisher~~~~ 63 - The Theory of Machines, - Thomas Bevan - CBS Publication ~~~~ 64 - Theory of Machines and Mechanism - J.E.Shigley and J.J.Uicker Jr - McGraw Hill.~~~~ 65 - Theory of Mechanisms and Machines - Dr. Jagdish Lal - Metropolitan Book Company~~~~ 66 - Mechanics of Machine-Advanced Theory and Examples - John Hannah and R.C. Stephens, Edward Arnold. - ~~~~ 67 - Mechanical vibration - G K Grover - Nemchand and brothers~~~~ 68 - Mechanical vibration analysis - D C Sharma - Khanna Publication~~~~ 69 - Mechanical Vibrations Analysis - Sharma C S; Maheshwari A - Khanna Pub. New Delhi, ~~~~ 70 - Kinematics and linkage Design - Hall A S - Prentice Hall~~~~ 71 - Electrical machinery and transformer - Irvin Kosow - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 72 - Electronics Devis 5th Ed. - Thomas L Floyd - Pearson~~~~ 73 - Process Instrumentation Hand Book - Cinsidine - MGH~~~~ 74 - Computer Based Industrial Control - Krishna Kant - PHI~~~~ 75 - Mechatronics - Bolten - ~~~~ 76 - Electronics Devices and circuits 29th Indian ed. - Allen Mottershed - Prentice Hall Of India ~~~~ 77 - Digital Principles and Application - Albert Paul Malvino, Donald P Leach - TMH~~~~ 78 - Electrical machinery - S.K. Bhattacharya - ~~~~ 79 - Electrical Machines - 2 - Bhattacharya S K. - TMH~~~~ 80 - Electrical machines & Power system vol 1. - Syed A. Nasar - TMH~~~~ 81 - Fractional and sub fractional horse power electrical motors. - Veinott C G, Martin J E - TMH~~~~ 82 - Electrical engineering handbook - Siemens - Wiley eastern~~~~ 83 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’8th ed. - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons~~~~ 84 - Higher Engineering Mathematics 38th Ed., (40 th) - . B.S. Grewal - Khanna Publishers, Delhi,~~~~ 85 - Advanced Calculus (Schaum’s out line series) 1st ed. - Murray R. Spiegel - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 86 - Calculus and analytic Geometry’6th ed. - Thomas / Finney - Wesley / Narosa,~~~~ 87 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics
2nd Edition - Dennis G/ Michael R. - CBS New Delhi~~~~ 88 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathemat 2nd Edition, - Michael D.Greenberg - Prentice Hall International,~~~~ 89 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ 6th ed. - Ray Wylie, - McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 90 - Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists’3rd ed. - Pipes and Harvill - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 91 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ - Alan Jeffrey - Academic Press~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - TE - INDUSTRIAL - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Numerical methods for Engineers - S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale - TMH ~~~~ 2 - Quantitative Techniques For managerial Decision Making - V.K.Srivastva, G.V Shenoy - Wiley eastern Ltd.~~~~ 3 - Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - - V. Rajaraman - Prentice Hall Publication~~~~ 4 - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis - S. S. Sastry - Prentice Hall Publication~~~~ 5 - Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations - Jain, Ayengar, Jain - Wiley Eastern Publication.~~~~ 6 - Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science - B. S. Grewal - ~~~~ 7 - Statistics For engineers - Richardson - TMH ~~~~ 8 - Introduction to Work Study - ILO - universal ~~~~ 9 - Job Evaluation - ILO - ~~~~ 10 - Job Evaluation - Yoga M - NPC, New Delhi~~~~ 11 - Most Work Measurement Systems - Zandin K.B. - Marcel Dekker Inc, ~~~~ 12 - Hand Book of Industrial Engineering By - H.B. Maynard - TMH ~~~~ 13 - Facilities layout and location-An analytical approach - R.L Francis and J.A White - Prentice Hall Inc. ~~~~ 14 - Facilities Planning - J.A Tomkins and J.A White - John Wiley & sons~~~~ 15 - Competitive Advantage - M.E Porter - The Free Press. ~~~~ 16 - Compititive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors - Porter Michael - Free Press~~~~ 17 - Best practices in Reengineering, - D.K. Carr and H.J Johansson - TMH ~~~~ 18 - Jelen's Cost and Optimization Engineering, - K.K.Humphreys - TMH ~~~~ 19 - Systems thinking, Systems Practice - P.Cheekland - John Wiley & sons~~~~ 20 - Motion and Time study - B.W. Niebel , Richard Irwin. - Taraporwala Sons & Co.Private Ltd~~~~ 21 - Techniques of Value analysis and Engineering, - L.D.Miles - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 22 - Manufacturing Systems Engineering - K.Hitomi - Viva Books Pvt Ltd, India~~~~ 23 - Simulation Modeling and Analysis : International Edition - A.W. Law and W.D.Kelton - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 24 - Management in Engineering - G.F.Bell and J Balkwill - Prentice Hall India~~~~ 25 - Plant Layout and Material Handling - J.M.Apple - McGraw Hill.~~~~ 26 - Design of Machine Elements - Bhandari V.B. - MGH~~~~ 27 - Mechanical Engineering Design - J.E. Shigley - ~~~~ 28 - Design of Machine Elements - M.F.Spott - Prentice Hall~~~~ 29 - Design Data Book - PSG College Technolgy - ~~~~ 30 - Machine Design - R.K.Jain - Khanna Publication Delhi~~~~ 31 - Machine Component Design - Willium C.Ortwein - West Pub.Co. and Jaico Publication House.~~~~ 32 - Machine Component Design vol.I - Willium C.Ortwein - West Pub.Co. and Jaico Publication House.~~~~ 33 - Machine Component Design vol.II - Willium C.Ortwein - West Pub.Co. and Jaico Publication House.~~~~ 34 - A text book of machine design - R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta - S Chand~~~~ 35 - Computer aided design & manufacturing by - Zimmer & Groover - ~~~~ 36 - CAD Principles & Applications - PAUL C Bave - ~~~~ 37 - Numerical control & computer aided by - T.K. Kundra - ~~~~ 38 - CNC Machines - Pabla - New age pub. ~~~~ 39 - Manufacturing science - Ghosh malik - EWP East West Press~~~~ 40 - Production technology - HMT - ~~~~ 41 - Material & processing in Manufacturing - Dgarmo Black & Kohser - ~~~~ 42 - Mastering Visual Basic 6.0 - Petroutsos E - BPB Publication ~~~~ 43 - Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 - Balena F - ~~~~ 44 - Visual Basic 6.0 Distributed Application Study - Mcsd - TMH ~~~~ 45 - Microsoft Visual Basic: The Programmer’s Companion - Penfold J W - galgotia ~~~~ 46 - Workshop Technology Vol-II - H.S.Bawa - TMH ~~~~ 47 - Production technology - HMT - ~~~~ 48 - Machine Tool Practices,, 6th Edition, - Richard R.Kibbe,John E . Neely, - Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd.~~~~ 49 - Manufacturing Engineering Handbook,
- Hwaiyu Geng - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 50 - Production & Operations Management - Chary - TMH ~~~~ 51 - Operations Management, 5th Ed. - Krajewski - ~~~~ 52 - Production & Operations Management - Chase - Pearson Publications~~~~ 53 - Production & Operations Management - Panneerselvam - TMH ~~~~ 54 - Operation Research and Introduction - Taha H A - McMillian~~~~ 55 - Operations Research - Paneerselvam - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 56 - Principles of Operations Research – Theory and Practice - Philips, Ravindram and Soleberg- - PHI ~~~~ 57 - Operation Research : Principles & Practice - Philips, Ravindram and Soleberg- - John Wiley & Sons.~~~~ 58 - Introduction to Operation Research, 5th edn. - Hiller and Libermann - McGraw Hill~~~~ 59 - Operations Research - S.D. Sharma - Kedarnath, Ramnath &Co~~~~ 60 - Operations Research Theory and Application, ,2nd Ed. - J K Sharma - Pearson Education Pvt Ltd ~~~~ 61 - Operations Research - Kanthi Swarup & others - Sultan chand and Sons.~~~~ 62 - Inventory management - L.C. Jhamb - G Y Rane Prakashan ~~~~ 63 - Material Management - Dobler Burt - ~~~~ 64 - Purchasing & Matrerials Management:text & Cases - Dobler D W; Lee L; Burt D N - MGH~~~~ 65 - Software Engineering - Joshi S.D. - ~~~~ 66 - Management Information System - Jawadekar W. - ~~~~ 67 - Management Information System - Davis G.B. - TMH ~~~~ 68 - Management Information System - Obrien J.C. - ~~~~ 69 - Management Information System - Obrien J.A. - ~~~~ 70 - Management Information System - McCroy Keith R - ~~~~ 71 - Resource Management Information Systems :Remote sensing, GIS andmodelling - McCroy Keith R - ~~~~ 72 - Software Engineering - Pressman R.S. - ~~~~ 73 - Software Engineering by - Prasad R. S. - ~~~~ 74 - Engineering Metrology - R.K. Jain - Khanna Publication~~~~ 75 - Engineering Metrology - K.J.Hume - Kalyani publication~~~~ 76 - Practical Engineering Metrology - K.W.B.Sharp - Pitman Publication~~~~ 77 - Quality Planning and Analysis - J.M. Juran & F.M.Gryna - ~~~~ 78 - Juran’s Quality Control Handbook - Juran - ~~~~ 79 - A Text book of Engineering Metrology - I.C.Gupta - Dhanpat Rai and Sons.~~~~ 80 - Statistical Quality Control - E.L.Grant & R.S. Kearenworth - ~~~~ 81 - Guide to Quality Control - Kaoru Ishikawa - Asian Productivity Organisation.~~~~ 82 - ISO 9000 Quality System - S.Dalela - ~~~~ 83 - ISO 9000 Quality System Handbook/ Hoyle David.- 4 .- Oxford - Hoyle David - Oxford~~~~ 84 - ISO 9000 Quality Management System - International Trade Center, Geneva - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - BE INDUSTRIAL - - ~~~~ SR.NO. - NAME OF BOOKS - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Operations Research - S. D. Sharma - ~~~~ 2 - Operations Research - P. K. Gupta, D. S. Hira - S Chand ~~~~ 3 - Introduction to Operations Research - F. S. Hillier - McGraw Hill~~~~ 4 - Principles of Operations Research - H. M. Wagner - Prentice-Hall India~~~~ 5 - Operations Research - Ravindram A. - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 6 - Operations Research for Engineers - S. K. Basu - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 7 - Operations Research - Panneerselvam - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 8 - Operations Research An introduction - H. A Taha - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 9 - Introduction to Work study - ILO - Oxford & Ibh Pub Co ~~~~ 10 - Work study - Curie R. M. & Faraday - English Lang. Book Scty & Pitm~~~~ 11 - Human Factors Engineering and Design - M. S. Sanders and Ernest J. McCormick - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 12 - Fitting Task to the Man - E. Grad jean - ~~~~ 13 - The Factories Act 1948 - Srivastava's - Eastern Book Company~~~~ 14 - Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting - N. K. Prasad - Book Syndicate ~~~~ 15 - Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting - B K Bhar - S Chand ~~~~ 16 - Financial Management - N. K. Prasad - Book Syndicate ~~~~ 17 - Management and Cost Accounting - Colin Drury - Chapman and Hall London.~~~~ 18 - Financial Management - N K Prasad - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 19 - Introduction to Reliability Engineering - E. E. Lewis - John Wiley ~~~~ 20 - Reliability Engineering - L. S. Srinath - East-West Press ~~~~ 21 - Terotechnology-Reliability Engineering and maintenance - S. K. Basu - Asian books ~~~~ 22 - Stochastic Processes - Sheldon M Ross - John Wiley ~~~~ 23 - Reliability Engineering - S. S. Rao - East-West Press ~~~~ 24 - Principles of Marketing - Philip Kotler - Prentice Hall~~~~ 25 - Marketing Management - Philip Kotler - PrenticeHall~~~~ 26 - Fundamentals of Marketing - Wiliam J Stanton - McGraw Hill~~~~ 27 - Marketing - R.S.N. Pillai - S. Chand ~~~~ 28 - Marketing Management - S.A Sherlaker - ~~~~ 29 - Marketing Management Text & Cases - Rajagopal - Vikas Publishing ~~~~ 30 - Product design & Manufacturing - A.K.Chitale - PRENTICE HALL~~~~ 31 - Product Design : Fundamentals & Methods - N.F.M. Roozenburg - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 32 - Product design & Manufacture - Jhon R Lindbeck - Prentice Hall~~~~ 33 - Industrial Design for Engineers - Mayall W.H. - London Liifee ~~~~ 34 - New Horizons for Human Factors in Design - Dale Huchingson - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 35 - Energy Conservation Act 2001 - - Alahabad Law Publishers (India) ~~~~ 36 - Electricity Act 2003 - Ministory of power notification - Professional Book Publishers~~~~ 37 - Energy Management. - Paul W - ~~~~ 38 - Energy Management Handbook - Wayne C. Turner - ~~~~ 39 - Guide to Energy Management - B.L. Capheart - ~~~~ 40 - Industrial Energy Conservation - Reay - ~~~~ 41 - CII Reports on Indian Energy Management - - ~~~~ 42 - Energy Management - Murphy W R - ~~~~ 43 - Management of Industrial Relations - Pramod Verma - IBH Publishing ~~~~ 44 - Acts with short notes - - C. Jagamohandas and Co~~~~ 45 - Commercial Laws - Taxman - ~~~~ 46 - Labour Laws - Taxman - ~~~~ 47 - Text Book Of Industrial Law - Chawla R C - Kalyani Pub~~~~ 48 - Handbook of Labour and Industrial Law - Malik P - Eastern Book Co~~~~ 49 - Mercantile Law and Industrial Law - Joshi B D - Narendra Prakashan~~~~ 50 - Factories Act 1948 - - ~~~~ 51 - Factories Act 1948 - Labour Law Agency - Labour Law Agency~~~~ 52 - The Factories Act 1948 - Srivastava's - Eastern Book Company~~~~ 53 - Industrial Disputes Act 1947 - - Law Publishers ~~~~ 54 - Industrial Disputes Act No 14 Of 1947. - Chaudhary A N - Ashoka Law House~~~~ 55 - Industrial Disputes Act1947with Rules - - Labour Law~~~~ 56 - Sale Of Goods Act 1930 Bare Act 2001 - - Labour Law~~~~ 57 - Professional's Sale Of Goods Act, 1930 - - Professional Book Publishers~~~~ 58 - Relevant Acts. - - ~~~~ 59 - Making Growth Happen – Learning from First Generation Entrepreneurs - S J Phansalkar - ~~~~ 60 - Entrepreneurship & Innovation Models for Development - Rabindra N Kanungo - ~~~~ 61 - Small and Medium Enterprise: Challenges and opportunities - Dr J. S. Juneja - ~~~~ 62 - Enterprise in the new millennium - Kondalah, chukka - McGraw-Hill publication~~~~ 63 - Review on Enterprise : Harvard Business Review - Harvard Business - McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 64 - Project management Handbook - Gopal & Ramamurthy - Macmilan~~~~ 65 - Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting and Implementation. - Prassanna Chandra - ~~~~ 66 - Organisational Behavior - Robbins S.P - Prentice Hall Publication~~~~ 67 - Organisational Behavior - FredLuthans - McGraw Hill Publication~~~~ 68 - Organisational Behavior - Hellrigel, Solcum - South Western Publication~~~~ 69 - Organisational Development and Change – Cummings and Worley - Cummings and Worley - South Western Publication~~~~ 70 - Organisational Development - W.L. French - Pearson Education~~~~ 71 - CAD/CAM, Theory and Practaice - Ibrahim Zeid - Tata McGraw~~~~ 72 - Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics - David F.Rogers - McGraw-Hil~~~~ 73 - Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics", - William M.Newman - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 74 - Automation Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Groover M.P - Prentice-Hall~~~~ 75 - The Management and Service operations - Robert Johnston - IFS Publications ~~~~ 76 - Management service handbook - T Benley Holt Rinahan and Winston - ~~~~ 77 - Workstudy in office - H P Cemach - Ambar Publications~~~~ 78 - Organisation and methods - R G Anderson - N&E Handbook series~~~~ 79 - Service management - Fitzsimmons - McGraw-Hill publication~~~~ 80 - Managerial Accounting - G. L. Moore - south-Western Publishing ~~~~ 81 - Cost accounting Planning and Control, - M. F. Usry - South-Wester.~~~~ 82 - Mathematical Programming and the analysis of Capital Budgeting problems - H.N. Weingamer - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 83 - Engineering Economic Principles - Henry M. Steiner - Mc Graw Hill Int~~~~ 84 - Engineering Economy - Theusen H. G - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 85 - Engineering Economics - Mahajan M S M - Everest Publishing ~~~~ 86 - Indian Economics - Dewett K K - S Chand ~~~~ 87 - Economics. - Samulson P A & Nordhaus W D - Tata Mc Graw Hill.~~~~ 88 - Operations Research - Hira and Gupta - Sultan Chand & Sons~~~~ 89 - Operations Research for Engineers - S. K. Basu - Oxford IBH ~~~~ 90 - Operations Research An introduction - H. A Taha - S. Chand & Co Ltd.~~~~ 91 - Introduction to Work study - ILO - Oxford & Ibh Pub Co ~~~~ 92 - Work study - Curie R. M. & Faraday - English Lang. Book Scty & Pitm~~~~ 93 - Human Factors Engineering and Design - M. S. Sanders and Ernest J. McCormick - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 94 - The Factories Act 1948 - Srivastava's - Eastern Book Company~~~~ 95 - Fitting Task to the Man - E. Grad jean - ~~~~ 96 - CAD/CAM, Theory and Practaice - Ibrahim Zeid - Tata McGraw~~~~ 97 - Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics - David F.Rogers - McGraw-Hil~~~~ 98 - Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics", - William M.Newman - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 99 - Automation Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing - Groover M.P - Prentice-Hall~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - SE - PRODUCTION - - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Industrial Engineering and Management - Martend Telsang - ~~~~ 2 - Work Study - - ILO Publication~~~~ 3 - Handbook of Industrial Engineering - H.B. Maynard - MGH~~~~ 4 - Job Evaluation - Yoga, NPC - ~~~~ 5 - Essentials of Management - Harold Kuntz - MGH~~~~ 6 - Foundry Technology - O.P. Khanna - Dhanapat rai pub.~~~~ 7 - Principles of Metal casting - P.L. Jain - ~~~~ 8 - Welding and Welding Technology - Little - MGH~~~~ 9 - Welding and Welding Processes - R.S.Parmar - Khanna Publication~~~~ 10 - Welding Engineering And Technology - R.S.Parmar - Khanna Publication~~~~ 11 - Material Science and Metallurgy for Engineers. - V.D. Kodgire - Everest Publishing House~~~~ 12 - Principles of Material Science and Engineering - Smith W.F - MGH~~~~ 13 - Testing of Engineering Materials. - Davis H. E., Troxell G.E. and Wiskocil C. T - MGH~~~~ 14 - Elements of Material Science. - Van Vlack L.H - Addison- Wesley Publishing Co~~~~ 15 - Practical Non-Destructive Testing. - Baldev Raj, T. Jayakumar and M. Thavsimuthu - Narosa Publishing House. ~~~~ 16 - An introduction to Composite Materials 2nd ed. - Hull and T. W. Clyne - Cambridge Solid State Science Series.~~~~ 17 - Structure and properties of materials II, - - Willey Eastern (P) Ltd.~~~~ 18 - Structure & Properties Of Engineering Materialsty 4th ed. - Brick Robert M; Pense Alan W; Gordon Robert B. - TMH~~~~ 19 - Structure and properties engineering materials - Murthy - TMH~~~~ 20 - Science and engineering of materials - Donald R. Askland, P.P. Phule - Thomson Learning ~~~~ 21 - Instrumentation Devices and Systems Mani- Second Edition. - Rangan , Sharma - TMH~~~~ 22 - Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis’, 21st Reprint. - Nakra and Chaudhary - TMH~~~~ 23 - Principles of Industrial Instrumentation-7th Reprint, - D. Patranabis - TMH~~~~ 24 - Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation - A. K. Sawhney - Dhanapat rai pub.~~~~ 25 - Mechanical and Industrial Measurement -9th ed. - R.K.Jain - Khanna Publications~~~~ 26 - Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries ( Vol. I )2nd. Edition - Andrew , Williams - Gulf Publications Company~~~~ 27 - Process Measurement and Analysis’ 3 rd Edition - B. G. Liptak,Butterworth Heinemann - ~~~~ 28 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 1 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 29 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 2 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 30 - Measurement System Application and Design - - ~~~~ 31 - Strength of Materials part I - Timoshenko and Young - CBS Publisher~~~~ 32 - Strength of Materials part II - Timoshenko and Young - CBS Publisher~~~~ 33 - Strength of Materials - Beer and Johnston - CSB Publisher~~~~ 34 - Introduction to Mechanics of Solids - E.P. Popov - Prentice Hall Publication~~~~ 35 - Strength of materials - Singer and Pytel - Harper and Row Publication~~~~ 36 - Nelson Machm SS - - ~~~~ 37 - A Text Book of Machine Drawing , Revised Edition - P.S.Gill - S K Kataria & Sons, New Delhi.~~~~ 38 - Machine Drawing and Computer Graphics - Farazdak Haideri - Nirali Prakashan~~~~ 39 - Machine Drawing 2nd Edition - K.L.Narayana, P. Kannaiah, K. Venkatata Reddy - ~~~~ 40 - Machine Drawing - N.D.Bhatt, V.M.Panchal - ~~~~ 41 - CMTI Handbook of Machine Tools - - ~~~~ 42 - AutoCAD Reference Manual - - ~~~~ 43 - AutoLISP Reference Manual - - ~~~~ 44 - Design of Machine Elements - Bhandari V.B. - MGH~~~~ 45 - A text book of machine design - R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta - S Chand~~~~ 46 - Machine Design - Dr. Sadhu Singh - ~~~~ 47 - Mechanical Engineering Design - J.E. Shigley - ~~~~ 48 - Workshop Technology : Vols I - Chapman W A J - ~~~~ 49 - Workshop Technology : Vols II - Chapman W A J - ~~~~ 50 - Workshop Technology : Vols III - Chapman W A J - ~~~~ 51 - Manufacturing Process Vol. 2 - Hajara Chowdhary - ~~~~ 52 - Elements of Workshop Technology Volume I, - Hajara choudhary S. K., Bose S. K. - Asia Publishing House~~~~ 53 - Elements of Workshop Technology Volume II. - Hajara choudhary S. K., Bose S. K. - Asia Publishing House~~~~ 54 - Manufacturing Processes - Begeman - ~~~~ 55 - Production Technology - HMT - TMH~~~~ 56 - Processes and Materials of Manufacture 4th Ed. - Roy A. Lindberg - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 57 - Material and Processes in Manufacturing 8th Ed. - Degarmo Black and Kohser - Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.~~~~ 58 - Theory of Machines - S.S.Ratan - TMH~~~~ 59 - Theory of Machine - R.S.Khurmi, J.K.Gupta - S Chand Co. Delhi.~~~~ 60 - Theory of Machine - P.L.Ballaney - Khanna Publisher~~~~ 61 - The Theory of Machines, - Thomas Bevan - CBS Publication ~~~~ 62 - Theory of Machines and Mechanism - J.E.Shigley and J.J.Uicker Jr - McGraw Hill.~~~~ 63 - Theory of Mechanisms and Machines - Dr. Jagdish Lal - Metropolitan Book Company~~~~ 64 - Mechanics of Machine-Advanced Theory and Examples - John Hannah and R.C. Stephens, Edward Arnold. - ~~~~ 65 - Mechanical vibration - G K Grover - Nemchand and brothers~~~~ 66 - Mechanical vibration analysis - D C Sharma - Khanna Publication~~~~ 67 - Mechanical Vibrations Analysis - Sharma C S; Maheshwari A - Khanna Pub. New Delhi, ~~~~ 68 - Kinematics and linkage Design - Hall A S - Prentice Hall~~~~ 69 - Electrical machinery and transformer - Irvin Kosow - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 70 - Electronics Devis 5th Ed. - Thomas L Floyd - Pearson~~~~ 71 - Process Instrumentation Hand Book - Cinsidine - MGH~~~~ 72 - Computer Based Industrial Control - Krishna Kant - PHI~~~~ 73 - Mechatronics - Bolten - ~~~~ 74 - Electronics Devices and circuits 29th Indian ed. - Allen Mottershed - Prentice Hall Of India ~~~~ 75 - Digital Principles and Application - Albert Paul Malvino, Donald P Leach - TMH~~~~ 76 - Electrical machinery - S.K. Bhattacharya - ~~~~ 77 - Electrical Machines - 2 - Bhattacharya S K. - TMH~~~~ 78 - Electrical machines & Power system vol 1. - Syed A. Asar - TMH~~~~ 79 - Fractional and sub fractional horse power electrical motors. - Veinott C G, Martin J E - TMH~~~~ 80 - Electrical engineering handbook - Siemens - Wiley eastern~~~~ 81 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’8th ed. - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons~~~~ 82 - Higher Engineering Mathematics 38th Ed., (40 th) - . B.S. Grewal - Khanna Publishers, Delhi,~~~~ 83 - Advanced Calculus (Schaum’s out line series) 1st ed. - Murray R. Spiegel - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 84 - Calculus and analytic Geometry’6th ed. - Thomas / Finney - Wesley / Narosa,~~~~ 85 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics
2nd Edition - Dennis G/ Michael R. - CBS New Delhi~~~~ 86 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathemat 2nd Edition, - Michael D.Greenberg - Prentice Hall International,~~~~ 87 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ 6th ed. - Ray Wylie, - McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 88 - Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists’3rd ed. - Pipes and Harvill - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 89 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ - Alan Jeffrey - Academic Press~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - TE - PRODUCTION - - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Production Engg - P C Sharma - Khanna publishers~~~~ 2 - Introduction to Jigs and fixtures design - M.H.A. Kempster - ~~~~ 3 - introduction To Jig & Tod Design - M.H.A. Kempster - ~~~~ 4 - Tool Engg - Nagpal - ~~~~ 5 - Tool design - Dolalson Lecain and Goold - Tata McGrawhill~~~~ 6 - Introduction to Jigs and fixtures. - Hoffman - ~~~~ 7 - Jig & Fixture Design - Hoffman E G - Galgotia Pub. House. ~~~~ 8 - Tool Engineering Handbook - A.S.T.M.E. - ~~~~ 9 - Fundamentals of tool engineering and design - Basu, Mukherjee and Mishra - ~~~~ 10 - production technology - R. K. Jain - Khanna Publishers ~~~~ 11 - Metal cutting principle - Milton Shaw - ~~~~ 12 - Mechanical Metallurgy - Dieter - TMH~~~~ 13 - Manufacturing Technology - P.N. Rao - TMH~~~~ 14 - Metal Forming Technology - Dr. R. Narayanswamy - Ahuja Book Co~~~~ 15 - Principles of Metal Working. - Surender Kumar - ~~~~ 16 - ASM Metal handbook Vol: 4 forming. - - ~~~~ 17 - Mechanical working of metals - J.N. Harris - ~~~~ 18 - Principles of industrial metal working process, - G.W. Rowe ,Edward Arnold - CBS Publishers~~~~ 19 - Industrial Fluid Power - Pinches - Prentice hall~~~~ 20 - Basic Fluid Power - . D.A.Pease - Prentice hall~~~~ 21 - Industrial Hydraulics - J.J.Pipenger - TMH~~~~ 22 - Hydraulics and Pneumatics - H.L.Stewart - Industrial Press~~~~ 23 - Fluid Power with application - A. Esposito - Prentice hall~~~~ 24 - Oil Hydraulics - . B. Lall - International Literature Association~~~~ 25 - Fluid Power Design Handbook’ - Yeaple - Marcel Dekker~~~~ 26 - Vickers Manual on Industrial Hydraulics - Vickers - Vickers Incorporated ~~~~ 27 - Festo’s Manual on Pneumatic Principle, applications - - ~~~~ 28 - ISO – 1219, Fluid Systems and components, Graphic Symbols - - ~~~~ 29 - Oil Hydraulics- Principle & Maintenance - Majumadar - TMH~~~~ 30 - Design of Machine Elements - Bhandari V.B. - MGH~~~~ 31 - Mechanical Engineering Design - J.E. Shigley - ~~~~ 32 - Design of Machine Elements - M.F.Spott - Prentice Hall~~~~ 33 - Design Data Book - PSG College Technolgy - ~~~~ 34 - Machine Design - R.K.Jain - Khanna Publication Delhi~~~~ 35 - Machine Component Design - Willium C.Ortwein - West Pub.Co. and Jaico Publication House.~~~~ 36 - Machine Component Design vol.I - Willium C.Ortwein - West Pub.Co. and Jaico Publication House.~~~~ 37 - Machine Component Design vol.II - Willium C.Ortwein - West Pub.Co. and Jaico Publication House.~~~~ 38 - A text book of machine design - R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta - S Chand~~~~ 39 - Introduction to Work Study - ILO - universal ~~~~ 40 - Human Factor Engineering and Design - Sanders McCormick - ~~~~ 41 - Job Evaluation - ILO - ~~~~ 42 - Job Evaluation - Yoga M - NPC, New Delhi~~~~ 43 - Most Work Measurement Systems - Zandin K.B. - Marcel Dekker Inc, ~~~~ 44 - Hand Book of Industrial Engineering By - H.B. Maynard - TMH ~~~~ 45 - Workshop Technology Vol-II - H.S.Bawa - TMH ~~~~ 46 - Production technology - HMT - ~~~~ 47 - Machine Tool Practices,, 6th Edition, - Richard R.Kibbe,John E . Neely, - Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd.~~~~ 48 - Manufacturing Engineering Handbook,
- Hwaiyu Geng - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 49 - Material Science and Metallurgy for Engineers. - V.D. Kodgire - Everest Publishing House~~~~ 50 - Principles of Material Science and Engineering - Smith W.F - MGH~~~~ 51 - Engineering Materials - K. G. Bundinski, M. K. Bundinski - Preatice - Hall of India Pvt. Ltd ~~~~ 52 - Engineering Metallurgy Part I Applied Physical Metarllurgy / Edward Arnold. - Higgins - English Language book Society~~~~ 53 - Metallurgy for Engineers - Rollason E. C. - ELBS Publishing.~~~~ 54 - Physical Metallurgy for Engineers - Clark and Varney W. R. - East-West Press ~~~~ 55 - An introduction to physical metallurgy - Avner - TMH~~~~ 56 - The science of engineering materials - Donald R. Askeland & Pradeep Phule - Thomson series.~~~~ 57 - A.S. M. Metals Hand Book Volume 4 Heat Treatment - - ~~~~ 58 - Material Science & Engineering , An Introduction” , 4th ed - William D.Callister - John Wiley & Sons Inc.~~~~ 59 - Material Science & Metallurgy - Dr.C. Daniel Yesudian & D.G. Harris Samuel - Scitech Publications ( India) Pvt.Ltd.~~~~ 60 - Frontiers in Material Science - Baldev Raj & K. Bhanu Sankara Rao - University Press ~~~~ 61 - Engineering Metrology - R.K. Jain - Khanna Publication~~~~ 62 - Engineering Metrology - K.J.Hume - Kalyani publication~~~~ 63 - Practical Engineering Metrology - K.W.B.Sharp - Pitman Publication~~~~ 64 - Quality Planning and Analysis - J.M. Juran & F.M.Gryna - ~~~~ 65 - Juran’s Quality Control Handbook - Juran - ~~~~ 66 - A Text book of Engineering Metrology - I.C.Gupta - Dhanpat Rai and Sons.~~~~ 67 - Statistical Quality Control - E.L.Grant & R.S. Kearenworth - ~~~~ 68 - Guide to Quality Control - Kaoru Ishikawa - Asian Productivity Organisation.~~~~ 69 - ISO 9000 Quality System - S.Dalela - ~~~~ 70 - ISO 9000 Quality System Handbook/ Hoyle David.- 4 .- Oxford - Hoyle David - Oxford~~~~ 71 - ISO 9000 Quality Management System - International Trade Center, Geneva - ~~~~ 72 - Tool Design - Donaldson,Lecain & Goold - TMH~~~~ 73 - Manufacturing Technology - P.N. Rao - TMH~~~~ 74 - Press Tools - P.H. Joshi - A.H. Wheeler ~~~~ 75 - Production Engg.Design (Tool Design), - Surender Kumar, - Satya Prakashan ~~~~ 76 - Injection Mould Design - R.G. W. Pye - EWP ~~~~ 77 - Plastic Processing handbook - A.S. Athalye - Multitech ~~~~ 78 - Production Engineering - P.C.Sharma - S. Chand~~~~ 79 - Numerical methods for Engineers - S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale - TMH ~~~~ 80 - Numerical methods - Balaguruswamy - TMH~~~~ 81 - Quantitative Techniques For managerial Decision Making - V.K.Srivastva, G.V Shenoy - Wiley eastern Ltd.~~~~ 82 - Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - - V. Rajaraman - Prentice Hall Publication~~~~ 83 - Introductory methods of Numerical Analysis - S. S. Sastry - Prentice Hall Publication~~~~ 84 - Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations - Jain, Ayengar, Jain - Wiley Eastern Publication.~~~~ 85 - Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science - B. S. Grewal - ~~~~ 86 - Numerical methods - S. Balachandra Rao and C. K. Shantha - University Press~~~~ 87 - Inventory management - L.C. Jhamb - G Y Rane Prakashan ~~~~ 88 - Inventory management - Silver and Peterson - John Willey and sons~~~~ 89 - Material Management - Dobler Burt - ~~~~ 90 - Purchasing & Matrerials Management:text & Cases - Dobler D W; Lee L; Burt D N - MGH~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - BE PRODUCTION - - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOKNAME - AUTHER - Publication ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - process engineering for manufacturing - D.F.Eary - Prentice-Hall ~~~~ 2 - computer aided process planning - P.W.Wang - ~~~~ 3 - System approach to computer integrated design and manufacturing - Nanua singh - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 4 - Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing catalogues for cutting tools and inspection equipments - H.W.Wage - ~~~~ 5 - CAD\CAM\CIM - P.Radhakrishnan S.Subrmaniyum - New Age Interanational ~~~~ 6 - Manufacturing Systems Engg - K.Hitomi - ~~~~ 7 - Fundamentals of modern manufacturing- materials, processes and systems 2nd - Groover Mikell - Willey~~~~ 8 - - - ~~~~ 9 - Automation Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing - P Groover - Pearson Education~~~~ 10 - Pneumatic System - S.R.Majumdar - Wiley Eastern Ltd~~~~ 11 - Mechanisation by pneumatic control - Werner Deport - ~~~~ 12 - Control Systems Engineering - Gopal - Willey ~~~~ 13 - Hydraulics and Pneumatics - Andrew Parr - Jaico Publications House~~~~ 14 - Microprocessor - Gaonkar - Penram International~~~~ 15 - Operations Research An introduction - H. A Taha - ~~~~ 16 - Operations Research - R. Panneerselvam - ~~~~ 17 - Introduction to Operations Research - F. S. Hillier - ~~~~ 18 - Operations Research - S. D. Sharma - Kedarnath Ramnath & Co Meerut~~~~ 19 - Operations Research Theory and Application 2nd - J K Sharma - ~~~~ 20 - Operations Research - Kanthi Swarup - ~~~~ 21 - Principles of Operations Research – Theory and Practice, - Philips, Ravindram and Soleberg - PHI~~~~ 22 - Introduction to Tribology - Bharat Bhushan - ~~~~ 23 - The Friction and Lubrication of Solids - Frank Philip - ~~~~ 24 - Engineering Tribology - Gwidon Stachowiak - ~~~~ 25 - Surface Engineering - ASM - ~~~~ 26 - Engineering Materials - K.G.Bundinski - ~~~~ 27 - Tool & Manufacturing Engineers Hand book, Vol.3 Materials Finishing & Coating - Mitchell Philip - Society of Manufacturing Engineers~~~~ 28 - Product design & Manufacturing - A.K.Chitale - PRENTICE HALL ~~~~ 29 - Product Design : Fundamentals & Methods - Roozenburg - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 30 - . Product design & Manufacture - Jhon R Lindbeck - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 31 - Industrial Design for Engineers - Mayall W.H. - London Liifee Books ~~~~ 32 - New Horizons for Human Factors in Design - Dale Huchingson - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 33 - Reliability Engineering - L. S. Srinath - Affiliated East West Press~~~~ 34 - Terotechnology-Reliability Engineering and maintenance - S. K. Basu, - ~~~~ 35 - Stochastic Processes - Sheldon M. Ross - ~~~~ 36 - Reliability Engineering - S. S. Rao - ~~~~ 37 - World Class Manufacturing -A strategic perspective - Sahay, Saxena - Macmillan~~~~ 38 - Re-engineering the corporation - Hammer M - Harper Collins~~~~ 39 - Cause and Effect Lean The essentials of Lean Manufacturing - John Bicheno - ~~~~ 40 - Maintainability Engineering - Blanchard,Verma - ~~~~ 41 - World Class Manufacturing Case Book - Schonberger - ~~~~ 42 - World Class Manufacturing - Richard Schonberger - ~~~~ 43 - Introduction to TPM: Total Productive Maintenance - Nakajima Seiichi - ~~~~ 44 - Total Productive Maintenance - Terry Wireman - ~~~~ 45 - Management Of Industrial Maintenance - A. Kelley - ~~~~ 46 - Complete Handbook of Maintenance Management - J.E. Heintzelman - ~~~~ 47 - TPM material/ books published - JIPM - ~~~~ 48 - Purchasing & Supply Management - Dobler and Burt - ~~~~ 49 - Strategic Logistics Management - Lambert - ~~~~ 50 - Logistical Management - The Integrated Supply Chain Process - Bowersox - ~~~~ 51 - Materials & Logistics Management - L.C.Jhamb - ~~~~ 52 - Logistics & Supply Chain Management - Christopher - ~~~~ 53 - Supply Chain Management - Sunil Chopra - ~~~~ 54 - Logistics & Supply Chain Management - Raghuram - ~~~~ 55 - process engineering for manufacturing - D.F.Eary - Prentice-Hall ~~~~ 56 - computer aided process planning - P.W.Wang - ~~~~ 57 - Automatic control systems - B. C Kuo - Prentice-Hall~~~~ 58 - Industrial hydraulic control - Peter Rohner, - ~~~~ 59 - Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing catalogues for cutting tools and inspection equipments - H.W.Wage - Prentice-Hall~~~~ 60 - “CAD\CAM\CIM - P.Radhakrishnan S.Subrmaniyum - New Age Interanational ~~~~ 61 - Measurement System Application and Design - E. O Doebelin - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 62 - Mechatronics Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - W Bolton - Pearson Education ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - SE MECH - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Engineering Thermodynamics - P. K. Nag - Tata McGraw Hill Publications~~~~ 2 - Engineering Thermodynamics - Rayner Joel - ELBS Longman~~~~ 3 - Basic Engineering Thermodynamics - Rayner Joel - ELBS Longman~~~~ 4 - Thermodynamics- An Engineering Approach - Y Cengel & Boles - Tata McGraw Hill Publications~~~~ 5 - Engineering Thermodynamics - C. P. Arora - Tata McGraw Hill Publications~~~~ 6 - Thermal Engineering - P L Ballany - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 7 - Thermodynamics and Heat Engines - Kothandaraman and Domkundwar - Dhanpat Rai & Sons~~~~ 8 - Mechanical Engineering Design - Shigley J. E. and Mischke C. R. - McGraw Hill Inc~~~~ 9 - Mechanics of Material - Gere and Temoshenko - CBS Publishers~~~~ 10 - Introduction to Mechanics of Solids - E. P. Popov - Prentice Hall Publishers~~~~ 11 - Engineering mechanics of solids - E.P.Popov - Prentice Hall Publishers~~~~ 12 - Strength of Materials - Singer and Pytel - Harper and Row Publications~~~~ 13 - Mechanics of Structures Vol I - Junnarkar and Advi - Charotar Book Co~~~~ 14 - Design Data Book - PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore - ~~~~ 15 - Introduction to Machine Design - Bhandari V. B. - Tata McGraw Hill Publication~~~~ 16 - Machine drawing - K.L. Narayana, P. Kannaiah & K. Venkata Raddy - New Age International Ltd.~~~~ 17 - Engg. Graphics & design with computer applications - David I. Cooke & Robert N. McDongal - Holt Sounders International edition~~~~ 18 - inside Auto CAD - D.Rakers & H. Rice - New riders/Micro tech Asian edition.~~~~ 19 - Westermann Tables for metal Trade - - Wiley Publication ~~~~ 20 - Machine Tool Design handbook - CMTI - Tata McGraw Hill Publication~~~~ 21 - Design data - Faculty of mechanical Engineering, - P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbtore.~~~~ 22 - IS Code: SP46 - - ~~~~ 23 - Production Drawing - K.L. Narayan, P. Kannaiah&K. Venkata reddy - new ages international Ltd.~~~~ 24 - Machine Drawing. - P. S Gill - ~~~~ 25 - AutoCAD Reference Manual. - - ~~~~ 26 - Auto LISP reference Manual. - - ~~~~ 27 - Auto LISP in Plain English - George O.Head - Galgotia 28 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics 8 th ed - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons, inc., ~~~~ 29 - Higher Engineering Mathematics 36th ed - B.S. Grewal - Khanna Pub ~~~~ 30 - Advanced Calculus - Murray R. Spiegel - Schaum’s out line series].~~~~ 31 - Calculus and analytic Geometry 6th Edition - Thomas, G. B. and Finney - Wesley/Narosa~~~~ 32 - Electronics Devices, 5th Edition - Thomas L Floyed - Pearson~~~~ 33 - Electronics Industry - Chute & Chute - MGM~~~~ 34 - Process Instrumentation Hand Book. - Cinsidine - MGH~~~~ 35 - Computer Based Industrial Control. - Krishna Kant - PHI~~~~ 36 - Mechatronics. - Bolten - Pearson Education~~~~ 37 - Electronics Devices and circuits, 20th ed - Allen Mottershed - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 38 - Digital Principles and application - Albert Paul Malvino Donald P Leach - ~~~~ 39 - Electrical machinery - S.K. Bhattacharya - T.T.T.I.Chandigarh~~~~ 40 - Electrical machines & Power system vol 1. - Syed A. asar - McGraw hill~~~~ 41 - Fractional and sub fractional horse power electrical motors. - C.E. Veinott and J.E. Martits - McGraw hill~~~~ 42 - Electrical Engineering Handbook - Siemens - Wiley eastern~~~~ 43 - Electrical Machinery and Transformers - Irvin Kosow - Prentice Hall (Eastern Economy Edition)~~~~ 44 - Electrical Machines 4th edn. - Theodore Wildi - Pearson Education~~~~ 45 - Electrical Machinery - S. K. Bhattacharya - T. T. T. I. Chandigarh~~~~ 46 - Electrical Technology - Hughes Edward m - Pearson Education~~~~ 47 - Electrical Machines & Power Systems Vol 1 - Syed A. Nasar - McGraw Hill International Edition~~~~ 48 - Fractional and Sub fractional Horse Power Electrical Motors - C. E. Veinott and J. E. Martits - McGraw Hill International Edition~~~~ 49 - Electrical Engineering Handbook - Siemens - Wiley Eastern~~~~ 50 - Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery - Modi & Seth - standard Book House~~~~ 51 - Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery - Ramamrutham - Dhanpat Rai Pub Co ~~~~ 52 - Enginering Fluid Mechanics - K.L.Kumar - Eurasia Publishing House~~~~ 53 - Fluid Mechanics - A.K.Jain - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 54 - Engineering Fluid Mechanics - Garde and Mirajkar - Nem Chand and Brothers, ~~~~ 55 - Fluid Mechanics - R.K.Rajput - S.Chand Publishers~~~~ 56 - A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics - Domkundwar & Domkundwar - Dhanpat Rai and Co. Ltd.~~~~ 57 - Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines - Som and Biswas - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 58 - Problems in Fluid Mechanics - Subramanyam - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 59 - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (Third edition) - John Uicker, Jr. , Gordon R. Pennock and J. E. Shigley - Oxford University Press.~~~~ 60 - Theory of Machines - S. S. Rattan - Tata McGraw-Hill Publication~~~~ 61 - Theory of Machines - Thomas Bevan - CBS Publications.~~~~ 62 - Machines and MechanismsApplied Kinematic Analysis. - David H. Myszka - Pearson Education, Asia.~~~~ 63 - Design of Machinery - R. L. Norton - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 64 - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - Amitabh Ghosh and A. K. Mallik - Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd.~~~~ 65 - Internal Combustion Engines - V. Ganesan - Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.~~~~ 66 - A Course in Internal Combustion Engines - M. L. Mathur, R. P. Sharma - Dhanpat Rai & Co.(P) Ltd.~~~~ 67 - Internal Combustion Engines - Domkundwar & Domkundwar - Dhanpat Rai & Co.(P) Ltd.~~~~ 68 - Course In Internal Combustion Engines S.i.units. - Domkundwar A V & Domkundwar V M - Dhanpat Rai & Co. Ltd.~~~~ 69 - Internal Combustion Engines - R. Yadav - Central Book Depot, Allahabad~~~~ 70 - Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals - Heywood - Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.~~~~ 71 - Automotive Engines - Srinivasan S - Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.~~~~ 72 - Material science and metallurgy for Engineers - Kodgire V. D - Everest Publishing House, Pune.~~~~ 73 - Material Science And Metallurgy - Kodgire V D - Everest Publishing House, Pune.~~~~ 74 - Engineering Materials - K. G. Bundinski , M. K. Bundinski - Preatice - Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.~~~~ 75 - Engineering Materials: Properties And Selection - Budinski K G & Budinski M K - Preatice - Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.~~~~ 76 - Metallurgy for Engineers - Rollason E. C - ELBS Publishing.~~~~ 77 - Physical Metallurgy for Engineers - Clark and Varney W. R. - East-West Press ~~~~ 78 - An introduction to physical metallurgy - Avner - TMH publication~~~~ 79 - The science of engineering materials - Donald R. Askeland & Pradeep Phule - Thomson series.~~~~ 80 - Elements of Workshop Technology Vol I, II - Hajara Choudhari, Bose S. K. - Asia Publishing House~~~~ 81 - Manufacturing Technology Vol I & II - P. N. Rao - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co~~~~ 82 - Production Technology - R. K. Jain - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 83 - Production Technology - P. C. Sharma - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 84 - Workshop Technology Vol I, II, III - Chapman W. A. J. - ELBS Publishers~~~~ 85 - Production Technology - HMT - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co~~~~ 86 - Materials and Processes in manufacturing 8th Edition - Degarmo, Black and Kosherth - Prentice Hall of India ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - Mechanical First & Second Semester - T.E. Mechanical Syllabus - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd ed - Sachdeva R.C - Wiley Eastern Limited ~~~~ 2 - Principles of Heat Transfer - Karlekar and Desmond - Prentice hall of India Ltd~~~~ 3 - Heat Transfer - J.P. Holman - McGraw hill. ~~~~ 4 - Fundamentals of Heat Transfer - Frank P Incropera, David P De Witt - Wiley, Eastern Limited~~~~ 5 - A text book on Heat Transfer , 3rd ed - Sukhatme S. P - Orient Longmans~~~~ 6 - Engineering Heat Transfer - Gupta and Prakash - Nemchand and Brothers~~~~ 7 - Theory of Machines and Mechanism - John Uicker, Jr. , Gordon R. Pennock,Shigley - Oxford University Press~~~~ 8 - Theory of Machines - S. S. Rattan - Tata McGraw-Hill Publication~~~~ 9 - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - Amitabh Ghosh and A. K. Mallik - Affiliated East-West Press Pvt Ltd ~~~~ 10 - Theory of Machines - Thomas Bevan - CBS Publications~~~~ 11 - Machines and Mechanisms Applied Kinematic Analysis - David H. Myszka - Pearson Education~~~~ 12 - Design of Machinery - R. L. Norton - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 13 - Design of Machine Elements - Bhandari V.B - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 14 - Mechanical Engineering Design - Shigley J.E. and Mischke C.R. - McGraw Hill Publication ~~~~ 15 - Design of Machine Elements - Spotts M.F. and Shoup T.E - Prentice Hall International~~~~ 16 - Machine Design - Black P.H. and O. Eugene Adams - McGraw Hill Book~~~~ 17 - Machine Components Design - Willium C. Orthwein - West Publishing Co. and Jaico Pub ~~~~ 18 - Design Data - P.S.G. College of Technology - P.S.G. College of Technology~~~~ 19 - Fundamentals of Machine Components Design - Juvinal R.C. - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 20 - Theory and Problems of Machine Design Schaum’s Outline Series - Hall A.S., Holowenko A.R. and Laughlin H.G - ~~~~ 21 - Getting Started With Matlab 7 - Pratap Rudra - ------------------~~~~ 22 - Programming in MATLAB - Krishnamurthy E.V., Sen - Affiliated East West Press~~~~ 23 - Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations ,5th ed - Jain M.K., Iyengar S.R.K. and Jain, R.K - New Age International Ltd~~~~ 24 - Numerical Methods for Engineers ,4th Ed - Chapra S.C. & Canal R. P. - Tata McGraw Hill Pub~~~~ 25 - Numerical Methods - Balagurusamy E - Tata McGraw Hill Pub~~~~ 26 - Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - Rajaraman V - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 27 - Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering -A practical Approach - Rajasekaran S - S. Chand and Co~~~~ 28 - Optimization – Theory and Applications - Rao S.S - New Age International~~~~ 29 - Numerical Methods with programs in C - Veerarajan T., Ramchandran T - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 30 - Numerical Methods Using Matlab - Mathews J.H., - ----------------------~~~~ 31 - Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers using MATLAB & C - Schilling R. J., Harries S.L - Thomson Books~~~~ 32 - Production Technology - P. C. Sharma - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 33 - Elements of Workshop Technology Vol I, II - Hajara Choudhari, Bose S. K. - Asia Publishing House~~~~ 34 - Production Technology - R. K. Jain - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 35 - Workshop Technology Vol I, II, III - Chapman W. A. J. - ELBS Publishers~~~~ 36 - Production Technology - HMT - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing~~~~ 37 - Materials and Processes in manufacturing 8th Ed - Degarmo, Black and Kosherth - Prentice Hall of India ~~~~ 38 - Production Systems - Planning Analysis and Control - J.L. Riggs - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 39 - Operations Management - Design, Planning & Control for Manufacturing and Services - J.B. Dilworth - McGraw Hill~~~~ 40 - Elements of PPC - Samuel Elion - Universal Book Company~~~~ 41 - Industrial Engineering and Production Management - Martand Telsang - S. Chand and Co. Ltd~~~~ 42 - Production Management - E. Elwood Buffa - John Wiley& sons~~~~ 43 - Production and Operation Management - S N Charry - Tata McGraw- Hill ~~~~ 44 - Production Technology - HMT - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 45 - - - ~~~~ 46 - Machine Tool Practices - Richard R.Kibbe,John E . Neely - Prentice-Hall of India ~~~~ 47 - Manufacturing Engineering Handbook - Hwaiyu Geng - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 48 - Refrigeration and Air conditioning - Arora S. C.& Domkundwar S - Dhanpatrai & Sons~~~~ 49 - Refrigeration and Air conditioning - Arora C. P. - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 50 - Refrigeration and Air conditioning - Manohar Prasad - Wiley Eastern Limited~~~~ 51 - Refrigeration and Air conditioning - Anantanrayanan, - Tata McGraw Hills~~~~ 52 - Refrigeration and Air conditioning - Dossat Ray J - Wiley Eastern Limited~~~~ 53 - Refrigeration and Air conditioning , 4th ed - R. S. Khurmi, J. K. Gupta - S. Chand Publication ~~~~ 54 - Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery - Modi & Seth - Standard Book House~~~~ 55 - Hydraulic Machines - J. Lal - Metropolitan Book Co~~~~ 56 - Theory of Hydraulic Machinery - V.P.Vasandani - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 57 - Hand Book of Pumps - Karassic, - Tata McGraw Hill Ltd~~~~ 58 - Basic Fluid Power - D.A.Pease - Prentice Hall~~~~ 59 - Industrial Hydraulics - J.J.Pipenger - McGraw Hill~~~~ 60 - Fluid Power with application - A.Esposito - Prentice Hall~~~~ 61 - Vickers Manual on Industrial Hydraulics - --------- - --------------~~~~ 62 - Oil Hydraulics-Principle and Maintenance - Majumdar - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 63 - Festo’s Manual on Pneumatic Principle, application - - ~~~~ 64 - Engineering Metrology - K.J.Hume - Kalyani publication ~~~~ 65 - Practical Engineering Metrology - K.W.B.Sharp - Pitman Publication ~~~~ 66 - Engineering Metrology - R.K. Jain - Khanna Publication~~~~ 67 - Juran's Quality Control Handbook - ------------ - ------------~~~~ 68 - A Text book of Engineering Metrology - I.C.Gupta - Dhanpat Rai and Sons~~~~ 69 - Statistical Quality Control - E.L.Grant & R.S. Kearenworth - ------------~~~~ 70 - Guide to Quality Control - Kaoru Ishikawa - Asian Productivity Organisation~~~~ 71 - ISO 9000 Quality System - S.Dalela - ---------- ~~~~ 72 - Material science and metallurgy for Engineers - Kodgire V. D - Everest Publishing House~~~~ 73 - Engineering Materials - K. G. Bundinski , M. K. Bundinski - Preatice - Hall of India ~~~~ 74 - Metallurgy for Engineers - Rollason E. C - ------------~~~~ 75 - Physical Metallurgy for Engineers - Clark and Varney W. R - East-West Press ~~~~ 76 - An introduction to physical metallurgy - Avner - TMH publication~~~~ 77 - The science of engineering materials - Donald R. Askeland & Pradeep Phule - Thomson series~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - BE MECH - - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLICATION~~~~ 1 - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - Shigley J. E. and Uicker J - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 2 - Mechanical Vibrations - Grover G. K - Nem Chand and Bros~~~~ 3 - Mechanical Vibrations - Rao S. S - Addison Wiley Publishing ~~~~ 4 - Mechanical Vibrations - Seto W. W - Schaum Publishing Co~~~~ 5 - Mechanics of Machines - Hannah and Stephans - Edward Aronold~~~~ 6 - Theory of Mechanism and Machines - A. Gosh & Malik - East – West Pvt ~~~~ 7 - Elements of Mechanical Vibra - Meirovitch - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 8 - Theory of Machines - Bevan T - ~~~~ 9 - Theory of Machines - Jagdishlal - ~~~~ 10 - Introduction to finite elements in engineering - Chandrupatla T.R. and Belegunda A.D - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 11 - Applied finite elements analysis - Segerling L.J - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 12 - Introduction to CAD/CAM - Rao P.N - Tata McGraw ~~~~ 13 - Automation, production systems and computer integrated manufacturing - Groover M.P - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 14 - Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics - D F Roger , J Adams - McGraw Hill Co~~~~ 15 - Energy Conservation - - National Productivity Council ~~~~ 16 - Petroleum Conservation Research Association - - New Delhi~~~~ 17 - The Efficient use of Energy - IGC Dryden - ~~~~ 18 - Energy Management Handbook - W.S. Turner - ~~~~ 19 - Energy Conservation Guide Book - Patrick Steven R., Patric Dale R., Fordo Stephen - The Fairmont Press ~~~~ 20 - Automotive Mechanics - Crouse W.H - Tata McGraw Hill Publishing~~~~ 21 - Automotive Mechanics - Joseph Heitner - C.B.S.Publisher ~~~~ 22 - Automobile Engineering - Narang G.B.S - S.Chand and Company ~~~~ 23 - Motor vehicle - Newton, Steeds & Garrett - English language book society ~~~~ 24 - Automobile Engineering V.II - Singh Kripal - New Chand ~~~~ 25 - Automotive systems - A.W.Judge - ~~~~ 26 - The Automobile - Harbans Singh Reyat - ~~~~ 27 - A Book of Car - Jacobson M A I - Drive Pub. Ltd.~~~~ 28 - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - A. Ghosh and A.K. Mallik - Affiliated East-West Press ~~~~ 29 - Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages - R.S. Hartenberg and J. Denavit - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 30 - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - J.J. Uicker ,G.R.Pennock - Oxford Univ. Press~~~~ 31 - Theory of Machines - S.S. Rattan - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 32 - Design of Machinery: An Introduction to the Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms and Machines - Robert L. Norton - McGraw Hill~~~~ 33 - Machines & Mechanisms Applied Kinematics Analysis - Myszka D H - Pearson Education~~~~ 34 - Kinematic Analysis and synthesis of Mechanisms - A.K.Mallik , A. Ghosh and G. Dittrich - CRC Press ~~~~ 35 - Fundamentals of Heat Transfer - IGC Frank P Incropera, David P De Witt - Wiley~~~~ 36 - Process Heat Transfer - Kern D Q - Tata Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 37 - Heat Exchanger Design - Aurther P Frass - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 38 - Heat Exchangers Theory and Practice - T Taborek, G F Hewitt and N Afgan - Mcgraw Hill~~~~ 39 - Industrial Heat Exchangers a Basic guide - Walker - Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 40 - Cooling Tower - Nicholas Cheremisioff - Ann Arbor SciencePub~~~~ 41 - Heat exchangers - Holger Martin - Hemispherical Publishing ~~~~ 42 - Principles of Heat Transfer - Karlekar and desmond - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 43 - Operation Research and Introduction - Taha H A - McMillian~~~~ 44 - Operations Research - Paneerselvam - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 45 - Introduction to Operation Research 5TH - Hiller and Libermann - McGraw Hill~~~~ 46 - Operations Research - S.D. Sharma - Kedarnath, Ramnath &Co~~~~ 47 - Operations Research Theory and Application 2nd - J K Sharma - Pearson Education ~~~~ 48 - Operations Research - Kanthi Swarup - Sultan chand and Sons~~~~ 49 - Principles of Operations Research – Theory and Practice - Philips, Ravindram and Soleberg - PHI ~~~~ 50 - Inventory management - L.C. Jhamb - ~~~~ 51 - Material Management - Dobler Burt - ~~~~ 52 - Inventory management - Silver and Peterson - John Willey and sons~~~~ 53 - Theory of Machines and Mechanisms - Shigley J. E. and Uicker J - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 54 - Mechanical Vibrations - Grover G. K - Nem Chand and Bros~~~~ 55 - Mechanical Vibrations - Rao S. S - Addison Wiley Publishing ~~~~ 56 - Mechanical Vibrations - Seto W. W - Schaum Publishing Co~~~~ 57 - Mechanics of Machines - Hannah and Stephans - Edward Aronold~~~~ 58 - Theory of Mechanism and Machines - A. Gosh & Malik - East – West Pvt ~~~~ 59 - Elements of Mechanical Vibra - Meirovitch - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 60 - Theory of Machines - Bevan T - ~~~~ 61 - Theory of Machines - Jagdishlal - ~~~~ 62 - CAD/CAM - theory and practice - Ibrahim Zeid - Tata McGraw ~~~~ 63 - Mastering CAD/CAM - Ibrahim Zeid - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 64 - Introduction to finite elements in engineering - Chandrupatla T.R. and Belegunda A.D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 65 - Applied finite elements analysis - Segerling L.J - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 66 - Introduction to CAD/CAM - Rao P.N - Tata McGraw ~~~~ 67 - Automation, production systems and computer integrated manufacturing - Groover M.P - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 68 - Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics - D F Roger , J Adams - McGraw Hill Co~~~~ 69 - A Course in Power Plant Engg 5TH - Arora, & Domkundwar - Dhanpat Rai & Co~~~~ 70 - Power Plant Engg - P K Nag - Tata Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 71 - Instrumentation – Devices and Systems - Rangan C. S., Sarma G. R., Mani V. S - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 72 - Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems - Histand B. H., Alciatore D. - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 73 - Process Control Instrumentation Technology - Johnson C. D. - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 74 - Mechatronics - HMT - ~~~~ 75 - Mechatronics Principles, concepts and applications - Mahalik N. P - McGraw Hill Publishing ~~~~ 76 - Mechatronics Systems Design - Kolk R. A., Shetty D - Vikas Publishing ~~~~ 77 - Kinematic Linkage Design - A. S. Hall - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 78 - Measurement System – Application and Design - Doebelin E. O - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 79 - Mechatronics-Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - Bolton W - Pearson Education ~~~~ 80 - Instrumentation – Devices and Systems - Rangan C. S., Sarma G. R., Mani V. S - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 81 - Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems - Histand B. H., Alciatore D. - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 82 - Process Control Instrumentation Technology - Johnson C. D. - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 83 - Mechatronics - HMT - ~~~~ 84 - Mechatronics Principles, concepts and applications - Mahalik N. P - McGraw Hill Publishing ~~~~ 85 - Mechatronics Systems Design - Kolk R. A., Shetty D - Vikas Publishing ~~~~ 86 - Kinematic Linkage Design - A. S. Hall - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 87 - Design of machine elements - Bhandari V.B - McGrow Hill ~~~~ 88 - Mechanical Engineering Design - Shigley J.E. and Mischke C.R - McGrow Hill ~~~~ 89 - Design of Machine elements - Spott s M.F. and Shoup T.E - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 90 - Machine Design - Black P.H. and O. Eugene Adams - McGrow Hill ~~~~ 91 - Machine Components Design I and II - Willium C. Orthwine - West-Pub. Co. an Jaico~~~~ 92 - Design Data - P.S.G - Coimbatore~~~~ 93 - Theory and Problems of Machine Design - Hall A.S., Holowenko A.R. - Mcgraw Hill~~~~ 94 - A Course in Power Plant Engg 5TH - Arora, & Domkundwar - Dhanpat Rai & Co~~~~ 95 - Power Plant Engg - P K Nag - Tata Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 96 - Power Plant Engg - R.K.Rajput - Laxmi Publication~~~~ 97 - Power Plant Engineering - P. C. Sharma - S. Kataria & sons~~~~ 98 - Modern Power Plant Engg - Wesisman & Eckart - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 99 - Handbook of Power Plant Engineering - Elliot T.C - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 100 - Power Plant Engineering - Wakil M M - Tata Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 101 - Thermal Engineering - Ballaney - Khanna Publishing House~~~~ 102 - Introduction to Power Plant Technology - Rai G D - Khanna Publishing~~~~ 103 - Measurement System – Application and Design - Doebelin E. O - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 104 - Mechatronics-Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - Bolton W - Pearson Education ~~~~ 105 - Instrumentation – Devices and Systems - Rangan C. S., Sarma G. R., Mani V. S - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 106 - Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems - Histand B. H., Alciatore D. - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 107 - Process Control Instrumentation Technology - Johnson C. D. - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 108 - Mechatronics - HMT - ~~~~ 109 - Mechatronics Principles, concepts and applications - Mahalik N. P - McGraw Hill Publishing ~~~~ 110 - Mechatronics Systems Design - Kolk R. A., Shetty D - Vikas Publishing ~~~~ 111 - Kinematic Linkage Design - A. S. Hall - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 112 - Design of machine elements - Bhandari V.B - McGrow Hill ~~~~ 113 - Mechanical Engineering Design - Shigley J.E. and Mischke C.R - McGrow Hill ~~~~ 114 - Design of Machine elements - Spott s M.F. and Shoup T.E - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 115 - Machine Design - Black P.H. and O. Eugene Adams - McGrow Hill ~~~~ 116 - Machine Components Design I and II - Willium C. Orthwine - West-Pub. Co. an Jaico~~~~ 117 - Design Data - P.S.G - Coimbatore~~~~ 118 - Theory and Problems of Machine Design - Hall A.S., Holowenko A.R. and Laughlin H.G - Mcgraw Hill~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - First/Second semester - Mech sandwich - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Fundamental of Manufacturing Engineering - Kosakov V.S - M.I.R. Publications~~~~ 2 - Design of production processes - Gupta R.B. & Kaithal - Satya Prakashan~~~~ 3 - Tooling method and ideas - Bredin H.W - Industrial press Inc~~~~ 4 - Process planning - Ary Johnson - ------~~~~ 5 - Maintenance Replacement and Reliability - Aks Jardine - Pitman Publishing ~~~~ 6 - Mechanical Fault Diagnosis & Condition Monitoring - R.A.Collacott - Chapman & Hall~~~~ 7 - Industrial Engineering Handbook - Irson & Grant - -------~~~~ 8 - Industrial Maintenance Handbook - Higgins & Marrow - --------~~~~ 9 - Systematic layout & Handling Analysis - Richard Muthor - --------~~~~ 10 - Maintenance Organization & Planning - Rajgopal - ------~~~~ 11 - Industrial Maintenance - H.P.Garg - S.Chand Publication~~~~ 12 - Production Management - Hazra Chodhary - Media Promoters ~~~~ 13 - Operation Management - Mclain J.O.and Thomal L.J - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 14 - Elements of production planning and control - Samuel Eilon - University Publicity Corpo~~~~ 15 - Modern Production /Operation Management, 7th ed - E.S.Buffa - Wiley Estern Ltd~~~~ 16 - Operation management ,theory and problems - Monks J.G. - Mcgraw Hill Int~~~~ 17 - Production and Inventory Control - G.W.Plossal - Prentice Hall~~~~ 18 - Production Systems Planning Analysis and Control - Riggs J.L - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 19 - Production Control - Biegel J.E. - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 20 - Statical Quality Control - Ugene L.Grant - McGraw Hill~~~~ 21 - Operation Management - Chary S.N. - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 22 - Production and Operations Management - Chase Jacob - Acquino~~~~ 23 - Heat Transfer - J.P. Holman - McGraw hill~~~~ 24 - Fundamentals of Heat Transfer - Frank P Incropera, David P De Witt - Wiley, Eastern Limited~~~~ 25 - Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, 3rd ed - Sachdeva, R.C - Wiley Eastern Limited ~~~~ 26 - Text book on Heat Transfer , 3rd ed - Sukhatme S. P. - Orient Longmans ~~~~ 27 - Course in Heat and Mass Transfer , 4th ed - Arora S C and Domkundwar.S. - Dhanpat Rai & Sons~~~~ 28 - Engineering Heat Transfer - Gupta and Prakash - Nemchand and Broth~~~~ 29 - Principles of Heat Transfer - Karlekar & Desmond - Prentice hall~~~~ 30 - Heat Transfer - M. Necati Ozisik - Mc Graw Hill Pub~~~~ 31 - Internal combustion engines - Ganesan V - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 32 - Internal combustion engines - Mathur and Sharma - Dhanpatrai and Co~~~~ 33 - Thermal engineering - P L Ballaney - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 34 - Thermal engineering - Kumar Vasandani - --------------------~~~~ 35 - Internal combustion engines - Domkundwar and Domkundwar - Dhanpatrai and Co~~~~ 36 - Refrigeration and airconditioning - Arrora and Domkundwar - Dhanpatrai and Co~~~~ 37 - Refrigeration and Airconditioning - C P Arrora - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 38 - Mechanics of Machines - Hannah and Stephans - Arnold Publication.~~~~ 39 - Theory of Machines - Bevan T - Longman Publication~~~~ 40 - Theory of Machines and Mechanism - John Uicker, Jr. , Gordon R. Pennock,Shigley - Oxford University Press~~~~ 41 - Theory of Machines - Ballaney P.L. - Khanna Publications~~~~ 42 - Theory of Machines - Jagdish Lal - Metropolitian Book ~~~~ 43 - Theory of Machines - Khurmi R.S.and Gupta J.K - Eurasia Publishing ~~~~ 44 - Mechanical Engineering Design - Shigley J.E. and Mischke C.R - McGraw Hill~~~~ 45 - Design of Machine Elements - Spotts M.F. and Shoup T.E - Prentice Hall International~~~~ 46 - Design of Machine Elements - Bhandari V.B - Tata -McGraw Hill ~~~~ 47 - Machine Design - Black P.H. and O. Eugence A. - McGraw Hill Book ~~~~ 48 - Design Data - P.S.G. College - P.S.G. College ~~~~ 49 - Fundamentals of Machine Components Design - Juvinal R.C. - John Wiley and Sons.~~~~ 50 - Kinematic Analysis and Synthesis - Denavit & Hartenberg - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 51 - Kinematic Linkage Design - A. S. Hall - Pretice Hall ~~~~ 52 - Measurement System Application and Design - Doebelin E. O - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 53 - Mechatronics : Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - Bolton W. - Pearson – Education ~~~~ 54 - Instrumentation – Devices and Systems - Rangan C. S., Sarma G. R., Mani V. S - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 55 - Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems. - Histand B. H., Alciatore D. G. - -----------------~~~~ 56 - Process Control Instrumentation Technology - Johnson C. D. - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 57 - Mechatronics - HMT - HMT~~~~ 58 - Mechatronics – Principles, concepts and applications - Mahalik N. P - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 59 - Mechatronics Systems Design - Kolk R. A., Shetty D - Vikas Publishing ~~~~ 60 - Kinematic Linkage Design - A. S. Hall - Pretice Hall ~~~~ 61 - Numerical Methods for Engineers ,4th Ed - Chapra, S.C. & Canal, R. P - Tata McGraw Hill Pub~~~~ 62 - Numerical Methods - Balagurusamy, E., - Tata McGraw Hill Pub~~~~ 63 - Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - Rajaraman, V. - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 64 - Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis - Sastry, S.S - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 65 - Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations, 5th Ed - Jain, M.K., Iyengar, S.R.K. AND Jain, R.K - New Age International ~~~~ 66 - Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering – A practical Approach - Rajasekaran, S. - S. Chand and Co~~~~ 67 - Optimization – Theory and Applications - Rao, S.S., - New Age International ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - SE - IT - ~~~~ - - First Semester (Theory ) - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Data structures using C and C++ 2nd Ed. - Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, A.M.Tenenbaum - Pearson Education~~~~ 2 - C and Data Structures - E.Balaguruswamy - TMH~~~~ 3 - Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ - E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, D. Mehta, - Galgotia book source ~~~~ 4 - Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ , 2nd Ed. - M. Weiss - Pearson Education~~~~ 5 - An Introduction to data Structures with applications 2nd Ed. - J. Tremblay, P. soresan, - TMH ~~~~ 6 - Data Structures in C++ 2nd Edition, 2 - A. Drozdek - Thomson Brookes / COLE Books, ~~~~ 7 - Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms - E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, S.Rajasekaran - Galgotia book source~~~~ 8 - Numerical Methods for scientific & engineering computations 2nd ed. - M. K. Jain, S.R.K Iyengar & R .K. Jain - Wiley Eastern Ltd.~~~~ 9 - Fundamentals of Queuing Theory 3rd Ed. - Gross D. and Harris C - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 10 - Probability models for computer science , 1st Indian Ed. - S. M. Ross - Academic Press~~~~ 11 - Probability and Random Processes for electrical engineering 2nd Edition - Albert Leon-Gracia - Pearson Education~~~~ 12 - ‘Simulation 2nd Edition, - S. M. Ross - John Wiley & Sons,~~~~ 13 - Probability, Statistics and Queuing theory - Allen, A.O - Academic Press~~~~ 14 - Introduction to Queuing theory - R. B. Cooper - McMillan~~~~ 15 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’8th ed. - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons~~~~ 16 - Information Theory 1st South Asian Ed. - Robert B. Ash - Dover Publications~~~~ 17 - Computer Organization - C. Hamacher, V. Zvonko, S. Zaky, - TMH~~~~ 18 - Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing - Hwang and Bringgs - TMH. ~~~~ 19 - Computer Organization and Architecture: principles of structure and function Editions, 2nd Edition, - Stallings William - Maxwell Macmillan ~~~~ 20 - Structured Computer Organisation 4th Edition - A. Tanenbaum - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 21 - Computer Organization: Hardware and Software 2nd ed. - G. George - Prentice Hall of india~~~~ 22 - Computer Organization & Design:the Hardware & Software - 2 - Patterson D A; Hennessy J L. - Harcourt Asia 23 - Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for performance 6th Edition. - W. Stallings - Prentice Hall of India,~~~~ 24 - Computer Architecture and Organization 2nd Edition - Hayes J P - TMH~~~~ 25 - Modern Digital Electronics 3rd ed. - R.P. Jain - TMH~~~~ 26 - A VHDL Primer. - J. Bhaskar - Prentice Hall~~~~ 27 - A VHDL Primer. - J. Bhaskar - Addison-wesley Longman~~~~ 28 - Digital Design 3rd Edition . - M. Mano - Pearson Education~~~~ 29 - Digital Electronics 4th Edition - J. Bignell, R. Donovan, - DELMAR Thomson Learning,~~~~ 30 - Digital Principles and Applications 5th Edition - A. Malvino, D. Leach - TMH~~~~ 31 - Digital Design - Principles and Practices - J. Wakerly - Pearson Education~~~~ 32 - Integrated Electronics Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems - J. Millman, C. Halkias - TMH~~~~ 33 - Op-Amp and Linear Integrated Circuits 4th Edition. - R. Gaikwad - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 34 - Electronic Devices 5th Ed. - T. Floyd - Pearson Education ~~~~ 35 - Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory 8th Edition - R. Boylstad, L. Nashelsky - Pearson Education~~~~ 36 - Microwave Devices and Circuits 3rd Edition - Liao - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 37 - Power Electronics, converters, applications and design 2nd Edition. - N. Mohan, T. Undeland, W. Robbins - John Wiley ~~~~ 38 - Integrated Circuits and Semiconductor Devices, Theory and Applications”, 2nd Edition - G. Deboo, C. Burrous - TMH~~~~ 41 - Data structures using C and C++ 2nd Ed. - Y. Langsam, M.J.Augenstein, A.M.Tenenbaum - Pearson Education~~~~ 42 - C and Data Structures - E.Balaguruswamy - TMH~~~~ 43 - Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ - E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, D. Mehta, - Galgotia book source ~~~~ 44 - Data structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ , 2nd Ed. - M. Weiss - Pearson Education~~~~ 45 - An Introduction to data Structures with applications 2nd Ed. - J. Tremblay, P. soresan, - TMH ~~~~ 46 - Data Structures in C++ 2nd Edition, 2 - A. Drozdek - Thomson Brookes / COLE Books, ~~~~ 47 - Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms - E. Horwitz , S. Sahani, S.Rajasekaran - Galgotia book source~~~~ 48 - Microprocessors and Interfacing 2nd Ed. - Douglas Hall - MGH~~~~ 49 - Assembly Language Programming 5th Edition - Peter Abel - Pearson Education ~~~~ 50 - Advanced MS DOS Programming,2nd Edition - Ray Duncan - BPB publications~~~~ 51 - Advanced microprocessors and peripherals :Architecture ,programming & interfacing , 4th edition, - A. ray, K. Bhurchandi, - TMH~~~~ 52 - INTEL – Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook VOL I - intel - ~~~~ 53 - Object Oriented Programming with C++ - E. Balaguruswamy - TMH~~~~ 54 - Computer Graphics Principles and Practice 2nd Edition. - . J. Foley, V. Dam, S. Feiner, J. Hughes - Pearson Education, ~~~~ 55 - The Waite Group's Object oriented Programming in C++ 3rd Edition - R. Lafore - Galgotia Publication~~~~ 56 - C++ Programming Language 3rd Ed. - B. Stroustrup - Pearson Education~~~~ 57 - C++ Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt - TMH~~~~ 58 - Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics 2nd Edition, - D. Rogers - TMH~~~~ 59 - Computer Graphics: Using OpenGL", 2nd Edition, - F. Hill - Pearson Education,~~~~ 60 - Computer Graphics - C Version 2nd Edition - D. Hearn, M. Baker, - Pearson Education~~~~ 61 - Computer Graphics 2nd Edition - . S. Harrington - TMH~~~~ 62 - Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics 2nd Edition. - D. Rogers, J. Adams, - TMH~~~~ 63 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’8th ed. - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons~~~~ 64 - Higher Engineering Mathematics 38th Ed., (40 th) - . B.S. Grewal - Khanna Publishers, Delhi,~~~~ 65 - Advanced Calculus (Schaum’s out line series) 1st ed. - Murray R. Spiegel - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 66 - Calculus and analytic Geometry’6th ed. - Thomas / Finney - Wesley / Narosa,~~~~ 67 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics
2nd Edition - Dennis G/ Michael R. - CBS New Delhi~~~~ 68 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathemat 2nd Edition, - Michael D.Greenberg - Prentice Hall International,~~~~ 69 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ 6th ed. - Ray Wylie, - McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 70 - Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists’3rd ed. - Pipes and Harvill - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 71 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ - Alan Jeffrey - Academic Press~~~~ 72 - Mathematical Techniques for Engineers & scientists - Larry C., Andrews & Ronald L. Philips - PHI~~~~ 73 - ‘Elementary Number Theory’, , 2nd edition - David M. Burton - TMH~~~~ 74 - The Theory of Numbers 5th Edition - Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman and Hugh L. Montgomery - John Wiley & Sons Inc~~~~ 75 - Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to Computer Science 23rd Reprint - Tremblay and Manohar - ~~~~ 76 - Communication Electronics Principles and Applications, Third Edition. - Frenzel - TMH~~~~ 77 - Principles of Communication Systems - Kennedy - TMH~~~~ 78 - Electronic Communication - Roddy Coolen - Prentice Hall International,~~~~ 79 - Principles of Communication - Taub and Schilling - TMH~~~~ 80 - Data and Computer Communication - Behrouz Ferouzan - ~~~~ 82 - Let us C++ - Kanetkar - BPB Publication ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - Information Technology Syllybus - T.E. I.T. SYLLABUS - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ SR.NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Database System Concepts - Silberschatz, Korth and S.Sudarshan - McGraw- Hill~~~~ 2 - Fundamentals of Database Systems , 2nd ed - Elmasri and Navathe - Addison Wesley~~~~ 3 - Database Systems, 3rd ed - Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg - Pearson Education ~~~~ 4 - Database Management Systems , 3rd ed - Ramakrishnan and Gehrke - McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 5 - Database system, design, implementation and management , 4th ed - Rob, Coronel - Thomson learning~~~~ 6 - Software Engineering , 7th ed - Ian Sommerville - Addison-Wesley~~~~ 7 - Software Engineering : A Practitioner's Approach - Roger S Pressman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 8 - Software Testing: principles and Practices - Desikan, Ramesh - Pearson Education ~~~~ 9 - Practical Software Testing - Burnstein - Springer International ~~~~ 10 - Effective Methods for Software Testing - William E. Perry - John Wiley and Sons ~~~~ 11 - Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering - Stephen H. Kan - Pearson Education~~~~ 12 - Management Information Systems , 6th ed - O'Bricn J - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 13 - Management Information Systems , 2nd ed - Jawadekar W - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 14 - Information Systems Management - McNurlin, Barbara and Sprague, Ralph - Prentice Hall~~~~ 15 - Management information systems: New approaches to organization and technology ,5th ed - Laudon, Kenneth, and Laudon, Jane - Prentice Hall~~~~ 16 - Multimedia communication system techniques standards and networks - K.R. Rao ,Zoran Bojkovic and Dragorad Milovanovic - Pearson Education ~~~~ 17 - Multimedia communication directions and innovations - Jerry Gibson - Academic Press~~~~ 18 - VOIP - Ulyess Black - Prentice Hall~~~~ 19 - ATM network concepts and protocols - Sumeet Kasera and Pankaj Sethi - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 20 - ISDN and Broadband ISDN with frame relay and ATM - William Stallings - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 21 - Essential Business Process Modeling, 1st ed - Michael Havey - Oreilly~~~~ 22 - A Pragmatic Guide to Business Process Modelling - Jon Holt - BCS~~~~ 23 - Inside C# - Tom Archer - Microsoft press ~~~~ 24 - Java 2: The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt - Osborne publishing~~~~ 25 - An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 6.0 - Divid Schneider - Prentice Hall~~~~ 26 - JavaServer Pages , 3 rd ed - Hans Bergsten - OReilly ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics - Rogers David F - Mc_graw Hill Co.~~~~ 2 - Open GL 3th ed - Mason Woo - Addison Wesley~~~~ 3 - Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct X 9.0c: A Shader Approach - Frank Luna - ~~~~ 4 - Computer graphics: A Programming approach 2nd ed - Harrington Steven - McGraw Hiil Inc~~~~ 5 - Computer Graphics - M Paulin Baker, Donald Hearn - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 6 - Real-Time Rendering - Tomas Moller and Eric Haines - ~~~~ 7 - Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques : Theory and Practice - Alan H. Watt and Mark Watt - ~~~~ 8 - Physically based rendering - Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys - ~~~~ 9 - Computer Graphics: Principles & Practices - James D. Foley, Andries van Dam - Addison Wesley Pub~~~~ 10 - UML 2 and Unified Process: Practical Object Oriented Analysis and Design. 2nd ed - Jim Arlow, Ila Neustadt - Pearson Education,~~~~ 11 - UML2 Bible - Tom Pender - Wiley DReamtech~~~~ 12 - Unified Modeling Language Users Guide 2nd ed - Grady Booch, James Rambaugh - Addison Wesley Reading~~~~ 13 - UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to The Standard Object Modeling Language 3nd ed - Martin Flower - Pearson Education~~~~ 14 - UML 2 Tool Kit - Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker - Wiley Dreamtech~~~~ 15 - Building Java Enterprise System with J2EE - Perrone & Chaganti - Techmedia,~~~~ 16 - Web Programming with ASP & COM - Matt J. Crorch - ~~~~ 17 - Making the Network for you - Wendy Lehnert - ~~~~ 18 - Frontiers OF electronic commerce - Wendy Lehnert - Pearson Education~~~~ 19 - Unix web server book - Matthews, Jones - ~~~~ 20 - Development with Java 2 - Daconta & saganich - ~~~~ 21 - The XML Handook - Goldfourb, Prescod - Addison Wesley Pub~~~~ 22 - JavaServer Pages - Larne Pekowsky - Addison Wesley~~~~ 23 - Java Servlets - Karl Moss - ~~~~ 24 - - - ~~~~ 25 - Fundamentals of computer Algorithms 2nd - Horowitz, Sahani - Galgotia~~~~ 26 - Fundamentals of Algorithmics 2nd - Bressard, Bratley - PHI~~~~ 27 - Introduction to Algorithm2nd - Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson - PHI~~~~ 28 - Design and Analysis of COMPUTER Algorithms 2nd ed - A. V. Aho and J.D. Ullman - Addison Wesley~~~~ 29 - Software Engineering 7th - Ian Sommerville - Addison-Wesley~~~~ 30 - Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach 6th ed - Roger S Pressman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 31 - Unified Modeling Language Users Guide 2nd - Grady Booch, James Rambaugh - Addison- Wesley~~~~ 32 - UML 2 and Unified Process: Practical Object Oriented Analysis and Design. 2nd - Jim Arlow, Ila Neustadt - Addison- Wesley~~~~ 33 - UML 2 Bible - Tom Pender - John Wiley & sons~~~~ 34 - Software Testing: principles and Practices - Desikan, Ramesh - Pearson Education~~~~ 35 - Practical Software Testing - Burnstein - Springer International Edition~~~~ 36 - Effective Methods for Software Testing - William E. Perry - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 37 - Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering - Stephen H. Kan - Pearson Education~~~~ 38 - Database system Concepts 15th - Silberschatz, Korth and S.Sudarshan - Mcgraw Hill Boston,~~~~ 39 - Fundamentals of Database systems 2nd ed - Elmasri and Navathe - Addison Wesley~~~~ 40 - database management systems 3rd ed - Ramakrishnan and Gehrke - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 41 - Operating Systems 4th - Stalling William - Pearson Education~~~~ 42 - Operating System Concepts 7th - Silberschatz A., Galvin P - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 43 - Modern Operating Systems 2nd - Tanenbaum Andrew - PHI,~~~~ 44 - Computer Networks”, 4th - Tanenbaum A. S - Pearson Education~~~~ 45 - Data Communications and Networking, 4th - Forouzan B. A - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 46 - Computer Networking- a top-down approach featuring the internet , 2nd - James F. Kurose - Person Education~~~~ 47 - Communication Networks- Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures - . Leon-Garcia-Wadjaja - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 48 - Computer Networks and Internet, 2ND - Comer D - Pearson Education~~~~ 49 - Fundamentals of Multimedia - Li Ze-Nian - Pearson Education~~~~ 50 - Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics - Rogers David F - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 51 - Computer graphics: A Programming approach - Harrington Steven - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 52 - Computer Graphics - M Paulin Baker, Donald Hearn - PHI~~~~ 53 - Multimedia Computing, Communication and Applications - Steinmetz Ralf, Nahrstedtk - Pearson Education~~~~ 54 - Handbook of file formats - Born Gunter - Imprints Of International Thomson Learing~~~~ 55 - Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics - Rogers David F - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 56 - Open GL - Mason Woo - ~~~~ 57 - Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct X 9.0c A Shader Approach (Wordware Game and Graphics Library) - Frank Luna - 0~~~~ 58 - Computer graphics: A Programming approach - Harrington Steven - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 59 - Computer Graphics - M Paulin Baker, Donald Hearn - PHI~~~~ 60 - Real-Time Rendering - Tomas Moller and Eric Haines - A K Peters Ltd~~~~ 61 - Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques : Theory and Practice - Alan H. Watt and Mark Watt - Addison-Wesley~~~~ 62 - Physically based rendering - Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys - Morgan Kaufmann~~~~ 63 - Computer Graphics: Principles & Practices 2nd - James D. Foley, Andries van Dam - Addison Wesley~~~~ 64 - UML 2 and Unified Process: Practical Object Oriented Analysis and Design. 2nd ed - Jim Arlow, Ila Neustadt - Addison- Wesley~~~~ 65 - UML2 Bible - Tom Pender - Addison- Wesley~~~~ 66 - Unified Modeling Language Users Guide 2nd - Grady Booch, James Rambaugh - Addison- Wesley~~~~ 67 - UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to The Standard Object Modeling Language 3nd ed - Martin Flower - Addison- Wesley~~~~ 68 - UML 2 Tool Kit - Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker - John Wiley & sons~~~~ 69 - Building Java Enterprise System with J2EE - Perrone & Chaganti - SAMS Publication ~~~~ 70 - Web Programming with ASP & COM - Matt J. Crorch - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 71 - Making the Network for you - Wendy Lehnert - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 72 - Frontiers OF electronic commerce - Wendy Lehnert - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 73 - Unix web server book - Matthews, Jones - Galgotia Publications ~~~~ 74 - The XML Handook - Goldfourb, Prescod - ~~~~ 75 - JavaServer Pages - Larne Pekowsky - Addison Wesley ~~~~ 76 - Java Servlets - Karl Moss - TMGH ~~~~ 77 - XML Development with Java 2 - Daconta & saganich - Sams Techmedia Publications~~~~ 78 - Data mining: concepts and techniques - Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber - Morgan Kaufman~~~~ 79 - Data warehouse life cycle toolkit - Kimball - John Wiley~~~~ 80 - Machine Learning - T. Mitchell - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 81 - Principles of Data mining - Hand, Smyth, Mannila - MIT press~~~~ 82 - Database Systems Concepts, 5th - Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 83 - Data mining, Data warehousing and OLAP - Gagendra Sharma - S.K. Kataria and sons~~~~ 84 - Fuzzy logic with engineering applications - Timothy J. Ross. - Wiley~~~~ 85 - Software Metrics: A Rigourous and practical Approach - Fenton, Pfleeger - Thomson Brooks/Cole~~~~ 86 - Software Testing: principles and Practices - Desikan, Ramesh - Pearson Education~~~~ 87 - Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering - Stephen H. Kan - Pearson Education~~~~ 88 - Practical Software Testing - Burnstein - Springer International Edition~~~~ 89 - Effective Methods for Software Testing - William E. Perry - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 90 - The Handbook of Software Quality Assurance 3rd - Gordon Schulmeyer , James I. Mcmanus - Prentice Hall PTR~~~~ 91 - Software Quality Assurance : Principles And Practice - Nina Godbole - Alpha Science International~~~~ 92 - Software Inspections - Ronald Radice - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 93 - Software Assessments Benchmarks and Best Practices - Capers Jones - Addison-Wesley Professional~~~~ 94 - Cryptography and network security, principles and practices - William Stallings, - Pearson Education~~~~ 95 - Network security : private communication in a public world - Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and mike - Pearson Education~~~~ 96 - Security architecture design deployment and operations - Christopher M. King - RSA press~~~~ 97 - Computer Security :Art and Science - Matt Bishop - Pearson Education ~~~~ 98 - INSIDE NETWORK Perimeter Security - Stephen northcatt, leny zeltser - Pearson Education Asia~~~~ 99 - Software Metrics: A Rigourous and practical Approach - Fenton, Pfleeger - Thomson Brooks/Cole~~~~ 100 - Software Testing: principles and Practices - Desikan, Ramesh - Pearson Education~~~~ 101 - Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering - Stephen H. Kan - Pearson Education~~~~ 102 - Practical Software Testing - Burnstein - Springer International Edition~~~~ 103 - Effective Methods for Software Testing - William E. Perry - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 104 - The Handbook of Software Quality Assurance 3rd - Gordon Schulmeyer , James I. Mcmanus - Prentice Hall PTR~~~~ 105 - Software Quality Assurance : Principles And Practice - Nina Godbole - Alpha Science International~~~~ 106 - Software Inspections - Ronald Radice - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 107 - Software Assessments Benchmarks and Best Practices - Capers Jones - Addison-Wesley Professional~~~~ 108 - Cryptography and network security, principles and practices - William Stallings, - Pearson Education~~~~ 109 - Computer Security :Art and Science - Matt Bishop - Pearson Education ~~~~ 110 - Network security : private communication in a public world - Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and mike - Pearson Education~~~~ 111 - Security architecture design deployment and operations - Christopher M. King - RSA press~~~~ 112 - INSIDE NETWORK Perimeter Security - Stephen northcatt, leny zeltser - Pearson Education Asia~~~~ 113 - Principles of Multimedia - Ranjan Parekh - TMH~~~~ 114 - Multimedia Computing, Communication and Applications - Steinmetz Ralf, Nahrstedtk - Pearson Education~~~~ 115 - Fundamentals of Multimedia - Li Ze-Nian - Pearson Education~~~~ 116 - Digital Multimedia - Nigel Chapman and Jenny Chapman - Wiley~~~~ 117 - Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing - A. K. Jain - PHI ~~~~ 118 - Digital Image Processing - Gonzalez, Woods - Addison Wesley~~~~ 119 - Data Compression Book - Mark Nelson - BPB~~~~ 120 - Multimedia in Practice - Judith Jeffcoate - Pill~~~~ 121 - Flash 8 Bible - Robert Reinhardt, Snow Dowd - ………………………~~~~ 122 - Foundation AS Animation: Making Things Move - Keith Peters - ………………………~~~~ 123 - 3ds max Animation and Visual Effects Techniques - Sanford Kennedy - ………………………~~~~ 124 - Mobile Communications - Jachen Schiller - Addison-Wesley ~~~~ 125 - Wireless LAN - Peter T. Davis, Craig R. Mc Guffin - MGH International ~~~~ 126 - The Wireless Application Protocol - Sandeep Singhal, Jari Alvinen and group - Addison-WesleyCharles Arehart and group~~~~ 127 - Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems - M. Anji Reddy - B S Publications~~~~ 128 - The GIS Book 5th - George B Korte - Onword press ~~~~ 129 - Principles of Geographical Information Systems - Peter A Burrough and McDonell - Oxford University Press~~~~ 130 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems - Heywood & Raju - Pearson Education~~~~ 131 - Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms 1st - Andrew S. Tanenbaum & Maarten van Steen - PHI~~~~ 132 - Distributed Systems – Concepts and Design 2nd - George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore & Tim Kindberg - Pearson (LPE)~~~~ 133 - Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design 1st - Pradeep K. Sinha - PHI~~~~ 134 - Distributed Operating Systems 1st - Andrew S. Tanenbaum - Prentice Hall~~~~ 135 - Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 136 - Embedded / real time System : Concepts, Design, & Programming -Black Book - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 137 - Programming for Embedded system - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad, Gupta Dass - Wiley -Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd~~~~ 138 - Embedded Real time Systems Programming - Sriram lyer , Pankaj Gupta - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 139 - Embedded Systems Architecture - A Comprehensive Guide For Engineering & Programming - Tammy Nergaard - Elesevier Publication ~~~~ 140 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - Zurada - JAICO ~~~~ 141 - Elements of Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 142 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - . B. Yegnanarayana - PHI ~~~~ 143 - Artificial Intelligence - Eiaine Rich and Kerin Knight - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 144 - Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach 2nd - Stuart Russell & Peter Nerving - Pearson Education~~~~ 145 - Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 2nd - Ivan Bratko - Addison Wesley~~~~ 146 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott - Addison Wesley~~~~ 147 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems - Patterson - PHI ~~~~ 148 - Principles of Artificial Intelligence - Nilsson - Morgan Kaufmann~~~~ 149 - Artificial Intelligence - Nilsson - Morgan Kaufmann~~~~ 150 - Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems - N.P. Padhy - OXFORD~~~~ 151 - Digital signal processing 3rd - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 152 - Discrete time signal processing 2nd - Oppenheim A., Schafer R., Buck J - Prentice Hall~~~~ 153 - Digital Signal Processing 2nd - Rameshbabu - Scitech Publications~~~~ 154 - Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach - Mitra S - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 155 - Digital Signal Processing - Vallavraj A - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 156 - Digital Signal Processing - White S - Thomson Learning ~~~~ 157 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach 2nd - E. C. Ifleachor and B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 158 - Fundamentals of computer Algorithms 2nd - Horowitz, Sahani - Galgotia~~~~ 159 - Fundamentals of Algorithmics 2nd - Bressard, Bratley - PHI~~~~ 160 - Introduction to Algorithm2nd - Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson - PHI~~~~ 161 - Design and Analysis of COMPUTER Algorithms 2nd ed - A. V. Aho and J.D. Ullman - Addison Wesley~~~~ 162 - Principles of Multimedia - Ranjan Parekh - TMH~~~~ 163 - Multimedia Computing, Communication and Applications - Steinmetz Ralf, Nahrstedtk - Pearson Education~~~~ 164 - Fundamentals of Multimedia - Li Ze-Nian - Pearson Education~~~~ 165 - Digital Multimedia - Nigel Chapman and Jenny Chapman - Wiley~~~~ 166 - Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing - A. K. Jain - PHI ~~~~ 167 - Digital Image Processing - Gonzalez, Woods - Addison Wesley~~~~ 168 - Data Compression Book - Mark Nelson - BPB~~~~ 169 - Multimedia in Practice - Judith Jeffcoate - Pill~~~~ 170 - Flash 8 Bible - Robert Reinhardt, Snow Dowd - ………………………~~~~ 171 - Foundation AS Animation: Making Things Move - Keith Peters - ………………………~~~~ 172 - 3ds max Animation and Visual Effects Techniques - Sanford Kennedy - ………………………~~~~ 173 - Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems - M. Anji Reddy - B S Publications~~~~ 174 - The GIS Book 5th - George B Korte - Onword press ~~~~ 175 - Principles of Geographical Information Systems - Peter A Burrough and McDonell - Oxford University Press~~~~ 176 - Introduction to Geographical Information Systems - Heywood & Raju - Pearson Education~~~~ 177 - Mobile Communications - Jachen Schiller - Addison-Wesley ~~~~ 178 - Wireless LAN - Peter T. Davis, Craig R. Mc Guffin - MGH International ~~~~ 179 - The Wireless Application Protocol - Sandeep Singhal, Jari Alvinen and group - Addison-WesleyCharles Arehart and group~~~~ 180 - Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms 1st - Andrew S. Tanenbaum & Maarten van Steen - PHI~~~~ 181 - Distributed Systems – Concepts and Design 2nd - George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore & Tim Kindberg - Pearson (LPE)~~~~ 182 - Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design 1st - Pradeep K. Sinha - PHI~~~~ 183 - Distributed Operating Systems 1st - Andrew S. Tanenbaum - Prentice Hall~~~~ 184 - Embedded Systems - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 185 - Embedded / real time System : Concepts, Design, & Programming -Black Book - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 186 - Programming for Embedded system - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad, Gupta Dass - Wiley -Dreamtech India Pvt. Ltd~~~~ 187 - Embedded Real time Systems Programming - Sriram lyer , Pankaj Gupta - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 188 - Embedded Systems Architecture - A Comprehensive Guide For Engineering & Programming - Tammy Nergaard - Elesevier Publication ~~~~ 189 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - Zurada - JAICO ~~~~ 190 - Elements of Artificial Neural Networks - Mehrotra, Hohan, Ranka - PENRAM~~~~ 191 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks - . B. Yegnanarayana - PHI ~~~~ 192 - Artificial Intelligence - Eiaine Rich and Kerin Knight - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 193 - Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach 2nd - Stuart Russell & Peter Nerving - Pearson Education~~~~ 194 - Prolog Programming For Artificial Intelligence 2nd - Ivan Bratko - Addison Wesley~~~~ 195 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Eugene, Charniak, Drew Mcdermott - Addison Wesley~~~~ 196 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems - Patterson - PHI ~~~~ 197 - Principles of Artificial Intelligence - Nilsson - Morgan Kaufmann~~~~ 198 - Artificial Intelligence - Nilsson - Morgan Kaufmann~~~~ 199 - Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems - N.P. Padhy - OXFORD~~~~ 200 - Digital signal processing 3rd - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 201 - Discrete time signal processing 2nd - Oppenheim A., Schafer R., Buck J - Prentice Hall~~~~ 202 - Digital Signal Processing 2nd - Rameshbabu - Scitech Publications~~~~ 203 - Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based Approach - Mitra S - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 204 - Digital Signal Processing - Vallavraj A - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 205 - Digital Signal Processing - White S - Thomson Learning ~~~~ 206 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach 2nd - E. C. Ifleachor and B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 207 - Fundamentals of computer Algorithms 2nd - Horowitz, Sahani - Galgotia~~~~ 208 - Fundamentals of Algorithmics 2nd - Bressard, Bratley - PHI~~~~ 209 - Introduction to Algorithm 2nd - Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson - PHI~~~~ 210 - Design and Analysis of COMPUTER Algorithms 2nd ed - A. V. Aho and J.D. Ullman - Addison Wesley~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - SE - INSTRUMENTATION - - ~~~~ - SEM I - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Instrumentation Devices and Systems 2nd. Edition. - Rangan & Sharma - TMH~~~~ 2 - Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis 21st Reprint. - Nakra,Chaudhary - TMH~~~~ 3 - Principles of Industrial Instrumentation 7th Reprint - D. Patranabis - TMH~~~~ 4 - Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation- 2002print - A. K. Sawhney - Dhanpat Rai and Sons ~~~~ 5 - Mechanical and Industrial Measurement 9th print - R.K.Jain - Khanna Publications~~~~ 6 - Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries (Vol I)Second Edition - Andrew , Williams - Gulf Publications Company~~~~ 7 - Process Measurement and Analysis’ 3rd ed. - B. G. Liptak - Butterworth Heinemann, ~~~~ 8 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 1 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 9 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 2 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 10 - Measurement System Application and Design- Fourth Edition - E. O. Doebelin - MGH~~~~ 11 - Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Tech. - Cooper & Helfrick - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 12 - Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology - Anand M S - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 13 - Digital Instrumentation - Bouwens A J - TMH ~~~~ 14 - Electronic Instrumentation. (2nd) - Kalsi H S - TMH~~~~ 15 - Elements of Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement. (3rd) - Carr J J - Pearson Education~~~~ 16 - Electronic Measurements & Instruments - Oliver & Cage - MGH~~~~ 17 - Electronics Devices and circuits 29th Indian ed. - Allen Mottershed - Prentice Hall Of India ~~~~ 18 - Electronic Principles. (6th) - Malvino Albert Paul - TMH~~~~ 19 - Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory (5) ed. - Boylestad R & Nashelsky L - Prentice Hall Of India ~~~~ 20 - Electronic Devices And Circuits. (4th) - Bell David A - Prentice Hall Of India ~~~~ 21 - Art of Electronics. (2) - Horowitz P & Hill W - Cambridge University Press~~~~ 22 - INTEGRATED ELECTRONICS - MILLMAN J & HALKIAS C - TMH~~~~ 23 - Electrical Technology - Hughes - Pearson education ~~~~ 24 - Electrical Machines 4th Edition - Theodore Wildi - Pearson Education~~~~ 25 - Electrical Machinery - S.K. Bhattacharya - T.T.T.I. Chandigarh ~~~~ 26 - Electrical Machines & Power system vol 1 - Syed A. Nasar - TMH~~~~ 27 - Fractional and sub fractional horse power electrical motors. - Veinott C G, Martin J E - TMH~~~~ 28 - Electrical engineering handbook - Siemens - Wiley eastern~~~~ 29 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’8th ed. - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons~~~~ 30 - Higher Engineering Mathematics 38th Ed., (40 th) - . B.S. Grewal - Khanna Publishers, Delhi,~~~~ 31 - Advanced Calculus (Schaum’s out line series) 1st ed. - Murray R. Spiegel - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 32 - Calculus and analytic Geometry’6th ed. - Thomas / Finney - Wesley / Narosa,~~~~ 33 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics
2nd Edition - Dennis G/ Michael R. - CBS New Delhi~~~~ 34 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathemat 2nd Edition, - Michael D.Greenberg - Prentice Hall International,~~~~ 35 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ 6th ed. - Ray Wylie, - McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 36 - Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists’3rd ed. - Pipes and Harvill - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 37 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ - Alan Jeffrey - Academic Press~~~~ 38 - Mathematical Techniques for Engineers & scientists - Larry C., Andrews & Ronald L. Philips - PHI~~~~ 39 - Computer Fundamentals, 3rd Ed. - P.K. Sinha - BPB Publication~~~~ 40 - Programmig in Ansi C , 4th Edition - Balagurusamy - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 41 - Programming with C- Schaum’s outline Series - B.Gottfried - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 42 - Let us C, 2nd edition - Y. Kanetkar - BPB Publications~~~~ 43 - - - ~~~~ 44 - - SEM II - ~~~~ 45 - Instrumentation Devices and Systems 2nd. Edition. - Rangan & Sharma - TMH~~~~ 46 - Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis 21st Reprint. - Nakra,Chaudhary - TMH~~~~ 47 - Principles of Industrial Instrumentation 7th Reprint - D. Patranabis - TMH~~~~ 48 - Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation- 2002print - A. K. Sawhney - Dhanpat Rai and Sons ~~~~ 49 - Mechanical and Industrial Measurement 9th print - R.K.Jain - Khanna Publications~~~~ 50 - Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries (Vol I)Second Edition - Andrew , Williams - Gulf Publications Company~~~~ 51 - Process Measurement and Analysis’ 3rd ed. - B. G. Liptak - Butterworth Heinemann, ~~~~ 52 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 1 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 53 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 2 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 54 - Measurement System Application and Design- Fourth Edition - E. O. Doebelin - MGH~~~~ 55 - A,’Op-amps & Linear Integrated Circuits 4 th ed. . - Gayakwad Ramakant - Pearson Education / Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 56 - Integrated Circuits - Botkar. K .R - Khanna Publishers~~~~ 57 - Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits (3rd) - Franco Sergio - TMH~~~~ 58 - Operational Amplifiers (5th) - Clayton .G & Winder. S - Oxford Newnes~~~~ 59 - Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated Circuits (4th) - Stanley William D - Pearson Education~~~~ 60 - Modern Control Engineering, 4th ed. - K. Ogata - Pearson education India~~~~ 61 - Control systems Engineering 3rd Ed. - I. J. Nagarth and M. Gopal - New age International Publishers, India~~~~ 62 - ’Automatic control systems, 7th Ed. - B C Kuo - Prentice Hall of India ~~~~ 63 - Control systems engineering 3rd. Edition, - Norman S. Nise - John Wiley and sons,~~~~ 64 - Modern Control systems, 8th edition - R.C.Dorf and R.H. Bishop- - Addison-Wesley,~~~~ 65 - Digital Systems Principles and Application 8th Edition, - Ronald J. Tocsin and Neal S. Widmer, - Prentice Hall India Pub.~~~~ 66 - Digital Principals & Applications 4th ed. - Malvino and Leach - TMH ~~~~ 67 - Digital Electronics 2nd edition - Gothman - Prentice Hall India Pub.~~~~ 68 - Digital Fundamentals 3rd ed. - Thomas Floyd - Universal Book Stall~~~~ 69 - Digital Design–3rd edition - M. Morris Mano - Pearson Education Asia~~~~ 70 - Outline chemical technology 3rd ed. - M. Gopal Rao & M. Sitting - East West~~~~ 71 - Chemical reaction Engineering - O Leven spiel - Wiley & Sons~~~~ 72 - Unit operations in Chemical Engg 4th ed. - McCabe Smith - TMH~~~~ 73 - Chemical Engineering Hand Book - Peiry - TMH~~~~ 74 - Introduction to MATLAB 7.0 - Rudra Pratap - ~~~~ 75 - Getting Started With Matlab 7: a quick introduction for scientists and engineers
- Pratap Rudra - Oxford University Press~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - TE - INSRUMENTATION - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Instrumentation Devices and Systems 2nd. Edition. - Rangan & Sharma - TMH~~~~ 2 - Instrumentation Measurement and Analysis 21st Reprint. - Nakra,Chaudhary - TMH~~~~ 3 - Principles of Industrial Instrumentation 7th Reprint - D. Patranabis - TMH~~~~ 4 - Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation- 2002print - A. K. Sawhney - Dhanpat Rai and Sons ~~~~ 5 - Mechanical and Industrial Measurement 9th print - R.K.Jain - Khanna Publications~~~~ 6 - Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries (Vol I)Second Edition - Andrew , Williams - Gulf Publications Company~~~~ 7 - Process Measurement and Analysis’ 3rd ed. - B. G. Liptak - Butterworth Heinemann, ~~~~ 8 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 1 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 9 - Jone’s Instrument Technology ( Vol. 2 ) 4th Ed. - B. E. Noltingk EL / BS - Butterworth Heinemann~~~~ 10 - Measurement System Application and Design- Fourth Edition - E. O. Doebelin - MGH~~~~ 11 - Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology - Anand M S - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 12 - Printed Circuit Boards design and technology - Bosshart Walter .C, - TMH~~~~ 13 - Noise Reduction Techniques In Electronic System. 2nd ed. - Ott H W - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 14 - Reliability - Balaguruswamy E - TMH~~~~ 15 - Principles of Testing Electronic Systems - Mourad Samiha & Zorian Yervant - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 16 - Introduction to Reliability Engineerin 2nd ed. - Lewis E E - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 17 - Industrial Hydraulics - J.J.Pipenger - TMH~~~~ 18 - Pneumatic Systems: Principles and Maintenance - Majumdar - ~~~~ 19 - Industrial Electronics - Petruzella - ~~~~ 20 - Electrical Technology vol.- I - B. L. Theraja. - ~~~~ 21 - Modern Control Technology : Components and Systems 2nd edition - C. T. Kilian - Thomson Learning~~~~ 22 - Industrial Hydraulic Technology - Parker Motion - Control, Training Department~~~~ 23 - Pneumatics - Festo Didactic - ~~~~ 24 - Fundamentals Of Pneumatic Control Engineering - Festo D - ~~~~ 25 - 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems - M. Mazidi - Pearson Higher Education ~~~~ 26 - The 8051 microcontroller 3rd edition - Kenneth J. Ayala - Penram International~~~~ 27 - Intel Manual - - ~~~~ 28 - Programming and Customizing the 8051 microcontroller - Myke Predko - TMH~~~~ 29 - Microcontroller Theory and Applications - A.V. Deshmukh - TMH~~~~ 30 - Signals and Systems 2nd Edition - A. V. Oppenheim, A. S. Willsky with S. H. Nawab, - Prentice- Hall of India ~~~~ 31 - Continuous and Discrete Signal and Systems - S. S. Soliman and M. D. Srinath - Prentice Hall Inc~~~~ 32 - Signals and Systems 2nd Edition. - S. Haykin and B. V. Veen, - John Wiley and Sons,~~~~ 33 - Signals and Systems: Analysis using Transform Methods and MATLAB 2nd Edition. - M. J. Roberts - TMH~~~~ 34 - Programmable Logic Controllers - John Webb - ~~~~ 35 - Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers - Gary Dunning - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 36 - Programmable Controllers - Richard Cox - ~~~~ 37 - Technicians Guide To Programmable Controllers - Cox R A - Delmar Thomson Learning ~~~~ 38 - Process control and Instrument technology - C. D. Johnson - TMH.~~~~ 39 - Instrumentation for Process measurement and control - N.A. Anderson - ~~~~ 40 - Process measurement and control - Considine - ~~~~ 41 - Process Industrial Instruments & Control Handbook/ - Mcmillan Gregory K; Considine Douglas - TMH~~~~ 42 - Process Control, Instrument Engineering Hand book - B.G. Liptak - ~~~~ 43 - Process Measurement Instrument Engineers Handbook - Liptak B G; Venczel K - Randor Pennsylvania~~~~ 44 - Instrument Technology Vol. III - E. B. Jones - ~~~~ 45 - Tuning of industrial control systems - ISA - ~~~~ 46 - Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries (Vol II) - Andrew , Williams - Gulf Publications Company~~~~ 47 - Control valve Handbook - ISA - ~~~~ 48 - Introduction To Biomedical Equipment Technology - Carr & Brown - ~~~~ 49 - Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation - R. S. Khandpur - TMH. ~~~~ 50 - Medicine and Clinical Engineering - Jacobsons & Webster - PHI ~~~~ 51 - Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements - Cromwell - PHI ~~~~ 52 - The Biomedical Engineering Handbook - Bronzino - Crc Press With Ieee Press
~~~~ 53 - The Biomedical Engineering Handbook vol. I - Bronzino - Crc Press With Ieee Press
~~~~ 54 - The Biomedical Engineering Handbook vol II - Bronzino - Crc Press With Ieee Press
~~~~ 55 - Applied Chemical Engineering - Feenberg - ~~~~ 56 - Principles of Medical Imaging - K. Kirk Shung, Michael B. Smith, Benjamin Tsui - Academic Press. ~~~~ 57 - Medical Laser Applications - Carruth - ~~~~ 58 - Medical Lasers & their safe Use - Sliney & Trokal - ~~~~ 59 - Distributed Computer Control for Industrial Automation - Poppovik Bhatkar - Dekkar Publication~~~~ 60 - Computer Aided Process Control - S.K.Singh - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 61 - Computer Based Process Control - Krishna Kant - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 62 - Computer Based Industrial Control - Kant Krishna. - Prentice Hall Of India~~~~ 63 - the Management of Control System: Justification and Technical Auditing - N.E. Battikha, - ISA. ~~~~ 64 - Instrument Engineer’s Handbook – Process Software and Digital Network - Bela G Liptak - CRC Press. ~~~~ 65 - Batch Control Systems, Design, Application and Implementation’, - Thomos Fisher - ISA ~~~~ 66 - Practical Data Communication for Instrumentation and Control - John Park - Newnes Elsevier Publication.~~~~ 67 - Operating system concepts, 6th edition - Silerschatz, Galvin, Gagne, - John Wiley & Sons, INC ~~~~ 68 - Modern Operating System - Andrew. S. Tannenbum - Pearson Education ~~~~ 69 - Operating Systems - Achyut Godbole - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 70 - Digital signal processing –Principles, algorithms and applications - J. G. Proakis & D. G. Manolakis - Prentice Hall of India, ~~~~ 71 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approach”, Second Edition, - E. C. Ifeachor & B. W. Jarvis - Pearson Education, ~~~~ 72 - Digital signal processing- A computer based approach - S. K. Mitra - TMH~~~~ 73 - Discrete time signal processing - V. Oppenheim, R, W, Schafer - Prentice-Hall of India~~~~ 74 - Understanding Digital Signal Processing - R. G. Lyons - Pearson Education~~~~ 75 - VB in 21 days - - ~~~~ 76 - Schaum’s outlines Visual Basic - Byron S. Gottfried - ~~~~ 77 - Teach Yourself JAVA - Onel - ~~~~ 78 - Java How to Program - H. M. Deitel & P. J. Deitel - Prentice Hall of India ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ - BOOKNAME - AUTHOR NAME - PULICATION ~~~~ - - - ~~~~ 1 - Applied instrumentation in process industries - Andrew & Williams - ~~~~ 2 - Management systems - John Bacon - ISA~~~~ 3 - Process control Instrument Engineers Hand book - Liptak - ~~~~ 4 - Instrument Installation Project Management - - (ISA). ~~~~ 5 - Process control Systems - F.G.Shinskey - TMH~~~~ 6 - Fundamentals of Process Control - Murril - ISA~~~~ 7 - Chemical Process Control - Stephanopoulos George - PHI~~~~ 8 - Applications concepts of Process control - Murrill - ISA ~~~~ 9 - Handbook of Control valves - - ISA ~~~~ 10 - Hand book of Process Instrumentation - Considine - ~~~~ 11 - Hand book of Industrial Instrumentation - - Considine & Ross~~~~ 12 - Statistical Process Control - - ISA ~~~~ 13 - Handbook of Instrumentation Volume-II. - Andrews - ~~~~ 14 - Optimization of unit operations - - B Liptak~~~~ 15 - Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Approach to Machine Intelligence - Kosko, B - Prentice Hall India~~~~ 16 - Process Control: Modeling, Design, and Simulation - B. Wayne Bequette, - Prentice ~~~~ 17 - Neural Network Design - M. T. Hagan - New Delhi~~~~ 18 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - J. M. Zurada - Jaico~~~~ 19 - Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation - S. Haykin - Pearson~~~~ 20 - Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control and Information - John Yen - Pearson~~~~ 21 - Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms, Synthsis and Applications - S. Rajsekaran - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 22 - Control Systems Engineering - I. J. Nagrath - New Age ~~~~ 23 - Neuro Control and its Applications - S. Omatu - Springer ~~~~ 24 - An Introduction to Fuzzy Control - D. Driankov, H. Hellendoorn - New Delhi~~~~ 25 - Process, Modeling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers - W. L. Luyben, - McGraw Hill~~~~ 26 - Optimization of Chemical Processes - Thomas Edgar, David Himmelblau - McGraw Hill~~~~ 27 - Design of Thermal Systems - W. F. Stoecker - McGraw hill ~~~~ 28 - Practical Process Instrumentation and Control - J. Malley - McGraw Hill.~~~~ 29 - System Simulation with digital Computer - Deo Narsingh - Prentice Hall India~~~~ 30 - Higher Engineering Mathematics - B. S. Grewal - Khanna Publications~~~~ 31 - Introduction To Biomedical Equipment Technology - Carr & Brown - Pearson Education~~~~ 32 - Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation - R. S. Khandpur, - TMH ~~~~ 33 - Medicine and Clinical Engineering - Jacobsons - PHI~~~~ 34 - Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements - Cromwell - PHI~~~~ 35 - The Biomedical Engineering Handbook - Bronzino - IEEE Press~~~~ 36 - Applied Chemical Engineering - Feenberg - ~~~~ 37 - Principles of Medical - K. Kirk Shung - Academic Press~~~~ 38 - Medical Laser Applications - Carruth - ~~~~ 39 - Medical Lasers & their safe Use - Sliney - ~~~~ 40 - Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 41 - Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware / Software Introduction - Frank Vahid - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 42 - ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, 2nd - Steve Furber - Wesley~~~~ 43 - Embedded Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming Black Book - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 44 - ARM System Developers Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software - Sloss Andrew N - Morgan Kaufmann~~~~ 45 - Energy Technology Handbook - D.M.Considine - MGN~~~~ 46 - Process Control - B.G.Liptak - ~~~~ 47 - Solar Energy Techonology Vol. I & II - Dickinson and Cheremisinoff - Dekker~~~~ 48 - Computer based Industrial Control - Krishna kant - PHI~~~~ 49 - Distributed Computer Control for Industrial Atomation - Popovic and Bhatkar - Dekker.~~~~ 50 - Efficient Boiler Operation Source Book - Payne and Thompson - PHI~~~~ 51 - Energy management handbook - W.C.Tumer - Fairmont Press~~~~ 52 - Handbook of GBEB,Volume-I II & III - - ~~~~ 53 - Handbook of Applied Instrumentation - Considine & Ross - ~~~~ 54 - Handbook of Instrumentation - Considine - ~~~~ 55 - Process control Systems - F.G.Shinskey - TMH~~~~ 56 - Fundamentals of Process Control - Murril - ISA~~~~ 57 - Chemical Process Control - Stephanopoulos George - PHI~~~~ 58 - Handbook of Control valves - - ISA ~~~~ 59 - Hand book of Process Instrumentation - Considine - ~~~~ 60 - Hand book of Industrial Instrumentation - Considine - MH~~~~ 61 - Statistical Process Control - - ISA ~~~~ 62 - Handbook of Instrumentation Volume- II - - ~~~~ 63 - Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Approach to Machine Intelligence - Kosko, B - Prentice Hall India~~~~ 64 - Process Control: Modeling, Design, and Simulation - B. Wayne Bequette, - Prentice ~~~~ 65 - Neural Network Design - M. T. Hagan - New Delhi~~~~ 66 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - J. M. Zurada - Jaico~~~~ 67 - Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation - S. Haykin - Pearson~~~~ 68 - Fuzzy Logic: Intelligence, Control and Information - John Yen - Pearson~~~~ 69 - Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, and Genetic Algorithms, Synthsis and Applications - S. Rajsekaran - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 70 - Control Systems Engineering - I. J. Nagrath - New Age ~~~~ 71 - Neuro Control and its Applications - S. Omatu - Springer ~~~~ 72 - An Introduction to Fuzzy Control - D. Driankov, H. Hellendoorn - New Delhi~~~~ 73 - Process, Modeling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers - W. L. Luyben, - McGraw Hill~~~~ 74 - Optimization of Chemical Processes - Thomas Edgar, David Himmelblau - McGraw Hill~~~~ 75 - Design of Thermal Systems - W. F. Stoecker - McGraw hill ~~~~ 76 - Practical Process Instrumentation and Control - J. Malley - McGraw Hill.~~~~ 77 - System Simulation with digital Computer - Deo Narsingh - Prentice Hall India~~~~ 78 - Higher Engineering Mathematics - B. S. Grewal - Khanna Publications~~~~ 79 - Introduction To Biomedical Equipment Technology - Carr & Brown - Pearson Education~~~~ 80 - Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation - R. S. Khandpur, - TMH ~~~~ 81 - Medicine and Clinical Engineering - Jacobsons - PHI~~~~ 82 - Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements - Cromwell - PHI~~~~ 83 - The Biomedical Engineering Handbook - Bronzino - IEEE Press~~~~ 84 - Applied Chemical Engineering - Feenberg - ~~~~ 85 - Principles of Medical - K. Kirk Shung - Academic Press~~~~ 86 - Medical Laser Applications - Carruth - ~~~~ 87 - Medical Lasers & their safe Use - Sliney - ~~~~ 88 - Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming and Design - Raj Kamal - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 89 - Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware / Software Introduction - Frank Vahid - John Wiley & Sons~~~~ 90 - ARM System-on-Chip Architecture, 2nd - Steve Furber - Wesley~~~~ 91 - Embedded Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming Black Book - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 92 - ARM System Developers Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software - Sloss Andrew N - Morgan Kaufmann~~~~ 93 - Energy Technology Handbook - D.M.Considine - MGN~~~~ 94 - Process Control - B.G.Liptak - ~~~~ 95 - Solar Energy Techonology Vol. I & II - Dickinson and Cheremisinoff - Dekker~~~~ 96 - Computer based Industrial Control - Krishna kant - PHI~~~~ 97 - Distributed Computer Control for Industrial Atomation - Popovic and Bhatkar - Dekker.~~~~ 98 - Efficient Boiler Operation Source Book - Payne and Thompson - PHI~~~~ 99 - Energy management handbook - W.C.Tumer - Fairmont Press~~~~ 100 - Handbook of GBEB,Volume-I II & III - - ~~~~ 101 - Handbook of Applied Instrumentation - Considine & Ross - ~~~~ 102 - Handbook of Instrumentation - Considine - ~~~~ 103 - Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis - Richard Duda and Peter Hart - John Wiley ~~~~ 104 - Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition - Keinosuke Fukunaga - ~~~~ 105 - Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition - Christopher M. Bishop - Oxford ~~~~ 106 - Pattern Recognition - Sergios Theodoridis - Academic ~~~~ 107 - Introduction to Biomedical Imaging - Andrew - IEEE Press~~~~ 108 - Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function - Vander, Sherman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 109 - Molecular Biology of the Cell - Alberts ed 8 - Garland Science~~~~ 110 - Foundations of Medical Imaging - Cho, Jones - ~~~~ 111 - Biomedical Imaging, Visualization, and Analysis - Robb - ~~~~ 112 - Biomedical Imaging (Principles and Applications in Engineering) - Mudry - ~~~~ 113 - Principles of Medical Imaging - Shung - ~~~~ 114 - The Physics of Medical Imaging - Webb - ~~~~ 115 - Programmable Logic Controllers - John Webb - ~~~~ 116 - Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers - Gary Dunning - ~~~~ 117 - Programmable Controllers - Richard Cox - ~~~~ 118 - Distributed Control System - Popovic & Bhatkar. - ~~~~ - BE INSTRU II sem - - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOKNAME - AUTHOR NAME - PULICATION ~~~~ 1 - Computer based Industrial Control - Krishna kant - PHI~~~~ 2 - Chemical Process Control - Stephanopoulos George - PHI~~~~ 3 - Boiler Control System - Lindsley - TMH~~~~ 4 - Process control Systems - F.G.Shinskey - TMH~~~~ 5 - Batch Control System - T.G. Fisher - ISA~~~~ 6 - Distillation Column Control - F. G. Shinskey, - TMH~~~~ 7 - Handbook of Instrumentation-Process control - B.G. Liptak - ~~~~ 8 - Introduction to Thyristors & Their Applications - Ramamoorthy - West Press New ~~~~ 9 - Thyristor Engineering - Berde M S - Khanna Publisher~~~~ 10 - Power Elecronics - Sen .P .C - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 11 - Power Electronics - M. H. Rashid - Pearson Education~~~~ 12 - Motor Control Electronics Handbook - Valentine R: - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 13 - Digital control Engineering - Gopal. M., - Wiley ~~~~ 14 - Discrete Time Control systems - K. Ogata, - Prentice Hall~~~~ 15 - Digital control of Dynamic Systems 3rd Ed - G. F. Franklin - Wesley~~~~ 16 - Digital Control - Forsytheand W - McMillan~~~~ 17 - Digital Control and State Variable Method - M. Gopal - ” Tata McGraw ~~~~ 18 - Digital Control Systems - Contantine .H and Gary. B. Lamont - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 19 - System Identification - Lennart Ljung, - Prentice Hall, ~~~~ 20 - Instrumental Variable Methods in System - T. Soderstrom - Springer-Verlag~~~~ 21 - System identification - Soderstrom - Prentice Hall, ~~~~ 22 - Time series analysis - G. E. Box - Oearson education~~~~ 23 - Introduction to Biomedical Imaging - Andrew - IEEE Press~~~~ 24 - Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function - Vander, Sherman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 25 - Foundations of Medical Imaging - Cho, Jones - ~~~~ 26 - Biomedical Imaging, Visualization, and Analysis - Robb - ~~~~ 27 - Biomedical Imaging Principles and Applications in Engineering - Mudry - ~~~~ 28 - Principles of Medical Imaging - Shung - ~~~~ 29 - The Physics of Medical Imaging - Webb - ~~~~ 30 - Embedded / real time System - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 31 - Building embedded LINUX Systems - Karim Yaghmour - shroff Publishers~~~~ 32 - Embedded Linux – Hardware, Software and Interfacing - - ~~~~ 33 - Inside Microsoft Windows - Murray - ~~~~ 34 - Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones - Richard Harrison - , Symbian ~~~~ 35 - MicroC/OS – II The Real-Time Kernel - Jean J. Labrosse - ~~~~ 36 - Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World ,Approach - Christophe - Prentice Hall~~~~ 37 - Embedded Linux - John Lombardo,’ - ~~~~ 38 - Explaining Symbian OS - Jo Stichbury - ~~~~ 39 - Smart Buildings - Jim Sinopoli - fairmont Press ~~~~ 40 - Web Based Enterprise Energy and Building Automation - Barney Capehart - ~~~~ 41 - Building Automation Beyond the Simple - Anto Budiardjo - Clasma Events,~~~~ 42 - What is an Intelligent Building?’,Building Intelligence Group - Paul Ehrlich - ~~~~ 43 - What is an Intelligent Building? Building Intelligence Group - Paul Ehrlich - ~~~~ 44 - Computer based Industrial Control - Krishna kant - PHI~~~~ 45 - Chemical Process Control - Stephanopoulos George - PHI~~~~ 46 - Boiler Control System - Lindsley - TMH~~~~ 47 - Distillation Column Control - F. G. Shinskey, - TMH~~~~ 48 - Handbook of Instrumentation-Process control - B.G. Liptak - Chilton~~~~ 49 - Introduction to Thyristors & Their Applications - Ramamoorthy - West Press New ~~~~ 50 - Thyristor Engineering - Berde M S - Khanna Publisher~~~~ 51 - Power Elecronics - Sen .P .C - Tata McGraw Hill ~~~~ 52 - Power Electronics - M. H. Rashid - Pearson Education~~~~ 53 - Motor Control Electronics Handbook - Valentine R: - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 54 - Digital control Engineering - Gopal. M., - Wiley ~~~~ 55 - Discrete Time Control systems - K. Ogata, - Prentice Hall~~~~ 56 - Digital control of Dynamic Systems 3rd Ed - G. F. Franklin - Wesley~~~~ 57 - Digital Control - Forsytheand W - McMillan~~~~ 58 - Digital Control and State Variable Method - M. Gopal - ” Tata McGraw ~~~~ 59 - Digital Control Systems - Contantine .H and Gary. B. Lamont - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 60 - System Identification - Lennart Ljung, - Prentice Hall, ~~~~ 61 - Instrumental Variable Methods in System - T. Soderstrom - Springer-Verlag~~~~ 62 - System identification - Soderstrom - Prentice Hall, ~~~~ 63 - Time series analysis - G. E. Box - Prentice Hall~~~~ 64 - Introduction to Biomedical Imaging - Andrew - IEEE Press~~~~ 65 - Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function - Vander, Sherman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 66 - Foundations of Medical Imaging - Cho, Jones - ~~~~ 67 - Biomedical Imaging, Visualization, and Analysis - Robb - ~~~~ 68 - Biomedical Imaging Principles and Applications in Engineering - Mudry - ~~~~ 69 - Principles of Medical Imaging - Shung - ~~~~ 70 - The Physics of Medical Imaging - Webb - ~~~~ 71 - Embedded / real time System - Dr. K. V. K. K. Prasad - Dreamtech Press Publication ~~~~ 72 - Building embedded LINUX Systems - Karim Yaghmour - shroff Publishers~~~~ 73 - Embedded Linux – Hardware, Software and Interfacing - - ~~~~ 74 - Inside Microsoft Windows - Murray - ~~~~ 75 - Symbian OS C++ for Mobile Phones - Richard Harrison - , Symbian ~~~~ 76 - MicroC/OS – II The Real-Time Kernel - Jean J. Labrosse - ~~~~ 77 - Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical, Real-World ,Approach - Christophe - Prentice Hall~~~~ 78 - Embedded Linux - John Lombardo,’ - ~~~~ 79 - Explaining Symbian OS - Jo Stichbury - ~~~~ SR.NO. - First Semester - T.E. COMPUTER SYLLABUS - ~~~~ - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Operating Systems,4th ed - Stalling William - Pearson Education~~~~ 2 - Operating System Concepts, 7th ed - Silberschatz A,Galvin ,Gagne - John Wiley and Sons~~~~ 3 - Modern Operating Systems, 2nd ed - Tanenbaum Andrew S - PHI~~~~ 4 - Design of the Unix Operating System, 1st ed - Bach Maurice - Pearson Education~~~~ 5 - Unix Concepts and Applications , 3rd ed - Das Sumitabha - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 6 - Database System Concepts, - Silberschatz, Korth,S.Sudarshan - McGraw-Hill International~~~~ 7 - Fundamentals of Database Systems, 2nd ed - Elmasri and Navathe - Addison Wesley~~~~ 8 - Database Systems, 3 rd - Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg - Pearson Education ~~~~ 9 - Database Management Systems, 3rd ed - Ramakrishnan and Gehrke - McGraw-Hill International~~~~ 10 - Database system, design, implementation and management - Rob, Coronel - Thomson learning~~~~ 11 - Introduction to Computer Theory, 2 nd ed - Cohen D - Wiley Publications~~~~ 12 - Theory of Computer Science, 2nd ed - Mishra K., Chandrasekaran N - Prentice Hall of India~~~~ 13 - Introduction to Language and Theory of Computation, 3rd ed - Martin J - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 14 - Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computations, 2 nd ed - Hopcroft J., Motwani R., Ullman J - Pearson Education Asia~~~~ 15 - Elements of Theory of Computation, 2nd ed - Lewis H., Papadimitriou C - Pearson Education~~~~ 16 - Digital signal processing, 3rd ed - Proakis J., Manolakis D - Prentice Hall~~~~ 17 - Discrete time signal processing, 2nd ed - Oppenheim A., Schafer R., Buck J - Prentice Hall~~~~ 18 - Digital Signal Processing , 2nd ed - Babu R - Scitech Publications~~~~ 19 - Digital Signal Processing : A Computer Based Approach - Mitra S - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 20 - Digital Signal Processing - Vallavraj A - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 21 - Digital Signal Processing - White S - Thomson Learning ~~~~ 22 - Digital Signal Processing- A Practical Approch, 2nd ed - E. C. Ifleachor, B. W. Jervis - Pearson education~~~~ 23 - The Pentium Microprocessor, 2nd ed - Antonakos J - Pearson Education~~~~ 24 - Microcontrollers - Theory and Applications - Deshmukh A - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 25 - The 8051 Microcontroller and embedded systems - Mazidi M., Gillispie J - Pearson edition~~~~ 26 - Intel Pentium - ------- - -------~~~~ 27 - The 8051 Microcontroller - Ayala K - Penram International~~~~ 28 - Intel 8 bit Microcontroller manual - --------- - ---------~~~~ 29 - Microchip manual for PIC 16CXX and 16FXX - --------- - ----------~~~~ - Second Semester - T.E. COMPUTER SYLLABUS - ~~~~ SR,NO. - BOOK NAME - AUTHOR NAME - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Software Engineering, 7th ed - Ian Sommerville - Addison-Wesley~~~~ 2 - Software Engineering : A Practitioner's Approach’, 6th ed - Roger S Pressman - McGraw Hill~~~~ 3 - Software Testing : principles and Practices - Desikan, Ramesh - Pearson Education ~~~~ 4 - Practical Software Testing - Burnstein - Springer International ~~~~ 5 - Effective Methods for Software Testing - William E. Perry - John Wiley and Sons ~~~~ 6 - Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering - Stephen H. Kan - Pearson Education~~~~ 8 - Computer Networks, 4th ed - Tanenbaum A. S - Pearson Education ~~~~ 9 - Data Communications and Networking - Forouzan B. A - Tata McGraw Hill~~~~ 10 - Computer Networking- a top-down approach featuring the internet , 2nd ed - James F. Kurose - Person Education~~~~ 11 - Communication Networks- Fundamental Concepts and key Architectures , - Leon-Garcia-Wadjaja - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 12 - Computer Networks and Internet , 2nd ed - Comer D - Pearson Education~~~~ 14 - Programming Languages Design and Implementation , 4th ed - T. W. Pratt, M.V. Zelkowitz - Prentice Hall~~~~ 15 - Programming Languages: Principles and Practice, 2nd ed - K. C. Louden - Course Technology~~~~ 16 - The C Programming Language , 2nd ed - B. W. Kernighan, D. H. Ritchie - Prentice-Hal~~~~ 17 - The C++ Programming Language , 3rd ed - B. Stroustrup - Addison-Wesley~~~~ 18 - The Craft of Functional Programming , 2nd ed - S. Thompson, ‘Haskell - Addison Wesley~~~~ 19 - Programming Languages: Principles and Paradigms, - A. B. Tucker, R. Noonan - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 20 - Individual Language Reference Manuals - --------- - ---------~~~~ 22 - Process Control Instrumentation Technology 2nd ed - C. D. Johnson - Pearson Education ~~~~ 23 - Instrumentation Devices and System , 2nd ed - C.S. Ranjan ,G .R. Sarma , V.S.V. Mani - Tata McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 24 - Instrumentation and Process Control Handbook - Bela Liptak - ~~~~ 25 - OP-AMP and Integrated Circuits PHI - Ramakant Gaikwad - PHI~~~~ 27 - Product Design and Development - Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 28 - Design Secrets: Products 2: 50 Real-Life Projects Uncovered - Industrial Designers Society of America - Lynn Haller, Cheryl Dangel Cullen - Rockport Publishers~~~~ 29 - What is a Designer: Things, Places, Messages - Norman Potter - Princeton Architectural ~~~~ 30 - The Design of Everyday Things - Donald A. Norman - Basic Books~~~~ 31 - History of Modern Design - David Raizman - Prentice Hall~~~~ - - FE - SEMESTER II - ~~~~ SR. NO. - BOOK TITLE - NAME OF AUTHOR - PUBLISHER~~~~ 1 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’8th ed. - Erwin Kreyszig - John Wiley and sons~~~~ 2 - Higher Engineering Mathematics 38th Ed., (40 th) - . B.S. Grewal - Khanna Publishers, Delhi,~~~~ 3 - Advanced Calculus (Schaum’s out line series) 1st ed. - Murray R. Spiegel - McGraw Hill ~~~~ 4 - Calculus and analytic Geometry’ - Thomas / Finney - Wesley / Narosa,~~~~ 5 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics
2nd Edition - Dennis G/ Michael R. - CBS New Delhi~~~~ 6 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathemat 2nd Edition, - Michael D.Greenberg - Prentice Hall International,~~~~ 7 - ‘Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ 6th ed. - Ray Wylie, - McGraw-Hill ~~~~ 8 - Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists’3rd ed. - Pipes and Harvill - McGraw-Hill~~~~ 9 - Advanced Engineering Mathematics’ - Alan Jeffrey - Academic Press~~~~ 10 - Engineering Physics. (6) - Gaur R K & Gupta S - Dhanpat Rai And Sons~~~~ 11 - Concepts Of Modern Physics. (6th)
- Beiser Arthur: - Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 12 - Physics -ii. (2) - Resnick R & Halliday D - Wiley Eastern Ltd ~~~~ 13 - Modern Physics. - Theraja B L - S. Chand & Co ~~~~ 14 - Modern Physics - Rajam J B - S Chand & Co ~~~~ 15 - Atomic Physics. - Rajam J B - S. Chand & Co ~~~~ 16 - Lasers And Non - Linear Optics. (2) - Laud B B: Lasers - New Age Int.~~~~ 17 - Lasers Principles, Types And Applications - Nambiar K R - New Age Int.~~~~ 18 - Laser Pioneers (Revised Ed) - Hecht Jeff - Academic Press Inc~~~~ 19 - Nanotechnology: Basic Science and Emerging Technologies ,
- Michael Wilson - Cambridge University Press ~~~~ 20 - Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea - Mark A. Ratner, Daniel Ratner - Prentice Hall ~~~~ 21 - Springer Handnbook Of Nanotechnology - Bhushan Bharat - Springer ~~~~ 22 - Nanoscale materials in chemistry - Kenneth J. Klabunde: - Wiley, John & Sons~~~~ 23 - Nano Electronics. - Diwan Parag ,ed & Bharadwaj Ashish,ed: - Pentagon
~~~~ 24 - Nanomedicine
- Diwan Parag & Bharadwaj Ashish - Pentagon Press,~~~~ 25 - Nano Comosites.
- Diwan Parag, ed & Bhardwaj Ashish,ed: - Pentagon Press,~~~~ 26 - Engineering Physics. (6) - Gaur R K & Gupta S - Dhanpat Rai And Sons~~~~ 27 - Concepts Of Modern Physics. (6th)
- Beiser Arthur: - Mcgraw Hill ~~~~ 28 - Physics -ii. (2) - Resnick R & Halliday D - Wiley Eastern Ltd ~~~~ 29 - Modern Physics. - Theraja B L - S. Chand & Co ~~~~ 30 - Lasers And Non - Linear Optics. (2) - Laud B B: Lasers - New Age Int.~~~~ 31 - Lasers Principles, Types And Applications - Nambiar K R - New Age Int.~~~~ 32 - Fundamentals of Engineering Chemistry (Theory and Practice). 2nd ed - Jain and Jain - Dhanpat Rai ~~~~ 33 - Environmental Chemistry, 8th ed. - S.K. Singh - New Age International
~~~~ 34 - Analytical chemistry, 6th ed. - A.K. De - John Wiley & sons. ~~~~ 35 - Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement - Amitava Mitra - ~~~~ 36 - Vector Mechanics for
Engineers (Statics) 7 th or 8th Ed.
- Ferdinand. P. Beer and E. Russell Johnson - ~~~~ 37 - Vector Mechanics for
Engineers (Dynamics) 7 th or 8th Ed.
- Ferdinand. P. Beer and E. Russell Johnson - ~~~~ 38 - Vector Mechanics for
Engineers (Statics and Dynamics)’, 7 th or 8th Edition.
- Ferdinand. P. Beer and E. Russell Johnson, - ~~~~ 39 - Engineering mechanics (Statics ) 7th Ed. - R.C. Hibbler, - McMilon Publications~~~~ 40 - Engineering mechanics (Dynamics) 7th Ed. - R.C. Hibbler, - McMilon Publications~~~~ 41 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics andDynamics) - Ferdinand L. Singer, - Harper and Ronic Publications~~~~ 42 - ‘Engineering Mechanics (Statics and
Dynamics)’, - J.L. Meriam and Craig, - John Wiley and Sons Publications.
~~~~ 43 - ‘Engineering Mechanics (Statics ) - J.L. Meriam and Craig, - John Wiley and Sons Publications.
~~~~ 44 - ‘Engineering Mechanics (Dynamics) - J.L. Meriam and Craig, - John Wiley and Sons Publications.
~~~~ 45 - Engineering Mechanics (Staticsand Dynamics) - S.P. Timoshenko and D.H. Young - McGraw Hill Publication~~~~ 46 - Schaum’s outlines
Engineering Mechanics - E.W. Nelson, C.L. Best, W.G. Mclean - The McGraw Hill Publication
~~~~ 47 - Electrical Technology 7th edition - Edward Hughes - ~~~~ 48 - Electrical Technology vol.- I - B. L. Theraja. - ~~~~ 49 - Basic Electrical Engineering - Nagarath and Kothari - ~~~~ 50 - Wiring, Estimation and Costing - S. L. Uppal - ~~~~ 51 - Electrical Power - Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar - ~~~~ 52 - Delmar’s standard textbook on electricity (2nd edition)
- Stephan Herman - Delmar
publications.~~~~ 53 - Principals of electrical engineering - Vincent Del Toro - PHI publications~~~~ 54 - Electrical Technology - H. Cotton - CBS publication~~~~ 55 - Elements Of Workshop Technology,
vol.I - S.K.Hajra Choudhary - Media
Promoters &Publishers~~~~ 56 - Elements Of Workshop Technology,
vol.II - S.K.Hajra Choudhary - Media
Promoters &Publishers~~~~ 57 - ,Introduction to Industrial Safety
- . K.T.Kulkarni - ~~~~ 58 - Manufacturing Engineering Handbook,
- Hwaiyu Geng - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 59 - Manufacturing Processes and Materials for Engineers,
- Lawrence E.Doyle - Prentice Hall Inc.~~~~ 60 - Elementary drawing, - N D Bhatt, - Charotar Publishing house~~~~ 61 - Text Book on Engineering Drawing, - K.L.Narayana & P.Kannaiah, - Scitech Publications~~~~ 62 - Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing
- Warren Luzzader - Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi.~~~~ 63 - Principals of Engineering
- Frederock E. Giesecke, Alva Mitchell - Maxwell McMillan Publication.~~~~ 64 - AutoCAD Instant Reference - George Omura - BPB Publications~~~~ 66 - Computer Fundamentals, 3rd Ed. - P.K. Sinha - BPB Publication~~~~ 67 - Programmig in Ansi C , 4th Edition - Balagurusamy - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 68 - Programming with C- Schaum’s outline Series - B.Gottfried - Tata McGraw-Hill~~~~ 69 - Let us C, 2nd edition - Y. Kanetkar - BPB Publications~~~~
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