Monday, October 9, 2017

Mio Slice - Fitness band

Mio Slice breaks the steps myth

Fitness bands are awesome – counting your steps and distance, keeping you motivated and fit. But that’s the greatest problem within. Steps you take when you get out of bed, walking leisurely around your office or even when you’re driving a car – they mean nothing. And it won’t give you credit and steps for a spinning class or weightlifting. That’s why, the Mio Slice is a revolutionary new product that counts your true fitness. It only gives you credit for the time your heart actually works hard. Thus, when you’re weightlifting, spinning or rowing, it won’t give you useless steps. It’ll give you your PAI number – Personal Activity Intelligence. It only kicks in when your heart works at a certain intensity level. The Mio Slice also has by far the most accurate heart rate sensor in the world. It’s backed by one of the world’s largest health studies involving 45,000 people over 25 years that shows that an accurate PAI level per day can extend your life expectancy by about five years. Steps are out, PAI is in. The even bigger news: Mio Slice is now available in India.

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