Thursday, May 30, 2024

A short life sketch of Mohammed - The Koran and the kafir : Islam and the infidel


A short life sketch of Mohammed  - The Koran and the kafir : Islam and the infidel

A short life sketch of Mohammed  - The Koran and the kafir : Islam and the infidel



daughter of Abu Bakr, a close disciple of Mohammed. Ayesha, according to many was Mohammed's most favorite wife.

Mohammed's Wives:


Mohammed was born in the year 570 A.D. His father had died a few months before his birth. He lost his mother when he was about six years of age. Mohammed was brought up by his uncle.

Financially Mohammed was very poor. Some say that Mohammed was illiterate but opinions differ on this. Education or no education, Mohammed was very intelligent and wise. He was thoughtful and meditative.

It is said that Mohammed was of medium build and not too tall or short. Since no formal pictures of Mohammed are available, one has to go by descriptions of Mohammed written by his followers. Mohammed was handsome, had a large head with black thick hair, wide forehead, heavy eyebrows and large black eyes with slight redness on the sides and long eyelashes. He had a fine nose, well spaced teeth and a thick beard, wide chest and shoulders, light colored skin and thick palms and feet.

Mohammed was married by Khadija Bibi, his employer and 15 years his senior. At the time, Mohammed was twenty- five years old. Mohammed was Khadija Bibi's third husband; the lady was a widow when she married Mohammed.

Khadija Bibi was wealthy and after marriage with her, Mohammed lived in comparative luxury, for the first time in his life. They had several children, both boys and girls. The boys did not live long and the girls were given away in marriage. They adopted a son named Zayed after their sons died.

Khadija Bibi died when Mohammed was about 49 years old. Between the ages of 49 and 63, after Khadija died, the prophet married thirteen wives. The names of eleven are given below. At the age of 52 Mohammed married Ayesha, a girl of six (some say nine) years of age. Ayesha was the


1 Khadija Bibi

2 Sauda Bibi

3 Ayesha Bibi

4 Hafna Bibi

5 Safia Bibi

6 Umme-Habiba Bibi

7 Umme-Salma Bibi

8 Moyumuna Bibi

9 Zainab bint Jahsh Bibi

10 Zainab bint Khuzaymah Bibi

11 Juwairya (Zudia) Bibi

Zainab, daughter of Jahsh was initially married to his adopted son Zayed. But one day the prophet 'beheld in a loose undress, the beauty of Zainab, and burst forth into an ejacula- tion of devotion and desire. The servile, or grateful, freeman understood the hint, and yielded without hesitation to the love of the benefactor'. Zayed divorced Zainab so that Mohammed could marry her.

Among Mohammed's concubines were Rehana and Mary (also known as Mariam). Mary was a Christian slave girl presented to Mohammed whereas Juwairya and Rehana both were Jewish girls captured in battles with the Jews. Juwairya eventually married the prophet and gave up her Jewish faith. Rehana did not agree to give up her Jewish faith and would rather live as a concubine against her own will, than marry the prophet. Both Juwairya and Rehana had lost their men folk in the battles with the Moslem followers of Mohammed.

Among the many battles that the prophet of Islam fought with his enemies, the kafirs, the more wellknown are the following:

Battle of Badr: the Qurayza were defeated. (624 A.D.)

Battle of Uhud: the Moslems were defeated. (625 A.D.)

War of the ditch: Meccans attack the Moslems and the attackers are driven off. (627 A.D.)


Battle of Khaybar: the Jews are defeated. (629 A.D.)

In the year 627 A.D. the Jewish tribe of Qurayza was raided by Mohammed. Some 700 men were beheaded. Edward Gibbon writes in his famous book, 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire': " hundred Jews ere dragged in chains to the market-place of the city; they descended alive into the grave prepared for their execution and burial; and the apostle beheld with an inflexible eye the slaughter of his helpless enemies. Their sheep and camels were inherited by the Musulmans: three hundred cuirasses, five hundred pikes, a thousand lances, composed the most useful portion of the spoil."

All the Jews that survived the battle of Khaybar were also put to the sword in 629 A.D.

It was in 630 A.D. that Mecca was taken by Mohammed. The entire population was converted to Islam and the Kaaba established as the religious center of Islam. All kafirs were forbidden entry into Mecca.

The Moslem year starts from 622 A.D. This is the year of HIJRA or flight of Mohammed and his followers to Medina. Mohammed believed that he was poisoned by a Jewish woman as revenge after the battle of Khaybar. During the last four years of his life, his health declined, epileptic fits became more frequent, his other infirmities increased. died in the year 632 A.D., June 8.


During the twenty-four years of his marriage with Khadija Bibi, the youthful prophet abstained from the right of polygamy and just before his impending death he liberated his slaves: seventeen men and eleven women. Till the third day before his death he regularly performed the function of public prayer. Gibbon says in his book: "In spite of his polygamy Mohammed left no heir. In 655 or 656 A.D. his son in law, Ali, became Commander of the Faithful, but his descendants did not retain power".

The Koran and the kafir : Islam and the infidel : all that an infidel needs to know about the Koran but is embarrassed to ask by Ghosh, A

Why was Gandhi a supporter of the Muslim community? 

(Prof. K.S. Narayanacharya has given some indications in his book...)

Everyone knows this fact - Nehru and Indira belonged to the Muslim community. But very few people know about Gandhiji's caste roots...!! Let's take a look at the reasons they give...!?

1. Mohandas Gandhi was the son of Karamchand Gandhi's fourth wife Putlibai.

Putlibai originally belonged to the Pranami sect. This Pranami sect is an Islamic organization in Hindu guise...

2. Mr. Ghosh's book "The Quran and the Kafir" also mentions Gandhi's origin...

Mohandas Gandhi's father Karamchand worked under a Muslim landlord. Once he stole money from his landlord's house and ran away. Then the Muslim landlord took Karamchand's fourth wife Putlibai to his house and made her his wife. At the time of Mohandas's birth, Karamchand Gandhi remained hidden for three years.

3. Gandhiji was born and brought up among Gujarati Muslims.

4. All the expenses of his schooling till college (London Law College) were borne by his Muslim father!!

5. Those who got Gandhi's legal practice and advocacy done in South Africa were also Muslims.

6. In London, Gandhi was a partner in the Anjuman-e-Islamia institution...

*So, it is not surprising to note why Gandhiji had pro-Muslim inclinations...!?*

That was Gandhi's last stand: ✒️

☆ "Even if Hindus are killed by Muslims, Hindus should keep quiet and not get angry with them.

☆ We should not be afraid of death.

Let us die a heroic death."

What does it mean?

Gandhiji did not adopt a Hindutva stance at any stage of the freedom struggle. He repeatedly spoke in favour of Muslims.

When Bhagat Singh and other patriots were hanged, Gandhiji refused to sign the petition not to hang them.

We should note that Anne Besant herself condemned it...

Some more stands of Mohandas Gandhi ::

1. Defended Abdul Rashid, the murderer of Swami Shraddhanand...

2. He supported the Muslim Khilafat movement in Turkey. Due to which Dr. Hedgewar broke off his relations with Gandhi and founded the RSS..!

3. Even though Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel had absolute majority, Gandhi made a staunch Muslim Jawaharlal Khan Nehru the Prime Minister..!!

By fooling the then 40 crore Indians, the title of Pandit was added to the name of that Muslim, so that the foolish and ignorant Hindus could be made mad...!!

4. He also went on a hunger strike to demand Rs 55 crore for divided Pakistan..!!

5. Always appeased the Muslims and insulted the Hindus...

Hindus were considered low class citizens in India...!! Which is being continued even today by its Gandhian politicians...!!

๐Ÿ™ Vande Bharatam

_The above statement is based on truth, please do not consider it false. If necessary, refer to the above mentioned book:

You can go to any library and study "The Quran and the Kafir"...

 The Koran and the kafir : Islam and the infidel : all that an infidel needs to know about the Koran but is embarrassed to ask

by Ghosh, A

The Koran and the kafir

The Koran and the kafir

The Koran and the kafir

The Koran and the kafir

The Koran and the kafir

Was Gandhi born a Hindu?

Who is the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi?

Is Feroze Gandhi related to Mahatma Gandhi?

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What is the background of Mahatma Gandhi's father?

What is Mahatma Gandhi's father name? - Quora

Is Mahatma Gandhi the father of the nation declared ...

Was Mahatma Gandhi a Muslim? - Quora

Does Mahatma Gandhi really deserve to be called ...

selective as in Islam. The Sufis did succeed considerably in the enterprise and the Hindus became the disciples of these Sufis in great numbers. In many instances, a Sufi had more Hindu followers than Moslems.

The main body of the Moslems did not accept the Sufis as their religious leaders. However, for 'other reasons' they were tolerated by the Moslem king or 'amir-ul-mominin'. In the case of the fundamentalist kings like Aurangzib, this did not work out. Aurangzib executed the renowned Sufi Sarmad during his reign.

When the time for final onslaught came, the Sufis were no where to be found. Behold! They were on the side of the Moslem attackers who were being directed by the Sufi holymen themselves, along with the usual fire-belching mullahs that accompanied the invaders. The Sufis showed the invaders the places to loot, edifices to destroy, and any secret hiding places that the kafirs might have. This in the end, and at great sacrifice, opened the eyes of the kafirs and the influence of the Sufis among the kafirs dwindled. But by then great chunks of the kafir territory had been annexed by the Moslems.


Of all three, this is the most dangerous source of turmoil.

There is a breed of kafir leaders who claim to represent the interests of the kafirs, but in reality they look after their own interests as well as the interests of the Moslems, letting down the kafirs every time. Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Nehru were such leaders. India's current prime minister Indira Gandhi is another example.

Mahatma Gandhi was born and brought up among the Moslems of Gujarat'. His entire education from schools in India to Law college in London was paid for by his Moslem guardian. His business in South Africa was also established at the Moslem's expense. Gandhi was hired by a wealthy Moslem businessman in South Africa. His entire educational life was spent living among the Moslems. In London, he was part of the Anjumane Islamiah which later developed into Muslim League. His knowledge of Hindu scriptures was superficial at best.

In order to bring the Hindus and the Moslems together, Gandhi used to introduce Islamic tenets into Hindu prayers. The Moslems hardly attended his prayers and refused out of hand any such mixing of the two religions in his prayers. In one of his post-prayer speeches delivered on 6th April, 1947 (the year India was partitioned), he said: "Hindus should never be angry against the Moslems, even if the latter might make up their mind to undo even their existence. If they put all of us to the sword, we should court death bravely. We should never fear death. We are destined to be born and die; why should we feel gloomy over it? If all of us die with a smile on our lips, we shall enter a new life. We shall originate a new Hindusthan."

Gandhi supported the Khilafat movement. It must be recalled that the Khilafat (or Caliphate of the Turkish king, after the first world war) was totally unworthy of support of the progressive Moslems. Kemal Ataturk established this fact by abolition of the Khilafat. The abolition of the Khilafat was widely welcomed by enlightened Moslem opinion the world over and Kemal was the undoubted hero of all young Moslems fighting against Imperial domination. But Gandhi used to frequent the most fanatic type of Moslems and he gave his full support to this movement. The apostle of non-violence sent an invitation to the king of Afghanistan to attack India to rid the country of all kafirs. Gandhi was ignorant of the fact that the first four Caliphs were the real ones and the rest were spurious.

The forcible conversion of Hindus was happening all over India at this time, and for the first time a Hindu monk came up reconverting them back to Hinduism, a deed that was neglected by the Hindu religious leaders for many years. The name of this monk was Swami Shraddhananda. The Moslems could not tolerate this kind of re-conversion and one day one Moslem young man, one Abdul Rashid murdered the monk. The Moslems all over the country were jubilant. One Asaf Ali came forward to defend the assassin but his guilt was estab- lished and Abdul Rashid was hanged by the British. Later, Pandit Nehru hired this Asaf Ali as India's ambassador to the United States.

Mahatma Gandhi, who had not assented to put his signature to a petition for saving the lives of great patriots like Bhagat Singh and others, because they took part in violence, and had also for the same reason called Shivaji, Rana Pratap and Guru Gobind Singh, all Hindu heroes, as 'misguided patriots', did not however, look upon Rashid's act in that light. No one had ever heard Mr. Gandhi denounce the acts of bigotry of Aurangzib or Shah Jahan either.

Gandhi took the murderer Suhrawardy under his wings when Suhrawardy was sought by the young men of Bengal to avenge the gruesome murder of Haren Ghosh (see page 64).

Gandhi gave his full support to Ali Brothers who had more than once affirmed their loyalty to the doctrine of Pan- Islamism.

Mahatma Gandhi's sayings in the wake of the Moplah2 riots in Kerala are noteworthy. Moplahs had originally rebell- ed against the British but the British repressed them savagely. Moplahs, defeated and frustrated, now turned their wrath against the unsuspecting Hindus; for the Hindus, in their eyes were as much kafirs as the British. The Hindu who had lost himself in chanting 'Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai' (Hindus and Moslems are brothers), was attacked by the Moslem chanting 'Allahu-Akbar' (Allah is great, the battle cry against the ka- firs). The number of Hindus murdered was 3000; the number of those forcibly converted, over 20,000 and property looted about Rs30 million. There was no end to molestations and abductions of Hindu women.

Dr. Annie Besant stated: "They murdered and plundered abundantly, and killed or drove all Hindus who would not apostatize. Somewhere about one hundred thousand people were driven from their homes with nothing but the clothes they had on, stripped of everything...Malabar has taught us what Islamic rule still means, and we do not want to see another specimen of the Khilafat Raj in India. How sympathy with the Moplahs is felt by the Muslims outside Malabar has been proved by the defense raised by them for their fellow believers, and by Mr. Gandhi himself, who stated that they had acted as they believed that religion taught them to act. I felt that this is true; but there is no place in a civilized land for people who drive away out of the country those who refuse to apostatize from their ancestral faiths."

In reference to Moplah rioters, Gandhi said: "They are a brave God-fearing people who were fighting for what they consider as religion, and in a manner which they considered religious."

Gandhi had assured all Indians at the time of partition that India could only be divided over his dead body. The gullible kafirs found him still alive and well although the country was divided and millions murdered in the process.

Gandhi's Islamic upbringing, however, was clearly evi- dent in his sexual aberrations. He used to sleep with multiple women, mostly very young, completely nude. The practice was kept a secret for a long time but finally was found out at the Sabaramati Ashram. He gave up beating his wife Kasturba only on his arrival in India. Gandhi practised the Islamic tenet of beating the wife on a regular basis when he was in South Africa.

The upbringing of Pandit Nehru was entirely Islamic and he was proud of the fact. His name Jawaharlal Nehru was Persian and Islamic. He used to boast that he was culturally Islamic and a Hindu only by accident. He used this accidental fact over and over again as his claim to the leadership of the Hindus in his encounters with the Muslim League led by Mohammed Ali Jinnah and every time he let the Hindus down.

Once after the country was divided and an orgy of murder, arson and rape was continuing on the Pakistani side of the border and Hindu and Sikh refugees were streaming in, the Pandit declared over the radio that all refugees should forgive the Moslems for all that the Moslems had done to them and not think of revenge. The radio broadcast was heard in all refugee camps in Delhi, Amritsar, Ludhiana, Jullunder, etc. Next morning, Nehru accompanied by Indira Gandhi, his daugh- ter went to visit one of the camps. Indira Gandhi was just behind Pandit Nehru and a very old man, an octogenarian, touched the hand of Indira Gandhi, a girl of his grand- daughter's age. Nehru flared up and slapped the old man, an eminent businessman from Lahore, who was now a pauper.


Instead of getting angry, the old man laughed out loud to Nehru's face and said: "You spoke over the radio last night and advised us not to be revengeful but forgiving toward the Your daughter is like my grand-daughter; you yourself are like my son in age. What did I do wrong in touching the hand of your daughter to attract your attention? You flew into a rage and slapped me! And you advised me over the radio to calm my anger? Do you know, three of my daughters were taken away by force by the Moslems from my home and I should not be angry? What gives you the right to slap me just for touching your daughter?" The Moslem-loving Pandit moved away like a dog with his tail between his legs.

The Hindus 'must' avoid choosing false leaders. Leaders who make use of their political position to advertise their own idiosyncrasies are not good leaders. Morarji Desai was one such leader who advertised his urine therapy as soon as he became India's prime minister. Until then, he had never mentioned it. One wonders what prime ministership has got to do with urine therapy? Some think that Gandhi, Nehru and Desai behaved in such shameful way in order to get recogni- tion from the public.

Aurangzib used to destroy the Hindus' houses of worship, their schools and libraries with the help of his army. Nehru did the same in a much more refined way. When the Nagarjunsa- gara Dam was completed and it was going to be filled up with water, Nehru at the advice of some of his Moslem secretaries, raised the level of water much above the level initially fixed by the engineers. This was done to drown a lot more Hindu temples than were originally estimated. He had no empathy for the ancient heritage of the Hindus having been brought up in Islamic atmosphere himself. He read about the ancient glory of the Hindu civilization in later years and used to boast of having discovered India himself in his late life.

Nehru gave away an Indian enclave to Pakistan without first getting the approval of the Indian Parliament3. When the Pakistanis attacked India without any provocation and India sustained heavy losses, Nehru threw in Hindu and Sikh soldiers to protect the Moslem inhabitants of Kashmir from the attack of the invaders. Eventually, the Indian army pushed back the Pakistanis and just when the Indian army was to launch a punishing attack on the Moslems, Nehru stopped the Indians and went to settle the dispute to the United Nations Assembly. Since then, the problem has lingered and Nehru succeeded in getting the Hindus in a situation that no pandit worth his name should have done.

Pandit Nehru's fraternising with the Moslems was pheno- menal. In fact, people used to say that in the whole of India, there was only one nationalist Moslem and that was Pandit Nehru. The implication was that the real Moslems were NOT nationalists but fundamentalists, who were Moslems first and Indians second.

Indira Gandhi, the current prime miniter has also more Moslem family friends than Hindus. She hates to be identified with the Hindus on whose support she has become the prime minister. She had once declared that she would hate to have a Hindu as her husband. It is only for political reasons that of late she has started visiting Hindu temples. Her son Sanjay Gandhi (alias Sanjeev) was circumcised like a Moslem child.

When the 90,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered to the kafir army of India, Indira Gandhi fed these ruffians and lodged and clothed them, for months, instead of trying them for having killed innocent kafirs in East Pakistan, raping their women and burning their homes, nearly three million of them. She did not bring any charge against the captured soldiers and their generals. Everyone was released and let go back to Pakistan scot free while the Hindu and Sikh soldiers that Pakistan had captured, were mostly murdered by Pakistan in the prison camps and very few were returned.

Indira Gandhi allowed Moslem infiltrators to come to India from Bangladesh and gave them citizenship papers while the bonafide Hindu refugees from Islamic Bangladesh did not receive any welcome. Her treatment of the Hindu refugees leaves much to be desired. This is in stark contrast with the treatment of Moslems who had left India at the time of partition but came back later. These turn-coats were welcom- ed with open arms in Kashmir and elsewhere.

Another Moslem gentlemen, who was a family friend of the Nehrus, was one Syud Husain. He had once eloped with Indira's aunt Vijay Lakshmi Pandit, who later occupied the highest post of the United Nations. This Syud Husain was later hired by Nehru in the Indian Foreign Service and made India's ambassador to Egypt. When, he died, the government of India erected a mausoleum in his honor in Cairo. On the other hand, not even a small brick pillar has been built by the Nehru or Gandhi government of India for the three million kafirs murdered in East and West Pakistans by the Moslems of West Pakistan.

Consider the case of the 50 new mosques which currently are being built in one of the holiest Hindu cities of India, Mathura. It is here that the Krishna temple was destroyed so many times by Aurangzib and Ahmed Shah Abdali. Hindus have rebuilt the temple at an adjacent place, as the old foundation could not be built upon, the Moslems having built a mosque on the old emplacement. The mosque could have been destroyed by the Hindus too as it is a Hindu city and very few Moslems live there today. But the Hindus did not do that. They left the mosque in peace and built a new Krishna temple near the old site.

The other day Rukmini Arundale met Mrs. Gandhi. She had two requests to make to the P.M. She said that the government of India should assess the Saudi money entering the country to subvert the Hindu culture. She also asked the P.M. to find out if Saudi petrodollars were financing the construction of fifty new mosques in Mathura. The P.M. was not even aware of these goings on and a quick inquiry revealed that it was indeed a fact that the Saudis were financing mosque building in Mathura.

Now, the fact is that the mosque once built by Aurangzib remains mostly unattended in Mathura. There are not too many Moslems in this heavily populated Hindu city. What are the Moslems going to do with not one but fifty new mosques


But from the nuisance point of view these mosques can create a lot of trouble. The Moslems are supposed to pray five times a day and thus five times fifty or two hundred and fifty times a day, the powerful microphones will blare out the Arabic chantings, creating a lot of bad blood and invading the privacy of the Hindu pilgrims. The tolerance of the kafirs is being stretched a little too far by the P.M. of India. Just to think that a kafir cannot even travel to Mecca, not to speak of building fifty or even one temple or church or synagogue there and the prime minister of India is not even aware of the serious enterprise in Mathura that is calculated to disturb the peace in a Hindu holy city! Can things become worse than that? This behavior of the current P.M. of India is due to her Islamic upbringing. A lot of harm will come to the kafirs of India from this source alone, if they are not careful.

Indira Gandhi promoted a Kashmiri Moslem to the post of India's ambassador and a cabinet minister whose capabilities can well be described by his propensity to procure prostitutes in Europe at the expense of the Indian taxpayers. This Moslem gentlemen used to draw 100 Swiss francs from the entertain- ment account every day for a prostitute when the late N. Gopalaswamy Ayyangar went to attend the Kashmir meeting in Geneva. If only poor Indians knew how their hard-earned money was being spent by a Moslem under the patronage of Mrs. Gandhi; and to think that the Koran forbids prostitution!

Another source of danger comes from the priests of the kafirs. Many of them, though supposedly priests, do not know the basic fundamentals of the Hindu faith. They have neglect- ed the lower castes of the Hindus and often subscribed to their persecution for ages.

Many of these priests are paid money to lend their services to undertake enterprises calculated to erode the Hindu society. Rama Krishna Math of Madras is one such organisation. For money received from the government of India, this organisation publishes and distributes the teachings of the Koran to the Hindus and other kafirs. The teachings are misleading and written up to resemble Hindu teachings. The book entitled 'Thus Spake Prophet Muhammad published by the Rama Krishna Math does NOT present the true injunctions of the Koran that refer to the kafirs. The book has been presented as a benign book, preaching precepts that are similar to the techings of the Buddha, Lord Krishna and other Hindu incarnations.

Perhaps the most surprising thing, is that none of these Hindu kafir monks have read the Koran but glibly proclaim that Islam preaches the same kind of message that one receives from the Bible or the Tripitaka (the holy book of the Buddhists) or the Vedas of the Hindus. Most of these monks 'pretend to have read the Islamic holy books. In reality they are too lazy to delve into Allah's injunctions for if they did, they would have found out that the first thing Allah wants is to decimate these priests who have placed rivals of Allah for their worship. In fact, these Hindu kafir monks are really cheating their community and misguiding the Hindu kafirs who listen to them.

The Moslems like everyone else-respect the strong. The saying goes: "Mushalam manati yah sah Mushalmanah asti" which means that Moslem respects the clout or 'mushalam' and so he is called a 'mushalman'.

Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi failed to be strong with the Moslems. They were incapable of planning wisely, daring boldly and achieving strenuously or of wresting victory from the jaws of defeat by desperate effort or heroic endurance. Whenever the going got tough, Nehru went to Lord Mount- batten or to the United Nations and Gandhi fasted. In spite of a few dams and steel mills which were built by the foreigners anyway like the movie "Gandhi", the fact remains that Nehru and Gandhi together have saddled India's kafirs with un- necessary problems which of course they have to solve now by themselves. The mitigating factor, is the absence of these two 'holier than thou' politicians. That, itself might make matters easier.

Swami Vivekananda had said: "For instance, the Moham- medan religion allows Mohammedans to kill all who are not of their religion. It is clearly stated in the Koran. "Kill the infidels if they do not become Mohammedans." They must be put to fire and sword. Now if you tell a Mohammedan that this is wrong, he will naturally ask. "How do you know that? How do you know it is not good? My book says it is." You say your book is older; there will come the Buddhist, and say, my book is much older still. Then will come the Hindu, and say, my books are the oldest of all. Therefore, referring to books will not do...

"No amount of books can help us to become purer. The only power is in realisation, and that lies in ourselves and comes from thinking. Let me think. A clod of earth never thinks; but it remains only a lump of earth. The glory of man is that he is a thinking being. It is the nature of man to think and therein he differs from animals. I believe in reason, having seen enough of the evils of authority, for I was born in a country where they have gone to the extreme of authority."

It is therefore extremely important for the kafirs to learn about Islam and its attitude toward them. Any attempt to protect the life, limb, culture, and property of the kafirs should start from an adequate knowledge of the edicts of Islam. Thus knowledge of the Koran is very important to the kafir, not only as a source of general knowledge but also as a means for survival.

There are strong indications that the Moslem countries of west Asia have laid a deep-seated plot to Islamise India before the Hindus and other non-Moslems of the subcontinent wake up to the fact. The half-Islamised current rulers of India and some misguided Hindu religious organisations are at work to help the Moslem Arabs in their sinister enterprise. The Moslem residents of India, who overnight have become cham- pions of secularism, are like a dagger poised at the heart of the darul-Harb, that is India. Time for action and organisation

has come.


Some say that Gandhi's natural father was the Moslem employer of Gandhi's father. Gandhi's father used to work for a Moslem landowner and had stolen money from the cash box and had fled. He was a fugitive for three years and his wife was taken over by the Moslem landlord and placed in his harem. Gandhi was born during this period when his father was a fugitive. There are people who assert that Gandhi's father used to come inside the harem like a thief to sleep with his wife, and he indeed was the true father but that seems to be highly unlikely. However! Gandhi had promised to his mother to be a strict vegetarian. This promise he kept all throughout his life. Otherwise he was a servant of Islam in his political dealings.

Moplahs are Moslems from the Malabar area in Kerala, South India.

Berubari was ceded to East Pakistan without previously asking the opinion of the residents of Berubari. Pandit; a learned man.

Dark thoughts cross many minds at the uncanny likeness of Sanjay with one Mohammed Yunus, a family friend of the Nehrus. Like Yunus, Sanjay too had a hot temper and inclination toward breaking the law. Sanjay had a clash with the British law and he changed his name from Sanjeev to Sanjay then to get out of the law's reach. A son of Yunus (Shahriyar by name) is still serving sentence in a US prison. Sanjay had a balding pate like Yunus has. The other brother, Rajiv is of an entirely different disposition and physical appearance. Sanjay's marriage took place in the house of Mohammed Yunus and at Sanjay's death, Yunus displayed publicly his uncontroll- able grief when he sobbed and wept relentlessly.

The Moslem diplomat's name is Mohammed Shafi Qureshi. Qureshi is an honorable name is Islam.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Does the Hubble expansion affect humans?


The Immense Stage: Does the Hubble Expansion Affect Us?

The vastness of space holds mysteries that both inspire and humble us. One such concept is the Hubble expansion, the idea that the universe itself is stretching, causing galaxies to drift further apart over time. It paints a picture of a dynamic cosmos, forever in flux. But does this grand cosmic ballet have any bearing on our lives here on Earth? The answer, like the universe itself, is surprisingly nuanced.

The Scale of the Stretch: Beyond Human Experience

The key to understanding the impact of Hubble expansion lies in its scale.Galaxies, the building blocks of the universe, reside at immense distances, often millions or billions of light-years apart. A light-year, itself a mind-boggling unit, represents the distance light travels in a year, roughly 9.5 trillion kilometers. On this grand scale, the expansion becomes significant. Imagine placing dots on the surface of a balloon and inflating it. The dots (galaxies) move further apart as the balloon (space) expands, but the dots themselves remain largely unaffected.

Similarly, the Hubble expansion doesn't tear apart objects bound by gravity, like our solar system or even our Milky Way galaxy. The gravitational pull between the sun and its planets, or between the stars and gas clouds within our galaxy, is far stronger than the influence of the universe's slow stretch.

The Speed of Separation: A Glacial Pace

Furthermore, the rate of expansion is incredibly slow on human timescales. Current estimates suggest the universe is expanding at a rate of around 70 kilometers per second per megaparsec (a unit of distance equal to millions of light-years). This might seem like a significant number, but put it in context:

  • Oversized Units: We don't experience these massive distances in our daily lives. The nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is a mere 4.2 light-years away. At the rate of expansion, it would take tens of billions of years for it to move even a millimeter further from our sun.
  • Galactic Pace: Even on a galactic scale, the effects are gradual. Our Milky Way galaxy is roughly 100,000 light-years across. Over billions of years, the expansion might cause the galaxy to stretch by a small percentage, but its overall structure remains stable.

The Big Picture: A Cornerstone of Cosmology

While the Hubble expansion might not directly impact us, it holds immense significance in understanding the grand narrative of the universe. Here's why it matters:

  • Cosmic Age: By studying the rate of expansion and rewinding the clock metaphorically, cosmologists can estimate the universe's age. Current estimates place it around 13.8 billion years old, a humbling perspective on our place in time.
  • Origin Story: The theory of inflation, a period of rapid expansion in the universe's very early stages, is linked to the Hubble expansion. Understanding the expansion helps us piece together the sequence of events that led to the universe we see today.
  • Future Fate: The nature of dark energy, a mysterious force believed to be accelerating the expansion, is crucial in determining the ultimate fate of the cosmos. Will the universe continue to expand forever, or will it eventually collapse in on itself? The Hubble expansion is key to unraveling this mystery.

The Human Connection: Awe and Inspiration

Although the Hubble expansion doesn't directly affect our physical existence, it has a profound impact on our sense of wonder. We are inhabitants of a vast and dynamic universe, a stage far grander than anything we could have imagined. The realization that we are part of this ongoing cosmic story ignites curiosity and inspires us to push the boundaries of our knowledge.

The study of the Hubble expansion fuels our quest to understand the fundamental laws that govern the universe. It compels us to develop sophisticated technologies like telescopes and spacecraft to peer deeper into the cosmos. In a way, the Hubble expansion is a constant reminder of the vast potential that lies beyond our immediate experience.

In conclusion, the Hubble expansion might not be a force we feel in our daily lives, but it serves as a crucial cornerstone of cosmology. It shapes our understanding of the universe's age, origin, and ultimately, its fate. By studying this grand cosmic dance, we not only gain a deeper appreciation for our place in the cosmos but also embark on a thrilling journey of scientific discovery.

Monday, May 6, 2024

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 เคตเค•्เคคा: DB เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เค•ंเคชเคจी เคจे เค•्เคฏूเค†เคˆเคชी เคฎाเคฐ्เค— เคธे 920 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคฐुเคชเคฏे เคœुเคŸा เคฒिเค เคนैं। DB เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เค•े เค‰เคชाเคง्เคฏเค•्เคท เค”เคฐ เคช्เคฐเคฌंเคง เคจिเคฆेเคถเค• เคถाเคนिเคฆ  เค…เคฌ เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคธाเคฅ เคœुเคก़े เคนैं เคคाเค•ि เคตे เคœुเคŸाเคˆ เค—เคˆ เคฐाเคถि เค•े เคฌाเคฐे เคฎें เคตिเคตเคฐเคฃ เคšเคฐ्เคšा เค•เคฐ เคธเค•ें। เคถाเคนिเคฆ, เค†เคชเค•ो เคถुเคญ เค…เคชเคฐाเคน्เคจ เค”เคฐ เคเค• เคธเคฎเคฏ เค•े เคฌाเคฆ เคฌाเคค เค•เคฐเค•े เค…เคš्เค›ा เคฒเค—ा। เค•्เคฏा เค†เคช เคนเคฎें เค‡เคธ เคœुเคŸाเคˆ เค—เคˆ เคฐाเคถि เค•े เคฌाเคฐे เคฎें เคฅोเคก़ा เคฌเคคा เคธเค•เคคे เคนैं? เค†เคช เค•िเคคเคจा เคœुเคŸाเคจा เคšाเคนเคคे เคนैं? เคฏे เคงเคจ เค•िเคธ เค‰เคฆ्เคฆेเคถ्เคฏ เค•े เคฒिเค เคนोเค—ा? เค‡เคธเค•ा เค•िเคคเคจा เคนिเคธ्เคธा เคตिเค•ाเคธ เค•े เค‰เคฆ्เคฆेเคถ्เคฏों เคฎें เค”เคฐ เค•िเคคเคจा เค•เคฐ्เคœ เค•เคฎ เค•เคฐเคจे เค•े เคฒिเค เคนोเค—ा?

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคคो เคนเคฎ เคชเคนเคฒे เคนी 920 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคฐुเคชเคฏे เค•िเคฏा เคนैं เค•्เคฏूเค†เคˆเคชी เคฎाเคฐ्เค— เคธे เค‡เคธ เค‰เคธ เคšोंเคชी เคฌाเคœाเคฐ เค•े เคฌाเคตเคœूเคฆ, เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคนเคฎें เค‡ंเคตेเคธ्เคŸเคฐ्เคธ เค•ा เคธเคฎเคฐ्เคฅเคจ เคฎिเคฒा। เค…เคงिเค•ांเคถ เค—्เคฒोเคฌเคฒ เคจिเคตेเคถเค•ों เค•ा เคธเคฎเคฐ्เคฅเคจ เคฅा เค”เคฐ เคตเคน เค…เคฌ เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคชीเค›े เคนै। เค‡เคธ เคงเคจ เค•ो เคนเคฎ เค…เคฌ DB เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เคฎें เคตिเค•ाเคธीเคฏ เคชूंเคœी เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เค‰เคชเคฏोเค— เค•เคฐेंเค—े। เคนเคฎ เคชเคนเคฒे เคนी เค‹เคฃเคฎुเค•्เคค เคนैं, เคคो เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคชाเคธ DB เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เคธ्เคคเคฐ เคชเคฐ เค•ोเคˆ เค•เคฐ्เคœ เคจเคนीं เคนै। เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ เคธ्เคคเคฐ เคชเคฐ เคฌเคนुเคค เคนी เค…เคฒ्เคชเค•ाเคฒिเค• เค•เคฐ्เคœ เคนै เคœो เค…เค—เคฒे เคตिเคค्เคคीเคฏ เคตเคฐ्เคท เคฎें เคชूเคฐ्เคฃเคคः เคฏा เค…เคงिเค•ांเคถ เคตाเคชเคธ เค•िเคฏा เคœाเคเค—ा। เค‡เคธเคฒिเค เคธाเคฐ्เคตเคœเคจिเค• เคธ्เคคเคฐ เคชเคฐ เค…เค—เคฒे เคตिเคค्เคคीเคฏ เคตเคฐ्เคท เคญी เคนเคฎ เค•เคฐ्เคœ เคฎुเค•्เคค เคนोंเค—े। เคฏเคน เคงเคจ เคœो เคนเคฎเคจे เคœुเคŸाเคฏा เคนै, เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจे เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ्เคธ เค•े เคฒिเค เคตिเค•ाเคธ เคชूंเคœी เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เค‰เคชเคฏोเค— เค•เคฐเคจे เค•ी เคฏोเคœเคจा เคฌเคจा เคฐเคนे เคนैं। เคคो, เค†เคช เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เค…เคจ्เคฏ เค…เคธเคฒी เคฐिเคฏเคฒ เคเคธ्เคŸेเคŸ เคตिเค•ाเคธ เค•ंเคชเคจिเคฏों เค•ी เคคเคฐเคน เคœिเคจเค•े เคชाเคธ เค‰เคจเค•े เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ्เคธ เค•ा เคชांเคš, เคธाเคค, เค†เค  เคธाเคฒ เค•ा เคœीเคตเคจเค•ाเคฒ เคนोเคคा เคนै, เคนเคฎाเคฐा เคฎॉเคกเคฒ เค…เคฒเค— เคนै। เคนเคฎ เคฎुเค–्เคฏ เคฐूเคช เคธे เคกेเคตเคฒเคชเคฐ्เคธ เค•े เคกेเคตเคฒเคชเคฐ เคนैं, เคคो เคนเคฎ เคฎुเค–्เคฏ เคฐूเคช เคธे เคตเคนां เค•ी เคญूเคฎि เคช्เคฐเคฆाเคจ เค•เคฐเคคे เคนैं เคœो เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคธाเคฅ เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐเคคे เคนैं। เคคो เคœैเคธे เคช्เคฐेเคธ्เคŸीเคœ, เค…เคฌ L&T, เค†เคฆाเคจी เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เคญी เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคธाเคฅ เคเค• เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคนै เค”เคฐ เคธเคฎाเคจ เคเคฒเคœी เคช्เคฐॉเคชเคฐ्เคŸी। เคคो เคนเคฎ เค‡เคจ เค†เค–िเคฐी เคกेเคตเคฒเคชเคฐ्เคธ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐเคคे เคนैं, เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจी เคญूเคฎिเคฏों เค•ो เคฏा เค‰เคจ เคญूเคฎिเคฏों เค•ो เคœो เคนเคฎ เคตिเค•ाเคธ เค•े เคฒिเค เคฒेเคคे เคนैं, เค‰เคจ्เคนें เคตिเค•ाเคธ เค•े เคฒिเค เคฒाเคคे เคนैं เค”เคฐ เคเค• เคตเคฐ्เคท เค”เคฐ เคเค• เคตเคฐ्เคท เค”เคฐ เค†เคงा เคนเคฎ เค…เคชเคจी เคชूंเคœी เค•ो เคชुเคจः เคšเค•्เคฐเคตाเคค เค•เคฐเคจे เค•े เคฒिเค เคธเค•्เคทเคฎ เคนोเคคे เคนैं।

เคตเค•्เคคा: เคธเคฎเคा। เคถाเคนिเคฆ, เคฏเคนां เค•ुเค› เคธเคตाเคฒ เคนैं। เค‡เคธ เคชूเคฐे เคชैเคธे เค•ा เคฎैं เคฎाเคจเคคा เคนूं เค•ि DB เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เค•े เคฒिเค เคนोเค—ा เคจ เค•ि เคฌिเค–ेเคฐे เคนुเค เค†เคคिเคฅ्เคฏ เค•े เคฒिเค, เคธเคนी เคนै?

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคนां, เคคो เคนเคฎ เค‡เคธे เคเคธे เค‰เคชเคฏोเค— เคจเคนीं เค•เคฐเคจे เค•ा เค‡เคฐाเคฆा เคจเคนीं เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं, เคนเคฎ เคเคธे เค•िเคธी เคธเคนाเคฏเคคा เค•े เคฒिเค เคช्เคฐเคฆाเคจ เค•เคฐेंเค—े, เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคฏเคน เคถเคฐ्เคค เคชเคฐ เคนै เค•ि เคชैเคธा เคนเคฎें เคฒौเคŸाเคฏा เคœाเค। เคฏเคน เคเค•। เคฆूเคธเคฐा เคฏเคน เคนै เค•ि, เค†เคช เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เคนเคฎें เค…เคฌ เค†เคจुเคตृเคค्เคคि เค•ी เคเค• เคงाเคฐा เคนै। เคคो เค‡เคธ เคตเคฐ्เคท เคธे เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคชाเคธ เค•เคฐीเคฌ 250 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เค•ी เค†เคจुเคตृเคค्เคคि เคนोเค—ी เคœो เคฎीเคฐा เค•ी เคญूเคฎि เค•े เค•िเคฐाเค เคชเคฐ เค†เคเค—ी เค”เคฐ เคฆो เคธाเคฒ เคฌाเคฆ, เคนเคฎें DB เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เคฎें เค•เคฐीเคฌ 15 เคธे 1600 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เค•ी เค†เคจुเคตृเคค्เคคि เค•े เคฐेंเคŸเคฒ เคฏीเคฒ्เคก เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เคฎिเคฒेเค—ा। เคคो เคฏเคน เคธเคญी เค•िเคฐाเคฏा เคฏीเคฒ्เคก เคนเคฎें เค‰เคจ्เคจเคคि เคชूंเคœी เค•े เคฒिเค เค†เคตเคถ्เคฏเค• เคจเคนीं เคนै, เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคนเคฎ เค†เค—े เคœाเคจे เคฎें เค‡เคธे เคธ्เคฅाเคจांเคคเคฐिเคค เค•เคฐเคจा เคšाเคนेंเค—े।

เคตเค•्เคคा: เค…เคš्เค›ा। เคถाเคนिเคฆ, เค†เค—เคฒे เคเค• เคธे เคฆो เคธाเคฒ เคฎें DBT เค•ी เค•्เคฏा เคฏोเคœเคจा เคนै? เค•्เคฏा เค†เคช เคฎुเค–्เคฏ เคฐूเคช เคธे เคฎुंเคฌเคˆ เคฌाเคœाเคฐ เคชเคฐ เคนी เคง्เคฏाเคจ เคฆेंเค—े เคฏा เค•िเคธी เค…เคจ्เคฏ เค–िเคฒाเคก़िเคฏों เค•े เคธाเคฅ เค”เคฐ เคœ्เคตेंเคŸเคฐ เคตिเคšाเคฐ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं เค•्เคฏोंเค•ि เค‡เคธเคฎें เคเค• เคฏा เคฆो เคธाเคฒ เคฎें เคฌเคนुเคค เคธे เค–िเคฒाเคก़ी เคช्เคฐเคตेเคถ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं? เค†เคชเค•ो เคช्เคฐेเคธ्เคŸीเคœ เค†เคฆि เคœैเคธे เคฆเค•्เคทिเคฃी เค–िเคฒाเคก़िเคฏों เค•े เคธाเคฅ เค”เคฐ เค•ोเคˆ JVS เค•เคฐเคจे เค•ी เคฏोเคœเคจा เคนै?

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคคो เคนเคฎ เคชเคนเคฒे เคนी เคช्เคฐेเคธ्เคŸीเคœ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं। เค†เคช เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เคตिเค•ाเคธीเคฏ เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ (เคœीเคกीเคตी), เคเค• เคถเคฌ्เคฆ เคœो เคกेเคตเคฒเคชเคฐ्เคธ เคฆ्เคตाเคฐा เค‰เคชเคฏोเค— เค•िเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै, เคนเคฎ เคฎुंเคฌเคˆ เคฎें เคช्เคฐेเคธ्เคŸीเคœ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคฒเค—เคญเค— 70,000 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เค•े เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ्เคธ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं เคจिเคฐ्เคฎाเคฃाเคงीเคจ เคนैं। เค…เคจ्เคฏ เคกेเคตเคฒเคชเคฐ्เคธ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคนเคฎ เค—ोเคฆ्เคฐिเคœ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं, เคนเคฎाเคฐा เคเค• เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ เคšเคฒ เคฐเคนा เคนै เคœो เคตเคฐ्เคคเคฎाเคจ เคฎें 6,000 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เค•े เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ्เคธ เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เคนै เคจिเคฐ्เคฎाเคฃाเคงीเคจ। เคฒीเคเคฃ्เคŸी เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคญी เคนเคฎ เคฌเคก़े เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ เคชเคฐ เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎ เค…เคจ्เคฏ เคกेเคตเคฒเคชเคฐ्เคธ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคญी เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं เคœो เคฎुंเคฌเคˆ เค•े เคฌाเคนเคฐ เค†เคงाเคฐिเคค เคนैं เค”เคฐ เค‰เคจ เคธเคญी เค•ो เคนเคฎ เคเค• เคตिเคถ्เคตเคธเคจीเคฏ เคธंเคตाเคฆเค• เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เคฆेเค–เคคे เคนैं เคœो เค‰เคจ्เคนें เคฎुंเคฌเคˆ เค•े เค…เคจ्เคฏ เค•िเคธी เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ เค•ो เคฌเคšा เคธเค•เคคे เคนैं।

เคตเค•्เคคा: เคชเคนเคฒे เค†เคชเคจे 1500 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคฐुเคชเคฏे เคœुเคŸाเคจे เค•ी เค‡เคš्เค›ा เคœाเคนिเคฐ เค•ी เคฅी। เคคो เค•्เคฏा เค†เคชเคจे เค‡เคธ เค•िเคฏूเค†เคˆเคชी เคธे 920 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เค•े เคธाเคฅ เค”เคฐ เค•ुเค› เคœुเคŸाเคจे เค•ी เค‰เคฎ्เคฎीเคฆ เคนै เคฏा เคฏเคน เค…เคญी เคซंเคกเคฐेเคœ เค•े เคฒिเค เค•ाเคซी เคนै?

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคซंเคกเคฐेเคœ เค•े เคฒिเค เค‡เคธ เคตเค•्เคค เค•े เคฒिเค เคฏเคน เคนै, เค•्เคฏोंเค•ि เคฎुเคे เคฒเค—เคคा เคนै เค•ि เคนเคฎ เค‡เคธ เคธเคฎเคฏ เค•िเคธी เคญी เคงเคจ เค•ो เคจเคนीं เคœुเคŸाเคจा เคšाเคนเคคे เคนैं। เคฏเคน เคงเคจ เคตिเค•ाเคธ เค•े เคฒिเค เคœुเคŸाเคฏा เค—เคฏा เคฅा, เค‡เคธเคฒिเค เค•िเคธी เค–ाเคธ เค‹เคฃ เค•ा เคช्เคฐเคคिเคชूเคฐ्เคคि เคฏा เค•िเคธी เค…เคจ्เคฏ เคคुเคฐंเคค เคจिเค•ाเคธी เค•े เคฒिเค เคจเคนीं เคฅा। เคนเคฎ เค‡เคธे เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏเคตाเคจ เคธंเคธाเคงเคจ เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เค‰เคชเคฏोเค— เค•เคฐेंเค—े เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎाเคฐा เคชूंเคœी เคชเคฐ เคชूเคฐ्เคฃเคคः เคฎुเค•्เคค เค‹เคฃเคฎुเค•्เคค เคนोเคจे เค•ी เค…เคชेเค•्เคทा เคนै। เค”เคฐ เค†เคช เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคชूंเคœी เคชเคฐ เค…เคงिเค• เค…เคงिเค• เคฒाเคญ เคช्เคฐाเคช्เคค เค•เคฐเคจे เค•ी เค‰เคฎ्เคฎीเคฆ เคนै, เค‡เคธเคฒिเค เคนเคฎ เค‡เคธ เคงเคจ เค•ा เค‰เคชเคฏोเค— เค•เคฐเคจे เคฎें เคฌเคนुเคค เคนोเคถिเคฏाเคฐ เคนोंเค—े เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎ เค‹เคฃเคฎुเค•्เคค เคนोंเค—े เค†เค—े เคšเคฒเค•เคฐ। เค”เคฐ เค†เคช เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคฎाเคจ्เคฏเคคा เคนै เค•ि เคจिเคฐ्เคฎाเคฃ เคต्เคฏเคตเคธाเคฏ, เค•เคฎ เคธे เค•เคฎ เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคธाเคฅ, เค‹เคฃ เคฐเค–เคจे เค•ी เคธाเคฎเคฐ्เคฅ्เคฏ เคจเคนीं เคนो เคธเค•เคคी।

เคตเค•्เคคा: เค•्เคฏा เค†เคช เคนเคฎें เคฌเคคा เคธเค•เคคे เคนैं เค•ि DB เคฐिเคฏเคฒिเคŸी เคตเคฐ्เคคเคฎाเคจ เคฎें เค•िเคคเคจा เคคेเคœी เคธे เคฌिเค•्เคฐी เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนा เคนै เค”เคฐ เค…เค—เคฒे เคเค• เคฏा เคฆो เคธाเคฒ เคฎें เค•्เคฏा เค…เคชेเค•्เคทा เคนै?

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคคो เค†เคช เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคต्เคฏाเคชाเคฐ เค•ी เคช्เคฐเค•ृเคคि เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคธाเคฅ เคนเคฎाเคฐे เค‰เคค्เค•ृเคท्เคŸों เค•े เคต्เคฏाเคชाเคฐ เค•ी เคช्เคฐเค•ृเคคि เคธे เคญिเคจ्เคจ เคนै เคœเคนां เค‰เคจเค•े เคชाเคธ เคคिเคฎाเคนी เคฌिเค•्เคฐी เค”เคฐ เคชूเคฐ्เคต-เคฌिเค•्เคฐी เค‡เคค्เคฏाเคฆि เคนोเคคी เคนै, เคนเคฎ เคต्เคฏाเคชाเคฐ เค•ो เคจเค•เคฆी เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เคฆेเค–เคคे เคนैं। เค‡เคธ เคธाเคฒ เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคชाเคธ เค…เคงिเค•ांเคถ เคจเค•เคฆी เคฅी เคฒेเค•िเคจ เค†เค—ाเคฎी เคตเคฐ्เคทों เคฎें, เคนเคฎ เค‰เคฎ्เคฎीเคฆ เค•เคฐเคคे เคนैं เค•ि เคฏเคน เค•เคฎ เคธे เค•เคฎ 1,000 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคธे เค…เคงिเค• เคนोเค—ी เค”เคฐ เคซिเคฐ เคตिเค•ाเคธ เค•ी เค†เค—े เคฌเคข़เคจे เค•े เคฒिเค เคตिเค•ाเคธ เคจเคนीं เคนोเค—ा।

เคตเค•्เคคा: เค ीเค• เคนै। เคคो เค†เคช เค…เค—เคฒे เคธाเคฒ เคนी 1,000 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคฐुเคชเคฏे เค•ी เคจเค•เคฆी เคงाเคฐเคฃ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं। เค†เคชเค•े เคชाเคธ เค…เคจเคฌिเค•्เคฐिเคฏ เค‡เคจ्เคตेंเคŸเคฐी เค”เคฐ เคœเคฎीเคจ เค•ी เค•िเคคเคจी เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏเคฏเคจ เคนै เคœो เค†เคชเค•े เคชाเคธ เคนै เค…เคญी เคคเค•?

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคคो เค•ंเคชเคจी เค•ो เค…ंเคถों เค•े เคฐूเคช เคฎें เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏांเค•เคจ เค•िเคฏा เคœा เคธเค•เคคा เคนै, เคคो เคฎैं เคฏเคน เค•เคฐ เคธเค•เคคा เคนूँ। เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคชाเคธ เค•เคˆ เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ्เคธ เคนैं, เคนเคฎाเคฐे เคชाเคธ 600 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคเค•เคก़ เคญूเคฎि เคนै เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคฎैं เค•ुเค› เคญूเคฎि เคชाเคฐ्เคธเคฒ्เคธ เค•ो เคนी เคฒूंเค—ा เคœिเคจเคฎें เคนเคฎें เคฌเคนुเคค เค…เคงिเค•ांเคถเคคः เคฐुเคšि เคนै। เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคธเคฌเคธे เคฎเคนเคค्เคตเคชूเคฐ्เคฃ เคญूเคฎि เคฎीเคฐा เคฐोเคก เค•ी เคญूเคฎि เคชाเคฐ्เคธเคฒ เคนै เคœिเคธเคฎें เคตिเค•ाเคธ เค•ी เคฒเค—เคญเค— 5 เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคตเคฐ्เค— เคซीเคŸ เค•ी เค•्เคทเคฎเคคा เคนै เค”เคฐ เค†เคœ เค•े เค•ैเคชिเคŸเคฒ เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ เค•े เค…เคงीเคจ เคนै। เคคो เค†เคช เคฌเคธ เค‰เคธเค•ो เค—ुเคฃा เค•เคฐें เค”เคฐ เคฏเคน เคเค• เคฒाเค– เค•เคฐोเคก़ เคนै เคธिเคฐ्เคซ เคเค• เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ เคฎें। เคนเคฎ เคถเคนเคฐ เค•े เค•เคˆ เคเคธे เคช्เคฐोเคœेเค•्เคŸ्เคธ เคฐเค–เคคे เคนैं เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคธเคญी เค•ंเคชเคจी เค•ी เค•ुเค› เคนोเคคी เคนै เคฌเคนुเคค เค…เคงिเค• เคนै เคœो เคตเคฐ्เคคเคฎाเคจ เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ เค•े เคจीเคšे เคŸ्เคฐेเคก เค•เคฐเคคी เคนै। เคนเคฎ เคธเคฎเคเคคे เคนैं เค•ि เคฌाเคœाเคฐ เค•ो เค•ुเค› เคธเคฎเคฏ เค•ी เคœเคฐूเคฐเคค เคนोเค—ी เคฎुเคे เคฏเคน เคฆेเค–เคจे เคฎें เค•ि เคฏเคฆि เค•ाเคฎเคฏाเคฌी เค†เคจे เค•े เคฒिเค เค•ाเคฎเคฏाเคฌी เค†เคคी เคนै เค”เคฐ เคตे เคจเค•เคฆी เค•ी เค†เค—ाเคนเคคा เค†เคคी เคนै เค”เคฐ เคฒाเคญ เค†เคฆि เคฎें เคฌเคข़เคค เคฆेเค–เคคे เคนैं เคคो เคตे เคนเคฎें เคฌेเคนเคคเคฐ เคธเคฎเค เคธเค•ेंเค—े।

เคตเค•्เคคा: เคนเคฎ เคฏเคน เคœाเคจเคจे เค•ी เค•ोเคถिเคถ เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं เค•ि เคตाเคธ्เคคเคตिเค• เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ เค•्เคฏा เคนोเค—ा เค•्เคฏोंเค•ि เค†เคช เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं, เคฎीเคฐा เคฐोเคก เคœैเคธे เคธ्เคฅाเคจों เค•े เคธाเคฅ เคนी เค•्เคฏा เคชिเค›เคฒे เค•ुเค› เคธเคฎเคฏ เคฎें เคฆेเค–เคจे เค•ी เค…เคชेเค•्เคทा เค•ी เค—เคˆ เคนै। เค•्เคฏा เค†เคช เคนเคฎें เค‡เคธเค•े เคฌाเคฐे เคฎें เคฅोเคก़ा เค…เคงिเค• เคฌเคคा เคธเค•เคคे เคนैं?

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคคो เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคธเคญी เคญूเคฎिเคฏों เค•ा เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏांเค•เคจ เค•िเคฏा เคœा เคธเค•เคคा เคนै เคคो เคฎैं เค†เคชเค•ो เคฌเคคा เคธเค•เคคा เคนूं เค•ि เคฎैं เค•िเคคเคจा เคธเคธ्เคคा เค•ैเคชिเคŸเคฒ เคœเคฐूเคฐเคค เคนै। เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคญूเคฎिเคฏों เค•ा เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ 30,000 เคฐुเคชเคฏे เคช्เคฐเคคि เคตเคฐ्เค— เคซीเคŸ เคธे เคถुเคฐू เคนोเคคा เคนै, เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคตे เคนเคฎाเคฐे เค•ेंเคฆ्เคฐ เคฎें 1,00,000 เคฐुเคชเคฏे เคช्เคฐเคคि เคตเคฐ्เค— เคซीเคŸ เค•े เคจीเคšे เค•े เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ เคฎें เคนोเคคी เคนैं। เคฏเคนां เคคเค• เค•ि เค•เคˆ เคญूเคฎि เคชाเคฐ्เคธเคฒ्เคธ เคนเคฎें เค…เคญी เคญी 20,000 เคฐुเคชเคฏे เคช्เคฐเคคि เคตเคฐ्เค— เคซीเคŸ เค•े เคจीเคšे เค•े เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ เคฎें เคฌेเคšी เคœा เคธเค•เคคी เคนैं। เค‡เคธเคฒिเค เคฌเคนुเคค เคนी เค…เคจाเคฎเคค เค•े เค…เคตเคธเคฐ เคนैं। เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎ เคฒोเค— เค‡เคธे เค•ाเคฐ्เคฏाเคจ्เคตिเคค เค•เคฐ เคฐเคนे เคนैं। เคนเคฎें เคฏเคน เคฎाเคฒूเคฎ เคนै เค•ि เคฎुเคे เคฏเคน เคจเคนीं เค•เคนเคจा เคšाเคนिเค, เคฒेเค•िเคจ เคฌाเคœाเคฐ เค•ी เค•ोเคˆ เคญी เคšเคฐ्เคšा เค•เคฐें, เค†เคชเค•ो เคฏเคนी เค•เคนा เคœाเคเค—ा เค•ि เคฏเคน เคฌाเคœाเคฐ เค•เคฎीเคถเคจ เค•ा เคฌाเคœाเคฐ เคนै। เค”เคฐ เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคธंเคชเคค्เคคि เค•े เคฌिเค•्เคฐी เคฎूเคฒ्เคฏ เคชเคฐ เค†เคช เคญी เค…เคชเคจी เคธंเคชเคค्เคคि เค•ी เค•ोเคˆ เคญी เคคुเคฒเคจा เค•เคฐ เคธเค•เคคे เคนैं เค”เคฐ เคตिเคœ्เคžाเคชเคจ เค•े เคธเคฎเคฏ เคชเคฐ।

เคตเค•्เคคा: เคถाเคนिเคฆ, เคงเคจ्เคฏเคตाเคฆ। เคฏเคน เคšเคฐ्เคšा เค•े เคฒिเค เคงเคจ्เคฏเคตाเคฆ।

เคถाเคนिเคฆ: เคงเคจ्เคฏเคตाเคฆ।

Discussion about DB Realty's fundraising and future plans

 Number of Speakers: 2

Shahid Balva (Shahid) and Interviewer (Interviewer)

Discussion about DB Realty's fundraising and future plans

[Interviewer]: of DB Realty the company has raised 920 crores via the QIP route. Shahid Balva, the vice chairman and managing director of DB Realty, joins us now to discuss details on the fundraising. Shahid, good afternoon and good speaking to you after a while. Can you tell us a little bit about this fundraising? How much are you looking to raise? What will the funds be used for? How much of it will be put into growth purposes and how much to perhaps reduce debt?

[Shahid]: So, we have already raised 920 crores via the QIP amidst this choppy Market but you know we had the investors backing us mostly Global in investors and that is now behind us. Having raised that money, we are now going to use this as a growth Capital at DB Realty. We are already debt-free, so we have zero debt at DB Realty level. We have very insignificant debt at the project level which will also be more or less repaid next financial year. So essentially, next financial year on a Consolidated basis also we will be debt-free. This money that we have raised, we are intending to utilize this as a growth capital for our projects. So, you know unlike other real estate development companies who have a five, seven, eight-year life cycle of their projects, our model is different. We are basically a developer of developers, so we provide land to most of the developers in Mumbai who work with us. So the likes of Prestige, now L&T, Adani Realty also has a project with us and similar LG properties. So we work with these last developers, we develop our lands or lands that we take up for development like slums, bring them up to a development stage and a year and a year and a half we are able to recycle our Capital unlike normal developer who will have to wait who has to wait seven eight years our capital is back in a year year and a half and then we recycle it to other projects.

[Interviewer]: Got it. Shahid, just a couple of questions here. One is that this entire money I presume will be used for DB Realty itself and not the demerged hospitality, right?

[Shahid]: Yeah, so we are not intending to use this in, so we are not intending to use this capital for the hospitality bit. Except that in the interim so till the hospitality is companies demerged and listed we will provide support but the support is on condition that the money gets returned back to us. That is one. Second is the, you know we have a stream of annuity coming up. So from this year onwards, we will have about 250 crores of annuity coming from rent of our land in Mira and from two years hence, we will have about 15 to 1600 crores of annuity rental yield coming into DB Realty. So all that rental yield will keep on adding into the kitty which we will mostly, you know, we don't need as much as what we will as as much as the rental yield for our growth Capital but we would like to return that to shareholders in some form or the other going forward.

[Interviewer]: Okay. Can you tell us about what is the plan that DBT has over the next one to two years? Will you be largely focused in the Mumbai market itself any more JVS that you're looking to do with any other players because there are so many players now entering the Mumbai market? You know, South based players like Prestige etc. Any more JVS that you're looking at?

[Shahid]: So, we are already working with Prestige today. You know, in terms of gross development value (GDV), a term that is used by developers, we have almost 70,000 crores worth of projects ongoing with Prestige in Mumbai under construction. With other developers, we are actively working with Godrej; we have one project ongoing which is almost 6,000 crores in terms of gross development value. We have other projects in pipeline where we are in discussions with L&T. Hopefully, you know, some most of them will fructify large projects that we are working with L&T also. And we are also working with other developers who are not present in Mumbai, large developers who are based out outside of Mumbai and all of them look at us as a credible counterparty for project that they want to undertake in the Mumbai real estate market.

[Interviewer]: Right. You wanted to earlier raise 1,500 crores, right? That was the board resolution. So with this 920 crores QIP that you've done, can we expect some more coming in or this is it for fundraise right now?

[Shahid]: For the moment, this is it because I don't think we intend to raise any money at the moment. Even this money was raised for growth so it wasn't raised for any particular debt repayment or any other immediate outflow. We will use this money as a precious resource and our expectation for return on Capital is much much higher than you know other our peers. So, we'll be very judicious in using this money and we will be debt-free going forward and you know it is our belief that you know the real estate business at least the business that we are in cannot afford to have debts.

[Interviewer]: Can you help us with what is the quarterly sales run rate that DB Realty is doing right now and what does what is the expectation over the next one to two years?

[Shahid]: So, you know because the nature of our business is different from the nature of the business of our peers where they have you know quarterly sales and pre-sales etc., the way we look at this business in terms of cash flow. So, this year we had significant cash flow but coming years, that cash flow is going to keep on increasing. We are hoping that it will be at least 1,000 crores plus next year and then you know there the growth thereafter is going to be not incremental but exponential.

[Interviewer]: Alright. So you are targeting 1,000 crores of cash flow next year itself. What's the value of the unsold inventory and the land bank that you have right now?

[Shahid]: So, you know the company can be valued in some of parts. We have several projects, we have over 600 acres of land but I'll just take a few of the land parcels that we have. And our most significant land parcel is the land parcel at Mira road which has about 5 crore square feet of development potential. And today the capital values over there are about 20,000 rupees a square foot. So you just you know you multiply that and that's about a lakh crores in just one project. We have several such projects across the city and the sum of parts of our company is significantly greater than the value of the share as it trades presently. We understand that you know the market will have a little bit of time to understand maybe a quarter or two and when they see the cash flow coming in and the balance sheet becoming even more and more visible in terms of profits etc. they probably be able to understand us better.

[Interviewer]: What we're trying to understand is what the realizable value would be because you know uh the projection for what the value for Mira Road would be uh is slightly different from the kind of realizations that we've seen in recent past at a lot more premium locations like South Bombay and BKC as well. So just wanted your thoughts on what is the kind of realizations that you will see.

[Shahid]: Mira road is a stable market. We have two projects already ongoing in Mira Road and the realizable capital value today is between 17 to 20,000 rupees depending on the views location etc. These are all affordable segments so these are the apartment that we build over there are between 600 to 1200 rupees per square foot. So this is one to one and a half to two and a half crore ticket size. It is not comparable to the South Mumbai market where there are large luxury projects. Our affordable segment is doing exceptionally well so we are even in our existing projects we are seeing no slowdown the action is good and coming back to Mira road those projects will that particular one project will give us whenever we start almost about 5,000 crores of cash flow every year for the next 20 years.

[Interviewer]: We were just having this discussion with a couple of other real estate stakeholders an hour or two ago about how the MMR region is seeing huge potential in Redevelopment there are 30,000 crores worth of projects which could get into Redevelopment over the next couple of years. Would you folks at DB Realty be doing anything on the Redevelopment front I mean just trying to understand what kind of potential would it be for you?

[Shahid]: Mostly the Redevelopment is in the Mumbai region not when I say BMC limits the MMR region still hasn't does not have a capital values to support Redevelopment because there is a intrinsic cross subsidy in that model. But in the Mumbai model for example is not 30,000 there is a Perpetual for the next 20 years you will see Redevelopment happening and the number is much much bigger it's not even we we we are not even able to comprehend it maybe three lakh crore, 10 lakh crore whatever that number is but the Redevelopment opportunity is there just to give you an example we are right now in BLe we have a project with Prestige it's called the Jijamata Nagar project we've just started developing that project it's got 4 million sare ft of development potential at current Capital values that is 40,000 crores of development in one project so that 30,000 crore number maybe has a couple of zeros missing from them.

[Interviewer]: All right, that's crazy the projections that you're making here but you know just wanted to understand with regards to the portfolio going forward you have about 28 and a half million square feet in terms of a residential portfolio how much of that will be executed in the next financial year how much will be upcoming out of this where construction has not yet started?

[Shahid]: So, you know you might be referring to our corporate presentation. So the ongoing projects that you see will all get completed next year all of them literally all of them. Then there is upcoming those are projects that we will start over the next one one and a half year those are land banks that we already have own or have rights to develop. So those will be separately as in when we launch those projects with Partners. So in our ongoing projects, we already have Partners in our upcoming projects we are working with L&T very closely we are obviously working with Prestige very closely we are also in discussions with Godrej on one project. So those projects as we as time goes by in the next two three quarters we will keep on announcing the partnership with existing Partners on those projects.

[Interviewer]: Shahid, great speaking with you. Thank you so much for joining us and all the best with the plans that you have at DB Realty.