Wednesday, June 29, 2016

खाली पेट शराब पीना कितना सही कितना गलत, यहां जानिए

खाली पेट शराब पीना कितना सही कितना गलत, यहां जानिए

शराब से ऐसी बहुत सी जानकारियां जुड़ी हैं जो पूरी तरह से गलत है और लोग उन्हें बहुत सटीक मानते हैं। जानिए शराब से जुड़े कौन से मिथक है जो बहुत आम हैं लोगों के लिए।

शराब पीने से पहले पेट भर खाना खाने से ये जरुर होगा कि शराब थोड़ा देर से सोखेंगी लेकिन ऐसा नहीं इसका कोई भी असर नहीं होगा। उतना ही नशा चढ़ेगा जितना खाली पेट होता है।

अगर ज्यादा से ज्यादा पानी पिया जाए तो हैंगओवर से बचा जा सकता है या कम हो सकता है। ये पूरी तरह से एक मिथक है। हां शराब पीते समय बीच-बीच में पानी पीते रहे तो असर कम होगा लेकिन इसका मतलब ये नहीं है कि नशा कम होगा या फिर लीवर पर असर ना हो। इसके बाद भी शराब से होने वाले खतरे उतने ही बने रहते हैं।

शराब का जितना असर पुरुषों पर होता है उतना ही महिलाओं पर भी होता है। ये एक मिथक है, महिलाओं में नशा पुरुषों के अपेक्षा ज्यादा जल्दी चढ़ता है। इसकी वजह है कि पुरुषों के शरीर में पानी का स्तर महिलाओं की अपेक्षा अधिक होता है जिससे शराब शरीर में जल्दी धुल जाती है जिससे उसका असर कम होता है।

कुछ लोग मानते हैं कि शराब उत्तेजना पैदा करती है। ऐसा नहीं हैं, शराब अवसाद पैदा करती है जिससे भले ही शुरूआत में फुर्ती महसूस करेंगे लेकिन बाद में इसका उल्टा होगा। इसका एक और असर होता है कि अपनी भावनाओं पर आपका नियंत्रण नहीं रहता है।

बियर पीने से नशा कम होता है। कितनी भी मात्रा में बियर पिएं। चाहे एक पिंट बियर हो, वाइन का बड़ा ग्लास हो या फिर वोडका । 2.8 यूनिट तक एल्कोहल हर किसी में होता है। जितना ज्यादा पिएंगे उतना ज्यादा चढ़ेगी।

वाइन जितनी पुरानी होगी उतनी बेहतर होगी। ये एक मिथक है, सिर्फ कुछ खास तरह की वाइन होती है जो जितनी पुरानी होती हैं उन्हें उतना बेहतर मानते हैं। कुछ तो ऐसी है जिन्हें एक साल के अंदर ही खत्म कर देना चाहिए क्योंकि उनकी एक्सपाइरी एक साल की ही होती है।

How to drink on an empty stomach so wrong right, Here's

Alcohol-related information, which so many people are completely wrong and consider them very accurate. Here is the myth that alcohol which are very common for people.

These full meal before drinking alcohol will definitely Sokengi little late but it will not affect any of its. Intoxication is dictated as much empty stomach.

If you drink more and more water can be avoided or may reduce hangover. This is totally a myth. So drink water in between drinking time but this does not mean that the impact would be less drug or do not affect the liver. Nevertheless, the threat of alcohol remain the same.

The impact of alcohol on men are equally to women. This is a myth, women drug users more susceptible than men. The reason that men have more than women in the body, causing the water level in the body, alcohol is quickly washed away, so they are less affected.

Some people believe that alcohol produces excitement. They're not even the alcohol produces depression will feel quickly at the beginning but later it would be counterproductive. A side effect is that you lose control over your emotions.

Is intoxicated by drinking less beer. No amount drink beer. Whether get a pint of beer, glass of wine or a vodka large. 2.8 units of alcohol are in everyone. The more the more Cdhegi'll have.

As old as wine will be better. This is a myth, there is only a certain kind of wine which are as old as they feel better. Which is something that should be abolished within a year because there is only one year of their expiry.

Do you Know the Difference Between England, Britain and the U.K.?

इंग्लैंड, ब्रिटेन और यूनाइटेड किंगडम में क्या फर्क है?

Do you Know the Difference Between England, Britain and the U.K.?

सबसे ज्यादा भ्रम इस बात पर बनता है कि यूनाइटेड किंगडम एक मात्र द्वीप पर है, हकीकत में ये द्वीपों के बड़े समूह का एक हिस्सा है। भौगौलिक स्थिति पर गौर करें तो ग्रेट ब्रिटेन ( इसे ब्रिटेन के नाम से भी जाना जाता है) उत्तरी सागर और इंग्लिश चैनल के बीच एक टापू है, जो यूरोपीय महाद्वीप से बमुश्किल 20 मील यानी करीब 32 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है।
ग्रेट ब्रिटेन 6000 से ज्यादा ब्रिटिश टापूओं का हिस्सा है, जिसमें पश्चिम में आयरलैंड, और छोटे टापुओं एंग्लेसी और स्कायी जैसे नाम शामिल हैं।

देशों के लिहाज से बात करें तो ग्रेट ब्रिटेन और उत्तरी आयरलैंड को यूनाइटेड किंगडम कहते हैं। इसे संपूर्ण-प्रभुत्व-सम्पन्न राज्य का दर्जा प्राप्त है। इनमें चार देश इंग्लैंड, स्कॉटलैंड, वेल्स और उत्तरी आयरलैंड शामिल हैं।

यूनाइटेड किंगडम के अंतर्गत आने वाली संसद संपूर्ण-प्रभुत्व-सम्पन्न है, लेकिन व्यक्तिगत तौर पर हर देश की कुछ हद तक स्वायत्तता है। स्कॉटलैंड, वेल्स और उत्तरी आयरलैंड की संसद आरक्षित मामलों (विदेश नीति, ईयू मेंबरशिप) को यूनाइटेड किंगडम की संसद पर टाल देती हैं। लेकिन न्यायगत मामलों पर अधिकार बनाए रखती हैं, ताकि शिक्षा और आवास संबंधी सरोकारों से निपटा जा सके।
हर देश की अपनी पहचान और भाषा
एक छत के नीचे ये देश भले ही हों, लेकिन हर एक की अपनी एक पहचान हैं और भाषाएं हैं। उदाहरण के तौर पर पूरे यूनाइटेड किंगडम की आधिकारिक भाषा अंग्रेजी है, लेकिन वेल्स की अपनी आधिकारिक भाषा वेल्श है।

रिपब्लिक और आयरलैंड (आयरलैंड का गणराज्य), जो कि उत्तरी आयरलैंड के साथ सीमा साझा करता है, साल 1940 में गणराज्य बनने के बाद से संपूर्ण-प्रभुत्व-सम्पन्न राज्य है। हालांकि ये यूनाइटेड किंगडम से बिलकुल सटा हुआ है, लेकिन रिपब्लिक ऑफ आयरलैंड यूनाइटेड किंगडम, यूरोपीय यूनियम और अन्य अंतरराष्ट्रीय संगठनों से खुद संबंध और सदस्यता रखता है।

'ब्रिटिश' शब्द अपने आप में भ्रम पैदा करता है। इससे यूनाइटेड किंगडम, ग्रेट ब्रिटेन और पूर्व ब्रिट्रिश साम्राज्य से जुड़ी हुई चीजों का भाव उत्पन्न होता है। हालांकि ये दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी औपनिवेशिक ताकत है, लेकिन साम्राज की पहुंच कम हो गई है।
जिन टापुओं पर चलता है ब्रिटेन का दबदबा
इतना होते हुए भी वर्तमान यूनाइटेड किंगडम की कुछ बची हुई कॉलोनियां हैं, जिन्हें ब्रिटिश विदेशी क्षेत्रों के रूप में जाना जाता है। इनमें से कुछ ब्रिटिश शासन के अधीन हैं और कुछ के पास खुद की सरकार है।

ब्रिटिश शासन के अधीन एंगुइला, बरमुडा, ब्रिटिश अंटार्कटिक टेरीटरी, ब्रिटिश इंडियन ओशियन टेरीटरी, ब्रिटिश वर्जिन आइलैंड, केमैन आइलैंड, फॉकलैंड आइलैंड, गिबराल्टर, मोंटसेराट, पिचकैर्न आइलैंड, सैंट हेलेना, सैंट हेलेना डिपेंडेंसीज, साउथ जॉर्जिया और साउथ आइलैंड, टर्क्स और काइकॉस आइलैंड हैं।

बेलीविक ऑफ जर्सी, बेलीविक ऑफ ग्वेर्नसे, आइसिल ऑफ मैन तीने ऐसे टापूओं को विशेष दर्जा क्राउन डिपेंडेंसीज (ताज पर निर्भरता) प्राप्त है। इनके पास खुद की सरकार और प्रशासन तो है लेकिन तक्नीकी तौर पर यूनाइटेड किंगडम इनके लिए जिम्मेदार है। अजीब बात ये है ये टापू यूनाइटेड किंगडम से संबंध रखने के बजाय ब्रिटिश राजशाही से ताल्लुक रखते हैं।
राष्ट्रमंडल देश
इसके बाद कॉमनवेल्थ रेल्म यानी राष्ट्रमंडल दायरा आता है। इसके अंतर्गत वे देश हैं जो राजशाही का ताज यानी रानी एलिजावेथ को अपना संवैधानिक सम्राट मानते हैं। राष्ट्रमंडल के सदस्य होने के नाते देश खुद की सरकार चलाते हैं, खुद की विदेश नीति चलाते हैं और खुद के फैसले करते हैं, लेकिन यूनाइटेड किंगडम के साथ संबंध बरकरार रखते हैं।

एंटीगिडा और बारबुडा, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, द बहामास, बार्बाडोस, बेलिज, कनाडा, ग्रेनाडा, जमाइका, न्यू जीलैंड, पापुआ न्यू गिनी, सैंट किट्स एंड नेविस, सैंट लूसिया, सैंट विंसेंट एंड द ग्रेनाडाइन्स, सोलोमोन आइलैंड, तुवालू राष्ट्रमंडल दायरे में आते हैं।

तकनीकी तौर पर यूनाइटेड किंगडम खुद भी राष्ट्रमंडल का हिस्सा है।

फिलहाल बहुत से बुद्धिजीवियों के लिए ये बात पहेली बनी हुई है कि यूरोपीय यूनियन और यूनाइटेड नेशन्स एक ही हैं।

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Maintain Buy Repco Home Finance

 CMP: INR628 TP: INR802 (+28%) Buy

 Repco’s 4QFY16 PAT grew 21.3% YoY to INR422m (6% miss); While the
operating profits was 7% above est. (due to lower opex); higher provisions of
INR140m v/s est. of INR60m (led by higher write-offs and increase in provisions
on sub-standard assets) led to PAT miss.

 Business momentum remained healthy, with loan book up 28% YoY to INR77b,
while sanctions/disbursement for the full year grew by 29/31%, respectively.
Loan mix shifted marginally towards self-employed which formed 58.8% of the
mix, v/s 57.8% in 3QFY16. LAP loans formed 19.8% of the company’s portfolio
with its contribution to the loan book remaining at less than 20%.

 Asset quality remained stable YoY with GNPLs at 1.31% (vs. 1.32% in FY15).
However, provisions were higher at INR140m (vs. our estimate of INR60m), led
by a) Higher technical write-offs b) RHFL’s newly adopted policy of increasing
provisions on sub-standard assets from 15% to 40%, resulting in an
improvement of 110bp YoY in PCR to 63.5%.

 Operating expenses fell by 7.3% YoY, led by a decline of 17% in employee
expenses due to zero ESOP charges, resulting in an improvement of 580bp YoY
in cost to income ratio to 16.2%.

 Other highlights a) Calculated NIM remained stable YoY at 4.6% b) Average
ticket size stood at INR1.3m vs. INR1.2m in 4QFY15 c) NHB funding declined to
13.9% of overall borrowings vs. 21.4% last year (RHFL stopped borrowing from
NHB due to technical reasons, but will start using NHB lines from 1QFY17).

Valuation and view: RHFL has recorded a loan book CAGR of 33% over FY10-
16, with an equally impressive earnings growth of 24%. The company’s
presence in the underserved markets, pricing power on the asset side, recent
ratings upgrade (likely to lead to lower cost of funds), stringent cost control as
well as credit appraisal processes and expanding reach will ensure its earnings
growth in the near-to-medium term. We estimate a healthy 30%/26% loan/PAT
growth for the next three years. We may have to revisit our estimates post the
company’s earnings call. RHFL currently trades at 3.5/2.9x FY17/18E BV.
Maintain Buy with a TP of INR802/share (3.75x FY18 BV).

Loan book grows 28% YoY; Broad based growth in all segments
 Business momentum remained healthy, with loan book growing a healthy 28%
YoY to INR77b, whereas full year sanctions/disbursement also grew at 29/31%

 Share of non-salaried borrowers in borrowing mix increased to 58.8% v/s 57.8%
during last quarter. 4QFY16 is the 13th straight quarter where the share of nonsalaried
borrowers has increased, this is in-line with company’s strategy to
target non-salaried segment.

 Growth was broad based with nearly all geographies and segments (home loans
and LAP) growing at a healthy pace. LAP loans were 19.8% of portfolio and
continue to remain sub 20%.

 Repayment rates stood at 19.5% v/s 16.6% in FY15; Competition is heating up
and the company is losing some business to competition 1-1.5% of higher
repayments are balance transfer cases; however management maintains growth
rates of over 25%.

GNPA stable; higher provisions due to policy change and technical write off
 Asset quality remained stable YoY with GNPLs at 1.31% (v/s 1.32% in FY15) and
witnessed seasonal improvement of 100bp where Q2 & Q4 GNPAs are generally
lower than Q1 & Q43 GNPAs for Repco.

 However provisions were higher at INR140m (est. INR60m) led by a) Higher
technical write-offs b) The company has adopted the policy to increase the
provisions on sub-standard assets from 15% to 40%. This resulted in 110bp YoY
improvement in PCR 63.5% (in-line with company’s strategy to shore up its PCR).

NIMs stale YoY at 4.6%; Opex down sharply
 Operating expenses declined 7.3% YoY, led by 17% decline in employee
expenses -due nil ESOP charges (provisions for the 2nd tranche is over and 3rd
tranche will be allotted in 1Q), resulting in 580bp YoY improvement in cost to
income ratio at 16.2%.

 However from 1QFY17, ESOP related expenses will kick-in again, thus we expect
CI to increase in ensuring quarters.

 NII grew 28.7%, in line with loan growth; Calculated NIMs were stable at YoY at
4.6% Calculated spreads improved 10bp YoY to 3.22% led by a 36bp YoY decline
in funding cost v/s 26p decline in yields.

 NHB funding declined to 13.9% of overall borrowings v/s 21.4% last year (Repco
has not been borrowings from NHB due to technical reasons, but will start
borrowing from 1Q17).

Valuation and view

 REPCO has established a strong presence in southern states and is steadily
expanding to other geographies. Over the last decade, the company has built a
scalable business model with a well-balanced portfolio.

 Strong loan growth momentum, stable margins and contained cost ratios would
be strong drivers of core earnings for RHF in the medium term. Moreover
presence in the under-served markets, pricing power on the asset side, recent
rating upgrade which would lead to lower cost of fund, stringent cost control as
well as credit appraisal processes and expanding reach will ensure earnings
growth in near to medium term; we expect a healthy 30%+ loan growth for the
next three years.

 In our view Repco will continue to trade at premium multiples led by its niche
business model, inherently high profitability with the ability to improve return
ratios, high capitalization, consistent execution, and minimal asset quality
overhang—given a secured loan book. Ongoing downward trend in interest
rates could also prove to be a trigger for profitability. We may re-visit the same
post the earnings call. Repco is currently trading at 3.5/2.9x FY17/18E BV.
Maintain Buy with a TP INR802 (3.75x FY18 BV).

We recommend to BUY The Byke Hospitality

 25 MAY 2016

CMP: INR167 TP: INR215 (+28%) Buy BSE SENSEX 25881

We recommend to BUY The Byke Hospitality for a target of
INR 215 - 20x on FY18E EPS (+28% Upside).

Unique and asset-light model business model: The company
operates 9 of the company's 11 properties are on long-term leases (it
leases out promising 2-3 star properties in popular tourist destinations).
In absence of track records, non-branded (single hotel players) hotels
face issues in running their businesses. Byke leases hotels and address
these challenges on back of their management experience, strong track
record, marketing and distribution network, which further leads to higher
occupancy, thereby maximizing the company's profitability. Byke also
focuses on the MICE category (meetings, incentives, conferencing,
and exhibitions), earning sizeable revenues from F&B and banqueting
at its hotels, thereby boosting room revenues.

Strong growth in chartering business to drive overall revenue:
Byke is also a sizeable aggregator of rooms in the mid?market/economy
segment hotels on a pan-India basis. The company purchases peak
season room inventory (three months in advance by paying 85% of
the money upfront) at a significant discount from hotel owners largely
in northern and western India, and leverages the pan India network of
326 agents (covering about 66 cities) to successfully sell them. In
FY16, the company achieved an average occupancy level of 94% in
the chartering business. The chartering model helps the company helps
in gaining insight on tourist trends - key for selection of hotel properties.
The chartering business has grown at 46% CAGR over FY12-16 and
formed 51% of total revenues of FY16.

Expansion holds promise: In the leased business, room portfolio
(currently 677 rooms across 9 properties) has grown at 30% CAGR
over FY11-16. The company has envisaged the addition of 450-500
rooms over FY17-18 through the addition of properties in eight tourist
destinations across the country. The management is also looking to
expand its room-aggregation business, which enjoys steady profitability
and healthy cash churn with low capital risk.

Valuations & View: Byke currently trades at an FY18 PE of 15.4x
and EV/EBIDTA of 7.9x. An asset-light business model, adequately
capitalized balance sheet, robust cash flows, exciting growth prospects,
& a capable management inspire confidence in its prospects over the
next two years. We initiate coverage with a Buy recommendation and
price target of INR 215 based on 20x our FY18 EPS estimate of INR
10.7. We believe the premium valuation (compared with peers ) is
justified because of Byke's superior return ratios and track record.

Track record inspires confidence: The company has delivered a CAGR of 47% in revenues since FY11, with room inventory and metrics like ARR and OR registering continuous growth. With EBITDA/PAT delivering a CAGR of 68/63% since FY11, its margins and cash flows have improved through a focus on costs and tight control over working capital. It does not have much debt and its asset-light strategy has ensured strong return ratios.

Robust balance sheet: The company has relatively low level of debt (INR 9.7cr) on its balance sheet (Net D/E: 0.1x). This leaves significant headroom for the company for its expansion plans for the leased business, with a majority of capex to be funded through internal accruals. The company expects to spend ~INR 40-45cr for this plan. Further, the growth in its room chartering business would be met from internal accruals with a possibility of borrowing only to meet the mismatch in cash flows

Online aggregators: Increase in competition from online companies like Oyo Rooms could impact Byke's growth in the long term.

Execution risk: Slower pace in addition of leased properties could impact the earnings of the company.

Slowdown in Indian economy: Slowdown in Indian economy could impact spending in this segment.

Byke Hospitality Ltd (Byke) is an India based hospitality services company. The company has two business segments - 1) managing properties/hotels and 2) room chartering. The company operates 11 resorts across Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Goa and Himachal Pradesh (Manali) with a total bouquet of 677 rooms. It operates primarily on a lease based model. While 2 of the 11 resorts are owned, the remaining 9 are on an operating lease of 10-15 years. Under the room chartering business, the company manages room inventory at various locations. The company books third-party hotel rooms at strategically identified cultural and religious tourist destinations during peak seasons, on a bulk basis, and lets them out to tourists. It is also under the process of developing a travel portal - - which will facilitate travel and room booking online and help bolster Byke's room chartering business.

4Q FY16:
Hotel revenues grew +18.5% YoY, chartering revenues grew +20.6% YoY.
The company added the 122 room Thane property to its leased portfolio in September 2015. This hotel will bring in revenues going forward.
Depreciation came in at INR 4.6cr (up 52% YoY) as the company added two new properties at Thane and Puri.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Some lesser-known facts about cancer and its novel treatment

Cancer is the net result of abnormal cell formation and failure of the immune system to address it.
Unless reparatory process of the immune system is not attempted, the battle against cancer will go on
Cancer immunotherapy is growing day by day. The recently concluded ASCO conference in Chicago has placed it among top most slots of cancer treatment and it makes all the more difference when its 30,000 attendees are cancer doctors. The Moonshot Program announced by US President Barack Obama and handed over to Joe Biden is an extension of a personal loss of the vice president losing his son to brain cancer.He, himself, has requested the support and integration at the highest level to find solutions that will help us overcome cancer. Medical microbiologist Dr Jamal A Khan is trained in cancer immunotherapy and available for consultations in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Ahmedabad. He says, “During the process of research, we try to unravel bits and pieces, and try to construct the story that may not be exactly the way nature has written it. Hereby , we fail and what better example than cancer. Scientists wonder if they are going to unravel something new. We have to realise that whatever is available in the market will not solve the problem of cancer. It is a unique disease that requires tailormade treatment. Cancer is the net result of abnormal cell formation and failure of the immune system to address it. Unless reparatory process of the immune system is not attempted, the battle against cancer will go on.“
Each patient is unique so is his immune system. No medicine is available over-thecounter that can manage the immune system. “Long ago we started the protocol of personalised dendritic cell therapy that has helped a number of patients lead a healthy life.Patients need to know and discuss it to find out how it can help them. Some of our patients have consented to speak in front of camera and readers can log on h? 36EJibA# to understand how it works,“ adds Dr Khan.
Where: Denvax Clinic, 3,Vaibhav Building, S V Road, Vile Parle (W).
Call: 022-60601070.
Also at 18, Poorvi Marg,Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, 011-41060168; 4, Golf Club Road, Tollygunge, Kolkata, 033-65555444 and G 1, Span Trade Center, Paldi, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, 079 40396660.
http:www.dendriticcell (*Procedures given are based on the expert's understanding of the said field)

Is excess body weight hurting your knees?

Weight loss ex pert Dr MP Sharma (BAMS, M.D., Ayurveda) talks about how excess body weight hurts your knees.

Dr Sharma says, “Many pa tients tell me, `I am trying to lose weight but I can't exercise because my knee hurts'. It has become like a never-ending cycle that needs to be broken.“

It is common for patients to get on a weight loss exercise regimen that results in a knee injury or knee pain. A large population is facing the problem of `excess body weight'. World Health Organization describes obesity as a `global epidemic'. Many patients make a conscious decision to eat healthy and exercise properly , but increased activity can often result in knee pain leaving them unable to continue to obtain their weight loss goals.

But knee pain can be handled without surgery . Being overweight causes increased load on the muscles and joints. Dr Sharma says, “The knee joint feels five times more body weight with each step we take -so a weight loss of even five kilos can feel like a 25kg weight loss to your knee.“ Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine, has been helping people in losing weight without any side effect. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared using scientifically chosen plant and mineral products. This preparation is now available under the brand name of RazorSlim.

Vivek Ahuja, aged 41, lost 10kgs within six months. Talking about his weight loss journey , he says, “I used to wake up with severe knee pain every morning. I knew I was overweight and losing weight would ease my pain but I didn't know how this would be possible.Forget exercise, I could not even walk.I was only left with the option of a knee replacement surgery .It was then that one of my friends took me to see Dr Sharma. He prescribed Ra zorSlim, which is a 100% natural Ayurvedic preparation.“

HOW RAZORSLIM WORKS RazorSlim is a 100 per cent natural scien tific Ayurvedic preparation that first melts and then flushes away the unwanted fat. It's a six-month course that triggers inch loss from week one by softening the hard fat and then slowly adapting the body to shed sig nificant weight. Packed with scientifically chosen herbs, RazorSlim helps in reducing inches from first week: Yograj Guggal helps in maintaining healthy metabolism and removing toxins leading to obesity.

Garcinia Cambogia aids in weight loss by converting food into energy and boosting metabolism and developing muscles.It helps in mitigating the unnecessary hunger and fat production.

Trikatu increases the food digestion process and reduces weight by increasing metabolism.

Triphala tones the colon of digestive system and controls weight. Lahasunadi vati and Bidang improve the digestive system for weight loss. It helps in balancing air during fat loss. It also has some other herbs that play a pivotal role in increasing me tabolism.The medicine comes as two types of capsules. Number 1 capsules are consumed in the morning and evening. They help in removing fat from the body .Number 2 capsules are taken in the night before going to bed;they help in evacuating the removed fat through the excretory system.

*Results may vary person to person depending on diet and lifestyle.

*Pregnant women and lactating mothers should take Razorslim only after consulting their doctors.

*It's an Ayurvedic proprietary medicine so please seek the expert's advice on phone.To order RazorSlim, call toll-free number 1800-3002-3015 1800-270-1103.Order online at can also mail for your order at Cash on delivery. Free shipment. Pay online and avail 10% extra discount. Free telephonic consultation with our expert doctors available.Disclaimer:The views suggestionsopinions expressed in the article are the sole responsibility of the expert.

Gio Collection's new range of watches

 Striking timepieces for your wrist

Make a style statement with Gio Collection's new range of watches
Gio Collection's new launch in the EOSS set will lure you with both its design and price. It's the perfect collection to appease the many sides of your personality . Young men and young women have an entire collection in varied combinations and hues to choose from.The collection is available in blue and smoke, blue and silver, blue and white colours, for the Gen X men. In addition to all this, the usual combinations of white, black, silver, full gunmetal and grey with rose gold will continue to add a subtle style statement to your look. Gio Collection's watches for women continue to dazzle.There are stones and crystals to pick from.In champagne, blue and metallic colours, these pieces blend rose-golds, yellow-golds and silver-golds to add to your charisma and elegance.

To top it all, these watches are available at enticing prices. Avail the 30% discount on the entire range and make that perfect style statement.

Call: 09320162385, 09870919671, 09820136438, 09920137364.

Friday, June 10, 2016

5 methods to clean ear

कान साफ करण्याचे ५ सोपे उपाय

कान साफ करण्याचे ५ सोपे उपाय

कानात मळ जमणे ही तशी सामान्य गोष्ट पण कान वेळोवेळी साफ करणं देखील तेवढंच महत्त्वाचं आहे. कान साफ न केल्यास खाज येणे, जळजळ किंवा इतर अनेक समस्यांना सामोरं जावं लागतं.
कान साफ करण्याचे ५ सोपे उपाय :

१. कोमट पाणी : कापूस घेऊन तो पाण्यात भिजवून त्याने पाणी कानात टाका. काही सेकंदात पाणी बाहेर काढा.

२. हायड्रोजन पराक्साइड : अतिशय कमी प्रमाणात हायड्रोजन पराक्साइड घेवून तो पाण्यात टाका. थोड्या प्रमाणात ते कानात टाका आणि आता कान उलटून काही सेकंदात ते बाहेर काढा.

३. तेल : ऑलिव्ह, शेंगदाणा किंवा मोहरीचं तेल गरम करुन कानात टाकणे हा देखील सोपा उपाय आहे. तेलात जरासं लसूण टाकला तरी चालतो. यामुळे मळ बाहेर पडतो.

४ कांद्याचा रस : कांदा वाफेवर शिजवून किंवा भाजून याचा रस काढून घ्या. त्यानंतर कापसाने रसाचे काही थेंब कानात टाका. याने मळ बाहेर पडतो.

५. मिठाचे पाणी : गरम पाण्यात मीठ घोळून टाकून त्याचे काही थेंब कानात टाका आणि काही सेकंदात ते बाहेर काढा.

Wow! Now, download YouTube videos overnight on cheaper data rates

Wow! Now, download YouTube videos overnight on cheaper data ratesNew Delhi: Video streaming service YouTube on Thursday rolled out a new feature `Smart Offline` that lets a user download a video at cheaper night data rates offered by mobile operators in India.

"Today, we are beginning to roll out a feature called Smart Offline on YouTube that lets you take advantage of these cheaper data rates as offered by your mobile operator, without requiring you to stay up late at night," the company wrote on its blog.

When a user taps on the grey arrow to take a video offline, a prompt will appear, giving him/her the option to select "save overnight" using the mobile operator`s discounted night data plan.

When the user selects it, the YouTube app will smartly schedule the video to be offlined after peak hours that night.

The videos will be ready to watch offline and on the go, with no buffering the next morning, the company said.

This feature was rolled out for Airtel and Telenor subscribers on Thursday and would be brought to all users in India soon.

The feature will not work on WiFi networks and one needs to update YouTube app to the latest version to reap its benefits.