Navagraha - Nine Planets in Hindu Astrology

Navagraha - Nine Planets in Hindu Astrology

Navagraha or the Nine Planets has great importance in Hinduism and Hindu rituals. Navagrahas are considered to play a major role in deciding the destiny of man. The Navagrahas are Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Mangal (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Brihaspati (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (North Lunar Node) and Ketu (South Lunar Node). It is believed that these nine planetary deities influence human lives and is responsible for all good or bad times, one faces in life.

Navagrahas – The Nine Planetary Deities in Hindu Astrology

The details of the nine planetary gods in Hindu religion are given below.

Lord Surya – The Sun God

Lord Surya or the Sun God occupies the central place amongst the navagrahas facing the east. Also known as Ravi, Surya is the Lord of 'Simha Rashi' or Leo sign in Zodiac. Surya's  vahana is a chariot drawn by seven horses. The seven horses represent the seven colors of the white light and seven days of a week. He presides over 'Raviwar' or Sunday, his color is red and gemstone is ruby. The practice of doing Surya Namaskar is a good practice for a healthy life. Konark Sun Temple in Orissa and Suryanar Kovil near Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu are two famous temples of Lord Surya.

Lord Chandra – The Moon God

Chandra is a lunar deity and is also known as Soma. The Moon represents the mind, feminine nature, beauty and happiness. He is believed to ride his chariot across the sky every night, pulled by ten white horses or an antelope. He is also called 'Nishadipati' and 'Kshuparaka'. Lord Chandra is also one of the Gods of Fertility. Chandra is the god of Karka rashi or cancer zodiac sign. The mental stability and well being of a person largely depends on the placement of the moon in his horoscope. As Soma he presides over 'Somavar' or Monday and gemstone is pearl. Thingaloor Kailasanathar Temple near Thanjavur in Tamilnadu is one of the main Lord Chandra Temples in India.

Mangala - Planet Mars

Mangala, also called Angaraka, is a ferocious god with four hands. He is considered to be the son of Prithvi or Bhumi. Mars is referred to as a 'hot planet' and protector of Dharma. He holds weapons in his two hands while the other two hands are held in abhaya and varada mudras. Mesha rashi (Medam) and Vrischika Rashi (Vrischigam) (Aries and Scorpio signs) are ruled by Mangala or planet Mars. He controls the muscular system of the body an also rules over nose, forehead and circulatory systems. His vehicle is Ram (a type of sheep) and his color is red. The day of Mangala or Mars is Tuesday and gemstone is coral. Pullirukkuvelur Vaitheeswaran Koil in near Sirkazhi in Tamilnadu is one of the famous temples of Mangala or Kujan.

Read about Remedies for Mangal Dosha .

Budha – Planet Mercury

Budha is generally represented with four hands, three of his hands holding a sword, a shield and a mace respectively while the fourth one is held in usual varada mudra. He rides a carpet or an eagle or a chariot drawn by lions. Mercury represents one's intelligence and communication. The planet governs the nervous system. His color is green his day is Wednesday or 'Budhwar' and his gemstone is Emerald. Budha is the God of Mithuna Rashi and Kanya Rashi in Astrology. Thiruvenkadu Swetharanyeswarar Temple near Sirkazhi in Tamilnadu is one of the main Lord Budha Temples in India.

Brihaspathi – Planet Jupiter

Brihaspati also known as Brahmanaspati is the guru of Devas and is praised in many hymns of Rig Veda. Brihaspati is described of yellow or golden color and holding a stick, a lotus and his beads. Jupiter symbolizes knowledge, love and spirituality. The planet rules the thighs, flesh, kidney, liver, fat and arterial system. The day of Jupiter is Thursday and gemstone is Sapphire. Dhanu Rashi and Meena Rashi are ruled by Brihaspati or planet Jupiter. One of the famous Brihaspati Temples in India is the Alangudi Abathsahayeswarar Temple near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu.

Shukra - Planet Venus

Lord Shukra or Planet Venus is the teacher of the demons and the author of Sukraniti. Sukra is of whit complexion, middle aged and is generally shown with four hands riding upon a golden or silver chariot drawn by eight horses. He holds a stick, beads and a lotus and sometimes a bow and arrow. Shukra Dasha actually remains for twenty years in a person's horoscope and this planet is believed to give more wealth, fortune and luxury living, if positioned well in one's horoscope. Venus symbolizes love and passion. The day of Venus is Friday and gemstone is diamond. Vrishaba Rashi (Edavam) and Tula Rashi (Thulam) are ruled by Lord Shukra or planet Venus. Kanjanoor Agneeswarar Temple near Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu is one famous Lord Shukra Temples in India.

Shani - Planet Saturn

Lord Shani is regarded as a troublesome god and is capable of breaking fortunes by his influence and position in the planetary system. Lord Sani is generally shown with four hands riding upon a chariot or a buffalo or a vulture. Shani is seen holding a sword, arrows and two daggers. Saturn is often referred to as 'dark planet' and symbolizes longevity, misery and grief. The day of Saturn is Saturday and gemstone is Blue Sapphire. Kumbha rashi and Makara rashi in zodiac signs are ruled by Lord Shani or planet Saturn. Shani Shingnapur Temple in Maharashtra and Thirunallar Darbaranyeswarar Temple in Tamilnadu are two famous Lord Shani Temples in India.

Read about Remedies for Shani Dosha .


In Hindu mythology, Lord Rahu is described as the head of a demonic snake that swallows the sun and moon, causing eclipses. Rahu is a shadowy planet and do not have any special day dedicated to him. He is depicted in art as a dragon with no body riding on a chariot drawn by eight black horses. When Rahu is affected one faces several miseries and obstacles in the way of success. The gemstone of Rahu is Gomedh or Honey Colored Hessonite. Tirunageswaram Naganathaswamy Temple near Kumbakonam in Tamilnadu is one of the famous Lord Rahu temples in India.


In Sanskrit, Kethu (Dhuma Ketu) means comet. It is also a shadowy planet and is depicted as the tail of a demon snake. In the images he is usually shown with a poke marked body, riding upon a vulture and holding a mace. Lord Kethu is the representation of karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. The gemstone of Ketu is Cat's Eye. Kethu Naganathaswamy Temple in Nagapattinam District of Tamilnadu is a famous Lord Kethu temple in India.

Taurus 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Taurus 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Taurus
Last Year trends continue this year too. You have to take care of your health at all times. Daily meditation or even five minutes will bring tremendous improvements and help you in beating stress. However on professional and business fronts you will forge ahead and pending litigation will get solved. This describes the future year as favorable for doing something new, and for moving on the way you've chosen, no matter how hard it had proved to be. Turning points both at work and in love are quite possible therefore you should manifest resistance, persistence and tolerance. And remember that hard work never did anyone any harm.

Family Horoscope 2012 for Taurus
Private life may appear to be difficult. It is possible that all the problems you were annoyed with for a long time will snowball rapidly. An explosion of emotions is most likely to happen in the second half of the year, and neither Taurus, nor his partner will be ready to compromise. If relationship is already dead, it's no use giving any advice. If not, you have a first half of the year to settle your love affairs; you'll have plenty of chance. 2012 foretells complicated relationships with relatives. You'll continue to lose understanding and that's why you should make some concessions in order not to quarrel forever. Another situation is possible, when some of the relatives will need help badly, and you have to load yourself with all the problems.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Taurus
A Stressful Year. Health needs to be taken care of at all times. Domestic tension and arguments will be there specially in the second half of the year. You also need to support and look after your soul mate. This year gives notice of poor energetic resources, so you should consider giving up bad habits and try to change the style of life. Elderly and weak people should take care and prevent acute conditions in time. Special cautions should be taken by people, suffering from alimentary tract and urino-genital system diseases

Finance / Business / Career Horoscope 2012 for Taurus
A major change from the last year will be evident. Expenditure needs to be controlled. Gains from legacy, shares, lottery and games of chance indicated if strong combinations present in your natal chart. Things will work out after initial delays and disappointments so don't abort tasks midway and bring them to fruitful completion. From July onwards cash problems will be solved and acquisition of a new house and land possible.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Taurus
This year you may have serious problems regarding professional life for the first half of the year. It is necessary to stand up to your existing positions and to climb a high mountain of social success overcoming all obstacles. A new project began last autumn will establish absolutely new objectives and tasks. Entrepreneurs will take a risk to start a new line in business and will recruit new employees. An employee will work in harmony with boss and can expect career development with an increase of salary correspondingly. However, the difficult point will be relations with foreign and other cities colleagues. Partners abroad can be conducting their own policy that may aggravate the whole business. The second half of the year is a time to struggle with partners or sudden rivals. Unfortunately, this fight may last up to the end of the year and can lead to serious problems in business. Nevertheless horoscope Taurus advises to be prudent and not to take a thoughtless revenge. You should be easy-tempered, when defending your positions without infringing upon somebody's interests. This way you are more likely to reach a compromise settlement.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Taurus
The year is quite successful financially. The first half of the year is especially favorable, when you may anticipate a considerable income increase. However, difficult financial situations may appear in November and December 2012. This time you will suffer from financial claims. For some people it'll be connected with private life, for others with professional activity.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Taurus
You need to concentrate more on studies. Influence of bad company may affect your grades. Hard work is essential for success.

Lucky Factor for Taurus

Lucky Color White
Lucky Days Friday
Lucky Number 6
Lucky Dates 6, 15, 24
Lucky Individuals Capricorn, Aquarius
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear a consecrated and energized 8 faced Rudraksha Bead touching the Heart chakra.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Venus Mantra/Shukra Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Venus which rules your moon sign Taurus.Venus stands for luxury, beauty and assets. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Gemini 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Gemini 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Gemini
A year of mental tension and increased problems (Read increased responsibilities for those individuals whose planets are powerfully posited in the natal chart) is predicted for you. This Year will change the way you think fundamentally and will make you more responsible. Health problems will occur for most part of the year due to irregular sleeping and eating habits. Medical expenditure is indicated. Finance and Business will improve by leaps and bounds in the second half of the year. Eligible Gemini natives will get married this year. This year may be a turning point in life, personal growth, perfection and development. Outrageously optimistic planets call for freedom, independence and will help the one who is eager to challenge conventionalities and routine.

Family Horoscope 2012 for Gemini
Domestic tension will continue however things will start to improve from July onwards. Difference of opinion with family members may persist. Avoid excesses for irregular food and drink habits will spoil your physique.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Gemini
In first half of the year the energy level is quite high, and the risk of diseases is minimized. Acute conditions and new unexpected illnesses are quite probable at the end of summer and autumn 2012.

Love Horoscope 2012 for Gemini
Your private life will appear to be more important than work and career. It is absolutely clear that a love affair began in the past is serious enough, so you can't ignore it. However, it requires many changes, both external, and internal, and it is always a hard work. And only loving and really devoted people are able to pass this uneasy examination, people that are capable of sacrificing their own interests in pursuit of true love. The stars will support any effort in this direction and will protect true and sincere unions. The one who will lose the way is to blame himself, as any mistake will be severely punished. It concerns both loves and married couples. In many families there will be problems with children that will demand much sympathy and financial expenses. This year offers a chance for lonely people not only to have a great time, but also to meet a special person that will brighten up their life. However, relations won't go smoothly, in spring and especially in March and April you'll be agitated. If the relationship doesn't prove to be stable in the long run, you'd better consider its importance and estimate further perspectives. This year spring is a complicated time both for new unions, as well as for already existing couples. Relationships with relatives may change, they've already been tense in summer of 2012, and in autumn more serious problems will appear. In November and December you will be criticized by people that are near, and some accurately concealed secrets may be revealed. In this period you should stand up for your beliefs and defend your positions, otherwise you risk to lose everything. The stars advise you to be stronger and more courageous. Time will pass and these difficulties will disappear.

Finance / Business / Career Horoscope 2012 for Gemini
Risky investments should be avoided at all costs. The initial six months are tough but come July and you will shine. You will forge ahead and make valuable gains in finance and business. Financial opportunities will be abundant July onwards.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Gemini
This year will open new perspectives that will demand new skills and new knowledge. In the first half of the year a businessman will continue to cooperate with overseas colleagues the way it began in the autumn of 2011. Probably, it will require much more time and effort, than it was supposed to in the beginning, so it is necessary to consider everything and to make calculations beforehand. The business is continuing to expand together with multiple activities, regarding office repairing and also complex business renewal. An employee will have good opportunities and perspectives, which will demand new knowledge and hard work. Gemini horoscope anticipates interesting offers connected with foreign companies, study in another city or country. In the second half of the year, however, things will change for the worse. Cooperation with overseas colleagues will be thoroughly revised.They are likely to refuse their former obligations, which will cause some temporary difficulties, or will definitively break the relations. An employee can become a victim of professional intrigues and will think of exploring new possibilities. Fortunately, these opportunities will appear at the end of 2012 or in the following 2013. This year a special interest of some control powers; or an old juridical problem is probable to reveal itself. The most difficult time is the end of October, November and December, when summer problems will arise. Extremely prudent stars advise you to get ready for this period beforehand as Forewarned is forearmed.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Gemini
This year foresees an unstable financial situation. You'll be suffering from large expenses the whole year. Some of you will develop the business and solve professional problems; others will spend money for private life purposes. In any case, you should pay special attention to this delicate sphere of a life, as any mistake will cost much.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Gemini
If you continue to neglect your studies like last year then expect bad news. Extra effort is needed and conscious attempt be made to part company with fair weather friends. You need to sort out a lot of bad habits.

Lucky Factor for Gemini

Lucky Color Green
Lucky Days Wednesday, Friday
Lucky Number 5
Lucky Dates 5, 14, 23
Lucky Individuals Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear a consecrated and energized 10 Faced Rudraksha Bead in neck touching the heart chakra.

2. See the remedies given Saturn and perform any one remedy with faith and devotion.

3. Mantra to be chanted: Mercury Mantra/Budh Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Mercury which rules your moon sign Gemini. Mercury stands for education, communication skills and gains from business. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Cancer 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Cancer 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Cancer
An average year with the first half better than the second. This year indicates major changes in the work sphere and you may change your business or profession. You will be mentally tense throughout the year. Eligible Cancer natives will get married this year. The whole year you'll be dealing with family and professional problems at the same time. And being flexible you'll succeed in combining both activities.

Family Horoscope 2012 for Cancer
Mental tension and blood pressure related problems surface. This is due to the irregular habits that you have cultivated last year. Health will be better July onwards however emotional anxiety, stress and insomnia cannot be ruled out. Differences with family members and soul mate will persist.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Cancer
In 2012 the energy level is quite low, therefore it is recommended to lead healthy life and to take every possible care of yourself

Love Horoscope 2012 for Cancer
This year introduces great changes not only in business affairs, but in private life as well. Many Cancers will start to build their own home or will make it more spacious and comfortable. Unstable unions will continue to fade, and in this case real estate operations will be connected with divorce and separation of conflicting parties. Second half of the year will bring many problems with children that can last for a long time. It is possible that children will need not only moral support, but also financial help. Second half of the year is not a happy time for lovers. The situation will get out of control in November and December, when the most violent conflicts will break out, after which it'll be difficult to get together without painful resentment and accusations. So you should be prudent if there is a desire to remain together.

Finance Horoscope 2012 for Cancer
Financial prospects improve march onwards. Be careful in handing accounts and finance in May, June and July. In the second half of the year major expenditure is indicated which may be to diversify or improve existing business or starting a new venture. April, second half of May, September and November will be good for finance and purchase of luxury items.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Cancer
The changes in professional sphere, began in the past, will proceed. Businessmen will expand the business, involving their partners or close acquaintances. In the first half of the year you'll probably purchase a new office or re-equip old premises. A new business line will face a lot of difficulties, and won't probably develop as fast as it was supposed. This year serious financial disagreements with partners, which may put business to a deadlock. The second half of the year is especially unfavorable: in October and November Cancer should consider relations with a group of friends and adherents, and to clear up his professional and financial situations. It is possible that this will result in separation with some people. High protectors may let the Cancer down, and that's why it is necessary to rely only on your own power and opportunities. It is advised to be prudent in communications; you can't trust people that are near. Don't mix friendship and business affairs as you run a risk of remaining without both money and friends.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Cancer
Financially the first half of the year is quite favorable. This year some successful real estate operations are indicated; it is possible to get a credit or some sponsor's help. The second half of the year is a more agitating time, however. Large financial losses and conflicts connected with money or other assets may occur. An appearance of restrictive Saturn since August, in financial sector of the sky will require prudence and caution. You may be anxious in the last quarter for you can lose control over finance because of risky and adventurous activities.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Cancer
Jupiter in Taurus from May onwards promises success in academic affairs however you will have to put in extra efforts this year.

Lucky Factor for Cancer

Lucky Color Off White/Cream
Lucky Days Monday
Lucky Number 2
Lucky Dates 2, 11, 20, 29
Lucky Individuals Scorpio, Pisces, Libra
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear consecrated Nine Faced Rudraksha in neck touching the heart chakra will bring in miraculous benefits.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Moon Mantra/Chandra Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Moon which rules your moon sign Cancer. Moon stands for Mind, balanced views, success in trade etc. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Leo 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Leo 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Leo
A good Year is predicted for you. This year will be characterized by increased responsibilities and spending money on acquisition of assets and luxury goods. Eligible Leo natives will tie the knot in the first half of the year.

Family Horoscope 2012 for Leo
Happy occasions will be celebrated in the family that will bring much joy. Avoid confrontations from March to July. Health will be excellent for most part of the year barring second half of March, April and May.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Leo
In the first half of the year your energy level is quite high and the diseases will pass aside. It is advised to be more careful in the trips and also take cautions while driving in January, March and April. In the second half of the year the restrictive Saturn is moving through Libra, and that requires special attention to the health. In November you are probable to have acute conditions or some unexpected illnesses. If it will be so, do not hesitate about treatment and address a good doctor, having excluded a practice of self-treatment.

Love Horoscope 2012 for Leo
In the first half of the year your circle of acquaintances will be extended. This year promises interesting contacts, flirtation and a pleasant society for single people, and those looking for romantic adventures. You will probably have a love affair with a person arrived from some distant place, or you'll be lucky to meet your soul mate in a trip. These events are likely to happen in January, February, June and August. If your romance began last autumn, it will have good prospects and will be successfully continued. It foretells problems with relatives in the second half of the year, as you may fail to meet their expectations, or to fulfill your obligations. Those working together with relatives will face a lot of problems, claims and disagreements. The second half of the year is quite unfavorable for the majority of married couples. All the existing problems will crop up, what will cause quarrels and conflicts. In the most difficult case the question will be that of divorce, division of property, and above all, of accommodation. Married couples are probable to organize a move to a new house, another city or country. Naturally, this immense activity will bring much trouble and anxiety to a family life.

Finance Horoscope 2012 for Leo
Increase in earning sources clearly predicted July onwards. Expenses will be there but on auspicious things and luxury items. Feburary, March and August is the right time to make gains on the stock markets. Debts will be realized this year.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Leo
In the first half of the year you are to make important decisions, to take responsibility, to develop the business, getting more and more acquaintances. Especially valuable will be connections with overseas partners; however cooperation won't go smoothly and will bring a lot of trouble. Businessmen will consider starting a new business in another city or country and will be finally successful. Many problems are possible to appear on this way, and you are to make the most of your potential to solve them. Among difficult points it mentions extreme interest of control powers to all the activities and undertakings. Inspections and checking will become a constant background of the professional life. You are to consider it and to take all necessary preventive measures beforehand. An employee will be in the center of intrigues of his colleagues, but in the first half of the year his position is strong, and all enemy attacks will be repulsed with honor. However, in the second half of the year you have to face a different situation, as you'll see immense changes happening in your company, as a result of which your positions will shake. In a more difficult case, you'll have to think of a new job or starting your own business. At the same time this year you may face considerable complication of entrepreneurial activity. You will probably have some misunderstanding with one of your partners, which will introduce the necessity to divide spheres of influence, and maybe business itself.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Leo
Your financial status is quite positive. You may believe that earnings will be stable, as most charges will be quite rational and predictable.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Leo
Time will be spent on enjoyment activities than studies. Remain focused to get good results.

Lucky Factor for Leo

Lucky Color Ruby/Saffron
Lucky Days Sunday, Wednesday
Lucky Number 1
Lucky Dates 1, 10, 19, 28
Lucky Individuals Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear a consecrated and purified 12 Faced Rudraksha Bead in neck touching the Heart chakra.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Sun Mantra/Surya Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Sun which rules your moon sign Leo. Sun stands for power, victory and authority. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Virgo 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Virgo 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Virgo
A good year with the real results manifesting from July onwards. The second half of the year can actually change your life in every positive manner if you put your mind and resources to it. There will be real Joy from love. Unmarried eligible Virgo natives will get married this Year and business profits will be good. This underlines the necessity to make decisions and to take responsibility not only for your own words and actions, but also for that of your close acquaintances. And there's nothing to be done as God helps those who help themselves.

Family Horoscope 2012 for Virgo
You need to take good care of your health in the months of Jan, Feb and June. Elderly relatives will get health problems in the first half of the year. Birth of child, marriage etc. happy occasions will be celebrated in the family. Your efforts will be recognized in society.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Virgo
In 2012 the energy level of Virgo is quite high and diseases are not likely to occur. It is advised to be careful about the body at the end of March and in April, as these months will bring a fall of power and acute conditions. In the second half of the year November is a hard month, and special attention should be taken in trips and while driving.

Love Horoscope 2012 for Virgo
Private and romantic relations won't go smoothly, and many problems are particularly expected in January and April with a significant coolness in feelings. It is especially for those, who have used to mix business affairs, money and love. This time some families may face difficulties with children that will result in immense expenses. Many families will decide to buy a house in another city or other country, and these complicated activities will be finished by summer. The possible plans to move to a new house will come true in 2013. In the second half of the year You will have problems with relatives that may be reflected in different dimensions. In one case, close people will take a position contradicting to your interests, in another case, they will need help, that will be a heavy burden for you.

Finance Horoscope 2012 for Virgo
Buying of new machinery and diversification of business indicated. Feb, May and June will bring problems in business and profession. Still you forge ahead and partnership will be successful. July onwards will see smooth cash inflow and major plans will be realized.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Virgo
In 2012 Virgo will continue to develop the business started last spring or autumn. Many representatives of this sign will put a too heavy burden on themselves, constantly feeling responsible for everything, including the smallest details. Some hostile movements are growing, preventing Virgo from putting an important and necessary project into life. Conflicts are quite probable to be breaking out constantly, and the most difficult months are January, the end of March and April. This year foresees a possible separation with one of the business colleagues or long-standing partners. In another case you will have problems with high-rank persons or protectors that will aggravate business affairs and contacts. However, despite all the difficulties and even against them, the business goes forward and many plans and ideas are being put into life. The stars are granting you help and resources, as they are entirely on your side, and are offering you a chance to transform your business affairs. Expansion of business, purchase of office and other transformations in affairs are possible. Businessmen and heads of departments can rely on their assistants and subordinates; employees may trust their colleagues. You can expect a success in affairs or career development in February or in June. In the second half of the year some problems will appear. Connections with partners from other cities and countries will be revised. Overseas colleagues can fail to fulfill their obligations that will cause disagreements and slow down the activities. The peak of troubles will be reached in autumn, and November may prove to be the hardest month. It is possible that you'll have to part with some of your foreign colleagues, but new connections will appear instead of old ones, and business will be renewed, but on a stronger basis. If you are planning to start a business abroad or in another city, you will achieve a desirable success in the following year of 2013. At the same time, some people will start having juridical problems that can last for all the second half the year and end only in 2013.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Virgo
There will be a general increase of income. In February, June and October you can expect to get some decent money. But charges, however, will increase correspondingly. For some of you it will be connected with developing of business, for others -with plans to move or to purchase premises in another city or country. Many expenses will concern children or close people.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Virgo
Problems in maintaining concentration till March indicated. Change in career stream clearly indicated. July onwards will be good for academic pursuits.

Lucky Factor for Virgo

Lucky Color Green
Lucky Days Wednesday, Sunday
Lucky Number 5
Lucky Dates 5, 14, 23
Lucky Individuals Aries, Libra, Leo, Gemini
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear a consecrated and energized 12 Faced Rudraksha Bead in silver touching the heart chakra.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Mercury Mantra/Budh Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Mercury which rules your moon sign Virgo. Mercury stands for education, communication skills and gains from business. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Scorpio 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Scorpio 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Scorpio
An average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. With new responsibilities will also come mental stress and tension. This will be in a tight situation with limited freedom of actions. Scorpio horoscope 2012 advises to forget about the problems for a while, to think the situation over and study it properly, without taking final decisions and pronouncing sharp judgments. Remember that All good things come to he who waits.

Family & Health Prospects for Scorpio in 2012
You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. If you are rash then unwanted quarrels will spoil your peace of mind. July onwards you will experience relief. Health needs care. July, November and December are auspicious moths where happy occasions will be celebrated in the family. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving specially in May and June.

Love Horoscope 2012 for Scorpio
Love relations may not go smoothly. It will be especially dangerous for couples, having problems for more than two or three years. In this case, Scorpio horoscope assumes that conflicts will be developed and parting is quite possible. The second half of the year will be especially difficult, when neither Scorpio, nor his partner will be willing to compromise. Besides, you are probable to have serious disagreements with relatives that can be especially sharp in January, at the end of March and in April 2012. Many secrets revealed will have a harmful effect on Scorpio reputation. Moreover, Scorpio may lose sympathy not only of an intimate friend, but also that of other people. Therefore you should be careful, tolerant and wise. As for happy families, the Stars are offering them great possibilities to arrange a house life, to make various real estate operations, to purchase a new house or apartment. A major repair of an old house is quite possible.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Scorpio
In 2012 the energy level of Scorpio is not high, what may result in frequent languor and fatigue. You'll possibly be in low spirits and somehow lose your usual self-confidence. The best solution is a healthy way of life. You should understand that all the difficulties make a certain sense and are not going to stay forever. Those who drive a car should take special care. The most dangerous months are January, the end of March and April.

Finance Horoscope 2012 for Scorpio
May and June are the months where you should keep a close watch on your business and employees. This year there will be a steady rise in income and opportunities July onwards. Chances of promotion are strong July onwards.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Scorpio
It is possible that in the first half of the year Scorpio will be engaged in routine work. Businessmen will start reorganizing things, which may last up to the end of the year. Scorpio horoscope predicts enlargement of an existing office or purchase of a new one. Communication with colleagues from other cities or countries will be revised thoroughly. In the first half of the year there appear serious disagreements, which will cause considerable difficulties in affairs. Control powers will take a sudden interest in activity of separate businessmen and will become regular visitors in their offices. An existing juridical problem is also probable to reveal itself. In the second half of the year the problems appeared will become even more dangerous, conflicts with partners will finally lead to a complete break of relations. And as a result, Scorpio will meet the following year of 2013 with new plans and people.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Scorpio
Despite some professional problems, financial status is quite stable. You can expect to get a credit, sponsor's help and support of parents or close person. This year foresees successful real estate operations.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Scorpio
From February onwards mental inclination towards studies will be there. The second half of the year will bring fruitful results. Those in research, technology and life sciences will get excellent results.

Lucky Factor for Scorpio

Lucky Color Red
Lucky Days Tuesday
Lucky Number 9
Lucky Dates 9, 18, 27
Lucky Individuals Cancer, Pisces
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear consecrated and energized 14 Faced Rudraksha Bead in neck touching the heart chakra.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Mars Mantra/Mangal Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Mars which rules your moon sign Aries. Mars stands for courage, enthusiasm and victory. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Sagittarius 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Sagittarius 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Sagittarius
The first half of the year will be much better. You must exert yourself in the first six months to forge ahead in career and profession. This year pays special attention to career and ambitious expectations. The feelings are also of a great importance.

Family & Health Prospects for Sagittarius in 2012
You have to maintain control over your temper to ensure that domestic harmony is maintained. If you are rash then unwanted quarrels will spoil your peace of mind. July onwards you will experience relief. Health needs care. July, November and December are auspicious moths where happy occasions will be celebrated in the family. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving specially in May and June.

Health Prospects for Sagittarius in 2012 You have spoilt your health due to the excess responsibilities taken up last year. Take out some time for yourself for meditation and exercise. Take care of health in Jan, May, June and July. March onwards things will become better at the family front.

Love, Family Horoscope 2012 for Sagittarius
In the first half of the year the circle of acquaintances will be extended. New interesting people will appear en route that will change your life completely. Single people will have a great chance to add color to their lives by starting a striking peculiar romance. Your new passion may live in another city or country that will only strengthen your desire to be together, and will bring a romantic excitement to your relations. It's difficult to foresee the result of this relationship, but you have all the chances to continue this communication, and you are to take this possibility. Those having a constant partner already will experience a difficult time, when relations can break up for change seriously. The second half of the year is especially uneasy when evil-wishers can interfere with your private life. Take care as gossips and intrigues may influence not only your personal communications, but also professional affairs. Family people will spend a lot of time and money supporting their children. But these worries are more likely to be pleasant ones, as they concern serious changes in the future life of your children.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Sagittarius
In the first half of the year the energy level is high enough and diseases are not likely to occur. In the second half of the year acute conditions are possible or new illnesses may appear. The problems will reach a peak in November when you'll possibly feel tired and exhausted. This month will also be extremely stressful.

Finance Horoscope 2012 for Sagittarius
Increase of responsibilities, religious travels, increase of wealth and diversification of business are promised this year. If you have been transferred away from your home then you will get the desired change of place. Jan, Feb, May, June and October see you making short distance travels. Increase in export related trade.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Sagittarius
In the first half of the year your professional life will be quite peculiar. Some of you will continue the business started last spring or autumn, and both disappointment and success are waiting for you on this way. On one hand, you'll strengthen the position achieved and will have a certain progress in business affairs. New interesting and perspective acquaintances, acquiring of new friends and protectors are possible. Communication with partners from other cities or countries is developing successfully; frequent trips are possible. You are likely to find new friends at distant places or countries. What is more, many of you will consider moving to a new place or starting your own business in another city or country. These projects will hardly be put into life in 2012, but you'll succeed in making a good background for their further promotion. Stars advise lucky children of Jupiter to be more courageous in making decisions, to take responsibility as their future depends on it. On the other hand, your relations with partners won't be so brilliant as before. Some financial disagreements are possible that will stay the whole year and will have weakened your professional status by November and December. In the second half of the year Communication with colleagues from other cities or countries will be revised, that's why your future will seem uncertain, and you may doubt if the chosen way have been correct. Some of you will face a peculiar interest from the part of control powers or the existing juridical problem will reveal itself. Secret enemies and competitors will become more active, they will do their best to complicate the life of Sagittarius and to weaken his professional status. In the second half of the year employers need to be more attentive to behavior of their employees, and employees should be careful in communication with colleagues. After the storms of November and December 2012, it'll be possible to enjoy a peaceful life in 2013.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Sagittarius
Your financial status may be shifting. The whole year will be characterized by large expenses connected with business affairs, business development or with growing needs of children or close people. The receipts will also increase; incomes will rise and support of friends or protectors, both moral and financial, is highly probable.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Sagittarius
Concentrate more on studies especially during the first three months. From March onwards path will become clear for higher studies abroad.

Lucky Factor for Sagittarius

Lucky Color Golden Yellow
Lucky Days Thursday
Lucky Number 3
Lucky Dates 3, 12, 30
Lucky Individuals Aries, Leo
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear a consecrated and energized 11 Faced Rudraksha Bead in the neck touching the heart chakra.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Jupiter Mantra/Guru Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Jupiter. Jupiter stands for blessing and support of elders, excellent fortune and spirituality. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Capricorn 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Capricorn 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Capricorn
A good year is predicted for you with the developments in career and business picking up in the second half of the year. In the first half of the year you will face domestic tension so be a little diplomatic and avoid confrontations. Eligible Capricorn natives will find their soul mate in the second half of the year. This year you will be able to change a life style, to get rid of obsolete things courageously and to choose another path. Don't hesitate to explore unconventional possibilities and perspectives.

Family Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn
Control your emotions in the first half of the year as tension on the domestic front is foreseen. Health needs to be taken care of especially from February to June.

Love Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn
Private life is continuing to play tricks that have roots in the past. There may be serious family problems this year. If things are not going well already, the relations may break up or will suffer great changes at least. In the second half of the year there may be problems with children, which may make you upset and require immense expenses. If the first half of 2012 is unfavorable for married couples, the second half will prove to be difficult for sweethearts. The success of intimacy will depend on sincerity and mutual desire to help each other. Listen to your heart and do not be guided by advices of strangers. In November or December your relations will be extremely delicate and can break up any time.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn
In the first half of the year Capricorn energy level is quite high and diseases are not likely to occur.

Finance Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn
Major opportunities will present themselves to you especially in the second half. You will get promoted. The second half sees you forging ahead on professional fronts. You will start a new business or make innovative changes in the existing set up to reap a rich harvest. Gains from commission and contracts foreseen.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn
This year promises the beginning of new professional success, which will enable Capricorn to take up the next social position. Businessmen will start a new project, which will guarantee future success. An employee can change a job for a more interesting, perspective and rewarded one. This may suggest considering new ideas, making new acquaintances. You should change your usual professional approach, challenge conventionalities and routine. Among weak points this year may mention complicated relations with some partners. Their clearly hostile stand will lead to conflicts and to consequent parting. Don't be upset, as by loosing something you are opening your mind to new opportunities. Your old partners will be changed by new ones; for some of you this process has already began in the second half of 2011. This year you need to be especially prudent in communications in the second half of 2012 and to analyze the circle of your acquaintances thoroughly. Some of your friends or protectors will probably claim to get the things that Capricorn considered to be his own. It will cause disputes and conflicts. November will be the most difficult month, when positions of the conflicting parties will be clearly determined. There's a risk that the problem won't be solved in 2012, and it will be necessary to make final decisions in 2013.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn
The year is very successful financially. Some Capricorns will find a gold vein and will be developing it the whole year. The happiest months when it comes to money are February, June and October. Large expenses or financial difficulties are probable in August, November and December.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Capricorn
Barring May and June the rest of the year is excellent for academic achievement. The second half of the year see you coming tops in competitive examinations.

Lucky Factor for Capricorn

Lucky Color Sky Blue
Lucky Days Saturday
Lucky Number 8
Lucky Dates 8, 17, 26
Lucky Individuals Aquarius
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear a consecrated and energized 13 Faced Rudraksha Bead blessed in your name and birth star touching the heart chakra for better financial luck and career advancement.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Saturn Mantra/Shani Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Saturn which rules your moon sign Capricorn. Saturn stands for long standing success, balanced views, maturity and relationship with employees. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.

Aquarius 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Aquarius 2012 Horoscope (Vedic horoscope/ moon sign based)

Year 2012 Horoscope for Aquarius
An above average Year is predicted for you with the last year's problems getting solved. Your concentration and work efficiency levels show a marked improvement April onwards. Eligible Aquarius natives will get married this year. This year is a transitive or preparatory period, paving the way to happy future. And if this path appears to be complicated and thorny, you should remember that there is no easy way to achieve real success.

Family Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius
Peace reigns in family life in the first half of the year although the same cannot be said for the second half of the year. Take care of health from February to June. Back, blood pressure, joint pains etc. are indicated. Mental stress will be experienced in the months of January and February.

Love Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius
There may be changes in private life. Single people are likely to have new acquaintances, which will result in a new love affair. This romantic encounter is quite probable in February, June or October. You shouldn't exclude an opportunity to meet your soul mate on a trip, or among people, which have come from far away. The second half of the year will prove to be difficult for family people. With the restrictive Saturn, moving to a relationship zone of horoscope Aquarius, the situation will change for the worse. There can be some coolness, and communication will require special delicacy and tact. Egoism is now inadmissible and only attention and sincere feelings will protect your relations. However, the situation can develop according to another variant: the close person will be having a hard time and it will influence your family relations. In the second half of the year family people will begin the repairing works or will get a new house. Moving to another city or country is likely to change your life completely.

Health Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius
Your health is quite delicate in the first half of the year, when acute conditions or unexpected illnesses are possible. In the second half of the year these difficulties will cease to exist, but problems caused by a big nervous pressure can appear. In this case you may take these troubles philosophically and being flexible in adapting to constantly changing situations.

Finance Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius
You will experience financial problems from March to June but these problems get solved as the year progresses. Be very careful from March to June and keep a close watch on business and employees. Service oriented individuals should also be careful in this period. Legacy and ancestral property matters get solved in your favour though you may have to spend some money for it.

Business Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius
In 2012 the Stars are offering you a chance to put your skills and professional knowledge into life. Businessmen will make agreements with partners from other cities or countries, and will leap into action to achieve a desired purpose. Frequent trips, new contacts and new ideas are possible to occur. You may need to challenge routine, to keep your mind open to all that is new and to move on. Some of you will consider moving to another city or another country; others will change a job or will start to learn something new. In any case the year is ideal for beginning of studies, acquiring new skills and knowledge. If success is not immediate, you shouldn't be upset, take a step back and then move on again in the chosen direction. There will be turning points in your professional life. Still, many problems that will be difficult to overcome are possible to occur. Complicated situations happened in the past may continue to bother you and may be expressed in different ways. In the first half of the year it is recommended to businessmen and directors of all levels to pay attention to their employees. Perhaps, you'll have to fire someone or to refresh the structure of the collective. An employee will have a conflict with some colleague and will think of looking for another job. Besides, an existing juridical problem may continue to worry you. In the second half of the year misunderstanding with partners or your boss will begin, and by November the situation will have become crisis. At the same time alternative opportunities are likely to occur; you'll change your work or take up another direction. Your new partners will harmoniously replace the old ones; your new work will become a good way out. Businessmen will possibly move to a new office or consider a full reconstruction of old premises.

Money Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius
The financial status will be improved a little, what will be a natural consequence of new professional opportunities.

Students Horoscope 2012 for Aquarius
You need to concentrate more on studies. The mental vacillation and stress that you have been experiencing will be removed from April. May-June are also not good months. Extra efforts are required in these two months.

Lucky Factor for Aquarius

Lucky Color Blue, Black, Aquamarine
Lucky Days Saturday, Friday
Lucky Number 8
Lucky Dates 8, 17, 26
Lucky Individuals Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn
Suggested Remedies
Performance of these remedial measures given below will ensure that new opportunities come in your life and obstacles and impending conditions are kept in check. Utilize timeless wisdom to forge ahead in life with enthusiasm and prosperity.

Wear a consecrated and energized 8 faced rudraksha bead touching the heart chakra for clearing obstacles and have protection from rivals.

2. Mantra to be chanted: Saturn Mantra/Shani Mantra :

This is the mantra for planet Saturn which rules your moon sign Capricorn. Saturn stands for long standing success, balanced views, maturity and relationship with employees. Use this mantra to get strength and vitality from your planetary ruler. The mantra can be chanted 11, 27, 54 or 108 times every morning.